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Modeling of food intake: a meta-analytic review


Abstract and Figures

This meta-analysis provides a comprehensive quantitative assessment of research on modeling of food intake. Thirty-eight articles met inclusion criteria. Overall, there was a large modeling effect (r = .39) such that participants ate more when their companion ate more, and ate less when their companion ate less. Furthermore, social models appear to have stronger inhibitory effects than augmenting effects. Moderator analyses indicated that there were larger effects for correlational versus experimental studies, and for women versus men. There was no difference in effect sizes for studies using a live versus remote confederate, or for participants who were high or low in concern with eating appropriately. Together, these findings point to modeling as a robust and powerful influence on food intake.
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Social Influence
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Modeling of food intake: a meta-
analytic review
Lenny R. Vartaniana, Samantha Spanosa, C. Peter Hermanb & Janet
a School of Psychology, UNSW Australia, Sydney, NSW2052,
b Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto,
Published online: 24 Feb 2015.
To cite this article: Lenny R. Vartanian, Samantha Spanos, C. Peter Herman & Janet Polivy
(2015) Modeling of food intake: a meta-analytic review, Social Influence, 10:3, 119-136, DOI:
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Modeling of food intake: a meta-analytic review
Lenny R. Vartanian
*, Samantha Spanos
, C. Peter Herman
and Janet Polivy
School of Psychology, UNSW Australia, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia;
Department of Psychology,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
(Received 14 September 2014; accepted 9 January 2015)
This meta-analysis provides a comprehensive quantitative assessment of research on
modeling of food intake. Thirty-eight articles met inclusion criteria. Overall, there was
a large modeling effect (r¼.39) such that participants ate more when their companion
ate more, and ate less when their companion ate less. Furthermore, social models
appear to have stronger inhibitory effects than augmenting effects. Moderator analyses
indicated that there were larger effects for correlational versus experimental studies,
and for women versus men. There was no difference in effect sizes for studies using a
live versus remote confederate, or for participants who were high or low in concern
with eating appropriately. Together, these findings point to modeling as a robust and
powerful influence on food intake.
Keywords: modeling; food intake; social influence; meta-analysis
Imagine that you are meeting a friend for lunch at a restaurant. You both order the daily
special and, when the food arrives, your friend eats almost everything on her plate.
The next day, you go for lunch at the same restaurant with another friend who eats almost
nothing. How much would you eat in each of those situations? Although factors such as
how hungry you are and how much you like the taste of the food will almost certainly play
a role, considerable evidence suggests that how much your companion eats will also play
an important role in determining how much you eat. In social situations, one’s eating
behavior can be influenced by the behavior of others in a variety of ways (see Herman,
Roth, & Polivy, 2003, for a review). For example, social-facilitation research finds that
people tend to eat more in larger groups than when eating alone (de Castro & Brewer,
1992; Herman, 2015), whereas the impression-management literature indicates that people
can use their eating behavior to convey a particular impression of themselves to others
(Vartanian, 2015; Vartanian, Herman, & Polivy, 2007). One of the most powerful social
influences on food intake is modeling: people adjust their food intake to that of their eating
companion, eating a little when their companion eats a little, and eating more when their
companion eats more.
According to the normative account of food intake, modeling occurs because other
people provide information about the appropriate amount of food to consume in a given
situation (Herman et al., 2003). This account follows from the fact that, in social situations,
the appropriate amount to eat is often ambiguous, and internal signals (i.e., hunger and
satiety) that one would expect to help guide food intake are often unreliable (Herman &
Polivy, 2005). Thus, in these situations, people may look to the example of others to help
them decide how much food is appropriate to consume. More specifically, Herman et al.
(2003) argued that people are often motivated to maximize their intake of palatable foods
q2015 The Author(s). Published by Taylor & Francis.
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Social Influence, 2015
Vol. 10, No. 3, 119–136,
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without appearing to eat excessively, with “excess” defined as eating more than what
others are eating. Thus, a companion who eats very little can inhibit one’s own food
intake whereas a companion who eats a large amount can augment one’s own food intake
(or at least give one permission to eat an equally large amount). Support for the normative
account of modeling comes from recent research showing that perceived norms of
appropriate food intake mediate the influence of social models on food intake (Vartanian,
Sokol, Herman, & Polivy, 2013). Such a normative account has also been used by
some researchers to explain the spread of obesity in social networks (e.g., Christakis &
Fowler, 2007).
One of the most notable features of the modeling of food intake is how robust the effect
appears to be. Modeling is observed with unhealthy snack foods (Vartanian et al., 2013)
and healthy snack foods (Hermans, Larsen, Herman & Engels, 2009), and also during
meals (Hermans, Larsen, Herman, & Engels, 2012). Modeling occurs among people who
have been food deprived for up to 24 hours (Goldman, Herman, & Polivy, 1991), among
children (Bevelander, Anschu
¨tz, & Engels, 2012), and independent of individual
differences in body weight (Rosenthal & McSweeney, 1979) and dietary restraint (Roth,
Herman, Polivy, & Pliner, 2001). Modeling persists even when the other person is not
physically present and participants are exposed only to a written indication of the amount
of food eaten by supposed prior participants (a “remote” confederate; Roth et al., 2001;
Vartanian et al., 2013); indeed, Feeney, Polivy, Pliner, and Sullivan (2011) found no
difference in the strength of modeling whether the model was a live confederate or a
remote confederate.
Researchers have also examined a variety of individual difference and contextual factors
that should enhance or limit the extent to which people model the food intake of others. For
example, individuals who are high in trait empathy (Robinson, Tobias, Shaw, Freeman, &
Higgs, 2011) appear to model the behavior of their eating companion to a greater extent, as do
individuals high in expressiveness (Brunner, 2012), but individuals high in extraversion or
high in self-monitoring do not differ in the extent to which they model another person’s food
intake (Herman, Koenig-Nobert, Peterson, & Polivy, 2005). Furthermore, modeling tends to
be stronger when the person’s eating companion is an in-group member (Cruwys et al., 2012)
and when the experimental confederate is lean (as opposed to obese; e.g., McFerran, Dahl,
Fitzsimons, & Morales, 2010). Examining moderators of modeling is important in order to
elucidate any possible boundary conditions of the effect.
