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Chest Compressions and Ventilation in Delivery Room Resuscitation



* Abbreviations: CPR; : cardiopulmonary resuscitation CCs; : chest compressions DBP; : diastolic blood pressure CCaV; : chest compressions and asynchronous ventilations C:V; : compression-to-ventilation ratio ROSC; : return of spontaneous circulation The purpose of chest compressions (CCs) is to generate blood flow to vital organs in a state in which the myocardium is unable to produce forward blood flow by internal pump mechanisms. In newborn infants requiring CCs in the delivery room, the most frequent cause of myocardial compromise is energy depletion due to hypoxia. Hypoxemia and the accompanying hypercarbia and metabolic acidosis (ie, asphyxia) causes systemic vasodilation, further compromising perfusion pressure. Hence, in neonatal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), the focus is on both reversing hypoxia and enhancing coronary and systemic perfusion pressure. There are limited clinical data to support a recommendation for how CC and ventilation should be optimized for this purpose in the newborn. However, studies in animal models and manikins suggest that using a compression-to-ventilation ratio (C:V) of 3:1 and delivering compressions during a pause in ventilation results in improved ventilation and reversal of hypoxia. Use of the 3:1 ratio, compared with higher C:V ratios, also results in more effective CC during prolonged CPR. A C:V ratio of 3:1 is perceived as more exhausting to perform than higher ratios, and a high CC rate, which may be beneficial, cannot be achieved with pauses in CCs for the delivery of ventilation. Continuous CCs and asynchronous ventilation have been shown to have improved outcomes in adults and older children after cardiac arrest, and current evidence suggests that it is as good as a 3:1 C:V ratio in neonatal resuscitation. Further studies are needed and should focus on the optimal resuscitative approach in neonatal CPR.
Chest Compressions and Ventilation in
Delivery Room Resuscitation
Anne Lee Soleva
˚g, MD,
Po-Yin Cheung,
M. Schmo¨lzer, MD, PhD*
Author Disclosure
Drs Soleva
˚g, Cheung,
and Schmo¨lzer have
disclosed no financial
relationships relevant
to this article. This
commentary does not
contain a discussion of
an unapproved/
investigative use of
a commercial product/
Educational Gap
The optimal ratio of chest compressions to ventilation for neonatal resuscitation would
benefit from further research studies.
The purpose of chest compressions(CCs)istogeneratebloodow to vital organs in
a state in which the myocardium is unable to produce forward blood ow by internal
pump mechanisms. In newborn infants requiring CCs in the delivery room, the most
frequent cause of myocardial compromise is energy depletion due to hypoxia. Hypoxemia
and the accompanying hypercarbia and metabolic acidosis (ie, asphyxia) causes systemic
vasodilation, further compromising perfusion pressure. Hence, in neonatal cardiopulmo-
nary resuscitation (CPR), the focus is on both reversing hypoxia and enhancing coronary
and systemic perfusion pressure. There are limited clinical data to support a recommen-
dation for how CC and ventilation should be optimized for this purpose in the newborn.
However, studies in animal models and manikins suggest that using a compression-to-
ventilation ratio (C:V) of 3:1 and delivering compressions during a pause in ventilation
results in improved ventilation and reversal of hypoxia. Use of the 3:1 ratio, compared
with higher C:V ratios, also results in more effective CC during prolonged CPR. A C:V
ratio of 3:1 is perceived as more exhausting to perform than higher ratios, and a high CC
rate,whichmaybebenecial, cannot be achieved with pauses in CCs for the delivery of
ventilation. Continuous CCs and asynchronous ventilation have been shown to have im-
proved outcomes in adults and older children after cardiac arrest, and current evidence
suggests that it is as good as a 3:1 C:V ratio in neonatal resuscitation. Further studies are
needed and should focus on the optimal resuscitative approach in neonatal CPR.
Objectives After completing this article readers should be able to:
1. Explain the etiology of cardiac arrest in the newborn.
2. Understand the mechanisms responsible for forward blood flow during
cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
3. Describe the advantages of using a 3:1 chest compression-to-ventilation ratio.
4. Recognize opportunities for further optimizing cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the
The majority of newborn infants successfully make the transi-
tion from fetal to neonatal life without any help. (1) However,
in approximately 10% of deliveries, some form of respiratory
support is required. Infrequently, cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR) (w0.08%0.1% for near-term and term deliveries) with
chest compressions (CCs) and, in a few cases, epinephrine
administration (2)(3) is needed. Asphyxia, a condition of im-
paired gas exchange with simultaneous hypoxia and hypercapnia
CPR: cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CCs: chest compressions
DBP: diastolic blood pressure
CCaV: chest compressions and asynchronous ventilations
C:V: compression-to-ventilation ratio
ROSC: return of spontaneous circulation
*Department of Pediatrics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Neonatal Research Unit, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Akershus University Hospital, Lørenskog, Norway.
