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Animal testing in the history of anesthesia: Now and then, some stories, some facts

  • Madhukar Rainbow Children's Hospital, Delhi
Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology | April-June 2015 | Vol 31 | Issue 2 149
Animal testing in the history
of anesthesia: Now and then,
some stories, some facts
Arthur Guedel called him Airway”
Dr. Hasnain calls her “Morphine”
I call mine “Magic”
The dog is man’s best friend. There are many interesting
anecdotes, serendipitous stories and mesmerizing details
about how dogs have been loved, named and tested by
many anesthesiologists, in the past and present. However,
the contribution of experiments on animals such as rabbit,
monkey, mice, guinea pigs etc., also played a significant role
in the evolution of both general and regional anesthesia. Some
facts and intriguing stories from the history of anesthesia have
been put together though not chronologically, in this report to
make an interesting subject of reading.
Arthur Guedel first successfully demonstrated the safety of a
cuffed tracheal tube in 1926 on his dog that he affectionately
called “airway.”[1] In his famous “dunked dog” demonstration
at a medical convention, Guedel submerged his dog in an
aquarium after anesthetizing him with an ethylene-oxygen
mixture via a cuffed tracheal tube. A to-and-fro circuit with
soda lime absorption system was used to provide positive
pressure ventilation underwater by his fellow anesthesiologist
and friend, Ralph Waters. Guedel wanted to show that if his
cuffed tube could prevent the dog from drowning in water,
it could also effectively protect the trachea from aspiration
of water. The dog was crowned “airway” and since then,
airway and anesthesia are almost synonymous.
Andreas Vesalius used bellows to resuscitate an asphyxiated
dog in the 16th century. Robert Hook also performed the
demonstration of artificial respiration in 1678 on a dog that
had an open chest, but was kept alive by attaching rhythmically
contracting bellows to its trachea. By exposing fresh air with
oxygen to the circulating blood, he proved that the chest
movements are not the fundamentals of respiration.[2]
In 1884, Carl Koller applied a suspension of cocaine crystals
to the eyes of a dog in his laboratory and noticed that it made
the corneas totally numb, even to pin prick. Koller was so
convinced that he tried the same on his own eyes and finally
used the local anesthetic properties of the drug for superficial
ophthalmic surgery.[3]
In 1885, Corning injected cocaine to a dog and noticed that he
fell down because of the weakness of his hind legs.[4] He was
actually experimenting on some neurological problem when
he accidently punctured the dog’s dura mater. He witnessed
a motor block in the hind legs and noticed that it reversed in
some time on its own. Theodore Tuffier in 1900 and later
in 1915, Smith and Porter demonstrated sympatholysis
associated with spinal anesthesia on dogs and cats.[5]
During World War II, it is said that the Jews mysteriously
sneaked out of Germany in boats after duping the Nazi dogs.[6]
The captains dipped handkerchiefs in rabbit’s blood and
sprinkled cocaine on them. The ferocious search dogs came
for the smell of blood and sniffed the cocaine. This numbed
their strong sense of smell and gave them a high so that they
lost their focus for some time.
An interesting anecdote is related to the introduction of
halothane into clinical practice. In 1955, Bull, an eminent
anesthesiologist, who was then working in the Nuffield
Department of Anesthetics at the University of Oxford,
received a sample of a secret new anesthetic agent for trial
in dogs.[7] The agent had not been named then even by its
inventor, Raventos, and the “nondescript little bottle” was
labeled nonexplosive agent (NEA). A number of nylon
bags were filled with 1-5% concentrations of this NEA and
several dogs were anesthetized using a low resistance one-
way valve. Dr. Bull noted that NEA had superb handling
characteristics and provided both a smooth induction and
a steady maintenance in dogs. These trials of NEA on
dogs significantly led to the clinical use of the most popular
inhaled anesthetic in the history of anesthesia-halothane.
As Professor Bull mentions “compared with the elaborate
protocols that surround the acceptance of any new drug
today, the introduction of what was for years the most popular
inhalational anesthetic was unbelievably simple.”
