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Abstract and Figures

New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 1 (NY-ESO-1) is a known cancer testis gene with exceptional immunogenicity and prevalent expression in many cancer types. These characteristics have made it an appropriate vaccine candidate with the potential application against various malignancies. This article reviews recent knowledge about the NY-ESO-1 biology, function, immunogenicity and expression in cancers as well as and the results of clinical trials with this antigen.
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411Immuno therapy (2015) 7(4), 411–439
ISSN 1750-743X
part of
10.2217/IMT.15.3 © 2015 Future Medicine Ltd
New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 1 (NY-ESO-1) is a known cancer testis
gene with exceptional immunogenicity and prevalent expression in many cancer types.
These characteristics have made it an appropriate vaccine candidate with the potential
application against various malignancies. This article reviews recent knowledge about
the NY-ESO-1 biology, function, immunogenicity and expression in cancers as well as
and the results of clinical trials with this antigen.
Keywords: cancer-testis antigen • immunogenicity • immunotherapy • NY-ESO-1
The gene coding for New York esophageal
squamous cell carcinoma 1 (NY-ESO-1), also
known as cancer/testis antigen 1B (CTAG1),
is a prototype of cancer testis (CT) gene fam-
ily. The main characteristics of the members
of this family are exclusive or selective expres-
sion in the testis among normal tissues and
expression in a wide variety of tumors [1] .
This expression pattern has made them suit-
able targets for cancer immunotherapy [2 ,3].
Testis is regarded as an immune privileged
site due to the presence of a blood–testis bar-
rier. The blood–testis barrier is an outcome
of presence of tight junctions between Ser-
toli cells along the basolateral aspect and
between capillary endothelial cells, lack of
APCs in seminiferous tubules and absence of
HLA class I expression on the surface of germ
cells. Therefore, expression of CT genes such
as NY-ESO-1 in tissues other than testis can
induce immune responses [4]. There are now
more than 100 gene families with such an
expression pattern. Not all of them have been
demonstrated to be able of eliciting immune
responses but are altogether called the CT
antigens (CTAs). Among them, NY-ESO-1
is considered to be the most immunogenic
and has become a striking target for cancer
vaccine strategies, which would employ the
immune system to selectively target and
remove the CTA-expressing tumor cells [5] .
Since its discovery in 1997, NY-ESO-1 has
been exemplified as one of the fastest shifts
from molecular, cellular and immunological
description to clinical trials [6].
NY-ESO-1 history & biology
The NY-ESO-1 gene is located on the Xq28
region of the X chromosome and codes
for a number of products. This region car-
ries a disproportionately high number of
CT genes [7,8] . The expression of such CT
genes has been shown to be regulated by the
demethylation of the promoter regions as
well as histone modifications [8,9]. Recently,
it has been demonstrated that the epigenetic
regulation of the NY-ESO-1 gene needs the
chronological recruitment of the HDAC1-
mSin3a-NCOR, Dnmt3b-HDAC1-Egr1
and Dnmt1-PCNA-UHRF1-G9a complexes.
Therefore, a sequential epigenetic mecha-
nism including the histone deacetylation
and methylation, and the DNA methylation
processes is involved in this process [10] . Anti-
body against NY-ESO-1 was first found in
the serum of a patient with squamous cell
carcinoma (SCC) of the esophagus. The
method used for such screening is named
‘SERological identification of antigens by
recombinant EXpression cloning’ (SEREX).
In this method, serum of cancer-bearing
patients is screened against an expression
New York esophageal squamous cell
carcinoma-1 and cancer immunotherapy
Ali Esfandiary
& Soudeh Ghafouri-Fard*
Department of Medical Genetics, Shahid 
Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, 
Tehran 19857-17443, Iran
*Author for correspondence: 
Tel.: +98 21238 72572
For reprint orders, please contact:
Immunotherapy (2015) 7(4)
future science group
Review Esfandiary & Ghafouri-Fard
library for identifying the antibody repertoire of the
patient [8]. NY-ESO-1 is a 180 amino acid long protein
of 18 kDa, which contains a glycine-rich N-terminal
region and a very hydrophobic C-terminal region.
Although its C-terminal structure may imply the pres-
ence of a transmembrane domain, there is no evidence
of membrane association at the cellular level. Another
tumor antigen named LAGE-1 is shown to be strongly
homologous to NY-ESO-1. Both NY-ESO-1 and
LAGE-1 coding regions have numerous products from
alternative reading frames, including a smaller 109
amino acid product named CAMEL [11,12]. LAGE-1
expression in cancers is usually but not always in con-
junction with NY-ESO-1 or MAGE-A family mem-
bers [13] . However, in a study performed in the multiple
myeloma patients LAGE-1 was shown to be frequently
expressed despite the significantly lower expression of
its close homologue NY-ESO-1 [14] . A third member of
the human NY-ESO-1 family, named ESO3, has been
located on the same region of chromosome X with
NY-ESO-1 and LAGE-1. However, its protein sequence
homology with NY-ESO-1 and LAGE-1 is less than 50
% and it is expressed ubiquitously in normal tissues so
is not a CT gene family member [15] .
NY-ESO-1 function
The only conserved feature in NY-ESO-1 is a Pcc-1
domain in its C-terminus (amino acids 89–164) which
is homologous to a yeast transcription factor involved
in cell cycle progression and polarized growth [16] .
Although the exact biological role of NY-ESO-1 is
not understood, it has been shown to interact spe-
cifically with another CTA, melanoma antigen gene
C1 (MAGE-C1) [17] . MAGE-C1 is a member of the
MAGE family with the major characteristic of hav-
ing MAGE homology domain (MHD), a large cen-
tral region conserved across its members. The MAGE
genes have been shown to be involved in cell cycle
progression, apoptosis and neurogenetic diseases [18].
As NY-ESO-1 expression in the testis is conned to
spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes and is lost
during spermatid differentiation, it may have a possible
role in germ cell self-renewal or differentiation [8,19] .
NY-ESO-1 has been reported to be a cytoplasmic
protein in differentiated cells and cancer cell lines [20],
but in mesenchymal stem cells it localizes in nucleoli-
like structures. Nucleolar localization of NY-ESO-1
may suggest novel cellular function(s), in addition to
an association with other nucleolar proteins, such as
p53, p14ARF or nucleostemin [21] . The cellular local-
ization of NY-ESO-1 has been demonstrated in Bar-
rett’s esophagus (BE) and esophageal adenocarcinoma
(EAC) to be prominently within the cytoplasm, often
at an apical and luminal aspect. Such pattern of expres-
sion has suggested a possible role for it in a process of
vesicle trafficking in BE and EAC, with paracrine
function linked with exocytosis into the esophageal
lumen [22] . Microvesicles which are shed from the cell
surface of cells are involved in cellular communication
and have been suggested to cause epigenetic repro-
gramming of target cells [23]. This process may partici-
pate in the replacement of the normal cell population
by a histologically nondysplastic but protumorigenic
mutant cell clone which is seen in BE and EAC [22,24].
In addition, vesicles may participate in protein storage
or transport [22] . Other studies aimed at demonstrating
subcellular localization of NY-ESO-1 have shown both
cytoplasmic and nuclear expression in head and neck
cancer samples, whereas cytoplasmic expression in dif-
fuse large B-cell testicular lymphoma specimens [25,26].
Finally, in intrahepatic cholagiocarcinoma samples,
NY-ESO-1 showed a predominantly, although not
exclusively, cytoplasmic staining [27].
NY-ESO-1 expression pattern in normal
NY-ESO-1 has been shown to be expressed in sper-
matogonia, primary spermatocytes [19] , oogonia and
placenta [28,29] . In the adult testis, its expression has
not been detected in postmeiotic cells or in the Sertoli
and Leydig cells [19] . NY-ESO-1 is among chromosome
X-encoded CTAs (CT-X antigens) whose expression has
been shown to appear as early as 13 weeks after gesta-
tion, increase with age and reach a plateau at around
22 weeks. In the fetal ovary, NY-ESO-1 positive oogo-
nia have been shown to be most abundant at around
24 weeks and quickly decrease afterward. NY-ESO-1
has been shown to be almost absolutely expressed in
OCT3/4-negative gonocytes coincident with the loss of
pluripotency [30] . NY-ESO-1 mRNA but not protein has
been shown at low levels in some other normal tissues
and the significance of this finding in unclear [8,29].
NY-ESO-1 expression pattern in tumors
Expression of NY-ESO-1 has been assessed in different
histological types of tumors as well as cancer cell lines.
However, data obtained from tumor cell lines need to
be evaluated in human tumor samples to avoid over-
estimation of NY-ESO-1 expression. It is regarded as
a tumor associated antigen in many tumors [31,32]. The
highest expression has been shown in neuroblastoma
(82 %) [33] , synovial sarcoma (80%) [34] , melanoma
(46%) [35], cervical cancer (45%) [36] and epithelial
ovarian cancer (43%) [37] . If the expression rate and
specificity of this antigen in a certain tumor type is
high, it can be used as a tumor marker for such cancer.
However, for tumors with low expression rate of this
antigen such as oral SCC, it might be a useful addi-
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NY-ESO-1 & cancer immunotherapy Review
tional biomarker within a multiple marker system for
the diagnosis of disease [38] . In addition, NY-ESO-1
expression has been suggested as a diagnostically use-
ful tool for the distinction of synovial sarcoma from
other spindle cell neoplasms because of its strong and
diffuse expression in a majority of synovial sarcomas
but rare expression in other spindle cell neoplasms,
such as leiomyosarcoma, cellular schwannoma and
dermato fibrosarcoma protuberans [39] . Other stud-
ies have shown high expression frequency of NY-
ESO-1 in myxoid and round cell liposarcoma [4042]
implying that NY-ESO-1 is a sensitive and a specific
marker for myxoid and round cell liposarcoma among
mesenchymal myxoid neoplasms [41] .
Table 1 demonstrates its expression in malignant
tissues as well as the frequency of occurrence of spon-
taneous immune responses in cancer patients. Most of
studies have used reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR)
or immunohistochemistry (IHC). Higher frequency
of gene expression detected in a specific tumor type by
RT-PCR than IHC is due to higher sensitivity of RT-
PCR. An unexpected discrepancy between the mRNA
and protein expressions has been observed in medul-
loblastoma, which has been attributed to possible post-
transcriptional control of CTAs in this kind of cancer
or sample bias due to the heterogeneous expression of
CTAs at both the mRNA and protein level [43]. More
recent studies have used quantitative real-time PCR
(qRT-PCR) which has the advantage of providing quan-
tification for levels of gene expression. Analysis of pro-
tein expression by IHC provides invaluable data about
the intratumoral distribution of NY-ESO-1, reveal-
ing its intratumoral heterogeneity [44]. However, it is
anticipated that antigens with relative homo geneity of
expression in a certain tumor are more suitable targets
for immunotherapy compared with those with scat-
tered expression [43]. The variations observed between
different protein studies in the frequency of NY-ESO-1
expression in a specific tumor type may be at least partly
due to different detection methods and different anti-
bodies used for NY-ESO-1 detection. Among antibod-
ies used in different studies, ES121 and E978 have been
shown not to bind to LAGE-1 regardless of the high
degree of homology between LAGE and NY-ESO-1.
On the contrary, D8.38 binds a peptide sequence com-
mon in both NY-ESO-1 and LAGE-1. Since NY-ESO-1
and LAGE-1 are not necessarily co-expressed in individ-
ual tumors, NY-ESO-1 expression frequencies tend to
be higher in studies that have used D8.38. [8]. A higher
false-negative rate is anticipated to occur in tissue micro-
array (TMA)-based analyses due to sampling error,
given that CTA expression in tumors is often focal [45].
