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Development of Entrepreneurial Potential of Students through System of Professional Education



In the paper the results of scientific-theoretical research about influence of professional education on development of enterprise potential of young people are presented. In the conditions of performance of a strategic task to increase a share of small and medium business in Kazakhstan till 2020 year the important role its realization undoubtedly belongs to an education system. The researches of foreign scientists show that the system of professional education has a big importance on formation of business potential of students. Besides modern requirements of a labor market set a task for the graduates to have the knowledge and skills in the business sphere. The development of business potential of the student during training will lead to increase of its competitiveness in the market. The opinions of experts on existing problems in the course of training from the point of view of their focus on development at students of enterprise qualities are analyzed. The results of applied research of entrepreneurial orientation of students prove the existence by students the positive relation to business and desire to develop enterprise potential during study. Also, in the paper the main directions of improvement of system of formation and development of enterprise potential of students are formulated.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 143 ( 2014 ) 615 – 620
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1877-0428 © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of CY-ICER 2014.
doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.07.447
CY-ICER 2014
Development of Entrepreneurial Potential of Students through
System of Professional Education
Marat Seidahmetova*, Saltanat Ibraimovab, Ainur Yesbolovac,
Aziza Mergenbayevad, Gulshat Zhadigerovae, Ahmaral Ahelovaf
aMarat Seidahmetov, Tauke Han Av. No 5, South Kazakhstan State University, Chimkent 160012, Kazakhstan
bSaltanat Ibraimova, Tauke-khan av.No5, M.Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, 160012, Kazakhstan
cAinur Yesbolova, Bekzat Sattarkhanov Av. No 29, A.Yesevi International Turkish-Kazakh University, Turkestan 161200, Kazakhstan
dAziza Mergenbayeva, Tauke-khan av.No5, M.Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, 160012, Kazakhstan
eGulshat Zhadigerova, Tauke-khan av.No5, M.Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, 160012, Kazakhstan
fAhmaral Ahelova, Tauke-khan av.No5, M.Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, 160012, Kazakhstan
In the paper the results of scientific-theoretical research about influence of professional education on development of enterprise
potential of young people are presented. In the conditions of performance of a strategic task to increase a share of small and
medium business in Kazakhstan till 2020 year the important role its realization undoubtedly belongs to an education system. The
researches of foreign scientists show that the system of professional education has a big importance on formation of business
potential of students. Besides modern requirements of a labor market set a task for the graduates to have the knowledge and skills
in the business sphere. The development of business potential of the student during training will lead to increase of its
competitiveness in the market. The opinions of experts on existing problems in the course of training from the point of view of
their focus on development at students of enterprise qualities are analyzed. The results of applied research of entrepreneurial
orientation of students prove the existence by students the positive relation to business and desire to develop enterprise potential
during study. Also, in the paper the main directions of improvement of system of formation and development of enterprise
potential of students are formulated.
© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of CY-ICER 2014.
*Corresponding author: Marat Seidahmetov, Tel: +7-72533-3-18-22
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of CY-ICER 2014.
616 Marat Seidahmetov et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 143 ( 2014 ) 615 – 620
Keywords: Business potential, business approach, education, Kazakhstan;
1. Introduction
Development of small business acts as one of the important mechanisms of diversification of economy,
restoration of economic growth in the conditions of consequences of global financial crisis. State activities on
support of small business include assistance to a sustainable development of the operating enterprises. However not
less important is the creating favorable conditions for increase of business activity of wide segments of the
population, especially for young people, creation of new subjects of small business and new workplaces in this
sphere (Cox, Mueller & Moss, Vol. 1, p. 2).
The president of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in the annual Message to the people of
Kazakhstan “Mangilik el” declared “domestic business is a driving force of a new economic course. The share of
small and medium business in economy has to grow by 2030 at least twice (40%)”. (Message of the President of
Kazakhstan, 2012). “When 60% of the working population will work in small and medium business, Kazakhstan
will reach stability”, - such is the presidential forecast.
In the conditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan the questions of development of small and medium business are
especially important.The number of the busy population in Kazakhstan in 2011 was 8 301,6 thousand people, among
which 32,8% - self-busy. However the share of gross domestic product is created by sector of small and medium
business was 17-20% for the same year (Kazakhstan in 2011-the Statistical year-book, 2011, p. 496).
The proportion of men at the age of 15 to 34 years was 49.9%. The share of urban young people of this age
category accounted for 56.1%. Thus, the labor potential of youth in the Republic of Kazakhstan is rather high. There
is a question of their business potential and opportunities of its development and realization in the conditions of
training in educational institutions.
