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Abstract and Figures

Over the last few decades, metropolitan areas have experienced a dramatic increase of exposure to earthquakes. Because of the still very low probability level at which short‐term earthquake forecasting is feasible, earthquake early warning systems (EEWS) currently represent an effective, pragmatic, and viable means for the implementation of protective measures to reduce the exposure of population to seismic risk. EEWS can be simply defined as systems that integrate seismic networks and software capable of performing real‐time data telemetry and analysis to provide alert messages to users within seconds of the beginning of an earthquake and certainly before that the S waves generated by the event reach the users. Worldwide, a number of EEWS capable of rapidly performing seismological analysis of ground motion during a strong earthquake are currently operative or are under real‐time testing (e.g., in Japan, Taiwan, Mexico, Italy, Turkey, California, etc.; Allen and Kanamori, 2003; Kanamori, 2005; Allen et al. , 2009). A tangible example of EEWS benefit is given by the experience of the OKI factory in the Miyagi prefecture in Japan that, after having experienced severe damages in 2003 due to two earthquakes, installed an EEWS, and at the following earthquakes experienced a significant reduction of losses (Allen et al. , 2009). Moreover, the Japan Meteorological Agency has shown the effectiveness of a combined on‐site and network‐based approach to rapidly broadcast the rapid warning after a potential damaging earthquake (Hoshiba, 2013). The key parameter of EEWS is the lead time, which is the time available for taking protective measures at distant targets once an earthquake has been promptly detected and …
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Earthquake Early Warning System for Schools:
A Feasibility Study in Southern Italy
by M. Picozzi, A. Emolo, C. Martino, A. Zollo, N. Miranda, G. Verderame,
T. Boxberger, and the REAKT Working Group
Over the last few decades, metropolitan areas have experienced
a dramatic increase of exposure to earthquakes. Because of the
still very low probability level at which short-term earthquake
forecasting is feasible, earthquake early warning systems
(EEWS) currently represent an effective, pragmatic, and viable
means for the implementation of protective measures to reduce
the exposure of population to seismic risk. EEWS can be simply
defined as systems that integrate seismic networks and software
capable of performing real-time data telemetry and analysis to
provide alert messages to users within seconds of the beginning
of an earthquake and certainly before that the Swaves gener-
ated by the event reach the users.
Worldwide, a number of EEWS capable of rapidly per-
forming seismological analysis of ground motion during a
strong earthquake are currently operative or are under real-time
testing (e.g., in Japan, Taiwan, Mexico, Italy, Turkey, California,
etc.; Allen and Kanamori, 2003;Kanamori, 2005;Allen et al.,
2009). A tangible example of EEWS benefit is given by the ex-
perience of the OKI factory in the Miyagi prefecture in Japan
that, after having experienced severe damages in 2003 due to
two earthquakes, installed an EEWS, and at the following earth-
quakes experienced a significant reduction of losses (Allen et al.,
2009). Moreover, the Japan Meteorological Agency has shown
the effectiveness of a combined on-site and network-based ap-
proach to rapidly broadcast the rapid warning after a potential
damaging earthquake (Hoshiba, 2013).
The key parameter of EEWS is the lead time, which is the
time available for taking protective measures at distant targets
once an earthquake has been promptly detected and character-
ized and an alarm is issued. Obviously, lead times depend on
the distance between the earthquake source and the targets to
be protected, as well as the time necessary for the implemen-
tation of protective measures, hence may vary from no warning
at all (i.e., in the blind zone) to tens of seconds if the source is
at greater distance (e.g., further than 100 km).
As discussed by Goltz (2002), when training and prepar-
edness of the population programs are implemented, the public
safety benefit of early warning systems is in response readiness
so the population can take various protective measures (e.g.,
duck and cover, turn off gas burners, move away from windows
or equipment, etc.) within the available lead time and thus to
reduce the risk of injury and minimize damage.
Concerning the institutional sector of education, in the
framework of a study for the Governors Office of Emergency
Services in California, Goltz (2002) defined (in agreement
with end-users) the actions that might be taken in schools
when lead times of 10 and 50 s were available (Table 1).
The current Italian legislation (i.e., D.000M. 26.8.92;
D.Lgs. 626/94242/96, and others deriving from them)
prescribes the establishment of emergency plans and security
actions to take in case of natural disasters. In summary, in case
of an earthquake, one teacher who previously was designated as
the emergency coordinator has the following duties: (1) con-
sider the necessity and the moment to evacuate the school by
the activation of a dedicated warning signal, (2) immediately
stop the gas and power distribution, (3) warn the individuals
who are responsible for evacuations at each school level so they
are ready for the evacuation, and (4) coordinate all the oper-
ations till the end of the emergency. During the emergency, the
other teachers must be always in contact with the emergency
coordinator to start the evacuation plan. The students must
(1) protect themselves under their desks from possible falling
objects, (2) calmly proceed to the safe zones as defined by the
emergency plan, and (3) follow the previously defined instruc-
tions for the evacuations.
This summary of tasks and actions to be included in an
seismic emergency plan highlights how difficult it can be for
the emergency coordinator during an earthquake to make the
right decision on what to do within seconds, often when the
S-wave ground motion has already started and with a dramatic
lack of real-time external information on what is occurring. In
this context, EEWS potentially represent a unique source of
information for assisting the emergency coordinators in their
duties, allowing them the valuable seconds needed to start the
emergency procedures before the Swaves generated by the
event reach the school.
In the framework of the Strategies and Tools for Real Time
Earthquake Risk Reduction (REAKT;;last
accessed January 2015) FP7 European project, we have been en-
gaged in a feasibility study on the application of earthquake early
warning procedures in the high school Istituto Tecnico Indus-
triale Somma Vesuviana (ITIS) (;
last accessed January 2015) E. Majorana,Somma Vesuviana
(hereafter referred to as MAJI) located near the Irpinia region,
southern Italy (Fig. 1). MAJI is also part of the program Seis-
mology@School (;lastaccessedJanuary
398 Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 2A March/April 2015 doi: 10.1785/0220140194
2015), developed in the framework of the Network of European
Research Infrastructures for Earthquake Risk Assessment and
Mitigation (NERA) project, which consists of installing profes-
sional seismic instruments in schools combined with suitable di-
dactic materials to increase both the scientific knowledge and the
consciousness about seismic hazard and risk.
Table 1.
Example of Actions That Might be Taken with 10 and 50 s Warning in Schools
Actions with 10 s Warning Actions with 50 s Warning
Get walkie-talkies
Notify teachers with walkie-talkies or speaker
Have custodian shut off gas
Alert custodial staff to secure building
Shut off machines, move away from laboratory
Notify security to be on alert
Move clear of falling objects
Shut off gas
Send out/gather emergency supplies
Contact fire department, district office, and police department
Secure laboratory equipment/evacuate laboratory
Sound alarms
Turn off computers
Evacuate to secure meeting points
Contact plant manager
Protection for students in the hallways, restrooms, etc., wandering
Get walkie-talkies, cell phones
Initiate emergency response plan
Notify security to be on alert
Focus on protecting younger children
Modified from Goltz (2002).
Figure 1. Locations of the high school Istituto Tecnico Industriale Somma Vesuviana (ITIS) (; last ac-
cessed January 2015) E. Majorana,Somma Vesuviana (MAJI) and the Irpinia Seismic Network (ISNet) in CampaniaLucania Apennine
(southern Italy). Seismic stations (triangles) and cities (squares) are shown.
Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 2A March/April 2015 399
The Irpinia area has been affected by strong-magnitude
earthquakes, both in historic and recent times. The last de-
structive earthquake was the 23 November 1980 Ms6.9 Irpinia
earthquake, which caused more than 3000 casualties and pro-
duced huge and widespread damage (Ameri et al., 2011;
Chiauzzi et al., 2012). Since 2012, MAJI has been monitored
by a total of five accelerometric stations installed in different
parts of the school building. Furthermore, commercial asymmet-
ric digital subscriber lines (ADSL) provide transmission of real-
time data to an earthquake early warning (EEW)centerinNa-
ples, where data streams are acquired in real time in the PRob-
abilistic and Evolutionary early warning SysTem (PRESToPlus;
regional and on-site threshold-based early warning) software
platform (Satriano et al.,2011;Zollo et al.,2014). MAJI there-
fore has been provided with the means to receive alert messages
from the regional EEWS given by the integration of PRESToPlus
into the seismic network operating in the Irpinia area, the Irpi-
nia Seismic Network (ISNet; Iannaccone et al.,2010;Satriano
et al., 2011). They also benefit from warnings produced by the
on-site EEWS, which integrates PRESToPlus with the instru-
ments installed at the school itself.
After realizing that a low-cost tool capable of rapidly in-
terpreting the information coming from the EEWS in use and
translating it into a simple safe/unsafe scheme for supporting
the emergency coordinator during a seismic crisis was still miss-
ing, we used a low-cost intelligent electronic device (i.e., Ardu-
ino,; last accessed January 2015) to design
an actuator for EEW (hereafter referred to as the Sentinel). We
programmed the Sentinel to accomplish three main tasks: (1) lis-
ten and interpret messages delivered by the EEWS PRESToPlus
on the ground-motion severity expected at the target site, (2) pro-
vide different warnings to indicate different alert levels by the
control of different hardware (i.e., alarm bells, emergency lights,
and so on), and (3) declare the end of the most threatening con-
dition, which will assist the emergency coordinator in starting the
evacuation plan defined by the law. Similar to PRESToPlus,which
performs an evolutionary event characterization, the Sentinel
provides evolutionary real-time alerts to users.
In the following, we first describe the characteristics of the
accelerometers network installed at MAJI. Then we summarize
the main characteristics of both the PRESToPlus system and of
the EEW Sentinel. Finally, we present the preliminary results of
offline analyses carried out using both real and synthetic data to
test the feasibility of the early warning procedures and, in
particular, the delivery of warnings in real time to MAJI.
The network of seismic stations installed at MAJI consists of
one standard accelerometric station and four low-cost wireless
accelerometers (Fig. 2). The high-quality accelerometric station
(hereafter referred to as MAJ3) consists of a 24-bit analog-to-
digital converter (ADC) Agecodagis Kephren data logger and a
Güralp CMG-5TC accelerometer with a 0:25gfull-scale, uses a
sampling of 125 Hz, and was installed in the school courtyard.
The four low-cost accelerometers are SOSEWIN stations
(Fleming et al., 2009;Picozzi et al., 2010,2014); these are low-
cost sensing units equipped with Micro-Electromechanical Systems
(MEMS) accelerometers with 0:2mgof resolution, ADCswith
effective 20 bits in high-resolution mode that sample the ground
motion at 100 Hz, and a wireless router applications platform (i.e.,
the PC Engines ALIX system board), which allows them to create
a self-organizing wireless mesh information network. The SOSE-
WIN stations have been installed in different parts of the school
(Fig. 2), which presents a rather complex structure (Emolo et al.,
2014); as shown by Picozzi et al. (2011), the strong motion of
will allow a rapid assess of the state-of-health of the school.
The SOSEWINs communicate by wireless with the Age-
codagis Kephren data logger, which operates as a gateway and
provides transmission of real-time data to the EEW center in
Naples by commercial ADSLs. Data streams are acquired in real
time in the PRESToPlus platform.
The present configuration of the EEWS, which has
PRESToPlus running far from the school, is clearly not optimal
for an on-site approach but was selected for the sake of
simplicity during the test phase. Of course, in future, the im-
plementation of the EEWS will be with PRESToPlus running
directly at the school.
Earthquake Early Warning Systems and PRESToPlus
Typically, EEWS follows two basic approaches: regional (or
network based), and on-site warning. Regional early warning
systems are based on the use of a seismic network located near
one or more expected epicentral areas, for which the aims are
to detect and locate an earthquake and to determine its mag-
nitude from the analysis of the first few seconds of the arriving
Pwaves at more stations (Satriano et al., 2011). The lead time
for a regional system is defined as the time difference between
the Pwaves recorded in the source area and the arrival of first S
waves at the target site, after accounting for the necessary com-
putation and data transmission times.
On-site early warning systems are designed to cope with sit-
uations in which target sites are located too close to a seismogenic
area and the analysis of data recorded at more stations of a regional
network determines a lead time too small to warn the target in
case of an event. For this reason, on-site systems rely on seismic
sensors installed directly at the target site and exploit only the in-
formationcarriedbythefasterearlyPwaves to infer the larger
shaking related to the incoming Sand surface waves (i.e., the lead
time is equal to the P-wave minus the S-wave arrival times).
Furthermore, Zollo et al. (2010) demonstrated the two
approaches can be profitably integrated within a unique system
that allow the early warning prediction of the potential damage
zone (PDZ) (i.e. the area in which the highest intensity levels
associated with an event are expected). Clearly, the integration
of regional and on-site approaches is particularly useful when-
ever target sites are threatened by more than a single seismic
source area, and these latter are placed at variable distances
400 Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 2A March/April 2015
from the target sites. An exhaustive review of the concepts,
methods, and physical basis of EEWS has been presented by
Satriano et al. (2010).
PRESTo is a free and open source software platform for
earthquake early warning (; last accessed Janu-
ary 2015; Satriano et al., 2011;Zollo et al., 2014)thatwasde-
veloped at the University of Naples. Following the idea proposed
by Zollo et al. (2010), the new version of the system, PRESToPlus,
implements both a regional and an on-site approach. Since 2009,
PRESToPlus has been under real-time experimentation in south-
ern Italy, on the data streams of the ISNet. PRESToPlus has been
recently released to the scientific community through the website (last accessed January 2015).
PRESToPlus continually processes real-time streams of
three-component acceleration data for P-wave arrival detec-
tion. These data are normally streamed in real time from the
stations of a seismic network, but they can also be read from
files to provide a simulation mode whereby waveforms of past
events can be played back into the system. While an event (real
or simulated) is occurring, the software promptly performs the
event detection and provides location and magnitude estimates
as well as shaking predictions at target sites using a regional,
network-based approach (Fig. 3). The earthquake location is
obtained by an evolutionary, real-time probabilistic approach
based on an equal differential time formulation (Satriano et al.,
2011), which uses information from both triggered and not-
yet-triggered stations. Magnitude estimation exploits empirical
relationships that correlate this parameter to the filtered peak
displacement (Pd) measured over the first 24sofPand S
waves of high-pass (0.075 Hz) filtered signals (Lancieri and
Figure 2. Instruments deployed at MAJI. The station MAJ3 is installed in the schools courtyard ground. The SOSEWIN stations are
installed in the schools inner walls.
Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 2A March/April 2015 401
Zollo, 2008;Satriano et al., 2011). Finally, peak ground-mo-
tion parameters at remote sites can be estimated through
ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs) once location
and magnitude are available (e.g., for the Irpinia region, Emolo
et al., 2011). As shown by Zollo et al. (2010) and Satriano et al.
(2011),PRESToPlus provides robust early warning events char-
acterization by adopting the same set of parameters (e.g., time-
window length) for a broad range of magnitude (i.e., M7),
which covers the typical Italian seismicity (; last
accessed January 2015; Luzi et al., 2008). Of course, as sug-
gested by Colombelli et al. (2012) and others, a larger time
window for the early warning magnitude estimation should
be used for larger magnitude earthquakes (M>7). The imple-
mentation of expanding time windows in PRESToPlus is under
Alarm messages containing the evolutionary estimates of
source parameters and ground motion expected at the target,
with the associated uncertainties, are sent over the Internet and
can thus also reach distant vulnerable infrastructures before the
destructive waves, enabling the initiation of automatic safety
The regional approach to early warning is integrated with
an on-site, threshold-based method for the definition of inde-
pendent local alert levels at each station. To this end, the pre-
dominant period (τc;Wu and Kanamori, 2005) and the Pd in
a short time window after the first P-arrival time are simulta-
neously measured at each station, independently from the rest
of the seismic network. As shown by Zollo et al. (2010), Pd can
be correlated with the final peak ground velocity (PGV) and
consequently with the modified Mercalli intensity (IMM),
which is a measure of the expected damage, whereas τccan
be correlated with the earthquake magnitude. These two
parameters are compared with threshold values that define a
decisional table with four alert levels, correlated to the expected
on-site damage as well as the damage at a distance. The alert
level can be used to initiate safety measures at each site inde-
pendently of the regional processing. At the same time, at the
regional scale, the local alert levels (as they become available)
can be combined with the estimated source parameters to de-
fine the extent of the PDZ.