The purpose of the present meta-analysis is to quantify the effects of social models on
people’s food intake. Herman et al. (2003) provided a qualitative review of social
influences on food intake, but the literature was in its relative infancy at the time. Since
then, there has been a proliferation of research on the modeling of food intake, and there is
thus a critical mass of research allowing for a quantitative analysis of modeling effects.
One recent meta-analysis (Robinson, Thomas, Aveyard, & Higgs, 2014) examined the
impact of social norms on food choice and eating behavior and found that social norms
exerted a moderate effect on the eating outcomes. However, that review was limited by the
inclusion of only a small number of experimental studies (only eight studies that examined
actual food intake), and the authors were unable to quantitatively assess any moderators of
the modeling effect. Thus, we sought to provide a more comprehensive assessment of the
effects of social models on the amount of food that people eat. Furthermore, we sought to
develop a better understanding of the moderators of modeling effects by examining
variation as a function of experimental design (correlational vs. experimental studies), as
well as characteristics of the participant, characteristics of the model, characteristics of the
eating context, and factors that might influence the extent of people’s concern with eating
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appropriately. Doing so will not only provide a clearer picture of how, when, and why
social models influence people’s food intake, but should also provide direction for future
research aimed at filling the gaps in the existing knowledge base.
Literature search strategy
The literature search involved a multi-step process and was completed in August 2014.
First, we searched three electronic databases (Scopus, PsycInfo, and Web of Science) for
articles published through the end of 2013 to identify studies containing the terms eating,
food intake,consumption,ingestion, and food choice in combination with modeling,social
influence,peer influence,matching, and confederate. Second, the reference section of each
retrieved article was searched to identify potentially relevant articles that were missed in
the initial searches. Third, citations to the retrieved articles were searched to identify any
recent relevant articles. Fourth, the electronic databases indicated above were further
searched using the names of the first author, last author, and corresponding author of each
eligible study. Fifth, the table of contents of key journals in the area (Appetite,Eating
Behaviors,Physiology & Behavior,Health Psychology) were searched for any relevant
articles that might have been missed through the other search steps.
The search process identified 110 articles which were then retrieved and reviewed in
detail by two independent judges (the first and second author) to determine their eligibility
for inclusion in this study. Note that, although the terms “modeling” and “matching” are
often used interchangeably in the literature, we suggest that the term “matching” should
refer specifically to the extent to which Person A eats an identical amount to Person B,
whereas the term “modeling” should refer more generally to the process of adjusting one’s
intake upward or downward in line with the intake of one’s eating companion (see also
Spanos, Vartanian, Herman, & Polivy, 2014). In this article, we focus on modeling (i.e.,
studies that assess the correlation between the amounts eaten by individuals, or studies that
examine how a confederate’s intake affects participants’ intake). Inclusion criteria for the
current meta-analysis were as follows: (1) the article must have been published in English
(1 article excluded); (2) the study must have measured the amount of food consumed by
participants (as opposed to food choice, self-reported food intake, behavioral intentions, or
other such measures; 28 articles excluded); and (3) for experimental studies, the study
must involve at least two norm conditions (i.e., at least two of the following: low-intake
model, high-intake model, no-intake model, or eat-alone/no-norm condition) and the norm
conditions must specify the amount eaten by the confederates (10 articles excluded). Other
reasons for excluding articles were that they were not modeling studies (e.g., social
facilitation studies; 15 articles excluded), were only abstracts without sufficient
information to code (9 articles excluded), were theoretical review papers (8 articles
excluded), or duplicated a sample from another study (1 article excluded). A total of 38
articles (representing 44 separate studies and 67 independent effects) met the inclusion
criteria and were included in the meta-analysis.
Effect size coding
We calculated effect sizes as r-values from the information available in the published
reports, including means and standard deviations, correlation coefficients or intraclass
correlations, F-values, and p-values. For experimental studies in which means for more
than two groups were reported (e.g., low-intake norm, high-intake norm, and a control
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condition), we used the formulas for one-way contrasts described by Rosenthal, Rosnow,
and Rubin (2000) to calculate an overall effect size. In each case, we ordered the norm
conditions as follows (from lowest to highest): no-intake confederate, low-intake
confederate, eat-alone control, and high-intake confederate. For studies that did not
provide sufficient information to calculate precise effect sizes, we contacted the authors to
obtain additional information (when possible), or used a conservative estimate of effect
sizes. For example, effects described as “significant” were assigned a p-value of .05, and
effects described as “non-significant” were assigned a p-value of .99. This conservative
effect-size estimate was used in only two cases and allowed us to include as many studies
as possible in the meta-analysis without potentially exaggerating any observed effects.
Effect sizes were weighted by sample size. We interpreted an effect size of .10 as small,
.25 as medium, and .40 or above as large (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001).
Meta-analytic procedures
To determine the magnitude and significance of the overall effect size, we fit a random-
effects model. In contrast to a fixed-effects approach, which assumes that individual effect
sizes differ from the population mean through sampling error alone, a random-effects
approach assumes that variability among effect sizes is due to sampling error as well as
unsystematic, random sources of error that vary across studies. Random-effects models are
also more conservative and have substantially reduced Type 1 error rates compared to
fixed-effects models (Field, 2003; Lipsey & Wilson, 2001), and allow for inferences to be
drawn beyond the studies included in the meta-analysis (Field & Gillett, 2010).
The primary analysis was an examination of the overall modeling effect across all
studies. Because there is considerable variability in the research design used in modeling
studies, we also tested whether mean effect sizes differed for experimental studies (those
in which the amount eaten by the model is determined by the experimenter) and
correlational studies (in which the researchers simply calculated the degree of
correspondence between the amounts eaten by two members of a dyad). For this
analysis, we excluded no-norm (eat alone) control conditions from the experimental
studies because there is no equivalent in correlational studies (the results are identical if
the eat-alone condition is included). Furthermore, past theory and research suggests that
social models might have an inhibiting effect more than they have an augmenting effect
(Herman et al., 2003; Vartanian et al., 2013); we therefore computed the mean effect size
separately for low-norm conditions versus no-norm/eat-alone control conditions, and for
no-norm/eat-alone control conditions versus high-intake conditions.
