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The Effect of the Project-Based Learning Approach on the Academic Achievements of the Students in Science Classes in Turkey: A Meta-Analysis Study


Abstract and Figures

Keywords In this research, the study of the meta-analysis is conducted to identify that the project-based learning approach affects the academic achievements of the students in science classes. Therefore, related literature of studies done in Turkey is reviewed. Master, doctoral dissertations and articles (between 2002 and 2013), related to the research problem and having statistical data about the study of the meta-analysis, are analysed by scanning from national and international database in Turkish and English. There are 41 studies including the sample about the effects of the project-based learning on the academic achievements of the students in science classes. 42 effect size values were obtained from these studies. The result of the meta-analysis shows that the project-based learning approach is more effective than traditional teaching methods about the academic achievements of the students in science classes. The effect size of the Project-based learning approach, between 0,777-1,218 confidence interval, has been found 0,997 (%95 CI, SE=0,112) about the academic achievements of the students in science classes by using random effect model. This value is moderate level to Cohen, Manion and Morrison's the classification of the effect size (2007). Among the studies that are included in this study, 39 of 42 studies have positive, 3 of 42 studies have negative effect size value. Intermediate variables (moderator) analyses have been done at meta analysis studies, natural sciences, education levels, sample size, application time, used methods and types of publications. In these studies that have positive effect value; three of them are at poor, five of them are at modest, eleven of them are at moderate and twenty of them are at strong effect size level. As a result of analysis done by the intermediate variables the highest effect sizes have been observed at high school degree (ES=1,536), in physics (ES=1,046) and between 1-20 lesson hours (ES=1,203). The highest effect size in all variables has been observed at high school degree (ES=1,536). At the end of the study; according to the results of the research, there are some recommendations for the researchers and instructors. Academic Achievement
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Education and Science
Vol 40 (2015) No 178 255-283
The Effect of the Project-Based Learning Approach on the Academic
Achievements of the Students in Science Classes in Turkey: A Meta-
Analysis Study *
Mehmet Fatih Ayaz 1, Mikail Söylemez 2
In this research, the study of the meta-analysis is conducted to identify
that the project-based learning approach affects the academic
achievements of the students in science classes. Therefore, related
literature of studies done in Turkey is reviewed. Master, doctoral
dissertations and articles (between 2002 and 2013), related to the research
problem and having statistical data about the study of the meta-analysis,
are analysed by scanning from national and international database in
Turkish and English. There are 41 studies including the sample about the
effects of the project-based learning on the academic achievements of the
students in science classes. 42 effect size values were obtained from these
studies. The result of the meta-analysis shows that the project-based
learning approach is more effective than traditional teaching methods
about the academic achievements of the students in science classes. The
effect size of the Project-based learning approach, between 0,777-1,218
confidence interval, has been found 0,997 (%95 CI, SE=0,112) about the
academic achievements of the students in science classes by using
random effect model. This value is moderate level to Cohen, Manion and
Morrison’s the classification of the effect size (2007). Among the studies
that are included in this study, 39 of 42 studies have positive, 3 of 42
studies have negative effect size value. Intermediate variables
(moderator) analyses have been done at meta analysis studies, natural
sciences, education levels, sample size, application time, used methods
and types of publications. In these studies that have positive effect value;
three of them are at poor, five of them are at modest, eleven of them are
at moderate and twenty of them are at strong effect size level. As a result
of analysis done by the intermediate variables the highest effect sizes
have been observed at high school degree (ES=1,536), in physics
(ES=1,046) and between 1-20 lesson hours (ES=1,203). The highest effect
size in all variables has been observed at high school degree (ES=1,536).
At the end of the study; according to the results of the research, there are
some recommendations for the researchers and instructors.
Academic Achievement
Science Education
Project-based Learning
Effect Size
Article Info
Received: 10.02.2014
Accepted: 04.15.2015
Online Published: 05.04.2015
DOI: 10.15390/EB.2015.4000
* This study was produced from Mehmet Fatih Ayaz for the doctoral thesis that prepared under the supervision of Assoc. Dr.
Mikail Söylemez
Dicle University, Ziya Gökalp Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences, Turkey,
Dicle University, Ziya Gökalp Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences, Turkey,
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
In the modern information age, there is big information burst in science and they are all the
consequences of technology. Although easier to get information, even scientists have difficulties in
keeping track of developments and changes in current information age (Tan & Temiz, 2003). The
necessities of 21st century for humanity are to develop and change in accordance with science and
technology which prospers everyday. To address these needs, there is a need for individuals who
have more information and skills which will quide them to access to information. Especially, there is
an urgent need for the individuals who know how to get this information. Direct transfer of
information, beliefs, and feelings of the individuals are not sufficent and effective to turn the societies
into the modern one.
Developments in science and technology are the driving force behind the fast changes in the
social, political, economical, and cultural systems (Ünal, 2005). Therefore, individuals who are the
basic source of social development need to be trained in order to meet changable needs and
expectations. The first absolute necessity emerged due to the science and technology which is
improving fastly is to take our scientific manpower to the universal level and make ensure to advance
as an information society. The only way of making use of science and technology, the main source of
comfortable and free-living, is to be an individual who can effectively use them. The one of the most
effective ways of achieving this is education (Soylu, 2004).
Forming a modern structure in education can be accomplished through the training of the
researchers (Gökmen, 2003). Today, the individual competencies expected today are to access to
information, evaluate the information, to use the information in an effective way, and to transform
these acquired information into skills (Erdem and Akkoyunlu, 2002). Starting from primary school to
university, in the solution of problems, scientific method should be followed, and through education
individuals need be supported to form it as a habit. Creating new information entailed by the change,
educational institutions should contribute to this change and the training of individuals who can think
critically (Gürol, 1995). Until today many education models have been exploited with various methods
and techniques. The oldest and the most used one among these methods is traditional method which
is a plain lecturing. Besides, question-answer, discussion methods can be also seen as traditional
teaching methods, since alone they can no longer be accepted as contemporary methods. Today,
lecture, question-answer, and discussion techniques alone do not seem very easy to gain the aimed
skills to the individuals. In today's modern educational approaches, it is aimed to nurture individuals
who have high logical thinking competence, can interrogate and search the information, cope with the
problems, and learn to learn (Demirel, 2012).
For this reason, constuctivism’ word has been started to used noteworthily in educational
research and discussions (Cunningham & Duffy, 1996; Kinnucan-Welsch & Jenlink, 1998). Discussion,
activities for the interests and needs of learners, a certain state of uncertainty to provide creative
thinking and colloborative works take place at constructivist learning environment (Taylor, Fraser &
Fisher, 1997). Students are activated and guidanced for solving problem by cooperative studies in
such environment. It is benefited from experiences of students during this studies (Rice & Wilson,
1999). Individual solve problems based on his past experiences and configureted informations
benefiting from multiple sources (Maypole & Davies, 2001). Although this approach learner-focused,
it gives teachers important tasks since information isn’t transferred directly to students and teachers
lead students only to access to information (Bryant, Kastrup, Udo, Hislop, Shefner & Mallow, 2013). It
is observed that constructivist learning approach used in almost every field is used more frequently
and effectively in some areas.
Considering these characteristic features expected by our modern age, science (science and
technology, physics, chemistry and biology) education comes into prominence. Development in
science and technology are parallel to the one in physics, chemistry and biology. One of the most
important features need to be gained by students through science is scientific method skills. The
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
attempts to gain these skills with the use of traditional methods such as lecture may not provide
effective results. Project-based learning is one the teaching method in parallel with constructivist
learning approach to realize this goal.
The project based learning has a long history. John Dewey’s Reconstructivism and Active
Learning Model, Kilpatrik’s Project Method, Bruner’s Discovery Learning can be said as foundation
stones of PBL (Korkmaz ve Kaptan, 2001). PBL was discussed for the first time in Kilpatrick’s article
named “Project Method”. At first the method was developed to solve the problems faced in real life by
using several educational techniques (Korkmaz, 2002). However, the real founder of the method is
John Dewey (Dewey, 1997). The Project method is based on Dewey’s active learning theory. On the
basis of The Project method, considered as one of the applications of American public education
system, lays Dewey’s new school life and students’ learning how to solve the problems by themselves
(Dewey, 2013). The most important names who synthesized Dewey’s studies and took it a step further
were his students “Kilpatrick and Collins” (Çubukçu, 2011).
In general, project based learning is defined as students’ individual and group works in long
period to reach a concrete product. The main goals of project studies are to help students to take
responsibility for their education, to develop their positive risk taking behaviour, to motivate them to
cooperate with others (Bilen, 2002; Korkmaz & Kaptan, 2002; Saban, 2000). With project based learning
approach, we aim to gain students scientific skills and parallel to that to increase students’ academic
So far the number of scientific studies has increased rapidly. Different results may be drawn in
different studies which were independently done on one particular subject. It may be reached
different results in made in a particular subject, independent studies. Even studies are planed to have
overall generalizations; they can not give overall explanations due to their limitations related to
sample size, time, transportation, the number of practitioners etc. Researches are generally done
without being related to other studies and concluded with the fact that further studies should be done
(Özcan, 2008).
Because of the nature of social sciences, incidences and phenomenon are examined in their
environment. Researcher tries to explain and intrepret these in their environment (Yıldırım & Şimşek,
2011). Based on the researches in social sciences, it can be seen that further study attempts are not kept
on till more concrete solutions to the problems are taken (Karasar, 2005). There is need for more
comprehensive and reliable studies to interpret the accumulated information in social sciences and to
conduct new studies (Akgöz, Ercan & Kan, 2004). If we describe the science as collecting and
commenting on this information, it is very important for the investigation, the review and synthesis of
the study which deals with the same research problem to be valid and reliable. The system applied in
meta-analysis includes quantitative analysis and synthesis of the studies in research literature
(Chambers, 2004; Wolf, 1986). It combines the results of the study in a coherent and consistent manner
(Cohen and Manion, 2001).
