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A Review on Hydrological Models


Abstract and Figures

Various ongoing researches are there on topics like which model will give more compatible results with that of observed discharges. It was argued that even complex modeling does not provide better results. Climate change and soil heterogeneity has got an important role in finding out surface runoff. In this paper, we are going to discuss briefly about variable infiltration capacity model (VIC), TOPMODEL, HBV, MIKESHE and soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model. VIC performs well in moist areas and can be efficiently used in the water management for agricultural purposes. Requirement of large data and physical parameters makes the use of MIKE SHE model limited to smaller catchments. Only a little direct calibration is required for SWAT model to obtain good hydrologic predictions. HBV model gives satisfactory results and TOPMODEL can be used in catchments with shallow soil and moderate topography.
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Aquatic Procedia 4 ( 2015 ) 1001 1007
2214-241X © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of ICWRCOE 2015
doi: 10.1016/j.aqpro.2015.02.126
A Review on Hydrological Models
Gayathri K Devia
, Ganasri B Pa, Dwarakish G Sa
aDepartment of Applied Mechanics and Hydraulics, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal,
575 025, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Various ongoing researches are there on topics like which model will give more compatible results with that of observed
discharges. It was argued that even complex modeling does not provide better results. Climate change and soil heterogeneity has
got an important role in finding out surface runoff. In this paper, we are going to discuss briefly about variable infiltration
capacity model (VIC), TOPMODEL, HBV, MIKESHE and soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model. VIC performs well in
moist areas and can be efficiently used in the water management for agricultural purposes. Requirement of large data and
physical parameters makes the use of MIKE SHE model limited to smaller catchments. Only a little direct calibration is required
for SWAT model to obtain good hydrologic predictions. HBV model gives satisfactory results and TOPMODEL can be used in
catchments with shallow soil and moderate topography.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of ICWRCOE 2015.
Keywords: Conceptual model; TOPMODEL; VIC; SWAT;
1. Introduction
The term hydrology can be treated as an important subject for the people and their environment. It treats water of
the earth, their occurrence, circulation and distribution, their chemical and physical properties and their reaction with
the environment including their relation to living things (Ray 1975). It also deals with the relationship of water with
the environment within each phase of hydrologic cycle. Due to rapid urbanisation and industrialisation including
deforestation, land cover change, irrigation, various changes have been occurred in hydrologic systems. Along with
* Corresponding author Tel.: +91-81-47-195303; fax: +91-0824-2474039.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of ICWRCOE 2015
1002 Gayathri K. Devi et al. / Aquatic Procedia 4 ( 2015 ) 1001 – 1007
climate change, soil heterogeneity has also got a direct impact on the discharges of many rivers in and around the
Different hydrologic phenomena and hydrologic cycle are to be thoroughly studied in order to find out these
variations. Now days, various hydrological models have been developed across the world to find out the impact of
climate and soil properties on hydrology and water resources. Each model has got its own unique characteristics.
The inputs used by different models are rainfall, air temperature, soil characteristics, topography, vegetation,
hydrogeology and other physical parameters. All these models can be applied in very complex and large basins.
2. Hydrological modeling
According to Sorooshian et al. (2008), a model is a simplified representation of real world system. The best
model is the one which give results close to reality with the use of least parameters and model complexity. Models
are mainly used for predicting system behaviour and understanding various hydrological processes. A model
consists of various parameters that define the characteristics of the model. A runoff model can be defined as a set of
equations that helps in the estimation of runoff as a function of various parameters used for describing watershed
characteristics. The two important inputs required for all models are rainfall data and drainage area. Along with
these, water shed characteristics like soil properties, vegetation cover, watershed topography, soil moisture content,
characteristics of ground water aquifer are also considered. Hydrological models are now a day considered as an
important and necessary tool for water and environment resource management.
3. Types of models
Rainfall-runoff models are classified based on model input and parameters and the extent of physical principles
applied in the model. It can be classified as lumped and distributed model based on the model parameters as a
function of space and time and deterministic and stochastic models based on the other criteria.
Deterministic model will give same output for a single set of input values whereas in stochastic models, different
values of output can be produced for a single set of inputs. According to Moradkhani and Sorooshian (2008) in
lumped models, the entire river basin is taken as a single unit where spatial variability is disregarded and hence the
outputs are generated without considering the spatial processes where as a distributed model can make predictions
that are distributed in space by dividing the entire catchment in to small units, usually square cells or triangulated
irregular network, so that the parameters, inputs and outputs can vary spatially.
Another classification is static and dynamic models based on time factor. Static model exclude time while
dynamic model include time. Sorooshian et al. (2008) had classified the models as event based and continuous
models. The former one produce output only for specific time periods while the latter produces a continuous output.
