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On the validity of visual cover estimates for time series analyses: a case study of hummock grasslands



Changes in vegetation cover are strongly linked to important ecological and environmental drivers such as fire, herbivory, temperature, water availability and altered land use. Reliable means of estimating vegetation cover are therefore essential for detecting and effectively managing ecosystem changes, and visual estimation methods are often used to achieve this. However, the repeatability and reliability of such monitoring is uncertain due to biases and errors in the measurements collected by observers. Here, we use two primary long-term monitoring datasets on spinifex grasslands, each established with different motivations and methods of data collection, to assess the validity of visual estimates in detecting meaningful trends. The first dataset is characterised by high spatial and temporal coverage but has limited detail and resolution, while the second is characterised by more intensive sampling but at fewer sites and over a shorter time. Using multivariate auto-regressive state-space models, we assess consistency between these datasets to analyse long-term temporal and spatial trends in spinifex cover whilst accounting for observation error. The relative sizes of these observation errors generally outweighed process, or non-observational errors, which included environmental stochasticity. Despite this, trends in the spatial dynamics of spinifex cover were consistent between the two datasets, with population dynamics being driven primarily by time since last fire rather than spatial location. Models based on our datasets also showed clear and consistent population traces. We conclude that visual cover estimates, in spite of their potential uncertainty, can be reliable provided that observation errors are accounted for.
On the validity of visual cover estimates for time series
analyses: a case study of hummock grasslands
Vuong Nguyen .Aaron C. Greenville .Chris R. Dickman .
Glenda M. Wardle
Received: 12 December 2014 / Accepted: 9 May 2015
ÓSpringer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015
Abstract Changes in vegetation cover are strongly
linked to important ecological and environmental
drivers such as fire, herbivory, temperature, water
availability and altered land use. Reliable means of
estimating vegetation cover are therefore essential for
detecting and effectively managing ecosystem
changes, and visual estimation methods are often used
to achieve this. However, the repeatability and re-
liability of such monitoring is uncertain due to biases
and errors in the measurements collected by observers.
Here, we use two primary long-term monitoring
datasets on spinifex grasslands, each established with
different motivations and methods of data collection,
to assess the validity of visual estimates in detecting
meaningful trends. The first dataset is characterised by
high spatial and temporal coverage but has limited
detail and resolution, while the second is characterised
by more intensive sampling but at fewer sites and over
a shorter time. Using multivariate auto-regressive
state-space models, we assess consistency between
these datasets to analyse long-term temporal and
spatial trends in spinifex cover whilst accounting for
observation error. The relative sizes of these observa-
tion errors generally outweighed process, or non-
observational errors, which included environmental
stochasticity. Despite this, trends in the spatial dynam-
ics of spinifex cover were consistent between the two
datasets, with population dynamics being driven
primarily by time since last fire rather than spatial
location. Models based on our datasets also showed
clear and consistent population traces. We conclude
that visual cover estimates, in spite of their potential
uncertainty, can be reliable provided that observation
errors are accounted for.
Keywords Monitoring Observation error
Spinifex State-space models Time series Wildfire
Visual cover
Monitoring programmes that measure changes in
vegetation cover provide important information needed
to assess the status, trends and dynamics of any study
system, and are therefore crucial for evidence-based
policy management (Eyre et al. 2011; Dickman and
Wardle 2012; Dickman et al. 2014). Vegetation cover
has been demonstrated to have strong relationshipswith
Communicated by Sarah M. Emery.
V. Nguyen (&)A. C. Greenville C. R. Dickman
G. M. Wardle
Desert Ecology Research Group, School of Biological
Sciences, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006,
V. Nguyen A. C. Greenville C. R. Dickman
G. M. Wardle
Long-Term Ecological Research Network, Terrestrial
Ecosystem Research Network, Canberra, Australia
Plant Ecol
DOI 10.1007/s11258-015-0483-7
global environmental drivers such as atmospheric CO
and global temperatures (Braswell et al. 1997;Zeng
et al. 1999), water balance and availability (Joffre and
Rambal 1993), changes in land management practices
(Vicente-Serrano et al. 2004) and fire return intervals
and fire intensity (Eckhardt et al. 2000). Increased
vegetation cover in Australian desert systems, for
example, provides the necessary ground fuel required
for large wildfires to establish and spread (Gill 1975;
Greenville et al. 2009;Nanoetal.2012).
Monitoring of grasslands often relies on visual
inspection of fixed plots to estimate cover (i.e. cover as
a percentage of the total plot area), and is a quick and
non-intensive method to use (e.g. Tischler et al. 2013;
Dickman et al. 2014). However, visual methods are
highly susceptible to observation error, raising con-
cerns about the reliability and repeatability of visual
estimates (Helm and Mead 2004; Wintle et al. 2013).
Observation errors include traditional sampling error
resulting from differences between the sampled
population and the overall population, and measure-
ment error resulting from differences between ob-
served estimates and true values (Staples et al. 2004;
Flesch 2014). These errors are less problematic when
sampling designs are standardised as differences in
sampling across sites or changes in sampling proce-
dures over the duration of the study can result in
variable observation errors over space and time.
Process error on the other hand encompasses all non-
observational error and includes variation resulting
from demographic and environmental stochasticity.
Observation errors in grasslands monitoring might
arise due to the fine texture of grasses and potentially
large areas over which cover is estimated, causing
difficulty in obtaining accurate visual estimates and
creating errors that are large, unknown or observer-
specific (Sykes et al. 1983; Bennett et al. 2000). Cover
estimates in spinifex grasslands (Triodia spp.) may be
potentially more robust, as the hummocks of spinifex
are discrete and constitute the dominant life form over
large areas so that estimates can focus on this species
rather than on overall vegetative cover, although
observation error will still be present. Cheal (2008),
for example, found large discrepancies in estimates of
spinifex cover from 16 experienced observers, ranging
from 20 to 60 % on a 10 % point scale, with no
relationship between general ecological experience of
the observer (rather than task-specific experience) and
cover estimates. In addition to the lack of observer
agreement in visual estimates, factors contributing to
observation errors can include plot size, plant mor-
phology, distribution and incorrect identification
(Kennedy and Addison 1987; Klimes
Addressing observer biases would vastly improve
the quality of visual estimates, but may not always be
possible when working within the constraints of
project costs, and requires careful consideration of
the trade-offs involved. Errors may be reduced by
taking group averages rather than relying on a single
expert (Klimes
ˇ2003; Burgman et al. 2011), or by
making replicated observations (Dennis et al. 2010;
Knape et al. 2011), but this can be costly and draw
resources away from improving spatial or temporal
coverage. Thus, in monitoring, a choice will usually
occur between sampling a few sites with high accuracy
and therefore gaining statistical power to detect small-
scale dynamical changes, and sampling with more
extensive temporal and spatial coverage to improve
overall knowledge of populations in the study system
(Morris et al. 1999). Similarly, trade-offs in sampling
can occur when determining appropriate spatial and
temporal coverage. Long-term studies are crucial for
understanding ecological processes and are necessary
to capture rare disturbance events such as fires that
drive many ecosystems (Turner et al. 2003; Linden-
mayer et al. 2012). Monitoring populations from
multiple sites is also important to identify whether
populations are independent, with different population
dynamics, or are correlated and have shared environ-
mental drivers and thus are more susceptible to
extinction (Morris et al. 1999; Warton and Wardle
2003; Ward et al. 2010). Populations that exhibit
unique, independent dynamics may require more
spatial replication to properly manage and understand
the dynamics governing each population, whereas a
correlated population might need more emphasis on
temporal replication since rare, catastrophic events
will impact all populations similarly. A careful
balance is therefore required to ensure that adequate
replication occurs on both scales to detect meaningful
changes in population abundances.