The potential for publication bias was assessed by calculating Orwin’s fail-safe N
(the number of studies with a correlation of r¼.00 that would need to be added to the
meta-analysis to bring the overall effect size to a negligible level, defined as r¼.05 in this
case; Orwin, 1983). The fail-safe Nwas 451 studies, suggesting that these effects are
robust to the so-called file-drawer problem.
In addition to determining the overall effect size, we also evaluated the degree of
heterogeneity in effect-size distribution by calculating the Qstatistic, and followed up a
significant Qstatistic with a series of moderator analyses. Moderators were coded by two
independent coders with any discrepancies resolved through discussion with the first
author. The moderator coding for each study is displayed in Table 1.
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Table 1. Study characteristics for each moderator included in the meta-analysis.
Participant Model Eating context
Authors Year Design Gender Age Type Weight status Familiarity Food type Task type Concern
Addessi, Galloway,
Visalberghi, and Birch
2005 Exp. Mixed Children Live Familiar Snack Eating
Bevelander, Anschu
¨tz et al. 2013 Exp. Mixed Children Remote Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating DNC
Bevelander et al. 2012 Exp. Mixed Children Live Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating
Bevelander, Meiselman,
¨tz, and, Engels
2013 Exp. Mixed Children Live Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating
Brunner 2010; Study 1 Exp. Female Adults Live Unfamiliar Snack Eating
Brunner 2010; Study 2 Exp. Female Adults Live Unfamiliar Snack Eating
Brunner 2012 Corr. Female Adults Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating L: Low expressive
H: High expressive
Conger, Conger, Costanzo,
Wright, and Matter
1980 Exp. Mixed Adults Live Unfamiliar Snack Eating
Cruwys et al. 2012 Exp. Female Adults Live Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating L: Out-group
H: In-group
Feeney et al. 2011 Exp. Female Adults Live Unfamiliar Meal Non-eating
Florack, Palcu, and Friese 2013; Study 1 Exp. Mixed Adults Live Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating
Florack et al. 2013; Study 2 Exp. Female Adults Remote Unfamiliar Snack Eating
Goldman et al. 1991; Exp. 1 Exp. Female Adults Live Unfamiliar Meal Eating
Goldman et al. 1991; Exp. 2 Exp. Female Adults Live Unfamiliar Meal Eating
Herman et al. 2005 Corr. Female Adults Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating L: Low extraversion
H: High extraversion
Hermans, Engels, Larsen,
and Herman
2009 Exp. Female Adults Live Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating L: Unsociable model
H: Sociable model
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Table 1 continued
Participant Model Eating context
Authors Year Design Gender Age Type Weight status Familiarity Food type Task type Concern
Hermans, Herman, Larsen,
and Engels
2010a Exp. Male Adults Live Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating
Hermans, Herman, Larsen,
and Engels
2010b Exp. Female Adults Live Unfamiliar Meal Non-eating
Hermans et al. 2008 Exp. Female Adults Live Thin Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating
Hermans, Larsen, et al. 2009 Exp. Female Adults Live Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating
Hermans, Larsen, et al. 2012 Exp. Female Adults Live Unfamiliar Meal Non-eating
Hermans et al. 2013 Exp. Female Adults Live Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating L: Low impulsivity
H: High impulsivity
Hermans, Salvy, et al. 2012; Exp. 2 Exp. Female Adults Remote Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating
Howland, Hunger, and Mann 2012; Study 2 Exp. Mixed Adults Live Familiar Snack Non-eating
Johnston 2002; Exp. 1 Exp. Female Adults Live Normal Unfamiliar Snack Eating
McFerran et al. 2010; Exp. 1 Exp. Female Adults Live DNC Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating
McFerran et al. 2010; Exp. 2 Exp. Female Adults Live Thin Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating
Nisbett and Storms 1974; Exp. 1 Exp. Male Adults Live Unfamiliar Snack Eating
Pliner and Mann 2004; Exp. 1 Exp. Female Adults Remote Unfamiliar Snack Eating
Polivy, Herman, Younger,
and Erskine
1979 Exp. Female Adults Live Unfamiliar Meal Eating
Robinson et al. 2013 Exp. Female Adults Remote Unfamiliar Snack Eating L: Low empathy
H: High empathy
Robinson et al. 2011; Study 1 Corr. Female Adults Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating L: Low empathy
H: High empathy
Romero, Epstein, and Salvy 2009 Exp. Female Children Remote Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating
Rosenthal and McSweeny 1979; Exp. 2 Exp. Male Adults Live Unfamiliar Snack Eating
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Rosenthal and Marx 1979 Exp. Female Adults Live Unfamiliar Snack Eating
Roth et al. 2001 Exp. Female Adults Remote Unfamiliar Snack Eating
Salvy et al. 2009 Corr. Mixed Children Familiar
Snack Non-eating
Salvy, Jarrin, et al. 2007 Corr. Male Adults Familiar
Snack Non-eating
Salvy, Kieffer, and Epstein 2008 Corr. Mixed Children Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating
Salvy, Romero, Paluch,
and Epstein
2007 Corr. Female Children Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating
Salvy, Vartanian, Coelho,
Jarrin, and Pliner
2008 Corr. Mixed Children Familiar
Snack Non-eating
Vartanian et al. 2013; Exp. 1 Exp. Female Adults Remote Unfamiliar Snack Eating
Vartanian et al. 2013; Exp. 2 Exp. Female Adults Remote Unfamiliar Snack Eating
Vartanian et al. 2013; Exp. 3 Exp. Female Adults Live Unfamiliar Snack Non-eating
Notes: Corr, correlational study; Exp, experimental study; DNC, did not code moderator because insufficient data was provided in the study or because the design precluded inclusion in
the moderator analysis; L, low concern with eating appropriately; H, high concern with eating appropriately.
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Characteristics of the participant
Participant gender (only male, only female, or male and female combined) and participant
age group (children vs. adults) were examined as potential moderators. Although the
weight classification of participants would be of interest, only three studies (Bevelander
et al., 2012; Nisbett & Storms, 1974; Salvy, Howard, Read, & Mele, 2009) provided data
separately for overweight and normal-weight participants, and thus participant weight
status was not included as a moderator.