Although meta-analysis starts to be a very popular method in recent years, in 1904 it was
Pearson who was the first doing quantitative analysis of the findings obtained from the studies on five
different samples that set out the relationship between the vaccinated and the death. Since the year
1930, it has been a seriously studied method. In 1932, Fisher developed a method that combined the
results of different experiments. In 1954, Cochran used a method of analysis that enabled the
comparison of different studies carried out at different times and in different places (Sarıer, 2013). In
the 1970s, Glass was the first scientist to use the name of meta-analysis in behavioral and social
sciences, combining quantitative effect sizes found from studies in experimental and control groups
(Shelby & Vaske, 2008). In 1976 the process, which was developed by Glass and made a combination
of 375 results of the psychotherapy studies, was called as "meta-analysis" (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001;
Üstün & Eryılmaz, 2014; Şahin, 1999). In the 1980s, the meta-analysis was developed by the addition of
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
new statistical methods (Cooper, 2010). Glass (1981) and Hunter published Schmidt and Jackson’s
(1982) book containing meta-analysis methods (Akçil & Karaağaoğlu, 2001). In the 1980s, thanks to the
commitment of Peto and colleagues at Oxford, meta-analysis developed very much. Hedges and
Olkin (1985), and Petitti (1994) in detail describe the meta-analysis statistical methods; Greenland
(1987), on the other hand, identifies the statistical methods for the meta-analysis of non-experimental
studies (Çağatay, 1994).
Big studies fed from the literature reviews benefit from lots of studies to make general
descriptions (Cooper, 2010). This thought is the main goal of literature reviews and meta-analysis. Big
studies provide the politicians of education and researchers with the opportunity of which is formed
by the synthesis of the individual studies and which shows the “big picture” and supplies scientific
generalization. To be applied practically, social and treatment science need for data which is practical,
brief, proved quantively in terms of its effect, and can be core for the new studies (Özcan, 2008).
The educational programs in Turkey were reformed in 2005 by taking the constructivist
learning approach to the centre. In addition to this, the importance of Project Based Learning (PBL)
approach has increased and this importance has been put fprward in many researches. In Turkey and
in the world, there are many studies on the subject of “Project Based Learning Approach” (Altun,
2008; Baran, 2011; Barak & Dori, 2005; Benzer, 2010; Chang, Wu, Kuo & You, 2012; Demir, 2008;
Doppelt, 2003; Frank & Barzilai, 2004; Girgin, 2009; Hun, Hwang & Huang, 2012; Kaldi, Filippatou &
Govaris, 2011; Korkmaz, 2002; Mioduser & Betzer, 2007). Generally these studies explored the effect of
PBL approach to the academic achivement (Baran, 2011; Güven, 2011; İmer, 2008; Keser, 2008; Köse,
2010; Tuncer, 2007), attitude (Baran, 2007; Benzer, 2010; Deniş Çeliker, 2012; Keser, 2008; Koçak, 2008;
Serttürk, 2008), science process skills (Acar, 2011; Gültekin, 2009; Özahioğlu, 2012; Yurdatapan et al.,
2013; Zeren Özer, 2011), motivation (Aslan, 2009; Keskin, 2011), critical thinking (Korkmaz, 2002) etc.
In some of the studies there are significant differences between the effects of PBL approach and
traditional teaching methods (Doğay, 2010; Girgin, 2009; Güven, 2011; Özcan, 2007; Serttürk, 2008);
however, there is no significant difference in others (Avcı, 2006; Değirmenci, 2011; Gültekin, 2009;
Tuncer, 2007). Researches which are done based on the different perspectives about PBL approach
need to be combined, synthesed, and evaluated.
Nowadays there are few subjects which are not related to science. Many issues like
environment, societal health, the production of tools to make life easy and protect society are all
concerned with science. Therefore, to gain all individuals the skills needed to some extent to
understand the basic subjects which the society is faced and to apply them can be accepted as the main
goal of science (Howe, 2002).
Especially in spite of a great number of studies about the effects of PBL approach on the
academic achievement in science classes, there is not any meta-analysis study during the search.
Demiray (2013) and Kaşar(2013), have beendone meta analysis study by the effectiveness of PBL
approach. However Demiray (2013), has made studies on the overall impact of the PBL approach.
However Kaşarcı (2013) have examine the effectiveness of PBL approach to science lessons since
primary studies are less than this meta-analysis study and he didn’t analyse intermediate variables, so
these studies are different from purpose of this meta-analysis study. In this respect, there is an
importance to find answer to the question of “What is the possible effect of project-based learning
approach to the students' academic achievement in science classes?”
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
The purpose of this research is to identify the students’ academic achievements in science
classes (Science and Technology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology) through the use of meta-analysis
methods comparing the methods of PBL approach with traditional education. For that reason, the
meta-analysis of the studies found in the literature has been carried out. In addition to this, various
characteristics which are thought to change the effects of PBL approach have been determined. These
are the fields of science, the education level of students, sample size, time, methods, and the types of
publication used in the studies. Otherwise, intermediate variables related with the person prepared
the achievement test and operator was desired to included to study but wasn’t included due to the
fact that informations weren’t given or precence of much difference between number of studies in sub
groups. Under general purpose, it has been tried to identify the differences between the studies with
meta-analysis characteristics and the PBL approach’s effect size. Thus, the following questions are
tried to be answered:
1) What is the effect of PBL approach on the students’ academic achievements in science
2) Does differ impact on the academic achievement of students of PBL approach by academic
achievement of students in fields of science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Field of General
3) Does differ impact on the academic achievement of students of PBL approach by education
levels (Primary, secondary, high school, bachelor)?
4) Does differ impact on the academic achievement of students of PBL approach by sampe
size in studies (1-50 students, more than 50 students)?
5) Does differ impact on the academic achievement of students of PBL approach by practice
time (1-20 hours, more than 20 hours)?
6) Does differ impact on the academic achievement of students of PBL approach by methods
used in studies (only PBL method, another extra method with PBL method)?
7) Does differ impact on the academic achievement of students of PBL approach by types of
publication (master thesis, PhD dissertation, article)?
This part includes research model used in study, data collection, inclusion criteria, coding of
datas, analyzing and commenting of datas.
Research Model
In this research meta-analysis method used to designate of PBL approach’s effect. Meta-
analysis is a literature search method in scientific research. Meta-analysis is a statistical procedure
application used for the synthesis and comment of individuals studies. Meta-analysis provide
comparison and combination of experimental studies findings in a similar area by statistical methods
consistent and coherent way and calculation the effect size (Cohen, Manion & Morrison, 2007; Ergene,
1999; Glass, 1976; Hunter & Schmidt, 1990).
Data Collection
The studies included to research, is formed from master and doctoral theses, articles
published or not published in refereed scientific journals between 2002-2013 in Turkey as “PBL
Approach” and own research problems and needed statistical datas.
Search of postgraduate theses in Turkey was carried out between the dates of 01.06.2013 and
22.02.2013 as Turkish and English from Council of Higher Education National Theses Centre web site.
In search, theses that have that have “project based learning”, project founded learning”, “project
approach” and “project based” at headlines and key words in Turkish or English were listed. It has been
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
reached 108 theses names as a result of listing. As a result of investigations, theses suitable for research
problem were included study. Investigations were made by examining of the full text. 46 theses
prepared outside of field of science have been found. 17 restricted theses and 12 theses could not find
in centre were requested from writer or the university libraries. It has been reached to seven thesis by
this way but could not be reached 2 thesis in any way. In this process, it has been reached 38 theses
about our subject affecting of academic achievement of students’ in science classes by PBL approach.
These theses have been inserted to meta-analysis study.
Scanning literature to reach articles that published in Turkey has been done between June
2013 and February 2014 at ULAKBIM that the overall scientific journals in Turkey indexed, ASOS and
refereed scientific journals to reach articles which published in Turkey. Theses wee searched
oppositely since theses in Turkey is also published as an article. At the end of the search 2 articles
were included to study which are done as PBL approach’s about academic achievement of students’ in
science classes.
In one of the theses about academic achievement is included 2 different studies. So 2 effect size
values have calculated in this study and inserted to meta-analysis study in this way.
Inclusion Criteria
The inclusion criteria of inserted studies are:
1) Done between years of 2002-2013 of study in Turkey.
2) Published as master, doctoral theses or article in scientific journals which written in
languages of Turkish or English of study.
3) Being experimental of study.
4) Application of PBL approach to experimental group, traditional method is to control
5) Being arithmetic average and standart deviation values has been about academic
achievement of students’ in science classes at experimental and control groups.
6) Giving sample values at studied groups.
Codification of Datas
Reliability of coding is an important point in the meta-analysis. Therefore, all studies should
be evaluated by at least two experts (Açıkel, 2009; Akçil & Karaağaoğlu, 2001). Codification form
(appendix-1) was prepared by researchers for determination of whether or not suitable for include in
meta-analysis and comparement between meta-analysis for the purpose of study. Informations in
codification form has chosen general characteristics of study. Some of the features in codification
forms are; name of the study, writer of the study, type of the study, publishment year of study, the
scale used in the study by whom, practice time, city of the study applied, education level of students,
statistical datas in the study, effect size of the study.
For reliability of the study, codifications must be done at least two other researchers.