One of the most important classifications is empirical model, conceptual models and physically based models.
3.1. Empirical models (Metric model)
These are observation oriented models which take only the information from the existing data without
considering the features and processes of hydrological system and hence these models are also called data driven
models. It involves mathematical equations derived from concurrent input and output time series and not from the
physical processes of the catchment. These models are valid only within the boundaries. Unit hydrograph is an
example of this method. Statistically based methods use regression and correlation models and are used to find the
functional relationship between inputs and outputs. Artificial neural network and fuzzy regression are some of the
machine learning techniques used in hydro informatics methods.
Gayathri K. Devi et al. / Aquatic Procedia 4 ( 2015 ) 1001 – 1007
3.2. Conceptual methods (Parametric models)
This model describes all of the component hydrological processes. It consists of a number of interconnected
reservoirs which represents the physical elements in a catchment in which they are recharged by rainfall, infiltration
and percolation and are emptied by evaporation, runoff, drainage etc. Semi empirical equations are used in this
method and the model parameters are assessed not only from field data but also through calibration. Large number
of meteorological and hydrological records is required for calibration. The calibration involves curve fitting which
makes the interpretation difficult and hence the effect of land use change cannot be predicted with much confidence.
Many conceptual models have been developed with varying degree of complexity. Stanford Watershed Model IV
(SWM) is the first major conceptual model developed by Crawford and Linsley in 1966 with 16 to 20 parameters.
3.3. Physically based model
This is a mathematically idealized representation of the real phenomenon. These are also called mechanistic
models that include the principles of physical processes. It uses state variables which are measurable and are
functions of both time and space. The hydrological processes of water movement are represented by finite difference
equations. It does not require extensive hydrological and meteorological data for their calibration but the evaluation
of large number of parameters describing the physical characteristics of the catchment are required (Abbott et al.
1986 a). In this method huge amount of data such as soil moisture content, initial water depth, topography, topology,
dimensions of river network etc. are required. Physical model can overcome many defects of the other two models
because of the use of parameters having physical interpretation. It can provide large amount of information even
outside the boundary and can applied for a wide range of situations. SHE/ MIKE SHE model is an example. (Abbott
et al. 1986 a, b)
Table 1. Characteristics of three models.
Empirical model
Conceptual model
Physically based model
Data based or metric or black box model
Parametric or grey box model
Mechanistic or white box model
Involve mathematical equations , derive
value from available time series
Based on modeling of reservoirs and
Include semi empirical equations with a
physical basis.
Based on spatial distribution, Evaluation
of parameters describing physical
Little consideration of features and
processes of system
Parameters are derived from field data and
Require data about initial state of model
and morphology of catchment
High predictive power, low explanatory
Simple and can be easily implemented in
computer code.
Complex model. Require human expertise
and computation capability.
Cannot be generated to other catchments
Require large hydrological and
meteorological data
Suffer from scale related problems
ANN, unit hydrograph
Valid within the boundary of given
Calibration involves curve fitting make
difficult physical interpretation
Valid for wide range of situations.
4. Brief description of few models
4.1. SWAT model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool)
Development of SWAT model is an ongoing process and it is the successor of “the Simulator for Water
Resources in Rural Basins” model (SWRRB). SWAT model is a complex physically based model and was designed
to test and forecast the water and sediment circulation and agriculture production with chemicals in ungauged
basins. It is efficient in performing long term simulations. The model breaks the entire catchment in to sub
1004 Gayathri K. Devi et al. / Aquatic Procedia 4 ( 2015 ) 1001 – 1007
catchments which are further divided in to hydrologic response units (HRU), land use, vegetation and soil
characteristics. Daily rainfall data, maximum and minimum air temperature, solar radiation, relative air humidity
and wind speed are the inputs used by this model and is able to describe water and sediment circulation, vegetation
growth and nutrients circulation. Based on amount of precipitation and mean daily air temperature rate of snowfall
can be determined. Penman Monteith, Priestly- Taylor and Hargreaves methods are used for the estimation of
evapotranspiration. In order to obtain accurate forecasting of water, nutrient and sediment circulation, it is necessary
to simulate hydrologic cycle which integrates overall water circulation in the catchment area and hence the model
uses the following water balance equation in the catchment.
SWt = SWo + σሺȂȂȂ
݅ൌͳ (1)
Where SWt is the humidity of soil, SWo is base humidity, Rv is rainfall volume in mm water, Qs is the surface
runoff, Wseepage is seepage of water from soil to underlying layers, ET is evapotranspiration, Qgw is ground water
runoff and t is time in days).
4.2. MIKE SHE model (Systeme Hydrologique European)
It is a physically based model and hence it requires extensive physical parameters and was developed in 1990.
