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Plausible Drug Targets in the Streptococcus mutans Quorum Sensing Pathways to Combat Dental Biofilms and Associated Risks



Streptococcus mutans, a Gram positive facultative anaerobe, is one among the approximately seven hundred bacterial species to exist in human buccal cavity and cause dental caries. Quorum sensing (QS) is a cell-density dependent communication process that respond to the inter/intra-species signals and elicit responses to show behavioral changes in the bacteria to an aggressive forms. In accordance to this phenomenon, the S. mutans also harbors a Competing Stimulating Peptide (CSP)-mediated quorum sensing, ComCDE (Two-component regulatory system) to regulate several virulence-associated traits that includes the formation of the oral biofilm (dental plaque), genetic competence and acidogenicity. The QS-mediated response of S. mutans adherence on tooth surface (dental plaque) imparts antibiotic resistance to the bacterium and further progresses to lead a chronic state, known as periodontitis. In recent years, the oral streptococci, S. mutans are not only recognized for its cariogenic potential but also well known to worsen the infective endocarditis due to its inherent ability to colonize and form biofilm on heart valves. The review significantly appreciate the increasing complexity of the CSP-mediated quorum-sensing pathway with a special emphasis to identify the plausible drug targets within the system for the development of anti-quorum drugs to control biofilm formation and associated risks.
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Indian Journal of Microbiology
The Official Publication of the
Association of Microbiologists of India
ISSN 0046-8991
Indian J Microbiol
DOI 10.1007/s12088-015-0534-8
Plausible Drug Targets in the
Streptococcus mutans Quorum Sensing
Pathways to Combat Dental Biofilms and
Associated Risks
Gurmeet Kaur, Shrinidhi Rajesh &
S.Adline Princy
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Plausible Drug Targets in the Streptococcus mutans Quorum
Sensing Pathways to Combat Dental Biofilms and Associated
Gurmeet Kaur
Shrinidhi Rajesh
S. Adline Princy
Received: 9 March 2015 / Accepted: 8 May 2015
ÓAssociation of Microbiologists of India 2015
Abstract Streptococcus mutans, a Gram positive facul-
tative anaerobe, is one among the approximately seven
hundred bacterial species to exist in human buccal cavity
and cause dental caries. Quorum sensing (QS) is a cell-
density dependent communication process that respond to
the inter/intra-species signals and elicit responses to show
behavioral changes in the bacteria to an aggressive forms.
In accordance to this phenomenon, the S. mutans also
harbors a Competing Stimulating Peptide (CSP)-mediated
quorum sensing, ComCDE (Two-component regulatory
system) to regulate several virulence-associated traits that
includes the formation of the oral biofilm (dental plaque),
genetic competence and acidogenicity. The QS-mediated
response of S. mutans adherence on tooth surface (dental
plaque) imparts antibiotic resistance to the bacterium and
further progresses to lead a chronic state, known as peri-
odontitis. In recent years, the oral streptococci, S. mutans
are not only recognized for its cariogenic potential but also
well known to worsen the infective endocarditis due to its
inherent ability to colonize and form biofilm on heart
valves. The review significantly appreciate the increasing
complexity of the CSP-mediated quorum-sensing pathway
with a special emphasis to identify the plausible drug tar-
gets within the system for the development of anti-quorum
drugs to control biofilm formation and associated risks.
Keywords Streptococcus mutans Dental biofilms
Quorum Sensing CSP ComA Multi-drug resistance
Quorum Sensing System: Deciphering ‘Dental
Streptococcus mutans, a Gram positive coccus, is an in-
habitant of human buccal cavity and is also a primary
causal organism of dental caries. The tooth surface act as
an essential ecological niche for S. mutans as it is very
difficult to be identified until the teeth is erupted in the
buccal cavity and dissipate immediately after the teeth is
lost due to infection or old age [13]. S. mutans has ad-
vanced to rely upon a biofilm ‘‘way of life’’ to survive and
persist for longer durations in its characteristic biological
community [46], dental biofilm, commonly known as
plaque. S. mutans with its own or other populations tend to
form oral biofilms (dental plaque) via., inter/intra-species
communication known as quorum sensing system (QS)
QS Pathways in S. mutans
ComCDE QS Pathway
QS in gram-positive bacteria like S. mutans, generally
comprise three components: a signal peptide (CSP), a two-
component regulatory system (TCTS) with a membrane-
bound histidine kinase (HK) sensor and an intracellular
response regulator (RR) [9]. Recently, it has been identified
that the CSP-mediated QS system in S. mutans up-regulates
the genes, cslAB (comAB) and comCDE that exhibits the
phenotypic traits like genetic competence, bacteriocin
production and biofilm [10,11]. The genes comC,comD,
&S. Adline Princy
Quorum Sensing Laboratory, Centre for Research on
Infectious Diseases (CRID), School of Chemical and
Biotechnology, SASTRA University,
Thanjavur 613 402, Tamil Nadu, India
Indian J Microbiol
DOI 10.1007/s12088-015-0534-8
Author's personal copy
and comE encodes a precursor of competence-stimulating
peptide (CSP), the HK sensor protein, and a cognate RR,
respectively [10,12,13]. The genes comC and comDE are
closely located on the same chromosome and the peptide
(CSP) is synthesized as a collective result of their gene
products [14,15]. The genes, cslA and cslB, are divergently
mapped on the same chromosome also encodes a CSP-
specific maturation and secretion complex factors with an
ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter (ComA) and an
accessory factor (ComB). As these factors, specifically
involved in the post-translational processing of the CSP to
further secrete it towards the outside of the cell, as a mature
signaling peptide [16]. The QS signalling operates opti-
mally when the cells acquire and depend solely and ac-
tively on the biofilm lifestyle as the CSP concentration
reaches a threshold value [17]. Mature CSP binds to the
conserved HK residue (ComD) present in the membrane,
resulting in its own phosphorylation and the subsequent
relay of this process to its cognate RR protein (ComE) [18].
Thus the cell-density dependent process elicits a cellular
response to activate the gene loci such as comA and comB
with a simultaneous feed forward circuit for comCDE.
Also, the same response was extended to the genes, comR
and sigX expression, for which the mechanism is still un-
known [2].
ComRS Pathway
Interestingly, S. mutans possess ComCDE as well as
ComRS quorum sensing pathways. The ComRS QS system
is activated on sensing the extracellular tryptophan signal
peptide pheromone, XIP and get internalized to the cells
through a membrane-bound oligopeptide ABC transport
system, Opp/Ami [2]. Further, XIP binds to a transcrip-
tional regulator, ComR, in turn regulates the sigX, an al-
ternative sigma factor SigX (ComX), to switch on the late
competence genes responsible for the genetic transforma-
tion. The ComCDE operon regulates the production of anti-
microbial peptides, toxins and adherence factors, whereas
the functional characterization of the ComRS quorum-
sensing circuit show a pre-dominant role in the genetic
competence via., the regulator, SigX [19,20].