Codifications were done by two researchers. Number of codes which are equal to each other clearized
by comparing of two researchers who have completed their master's degree in educational sciences
and doctoral studies are continuing. The reliability of the study found %97 by using reliability level
formula (Miles & Huberman, 2002). %70 and over values obtained from this formula are found
reliable enough for it (Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2011, p. 233). So it can be said that the codifications is
reliable. The codes which are not equal checked and corrected by two researchers by common consent.
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
Analyzing and Commenting of Datas
In this study transaction effect meta-analysis is used in analyzing of datas. This technique
developed by Glass, take an important place in education practices, social sciences and psychology
researches. The relation of this type meta-analysis summarizes as transaction effect, the relation of the
effects, nature of the object, quantity of the transaction and effect factors.
At transaction effect meta-analysis, it can be used starndardized effect size which shows
Cohen d. It is determined by division of difference between experimental group and control group to
combined standard deviation (
2)1()1( 22
Nnn SnSn
) (Cohen d
) (Huffcutt, 2002; Lipsey ve Wilson, 2001; Schulze, 2004). This statistical method
provides a comparison of the resulting effect size by used in multiple studies to work independently
of the data to be converted into a common measurement system. At the same time, power analysis
should be performed that indicates the possibility of identifying obtained effect size correctly
(Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins & Rothstein, 2009; Ellis, 2010; Üstün & Eryılmaz, 2014). Power analysis
is done by using in NORMSDIST formula function in Excel.
The scales can not be same in studies and can have inconsistent values which included into
research. For that difference between groups which PBL approach used or did not use by standard for
suitable in meta-analysis statistics studies with sample method, used standardized arithmetic average
differences effect size (Cohen, 1988; Huffcutt, 2002; Hunter & Schmidt, 1990; Lipsey & Wilson, 2001;
Rosenthal, 1991; Schulze, 2004; Wolf, 1986). Different researches are seen on the content of the studies
included in this meta-analysis study. Obtained effect sizes using different tests on different samples in
studies were calculated separately. Weights of studies were calculated as relative weights.
Classifications are used when commenting importance of effect size obtained from meta-
analysis. Effect size classification by Cohen and others are as follows (2007, p. 521):
0 ≤ Effect size value ≤ 0,20 “poor”,
0,21 ≤ Effect size value ≤ 0,50 “modest”,
0,51 ≤ Effect size value ≤ 1,00 “moderate”,
1,01 ≤ Effect size value has “strong” effect level.
Studies is determined to be included in meta-analysis by analysing of research subject being
scanned quantitatively and qualitatively, it was aimed to reduce the quality problem by including
only theses and articles in the study. Related to opinions of experts that primary studies should not be
evaluated based on the single quality scale score and therefore studies should not be taken out of the
meta-analysis (Üstün & Eryılmaz, 2014; Wells & Littel, 2009). After this stage, the statistical
combination of results is required. Before calculation of effect sizes calculated which statistical model
will be used is decided that Hedges and Olkin (1985)'s described by Q statistics (tests used in measure
of homogenity of effect size and population sample) in meta-analysis. There two models; fixed effect
and random effect model.
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
It is assumed that only one real effect size for each run in fixed effect model (Borenstein et al.,
2009). If effect size varies between studies for some reason it is called as sampling error (Borenstein,
Hedges, Higgins & Rothstein, 2013). Random effect model is the model that estimates the average
effect size of studies (Borenstein et al., 2013). In each study factors affecting operation probably will
vary. If the existence of these differences is important to use a random effects model would be more
Other statistics related to the heterogeneity of the studies together with Q statistic are also
available. I2 developed as a complement of the Q statistics for heterogeneity of results may give a
clearer result (Petticrew & Roberts, 2006). I2 shows heterogeneity due to 25% low heterogeneity, 50%
intermediate and 75% of high heterogeneity (Cooper et al., 2009, p. 263).
Study number required for changing significance of results about studies’ effect size, which
included to meta-analysis, analysed with Orwin method. Number of studies that average effect size
value is zero is can be calculated by Orwin method (Hunter & Schmidt, 1990; Lipsey & Wilson, 2001).
Orwin is calculated depending to the practical significance and also gives the chance of finding to
researchers working only with missing studies and studies included in the meta-analysis of the overall
effect size will decrease the value of the specific effect size (Üstün & Eryılmaz, 2014). This finding
gives idea about effect size reliability which resultant as meta-analysis. In addition, funnel plot was
used as to whether publication bias. Possible loss of the number of studies in meta-analysis and
estimated effect of these studies on general effect was calculated by using trimm and fill method at
funnel plot.
In this meta-analysis study PBL approach effects and traditional education methods effects
were compared. In the study, PBL approach and traditional education methods were taken as
independent variable, academic achievement of students in science classes is dependent variable.
Analog ANOVA was used in analysis of intermediate variables.
Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 2.0 (CMA), MetaWin and Excel programmes were used in
analyzing of datas. CMA was used for the overall effect size, sub-group analysis, publication bias,
drawing of the forest plot and funnel plot graphs. MetaWin was used for normal quantile plot. Excel
was used for power analysis.
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
In this part, results about meta-analysis are given. Meta-analysis of the problems of research
results are mentioned obtained by the method of combining the analysis results and their
General Effect Size Results
Meta-analysis results given in there which are about PBL approach and traditional education
methods effects in academic achievement of students in science classes.
Firstly, we have to determine the meta-analysis model to calculate effect size of studies. First
we have to test homogenity of the studies by using fixed effect model.
Results about homogenity of the studies and general effect size by using the model of fixed
effect model given in Table 1:
Table 1. The Results of Studies’ Effect Size Based on Fixed Effect Model
Effect Size
Value (ES)
Degrees of
Value (Q)
Table Value
Error (SE)
%95 Confidence Interval
for Effect Size
(ES (%95 CI))
When we calculate homogenity value of studies based on fixed effect model, we found it
Q=271,800. In table significance level of %95 for forty-one degree of freedom value found as 56,942.
Statistical value of Q=271,800 passed over forty-one degree of freedom value (for df=41,
56,942). Likewise, nearly %85 with I2 was highly heterogeneous. With this result studies’ effect
size is heterogeneous by fixed effect model. So that there is not only one real effect under effect size
For fixed effect model studies seems heterogeneous, misleadings can removed by using
random effect model. Results about homogenity of the studies and general effect size by using the
model of random effect model given in Table 2:
Table 1. The Results of Studies’ Effect Size Based on Random Effect Model
Average Effect
Size Value (ES)
Error (SE)
%95 Confidence Interval for
Effect Size
(ES (%95 CI))
Value (Min.)
Value (Max.)
For analysis result of random effect model, average effect value is 0,997 with standard error of
0,112. In %95 confidence interval, minimum value of effect size is 0,777 and maximum value of effect
size is 1,218. When we look statistical significance, it is found as Z=8,880 ve p=0,000. So the result is
significance as statistical. Value was found 0,986 as a result of power analysis. This is a high value and
can be said that determined the real effect of the study correctly.
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
Average effect size value is positive (+0,997), so transaction effect is in favor of experimental
group. So that PBL approach has positive effect on students’ academic achievement on science classes.
This effect is nearly strong effect for Cohen and his friends classifications (2007).
Forest plot that shows distribution of effect size values of primary studies formed by random
effect model is given in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Forest plot showing distribution effect size values of studies
Squares in the plot shows study’s effect size, square lines on either side of squares indicate
95% confidence interval of the effect size minimum and maximum limits. They belong to the square of
the field study indicates the weight of the overall effect size. The die having a rhombic shape located
below shows overall effect size of studies.
When we examine effects size of studies, it determined minimum effect size value is -0,423,
maximum effect size is 2,862. When we look effect size of studies, 39 studies are pozitive, 3 studies are
negative from 42 studies. 39 studies which have pozitive effect in favor of experimental group using
PBL approach, 3 studies have negative effect in favor of control group using traditional education
General distribution of studies’ effect size are normal distribution because they are on
confidence interval which around x=y lines and show in cutted points. Effect size of studies’, which
included this research, normal distribution graph given in Figure 2.