The model accounts various processes of hydrological cycle such as precipitation, evapotranspiration, interception,
river flow, saturated ground water flow, unsaturated ground water flow etc. It can simulate surface and ground water
movement, their interactions, sediment, nutrient and pesticide transport in the model area and various water quality
problems and can be applied for large watersheds. The method use Kristensen and Jensen (1975) method for finding
evapotranspiration. The full detail and manual of MIKE SHE code is given in the user’s guide (DHI-WE, 2005).
Refsgaard and Storm (1995) have provided the detailed description of the structure and set up of the model. The
code involves pre-processing and post processing modules and has various options for displaying results.
4.3. HBV model (Hydrologiska Byrans Vattenavdelning model)
This model is an example of semi distributed conceptual model (Bergstrom, 1976). The entire catchment is
divided into sub catchments, which are further divided into different elevation and vegetation zones. It runs on daily
and monthly rainfall data, air temperature and evaporation. Air temperature data are used for calculating snow
accumulation. The general water balance equation used is (2).
݀ݐ ܵܲ ܵܯ ܷܼ ܮܼ ݈ܽ݇݁ݏ (2)
Where P is precipitation, E is evaporation, Q is runoff , SP is the snow pack, SM is the soil moisture, UZ and LZ are
the upper and lower ground water zone and lakes represent the volume of lake.
Different model versions are now available and are used in different countries with different climatic conditions.
Degree day method is used to simulate snow accumulation and snow melt. Ground water recharge, runoff and actual
evaporation are simulated as functions of actual water storage. HBV-light is a new version of HBV model and it
uses a warm-up period, in which the state variables will get its appropriate values as per meteorological data and
parameter values.
Gayathri K. Devi et al. / Aquatic Procedia 4 ( 2015 ) 1001 – 1007
It is a semi distributed conceptual rainfall runoff model that takes the advantage of topographic information
related to runoff generation. But according to Beven and Kirby (1979), Beven et al. (1986), the TOPMODEL is
considered as a physically based model as its parameters can be theoretically measured. In other words, it can be
defined as a variable contributing area conceptual model. It can be used in single or multiple sub catchments using
grided elevation data for the catchment area. It helps in the prediction of hydrological behaviour of basins. The
major factors considered in this are the catchment topography and soil transmissivity.
The main aim is to compute storage deficit or water table depth at any location. The storage deficit value is a
function of topographic index (a/tanβ) (Beven 1986 ), where a is drained area per unit contour length and tanβ is the
slope of the ground surface at the location. Since the index is based on basin topography, the model give
calculations only for representative values of indices. It is obtained by manual analysis of contour maps. The model
use exponential Green-Ampt method of Beven (1984) for calculating runoff and it is advised to reduce the number
of parameters. The output will be in the form of area maps or simulated hydrographs.
4.5. VIC model (Variable Infiltration Capacity model).
It is a semi distributed grid based hydrology model which uses both energy and water balance equations. The
main inputs are precipitation; minimum and maximum daily temperature and wind speed and allows many land
cover types within each model grid. The processes like infiltration, runoff, base flow etc are based on various
empirical relations. Surface runoff is generated by infiltration excess runoff (Hortonian flow) and saturation excess
runoff (Dunne flow). VIC simulates saturation excess runoff by considering soil heterogeneity and precipitation. It
consists of 3 layers. Top layer allows quick soil evaporation, middle layer represent dynamic response of soil to
rainfall events and lower layer is used to characterise behaviour of soil moisture.
Improvised VIC model has included both infiltration excess runoff and saturation excess runoff and also the
effects of variability of soil heterogeneity on surface runoff characteristics. It can deal with the dynamics of surface
and ground water interactions and calculate ground water table (Gao, 2010) and can be applied in cold climate. The
model is now a day applied to a number of river basins and helps in predicting climate and land cover changes over
the study area.
5. Discussion
Nijssen et al. (1997) coupled VIC model with simple grid based network and found that it perform well in moist
areas. Subramanian et al. (1999) used this model for irrigation planning in a small watershed and conclude that it
can be efficiently used for the management of water for agricultural purposes. Yang et al (2000) compared 3 models
and suggests that MIKE SHE model can be used in smaller catchments. HBV model can be used flood forecasting
and many other purposes. Borah and Bera (2003) have made a comparison between SWAT, HSPF and DWSM
model and found 17 applications of SWAT and conclude that it can be applied for continuous simulations of flow,
soil erosion, nutrient and sediment transport etc.
