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An enigmatic plant-eating theropod from the Late Jurassic period of Chile


Abstract and Figures

Theropod dinosaurs were the dominant predators in most Mesozoic era terrestrial ecosystems. Early theropod evolution is currently interpreted as the diversification of various carnivorous and cursorial taxa, whereas the acquisition of herbivorism, together with the secondary loss of cursorial adaptations, occurred much later among advanced coelurosaurian theropods. A new, bizarre herbivorous basal tetanuran from the Upper Jurassic of Chile challenges this conception. The new dinosaur was discovered at Aysén, a fossil locality in the Upper Jurassic Toqui Formation of southern Chile (General Carrera Lake). The site yielded abundant and exquisitely preserved three-dimensional skeletons of small archosaurs. Several articulated individuals of Chilesaurus at different ontogenetic stages have been collected, as well as less abundant basal crocodyliforms, and fragmentary remains of sauropod dinosaurs (diplodocids and titanosaurians).
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LETTER doi:10.1038/nature14307
An enigmatic plant-eating theropod from the Late
Jurassic period of Chile
Fernando E. Novas
, Leonardo Salgado
, Manuel Sua
, Federico L. Agnolı
, Martı
´n D. Ezcurra
, Nicola
´s R. Chimento
Rita de la Cruz
, Marcelo P. Isasi
, Alexander O. Vargas
& David Rubilar-Rogers
Theropod dinosaurs were the dominant predators in most Mesozoic
era terrestrial ecosystems
. Early theropod evolution is currently
interpreted as the diversification of various carnivorous and curs-
orial taxa, whereas the acquisition of herbivorism, together withthe
secondary loss of cursorial adaptations, occurred much later among
advanced coelurosaurian theropods
. A new, bizarre herbivorous
basal tetanuran from the Upper Jurassic of Chile challenges this
conception. The new dinosaur was discovered at Ayse
´n, a fossil
locality in the Upper Jurassic Toqui Formation of southern Chile
(General Carrera Lake)
. The site yielded abundantand exquisitely
preserved three-dimensional skeletons of small archosaurs. Several
articulated individuals of
at different ontogenetic stages
have been collected, as well as less abundant basal crocodyliforms,
and fragmentary remains of sauropod dinosaurs (diplodocids and
Theropoda Marsh, 1881
Tetanurae Gauthier, 1986
Chilesaurus diegosuarezi
gen. et sp. nov.
Etymology. In reference to Chile, and honoring Diego Sua
´rez, who at
the age of 7, discovered the first bone remains in the Toqui Formation.
Holotype. Servicio Nacional de Geologı
´a y Mine
´a, Chile (SNGM)-
1935 consists of a nearly complete, articulated skeleton, approximately
1.6 m long (Fig. 1, Supplementary Information and Extended Data
Fig. 1). Holotype specimen was skeletally immature at the time of its
death, as evidenced by the incomplete fusion of neurocentral sutures.
This ontogenetic inference agrees with the size of the holotype, which
represents 50% the length of the larger specimen SNGM-1888 (ref. 3).
Paratypes. Postcranial skeletons of four individuals, corresponding to
different ontogenetic stages, ranging approximately from 1.2 to 3.2 m
in total length (Extended Data Table 1). Several specimens referred to
as indeterminate theropods and tetanurans previously
are here
referred to as Chilesaurus diegosuarezi.
Locality and horizon. Central Patagonian Cordillera, Ayse
´n (Chile;
approximately 46uS); Toqui Formation
, Tithonian, latest Jurassic.
Diagnosis. Chilesaurus differs from other dinosaurs in the following
combination of autapomorphies: premaxilla short and deep, with
prominent plate-like postnarial process; teeth leaf-shaped, being finely
denticulate only on the crown apex of erupting teeth; coracoid sub-
quadrangular in side view and with transversely thick margins; manual
digit II with short pre-ungual phalanges; manual digit III atrophied;
iliac blade with posterodorsal prominence; ischiadic peduncle of ilium
robust; supracetabular crest absent; pubis fully retroverted; pubic
shaft rod-like and distally unexpanded; femoral mediodistal crest
absent; tibia without fibular crest. In addition, Chilesaurus shows the
following unique combination of characters: dentary deeper anteriorly
than posteriorly; cervicals with septate and paired pleurocoels; pubic
apron transversely narrow; ischia connected through a proximodis-
tally extended medial lamina (‘ischial apron’); femoral greater trochan-
ter anteroposteriorly expanded, astragalar ascending process lower
than astragalar body; calcaneum subtriangular in distal view; meta-
tarsal I robust, elongate, and proximally compressed transversely;
metatarsal II transversely wider than the other metatarsals; pedal digit
I large.
Isolated skull material (including premaxilla, maxillae, frontals,
postorbital, squamosal, basicranium, ectopterygoid and dentary;
Extended Data Fig. 2), suggests a proportionally small head for
Chilesaurus. The premaxilla is short and deep, with a rugose rostral
margin that suggests a ramphotheca (Fig. 2). Frontals are elongate and
narrow and participate extensively in the orbital margin. The basi-
sphenoidal recess is deep. The dentary is short and deep, with a down-
turned symphyseal region but a straight alveolar margin. Dentary teeth
are tall, leaf-shaped, and procumbent, with small serrations restricted
to the crown apex (Fig. 2).
Cervical vertebrae are long and low, forming a slender neck.
Cervical and anterior dorsal vertebrae possess a pair of septate pleur-
ocoels, which are absent posterior to the pectoral region (Fig. 1g).
‘Pectoral’ vertebrae bear prominent hypapophyses.