Department of Pediatrics, Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria.
Article critical care
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leading to a mixed metabolic and respiratory acidosis, is
the most common reason newborns fail to make success-
ful transition. (4) Asphyxia could result from either failure
of placental gas exchange before delivery (eg, abruption,
chorioamnionitis) or decient pulmonary gas exchange
immediately after birth (eg, apnea, airway obstruction,
respiratory distress syndrome). (4) Asphyxia depresses
myocardial function, leading to cardiogenic shock, and
promotes maximal vasodilation, resulting in low diastolic
blood pressures (DBP). CCs serve to mechanically pump
the blood through the body until the myocardium be-
comes sufciently oxygenated to improve function. (4)
Blood expulsion from the ventricles during CPR is thought
to occur by either direct compression of the heart between
the sternum and vertebral column (cardiac pump theory)
or phasic increases in intrathoracic pressure (thoracic pump
theory). The cardiac pump theorypostulates that CCs
directly eject blood from the heart into the circulation with
each compression. (5) In comparison, the thoracic pump
theorystates that a phasic increase in intrathoracic pres-
sure produced by compression of the chest creates a
pressure gradient between the arterial and venous compart-
ment. (6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) This pressure gradient then
serves as the driving force for antegrade blood ow. Opti-
mized CC has been demonstrated to generate 30% of nor-
mal organ perfusion, with preferential (>50%) perfusion to
the heart and brain. (6)(12)(13)(14) During CC, coronary
blood ow occurs during diastole with coronary perfusion
pressure determined by the difference of aortic blood pres-
sure and right atrial pressure. (15) In adult animals and hu-
mans, uninterrupted CC and systemic vasoconstrictors
such as epinephrine enhance DBP during CPR. Studies us-
ing sudden cardiac collapse models in 2- to 3-month-old
asphyxiated pigs (16) as well as randomized trials during
adult cardiac arrest (17) have demonstrated that continu-
ous CCs without rescue breaths signicantly reduces time
to return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and increases
survival because of improved hemodynamics. These studies
led to a change in adult life-support guidelines recom-
mending that bystander CPR be performed without res-
cue breaths and that in lone-rescuer advanced CPR,
CCs should be uninterrupted for the rst few minutes.
(18) In both adult and pediatric advanced life support,
continuous CCs with asynchronous ventilations (CCaV)
are recommended after a secure airway has been estab-
lished. (18)(19)
In contrast, current neonatal resuscitation guidelines
recommend using a coordinated 3:1 compression-to-
ventilation (C:V) ratio if CCs are needed. This approach
is composed of 90 CCs and 30 inations per minute, with
a pause after every third CC to deliver one effective
ination. However, the most effective C:V ratio in new-
borns remains controversial. (20) This article discusses
the justication for using a 3:1 C:V ratio during neonatal
CPR and reviews the emerging reports of alternative ap-
proaches including different C:V ratios and CCaV.
Rationale for the Current Recommendation of
a 3:1 C:V Ratio
The recommendation of a ratio of 3:1 CCs and inations
is based on expert opinion and consensus rather than strong
scientic evidence. (20) Rationales for using a 3:1 C:V ratio
include the higher physiological heart rate of 120 to 160
per minute and breathing rates of 40 to 60 per minute
in newborns compared with adults. Furthermore, profound
bradycardia or cardiac arrest in newborns is usually caused
by hypoxia rather than primary cardiac compromise. There-
fore, providing ventilation is more likely to be benecial in
neonatal CPR compared with adult CPR. (1) Babbs and
Nadkarni used a mathematical model based on body weight
to estimate ideal C:V ratios. Their model suggested that
C:V ratios currently recommended for adults would lead
to underventilation in infants and that a 3:1 C:V ratio
would be appropriate in terms of optimal oxygen delivery
and blood ow during neonatal CPR. (19) Animal studies
using cardiac arrest induced by asphyxia in newborn piglets
demonstrated that combining CCs with ventilations im-
proves ROSC and neurologic outcome at 24 hours com-
pared with ventilations or CCs alone. (16)(21)
Solevag et al performed a study investigating alternat-
ing 9 CCs and 3 ventilations in asphyxiated piglets with
cardiac arrest with the hypothesis that 9 CCs would gen-
erate higher DBP during CPR than only 3 CCs in a series.