The Sentinel: A Low-Cost EEW Actuator for MAJI
Aiming at providing EEW information to the school users and,
in particular, the emergency coordinator we created an EEW
actuator, the Sentinel that is able to both listen and interpret
messages coming from PRESToPlus, as well as to assist the
coordinator starting the emergency procedures (e.g., alarms,
traffic-light systems). Among the low-cost programmable intel-
ligent electronic devices existing on the market, Arduino
(; last accessed January 2015) was selected
mainly for its properties of being easily programmed to sense
the PRESToPlus messages stream and to control in real-time
lights, ringing-bells, and other devices (e.g., Table 1lists mea-
sures designed to reduce the risk of injury and minimize dam-
Figure 3. PRESToPlus flow chart (modified from Zollo et al., 2010).
402 Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 2A March/April 2015
age in case of an earthquake). Most important, the Arduinos
simplicity created the right conditions for a deep interaction
between researchers and both school teachers and students,
which proceeded side-by-side in programming the EEW Sen-
tinel according to scientific principles and users requirements.
As shown in the schematic representation of Figure 4,the
EEWS at MAJI is designed so that PRESToPlus analyzes the
streaming of seismic data from both the on-site and the
regional network; and, in case of an earthquake, it provides the
Sentinel with an alert string containing the EEW information.
PRESToPlus is a self-contained system, thus it does not require
any other seismic software or platform to run, just the ground-
motion data from a seismic network. For this reason, it can run
both on a remote control center and on a dedicated computer
(PC) at the school. In the following sections, we present the
results of offline tests performed while running it in remote
at the Unit of Experimental and Computational Seismology
(RISSC)-LabsEEWcontrol center in Naples (see The Sentinel:
A Low-Cost EEW Actuator for Schools). Depending on the
siteevent interdistance, and therefore on whether the regional
or the on-site has the fastest response, the Sentinel can receive
two different kind of alert messages (Fig. 5). First, it can receive
information from the regional system about the event, includ-
ing the date, the UTC time, latitude, longitude, magnitude,
and, most important, the prediction of the ground-motion
shaking in terms of PGV at the school obtained by GMPE.
Second, it can receive information from the on-site system,
including the date, the UTC time, the predominant period
(τc), the ground-motion peak associated with Pwaves (Pd),
and (derived from the latter) the expected ground shaking
for the incoming Swaves (PGV).
For regional EEW alerts (Fig. 5a), the Sentinel assigns an
alert level to the events by comparing the size of the PGV
predicted at the school and previously defined PGV thresholds
derived using, for this application, the PGVintensity relation-
ship proposed by Faccioli and Cauzzi (2006), which translates
the PGV in different classes of perceived shaking and potential
damage conditions as in the European Macroseismic Scale
(EMS) intensity (Grünthal, 1998).
We defined the following classes, which in turn corre-
spond to different alert levels:
The predicted PGV is smaller than 0:2cm=s, which cor-
responds to ground motion not felt from users and not
dangerous for structures (i.e., EMS intensities <IV). The
Sentinel alert level for this class is named silent.
The PGV is included in the 0.2 and 6:1cm=srange, which
is related to ground motion perceived by users and poten-
tially responsible of light damage levels (i.e., EMS inten-
sities V and VI). The Sentinel alert level for this class is
named low.
The PGV is larger than 6:1cm=s(EMS Intensity VII)
and corresponds to very high perceived shaking and from
moderate to very high damage. In this case, the Sentinel
has an alert level defined as high.
In case of EEW information coming from the on-site sys-
tem, the Sentinel is programmed to assign the event an alert
level on the basis of the Pd τcalert level scheme (Fig. 5b),
which Zollo et al. (2010) proposed interpreting in terms of
potential damaging effects near the recording station and
far away from it. In particular, the maximum Pd τcalert level
(level 3; i.e., τc0:6sand Pd 0:2cm) corresponds to an
earthquake with predicted magnitude M6and an expected
instrumental intensity IMM VII. This means the earthquake
is likely to have a large size and to be located close to the record-
ing site; in this case, the Sentinel alert level is high.In the case
of Pd τcalert level 2 (τc<0:6sand Pd 0:2cm), even if
the event is estimated to have a magnitude smaller than 6, it
should be located close to the target and thus responsive to a
ground motion having the potential to cause damage at the site.
In this case, the Sentinel alert level is set to high.On the
contrary, when the Pd τcalert level is 1 (τc0:6s and
Pd <0:2cm), the event is likely larger than magnitude 6 but
at the same time is located so far from the target site as to be
only felt there without any damage. In this case, the Sentinel
alert level is low.Finally, for a recorded alert level equal to 0
(τc<0:6sand Pd <0:2cm), the event is likely to be small
and far from the site, thus no damage is expected either close or
Figure 4. Schematic overview of the earthquake early warning
system (EEWS) for the school MAJI, which comprises an on-site
system and a regional one managed by PRESToPlus, which in turn
sends alerts to the earthquake early Warning (EEW)Sentinelplaced
within the school that can be used to warn students and teachers.
Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 2A March/April 2015 403
far away from the station; and the Sentinel alert level is in this
case set to silent.
In the current prototypical version, the three Sentinel alert
levels have been associated with three different traffic lights and
the schools bell alarms. Therefore, whenever an alert is released
by PRESToPlus, regardless of its origin (on-site or regional), the
message (which has the size of few tens of kilobytes and typ-
ically a latency of few tens of milliseconds only) is taken in
charge by the Sentinel and exploited to provide a P-wave-
derived prediction of the ground-motion severity and damage
level at the school. It is worth noting that, as with PRESToPlus,
the Sentinel is evolutionary. Indeed, it keeps receiving and in-
terpreting the PRESToPlus messages, which are released every
second during the whole earthquake analysis. Therefore (as
shown in the examples presented in the following sections),
according to the EEW information received during the initial
phases of the event characterization, the Sentinel alert level can
The last task of the Sentinel consists in declaring the end
of the event, so that the emergency coordinator can start the
evacuation plan defined by the law. This task is accomplished
by taking into consideration the relationship proposed by
Bommer et al. (2009) to compute the ground-motion duration,
given the magnitude and epicentral distance information. In
the application for the Irpinia area, the maximum event mag-
nitude inferred from seismic-hazard analysis is estimated to
be magnitude 7.3 (Barani et al., 2009). Hence, according to
Bommer et al. (2009), for such an event, the duration of the
ground motion for a site at about 70 km from the epicenter
should be of the order of 3040 s. For this reason, the Sentinel
is programmed to declare the end of an event after 40 s unless it
receives a message from PRESToPlus that a new event occurred
(i.e., an aftershock).
On-Site EEW Feasibility at MAJI: The Analysis of the
False Event Detection Rate
On-site EEWS do not include very robust algorithms for the
real-time event location, which typically led them to misrecog-
nize P- and S-wave arrivals and thus be prone to high rates of
false detections. Moreover, in the case of civil infrastructure
with several users like schools (where the on-site EEW is most
needed), the number of false detections due to anthropic noise
is likely to become huge. Solutions to this issue are commonly
sought by filtering the high-frequency signals and imposing
Figure 5. Sentinel alert levels (a) based on the information from the Regional EEWS, and (b) based on the on-site EEWS.
404 Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 2A March/April 2015
highly selective threshold parameters, which in turn can poten-
tially let the on-site EEWS be effective for extreme events only.