Characteristics of the model
We compared effect sizes for studies involving live confederates versus remote
confederates. Remote-confederate studies included those that provided participants with a
list of the amount eaten by supposed previous participants (usually the 10 previous
participants; e.g., Roth et al., 2001), as well as studies using a video or social-media
presentation of the confederate (e.g., Bevelander, Anschu
¨tz, Creemers, Kleinjan, &
Engels, 2013; Hermans, Salvy, Larsen, & Engels, 2012). We also examined the
confederate’s weight status as a moderator of the overall effect size in those studies that
directly manipulated the confederate’s weight. Hermans, Larsen, Herman, and Engels
(2008) included a “slim” confederate (body mass index [BMI; kg/m
]¼20.9) and a
“normal-weight” confederate (BMI unspecified); McFerran et al. (2010) included a “thin”
confederate (BMI ¼19.2) and an obese confederate (apparent BMI ¼33); and Johnston
(2002) included a normal-weight confederate (BMI ¼24) and an obese confederate
(BMI ¼35). Because of the differences in how these weight groups were defined, we
compared effect sizes for thin (BMI ,21), normal-weight (BMI ¼21 24), and obese
confederates (BMI .30). Finally, we examined whether familiarity with one’s eating
companion moderated the modeling effect.
Characteristics of the eating context
Studies were coded in terms of whether participants were served a meal or a snack. This
designation was established by considering the food provided to participants and the
description of the study context provided by the authors. Studies were also coded in terms
of whether the study was framed for participants as an eating task (e.g., a taste test, a meal)
or as a non-eating task in which they were given incidental access to food.
Concern with eating appropriately
Social models are thought to influence people’s eating behavior by providing a norm of
appropriate intake (Herman et al., 2003; Vartanian et al., 2013). A number of studies have
examined factors that might make participants more or less concerned about eating in an
appropriate manner and therefore more or less likely to model the intake of an eating
companion. These studies were coded, based on the description provided by the authors, in
terms of whether participants should experience high or low concern with eating
appropriately (see Table 1). Two other relevant characteristics (sociotropy and self-
esteem) were not included in the analysis because the specific study did not meet our
inclusion criteria (Exline, Zell, Bratslavsky, Hamilton, & Swenson, 2012), the data
duplicated another variable already included in the analysis (Robinson et al., 2011), or the
study did not provide sufficient data to calculate relevant effect sizes (Bevelander,
¨tz, et al., 2013).
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Overall effect of modeling on food intake
As expected, social models had a significant effect on participants’ food intake:
Participants ate more food when the model ate a lot than when the model ate very little.
The overall effect size across all studies was r¼.39 ( p,.001, 95% CI ¼.33 to .44),
indicating that social models had what could be considered a “large” effect on the amount
of food that participants ate (Figure 1).
A comparison of correlational and experimental studies showed that correlational
studies (r¼.56) produced larger effect sizes than did experimental studies (r¼.31), Q
(1) ¼12.94, p,.001 (see Table 2). Note, however, that the effect size for experimental
studies would still be considered moderate-to-large in magnitude.
Figure 1. Forest plot of effect sizes for all studies included in the meta-analysis. For ease of
presentation, an average effect size is provided for each individual study.
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Inhibiting versus augmenting models
We next examined the inhibiting and augmenting effects of a social model by comparing,
separately, the effects of a low-intake confederate versus an eat-alone (no norm) control
condition, and the effects of a high-intake confederate versus an eat-alone (no norm) control
condition. These analyses were conducted separately because some studies included both
low-intake and high-intake conditions along with the control condition, whereas others
included only a low-intake or high-intake condition with the control condition. Thus,
statistical comparison between the two mean effect sizes was not possible. The mean effect
size for low-intake versus control was r¼2.23 ( p,.001, 95% CI ¼2.11 to 2.35),
indicating that low-intake models produce a moderate inhibiting effect on participants’ food
intake (see Figure 2). Consistent with previous theory and research, high-intake models did
augment participants’ food intake, but the mean effect size for high intake versus control
was small (r¼.14, p¼.001, 95% CI ¼.05 to .22; see Figure 3).
Moderators of the modeling effect
There was significant heterogeneity of effect size distribution for the overall modeling
effect, Q(66) ¼253.47, p,.001, with effect sizes ranging from 2.18 to .93. Therefore,
we proceeded to examine the moderators of the overall modeling effect (see Table 2).
Table 2. Moderators of modeling effects.
Moderator N
Effect size (r) 95% CI Zp
Study design
Experimental 44 .313 .264, .360 11.91 ,.001
Correlational 23 .557 .439, .656 7.82 ,.001
Participant sex
Female 43 .393 .329, .452 11.19 ,.001
Male 5 .173 2.029, .362 1.68 .09
Mixed 19 .450 .320, .564 6.21 ,.001
Age group
Children 15 .470 .324, .594 5.75 ,.001
Adults 52 .372 .310, .431 10.90 ,.001
Model type
Live model 33 .312 .256, .366 10.30 ,.001
Remote confederate 10 .301 .193, .402 5.28 ,.001
Model body size
Thin 2 .406 .071, .659 2.35 .02
Normal weight 2 .432 .229, .599 3.95 ,.001
Obese 2 .144 2.092, .365 1.20 .23
Familiar 9 .528 .335, .679 4.82 ,.001
Unfamiliar 58 .369 .310, .426 11.40 ,.001
Food type
Meal 6 .455 .375, .528 9.93 ,.001
Snack 61 .381 .318, .440 11.01 ,.001
Task type
Eating task 23 .342 .274, .406 9.38 ,.001
Incidental access 44 .422 .343, .495 9.53 ,.001
Appropriateness concerns
Low 7 .362 .157, .537 3.36 .001
High 7 .507 .258, .693 3.72 ,.001
Note: N
, number of effects.
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Characteristics of the participants
Among studies that provided data separately for female participants and for male
participants, the mean effect size was larger among female participants (r¼.39) than
among male participants (r¼.17), Q(1) ¼4.70, p¼.03. The mean effect size for studies
that included both male and female participants (r¼.45) was significantly larger than the
mean effect size for studies with only male participants ( p¼.02) but did not differ from
studies with only female participants ( p¼.42). Studies examining modeling effects
among children (r¼.47) and among adults (r¼.37) did not differ in their mean effect
size, Q(1) ¼1.56, p¼.21. Interestingly, a follow-up meta-regression for studies
involving children showed that children’s mean age was positively associated with the
degree of modeling (slope ¼.06, SE ¼.02, p,.001).
