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Optimization of image analysis techniques for quality assessment of whole-wheat breads made with fat replacer


Abstract and Figures

The cellular structure of healthy food products, with added dietary fiber and low in calories, is an important factor that contributes to the assessment of quality, which can be quantified by image analysis of visual texture. This study seeks to compare image analysis techniques (binarization using Otsu’s method and the default ImageJ algorithm, a variation of the iterative intermeans method) for quantification of differences in the crumb structure of breads made with different percentages of whole-wheat flour and fat replacer, and discuss the behavior of the parameters number of cells, mean cell area, cell density, and circularity using response surface methodology. Comparative analysis of the results achieved with the Otsu and default ImageJ algorithms showed a significant difference between the studied parameters. The Otsu method demonstrated the crumb structure of the analyzed breads more reliably than the default ImageJ algorithm, and is thus the most suitable in terms of structural representation of the crumb texture.
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Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 35(1): 133-142, Jan.-Mar. 2015 133
Food Science and Technology ISSN 0101-2061
1 Introduction
e food industry is aware of growing consumer demand for
healthy products (Hellyeretal., 2012), with added dietary ber
(Vuholmetal., 2014) and low in calories (Heiman & Lowengart,
2014). Including whole grains in one’s diet, for instance, can
positively impact health and lifestyle.
Wheat is a unique grain because of its functional components.
Only wheat our can form a viscoelastic dough with rheological
properties (Goesaertetal., 2005). However, combining nutritional
value and organoleptic quality in bread recipes is a challenge.
Fat intake is scientically linked to increased risk of developing
chronic noncommunicable diseases, which aects morbidity
and mortality rates (Brasil, 2005). One way of reducing calories
in food products is the use of fat replacers (Zahnetal., 2010).
Enzymatically modied starches have functional benets and
can be used specically as a fat substitute in bread (Scheueretal.,
e cellular crumb structure of cereal-based products, such
as bread, is an important contributing factor to their textural
properties (Zghaletal., 1999) and to the determination and
quantication of sensory quality (Mondal & Datta, 2008).
erefore, knowledge of the structure of breads may help predict
many of their quality-related properties (Ozkoc et al., 2009),
particularly in whole-wheat breads, which are known to be
less appealing to consumers in terms of quality than are breads
made with rened wheat our (Oro, 2013).
e eects of relative variation in components or processing
parameters of a food product can be evaluated using response
surface methodology (Collaretal., 2007; Flanderetal., 2007).
Furthermore, the structural elements of food products such as
breads (Kihlberget al., 2004), starch (Wuetal., 2012), fruits
and vegetables (Qing-Guoet al., 2006) can be quantied by
image analysis (Jackman & Sun, 2013), contributing to the
understanding of quality-related properties such as texture
(Qing-Guoetal., 2006).
In the search for improved bread formulations, image
processing is a useful tool to investigate, approximate and predict
many properties, such as texture (Pourfarzadetal., 2013), by
assessing cell size, cell size distribution, number of cells per
unit area, cell wall thickness, void fraction and shape factor
(Gonzales-Barron & Butler, 2006). e accuracy of a digital
image analysis system for crumb grain measurement can be
evaluated based on its capability to predict crumb density from
directly computed structural parameters (Zghaletal., 1999),
Optimization of image analysis techniques for quality assessment
of whole-wheat breads made with fat replacer
Patrícia Matos SCHEUER1*, Jorge Augusto Sandoval FERREIRA2, Bruna MATTIONI1,
Martha Zavariz de MIRANDA3, Alicia de FRANCISCO1
Received 11 Nov., 2014
Accepted 25 Feb., 2015
1Cereal Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
2Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, Campus Florianópolis-Continente, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
3Grain Quality Laboratory, Brazilian Corporation of Agricultural Research – Embrapa Wheat, Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil
*Corresponding author:
e cellular structure of healthy food products, with added dietary ber and low in calories, is an important factor that contributes
to the assessment of quality, which can be quantied by image analysis of visual texture. is study seeks to compare image
analysis techniques (binarization using Otsu’s method and the default ImageJ algorithm, a variation of the iterative intermeans
method) for quantication of dierences in the crumb structure of breads made with dierent percentages of whole-wheat our
and fat replacer, and discuss the behavior of the parameters number of cells, mean cell area, cell density, and circularity using
response surface methodology. Comparative analysis of the results achieved with the Otsu and default ImageJ algorithms showed
a signicant dierence between the studied parameters. e Otsu method demonstrated the crumb structure of the analyzed
breads more reliably than the default ImageJ algorithm, and is thus the most suitable in terms of structural representation of
the crumb texture.
Keywords: Otsu and default algorithms; binarization; ImageJ.
Practical Application: e structural elements of food products such as breads can be quantied by image analysis, contributing
to the understanding of quality-related properties such as texture, because to prepare bread with whole-wheat our (whole grain
milled) and fat-replacer (enzymatically modied corn starch) is a challenge. To quantify the dierences in crumb structure
features of 14 dierent types of whole-wheat breads made with fat replacer, was used two dierent image thresholding techniques
(binarization using Otsus method and the default ImageJ algorithm), using free sowares (GIMP and ImageJ).
Image analysis algorithms in whole breads
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 35(1): 133-142, Jan.-Mar. 2015134
such as number of cells, mean cell area, cell density, circularity,
and minimum and maximum cell area. Crumb cell structure
can be commonly described by the parameters mean cell area
and cell density, and quantied by image analysis systems to
determine the visual texture (Scanlon & Zghal, 2001), which,
alongside mouthfeel perception, is signicantly impacted by the
cell size of the crumb (Skendietal., 2010).
Although a standard procedure does not yet exist, several
studies have used image analysis to assess bread loaves made
with rened wheat our (Zghaletal., 1999; Gonzales-Barron
& Butler, 2006) and some made using whole grains, as soy
(Lodi & Vodovotz, 2008), β-glucan (Skendietal., 2010), chia
(Farrera-Rebolloetal., 2012), amaranth (Sanz-Penella etal.,
2013) and whole wheat (Torrietal., 2013).