Therefore, one of the first analyses carried out at MAJI was
devoted to comparing the rate of false events detected by a
single station against the use of all the stations installed at the
school, considering them as a small array. For the test, we se-
lected 24-hour-long waveforms recorded by the five stations
during four different weekdays, with school activity but no
nearby earthquakes. Although the analyses were conducted off-
line, the picking was performed using the same picker as in
PRESToPlus (FilterPicker5, Lomax et al., 2012), adopting the
same set of parameters that have been optimized for the sta-
tions of the ISNet over approximately the last about three years
of seismic monitoring and early warning activities (Table 2). As
expected, due to the high noise caused by people inside the
building and the nearby infrastructures (e.g., a factory is located
a few tens of meters from the school), especially during the day
we observed a lot of false picking on the traces (Fig. 6), up to 1
pick every 5 min for the most sensitive station (top signal in
Fig. 6). For the chosen picking algorithm, the SOSEWIN
accelerometers showed a reduced number of false pickings be-
cause in this case the anthropic signals were masked by the
high-frequency instrumental noise of these sensors. These
results suggest that a single station EEW approach would be
Table 2
The parameters of FilterPicker5 used by PRESToPlus for the
Irpinia Seismic Network (ISNet) and SOSEWIN Stations
ISNet Stations
(Including MAJ3)
Filter window (s) 1 1
window (s)
Threshold 1 (S1) 15 11
Threshold 2 (S2) 15 15
tUpEvent (s) 0.1 0.1
Refer to Lomax et al. (2012) for an exhaustive description of
the parameters.
Figure 6. Twenty-four-hour ground-motion acceleration recorded during Julian day 067 (Saturday, 08 March 2014) at the five seismic
stations located at MAJI (see Fig. 2for the sensors disposition). Automatic picks from FilterPicker5 (Lomax et al., 2012) are represented as
vertical lines.
Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 2A March/April 2015 405
problematic to be put in practice in such a context, because it
would require a specific and probably very complicated tuning
of the picking parameters to avoid the repeated occurrence of
false event identification.
On the contrary, we observed that when almost simulta-
neous picks (e.g., within a time window of 0.5 s) for at least
three stations was required for the event declaration, the de-
tection of false events decreased to just one to two in a day,
on average. Moreover, the occurrence of false events was totally
avoided when the coincidence of four or five station picks
within 0.5 s was required.
On-site and Regional EEW Analyses of the 2013 Matese
Earthquake Recordings
The lack of seismicity observed during the first two years of the
REAKT projects finally ended the 29 December 2013 (UTC
17:08:43) when an ML4.9, Mw5.0 (; last
accessed January 2015) earthquake occurred in the Matese hills
area, approximately 55 km northwest of the MAJI site. The
event was recorded by only four stations installed at MAJI (un-
fortunately, one SOSEWIN was not working), as well as by
ISNET, and thus these data allowed us to test both the on-site
and the regional EEW approaches.
The on-site EEW analysis was carried out considering the
MAJ3 and SOSEWIN station. Because of the source-to-school
distance, the recordings of the less sensitive SOSEWINs sta-
tions (which are equipped with an internal MEMS sensor) were
perturbed by a high-frequency local noise. Therefore, for the
stations to correctly pick the event on Pwaves, we prefiltered
the SOSEWIN waveforms with a low-pass filter at 10 Hz; and
we decreased the picker threshold for them to 11 instead of the
value of 15 used for MAJ3 (Table 2). All the available stations
pick within 0.5 s of the arrival of the Pwaves (Fig. 7a). After
applying a high-pass filter at 0.075 Hz on these data, we esti-
mated the Pd on the 4 s P-wave window of the signal; the Pd
ranges from 1:3×104mfor MAJ3 (installed in the ground)
to a maximum of 3:1080 ×104mfor one of the SOSEWIN
(SE84C, which is installed on the wall on the second story of
the school; Fig. 2). Similarly, we estimated τc, which for all sta-
tions was around 0.4 s (Fig. 7b). As mentioned by Wu et al.
(2013), because of the low signal-to-noise ratio of waveforms in
the case of small and moderate earthquakes recorded by low-
gain instruments, the estimation of τcmight be affected by
noise. However, as shown in Fig. 7b for the 2013 M4.9 Matese
earthquake, the τcestimates obtained by SOSEWIN stations
were in very good agreement with the one obtained using the
station MAJ3. Indeed, the Pd and τcvalues observed at the
different stations (which have different characteristics and are
installed in different places) show a high level of coherency and
correctly assign to the event an alert level equal to zero. Users
are informed that a moderate event (i.e., smaller than M6)
occurred at a quite large distance from the target site and
no damage is expected. This result confirms that for a structure
that is rigid and has relatively small dimension, the influence of
the structural response on the high-frequency P-wave signals is
small in the case of moderate events. Therefore, Pd and τc
information coming from different stations can be beneficially
averaged for EEW purposes, resulting in a reduced uncertainty
associated with the PGV and magnitude estimates.
For the test with the regional approach, we considered all
the ISNET recordings. This means that among the stations
installed at the school, only MAJ3, which was already part
of ISNet, was considered.
Figure 8a shows a snapshot of PRESToPlus when the
system releases the first alert. At this moment, three stations
have triggered, one of which is the station at MAJI. However,
the 2 s P-wave window necessary to estimate the magnitude is
Figure 7. (a) Recordings of the 29 December 2013 Matese
earthquake at four of the five seismic stations at MAJI. Automatic
picks from FilterPicker5 (Lomax et al., 2012) are represented as
vertical lines. (See Fig. 2for the sensor disposition.) (b) Peak dis-
placement (Pd) and predominant period (τc) measured at the four
seismic stations at MAJI during the 29 December 2013 Matese
earthquake. The four quadrants represent the alert levels as de-
fined by Zollo et al. (2010).
406 Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 2A March/April 2015
Figure 8. (a) Screenshot of the playback in PRESToPlus of the waveforms recorded by ISNet and the MAJ3 station (i.e., MAJI in the
subplot) during the M4.9 Matese earthquake. The MAJ3 recording is on the forefront in the left part, with S-waves (dark gray) evidenced.
The screenshot shows the moment when the first three stations, including MAJ3, detected the earthquake. (b) Same as (a) but at the end
of the playback in PRESToPlus. The alert levels at each site are shown in the geographic map; all alerts are 0 (no damage, M<6).
Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 2A March/April 2015 407
available only for the other two stations, which were closer to
the epicenter. Hence, the magnitude estimate is constrained at
the beginning only by two stations and has a value of 4.3, which
is slightly underestimated with respect to the final value. It is
worth noting that when the first EEW magnitude estimate is
released by PRESToPlus, the school MAJI has a lead time of 6 s.
Figure 8b shows the results of the playback. Although the
final magnitude estimation of PRESToPlus (i.e., Mw5.0) is in
agreement with the value from the seismic bulletin, we observed
the signals recorded at the station MAJ3 led to a final magnitude
estimate equal to 5.1 and 5.4 from the 4 s P-wave and 2 s S-wave
windows, respectively. The slight magnitude overestimation,
especially for Swaves, with respect to the official magnitude
estimation and the value found by PRESToPlus considering the
ISNET stations, is most probably due to the presence of site
effects and directivity. This problem could be easily overcome in
the future by calibrating a station correction factor to be assigned
at MAJI and used in PRESToPlus for the local magnitude
In addition to the event location and magnitude, the
level alert was computed for each station (Fig. 8b,geographic
map). As expected, all the stations were associated with
an alert level equal to zero, that is, the event was smaller than
magnitude 6 and a few tens of kilometers outside of the
The Sentinel: A Low-Cost EEW Actuator for Schools
At the time of the 2013 Matese earthquake, neither the users
nor the Sentinel were within the school: the event occurred
during the Christmas vacancy period, and the Sentinel exper-
imentation started a few months later. Therefore, the perfor-
mance of the Sentinel was tested by the realization of offline
runs of PRESToPlus (i.e., playbacks) on the available earthquake
waveforms. The use of playbacks to assess the performance of
the PRESToPlus system in realistic conditions has been success-
fully demonstrated several times (e.g., Satriano et al., 2011;
Colombelli et al., 2012).