The scapular blade (Extended Data Fig. 3) is elongate and slightly
anteroposteriorly expanded distally, as in basal averostrans
. The cor-
acoid is subquadrangular and lacks theropod characteristics such as
the posteroventral process and biceps tuberosity
. It is notably thick
transversely, contrasting with the delicate anterodorsal and dorsal
margins of most dinosaurs. The limb bones are stout, as in sauropo-
domorphs, and forelimb length is 56% that of hind limbs. The
humerus is proximodistally short and transversely wide (Extended
Data Fig. 3). The single proximal carpal is large, with a transversely
convex proximal articular surface. Metacarpals I–III are present, but
only manual digits I and II are well developed (Fig. 1d–f). Metacarpal I
is stout, and phalanx 1-I is short and strongly twisted along its main
axis, as in basal sauropodomorphs
. The ungual of digit I is shorter
than metacarpal II and less curved than most basal tetanurans
Metacarpal II is the longest, and its digit presents strongly shortened
pre-ungual phalanges, as in some ceratosaurians
. Metacarpal III is
much more slender than in basal theropods, and its digit comprises
a single minute phalanx.
The ilium is dolichoiliac, typical for Theropoda
(Fig. 1b). The pubic
pedicle is elongate (as in sauropods, ornithischians and therizino-
), and the ischiadic peduncle is bulbous, as in ornithischians
and alvarezsaurid coelurosaurs
. A prominent supratrochanteric pro-
cess is present on the posterodorsalcorner of the ilium, similar to those
of sauropods, therizinosaurs, paravians, and some ornithischians
The acetabular roof is transversely narrow and a supracetabular crest
is absent, as occurs in derived coelurosaurs and ornithopods
The pubis (Fig. 1b, c) closely resembles that of basal ornithischians,
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘‘B. Rivadavia’’, Av. A
´ngel Gallardo 470 (C1405DJR), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Instituto de Investigacio
´n en Paleobiologı
´a y Geologı
´a, Universidad
Nacional de Rı
´o Negro, General Roca 1242, General Roca (8332), Rı
´o Negro, Argentina.
Universidad Andres Bello, Geologı
´a, Facultad de Ingenierı
´a, Sazie 2315, Santiago, Chile.
´n de Historia
Natural Fe
´lix de Azara, Universidad Maimo
´nides, Hidalgo 775 (C1405BDB), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham
B15 2TT, UK.
Servicio Nacional de Geologı
´a y Minerı
´a, Avenida Santa Marı
´a 0104, Santiago 8330177, Chile.
Red Paleontolo
´gica U-Chile. Laboratorio de Ontogenia y Filogenia, Departamento de Biologı
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Santiago 7800003, Chile.
´rea Paleontologı
´a, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Chile, casilla 787, Santiago, Chile.
00 MONTH 2015 | VOL 000 | NATURE | 1
therizinosaurs and dromaeosaurid paravians in being fully retroverted,
with a reduced proximal end bearing a posteriorly open obturator
. The pubic apron is transversely narrow and the pubis has a
rod-like shaft. It is distally unexpanded with a rounded contour, shar-
ply contrasting with the prominent distal ‘foot’ of other theropods
The ischium (Fig. 1a, b) is proximally expanded and lacks an obturator
process. Notably, both ischia are connected through a proximodistally
extended medial lamina (ischial apron), a feature reported in some
The femur is robust (Extended Data Fig. 4). The greater trochanter
is anteroposteriorly expanded, similar to coelurosaurs. The anterior
trochanter is wing-like and proximally projected, and the fourth tro-
chanter is semicircular. The distal third of the femur resembles saur-
opodomorphs in that it lacks distinctive theropod features, such as an
anteromedial elliptical muscle scar, a mediodistal crest and its assoc-
iated medial adductor fossa. The cnemial crest of tibia (Extended Data
Fig. 4) is rounded in lateral view, as in basal sauropodomorphs and
basal ornithischians, and differs from the subtriangular crest
present in most basal theropods
. As in sauropodomorphs, and
unlike most theropods, the proximal end of the tibia lacks a fibular
. Like theropods, the distal end of the tibia is anteroposteriorly
compressed with a laterally extending malleolus, more transversely
expanded than in coelophysoids, but less than in tetanurans
The fibula lacks a proximomedial pocket and iliofibular tubercle.
The tarsus (Fig. 1k–m) resembles basal saurischians
. The astragalar
ascending process is low and broad, unlike tetanurans, in which
it is laminar, tall, and transversely wide
. The proximal astragalar
surface possesses a deep, well-defined basin posterior to the ascending
process, as in basal dinosaurs. As in early saurischians (for example,
Herrerasaurus, basal sauropodomorphs), the calcaneum of Chilesaurus
is transversely wide and subtriangular in distal view, rather than rect-
angular and disc-shaped as in theropods
. The foot is wide and
proximodistally short (Fig. 1h–j). The proximal half of metatarsal I is
transversely compressed but anteroposteriorly expanded, unlike most
theropods, in which it tapers proximally. Metatarsal I of Chilesaurus
representsmore than 50% of the length of metatarsal II, in contrast with
mt I
mt I
mt IV
2 cm
2 cm 0.5 cm
0.5 cm
50 cm
2 cm
2 cm
mtc I
mtc III
mt II
mt III
Figure 1
Skeletal anatomy of
Chilesaurus diegosuarezi
gen. et sp. nov.
a, Reconstructed skeleton (SNGM-1935). b, Fourth cervical vertebra (SNGM-
1935) in right lateral view, with a close-up of tabicated anterior pleurocoel.