Nearly 500 years ago in South America, an arrow poison,
later called curare was used to kill the game by progressive
paralysis of the motor nerves from peripher y to the center.
However, in 1814, Brodie and Waterton injected curare
to a donkey and demonstrated that it could only be kept
alive if artificial respiration was given along with (the lungs
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150 Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology | April-June 2015 | Vol 31 | Issue 2
were inflated with a pair of bellows). The drug was called
woorara and the donkey, Wouralia. He nurtured the donkey
for 25 years on his estate and used the drug to treat tetanus
and rabies.[4]
January 1976, Farber’s investigation published in “The
Times” about the suspicious deaths of 40 patients at River
dell Hospital in Oradell Bergen County, New Jersey by an
unidentified surgeon “Dr. X” created a media stir in the
country.[8] Eighteen empty vials of curare were found in the
locker of Dr. X, each of which had the potency to kill a man
if not supported with artificial respiration. Dr. X was Mario
Enrique Jascalevich, the chief surgeon at that hospital who
in his statement declared that he used curare for experiments
on dying dogs. Though there was no evidence of any dogs
been supplied to him for this purpose, jurors acquitted Dr.
X in 1978.
Pal discovered the drug to reverse the effects of curare in
Vienna in 1900, decades before it came into clinical practice
as a muscle relaxant during surgical anesthesia in 1942. While
studying the physiology of the gut, Pal injected physostigmine
to a dog that was already paralyzed with curare. To his
surprise, the dog started breathing spontaneously, and the
idea of reversal of the effects of neuromuscular drugs was
Liver is not only the most important organ for drug metabolism
(pharmacokinetics) but also gets affected by various drugs
or their metabolites. Thus, the prediction of the human
pharmacokinetics is an important tool when new drugs are
developed so that their adverse reactions and toxicity may be
known and/or avoided. Animal data have suggested certain
significant paths in this direction, but its extrapolation may
not be accurate and, therefore, chimeric mice with humanized
liver have been used to predict human drug metabolism and
drug-drug interaction.[10]
Several researchers studied anesthesia induced neuronal
cell death or apoptosis on neonatal rodents and nonhuman
primates. Following convincing evidence in animals, multi-
centric human studies are now underway to test long-term
neurocognitive outcomes in children after exposure to
anesthesia.[11,12] Animal contribution is boundless, but the
scope of this article is too small to acknowledge them all.
Some considered it as a contribution to scientific discoveries
while the others accused it as cruelty to animals. Animal
experiments have contributed immensely towards scientific
progression, but it cannot be denied that they have not been
totally either judicious or legal every time. Overzealous
and irrational animal testing was not unknown until 1822,
when the first law for animal protection was passed in the
British Parliament, followed by the 1876 Cruelty to Animals
Act. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals (PCA) was formed in 1860s, and the boundaries
between acceptable and illegal animal experiments began to be
examined. A lot of arguments were exchanged between the pro
(vivisectionists) and anti-animal testing (antivivisectionists)
lobbies for many years. However, the fast development of
medical science as well as the pharmaceutical industry did
not stop on the grounds of misinterpreted and exaggerated
accusations of animal exploitation. Claude Bernard, the prince
of vivisectors and the father of physiology, finally established
animal experimentation as part of the standard scientific
In 1966, the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act finally had
a more focused approach towards animal protection and
judicious use of animals for medical testing. At present, the
Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare enforces the standards of
the “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals” in
USA. Since 2010, the European Union follows the “directive
2010/63/EU” on the protection of animals.[14,15]
In India, the PCA Act, 1960 (amended in 1982), was
made to prevent the infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering
on animals. A Committee for the Purpose of Control and
Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA) was
formed by the Central Government to ensure the same. Ever y
individual/institution is required to seek prior permission
from CPCSEA for carrying out every animal experiment
according to a notification published in Extraordinary
Gazette of India (September 8, 1998). The government
has further made “Breeding of and Experiments on Animals
(Control and Supervision) rules, 1998” (amended during
2001 and 2006) to regulate the experimentation on animals.