MIKE SHE model requires extensive model data and physical parameter which may not be available all the time
and make it difficult to set up the model. Also users are unable to modify the code but it had high processing ability
compared to other models. It has extensive graphical capabilities for pre and post processing and thus makes the
modelling easier. Yang et al. (2000) and Abu Nasr et al. (2005) found that it will produce models of equal or
superior ability compared to other codes. Easton et al. (2010) used SWAT model to determine runoff and erosion in
Blue Nile basin in order to find out the respective sources. They found that the model can predict sediment load
peaks. Only a very little direct calibration is required to obtain good hydrologic predictions. Grillakis et al. (2010)
used HBV model in a flash flood case in Slovenia and it gives somewhat satisfactory results. TOPMODEL can be
1006 Gayathri K. Devi et al. / Aquatic Procedia 4 ( 2015 ) 1001 – 1007
used in catchments with shallow soil and moderate topography. (2011) used this model to study the runoff response
of Ammammeh watershed in Iran and results shows the ability of the model in both event based and daily
simulations. More accurate results was obtained in daily modelling as it uses soil moisture conditions. Park and
Markus (2014) made an analysis of flood regime and suggest that VIC can be used in snow melt driven flood peak
6. Conclusion
In general, rainfall-runoff models are the standard tools used for investigating hydrological processes. A large
number of models with different applications ranges from small catchments to global models has been developed.
Each model has got its own unique characteristics and respective applications. Some of them are comprehensive and
uses the physics of underlying hydrological processes and are distributed in space and time. The models are used for
the modelling of both gauged and ungauged catchments, helps in flood forecasting, proper water resource
management and evaluation of water quality, erosion and sedimentation, nutrient and pesticide circulation, land use
and climate change etc. Each model has various drawbacks like lack of user friendliness, large data requirements,
absence of clear statements of their limitations etc. In order to overcome these defects, it is necessary for the models
to include rapid advances in remote sensing technologies, risk analysis, etc. By the application of new technologies,
new distributed models can be developed for modelling gauged and ungauged basins.
One of the challenges is regarding the use of large quantity of data and hence new facilities are to be included for
the efficient storing, managing and manipulation of extensive data. Each model should give a clear statement of
their limitations and must provide a proper guidance and include require description of dominant physical processes.
For accurate prediction, different means of model evaluation is required. Also it should be kept in mind that the
calibrated parameter values will reflects the source of errors in modelling. Both meteorological data and soil
properties have got a large influence on the performance of each model. A proper knowledge of subsurface flow
pathways and hydraulic characteristics is necessary otherwise it will create adverse effect on model calibration.
Various researches are still going on to make better predictions and to face major challenges. It is necessary to
improve the existing theories or to develop new theories in order to find the impact of climate change and land use
changes on the system.
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... Models evolved even swifter, as a result of the computer revolution (1960s), expanding from empirical to complex numerical models, integrating multiple data sources, other sciences, and advanced algorithms (ibid). The hydrological models available today fall somewhere in the spectrum of conceptual to physical models (Devia et al., 2015). The most physical models seem to be preferred from a hydrological point of view (Clark et al., 2017). ...
... They can aid in understanding a hydrological system and in its representation. They could be also be useful for management of water resources as well as nature preservation (Devia et al., 2015). In addition, through forecasts and warnings, managers, whose field of expertise is often not physics nor hydrology, can make well guided and anticipated decisions. ...
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In a context of climate change, flash‐floods are expected to increase in frequency. Considering their devastating impacts, it is primordial to safeguard the exposed population and infrastructure. This is the responsibility of crisis managers but they face difficulties due to the rapidity of these events. The focus of this study was to characterize the extent of the link between hydrologists and crisis managers. It also aimed to determine the limiting and the fostering factors to an effective integration of forecasting in crisis management during flash‐floods. This was achieved through an extensive and methodological study of available literature in selected platforms. The models encountered were characterized on multiple levels including the physical, geographical and crisis management level. The results revealed a limited link between the two involved parties with limiting factors such as the complexity of the modeling approach, the insufficient projection in the implications of operationality of the models proposed and the financial aspect. On the other hand, acknowledging the threat of flash‐floods and conducting cost–benefit‐analysis were pinpointed as fostering factors. This study showed to reconsider the forecasting methods employed, particularly, the integration of machine learning, and the needs of end‐user in these applications in a crisis management context.
... They also conclude that most investigations probably just need a simple to moderately complicated model. It was said that even highly advanced modeling does not yield better results (Devi et al., 2015). ...
... The models' results vary greatly depending on the site, and no single model is better under all hydrologic conditions (Aliye et al., 2020;Banda et al., 2022). The following criteria can be used to classify hydrological models; spatial (lumped, distributed) (Elsanabary & Gan, 2015); temporal (static and dynamic) (Tanksali & Soraganvi, 2021;Nesru, 2023); the dynamic portion is further divided into event-based and continuous (Ayalew et al., 2022;De Luca et al., 2022); an aspect of randomness (deterministic and stochastic) (Fanta & Sime, 2022;Gebremichael et al., 2023); processbased (physical, conceptual, and empirical) (Devi et al., 2015;Jehanzaib et al., 2022); distributed model (partially distributed, fully distributed) Usman et al., 2021). From all, parts of 54 physically-based, distributed, conceptual, and lumped models reviewed in this paper (Table 2), 28 hydrological models were also utilized in Ethiopia mostly in the upper Blue Nile river basin (Table 3). ...