c,d, Composite reconstruction of right hand (carpals, metacarpals, and non-
ungual phalanges of digits I and II are from specimen SNGM-1935; ungual
phalanges I and II are from specimen SNGM-1937; metacarpal III is from
specimen SNGM-1887) in dorsal (c) and medial (d) views. e, Pelvic girdle
(SNGM-1936) in right lateral view. f, Articulated ischia (SNGM-1936) in
posterior view. g, Articulated pubes (SNGM-1936) in anterior view.
h, Proximal tarsals (SNGM-1888) in distal view. i,j, Left astragalus (SNGM-
1936) in proximal (l) and anterior (m) views. k–m, Left pes (SNGM-1937) in
dorsal (k), medial (l) and proximal (m) views. ap, ascending process; ast,
astragalus; b, basin; c, carpal; calc, calcaneum; ia, ischiadic apron; is, ischium;
mtc, metacarpal;p, pubis; poz, postzygapophysis; pps,posterior pleurocoel; prz,
prezygapophysis; ps, pubic symphysis; I, II, III, IV, digits first to fourth.
2 | NATURE | VOL 000 | 00 MONTH 2015
most other theropods (25–33%)
. Metatarsal III is the longest, but
metatarsal II is the thickest, as in basal sauropodomorphs. Digit I is
large, only slightly shorter than digit II, approaching the tetradactyl
condition of early sauropodomorphs, ornithischians
and derived
The bizarre anatomy of Chilesaurus raises interesting questions
about its phylogenetic relationships. We scored Chilesaurus into four
different integrative archosauriform, theropod and sauropodomorph
data sets
. Remarkably, all these analyses placed Chilesaurus as
a member of Theropoda, near the origin of tetanurans
(Fig. 3a),
dismissing conceivable positions near Therizinosauria, Sauropodo-
morpha or Ornithischia. The theropodan position of Chilesaurus is
supported by pleurocoels in cervical and anterior dorsal vertebrae;
hypapophyses on ‘pectoral’ vertebrae; preacetabular process of ilium
1 cm
0.2 cm 0.05 cm
0.01 cm
Figure 2
Selected cranial bones and teeth of
Chilesaurus diegosuarezi
et sp. nov. (SNGM-1935). a, Partial right (?) maxilla in lateral view. b,Left
premaxilla in medial view. c, Right dentary in lateral view. d, Details of dentary
teeth in lingual view. e, Crownof unerupted dentarytooth. f, Detail of the carina
of an unerupted tooth (arrows indicate denticle positions). alv, alveoli; cr,
crown tooth; ro, root tooth.
–5 0 5
–2 0
Figure 3
Phylogenetic relationships of
Chilesaurus diegosuarezi
gen. et sp.
nov. among main dinosaur clades and its plots in the theropod
morphospaces. a, Time-calibrated simplified strict consensus tree, in which
the green bars indicate herbivorous dinosaur lineages
. E, Early; L, Late; M,
Middle. Aal, Aalenian; Alb, Albian; Apt, Aptian; Baj, Bajocian; Ber, Berriasian;
Brm, Barremian; Bth, Bathonian; Clv, Callovian; Crn, Carnian; Cmp,
Campanian; Cnm, Cenomanian; Con, Coniacian; Hau, Hauterivian; Het,
Hettangian; Kim, Kimmeridgian; Maa, Maastrichtian; Nor, Norian; Oxf,
Oxfordian; Plb, Pliensbachian; Rh, Rhaetian; Sin, Sinemurian; Stn, Santonian;
Tth, Tithonian; Toa, Toarcian; Tur, Turonian; Vlg, Valanginian. Numbers
indicate millions of years ago. bd,Chilesaurus diegosuarezi gen. et sp. nov.
plotted in the theropod morphospace (principal coordinate (PCO)1 versus
PCO2) based on axial skeleton (b); scapular girdle and forelimb (c); and pelvic
girdle (d). Red dots in b–d indicate the position of Chilesaurus.
00 MONTH 2015 | VOL 000 | NATURE | 3
dorsoventrally expanded; femoral fourth trochanter semicircular; and
tibia distally expanded and with lateral malleolus extending strongly
laterally. Tetanuran affinities are supported by scapular blade elongate
and strap-like; distal carpal semilunate; and manual digit III reduced
(Supplementary Information). For a basal tetanuran, Chilesaurus pos-
sesses a number of surprisingly plesiomorphic traits on the hindlimbs,
especially in the ankle and foot, which resemble basal sauropodo-
. These features are here considered as secondary reversals
that might be related to a less-cursorial mode of locomotion.
Furthermore, derived features of the dentary and teeth shared by
Chilesaurus, sauropodomorphs and therizinosaurs are interpreted as
homoplasies related to herbivorous habits
retroversion of Chilesaurus may be related to an increased gut capacity
for processing plant material
The discovery of Chilesaurus lends support to the interpretation
that dietary diversification towards herbivory was more common-
place among basal theropods than previously thought. Independent
evolution of herbivory has been recognized for several major coelur-
osaurian subclades
, but for just a single probable example outside
Coelurosauria (that is, the toothless ceratosaurian Limusaurus
Chilesaurus expands the list of non-coelurosaurian theropods that
shifted their diet from carnivore to herbivore.
Chilesaurus represents an extreme case of mosaic evolution among
dinosaurs, owing to the presence of dental, cranial and postcranial fea-
tures that are homoplastic with multiple disparate groups. Using quant-
itative morphospace analysis, we explored morphospace occupation of
different skeletal regions in Chilesaurus with respect to a variety of avian
and non-avian theropods. This shows that Chilesaurus has a ceratosaur-
like axial skeleton, a ‘basal tetanuran’ forelimb and scapular girdle, a
coelurosaur-like pelvis, and a tetanuran-like hindlimb (Fig. 3b–d and
Extended Data Fig. 5). General ankle and foot construction does not
group with any theropod clade, probably as a result of the characters
shared by Chilesaurus, sauropodomorphs and herrerasaurids.