Realization of a course of economic policy of Kazakhstan on activation of mass business it is possible only as a
result of orientation of professional education towards formation and development of business potential of
students.In this regard transition to new system which will allow to change quickly if necessary technologies and the
content of education and to motivate students not only to research, but also to business activity (Chepurenko, 2013).
Therefore the university has to train first of all experts who will be capable not only to production of new
knowledge, but also to the innovations, ready to work in the conditions of uncertainty, otherwise, to train
2. Method
The solution of objectives and verification of initial assumptions was provided with application of the following
groups of methods of research: methods of the theoretical analysis (contextual and-level analyses of scientific
concepts, method of the historical analysis, studying and synthesis of experience, modeling); observation methods
(the direct, indirect and included supervision); diagnostic methods (questioning, testing, interviewing); mathematical
and statistical methods (comparative analysis of data, percentage ratio, analysis of reliability of distinction,
correlation analysis).
3. Problem
Creation of necessary prerequisites for formation of new type of the worker demands requires from the
educational institutions the new approaches to the organization of the activity, namely a new view on development
of enterprise activity in education. Under the business activity is necessary to understand the initiative independent
activities aimed at satisfaction of need sand making a profit. Business in education is understood as the activity
directed on development and an embodiment in life of innovative ideas in the conditions of continuous changes in
society and economy for the purpose of personal self-realization. The integral qualities of the expert possessing
enterprise skills, have to become high motivation on achievement of success, readiness to work in the conditions of
risk, skills of the solution of actual tasks, creative approach, communicative abilities, ability to assume
responsibility, ability to build the constructive, business and interpersonal relations, ability to operate stressful
Marat Seidahmetov et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 143 ( 2014 ) 615 – 620
situations, etc.
In the conditions of modern market economy the requirement for the employees involved in large corporations
and small businesses are increasingly converging. To the forefront together with professional knowledge and skills
require for the employees the special type of a business mindset. The business mindset includes installation on
continuous search of new quality (in labor organization, results of work, the relations with clients), orientation to
achievement of the best results at the minimum expenses, ability of the worker to perceive interests of any enterprise
where the employee works as own, constant aiming at self-development and training (Petridou & Sarri, 2011, p. 79).
Development of business type of thinking in trainees requires from system of professional education the
introduction of the new contents and style of the training called by business approach in education (training).Thus,
business approach in training is caused by aspiration to policy reorientation in the field of education and training.
Labor market as a whole and the employer in particular want to receive the competent expert who possesses
certain abilities and the qualities relating not only to professional, but also to the social sphere, – easily the trainee,
and the adoptive employee. Therefore the university has to graduate the students capable to intellectual business,
possessing skills of generation of new knowledge and motivated to generation of this knowledge that allows
graduates to achieve success in conditions of constantly changing market condition of work (Jose, 2011, p. 239).
At the same time, in the conditions of deficiency of qualified personnel of a new formation on a domestic labor
market, curricula objectively "sharpen" experts rather under future activities for hiring, than under self-employment
and business that is caused by traditions of the Soviet higher school when all processes from training and before
employment of the young specialist was in advance planned. Thus, the labor market has a paradoxical situation. The
workplaces in the labor market are not enough, and so a young person must have the ability to self-actualize in
business. However, domestic training programs directed on preparation high-quality specialists for hire are not
conducive to the development of entrepreneurial potential of the students and it reduces the entrepreneurial potential
of society.
Does the created infrastructure in higher education, to increase the competence of students who are ready to
innovate? What forms of education and activity of university promote and what becomes an obstacle in a way of the
student to business? What as a whole there are barriers at a choice student of business activity as future career?
It is possible to assume that the high school, already now create opportunities for occupation of students by
business through teaching the disciplines of business, but for full realization of model there are no corresponding
conditions that leads to leveling of tendency of students to business.
Jump of enterprise activity of the population is the share of the second half of 20 century. Together with the
penetration of networks of entrepreneurs in all new areas of society, as well as trends, when between the university
and the business began to occur interchange resources, gradually begin to create a program of doing business for
existing entrepreneurs. Interest to training in business started growing since the end of 1950 beginnings of the
1960th when McClelland’s works (The Achieving Society, 1961) and F. Collins, G. Moore and B. Unwalla
monograph-The Enterprising Man (1964) were for the first time published (Lee, 2005).