NY-ESO-1 overexpression in astrocytoma, menin-
gioma and breast carcinoma has been shown to increase
in parallel with the malignancy grade of tumors [46–49].
However, the association between NY-ESO-1 expression
and tumor grade in breast cancer has not been confirmed
in another study [50] . On the other hand, a significantly
higher expression of NY-ESO-1 has been demonstrated
in triple negative breast cancers compared with estrogen
receptor (ER) positive tumors [51] . Correlation of NY-
ESO-1 expression with ER negativity in breast tumors
and a trend for its coexpression with basal cell mark-
ers have been confirmed in other studies as well [52 ] . In
addition, NY-ESO-1 has been among CTAs with high
expression rate in BRCA-associated breast cancer [53] .
In malignant melanoma, NY-ESO-1 expression is more
frequently demonstrated in metastatic than in primary
tumors and its expression is associated with thicker pri-
mary lesions and a higher frequency of metastatic dis-
ease, pinpointing to a worse prognosis [54,55]. Contrary
to malignant melanoma samples, only a small percent-
age of desmoplastic melanoma and ocular melanoma
samples have been shown to express NY-ESO-1 [56,57] .
On the other hand, in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma the
higher positivity for NY-ESO-1 has been observed in
early stage compared with advanced stage disease [58] . In
prostate cancer, a tight link has been observed between
NY-ESO-1 expression and ERG activation and (to a
lesser extent) PTEN- and 6q15-deletions [59] . In a sub-
set of tumors, NY-ESO-1 expression has been shown to
be lost during remission which is thought to be either
a means to evade T-cell-based immunosurveillance or
the result of reduced cell proliferation. In hepato cellular
carcinoma NY-ESO-1 expression has been associated
with metastasis [60,61] and worse outcome following sur-
gery with the possible mechanism of increasing tumor
cell migration [62]. In gastrointestinal stromal tumors,
the expression of NY-ESO-1 has been associated with
tumor progression under imatinib treatment [63]. In
head and neck cancer, simultaneous NY-ESO-1 expres-
sion in cytoplasm and nucleus has been suggested as a
marker of poor survival [25]. Finally, in multiple myeloma
NY-ESO-1 expression has been shown to be associated
with cytogenetic abnormalities and poor prognosis [64].
However, in a large population of patients with pha-
ryngeal cancer, prognosis tended to be better in patients
with NY-ESO-1 expression, but this correlation was not
statistically significant [65] .
Although not all tumor cells express NY-ESO-1,
its expression can be upregulated using demethylating
agents such as decitabine. Such a treatment can con-
vert a nonimmunogenic tumor cell into an immuno-
genic target that would be competently recognized by
NY-ESO-1-specific T cells as shown in human glioma
cells [66].
In a recent study aimed at investigation of the mech-
anisms governing degradation of NY-ESO-1 in selected
Immunotherapy (2015) 7(4)
future science group
Review Esfandiary & Ghafouri-Fard
cancer cell lines, it has been demonstrated that inhibi-
tors of proteasome-mediated degradation can induce
the partitioning of NY-ESO-1 into a detergent insol-
uble fraction and increase localization of NY-ESO-1
at the centrosome. NY-ESO-1 region corresponding to
amino acids 91–150 has been shown to control both
stability and localization of NY-ESO-1. In brief, the
steady state level of NY-ESO-1 has been shown to be
regulated by proteasomal degradation. Consequently
NY-ESO-1 antigenic presentation and immunogenic-
ity can be induced by proteasome inhibitors which are
increasingly used as front-line treatment in cancer [67] .
NY-ESO-1 as a stem cell marker
CTAs are believed to participate in early stages of
embryonic development and in stem cell self-renewal.
It has been suggested that expression of these antigens
in tumor tissues is confined to cells that preserve stem
cell properties. So CTAs expression may be character-
istics of cancer stem cells (CSCs) and can be regarded
as targets for interference in recurrence and metasta-
sis. Cancer cells in which CTAs are expressed may
have lost their differentiation capacity [1] . NY-ESO-1
is among CTAs whose expression has been detected
in both adult and fetal human mesenchymal stem
cells of the bone marrow but after differentiation of
osteocytes and adipocytes, their expression is down-
regulated [21] . NY-ESO-1 expression in mesenchymal
stem cells has been shown by immunofluorescence
carried out on cultured cells derived from bone mar-
row aspirates and fetuses [21] . As NY-ESO-1 is now
being used in cancer vaccine treatment, its expression
in stem cells could be recognized as a potential dis-
advantage; however, immunotherapeutic approaches
targeting NY-ESO-1 have been reported to be well tol-
erated. This may be related to an essential difference
between the dot expression of NY-ESO-1 in normal
tissues and its diffuse expression in tumor tissues [22] .
Considering the fact that CT genes might be stem
cell markers, it is not surprising that the presence of
CT gene-expressing cells in tumor cell population
may be the result of clonal proliferation of an abnor-
mal CSC [68] . CSCs are a group of cells within tumors
which have stem-like features, express stem cell mark-
ers and are thought to be the sources of metastasis and
tumor relapse [69]. Expression of CT genes in CSCs
has clinical implications in the treatment of cancer
recurrences and metastasis [70]. In a study of CT genes
expression in CSC isolated from glioma cell lines and
tissues, it has been demonstrated that CT genes includ-
ing NY-ESO-1 are strongly and frequently expressed
in CSCs compared with differentiated cells. Moreover,
epigenetic studies in promoter regions of CT genes
including NY-ESO-1 revealed high histone acetylation
and hypomethylation in CSCs compared with differ-
entiated cells. Heterogeneous expression of CT genes
in the tumor mass is consistent with this epigenetic
pattern difference. Additionally, as the expression level
of HLA class I antigens was not changed by the dif-
ferentiation status, CTAs may present as surface anti-
gens in CSCs. Consequently, CT genes such as NY-
ESO-1 have been suggested as appropriate candidates
for targeted vaccine therapy against CSCs in glioma
patients [71] .
NY-ESO-1 immunogenicity
Spontaneous humoral and cellular immune responses
to NY-ESO-1 have been repeatedly identified in can-
cer patients whose tumor expresses this molecule
(Table 1). The spontaneous immune responses detected
in patients with NY-ESO-1 expressing tumors are
considered as markers for selection of cancer vaccine
recipients [72]. The timing and efficiency of elicited
immune responses differ widely between different can-
cer patients. For instance, it has been shown that about
half of patients with NY-ESO-1 expressing melanoma
tumors ultimately develop antibody responses against
NY-ESO-1 [73]. On the other hand, only a small per-
centage of multiple myeloma patients evidenced NY-
ESO-1 specific antibodies during disease progression.
Antibodies detected in multiple myeloma patients have
been shown to be able of activating complement and
increasing CTA uptake by APCs. So it has been con-
cluded that primary autoantibodies against NY-ESO-1
in these patients are capable of affecting cellular anti-
tumor immunity by formation and uptake of mono and
polyvalent immune complexes [74]. In a recent study
using a CTA microarray designed to screen for CTA
autoantibodies, NY-ESO-1 was the most frequent auto-
antibody identified in lung cancer sera [75]. In addition,
it has been shown that NY-ESO-1 specific antibody
titers concur with increased tumor burden and pro-
gression of the disease, so comprise markers of recur-
rent and/or progressive disease in some cancers such as
multiple myeloma, melanoma, prostate cancer, bladder
cancer, as well as hepatocellular carcinoma [74,7680]. In
addition, the humoral response against NY-ESO-1 has
been shown to be a useful tumor marker in combina-
tion with conventional tumor markers for detection of
advanced gastric cancer and post-treatment tumor load
in seropositive patients [81] . In a study aimed at fine-
mapping of naturally occurring NY-ESO-1 antibody
epitopes in melanoma patients sera it has been revealed
that humoral immune responses to NY-ESO-1 differs
widely in antibody specificity, intensity and antibody
subtypes in a way that multiple epitopes within the
N-terminus of NY-ESO-1 were responded to. On the
other hand the immune responses detected after vac-
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NY-ESO-1 & cancer immunotherapy Review
Table 1. New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma-1 expression and immunogenicity in different cancers.
Cancer type Tumor subtype Sample type mRNA expression/
Protein expression/
technique and mAb
Humoral and cellular immune
Hematologic Multiple myeloma Bone marrow 39/66 (59%)/gene-
expression profiling
47/55 (85%)/IHC/B9.8 Humoral response in 13/39
(33%) of mRNA positive cases/
T-cell responses in
2/3 (67%) patients who had
cytogenetic abnormalities
Bone marrow 4/55 (7.3%)/RT-PCR [82]
Bone marrow 13/39 (36%) /RT-PCR [14]
Bone marrow 13/50 (26%)/RT-PCR 2/27 (7%)/IHC/219-510-
23 and E978
Humoral response in 1/33 (3%)/
[8 3]
Plasma cell myeloma Paraffin-embedded
bone marrow biopsies
17/203 (8%)/TMA (IHC)/
B cell, T cell, non B and
T cell
3/97 (3.1%)/TMA (IHC)/
Humoral response in 5/97
Diffuse large B-cell
testicular lymphoma
tumor tissue 9/24 (37.5%)/IHC/D8.38 [26]
Adult T-cell leukemia/
Primary tumor cells 35/57 (61%/RT-PCR) 100% of available
Humoral response in 5/43
T-cell responses in 5/9
amyloidosis (AL
Bone marrow 0/38 (0%)/IHC/E978 1/35 (3%)/ELISA [86]
Bladder Transitional cell
59 superficial (Ta and
T1) and 43 invasive
46/102 (45%)/ RT-PCR [87]
Urothelial carcinoma 87 Ta, 49 T1, 214 T2–4 122/350
Brain Astrocytoma Tumor tissues 14/14 (100%)/IHC/anti-
NY-ESO-1 mouse mAb
Tumor tissues 6/6(100%)/IHC/anti-NY-
ESO-1 mouse mAb
Medulloblastomas Tumor tissue 5/25 (20%)/RT-PCR 0/25(0%)/IHC/B978 [90]
Pediatric tumors 1/11 (9%)-qRT-PCR [91]
ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ELISPOT: Enzyme-linked immunospot; ER: Estrogen receptor; IHC: Immunohistochemistry; mAb: Monoclonal antibody; PR: Progesterone receptor; 
(q)RT-PCR: (Quantitative) reverse transcription PCR; RAYS: Recombinant antigen expression on yeast surface; SEREX: Serological analysis of recombinantly expressed clones; TMA: Tissue microarray.