These rules prevent the indiscriminate use of animals for
teaching, acquiring the surgical skills or for repeating a
known fact.[16,17]
Modern scientific research sans animal testing would probably
be incomplete and unthinkable. However, it is pertinent
not to forget that all efforts should always be thoughtful,
well-judged and lawful. The immeasurable contribution
of animal research to the science of anesthesiology must be
truly acknowledged.
I extend my sincere thanks to Dr. Mukul Kapoor and all my
colleagues who helped me in collecting data for this manuscript.
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Goyal: Animal testing
Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology | April-June 2015 | Vol 31 | Issue 2 151
Rakhee Goyal
Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care,
Armed Forces Medical College and Command Hospital (SC),
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Address for correspondence: Dr. Rakhee Goyal,
NP-5 MH, CTC, Pune - 410 040, Maharashtra, India.
1. Thomson JC. Guedel AE (1883-1956): Self-trained pioneer.
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2. Liss HP. A history of resuscitation. Ann Emerg Med 1986;15:65-72.
3. Rushman GB, Davies NJ, Atkinson RS. A Short History of
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4. Corning JL. Spinal anesthesia and local medication of the cord. N
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5. Larson MD. History of anesthetic practice. In: Miller RD, editor.
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7. Bull A. The start of the halothane story. World Anaesth 1997;1:1.
8. Farber M. On Not Naming Names. Smithsonian; 2005. Available
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9. Nickalls RW, Nickalls EA. The first reversal of curare. A translation
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11. Ramage TM, Chang FL, Shih J, Alvi RS, Quitoriano GR, Rau V,
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12. Sun L. Early childhood general anaesthesia exposure and
neurocognitive development. Br J Anaesth 2010;105 Suppl 1:i61-8.
13. LaFollette H, Shanks N. Animal experimentation: The legacy of
Claude Bernard. Int Stud Philos Sci 1994;8:195-210.
14. Statement of the Royal Society’s Position on the Use of Animals in
Research; 2006; September, Ref 16/06. ISBN-13: 978 0 85403 628
8. Available at [Last accessed on 2015 Jan 15].
15. History of Animal Testing. Av ailable from : http://www.
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16. CPCSEA (Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision
on Experiments on Animals). Guidelines for Laboratory Animal
Facility. Available from: [Last accessed
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17. Krishna SC. Animal testing in India. Lancet 2001;357:885-6.
How to cite this article: Goyal R. Animal testing in the history of
anesthesia: Now and then, some stories, some facts. J Anaesthesiol
Clin Pharmacol 2015;31:149-51.
Source of Support: Nil, Con ict of Interest: None declared.
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... Nonetheless, it is acknowledged that many great contributions to our practice began with experimentation on animal models. In anaesthesia, these include tracheal tubes, artificial respiration, halothane gas anaesthetic, and curare muscle relaxant [9]. However, while preclinical animal research is useful for informing the basic principles upon which human clinical trials are founded, it cannot altogether replace those trials in demonstrating drug efficacy and safety in human beings. ...
Animal model research is insufficient to guide the application of novel therapies in human patients, but the same objections should apply to human trials which do not representatively sample sexes in the population. Female participants have historically been excluded from anaesthesia research due to concerns of potential teratogenicity and unfounded apprehension that female hormones would interfere with the physiologic processes under examination. Consequently, many drugs currently available on the international market have not been thoroughly tested in female patients. For intersex populations, representation in anaesthesia research is exceedingly rare. An increasing awareness of these disparities in recent decades has led to the recognition of biological sex as an important pharmacodynamic variable, and the prospect that clinical decision-making in anaesthesia can be informed by known sex differences in the sensitivity to anaesthetics, the risk of adverse drug reactions, and the distribution and excretion of agents used to induce and maintain anaesthesia. Despite this, sex representation in anaesthesia research remains poorly regulated and sex-specific data are often reported in aggregate. Greater formal recognition of sex differences in study protocols and practice guidelines is warranted to meaningfully and incrementally improve anaesthesia care for female and intersex patients.