As a result in the modern society, the individual is faced with the most career uncertainty in the labor market,
with the necessity of choosing among a huge variety of opportunities of economic initiative, a broader range of tasks
to perform and the need to carry a different level of responsibility. In other words, complication of the world and
growth of uncertainty compels individuals to consider more and more business as a career choice, and also to look
for ways of training in enterprise competences for application them in the becoming complicated world. Besides, the
understanding of an essential contribution of businessmen and small business in economy of the countries, their
roles in technological progress that starts being made out in the form of the corresponding state policy became the
prerequisite of development of programs of training to business at universities. Thus, growing interest of student’s
youth to enterprise career and importance of business for economic development, which is proclaimed at political
level, form increasing interest to acquisition of business knowledge and skills at university (Petridou, 2011).
The key question asked by many researchers of entrepreneurship, has long remained the question of whether to
teach of entrepreneurship, especially young people. On this score are three positions: can, cannot and can only to a
certain extent.
We incline to the point of view that the student can be taught in a certain degree and undoubtedly such training
will have a positive effect even if it doesn’t realize itself (himself) as the businessman.
Many experts say that in business, there are the elements that can be learned, and those who cannot learn. The
most important for successful enterprise education is to mark out the skills which are amenable to formation in the
process of training, and to correlate them to needs of students in this regard(Katz, 1991).Another some researchers
618 Marat Seidahmetov et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 143 ( 2014 ) 615 – 620
prove that entrepreneurship education has a positive impact on the perception of the elements, such as self-efficacy
(Cox et al., 2003).
It was noticed that those students who attended courses on business, are more inclined to the organization of own
enterprise. It is connected with indicators by self-efficiency, efficiency, readiness for risk and readiness self-busy is
much higher after training (Sanchez, 2011). Also, there is a belief that, the courses on entrepreneurship positive
effect on student awareness of entrepreneurial career attractiveness and recognition of the reality of creating his own
business (Liguori, 2011). According to report of “Entrepreneurship Education - A Compendium of Related Issues”
(Lee, 2005), where shows that the graduates of enterprise programs three times more probable will begin own
business, will be three times more probable self-busy, will have the income 27% higher, to own for 62% big assets
and will be more satisfied with the work. In present time many researches show an importance of training programs
for advance and strengthening of business initiatives.
Analysis business education programs has revealed, first, that entrepreneurship programs differed from the
classical business education because formation of a new business is fundamentally different from managing them,
and secondly, identified the main important aspects of entrepreneurship education (Kuratko, 2005).
The position in which enterprise education can be three types is closer to us: knowledge “about” business (what
is this phenomenon), knowledge “for” business (preparation for business and development of necessary
competences) and knowledge “through” a prism of businesses. The idea of knowledge “through” a business prism,
tells about inclusion of such education in the general program of training of students as a way of preparation them to
life in the uncertainty and complexity world (Blenker, 2000).At the same time for training should apply a wide range
of tools, such as reliance on the business plans, the establishment of student start-ups, consultation with practicing
entrepreneurs, interviews with entrepreneurs, analysis of environment, case studies, etc.
Today researchers recognize the “entrepreneurial intention” as a variable of defining further entrepreneurial
behavior (Linan, 2010). In other words, having studied this variable, we can judge the probability of a person in the
future to create his own company, product innovation, etc.
In work “Factors affecting entrepreneurial intention levels: a role for education” (Linan, 2010) were allocated the
following parameters having impact on a choice by students of business:
1. Awareness of the feasibility
2. Awareness of social norms
3. Approval of friends the business activity
4. Leadership, communication skills and the availability of professional contacts
5. Social approval and a set of key aspects of success
6. Innovation, creativity, the ability to recognize opportunities
7. Preference to work by hire
8. Businessmen in a family
9. Preference to be the independent professional
10. Personal relation
4. Result
In 2013 a study was conducted to identify problems in the implementation of the entrepreneurial potential of
students by the teaching stuff of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University (Shymkent city). The method of
questionnaire (n=400) was used. One of problems of this research is a studying of level of enterprise potential of
youth. Desire in the future to do their own business is one of the most significant indicators of the presence of the
entrepreneurial potential of young people.
The results showed that almost two thirds (63.3%) boys and girls aged 16-24 expressed a desire to start their
future own business. It means that the majority of young people regard the business sphere as one of the most
perspective for self-realization. Students show great interest in this area (69.7%) that most likely indicates about
their wish to become an independent as soon as possible, to the prestige and profitability in their opinion, business
activity. Among working youth the number wishing to open the business is less (56,3%) that testifies that they
estimate the abilities more soberly and better realize difficulties which it is possible to face.
The most popular motives of doing business for young people are: be own boss (55.9%), the ability to improve
the financial situation (54.4%), and an opportunity to do interesting work (41.9%).The most attractive field of
Marat Seidahmetov et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 143 ( 2014 ) 615 – 620
activity for youth of the capital, wishing to open the matter in the future, is the services sector – 39,5%.The second
place there is a sphere of wholesale/retail trade – 15,4%, and the third – the industry – 8,6%.These areas of activity
are the most common and popular among the population, and are thus more attractive to young people. As for
services, by its share of other industries goes to the first position of worldwide.