Immunotherapy (2015) 7(4)
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Review Esfandiary & Ghafouri-Fard
Cancer type Tumor subtype Sample type mRNA expression/
Protein expression/
technique and mAb
Humoral and cellular immune
Brain (cont.) Meningioma 110 meningioma
samples collected from
99 patients (43 males
and 56 females) which
was 40 grade 1, 57
grade 2 and 13 grade 3
5 /18 (27. 8%) / RT- PCR 108/110 (98.2%) IHC/
Anti-NY-ESO-1 mouse
High IgG response in 1/21 which
was grade 3/ELISA marked
degrees of T-cell infiltration in
30% of the tumors
No association between CD3
or CD8
T-cell infiltration and
NY-ESO-1 expression, recurrence
status or tumor grade
20 grade I and II, 6
atypical and malignant
3/26 (12%)/RT-PCR [93]
Glioma Tumor tissue 0/15 (0%)/RT-PCR [7]
Malignant glioblastoma
0/42 (0%)/RT-PCR [93]
Breast Metastatic tumor 6/53 (11%)/IHC/NY-
rabbit polyclonal
antibody (NY45) or
ES121 or E978
Primary tumor 13/201 (6%)/IHC/NY-
rabbit polyclonal
antibody (NY45) or
ES121 or E978
Breast carcinoma BRCA-associated
10/26 (38%)/IHC/E978 [53]
Metastatic Humoral response in 2/26 (7.6%) [94]
Primary breast cancer 14/164 (8.5%)/TMA/
Primary invasive 21/140 (15%)/TMA
Invasive breast
ER-positive tumors 2/50 (4%)/IHC/E978 [51]
ER/PR/HER2 triple-
negative tumors
9/50 (18%)/IHC/E978
ER-negative tumors 47/265 (17.7%)/IHC/E978 [49]
ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ELISPOT: Enzyme-linked immunospot; ER: Estrogen receptor; IHC: Immunohistochemistry; mAb: Monoclonal antibody; PR: Progesterone receptor; 
(q)RT-PCR: (Quantitative) reverse transcription PCR; RAYS: Recombinant antigen expression on yeast surface; SEREX: Serological analysis of recombinantly expressed clones; TMA: Tissue microarray.
Table 1. New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma-1 expression and immunogenicity in different cancers (cont.).
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NY-ESO-1 & cancer immunotherapy Review
Cancer type Tumor subtype Sample type mRNA expression/
Protein expression/
technique and mAb
Humoral and cellular immune
Breast (cont.) ER-positive tumors 4/189 (2%)/IHC/E978
Invasive ductal
ER/PR/HER2 triple-
negative tumors
43/225 (19%)/IHC/ E978
32/81 (40%)/IHC/
26/1082 (2.4%)/TMA/
Medullary breast
94 and 84% of patients
were ER negative
and PR negative,
11/9 (22%)/IHC/B9.8.1 [97]
12/ 98 (12%)/RT-PCR Humoral response in 4/100
(4%) / RAYS
Ductal carcinoma
in situ
4/128 (3%)/TMA/E978 Humoral response in 3/62 (5%)
response CD8
infiltrates in
5/28 (18%) of NY-ESO-1 positive
Lubolar carcinoma
in situ
0/128 (0%)/TMA/E978 CD79a
plasmocytes/B cells
infiltrates in 4/9 (44%) of
NY-ESO-1 positive tumors
Invasive ductal
26/1082 (2.4%)/TMA/
Invasive lobular
0/194 (0%)/TMA/E978
Breast carcinoma 6/6 (100%)/qRT-PCR 4/6 (67%)/TMA/E978
Breast carcinoma 37/88 (42%)/RT-PCR,
confirmed by qRT-PCR
1/88 (1%)/IHC/E978 or
Humoral and CD8
response in
1/62 (2%)
Benign breast lesion 21/31 (68%)/RT-PCR,
confirmed by qRT-PCR
0/31 (0%)/IHC/E978 or
Humoral response in 0/9 (0%)
Primary invasive
breast cancer
Humoral response in 25/97
[10 0]
Ductal carcinoma
in situ
Humoral response in 3/40 (8%)/
ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ELISPOT: Enzyme-linked immunospot; ER: Estrogen receptor; IHC: Immunohistochemistry; mAb: Monoclonal antibody; PR: Progesterone receptor; 
(q)RT-PCR: (Quantitative) reverse transcription PCR; RAYS: Recombinant antigen expression on yeast surface; SEREX: Serological analysis of recombinantly expressed clones; TMA: Tissue microarray.
Table 1. New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma-1 expression and immunogenicity in different cancers (cont.).
Immunotherapy (2015) 7(4)
future science group
Review Esfandiary & Ghafouri-Fard
Cancer type Tumor subtype Sample type mRNA expression/
Protein expression/
technique and mAb
Humoral and cellular immune
Breast (cont.) Triple negative 151 ductal, 7 lobular,
10 other
27/168 (16%)/IHC/ES121 Humoral response in 8/11
(73%)/ELISA CD8
response in 27/27 (100%)
1/47 (2%)/IHC/ES121
Triple negative 5/50 (10%)/IHC/
polyclonal antibodies
Luminal A-like 2/50 (4%)/IHC/
polyclonal antibodies
stromal tumor
53 samples of stomach,
29 samples of small
bowel, 2 samples of
rectum and 1 sample of
mesentery1 sample of
adrenal gland
10/86 (12%)/IHC/E978 [63]
19 (54%) high risk
tumors, 5 (14%)
intermediate risk
tumors, 8 (23%) low
risk tumors and 3 (9%)
very low risk tumors
7/35 (20%)/IHC/E978 [103]
Gastric cancer 13 stage I, 17 stage II,
45 stage III, 24 stage IV
tumors and 2 cases of
recurrent disease
12/101 (12%)/RT-PCR 7/12 mRNA positives
Humoral response in 7/11 (6
mRNA positives stage III and IV,
1 mRNA negative) (63%)/ELISA
[10 4]
15/112 (13%)/RT-PCR CD8
T-cell responses in a subset
of patients
12/121 (10%)/RT-PCR 1/12 of mRNA positives
Humoral response in 1 mRNA
positive/82 (1%)/ELISA
Colorectal cancer Humoral response in 0/25 (0%) [94]
Humoral response in 5/74 (7%)/
Gynecological Vulvar squamous cell
Primary tumors 1/76 (1.3%)/IHC/LS-
ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ELISPOT: Enzyme-linked immunospot; ER: Estrogen receptor; IHC: Immunohistochemistry; mAb: Monoclonal antibody; PR: Progesterone receptor; 
(q)RT-PCR: (Quantitative) reverse transcription PCR; RAYS: Recombinant antigen expression on yeast surface; SEREX: Serological analysis of recombinantly expressed clones; TMA: Tissue microarray.
Table 1. New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma-1 expression and immunogenicity in different cancers (cont.).
future science group
NY-ESO-1 & cancer immunotherapy Review
Cancer type Tumor subtype Sample type mRNA expression/
Protein expression/
technique and mAb
Humoral and cellular immune
Head and neck Pharyngeal squamous
cell carcinoma
46 patients with
oropharyngeal and
44 patients with
30/90 (33.3%)/IHC/
Mouth, larynx and
pharynx squamous
cell carcinomas
15 mouth, 14 larynx
and 4 pharynx
squamous cell
4/33 (12%)/RT-PCR [10 9]
222 mouth, 94 pharynx
and 137 larynx cancers
4.3%/TMA (IHC)/E978 [25]
Larynx squamous cell
37 supraglottic, 23
glottic and 3 subglottic
6/63 (9.52%)/IHC/E978 [110]
Mouth squamous cell
18/65 (28%)/RT-PCR [38]
Squamous cell
3/57 (6%)/RT-PCR [111]
3/51 (6%)/RT-PCR Humoral response in 3/39 (8%)/
Tongue squamous cell
13/53 (25%)/IHC [113]
Hepatobiliary Hepatoma 2/7 (29%)/RT-PCR [7]
10/38 (26.3%)/qRT-
3/10 (30%) of mRNA-
positive specimens/IHC/
Intrahepatic 20/89 (22%)/IHC/E978 [27]
Cholangiocarcinoma Intrahepatic 2/20 (10%)/RT-PCR [115]
Intra- and extra-hepatic 0/50 (0%)/TMA (IHC)/
1/32 (3%)/TMA (IHC)/
3/146 (2%)/TMA (IHC)/
ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ELISPOT: Enzyme-linked immunospot; ER: Estrogen receptor; IHC: Immunohistochemistry; mAb: Monoclonal antibody; PR: Progesterone receptor; 
(q)RT-PCR: (Quantitative) reverse transcription PCR; RAYS: Recombinant antigen expression on yeast surface; SEREX: Serological analysis of recombinantly expressed clones; TMA: Tissue microarray.
Table 1. New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma-1 expression and immunogenicity in different cancers (cont.).
Immunotherapy (2015) 7(4)
future science group
Review Esfandiary & Ghafouri-Fard
Cancer type Tumor subtype Sample type mRNA expression/
Protein expression/
technique and mAb
Humoral and cellular immune
20 stage I or II and 25
stage III or IV
7/45 (15.6%)/IHC/E978,
TNM stage of 3/7 was I
or II and 4/7 was III or IV
18/41 (43.9%)/RT PCR 3/18 (17%) of mRNA
positive samples/IHC/
Humoral response in 2/92 (2%)
Both were stage IIIA
17/62 (27.4%)/RT-PCR 25 /132(18.9%)/TMA
28/120 (23%)/IHC/E978 [62]
18 stage IIII and 18
stage IV
4/36 (1.1%/RT-PCR) [118]
31/73 (42.5%)/RT-PCR [60]
0/21 (0%)/RT-PCR [119]
12/30 (40%) /RT-PCR [12 0]
10/30 (33%)/RT-PCR 13.8% (24/174)/IHC [121 ]
19/64 (30%)/qRT-PCR [122]
9/34 (27%)/ RT-PCR Humoral response in 6/37
(16.2%)/ELISA 5 stage III and
1 stage II
[12 3]
12/49 (24%) /RT-PCR Humoral and NY-ESO-1-specific
functional CD4
and CD8
response in 23/189 (12%)
28 /55 (51%)/RT-PCR Humoral response in 4/22
(18%)/ELISA CD8
response in 10/28 (37.5%)
Pancreas 0/24 (0%)/RT-PCR 0 / 24 ( 0%) / R AYS [12 6]
0 / 96 (0%)/RAYS
0 /18 ( 0%) / R AYS
Kidney Chromophobe renal
cell carcinoma
6/18 (33%)/IHC/D8.38 [127]
Renal oncocytoma 15/17 (88%)/IHC/D8.38
Lung Lung carcinoma 2/12 (17%)/RT-PCR [7]
ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ELISPOT: Enzyme-linked immunospot; ER: Estrogen receptor; IHC: Immunohistochemistry; mAb: Monoclonal antibody; PR: Progesterone receptor; 
(q)RT-PCR: (Quantitative) reverse transcription PCR; RAYS: Recombinant antigen expression on yeast surface; SEREX: Serological analysis of recombinantly expressed clones; TMA: Tissue microarray.
Table 1. New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma-1 expression and immunogenicity in different cancers (cont.).
future science group
NY-ESO-1 & cancer immunotherapy Review
Cancer type Tumor subtype Sample type mRNA expression/
Protein expression/
technique and mAb
Humoral and cellular immune
Lung (cont.) 3/50 (60%)/qRT-PCR [114]
Small cell lung
Humoral response in 4/43 (9%)/
[12 8]
0/4 (0%)/ RT-PCR [129]
Large cell carcinoma 2/9 (22%)/RT-PCR [13 0]
(8/45) 17.8/TMA (IHC)/
(4/38) 10.5%/TMA
5/37 (14%)/RT-PCR [13 0]
Adenocarcinoma 3/25 (12%)/qRT-PCR Humoral response in 3/90
(3.3%) and 5/60 (8.3%) of
patients from the USA and
Japan, respectively
2/53 (3.8%)/RT-PCR [133]
10.8%/IHC/B9.8.1.1 [134]
9/57 (16%)/IHC/E978 [135]
Humoral response in 9/62
[12 8]
1/3 (33%)/RT-PCR [130]
11/41 (27%)/RT-PCR
8/41 (19%)/RT-PCR [133]
Squamous cell
23.3%/IHC [134]
15/75 (20%)/IHC/E978 [135]
Humoral response in 16/55
[12 8]
4/12 (33%)/RT-PCR [130]
Undifferentiated lung
Humoral response in 6/15
[12 8]
ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ELISPOT: Enzyme-linked immunospot; ER: Estrogen receptor; IHC: Immunohistochemistry; mAb: Monoclonal antibody; PR: Progesterone receptor; 
(q)RT-PCR: (Quantitative) reverse transcription PCR; RAYS: Recombinant antigen expression on yeast surface; SEREX: Serological analysis of recombinantly expressed clones; TMA: Tissue microarray.