... For example, animal research played an essential role in developing the Guedel cannula, curarisation, and motor blocks. [31] Africa's rich biodiversity and ethnopharmacology are likely to house the next essential drug in A.C.C.M.. [32] This untapped potential could lead to the discovery and production of more affordable drugs for African patients. Unfortunately, African basic science researchers face more barriers than clinical researchers. ...
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Background Research is an essential component of Anesthesia, and the contributions of researchers and institutions can be appreciated from the analysis of scholarly outputs. Such analyses help identify major contributors and trends in publication. Little is known about the state of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine (A.C.C.M.) research in Africa. We aimed to describe African A.C.C.M. research's current landscape by determining its productivity per country and point towards possible ideas for improvement. Methods The authors searched PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) from inception to May 4, 2020, for articles on or about A.C.C.M. in Africa. Studies were selected based on their titles and abstracts. Rayyan software was later on used for data management in the review selection process. Then, the full-text of eligible articles were screened. Data were extracted, and the number of articles per physician anesthesia providers and provider density were calculated. Kruskal Wallis test and Spearman's correlation were used, and a P-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results Of the 4690 articles, only 886 (18.9%) were included in the analysis. The articles were published between 1946 and 2020 in 278 target journals. 55 (6.2%) articles were published in the South African Journal of Surgery, 51 (5.8%) in Anesthesia and Analgesia, and 46 (5.2%) in Anaesthesia. 291 (32.8%) studies were cross-sectional. 195 (22.0%) first authors were from Nigeria, 118 (13.3%) from South Africa, and 88 (9.9%) from the U.S.A. Malawi (1.67), Togo (1.06), and Sierra Leone (1.00) had the highest number of articles per provider. Whereas Ethiopia (580.00), Nigeria (336.21), and Malawi (333.33) had the highest number of articles per provider density. Conclusion We identified the most and least productive African countries in A.C.C.M. research and a low-quality hierarchy of evidence in these publications. Hence, the study's findings may aid in driving the A.C.C.M. research agenda and capacity building in Africa.
... For example, animal research played an essential role in developing the Guedel cannula, curarisation, and motor blocks. [31] Africa's rich biodiversity and ethnopharmacology are likely to house the next essential drug in A.C.C.M.. [32] This untapped potential could lead to the discovery and production of more affordable drugs for African patients. Unfortunately, African basic science researchers face more barriers than clinical researchers. ...
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Background: Research is an essential component of Anesthesia, and the contributions of researchers and institutions can be appreciated from the analysis of scholarly outputs. Such analyses help identify major contributors and trends in publication. Little is known about the state of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine (A.C.C.M.) research in Africa. We aimed to describe African A.C.C.M. research's current landscape by determining its productivity per country and point towards possible ideas for improvement. Methods: The authors searched PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) from inception to May 4, 2020, for articles on or about A.C.C.M. in Africa. Studies were selected based on their titles and abstracts. Rayyan software was later on used for data management in the review selection process. Then, the full-text of eligible articles were screened. Data were extracted, and the number of articles per physician anesthesia providers and provider density were calculated. Kruskal Wallis test and Spearman's correlation were used, and a P-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Of the 4690 articles, only 886 (18.9%) were included in the analysis. The articles were published between 1946 and 2020 in 278 target journals. 55 (6.2%) articles were published in the South African Journal of Surgery, 51 (5.8%) in Anesthesia and Analgesia, and 46 (5.2%) in Anaesthesia. 291 (32.8%) studies were cross-sectional. 195 (22.0%) first authors were from Nigeria, 118 (13.3%) from South Africa, and 88 (9.9%) from the U.S.A. Malawi (1.67), Togo (1.06), and Sierra Leone (1.00) had the highest number of articles per provider. Whereas Ethiopia (580.00), Nigeria (336.21), and Malawi (333.33) had the highest number of articles per provider density. Conclusion: We identified the most and least productive African countries in A.C.C.M. research and a low-quality hierarchy of evidence in these publications. Hence, the study's findings may aid in driving the A.C.C.M. research agenda and capacity building in Africa.