(22) However, increasing the number of CCs in a row
should not be at the expense of ventilation; hence, the ra-
tio of CCs and ventilation was maintained at 3:1. The time
to ROSC was similar between the two approaches (150
and 148 seconds for 3:1 and 9:3, respectively). In addition,
there were no differences in DBP during CC and interleukin-
1bas a marker of inammation in bronchoalveolar lavage
uid (148 versus 129 pg/mL) or cerebrospinal uid
(14.7 versus 6.0 pg/mL). (22) Similarly, C:V ratios of 3:1
and 15:2 were compared using the same model. (23) Al-
though the 15:2 C:V ratio provided higher mean CCs per
minute (75 versus 58 for 3:1), time to ROSC was similar
between groups (median time of 195 and 150 seconds for
15:2 and 3:1, respectively). (23) These studies conrmed
that during neonatal CPR, higher C:V ratios did not im-
prove outcomes, suggesting that a 3:1 C:V ratio should
continue to be used in newborns. This is further supported
by manikin studies showing higher ventilation rates in 3:1
critical care delivery room resuscitation
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C:V during CPR compared with higher C:V ratios. (24)
(25)(26) A similar manikin study reported higher minute
ventilation and CCs per minute with a 5:1 C:V ratio (2.2 L
and 88 CCs per minute) compared with 10:2 (2.0 L and
79 CCs per minute) or 15:2 (1.4 L and 84 CCs per min-
ute) C:V ratios during pediatric CPR with two rescuers.
(27) Similar benets have been reported for CC depth us-
ing C:V ratios of 3:1, 5:1, and 15:2 during two-minute
simulated CPR. (26) Participants had higher and more
consistent CC depth during 3:1 C:V CPR; however, the
CC rate was lower in CPR with C:V ratio of 3:1 compared
with 15:2. In addition, the depth decay during CC was
signicantly higher during 5:1 C:V and 15:2 C:V ratios
compared with 3:1 C:V. (26) Interestingly, this contrasts
with a study by Srikantan et al (25) who reported no differ-
ences in effective CCs per minute among the C:V ratios of
3:1, 5:1, 10:2, and 15:2 during simulated one-rescuer
CPR. Similarly to other studies, Sirkantan et al reported
that rescuers achieved a higher mean ventilation rate using
a 3:1 C:V ratio compared with using C:V ratios of 5:1,
10:2, and 15:2. (25) A more recent neonatal manikin
study examined respiratory parameters during neonatal
CPR and reported that a 3:1 C:V ratio delivered signi-
cantly higher minute ventilation of 191 mL/kg compared
with the minute ventilation at 9:3 and 15:2 C:V ratios
(140 and 77 mL/kg, respectively). (28) Further aspects
of neonatal resuscitation including the optimal depth of
CCs and superiority of the two-thumb method have also
been studied in the period since the publication of the rst
neonatal guidelines in 1999, and changes have been imple-
mented on the basis of these data.
Future Directions
Outcome studies of delivery-room resuscitation have
shown high rates of mortality and neurodevelopmental
impairment in those infants receiving CCs or epinephrine.
(29)(30) The poor prognosis associated with receiving
CCs alone or with medications in the delivery room raises
questions as to whether improved CPR methods speci-
cally tailored to the newborn could improve outcomes.
(4) Several experimental studies reported that participants
perceived the 3:1 C:V ratio as being more physically tiring
compared with other ratios. (24)(25)(31) Sirkantan et al
reported that rescuers preferred the 10:2 and 15:2 C:V ra-
tios over a 3:1 C:V ratio. (25) In a baby manikin study
Whyte et al reported that participants did not manage
to deliver the intended number of ventilations during
CPR at the 3:1 C:V ratio. (24) Foglia et al conrmed that
compliance with the current algorithm is poor in simulated
neonatal CPR with providers, irrespective of experience,
performing CCs at a signicantly higher rate than the
recommended 90 CCs per minute. (31) This is further
supported by a recent clinical observation that even expe-
rienced resuscitators do not always comply with the
current algorithm of neonatal CPR. (32) A recent math-
ematical study suggests that higher CC rates than the cur-
rently recommended 90 CCs per minute could optimize
systemic perfusion. (33) This model further suggests that
the most effective CC frequency depends on body size and
weight, which would translate to 180 CCs per minute for
term infants and even higher rates for preterm infants. (33)
However, CC rates of 180 CCs per minute or greater are
impossible to achieve using either a 3:1 C:V ratio or
CCaV. A manikin study compared 3:1 C:V with CCaV
and reported similar tidal volumes of 6.4 and 5.6 mL/kg,
respectively. However, minute ventilation was signi-
cantly higher in the CCaV group compared with the
3:1 group (221 versus 191 mL/kg/min, respectively).