While many studies have investigated the repeata-
bility and reliability of visual cover estimates and
quantified observation errors (Sykes et al. 1983;
ˇ2003; Helm and Mead 2004; Gray and Azuma
2005), we instead wish to comment on the usefulness
of such data for discerning real trends and processes.
Our study makes use of two primary long-term
Plant Ecol
datasets on the coverage of Triodia basedowii ob-
tained from the Simpson Desert, central Australia,
which were set up with different motivations and
methods of data collection, and ran for different
lengths of time. The first places greater emphasis on
spatial and temporal coverage at the expense of
accuracy and detail (Dickman et al. 2014). The other
begins with highly intensive sampling and investigates
fewer sites over a relatively shorter period, but has
greater resolution at each site (Wardle and Dickman,
unpublished data). Using a multivariate auto-regres-
sive state-space (MARSS) approach to account for
observation error, we compare and assess the utility of
monitoring data for making informed decisions by first
analysing long-term trends in spinifex cover and
whether our two independent datasets produce similar
results. By comparing the changes in cover over time
revealed by each dataset, we assess data reliability,
and whether observed trends are substantially influ-
enced by the sampling strategy.
Using the MARSS models, we also test several
hypotheses regarding spatial relationships in T. base-
dowii populations. Re-establishment of spinifex cover
post-fire will vary depending on the amount of rainfall
(Griffin et al. 1983;Nanoetal.2012; Nano and Pavey
2013); a diverse community of herbs and grasses can
emerge during the recovery period, supplying more
palatable food sources for livestock grazing compared
to persistent stands of long-unburnt spinifex (Dickman
et al. 2014). The post-fire recovery period might
therefore produce distinct spinifex population dynamics
and responses to rainfall depending on the time since
last fire. Additionally, this rainfall can be spatially
restricted, producing isolated pockets of productivity
(Letnic and Dickman 2005,2006), such that population
dynamics depend more on the study location rather than
fire history. The interaction between the post-fire
recovery and rainfall could further distinguish spinifex
population dynamics such that study sites impacted by
the same fire may have different population dynamics
due to spatially variable rainfall regimes. Finally, we
compare the relative sizes of observation errors com-
pared to process errors as estimated by the MARSS
models. By using our two independent datasets, we aim
to determine whether visual cover estimates are capable
of detecting meaningful trends despite concerns re-
garding their reliability, or whether observation error is
sufficiently large to result in misleading and contradic-
tory conclusions.
Study region
Two long-term datasets (hereafter referred to as the
‘wide view’ dataset, and the ‘high resolution’ dataset;
Table 1) were obtained from sampling across four
pastoral stations in the Simpson Desert, central
Australia: Carlo Station, Tobermorey Station, Cravens
Peak and Ethabuka Reserves (Fig. 1), covering a
combined area of 8000 km
. The study region is
mostly composed of dune fields, with remaining areas
consisting of clay pans, rocky outcrops and gibber flats
(Dickman et al. 2014). Vegetation is dominated by
lobed spinifex (T. basedowii) with occasional small
stands of gidgee trees (Acacia georginae), other
Acacia shrubs and mallee eucalypts (Frank et al.
2012; Tischler et al. 2013; Wardle et al. 2015). Long-
term annual rainfall for this part of the desert averages
ca. 250 mm, with decreasing gradients in annual
rainfall occurring from north to south and east to west
that partition the study region into three broad
geographical areas (Greenville et al. 2012).
Wide view dataset
The wide view dataset was initially created to track
small mammal and lizard populations with the inten-
tion of long-term monitoring to capture important
boom-bust dynamics associated with sporadic, heavy
rainfall, and responses to major fire events (Dickman
et al. 1999; Letnic and Dickman 2005; Dickman et al.
2010,2011; Greenville et al. 2012). Spinifex cover and
seeding were estimated visually as additional covari-
ates as they are important components of the habitat
and diet of small mammals (Dickman et al. 2011).
Live-trapping and wide view data sampling were
carried out from 1990 to 2013 at one site and at eight
other sites from 1995 to 2013 (Fig. 1), each site
containing 2–12 grids spaced 0.5–2 km apart in
randomly chosen positions along access tracks
(Table 1). Sampling was conducted at irregular inter-
vals from 2 to 6 times a year and missing values were
included in the time series when sites were not
sampled. As sampling did not begin at most sites (8 of
9) until 1995, we use data from 1995 onwards. We also
constructed models using data only from 2004
onwards (‘truncated wide view’ dataset) to match the
temporal scale of the high-resolution dataset (see
Plant Ecol
below), allowing us to compare state predictions and
temporal trends in spinifex cover assuming that data
collection for both datasets began at the same time.
Spinifex cover was measured visually as percentage
cover (5 % point scale) in a 2.5 m radius around six
points on each sampling grid (Table 1). Due to the
irregularity of sampling intervals and the need to
reflect divergent response times, data were aggregated
by year to account for the time needed for spinifex
growth to respond to rainfall whilst simplifying model
construction and subsequent comparisons with the
high-resolution dataset. Fire treatment allocation was
ad hoc and done retrospectively, whereby a site was
labelled as burnt if most sampling grids experienced a
fire during the study period (six of nine sites). In such
cases, grids that were unaffected by fire for that site
were discarded for analyses. Likewise, for sites
labelled as unburnt, grids that did experience a fire
were discarded.
High-resolution dataset
The high-resolution dataset was created to monitor
vegetation abundance and diversity with a particular
focus on the effects of a wildfire that spread through
the Simpson Desert in 2001–2002 (Greenville et al.
2009). Subsequently, fire treatment was incorporated
into a stratified design, whereby each site consisted of
two 1-ha grids with one grid positioned in an area
burnt during the 2001–2002 wildfire, while the other
was placed in an unburnt area. Vegetation surveys
were carried out from 2004 to 2013 at four sites
(Fig. 1). Within each grid, 15 5 95 m plots were
placed in a 3 95 arrangement where the five plots on
each row were placed on the swale, the middle, and the
crest of the linear dunes and spaced randomly with a
minimum separation of 5 m along a 100-m transect,
giving a total of 120 plots across the eight grids
(Table 1). Data were not previously aggregated and
each plot was treated as a replicate sample of its
corresponding grid. Intensive sampling was carried
out in the first three years of data collection
(2004–2006), with surveys being conducted quarterly.
However, from 2007 onwards, surveys were only
conducted 1–2 times a year at unequal time intervals.
As with the wide view dataset, missing values were
included when sites were not sampled. Spinifex cover
was measured in m
rather than as a percentage, and
models for both datasets are presented as estimates of
cover area.
Model description
Data were analysed using MARSS models (Holmes
et al. 2012a,b). These models were used to calculate
true state estimates for spinifex cover accounting for
process and observation error, estimate missing val-
ues, and to investigate various spatial hypotheses.