One of the most common analytical actions performed
on any image is descriptive analysis, which seeks to assess the
relationships between the color and/or textural features of the
image, find distinct patterns in the image, determine the presence
of dierent types of objects, or study the statistical distribution
of the pixels and dierent clusters related to the dierent
phenomena appearing in the image (Prats-Montalbánet al.,
2011). e success of the chosen analysis technique depends on
the structure of interest occupying a range of grey levels distinct
from that of the background (Ridler & Calvard, 1978). Several
approaches are available for this purpose: an image acquisition
method that reveals more information or is less confounded by
background noise (Prats-Montalbán al., 2011); homogenization
of lighting to eliminate irregularities; hither resolution; better
sample preparation to ensure minimum data corruption; and
the search for a better image segmentation algorithm that can
provide a more accurate region of interest (Jackman & Sun,
2013). e term segmentation refers to the isolation of one or
various objects from the background of an image to enable feature
characterization of the image (Prats-Montalbánetal., 2011).
Many automated thresholding algorithms are available
(Gonzales-Barron & Butler, 2006), including Otsu’s method
and the default ImageJ algorithm, a variation of the iterative
intermeans method; both provide robust and ecient data
partitioning (Otsu, 1979; Herbert, 2014). e aim of this study
was to compare two dierent image thresholding techniques
and quantify the dierences in crumb structure features of
14dierent types of whole-wheat breads made with fat replacer,
as a means of proposing simple procedures for quantication of
structural changes (viewed from a response surface methodology
perspective) that could have an eect on bread quality.
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Material
Commercially rened wheat our and whole-wheat our for
bread making, milled from wheat harvested in 2012 and stored
at -18 ºC, were provided by Cooperativa Agrária Agroindustrial,
Guarapuava, state of Paraná, Brazil. A representative sample of
whole-wheat our (reconstituted whole-wheat our) and white
wheat our (rened our), both from the same batch of grain, was
used to ensure standardization of variable parameters. Dierent
blends of whole wheat our (WF) and rened wheat our (RF)
were prepared and encoded: 95.35WF (95.35%WF+4.65%RF);
85WF (85%WF+15%RF); 60WF (60%WF+40%RF); 35WF
(35%WF+65%RF); and 24.64WF (24.64%WF+75.36%RF).
ese levels were determined by means of response surface
methodology, as described in the Methods section.
e enzymatically modied cornstarch used in this study as
a fat replacer (FR) was provided by Dutch Starches International,
Netherlands, and is commercially available as Selectamyx C 150.
2.2 Bread samples
Bread loaves were baked and randomly selected in duplicate
according to the optimized straight-dough bread-making method
(10-10B) (American Association of Cereal Chemists, 2000), with
a 60 min fermentation, using the following formulation: wheat
our (100%), sucrose (6%), instant active dry yeast (1.8%), sodium
chloride (1.5%), fat (3%), and tap water (Flanderetal., 2007).
Instead of fat, the aforementioned fat replacer was used in gel form
according to manufacturer instructions. e amount of water
used corresponded to 86% of the water absorption content as
determined by Farinograph analysis (method adapted from Seyer
& Gélinas, 2009). e ingredients were mixed at speed setting
2for 6 min (Flanderetal., 2007; Oro, 2013) in a commercial
mixer (RPD 25, Líder, Brazil). e temperature of the dough
was kept at 28-29 °C aer mixing. Subsequently, 500-g pieces of
dough were placed in a proong cabinet (CFC20, Perfecta, Brazil)
at 30 °C and 85% relative humidity for 35 min. e dough was
then kneaded once, fermented for 17 min, kneaded again, and
fermented for a further 8 min. e dough was sheeted manually,
placed into a rectangular mold (9.5 cm x 20 cm x 4.5 cm), and
fermented for 24 min. Finally, the dough was baked in a revolving
oven (Ventile, Líder, Brazil) for 24 min at 180 °C. Aer cooling
for 1 hour at room temperature on metal racks, 1-cm-thick
longitudinal and cross-sections of each loaf were sliced and
scanned for crumb cell analysis (Pourfarzadetal., 2013).
2.3 Experimental design
Using the rotatable central composite design of response
surface methodology, with the percentage of whole wheat our
(%WF) and the percentage of fat replacer (%FR) as independent
variables, 14 dierent loaves were baked (Table1).
e rotatable central composite design yielded 14 experiments,
as follows: four factorial treatments, in which the two factors
were %WF (%whole wheat our) and %FR (% fat replacer),
each with two levels coded to -1 and +1; four axial treatments
including minimum and maximum level of each factor coded
as -α and +α, where α=(2
= 1.414; and one central treatment
repeated six times, to estimate the pure experimental error and
calculate the reproducibility of the method, in which all factors
are coded as zero (Table1).
e second-order regression model is represented by
Equation 1 (Montgomery, 1991).
z = b0+b1x+b11(x)2+b2y+b22(y)2+b12xy (1)
z = estimated results for the response variables (mean cell
area and cell density); x = %WF; y = %FR; b0, b1, b11, b2, b22,
b12=estimates of the regression coecients
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 35(1): 133-142, Jan.-Mar. 2015 135
value and computing averages for the pixels at or below the
threshold and for those above. e averages of those two values
are computed, the threshold is incremented and the process
repeated until the threshold is higher than the composite
average (threshold = (average background + average objects)/2)
(Gonzales-Barron & Butler, 2006).
e following crumb grain properties were extracted and
calculated: number of cells (objects); mean cell area (mm2); cell
density (cells/mm
), circularity, and maximum and minimum cell
area (mm
) (Esteller & Lannes, 2005). Cell density was calculated
by dividing the number of cells by the mean cell area. Cell shape
was analyzed using a shape factor to measure circularity.
e cell size frequency distribution (Sturges, 1926) was also
calculated for both methods (Otsu and default). According to
Polakietal. (2010), the cell distribution reveals information
about the crumb structure of the bread. Cells can be classied
as small (area < 4 mm2), medium (4-8 mm2) or large (> 8 mm2),
as all cell sizes coexist in the matrix.
2.5 Analysis of results
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s test (signicance
level p≤0.05) were used to determine the signicance of the
data. All statistical analyses and graphical representations were
performed in STATISTICA 7.0®.
3 Results and discussion
Bread samples 9 to 14 comprised the central points treatments,
and are thus represented by a single image.
Image analysis was performed on each of three scanned
bread slices to provide a more detailed view of the bread texture,
as shown in Figure1.
Figure 2 shows the binary images processed by the two
thresholding techniques (Otsu and default). Figures 2a, b show
a basic gure constructed from circles. Figures 2c, d show bread
sample 5 (24.64%WF+1.6%FR) and Figures 2e, f show bread
sample 6 (95.35%WF+1.6%FR), the loaves baked with the lowest
and highest whole-wheat our content respectively.