LuxS Pathway
Previously, it has been reported that S. mutans interact with
the other oral flora of the dental plaque to mediate inter-
species communication. LuxS is reported to involve in
S-adenosylmethionine catabolism and converts ribose ho-
mocysteine into homocysteine and 4,5-dihydroxy-2,3-
pentanedione that act as a precursor of Autoinducer-2 (AI-
2) [2123]. The LuxS-mediated QS are well characterised
to elicit interspecies communication and modulate multiple
traits crucial to establish S. mutans pathogenesis. So, the S.
mutans flourish in the buccal cavity via., activation of the
luxS gene that leads to the production of AI-2 which en-
sures it survival and virulence expression in multispecies
environment. The researchers has shown that the luxS-
deficient strains affects the expression of the virulence
determinant to a greater extent (
[50 %) and in parallel
upregulate their acid-adaptive behaviours to increase their
survival rate [24]. Also, the luxS gene is highly conserved
among the Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria and
may operate as a global regulator to be an essential factor
for a drug target [22,23].
S. mutans and Dental Caries
Clarke, in 1924, designated S. mutans, after he could iso-
late a bacterial species from the carious lesions and looked
like a mutant form of a coccus. The relationship of S.
mutans with dental caries was not largely perceived until
dental practitioners and researchers in the 1960s revived
interest in this organism. Since then, various studies con-
firmed the relationship of S. mutans with dental decay and
carious lesions and longitudinal studies followed the pre-
dominance of S. mutans on infected sites that ultimately
became cariogenic. An experimental study on the mono-
infected rats revealed the cariogenic potential of the var-
ious plaque species and notably, S. mutans was found to be
predominant among cariogens. The research has led to the
‘specific plaque hypothesis’’ and stated that the S. mutans,
were primarily responsible for the dental decay. With the
taxonomical advances, it has become apparent that the S.
mutans-like isolates actually accounts for several species
and was collectively known as the mutans streptococci
Like many other diseases, dental caries, also have
multiple etiologies. However, the topmost variable for
caries occurrence has been sucrose rich diet. Frequent
consumption of sucrose has also been implicated in
building plaque ecological niche and provide a substrate
for MS to synthesize adhesive glucans to promote their
own colonization and accumulation on the tooth surface
[25]. The acid tolerance capability of the MS further en-
hances their adhesion and growth as well as the growth of
other acid-tolerant species such as the lactobacilli. Due to
highly acidogenic nature of these species [26], the fer-
mentable dietary carbohydrate results in a huge drop in
plaque pH than normal paving way for demineralization
and decalcification of the tooth surface. The scenario also
promoted researchers worldwide to focus on the adhesion,
acidogenicity, and acid-tolerant properties of the MS [27].
The focus of this review is to primarily describe the
quorum sensing–mediated cell–cell communication in S.
mutans and its various components. Since most of the
Indian J Microbiol
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virulence properties (Table 1) are shared among the var-
ious MS, the review will address on the S. mutans as a
paradigm for the virulence of dental caries under the
regulation of QS. Also the review discusses the structural
and functional aspects of various quorum molecules that
would provide an insight to exploit them as drug targets.
The application potential of this review would also provoke
the scientific community towards target based drug dis-
covery in synthetic biology to effectively control the bac-
terial biofilms and its associated risks.
Plausible Drug Targets: Hindering ‘Bacterial
In S. mutans comC encodes a precursor signal peptide, a
21-amino acid Competence Stimulating Peptide (CSP)
processed and exported out of the cell to elicit its response
via., the ComCDE QS pathway. The formation of biofilm
and virulence traits in S. mutans such as acidogenicity,
bacteriocin production, genetic competence solely depends
on the signal, CSP-mediated QS [22]. S. mutans has
evolved various mechanisms to allow the survival and
persistence of the species in a broad range of adapting to
frequent environmental pressure such as acidic environ-
ment that act as a constant stress in the oral cavity to en-
hance the production of CSP [28]. The stress-inducible
activation of CSP induces the cell death of a sub-popula-
tion accounting for the altruistic nature of bacteria to be
beneficial for its own population. Similarly, the native CSP
of Steptococcus pneumonia was known to cause chronic
diseases in humans such as pneumococcal meningitis and
pneumonia [13]. Earlier reports shows that the S. mutans
JH1005 (deletion of three amino acid residues in the C-
terminal domain of the peptide, CSP) has overexpressed
bacteriocin and resulted in 600-fold reduction in the com-
petence and drive a greater significance of those residues in
QS signalling pathway [29]. The CSP has been reported to
exist as a factor to be structurally random coiled and highly
soluble nature to increase its diffusion rate in the aqueous
environment [10,30]. The randomly coiled CSP undergoes
conformational change and folding upon binding to the
membrane bound Histidine Kinase (HK) receptor resulting
in the formation of an amphipathic a-helix with a hy-
drophobic face. The change in the conformation enables
the CSP to show a stronger interface of its interaction with
the HK receptor binding pocket via., hydrophobic inter-
actions [29,31]. Till date, approximately 700 species has
been reported in the buccal cavity and a few cariogenic
pathogens, including S. mutans are well characterized to
mediate dental caries. So as to reduce or completely
eliminate dental caries, alternate strategies has to be pri-
oritized as a one-step forward to prevent the S. mutans
adherence on the tooth surface without affecting the normal
oral flora. In recent years, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs)
have received attention of the researchers worldwide, as a
novel class of antimicrobial agents because of their ability
to kill a wide range of pathogenic species, including bac-
teria, fungi, and viruses, through various mechanism of
action [9]. The AMPs are also reported to be effective
against resistant pathogens with their ability to disrupt the
functions of the cellular membranes and nucleic acids di-
rectly and moreover the rate to which AMP-resistant
strains appears, is very low or almost negligible [32].