Characteristics of the model
Studies involving a remote confederate produced a mean effect size (r¼.30) that was
virtually identical to that of studies using a live confederate (r¼.31), Q(1) ¼0.03,
Figure 2. Forest plot of effect sizes for low-intake confederate condition versus control condition.
For ease of presentation, an average effect size is provided for each individual study.
Figure 3. Forest plot of effect sizes for control condition versus high-intake confederate condition.
For ease of presentation, an average effect size is provided for each individual study.
Social Influence 129
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p¼.85. As for the confederate’s body size, thin confederates (r¼.41) and normal-weight
confederates (r¼.43) produced equivalent effect sizes ( p¼.88). Furthermore, although
thin confederates and normal-weight confederates produced larger mean effect sizes than
did obese confederates (r¼.14), these differences were not statistically significant
(ps..05), which is probably due to the small number of studies involved (k¼2 per
group). Finally, the mean effect sizes for eating with a familiar companion (r¼.53) and
an unfamiliar companion (r¼.37) did not differ significantly, Q(1) ¼2.49, p¼.12.
Characteristics of the eating context
There was no significant difference in mean effect size for meals (r¼.46) compared to
snacks (r¼.38), Q(1) ¼2.17, p¼.14. There was also no significant difference in mean
effect size when the task was presented as an eating task (e.g., a taste test; r¼.35) or a
non-eating task (e.g., incidental access to snack foods as part of a separate task; r¼.42), Q
(1) ¼2.04, p¼.15.
Concern with eating appropriately
Conditions that would be expected to elicit higher concern with eating appropriately
(r¼.51) did not differ from conditions that should elicit lower concern with eating
appropriately (r¼.36), Q(1) ¼0.92, p¼.34.
Social factors play an important role in dictating how much food people will eat in a given
situation. Our meta-analysis summarized the effect sizes from studies on the modeling of
food intake, and found an overall mean effect size of r¼.39, which corresponds to a large
effect (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). We also found that inhibiting models tend to have a
greater effect on people’s food intake than do augmenting models. Herman et al. (2003)
argued that people are motivated to maximize their intake of palatable foods without
appearing to eat excessively, and “excess” in social settings is defined as eating more than
other people are eating. When the model eats very little, this sets a relatively low ceiling
for acceptable food intake, leading people to suppress their food intake relative to how
much they would eat if they were alone. In contrast, when the model eats a great deal,
people essentially have the freedom to eat as much as they typically would and may even
have permission to eat somewhat more than they typically would (as indicated by the
relatively small difference between the high-intake conditions and the eat-alone control
In addition to examining the overall effect size, we also examined a range of potential
moderators of modeling effects. With respect to research design, we found that effect sizes
were larger for correlational studies than for experimental studies. Of course, correlational
studies are limited by the fact that there is no clear “model” in those studies and thus
nothing can be said about causal effects on eating behavior; indeed, in these contexts, there
is the potential for mutual influence by both members of the dyad. It is also the case,
however, that correlational studies more closely approximate “natural” eating contexts
because one rarely (if ever) eats with a confederate who has been instructed to eat a
particular amount. Furthermore, correlational studies have the advantage of increasing
variability in food intake because intake is not constrained by the experimenters’
instructions, allowing researchers to examine the relationship between co-eaters’ food
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intake (Salvy, Jarrin, Paluch, Irfan, & Pliner, 2007). It may be that the increased variability
in participants’ intake in correlational studies, as well as the reciprocal influence that each
member of the dyad can have on the other person’s food intake, accounts for the larger
effect sizes observed in those studies compared to experimental studies. Capitalizing on
the unique features of correlational designs, it would be interesting for future research to
examine which factors determine who will lead and who will follow in naturally occurring
social eating situations.
Very few other factors that we examined were significant moderators of the modeling
effect. In terms of characteristics of the participant, we found that women showed larger
effects than did men. Although this sex difference is consistent with research suggesting
that women might be more concerned with how they are viewed by others while they are
eating (Vartanian et al., 2007), other work suggests that men are more influenced by
external eating cues, including portion size (Zlatevska, Dubelaar, & Holden, 2014), and
that men show stronger social facilitation effects (Bellisle, Dalix, & de Castro, 1999). Thus,
whether the observed sex difference in modeling effects reflects a genuine difference in the
extent to which women’s (relative to men’s) food intake is influenced by social cues, or
reflects something more mundane such as differences in how undergraduate male
participants respond to free food, remains an open question. We also found that, among
children, participants’ mean age was positively correlated with the magnitude of the
modeling effect. This finding is consistent with other research showing, for example, that
older children are more likely to be influenced by portion size than are younger children
(Rolls, Engell, & Birch, 2000), and suggests that a tendency to rely on external cues (and
perhaps a tendency to want to eat “appropriately”) is learned over time. Determining at
what age children begin relying less on internal signals and more on normative signals with
respect to their food intake would be an important direction for future research.
With respect to characteristics of the model, leaner models produced somewhat larger
effects than did heavier models but this difference was not statistically significant,
probably because of the small number of studies represented. It may be that obese models
elicit less modeling because they are not seen as being relevant guides to appropriate
behavior or that people somehow adjust for assumed baseline differences in how much
obese people eat. We might also expect that participants’ own weight status would interact
with the confederate’s weight status in predicting the degree of modeling. Future research
is needed to clarify the effect of participants’ and models’ weight status on food intake, as
well as the mechanisms underlying those effects.
An important finding from our meta-analysis is the fact that we observed identical
effect sizes for studies that used a live model versus a remote confederate. How can
modeling effects occur when the “model” is not actually present? Vartanian et al. (2013)
found that both live models and remote confederates create and convey a norm of
appropriate food intake, which in turn affects how much participants eat. However, it may
be that some of the mechanisms underlying modeling effects differ between live models
and remote confederates. For example, Robinson et al. (2011) and Robinson, Benwell, and
Higgs (2013) have argued that empathy plays an important role in modeling the food
intake of another person, but not in modeling of remote confederates. It might also be that
some components of modeling (e.g., behavioral mimicry; Hermans, Lichtwarck-Aschoff,
et al., 2012) are observed only with live models. Future research examining the different
processes underlying modeling effects in live and remote confederate designs would help
elucidate the mechanisms underlying the modeling of food intake.