Calisma Adi Statistics for each study Std diff in means and 95% CI
Std diff Standard Lower Upper Relative Relative
in means error limit limit p-Value weight weight
Özcan 1,827 0,394 1,054 2,599 0,000 2,12
Altuntas Nikbay 0,523 0,328 -0,120 1,166 0,111 2,31
Demir 0,871 0,307 0,270 1,473 0,005 2,37
Girgin 0,570 0,220 0,138 1,001 0,010 2,59
Erdogan 0,122 0,225 -0,319 0,564 0,587 2,58
Güven 1,912 0,252 1,418 2,406 0,000 2,51
Avci 1,739 0,429 0,899 2,580 0,000 2,03
Dogay 1,157 0,279 0,610 1,704 0,000 2,44
Tuncer -0,061 0,277 -0,604 0,483 0,827 2,45
Seloni 1,944 0,394 1,172 2,717 0,000 2,12
Z.Gültekin 0,436 0,266 -0,084 0,957 0,101 2,48
Serttürk 1,107 0,240 0,636 1,577 0,000 2,54
Denis Çeliker 1,322 0,303 0,728 1,917 0,000 2,38
Degirmenci 0,766 0,332 0,115 1,416 0,021 2,30
Dilseker 0,374 0,311 -0,237 0,984 0,230 2,35
Ekiz 0,215 0,263 -0,301 0,731 0,415 2,48
Dogan 2,862 0,374 2,130 3,595 0,000 2,18
Karacalli 1,884 0,201 1,490 2,278 0,000 2,63
Köse 1,609 0,319 0,983 2,234 0,000 2,33
Yurttepe 1,879 0,380 1,135 2,623 0,000 2,16
Özbek 0,755 0,175 0,412 1,098 0,000 2,69
Imer 2,384 0,386 1,628 3,140 0,000 2,15
Özahioðlu 0,336 0,244 -0,143 0,815 0,169 2,53
Simsek Öztürk 0,824 0,253 0,329 1,319 0,001 2,51
Çil-1 1,712 0,350 1,026 2,398 0,000 2,25
Çil-2 0,084 0,302 -0,509 0,676 0,782 2,38
Gelisgen 2,418 0,381 1,672 3,164 0,000 2,16
Toprak 0,411 0,226 -0,032 0,854 0,069 2,58
Baran-1 1,056 0,397 0,279 1,834 0,008 2,12
Kocak 1,001 0,402 0,213 1,788 0,013 2,10
Benzer 0,533 0,237 0,068 0,998 0,025 2,55
Baran-2 1,498 0,274 0,960 2,036 0,000 2,45
Çakallioglu 0,617 0,256 0,116 1,119 0,016 2,50
Keser 1,573 0,362 0,863 2,282 0,000 2,21
Keskin 0,634 0,214 0,215 1,053 0,003 2,60
Zeren Özer -0,423 0,333 -1,075 0,229 0,203 2,30
Altun Yalcin 1,770 0,249 1,282 2,258 0,000 2,52
Bagci -0,369 0,248 -0,856 0,118 0,138 2,52
Ayan 0,194 0,247 -0,290 0,678 0,432 2,52
M.Gültekin 0,776 0,306 0,176 1,375 0,011 2,37
Korkmaz 0,810 0,254 0,312 1,309 0,001 2,51
Yurdatapan vd. 1,443 0,391 0,677 2,209 0,000 2,13
0,997 0,112 0,777 1,218 0,000 -4,00 -2,00 0,00 2,00 4,00
Favours A Favours B
Meta Analysis
Meta Analysis
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
Figure 2. Effect Size’s Normal Quantile Plot
When we look normal quantile plot of studies’ effect size, they are close to normal distribution
line and don’t pass over the defined borders. Therefore studies which included to study show normal
General effect size value of impact of project-based learning approach to students' academic
achievement in science classes is 0,997 at moderate level. To drop this level to modest level, needed
number of studies found 41 which’s effect size values are zero. To drop this level to poor level, needed
number of studies found 167 which’s effect size values are zero. To drop this level to zero (0,01),
needed number of studies found 4146 which’s effect size values are zero. Referring to the excess of the
number of studies that can be said obtained the results of analyze is reliable and publication bias is
low. Moreover, whether publication bias can be interpreted with the aid of Funnel Plot given in Figure
Figure 3. Effect Size’s Funnel Plot
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Standard Error
Std diff in means
Funnel Plot of Standard Error by Std diff in means
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
In the case of publication bias, effect sizes are take place in an distribution way in the funnel
plot. In the case of the absence of publication bias, effect sizes are take place in a symmetrical
distribution. However, exact symmetry is seen in case of the addition of four studies to the left side of
funnel plot formed by Duval and Tweedie’s trimm and fill method. This is one of the evidence that the
publication bias is low. Adjusted mean effect size value was found to be 0.819.
Results About Problem of Studies’ Fields of Science
The result of whether the effect sizes differs or not according to the fields of science is given in
terms of academic achievement in Table 3.
Table 3. Effect Size Differences According to Fields of Science
Homogeneity Value (QB)
ES (%95 CI)
Error (SE)
Field of
Established groups, according to the fields of science, this research has been done with three
fields of science in, called as general. Critic value with three degree of freedom found 7,815 on table
with %95 significance level. The homogeneity value between the groups, which was built in according
to fields of science, has been found as (QB) 0,594. Because of the homogenity value between the groups
is smaller than the critical value, has not been found statistically significant differences between the
groups which formed for the fields of science.
Results About Problem of Target Group’s Education Level in Studies
The result of whether the effect sizes differs or not according to the education level is given in
terms of academic achievement in Table 4.
Table 4. Effect Size Differences According to Target Group’s Education Level
Homogeneity Value (QB)
ES (%95 CI)
Error (SE)
High School
Critic value with one degree of freedom found 3,841 on table with %95 significance level.
The homogeneity value between the groups, which was built in according to education level, has been
found as (QB) 5,124. Because of the homogenity value between the groups is smaller than the critical
value, has not been found statistically significant differences between the groups which formed for
education level.
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
Results About Problem of Sample Sizes of Studies
The result of whether the effect sizes differs or not according to the sample size is given in
terms of academic achievement in Table 5.
Table 5. Effect Size Differences According to Sample Sizes
Variable (Number
of Students)
Inter-Group Homogeneity
Value (QB)
ES (%95 CI)
Error (SE)
Sample Size
Critic value with one degree of freedom found 3,841 on table with %95 significance level.
The homogeneity value between the groups, which was built in according to sample sizes, has been
found as (QB) 0,340. Because of the homogenity value between the groups is smaller than the critical
value, has not been found statistically significant differences between the groups which formed for
sample size.
Results About Problem of Practicing Time of Studies
The result of whether the effect sizes differs or not according to the practicing time is given in
terms of academic achievement in Table 6.
Table 6. Effect Size Differences According to Practicing Time
(Lesson Hour)
Homogeneity Value (QB)
ES (%95 CI)
Error (SE)
Critic value with two degree of freedom found 5,991 on table with %95 significance level.
The homogeneity value between the groups, which was built in according to practicing time, has been
found as (QB) 3,492. Because of the homogenity value between the groups is smaller than the critical
value, has not been found statistically significant differences between the groups which formed for
practicing time.
Results About Problem of Methods Used in Studies
The result of whether the effect sizes differs or not according to the methods used in studies is
given in terms of academic achievement in Table 7.
Table 7. Effect Size Differences According to Methods Used
Homogeneity Value (QB)
ES (%95 CI)
Error (SE)
PBL and
Critic value with one degree of freedom found 3,841 on table with %95 significance level.
The homogeneity value between the groups, which was built in according to methods used in studies,
has been found as (QB) 0,002. Because of the homogenity value between the groups is smaller than the
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
critical value, has not been found statistically significant differences between the groups which formed
for the methods used in studies.
Results About Problem of Types of Publication
The result of whether the effect sizes differs or not according to the types of publication is
given in terms of academic achievement in Table 8.
Table 8. Effect Size Differences According to Types of Publication
Homogeneity Value (QB)
ES (%95 CI)
Error (SE)
Type of
Master Thesis
PhD Thesis
Critic value with two degree of freedom found 5,991 on table with %95 significance level.
The homogeneity value between the groups, which was built in according to the types of publication,
has been found as (QB) 0,475. Because of the homogenity value between the groups is smaller than the
critical value, has not been found statistically significant differences between the groups which formed
for the types of publication.
Number of studies and mean effect sizes of all study characteristics based on subgroup
analyzes are given in Table 9.
Tablo 9. Number of studies and Effect Sizes Related to Characteristics
Field of Science
Education Level
High School
Sample Size
Practicing Time
PBL and others
Type of Publication
Master Thesis
PhD Thesis
The table which contains the studies with its variables is on appendix-2.
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations
As happens in any study, in this meta-analysis has some limitations. First of these is the
limitations meta-analysis method has itself. Control grouped empirical studies which contains pre test
and final test has been included into the study. An analysis could have been done about quality by
using high validity and reliability quality scales. This study is consisted of researches have been done
in Turkey. With the study it has been aimed to contribute to the national education policy. The results
can ony be generalized for Turkey. The other limitation is at subgroup analysis, ANOVA, which can
be effected from different factors, was used. And also the study has limitation of intermediate
variables analysis which are coded. Also, rarity of primary numbers in some subgroups could be
affected results.
First question of study is “What is the effect of PBL approach on the students’ academic
achievements in science classes? Totally 42 studies stated about effect of PBL approach to students'
academic achievement in science lessons. Total sample size in studies is (total sample size in
experimental and control groups) 2558. When we calculate homogenity value of studies based on
fixed effect model, we found it Q=271,800. In table significant level of %95 for forty-one degree of
freedom value found as 56,942. Statistical value of Q=271,800 passed over forty-one degree of freedom
value (for df=41, 56,942). So we used random effect model to calculate effect size of studies. It
is determined that PBL approach have a positive effect to students 'academic achievement in science
classes in order to determine its effect on the results of the meta-analysis of the PBL approach based
on traditional learning methods to students' academic achievement in science classes. The effect size of
the PBL approach, between 0,777-1,218 confidence interval, has been found 0,997 (%95 CI, SE=0,112)
about the academic achievements of the students in science classes by using random effect model. This
value is moderate level to Cohen, Manion and Morrison’s the classification of the effect size (2007). In
the Kaşarcı’s meta-analysis study (2013), which was practised to prove the effect of PBL approach in
academic achievement in field of science, the effect size value is between 0,763-1,273 confidence
interval has been found ES=1,018 and seen compatible with this study. This effect is very close to
strong level. According to studies about studies of PBL approach that applied 2558 people, PBL
approach is more effective in increasing the academic achievement of students in science classes,
compared to traditional teaching methods. In comparison with the traditional teaching approaches,
PBL approach is more effective in developing academic achievement of the students in science classes.
39 studies are pozitive and 3 studies are negative in 42 studies. It could not determine why 3 negative
studies are in favor for traditional education methods, but it considered, iti is about operator error.
There are 4146 studies needed which’s effect size values are zero that decrease the effect size value to
0,01 which united 42 studies with meta-analysis method. It can be said results of analyses are reliable
when we look number os studies are more.