Maximum likelihood parameters and state estimates
for these models are achieved via recursive Kalman-
Filter and Expectation–Maximisation algorithms until
the models reach convergence (Shumway and Stoffer
Table 1 Comparison of the main features of the wide view and high-resolution datasets of spinifex cover obtained from sampling at
multiple sites in the Simpson Desert, central Australia
Design feature Wide view dataset High-resolution dataset
Time series length Long (1995–2013) Medium (2004–2013)
Spatial coverage High Medium
Number of sites 9 4
Blocks/grids 2–12 2
Accuracy/detail Low High
Plots 6 per grid, circular 2.5 m radius 15 per grid, square, 5 95m
Spinifex estimation method Percentage cover, 5 % point scale Area cover, 0.5 m
point scale
Number of observers High ([10, with varying experience) Low (four trained personnel)
Data analysis Aggregated by site and year Not aggregated
Fire treatment Site level, ad hoc assignment Grids within sites
Plant Ecol
2006). Conceptually, the state-space model partitions
population models into observed (data) and unob-
served (true state) components. Let ndenote the
number of discrete survey sites and mdenote the
number of hypothesised populations. The MARSS
model is then denoted by
Xt¼Xt1þuþCctþwt;wtMVN 0;QðÞð1Þ
Yt¼Zxtþaþvt;vtMVN 0;RðÞ ð2Þ
where Eq. (1) represents the model for the true states,
is the mtrue states at time t,uis the trend parameter,
Cis the covariate effect, c
is the covariate value at
time t, and w
is the process error assumed to be from a
multivariate normal (MVN) distribution with mean
zero and variance–covariance matrix Q(Holmes et al.
2007; Hinrichsen and Holmes 2009). Equation (2)
represents the model for the observed states, where Y
is the nobserved estimates at time t,Zis a
n9mmatrix of 0’s and 1’s denoting population
structure, pairing up each of the nobservations to one
of the mhypothesised states, and is used to explore
various spatial hypotheses (see Fig. 2for more
details), ais the mean linear difference between
survey sites measuring the same sub-population with
respect to the first site, and v
is the observation error
assumed to be MVN with mean zero and variance–
covariance matrix R.
For the wide view dataset, we erected and tested the
following hypotheses: (1) Individual site model (9
states): Each of the nine sampling sites act as
independent, uncorrelated populations (Z is a 9 99
Fig. 1 Location of study sites across Carlo Station, Tober-
morey Station, Cravens Park and Ethabuka Reserve, Simpson
Desert, central Australia. Circles indicate sites that belong to the
wide view dataset, the square indicates a site belonging to the
high-resolution dataset and triangles belong to both. Red fills are
sites that were retrospectively labelled as burnt for the wide view
dataset and indicate sites that experienced a fire over the summer
of 2001–2002 and are designated as burnt sites for the duration
of the time series (1995–2013), while blue indicates unburnt
sites. (Color figure online)
Plant Ecol
diagonal matrix, whereby each site is paired up with its
own corresponding state); (2) Geographical region
model (3 states): Sites can be grouped by geographical
area into northern, southern and western populations
partitioned by rainfall (Z is a 9 93 matrix whereby
for each row, a 1 in the first, second or third column
pairs that observation with the northern, southern or
western population, respectively); (3) Wildfire model
(2 states): Sites can be grouped into burnt and unburnt
populations based on their time since last fire, with
particular reference to the 2001–2002 wildfires (Z is a
992 matrix whereby for each row, a 1 in the first or
second column pairs that observation with the burnt or
unburnt population, respectively). The Cc
were used to model the immediate effect of the
2001–2002 wildfires, whereby c
was set to 1 for 2002
and 0 for the remaining years; and (4) Complete
homogeneity (1 state): Populations from all nine sites
act as a single population following the same trajec-
tory with shared model parameters (Z is a 9 91
column vector of 1’s). For the high-resolution dataset,
we tested similar hypotheses with slight variations due
to the different designs: (1) Complete heterogeneity (8
states): Each of our grids acts as independent,
uncorrelated populations. This can be likened to an
interaction effect between fire history and site; (2)
Individual site model (4 states): Each of the four sites
acts as an independent population with no significant
effect of fire history on the trajectory or parameters;
(3) Wildfire model (2 states): Populations on burnt
grids follow the same trajectory with shared pa-
rameters regardless of site and similarly for unburnt
grids; and (4) Complete homogeneity: There is no
effect of site or fire history, and all grids in the study
area follow the same trajectory with shared pa-
rameters. For each of the hypotheses, we estimate a
unique trend parameter ufor each hypothesised state.
The variance–covariance matrix Qfor the process
errors was modelled as unconstrained (i.e. non-zero
covariances) for all hypotheses except the ‘Individual
site model’ for the wide view dataset, in which Qwas
modelled as a diagonal matrix due to convergence
issues. These convergence issues resulted in degener-
ate variance estimates and is generally caused by a
Fig. 2 Flowchart
describing the process of
testing spatial hypotheses
using MARSS models
Plant Ecol
lack of data relative to the number of parameters being
estimated (Holmes et al. 2012b). A unique observation
error was estimated for each site in the high-resolution
dataset, while only a single error term was estimated
for the wide view dataset due to similar issues. For
both datasets, the variance–covariance matrix Rwas
modelled with zero covariance. The best fitting model
was identified as having the lowest Akaike Informa-
tion Criterion adjusted for small sample sizes (AICc),
whereby DAICc\2 points suggests no substantial
difference between models, and DAICc[8 points is
considered weakly supported (Burnham and Anderson
Spatial hypotheses and state predictions
Multivariate auto-regressive state-space models for
the wide view and truncated wide view datasets show
the wildfire model to have the greatest support
(DAICc[8 compared to the next lowest AICcval-
ues), with the individual site model having the least
support (Table 2). MARSS models for the high-
resolution dataset show similar results, with the
wildfire model having the greatest support despite a
shorter time series which did not include the
2001–2002 wildfires (Table 2). Thus, there is agree-
ment between both datasets and T. basedowii can be
grouped reliably into burnt and unburnt populations,
with trends in spinifex population dynamics better
explained by time since last fire than by spatial
True state estimates produced by the wildfire model
for the wide view dataset indicate gradually increasing
cover from 1995 onwards across all sites until the
2001–2002 wildfires, creating a distinct division
between the burnt and unburnt populations (Fig. 3).
Following the fire, state estimates for both datasets
show similar temporal trends in spinifex cover in
which burnt populations remained low throughout the
remainder of the monitoring period, with only a slight
hint of a recovery by the end of the monitoring period
(Figs. 3,4). Meanwhile, spinifex cover in unburnt
populations decreased gradually, dipping to a mini-
mum in 2008 as a result of an extended drought period,
followed by a relatively rapid recovery that followed
heavy rains in 2010 and led to an outpacing of growth
compared to that in the burnt populations. While
truncating the wide view dataset to match the high-
resolution dataset in terms of time series length still
retains the population structure results (Table 2), this
model was unable to disentangle observation error
from the process error, resulting in poor state estimates
for the burnt population (Fig. 5).
Comparison of maximum likelihood parameter
In both the wide view and high-resolution datasets, the
observation error made up a larger component of the
error term compared to process error, Q(Table 3).
Observation errors were also found to be spatially
variable, differing across and within sites. For exam-
ple, the high-resolution dataset shows that the Main
Camp site has substantially higher observation error
terms compared to the other sites. In addition, both
datasets suggest that observation error in unburnt sites
is larger relative to that in burnt sites. In contrast, while
both datasets suggest positive spinifex growth (l)in
burnt and unburnt populations, the relative growth
Table 2 Comparison of model performance investigating sub-
population structure of spinifex at sites in the Simpson Desert,
central Australia, using wide view, truncated wide view (from
2004 onwards) and high-resolution datasets of spinifex cover
(see Methods for description of hypotheses), with the best fit-
ting model given by the lowest AICc
States AICc
Wide view dataset
Wildfire 2 438.4703
Geographical region 3 487.1419
Complete homogeneity 1 487.8002
Independent site 9 539.2734
Truncated wide view dataset
Wildfire 2 197.2785
Complete homogeneity 1 206.0595
Geographical region 3 223.1979
Independent site 9 245.1594
High-resolution dataset
Wildfire 2 6672.06
Complete homogeneity 1 6688.90
Independent site 4 6923.79
Complete heterogeneity 8 7171.68
Qwith covariance set to 0
Plant Ecol
rates differ between burnt and unburnt populations.