... Although animal studies generate lower-grade scientific evidence, they are essential to the development of A.C.C.M.. For example, animal research played an essential role in developing the Guedel cannula, curarisation, and motor blocks [31]. Africa's rich biodiversity and ethnopharmacology are likely to house the next essential drug in A.C.C.M [32]. ...
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Abstract Background Research is an essential component of Anesthesia, and the contributions of researchers and institutions can be appreciated from the analysis of scholarly outputs. Such analyses help identify major contributors and trends in publication. Little is known about the state of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine (A.C.C.M.) research in Africa. We aimed to describe African A.C.C.M. research’s current landscape by determining its productivity per country and point towards possible ideas for improvement. Methods The authors searched PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) from inception to May 4, 2020, for articles on or about A.C.C.M. in Africa. Studies were selected based on their titles and abstracts. Rayyan software was later on used for data management in the review selection process. Then, the full-text of eligible articles were screened. Data were extracted, and the number of articles per physician anesthesia providers and provider density were calculated. Kruskal Wallis test and Spearman’s correlation were used, and a P-value
... Although animal studies generate lower-grade scientific evidence, they are essential to the development of A.C.C.M.. For example, animal research played an essential role in developing the Guedel cannula, curarisation, and motor blocks [31]. Africa's rich biodiversity and ethnopharmacology are likely to house the next essential drug in A.C.C.M [32]. ...
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Background Thrombotic microangiopathy is associated with HELLP syndrome, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, or atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) during pregnancy. Standard laboratory and physical examinations can help distinguish between these three diseases promptly and guide their management. This is critical because their managements and prognoses differ considerably. The ADAMTS13 test, complement tests, and biopsies can help ascertain the diagnosis; however, they take time, and are not widely available. In this case report, we present a case that highlights the diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas associated with the aforementioned diseases. Case presentation A 31-year old P3G3 patient presented at 38 weeks with high blood pressure, bilateral pitting edema, and a low fetal heart rate. A cesarean section was performed to extract the fetus. On postoperative day 2, the suites were marked by anemia, low platelet count, acute kidney injury, declining liver function, and the presence of schistocytes on the peripheral thin smear. The patient was lucid, coherent, and presented no neurological deficits. The ADAMTS13 test and anti-complement therapy were not readily available, so the team made a presumptive diagnosis of aHUS based on the history, clinical presentation, and standard laboratory results. Due to a lack of anticomplement therapy, the patient was prescribed four sessions of hemodialysis. The renal function and platelet count gradually increased, and the patient was discharged on postoperative day 18. The patient was followed for over a year and did not present relapses of thrombocytopenia or microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. Conclusions The prompt diagnosis and management of aHUS lead to favorable outcomes. Healthcare providers should be able to rapidly differentiate between pregnancy-associated thrombotic microangiopathies and prescribe appropriate management. Here, we highlighted the challenges of diagnosing and managing postpartum associated aHUS in a low-resource setting.
... For example, animal research played an essential role in the development of the Guedel cannula, curarisation, and motor blocks. [29] Africa's rich biodiversity and ethnopharmacology are likely to house the next essential drug in ACCM. [30] This untapped potential could lead to the discovery and production of more affordable drugs for African patients. ...
