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Environmental study of water quality and some heavy metals in water, sediment and aquatic macrophytas in lotic ecosystem, Iraq



This study was respect to detect possible environmental effects on the eastern Euphrates drainage from the Abo-Garak to south of Kifil city in Babylon province. Five sites were selected along the study area and Omit it during October 2013 to August 2014. Physical and chemical properties are measured (air and water temperature , pH , electrical conductivity , salinity, TDS ,TSS , BOD5, dissolved oxygen , Alkalinity , Total Hardness , calcium , magnesium ) and nutrients (nitrite , nitrate , reactive phosphate) as well as . The average of the studied heavy metals Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu the dissolved phase of water were 113.89 , 6.35 , 1.5 and 0.8μg /l for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu , respectively .Heavy metals concentrations in the particulate form were 291.83, 9.39, 3.07 and 12.15 μg/g dry weight for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu respectively. In the sediments, the concentrations of these heavy metals in the exchangeable phase were 318.66, 12.91, 6.27 and 13.23μg/g for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu , respectively. While in the residual phase were 461.53, 5.29, 8.62 and 27.07 μg/g for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu , respectively . The results revealed that the concentrations of heavy metals in water for the particulate phase were higher than in the dissolved phase , while in sediment, their concentrations in the residual phase were higher than their concentrations in the exchangeable phase except for Cd which was in the exchangeable phase higher than in the residual phase. The concentration and distribution of heavy metals in macrophytes Ceratophyllum demersum were (923.63 , 462.34 , 740.45 and 90.59)μg/g dry weight for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu , respectively . While , (728.57, 162.17 , 244.13 and 118.87) μg/g dry weight for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu , respectively. for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu in Hydrilla verticillata . The study area was very hard water and high BOD5. The nutrients showed clear seasonal variation in their concentration
Mesopotamia Environmental Journal ISSN24102598
Mesop.environ.j.2015, Vol.1, No.2:pp. 66-84. 66
Environmental study of water quality and some heavy metals
in water, sediment and aquatic macrophytas in lotic ecosystem,
Marwa Ali Habeeb1 Abdul-Karim Kh. Al-Bermani1 Jasim M.Salman2*
1 Depertment of Biology ,Coll.of Science for women ,University of Babylon,Iraq.
2 Depertment of Biology ,Coll.of Science ,University of Babylon,Iraq
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To cite this article:
Habeeb, M. A.; Al-Bermani, A. K. and Salman, J. M Environmental study of water quality and some heavy metals in
water, sediment and aquatic macrophytas in lotic ecosystem, Iraq. Mesop. Environ. J, ,2015, Vol. 1, No. 2 , pp. 66-84.
This study was respect to detect possible environmental effects on the eastern Euphrates drainage
from the Abo-Garak to south of Kifil city in Babylon province. Five sites were selected along the study
area and Omit it during October 2013 to August 2014. Physical and chemical properties are measured (air
and water temperature , pH , electrical conductivity , salinity, TDS ,TSS , BOD5, dissolved oxygen ,
Alkalinity , Total Hardness , calcium , magnesium ) and nutrients (nitrite , nitrate , reactive phosphate) as
well as . The average of the studied heavy metals Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu the dissolved phase of water were
113.89 , 6.35 , 1.5 and 0.8μg /l for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu , respectively .Heavy metals concentrations in the
particulate form were 291.83, 9.39, 3.07 and 12.15 μg/g dry weight for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu respectively. In
the sediments, the concentrations of these heavy metals in the exchangeable phase were 318.66, 12.91, 6.27
and 13.23μg/g for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu , respectively. While in the residual phase were 461.53, 5.29, 8.62
and 27.07 μg/g for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu , respectively . The results revealed that the concentrations of heavy
metals in water for the particulate phase were higher than in the dissolved phase , while in sediment, their
concentrations in the residual phase were higher than their concentrations in the exchangeable phase except
for Cd which was in the exchangeable phase higher than in the residual phase. The concentration and
distribution of heavy metals in macrophytes Ceratophyllum demersum were (923.63 , 462.34 , 740.45 and
90.59)μg/g dry weight for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu , respectively . While , (728.57, 162.17 , 244.13 and 118.87)
μg/g dry weight for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu , respectively. for Fe , Cd , Pb and Cu in Hydrilla verticillata .
The study area was very hard water and high BOD5. The nutrients showed clear seasonal variation in their
Keywords; Water quality, Heavy metals, Sediments, Hydrilla verticillata, lotic ecosystem.