Table 1. New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma-1 expression and immunogenicity in different cancers (cont.).
Immunotherapy (2015) 7(4)
future science group
Review Esfandiary & Ghafouri-Fard
Cancer type Tumor subtype Sample type mRNA expression/
Protein expression/
technique and mAb
Humoral and cellular immune
Lung (cont.) 40 adenocarcinoma
and 40 squamous cell
18.5%/IHC/B9.8.1.1 [136]
11/141 (7.8%) / RT- PCR 13/157 (8.3%)/IHC/E978 [133]
9/87 (10.3%)/ELISA [75]
Non-small-cell lung
cancer (NSCLC)
Early stage, primary 11.8%(20/169)/IHC/E978 [43]
1/42 (2%)/RT-PCR [129]
7/33 (21%)/RT-PCR [137]
139 /523 (27%)/RT-PCR [138]
20/63 (32%)/RT-PCR [139]
25/239 (10%)/RT-PCR [14 0]
Primary operable
Humoral response in 1/24
Melanocytic Head and neck
40 initial, 15 recurrent
and 15 metastatic
17/70 (24%)/IHC/ES121 [141]
primary tumors 6/6 (100%)/IHC/ESO121 [14 2]
0/15 (0%)/IHC/E978 [57]
Uveal melanoma 0/32 (0%)/IHC/E978
3/32 (9%)/IHC/E978 [56]
Primary tumor 45%/IHC/E978 [35]
Metastatic tumor 45%/IHC/E978
50/120 (42%)/qRT-PCR 48/120 (40%)/IHC/E978 [143]
Stage I and stage II
primary cutaneous
120/321(37%)/IHC/E978 [73]
12/38 (38%)/TMA (IHC) [131]
23/67 (37%)/RT-PCR [7]
Primary tumor 0/20 (0%)/RT-PCR [14 4]
ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ELISPOT: Enzyme-linked immunospot; ER: Estrogen receptor; IHC: Immunohistochemistry; mAb: Monoclonal antibody; PR: Progesterone receptor; 
(q)RT-PCR: (Quantitative) reverse transcription PCR; RAYS: Recombinant antigen expression on yeast surface; SEREX: Serological analysis of recombinantly expressed clones; TMA: Tissue microarray.
Table 1. New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma-1 expression and immunogenicity in different cancers (cont.).
future science group
NY-ESO-1 & cancer immunotherapy Review
Cancer type Tumor subtype Sample type mRNA expression/
Protein expression/
technique and mAb
Humoral and cellular immune
Distant metastasis 4/10 (40%)/RT-PCR
7/22 (32%)/RT-PCR
2/20 (10%)/qRT-PCR [114]
Metastatic tumor 14/63 (23%)/RT-PCR [1 45]
10/23 (44%)/RT-PCR [14 6]
143/202 (71%)/RT-PCR [147]
Melanoma Metastatic Humoral response in 12/127
Humoral response in 3/44 (7%)/
2/9 (2%)/RT-PCR Humoral response in 2/9 (2%)/
T-cell responses/
Humoral response in 17/148
(11%)/ELISA HLA-DP4 in 16/17
(94%) of seropositive patients
T cells specific for the NY-
ESO-1 epitopes were generated
from 5 of 6 melanoma patients
with NY-ESO-1 Ab
Humoral response in 13/31
(42%)/ELISA CD4
T cell 11/13
(85%) of seropositive patients/
22/39 (56%)/IHC/E978 [152]
Primary tumor 8/61 (13%)/IHC/E978 [54]
Metastatic tumor 18/56 (32%)/IHC/E978
Esophageal Adenocarcinoma 4 well differentiated,
14 moderately
4 moderately poorly
differentiated and
5 poorly differentiated
4/27 (15%) including
2 moderately
differentiated; 1
differentiated; 1 poorly
ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ELISPOT: Enzyme-linked immunospot; ER: Estrogen receptor; IHC: Immunohistochemistry; mAb: Monoclonal antibody; PR: Progesterone receptor; 
(q)RT-PCR: (Quantitative) reverse transcription PCR; RAYS: Recombinant antigen expression on yeast surface; SEREX: Serological analysis of recombinantly expressed clones; TMA: Tissue microarray.
Table 1. New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma-1 expression and immunogenicity in different cancers (cont.).
Immunotherapy (2015) 7(4)
future science group
Review Esfandiary & Ghafouri-Fard
Cancer type Tumor subtype Sample type mRNA expression/
Protein expression/
technique and mAb
Humoral and cellular immune
26 stages III, 15 stages
17/41 (41%)/ RT-PCR [153]
Metastatic 53/55 (96%)/IHC/D8.38 [15 4]
Squamous cell
32/109 (29%)/TMA [155]
6/9 (67%)of mRNA
positive samples/IHC/
41/123 (33%)/RT-PCR 21/24 (87.5%) of mRNA
positive samples/IHC/
ES121 and E978
Humoral response in 2/51 (4%)/
T-cell response in 1/2
67 squamous
cell carcinoma,
1 adenocarcinoma,
1 small cell carcinoma
18/56 (32%)/IHC Humoral response in 9/69
(13%)/western blot
28/76 (26.8%)/RT-PCR CD8
T-cell responses in a subset
of patients
202 squamous
cell carcinoma,
6 adenocarcinoma,
4 adenosquamous
carcinoma and
1 undifferentiated
44/213 (21%)/IHC/E978 [158]
Prostate 8.8% of 8761 tumors
(5.8% weak, 2.5%
moderate and 0.5%
strong expression)/TMA
[1 59]
Stage C (15/53) or D
20/53 (38%)/RT-PCR Humoral response in 1/30
(3.3%) stage D1 and 9/110
(8.2%) stage D2 patients/ELISA
T-cell response in 2/3
seropositives (67%) CD8
T cell
Prostate cancer Localized 2/66 (3%)/IHC/B8.38 Humoral response in 1/112 (1%)/
ELISA and western blot
ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ELISPOT: Enzyme-linked immunospot; ER: Estrogen receptor; IHC: Immunohistochemistry; mAb: Monoclonal antibody; PR: Progesterone receptor; 
(q)RT-PCR: (Quantitative) reverse transcription PCR; RAYS: Recombinant antigen expression on yeast surface; SEREX: Serological analysis of recombinantly expressed clones; TMA: Tissue microarray.
Table 1. New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma-1 expression and immunogenicity in different cancers (cont.).
future science group
NY-ESO-1 & cancer immunotherapy Review
Cancer type Tumor subtype Sample type mRNA expression/
Protein expression/
technique and mAb
Humoral and cellular immune
Prostate (cont.) Hormone refractory
prostate cancer
7/48 (15%)/IHC/B8.38 Humoral response in 18/95
(17%)/ELISA and western blot
Humoral response in 4/20
(20%)/SEREX and ELISA
9/23 (39%)/ RT-PCR Humoral response in 12/23
(52%) patients and in 5/9 (55%)
of NY-ESO-1 expressing tumors/
78/92 (85%)/IHC/D8.38 [127]
3/20 (15%)/IHC/D8.38
Benign prostate
0/23 (0%)/RT-PCR Humoral response in 0/23 (0%)/
Ovarian Ovarian germ cell
0/60 (0%)/IHC [163]
50/117 (43%)/IHC/ES121 [16 4]
Primary tumor 16/230 (7%)/IHC/E978 [165]
Recurrent tumor 7/80 (9%)/IHC/E978
2/8 (25%)/RT-PCR [7]
Ovarian carcinoma 2/20 (10%)/qRT-PCR [114]
Metastatic Humoral response in 4/32
Epithelial ovarian
37/48 (77%)/RT-PCR 37/48 (77%)/IHC/ES121 Humoral response in 12/48
(25%) and 11/37 (30%) of
expression positive patients/
ELISA (NY-ESO-1 and LAGE-1 are
serologically undifferentiable)
Humoral and specific CD8
response in 10/14 (71%)
High-grade serous
ovarian cancer
5/34 (15%)/IHC/E978 Humoral response in (9/35) 26% [167]
Serous carcinoma 10/53 (19%)/IHC/D8.38 [168]
Cervical Squamous and adeno/
46/94 (48%) and 6/15
(40%) of untreated
and recurrent tumors
ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ELISPOT: Enzyme-linked immunospot; ER: Estrogen receptor; IHC: Immunohistochemistry; mAb: Monoclonal antibody; PR: Progesterone receptor; 
(q)RT-PCR: (Quantitative) reverse transcription PCR; RAYS: Recombinant antigen expression on yeast surface; SEREX: Serological analysis of recombinantly expressed clones; TMA: Tissue microarray.
Table 1. New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma-1 expression and immunogenicity in different cancers (cont.).
Immunotherapy (2015) 7(4)
future science group
Review Esfandiary & Ghafouri-Fard
Cancer type Tumor subtype Sample type mRNA expression/
Protein expression/
technique and mAb
Humoral and cellular immune
Sarcoma Myxoid/round cell
4 metastatic and 21
primary tumors
6/6 (100%)/qRT-PCR 25/25 (100%)/IHC/E978 [42]
7/8 (88%)/qRT-PCR 16/18 (89%)/IHC/E978 [40]
36/38 (95%)/IHC/E978 [41]
Extra-cardiac soft
tissue myxoma
0/39 (0%)/IHC/E978
Extraskeletal myxoid
0/12 (0%)/IHC/E978
Lipoma 0/20 (0%)/IHC/E978
fibromyxoid sarcoma
0/7 (0%)/IHC/E978
Myxofibrosarcoma 0/10 (0%)/IHC/E978
Synovial sarcoma 38/50 (76%)/IHC [170]
Stage IV sarcoma 41/50 (82%)/IHC [171]
Chondrosarcoma 5 metastatic, 3 locally
recurrent, 3 disease
1/11 (9%)/qRT-PCR
which was metastatic
9 subtypes 13/36 (36%)/RT-PCR 9/36 (11%)/IHC/ES121 Humoral and CD8
responses in 1/4 (25%) of
synovial sarcoma samples/ELISA
[1 73]
Angiosarcoma 2/20 (10%)/IHC [171]
Ewing sarcoma 0/18 (0%)/IHC
2/20 (10%)/IHC
Testicular Testicular germ cell
Seminal fluid 49/57 (86%)/IHC/D8.38 [174]
Seminona (classical) 12/73 (16%)/IHC/E978 [30]
Diffuse large B-cell
testicular lymphoma
9/24 (37%) IHC [26]
Penile Carcinoma 29/30 (97%)/IHC/D8.38 [175]
ELISA: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ELISPOT: Enzyme-linked immunospot; ER: Estrogen receptor; IHC: Immunohistochemistry; mAb: Monoclonal antibody; PR: Progesterone receptor; 
(q)RT-PCR: (Quantitative) reverse transcription PCR; RAYS: Recombinant antigen expression on yeast surface; SEREX: Serological analysis of recombinantly expressed clones; TMA: Tissue microarray.
Table 1. New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma-1 expression and immunogenicity in different cancers (cont.).
future science group
NY-ESO-1 & cancer immunotherapy Review
cination were more focused than naturally induced
ones [72] .
Historically, the first peptides from NY-ESO-1 rec-
ognized by CD8
T cells were identified in a mixed
tumor lymphocyte culture. The 155–163 (Q9T),
157–165 (S9C) and 157–167 (S11L) peptides were
shown to be restricted by the HLA-A2 molecule.