Chilesaurus is the numerically dominant taxon in the Ayse
´n tet-
rapod fossil assemblage, and represents an unusual case of a theropod
having the palaeoecological role of a preeminent small-to-medium
sized herbivore in a Jurassic ecosystem. This is in sharp contrast with
other Late Jurassic dinosaur assemblages (for example, Tendaguru and
Morrison formations
), in which ornithischian dinosaurs are the
most abundant small-to-medium sized herbivores. Available evidence
indicates that Chilesaurus is a unique dinosaur lineage known only
from southern South America, suggesting an outstanding case of
endemism among otherwise relatively cosmopolitan worldwide
Jurassic dinosaur faunas
Chilesaurus illustrates how much relevant data on the early diver-
sification of major dinosaur clades remain unknown. It also provides
an important cautionary benchmark in our attempts to gain a reliable
view of the overall evolutionary history of Dinosauria.
Online Content Methods, along with any additional Extended Data display items
and SourceData, are available in theonline version of the paper;references unique
to these sections appear only in the online paper.
Received 19 September 2014; accepted 10 February 2015.
Published online 27 April 2015.
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Supplementary Information is available in the online version of the paper.
Acknowledgements We thankP. Barrett, A. Milner and R. Butler for comments on early
versions of this manuscript. We are grateful to C. Alsina, M. Milani, R. Stoll and
M. Aranciaga for field assistance and technical preparation of Chilesaurus specimens.
G. Lio executed the silhouette of Chilesaurus in Fig. 1. C. Burke offered support to
conduct fieldwork and technical preparation of the specimens. We are indebted to the
AgenciaNacional de Promocio
´n Cientı
´ficay Tecnolo
´gica (PICT 2010-066to F.E.N.) and
the Fondo Nacionalde Desarrollo Cientı
´ficoy Tecnolo
´gico (no. 1121140and 1030162
to M.S.) for continuing financial assistance.
Author Contributions F.E.N., L.S., M.S., F.L.A., M.D.E., N.R.C.,A.O.V. and D.R.-R. designed
the study,collected data, performed the comparative and analytical work, andwrote the
paper. R.d.l.C. and M.P.I. collected data and contributed to the writing and discussion.
Author Information Datahave been deposited in ZooBankunder Life ScienceIdentifier
Reprints and permissions information is available at The
authors declare no competing financial interests.Readers are welcome to comment on
the online version of the paper. Correspondence and requests for materials should be
addressed to F.E.N. (
4 | NATURE | VOL 000 | 00 MONTH 2015
Extended Data Figure 1
Holotype of
Chilesaurus diegosuarezi
gen. et sp.
nov. (SNGM-1935) as it was found in the field. Cd, caudal vertebrae; Cv,
cervical vertebrae; Dv, dorsal vertebrae; Lf, left forelimb; Lfem, left femur; Lsc,
left scapulocoracoid; Ltib, left tibia; Rf, right forelimb; Sk, skull.
Extended Data Figure 2
Selected skull bones of
Chilesaurus diegosuarezi
gen. et sp. nov. (SNGM-1935; holotype). a, Right frontal in dorsal view;
b, right postorbital in lateral view;c, incomplete right (?) maxilla in lateral view;
d, right dentary in medial view. al, alveolus; ao, antorbital opening; or, orbital
rim; t, teeth; tf, lower temporal fossa rim.
Extended Data Figure 3
Scapular girdle and selected forelimb bones of
Chilesaurus diegosuarezi
gen. et sp. nov. a, b, Left scapula and coracoid
(SNGM-1938) in lateral (a) and posterior (b) views. c, Left humerus (SNGM-
1938) in anterior view; d, left radius (SNGM-1935, holotype) in lateral view;
and e, left ulna (SNGM-1935, holotype) in lateral view. cf, coracoid foramen;
dp, deltopectoral crest; gl, glenoid cavity; ol, olecranon process.
Extended Data Figure 4
Selected hindlimb elements of
gen. et sp. nov. a, b, Right femur (SNGM-1935) in anterior
(a) and lateral (b) views. ce, Articulatedright tibia and fibula (SNGM-1935) in
posterior (c), medial (d) and proximal (e) views. at, anterior trochanter; cn,
cnemial crest; f, fibula; fh, femoral head, 4t, fourth trochanter; gt, greater
trochanter, ic, inner condyle; oc, outer condyle; t, tibia; tfc, tibiofibular crest.
Extended Data Figure 5
Bivariate plots showing the results of the
morphospace occupation analysis of
Chilesaurus diegosuarezi
gen. et sp.
nov. based on characters of different regions of the skeleton, taken from the
modified data matrix and the first and second axes of the principal
coordinate analysis. ad, Bivariate plots using all the characters (a), cranial
characters (b), hindlimb zeugopodium and stylopodium characters (c), and
tarsal and pedal characters (d). The convex hulls represent different
dinosauriform groups rather than statistically distinct clusters. Light grey
polygon, non-neotheropod dinosauriforms; blue polygon, non-averostran
neotheropods; green polygon, ceratosaurs; pink polygon, megalosauroids; dark
grey polygon, allosauroids; light blue polygon, coelurosaurs; red dot,
Extended Data Table 1
Selected postcranial measurements of
three specimens of Chilesaurus diegosuarezi gen. et sp. nov.