Second question of study is Does differ impact on the academic achievement of PBL
approach by academic achievement of students in fields of science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Field
of General Science)?’’ There are 20 studies in physics, 16 studies in biology, 5 studies in chemistry and
1 study in general science. When average effect size of fields of science are compared, it has been
observed that the highest effect size value is in field of general science (ES=1,443), the lowest effect size
value is in chemistry (ES=0,873). When we look homogenity value between groups (QB=0,594) it seems
it is little from critic value at %95 significance level as three degrees of freedom (df=3 için 7,815).
Therefore, there could not find a statistically significant difference between groups which formed for
fields of science. According to that fields of science could not change PBL approach’s effect size as a
significant difference. Considering the results of the analysis according to the science field, the highest
effect size value is seen as 1 study in general science covering all fields of science (ES=1,443). Effect size
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
of the main areas of science is seen as close to each other at the same time, strong (ES=1,046) in the
physics field, moderate in the biological (ES=0,954) and chemical fields (ES=0,873).
Third question of study is Does differ impact on the academic achievement of students of
PBL approach by education levels (Primary, secondary, high school, bachelor)?’’ There are 26 studies
in secondary school level, 9 studies in university level, 4 studies in high school level and 3 studies in
primary school level. When average effect size of students’ education level are compared, it has been
observed that the highest effect size value is in high school level (ES=1,536), the lowest effect size value
is in university level (ES=0,680). When we look homogenity value between groups (QB=5,124) it seems
it is little from critic value at %95 significance level as three degrees of freedom (df=1 için 3,841).
Therefore, there could not find a statistically significant difference between groups which formed for
students’ education level. According to that students’ education level could not change PBL
approach’s effect size as a significant difference. However it has been observed that the difference
between the effect sizes of the groups is not small. Considering the results of the analysis according to
the educational level of the working group, the highest effect size values are observed in high school
(ES=1,536) and primary school (ES=1,417) at strong level. Doing less number of primary studies at this
level may have impact on these results. It can be said that effect size is also high at secondary school
level (ES=0,979) and the results are reliable in view of much number of primaryb studies. The lowest
effect size values was specified in universities (ES=0,680) at medium level.
Fourth question of study is Does differ impact on the academic achievement of students of
PBL approach by sampe size in studies (1-50 students, more than 50 students)? There are 24 studies
in “more than 50 students”, 18 studies in “1-50 students”. When average effect size of sample size are
compared, it has been observed that the highest effect size value is in “1-50 students” (ES=1,078), the
lowest effect size value is in “more than 50 students” (ES=0,944). When we look homogenity value
between groups (QB=0,340) it seems it is little from critic value at %95 significance level as one degree
of freedom (df=1 için 3,841). Therefore, there could not find a statistically significant difference
between groups which formed for sample size. According to that sample size could not change PBL
approach’s effect size as a significant difference. However the effect size of the groups close to each
other. Considering the results of the analysis based on the sample size of the study group, it is
observed that effect size values of either sub variants are border of strong level.
Fifth question of study is “Does differ impact on the academic achievement of students of
PBL approach by practice time (1-20 hours, more than 20 hours)?There are 17 studies in “1-20
hours”, 15 studies in “more than 20 hours” and 10 studies that application time was unspecified.
When average effect size of practice time are compared, it has been observed that the highest effect
size value is in “1-20 hours” (ES=1,203), the lowest effect size value is in studies that application time
was unspecified (ES=0,662). “more than 20 hours” (ES=1,004). When we look homogenity value
between groups (QB=0,002) it seems it is little from critic value at %95 significance level as two degree
of freedom (df=2 için 5,991). Therefore, there could not find a statistically significant difference
between groups which formed for practice time. According to that practice time could not change PBL
approach’s effect size as a significant difference. However the effect size of the groups is close to each
other. Considering the results of the analysis carried out according to application times, it was
determined that application times of 10 studies was unspecified. Effect size value (ES=0,662) of the
studies which application times was unspecified was determined as low in regard to other two sub
groups. Also, effect size values of other two sub groups can be shown as strong level.
Sixth question of study is “Does differ impact on the academic achievement of students of PBL
approach by methods used in studies (only PBL method, another extra method with PBL method)?
There are 36 studies in “used only PBL method”, 6 studies in “another extra method used with PBL
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
method”. When the average effect sizes of used methods are compared, it has been observed that the
highest effect size value is in “another extra method used with PBL method” (ES=1,012), the lowest
effect size value is in “used only PBL method” (ES=0,996). When we look homogenity value between
groups (QB=0,002) it seems it is little from critic value at %95 significance level as one degree of
freedom (df=1 için 3,841). Therefore, there could not find a statistically significant difference
between groups which formed for used methods. According to that used methods could not change
PBL approach’s effect size as a significant difference. However the effect size of the groups is close to
each other. When considering the result of the analysis with respect to the methods used, there are 6
study of PBL approach together with another methods and 36 study of only PBL approach applied. It
can be thought that differences between primary studies may affect the reliability of the results.
Besides, it can be shown that effect size of two sub groups are high and using another methods with
PBL approach doesn’t have a significant contributor.
The seventh question of the research is Does differ impact on the academic achievement of
students of PBL approach by types of publication (master thesis, PhD dissertation, article)?For this,
30 master theses, 9 PhD theses and 3 scientific articles are included to the meta-analysis. When the
average effect sizes of the types of publications are compared, it has been observed that master theses
have the highest effect value (ES=1,043), scientific articles have the lowest effect value (ES=0,771). As
the homogeneity value (QB=0,475) between groups is taken into consideration, this value has %95
percent significance level in Chi-square test table and with two unrestraint degree it is smaller than
the critical level (df=2 için 5,991). For this reason, a statistically significant difference has not
been found between the groups which formed for the types of publication. However it has been
observed that the difference between the effect sizes of the groups is excessive. Considering the results
of analysis according to types of publications, effect sizes of master theses (ES=1,043) and PhD
dissertations (ES=0,926) were observed as close to each other. Size effect values of articles (0,771) were
determined as low or medium levels in terms of theses.
Although there is no statistically significant difference according to the results; to increase
students’ academic achievement in science classes by using PBL approach would be more effective
physics as field of science, high school as education level and 1-20 hours as practice time.
Although there is no statistically significant difference according to the results; to increase
students’ academic achievement in science classes by using PBL approach would be less effective
chemistry as field of science, university as education level and more than 20 hours as practice time.
When the results examined, cause of PBL approach more effective in physics, it is more
connected in life from the other fields of science and people are more interactive with physics subjects
at daily life. PBL approach is more effective in high school level, because students can establish sincere
relations with their peers, due to their development period feature they can work effectively in project
studies groups. Especially students moves more independently at university level, project methods
are less effective for the students are this education level. Cause of PBL approach is more effective
between 1-20 hours as practice time, long-term study which is from limits of project methods cause
becoming less achievement in lessons. It has been seen that effect sizes of postgrad thesis were higher
than the article. These results can be considered normal because theses usually work with larger
sample sizes and rigorously.
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
With the results and the experiment in study process in research, these recommendations to
be given to practitioners, program developers and researchers:
Recommendations to Practitioners
1) To determine PBL approach’s effect to students’ academic achievement in science classes
motivated meta-analysis study result; PBL approach is nearly at strong pozitive effect in
students’ academic achievement in science classes than traditional education methods.
Science teachers can use PBL approach for effective learning.
2) It identified that PBL approach has higher effect on students’ academic achievement in
physics. Therefore PBL approach specially can use in field of physics.
3) When we look PBL approach effect size on students education level, the highest effect size
is at high school level. According to that; PBL approach specially can use at high school
level to increase students’ academic achievement in science classes.
4) For sample size classification; there could not find significant difference in effect size of
PBL approach in students’ academic achievement in science classes. Therefore PBL
approach can be used classes which has different student present.
5) For practice time of studies; there could not find significant difference in effect size of PBL
approach in students’ academic achievement in science classes. Therefore PBL approach
can be used in different practice time. But due to it found it is more effective between 1-20
hours practice time, so project time don’t be extended unnecessarily.
6) It was determined that using another methods with PBL approach has no positive effect.
Therefore in lessons it is useful for learning to use another methods with PBL approach. So,
using another methods with PBL in lessons may not be created an important change.
Recommendations to Program Developers
1) There can be given more place to PBL approach because of pozitive effect of PBL approach
to students’ academic achievement in science classes. Specially cause of effect size found
high in physics and biology, there can be given more place in their curriculums. Effect size
value found less in chemistry than other fields of science. There can be given less place PBL
approach in chemistry curriculum.
2) It was determined that PBL approach increase students’ academic achievement in science
classes specially at high school level. Therefore there can be given more place to PBL
approach at high school level curriculums.
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
Recommendations to Researchers
1) Studies with different effect size levels can be examined one by one and it can be
determined these differences effect from what sort of factors.
2) It has been found that effect sizes of postgrad theses were higher than the article. The
reasonf of that can be explored.
3) According to meta-analysis results, examining studies that have negative effect size value,
it can be researched negative effect what factors caused as.
4) There can be more studies about PBL approach in primary and high schools, then their
effect size can be analyzed again so it will be benefit for giving correct results.
5) There can be made more studies that used PBL approach in field of chemistry.
6) It is determined that to use another methods with PBL approach doesn’t increase effect size
value. Reason of this can be searched by detailed.
7) Studies about PBL approach included to meta-analysis generally made as level of
secondary school and university. There can be made researches with 4+4+4 education
system type.