Similarly, a new class of pathogen-specific antimicro-
bials, STAMPs (selectively targeted antimicrobial pep-
tides) were discovered against the dental pathogen, S.
mutans. The peptides were designed to have a targeted
domain (8-aminoacid region of the CSP) fused with an
antimicrobial peptide domain to show a robust species
Table 1 QS controlled genes and their phenotypic traits in S. mutans
QS components Regulatory gene Group-derived benefits (Virulence factors) References
CSP (ComC) comC/comD/comE Bacteriocins, Biofilm Formation [10,11,14,55]
XIP (ComS) comR Competence [10,11]
SigX (ComX) comR DNA transport, uptake and Recombination [12,36]
ComAB nlmAB (comAB) Mutacin IV (bacteriocins), Maturation and export of CSP
outside the cell
ComD comC/comD/comE (TCSTS) Class II bacteriocins and HK receptor for CSP signal [14,22]
immA and immB (VicRK) comC Self- immunity proteins for protection from bacteriocins,
acid tolerance
Lux S luxS Interspecies communication [39,40]
Indian J Microbiol
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specific activity and eliminate the S. mutans from multi-
species biofilm without affecting the normal (non-car-
iogenic) streptococci [33]. Syvitski et al. [29] reported that
the C-terminal truncated CSP peptides could competitively
affect the QS activity and the structural motif in the
C-terminal domain restores the activation of the QS signal
transduction pathway [34,35]. Further the mutational
studies (Point deletion) revealed the loss of function of
CSP in promoting genetic competence without affecting
the binding of peptide to the receptor [3437].
XIP (Sig X Inducing Peptide) modulates the expression of
(ComX) via., ComRS signaling pathway. The comS
encodes the XIP precursor is processed to mature and in-
ternalize the cells through the transporter, Opp/Ami. The
mature signal in-turn interacts with the comR and activate
the gene comX to express the factor, r
[36,37]. Recent
data has shown a drastic reduction of XIP levels in the
comX (r
) deficient S. mutans strains, as it evidence the
positive feed-back role of ComX in ComRS/XIP expres-
sion where its binding sites were localized either within or
upstream of ComRS [38]. Earlier reports have also
demonstrated that the increase in the concentration
(2–4 lM) of CSP mediated cell-killing and growth arrest of
S. mutans [39,40]. Likewise, the S. mutans on exposure to
10 lM of synthetic XIP (sXIP) has shown the killing ef-
fect, naturally score the phenomena of exploiting the
pheromones (XIP) as a potent effector molecules to treat
dental caries [41].
Autoinducer-2 (AI-2)
The previous studies had established that in dental plaque,
the oral streptococci and other oral bacterial species in-
teract with each other and form an ideal system to mediate
interspecies signalling and biofilm formation in a particular
niche [42]. The AI-2 mediated interspecies QS response is
a well-characterized cross-talk strategy, a known co-op-
erative synergy exists in both gram-positive and gram-
negative pathogens [43]. As it is evidenced from the fact
that they all have a highly conserved luxS gene encoding
autoinducer-2 (AI-2) serve the function of optimization of
the virulence gene expression in a cell density dependent
manner in a particular biological niche. A study carried out
by Merritt et al. [44], Yoshida et al. [42] demonstrated that
the mutation in the luxS gene of S. mutans leads to an
altered biofilm structure and also affected the production of
the bacteriocin and mutacin I. In Escherichia coli and
Serratia marcescens the mutacin production was lexA and
recA dependent whereas in S.mutans, it was solely de-
pendent on a Lex-A like factor, IrvR [45]. Rickard et al.
[43] and McNab et al. [46] have also shown the involve-
ment of AI-2 multispecies biofilm communities and thus,
an approach leading to the suppression of luxS gene ex-
pression could lead an altered interspecies behavior in the
oral microbial community leading to hindrance in the QS
Receptor and Response Regulator
The two signal transduction system, ComDE are proven to
elicit CSP-mediated responses to the neighbouring cells
via., a phospho-relay mechanism and activate its target
genes, comCDE, comAB and comX to establish biofilm,
stress response and bacteriocin production. These virulent
traits show an anti-bacterial effect to the other commensal
species, so that their DNA released in the growth sur-
roundings, would provide an ecological advantage to S.-
mutans to compete the natural ecosystem i.e. multi-species
dental biofilms in oral cavity. Recent studies had revealed
the bifunctional nature of the ComED system showing a
dual response as an activator of nlmC and repressor of
comC. The researchers also reveal the puzzle behind the
dual opposing characteristics of ComED as nlmC share an
intergenic region (IGSA499) with the divergently tran-
scribed comC [47,48]. Further, experiments show that the
nlmC expression in comD mutant show [40-fold fold and
[fourfold reduction in comparison with the wild-type
under CSP-induced or un-induced state respectively [49].
Also, the ComE share higher sequence homology to the
DNA binding domains of AlgR, AlgA, LytR family
members and provide an insight to be exploited for de-
veloping broad-spectrum anti-biofilm compounds. Li et al.
suggest that those compound would also block the quorum
sensing dependent virulence properties and reduce the
cariogenic properties of S. mutans, regardless of the fact
that the organism is still active in oral biofilms [50,51].
ABC Transporters
The gene comAB encodes ComA, to act in the initial step of
the QS pathway of Streptococcus, consists of bacteriocin-
associated ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, that
employs ComB as an accessory protein for specific pro-
cessing and maturation of the precursor (AMS family of
ABC transporters involved in maturation and secretion of
molecules) CSP [16]. The ComA has three domains (1)
N-terminal Peptidase domain comprising of 150-amino
Indian J Microbiol
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acid (2) a six membrane-spanning segments of transmem-
brane domain (3) an ATP-binding C-terminal motif local-
ized on the cytoplasmic face of the membrane. The
functional aspects of the peptidase domain was understood
specifically to cleave their cognate propeptides after the
consensus Gly–Gly motif [52].
The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters are the
largest well characterized protein super-family from var-
ious organisms to participate in a wide array of phys-
iological functions, that includes virulence, antigen
presentation in pathogenic bacteria, multi-drug resistance
and regulation of ion channels across the bacterial mem-
branes [53]. The core structural organization of the ABC
transporter consists of a two transmembrane domains
(TMD) and two cytosolic nucleotide-binding domains
(NBD) [53]. The sequence variation in the several mem-
brane-spanning a- helices that form the transport pathway
for TMDs reflects its complement sequence variation in
their ligands for the ABC transporters and the highly
conserved NBDs provide energy on ATP hydrolysis for the
substrate transport [54].
In ABC exporters, a linker region with a 20 amino
acids adjoins the last a-helix of TMD and the first b-
strand of NBD. The highly conserved glycine residue is
located near the C-terminal end of the linker and 11
amino-acid residues proceeds the adenine stacking the
tyrosine residue of the NBDs [53,55,56]. To date, the
molecular characterization of the three-dimensional
structures of the four full-length ABC exporters are
known to be Sav1866 from Staphylococcus aureus,
MsbA from Salmonella typhimurium, and Thermotoga
maritima TM287/288 [5,5457]. Whereas, the protein
sequence alignment of ComA with the ABC exporters
evidence that the residue Gly526 occupy a significant
position in the ABC exporters [53,58,59].