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Background Research is an essential component of Anesthesia, and the contributions of researchers and institutions can be appreciated from the analysis of scholarly outputs. Such analyses help identify major contributors and trends in publication. Little is known about the state of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine (ACCM) research in Africa. In this study, the authors analyzed the study designs and contributions to ACCM research in Africa. Methods The authors searched PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and CINAHL from inception to May 4, 2020, for articles on or about ACCM in Africa. The titles and abstracts of the articles were screened first on Rayyan. Then, the full-text of eligible articles were screened. Data were extracted, and the number of articles per physician anesthesia providers and provider density were calculated. Kruskal Wallis test and Spearman's correlation were used, and a P-value <0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results Of the 4690 articles, only 886 (18.9%) were included in the analysis. The articles were published between 1946 and 2020 in 278 target journals. 55 (6.2%) articles were published in the South African Journal of Surgery, 51 (5.8%) in Anesthesia and Analgesia, and 46 (5.2%) in Anaesthesia. 291 (32.8%) studies were cross-sectional. 195 (22.0%) first authors were from Nigeria, 118 (13.3%) from South Africa, and 88 (9.9%) from the USA. Malawi (1.67), Togo (1.06), and Sierra Leone (1.00) had the highest number of articles per provider. Whereas Ethiopia (580.00), Nigeria (336.21), and Malawi (333.33) had the highest number of articles per provider density. Conclusion The results reported in this study highlight contributions of Africans and the hierarchy of evidence in African anesthesiology research and critical care medicine. These results may aid in setting the research agenda.
... [2,3] The contribution of animal experiments played a significant role in the evolution of anesthesia. [4] Nevertheless, several drugs and techniques not used in humans are being used in veterinary anesthesia. Knowledge of these aspects would be useful to us because often, drugs and techniques used in animals serve as models for humans. ...
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From time immemorial, animals have served as models for humans. Like humans, animals too have to undergo several types of elective and emergency surgeries. Several anesthetic techniques and drugs used in humans are also used in animals. However, unlike humans, the animal kingdom includes a wide variety of species, breeds, and sizes. Different species have variable pharmacological responses, anatomy, temperament, behavior, and lifestyles. The anesthetic techniques and drugs have to suit different species and breeds. Nevertheless, there are several drugs and many peculiar anesthetic techniques used in animals but not in human beings. Keeping this in mind, literature was hand searched and electronically searched using the words “veterinary anesthesia,” “anesthetic drugs and techniques in animals” using Google search engine. The interesting information so collected is presented in this article which highlights some challenging and amazing aspects of anesthetizing animals including the preanesthetic assessment, preparation, premedication, monitoring, induction of general anesthesia, intubation, equipment, regional blocks, neuraxial block, and perioperative complications.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, anesthesia was an emerging field without permanent departments, exclusive practitioners, or academic residency programs. Instead, surgeons and nurses administered anesthetic gases in an ad-hoc fashion, exposing patients to the perilous risks of general anesthesia. Dr. Arthur Guedel was a general practitioner from rural Indiana who unexpectedly became an integral part of anesthesia's evolution into a safety conscience and formally recognized expertise. Beginning during his military service in World War I, he refined the stages of ether anesthesia and produced the definitive textbook on inhalational anesthetics. During the prolific career that followed, Guedel also introduced ground-breaking devices for patient-controlled analgesia, cuffed endotracheal intubation, and oral airway patency. His inclusive mentorship, collaborative research, and innovative instruments exemplify his role as a multitalented tinkerer, teacher, and transformative leader. This essay examines Guedel's pioneering contributions and the scope of his influence, all of which revolutionized anesthesia and expanded surgeons' operative capability. Through the lens of Guedel's personal and professional life, this essay further illustrates how the diverse, interdisciplinary, and cutting edge characteristics of the practice itself contributed to anesthesia's increased importance in modern medicine.
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Inter-species differences in drug metabolism have made it difficult to use pre-clinical animal testing data to predict the drug metabolites or potential drug-drug interactions (DDI) that will occur in humans. Although chimeric mice with humanized livers can produce known human metabolites for test substrates, we do not know whether chimeric mice can be used to prospectively predict human drug metabolism or a possible DDI. Therefore, we investigated whether they could provide a more predictive assessment for clemizole, a drug in clinical development for the treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that analyses performed in chimeric mice can correctly identify the predominant human drug metabolite prior to human testing. The differences in the rodent and human pathways for clemizole metabolism were of importance, since the predominant human metabolite was found to have synergistic anti-HCV activity. Moreover, studies in chimeric mice also correctly predicted that a DDI would occur in humans when clemizole was co-administered with a CYP3A4 inhibitor. These results demonstrate that using chimeric mice can improve the quality of pre-clinical drug assessment.