Although we were able to examine a number of moderators of effect sizes, there are
other factors that need to be considered in future research that would broaden our
Social Influence 131
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understanding of the scope and limits of modeling effects. For example, little is known
about the modeling of healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables. Most modeling studies
employ highly palatable but unhealthy foods, such as pizza or cookies. Only one study has
examined modeling of healthy snacks (Hermans, Larsen, et al., 2009) and, although
modeling of vegetable intake was observed, it is not known how consistent that effect is,
what the mechanisms are, or whether there are any moderators of the effect. Given that
very few people meet their target recommendations for fruit and vegetable consumption
(e.g., Guenther, Dodd, Reedy, & Krebs-Smith, 2006), research examining the modeling of
healthy food intake would be an important direction for future research.
Why do people model other people’s food intake? Herman et al. (2003) argued that the
appropriate amount to eat is often ambiguous and that people therefore rely on the example
of others to determine how much they themselves should eat. Furthermore, Vartanian et al.
(2013) showed that perceived norms of appropriate intake mediated the link between a
model’s behavior and participants’ own food intake. Surprisingly, our meta-analysis found
no difference in the mean effect size for modeling between conditions that should elicit
relatively high or relatively low concern with eating appropriately. Indeed, even
conditions that are thought to “minimize” modeling effects (e.g., low appropriateness-
concern conditions) still produce sizable effects (average r¼.36). It should be noted,
however, that those studies used experimental manipulations or self-report measures that
only indirectly tapped into people’s concern with eating appropriately (e.g., trait empathy
or eating with an unsociable confederate). It may be that some of the methods used to
either manipulate or measure appropriateness concerns do not adequately capture that
construct. It is also possible that most of the participants in these studies—even many of
those who were categorized as low in concern for appropriateness on the basis of a median
split on some measure—were relatively high in concern for appropriateness. A more
compelling test of the possible role of concern for appropriateness awaits direct
manipulation of people’s level of concern with eating appropriately, the identification of
measures that adequately capture concern with behaving appropriately, and/or the
identification of samples that are demonstrably high and low in this attribute.
Situating the findings of the current meta-analysis in the context of other external
influences on food intake, a recent meta-analysis of the effect of portion size on people’s
food intake found that the mean effect size was r¼.22 (a moderate effect; Zlatevska et al.,
2014). Although direct comparisons between the two literatures are difficult due to various
methodological differences, it is notable that the average modeling effect in our meta-
analysis (r¼.39) is considerably larger than the average portion-size effect reported by
Zlatevska et al. (2014). The effect of larger portions has justly received a great deal of
attention in the research literature and in the popular media, but the findings of the present
meta-analysis suggest that modeling effects deserve just as much attention.
Social models provide a powerful influence on people’s food intake, with implications for
their ability to appropriately regulate food intake. First, eating with a low-intake model can
lead people to restrict their food intake. Although in some cases restriction (or reduced
“overconsumption”) might be seen as healthy and desirable, in other cases it might
exacerbate unhealthy restrictive eating patterns, particularly among individuals at risk for
disordered eating. Second, eating with a high-intake model can lead to overindulgence and
excess energy intake. The potential for overindulgence in social situations might be
heightened by the contemporary food environment, characterized by widespread
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availability of high-calorie foods and oversized portions (Brownell & Horgen, 2004).
Efforts to help people eat a healthy diet might potentially include using social models to
promote the consumption of healthy foods, as well as helping people discern when a
model’s food intake is an appropriate guide to behavior and when it is not.
We wish to thank Suzanna Azevedo, Alana Eyles, and Robyn Winwood-Smith for their assistance
retrieving and coding the articles. We also wish to thank the authors who generously responded to
our request for additional data.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
This research was supported under Australian Research Council’s Discovery Projects funding
scheme (project number DP110101124).
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... Modeling is a powerful and robust social influence on eating behavior (Cruwys et al., 2015;Vartanian et al., 2015). One factor that can influence the modeling of eating is observing a co-eater's enjoyment of food, such as a verbal statement about how palatable a food is (e.g., "mmm, this is yummy") or a facial reaction whilst eating the food (e.g., wrinkling your nose to a disliked taste). ...
... This study examined the effect of models' FEs toward raw broccoli on young adult women's change in liking and change in desire to eat a modeled vegetable (raw broccoli) and a non-modeled vegetable (cucumber). Women were examined because gender differences may exist within the modeling of eating behavior, with larger modeling effects on women's, than men's, eating (Vartanian et al., 2015). Based on previous literature, it was hypothesized that there would be a greater increase in change in liking and desire to eat the modeled vegetable (raw broccoli) after exposure to videos of adult models consuming raw broccoli with positive FEs, and a greater decrease in change in liking and desire to eat the modeled vegetable after exposure to videos of adult models eating raw broccoli with negative FEs, compared to exposure to videos of adult models eating raw broccoli with neutral FEs. ...
... The current findings are only relevant to women. Though research has suggested larger modeling effects for women (Vartanian et al., 2015), it is unclear whether gender would interact with the effect of models' FEs on eating behavior, thus, future research is needed with samples comprising sufficient numbers of men. It is also possible that the gender of the models could have moderated the effect of FEs on eating behavior. ...
Full-text available
Introduction Food enjoyment can be conveyed through facial expressions. Observing others’ enjoyment of food has been found to influence adults’ desirability of liked and disliked food. Exposing adults to other eaters enjoying nutritious foods that are typically disliked (e.g., vegetables) could enhance the consumption of vegetables by young adults. However, this remains to be examined in young adult populations. This study examined the effect of models’ facial expressions towards raw broccoli on young adult women’s change in liking and change in desire to eat a modelled vegetable (raw broccoli) and a non-modelled vegetable (cucumber). Methods Young adult women (N = 205) were randomised to watch a video of unfamiliar adult models eating raw broccoli with a positive, negative, or neutral facial expression. Participants’ change in liking and change in desire to eat the modelled and non-modelled vegetable was examined. Results Observing models conveying negative facial expressions whilst eating raw broccoli resulted in a statistically significant reduction in liking ratings of broccoli, but not cucumber. There was no effect of models’ facial expressions on the change in desire to eat foods. Discussion These findings suggest that watching others express a negative facial expression whilst eating a raw vegetable reduces women’s liking of the modelled vegetable, in the absence of a significant change to their desire to consume these foods. This highlights the power of others’ negative facial expressions on food liking. Further work is needed to establish the effect of others’ facial expressions on vegetable intake.