Since, ABC transporters have been reported to play a
vital role in the maturation and secretion of CSP, anti-
quorum compounds targeting the vital glycine residue and
blocking the ABC transporter (ComA) in S. mutans may
pave a way to novel drug design [52]. Moreover, the
family of the bacteriocin- associated ABC transporters has
so far been found only in prokaryotes, the PEP domains
of ComAs would be an ideal target for the development
of drugs that inhibit the biofilm formation of Strepto-
coccus [52] (Fig. 1). Mutations at the active site of PEP
domain has resulted in the complete loss of the catalytic
activity of PEP domain [16]. Based on the observation
and substrate specificity of peptidase domain of ComA,
we could hypothesize that the therapeutic inhibition of
PEP domain of ComA will halt the maturation and se-
cretion of CSP from S. mutans and thus hindering the
virulence expression associated with a quorum sensing
circuit of S. mutans.
ComX, an alternative sigma factor (r
) activates the late
competence genes primarily involved in the processing and
recombination of the foreign DNA to the chromosome of
Streptococci [12]. In S. pneumoniae, the up-regulation of
is induced in response to the activation of the compe-
tence cascade via., CSP-mediated ComCDE pathway.
Upon activation with the CSP, the membrane-bound HK
receptor integrates the signal to its cognate cytoplasmic
response regulator (ComD) to further activate the alternate
sigma factor, SigX (ComX) [60]. Also, its recognizing sites
are well characterized to be a set of non-canonical con-
sensus region (CIN box) that lie in the promoter regions
(TACGAATA) of various ComX dependent genes, ssbB,
dalA,ccl,celAB,cAAB, and cinA-recA [12,61]. Similarly,
in S. mutans, it is postulated that the CSP-mediated acti-
vation of r
, an alternate sigma factor up-regulates the
expression of several competence genes that includes
comX,comCDE (positive feedback loop) and other early
com genes, comW (r
Stabilizing factor). ComX (r
predominates to induce CSP-dependent com regulon ex-
pression and a sole key factor to resist stress responses in
gram-positive bacteria, could probably be chosen as an
ideal target for disarming the pathogen against its evolving
trend to resist antibacterial agents.
Streptococcus mutans mediated dental caries is a multi-
factorial disease are being ignored due to its non-life
threatening nature [62,63]. An unknown fact exists as the
inflammation process takes its pace slowly and gradually, it
would act as a ‘silent killer’ for the patients suffering from
dental caries. Therefore the untreated carious dentine can
lead to the development of systemic diseases such as in-
fective endocarditis [6165]. Meta-analysis reports be-
tween 2003 and 2009 has shown a weak but statistically
significant correlation between cardiovascular disease and
dental diseases [6668]. Based on the reports of meta-
analysis, a conclusion can be drawn, that an individual with
severe dental infections is at higher risk of either having or
developing cardiovascular disease and rheumatoid arthritis
[25,69]. Since the association of S. mutans with dental
caries was established, research was focused on recogniz-
ing its virulence properties along with their role in plaque
formation and the progress of dental diseases. The review
has highlighted the importance of QS pathway in S.mutans
and its role in formation of biofilm along with other viru-
lence properties. Quite a few efforts has been taken to
modulate QS to reduce the production of biofilm and as-
sociated virulence factors like Hentzer and Givskov,
Indian J Microbiol
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Ravichandran et al., Arya et al., Hema et al., and Wright
et al., have described the application of antagonists that act
as QS inhibitors to attain the inhibition of virulence genes
under QS circuit to prevent the various infections caused
by Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Vibrio cholerae and Sta-
phylococcus aureus [28,33,7076]. The approach ensures
its success in the fact that, anti-quorum compounds may
control virulence traits of pathogenic microbes without
significant effects on viability of bacterial cells [77]. Bio-
film cells have been shown to be several fold more tolerant
to antibiotics than planktonic cells, and this makes it hard
to treat S. mutans with modern medicine [78,79]. Thus, the
importance of developing an anti-quorum compounds as
alternate therapy for multi-drug resistant bacteria, has
positive future perspectives with respect to medicine.
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... Streptococcus mutans is among the main bacteria responsible for dental diseases and their complications; therefore, it is important to understand the mechanisms involved in its pathogenicity. Increasing cell density and nutrient deficiency promotes S. mutans' growth by expressing virulence factors, including biofilm development [7,8]. Biofilms are bacterial communities embedded in an extracellular polymer matrix consisting of polysaccharides, proteins, and DNA capable of generating a suitable microenvironment for bacterial development, protecting them from toxic agents, and assuring survival during pathogenic bacterial species are S. mutans [21]; while other streptococci can be considered benefic bacteria, e.g., S. sanguinis, S. oralis, S. gordonii, and S. mitis produced hydrogen peroxide and extracellular proteases that inhibited the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the oral environment [22]; however, hydrogen peroxide also causes oxidation [23]. ...
... Using S. mutans as a bacterial model to explain its pathogenicity caused during dysbiosis, Figure 1 shows how this bacterium activates quorum sensing to control biofilm production and other virulence factors [7,8]. ComCDE secretes a competent stimulating peptide (CSP), acting also as a signal molecule; ComC synthesizes this peptide, and it is recognized and phosphorylated by the transmembrane histidine kinase (ComD) and its response regulator (ComE) [8]. ...
... Using S. mutans as a bacterial model to explain its pathogenicity caused during dysbiosis, Figure 1 shows how this bacterium activates quorum sensing to control biofilm production and other virulence factors [7,8]. ComCDE secretes a competent stimulating peptide (CSP), acting also as a signal molecule; ComC synthesizes this peptide, and it is recognized and phosphorylated by the transmembrane histidine kinase (ComD) and its response regulator (ComE) [8]. The phosphorylated peptide activates the signaling cascade, expressing different genes involved to synthesize proteins and enzymes that S. mutans use to adhere to dental surfaces and form biofilms. ...
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Bacterial diseases and reactive oxygen species can cause dental caries and oral cancer. Therefore, the present review analyzes and discusses the antibacterial and antioxidant properties of synthetic and plant-derived substances and their current and future patents to formulate dental products. The reviewed evidence indicates that chlorhexidine, fluorides, and hydrogen peroxide have adverse effects on the sensory acceptability of oral care products. As an alternative, plant-derived substances have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that can be used in their formulation. Also, adding plant metabolites favors the sensory acceptability of dental products compared with synthetic compounds. Therefore, plant-derived substances have antibacterial, antioxidant, and flavoring activity with the potential to be used in the formulation of toothpaste, mouth rinses, dentures cleansers-fixatives, and saliva substitutes.