The first test consisted of the playback of the Matese
earthquake with the regional components of PRESToPlus run-
ning at the RISSC-LabsEEW control center in Naples, while
the Sentinel was working in real time at MAJI, where it kept its
idle state until the first warning message from PRESToPlus was
received. During the playback, teachers and students at the
school received real-time early warning information from the
Sentinel and, with the only exception of the P-wave ground
shacking, experienced a situation rather close to what would
occur during an earthquake. Figure 9a shows the time line of
the event characterization and in particular the three alert mes-
sages (which includes the lead time at the school and the M and
PGV estimates) that PRESToPlus transmitted to the Sentinel
via the Internet. We verified that the transmission of these
alerts between the RISSC-Lab and MAJI occurs in a few tens
of milliseconds, similar to the time required by a ping com-
mand. The Sentinel at MAJI checked in real time the content
of the alerting messages that it was receiving (Fig. 9b. Accord-
ing to the EEW rules we defined (Fig. 5), with the PGV at the
site predicted to be below the first threshold (0:2cm=s), it
switched on a green light (i.e., alert level silent), indicating to
the users that an earthquake occurred and within 4 s they were
going to feel a moderate-low shaking but that it would not
cause any damage at the school. The PGV actually measured by
the MAJ3 station was 0:21 cm=s. Hence, even if the difference
between predicted and observed PGV values was very small,
and certainly not perceivable from the eventual users experi-
encing the shaking, the message released to the users overesti-
mated the risk. It is worth noting, however, that after the first
warning message (Fig. 9a), the school users were correctly
alerted about the occurrence of a small/moderate earthquake,
and they had 7 s of lead time to duck and cover under their
desks to reduce their exposure to eventual nonstructural dam-
ages (e.g., falling piece of plaster or wall lamps). Moreover, like
every regional EEWS,PRESToPlus predicts the PGV at target
sites by a GMPE; and the observed small deviation between
predicted and observed PGV values (0:02 cm=s) at MAJI dur-
ing the 2013 Matese earthquake is totally in agreement with
the performance of standard GMPEs, which, as shown by Akkar
and Bommer, is generally within the range of 0:6 log units.
To verify the performance of the Sentinel for a large event,
we also ran the playback of the M6.9 1980 Irpinia earthquake.
In this case, we used synthetic recordings computed by the
Axitra code (Coutant, 1989) at the ISNet stations. MAJI was
at a distance of about 75 km from both the epicenter and the
fault planes activated during the earthquake, which corre-
sponds to a lead time of about 13 s. Macroseismic information
following the 1980 Irpinia earthquake indicates the Somma
Vesuviana village, where MAJI is located, experienced a damage
level corresponding to VIVII on the MercalliCancani
Sieberg (MCS) scale.
Figure 10a shows the playback of the PRESToPlus and the
time line of alerts transmitted to the Sentinel at MAJI. In this
case, the evolutionary event characterization following the
progressive increase of the number of stations included in the
magnitude estimation led the estimated MAJI ground motion
to increase with the time. In fact, the PGV at the target site
increases in 7 s from 2:5cm=s(alert level low; following the
Faccioli and Cauzzi (2006) macroseismic scale, this corre-
sponds to MCS VI, or strong shaking and light damage) to
6:2cm=s, which corresponds to MCS VII (very strong shaking
and moderate damage). In this case, immediately after the first
two alerts were received, the Sentinel provided the users with
the information that a strong shaking would strike the school
in the next 18 s (i.e., yellow light, or alert level low; Fig. 10b).
However, due to the increase of the PGV expected at the site, at
the third alert the Sentinel switched on the red light (alert lev-
elhigh), indicating the lead time was then 13 s. The system
worked as predicted, and during drill tests (http://www.rissclab
school; last accessed January 2015) we verified that, in case of
an earthquake in the Irpinia region, it would allow the students
to duck and cover before the S-waves arrival at the school, thus
minimizing their risk of injury.
408 Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 2A March/April 2015
This work presented the results of a feasibility study of an
EEWS for schools carried out in the framework of the REAKT
project. The system is composed of a small seismic network of
accelerometers, the PRESToPlus system, and a low-cost intel-
ligent electronic device (the Sentinel) that operates as actua-
tor. The Sentinel is fed data by PRESToPlus and, in the case of
an event, provides evolutionary alerts to users, starting differ-
ent traffic lights and bell alarms to indicate the level of
The first tests were devoted to assess the rate of false alerts
of the EEWS. Our results showed the anthropic noise generated
in the school by the users is so high that a monitoring system
relying on a single station would be prone to one false event
declaration every few minutes. On the contrary, considering a
coincidence of at least four stations within a very short time
window allowed the complete elimination of false event detec-
Figure 9. Timeline of the playback of the 2013 M4.9 Matese earthquake. (a) An evolutionary event characterization by regional
PRESToPlus EEWS and messages received by the Sentinel at MAJI. Marker locations over the timeline are approximate only.
(b) EEW messages transmitted by PRESToPlus to the Sentinel via Internet and Sentinels alert levels.
Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 2A March/April 2015 409
tion. Despite the simplicity of the analysis, we considered this
latter result very important from the practical point of view. In
fact, this test confirmed the setup of a small array of sensors,
including low cost ones, seems to be a promising way of design-
ing a monitoring on-site EEWS for infrastructures within cities.
Indeed, in countries like Italy, where the distance between seis-
mic sources and target sites are, in most cases, a few tens of kilo-
meters only; on-site EEWS like the one installed at MAJI might
represent a valid strategy to complement regional networks.
The very low seismicity level observed during the two years
of the system experimentation did not allow it to be tested as
extensively as it deserves. One test of the EEWS performance
Figure 10. Same as Figure 9but for the 1980 M6.9 Irpinia Earthquake.
410 Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 2A March/April 2015
with real data using both the on-site and regional EEWS ap-
proaches was finally possible after the 29 December 2013
ML4.9 earthquake occurred in the Matese hills area. When
we ran the playback of the event following the on-site thresh-
old-based approach proposed by Zollo et al. (2010), we observed
the same alert level estimation for all stations of the array. This
result suggests, for the structure under study, that the on-site
EEWS might benefit from the average of the estimates obtained
by the different stations, which would correspond to a reduced
uncertainty associated with the PGV and magnitude estimates.
However, although the structural response on the high-
frequency P-wave signals for the Matese earthquake turned
out to be small, the structural behavior for larger ground motion
could be more complicated. Future modeling studies will be
dedicated to investigate this issue.
The preliminary tests carried out to assess the Sentinel per-
formance in cases of moderate and strong earthquakes showed
(1) the transmission of PRESToPlus alert messages requires only
a few tens of milliseconds; (2) the Sentinel allows promptly
initiation of an automatic procedure to warn school users;
and (3) in the case of the Irpinia scenario, the lead time for the
school (MAJI) would be 13 s. As discussed by Goltz (2002),
such an amount of lead time should be sufficient to take pro-
tective measures that minimize the risk of injuries for the
school users (e.g., duck and cover, turn off gas burners, move
away from windows or equipment, etc.). A future study will use
drill tests involving students and school staff to verify the fea-
sibility of these protection measures at MAJI and other schools
in the Irpinia region.
The research leading to these results was realized in the frame-
work of the Strategies and Tools for Real Time Earthquake
Risk Reduction (REAKT,; last accessed
January 2015) project coordinated by Analisi e Monitoraggio
del Rischio Ambientale (AMRA S.c. a r.l) and Network of
European Research Infrastructures for Earthquake Risk Assess-
ment and Mitigation (NERA,; last accessed January
2015) projects, and received funding from the European Com-
munitys Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/20072013)
under Grant Agreement Numbers 282862 and 262330, respec-
We acknowledge the staff and students of the ITIS E.
Majoranafor their effective collaboration during all the phases
of the project.
We also would like to thank the Associate Editor and two
anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions that
allowed us to significantly improve the manuscript.