Mesopotamia Environmental Journal ISSN24102598
Mesop.environ.j.2015, Vol.1, No.2:pp. 66-84. 67
Waters pollution with heavy metals have many effects on aquatic organisms, in addition to the
bioaccumulation and bioconcentration of these metals in the aquatic food chain put the consumers such as
humans in risk [1]. Metals in aquatic system have many origin, distribution and accumulation of metals are
influenced by mineralogical composition, sediment texture, adsorption processes and oxidation-reduction
state and physical transport [2]. The contamination by heavy metals causes a serious problem may be due
to low degradable in nature compared with organic pollutants and they accumulate in different parts of the
food chain [3]. The geochemical composition of water body is largely governed by the physiochemical
characteristics (pH, EC , DO, ect.) [4]. Various studies have demonstrated that aquatic system are
contaminated by heavy metals in different areas of world [5]. Aquatic macrophytes have great potential to
accumulate heavy metals inside their tissues.These plants can accumulate heavy metal concentrations
100,000 times greater than in the associated water [6].Aquatic macrophytes are thought to remove metals
by three patterns: metals are restricted from entering the plant and attach to the cell wall; metals are
accumulated in the root, but translocation to the shoot is constrained; and hyper accumulation, in which
metals are concentrated in the plant parts.The hyper accumulative capacities of aquatic macrophytes are
beneficial for the removal of heavy metals [7]. This paper aimed to study the some physical-chemical
properties and concentration of some heavy metals in water , sediments and two species of aquatic
macrophtes (Ceratophyllum demersum and Hydrilla verticillata )
Materials and methods
Samples were collected monthly from five sites on Eastern Euphrates drain / middle of Iraq, (Fig1)
from October 2013 to August 2014. Measure the physio-chemical parameters of water using clean
polyethylene bottle (5L) as three replicates and filtered by using filter paper (Millipore filter paper 0.45 µm
type fiber class). Air and water temperature were measured by Thermometers , pH by pH meter type
WTW, Germany. Salinity examined according to Mackereth et al. [8]. TSS, TDS , DO , BOD5 , Total
Alkalinity measured according to APHA [9] .
In the laboratory nutrients were determined according to standard methods [10]. Nitrates was
determined according to [11] and reactive phosphate was determined according to [12] explained by [13].
Aquatic plants collected from the middle of the drainage ,four selected heavy metals (Fe , Cd , Pb , Cu)
were determined , the samples are analyzed according to [14], and measure by Flame Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer type (Shimadze , AA-7000 . Japan) .
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Mesop.environ.j.2015, Vol.1, No.2:pp. 66-84. 68
Fig.1: Map of study sites in eastern Euphrates drainage
Result and Dissection:
The physiochemical properties of the study sites are showed in (Table 1). The air and water
temperature ranged between (6-46) ºC and (10-35) ºC, respectively it increase during hot months and
decrease during cold months these results accepted with other Iraqi studies [15] . Electrical conductivity
(EC) values ranged (4360-7400) µs/cm , it increase in winter and spring and in agriculture area because of
washing of these area by rain water and increase level of water and dilution factor [16]. Salinity values
ranged (2.97-4.73) ‰ according to these values the water of drain is salt because these area affected by
agriculture and anthropogenic activities [17] .Total dissolved Solids showed high value ranged (2100-5270)
mg/l as a result of washing area by rain water , it is accepted with studies [5, 18]. While Total suspended
Solids showed lower values (0.03-0.97) mg/l because increase of level water and affected by dilution factor
[16] . The pH of water is a measure of the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration in water, it is an important
parameter for describing the state of chemical processes [19] . The pH values are affected by many factors
such as temperature [19]. Other factors affect pH values were as the biological activity and CO2
concentration [20], the nature of climate [21], discharge of municipal and industrial wastewaters [22] pH
values ranged (6.5-8) . Outside this range organisms exposed to stress as the low pH leads to the liberation
of toxic compounds and elements from sediments to the water and then into plants and aquatic organisms
[23]. Present study recorded high concentration of dissolved oxygen (5.8-11.5) mg/l . This may be due to
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Mesop.environ.j.2015, Vol.1, No.2:pp. 66-84. 69
good mixing between the surface and bottom layers and high water levels [24]. While lower concentration
of DO might be due to low water levels and decomposition processes of organic substance [24]. Biological
Oxygen Demand (BOD5) used to determine the amount of oxygen consumer by microbial organism