... They are Gram-positive, cocci shaped and facultative anaerobic bacteria, and their presence within the dental biofilm is crucial for the formation and maturation of the oral microflora and of the cariogenicity in dental plaque [12]. The ComABCDE QS system of S. mutans involves a competence stimulating peptide (CSP)-mediated quorum sensing, which regulates several virulence-associated traits [13]. It is composed of the comAB and the comCDE operons. ...
... Upon activation of ComD, it phosphorylates and activates its cognate response regulator ComE. This causes the induction of genes involved in the regulation of biofilm formation and genetic competence (e.g., comX/sigX that induces the expression of late competence genes), as well as the induction of the nlmA-D bacteriocin genes [13,15,19]. ...
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Bacteria can communicate through an intercellular signaling system referred to as quorum sensing (QS). The QS system involves the production of autoinducers that interact with their respective receptors, leading to the induction of specific signal transduction pathways. The QS systems of the oral cariogenic Streptococcus mutans regulate the maturation of biofilms and affect its virulent properties. We have previously shown that the non-psychoactive compound cannabigerol (CBG) of the Cannabis sativa L. plant has anti-bacterial and anti-biofilm activities towards S. mutans. Here we were interested in investigating the effect of the two QS systems ComCDE and LuxS on the susceptibility of S. mutans to CBG and the anti-QS activities of CBG. This was assessed by using various comCDE and luxS mutant strains and complementation with the respective autoinducers, competence stimulating peptide (CSP) and (S)-4,5-dihydroxy-2,3-pentandione (DPD, pre-AI-2). We found that S. mutans comCDE knockout strains were more sensitive to the anti-bacterial actions of CBG compared to the WT strain. Exogenously added 21-CSP prevented the anti-bacterial actions caused by CBG on the ΔcomC, ΔcomE and ΔluxS mutants, while having no effect on the susceptibility of the WT and ΔcomCDE strains to CBG. Exogenously added DPD increased the susceptibility of WT and ΔluxS to CBG. Vice versa, CBG significantly reduced the 21-CSP-induced expression of comCDE genes and ComE-regulated genes and suppressed the expression of luxS with concomitant reduction in AI-2 production. DPD induced the expression of comCDE genes and ComE-regulated genes, and this induction was repressed by CBG. 21-CSP alone had no significant effect on luxS gene expression, while ΔcomCDE strains showed reduced AI-2 production. In conclusion, our study shows that the susceptibility of S. mutans to CBG is affected by the ComCDE and LuxS QS pathways, and CBG is a potential anti-QS compound for S. mutans. Additionally, we provide evidence for crosstalk between the ComCDE and LuxS QS systems.
... There are two main QS systems in the S. mutans: CSP-ComDE and ComRS systems (Kaur et al., 2015). The CSP-ComDE system is composed of a signal peptide (CSP, encoded by ComC; Leung et al., 2015) and the ComDE two-component system (Kaur et al., 2015; Figure 2). ...
... There are two main QS systems in the S. mutans: CSP-ComDE and ComRS systems (Kaur et al., 2015). The CSP-ComDE system is composed of a signal peptide (CSP, encoded by ComC; Leung et al., 2015) and the ComDE two-component system (Kaur et al., 2015; Figure 2). The ComRS system consists of the signaling peptide pheromone XIP (encoded by ComS) and a transcriptional regulator (ComR). ...
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Oral cavity is an ideal habitat for more than 1,000 species of microorganisms. The diverse oral microbes form biofilms over the hard and soft tissues in the oral cavity, affecting the oral ecological balance and the development of oral diseases, such as caries, apical periodontitis, and periodontitis. Currently, antibiotics are the primary agents against infectious diseases; however, the emergence of drug resistance and the disruption of oral microecology have challenged their applications. The discovery of new antibiotic-independent agents is a promising strategy against biofilm-induced infections. Natural products from traditional medicine have shown potential antibiofilm activities in the oral cavity with high safety, cost-effectiveness, and minimal adverse drug reactions. Aiming to highlight the importance and functions of natural products from traditional medicine against oral biofilms, here we summarized and discussed the antibiofilm effects of natural products targeting at different stages of the biofilm formation process, including adhesion, proliferation, maturation, and dispersion, and their effects on multi-species biofilms. The perspective of antibiofilm agents for oral infectious diseases to restore the balance of oral microecology is also discussed.
... Bacteriophages act as a biocontrol to combat AMR, and their interest has been renewed due to antibiotic resistance (43). Phage therapy utilizes specific lytic bacteriophages as another option to antibiotics, targeting pathogen receptors and causing cell lysis (44). Live phages effectively treat infectious strains and show promise in managing respiratory and systemic diseases (45). ...
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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) represents a far-reaching and substantial danger to public health. The emergence of AMR leads to complications in treating infections, contributing to a rise in mortality rates. The broad occurrence of AMR, along with the excessive utilization of antimicrobial drugs, creates a substantial challenge for the restoration of human and animal populations. Urgent attention is required to devise innovative treatments and therapeutics that can effectively address the emergence and spread of resistant strains. Research indicates that AMR gene development and dissemination are primarily linked to overreliance on health drugs, improper use in veterinary medicine, agricultural practices, and vaccine hesitancy. Thankfully, promising approaches have surfaced to combat resistance effectively. These methods encompass antivirulent therapy, passive immunization, antimicrobial peptides, vaccines, phage therapy, as well as botanical and liposomal nanoparticles. Each of these innovative techniques aims to alleviate the strain on antibacterial drugs, representing cuttingedge approaches in the field. This review article focuses on the importance of employing these advanced therapeutics to combat AMR. To effectively tackle AMR, a comprehensive strategy is essential. This involves harnessing current cutting-edge therapeutics, advancing antimicrobial susceptibility testing and diagnostic techniques, and ensuring prompt clinical responses to contain AMR's spread. Furthermore, there is a need for research to explore new pharmacodynamic properties of antimicrobials and develop methods to maintain host homeostasis after AMR-caused infections. Addressing AMR calls for a multifaceted approach, involving the appropriate use of advanced antimicrobial drugs in conjunction with diverse cutting-edge therapeutics. In summary, AMR represents a pressing global health challenge. However, by employing current state-of-the-art therapeutics, advancing diagnostic and treatment methods, and continuously conducting research, we can aspire to reduce its impact and safeguard the health of both human and animal populations.
... S. mutans coordinates genetic transformation through two peptide pheromones CSP and comX inducing peptide (XIP). This QS system plays key role in adapting to the harsh environment conditions of bacteria, including oral biofilm formation, genetic capacity, acid production, bacterial virulence activity, and EPS production (Zhang et al., 2009;Kaur et al., 2015;Acet et al., 2021). ...