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Colombelli, O. Amoroso, P. Brondi, and M.T. De Risi (Uni-
versity of Naples Federico II, Italy; Unit of Experimental and
Computational Seismology (RISSC)-Lab, AMRA s.c. a r.l.,
Naples, Italy); S. Parolai, D. Bindi, and T. Boxberger (Helm-
holtz-Zentrum PotsdamDeutsches GeoForschungsZentrum,
Germany); and N. Miranda, L. Buonaiuto, and A. Amelia
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M. Picozzi
A. Emolo
C. Martino1
A. Zollo
G. Verderame
the REAKT Working Group1,2,3
Dipartimento di Fisica
Università Federico II
Naples, Italy
N. Miranda
ITIS E. Majorana
Somma Vesuviana
T. Boxberger
Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum
Published Online 18 February 2015
1Also at Unit of Experimental and Computational Seismology (RISSC)-
Lab, AMRA s.c. a r.l., Naples, Italy.
2Also at ITIS E. Majorana,Somma Vesuviana, Italy.
3Also at Helmholtz-Zentrum PotsdamDeutsches GeoForschungsZen-
trum, Germany.
412 Seismological Research Letters Volume 86, Number 2A March/April 2015
... 3.1.1 Classification of the earthquake early warning systems based on the warning type Findings show that EEWSs can be classified based on the number of sensors used to detect an earthquake (i.e., on-site networks use a single sensor and regional-based networks use an array of sensors) (Chen et al., 2015;Bindi et al., 2015;Picozzi et al., 2015). ...
... On-site-based EEWS use only one sensor to detect an earthquake. To be more precise, it takes information from a sensor at a location to detect earthquakes and generate alerts at the same location using a single sensor, with all algorithm processing taking place at that station (Allen and Melgar, 2019;Bindi et al., 2015;Picozzi et al., 2015). In general, on-site EEWS serves a significant role in bridging the gap of the blind zone, which frequently experiences the worst ground shaking and where an EEWS cannot issue an alarm close to the epicentre (Chen et al., 2015;Wang et al., 2022). ...
... Earthquake detection happens by processing the earthquake data collected by the network of sensors. The number of earthquake detection sensors can vary according to the sensor distribution and considered geographical area (Bindi et al., 2015;Picozzi et al., 2015). Generally, regional EEWSs can benefit areas far from the epicentre (Chen et al., 2015). ...
Full-text available
Earthquake early warning system (EEWS) plays an important role in detecting ground shaking during an earthquake and alerting the public and authorities to take appropriate safety measures, reducing possible damages to lives and property. However, the cost of high-end ground motion sensors makes most earthquake-prone countries unable to afford an EEWS. Low-cost Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)-based ground motion sensors are becoming a promising solution for constructing an affordable yet reliable and robust EEWS. This paper contributes to advancing Earthquake early warning (EEW) research by conducting a literature review investigating different methods and approaches to building a low-cost EEWS using MEMS-based sensors in different territories. The review of 59 articles found that low-cost MEMS-based EEWSs can become a feasible solution for generating reliable and accurate EEW, especially for developing countries and can serve as a support system for high-end EEWS in terms of increasing the density of the sensors. Also, this paper proposes a classification for EEWSs based on the warning type and the EEW algorithm adopted. Further, with the support of the proposed EEWS classification, it summarises the different approaches researchers attempted in developing an EEWS. Following that, this paper discusses the challenges and complexities in implementing and maintaining a low-cost MEMS-based EEWS and proposes future research areas to improve the performance of EEWSs mainly in 1) exploring node-level processing, 2) introducing multi-sensor support capability, and 3) adopting ground motion-based EEW algorithms for generating EEW.
... A number of studies have previously explored the feasibility/ potential of EEW in different parts of the world, including France 10 , Italy [11][12][13] , Spain 14 , Portugal 15 , Turkey 16 , Japan 17 , California 18,19 , Hawaii 20 , the New Madrid Seismic Zone 21 , and Kyrgyzstan 22 . Regional EEW systems are presently operating in nine countries (including USA, Mexico, and Japan), and have been tested for application in a further 13 23 . ...
... Data descriptions Seismic stations. We use current seismic station locations in this work (and thus account for the geometrical characteristics of the network, assuming that necessary hardware/software upgrades for EEW are possible), in line with previous studies that have examined EEW feasibility 12,51 . Station coordinates are obtained using the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) Google map (GMAP) station mapping service ( ...
Full-text available
Here we assess the potential implementation of earthquake early warning (EEW) across Europe, where there is a clear need for measures that mitigate seismic risk. EEW systems consist of seismic networks and mathematical models/algorithms capable of real-time data telemetry that alert stakeholders (e.g., civil-protection authorities, the public) to an earthquake’s nucleation seconds before shaking occurs at target sites. During this time, actions can be taken that might decrease detrimental impacts. We investigate distributions of EEW lead times available across various parts of the Euro-Mediterranean region, based on seismicity models and seismic network density. We then determine the potential usefulness of these times for EEW purposes by defining their spatial relationship with population exposure, seismic hazard, and an alert accuracy proxy, using well-established earthquake-engineering tools for measuring the impacts of earthquakes. Our mapped feasibility results show that, under certain conditions, EEW could be effective for some parts of Europe.
... While Cooper's idea has never been implemented, nowadays there are few operating, or under testing, EEWSs around the world, such as in Japan, USA, Italy and Mexico (Espinosa-Aranda et al. 2009 ;Zollo et al. 2009 ;Allen & Melgar 2019 ;Cremen & Galasso 2020 ). EEWSs use independently or combine different strategies for extracting different pieces of information about the earthquake and the ground motion at different sites by exploiting extended seismic networks or single-station systems (Hoshiba et al. 2008 ;Zollo et al. 2014 ;Colombelli et al. 2015 ;Picozzi et al. 2015aPicozzi et al. , 2015bPicozzi et al. , 2015cCaruso et al. 2017 ;Festa et al. 2018 ;Spallarossa et al. 2019 ;Song et al. 2022 ). ...
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On-site Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) systems represent an important way to reduce seismic hazard. Since these systems are fast in providing an alert and reliable in the prediction of the ground motion intensity at targets, they are particularly suitable in the areas where the seismogenic zones are close to cities and infrastructures, such as Central Italy. In this work, we use Gradient Boosting Regressor (GBR) to predict Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), and hypocentral distance (D) starting from P-wave features. We use two datasets of waveforms from two seismic sequences in Central Italy: L'Aquila sequence (2009), and the Amatrice-Norcia-Visso sequence (2016-2017), for a total of about 80,000 3-components waveforms. We compute 60 different features related to the physics of the earthquake using three different time-windows (1s, 2s, and 3s). We validate and train our models using the 2016-17 datasets (the bigger one) and we test it on the 2009 dataset. We study the performances of GBR predicting D and PGA in terms of prediction scores, finding that the models can well predict both targets even using 1s window, and that, as expected, the results improve using longer time-windows. Moreover, we perform a residual analysis on the test set finding that the PGA can be predicted without any bias, while the D prediction present a correlation with the moment magnitude. In the end, we propose a prototype for a probabilistic on-site Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) system based on the prediction of D and PGA. The proposed system is a threshold-based approach, and it releases an alert on four possible levels, from 0 (far and small event) to 3 (close and strong event). The system computes the probability related to each alert level. We test two different set of thresholds, the Felt Alert and the Damage Alert. Furthermore, we consider the lead-time (LT) of the PGA to distinguish between useful alerts (positive LT) and Missed Alerts (MA). In the end, we analyze the performance of such a system considering four possible scenarios: Successful Alert (SA), Missed Alert (MA), Overestimated Alert (OA), and Underestimated Alert (UA). We find that the system obtains SA rate about 80% at 1s, and that it decreases to about 65% due to the increase of MA. This result shows how the proposed system is already reliable at 1s, which would be a huge advantage for seismic prone regions as Central Italy, an area characterized by moderate-to-large earthquakes (Mw<7).
... Also, in some earthquake-prone regions, like Lima, Peru, most schools have only two floors, allowing evacuation in 5-15 s". Many previous studies have considered school facilities as potential targets for EEW in various parts of the world (e.g., [14][15][16][17]). For instance, Ref. ...