through aerobic oxidation of organic materials processes and convert to inorganic material [25] .The study
showed high value through April/2014 in site (4) recorded (5.2) mg/L , it exceeded the international
determinants allowed (5) mg/L [26] while lower concentration recorded through February/2014 in site (5)
(1.02)mg/L , It is less than the international determinants and perhaps due to the launch of organic waste
and ability of drain to self – treatment [27]. Total alkalinity values ranged (200-500) mgCaCO3/L, the water
of drain classified as high alkalinity. The concentrations of total alkalinity were affected by many factors
such as organic pollution, rainfall which causes drifting the catchment area [28], and water levels [29] . The
water of drain is very hard values ranged (800-2250) mgCaCO3/L , The high values of the hardness in the
drain were related to the different factors: the geological nature of the lands that the drainage water passes
through it [30] and the effect of agriculture and anthropogenic activities [31]. The concentrations of
Calcium ion recorded were higher than Magnesium ion concentrations ; this might be due to the presence
of calcium ion in a percentage higher than magnesium ion in the earth crust and soil [7]. The values of
calcium ions ranged (160.32-601.2) mgCaCO3/l . While magnesium ion ranged (12.03-339.99)
mgCaCO3/l High values of Magnesium ion in the water due to rainfall, while decreasing levels may be
due to consumption of this ion by phytoplankton [32]. Nutrients one of the most important factor that
affected the abundance and composition of aquatic plants communities [33]. Nitrogen omit it is the most
abundant nutrient in fertilizer and enters the water by human and animal waste , as well as , agriculture land
[34] . Nitrite values ranged (0.01-0.42) µg/l and the low concentration of nitrite concentration due to good
aeration of drain water [35] . Nitrate is a common form of inorganic nitrogen in the aquatic environment
[13], the present study recorded high concentration of nitrate in summer and spring due to high
temperature that increase the concentration of dissolved salts and decomposition processes [36] . Phosphate
one of the most nutrients that influenced on the growth and increase the cellular activity of phytoplankton
but it is found in low concentration in aquatic environment [37] . The value recorded (N.D.-1.5) µg/l , it
recorded high concentration through March/2014 in site (5) due to drain water influenced by agriculture
activates [38] .
Chlorophyll-a one of pigments of photosynthesis present in most plants , algae and phytoplankton
[39], the present study recorded (0.12-3.52) µg/L, high concentration of chlorophyll-a during summer and
spring belong to algae blooms and phytoplankton and availability of temperature and nutrients and
dissolved oxygen [40] while decrease concentration may be to decrease activity of aquatic organisms in
cold months so there will be an abundance of oxygen and lack of production in phytoplankton [41] .
The concentration of the dissolved phase ranged between 113.89 µg/l for Fe and 6.35 µg/l for Cd and
1.5 µg/l for Pb and 0.8 µg/l for Cu (Table 2). Heavy metal concentration in dissolved phase were as follows
Fe > Cd > Pb > Cu. Heavy metals recorded higher concentrations in summer (May, June, July and August .
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Mesop.environ.j.2015, Vol.1, No.2:pp. 66-84. 70
While they recorded lower concentrations in winter (December, 2013 , January and February 2014) . The
increase of their concentrations during summer may be due to high temperature, which increases the
solubility of them. This conclusion is confirmed by a positive correlation between them and temperature.
Also, might be due to decreasing the pH during summer that also increases their concentrations as
confirmed by a negative correlation between them and pH [42]. While the decreasing of their concentration
may be due to many factors such as water levels , alkalinity and also, formation complexes with organic
matters [43], the amount of particulates and the density of phytoplankton [44]. Anthropogenic activities and
throwing of wastes directly to the drainage water may also affect their concentrations [45, 41, 42].
The concentration of heavy metals in the particulate phase ranged (291.83, 9.39, 3.07 , 12.15) μg/g
dry weight for each of of Fe ,Cd , Pb and Cu , respectively (Table 2). Their concentrations were as follows:
Fe > Cu > Cd > Pb . The concentration of heavy metals in the particulate phase was higher than their
concentration in the dissolved phase. This result might be due to the increased particulate matter in the
drain, which include living and non - living components. The living components consist of planktons and
other microorganisms, while the non – living organisms consist of silts and clay particles, in addition to
organic and inorganic particles [46].
Sediments represent the final recipient of pollutants from natural and anthropogenic sources[51].