Among them peptide Q9T was not frequently immuno-
genic and S9C and S11L had overlapping reactivities.
In addition, in vitro stimulation with both S9C and
S11L led to cross-reactive responses [176] . Afterwards,
different programs of vaccination using S9C and
S11L have been performed and their efficacy on the
induction of NY-ESO-1 peptide specific CD8
responses has been confirmed [177] . The potency of
other NY-ESO-1 peptides to elicit immune responses
has been evaluated in other studies. For instance, in a
survey of naturally occurring CD4
T-cell responses
against NY-ESO-1 in cancer patients, NY-ESO-1 pep-
tide 80–109 has been shown to be the most immu-
nogenic. NY-ESO-1 epitopes eliciting a CD4
response have been peptide 87–98 presented by HLA
class II, peptide 108–119 restricted by HLA-DP4,
peptides 121–132 and 145–156 presented by HLA-
DR7 [151] and 119–143 presented by HLA-DR52b [178] .
In another study, immunodominant regions identified
in the NY-ESO-1 protein include peptide 79–102 and
peptide 115–138 for CD4
T cells and peptide 85108
for CD8
T cells [152] . There are currently at least 21
distinctive epitopes illustrated in the context of at least
five HLA class II alleles [179] .
Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) against NY-ESO-1
epitopes has been assessed in tumor inltrating
lympho cytes (TIL) as well. TILs are a heterogeneous
population of cells within tumors whose impact on the
outcome of cancer is an issue of debate. However, it
is speculated that their function is often compromised
due to accumulation of immunoregulatory cells and
different tumor escape mechanisms [180] . In a study
it has been revealed that although CTAs such as NY-
ESO-1 are frequently expressed in non-small-cell lung
cancer (NSCLC), CTL reactivity against their epit-
opes in TILs from nonimmunized NSCLC patients is
rare [181] . Another study has revealed an insignificant
correlation between NY-ESO-1 expression and T-cell
inltration in NSCLC suggesting that the spontane-
ous immune response is not sufficient against this anti-
gen [133] . In a more recent study, it has been demon-
strated that the number of infiltrating dendritic cells
(DCs) is higher in NSCLC patients whose tumors are
negative for NY-ESO-1 compared with those show-
ing positivity for NY-ESO-1. So it has been suggested
that NY-ESO-1 positive tumor cells would escape host
immune response in a manner which is similar to tumor
stem cells. However, no correlation was found between
DC and CTL inltrations in these patients [135] . How-
ever, in epithelial ovarian cancer patients it has been
demonstrated that TILs correlate with NY-ESO-1
specific autoantibodies. Consequently, it has been sug-
gested that autoantibodies may collaborate with TILs
to affect clinical outcomes in these patients [182] . How-
ever, another study in epithelial ovarian cancer has
shown that although intraepithelial CD8
TILs and
a high CD8
/Treg ratio are associated with favorable
prognosis, this favorable prognostic effect is not cor-
related with concurrent expression of NY-ESO-1 [16 4] .
In hepatocellular carcinoma, the number of intratu-
moral FOXP3
regulatory T cells (Tregs) has been
shown to be higher in CTA positive samples (including
those positive for NY-ESO-1) suggesting inhibition of
immune response in such tumors [116] . More studies
are needed to evaluate the correlation of CTA expres-
sion with the function of TILs including cytotoxic and
It has been shown that human DCs that were incu-
bated with NY-ESO-1: monoclonal anti-NY-ESO-1
antibody (12D7) immune complexes efficiently stimu-
lated NY-ESO-1
/HLA-A2-specific human CD8
T cells to produce IFN-γ. In addition, the incubation
of DCs with NY-ESO-1:12D7 immune complexes has
been shown to result in the maturation of DCs [183] . It
has been demonstrated that more than 90% of patients
with circulating anti-NY-ESO-1 antibodies also devel-
oped an NY-ESO-1-specific CD8
T cells that were
not detected in patients in whom anti-NY-ESO-1
antibodies were absent [18 4] . NY-ESO-1 can be used
as an antigen in stem cell transplantation with T-cell
receptor (TCR)-engineered hematopoietic stem cells
as well as adoptive cell therapy with TCR-engineered
differentiated T cells. In a recent study, it has been
shown that hematopoietic stem cells engineered with
a TCR that recognizes NY-ESO-1 can successfully
differentiate to functional CD8
T cells in human-
ized mice. Interestingly, CD8
T cells harvested from
spleens of this mouse model could expand in vitro and
recognize NY-ESO-1 expressing targets 3 months post
transplant. Such an approach allow continuous supply
of T cells targeting a tumor antigen solving the prob-
lem seen when terminal differentiation results in dis-
appearance of injected mature tumor-targeted T cells
from hosts [185] .
Immunotherapeutic approaches against NY-ESO-1
have extensively focused on cellular effectors which
are induced by vaccination or expanded ex vivo and
transferred to the patients [18 6] . For improvement of
efficacy of T cell cancer vaccines, it is important to find
mechanisms for optimal priming of NY-ESO-1 spe-
cific CTLs. As shown in a transgenic mouse model, the
Immunotherapy (2015) 7(4)
future science group
Review Esfandiary & Ghafouri-Fard
Table 2. Recent clinical trials with New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma-1 in cancer patients.
Adjuvant Number of patients, cancer
Immunogen Immune response (compared
with natural prevaccination
Clinical Trial
: 1 increased, 2 induced 1
1 transitional cell carcinoma
of bladder, 42 melanoma and
3 breast cancer patients
Ab: 38 induced, 4 stabilized,
4 increased response
27 metastatic melanoma
Ab: 19 induced, 7 stabilized
: 4 stabilized, 3 induced
: 12 stabilized, 3 induced
39 melanoma patients Ab: 5 stable, 34 induced
hydrophobized pullulan
1 melanoma patient with
multiple metastases
NY-ESO-1 Ab: increased CD4
: induced
: induced
8 esophageal cancer patients NY-ESO -1 Ab: 5 induced, 1 increased,
1 stabilized CD4
: 4 induced,
2 increased, 1 stabilized
: 2 induced, 2 increased,
2 stabilized
1 melanoma patient, 4
esophageal and 4 prostate
cancer patients
NY-ESO-1 Ab: 6 induced, 2 increased,
1 stabilized
1 melanoma patient, 4
esophageal and 4 prostate
cancer patients
NY-ESO-1 Ab: 6 induced, 2 increased,
1 stabilized CD4
: 5 induced,
1 increased, 1 stable CD8
4 induced, 2 increased, 1
8 esophageal cancer patients Recombinant
Ab: 4 induced, 2 stabilized 1
8 esophageal and 2 prostate
cancer patients
Ab: 5 increased, 4 induced 1
13 esophageal cancer
NY-ESO-1 Ab: 5 induced, 2 increased 1
12 esophageal cancer
Ab: 5 induced, 7 increased
Ipilimumab 15 metastatic melanoma
Ab: 3 increased, 2 induced,
10 negative CD4
: 5 induced,
1 stabilized CD8
: 5 induced
20 advanced melanoma
Ab: 5 induced, 5 increased,
8 stabilized, 1 decreased
: 5 induced, 4 increased,
3 stabilized CD8
: 4 induced,
3 increased, 3 stabilized,
1 decreased
46 metastatic melanoma
Ab: 4 induced, 2 increased,
2 stabilized
Ab: Antibody; BCG: Bacille de Calmette et Guérin; GM-CSF: Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor; IFA: Incomplete freund’s adjuvant; OLP: Overlapping 
long peptides; MBV: Mixed bacterial vaccine; Poly-ICLC: Polyinosinic–polycytidylic acid-stabilized by lysine and carboxymethyl cellulose.
Data taken from [197] .
future science group
NY-ESO-1 & cancer immunotherapy Review
Adjuvant Number of patients, cancer
Immunogen Immune response (compared
with natural prevaccination
Clinical Trial
vaccinia-NYESO-1 and
recombinant fowlpox-
NY-ESO-1 vaccine
12 melanoma, 4 sarcoma,
2 head and neck, 1
breast, 1 ovarian, 1
prostate, 1 teratoma and 1
endometrial cancer patients
and recombinant
Ab: 6 induced, 5 stabilized
: 6 induced, 6 stabilized
: 14 induced, 5 stabilized
Blood dendritic cells
generated with Flt3
ligand and CD40 ligand
6 melanoma patients NY-ESO-1
: 2 induced Pilot
endogenous T-cell
6 sarcoma patients NY-ESO-1
: 6 induced Pilot
Toll-like receptor 7
agonist imiquimod
9 malignant melanoma
Ab:4 induced CD4
: 6 induced
: all negative
BCG and GM-CSF 6 urothelial carcinoma
Ab: 4 induced,1 increased
: 6 induced CD8
: 1
Poly-ICLC 11 ovarian cancer patients OLP from NY-ESO-1 Ab: 10 induced or increased
: 10 induced or increased
: 11 induced or increased
Montanide ISA-51 (IFA) 13 ovarian cancer patients OLP from NY-ESO-1 Ab: 6 induced or increased
: 8 induced or increased
: 13 induced or increased
4 HLA-A2
patients with
metastatic skin melanoma
3 synthetic peptides
(including NY-
: 4 increased 1
4 HLA-DP*0401/0402 patients
(2 baseline seronegative
and 2 baseline seropositive
ovarian epithelial cancer
Th1 Cells induced in all
patients without depletion of
T-cell vaccination
18 HLA-DP4
epithelial cancer
patients with minimal disease
Ab: 2 induced, 3 stabilized
: 13 induced, 2 stabilized
: 4 induced
CpG 7909 /PF3512676 9 epithelial ovarian cancer
: 6 induced 1
11 melanoma, 3 breast, 3
sarcoma, 1 ovarian cancer
Ab: 17 induced, 1 stabilized
: 17 induced CD8
8 induced, 1 increased
3 melanoma patients Analogue peptide
: 3 increased Pilot
7 melanoma, 4 non-small-
cell lung cancer, 1 sarcoma,
1 ovarian, 1 breast cancer
Ab: 5 stabilized, 1 induced
: 8 induced
Ab: Antibody; BCG: Bacille de Calmette et Guérin; GM-CSF: Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor; IFA: Incomplete freund’s adjuvant; OLP: Overlapping 
long peptides; MBV: Mixed bacterial vaccine; Poly-ICLC: Polyinosinic–polycytidylic acid-stabilized by lysine and carboxymethyl cellulose.
Data taken from [197] .
Table 2. Recent clinical trials with New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma-1 in cancer patients (cont.).
Immunotherapy (2015) 7(4)
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Review Esfandiary & Ghafouri-Fard
Th1 cytokines IFN-γ and IL-2 play important roles in
CTL priming. In addition, the inflammatory chemo-
kines CCL4 (MIP-1b) and CCL3 (MIP-1a) contrib-
ute in chemoattraction of primed CD4
T and CD8
T cells to mature DCs and to DCCD4 conjugates,
respectively [187] .
Applications in clinical trials
A tumor antigen is considered as an appropriate can-
didate for cancer immunotherapy if it has the fol-
lowing characteristics: specific and stable expression
in the tumor, absence from normal tissues and being
necessary for the survival of the cancer cell [188] . NY-
ESO-1 represents one of the ideal tumor antigens in
this field. Preclinical models as well as early stage clini-
cal trials with NY-ESO-1 specific T cells have dem-
onstrated promising results. Cancer vaccine trials with
NY-ESO-1 have been performed in different molecu-
lar forms. Most clinical trials with NY-ESO-1 tumor
vaccines have used either individual HLA restricted
epitopes or whole protein, with or without adjuvants.