Spinifex growth in burnt sites was estimated to be
substantially higher compared to unburnt sites for the
wide view dataset, while the reverse was true for the
high-resolution dataset. However, confidence inter-
vals in both cases overlap zero suggesting that this
growth is non-significant. In general, confidence
intervals for the wide view dataset are much larger
when compared to the high-resolution dataset, despite
the longer time series.
Ecological monitoring programmes are critical for
understanding ecological processes, provision of long-
term data, supporting evidence-based decision mak-
ing, and adaptive conservation management (Speller-
berg 2005; Wintle et al. 2010; Eyre et al. 2011;
Lindenmayer et al. 2012,2014). Visual cover esti-
mates are cheap, rapid and are prevalent in monitoring
programmes of vegetation cover. That these cover
estimates in forests (Helm and Mead 2004) have
previously been shown to be non-reproducible and
highly susceptible to error is therefore a serious issue,
and has implications for management decisions based
upon such inputs. More positively, the use of feedback
and calibration of observer results does improve
reliability of visual estimation (Wintle et al. 2013).
Despite these widely acknowledged concerns, our
study demonstrates through the use of two empirical
datasets that monitoring data can still uncover
1995 2000 2005 2010
Main Camp
1995 2000 2005 2010
1995 2000 2005 2010
Field River South
1995 2000 2005 2010
Kunnamuka Swamp East
Spinifex cover (m2
per plot)
1995 2000 2005 2010
Shitty Site
1995 2000 2005 2010
South Site
1995 2000 2005 2010
Field River North
1995 2000 2005 2010
Tobermorey East
1995 2000 2005 2010
Tobermorey West
Fig. 3 State predictions (solid line) and their 95 % confidence
intervals (dashed lines) for cover of spinifex from the best fitting
model (wildfire) for the wide view dataset obtained from nine
sites in the Simpson Desert, central Australia. Filled points
indicate actual observations. Red represents state predictions
and observations from burnt sites, while blue represents those
from unburnt populations. (Color figure online)
Plant Ecol
conclusive trends. Although the wide view and high-
resolution datasets began with different motivations,
and subsequently employed varying study designs and
collection methods, monitoring data from these
datasets were mostly consistent in terms of population
structure and temporal trends. Models constructed
from both datasets, for example, suggested that
population dynamics for spinifex can be grouped by
time since last fire into distinct burnt and unburnt
populations, and we found generally little support for
models suggesting site by site differences in the
response to fire. Thus, the impact of the major
2001–2002 wildfire, and the subsequent temporal
dynamics driven by rainfall events and periods of
drought, were so extreme as to override any potential
spatial heterogeneity that might have existed, for
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Main Camp
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Field River South
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Spinifex cover ( m2
per plot)
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Carlo Shitty
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
South Site
Fig. 4 State predictions (solid lines) with their 95 % confi-
dence intervals (dashed lines) for cover of spinifex from the best
fitting model (wildfire) for the high-resolution dataset obtained
from four sites in the Simpson Desert, central Australia. Small
circles indicate observations from each of 15 replicate plots,
while large filled points indicate the means of these plots. Each
of the four sites contains state predictions and observations from
burnt (red) and unburnt (blue) populations. (Color figure online)
Plant Ecol
example, as a result of spatially variable rainfall
regimes or pre-fire vegetation composition (Wardle
et al. 2013). Trends such as the relatively slow post-
fire recovery in the burnt populations following the
2001–2002 wildfires and the impact of the drought on
the unburnt populations are also consistent and
reasonably identifiable between the two datasets. A
comparison of the relative growth rates between burnt
and unburnt sites showed conflicting results; however,
this was likely because estimation for the high-
resolution dataset only captures the period following
the 2001–2002 wildfires in which the population
experiences comparatively slow recovery, resulting in
lower growth estimate compared to the wide view
dataset. Thus, we conclude that the monitoring data in
both cases had enough power to detect these large
environmental drivers despite the substantial obser-
vation errors.
Concerns regarding observer bias and errors when
making visual cover estimates are not without good
reason as errors can be potentially quite large (Helm
and Mead 2004; Cheal 2008; Vittoz et al. 2010). These
errors can be so large as to exceed actual year to year
variation in cover (Klimes
ˇ2003), and our results
suggest this is the case with estimates of spinifex
cover, albeit over the period of least change in cover
post-fire rather than including the fire itself. While one
might expect that such substantial errors would
provide unreliable and misleading results (Kennedy
and Addison 1987), these errors here did not appear to
hinder our ability to discern consistent trends from the
two datasets. Having replicate observations in the
high-resolution dataset vastly improved the model’s
capacity to disentangle both process and observation
error, and additionally allowed estimates of observa-
tion error to be calculated for each sampling location.
We note that this was not possible when the high-
resolution data were aggregated, as the models
encountered convergence issues in the algorithms, a
common problem when data are insufficient (Dennis
et al. 2006; Holmes et al. 2012a). Similar issues
occurred with the wide view dataset despite the longer
time series, particularly as there were more sites for
which observation error needed to be estimated and
many missing values for some sites. Consequently,
only a single observation error term was calculated for
the nine sites. However, our high-resolution dataset
suggests it may not be appropriate to assume that all
sites have equal observation errors as they can differ
substantially both between and within sites. For
example, we found observation errors to be larger in
unburnt sites, likely due to greater variation in cover
between plots, higher cover overall and higher process
error resulting in bigger changes over time. Combined
with the higher frequency of large, mature hummocks
of spinifex which vary greatly in shape and distribu-
tion in unburnt sites, and increased likelihood of
overhanging the plot, these factors all add to the
difficulty of providing reliable estimates of cover.
In contrast, spinifex cover at burnt sites remained
low throughout the study and consisted mostly of
small, re-establishing seedlings post-fire (Rice and
Westoby 1999), resulting in lower estimates for
observation error at burnt sites. Kennedy and Addison
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Wide View Dataset
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
High Resolution Dataset
Spinifex cover ( m2
per plot)
Fig. 5 Comparison of state predictions (solid lines) averaged
across sites and 95 % confidence intervals (dashed lines) for
cover of spinifex derived from wildfire models for the wide view
dataset and the high-resolution dataset obtained from multiple
sites in the Simpson Desert, central Australia. The wildfire model
for the wide view dataset was constructed using only data from
2004 onwards to allow comparison with the high-resolution
dataset, thus assuming that data collection for both datasets
began at the same time. Observations (points) for the high-
resolution dataset are presented as site means. Red represents
mean state predictions and observations for the burnt, while blue
represents those from unburnt populations. (Color figure online)
Plant Ecol
(1987) compared observation errors between species
and found larger errors for those with low cover, but
this result was driven by detection errors where small,
infrequently distributed species were seen in one
sampling unit, but not the next. Conversely, Sykes
et al. (1983) suggested that observation errors are less
likely to occur at the lower and higher extremities and
most likely to occur in between, and our results for
spinifex cover seem to follow this pattern. Variation in
the distribution and amount of cover between sites can
therefore lead to some sites being more difficult to
estimate cover than others. Thus, observation error can
be better accounted for by focusing on fewer sites with
greater replication than with the approach taken in the
wide view dataset that emphasised greater spatial and
temporal coverage (Dennis et al. 2010). In addition,
the potential size of observation errors might some-
times be anticipated; for example, if a site is known to
have consistently lower cover or species diversity,
monitoring resources could be distributed more effi-
ciently. Higher diversity sites can complicate visual
estimates as there is more heterogeneity in the possible
sources of error, and cover estimates for individual
plant species are more susceptible to errors than
overall estimates of vegetation cover (Klimes
In contrast, study systems dominated by a single
species, as is the case in our study, would be less
vulnerable to complications associated with estimat-
ing cover for multiple, low abundance species, and
estimating cover for only the dominant life form can
be quite informative of the study system. Thus, visual
estimates may be more appropriate for grassland study
systems compared to other environments such as
woodlands where species diversity may be higher.