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Earthquake early warning (EEW) is currently deemed a credible approach to seismic resilience enhancement in modern societies, especially if part of a more holistic earthquake mitigation strategy involving other risk reduction tools such as structural upgrading/retrofit. Yet, there remains a strong need to 1) assess the feasibility of EEW in various seismotectonic contexts, considering specific target applications/end users; and 2) develop next-generation decision-support systems relying on interpretable probabilistic impact-based estimates toward more risk-informed decision-making on EEW installation/alert triggering. These challenges are addressed in this paper, which showcases a series of recent significant EEW contributions by the authors. First, we present the results of a state-of-the-art feasibility study for EEW in schools performed across the Patras region of Greece, attempting to spatially combine traditional seismologically-driven EEW decision criteria (i.e., warning time) with proxy risk-oriented measures for earthquake impact (i.e., building fragility and the number of exposed school students). These results show that, under certain conditions, EEW could be effective for the schools in the considered case-study region. We then demonstrate an advanced end-user-centred approach for improved risk-informed decision-making on triggering EEW alerts. The proposed methodology integrates earthquake-engineering-related seismic performance assessment procedures and metrics with multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) within an end-to-end probabilistic framework. The performance-based earthquake engineering component of such a framework facilitates the computation of various damage/loss estimates (e.g., repair cost, downtime, and casualties) by combining target-structure-specific models of seismic response, fragility, and vulnerability with real-time ground-shaking estimates. Additionally, the incorporated MCDM methodology enables explicit consideration of end-user preferences (importance) towards the estimated consequences in the context of alert issuance. The developed approach is demonstrated using an archetype school building for the case-study region, for which we specifically investigate the optimal decision (i.e., “trigger” or “don't trigger” an EEW alert) across a range of ground-motion intensity measures. We find that the best action for a given level of ground shaking can vary as a function of stakeholder preferences.
... In the last decade there are several information systems (IS) that have been developed to mitigate the impact of an earthquake on populations and their respective infrastructures (Picozzi et al., 2015). They can be classified according to their application time with respect to the duration of the earthquake as pre-seismic, co-seismic and post-seismic (Erdik et al., 2011). ...
... Urban-scale networks focus on the mapping of the earthquake intensity and the implementation of early warning systems [5,6]. Buildingscale monitoring networks, on the other hand, are devoted to structural health monitoring (SHM) [7][8][9][10] and on-site earthquake early warning (EEW) [11] systems; currently, real-time urban seismic networks for SHM and EEW are practically absent in Italy. The SHM itself is still rarely applied, mainly due to the high costs involved and the logistical difficulties in maintaining long-term campaigns and monitoring with traditional commercial instruments. ...
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We describe the first dense real-time urban seismic–accelerometric network in Italy, named OSU-CT, located in the historic center of Catania. The city lies in the region with the greatest danger, vulnerability, and earthquake exposure in the entire Italian territory. OSU-CT was planned and realized within the project called EWAS “an Early WArning System for cultural heritage”, aimed at the rapid assessment of earthquake-induced damage and the testing of an on-site earthquake early warning system. OSU-CT is mainly based on low-cost instrumentation realized ad hoc by using cutting-edge technologies and digital MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) triaxial accelerometers with excellent resolution and low noise. Twenty of the forty scheduled stations have already been set up on the ground floor of significant historic public buildings. In order to assess the performance of an earthquake early warning (EEW) on-site system, we also installed wide-band velocimeters (ETL3D/5s) in three edifices chosen as test sites, which will be instrumented for a structural health monitoring (SHM). In addition to several laboratory and field validation tests on the developed instruments, an effective operational test of OSU-CT was the Mw 4.3 earthquake occurring on 23 December 2021, 16 km west, south-west of Catania. Peak ground accelerations (4.956 gal to 39.360 gal) recorded by the network allowed obtaining a first urban shakemap and determining a reliable distribution of ground motion in the historical center of the city, useful for the vulnerability studies of the historical edifices.
... PRESTo is "currently operative in the Campania-Lucania Apennine region to rapidly detect and characterize the small to moderate earthquakes occurring in the area. PRESTo (PRobabilistic and Evolutionary early warning SysTem) is a software platform for EEW that integrates algorithms for real-time earthquake location, magnitude estimation and damage assessment into a highly configurable and easily portable package" (Colombelli et al., 2012;Colombelli et al., 2014;Zollo et al., 2014a;Zollo et al., 2014b;Picozzi et al., 2015;Emolo et al., 2016;Colombelli et al., 2020). ...
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Earthquake Early Warning Systems (EEWSs) represent a technical-scientific challenge aimed at improving the chance of the population exposed to the earthquake shaking of surviving or being less affected. The ability of an EEWS to affect the risk and, in particular, vulnerability and exposure, may determine serious legal responsibilities for people involved in the system, as scientists and experts. The main question concerns, in fact, the relationship between EEWSs and the predictability and avoidability of earthquake effects-i.e., the ground shaking affecting citizens and infrastructures - and the possibility for people to adopt self-protective behavior and/or for industrial infrastructures to be secured. In Italy, natural disasters, such as the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake, teach us that the relationship between science and law is really difficult. So, before EEW’s become operational in Italy, it is necessary to: 1) examine the legislative and technical solutions adopted by some of the international legal systems in countries where this service is offered to citizens; 2) reconstruct the international and European regulatory framework that promotes the introduction of EW systems as life-saving tools for the protection of the right to life and understand whether and how these regulatory texts can impose an obligation on the Italian legal system to develop EEWS; 3) understand what responsibilities could be ascribed to the scientists and technicians responsible for managing EEWS in Italy, analyzing the different impact of vulnerability and exposure on the predictability and avoidability of the harmful event; 4) reflect on the lessons that our legal system will have to learn from other Countries when implementing EEW systems. In order to find appropriate solutions, it is essential to reflect on the opportunity to provide shared and well-structured protocols and creating detailed disclaimers clearly defining the limits of the service. A central role must be recognized to education, because people should not only expect to receive a correct alarm but must be able to understand the uncertainties involved in rapid estimates, be prepared to face the risk, and react in the right way.
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In this study, we examine the scientific feasibility of an Earthquake Early Warning System in Tehran, Iran, by the integration of the Tehran Disaster Mitigation and Management Organization (TDMMO) accelerometric network and the PRobabilistic and Evolutionary early warning SysTem (PRESTo). To evaluate the performance of the TDMMO-PRESTo system in providing the reliable estimations of earthquake parameters and the available lead-times for The Metropolis of Tehran, two different approaches were analyzed in this work. The first approach was assessed by applying the PRESTo algorithms on waveforms from 11 moderate instrumental earthquakes that occurred in the vicinity of Tehran during the period 2009-2020. Moreover, we conducted a simulation analysis using synthetic wave-forms of 10 large historical earthquakes that occurred in the vicinity of Tehran. We demonstrated that the six worst-case earthquake scenarios can be considered for The Metropolis of Tehran, which are mostly related to the historical and instrumental events that occurred in the southern, eastern, and western parts of Tehran. Our results indicate that the TDMMO-PRESTo system could provide reliable and sufficient lead-times of about 1 to 15s and maximum lead-times of about 20s for civil protection purposes in The Metropolis of Tehran.
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We present an approach to Earthquake Early Warning for Southern Italy that integrates regional and on-site systems. The regional approach is based on the PRobabilistic and Evolutionary early warning SysTem (PRESTo) software platform. PRESTo processes 3-components acceleration data streams and provides a peak ground-motion prediction at target sites based on earthquake location and magnitude computed from P-wave analysis at few stations in the source vicinity. On the other hand, the on-site system is based on the real-time measurement of peak displacement and dominant period, on a 3 s P-wave time-window. These values are compared to thresholds, set for a minimum magnitude 6 and instrumental intensity VII, derived from empirical regression analyses on strong-motion data. Here we present an overview of the system and describe the algorithms implemented in the PRESTo platform. We also show some case-studies and propose a robust methodology to evaluate the performance of this Early Warning System.