Enhanced T- and B-cell responses to this antigen have
been observed in most of them post vaccination. NY-
ESO-1 peptide vaccines with HLA-A2 restricted pep-
tides have been used in clinical trials and CD8
responses have been elicited post vaccination [189] . One
of the earliest clinical trials in patients with NY-ESO-1
tumors studied the immunogenicity of NY-ESO-1
peptides S9C and S11L along with granulocyte-
macrophage colony-stimulating factor as an adjuvant.
The results showed NY-ESO-1-specific CD8
responses to S11L and S9C in most vaccinated patients
without preexisting immunity to NY-ESO-1 [190 ,191]. A
clinical trial with NY-ESO-1 has been performed using
a His-tagged recombinant full-length protein alone or
with a saponin based adjuvant (ISCOMATRIX), in
NY-ESO-1 positive melanoma patients with minimal
residual disease. High titer anti-NY-ESO-1 antibody
responses have been induced in all patients vaccinated
with NY-ESO-1 ISCOMATRIX but in only 25 % of
those who got NY-ESO-1 protein without adjuvant. In
addition, circulating CD4
and CD8
T cells specific
for a variety of NY-ESO-1 epitopes were induced [192] .
The same vaccine formulation has been used recently
in stage IV or unresectable stage III melanoma patients.
Contrary to minimal residual disease, advanced mela-
noma patients showed no clinical response to vaccina-
tion which has been attributed to higher proportion
of circulating Tregs in such patients [193] . Recombi-
nant vectors encoding NY-ESO-1 in addition to other
tumor antigens and even short hairpin RNA have
been used in preclinical models to enhance immune
system activation [194] . In addition, NY-ESO-1 pro-
tein complexed with cholesteryl pullulan (CHP),
CHP-NYESO- 1 has been administered in combina-
tion with the truncated 146HER2 protein with CHP,
CHP-HER2 to esophageal cancer patients. The results
indicate well-toleration as well as induction of NY-
ESO-1- and HER2-specific antibody responses which
show feasibility of protein cancer vaccines targeting
multiple antigens [195] . A summary of more recent clin-
ical trials which used NY-ESO-1 peptides with differ-
ent adjuvants has been shown in Table 2. In brief, NY-
ESO-1 vaccination has been shown to efficiently prime
an antibody, CD8
and CD4
T-cell response to NY-
ESO-1. However, because of the direct cytotoxic effect
Adjuvant Number of patients, cancer
Immunogen Immune response (compared
with natural prevaccination
Clinical Trial
Decitabine (decitabine
and doxorubicin
12 epithelial ovarian cancer
Vaccine (NY-
ESO-1- GM-
Ab: 5 induced, 3 stabilized,
2 not available, 1 increased,
1 negative CD4
: 5 stabilized,
2 induced, 2 became negative,
2 not available, 1 negative
: 6 negative, 2 induced,
2 not available, 2 stabilized
MBV 6 melanoma, 2 prostate,
1 bladder, 1 head and neck,
2 sarcoma patients
Ab: 7 stabilized, 1 induced, 1
increased, 1 decreased CD4
all were unchanged CD8
: all
were unchanged
NY-ESO-1 expressing
autologous tumor cells
4 metastatic melanoma
: 3 induced, 1 increased Pilot
Ab: Antibody; BCG: Bacille de Calmette et Guérin; GM-CSF: Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor; IFA: Incomplete freund’s adjuvant; OLP: Overlapping 
long peptides; MBV: Mixed bacterial vaccine; Poly-ICLC: Polyinosinic–polycytidylic acid-stabilized by lysine and carboxymethyl cellulose.
Data taken from [197] .
Table 2. Recent clinical trials with New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma-1 in cancer patients (cont.).
future science group
NY-ESO-1 & cancer immunotherapy Review
of CD8
T cells against tumor cells, CTL mediated
immunity by MHC class I-restricted tumor peptides
is the focus of most cancer vaccine studies. As it is dif-
ficult to induce fully activated CTL by tumor vaccine
therapy using MHC class I binding peptides, different
adjuvants are used in addition to MHC class I-binding
peptides to improve the efficiency of tumor vaccine
therapy. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that
T cells have a critical role in the priming and
maintenance of CD8
T cells [19 6] .
In general, long-term vaccination with NY-ESO-1
protein has resulted in broader and more pronounced
immune responses. While short-term intensive vacci-
nation with peptides has elicited the strongest CD8
T-cell responses to single epitopes [6]. An important
issue to be considered to reach better efficiency of
vaccination is the format of the vaccine. It has been
shown in a mouse H-2
MHC background that genetic
(plasmid DNA), but not full length protein vaccine
can induce a protective prophylactic anti-tumor CTL
immune response in vivo. In addition, peptide vaccina-
tion using nominal MHC class I epitope adjuvanted
with a Toll-like receptor agonist such as stabilized RNA
has been demonstrated to induce some anti tumor pro-
tection. Clinically relevant anti-NY-ESO-1 immune
response is attributed to CTL but not antibodies
against NY-ESO-1 [198] . In humans, induction of CTL
responses following NY-ESO-1 protein vaccination
has been shown to be usually limited to the existence
of HLA-B35 and HLA-Cw3 MHC class I alleles [199] .
Therefore, an efficient anticancer cytotoxic immune
response against NY-ESO-1 after protein vaccination
is not probable to occur in most humans. As shown by
Parvanova et al., genetic vaccine is capable of mount-
ing a clinically relevant immune response against NY-
ESO-1. It has been suggested that antigen processing
of NY-ESO-1 can make different MHC class I epitopes
when the protein is an exogenous antigen as compared
with an endogenous one [200] . In addition, TCR based
gene therapies targeting NY-ESO-1 has been shown
to be an effective treatment modality for patients with
metastatic melanoma and synovial cell sarcoma [201,202] .
The IHC staining profiling of tumors is important in
proper patient selection for such targeted adoptive cell
transfer immunotherapy clinical trials [55] .
Several clinical trials conducted in NY-ESO-1 posi-
tive patients have resulted in clinical responses. For
instance, in a study conducted in patients with metastatic
NY-ESO-1-expressing cancers, intra dermal immuniza-
tion with NY-ESO-1 peptides resulted in stabilization
of disease and regression of individual metastases in a
subset of patients [203]. In addition, vaccination with
recombinant vaccinia/fowlpox NY-ESO-1 vaccines
could result in favorable change in the natural course
of the disease in several patients with melanoma [204].
A recent study has shown a favorable clinical outcome
with overall survival times up to more than 43 months
in patients with NY-ESO-1 or LAGE-1 expressing
tumors who were vaccinated with NY-ESO-1 peptide,
CpG 7909 and Montanide ISA-51 [205]. Another study
aimed at safety and immuno genicity assessment of
NY-ESO-1b peptide and montanide ISA-51 vaccina-
tion in patients with high-risk epithelial ovarian can-
cer, complete clinical remission was observed in three
patients at 25, 38 and 52 months [206]. Another study
has demonstrated the induction of NY-ESO-1 immu-
nity and some favorable clinical outcomes in esopha-
geal cancer patients vaccinated with NY-ESO-1 pro-
tein. However, vaccination could not inhibit ultimate
tumor growth [207] . In spite of early clinical responses
seen after NY-ESO-1-specific immunotherapy, tumor
recurrence has occurred in some cases. The mechanism
of such recurrence is not clarified yet. However, loss of
heterozygosity (LOH) in the major histocompatibility
complex (MHC) involving the HLA-A locus has been
observed in a murine xenograft model of NY-ESO-1
multiple myeloma in which tumor recurred after adop-
tive transfer of NY-ESO-1 specific CD8
T cells. So
loss of MHC expression from the cell surface has been
suggested as a possible mechanism for immune escape
from NY-ESO-1-specific T-cell therapy [208].
Considering the vast expression of NY-ESO-1 in
tumors of different histological types and spontane-
ous humoral and cellular responses detected in a sig-
nificant number of such patients, various studies have
focused on designing potent NY-ESO-1 based vaccine
formulations. Such vaccines have been used in numer-
ous clinical trials with promising results in a subset
of patients. As recurrence has occurred in a number
of patients after primary responses to such vaccines,
attempts are done to find the molecular mechanism of
such recurrences. The results of these studies would
help to define ‘selection criteria’ for patients entering
clinical trials.
Future perspective
NY-ESO-1 is the most immunogenic CTA identified
up to date. It has been applied in a number of clinical
trials with variable results. Trials with better responses
in patients have helped to understand the optimal tim-
ing and vaccine formulation to elicit immune responses.
However, existing vaccines still need improvement,
both in antigen and in adjuvant formulations [6]. The
wide spectrum of NY-ESO-1 expression in different
tumors is the main advantage of it as a high percentage
of cancer patients can benefit from a certain vaccine.
Immunotherapy (2015) 7(4)
future science group
Review Esfandiary & Ghafouri-Fard
Attempt to design an efficient vaccine for NY-ESO-1
should focus on designing a vaccine with any potential
epitope which can be naturally processed or delivered
to the cytoplasm of APCs, have an acceptable half life
once injected and is primed in an environment which
avoid the rise of regulatory cells [6]. An important
approach to overcome the mechanisms used by tumors
to evade the immune system is combination therapy.
One possible combination would be the use of DNA
methylation inhibitors combined with immunother-
apy. Such agents can enhance the expression of CTAs
such as NY-ESO-1 on cancer cells, thus increasing the
recognition of cancer cells by antigen-specific T cells.
Another possibility is the use of immunomodulatory
antibodies such as anti-CTLA-4 mAb ipilimumab
in combination with CTA-based vaccines. Such an
approach has been shown to enhance poly functional
NY-ESO-1-specific T-cell responses in treated mela-
noma patients [209] . Future clinical trials would benefit
from such agents in conjunction with tumor vaccines.
In addition, vaccines designed against multi-antigens
including NY-ESO-1 and other immunogenic CTAs
will be beneficial in overcoming immune evasion of
Financial & competing interest disclosure
The authors have no relevant afliations or nancial involve-
ment  with  any  organization  or  entity  with  a  nancial  inter-
est  in  or  nancial  conict  with  the  subject  matter  or  mate-
rials discussed  in the manuscript. This includes employment, 
consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options, expert 
testimony, grants or patents received or pending, or royalties.
No writing assistance was utilized in the production of this 
Executive summary
• New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma-1 (NY-ESO-1) is the most immunogenic cancer-testis antigen
identified up to date.
• It has been shown to be expressed in a wide variety of tumor tissues with the highest expression frequency in
neuroblastoma, synovial sarcoma, melanoma, cervical cancer and epithelial ovarian cancer.
• Spontaneous humoral and cellular immune responses against NY-ESO-1 have been detected in cancer patients.
• The safety and efficiency of NY-ESO-1 vaccines have been assessed in a number of clinical trials.
• NY-ESO-1 has been shown to be a promising target for immunotherapy of many cancers.
• NY-ESO-1 may be a potential biomarker for early recurrence in some cancers.
Papers of special note have been highlighted as:
• of interest; •• of considerable interest
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... Autoantibodies may act synergistically with tumor-infiltrating T cells. 88 In addition to serological antibody studies, researchers attempted to use NY-ESO-1 in the immunotherapy of ovarian cancer. Odunsi et al. 61 identified a NY-ESO-1 peptide (NY-ESO-1 157-170 ) with HLA class I/II antigen specificity. ...