Investigating the extent of spatial heterogeneity and
determining whether populations exhibit unique
population trajectories can be particularly informative
(Ward et al. 2010). Since spinifex population dynam-
ics were shared across sites and driven predominantly
by time since last fire, the increased spatial coverage
observed in the wide view dataset may not have been
necessary if one is purely interested in monitoring
spinifex cover. However, the longer time series
provided this monitoring programme with an ad hoc
opportunity to observe the impacts of a major wildfire.
Wildfires are known to be a major driver of Australian
desert ecosystems (Gill 1975; Griffin et al. 1983), and
though fire cannot occur without consecutive seasons
of high rainfall that promote plant growth and hence
ground fuel, such events remain difficult to anticipate,
with fire return intervals ranging from 20 to 50 years
(Greenville et al. 2009; Nano et al. 2012). While it
cannot be known exactly when wildfire events might
occur, identifying potentially important drivers a
priori is the key to a well-designed monitoring
programme (Wintle et al. 2010). In contrast, while
the targeted monitoring approach of the high-resolu-
tion dataset is expected to have more power to detect
Table 3 Maximum likelihood parameter estimates from the best fitting models using wide view and high-resolution datasets on
spinifex cover sampled at multiple sites in the Simpson Desert, central Australia
Parameter Wide view High resolution
Burnt Unburnt Burnt Unburnt
Growth rate (l) 0.179 (-0.067, 0.414) 0.056 (-0.486, 0.458) 0.059 (-0.001, 0.119) 0.086 (-0.102, 0.273)
Effect of fire (C)-5.645 (-0.676, -4.022)
Process error (Q) 0.119 (0.000, 0.598) 0.907 (0.001, 2.064) 0.032 (0.004, 0.059) 0.265 (0.035, 0.495)
Observation error (R)
All 1.467 (0.908, 1.671)
Main Camp 2.635 (2.187, 3.083) 2.795 (2.285, 3.304)
Field River 0.570 (0.469, 0.670) 0.613 (0.499, 0.727)
Carlo Shitty 0.865 (0.717, 1.013) 1.460 (1.204, 1.716)
South Site 0.328 (0.269, 0.386) 1.262 (1.040, 1.484)
The immediate reduction in spinifex cover due to the wildfire in 2001–2002 is captured by the Cparameter and is estimated only for
the wide view dataset as it covered the time period in which it occurred. Observation error (R) was estimated for each grid in the high-
resolution dataset, while only a single, shared observation error term was estimated for the wide view dataset due to convergence
issues. Bootstrapped 95 % confidence intervals are given in parentheses
Plant Ecol
meaningful trends relating to time since last fire, the
actual event itself may not always be captured, and is a
testament to the value of long-term monitoring
(Franklin 1989; Dickman and Wardle 2012; Linden-
mayer et al. 2012). Interestingly, even when the wide
view dataset was truncated to be of similar length to
the high-resolution dataset but without the additional
sampling intensity, the fire signal was still strong
enough to be detected despite not being incorporated
into the study design. However, this shortened time
series had insufficient data from each site to properly
disentangle process and observation errors, and re-
sulted in poor state estimates for the burnt population.
If funding uncertainties result in researchers being
unable to commit to long-term monitoring pro-
grammes, it may therefore be prudent to ensure that
short-time series are of high quality, either through
achieving sufficient replication over short periods to
estimate observation errors, or through use of solu-
tions that reduce impact such as taking mean values
ˇ2003; Wintle et al. 2013).
Visual cover estimates are by no means perfect, but
are rapid, cheap, non-destructive and commonly
available, and therefore realistically are more likely
to be carried out over long time periods and over large
spatial scales than intensive repeat sampling. The use
of remote sensing technologies and computer-image
analysis provide an attractive alternative for reducing
observation error (Bennett et al. 2000; Booth and
Tueller 2003) but will introduce observation errors of
other kinds, including the choice of post-process
algorithms (Kennedy et al. 2014). Furthermore, this
does not reduce the need for field-based approaches to
assist with image interpretation and obtain other
important measurements to provide a complete picture
of the study system (Lathrop Jr et al. 2014). While it is
important to acknowledge the presence of errors and
biases, visual estimates can generally be relied upon to
detect meaningful changes (Vanha-Majamaa et al.
2000; Irvine and Rodhouse 2010), and our results
provide some vindication for their continued use in
management and monitoring studies. However, this
conclusion depends on observer error being accounted
for. There are several options for reducing observation
error such as taking group averages rather than relying
on a single expert (Klimes
ˇ2003; Burgman et al. 2011),
bias correction factors (Sykes et al. 1983) or active
calibration feedback to evaluate performance (Wintle
et al. 2013), and how one wishes to address this issue
should be considered before deciding to implement
sampling based on visual cover estimates.
Acknowledgments We thank land managers in the Simpson
Desert for access to their properties, especially Bush Heritage
Australia, Bobby Tamayo and David Nelson for much logistical
assistance with all aspects of the field programmes and data
collection, Chin-Liang Beh and other members of the Desert
Ecology Research Group for additional assistance and many
volunteers for help in the field and laboratory. We also thank the
Australian Research Council and the Long-Term Ecological
Research Network for provision of funding.
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... Water is the key limiting resource for most species in deserts (e.g., Dickman, Mahon et al. 1999;Greenville, Wardle et al. 2014;Pavey and Nano 2013;Whitford 2002), but for terrestrial consumers, precipitation also acts indirectly by limiting the availability of plant resources. Vegetation cover (e.g., spinifex, Nano, Clarke et al. 2012;Nguyen, Greenville et al. 2015) expands and populations of a range of vertebrate taxa, including rodents (Dickman, Greenville et al. 2010) and birds (Tischler, Dickman et al. 2013), irrupt at distinct lags ranging from two to ten months following heavy precipitation. However, other taxa, such as dasyurid marsupials (Dickman, Haythornthwaite et al. 2001;Greenville, Wardle et al. 2016) and dragon ...
... Dune swales have higher cover of spinifex, up to 60%, along with similar composition of grasses, forbs and scattered shrubs. Distinct patches of Georgina gidgee Acacia georginae woodlands ranging from 0.5 ha to 10 ha and lie on heavier clay soils (Wardle, Greenville et al. 2015). Daily temperatures in summer usually exceed 40°C; winter minima fall below 5°C (Purdie 1984). ...