(28) Schmölzer et al compared 3:1 C:V CPR with CCaV
in a piglet model of neonatal asphyxia and reported sim-
ilar median tidal volumes (14.7 versus 11.0 mL/kg) and
minute ventilation (387 versus 275 mL/kg). In addition,
both groups had similar median time to ROSC (143 and
114 seconds for 3:1 and CCaV, respectively), survival (3/8
and 6/8 with mean survival time of 197 and 217 minutes,
respectively) and hemodynamic recovery. (34) An argu-
ment of synchronized CPR is the potential interference
of asynchronized CCs with tidal volume delivery, hence
impairment of oxygen delivery. However, we observed
29% and 25% of manual inations were similarly affected
by CC during CCaV and 3:1 C:V CPR, respectively, in
a porcine model of asphyxia. (34) These studies suggest
that a similar oxygen delivery can be achieved with coor-
dinated CC and ventilation at a ratio of 3:1 or CCaV.
Reoxygenation and adequate blood ow are the cor-
nerstones of neonatal CPR. Any effective resuscitative
maneuver should increase blood ow and optimize oxy-
gen delivery. In addition to standard CPR, maneuvers
that raise intrathoracic pressure can signicantly increase
carotid blood ow during CPR. (7)(35) Chandra et al
provided ventilation at high airway pressure while simul-
taneously performing CCs in an animal model and dem-
onstrated increased carotid ow without compromising
oxygenation. (7) Furthermore, studies in preterm lambs
have demonstrated that a sustained ination also in-
creases intrathoracic pressure without impeding blood
ow. (11) An experimental study using a ventricular -
brillation model of adult cardiac arrest demonstrated that
emphasis on CC over ventilation increases neurologically
intact survival in pigs. (36) In the resuscitation of asphyx-
iated newborn piglets, Schmölzer et al recently reported
critical care delivery room resuscitation
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that passive ventilation during CC, achieved by superim-
posing CCs with a sustained ination, signicantly im-
proved hemodynamics, minute ventilation, and time to
ROSC compared with the current approach of 3:1 C:V
ratio (mean arterial pressure: 51 versus 31 mm Hg; pulmo-
nary arterial pressure: 41 versus 31 mm Hg; mean minute
ventilation: 936 versus 623 mL/kg; median time to ROSC:
38 versus 143 seconds, respectively). (37) Superimposing
CCs with sustained ination(s) could be a novel resuscita-
tive approach in neonatal CPR and requires further
study to conrm its therapeutic potential in neonatal
asphyxia. In fact, a randomized controlled trial is cur-
rently being performed studying the effect of a sustained
ination during CC in the delivery room. (38)
CCs are needed in approximately 1 in 1,000 newborn in-
fants, (3) which makes large randomized clinical trials ad-
dressing various issues of neonatal CPR difcult. (39)
The evidence presented in this article is mainly derived
from animal and manikin studies. Studies in newborn in-
fants are limited to case reports and case series. A further
disadvantage is the use of animal models with completed
perinatal transition (eg, 2- to 3-day-old piglets); these
studies do not fully reect delivery-room situations with
the unique transitional physiology of the newborn. Fur-
thermore, despite the recommended guideline to use air
at the start of neonatal resuscitation, the possible effects
of supplemental oxygen on outcomes during neonatal
CPR have not been taken into account in this review.
Limited information is available to date on how oxygen
supplementation affects hypoxia-reoxygenation injury,
hemodynamic recovery, and short- and long-term out-
comes in newborn infants requiring CPR. Some data ex-
ist indicating that supplementary oxygen does not reduce
time to ROSC compared with air in asphyxiated newborn
pigs. (40)(41) Nonetheless, the role of oxygen in CPR
should be a focus of further studies. Finally, the evidence
reviewed in this article is based on term and near term
infants, and different considerations may be applicable
in preterm infants.
If a newborn infant requires CC, the current evidence sup-
ports the use of coordinated 3:1 compressions to ventila-
tions to allow enough time to deliver adequate ventilation.
However, alternative approaches in animal models show
promising results. Some evidence even suggest that CCaV
is comparable to 3:1 C:V. Further studies including ran-
domized trials are needed to address these issues.
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Content Specification
Know the indications for,
techniques, and potential
complications of chest compression
in the delivery room.
critical care delivery room resuscitation
NeoReviews Vol.15 No.9 September 2014 e399
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16. Berg RA, Hilwig RW, Kern KB, Ewy GA. Bystanderchest
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critical care delivery room resuscitation
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NOTE: Learners can take NeoReviews quizzes and claim credit online only at:
1. A newborn 38-week gestational age male infant is born after emergency cesarean delivery for absent fetal
heart tones. The baby has no respiratory effort, even after positive pressure ventilation is administered for more
than 45 seconds. The team begins chest compressions. Which of the following is true regarding chest
compressions for this infant?
A. If chest compressions are optimally performed, there will be preferential perfusion (>50%) to the brain
and minimal perfusion to the heart, lung, and kidneys.