Measurements are in mm. All the values represent maximum mea-
surable lengths.
Maximum deviation of the digital calliper equals 0.02 mm but measurements were rounded to the
nearest 0.1 mm.
... We also investigated the size effect within our dataset by computing Pearson's correlation tests between The evolution of giant theropod femora 7 the log-transformed centroid size and estimated body masses of each specimen and their distribution along the chosen PC axis using the R function cor.test, for which a significant result would indicate that shape variation along that axis had an allometric component ). We constructed a phylogeny following Carrano and Sampson (2008), Carrano et al. (2012), Brusatte and Carr (2016), Zanno and Makovicky (2013), Turner et al. (2012), Novas et al. (2015), and Funston (2020) using Mesquite software v. 3.6.1 (Maddison and Maddison 2019) with all branch lengths set to one (Fig. 1). We mapped this phylogeny onto the PCA in order to compute a phylomorphospace using the function of the geomorph package. ...
... Phylogenetic tree of the theropods studied, based onCarrano and Sampson (2008),Carrano et al. (2012),Brusatte and Carr (2016),Zanno and Makovicky (2013),Turner et al. (2012),Novas et al. (2015), and Funston (2020). Silhouettes are from S. Hartman. ...
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Theropods are obligate bipedal dinosaurs that appeared 230 Ma and are still extant as birds. Their history is characterized by extreme variations in body mass, with gigantism evolving convergently between many lineages. However, no quantification of hindlimb functional morphology has shown whether these body mass increases led to similar specializations between distinct lineages. Here we studied femoral shape variation across 41 species of theropods (n = 68 specimens) using a high-density 3D geometric morphometric approach. We demonstrated that the heaviest theropods evolved wider epiphyses and a more distally located fourth trochanter, as previously demonstrated in early archosaurs, along with an upturned femoral head and a mediodistal crest that extended proximally along the shaft. Phylogenetically informed analyses highlighted that these traits evolved convergently within six major theropod lineages, regardless of their maximum body mass. Conversely, the most gracile femora were distinct from the rest of the dataset, which we interpret as a femoral specialization to “miniaturization” evolving close to Avialae (bird lineage). Our results support a gradual evolution of known “avian” features, such as the fusion between lesser and greater trochanters and a reduction of the epiphyseal offset, independent from body mass variations, which may relate to a more “avian” type of locomotion (more knee than hip driven). The distinction between body mass variations and a more “avian” locomotion is represented by a decoupling in the mediodistal crest morphology, whose biomechanical nature should be studied to better understand the importance of its functional role in gigantism, miniaturization, and higher parasagittal abilities.
... The two theropod specimens from the Blue Lias Formation that for the basis of study were first added to the large early dinosaur datasets of Baron et al. (2017a), as modified first by Langer et al. (2017) and then by Baron et al. (2017b). BMNH 39496 and GSM 109560 were then also scored into the more theropod-focused datasets of Zahner and Brinkmann (2019) and of Smith et al. (2010), the latter as further modified by Novas et al. (2015) and then Baron (2024). Specimens BMNH 39496 and GSM 109560 were scored individually and in combination, as a single operational taxonomic unit (OTU) in each dataset. ...
... This taxon seems to have been a contemporary of other, non-averostran theropods, as well as a numerous other vertebrates, including at least one thyreophoran ornithischian dinosaur (Norman, 2020), and this picture of Early Jurassic terrestrial fauna is consistent with other localities of a similar age globally. We see a similar combination of early ornithischians/possible thyreophoran ornithischians and early branching averostran theropods in Novas et al. (2015), and then Baron (2024) -Dornraptor normani again recovered within Averostra. ...
... Chilesaurus diegosuarezi was described as an enigmatic tetanuran theropod from the Late Jurassic of Chile (Novas et al., 2015), and later suggested to be a basal ornithischian linking the clade with Neotheropoda . The problems with evidence for its inclusion in Ornithischia were discussed in detail by Madzia et al. (2021) and to a lesser degree by Norman et al. (2022). ...
... Most of the "wilcards" are taxa known uniquely for immature semaphoronts and thus could not be directly compared to the majority of OTUs (which are known uniquely for mature semaphoronts): yet, despite being reconstructed in several equallyparsimonious alternative placements, exploration of the shortest trees shows that each of these "unstable" OTUs keeps being consistently placed in a restricted section of the topology (a grade), and does not impact the large-scale topology and the relationships among the main branches (Fig. 4). Relevant relationships supported by the analysis are the placement in Dinosauria of the "silesaurids" as a paraphyletic series of early-branching ornithischians (Müller & Garcia, 2020), the placement of Herrerasauria in Theropoda, the coelophysoid-grade neotheropods forming a paraphyletic series leading to Averostra, the noasauridgrade abelisauroids forming a paraphyletic series leading to the abelisaurids, the sister group relationship between Elaphrosaurus and the "bahariasaurids" in Abelisauroidea, the tetanuran placement of Chilesaurus (Novas et al., 2015), the exclusion of Megalosauroidea from Neotetanurae (Carrano et al., 2012), the placement of Megaraptora in Tyrannosauroidea (Fig. 4, see also figure in SOM 2), the sister group relationship between ornithomimosaurs and therizinosauroids, the troodontid-grade paravians forming a paraphyletic series leading to Avialae, the anchiornithidgrade avialans forming a paraphyletic series leading to Scansoriopterygidae, and the referral of the enigmatic giant avialan Gargantuavis (Buffetaut & Loleuff, 1998;Mayr et al., 2019) to Enantiornithes ( Fig. 4; see also figure in SOM 3). ...