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In hot deserts, low, but highly variable precipitation drives resource availability, resulting in dramatic fluctuations of many consumer populations. However, the timeframes over which species respond to resource influxes are poorly understood.We pitfall-trapped ants in winter and spring over a twenty-two year period (1992-2013) in the Simpson Desert, central Australia.We asked: over what time-scale does ant activity (abundance and species richness) respond to climate (temperature and precipitation) and vegetation (plant species richness, cover and plant resources: flowering and seeding)? We considered both ‘standard lags’, i.e., the conditions at time i prior to sampling, and ‘cumulative lags’, i.e., the conditions prevailing over the entire period since time i. Ant species richness in samples responded positively to high winter temperatures, but negatively to high summer temperatures during the year prior to sampling. Short-term responses to precipitation were idiosyncratic, but longer-term responses were positive, peaking at fourteen months and probably driven indirectly through precipitation impacts on plant production. Responses to resource availability over long time frames (cumulative lags) were relatively stable, while short-term responses (standard lags) were stronger, but highly idiosyncratic, indicating that high cumulative resource availability promotes ant abundance and diversity, while short-term pulses in resource availability have less predictable impacts.The social structure of ants may allow greater flexibility in short-term responses to resource fluctuations, imparting greater long-term stability than non-social species. © 2018 Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales. All rights reserved.
... The following day, spool lines were followed and the cumulative distance travelled by each released animal measured to the nearest 0.1 m using a tape measure [32]. Additionally, percentage cover of seven different microhabitat types was estimated visually using a 0.5 × 0.5 m quadrat at fixed 2.5 m intervals along the spool trails [23,32,101]. These microhabitats were: live spinifex, dead spinifex, ground cover, shrub cover, dead wood, all other vegetation, and bare ground (table 1). ...
... onMay 11, 2018 Downloaded from ...
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Interspecific competition may occur when resources are limited, and is often most intense between animals in the same ecological guild. Intraguild predation (IGP) is a distinctive form of interference competition, where a dominant predator selectively kills subordinate rivals to gain increased access to resources. However, before IGP can be identified, organisms must be confirmed as members of the same guild and occur together in space and time. The lesser hairy-footed dunnart (Sminthopsis youngsoni, Dasyuridae) is a generalist marsupial insectivore in arid Australia, but consumes wolf spiders (Lycosa spp., Lycosidae) disproportionately often relative to their availability. Here, we test the hypothesis that this disproportionate predation is a product of frequent encounter rates between the interactants due to high overlap in their diets and use of space and time. Diet and prey availability were determined using direct observations and invertebrate pitfall trapping, microhabitat use by tracking individuals of both species-groups, and temporal activity using spotlighting and camera traps. Major overlap (greater than 75% similarity) was found in diet and temporal activity, and weaker overlap in microhabitat use. Taken together, these findings suggest reasonable potential, for the first time, for competition and intraguild predation to occur between taxa as disparate as marsupials and spiders.
... In the first postfire survey, we also recorded the percent area burned within 3 m of each trap. Percent cover estimates were performed by a single observer (T.S.D.) to reduce observation error (Nguyen et al., 2015). ...
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Deserts are often highly biodiverse and provide important habitats for many threatened species. Fire is a dominant disturbance in deserts, and prescribed burning is increasingly being used by conservation managers and Indigenous peoples to mitigate the damaging effects of climate change, invasive plants, and land‐use change. The size, severity, and patchiness of fires can affect how animals respond to fire. However, there are almost no studies examining such burn characteristics in desert environments, which precludes the use of such information in conservation planning. Using a before‐after control‐impact approach with 20 sampling sites, we studied the outcomes of 10 prescribed burns of varying size (5–267 ha), severity, and patchiness to identify which variables best predicted changes in small mammal and reptile species richness and abundance. Three of the 13 species showed a clear response to fire. Captures increased for 2 species (1 mammal, 1 reptile) and decreased for 1 species (a reptile) as the proportional area burned around traps increased. Two other mammal species showed weaker positive responses to fire. Total burn size and burn patchiness were not influential predictors for any species. Changes in capture rates occurred only at sites with the largest and most severe burns. No fire‐related changes in capture rates were observed where fires were small and very patchy. Our results suggest that there may be thresholds of fire size or fire severity that trigger responses to fire, which has consequences for management programs underpinned by the patch mosaic burning paradigm. The prescribed burns we studied, which are typical in scale and intensity across many desert regions, facilitated the presence of some taxa and are unlikely to have widespread or persistent negative impacts on small mammal or reptile communities in this ecosystem provided that long unburned habitat harboring threatened species is protected.
... Abundance data also provide a necessary basis for weighting the traits of individual species (de Bello et al., 2007). The most consistent data will be collected by the same individuals using the same methods (Nguyen et al., 2015). Morrison et al. (2020) compared presence/absence records from multiple observers in the same year and reported that pseudo-turnover-apparent changes in composition that are instead a result of observer error-was 24% at the 1-m 2 scale. ...
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Human activities are altering ecological communities around the globe. Understanding the implications of these changes requires that we consider the composition of those communities. However, composition can be summarized by many metrics which in turn are influenced by different ecological processes. For example, incidence-based metrics strongly reflect species gains or losses, while abundance-based metrics are minimally affected by changes in the abundance of small or uncommon species. Furthermore, metrics might be correlated with different predictors. We used a globally distributed experiment to examine variation in species composition within 60 grasslands on six continents. Each site had an identical experimental and sampling design: 24 plots × 4 years. We For affiliations refer to page 13. expressed compositional variation within each site-not across sites-using abundance-and incidence-based metrics of the magnitude of dissimilarity (Bray-Curtis and Sorensen, respectively), abundance-and incidence-based measures of the relative importance of replacement (balanced variation and species turnover, respectively), and species richness at two scales (per plot-year [alpha] and per site [gamma]). Average compositional variation among all plot-years at a site was high and similar to spatial variation among plots in the pretreatment year, but lower among years in untreated plots. For both types of metrics, most variation was due to replacement rather than nestedness. Differences among sites in overall within-site compositional variation were related to several predictors. Environmental heterogeneity (expressed as the CV of total aboveground plant biomass in unfertilized plots of the site) was an important predictor for most met-rics. Biomass production was a predictor of species turnover and of alpha diversity but not of other metrics. Continentality (measured as annual temperature range) was a strong predictor of Sorensen dissimilarity. Metrics of compositional variation are moderately correlated: knowing the magnitude of dissimilarity at a site provides little insight into whether the variation is driven by replacement processes. Overall, our understanding of compositional variation at a site is enhanced by considering multiple metrics simultaneously. Monitoring programs that explicitly incorporate these implications, both when designing sampling strategies and analyzing data, will have a stronger ability to understand the com-positional variation of systems and to quantify the impacts of human activities.
... Within each quadrat, plant species were identified, ground coverage of each species was visually assessed, and phenology (i.e., flowering status: Flowering or not) was recorded by the same observer on a weekly basis from June to August 2019, from May to July 2020, and from May to August 2021. When estimating the proportional coverage of one plant species in the quadrat, the observer estimated the vertical projection area of the upper branches of each cluster, then added them up together to calculate the proportion of the area of this species in the quadrant [34]. The total proportional vegetation coverage of some quadrats may exceed 100% in view of spatial vegetation structure. ...