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Studies reviewed in this paper show anomaly for temperature pertaining to streamflow and rainfall showing different trends, especially in Ethiopia to support the research findings and interpretation. There are many hydrological models, including 54 physically distributed, lumped, and conceptual hydrological models, of which 28 have been used in Ethiopian river basins. The models include the most adaptable and commonly used SWAT model applicable from small areas up to large basins. It is indeed a challenge to use a single hydrological model as the data rely on consistency, limitation-free, and exactly fitted output. The overall performance of individual physically-based, conceptual, and machine learning (ML) models varied at different watersheds. Reasonably, ML performs very well, up to 0.99 for R² and NSE and up to 0.001 for PBIAS. Inopportunely, using a single hydrological model has its limitations; ensemble multi-individual models, coupling or hybridization of physical or conceptual models with machine learning, combining evolutionary optimization algorithms with ML, and also comparisons of multi-single hydrological models, and selecting the best one are recommended options. No single hydrological model is indispensable and can be termed as better than the other for any watershed. Somewhat, ML outperforms SWAT but cannot be considered an absolute substitute. The size of the watershed, the number of data used, and the ratio between calibrations year to validation year do not have a clear correlation with the performance, particularly for the SWAT model accounted for in this review. Optimization algorithms explore multiple options and choosing the right one is a tedious task before a final decision is taken.
... Rainfall-runoff models have a long history of being used for flood risk assessment, ranging from the classical rational method [8] to the modern physically based distributed models [9,10]. These models primarily seek to generate streamflow from rainfall data, which can be categorized into a few broad groups: (i) empirical black-box type models based on the nonlinear relationship between inputs and outputs, such as the SCS Curve Number Model [2]; (ii) conceptual models based on the equations that represent water storage in catchment, such as the Topography-based Hydrological Model (TOPMODEL) [11]; and (iii) physical models based on the physical laws and equations related to the hydrologic processes, such as the "Model Based and Incremental Knowledge Engineering" (MIKE)-Topography-based Hydrological Model (SHE) [12]. ...
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Event-based models focus on modelling of peak runoff from rainfall data. Conceptual models indicate simplified models that provide reasonably accurate answers despite their crude nature. Rainfall-runoff models are used to transform a rainfall event into a runoff event. This paper focuses on reviewing computational simulation of rainfall-runoff processes over a catchment. Lumped conceptual, event-based rainfall-runoff models have remained the dominant practice for design flood estimation in Australia for many years due to their simplicity, flexibility, and accuracy under certain conditions. Attempts to establish regionalization methods for prediction of design flood hydrographs in ungauged catchments have seen little success. Therefore, as well as reviewing key rainfall-runoff model components for design flood estimation with a special focus on event-based conceptual models, this paper covers the aspects of regionalization to promote their applications to ungauged catchments.
... Even though the localized SWAT could satisfy the model accuracy, there exists a discrepancy between the simulated and the observed streamflow. The one possible reason of this discrepancy is that the SWAT model's simulation of snow and ice melt is simple based temperature (Devia et al., 2015), overlooking the impacts of the land use, slope aspect and gradient. The other possible is that the precipitation in the Yanhe River Basin, located in a semi-arid region, exhibits significant interannual variability, and the study period spans a relatively long duration, which leads to the basis between the simulated and observed streamflow. ...
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Semiarid regions play a pivotal role in global ecosystem and environmental governance. Changing environment (climate and land use variation) has led to the disruption of hydrology in semi-arid regions and ecological degradation in some area. Understanding their hydrological response to changing environments is crucial for ecological rehabilitation and optimal water resource allocation. This research, conducted in a Chinese semiarid watershed, integrates multi-field models about hydrology, meteorology and geography to investigate hydrological processes in typical hydrological years. The results indicate that the climate in this region is drying, and the likelihood of extreme weather events is increasing with global warming. Projecting changes from 2010 to 2060, 9.21% of grassland converting to 5.63% of forest and 3.58% of gully built-up land. As a result, the flood peak increases by 22.99% in typical drought years, while it decreases by 36.77% in normal years. Based on our analysis of the rainfall-runoff process in typical drought and normal years, we identify two distinct effects: the “local rainfall-runoff effect” and the “global rainfall-runoff effect”, respectively. However, in typical wet years, the streamflow state is primarily controlled by intense and concentrated precipitation. This research provides insights into the effect of ecological restoration and typical climate variations on hydrological cycle in semiarid regions, thus contributing to more informed decision-making in environmental management and water resource planning.