As show results of survey, about a half of respondents (46,6%) connect opening of the business with receiving
the bank credit. Almost a third of respondents expects their personal assets, 8.3% of respondents expect to use
capital relatives and friends. 14.6% of respondents do not currently know what the source of capital used in starting
a business. Thus, we can say that for most students getting a bank loan is the most attractive option to organize their
own business, so providing soft loans from the government of youth is highly relevant.
We also note that 15.5% of young people do not plan to be engaged in business. Among the main reasons
respondents mentioned lack of entrepreneurial temperament (41.3%), the complexity of doing business in our
country (39.7%).In the opinion of young people the government pays not enough attention in terms of support for
entrepreneurship. Also, 23.8% respondents identified lack of necessary knowledge and skills. Thus, we can say that
such reasons as the complexity of doing business in our country and the lack of any entrepreneurial temperament are
dominant among students.
The priority qualities for the modern businessman, according to young people are the ones who describe him as a
hard-working person, having innovative thinking, who can easily establish and maintain useful for his connections
and relationships. Portrait of modern young businessman fills the following characteristics: a person who is equally
possesses the necessary professional, personal qualities and has the necessary contacts in the government. The most
necessary factors for the successful beginning of business, according to respondents are existence of the starting
capital, special entrepreneurial character, existence of special knowledge in the field of business management,
marketing, financial planning and human resource management.
5. Conclusion
We can conclude that the essential role of entrepreneurial education, both for future entrepreneurs, and for a man
of the modern era in general. And the university should be a key player in the formation of the students able to
generate knowledge and innovation in the conditions of constantly changing environment.
In this regard it is useful to note that the increasing interest of students to the entrepreneurial career and the
importance of business for economic development form a growing interest in the acquisition of business knowledge
and skills at the university.
Young people have a certain image of the businessman as a person possessing a set of behavioral traits, attributes
and skills used for innovation and organization of the changes. And the most part of them perceives business as the
positive phenomenon and under certain conditions wishes to be engaged in such type of self-realization.
The consideration of different perceptions of entrepreneurship programs, leads us to the conclusion that
necessary to highlight the key learning tools and modernization of the professional education will lead to growth of
the entrepreneurial potential of young people.
The analysis of different approaches about the possibility of business education gives the opportunity to
conclude an unconditional influence of enterprise programs on the relation to business and readiness to create own
business. To maintain the positive dynamics, in our view, it is necessary to systematize the work to encourage young
people to engage in entrepreneurship. Within this framework, it is necessary to use the following mechanisms:
creation of positive image of the businessman for the purpose of formation in public consciousness of perception of
business as habitual and traditional phenomenon, and for this purpose it is necessary to show concrete results of
activity of businessmen with reflection of specifics of their enterprises; assistance to opening of the small innovative
enterprises at higher educational institutions; implementation the courses of the basics of entrepreneurship at
secondary and high school; development of mechanisms and opportunities the microfinance of small business.
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... In this sense, entrepreneurship education has been expanded in most industrialized countries [3], thereby generating many programs to support entrepreneurship in higher education [4,5]. The main problem with this type of program is that not all the persons who attend them necessarily start a new business [6]; for this reason, it is essential to study and understand the underlying motivations of entrepreneurs in order to learn factors which may increase the number of successful cases based on the local characteristics and economy. ...
... The following elements are considered for the study. Economic development E 2 Recognition of the need for approval C 3 Increase income E 3 Self-realization C 4 Financial stability E 4 Need for achievement C 5 Need to accommodate work roles E 5 Dissatisfaction with current employment C 6 Follow family traditions E 6 Need for challenge C 7 Contributing to society E 7 Desire to be one s own boss C 8 People's influence C 9 Availability of opportunities and resources C 10 Government program support C 11 Enterprising company C 12 Lack of employment C 13 Flexibility to balance family and work For the evaluation of the elements considered as cause and effect C i − E j in the motivation, the experts considered the semantic correspondence expressed in the scale below, where SS: semantic scale; SC: standardization criterion; SD: very strongly disagree; QD: quite strongly disagree; DS: disagree; NAD: neither agree nor disagree; AG: agree; QA: quite strongly agree; and SA: very strongly agree (see Table 6). ...