... The clinical trial of the NY-ESO-1 vaccine is already underway in patients with ovarian cancer. 88 An NY-ESO-1 peptide ESO 157-170 can be recognized by HLA-DP4-restricted CD4 T cells and HLA-A2and A24-restricted CD8 T cells to stimulate Th1 and Th2 CD4 + T cell responses in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer. A phase I clinical trial of epithelial ovarian cancer used the NY-ESO-1 peptide ESO 157-170 vaccine. ...
... For example, after TCR-T targeting NY-ESO-1 therapy, clinical responses were observed in 66.7% of patients with synovial cell sarcoma and 45.5% of patients with melanoma; two patients with melanoma achieved complete remission, and one patient with synovial cell sarcoma achieved partial remission. 88 A phase I/II clinical trial of TCR-T targeting NY-ESO-1 in ovarian cancer demonstrated its safety and efficacy. 64 Rosenberg et al. 57,112 used TCR-T targeting MAGE-A3 to treat a variety of advanced metastatic solid tumors and achieved positive clinical efficacy; they confirmed the efficacy of MHCII-TCR CD4 T cell therapy targeting MAGE-A3 and expanded the therapeutic range of TCR-T for metastatic tumors. ...
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Background Tumor immunotherapy has become an important adjuvant therapy after surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. In recent years, the role of tumor‐associated antigen (TAA) in tumor immunotherapy has become increasingly prominent. Cancer‐testis antigen (CTA) is a kind of TAA that is highly restricted in a variety of tumors and can induce an immune response. Aims This review article aimed to evaluate the role of CTA on the progression of ovarian cancer, its diagnostic efficacy, and the potential for immunotherapy. Methods We analyzed publications and outlined a comprehensive of overview the regulatory mechanism, immunogenicity, clinical expression significance, tumorigenesis, and application prospects of CTA in ovarian cancer, with a particular focus on recent progress in CTA‐based immunotherapy. Results The expression of CTA affects the occurrence, development, and prognosis of ovarian cancer and is closely related to tumor immunity. Conclusion CTA can be used as a biomarker for the diagnosis and prognosis evaluation of ovarian cancer and is an ideal target for antitumor immunotherapy. These findings provide novel insights on CTA in the improvement of diagnosis and treatment for ovarian cancer. The successes, current challenges and future prospects were also discussed to portray its significant potential.
... CTAs are typically expressed in germ cells and placenta but not in mature normal tissue. In a proportion of solid human tumors, cancer-testis gene activation due to hypermethylation and, consequently, elevated protein expression have been identified via analysis of various types of human cancer [7,[12][13][14]. Some studies suggest that they can play a critical function in the 4 progression of the cell cycle and in cell growth [15]. ...
... The mRNA expression levels of NY-ESO-1 range from approximately 17 to 24% of GC patients, whereas, at the protein level, it was observed in up to 30% of GC patients using immunohistochemistry analysis [17][18][19][20]. NY-ESO-1 was initially identified in esophageal cancer and is highly immunogenic [12,21]. Eventually, it was discovered that it was expressed in a variety of cancers, including neuroblastoma, malignant melanoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, breast cancer, and lung cancer [14,16,22]. ...
... It was demonstrated that approximately 75% of cancer patients express this antigen at some stage during their illness [13,23,24]. Due to its frequent expression in malignancies and ability to elicit integrated humoral and cellular immune responses, it is a promising immunotherapy target for cancer [12,13,25,26]. In gastric cancer, a neutral effect of NY-ESO-1 expression on prognosis was demonstrated [17]. ...
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Gastric cancer (GC) is one of the most common malignancies worldwide and the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths. GC is a multifactorial disease influenced by both environmental and genetic factors. Its most critical features include invasiveness and high metastatic potential. Metastasis is a complex process, and our understanding of the mechanisms involved remains incomplete. Growing evidence suggests that cancer-testis antigens (CTAs) play a crucial role in the metastatic potential of various tumors. Several studies have linked CTA expression with lower tumor differentiation, higher metastatic potential, and poor chemotherapy response. New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 1 (NY-ESO-1) antigen, part of the CTA group, is expressed in tumor tissues, while its expression in normal tissues is restricted to spermatogonia. This study aimed to determine the expression of NY-ESO-1 in primary adenocarcinoma of the stomach, both with and without metastasis in regional lymph nodes, and to compare it with TNM stage, age, gender, and survival. We analyzed gastric cancer tissue from 53 node-negative and 55 node-positive primary gastric carcinoma patients for NY-ESO-1 expression using immunohistochemical assay. The results were correlated with clinicopathological parameters and survival. Patients with positive NY-ESO-1 expression in primary tumors had a median survival of 19.0 months (range 14.1 – 24.0), in contrast to those with negative expression, who had a median survival of 52.0 months (range 0.0 – 133.3) (chi-square 7.99, P = 0.005). T status, N status, and NY-ESO-1 expression were all independently associated with shorter survival. No significant difference in NY-ESO-1 expression in primary tumors was observed concerning lymph node metastasis status. In summary, our findings suggest that increased expression of NY-ESO-1 could potentially serve as a prognostic biomarker for gastric cancer.
... The expression of NY-ESO-1 in cancers is a well-documented phenomenon with studies reporting that approximately 75% of cancer patients express this antigen at some stage during the course of their illness [12]. However, since tumor characteristics evolve during the course of the disease, it is important to understand that factors such as tumor stage, grade and therapeutic interventions are critical factors directing the expression of NY-ESO-1 in tumors [5,13,14]. For e.g. with respect to grade, NY-ESO-1 expression can vary from 0% in grade 1 to 44% in grade 4. Similarly, stage wise, variable expression of NY-ESO-1 has been reported in premalignant lesions, early stage and metastatic tumors [15,16]. ...
... reverse transcriptase PCR (RT PCR) and tissue microarray have been reported to give higher false positive/negative results due to variation in the homology/binding affinity of detection antibodies. Immunohistochemistry (IHC), on the other hand is considered a gold standard as its allows localized detection of NY-ESO-1 antigen in the cytoplasm of the tumor tissues [14]. Although, NY-ESO-1 antigen is always localized in the cytoplasm, some limited studies have also reported simultaneous expression of NY-ESO-1 in both nucleus and cytoplasm of tumor tissues. ...
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Introduction: Cancer Immunotherapy has recently emerged as a promising and effective modality to treat different malignancies. Antigenic profiling of cancer tissues and determination of any pre-existing immune responses to cancer antigens may help predict responses to immune intervention in cancer. NY-ESO-1, a cancer testis antigen is the most immunogenic antigen to date. The promise of NY-ESO-1 as a candidate for specific immune recognition of cancer comes from its restricted expression in normal adult tissue but frequent occurrence in multiple tumors including melanoma and carcinomas of lung, esophageal, liver, gastric, prostrate, ovarian, and bladder. Main body: This review summarizes current knowledge of NY-ESO-1 as efficient biomarker and target of immunotherapy. It also addresses limitations and challenges preventing a robust immune response to NY-ESO-1 expressing cancers, and describes pre-clinical and clinical observations relevant to NY-ESO-1 immunity, holding potential therapeutic relevance for cancer treatment. Conclusion: NY-ESO-1 induces strong immune responses in cancer patients but has limited objective clinical responses to NY-ESO-1 expressing tumors due to effect of competitive negative signaling from immune-checkpoints and immune-suppressive tumor microenvironment. We propose that combination therapy to increase the efficacy of NY-ESO-1 specific immunotherapeutic interventions should be explored to unleash the immune response against NY-ESO-1 expressing tumors.
... New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 1 (NY-ESO-1) is a protein consisting of 180 amino acids, and its gene is located in the Xq28 region of the X chromosome. As a member of the cancer testis antigen (CTA) family, NY-ESO-1 has been shown to be expressed in spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes, oogonia, and placenta and in a variety of cancers, such as melanoma, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, etc. [1,2] The blood-testis barrier makes the testis an immune privileged organ. In view of this property, NY-ESO-1 is believed to be a promising target for cancer immunotherapy, and it has been widely researched since its discovery. ...
... [27] Five included studies on the same cancer type (NSCLC) showed different expression rates, ranging from 10.0% to 24.8%, among patients, [15,[17][18]25,30] similar to the varied result which is reported by another study. [2] As a subgroup, we analyzed the OS predictive value of NY-ESO-1 expression in NSCLC patients. The pooled HR (positive vs negative) was 1.48 (95% CI: 1.14-1.92; ...
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Background: New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 1 (NY-ESO-1) is a member of the cancer testis antigen family. NY-ESO-1 has documented potential as an effective target for cancer immunotherapy. The prognostic value of NY-ESO-1 expression in solid tumors, however, remains controversial because of inconclusive data. Methods: For this analysis, the Medline, Embase, and Cochrane Library databases were searched up to February 2018 for studies investigating NY-ESO-1 expression in solid tumors and overall survival (OS), progression-free survival (PFS), or disease-free survival (DFS). Hazard ratios (HRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were extracted from each study. Pooled HRs and CIs were calculated using the Mantel-Haenszel fixed effects or random effects model. Results: A total of 23 studies were included in the analysis. The combined HR (95% CI) estimates for OS, PFS, and DFS were 1.41 (95% CI: 1.24-1.61; I = 0%), 1.62 (95% CI: 1.42-1.84; I = 17%), and 0.95 (95% CI: 0.56-1.59; I = 57%), respectively. Conclusions: NY-ESO-1 expression in solid tumors is associated with worse OS and PFS. Studies are still needed to provide more evidence.
... Tumor-associated antigens are composed of nonmutated self-antigens and neoantigens derived from nonsynonymous somatic mutations. Self-antigens include cancer-testis antigens such as the melanoma-associated antigens and New York esophageal squamous cell carcinoma 1, which are nonmutated proteins with restricted expression in the male germ cells normally but are expressed in cancer cells due to transcriptional reprogramming and epigenetic changes [43,44]. However, since the immune responses elicited by self-antigens are limited due to central tolerance, there are only few associations reported between self-antigen expression and increased ICB effectiveness. ...
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Immune checkpoint blockades (ICBs) have revolutionized cancer treatment. Recent studies have revealed a subset of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) to be considered as an immunogenic breast cancer subtype. Characteristics of TNBC, such as higher mutation rates and number of tumor-infiltrating immune cells, render the immunogenic phenotypes. Consequently, TNBCs have shown durable responses to ICBs such as atezolizumab and pembrolizumab in clinic. However, a significant number of TNBC patients do not benefit from these therapies, and mechanisms of resistance are poorly understood. Here, we review biomarkers that predict the responsiveness of TNBCs to ICB and recent advances in delineating molecular mechanisms of resistance to ICBs.
... One subset of TAAs is cancer germline antigens which are generally expressed in immune-privileged sites such as germ cells of the testes, in fetal ovaries, and on trophoblasts (1,2). The immune system is thought not to be desensitized against cancer germline-and mutated-proteins and therefore, T cell responses can be induced against these antigens (3,4). ...
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Tumor-specific neoantigens can be highly immunogenic, but their identification for each patient and the production of personalized cancer vaccines can be time-consuming and prohibitively expensive. In contrast, tumor-associated antigens are widely expressed and suitable as an off the shelf immunotherapy. Here, we developed a PLGA-based nanoparticle vaccine that contains both the immunogenic cancer germline antigen NY-ESO-1 and an α-GalCer analog IMM60, as a novel iNKT cell agonist and dendritic cell transactivator. Three peptide sequences (85–111, 117–143, and 157–165) derived from immunodominant regions of NY-ESO-1 were selected. These peptides have a wide HLA coverage and were efficiently processed and presented by dendritic cells via various HLA subtypes. Co-delivery of IMM60 enhanced CD4 and CD8 T cell responses and antibody levels against NY-ESO-1 in vivo. Moreover, the nanoparticles have negligible systemic toxicity in high doses, and they could be produced according to GMP guidelines. Together, we demonstrated the feasibility of producing a PLGA-based nanovaccine containing immunogenic peptides and an iNKT cell agonist, that is activating DCs to induce antigen-specific T cell responses.