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Dental caries is a common oral disease. In many cases, disruption of the ecological balance of the oral cavity can result in the occurrence of dental caries. There are many cariogenic microbiota and factors, and their identification allows us to take corresponding prevention and control measures. With the development of microbiology, the caries-causing bacteria have evolved from the traditional single Streptococcus mutans to the discovery of oral symbiotic bacteria. Thus it is necessary to systematically organized the association of polymicrobial interactions with dental caries development. In terms of ecology, caries occurs due to an ecological imbalance of the microbiota, caused by the growth and reproduction of cariogenic microbiota due to external factors or the disruption of homeostasis by one’s own factors. To reduce the occurrence of dental caries effectively, and considering the latest scientific viewpoints, caries may be viewed from the perspective of ecology, and preventive measures can be taken; hence, this article systematically summarizes the prevention and treatment of dental caries from the aspects of ecological perspectives, in particular the ecological biofilm formation, bacterial quorum sensing, the main cariogenic microbiota, and preventive measures.
... The anti-biofilm mechanism of S. mutans has the possibility of being related to anti-quorum sensing pathway. 40 The antimicrobial properties of eucalyptus, sappan, and cinnamon should be investigated further in order to identify their active constituents. Additionally, research should be conducted on the bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects of eucalyptus, sappan, and cinnamon on other significant clinical pathogens. ...
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To evaluate the effect of eucalyptus, sappan, and cinnamon leaf and bark extract on the percentage of S. mutans biofilm formation. The test group was divided into a negative control (1% Dimethyl sulfoxide), a treatment group (eucalyptus, sappan, and cinnamon leaves and bark at concentrations of 50%, 25%, and 12.5%, respectively), and a positive control (0.2% chlorhexidine). Each concentration of eucalyptus, sappan, and cinnamon leaves and barks extract, Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI-B), bacteria according to the McFarland 0.5 standard, a positive control, and a negative control were added to a 96-well microplate. They were incubated at 37 °C for twenty-four hours before being rinsed with phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and stained with 0.1% crystal violet. The optical density was then measured using a microplate reader with a 540 nm wavelength. The absorbance value is then factored into the percentage of bacterial adhesion inhibition formula. A statistical test revealed a significant difference (p < 0.05) in the percentage of inhibition between the three extracts of leaves and bark and the negative control group (1% DMSO). There is a significant difference between all leaves and barks concentration and the positive control group except the 50% concentration of sappan leaf group and 50% concentration of cinnamon leaf group. The sappan leaf and cinnamon leaf at 50% concentration exhibit no significant difference (p > 0.05) with the positive control. Eucalyptus, sappan, cinnamon leaves and barks at a concentration of 50% demonstrated effectiveness of the extractant in inhibiting the formation of biofilm masses by S. mutans in comparison with the other group.
... Live phages may also produce an effective immune response in this case. Live phages are usually practiced against infectious strains like Enterobacter, Shigella, E. coli, and K. pneumoniae [179]. In dairy products, live phages are used to eliminate Lactobacillus. ...
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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a ubiquitous public health menace. AMR emergence causes complications in treating infections contributing to an upsurge in the mortality rate. The epidemic of AMR in sync with a high utilization rate of antimicrobial drugs signifies an alarming situation for the fleet recovery of both animals and humans. The emergence of resistant species calls for new treatments and therapeutics. Current records propose that health drug dependency, veterinary medicine, agricultural application, and vaccination reluctance are the primary etymology of AMR gene emergence and spread. Recently, several encouraging avenues have been presented to contest resistance, such as antivirulent therapy, passive immunization, antimicrobial peptides, vaccines, phage therapy, and botanical and liposomal nanoparticles. Most of these therapies are used as cutting-edge methodologies to downplay antibacterial drugs to subdue the resistance pressure, which is a featured motive of discussion in this review article. AMR can fade away through the potential use of current cutting-edge therapeutics, advancement in antimicrobial susceptibility testing, new diagnostic testing, prompt clinical response, and probing of new pharmacodynamic properties of antimicrobials. It also needs to promote future research on contemporary methods to maintain host homeostasis after infections caused by AMR. Referable to the microbial ability to break resistance, there is a great ultimatum for using not only appropriate and advanced antimicrobial drugs but also other neoteric diverse cutting-edge therapeutics.
... The QS system in Gram-Positive bacteria usually consists of oligopeptides autoinducer peptides (AIP) as signals. These signals interact with the receptor of a histidine kinase two-component signal system [8]. The fsr quorum sensing system in E. faecalis encodes a regulatory system regulates virulence factors via the cell density [3,7,[9][10][11][12]. ...
This study aims to synthesize silver nanoparticles by the green method and test it against specific virulence factors in multi-drug resistant Enterococcus faecalis bacteria. virulence factors of E. faecalis clinical isolates were determined and the most potent isolate was selected for further investigations. The prepared Ag-NPs were characterized using UV spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The result revealed the concentration of 0.0625 mg/ml Ag-NPs was significantly reducing virulence factors in multidrug-resistant E. faecalis without affecting planktonic cell growth. UV–Visible spectroscopy characterization revealed a characteristic surface Plasmon band [SPR] at a wavelength ranging from 256 to 345 and 510 nm in the prepared Ag-NPs. dynamic light scattering indicated it tended to an electrostatic attraction between nanoparticles in the prepared solution. TEM images revealed the average size of Ag-NPs were prepared to be 28.8 nm and the shape was spherical. Green synthesized Ag-NPs have the ability to combat multi-drug-resistant E. faecalis via reducing virulence factors, which is considered a good approach toward resolving the multidrug resistance crisis.
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Streptococcus mutans, a gram-positive oral pathogen, is the primary causative agent of dental caries. Biofilm formation, a critical characteristic of S. mutans, is regulated by quorum sensing (QS). This study aimed to utilize pharmacoinformatics techniques to screen and identify effective phytochemicals that can target specific proteins involved in the quorum sensing pathway of S. mutans. A computational approach involving homology modeling, model validation, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was employed. The 3D structures of the quorum sensing target proteins, namely SecA, SMU1784c, OppC, YidC2, CiaR, SpaR, and LepC, were modeled using SWISS-MODEL and validated using a Ramachandran plot. Metabolites from Azadirachta indica (Neem), Morinda citrifolia (Noni), and Salvadora persica (Miswak) were docked against these proteins using AutoDockTools. MD simulations were conducted to assess stable interactions between the highest-scoring ligands and the target proteins. Additionally, the ADMET properties of the ligands were evaluated using SwissADME and pkCSM tools. The results demonstrated that campesterol, meliantrol, stigmasterol, isofucosterol, and ursolic acid exhibited the strongest binding affinity for CiaR, LepC, OppC, SpaR, and Yidc2, respectively. Furthermore, citrostadienol showed the highest binding affinity for both SMU1784c and SecA. Notably, specific amino acid residues, including ASP86, ARG182, ILE179, GLU143, ASP237, PRO101, and VAL84 from CiaR, LepC, OppC, SecA, SMU1784c, SpaR, and YidC2, respectively, exhibited significant interactions with their respective ligands. While the docking study indicated favorable binding energies, the MD simulations and ADMET studies underscored the substantial binding affinity and stability of the ligands with the target proteins. However, further in vitro studies are necessary to validate the efficacy of these top hits against S. mutans.