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Known since the 19 th Century, the compsognathids are among the smallest predatory dinosaurs, and include the first feathered non-avian species found. Traditionally, compsognathids have been considered small and unspecialized coelurosaurs, closer to birds than large-bodied forms like allosauroids and megalosaurids. Yet, all known compsognathids are based on skeletally-immature specimens, and this challenges the accuracy of their traditional phyletic placement. Despite the role of heterochrony in dinosaur evolution is widely recognized, the impact of ontogenetic-biased miscodings in shaping theropod phylogenetics is mostly underestimated. Herein, I show that the standard framework of theropod macroevolution is biased by a series of coding artifacts which violate semaphoront equality prescribed by phylogenetic systematics. I introduce "Ontogenetic State Partitioning" (OSP), a novel coding protocol which integrates ontogenetic and morphological variation under a total evidence approach, and apply it to a densely sampled data set focusing on Mesozoic theropods. The phylogenetic analysis dismissed "Compsognathidae" from being a natural group: its members are identified as juvenile morphs nested among several non-maniraptoriform tetanuran lineages. Conservatism in the immature body plan and greater disparity among large-sized adults differentiate the predatory communities dominated by non-coelurosaurian species (e.g., the so called "triumvirates") from the maniraptoriform-tyrannosaurid faunas (herein named "tyrannies"). This clade-specific differentiation among the communities is confirmed by an analysis of the predatory guild structures including all growth stages: triumvirates and tyrannies result as particular cases along a continuum of communities regulated mainly by alternative contributions of the small-and medium-sized classes. The oldest tyrannies (early Late Cretaceous in age) cluster among non-tyranny communities, supporting the hypothesis that tyrannosaurid-dominated faunas acquired their peculiar structure only after the extinction of the non-coelurosaurian components. The macroevolutionary trajectory that led the maniraptoriforms to realize the avian-like biology may have precluded them from occupying hypercarnivorous large-bodied niches: this bauplan constraint would have favored the tyrannosauroids in opportunistically assuming the apex predatory roles in Late Cretaceous Asiamerica but not elsewhere. The large-scale structure of the Cenozoic radiation of birds is coherent with the framework introduced herein.
... Regarding other South American Jurassic theropods, Tachiraptor (Langer et al., 2014) and Pandoravenator (Rauhut & Pol, 2017) do not preserve either a dentary or teeth, but it can be noted that these taxa are considerably smaller than MPEF-PV 6775. In the case of Chilesaurus, the teeth are highly specialized (Novas et al., 2015), contrasting with the typically recurved, predatory theropod tooth crowns present in MPEF-PV 6775. Ceratosaurian theropods from the Jurassic are scarce in the Southern Hemisphere and none of these records include a dentary. ...
... This very unlikely scenario is due to the consideration of Chilesaurus diegosuarezi as ornithischian, as proposed by Dieudonné et al. (2020). Our results indicate that this taxon is best interpreted as saurischian, or even theropod as originally proposed (Novas et al., 2015), contradicting more recent hypotheses (Baron, 2019;Baron & Barrett, 2018). In this context, the recovery of H. martinhotomasorum within Dryosauridae is probably due to the long branch attraction effect and different optimization criteria. ...
Iguanodontia is a diverse clade of herbivorous ornithischian dinosaurs that were speciose and abundant during the Jurassic and Cretaceous. Although the monophyly of Iguanodontia is well supported, their internal relationships have sparked heated debate due to several phylogenetic paradigm shifts. Late Jurassic basally branching iguanodontians in particular are not well understood in terms of their systematic affinities and evolutionary relevance. Their fossil record in Europe is meager compared with North America, with only a few species currently recognized. Two taxa are currently known from the Upper Jurassic of England, the basally branching styracosternan Cumnoria prestwichii and the putative dryosaurid Callovosaurus leedsi. In the Upper Jurassic of Portugal, the styracosternan Draconyx loureiroi and the dryosaurid Eousdryosaurus nanohallucis are presently the only described basally branching iguanodontians. Here we report a new species of early diverging iguanodontian from the Upper Jurassic Lourinhã Formation of western-central Portugal. The new species is clearly distinguished from all other coeval taxa by an exclusive combination of characters that include a tibia with a cnemial crest that is directed craniolaterally and a fibular condyle that is angled at 90°with respect to the proximal epiphysis, a fibula with symmetrical proximal margins, and a reduced metatarsal I. The phylogenetic relationships of the Lourinhã iguanodontian were explored using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. The two analyses recover the Lourinhã iguanodontian as an indeterminate dryomorphan, with more precise affinities precluded due to the current available material. Body size is estimated between 3 and 4 meters for the holotype specimen, adding to the diversity of small ornithopods already recognized in the paleoichnological record of the Lourinhã Formation.
... This setting allows the robot to mimic the spreading and folding of the arm as a consequence of automatic wrist folding 81 , which has been observed in volant birds 81 and, more recently, in alligators and ostriches 82 . Therefore, by using the extant phylogenetic bracketing approach 83 and considering the presence of propatagium 59 , we can reasonably expect Caudipteryx to have used a similar mechanism, as has been proposed even for Chilesaurus 84 of debated affinity inside Dinosauria [85][86][87] . ...