... Models and their applications are developed to address specific research and/or practical objectives guided by the objectives and available data (Devia et al., 2015). To model CSO and the dissemination of SUDS within the urban catchment, developers have to make two key decisions: i) the hydrological and hydraulic key processes to simulate, and ii) the appropriate level of complexity for the model. ...
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Hydrologic-hydraulic modelling of urban catchment is an asset for land managers to simulate Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) implementation to fulfil combined sewer overflow (CSO) regulations. This review aims to assess the current practices in modelling SUDS scenarios at large scale for CSO mitigation encompassing every stage of the modelling process from the choice of the equation to the validation of the initial state of the urban system, right through to the elaboration, modelling, and selection of SUDS scenarios to evaluate their performance on CSO. Through a quantitative and qualitative analysis of 50 published studies, we found a diversity of choices when modelling the status quo of the urban system. Authors generally do not explain the modelling processes of slow components (deep infiltration, groundwater infiltration) and interconnection between SUDS and the sewer system. In addition, only a few authors explain how CSO structures are modelled. Furthermore, the modelling of SUDS implementation at catchment scale is highlighted in the 50 studies retrieved with three different approaches going from simplified to detailed. SUDS modelling choices seem to be consistent with the objectives: studies focusing on dealing with several objectives at the time typically opt for a complex system configuration that includes the surface processes, network, CSO, SUDS, and often the soil and/or groundwater components. Conversely, authors who have selected a basic configuration generally aim to address a single, straightforward question (e.g., which type of SUDS). However, elaboration and selection of scenarios for CSO mitigation is mainly based on local constraints, which does not allow hydrological performance to be directly optimised. In conclusion, to improve current practices in modelling SUDS scenarios at large scale for CSO mitigation, authors suggest to: (i) improve clear practices of CSO modelling, calibration and validation at the urban catchment scale, (ii) develop methods to optimize the performance of scenarios for CSO mitigation using hydrological drivers, and (iii) improve parsimonious and user-friendly models to simulate SUDS scenarios in a context of data scarcity.
... While representation of these interactions may be important for characterization of sub-hourly flood responses, they may not substantially influence model performance for characterization of hydrological processes at larger temporal and spatial applications that focus on the effects of stormwater control measures on the daily, monthly, or annual water budgets and water quality. Selecting an appropriate level of model complexity must incorporate the specific purposes of the study, available data, and desired level of accuracy (Birhanu et al., 2018;Devia et al., 2015;Gui et al., 2021;Pechlivanidis et al., 2011). ...
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This study presents a comprehensive approach to flood analysis using GIS-based hydrological modeling, particularly focusing on the application of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in the urban area of the Mula River, Wakad watershed. The (QSWAT) tool, which is the SWAT interface for QGIS, has been used in this study. By examining data spanning nearly three decades, valuable insights are provided into the trends and impacts of land-use changes on flood scenarios. The study area encompasses a delineated watershed and sub-basin parameters, comprising slope orientation, digital elevation model (DEM), soil classification and land cover. The principal objective is to formulate a runoff model leveraging a geospatial database to evaluate the influence of land-use class alterations on QSWAT outputs at the sub basin level. QSWAT, renowned as a river basin model, is leveraged to assess the ramifications of management decisions on water resources. This investigation illustrates the application of QSWAT for stream flow simulation in an experimental basin, employing daily and hourly rainfall observations to appraise the impact of rainfall resolution on model efficacy. The catchment area for this watershed covers an estimated drainage area of 603.446 hectares, divided into 28 sub-basins. It is observed that the trend in average annual rainfall is on the rise over time. The maximum surface runoff observed is 3206 mm, with an average annual surface runoff of 117.89 mm. Analysis reveals that surface runoff does not adhere to a specific pattern, but the frequency of flood occurrences is escalating over time. In summary, the QSWAT model effectively simulated and forecasted flow, offering insights into dynamics of urban flooding and highlights the importance of proactive measures in mitigating flood risks.
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Accurate river streamflow prediction is pivotal for effective resource planning and flood risk management. Traditional river streamflow forecasting models encounter challenges such as nonlinearity, stochastic behavior, and convergence reliability. To overcome these, we introduce novel hybrid models that combine extreme learning machines (ELM) with cutting-edge mathematical inspired metaheuristic optimization algorithms, including Pareto-like sequential sampling (PSS), weighted mean of vectors (INFO), and the Runge–Kutta optimizer (RUN). Our comparative assessment includes 20 hybrid models across eight metaheuristic categories, using streamflow data from the Aswan High Dam on the Nile River. Our findings highlight the superior performance of mathematically based models, which demonstrate enhanced predictive accuracy, robust convergence, and sustained stability. Specifically, the PSS-ELM model achieves superior performance with a root mean square error of 2.0667, a Pearson’s correlation index (R) of 0.9374, and a Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) of 0.8642. Additionally, INFO-ELM and RUN-ELM models exhibit robust convergence with mean absolute percentage errors of 15.21% and 15.28% respectively, a mean absolute errors of 1.2145 and 1.2105, and high Kling-Gupta efficiencies values of 0.9113 and 0.9124, respectively. These findings suggest that the adoption of our proposed models significantly enhances water management strategies and reduces any risks.