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
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Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
Appendix 1. Coding Form
1. Number of study:
2. Name of study:
3. Author/Authors of study:
4. Published year of study:
5. Type of publication of study:
6. Country of study:
7. City of study:
8. Practice time of study:
9. Who is prepared the test used in the study:
( ) Researcher ( ) Others
10. Name of lesson:
11. Subject of lesson:
12. Students’ education level:
( ) Primary ( ) Secondary ( ) High School ( ) University
13. Is there any method used with PBL approach in study?
( ) Yes ( ) No
14. Total sample size in study:
15. Descriptive statistics about achievement test for experimental and control groups
Experimental Group
Control Group
N:Sample, X: Arithmetic average, S: Standard Deviation
16. Effect size of study:
Education and Science 2014, Vol XX, No XXX, pp-pp
A. Authors
Appendix 2. Studies Included to the Meta-Analysis
Author, Year
Name of Study
of Study
City of
Group Level
of the Study
the Scale
Field of
ÖZCAN, 2007
Effect of Project-Based Learning
Approach on Students' Academic
Achievement, Attitudes and
Opinions on Algal Biotechnology
10th Grade
By the
NİKBAY, 2009
Using the Method of Narration and
Project-Based Learning Methods
from the Perspective of Efficiency
Comparison of Student Achievement
7th Grade
By the
DEMİR, 2008
Effectiveness of Implementation
Integrated Curriculum with
Collaborative and Project-Based
Learning Approach
PhD Thesis
4th Grade
By the
GİRGİN, 2009
Live and Life Unit of the Project-
Based Learning Approach
Elementary 5th Grade Students'
Effect on Academic Achievement
and Attitudes
5th Grade
By the
Topics in Environmental Education
Learning of Global Warming Effect
of Project-Based Learning
2th Grade
Not by the
Based on Environmental Education
Project Based Learning Method and
Method of Effect of Different
Variables Related to Student
PhD Thesis
3th Grade
By the
Adem AVCI,
Electronics Training Set Design with
Integrated Programming Software
Supported Project Based Learning
Effect on Development Students
Making Electronic Circuit Design
Performance and Retention
10th Grade
By the
Electronic Circuits Course in Virtual
Environments Based on the Method
of Submission and Feedback of
Project Based Learning Effects on
Student Achievement
PhD Thesis
2th Grade
By the
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
Author, Year
Name of Study
of Study
City of
Level of the
the Scale
Field of
Şirli Rahel
SELONİ, 2005
The Resulting Misconceptions
Remedy in Science Teaching with
Project-Based Learning
5th Grade
By the
Application of Project-Based
Learning Effect in Science Education
Students' Opinions Concerning the
Nature of Science, Science Process
Skills and Attitudes
6th Grade
By the
Project-Based Learning Approach
Effect on Students' Achievement and
Attitude in Science Teaching 7th
Grade Science
7th Grade
By the
Huriye DENİŞ
Science and Technology of the Solar
System and Beyond: The Science of
Space Unit, Project-Based Learning
Applications Effect on Student
Achievement and Attitudes to
Science and Technology
PhD Thesis
7th Grade
By the
, 2011
Project-Based Learning Effect on
Student Achievement in Teaching
Unit's of Science and Technology at
the "Living Organisms and Energy
8th Grade
By the
Using of Project-Based Learning
Methods Effect on Students'
Attitudes Toward Science and
Technology, Course Success and the
Elimination of Misconceptions in
Science and Technology Elementary
5th Grade
5th Grade
By the
DOĞAN, 2008
Success of Project Based Learning
Effect in Teaching Concept on Cell
6th Grade
By the
Project-Based Learning Methods’
Effect on Academic Achievement,
Attitudes and Retention in the 4th
Grade Science and Technology
4th Grade
By the
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
Author, Year
Name of Study
of Study
City of
Level of the
the Scale
Field of
N, İlknur
Fatma ŞAHİN,
Project-Based Instruction Effect in
Elementary School 4th Grade
Students' Science Process Skills
Science and Technology
4th Grade
Not by the
try and
KÖSE, 2010
Project-Based Learning Approach
Effect on Students' Achievement and
Attitudes in Teaching 7th Grade
Science and Technology Courses
"Force and Motion" Unit
7th Grade
By the
Project-Based Learning Effect on
Student Achievement in Primary
Science Course
8th Grade
Not by the
ÖZBEK, 2010
Investigation of the Primary Global
Warming Topics in Science and
Technology in the Project-Based
Instruction Model
7th Grade
By the
İMER, 2008
Investigation of the Project-Based
Learning Approach Effect on
Students' Academic Achievement
and Attitude in Primary Science and
Technology Education
6th Grade
By the
Project-Based Learning Effect on
Scientific Process Skills,
Achievement and Attitudes in
Elementary Science and Technology
6th Grade
Not by the
Investigation of the Effects of
Project-Based Learning Method to
Science Secondary School Students'
Achievement and Motivation
6th Grade
By the
ÖZER, 2011
Project-Based Learning Effect to
Science Teachers' Achievement and
Development of Science Process
Skills in Biology Subjects
PhD Thesis
2nd Grade
By the
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
Author, Year
Name of Study
of Study
City of
Level of the
the Scale
Field of
Investigation of Project-Based
Learning Methods Effect to Students’
Academic Achievement of Electrical
Topic, Attitudes Toward Physics and
Science Process Skills
PhD Thesis
1st Grade
Not by the
Investigation of Project-Based
Learning Method Effect Students'
Achievement Levels Applied in the
Teaching of Elementary Science
8th Grade
Not by the
AYAN, 2012
Project-Based Learning Approaches
Effect to Students' Academic
Achievement Level in Science
Primary School
5th Grade
By the
The Effect of Project Based Learning
on Learning Outcomes in the Fifth-
Grade Science Education
5th Grade
By the
Project-Based Learning Approach
Effect on Science Education
Elementary School Students'
Academic Achievement, Academic
Self-Concept and Its on Work Time
PhD Thesis
7th Grade
By the
Kemal Şahin
KESER, 2008
Project-Based Learning Approach
Effect in Science Course
Achievement, Attitude and Learning
8th Grade
By the
DOĞAY, 2010
Project-Based Learning Methods
Effect on Student Achievement in
Ecology Unit of Learning
10th Grade
By the
Aykut ÇİL,
Project-Based Learning in Chemistry
Education Assessment and
7th and 8th
By the
Project Based Curriculum
Development on Vocational and
Technical Secondary Education
10th Grade
By the
Education and Science 2015, Vol 40, No 178, 255-283
M. F. Ayaz & M. Söylemez
Author, Year
Name of Study
of Study
City of
Level of the
the Scale
Field of
Serhat Onur
EKİZ, 2008
Science and Technology Laboratory,
supported by the Project-Based
Learning Approach Effect Level of
Teaching on Student Achievement,
Retention and Affective
Characteristics Investigation
2th Grade
By the
Project-Based Learning Approach
Effect on Elementary 5th Grade
Students' Academic Achievement in
Science and Technology
5th Grade
By the
BARAN, 2007
A Study on the Effect Project-Based
Learning Model of Physical
Education and Second Grade
Students' Achievement and
Attitudes in Physics Electrostatic
2nd Grade
By the
Project-Based Learning Method
Effect on Student Achievement Level
in the Teaching of 7th Grade
Students "Journey to Inner Structure
of Matter" unit
7th Grade
By the
KOÇAK, 2008
Evaluation of Project-Based Learning
Model Effect to Understanding of
Students in Chemical Education with
Alkenes Topics and Attitudes
Towards Chemical and
2nd Grade
By the
Project-Based Learning Approach
Prepared Environmental Education
Course Effect to Teachers of Science
Literacy on the Environment
PhD Thesis
2nd Grade
By the
BARAN, 2011
Technology and Project-Based
Learning Approach Based Thinking
of Journey Technical Effect on High
School 11th Grade Students'
Achievement in Physics and Its
Academic Self-Concept
PhD Thesis
11th Grade
By the
Sıdıka Nazan
LU, 2008
Based on Science Teaching of
Project-Based Learning Approach
Effect to Academic Achievement and
7th Grade
By the
... In the meta-analyses conducted to date to determine the effect of active learning on academic achievement and learning retention, it was generally limited to one of the tendencies that support active learning, such as cooperative learning (Batdı, 2014a;Igel, 2010;Johnson et al., 2000;Karakuş & Öztürk, 2016;Kyndt et al., 2013;Puzio & Colby, 2013;Roseth et al., 2008;Tarım, 2003;Tuncer & Dikmen, 2017), PBL (Batdı, 2014b;Dağyar & Demirel, 2015;Jurewitsch, 2012) and PjBL (Demiray, 2013;Kaşarcı, 2013). Some of these reviews include individual studies in only one subject area, such as science (Ayaz & Söylemez, 2015;Balemen, 2016;N. Ayaz, 2015;Romero, 2009;Üstün, 2012;Warfa, 2016) or mathematics (Çapar & Tarım, 2015;Othman, 1996;Spuler, 1993), while others only cover individual studies with university students (Chen et al., 2018;Dochy et al., 2003;Freeman et al., 2014;Gijbels et al., 2005;Hilk, 2013;Kalaian & Kasim, 2014;Shin & Kim, 2013;Smith, 2003;Vernon & Blake, 1993;Zhou et al., 2016). ...
... It was observed that the summary ESs of doctoral dissertations, master's theses, and articles were close to each other and were positive. The results of the meta-analyses conducted by N. and Ayaz and Söylemez (2015) were similar to the results of the current review. On the other hand, Üstün (2012) concluded that there was a significant difference in favour of the articles, and Karakuş and Öztürk (2016) concluded that there was a significant difference in favour of the doctoral dissertations. ...