For the basic image constructed from circles (Figures 2a, b),
neither visual nor statistical dierences were found between the
thresholding techniques; all parameters were identical with both
algorithms: number of cells (three objects), mean cell area (29.946
mm2), cell density (0.100 cells/mm2), and circularity (0.918).
For bread samples 5 and 6 (Figures 2c, d) and (Figures2e, f),
respectively), dierences between the thresholding techniques
are apparent. Visually, a larger black area is seen in the image
generated by the Otsu method (Figures 2c, e) as compared
with the default algorithm (Figures 2d, f). As described by
Gonzales-Barron & Butler (2006), in similar applications of
dierent thresholding instances, the Otsu method overestimated
the void fraction, whereas the default algorithm appeared to
underestimate this fraction. Statistically signicant dierences
(p≤0.05) are shown in Table2.
As Table2 shows, signicant dierences (p≤0.05) between the
Otsu and default ImageJ methods were found for the parameters
2.4 Scanning resolution settings
Images of three slices were acquired using the atbed scanner
of an all-in-one printer (DCP-7065DN Monochrome Laser
Multi-Function Copier, Brother, Japan). Brightness and contrast
were set to the default soware values (zero) for all samples. e
images were saved as bitmap les at a resolution of 300 dots per
inch (dpi) in the red-green-blue (RGB) color space. Measurements
were obtained in pixels and converted into millimeters by using
known length values. A single 40mm x40mm square eld of view
was evaluated in each image. e free GNU Image Manipulation
Program (GIMP) soware, version 2.6, was used to obtain the
two measurements of interest. Aer cropping, the images were
pre-processed and converted to 8-bit greyscale. Pre-processing
(levels adjustment), segmentation (thresholding) and crumb
grain measurements (extraction of parameters) were carried
out in the ImageJ-based Fiji 1.46soware package.
Segmentation was performed manually, by binarization of
greyscale images into black-and-white images using the Otsu
and default ImageJ algorithms.
Otsu’s thresholding algorithm is a uniformity-oriented
method, wherein uniformity is computed as a measure within
each region independent of the surroundings and the optimal
threshold is determined by minimizing the intraclass variance
of the segmented region (Sahooetal., 1988), i.e., it maximizes
between-class variance’ e Otsu method (Otsu, 1979) has
been shown to yield adequate, consistent binary images (high
degree of uniformity) in terms of performance and thresholding
characteristics of the analyzed gures (Gonzales-Barron &
Butler, 2006).
e default ImageJ algorithm is formally known as the
iterative intermeans method, a variation of the IsoData algorithm
(Ridler & Calvard, 1978). e procedure divides the image
into object and background by obtaining an initial threshold
Tab le 1. Bread composition.
Loaf Treatment
Independent variables
Real value Encoded
value Real value Encoded
35.00 -1 0.60 -1
2 35.00 -1 2.60 +1
3 85.00 +1 0.60 -1
4 85.00 +1 2.60 +1
24.64 - α 1.60 0
6 95.35 +α 1.60 0
7 60.00 0 0.18 -α
8 60.00 0 3.00 +α
60.00 0 1.60 0
10 60.00 0 1.60 0
11 60.00 0 1.60 0
12 60.00 0 1.60 0
13 60.00 0 1.60 0
14 60.00 0 1.60 0
WF: whole-wheat our; FR: fat replacer (enzymatically modied corn starch).
Image analysis algorithms in whole breads
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 35(1): 133-142, Jan.-Mar. 2015136
default algorithm, there was no signicant dierence in number
of cells across any of the samples (p≤0.05) (Table2).
With both algorithms, bread sample 5 had a similar (p≤0.05)
mean cell area (Otsu: 0.497 mm
; default: 0.532 mm
) than
samples 1, 3 and 9 and a larger mean cell area (p≤0.05) than
number of cells, mean cell area, cell density, and circularity. In
Otsu-analyzed images, bread sample 1 (35%WF+0.6%FR) had a
similar number of cells (752.67 objects, p≤0.05) as compared to
samples 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8, and a greater number of cells (p≤0.05)
than samples 3, 4 and 9 (Table2). In images analyzed with the
Figure 1. Digital images (40 x 40 mm crumb area) of bread samples. BS: bread sample; WF: whole wheat our: FR: fat replacer; BS 9 = 9 to 14.
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 35(1): 133-142, Jan.-Mar. 2015 137
50-60%whole-wheat our and 1.5% fat replacer. With both
methods, the best percentage of fat replacer is about 1.5%.
Statistically, Figure3a (Otsu’s method) corroborates the
literature, in that mean cell area decreased with increasing
percentage of whole-wheat our, regardless of the percentage
of fat replacer used, which can be contextualized by the fact
that ber disrupts the gluten–starch matrix and restricts and
forces gas cells to expand in a particular dimension (Collaretal.,
2006). is may have been compounded by the action of the fat
replacer, as studies have indicated that the size of a hydrocolloid
can inuence its distribution within the gluten matrix and,
therefore, inuence pore size (Mandalaetal., 2007). Dierent
hydrocolloids have been included in the formulation of partially
baked breads to improving quality parameters (specic volume,
rmness, moisture, shelf life) (Bárcenasetal., 2009) as well as
samples 2, 6 and 7 (Table2). With Otsu’s method, sample 5 had
a mean cell area similar (p≤0.05) to that of sample 4 and larger
(p≤0.05) than that of sample 8. By other hand, with the default
algorithm, sample 5 had a mean cell area larger (p≤0.05) to that
of sample 4 and similar (p≤0.05) than that of sample 8 (Table2).
e behavior of the mean cell area parameter is shown in
response surface plots (Figures 3a, b), Otsu and default methods
respectively) of the eect of whole-wheat our and fat replacer
content, as the cell distribution reveals information about the
crumb structure (Polakietal., 2010).
With Otsus method (Figure 3a), the greatest mean cell
areas were found in samples baked with low percentages of
whole-wheat our (about 20%) and fat replacer (about 1.5%).
With the default method (Figure3b), the highest mean cell
area values were observed in samples baked with approximately
Figure 2. Binary images thresholded using the Otsu and default ImageJ algorithms.