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This study explores the efficacy of a Transformer model for 120-hour streamflow prediction across 125 diverse locations in Iowa, US. Utilizing data from the preceding 72 hours, including precipitation, evapotranspiration, and discharge values, we developed a generalized model to predict future streamflow. Our approach contrasts with traditional methods that typically rely on location-specific models. We benchmarked the Transformer model's performance against three deep learning models (LSTM, GRU, and Seq2Seq) and the Persistence approach, employing Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE), Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE), Pearson's r, and Normalized Root Mean Square Error (NRMSE) as metrics. The study reveals the Transformer model's superior performance, maintaining higher median NSE and KGE scores and exhibiting the lowest NRMSE values. This indicates its capability to accurately simulate and predict streamflow, adapting effectively to varying hydrological conditions and geographical variances. Our findings underscore the Transformer model's potential as an advanced tool in hydrological modeling, offering significant improvements over traditional and contemporary approaches.
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A multi basin analysis of runoff and erosion in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia was conducted to elucidate sources of runoff and sediment. Erosion is arguably the most critical problem in the Blue Nile Basin, as it limits agricultural productivity in Ethiopia, degrades benthos in the Nile, and results in sedimentation of dams in downstream countries. A modified version of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was developed to predict runoff and sediment losses from the Ethiopian Blue Nile Basin. The model simulates saturation excess runoff from the landscape using a simple daily water balance coupled to a topographic wetness index in ways that are consistent with observed runoff processes in the basin. The spatial distribution of landscape erosion is thus simulated more correctly. The model was parameterized in a nested design for flow at eight and sediment at three locations in the basin. Subbasins ranged in size from 1.3 to 174 000 km<sup>2</sup>, and interestingly, the partitioning of runoff and infiltrating flow could be predicted by topographic information. Model predictions showed reasonable accuracy (Nash Sutcliffe Efficiencies ranged from 0.53–0.92) with measured data across all sites except Kessie, where the water budget could not be closed; however, the timing of flow was well captured. Runoff losses increased with rainfall during the monsoonal season and were greatest from areas with shallow soils and large contributing areas. Analysis of model results indicate that upland landscape erosion dominated sediment delivery to the main stem of the Blue Nile in the early part of the growing season when tillage occurs and before the soil was wetted up and plant cover was established. Once plant cover was established in mid August landscape erosion was negligible and sediment export was dominated by channel processes and re-suspension of landscape sediment deposited early in the growing season. These results imply that targeting small areas of the landscape where runoff is produced can be the most effective at controlling erosion and protecting water resources. However, it is not clear what can be done to manage channel erosion, particularly in first order streams in the basin.
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This document describes the algorithms within the latest version of the variable infiltration capacity (VIC) model. As a semi-distributed macroscale hydrological model, VIC balances both the water and surface energy within the grid cell; and its sub-grid variations are captured statistically. Distinguishing characteristics of the VIC model include: subgrid variability in land surface vegetation classes; subgrid variability in the soil moisture storage capacity; drainage from the lower soil moisture zone (base flow) as a nonlinear recession; and the inclusion of topography that allows for orographic precipitation and temperature lapse rates resulting in more realistic hydrology in mountainous regions. VIC uses a separate routing model based on a linear transfer function to simulate the streamflow. Adaptations to the routing model are implemented in VIC to allow representation of water management effects including reservoir operation and irrigation diversions and return flows. Since its existence, VIC has been well calibrated and validated in a number of large river basins over the continental US and the globe. Applications using the VIC model cover a variety of research areas.
Arid and semi-arid regions are defined as areas where water is at its most scarce. The hydrological regime in these areas is extreme and highly variable, and they face great pressures to deliver and manage freshwater resources. However, there is no guidance on the decision support tools that are needed to underpin flood and water resource management in arid areas. UNESCO initiated the Global network for Water and Development Information for arid lands (GWADI), and arranged a workshop of the world's leading experts to discuss these issues. This book presents chapters from contributors to the workshop, and includes case studies from the world's major arid regions to demonstrate model applications, and web links to tutorials and state of the art modelling software. This volume is a valuable reference for researchers and engineers working on the water resources of arid and semi-arid regions.