... The following elements are considered for the study. Economic development E 2 Recognition of the need for approval C 3 Increase income E 3 Self-realization C 4 Financial stability E 4 Need for achievement C 5 Need to accommodate work roles E 5 Dissatisfaction with current employment C 6 Follow family traditions E 6 Need for challenge C 7 Contributing to society E 7 Desire to be one s own boss C 8 People's influence C 9 Availability of opportunities and resources C 10 Government program support C 11 Enterprising company C 12 Lack of employment C 13 Flexibility to balance family and work For the evaluation of the elements considered as cause and effect C i − E j in the motivation, the experts considered the semantic correspondence expressed in the scale below, where SS: semantic scale; SC: standardization criterion; SD: very strongly disagree; QD: quite strongly disagree; DS: disagree; NAD: neither agree nor disagree; AG: agree; QA: quite strongly agree; and SA: very strongly agree (see Table 6). ...
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The main aim of this article was, using subjective information, to analyze the forgotten factors that influence the motivation of Boyacenses to become entrepreneurs. The study was carried out with entrepreneurs enrolled in the Boyacá Region Brand Program (BRBP). For the treatment of the collected data, the method of the experts and the theory of forgotten effects were used to identify second-generation incidences involving motivational factors in Boyacense entrepreneurs. The research questions that guided the study were as follows: What are the forgotten effects among the motivational factors of entrepreneurship? What are the intermediate factors that generate the second-order effects? What are the economic, psychological, cultural, and environmental factors that have second-order effects among them? Among the main findings, it was possible to visualize second-degree relationships between economic, cultural, and psychological factors. Additionally, in the case of entrepreneurs from Boyacá, the primary motivation for most of them to develop their business idea was economic independence, while the least motivating was the improvement of social status. Likewise, the need for achievement was highlighted. Finally, the country’s economic situation was found to work against the development of entrepreneurship.
... Travel & Tourism investment in 2016 was HUF 245.4bn, i.e. 3.9% of total investment (USD 0.9bn). It was said to rise by 6.6% in 2017 23 . ...
... The main aim of this education is providing knowledge and information to non-entrepreneurs with entrepreneurial potential, which help them gain skills and attributes required for entrepreneurship (Fekri et al, 2012). The development of a business type of students' thinking requires the educational system introducing new contents and style of teaching called the business approach in education (Seidahmetov et al, 2014) Entrepreneurship education also influences students' career choices (Peterman, Kennedy, 2003). According to Autio et al. (1997), the support received by students from the university environment is an important factor influencing their career decision and interest in becoming an entrepreneur after graduation. ...
The book offers the comprehensive picture of the academic entrepreneurship phenomenon in the Visegrad countries perspective and it is an insightful read for university managers responsible for the development of the academic entrepreneurship. It is also an interesting body of empirical knowledge for the academic entrepreneurship stakeholders, such as local business, organizations supporting entrepreneurship, and local government institutions. This book draws on the results of international survey conducted among students and academics representing universities from the Visegrad Group countries. The survey was an important part of the project “Cross-border Bees in V4 Countries - Building of Educational Entrepreneurship Start-ups in V4 Group” granted by the International Visegrad Fund for 2016-2017 (project no. 11610602). University of Bielsko-Biala (project coordinator) collaborated with the Technical University in Ostrava from the Czech Republic, the Alexander Dubček University from Slovakia, and the Szent István University from Hungary.
... Education and skill enhancement have become essential tools for dealing with the complex and evolving issues of today's world. Education, especially education that focuses on nurturing new generations, is one of the most basic necessities of a society and, given its ubiquity, the best method for achieving new developments and progress (Seidahmetov et al., 2014;Sharifi et al., 2022). Educational institutions play a crucial role in training future generations and the specialized workforce needed by society, such that there is a close relationship between the development of society and education (Zamani, 2019). ...
