
Cooperation and quality of life among Bering Sea fishermen and their families

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... Theses stressors lead to considerable impacts on the family. Robinson [30] examined the effects of this occupation on the QOL and working life through a teamwork perspective. The breakdown in family cooperation reduces the family's ability to respond to its members' needs for love, inclusion and intimacy, and this has important ramifications for the quality of family life. ...
... This argument is reflected in the weak and moderate relationships between catch and income in Tables 6 and 7 and supports Kenny's [29] statement that income is not an important QOL indicator. Family and the collective work in these fishing communities to create important social benefits, which positively affect perception of QOL and satisfaction, as suggested by Robinson [30]. Table 6. ...
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Sustainable fishing includes the socioeconomic status of fishers. We combined empirical quality of life (QOL) and subjective lived experiences methods to explore the social sustainability of artisanal fishers in five fishery collectives along the coast of Jalisco, Mexico, where the average daily income is slightly above the poverty level. The QOL scores were also related to annual catch and incomes within each collective. A QOL index is used in this study that combines importance and achievement ratings scores; the results are indicative of an acceptable QOL for fishermen. The concept of lived experiences, incorporating aspects of life relating to Mind, Body, Work and People was explored through interviews with 12 fishers. The QOL data revealed that family and friends are important indicators related to positive QOL reported by the sample, while economic indicators were not important. Although four of the five collectives perceived that the future looks worse than the present and past, there was limited correlation between catch or income and QOL. However, while the lived experiences exercise in part supported the QOL findings, in that People was the most important dimension for almost all of the fishers interviewed, negative economic gaps related to poor catches and incomes were prevalent in the Mind and Work dimensions. The findings suggest that to understand the socioeconomic component of sustainable fisheries, both of these approaches should be considered, as they can illuminate different aspects of fishers’ lives that need to be considered during the development of fisheries’ management policies.
... This occupation leads to considerable impacts on the family. Robinson [33] examined the effects of occupation on the QOL and working life through a teamwork perspective. The breakdown in family cooperation reduces the family's ability to respond to its members' needs for love, inclusion and intimacy, and this has important ramifications for the quality of family life. ...
... Although most of cooperatives organizations studied are in rural localities, their income is above the poverty line; however, Kenny [19] states that income is not an important related QOL indicator. The cooperative work in these fishing organizations creates important social benefits which affect positively perception of QOL and satisfaction as Robinson [33] established. ...
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Sustainable fishing includes how fishermen live. We describe the quality of life (QOL) and lived experiences of fishermen along the coast of Jalisco, whose average daily income is slightly above the poverty level. The relationships among income, size of catch and QOL are explored using data collected in 2012 from a sample of 83 fishermen. QOL included indicators like health, income, cost of living, family, friends, holidays, education and future perspective. The QOL index combines importance and achievement ratings scores, the results are indicative of an acceptable QOL for fishermen. The concept of lived experiences is elaborated and interviews conducted with a sample of 13 fishermen. A graphical representation of four dimensions of lived experiences comprising aspects of life relating to Mind, Body, Work and People for each fisherman is derived, where each person was asked on the importance and gaps between aspiration and actual situation about each dimension. We found that the most important dimension in a fisherman's life is People. The gaps identified suggest that those that should be closed were associated to the Mind dimension, followed by Work, Body, and OPEN ACCESS 2 finally People. Responsibility for closing the gaps were identified, by frequency, as: self, government, self with the help of family members, and God/ faith. An inverse moderately strong relationship between catch, marginalization and QOL score was found, while income and QOL score were directly related. In general, future and past are not better than the present. All these and lived experiences are discussed in the sustainability context.
... En contraparte, como lo ha señalado Kenny (2005), el ingreso no es relevante para la percepción de calidad de vida. El trabajo cooperativo en estas organizaciones pesqueras crea importantes beneficios sociales los cuales afectan positivamente la percepción de calidad de vida y satisfacción, tal como lo señaló Robinson (2007). ...
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La pesca ribereña en todo el mundo representa un insumo importante que provee de recursos y proteína a los habitantes de las zonas costeras, donde una gran proporción de la población vive en condiciones de pobreza. Para América Latina se estima que la pesca artesanal ocupa al 90% de los pescadores de esta región. La disminución de las capturas, la sobreexplotación de las especies, la calidad de vida de los pescadores y el impacto ambiental son variables asociadas que han sido cuestionadas en todo el mundo, por ende la sustentabilidad de esta actividad. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las pesquerías ribereñas en la costa de Jalisco a través de la captura y composición específica, la huella ecológica evaluada a través de las cooperativas pesqueras y la pesca en general, así como el componente social de calidad de vida. Con respecto a la composición específica se encontró que en el periodo del 2002-2012 se capturaron 22,319 t de 73 recursos, donde 92% correspondió a peces. De los muestreos realizados en cinco cooperativas pesqueras de la costa de Jalisco, se identificaron 141 especies donde dominaron los peces y 26% correspondió al pargo lunarejo (Lutjanus guttatus), huachinango (Lutjanus peru) y jurel toro (Caranx caninus). La ecoeficiencia de las cooperativas en toneladas de CO2 /t de captura fue de 0.2 para cada una de las cuatro cooperativas analizadas. La productividad primaria requerida para soportar las capturas fue de 4’240,378 t y su huella indica que se apropiaron en el periodo de estudio, de 0.01% a 0.05% de la biocapacidad del área. Con respecto a la calidad de vida, la mayoría de los pescadores encuestados tienen entre 35 y 50 años de edad, son originarios de la localidad donde viven y tienen casa propia. Sus ingresos mensuales van desde $800 a poco más de $6,500 pesos y un poco más de la mitad de los pescadores tienen servicio de seguridad social. Su calidad de vida es alta y el aspecto más importante para los pescadores es la familia. Perciben el pasado como “mejor” y hay pocas esperanzas de que mejore. Una calidad de vida alta, baja huella ecológica corporativa y huella pesquera, una alta ecoeficiencia indicaría una actividad sustentable, por lo que la pesca ribereña en la costa de Jalisco tiene aspectos que deben mejorarse.
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