B. The majority of coronary blood flow occurs during diastole when chest compressions are being
C. Because of recent studies emphasizing the importance of compressions, current neonatal resuscitation
guidelines recommend that compressions and ventilation be administered at a ratio of 4:1 or 5:1.
D. Although previous guidelines emphasized the need for coordination of compressions to ventilation, the
most recent editions (2012) of national and international guidelines state that this coordination may be
harmful and that there should be no pause for ventilation during neonatal CPR.
E. If performed effectively with optimal techniques, neonatal chest compressions should be able to generate
upward of 80% of normal organ perfusion.
2. Studies and guidelines for adult and pediatric CPR have changed in recent years. Although these changes
should not necessarily translate into guidelines for neonatal resuscitation, it may be beneficial to be aware of
the guidelines for these older patients. Which of the following is true regarding CPR for non-neonatal
A. The recognition that ventilation is paramount for resuscitation in neonates has influenced adult CPR
guidelines to also emphasize adequate ventilation over chest compressions, with the first minute of
resuscitation focusing solely on airway and breathing in adults and older children.
B. In adult CPR, recent studies have demonstrated that chest compressions without rescue breath can
significantly reduce the time to return of spontaneous circulation and can increase survival.
C. In adult CPR, epinephrine is contraindicated in all circumstances because of its myocardial depressive
D. In both adult and pediatric CPR, chest compressions should be paused every 15 seconds for ventilations
after a secure airway has been established.
E. The most recent guidelines for adult and pediatric advanced life support have recommended that the ratio
of compressions to ventilation be coordinated at 3:1 compressions to ventilation.
3. While waiting for the delivery of an infant, the resuscitation team members review the neonatal resuscitation
guidelines. One of the team members reminds you of the 3:1 compressions to ventilation ratio. Which of the
following statements is correct?
A. For neonates, this ratio is based on strong scientific evidence; namely, a multicenter randomized controlled
trial sponsored by the Neonatal Research Network found that a 3:1 versus 5:1 ratio led to improved
survival and long-term neurodevelopment by 50% to 75% for both term and very low birthweight infants.
B. Although some number of chest compressions and efforts at ventilation are both recommended, there is
actually no specific ratio recommended by any national resuscitation guideline group.
C. One rationale for this ratio is the higher physiological heart rate of 120 to 160 per minute and breathing
rates of 40 to 60 in newborns.
D. Animal studies have not shown any benefit of combining chest compressions with ventilation over chest
compressions or ventilation alone.
E. Because profound bradycardia in a newborn infant is likely due to primary cardiac compromise, the first
step before chest compressions should be application of an automated defibrillating device.
critical care delivery room resuscitation
NeoReviews Vol.15 No.9 September 2014 e401
by guest on July 21, 2017 from
4. You are performing chest compressions on a newborn infant who has birth asphyxia. Which of the following
statements regarding studies on the effectiveness of chest compressions is true?
A. The chest compression depth may be higher and more consistent with a 15:2 compression:ventilation ratio
compared with ratios of 5:1 and 3:1.
B. When considering decay of effort in terms of depth of compression, the highest decay occurs during 3:1
compression:ventilation ratio compared with 5:1 or 15:2 ratios.
C. In manikin studies, chest compression rates are highest overall with a compression:ventilation ratio of 3:1
compared with a ratio of 15:2.
D. Higher mean ventilation rates are observed using a compression:ventilation ratio of 3:1 compared with 5:1
or 15:2.
E. Chest compressions should start slowly for birth asphyxia, at a rate of 40 to 60 per minute, to reduce
reperfusion injury.
5. A 30-week gestational age female infant received chest compressions and epinephrine soon after birth in the
delivery room because of persistent bradycardia. Which of the following statements regarding delivery-room
resuscitation is correct?
A. Outcome studies have shown that infants who receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the delivery room
have improved outcomes compared with those who do not.
B. The main reason that a 3:1 ratio for compressions to ventilation is used is that it appears to be easier and
less tiring than other ratios for health-care providers.
C. A key advantage of a 3:1 ratio for compressions to ventilation is that it can ultimately achieve high rates of
chest compressions, up to 240 per minute if done correctly.
D. According to the current guidelines, chest compressions should be provided in approximately 1 of 100
newborn infants because that is the prevalence of bradycardia in the first minute after delivery.