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Purpose: The education system plays a crucial role in the growth and progress of any society and, as one of the main institutions developing intellectual capital and specialized human resources, it holds a sensitive responsibility in achieving sustainable development. Therefore, it should focus on improving the quality of its service delivery to meet people's expectations and increase their satisfaction. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to design a superior service delivery model in the field of education to enhance public satisfaction. Methodology: This research is applied in purpose, exploratory in nature due to its qualitative research approach, and descriptive-survey in terms of data collection and implementation. In the first phase, the population consisted of scientific documents and records, from which 38 studies were selected as the research sample based on inclusion criteria and purposive sampling method. In the second phase, academic and organizational experts were chosen based on the principle of theoretical saturation and purposive sampling technique, totaling 16 individuals. The data collection tool in the first phase was a systematic review of scientific documents and records through meta-synthesis, and in the second phase, semi-structured interviews with experts through thematic analysis. Validity through the CASP tool and reliability through Cohen's kappa coefficient were obtained at 0.56. The validity and reliability of the interview tool were also examined based on criteria of accuracy, credibility, dependability, transferability, and confirmability, which were ultimately confirmed. Finally, the data were analyzed using thematic analysis in MAXQDA software. Findings: The findings of this research identified 69 indicators, 13 components, and 3 dimensions for superior service delivery in the field of education to enhance public satisfaction. The dimensions of superior service delivery included: quality of educational services (with 9 components: tangibles, accountability, assurance, empathy, courtesy, dynamism, diversity, citizen-centricity, and monitoring and control), productivity of educational services (with 2 components: service efficiency and effectiveness), and intelligence of educational services (with 2 components: digitalization and the use of modern technologies). Ultimately, considering these dimensions, components, and identified indicators, the final model of the study was presented, which was found to be of suitable validity. Conclusion: Considering the results obtained from the current study, it is possible to create conditions for the realization of superior service delivery in the field of education to enhance the level of public satisfaction.
... One of the challenges that the successor will face is dissatisfaction among family members due to their younger age. The age gap (Hiebl & Li, 2020;Magasi, 2016) and differences in opinion (Camfield & Franco, 2019;Ghee et al., 2013Ghee et al., , 2015K.Fisher, 2017;Seidahmetov et al., 2014) make it difficult for successors to develop a new generation business identity that all family members can accept (Kandade et al., 2020a;Umans et al., 2020a). As a result, the successor's communication skills must be prioritized in dealing with his acceptance into the government system and then developing a harmonious relationship at all levels of the business as well as the family community. ...
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Transgenerational entrepreneurship is defined as the creative and initiative-taking creation of self-sufficiency in a family-owned business that lasts generations. The process of passing on management and ownership of a family business to the next generation through inheritance is known as family business succession. A succession plan is crucial for ensuring the company's transition and continuity. The process of selecting a replacement in a small and medium enterprise (SME) is more difficult because the number of successor candidates is smaller than in a corporate firm. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the challenges and factors that incumbents must consider when selecting a successor and implementing a succession plan. The study's findings indicate that internal conflicts between the leader's business and family, the leader's obsession with his leadership legacy, and the successor's level of willingness to accept responsibility are the main obstacles to implementing a succession plan. The succession planning process considers a variety of factors, including education, competencies, demographic factors, relationships with family members and incumbents, experience, integrity, birth order, and primogeniture.
... Penerapan kewirausahaan memiliki hubungan positif terhadap mahasiswa yang berkeinginan untuk mengembangkan potensi usaha selama belajar. Hal ini merupakan kesempatan untuk memperbaiki sistem pembentukan dan pengembangan potensi mahasiswa (Seidahmetov et al., 2014). ...
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Berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan dilakukannya pengembangan maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan model pembelajaran kewirausahaan berbasis quantum learning untuk menghasilkan karakter guru berjiwa kewirausahaan yang disebut dengan Teacherpreneur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah langkah pengembangan ADDIE. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari validator dan respon pengguna. Model pembelajaran kewirausahaan berbasis Quantum Learning ini diberi nama Teacherpreneur Learning Model (TLM) dengan tujuh sintak (Potential, Intuitive, Conceptual, Management, Sustainable, Collaborative, dan Sharing and Caring) dilengkapi indikatornya. Berdasarkan hasil ujicoba kelayakan dan respon pengguna diketahui bahwa model TLM layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Hasil observasi menggambarkan bahwa mahasiswa mampu mengikuti sintak yang diinstruksikan serta menghasilkan kepercayaan diri terhadap kemampuannya.
... Education as an educational, cultural and social institution has an effective role in training human resources and the growth and development of society (Mobus, 2018). Today, motor education is a driver of inclusive and sustainable development and as the largest educational institution in any country has an important role in collecting small investments and using them in manufacturing and services, which requires improving the quality of educational services (Seidahmetov & et al, 2014). The education system can meet its tasks and goals if it is in a good position in terms of the quality of educational services. ...