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The rapid characterization of ground motion during the initial stage of an earthquake is one of the most effective approaches for quantifying the hazard associated with its impact on populated or otherwise sensitive areas. Earthquake early warning (EEW) systems are based on this approach, and aim to mitigate earthquake hazard for a target area by the provision of timely warnings. In addition, during and soon after the occurrence of earthquakes, the necessity for information on the state of health of structures in real-time that permit timely warnings in case of damaging events requires structural health monitoring systems. The Self-Organising Seismic Early Warning Information Network (SOSEWIN) is a new concept in EEW and structural health monitoring (SHM) systems. SOSEWIN employs advances in various technologies to incorporate off-the-shelf sensor, processing and communications components into low-cost sensing units that are linked by advanced, robust and rapid communications routing and network organisational protocols that are appropriate for wireless mesh networks. Significant and innovative aspects of SOSEWIN are that each sensing unit performs on-site, independent analysis of the ground motion, and that the early warning is transmitted throughout the network by means of dedicated alarming processes. In this work, a description of the SOSEWIN philosophy, hardware, and software is provided, as well as an overview of its application within different contexts. In particular, we present the results of tests carried out with SOSEWIN in Istanbul, Turkey, where a first test-bed consisting of 20 instruments is installed, as well as a novel approach for EEW that exploits the SOSEWIN philosophy to obtain, in the event of an earthquake, a real-time structural response assessment following an interferometric approach (Fleming et al. 2009). Finally, the application of SOSEWIN for SHM purposes at a building in L’Aquila (Picozzi et al. 2009a), a suspension bridge in Istanbul (Picozzi et al. 2009b), and a historical arch bridge in Luxembourg City (Oth and Picozzi 2012) are presented.
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Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis is a process that integrates over aleatory uncertainties (e.g., future earthquake locations and magnitudes) to calculate the mean annual rate of exceedance (MRE) of given ground-motion parameter values at a site. These rates reflect the contributions of all the sources whose seismic activity is deemed to affect the hazard at that site. Seismic hazard disaggregation provides insights into the earthquake scenarios driving the hazard at a given ground-motion level. This work presents the disaggregation at each grid point of the Italian rock ground-motion hazard maps developed by Gruppo di Lavoro MPS (2004), Meletti and Montaldo (2007), and Montaldo and Meletti (2007). Disaggregation is used here to compute the contributions to the MRE of peak ground horizontal acceleration (PGA) and 5%-damped 0.2, 1.0, and 2.0 sec spectral acceleration values corresponding to different mean return periods (MRPs of 475 and 2475 yr) from different scenarios. These sce-narios are characterized by bins of magnitude, M, source-to-site distance, R, and number, ε, of standard deviations that the ground-motion parameter is away from its median value for that M R pair as estimated by a prediction equation. Maps showing the geographical distribution of the mean and modal values of M, R, and ε are presented for the first time for all of Italy. Complete joint M–R–ε distributions are also presented for selected cities. Except for sites where the earthquake activity is characterized by sporadic low-magnitude events, the hazard is generally dominated by local seismicity. Moreover, as expected, the MRE of long-period spectral accelerations is generally con-trolled by large magnitude earthquakes at long distances while smaller events at shorter distances dominate the PGA and short-period spectral acceleration hazard. Finally, for a given site, as the MRP increases the dominant earthquakes tend to become larger and to occur closer to the site investigated.
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In this paper, we adopt three ground-motion simulation techniques (EXSIM, Motazedian and Atkinson, 2005, DSM, Pacor et al., 2005 and HIC, Gallovič and Brokešová, 2007), with the aim of investigating the different performances in near-fault strong-motion modeling and prediction from past and future events. The test case is the 1980, M 6.9, Irpinia earthquake, the strongest event recorded in Italy. First, we simulate the recorded strong-motion data and validate the model parameters by computing spectral acceleration and peak amplitudes residual distributions. The validated model is then used to investigate the influence of site effects and to compute synthetic ground motions around the fault. Afterward, we simulate the expected ground motions from scenario events on the Irpinia fault, varying the hypocenters, the rupture velocities and the slip distributions. We compare the median ground motions and related standard deviations from all scenario events with empirical ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs). The synthetic median values are included in the median ± one standard deviation of the considered GMPEs. Synthetic peak ground accelerations show median values smaller and with a faster decay with distance than the empirical ones. The synthetics total standard deviation is of the same order or smaller than the empirical one and it shows considerable differences from one simulation technique to another. We decomposed the total standard deviation into its between-scenario and within-scenario components. The larger contribution to the total sigma comes from the latter while the former is found to be smaller and in good agreement with empirical inter-event variability.
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Structural health monitoring (SHM) aims to improve knowledge of the safety and maintainability of civil structures. The usage of recording systems exploiting wireless communication technology is particularly suitable for SHM, especially for rapid response following earthquakes. In this study, both of these issues are combined, and we report on the application of seismic interferometry to SHM using a dataset of seven earthquakes collected using a novel wireless system of accelerometers during the L'Aquila, Italy, seismic sequence in 2009. We show that interferometric analysis allows the estimation of the shear- wave velocity of seismic phases propagating throughout a structure, and, most important for SHM purposes, allows the monitoring of the velocity variations during the aftershock sequence. Moreover, innovatively we apply the S transform to the building response functions retrieved by interferometry to estimate the fundamental resonance frequency and the quality factor Q.
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The Mw 9.0, 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake has re-opened the discussion among the scientific community about the effectiveness of earthquake early warning for large events. A well-known problem with real-time procedures is the parameter saturation, which may lead to magnitude underestimation for large earthquakes. Here we measure the initial peak ground displacement and the predominant period by progressively expanding the time window and distance range, to provide consistent magnitude estimates (M = 8.4) and a rapid prediction of the potential damage area. This information would have been available 35 s after the first P-wave detection and could have been refined in the successive 20 s using data from more distant stations. We show the suitability of the existing regression relationships between early warning parameters and magnitude, provided that an appropriate P-wave time window is used for parameter estimation. We interpret the magnitude under-estimation as a combined effect of high-pass filtering and frequency dependence of the main radiating source during the rupture process.
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Because of persistent collisions between the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate, Taiwan has been constantly threatened by large and devastating earthquakes that often cause large losses of life and property. To reduce losses caused by future damaging earthquakes, it is crucial for Taiwan to seek solutions through scientific research. The Earthquake Early Warning System (EEWS) is one of the most promising tools for alleviating threats caused by large earthquakes, and has been tested and operated in many countries (Allen et al. , 2009; Lee and Wu, 2009; Satriano et al. , 2011). Taiwan has been developing an EEWS and is one of the leading countries in EEWS practices (Wu et al. , 1998, 1999, 2011; Wu and Teng, 2002; Hsiao et al. , 2009, 2011). The present EEWS in Taiwan has been operated by the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) since 1995 and consists of 109 telemetered seismic stations that span the entire region of Taiwan. The EEWS can provide earthquake information within 20 s following an earthquake occurrence (Hsiao et al. , 2009, 2011; Wu and Teng, 2002). Although a 20 s reporting time is short, if the number of seismic stations operating within the network is increased, this time period can still be reduced. However, the cost of building such a high‐density seismic network by traditional, force‐balance seismometers is extremely high. Since the 1990s, the Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) accelerometers introduced in seismic applications (Holland, 2003) have been cost‐saving miniature devices and ideal for recording strong ground motions. The Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) research group at National Taiwan University (NTU) worked with a technology corporation to develop a P ‐wave alert device named P alert (Fig. 1) that uses MEMS accelerometers for onsite …
Site amplification is an important factor to determine seismic-wave amplitude in addition to source and propagation factors. Many previous studies have estimated site amplification factors in the frequency domain. In recent decades, real-time prediction of strong ground motion has been widely investigated and applied for earthquake early warning. Frequency-dependent site amplification factors, however, have not yet fully been taken into account in studies of the real-time prediction. A method for real-time correction of frequency-dependent site factors is proposed in this paper, in which the frequency dependence is reproduced by a causal recursive filter in the time domain.