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Natural habitats play crucial roles in biodiversity conservation and shape the delivery of ecosystem services in farming landscapes. By providing diverse resources to foraging natural enemies, they can equally enhance biological pest control. In this study, we described the plant community and foliage-dwelling invertebrate predators within non-crop habitats of the Gobi Desert oases in southern Xinjiang, China. We assessed whether plant-related variables (i.e., species identity, flowering status) and herbivore abundance affect natural enemy identity and abundance. A total of 18 plant species belonging to 18 genera and 10 families were commonly encountered, with Apocynum pictum (Apocynaceae), Phragmites communis (Poaceae), Karelinia caspia (Asteraceae), and Tamarix ramosissima (Tamaricaceae) as the dominant species. Certain plant species (P. communis) primarily provide shelter, while others offer (floral, non-floral) food resources or alternative prey. Predatory ladybeetles and spiders were routinely associated with these plants and foraged extensively within adjacent field crops. Plant traits and herbivore abundance explained up to 44% (3%–44%) variation in natural enemy community and exhibited consistent, year-round effects. Among all plant species, A. pictum consistently had a significantly higher abundance of resident natural enemies, except for August 2019. Our study underlines how perennial flowering plants, such as A. pictum, are essential to sustain natural enemy communities and related ecosystem services in arid settings. This work not only informs sustainable pest management initiatives but also shows how non-crop habitats at the periphery of agricultural fields underpin ecological resilience under adverse climatic conditions.
... One major challenge in estimating plant cover is that the "true value" is unknown, and a method selected to measure plant cover is assumed to generate values that approximate reality. Although various methods are available to estimate plant cover, the main distinction among methods is whether plant cover is determined visually or digitally (Shafran-Nathan et al., 2013;Nguyen et al., 2015;Büchi et al., 2018). Visual estimation of plant cover, in which one or more observers estimate the proportion of a defined area covered by the vertical projection and spread of plants (i.e., canopy cover), comprises some of the oldest methods in plant community ecology and is frequently used in long-term monitoring studies in Australia (e.g., Norman et al., 2006), Europe (e.g., Hejcman et al., 2007;Heinrichs & Schmidt, 2015), and the United States (e.g., Coulloudon et al., 1999;Pellant et al., 2005). ...
Question Reliable estimates of understory (non-tree) plant cover following fire are essential to assess early forest community recovery. Photographic digital image analysis (DIA) is frequently used in seral, single-strata vegetation, given its greater objectivity and repeatability compared to observer visual estimation; however, its efficacy in multi-strata forest vegetation may be compromised, where various visual obstructions (coarse downed wood—CDW—conifer regeneration, and shadows) may conceal plant cover in the digital imagery. We asked whether vegetation complexity influences plant cover estimated by DIA relative to two visual methods: plot-level (20 m²) estimation (PLE) and quadrat-level (1 m²) estimation (QLE)? Location Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, U.S.A. Methods We estimated understory plant cover in subalpine forest vegetation on permanent plots (n = 141) at two study areas ~30 years after the 1988 Yellowstone fires to 1) assess differences in visual obstructions between study areas in our digital imagery, 2) compare digital to visual estimates of plant cover, and 3) determine relationships between estimated plant cover and visual obstructions measured in situ. Results Percent conifer regeneration pixels differed significantly (odds ratio=8.34) between study areas, which represented the greatest difference in visual obstructions. At the study area with lower conifer pixels, DIA estimated 9% (95% confidence interval (CI)=3–14%) and 16% (95% CI=10–21%) more understory plant cover than PLE or QLE, respectively, but had comparable variability. At the study area with higher conifer pixels, DIA estimated 28% (95% CI=24–32%) and 22% (95% CI=18–26%) less understory plant cover than PLE or QLE, respectively, and had more variability. Furthermore, plot-level subcanopy regeneration (height>137 cm) density was negatively associated with digitally-derived plant cover but showed no relationship with visually-derived plant cover. Conclusions Post-fire conifer regeneration hindered the efficacy of DIA in estimating understory plant cover. Digital estimation is advantageous in single-strata vegetation but should not be used in complex, multi-strata vegetation.
... We also generated percent cover estimates for each transect by averaging across all quadrats within a transect. Visual cover estimates, while sometimes not as precise as point counts, are reliable protocols to detect differences in studies such as ours (see discussions in Dethier et al. 1993;Johns et al. 2015;Nguyen et al. 2015). These data are presented cautiously here, as a way to compare relative differences in abundance among taxa and locations. ...
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More non-native species (NNS) are reported from harbors, estuaries and protected embayments than in wave-exposed, open-coast habitats. In California (USA), hundreds of NNS have become established in international ports, and dozens are known from smaller estuaries. In contrast, only 22 NNS are reported from the state’s 1350 km of open coast. As a result, the perception that open-coast habitats are not vulnerable to invasions has persisted. Management and monitoring focuses on ports and estuaries; the last major monitoring effort on the open coast occurred in 2004. Much of the species-rich Central California coast is now part of a network of marine protected areas (MPAs). We surveyed 12 wave-swept rocky intertidal and eight subtidal sites (from 37°53′40N 122°42′30W to 36°31′16N 121°56′22W) for NNS. At least one NNS was detected at half of the sites surveyed, but most were not widespread or abundant. One exception, a bryozoan in the Watersipora spp. complex, known primarily from ports and estuaries, was found at multiple sites, and was abundant at some. Another non-native, the alga Caulacanthus ustulatus, was abundant at a single site. MPAs were just as likely as sites outside of MPAs to have NNS. For subtidal sites, proximity to a harbor was correlated with the abundance of non-natives. Our findings suggest that our study area is still relatively uninvaded, but the success of Watersipora within some of these highly diverse rocky shore sites underscores the potential vulnerability of high-value open-coast systems to invasions.
... Research into the population dynamics of selected fauna and flora within this region has indicated strong relationships between rainfall and the abundance of certain taxa (e.g. birds : Tischler et al. 2013;rodents: Dickman et al. 2010;Greenville 2015;spinifex: Nano et al. 2012;Nguyen et al. 2015). For many of the vertebrate consumers a tacit assumption is that population increases are due not to rainfall per se or even to flushes in primary productivity, but rather to the pulses of invertebrates that they generate. ...
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Understanding the impacts of rainfall and fire on the population dynamics of mammals in desert ecosystems has been hampered by a lack of long-term data. In this study, we use a 16-year data set to investigate these relationships in an assemblage of 8 small rodents and dasyurid marsupials in central Australia. We hypothesized that marsupial populations would be less variable and less responsive to rainfall than rodents, and would also exhibit lower capture rates. We also hypothesized that fire would decrease capture rates of both groups and that in the 5 years after fire, rodents would be more abundant on burned sites than marsupials. Our data show, however, that population fluctuations in rodents and marsupials were largely synchronous, albeit of greater absolute size in rodents, and only partly explained by antecedent rainfall. While fire initially reduced all mammal populations, postburn areas were preferentially exploited by both groups, with rodents displaying only a weak pattern of prolonged use of burned areas. Since both groups recovered well from drought and wildfire, protection of drought refuges and generation of new habitat through small prescribed burns may benefit both groups. Although dasyurid marsupials have been found previously to show inconsistent responses to rainfall and fire, we conclude that their dynamics may sometimes resemble the "boom" and "bust" cycles that typify rodent populations in Australia's arid interior.
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Long-term field-based monitoring is essential to develop a deep understanding of how ecosystems function and to identify species at risk of decline. However, conducting long-term field-based research poses some unique challenges due to the harsh environmental conditions or extreme weather events that may be encountered. Such conditions are especially likely to occur in arid environments. Fieldwork issues can arise from vehicle breakdowns, wildfires and heavy rainfall events, all of which can delay or even cancel data collection. In addition, long-term monitoring typically requires multiple observers, which may add observation bias to estimates of measured parameters. Thus there is an increasing need to develop new statistical techniques that take advantage of the power of long time-series datasets that also are incomplete. Here we discuss multivariate autoregressive state-space (MARSS) modelling; a relatively new statistical technique for modelling long-term time-series data. MARSS models allow users to investigate incomplete datasets caused by missing values. In contrast to traditional modelling techniques, such as generalised linear models that only estimate error from environmental stochasticity (process error), MARSS models estimate both process and observation errors. By estimating observation errors, researchers can incorporate bias from different observers and methods into population or other parameter estimates. To illustrate the MARSS technique we interrogate long-term animal and plant datasets from arid central Australia that contain missing values and were collected by multiple observers. We then discuss the findings from the MARSS models and their implications for management. Lastly, we suggest future applications that this technique could be used for, such as studies of animal movements and food webs. © 2018 Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales. All rights reserved.