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This study examined the effects of using mobile technology on entrepreneurial educational interest and development among students at Osun State College of Education, Ilesa. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study and the sample consisted of two hundred (200) randomly selected student entrepreneurs in the college. The research instrument was self-developed by the researcher for the purpose of the study, namely: Effects of mobile technology on entrepreneurial interest and development of students. The reliability coefficients obtained for research instruments was 0.825 (Cronbach’s Alpha). Data collected were analysed using percentage, mean and ANOVA. Findings from the study revealed that Fashion Designing/Tailoring was the entrepreneurial activity with the highest number of students. Also, the use of mobile technology has positive effects on students’ interest in entrepreneurial activity ( = 3.29) and students’ entrepreneurial development ( = 3.41). Finally, findings showed a significant difference in the effects of mobile technology on students’ interest in entrepreneurial activity (F(1, 199) = 13.688, p (0.000) < 0.05) and students’ entrepreneurial development (F(1, 199) = 16.715, p (0.000) < 0.05). The study recommended the use of mobile technology to foster students’ entrepreneurial interests and development. Article visualizations: </p
Esta pesquisa analisou o potencial empreendedor e a intenção empreendedora de estudantes da educação profissional no Ceará, por meio de uma pesquisa do tipo survey, com 477 estudantes. Os resultados indicam que os alunos do curso de comércio apresentaram intenção empreendedora superior em relação aos demais cursos, e que a intenção empreendedora é explicada por algumas características do potencial empreendedor. Assim, a pesquisa contribui para o campo da educação profissional à medida em que verificou fatores associados à intenção empreendedora de estudantes, preenchendo uma lacuna na literatura no que concerne ao perfil empreendedor de estudantes dessa modalidade de ensino, dando destaque a uma política de educação orientada ao empreendedorismo e à formação profissional para o trabalho.
In accordance with the increasing attention in entrepreneurship among tourism and hospitality, this study developed an innovative entrepreneurship curriculum specifically designed for undergraduate hospitality students. This study developed and evaluated creative module comprised of mentoring and creative problem solving (CPS) methods for undergraduate hospitality innovative entrepreneurship programs in Taiwan. A quasi-experimental design, with a sample of 122 students, estimated the causal impacts of educational intervention. Students in the experimental group participated in a mentoring and CPS-based course for a semester. The results showed that students who received the intervention significantly enhanced their innovative entrepreneurship as assessed by their GET2test scores. This study examined innovative entrepreneurship through qualitative and quantitative instruments. The findings support the positive impact of education on the entrepreneurial potential. Moreover, an innovative entrepreneurship cultivation model was drawn up that can provide the contributions of instructional content and learning progress that can help educators be well-prepared for the course and can predict students’ progress.
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The Entrepreneurship Education Project ( is a global, longitudinal research initiative through which university students offer entrepreneurship educators and researchers data-driven insights into the impact of entrepreneurial education on (1) both the motivational processes underlying students' road to entrepreneurship and through the entrepreneurial process and (2) the process of identity transformation from student to entrepreneur. Rooted in Social Cognitive Career Theory, the Entrepreneurship Education Project data initiative is the largest, most comprehensive study of students across the globe. Phase I data consist of over 18,000 student responses, spanning over 70 countries and 400 universities. This paper presents an overview of the data, study justification, and conceptual scheme. Initial studies provide results indicating the study measures met contemporary standards or reliability, exceed the average sample sizes of top-tier entrepreneurship journals, and present some very interesting questions to be explored in future research.
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One of the most frequently discussed topics in the entrepreneurship education literature is current practice in entrepreneurship education with regard to what is taught and how it is taught. The literature on entrepreneurship education is replete with statistics and reviews of entrepreneurship courses and programmes. In this paper, the authors take a different approach and propose a model that transcends the current understanding of entrepreneurship. Instead of asking what entrepreneurship education is and what it does, they ask what ideally it should be and should do. The authors suggest that there is a logical progression between existing approaches - paradigms - to teaching entrepreneurship, and that a fourth 'new' paradigm, 'everyday practice', constitutes the foundation for all other entrepreneurship education because it establishes the core entrepreneurial competence. They further identify four dimensions as the constituent elements of entrepreneurship as everyday practice.
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This study tests the effect of entrepreneurship education programmes on the entrepreneurial competencies and intention of university students in order to confirm (or disconfirm) conventional wisdom that entrepreneurial education increases the intention to start a business. We address the following research question: Do entrepreneurship education programmes raise the entrepreneurial competencies and intention of students? We used a pretest-post-test quasi-experimental design. Data were collected from 864 university students of Castilla & León (Spain), from 863 students (403 taking the programme and 460 in a control group). The results showed that students in the ‘programme’ group increased their competencies and intention towards self-employment, whereas students in the control group did not. The findings contribute to the theories of planned behaviour and to the literature of entrepreneurship education itself, by revealing the effect of specific benefits for the students derived from the entrepreneurship ‘programme’. KeywordsEntrepreneurial education–Entrepreneurial–Competencies–Entrepreneurial intention–Theory of planned behaviour
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Entrepreneurship is becoming a very relevant instrument to promote economic growth and development in different regional and national economies. However, social scientists have not still agreed on the determinants of the decision to become an entrepreneur. Therefore, there is some concern that policies may not be sufficiently efficient in achieving this objective. From a psychological point of view, the intention to become an entrepreneur has been described as the single best predictor of actual behaviour (Ajzen, 1991; Kolvereid, 1996). Hence, some studies have started to analyse the entrepreneurial intention and its determinants (Krueger et al., 2000) but however, methodologies and research instruments used so far differ widely. Then, the availability of a validated instrument to measure abilities, attitudes and intentions towards entrepreneurship could be of much help. In this paper, we use an Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire (EIQ), which has been recently validated, to measure entrepreneurial intentions in a sample of students from different Spanish universities. After a brief description of the characteristics and psychometric properties of the EIQ, most important results are discussed. In particular, we pay attention to the influence of different personal and family variables on the entrepreneurial intention level. These variables could be considered as belonging to the institutional environment of each territory. Differences in institutions -in a broad sense- may be a very relevant factor to explain divergent entrepreneurial activity levels. Results show how these external variables affect intention and, as a result actual entrepreneurial behaviour.
