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Current Status of Production of Coupled Neutron-photon Multigroup Cross Section Libraries of FENDL for Use in Fusion Neutronics Calculations

  • Independent Researcher


This paper deals mainly with the tasks related to the production and testing of Coupled 175-group neutron - 42-group gamma cross section sets (VITAMIN-J structure) processed with the NJOY system for neutron and gamma-ray transport calculations for 65 elements and isotopes of primary interest tailored to ITER and fusion reactor applications. Within the scope of the FENDL project, the International Atomic Energy Agency is committed to a program of nuclear data processing activities in order to create a modern and internationally available Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library(FENDL). The nuclear data processing code system NJOY developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, with all modifications and improvements as available is employed in this study. Selected neutron interaction libraries and photon-atomic interaction cross section libraries for elements of interest to the IAEA's program on FENDL retrieved from basic evaluated data files ENDF/B-VI, JENDL-3.1 and BROND-2, have been processed into "MATXS" format using the NJOY system on the VAX4000 computer of the IAEA. The paper briefly describes the data processing actvities within the scope of the FENDL project of the Agency, lists the multigroup data libraries generated thus far at the Agency, and, presents an account of current and planned future data testing activities.
Conference Paper
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(The original draft was nicely written by J.J. Schmidt (Joe). The interesting talk was delivered by Joe himself in the International Workshop on Nuclear Data for Fusion Reactor Technology, 3 - 6 May 1993, Del Mar, California, USA. The event was hosted by Ed. Cheng and his colleagues and as a coincidence took place soon after Joe’s retirement from the IAEA-NDS. To the original draft version, added by me are the two photos of historical value in this document. The text has been left as it was as per Joe’s ways of writing except for minor formatting and minor editing. The references have been completed in full form with weblinking ( current, July, 2015) to documents and the report formatted to the extent possible.) The abstract as written by Joe is as follows: This paper introduces the purpose, historical development, status and future plans of the IAEA/NDS Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (FENDL) project. The ultimate aim of this project is to establish a comprehensive set of evaluated nuclear data libraries covering the necessary nuclear input data. The FENDL data would include nuclear data for all physics and engineering aspects of the material development, design, operation and safety of current and future fusion reactor projects. The FENDL project would have a particular emphasis on fulfilling the requirements of the ITER project of the IAEA in its current engineering design activities (EDA) phase.
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