... It is well known that eating with others influences food choices and portions, which may be partly explained by the modelling of dietary behaviour (i.e. adjusting food intake to that of eating companions) [56][57][58]. Thus, the meal quality of the male participants in this study may have been positively affected by eating companions with better diet quality. ...
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Purpose The purpose was to assess the relationship between the quality of meals and its context. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study of 222 Japanese adults aged 30–76 years in 2021. The following information was obtained from the 4-d weighed dietary records: the recording day (working or not), meal type (breakfast, lunch, or dinner), eating companions (alone or with someone), eating location (at home or away from home), and screen-based activity (yes or no). The nutritional quality of each meal was evaluated using the Healthy Eating Index 2020 (HEI-2020). Results The analysis included 1,295 meals for males and 1,317 for females. The mean HEI-2020 ranged from 43.0 (lunch) to 51.9 (dinner) in males and from 45.7 (breakfast) to 52.0 (dinner) in females. Multilevel linear regression showed that, in males, lunch had a significantly lower HEI-2020 score compared to breakfast (β = −1.81, 95% confidence interval [CI]: −3.42, − 0.20), while dinner had a significantly higher HEI-2020 score (β = 6.77, 95% CI: 5.34, 8.20). Eating with someone was significantly associated with a higher HEI-2020 score (β = 2.22, 95% CI: 0.76, 3.67). Among females, dinner had a higher HEI-2020 score than breakfast (β = 5.21, 95% CI: 3.72, 6.70). Eating away from home was associated with higher HEI-2020 scores (β = 2.14, 95% CI: 0.04, 4.24). Conclusion Meal type, location, and eating companions were associated with meal quality in this population, with differences between males and females. Incorporating these factors in nutrition education and interventions can enhance diet quality.
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Digital marketing to children, teens, and adults contributes to substantial exposure to cues and persuasive messages that drive the overconsumption of energy dense foods and sugary beverages. Previous food marketing research has focused on traditional media, but less is known about how marketing techniques translate within digital platforms, such as social media, livestreaming, and gaming. Building upon previous theories and models, we propose a new model entitled food and beverage cues in digital marketing (FBCDM). The FBCDM model specifies key marking elements and marketing integration strategies that are common on digital platforms and are hypothesized to enhance the effects of advertising and incentive sensitization process. FBCDM also categorizes measurable outcomes into three domains that include brand, food, and social outcomes. Additionally, repeated marketing exposure and the resulting outcomes are hypothesized to have long term consequences related to consumer markets, consumption behavior, culture, and health. We include a discussion of what is currently known about digital marketing exposure within the outcome domains, and we highlight gaps in research including the long-term consequences of digital marketing exposure. The FBCDM model provides a conceptual framework to guide future research to examine the digital marketing of food and beverages to children and adolescents in order to inform government and industry policies that restrict the aggressive marketing of products associated with obesity and adverse diet related outcomes.
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Food marketing is facing increasing challenges in using portion size (e.g., “supersizing”) as a marketing tool. Marketers use portion size to attract customers and encourage purchase, but social agencies are expressing concern that larger portion sizes encourage greater consumption. This in turn raises concerns about excessive consumption and obesity. This paper addresses two questions that are central to this debate: How much effect does portion size have on consumption, and are there limits to this effect? A meta-analytic review revealed that, for a doubling of portion size, consumption increases by 35% on average. However, the effect has limits. An extended analysis showed that the effect of portion size is curvilinear: as portions become increasingly larger, the effect diminishes. In addition, although the portion-size effect is widespread and robust across a range of individual and environmental factors, the analysis showed that the portion-size effect is weaker among children, women, and overweight individuals, for non-snack food items and in contexts in which more attention is being given to the food being eaten.
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There is interest in the hypothesis that social norms are a determinant of healthy and unhealthy dietary practices. The objective of our work was to assess the weight of evidence that experimentally manipulated information about eating norms influences food intake and choice. This systematic review of experimental studies examined whether providing information about other peoples' eating habits influences food intake or choices. To inform the review, three electronic databases (PsycINFO, MEDLINE, and the Social Sciences Citation Index) were searched during July 2012. A narrative approach was used to synthesize studies that examined the influence of norms on food choice and meta-analyses were used to synthesize the effect that informational eating norms have on quantity of food consumed. Fifteen experimental studies were reviewed. There was evidence that both high intake norms (Z=3.84; P=0.0001; standardized mean difference 0.41, 95% confidence interval 0.20 to 0.63) and low intake norms (Z=2.78; P=0.005; standard mean difference –0.35, 95% confidence interval –0.59 to –0.10) exerted moderate influence on amounts of food eaten. There was consistent evidence that norms influenced food choices; norm information indicating that others make low-energy or high-energy food choices significantly increased the likelihood that participants made similar choices. Information about eating norms influences choice and quantity of food eaten, which could be used to promote healthy changes to dietary behavior.
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Objective: Two studies examined whether people are aware of social influences on food intake, and whether recognition of those influences is driven by the observation of mimicked eating and/or matching the amount of food eaten. Method: In Study 1, participants watched a video of 1 person eating alone, or a video of 2 people eating together that varied in the extent to which the target's eating behavior mimicked or matched that of the model. Participants then made attributions for the eating behavior of the target person. In Study 2, each participant watched a video of herself eating with a confederate and made attributions for her own eating behavior. In both studies, the outcome of interest was the extent to which each participant acknowledged the influence of the model's eating behavior on the target's (or her own) food intake. Results: In Study 1, participants accurately recognized social influences on the food intake of the target person, and this recognition was facilitated by the presence of mimicked eating, but not by matching the total amount eaten. Study 2 showed that the extent to which people acknowledge social influences on their own food intake depended on their self-reported general responsiveness to social cues on eating. Conclusion: Overall, people seem to be aware that social factors can influence others' food intake. Whereas some people (high social eaters) are able to accurately report social influences on their own food intake, others (low social eaters) seem to deny those influences for reasons that merit future investigation.