E. A maneuver that may increase carotid blood flow without compromising oxygenation is providing
ventilation at high airway pressure during CPR.
critical care delivery room resuscitation
e402 NeoReviews Vol.15 No.9 September 2014
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DOI: 10.1542/neo.15-9-e396
Anne Lee Solevåg, Po-Yin Cheung and Georg M. Schmölzer
Chest Compressions and Ventilation in Delivery Room Resuscitation
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Anne Lee Solevåg, Po-Yin Cheung and Georg M. Schmölzer
Chest Compressions and Ventilation in Delivery Room Resuscitation
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... Furthermore, profound bradycardia or cardiac arrest in newborn infants is usually caused by hypoxia/ asphyxia rather than primary cardiac compromise. 9,10 cc serves to mechanically pump the blood through the body until the myocardium becomes sufficiently oxygenated to improve function. [11][12][13][14][15][16] cc has been demonstrated to generate 30% of normal organ perfusion, with preferential (>50%) perfusion to the heart and brain. ...
An estimated 0.1% of term infants and up to 15% of preterm infants (2-3 million worldwide) need extensive resuscitation, defined as chest compression and 100% oxygen with or without epinephrine in the delivery room. Despite these interventions, infants receiving extensive resuscitation in the DR have a high incidence of mortality and neurologic morbidity. Successful resuscitation from neonatal cardiac arrest requires the delivery of high-quality chest compression using the most effective vasopressor with the optimal dose, timing, and route of administration during CPR. Current neonatal resuscitation guidelines recommend administration of epinephrine once CPR has started at a dose of 0.01-0.03 mg/kg preferably given intravenously, with repeated doses every 3-5 min until return of spontaneous circulation. This review examines the current evidence for epinephrine and alternative vasopressors during neonatal cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
... While the argument may be true that the 3:1 C:V ratio is used in an attempt to match the newborn heart rate and respiratory rate, in actuality, a 3:1 C:V ratio provides considerably lower compressions than the normal newborn heart rate, and, interestingly, is also lower than the recommended 100 compressions per minute in Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (which is higher than the resting adult heart rate of ~70 beats/min). Furthermore, profound bradycardia or cardiac arrest in newborn infants is usually caused by hypoxia/asphyxia rather than primary cardiac compromise [12,14]; therefore, providing ventilation is more likely to be beneficial in neonatal CCs compared to adult CCs. However, the optimal CC approach to optimize coronary and cerebral perfusion while providing adequate ventilation of an asphyxiated newborn remains unknown [15]. ...
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Annually, an estimated 13–26 million newborns need respiratory support and 2–3 million newborns need extensive resuscitation, defined as chest compression and 100% oxygen with or without epinephrine in the delivery room. Despite such care, there is a high incidence of mortality and neurologic morbidity. The poor prognosis associated with receiving chest compression alone or with medications in the delivery room raises questions as to whether improved cardiopulmonary resuscitation methods specifically tailored to the newborn could improve outcomes. This review discusses the current recommendations, mode of action, different compression to ventilation ratios, continuous chest compression with asynchronous ventilations, chest compression and sustained inflation optimal depth, and oxygen concentration during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
... Furthermore, profound bradycardia or cardiac arrest in newborn infants is usually caused by hypoxia/asphyxia rather than primary cardiac compromise 14,16 ; therefore, providing ventilation is more likely to be beneficial in neonatal CPR compared to adult CPR. However, the optimal CC approach to optimize coronary and cerebral perfusion while providing adequate ventilation of an asphyxiated newborn remains unknown 17 . ...
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Annually, an estimated 13-26 million newborns need respiratory support and 2-3 million newborns need extensive resuscitation, defined as chest compression and 100% oxygen with or without epinephrine in the delivery room. Despite such care, there is a high incidence of mortality and short-term neurologic morbidity. The poor prognosis associated with receiving chest compression alone or with medications in the delivery room raises questions as to whether improved cardiopulmonary resuscitation methods specifically tailored to the newborn could improve outcomes. This review discusses the current recommendations, mode of action, different compression to ventilation ratio, continuous chest compression with asynchronous ventilations, chest compression and sustained inflation optimal depth, and oxygen concentration during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
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The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation initiated a continuous review of new, peer-reviewed published cardiopulmonary resuscitation science. This is the fifth annual summary of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations; a more comprehensive review was done in 2020. This latest summary addresses the most recently published resuscitation evidence reviewed by International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation task force science experts. Topics covered by systematic reviews in this summary include resuscitation topics of video-based dispatch systems; head-up cardiopulmonary resuscitation; early coronary angiography after return of spontaneous circulation; cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the prone patient; cord management at birth for preterm and term infants; devices for administering positive-pressure ventilation at birth; family presence during neonatal resuscitation; self-directed, digitally based basic life support education and training in adults and children; coronavirus disease 2019 infection risk to rescuers from patients in cardiac arrest; and first aid topics, including cooling with water for thermal burns, oral rehydration for exertional dehydration, pediatric tourniquet use, and methods of tick removal. Members from 6 International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation task forces have assessed, discussed, and debated the quality of the evidence, according to the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation criteria, and their statements include consensus treatment recommendations or good practice statements. Insights into the deliberations of the task forces are provided in Justification and Evidence-to-Decision Framework Highlights sections. In addition, the task forces listed priority knowledge gaps for further research.