Image analysis algorithms in whole breads
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 35(1): 133-142, Jan.-Mar. 2015138
by whole-wheat our and fat replacer content, with the lowest
cell density values found with approximately 40-50%whole
wheat our and 2% fat replacer. ese results run counter to
the mean cell area results found with both Otsu’s (Figure3a)
and the default (Figure3d) methods.
Using Otsu’s method (Table2), no dierences (p≤0.05) in
cell circularity were observed among the bread samples, which
is consistent with the ndings of Rosell & Santos (2010) in loaf
formulations containing hydrocolloids. However, using the
default algorithm, dierences in circularity (p≤0.05) were found:
bread sample 6 (0.835) had a higher value than samples 5 (0.807)
and 9 (0.810); sample 5 (0.807) had a lower circularity (p≤0.05)
than sample 2 (0.833). With both algorithms, circularity values
exceeded 0.8, thus approaching a perfect circle.
e response surface plots shown in Figures 3e, f (Otsu’s and
default algorithms respectively) demonstrate that fat replacer
content had a signicant inuence on pore circularity; namely,
circularity varied more with changes in fat replacer content than
with whole-wheat our content.
Regarding the percentage of cells in each cell area range in
each sample (Table3), both in images analyzed with Otsu’s method
and with the default algorithm, most cells were characterized
as small (area < 0.1 mm2). In bread sample 6, 84-85% of cells
were classied as small, versus 91-97% of cells in the other
samples (Table 3). Furthermore, sample 6 is the only one in
which maximum cell area was in the 3.2 6.4 mm2 range. is
is justied by the fact that sample 6 had a higher percentage of
whole-wheat our (95.35%WF), as the presence of ber hinders
to replace fat. As gas cells expand, the density of the dough is
reduced (Scanlon & Zghal, 2001).
Regarding cell density, in images analyzed with Otsu’s algorithm,
bread sample 6 had the highest density (4896.98 cells/mm
) (p≤0.05)
among all samples. As sample 6 had the highest whole-wheat
our content (95.35%WF+1.6%FR), this can be explained by
the fact that fibers can dilute and interrupt the gluten–starch
matrix, thus causing a restriction in gas retention, as reported
in whole-oat bread by Polakietal. (2010). In images analyzed
with the default ImageJ algorithm, sample 6 had a cell density
similar (4702.27 cells/mm2, p≤0.05) to that of sample 7 and
higher (p≤0.05) than that of all others (Table2).
Both with Otsu’s method and with the default ImageJ algorithm
(Table2), the highest cell density and lowest mean cell area values
were found with the highest whole-wheat our content, which
is consistent with the results obtained by Farrera-Rebolloetal.
(2012) in breads made with chia our and by Hruskovaetal.
(2012) in whole-grain breads.
e response surface plots shown in Figures 3c, d (Otsu’s
and default algorithms respectively) show a similar behavior in
cell density with percent changes in whole-wheat our and fat
replacer content. Cell density strongly inuences the mechanical
properties of bread crumb, thus allowing comparison of the
analyzed food with other raw materials and processing conditions
(Scanlon & Zghal, 2001).
Both in images analyzed with Otsu’s method (Figure3c) and
with the default algorithm (Figure3d), cell density was inuenced
Tab le 2. Image analysis parameters of bread loaves.
Otsu algorithm
Bread samples Number of cells
Mean cell area
Cell density
1 752.67a ± 84.23 0.331ab ± 0.059 2348.95bc ± 687.62 0.824a ± 0.002
2 689.00ab ± 87.93 0.285b ± 0.082 2496.81bc ± 410.10 0.837a ± 0.003
3 563.33b ± 40.13 0.346ab ± 0.029 1630.19bc ± 76.87 0.842a ± 0.006
4 562.00b ± 13.89 0.325ab ± 0.042 1747.91bc ± 220.57 0.828a ± 0.010
5 589.67ab ± 73.64 0.497a ± 0.062 1187.65c ± 96.42 0.821a ± 0.006
6 682.33ab ± 40.50 0.141c ± 0.016 4896.98a ± 668.48 0.832a ± 0.004
7 603.33ab ± 47.06 0.212b ± 0.058 3012.09b ± 979.34 0.837a ± 0.022
8 628.67ab ± 72.06 0.298b ± 0.114 2280.47bc ± 727.22 0.834a ± 0.003
9 to 14 568.33b ± 72.50 0.323ab ± 0.058 1782.57bc ± 266.18 0.815a ± 0.009
Default ImageJ algorithm
Bread samples Number of cells
Mean cell area
Cell density
1 793.67a ± 91.55 0.412abc ± 0.090 2009.59b ± 629.48 0.821abc ± 0.000
2 726.33a ± 100.08 0.332bcd ± 0.060 2246.91b ± 561.95 0.833ab ± 0.005
3 577.00a ± 48.59 0.397abcd ± 0.020 1455.88b ± 145.37 0.827abc ± 0.006
4 580.00a ± 23.52 0.327bc ± 0.056 1812.40b ± 338.38 0.826abc ± 0.002
5 625.67a ± 73.21 0.532a ± 0.070 1197.23b ± 259.88 0.807c ± 0.007
6 712.33a ± 23.96 0.159d ± 0.045 4702.27a ± 1223.48 0.835a ± 0.004
7 702.67a ± 72.50 0.244cd ± 0.072 3147.27ab ± 1340.16 0.826abc ± 0.019
8 759.00a ± 135.50 0.434abc ± 0.024 1740.99b ± 225.71 0.819abc ± 0.003
9 to 14 610.67a ± 86.94 0.505ab ± 0.118 1260.02b ± 352.71 0.810bc ± 0.010
Means ± standard deviations in the same column followed by a dierent letter are signicantly dierent (p≤0.05). Bread sample 9 actually represents samples 9 to 14.
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 35(1): 133-142, Jan.-Mar. 2015 139
content between bread samples (1 vs. 2; 3 vs. 4; 7, 8 and 9-14)
while maintaining the same percentage of whole-wheat our
(Table1) did not yield relevant dierences in relative number of
cells in each cell area range. is probably demonstrates that the
properties of whole-wheat our predominate over those of the
fat replacer, which should act as shortening. Breads made with
white our and low fat content (0.1 and 0.3% of our weight)
resulted in so loaves with a larger volume (Moulineyetal., 2011).
is same study showed that loaf volume rises progressively
the formation of air bubbles in the viscoelastic gluten network.
is is consistent with earlier studies (Pomeranzetal., 1977)
showing that addition of fibrous materials to wheat our weakens
the crumb cell structure due to dilution of gluten protein network.