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Numerous non-avian dinosaurs possessed pennaceous feathers on their forelimbs (proto-wings) and tail. Their functions remain unclear. We propose that these pennaceous feathers were used in displays to flush hiding prey through stimulation of sensory-neural escape pathways in prey, allowing the dinosaurs to pursue the flushed prey. We evaluated the escape behavior of grasshoppers to hypothetical visual flush-displays by a robotic dinosaur, and we recorded neurophysiological responses of grasshoppers’ escape pathway to computer animations of the hypothetical flush-displays by dinosaurs. We show that the prey of dinosaurs would have fled more often when proto-wings were present, especially distally and with contrasting patterns, and when caudal plumage, especially of a large area, was used during the hypothetical flush-displays. The reinforcing loop between flush and pursue functions could have contributed to the evolution of larger and stiffer feathers for faster running, maneuverability, and stronger flush-displays, promoting foraging based on the flush-pursue strategy. The flush-pursue hypothesis can explain the presence and distribution of the pennaceous feathers, plumage color contrasts, as well as a number of other features observed in early pennaraptorans. This scenario highlights that sensory-neural processes underlying prey’s antipredatory reactions may contribute to the origin of major evolutionary innovations in predators.
... Teeth coexist with rhamphotheca-like keratin structures in the same rostral bones of some primitive sauropodomorphs, sauropods and ornithischians. Chilesaurus diegosuarezi is another interesting case where a rostral rhamphotheca-like keratin structure might have coexisted with distal premaxillary teeth (Novas et al. [18]). However, this species is currently difficult to assess due to the fragmentary nature of the jaws and uncertain position in the dinosaur phylogeny [19][20][21]. ...
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Teeth evolved early in vertebrate evolution, and their morphology reflects important specializations in diet and ecology among species. The toothless jaws (edentulism) in extant birds likely coevolved with beak keratin, which functionally replaced teeth. However, extinct dinosaurs lost teeth multiple times independently and exhibited great variation in toothrow distribution and rhamphotheca-like keratin structures. Here, we use rostral jawbone surface texture as a proxy for rostral keratin covering and phylogenetic comparative models to test for the influence of rostral keratin on toothrow distribution in Mesozoic dinosaurs. We find that the evolution of rostral keratin covering explains partial toothrow reduction but not jaw toothlessness. Toothrow reduction preceded the evolution of rostral keratin cover in theropods. Non-theropod dinosaurs evolved continuous toothrows despite evolving rostral keratin covers (e.g. some ornithischians and sauropodomorphs). We also show that rostral keratin covers did not significantly increase the evolutionary rate of tooth loss, which further delineates the antagonistic relationship between these structures. Our results suggest that the evolution of rostral keratin had a limited effect on suppressing tooth development. Independent changes in jaw development may have facilitated further tooth loss. Furthermore, the evolution of strong chemical digestion, a gizzard, and a dietary shift to omnivory or herbivory likely alleviated selective pressures for tooth development.
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Many recent studies of theropod relationships have been focused on the phylogeny of coelurosaurs and the question of the origin of birds, but the interrelationships and evolution of basal theropods are still poorly understood. Thus, this paper presents a phylogenetic analysis of all theropods, but focuses on the basal members of this clade. The result supports the inclusion of Eoraptor and herrerasaurids in the Theropoda, but differs from other recent studies in two main aspects: (1) The taxa usually grouped as ceratosaurs form two monophyletic clades that represent successively closer outgroups to tetanurans. The more basal of these clades, the Coelophysoidea, comprise the majority of Late Triassic and Early Jurassic theropods. The other clade of basal theropods that are usually included in the Ceratosauria comprises Ceratosaurus, Elaphrosaurus, and abelisaurids. (2) Two monophyletic groups of basal tetanurans are recognized: the Spinosauroidea and the Allosauroidea. In contrast to other recent phylogenetic hypotheses, both clades are united in a monophyletic Carnosauria. The branching pattern of the present cladogram is in general accordance with the stratigraphic occurrence of theropod taxa. Despite the differences in recent analyses, there is a significant level of consensus in theropod phylogeny. At least four different radiations of non-avian theropods can be recognized. These radiations show different patterns in Laurasia and Gondwana, and there are increasing differences between the theropod faunas of the two hemispheres from the Triassic to the Cretaceous.
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The tarsus and distal end of the tibia are described in Herrerasauridae, a family that includes the oldest known dinosaurs. This tarsal configuration is compared to those of more advanced dinosaurs and to other archosaurs. Through phylogenetic analysis of the morphological characters, a picture emerges of the evolutionary changes in the ankles of early dinosaurs. The tibia of the herrerasaurids has a quadrangular distal articular surface, with a shallow ventrolateral notch. This morphology is strikingly similar to that of the lagosuchid thecodonts Pseudolagosuchus and Lagosuchus and represents the most primitive tibial condition known for Dinosauria. Aside from the derived states possessed by Theropoda, Sauropodomorpha, and Ornithischia, respectively, it was impossible to recognize synapomorphies in tibiotarsal anatomy shared by these groups exclusive of Herrerasauridae. The transverse broadening of the distal end of the tibia seems to have been attained independently by ornithischians, theropods, and sauropodomorphs. The tarsus of herrerasaurids is characterized by an astragalus with a small but conspicuous lateroventral depression, by a pyramidal calcaneum with a ventromedial projection that articulates into the cavity of the astragalus just mentioned, and by a posterolaterally directed calcaneal tuber. These characters are also seen in Lagosuchus (a close relative of dinosaurs), in the prosauropod Riojasaurus and, insofar as the astragalus is concerned, in the primitive dinosaur Walkeria , which suggests that dinosaurs of different lineages shared the same tarsal condition. By definition, this type of articulation between the astragalus and calcaneum follows the “crocodile-reversed” tarsal condition, suggesting that the tarsus in lagosuchids and dinosaurs could be derived from the “crocodile-reversed” pattern present in Ornithosuchidae and Euparkeria . In contrast, the mesotarsal ankle of lagosuchids and dinosaurs lacks the synapomorphies of the “crocodile-normal” ankle present in Crocodylia, Rauisuchidae, Aetosauria, and other archosaurs. It is concluded that Herrerasauridae retained the primitive tibiotarsal condition for Dinosauria, from which those of the Ornithischia, Sauropodomorpha, and Theropoda were derived. Furthermore, tibiotarsal anatomy supports monophyly of Dinosauria.