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We describe a case highlighting several controversial and important topics regarding neonatal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Current neonatal guidelines recommend a 3:1 compression:ventilation ratio; however, the most effective ratio of delivering chest compressions (CC) remains controversial. We report a case of a male infant at 24 weeks' postmenstrual age weighing 650 g on a background of preterm labor. At initial assessment the infant appeared floppy and apneic with a heart rate (HR) of 50-60 beats/min. Mask ventilation was ineffective, thus continuous CC (90/min) with asynchronous ventilations (60/min) was started. HR, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, cerebral oxygenation, respiratory function, and exhaled carbon dioxide (ECO2) were continuously measured during CPR. Return of spontaneous circulation defined as HR >60/min was achieved after 90 s of CPR. Mask leak significantly increased during CC. During bradycardia (HR ∼50/min), ECO2 indicated correct tube placement and an increase of ECO2 >12 mm Hg was associated with rapid increase in HR >60/min. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.
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Medical providers often do not perform chest compressions in accordance with recommended resuscitation guidelines for adults and children. Little is known regarding how well neonatal providers perform coordinated chest compressions and ventilations. The objective of this study was to characterize Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) trained providers' adherence to NRP recommendations for coordinated chest compressions and ventilations in a simulated setting. Fifty NRP providers performed coordinated chest compressions for three minutes on a neonatal manikin. A compression sensor (accelerometer) was used to monitor and record compression data. Data analyzed included ratio of compressions to ventilation pauses, delivered chest compressions per minute (CC/min), and duration of ventilation pauses. Delivered CC/min ranged from 61 to 136. The mean CC/min (99, SD 16) was significantly higher than the NRP-recommended value of 90 (p=0.002). Delivered CC/min did not differ from the first 30 seconds to the last 30 seconds of compressions (p=0.91). Duration of ventilation pauses was highly correlated with CC/min (Spearman's rho= -0.98, p<0.001), with a median duration of 0.92 seconds (IQ range (0.84, 1.02). NRP trained providers often do not adhere to NRP recommendations for delivery of coordinated chest compressions during simulated cardiac depression. The mean CC/min performed is higher than recommended. Duration of ventilation pauses is highly correlated with delivered CC/min. Future studies should focus on methods to improve the timing of delivered chest compressions by NRP providers to conform to NRP recommendations.
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In contrast to the resuscitation guidelines of children and adults, guidelines on neonatal resuscitation recommend synchronized 90 chest compressions with 30 manual inflations (3:1) per minute in newborn infants. The study aimed to determine if chest compression with asynchronous ventilation improves the recovery of bradycardic asphyxiated newborn piglets compared to 3:1 Compression:Ventilation cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Intervention and Measurements: Term newborn piglets (n=8/group) were anesthetized, intubated, instrumented and exposed to 45-minute normocapnic hypoxia followed by asphyxia. Protocolized resuscitation was initiated when heart rate decreased to 25% of baseline. Piglets were randomized to receive resuscitation with either 3:1 compressions to ventilations (3:1C:V CPR group) or chest compressions with asynchronous ventilations (CCaV) or sham. Continuous respiratory parameters (Respironics NM3(®)), cardiac output, mean systemic and pulmonary artery pressures, and regional blood flows were measured. Main Results: Piglets in 3:1C:V CPR and CCaV CPR groups had similar time to return of spontaneous circulation, survival rates, hemodynamic and respiratory parameters during CPR. The systemic and regional hemodynamic recovery in the subsequent 4hours was similar in both groups and significantly lower compared to sham-operated piglets. Newborn piglets resuscitated by CCaV had similar return of spontaneous circulation, survival, and hemodynamic recovery compared to those piglets resuscitated by 3:1 Compression:Ventilation ratio.