Dubois (1978) emphasized that the gas retention of the dough is
impaired largely by water-insoluble fractions, thereby changing
the texture and appearance of the baked product.
As shown in Table3, with both of the studied methods (Otsu’s
and the default ImageJ algorithm), relative variation of fat replacer
Figure 3. Eect of whole-wheat our and fat replacer content on the mean cell area ((a) and (b)), cell density ((c) and (d)), circularity ((e) and
(f)) of bread crumb, as analyzed with the Otsu and default ImageJ algorithms. WF: whole-wheat our; FR: fat replacer.
Image analysis algorithms in whole breads
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 35(1): 133-142, Jan.-Mar. 2015140
small dierences and relative variation in the number of cells
for ranges from 0.8 to 50.2 mm2.
Table 4 shows the minimum and maximum cell area values
found in each bread samples using the two methods. e
minimum cell area value was identical (0.007 mm2) in all bread
samples and in both image analysis algorithms. e maximum
cell area value did not dier signicantly (p≤0.05) between
the Otsu and default methods. However, the results of samples
6and 1 bear stressing. Bread sample 6, which was made with
95.35%WF, had a maximum cell area value of approximately
, whereas all other samples had maximum values ranging
from 31 to 72 mm2. Bread sample 1 had a maximum cell area
of 31.096 mm2 with Otsu’s method and 71.245 mm2 with the
default ImageJ algorithm.
with increasing levels of shortening up to about 2% of our
weight. us, one important function of fat in bread-making is
stabilization of gas bubbles in the dough, increasing gas retention
in the oven (Goesaertetal., 2005), as added fat prevents binding
of the native our lipids to the gluten network, thereby stabilizing
proteins during heating of the dough (Moulineyetal., 2011).
Regarding the distribution of the dierent frequency
ranges, only samples 6 (7%) and 7 (2 to 3%) had cells with a
mean cell area in the 0.10.2 mm
range, as determined by both
methods (Table3). Table3 shows that no sample had pores in
the 0.2 ┤0.4 mm2 range and that only sample 6 had pores in
the 0.4 0.8 mm2 range, for both methods (Otsu’s and default).
Comparison of Otsu’s method and the default algorithm revealed
Tab le 3. Cell quantity in each bread sample.
Cell area
Cell quantity (%)
Bread sample
0.1 Otsu 94 96 97 95 93 85 94 94 92
Default 97 94 97 94 91 84 92 93 92
0.1 0.2 Otsu 7 2
Default 7 3
0.2 0.4 Otsu
0.4 0.8 Otsu 6
Default 6
0.8 1.6 Otsu 411431233
Default 1 3 3 2 2 3 3
1.6 3.2 Otsu 111111122
Default 1 1 1 2 4 0.4 1 2 3
3.2 6.4 Otsu 1 1 1 2 0.3 1 2
Default 1 1 1 2 0.3 1 1 1
6.4 12.8 Otsu 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.7 0.3 0.7
Default 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.5
12.8 25.6 Otsu 0.1 0.7 0.3 0.3
Default 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.7
25.6 50.2 Otsu 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2
Default 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4
Tab le 4. Minimum and maximum cell area.
Bread sample Minimum cell area (mm2) Maximum cell area (mm2)
Otsu Default Otsu Default
1 0.007a ± 0.000 0.007a ± 0.000 31.096a ± 12.707 71.245a ± 52.213
2 0.007a ± 0.000 0.007a ± 0.000 55.852a ± 7.557 51.290a ± 11.039
3 0.007a ± 0.000 0.007a ± 0.000 53.111a ± 0.000 51.842a ± 0.000
4 0.007a ± 0.000 0.007a ± 0.000 58.236a ± 0.710 42.929a ± 18.341
5 0.007a ± 0.000 0.007a ± 0.000 53.519a ± 12.924 46.918a ± 16.268
6 0.007a ± 0.000 0.007a ± 0.000 5.622a ± 0.066 5.562a ± 0.019
7 0.007a ± 0.000 0.007a ± 0.000 39.148a ± 16.847 36.866a ± 16.020
8 0.007a ± 0.000 0.007a ± 0.000 72.320a ± 72.242 56.437a ± 14.282
9 to 14 0.007a ± 0.000 0.007a ± 0.000 46.381a ± 4.612 36.400a ± 1.971
Means ± standard deviations in the same column followed by a dierent letter are signicantly dierent (p≤0.05). Bread sample 9 actually represents samples 9 to 14.
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 35(1): 133-142, Jan.-Mar. 2015 141
4 Conclusion
Comparison of the parameters of interest in the studied
bread samples using the two chosen algorithms showed that
Otsu’s method yielded a greater number of cells in the generated
images; the number of cells parameter was signicantly dierent;
the mean cell area decreased with increasing whole-wheat our
content, regardless of the percentage of fat replacer used; and
that the highest cell density parameter was found in sample 6,
which was formulated with the highest relative whole-wheat
our content (95.35%WF+1.6%FR).
e results of image analysis with the chosen binarization
algorithms may be used to investigate, approximate and predict
dierent properties of breads.
In short, Otsu’s method provided a more reliable representation
of the crumb structure of bread, and is thus the most suitable in
terms of structural representation of the crumb texture.
e authors thank Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação
do Estado de Santa Catarina (FAPESC) for nancial support.
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... The microstructure of bread included the cell density and the mean cell area (Puerta et al., 2021). Cell density can be calculated from the number of cells divided by the mean cell area (Scheuer et al., 2015). ...
... WSB has the lowest cell density, probably due to the larger air cells, because it captures more CO2 from yeast fermentation. Cell density affects the mechanical characteristics of bread crumbs and also can be affected by the content of fat substitutes in bread, such as margarine or butter (Scheuer et al., 2015). This study used rice flour, tapioca flour, and potato flour as the main ingredients for making bread. ...