... The New York esophageal squamous cell cancer-1 (NY-ESO-1) type of CTA retains robust spontaneous immunogenicity, elicits cellular and humoral responses and exhibits restricted expression pattern [38]. Moreover, the atypical expression of Non-XTs in malignant cancer cells results in chromosomal abnormalities [39]. The Non-XT types of CTA, such as, SPO11, A disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM) domain 2 (ADAM2), centrosomal protein of 55 KDa (CEP55), Kinetochore protein Nuf2 and TTK protein kinase ( Table 2) are normally dispersed along the whole genome, and fail to localise in long repeats of genomic sequences and establish gene families. ...
Cancer-testis antigens (CTA) are tumor antigens, present in the germ cells of testes, ovaries and trophoblasts, which undergo deregulated expression in the tumor and malignant cells. CTA genes are either X-linked or autosomal, favourably expressed in spermatogonia and spermatocytes, respectively. CTAs trigger unprompted humoral immunity and immune responses in malignancies, altering tumor cell physiology and neoplastic behaviors. CTAs demonstrate varied expression profile, with increased abundance in malignant melanoma and prostate, lung, breast and epithelial cell cancers, and a relatively reduced prevalence in intestinal cancer, renal cell adenocarcinoma and malignancies of immune cells. A combination of epigenetic and non-epigenetic agents regulates CTA mRNA expression, with the key participation of CpG islands and CpG-rich promoters, histone methyltransferases, cytokines, tyrosine kinases and transcriptional activators and repressors. CTA triggers gametogenesis, in association with mutated tumorigenic genes and tumor repressors. The CTAs function as potential biomarkers, particularly for prostate, cervical, breast, colorectal, gastric, urinary bladder, liver and lung carcinomas, characterized by alternate splicing and phenotypic heterogeneity in the cells. Additionally, CTAs are prospective targets for vaccine therapy, with the MAGE-A3 and NYESO-1 undergoing clinical trials for tumor regression in malignant melanoma. They have been deemed important for adaptive immunotherapy, marked by limited expression in normal somatic tissues and recurrent up-regulation in epithelial carcinoma. Overall, the current review delineates an up-dated understanding of the intricate processes of CTA expression and regulation in cancer. It further portrays the role of CTAs as biomarkers and probable candidates for tumor immunotherapy, with a future prospect in cancer treatment.
... Motivated by data on the role of cancer-testis antigens in cancer tumorigenesis and as putative biomarkers in bladder cancer 60,61 , Yazarlou et al. 62 investigated cancer-testis antigen mRNA in urinary EVs and showed MAGEB4 to be a putative diagnostic marker that is elevated in patients with bladder cancer (n = 49) compared to healthy participants (P = 0.01) 61,62 . However, expression of MAGEB4 was significantly higher in patients with BPH (n = 8) compared with those with bladder cancer (P = 0.01) suggesting that MAGEB4 could have a role in several diseases; further validation studies are required, including in other benign diseases, to evaluate the specificity of this possible marker. ...
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have an essential functional role in local tumour progression, metastatic spread and the emergence of drug resistance in bladder, kidney and prostate cancer. Thus, EVs could be diagnostic, prognostic and predictive biomarkers for these malignancies. Virtually all biomolecules (including DNA, mRNA, microRNA, long non-coding RNA, proteins and lipids) packaged into EVs have been tested as biomarkers in blood and urine samples. The results are very heterogeneous, but promising biomarker candidates have been identified. Differing methods of EV isolation, characterization and analysis of their content have been used owing to a lack of international consensus; hence, comparing study results is challenging. Furthermore, validation of potential biomarkers in independent cohorts or prospective trials has rarely been performed. Future efforts to establish EV-derived biomarkers need to adequately address these points. In addition, emerging technologies such as mass spectroscopy and chip-based approaches can identify surface markers specific for cancer-associated EVs and will enable specific separation from blood and urine EVs, which probably will improve their performance as biomarkers. Moreover, EVs could be harnessed as therapeutic drug delivery vehicles for precise and effective anticancer therapy.
Background: Cancer-germline genes are a class of genes that are normally expressed in testis, trophoblast and few somatic tissues but abnormally expressed in tumor tissues. Their expression signature indicates that they can induce cellular immune responses, thus being applied as targets in cancer immunotherapy. Objectives: To obtain the data of cellular immune responses against cancer-germline genes in cancer. Methods: We searched PubMed/Medline with the key words cancer-germline antigen, cancer-testis antigen, CD4+ T cell, CD8+ T cell and cancer. Results: About 40 cancer-germline genes have been shown to induce T cell specific responses in cancer patients. Melanoma, lung and breast cancer are among the mostly assessed cancer types. Several epitopes have been identified which can be used in immunotherapy of cancer. Conclusion: Cellular immune responses against cancer-germline genes are indicative of appropriateness of these genes as therapeutic targets.
Background: Cancer-testis antigens (CTAs) are a class of cancer antigens with extensive expression in human cancers. Many researchers have detected antibody responses against these tumor antigens in serum of cancer patients. Objectives: To evaluate the relevance of humoral immune responses against CTAs in clinical outcome of cancer patientsMETHODS: We searched PubMed/Medline with the key words cancer-testis antigen, antibody, humoral response and cancer. Results: Humoral immune responses against CTAs have been detected in several human malignancies including skin, breast, brain and ovarian cancers. Some studies have shown associations between the presence of these responses in patients and patients' survival. Conclusion: Humoral immune responses against CTAs are putative biomarkers for cancer detection and follow-up.
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The tumor microenvironment is profoundly immunosuppressive. We show that multiple tumor types create intra-tumoral immune suppression driven by a specialized form of regulatory T cell (T reg) activation dependent on the PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog) lipid phosphatase. PTEN acted to stabilize T regs in tumors, preventing them from reprogramming into inflammatory effector cells. In mice with a T reg-specific deletion of PTEN, tumors grew slowly, were inflamed, and could not create an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment. In normal mice, exposure to apoptotic tumor cells rapidly elicited PTEN-expressing T regs , and PTEN-deficient mice were unable to maintain tolerance to apoptotic cells. In wild-type mice with large established tumors, pharmacologic inhibition of PTEN after chemotherapy or immunotherapy profoundly reconfigured the tumor microenvironment, changing it from a suppressive to an inflammatory milieu, and tumors underwent rapid regression. Thus, the immuno-suppressive milieu in tumors must be actively maintained, and tumors become susceptible to immune attack if the PTEN pathway in T regs is disrupted.
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Investigators from academia and industry gathered on April 4 and 5, 2013, in Washington DC at the Arrowhead’s 2nd Annual Cancer Immunotherapy Conference. Two complementary concepts were discussed: cancer “stem cells” as targets and therapeutic platforms based on stem cells.
This paper deals with the clinical significance of the immunohistochemical expression of MAGE-A1, MAGE-A3/4 and NY-ESO-1 antigens in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
To determine the expression of cancer testis (CT) genes and antibody responses in a nonselected population of patients with primary breast cancer, we investigated the composite expression of 11 CT genes by RT-PCR in fresh biopsies of 100 consecutive cases of primary breast carcinoma and by immunohistology in selected RT-PCR-positive cases. Antibody responses against 7 CT antigens were analyzed using recombinant antigen expression on yeast surface. In 98 evaluable cases, SCP-1 and SSX-4 were expressed most frequently (both 65%), followed by HOM-TES-85/CT-8 (47%), GAGE (26%), SSX-1 (20%), NY-ESO-1 (13%), MAGE-3 (11%), SSX-2 (8%), CT-10 (7%), MAGE-4 (4%) and CT-7 (1%). One CT gene was expressed by 90% of the cases; 79% expressed > or =2, 48% > or =3, 29% > or =4, 12% > or =5, 6% > or =6, 3% > or =7, 2% > or =8 and one case coexpressed 9 antigens. Of 100 serum samples screened for CT antigen-specific antibodies, antibodies against NY-ESO-1 were detected in 4 patients, against SCP-1 in 6 patients and against SSX-2 in 1 patient, while no antibodies were detected against MAGE-3, CT-7 and CT-10. Expression of CT genes or antibody responses was not correlated with clinical parameters (menopausal status, tumor size, nodal involvement, grading, histology and estrogen receptor status) or the demonstration of CT gene expression at the protein level, by immunohistology. Our results show that breast carcinomas are among the tumors with the most frequent expression of CT antigens, rendering many patients potential candidates for vaccine trials.
Humoral immune responses against the "Cancer-Testis" (CT) antigen NY-ESO-1 are frequently observed in patients with NY-ESO-1 expressing tumors. This is in contrast to other known tumor antigens (TA) defined by antibody or cytotoxic T cell (CTL) reactivity, i.e., MAGE-1, MAGE-3, SSX2, Melan A, and tyrosinase. No NY-ESO-1 antibody has been detected in healthy controls and patients with NY-ESO-1 negative tumors. In this study, we have assessed the NY-ESO-1 serum antibody response in patients with NY-ESO-1 positive tumors of different histological types and stages using Western blotting and an ELISA. Of the 12 patients analyzed, 10 had demonstrable NY-ESO-1 antibodies at the start of the study. All patients were followed for changes in NY-ESO-1 antibody titers during the course of tumor treatment and clinical evolution. In 4 patients, an increase of NY-ESO-1 antibody titer was observed with progression of disease or extensive tumor necrosis under treatment. One patient showed a stable NY-ESO-1 antibody titer over 3 years along with gradual regression of a large tumor mass. In 5 patients, a decrease of NY-ESO-1 antibody was detected: in 1 patient after curative tumor resection, in 3 patients with partial regression of metastatic disease under chemo- and immunotherapy, and in another patient with a NY-ESO-1 negative tumor relapse. Our results indicate that the induction and maintenance of NY-ESO-1 antibody is dependent on the presence of NY-ESO-1 expressing tumors. Furthermore, changes in NY-ESO-1 antibody titers correlate with the evolution of NY-ESO-1 positive disease.
NY-ESO-1, a member of the cancer-testis family of antigens, is expressed in a subset of a broad range of different human tumor types. Patients with advanced NY-ESO-1-expressing tumors frequently develop humoral immunity to NY-ESO-1, and three HLA A2-restricted peptides were defined previously as targets for cytotoxic CD8(+) T cells in a melanoma patient with NY-ESO-1 antibody. The objectives of the present study were (i) to develop enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) and tetramer assays to measure CD8(+) T cell responses to NY-ESO-1, (ii) to determine the frequency of CD8(+) T cell responses to NY-ESO-1 in a series of HLA-A2 patients with NY-ESO-1 expressing tumors, (iii) to determine the relation between CD8(+) T cell and humoral immune responses to NY-ESO-1, and (iv) to compare results of NY-ESO-1 ELISPOT assays performed independently in two laboratories with T cells from the same patients. NY-ESO-1 ELISPOT and tetramer assays with excellent sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility have been developed and found to correlate with cytotoxicity assays. CD8(+) T cell responses to HLA-A2-restricted NY-ESO-1 peptides were detected in 10 of 11 patients with NY-ESO-1 antibody, but not in patients lacking antibody or in patients with NY-ESO-1-negative tumors. The results of ELISPOT assays were concordant in the two laboratories, providing the basis for standardized monitoring of T cell responses in patients receiving NY-ESO-1 vaccines.