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Interpreting key ecological parameters, such as diet, of extinct organisms without the benefit of direct observation or explicit fossil evidence poses a formidable challenge for paleobiological studies. To date, dietary categorizations of extinct taxa are largely generated by means of modern analogs; however, for many species the method is subject to considerable ambiguity. Here we present a refined approach for assessing trophic habits in fossil taxa and apply the method to coelurosaurian dinosaurs--a clade for which diet is particularly controversial. Our findings detect 21 morphological features that exhibit statistically significant correlations with extrinsic fossil evidence of coelurosaurian herbivory, such as stomach contents and a gastric mill. These traits represent quantitative, extrinsically founded proxies for identifying herbivorous ecomorphology in fossils and are robust despite uncertainty in phylogenetic relationships among major coelurosaurian subclades. The distribution of these features suggests that herbivory was widespread among coelurosaurians, with six major subclades displaying morphological evidence of the diet, and that contrary to previous thought, hypercarnivory was relatively rare and potentially secondarily derived. Given the potential for repeated, independent evolution of herbivory in Coelurosauria, we also test for repetitive patterns in the appearance of herbivorous traits within sublineages using rank concordance analysis. We find evidence for a common succession of increasing specialization to herbivory in the subclades Ornithomimosauria and Oviraptorosauria, perhaps underlain by intrinsic functional and/or developmental constraints, as well as evidence indicating that the early evolution of a beak in coelurosaurians correlates with an herbivorous diet.
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Therizinosaurs are a group of herbivorous theropod dinosaurs from the Cretaceous of North America and Asia, best known for their iconically large and elongate manual claws. However, among Therizinosauria, ungual morphology is highly variable, reflecting a general trend found in derived theropod dinosaurs (Maniraptoriformes). A combined approach of shape analysis to characterize changes in manual ungual morphology across theropods and finite-element analysis to assess the biomechanical properties of different ungual shapes in therizinosaurs reveals a functional diversity related to ungual morphology. While some therizinosaur taxa used their claws in a generalist fashion, other taxa were functionally adapted to use the claws as grasping hooks during foraging. Results further indicate that maniraptoriform dinosaurs deviated from the plesiomorphic theropod ungual morphology resulting in increased functional diversity. This trend parallels modifications of the cranial skeleton in derived theropods in response to dietary adaptation, suggesting that dietary diversification was a major driver for morphological and functional disparity in theropod evolution.
Alvarezsauridae represents a clade of bizarre birds with extremely reduced but powerful forelimbs. Twenty synapomorphic features shared by Patagonykus, Alvarezsaurus and Mononykus supports Alvarezsauridae as a monophyletic group of avialan theropods. Diagnostic characters, mainly referred to vertebral, forelimb, pelvic and hindlimb anatomy, emerge from a cladistic analysis of 74 derived features depicting Alvarezsauridae as the sister taxon of the avialian clade Ornithothoraces. Since the origin and early diversification of the Alvarezsauridae probably took place during, or prior to, the Early Cretaceous, their common presence in Patagonia and Mongolia reflects a wider geographical distribution over the world, prior to the development of major geographical barriers between Laurasia and Gondwana during Aptian to Cenomanian times.
Substantial differences in pelvic osteology and soft tissues separate crown group crocodylians (Crocodylia) and birds (Neornithes). A phylogenetic perspective including fossils reveals that these disparities arose in a stepwise pattern along the line to extant birds, with major changes occurring both within and outside Aves. Some character states that preceded the origin of Neornithes are only observable or inferable in extinct taxa. These transitional states are important for recognizing the derived traits of neornithines. Palaeontological and neontological data are vital for reconstructing the sequence of pelvic changes along the line to Neornithes. Soft tissue correlation with osteological structures allows changes in soft tissue anatomy to be traced along a phylogenetic framework, and adds anatomical significance to systematic characters from osteology. Explicitly addressing homologies of bone surfaces reveals many subtleties in pelvic evolution that were previously unrecognized or implicit. I advocate that many anatomical features often treated as independent characters should be interpreted as different character states of the same character. Relatively few pelvic character states are unique to Neornithes. Indeed, many features evolved quite early along the line to Neornithes, blurring the distinction between «avian» and «non-avian» anatomy.
Herbivorous dinosaurs were abundant, species-rich components of Late Triassic-Cretaceous terrestrial ecosystems. Obligate high-fiber herbivory evolved independently on several occasions within Dinosauria, through the intermediary step of omnivory. Anatomical character complexes associated with this diet exhibit high levels of convergence and morphological disparity, and may have evolved by correlated progression. Dinosaur faunas changed markedly during the Mesozoic, from early faunas dominated by taxa with simple, uniform feeding mechanics to Cretaceous biomes including diverse sophisticated sympatric herbivores; the environmental and biological drivers causing these changes remain unclear. Isotopic, taphonomic, and anatomical evidence implies that niche partitioning reduced competition between sympatric herbivores, via morphological differentiation, dietary preferences, and habitat selection. Large body size in dinosaur herbivores is associated with low plant productivity, and gave these animals prominent roles as ecosystem engineers. Although dinosaur herbivores lived through several major events in floral evolution, there is currently no evidence for plant-dinosaur coevolutionary interactions.