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Changing the ingredients also can change the properties of the bread. In this study, bread was made using rice flour and sourdough. Sourdough with Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and yeast can also be added with pineapple starter to help microbiota growth. The study aimed to determine the amount of microbiota produced from sourdough with pineapple addition and its effect on the texture of rice flour bread. Pineapples with water and sugar were fermented to make pineapple starter. Pineapple starter is then used in sourdough making and fermented around 3-6 days. The mature sourdough was used in bread making. The addition of pineapple, in the form of a starter, made the pineapple sourdough (PS) have lower pH and higher titratable acidity (TA), total Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB), and total yeast than sourdough without the addition of pineapple starter or wheat sourdough (WS). The pH and TA of PS at the peak were 3.25 and 2.67 mL of NaOH. The total LAB of PS at the peak was 9.27 Log CFU/g, and the total yeast was 9.30 Log CFU/g. PS reached its peak on the third day, while wheat sourdough (WS) reached it on the sixth day. The pineapple sourdough bread (PSB) had the lowest specific volume, and the highest texture properties compared to control bread (CB) and wheat sourdough bread (WSB), but there is no significance different. The addition of pineapple starter can fasten the fermentation time of sourdough and made the bread less brittle than CB.
... The performance of the method was reported at 95%. The image processing techniques were sought for methods to detect breads with different structures [4]. The results showed that the Otsu and ImageJ methods could make significant differences between the analyzed breads. ...
... Some of them are shown for the sample image, only in the grey level channel in Table II. 7.687362 Gabor (4,8) 487.689343 Gabor (5,6) 36.504970 ...
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In this research, an automatic algorithm of bread quality assessment using image processing techniques, is proposed. First, color images of bread with different qualities are photographed and a database of 1250 bread images is prepared. Then 2320 color and texture features are extracted from each bread images. Then, from this number of features, only 15 features containing sufficient information are selected. In addition, 54 appearance features are extracted from each bread image to determine its shape and size. Finally, bread images are classified using the multilevel Support Vector Machine classifier. The classification process is divided into five "one-against-all" classification problems. The proposed algorithm correctly identifies the bread appearance defects, including cuts, fractures, folds, non-uniformity, black and burnt areas in baking, deformity, color and size. The proposed algorithm, considering the extraction of only 15 features per an image, has a speed that guarantees its use in a machine vision system. The performance success of the proposed algorithm on the bread database, despite its very simple implementation, is 96.95%.
... Around the world, bread has been regarded as a crucial component of practically every human diet. [1] In all of its forms, bread is an essential component of the human diet, but for many people, it represents much more. It has a wealth of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates (which provide energy). ...
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Ersho, an undefined starter culture used for Ethiopian injera production, is well-known as a source of yeasts. However, there has not been negligible research done on the use of yeasts isolated from ersho samples for making bread. So, the present study was aimed at isolating and screening yeasts from ersho samples and evaluating their impact on the nutritional, microbial, and sensory quality of bread. A total of 55 ersho samples were collected from different locations in Ethiopia. An experimental research design was used. Three yeast isolates (4A, 14D, and 54A) were selected from a total of 220 yeast isolates. Yeast isolates 4A, 14D, 54A, 14D54A, and bakery yeast were used to make BY1, BY2, BY3, BY4, and control breads, respectively. Compared to other breads, BY4 exhibited superior qualities. Protein, TCC (total coliform count), TVC (total viable count), and TFC (total fungal count) of control bread were 13.56%, 0, 3.1, and 2.1 log cfu/g, respectively. Protein,TCC, TVC, and TFC of BY4 bread were 14.84%, 0, 2.4, and 1.6 log cfu/g, respectively. Color, texture, taste, odor, and overall acceptability mean scores of control bread were 6.6, 6.7, 6.9, 7.1, and 6.9, respectively, while those of BY4 bread were 6.8, 7.2, 7.2, 7.3, and 7.3, respectively. The shelf lives of the control and BY4 breads were 4 and 6 days, respectively. The results of the present study indicate that the wild yeasts isolated from the ersho samples can be used for the development of bakery yeast.
... Also, different researchers have used different procedures for different products and it is difficult to harmonize the approaches used. Therefore, the procedures need to be standardized for their commercial application (Scheuer et al., 2015). ...
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One of the most widely researched topics in the food industry is bread quality analysis. Different techniques have been developed to assess the quality characteristics of bakery products. However, in the last few decades, the advancement in sensor and computational technologies has increased the use of computer vision to analyze food quality (e.g., bakery products). Despite a large number of publications on the application of imaging methods in the bakery industry, comprehensive reviews detailing the use of conventional analytical techniques and imaging methods for the quality analysis of baked goods are limited. Therefore, this review aims to critically analyze the conventional methods and explore the potential of imaging techniques for the quality assessment of baked products. This review provides an in‐depth assessment of the different conventional techniques used for the quality analysis of baked goods which include methods to record the physical characteristics of bread and analyze its quality, sensory‐based methods, nutritional‐based methods, and the use of dough rheological data for end‐product quality prediction. Furthermore, an overview of the image processing stages is presented herein. We also discuss, comprehensively, the applications of imaging techniques for assessing the quality of bread and other baked goods. These applications include studying and predicting baked goods' quality characteristics (color, texture, size, and shape) and classifying them based on these features. The limitations of both conventional techniques (e.g., destructive, laborious, error‐prone, and expensive) and imaging methods (e.g., illumination, humidity, and noise) and the future direction of the use of imaging methods for quality analysis of bakery products are discussed.
... In addition, data on perimeter and circularity are correlated with regularity and symmetry, as high alveolar perimeters symbolize greater irregularity in the same area and circularity is an indicator of the shape of the alveoli (between 0 and 1). 41 According to Scheuer et al. 43 a circularity close to zero (0) corresponds to more elongated alveoli, while that close to one (1) relates to round alveoli. The breads made with baker's yeast (CY) and IY (whole wheat flour and yogurt) had higher amounts of alveoli per cm 2 . ...
The objective of this study was to investigate the combined effects of different types of wheat flour (whole or white) with natural yogurt, pineapple juice, and beer wort for sourdough production to improve the technological characteristics of milk breads. Seven milk breads were prepared with varying yeast fermentation and sourdough types (produced with different types of wheat flour and substrates). A physical analysis (oven jump, bread shape, crust thickness, expansion coefficient, and images of the slices), proximal composition examination (moisture, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and ash), and acceptability and purchase intent evaluation were then performed. The results showed that the factors under study influenced the technological characteristics of the milk breads, and that the sourdough consisting of whole wheat flour and yogurt was less acceptable. However, sourdough prepared using white wheat flour and beer wort was the most effective, being a promising alternative in the elaboration of milk breads.