Ethnopharmacological relevance Thirty-five herbal formulations used in this current work are utilized as anti-cariogenic agents in Thai traditional medicine. Acidogenic properties play a crucial role in the initiation of dental caries caused by Streptococcus mutans, and a quorum sensing (QS) system is an associated virulence factor in dental caries. Aim of the study The current work aimed to determine the anti-acidogenic effect of these polyherbal formulas against S. mutans and explore their anti-QS activity using Chromobacterium violaceum as a biosensor. Materials and methods Ethanol and water extracts from the formulas were evaluated for their anti-acidogenic effects using glycolytic pH drop assays. Qualification and quantification of anti-QS activity indicated by the level of violacein production in C. violaceum were performed using paper disc-diffusion and flask incubation assays, respectively. Results Among the extracts tested, THF-DC 02 and THF-DC 04 significantly inhibited the acidogenesis of S. mutans in a dose-dependent manner without affecting the cell viability. THF-DC 20 and THF-DC 29 sharply reduced the violacein production of C. violaceum, indicating the promising anti-QS activity of these extracts. Conclusion The findings of the present study, preliminarily propose that the polyherbal formulas THF-DC 02, THF-DC 04, THF-DC 20, and THF-DC 29 produce promising anti-acidogenic or anti-QS activities. The anti-acidogenic effect of THF-DC 04 may possibly act by interrupting streptococcal membrane enzymes via its herbal components: Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd., Albizia myriophylla Benth., Avicennia marina subsp. eucalyptifolia (Valeton) J.Everett and Ocimum tenuiflorum L. The anti-QS activity of THF-DC 20 and THF-DC 29 could be due to their herbal ingredients, including Piper betle L., Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxb., Terminalia chebula Retz., and Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & L.M.Perry.
Sreptococcus mutans is the primary causative agent involved in dental caries in humans. Among important virulence factors of this pathogen, its ability to form and sustain a polysaccharide-encased biofilm (commonly called dental plaque) is vital not only to its survival and persistence in the oral cavity, but also for its pathogenicity as well. This chapter focuses on the S. mutans' biofilm phenotype and how this mode of growth is regulated by its density-dependent quorum sensing (QS) system primarily comprised of the Competence Stimulating Peptide (CSP) and the ComD/ComE two-component signal transduction system. In addition to biofilm formation, the CSP-mediated QS system in S. mutans also affects its acidogenicity, aciduricity, genetic transformation and bacteriocin production. Interestingly, it has also been discovered that these properties are optimally expressed in cells derived from a biofilm as opposed to a free-floating planktonic mode of growth. Hence, strategies targeting S. mutans' QS system to attenuate biofilm formation and/or virulence are currently being used to develop therapeutic or preventative measures against dental caries. Recently, it was discovered that the addition of CSP in large concentrations (relative to amounts used for normal competence development) resulted in growth arrest and eventual cell death, thus paving way for CSP-mediated targeted killing of S. mutans. In addition to the QS system, effects of other two-component signal transduction systems on the biofilm phenotype of S. mutans are also discussed.
Bacteria that adhere to implanted medical devices or damaged tissue can encase themselves in a hydrated matrix of polysaccharide and protein, and form a slimy layer known as a biofilm. Antibiotic resistance of bacteria in the biofilm mode of growth contributes to the chronicity of infections such as those associated with implanted medical devices. The mechanisms of resistance in biofilms are different from the now familiar plasmids, transposons, and mutations that confer innate resistance to individual bacterial cells. In biofilms, resistance seems to depend on multicellular strategies. We summarise the features of biofilm infections, review emerging mechanisms of resistance, and discuss potential therapies.
Microbial relationships with all life forms can be as free living, symbiotic or pathogenic. Human beings harbor 10 times more microbial cells than their own. Bacteria are found on the skin surface, in the gut and other body parts. Bacteria causing diseases are the most worrisome. Most of the infectious diseases are caused by bacterial pathogens with an ability to form biofilm. Bacteria within the biofilm are up to 1000 times more resistant to antibiotics. This has taken a more serious turn with the evolution of multiple drug resistant bacteria. Health Departments are making efforts to reduce high mortality and morbidity in man caused by them. Bacterial Quorum sensing (QS), a cell density dependent phenomenon is responsible for a wide range of expressions such as pathogenesis, biofilm formation, competence, sporulation, nitrogen fixation, etc. Majority of these organisms that are important for medical, agriculture, aquaculture, water treatment and remediation, archaeological departments are: Aeromonas, Acinetobacter, Bacillus, Clostridia, Enterococcus, Pseudomonas, Vibrio and Yersinia spp. Biosensors and models have been developed to detect QS systems. Strategies for inhibiting QS system through natural and synthetic compounds have been presented here. The biotechnological applications of QS inhibitors (QSIs) in diverse areas have also been dealt with. Although QSIs do not affect growth and are less likely to impose selective pressure on bacteria, however, a few reports have raised doubts on the fate of QSIs. This book addresses a few questions. Will bacteria develop mechanisms to evade QSIs? Are we watching yet another defeat at the hands of bacteria? Or will we be acting intelligently and survive the onslaughts of this Never Ending battle?.
Microbes, plants, animals, and human beings are intricately related to each other. In quite a few scenarios, these organisms live in close association with each other, for example, in rhizosphere, phyllosphere, etc. (Lindow and Brandl 2003). Epiphytes harbor microbes which prove helpful to the host (Hempel et al. 2008). Endophytic fungi prevent diseases and provide drought tolerance to Poaceae (grasses), and mycorrhizal fungi form symbiosis with vascular plants and protect them from diseases and enable them to sequester phosphate from the soil (Khan 2006; Rodriguez et al. 2009). Among all the symbiotic relationships, nitrogen fixation by rhizobia-legume interaction can be listed as the most beneficial outcomes (Drevon et al. 1987, 1988; Zhuang et al. 2013; Gao et al. 2014).