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It is often assumed that social models influence people's eating behavior by providing a norm of appropriate food intake, but this hypothesis has not been directly tested. In three experiments, female participants were exposed to a low-intake model, a high-intake model, or no model (control condition). Experiments 1 and 2 used a remote-confederate manipulation and were conducted in the context of a cookie taste test. Experiment 3 used a live confederate and was conducted in the context of a task during which participants were given incidental access to food. Participants also rated the extent to which their food intake was influenced by a variety of factors (e.g., hunger, taste, how much others ate). In all three experiments, participants in the low-intake conditions ate less than did participants in the high-intake conditions, and also reported a lower perceived norm of appropriate intake. Furthermore, perceived norms of appropriate intake mediated the effects of the social model on participants' food intake. Despite the observed effects of the social models, participants were much more likely to indicate that their food intake was influenced by taste and hunger than by the behavior of the social models. Thus, social models appear to influence food intake by providing a norm of appropriate eating behavior, but people may be unaware of the influence of a social model on their behavior.
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This experimental study investigated the impact of peers on palatable food intake of youngsters within a social media setting. To determine whether this effect was moderated by self-esteem, the present study examined the roles of global explicit self-esteem (ESE), body esteem (BE) and implicit self-esteem (ISE). Participants (N = 118; 38.1% boys; M age 11.14±.79) were asked to play a computer game while they believed to interact online with a same-sex normal-weight remote confederate (i.e., instructed peer) who ate either nothing, a small or large amount of candy. Participants modeled the candy intake of peers via a social media interaction, but this was qualified by their self-esteem. Participants with higher ISE adjusted their candy intake to that of a peer more closely than those with lower ISE when the confederate ate nothing compared to when eating a modest (β = .26, p = .05) or considerable amount of candy (kcal) (β = .32, p = .001). In contrast, participants with lower BE modeled peer intake more than those with higher BE when eating nothing compared to a considerable amount of candy (kcal) (β = .21, p = .02); ESE did not moderate social modeling behavior. In addition, participants with higher discrepant or "damaged" self-esteem (i.e., high ISE and low ESE) modeled peer intake more when the peer ate nothing or a modest amount compared to a substantial amount of candy (kcal) (β = -.24, p = .004; β = -.26, p<.0001, respectively). Youngsters conform to the amount of palatable food eaten by peers through social media interaction. Those with lower body esteem or damaged self-esteem may be more at risk to peer influences on food intake.
Do people sometimes eat in order to keep others comfortable? When people outperform others, they may experience concern or distress if they believe that their performance poses an interpersonal threat (Exline & Lobel, 1999). Two studies extend these outperformance ideas to eating situations among undergraduates. Our main hypothesis focused on the role of sociotropy, which involves preoccupation with pleasing others and maintaining social harmony. Sociotropy was associated with eating more candy, but only when participants believed that a peer wanted them to eat (Study 1). Under these conditions, sociotropy also predicted greater reports of trying to match the peer's eating and eating to make the peer feel comfortable (Study 1). Sociotropy also predicted more interpersonal concern and/or distress in these situations (Studies 1 and 2), which in turn predicted reports of giving in to social pressure by eating more (Study 2).
The prevalence of obesity has increased substantially over the past 30 years. We performed a quantitative analysis of the nature and extent of the person-to-person spread of obesity as a possible factor contributing to the obesity epidemic. We evaluated a densely interconnected social network of 12,067 people assessed repeatedly from 1971 to 2003 as part of the Framingham Heart Study. The body-mass index was available for all subjects. We used longitudinal statistical models to examine whether weight gain in one person was associated with weight gain in his or her friends, siblings, spouse, and neighbors. Discernible clusters of obese persons (body-mass index [the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters], > or =30) were present in the network at all time points, and the clusters extended to three degrees of separation. These clusters did not appear to be solely attributable to the selective formation of social ties among obese persons. A person's chances of becoming obese increased by 57% (95% confidence interval [CI], 6 to 123) if he or she had a friend who became obese in a given interval. Among pairs of adult siblings, if one sibling became obese, the chance that the other would become obese increased by 40% (95% CI, 21 to 60). If one spouse became obese, the likelihood that the other spouse would become obese increased by 37% (95% CI, 7 to 73). These effects were not seen among neighbors in the immediate geographic location. Persons of the same sex had relatively greater influence on each other than those of the opposite sex. The spread of smoking cessation did not account for the spread of obesity in the network. Network phenomena appear to be relevant to the biologic and behavioral trait of obesity, and obesity appears to spread through social ties. These findings have implications for clinical and public health interventions.
The social facilitation of eating (i.e., people eating more in groups than when alone) has been studied for about three decades now. In this paper, we review the empirical research (diary studies, observational studies, and experimental studies) of social facilitation, attending to factors that increase or decrease socially facilitated eating. We also review the various explanations (e.g., "time extension") that have been offered for the effect and offer our own speculations as to the underlying mechanisms. Further, we discuss the possible role of socially facilitated eating in the obesity epidemic as well as promising directions for future research on the social facilitation of eating.
This paper reviews recent research on consumption stereotypes (judgments of others based on what they eat) and impression management (modifying one's eating behavior in order to create a particular impression). A major recent focus in the literature has been on masculinity and meat eating, with research showing that meat is strongly associated with masculinity, and that individuals who follow a meat-based diet are perceived as more masculine than are people who follow a vegetarian diet. Although direct evidence for impression management through food intake remains sparse, a number of methodological approaches (including priming techniques and ecological valid assessments) are described that could be used in future research to identify the motives underlying people's eating behavior. Consumption stereotypes and impression management may be important influences on people's eating behavior, but the complexities of how, when, and for whom these factors influence food intake are still not well understood.
Meta-analysis is a statistical tool for estimating the mean and variance of underlying population effects from a collection of empirical studies addressing ostensibly the same research question. Meta-analysis has become an increasing popular and valuable tool in psychological research, and major review articles typically employ these methods. This article describes the process of conducting meta-analysis: selecting articles, developing inclusion criteria, calculating effect sizes, conducting the actual analysis (including information on how to do the analysis on popular computer packages such as IBM SPSS and R) and estimating the effects of publication bias. Guidance is also given on how to write up a meta-analysis.