... In addition to cooperative learning, cooperative group work is frequently used in the applications of PBL, PjBL, and active learning techniques. According to , Ayaz and Söylemez (2015), and N. , high school students establish more positive peer relationships with other group members, and this may cause groups to work more effectively. The results of the research conducted by Roseth et al. (2008) also reveal a strong positive relationship between positive peer relationships and the academic achievement of adolescents. ...
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This meta-analysis examines the effects of active learning on K-12 students' academic achievement and learning retention. After a comprehensive search of published and unpublished research, we included 398 studies for academic achievement and 88 studies for learning retention variables in our review. Our analysis showed that active learning had a strong positive effect on both academic achievement (g=1.005) and learning retention (g=1.204) compared with teacher-led instruction under the random-effects model. The analyses performed to detect publication bias suggest that the results were not due to publication bias. However, considerable variation was found in the effect sizes across studies. Therefore, we conducted moderator analyses for eight possible moderator variables. The moderator analyses indicated that the effect of active learning on academic achievement moderated by domain subject, educational level, implementer of the course, region, and group size. On the other hand, the effect of active learning on learning retention moderated by publication type, domain subject, educational level, experimental duration, and region. In addition, we discussed the variables that moderate the effect of active learning and made some suggestions for future research.
... In this present study, PjBL is viewed as a student-centered learning model (Kokotsaki et al., 2016), with the projects being a critical component (Mergendoller & Thomas, 2005). An informal PjBL model has been opted for our research since diverse meta-analytical studies on PjBL had shown varied effectiveness [i.e., d = 0.71 (Chen & Yang, 2019), d = 0.99 (Ayaz & Söylemez, 2015) and d = 1.06 (Balemen & Keskin, 2018)]. Moreover very little has been known about moderator variables that might affect learning gains associated with informal PjBL. ...
... Therefore, despite these recent meta-analytical studies on the significance of PjBL when compared to the traditional classroom setting (Ayaz & Söylemez, 2015;Baleman & Keskin, 2018;Chen & Yang, 2019;Ramdhayani et al., 2019), there is a dearth of meta-analytical literature focusing on the field of informal PjBL. Moreover, most of these review studies have not specified the mode of PjBL, whether employed in a formal or informal setting. ...
... In their study, formerly the overall effectiveness of informal PjBL has been established, followed by moderator analysis (subject area, school location, hours of instruction, information technology support, educational stage, and, students' group size). Indeed, the significance of the various moderator variables impacting PjBL has been inconsistently reported in the literature (Ayaz & Söylemez, 2015;Balemen & Keskin, 2018;Chen & Yang, 2019), with no distinction on formal and informal PjBL. Hence, this current study strives to investigate the effectiveness of informal PjBL, since the informal (out-of-school) PjBL approach should be viewed as a process that must be tailored to assure the needs of diverse learners. ...
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In recent decades, informal project-based learning (PjBL) for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education has gained immense significance. Though some meta-analytical studies have reported the effectiveness of PjBL models, none of them has been explicit for informal PjBL models executed for school students in STEM education. Therefore, this meta-analytical study sought to investigate the effect of the informal PjBL model on students' affective & cognitive gains when compared to the traditional classroom setting. The study also intends to explore the effect of potential moderators that might impact the effectiveness of the model. For this, a systematic review aligning to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology has been employed, by incorporating 26 peer-reviewed empirical studies, encompassing data from 3202 students from eight countries. The meta-analytical results revealed overall moderate effectiveness (d = 0.248, p < 0.001), indicating that informal PjBL has moderately significant effects on students' gains when compared to the traditional classroom setting. Correspondingly the moderator analysis revealed that the overall effectiveness of informal PjBL was influenced by the teaching model, assessment method, students' group size, and course duration. However, the participants' educational level and study location (country) did not emerge as being significant. This study contributes to the bulk of literature that can help academicians to design, develop and implement effective STEM-based informal PjBL models, with special consideration for influential variables (teaching method, assessment method,
... Even the literature shows disproportionate results with varying levels of effectiveness. Such as the reported impact of problem-based learning is [d = 0.89 (Xu et al., 2021)], project-based learning are [d = 1.36 (Balemen and Keskin, 2018;d = 0.95 (Ayaz and Söylemez, 2015)], inquiry-based are [d = 1.26 (Funa and Prudente, 2021); d = 0.35 (Wang et al., 2011)] and web-based is [d = 0.668 (Bayraktar, 2001)] in biology education. This difference in effect sizes might be due to the diversity in students (low/average/ high/mixed achievers, gifted, at-risk students, etc.) and their pedagogical requirements (cognitive, affective, behavioral learning gains). ...
... Wherein, the average effect size of project-based learning pedagogies has shown moderate effects on students' cognitive, and, behavioral gains (n = 5, d = 0.374, 95% CI [0.137; 0.612], p = 0.002, refer Fig. 6). These results do not align with the previous metaanalytical research where project-based learning in biology education has reported greater effect sizes [i.e., d = 1.36 (Balemen and Keskin, 2018); d = 0.95 (Ayaz and Söylemez, 2015)]. Despite the project-based model showing its effectiveness, the studies have only reported/assessed cognitive and behavioral gains, giving meager importance to affective gains. ...
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This article systematically reviews the pedagogies employed in mixed-ability high school biology classrooms to spotlight the most effective educational model, in terms of learning gains. A meta-analysis was performed on 32 eligible studies sorted via the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology. The effect sizes (impacts) were calculated in terms of students’ affective, behavioral, and cognitive gains. The results confirmed that the overall effectiveness of non-traditional models was highly significant when compared to traditional lecture models (p < 0.001). Furthermore, this impact is even more profound when problem-based, inquiry-based, and argumentation-based approaches are adopted, contributing to students’ cognitive, affective, and behavioral gains. Further findings also propound the necessity for future studies evaluating affective gains during project-based, problem-based, and argumentation-based models and behavioral gains during blended models. This study would benefit researchers, policymakers, and academicians to innovate and implement novel pedagogical strategies, considering the students’ learning gains in mixed-ability biology classrooms.
... The effect of the project-based learning approach on the academic achievements of the students in science classes in Turkey: A meta-analysis study (Ayaz & Söylemez, 2015) 2015 8 Y. Cho ...
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The project-based learning model is a learning model that is often used in the science learning process, especially in the independent curriculum, which prioritizes the learning process over cognitive outcomes. The purpose of this research is to find out research trends that apply project-based learning models to natural science content over a period of twenty years (2003–2023). The method used in this study is bibliometric analysis based on Scopus and Google Scholar publication data accessed through the Publish or Perish (PoP) application. The results of the bibliometric analysis were then visualized using the Vosviwer application. There are 33 publications on Scopus and a maximum data limit of 500 on Google Scholar in the period 2003–2023. Based on these findings, it can be seen that for the past 20 years, research on the application of the project-based learning model has often been carried out and follows the development of scientific knowledge.
... The research that has investigated the effect of project-based learning method on students' attitudes were done analyzed by various researchers in the field of education (Gültekin, 2005;Karaçallı & Tezi, 2011;Koparan & Güven, 2014), including the students' attitudes in term of behavioral, cognitive, and affective attitude (Ayaz & Söylemez, 2015). Concerning Indonesian context, there are some studies investigated the students' attitudes toward project-based learning method in Science, Mathematics class and so on both on the university level and under that level (Tias & Octaviani, 2018;Hartati, 2018;Mahanal, Darmawan, Corebima, & Zubaidah, 2010;Astawa, Sadia, & Suastra, 2015). ...
This study attempts to investigate the benefits of Project-based learning in the multimodal platform. It is exploring students’ perception towards the implementation of Project-based learning (PBL) in the multimodal platform based on students’ experience in working on the project used the multimodal platform in English instructional context. This study adopted a descriptive qualitative method. Data gathered through students’ reflection. The study was conducted in the English Language Education study program, at the University of IAIN Kendari. The participants of this study are fifth-semester students in the academic year of 2019-2020 who taking the Syntax course which the learning process of this course used PBL. Twenty-six students participated in this study by were wrote reflections to obtain information related to their perception toward Project-based learning implementation through the multimodal platform in their classroom. The collected data from students’ reflection then was highlighted, collated, and analyzed through coding and categorization. The results of the research reveal that PBL has advantages to students’ learning process. Besides, this study also shows that students have a positive perception of PBL implementation in the multimodal platform in their English classroom. Thus, this study implies that language teacher and teacher educators could utilize Project-based learning in the multimodal platform as a teaching-learning technic to develop students’ perception as well as students’ performance in the English teaching-learning process.
... In PjBL, students explore authentic and meaningful topics that are relevant to their lives and create artifacts that allow them to demonstrate their learning in public to record their scientific engagement (Krajcik et al., 2014). In the research of Ayazu et al. (2015), learning with the PjBL model further improves student achievement in physics subjects because the field of physics is very directly related to everyday life. ...
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Education in the 21st century demands very rapid development of knowledge and technology, so that 4C skills are needed, namely creative thinking skills, critical thinking and problem solving, communicating, and collaborating to face global challenges. Creative thinking skills as a very important skill for students in the era of global competition because the level of complexity of problems in all aspects of modern life is also getting higher. Learning with ethnoscience can be implemented in the PjBL learning model by incorporating the culture that develops in society into learning. Flipped Classroom is carried out by students by studying at home through books or videos that have been integrated with the culture of society. This study aims to determine the effect of the ethnoscience-based PjBL learning model with a flipped classroom on creative thinking skills. This research is a literature study using secondary data sources in the form of books and scientific journal articles. Data was collected using publish or perish applications and analyzed one by one manually. The results show that the application of project-based models and ethnoscience with flipped classrooms influences creative thinking skills.