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A great deal of concern has recently arisen regarding the safety of anaesthesia in infants and children. There is mounting and convincing preclinical evidence in rodents and non-human primates that anaesthetics in common clinical use are neurotoxic to the developing brain in vitro and cause long-term neurobehavioural abnormalities in vivo. An estimated 6 million children (including 1.5 million infants) undergo surgery and anaesthesia each year in the USA alone, so the clinical relevance of anaesthetic neurotoxicity is an urgent matter of public health. Clinical studies that have been conducted on the long-term neurodevelopmental effects of anaesthetic agents in infants and children are retrospective analyses of existing data. Two large-scale clinical studies are currently underway to further address this issue. The PANDA study is a large-scale, multisite, ambi-directional sibling-matched cohort study in the USA. The aim of this study is to examine the neurodevelopmental effects of exposure to general anaesthesia during inguinal hernia surgery before 36 months of age. Another large-scale study is the GAS study, which will compare the neurodevelopmental outcome between two anaesthetic techniques, general sevoflurane anaesthesia and regional anaesthesia, in infants undergoing inguinal hernia repair. These study results should contribute significant information related to anaesthetic neurotoxicity in children.
Background Many anaesthetics when given to young animals cause cell death and learning deficits that persist until much later in life. Recent attempts to compare the relative safety or toxicity between different agents have not adequately controlled for the relative dose of anaesthetic given, thereby making direct comparisons difficult.Methods Isoflurane or sevoflurane were given at 1 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) for 4 h to postnatal day 7 (P7) rat pups. Beginning at P75 these animals underwent fear conditioning and at P83 Morris water maze testing to assess working memory, short-term memory and early long-term memory using delays of 1 min, 1 h, and 4 h.ResultsNo difference between groups was seen in fear conditioning experiments. Morris water maze learning was equivalent between groups, and no difference was seen in working memory. Sevoflurane-treated animals had a deficit in early long-term memory, and isoflurane-treated animals had a deficit in both short-term and early long-term memory.Conclusions Both isoflurane and sevoflurane delivered at 1 MAC for 4 h to immature rats caused a deficit in long-term memory. Isoflurane also caused a deficit in short-term memory. Isoflurane might be more detrimental than sevoflurane in very young animals.
Claude Bernard, the father of scientific physiology, believed that if medicine was to become truly scientific, it would have to be based on rigorous and controlled animal experiments. Bernard instituted a paradigm which has shaped physiological practice for most of the twentieth century. In this paper we examine how Bernard's commitment to hypothetico‐de‐ductivism and determinism led to (a) his rejection of the theory of evolution; (b) his minimalization of the role of clinical medicine and epidemiological studies; and (c) his conclusion that experiments on non‐human animals were, “entirely conclusive for the toxicology and hygiene of man”. We examine some negative consequences of Bernardianism for twentieth century medicine, and argue that physiology's continued adherence to Bernardianism has caused it to diverge from the other biological sciences which have become increasingly infused with evolutionary theory.
In the 1950s, researchers devised the best methods of ventilation. In the 1960s, a method of maintaining circulation and ventilation simultaneously was introduced. In the 1970s, refinements of the understanding of the mechanisms of blood flow during CPR were defined and were accompanied by an aggressive research effort to identify means to improve brain protection during and after cardiac arrest. It is hoped that the fruits of this work will lead to knowledge of better ways to effect resuscitation and will maximize the quality of life in survivors of cardiac arrest.
This paper describes an experiment performed by J. Pal of Vienna in 1900, which showed that physostigmine reverses the neuromuscular blocking properties of curare. Pal's original article is translated from the German.