A model for calculating the daily actual evapotranspiration based on the potential one is presented. The potential evapotranspiration is reduced according to vegetation density, water content in the root zone, and the rainfall distribution. The model is tested by comparing measured (EAm) and calculated (EAc) evapotranspirations from barley, fodder sugar beets, and grass over a four year period. The measured and calculated values agree within 10 %. The model also yields information on soil water content and runoff from the root zone.
Flow and concentrations of suspended sediment, nitrate-N, phosphate-P, atrazine, and metolachlor were monitored during the spring seasons of 1998 and 1999, primarily during storm events, at a tributary station (Big Ditch) and two main-stem stations (Fisher and Mahomet) of the Upper Sangamon River watershed in east central Illinois. These three stations respectively drain 98, 622, and 932 km 2 of mainly agricultural lands. Rainfall data were collected from six newly established raingage stations. The study provides a valuable database to understand some of the complex physical and chemical processes in an east central Illinois watershed and to calibrate, validate, and evaluate mathematical models. Analyses of the limited data from different sampling methods showed consistencies among the methods. The nitrate-N concentrations in Big Ditch during intense storms of 1998 showed inverse relationships with water discharge. Higher goodness-of-fit of the relationships was found within the data for individual months than for the combined set, showing dependence on varying climate, land cover, and management practices during the growing season. The nitrate-N concentrations at each of the three stations during less intense storms in 1999 showed weak positive relationships with water discharge. The total nitrate-N load in Big Ditch generated by the storms of March, May, and June of 1998 was similar to the average annual load, indicating the importance of single-event storms, and therefore their need for close attention. After the intense storm of April 1999, the less intense storms during May and June after long low-flow periods significantly raised the nitrate-N concentrations in all three stations. A similar pattern was noticed in the 1998 observations before each of the major peaks, when the smaller peaks elevated nitrate-N concentrations followed by dilution with the larger peaks. Results of this study show positive relationships between suspended sediment concentration and water discharge for the smaller watershed (Big Ditch); however, no relationships were found in the larger watersheds (Upper Sangamon River at Fisher and Mahomet). Observed data at each of the stations showed positive relationships of phosphate-P, atrazine, and metolachlor concentrations with water discharge.
In this study, the rainfall-runoff response of the Ammameh watershed located in Tehran, Iran, was studied using TOPMODEL which is a semi-distributed and geomorphologic model that simulates runoff at the watershed's outlet on the basis of saturation excess runoff and subsurface flow concepts. Topographic index as an indicator of the spatial distribution of excess runoff generation in the catchment was calculated using the flow direction, output from two different methods, i.e. Dinf and D8. The analysis was done at three time scales: event, daily, and monthly. The modeling performance of TOPMODEL in simulating runoff process for each of three types of time series was analyzed and compared visually and statistically. Also, the effects of D8 and Dinf methods on rainfall-runoff modeling were compared and it was realized that modeling result of Dinf algorithm, especially in event-based rainfall-runoff modeling was more accurate than the D8 algorithm; whereas, the difference between the results were not notable in the daily modeling. Although the obtained results demonstrate the capability of the TOPMODEL in both event-based and daily simulations, the model could lead to the more reliable results in daily modeling because of considering the watershed soil moisture conditions. © 2011 Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE). All rights reserved.
The Pecatonica River and several other streams in the Wisconsin Driftless area show a decreasing trend in annual peak flows. Previous studies of the Pecatonica River detected a significant decreasing historical trend in late winter snowmelt-driven floods, while the rainfall-driven spring and summer flood peaks exhibited no significant trend during the period of record. Unlike several previous studies which attribute the decline in flood peaks mainly to changes in land management, we hypothesize that climate change had a significant contribution to the overall decrease in flood peaks. In particular, we hypothesize that the increase in winter temperatures caused the decrease in snow depth, which in turn resulted in a decreasing trend in flood peaks. In an attempt to validate this hypothesis, we used long-term daily precipitation, temperature, and river flow data observed in the watershed as inputs to the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model to generate other non-monitored climatic variables. Trends in these climatic variables were then related to the trend in flood peaks in the Pecatonica River. Due to the complexity of the hydrologic system and numerous data and modeling-related uncertainties, the above hypothesis cannot be validated with certainty. Nonetheless, the results in two different modes (event and continuous simulation) provide support to the speculation that the decreasing trend in flood peaks was a result of decreasing snow depth. The model runs resulted in a decrease in snow depths for the period of record (1915–2009), increase in sublimation and evaporation, no change in base flow, and mixed results in infiltration. These analyses also suggest that VIC can be used in other similar regions in snowmelt-driven flood peak studies. It should be recognized, however, that the success of these applications can be severely constrained by various uncertainties, including but not limited to, the poor quality or absence of snow depth data.