... In order to be ready for the present and the future, individuals of all ages need to be involved in project processes. It is seen in the relevant literature that learning through projects is adopted in the pre-school, primary, secondary and higher education processes (Ayaz & Söylemez, 2015;Chen & Yang, 2019;Kaşarcı, 2013;Kokotsaki et al., 2016). In this study, an attempt was made to understand the perceptions of the preservice primary school teachers who had experienced the process of preparing a project proposal about these experiences. ...
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In this research, it is aimed to understand the perceptions of the primary school teacher candidates, who have experienced preparing a project proposal, about these experiences. The study group of the research, which was carried out in a phenomenological design, which is one of the qualitative research methods, consists of four primary school teacher candidates determined according to the criterion sampling method. A semi-structured interview form prepared by the researchers was used as a data collection tool. During the data collection process, focus group interviews and semi-structured individual interviews were conducted. The data obtained at the end of the interviews were transcribed and subjected to content analysis. In the research, it was concluded that although there were various difficulties in the process of preparing a project proposal, this experience improved the high-level thinking, scientific research and digital skills of the primary school teacher candidates. In addition, the experience of preparing a project proposal supported the personal development of the primary school teacher candidates and contributed to their self-knowledge adventures. It is among the suggestions of the research to conduct workshops in which teacher candidates and lecturers will be together to prepare an undergraduate project.
... From the instructional aspect, the experimental period of 9-18 weeks (SMD = 0.673) had the greatest impact on student learning effects, and the impact of project-based learning for more than 18 weeks (SMD = 0.359) was relatively low, while the results of the study showed that project-based learning had a greater impact at the high school level (SMD = 0.720), followed by elementary school, middle school, and university, a finding that supports the results of Mehmet's study (Ayaz and Soeylemez, 2015). The moderating effect of the experimental period showed that the longer the experiment, the better the effect of about half a semester, and the project-based learning did not have a *To avoid the inclusion of literature that did not provide group size numbers from influencing the study results, only literature that did provide data was included in the analysis here. ...
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Introduction With the educational reform for skills in the 21st century, a large number of scholars have explored project-based learning. However, whether project-based learning can effectively improve the learning effect of students has not yet reached a unified conclusion. Method This study uses a meta-analysis method to transform 66 experimental or quasi-experimental research papers based on project-based learning over the past 20 years into 190 effect values from the sample size, mean, and standard deviation of experimental data during their experiments, and to conduct in-depth quantitative analysis. Results The results of the study showed that compared with the traditional teaching model, project-based learning significantly improved students’ learning outcomes and positively contributed to academic achievement, affective attitudes, and thinking skills, especially academic achievement. Discussion The results of the moderating effects test indicated that the effectiveness of project-based learning and teaching was influenced by different moderating variables, including country region, subject area, type of course, academic period, group size, class size, and experimental period : (1) from the perspective of country geography, the effects of project-based learning in Asia, especially in Southeast Asia, were significantly better than those in Western Europe and North America; (2) in terms of curriculum, project-based learning promotes student learning effects more significantly in engineering and technology subjects, and is better applied in laboratory classes than in theory classes; (3) from a pedagogical point of view, project-based learning is more suitable for small group teaching, in which the group size is 4-5 people teaching the best results; (4) in view of the experimental period, 9-18 weeks is more appropriate and has more obvious advantages for application at the high school level.
... Ayrıca bu çalışmanın moderatör analizi sürecindeki bazı önemli noktaları açıklamakta Benzer araştırmalarda çeşitli derslerdeki akademik başarılara ilişkin yapılan metaanalizlerde; proje tabanlı öğrenme (Ayaz ve Söylemez, 2015), işbirlikçi öğrenme (Biçer, 2017;Capar ve Tarim, 2015;Hattie, 2009;Johnson vd., 2000b;Kyndt vd., 2013;Savelsbergh vd., 2016;Schroeder vd., 2007;Şen ve Yılmaz, 2013;Springer vd., 1999;Tarım, 2003 ...
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Bu araştırmanın genel amacı, ilkokul matematik derslerinde kullanılan öğrenci merkezli strateji, yöntem ve tekniklerin matematik dersindeki akademik başarıya etkisini konu edinen deneysel çalışmaları sentezlemektir. Senteze birincil araştırmaların dâhil edilmesine ilişkin belirli ölçütler kullanılmıştır. Tarama sonucunda 63 çalışma araştırmaya dâhil edilmiştir. Toplam örneklem büyüklüğü 4835‘dir. Araştırmada kodlama protokülünün güvenirliği “kodlayıcılar-arası güvenirlik” hesaplanarak iki aşamada sağlanmıştır. Güvenirlik (AR) 0.88 olarak hesaplanmıştır ve yeterli görülmüştür (AR>.80). Araştırmanın geçerliği; yayın yanlılığı ve birincil çalışmalardaki kalite değerlendirmesi, dil yanlılığı, zaman gecikmesi yanlılığı ve veritabanı yanlılığı ile sağlanmıştır. Yanlılığa rastlanmamıştır. Çalışmanın sistematik derleme bölümünde veriler betimsel analize tabi tutulmuştur. Meta-analiz sonuçları, öğrenci merkezli strateji yöntem veya tekniklerin geleneksel öğretim yöntemlerinden daha etkili olduğunu göstermektedir. 63 çalışmadan ortaya çıkan 66 etki büyüklüğü rastgele etki modeli altında analiz edildiğinde, etki büyüklüğü 0.787 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Ulaşılan genel etki değeri çeşitli sınıflandırmalara göre geniş ve orta düzeyde etkiyi göstermektedir. Moderatör değişkenler analizlerinde uygulama yaklaşımı moderatörü dışındaki uygulama süresi, yayın türü, veritabanı, sınıf düzeyi, kullanılan ölçek, okula başlama yaşı, ülke, örneklem sayısı moderatörleri için anlamlı farklılık bulunmamıştır.
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of a project-based learning approach on students’ academic performance through a mixed meta-method. For this reason, a dual methodological approach meta-analytical of quantitative data and meta-thematic of qualitative data were used in determining the effect size in quantitative dimension, while, in the qualitative dimension the positive and negative aspects together with the recommendation was determined. To this end, meta-analysis was conducted using data from 26 studies and meta-thematic from 8 studies. In order to determine the effect size, CMA and MetaWin were used and the effect size was calculated at a large level with the value of g =.83 [-.02; 1.68], and a significant difference of p˂.05. In the meta-thematic analysis, the effect of project-based learning was found to have a positive effect as well as a little negative impact on students’ academic performance. Recommendations were also provided through the participants’ views. In both the meta-analysis and meta-thematic analysis, the findings showed that the project-based learning approach owns a great effect on the students’ academic performance.
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Although project-based learning is a well-known and widely used instructional strategy, it remains a challenging issue to effectively apply this approach to practical settings for improving the learning performance of students. In this study, a project-based digital storytelling approach is proposed to cope with this problem. With a quasiexperiment, the proposed approach has been applied to a learning activity of a science course in an elementary school. A total of 117 Grade 5 students in an elementary school in southern Taiwan were assigned to an experimental group (N = 60) and a control group (N = 57) to compare the performance of the approach with that of conventional project-based learning. A web-based information-searching system, Meta-Analyzer, was used to enable the students to collect data on the Internet based on the questions raised by the teachers, and Microsoft's Photo Story was used to help the experimental group develop movies for storytelling based on the collected data. Moreover, several measuring tools, including the science learning motivation scale, the problem-solving competence scale and the science achievement test, were used to collect feedback as well as evaluate the learning performance of the students. The experimental results show that the project-based learning with digital storytelling could effectively enhance the students' science learning motivation, problem-solving competence, and learning achievement. © International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (IFETS).
This study proposed a novel instructional approach, a two-stage LED simulation of Project-based learning (PBL) course with online peer assessment (OPA), and explored how to apply OPA to the different structured problems in a PBL course to enhance students' professional skills in LED design as well as meta-cognitive thinking. The participants of the study, 73 junior students were divided into two groups, OPA group (with OPA) and Traditional group (without OPA). The evaluation results were listed as follows. (1) OPA group performed better than Traditional group in concept clarification. (2) For the enhancement of LED design skills in well-structured problem solving, OPA group performed better than Traditional group. (3) For the enhancement of LED design skills in ill-structured problem solving, there was no significant difference between the performances of these two groups. (4) For students' perception about the effect of OPA applied in PBL, OPA group could benefit from inquiry learning and reflective thinking. Most students agreed that the two-stage LED simulation of PBL course was challenging and interesting and they learned useful things from the course.
Such diverse thinkers as Lao-Tze, Confucius, and U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld have all pointed out that we need to be able to tell the difference between real and assumed knowledge. The systematic review is a scientific tool that can help with this difficult task. It can help, for example, with appraising, summarising, and communicating the results and implications of otherwise unmanageable quantities of data. This book, written by two highly-respected social scientists, provides an overview of systematic literature review methods: Outlining the rationale and methods of systematic reviews; Giving worked examples from social science and other fields; Applying the practice to all social science disciplines; It requires no previous knowledge, but takes the reader through the process stage by stage; Drawing on examples from such diverse fields as psychology, criminology, education, transport, social welfare, public health, and housing and urban policy, among others. Including detailed sections on assessing the quality of both quantitative, and qualitative research; searching for evidence in the social sciences; meta-analytic and other methods of evidence synthesis; publication bias; heterogeneity; and approaches to dissemination.