Current years have witnessed the ongoing interest in entrepreneurship, which is essentially understood as the emergence and growth of new businesses (Rosa et al., 1996). A wide range of factors have contributed to the revival of interest in entrepreneurship in USA, Europe and many other countries. In recent years, many industrialized countries have suffered from economic recessions and high unemployment rates. Given the prevailing economic conditions, policy makers worldwide have now begun to recognize the instrumental role of entrepreneurship for economic growth. New and growing businesses are seen as a solution to rising unemployment rates, and as a major catalyst to national economic prosperity (Acs et al., 1999; Bruyat and Julien, 2000). As a result of the proliferating emphasis worldwide on entrepreneurship as the catalyst for economic development and job creation, policy makers have developed a wide array of measures to support entrepreneurship (Gnyawali and Fogel, 1994; Maillat, 1998). Key among these is the call for academic institutions, such as universities, to contribute through appropriate educational programs, i.e., entrepreneurship education (Laukkanen, 2000). There appears to be a consensus that entrepreneurship education and training has a major role to play in the economic development of a country (Gibb, 1996). The nature, relevance and appropriateness of entrepreneurship education have been subject to increasing scrutiny since the late 1960s (Vesper, 1985) and it has been touted as an effective means of entrepreneurial learning (Johannisson, 1991). Indeed, entrepreneurship education has become an obvious complement to venture capital and incubators as tools in propelling economic advancement (McMullan and Long, 1987). Whilst there clearly is a rise in entrepreneurial spirit and hence, an increase in entrepreneurship education across nations worldwide, information supporting these assertions and descriptions of the roles of entrepreneurship education to educate and inspire individuals remain largely scattered and sporadic. This chapter aims to consolidate and synthesize the issues surrounding university entrepreneurship education such as whether or not entrepreneurship can be taught, the structure, effectiveness, and potential growth of entrepreneurship courses, ethical issues as well as new perspectives on entrepreneurship education.
Entrepreneurship has emerged over the last two decades as arguably the most potent economic force the world has ever experienced. With that expansion has come a similar increase in the field of entrepreneurship education. The recent growth and development in the curricula and programs devoted to entrepreneurship and new-venture creation have been remarkable. The number of colleges and universities that offer courses related to entrepreneurship has grown from a handful in the 1970s to over 1,600 in 2005. In the midst of this huge expansion remains the challenge of complete academic legitimacy for entrepreneurship. While it can be argued that some legitimacy has been attained in the current state of entrepreneurship education, there are critical challenges that lie ahead. This article focuses on the trends and challenges in entrepreneurship education for the 21st century.
Education reform: How to teach the higher education institutions to business
  • A Chepurenko
Chepurenko, A. (2013). Education reform: How to teach the higher education institutions to business. Retrieved from// URL: Kazakhstan in 2011 / the Statistical year-book / (2012), Kazakhstan Agency ofStatistics -Astana, 496.
The impact of entrepreneurship education: Introducing the Entrepreneurial Education Project // Proceedings of the 2 nd Annual ICSB Research and Policy Conference
  • E W Liguori
  • D Winkel
  • J Vanevenhoven
Liguori, E.W., Winkel, D., and Vanevenhoven, J. (2011). The impact of entrepreneurship education: Introducing the Entrepreneurial Education Project // Proceedings of the 2 nd Annual ICSB Research and Policy Conference. Washington DC.
Developing "Potential Entrepreneurs
  • E Petridou
  • K Sarri
Petridou E., Sarri, K. (2011). Developing "Potential Entrepreneurs" in Higher Education Institutes // Enterprising Culture. Vol. 19. Iss.79.