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Expert judgements are essential when time and resources are stretched or we face novel dilemmas requiring fast solutions. Good advice can save lives and large sums of money. Typically, experts are defined by their qualifications, track record and experience [1,2]. The social expectation hypothesis argues that more highly regarded and more experienced experts will give better advice. We asked experts to predict how they will perform, and how their peers will perform, on sets of questions. The results indicate that the way experts regard each other is consistent, but unfortunately, ranks are a poor guide to actual performance. Expert advice will be more accurate if technical decisions routinely use broadly-defined expert groups, structured question protocols and feedback.
Time Series Analysis and Its Applications, Second Edition, presents a balanced and comprehensive treatment of both time and frequency domain methods with accompanying theory. Numerous examples using non-trivial data illustrate solutions to problems such as evaluating pain perception experiments using magnetic resonance imaging, monitoring a nuclear test ban treaty, evaluating the volatility of an asset, or finding a gene in a DNA sequence. The book is designed to be useful as a text for graduate level students in the physical, biological and social sciences and as a graduate level text in statistics. Some parts may also serve as an undergraduate introductory course. Material from the first edition of the text has been updated by adding examples and associated code based on the freeware R statistical package. As in the first edition, modern developments involving categorical time series analysis and the spectral envelope, multivariate spectral methods, long memory series, nonlinear models, longitudinal data analysis, resampling techniques, GARCH models, stochastic volatility models, wavelets, and Monte Carlo Markov chain integration methods are incorporated in the text. In this edition, the material has been divided into smaller chapters, and the coverage of financial time series, including GARCH and stochastic volatility models, has been expanded. These topics add to a classical coverage of time series regression, univariate and multivariate ARIMA models, spectral analysis and state-space models. R.H. Shumway is Professor of Statistics at the University of California, Davis. He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and a member of the International Statistical Institute. He won the 1986 American Statistical Association Award for Outstanding Statistical Application and the 1992 Communicable Diseases Center Statistics Award; both awards were for joint papers on time series applications. He is the author of a previous 1988 Prentice-Hall text on applied time series analysis. D.S. Stoffer is Professor of Statistics at the University of Pittsburgh. He has made seminal contributions to the analysis of categorical time series and won the 1989 American Statistical Association Award for Outstanding Statistical Application in a joint paper analyzing categorical time series arising in infant sleep-state cycling. He is currently a Departmental Editor for the Journal of Forecasting and Associate Editor of the Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics.
Numerous, irrefutable examples of the central role that long-term studies play in ecology now exist (see, e.g., Likens, 1983; Strayer et al., 1986). There is increasing recognition that, because most important questions in ecology ultimately deal with predicting ecosystem responses, testing the correctness of ecological concepts and predictions by observing the future is essential. There are many sophisticated predictive models and general constructs, but few have actually been tested against data. In the final analysis, the most convincing validation comes only from such tests against reality.
This chapter gives results from some illustrative exploration of the performance of information-theoretic criteria for model selection and methods to quantify precision when there is model selection uncertainty. The methods given in Chapter 4 are illustrated and additional insights are provided based on simulation and real data. Section 5.2 utilizes a chain binomial survival model for some Monte Carlo evaluation of unconditional sampling variance estimation, confidence intervals, and model averaging. For this simulation the generating process is known and can be of relatively high dimension. The generating model and the models used for data analysis in this chain binomial simulation are easy to understand and have no nuisance parameters. We give some comparisons of AIC versus BIC selection and use achieved confidence interval coverage as an integrating metric to judge the success of various approaches to inference.
Reproducibility of vegetation measurements is critical for large-scale or long-term studies, where numerous observers collect data, but past studies have questioned reproducibility of some techniques. Five methods of evaluating understory composition were appraised for reproducibility among six observers in two forest types in south-central Alaska: ocular estimates in quadrats, overall community species rank and cover estimates, nested rooted frequency, horizontal-vertical profiles, and pin drop (systematic points). One forest type was selected to represent structure of coastal communities, another to represent structure of interior Alaska communities. Three general methods of evaluating reproducibility were considered: standard deviations (precision among observers), components of variance (percentage of total variance attributable to observers), and analysis of variance (significance of observer variance). Observer variances were generally similar among techniques and significant in most cases. No technique stood out as being more reproducible than others. Features of techniques other than reproducibility may be more important when selecting a technique. Management decisions based on vegetation cover data should consider the observer errors involved as well as biological significance. Abbreviations: CV = Coefficient of variation; HV = Horizontal-vertical; SD = Standard deviation. Nomenclature: Hultén (1968); Viereck & Little (1972); NRCS PLANTS website:
Ecosystems across the world, and the biodiversity they support, are experiencing increasing anthropogenic pressure, and many will not persist without intervention. Given their complexity, the International Union for Conservation of Nature has adopted an international standard for ecosystem risk assessment that builds on the strengths of the species-based Red List criteria. We applied this protocol to the relatively understudied Georgina gidgee woodland ecosystem, which has a patchy but widespread distribution in central Australia. To address the extensive knowledge gaps, we gathered data to provide the first description of the characteristic biota, distribution of dominant species and the processes that support the ecosystem. Criteria evaluated include historical, current and future declines in spatial distribution, the extent and area of occupancy, and disruptions to abiotic and biotic processes. Future declines in suitable habitat were based on key climatic variables of rainfall, temperature and soil substrate. We also quantified the uncertainty in bioclimatic models and scenarios as part of predicting degradation of the abiotic environment. Overall, we assessed the risk status of Georgina gidgee woodlands as vulnerable based on the degradation of abiotic and biotic processes. Bioclimatically suitable habitat was predicted to decline by at least 30% in eight scenarios over the period 2000 to 2050. Predicted declines in overall suitable habitat varied substantially across all scenarios (7–95%). Pressures from grazing, weed encroachment and altered fire regimes further threaten the ecosystem; therefore, vulnerable status was also recorded for future declines based on altered biotic processes. Accurate mapping and monitoring of the study ecosystem should receive priority to inform conservation decisions, and sustainable grazing practices encouraged. Our findings focus attention on other patchily distributed ecosystems that may also have escaped attention despite their contribution to supporting unique biodiversity and ecosystem services. It is timely that environmental monitoring and policy account for these natural assets.
Fire is a natural environmental variable over most of Australia. It is a unique environmental variable in that it: tends to be self propagating; occurs for extremely limited periods in any one locality; may have devastating effects; occurs over a wide range of environments and plant communities.In many ecosystems fire is a normal environmental variable. Its immediate effects on vegetation depend on fire intensity but longer-term effects depend also on fire frequency and season of occurrence. Using these three variables, various fire regimes may be defined. Species may be adapted to these fire regimes but not to fire per se. Interaction between fire and an adaptive trait may facilitate survival or reproduction of a species but this effect alone does not guarantee that the species is adapted to a certain fire regime—this depends on many characteristics of the life cycle.Much of the relevant Australian literature is concerned with adaptive traits while relatively little considers adaptations of species. A knowledge of species' adaptation is necessary if we are to predict species' behaviour under various natural or imposed fire regimes.