... Digital imaging. The digital imaging process followed the procedure of Scheuer et al. 16 and the theory of Gonzáles-Barron et al. 17 with slight modifications. Images of three slices were obtained using a flatbed scanner (Canon PIXMA, MG 2550). ...
"Económicos" are traditional Portuguese pastry products; although their production is low-cost, their nutritional value is equally low. Since it is a widely consumed product in the Trás-os-Montes region, it is important to add value to it without making significant changes to the traditional recipe. Thus, this work has the main objective to increase the nutritional power of "económicos" through the incorporation of chestnut (Castanea sativa) fruit flour. The influence of the incorporation of 9% of chestnut flour as a new ingredient was analysed in terms of physical parameters (texture, colour, pH, water activity and moisture), nutritional content (according to the official AOAC methodology) and chemical parameters (sugars, fatty acids and organic acids) and the ability to control the microbial load over shelf life (32 days). Overall, the addition of the chestnut flour did not drastically change the appearance of the chemical and physical profiles of the cakes, but resulted in a lighter crumb (L*), slight changes in the texture profile, reduction of fat, and most importantly, introduced healthier flour to this inexpensive cake. Moreover, it did not stimulate the growth of microorganisms (total aerobic mesophiles, coliforms, Bacillus cereus, molds, and yeasts) during the 32 days of storage.
... software package (; accessed on 20 September 2021) according to Scheuer et al. [16]. ...
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Hulls are the principal almond by-products and are rich in bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols and fibre. Generally, hulls are used as animal feed; however, because of their valuable chemical composition, alternative applications as a natural food ingredient and dietary supplement should be evaluated. The aim of this study was to assess the physico-chemical and nutritional characteristics and the consumer acceptability of bread produced by replacing 4% and 8% of wheat flour with almond hulls (AHs) obtained from six almond varieties at two ripening stages (green and mature). The use of AHs in bread production increased fibre content, polyphenol content, and antioxidant activity. In particular, bread containing mature AHs showed the highest quantities of fibre and sugars, mainly glucose, whereas bread containing green AHs showed the highest polyphenol content. The polyphenol content and antioxidant activity in bread containing green AHs were 272.88 mg GAE/100 g dry weight and 1145.32 μmol TE/100 g dry weight, respectively, of which 60.5% and 52% were bioaccessible after in vitro digestion. Bread containing AH powder showed slightly lower specific volume, darker crumb colour, and lower hardness than those of the control. Consumer evaluation indicated that breads with 8% AH powder were those with the most overall liking.
Bread structure is a determinant of loaf volume and resilience, as well as the sensation perceived during eating, and its analysis comprises the study of the fluid phase (air), also named as void, cells or pores, and the solid phase of bread crumb (cell wall material). Acquisition of two-dimensional images by flatbed scanning is the most commonly employed method to perform image analysis of bread as it is fast, easy to use, economical, robust, independent of the external light conditions, and accurate. To enhance the contrast between the two phases, once acquired, the image is subjected to cell segmentation, a process that separates or classifies objects of interest from its background, typically yielding a binary image, set at a specific threshold. Thresholding is a critical step in ensuring a successful partition of crumb cells from the background and assumes that the object and background pixels can be distinguished by selection of an optimal gray level value. Hundreds of segmentation techniques are described in the literature, yet the Otsu method, based on an algorithm that minimizes the intraclass variance of the segmented region, or manual thresholding, is those most reported. Once the binary image is obtained, the software processes it, and crumb grain properties such as number of cells, number of cells/cm2, mean cell area, cell-total area ratio, and cell wall thickness can be calculated.
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Edible insects have a low environmental impact but are rich in nutrients and have been promoted as alternative protein sources. However, adding insect flour to bread negatively affects the overall quality, especially loaf volume and textural properties. Furthermore, relevant studies on chitin are limited. Therefore, this study examined chitin hydrolysis using lysozymes to enhance the quality characteristics in defatted mealworm (Tenebrio molitor L.) powder (DF-M)-supplemented bread. The chitin hydrolysis degree by lysozymes was evaluated using the 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid assay and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization–time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The amount of chitin oligomers increased with time, and no significant difference in the hydrolysis efficiency between water and 400 mM acetate buffer was observed. Enzymatic hydrolysis improved the DF-M water- and oil-binding and antioxidant capacities. In addition, chitin hydrolysis increased the volume and softened the texture of white bread. In particular, bread supplemented with DF-M hydrolyzed for 4 h at 10 % had the highest moisture content among the mealworm-added bread groups during storage for 5 days. Moreover, sensory evaluation showed a positive effect of chitin hydrolysis on acceptability. Our findings indicate that chitin hydrolysis can improve the quality of bread containing insect additives. In conclusion, this study provides novel insights into producing high-quality and functional bakery products from edible insects by the enzymatic hydrolysis of edible insect powders and could expand the applications of edible insects as food ingredients.
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A composição química da farinha de trigo e a presença de fibras afeta as características dos pães. Uma forma de contribuir com a prevenção de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis é através de alimentação saudável, incluindo grãos integrais na dieta alimentar e reduzindo as calorias de determinado alimento, substituindo a gordura. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo determinar a composição centesimal das amostras de farinha de trigo integral, refinada e as misturas entre elas; bem como os parâmetros farinográficos (absorção de água, tempo de desenvolvimento e estabilidade) das mesmas. Além disso, verificar volume específico, perfil de textura do miolo e análise de imagem de pães elaborados com 60% de farinha de trigo integral e com 3% de gordura ou com substituto de gordura. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância. À medida que aumenta o percentual de farinha integral, os teores de proteína, cinzas e fibra insolúvel alcançam valores significativamente maiores e a absorção de água fica maior na farinografia, bem como o tempo de desenvolvimento e a estabilidade. O amido modificado enzimaticamente utilizado na elaboração de pão com 60% de farinha de trigo integral funcionou como um efetivo substituto de gordura. O pão integral elaborado com substituto de gordura apresentou volume específico significativamente igual ao pão integral elaborado com gordura, porém com diferenças em relação a parâmetros do perfil de textura, maior firmeza e menor elasticidade além de maior densidade celular do que o pão elaborado com gordura.