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Guidelines on neonatal resuscitation recommend 90 chest compressions (CC) and 30 manual inflations (3:1) per minute in newborns. The study aimed to determine if CC s during sustained inflations (SI) improves recovery of asphyxiated newborn piglets compared to coordinated 3:1 resuscitation. Term newborn piglets (n=8/group) were anesthetized, intubated, instrumented and exposed to 45-minute normocapnic hypoxia followed by asphyxia. Piglets were randomized to receive either 3:1 resuscitation (3:1-group), or CCs during SIs (SI-group) when heart rate decreased to 25% of baseline. Piglets randomized to SI-group received SIs with a pressure of 30 cmH2O for 30sec. During the SI, CCs at a rate of 120/min were provided. SI was interrupted after 30sec for one second before a further 30sec SI was provided. CCs were continued throughout SIs. CC and SI were continued until return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). Continuous respiratory parameters, cardiac output, mean systemic and pulmonary artery pressures, and regional blood flows were measured. Mean (SD) time for ROSC was significantly reduced in SI-group vs. 3:1-group [32(11)sec vs. 205(113)sec, respectively]. In the SI-group, administration of oxygen and epinephrine was significantly lower, whilst minute ventilation and exhaled CO2 were significantly increased. The SI-group had significantly higher mean systemic and pulmonary arterial pressures during resuscitation compared to the 3:1-group [51(10) vs. 31(5)mmHg; 41(7) vs. 31(7)mmHg, respectively; all p<0.05], with improved cardiac output and carotid blood flow. Combining CCs and SIs significantly improved ROSC with better hemodynamic recovery in asphyxiated newborn piglets when compared to standard coordinated 3:1 resuscitation.
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Background In newborn resuscitation the recommended rate of chest compressions should be 90 per minute and 30 ventilations should be delivered each minute, aiming at achieving a total of 120 events per minute. However, this recommendation is based on physiological plausibility and consensus rather than scientific evidence. With focus on minute ventilation (Mv), we aimed to compare today’s standard to alternative chest compression to ventilation (C:V) ratios and different ventilation rates, as well as to continuous chest compressions with asynchronous ventilation. Methods Two investigators performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a newborn manikin with a T-piece resuscitator and manual chest compressions. The C:V ratios 3:1, 9:3 and 15:2, as well as continuous chest compressions with asynchronous ventilation (120 compressions and 40 ventilations per minute) were performed in a randomised fashion in series of 10 × 2 minutes. In addition, ventilation only was performed at three different rates (40, 60 and 120 ventilations per minute, respectively). A respiratory function monitor measured inspiration time, tidal volume and ventilation rate. Mv was calculated for the different interventions and the Mann–Whitney test was used for comparisons between groups. Results Median Mv per kg in ml (interquartile range) was significantly lower at the C:V ratios of 9:3 (140 (134–144)) and 15:2 (77 (74–83)) as compared to 3:1 (191(183–199)). With ventilation only, there was a correlation between ventilation rate and Mv despite a negative correlation between ventilation rate and tidal volumes. Continuous chest compressions with asynchronous ventilation gave higher Mv as compared to coordinated compressions and ventilations at a C:V ratio of 3:1. Conclusions In this study, higher C:V ratios than 3:1 compromised ventilation dynamics in a newborn manikin. However, higher ventilation rates, as well as continuous chest compressions with asynchronous ventilation gave higher Mv than coordinated compressions and ventilations with 90 compressions and 30 ventilations per minute.
Objectives: To determine (1) what percentage of infants require chest compressions and medications as part of resuscitation in the delivery room, (2) the associated clinical events contributing to neonatal depression, and (3) the neonatal outcome of such children.Design: Observational study.Setting: Urban county hospital.Results: For 2 years, 39 (0.12%) of 30 839 infants were administered chest compressions and/or epinephrine as part of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the delivery room. Fifteen were term infants and 24 were premature. Five term infants had evidence of severe fetal acidemia (FA) (umbilical cord arterial pH <7.00 and/or base deficit ≥−14 mEq/L); two died secondary to severe brain injury, and the neurologic examination showed abnormalities in the three survivors. The 10 infants without severe FA exhibited an uncomplicated neonatal course. Five infants had evidence of severe FA; the neurologic examination showed abnormalities in four. Of the remaining 19 infants without severe FA, four died and five additional infants have moderate to severe brain injury. Abnormal outcome was more likely to occur with severe FA (P<.002). The presumed clinical events contributing to the neonatal depression were severe FA (n=10), malpositioning of the endotracheal tube (n=5), and ineffective or improper initial ventilatory support (n=24).Conclusions: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the delivery room, resulting in administration of chest compressions and medications, is a rare event. Approximately one third of the infants had evidence of severe FA; in the remaining two thirds, ineffective or improper initial ventilatory support was the presumed mechanism for the continued neonatal depression. The appropriate therapeutic response to continuing neonatal depression should be to optimize ventilatory support before administering chest compressions or medications.(Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1995;149:20-25)
When effective ventilation fails to establish a heart rate of greater than 60 bpm, cardiac compressions should be initiated to improve perfusion. The 2-thumb method is the most effective and least fatiguing technique. A ratio of 3 compressions to 1 breath is recommended to provide adequate ventilation, the most common cause of newborn cardiovascular collapse. Interruptions in compressions should be limited to not diminishing the perfusion generated. Oxygen (100%) is recommended during compressions and can be reduced once adequate heart rate and oxygen saturation are achieved. Limited clinical data are available to form newborn cardiac compression recommendations.