All organisms are susceptible to attack by other organisms, and it may even spell death for the recipient. However, each organism is also bestowed with an inherent ability to protect itself by developing self-defence mechanisms. Human beings have a strong immune system but are quite susceptible to infections by fungi, bacteria and viruses. Microbial infections have been a constant worry for health departments (Kalia 2013, 2014). The economy of a nation is dramatically affected by the health of its residents. The discovery of antibiotics was a great boon to mankind. However, microbes have been developing resistance against antibiotics. So much so that during the last seven to eight decades, there has been a need to find new antibiotics. Now the scenario is quite depressing as almost all antibiotics are proving ineffective. The evolution of multidrug resistance among pathogenic microbes has taken a new dimension (Davies and Davies 2010). Bacteria expressing their virulent behaviour through the phenomenon of quorum sensing (QS) develop a biofilm. Bacteria inside the biofilm are up to 1000 times more resistant to antibiotics compared to their planktonic counterparts (Kalia et al. 2014a, b). Research efforts during the last four decades have brought hope by providing alternatives and supplements to antibiotics. Quorum sensing inhibitors (QSIs) are seen as novel drugs especially against infectious bacteria. Although, the search for QSIs was intended for helping human beings to fight against diseases, the applications can be extended to other fields as well: agriculture, aquaculture, water treatment, fisheries, etc. A few examples of applications of QSIs have been described below (Table 1).
Abstract During the last few centuries, human beings had high mortality and morbidity rate. At times, a large population was completely wiped away. Although these were ‘diagnosed’ to be caused by bacterial infections, however, in the absence of any effective treatment, people helplessly watched the patient dying. The discovery of antibiotics in the twentieth century brought a revolution in human health. Microbial infections in human beings could be treated through the regular and at times indiscriminate administration of antibiotics (Davies et al. 2006). Today, bacteria have developed resistance to quite a few antibiotics (Davies and Davies 2010). Pharmaceutical companies are hesitant to invest in searching novel antibiotics. The scenario is further exacerbated by infections caused by biofilm-forming bacteria. This structure provides additional resistance to antibiotics. One needs up to 1,000 higher doses of antibiotics for dispersing the biofilm (Nadell et al. 2008). Biofilms are formed through the phenomenon known as quorum sensing (QS). QS operates through a wide range of signal molecules, the most widely reported being oligopeptides and acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs) (McDougald et al. 2007). At low cell densities bacteria continue to multiply silently and are able to evade the host’s defence (Hentzer et al. 2003). Hence, while the infection is spreading, the ‘patient’ does not realize their presence. At high cell densities, bacteria activate their arsenal of virulence, and the disease spreads so rapidly that the patient is taken by surprise. At this stage, antibiotic therapy does not function effectively. It was realized that disrupting the QS system may help to let bacteria grow without getting into virulence mode. Quite a bit of effort has gone into searching quorum-sensing inhibitors (QSIs).
In many streptococci, including Streptococcus mutans, genetic competence is regulated by a quorum sensing system mediated by a competence stimulating peptide (CSP) pheromone, encoded by the comC gene. In Streptococcus pneumoniae, a central component of this system is ComX, which acts as an alternative sigma factor to activate competence genes involved in DNA uptake and processing. The quorum sensing system responsible for genetic competence induction in S. mutans has been linked to biofilm formation and the acid tolerance response. To examine the response of comX to CSP in S. mutans, a transcriptional fusion of the comX promoter (pcomX) with lacZ was constructed to generate reporter vector pcomx::pALH122 (replicative vector) and transformed into S. mutans UA159 comC−, which is unable to produce endogenous CSP. CSP was added and pcomX::lacZ relative expression index (REI) examined, revealing a 2-fold increase in maximal β-gal activity 5 and 10 min after CSP addition. The effect of endogenous CSP on pcomX::lacZ expression was also examined by measuring REI in cells grown as a biofilm; peak pcomX activity was observed at 3 h. To determine the temporal pattern of transformation frequency, pMA2, a Spr shuttle vector, was transformed into biofilm-grown cells, with maximal transformation frequency observed at 3 h. Confocal microscopy was performed to examine pcomX activity using a similarly constructed green fluorescent protein reporter vector, pcomX::gfp, in a 4-h biofilm, revealing active pcomX activity in high cell density areas within the biofilm population. These results demonstrated a positive correlation between pcomX activity, natural transformation and competence development in biofilms.
Bacteria above a threshold cell density regulate the expression of a specific group of their genes in response to small signal molecules called autoinducers. This twitter communication phenomenon is called quorum sensing (QS). Among the various genetic expressions mediated by QS , biofilm formation and expression of virulence factors are the most prominent. These phenotypes are a major cause of concern for health departments and a wide range of industries dealing especially with drinking water, waste water reclamation, and desalination. This phenomenon leads to heavy economic losses. Efforts to disrupt biofilms have met with little success. In fact, bacteria within the biofilms are 1000 times more resistant to antibiotics than their planktonic counterparts. Biosensors or reporter strains have been developed to screen QS inhibitors. A potential approach to inhibit the process of biofouling is to interfere with bacterial QS signals. QS inhibiting enzymes and molecules have been isolated from a wide range of organisms such as bacteria, fungi, algae, and marine organisms. Efforts to disrupt biofilm formation have been carried out through designing antifouling agents that primarily reduce surface adhesion of the organisms. These include fouling release coatings such as nanocomposites. In contrast to removing biofilms, there are certain areas where it is desirable to regenerate biofilm for a fresh round of biotransformation.
Study objective The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of oropharyngeal decontamination on nosocomial infections in a comparatively homogeneous population of patients undergoing heart surgery. Design This was a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Experimental and control groups were selected for similar infection risk parameters. Setting Cardiovascular ICU of a tertiary care hospital. Patients Three hundred fifty-three consecutive patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting, valve, or other open heart surgical procedures were randomized to an experimental (n=173) or control (n=180) group. Heart and lung transplantations were excluded. Interventions The experimental drug chosen was 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX) oral rinse. Measurements and results The overall nosocomial infection rate was decreased in the CHX-treated patients by 65% (24/180 vs 8/173; p<0.01). We also noted a 69% reduction in the incidence of total respiratory tract infections in the CHX-treated group (17/180 vs 5/173; p<0.05). Gram-negative organisms were involved in significantly less (p<0.05) of the nosocomial infections and total respiratory tract infections by 59% and 67%, respectively. No change in bacterial antibiotic resistance patterns in either group was observed. The use of nonprophylactic IV antibiotics was lowered by 43% (42/180 vs 23/173; p<0.05). A reduction in mortality in the CHX-treated group was also noted (1.16% vs 5.56%). Conclusions Inexpensive and easily applied oropharyngeal decontamination with CHX oral rinse reduces the total nosocomial respiratory infection rate and the use of nonprophylactic systemic antibiotics in patients undergoing heart surgery. This results in significant cost savings for those patients who avoid additional antibiotic treatment.