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Bread and bread crumb characteristics as the results of laboratory baking test were used to assess bread profile. Its texture was quantified by image analysis technique, performed by using the Kaiser reproset (stand, lighting), the COHU CCD camera and the NIS Elements 2.0 AR software. In the case of common cereals fortification (wheat, rye, barley, oat and corn wholemeal flours), tested substitution level were chosen from 10% to 50% of commercial wheat flour standard “M’09”. Its analytical parameters correspond with satisfying bakery quality (protein content 14.1%, Zeleny's value 36 ml, Falling Number 396 s). Non-fortified bread from M’09 reached specific volume of 365 mL/100 g, and bread texture was described by 14 cell/cm2 and mean cell area (MCA) 2.538 mm2. The second fortification attempt included four non-traditional wheat (spelt, dicoccum, spring wheat ‘Trinaldina’, one with purple grain) and millet. These recipe components were tested on two commercial wheat samples, marked as “M’06” and “M’07”. Their baking values differed in protein content only (12.3% vs. 11.5%, respectively), while the Zeleny's sedimentation and the Falling Number test results were comparable (49 ml vs. 49 ml and 324 s vs. 363 s, respectively. Lower protein content as well as higher Falling Number contributed to lower bread volume from M’07 flour (252 mL/100 g vs. 343 mL/100 g), and also its texture was less open (20 cells/cm2 at mean cell area 1.160 mm2 against 15 cells/cm2 at 1.520 mm2). Statistical approach comprised correlation and variation analyses (Tukey's test) on significance level of 95% for both methods. Addition of common cereals wholemeal caused progressive changes of both specific bread volumes and crumb morphology, i.e. volume of bread with 10% and 50% of rye wholemeal fell from z 235 mL/100 g up to 155 mL/100 g. An extraordinary position was revealed out for wheat wholemeal, which did not affect dough volume rise at baking stage due to similar protein structure (specific values of 233 mL/100 g a 259 mL/100 g, respectively). Cell densities were 21 cells/cm2 and 25 cells/cm2 for recipes with 10% and 50% of rye, respectively. Corresponding MCA's were evaluated on levels of 1.617 mm2 and 1,365 mm2, respectively. Compared to standard M’09, a decrease about 25% was registered. Influence of wheat wholemeal was equivocal likewise the specific bread volume – numbers of cell in bread crumb with 10% and 50% of that component were 18 per cm2 for both cases, whereas the proper MCA's were 1.830 mm2 in the former and 2.128 mm2 in the latter case (72% and 83% of standard M’09). Texture of the selected samples is documented on Fig. 1. Bread prepared from “M’07” was affected differently due to lower baking quality – crumb texture changes oscillated up to 20%. Figure 2 shows major influence for bread with TSP (77% increase in mean cell area, 23% decrease in number of cells/cm2). The most levelled change in these two bread crumb parameters was observed for bread with WPG – mean cell area increased about 20%, while number of cells/cm2 decreased about 23%.
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É crescente o número de marcas e produtos panificados oferecidos ao mercado. Técnicas e aparelhagens recentes permitem uma melhor caracterização de produtos derivados do trigo. este trabalho propõe a reavaliação da legislação brasileira para esta categoria de alimento. Foram analisadas diferentes marcas de pães e torradas nos parâmetros de porosidade da massa, textura, cor, volume específico, densidade e umidade. Foram obtidos valores característicos para cada grupo de produtos, mostrando que é perfeitamente viável uma complementação na fixação da identidade e qualidade de produtos panificados.
This study investigated the effect of replacing wheat flour by whole Amaranthus cruentus flour (up to 40 g/100 g) to evaluate its potential utility as a nutritious breadmaking ingredient. The incorporation of amaranth flour significantly increased protein, lipid, ash, dietary fibre and mineral contents. Breads with amaranth have significantly higher amounts of phytates and lower myo-inositol phosphates, which could predict low mineral bioavailability at high levels of substitution (30-40 g/100 g). An increase in crumb hardness and elasticity was observed, and tristimulus colour values were significantly affected when the amaranth concentration was raised. Mineral contents, both micro- and macroelements, were increased significantly by the wheat flour substitution. Whole amaranth flour could be used as a partial replacement for wheat flour in bread formulations, increasing the product’s nutritional value and raising dietary fibre, mineral and protein levels, with a significant slight depreciation in bread quality when used in proportions between 10 and 20 g/100 g. Thus, the inclusion of amaranth flour could be limited to a maximum proportion of 20 g/100 g, thereby maintaining both product quality as well as the nutritional benefit of this ingredient.
Nowadays, there is a growing demand from consumers for baked products with lower caloric density and higher levels of dietary fiber. In the present study, the response surface methodology was used to determine the optimum treatment of coffee silverskin (CS) with alkaline hydrogen peroxide that gave the best quality, shelf life, sensory and image properties for Barbari flat bread. Contact time, solution portion and particle size were considered components of the chemical treatment. The most compatible model among mean, linear and quadratic expressions was fitted to each response and the regression coefficients were determined using least square method. The optimum condition was found to be a chemical process containing mixing time of 1 h, solution portion of 4.77 and particle size of 116.41 mu m when desirability function method was applied. There was a good agreement between the experimental data and their predicted counterparts. Results showed that alkaline hydrogen peroxide CS might be useful as an ingredient for reducing caloric density and increasing dietary fiber content of bread.
The use of dietary fibers as fat-replacers in sausages gives less energy-dense and thereby healthier foods. Also, dietary fibers have been shown to induce satiety. The objectives of this study were to investigate if appetite sensations and energy intake was affected by (1) addition of dietary fibers to sausages, (2) type of dietary fibers and (3) the food matrix of the dietary fibers. In this randomized cross-over study 25 young men were served four test meals; wheat bran sausages, rye bran sausages, rye bran bread and wheat flour sausages. The test meals were served as breakfast after an overnight fast. Appetite sensations were evaluated by visual analogue scales (VAS) assessed every 30 min for 240 min followed by an ad libitum lunch meal where energy intake was calculated. Both rye bran and wheat bran sausages increased satiety (P < 0.01) and fullness (P < 0.02) and decreased hunger (P < 0.001) and prospective consumption (P < 0.001) compared to wheat flour sausages. Furthermore, rye bran sausages increased satiety (P < 0.05) and fullness (P < 0.02) and decreased prospective consumption (P < 0.01) compared to rye bran bread. No differences in subsequent energy intake were observed. In conclusion, wheat and rye bran added to sausages decreased appetite sensations and thereby has a potential added health benefit beyond the role as fat-replacer. The satisfying effect of dietary fibers appears to be more pronounced when added to sausages than when added to bread, stressing the importance of food matrix and food processing.