Thus, they are considered as a good Bioindicator for water pollution. They also, release the pollutants that
contaminate them in the water column as a result of the effect of the physicochemical factors [47]. HMs in
the sediments during this study were measured in the exchangeable and residual phases. Their
concentrations in the exchangeable phase ranged from 318.66 μg/g for Fe and 12.91 μg/g for Cd and 6.27
μg/g for Pb and 13.23 μg/g for Cu . Their concentration's sequences were as follows: Fe > Cu > Cd > Pb .
While their concentrations in the residual phase ranged from 461.53 μg/g for Fe and 5.29 μg/g for Cd and
8.62 μg/g for Pb and 27.07 μg/g for Cu and their concentration's sequences appeared as follows: Fe > Cu >
Pb > Cd . (Table 2 ) Their concentrations in the residual phase were higher than their concentrations in the
exchangeable phase except Cd was in the exchangeable phase higher than in the residual phase. These
results might be due to the drainage of wastes directly into the drain Further more, as a result of
decomposition and plant residues [14].
The present study recorded high concentration of heavy metals in the tissue of some aquatic plants
compared with rates in the water and sediments .Their concentration in C.demersum ranged from 923.63
μg/g dry weight for Fe and 462.34 μg/g dry weight for Cd and 740.45 μg/g dry weight for Pb and 90.59
μg/g dry weight for Cu . Their concentration's sequences were as follows: Fe > Pb > Cd > Cu , while their
concentration in H.verticillata ranged from 728.57 μg/g dry weight for Fe and 162.17 μg/g dry weight for
Cd and 244.13 μg/g dry weight for Pb and 110.87 μg/g dry weight for Cu (Table 3). Their concentration's
sequences were as follows: Fe > Pb > Cd > Cu. The aquatic plants are vary in accumulate heavy metals in
their tissue, and many factors are effect on the heavy metals bioaccumulation as water quality , pollution
source , growth form of plant [48] . Different accumulation abilities of species more or less depend on
individual plants; nevertheless, some studies exist pointing out differences between the groups, e.g.
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submerged and emergent species [49]. On the other hand, some authors do not confirm these differences
[50]. A comparison of total metal uptake by the two plants showed that the greatest uptake of all metals
from various concentrations was by the C.demersum excepted Cu is higher concentration in H.verticillata .
Mechanisms of accumulation of heavy metals inside aquatic tissues that toxic elements linked to the walls
of the cells in the roots or leaves , which prevents transmission through vegetable sap or it's expels to non –
sensitive sites in the cell and stored in vacuoles [26] .
Table 1: Some physical - chemical properties of Eastern Euphrates drainage water for period from October
2013 to August 2014 [first line (range ) and second line ( mean ± S.D. )]
Site 5 Site4 Site3 Site2 Site1
7 – 43 9 – 45 6 – 45 8 – 44 7 – 46
29± 13.27 29.1± 14.39 29.2± 13.72 29.6± 13.54 29.5± 14.34
Air temp ( C°)
12 - 32 11 - 31 10 - 32 10 - 31 10 - 35
21.9± 7.96 21.3 ± 8.2 21.2± 8.28 21.13± 7.48 22.1 ±8.38
Water temp ( C°)
436074004390658043706730 49006650 45706690
5401.1±843.36 5401.1±774.29 5752±717.98 5671±668.93 5582±779.84
EC (µs/cm)
2.79 –4.73 2.8 – 4.21 2.89 – 4.3 3.13 – 4.25 2.92-4.28
3.65 ±0.65 3.57 ±0.48 3.73 ±0.45 3.65 ±0.42 3.60±0.49
Salinity ‰
2100-5270 2230-4640 2230-4780 2100-4700 2200-4690
3786±805.3 3633±725.7 3859±760.8 3795±749.4 3670±727.3
TDS (mg/l)
0.03-0.97 0.04-0.93 0.03-0.88 0.05-0.93 0.04-0.84
0.36±0.34 0.35 ±0.3 0.31 ±0.29 0.31±0.3 0.31 ±0.28
TSS (mg/l)
7.8 – 8.6 7.8 – 8.7 7.8 – 8.6 7.8 – 8.7 7.5 – 8.6
8.2 ±0.29 8.5±0.28 8.3±0.27 8.4± 0.26 8.3± 0.31
6.5 – 9.4 6.3 – 10.2 5.8 – 11.5 6.8 – 10.8 6.3-11.5
7.64 ±0.88 8.41 ±1.22 8.40 ±1.63 8.75 ±1.3 8.35 ±1.68
DO (mg/l)
1.02 –4.8 3.7 – 5.2 1.04 – 4 1.5 – 4.32 2.14 – 4.5
2.90 ±1.19 4.44 ±0.5 3.14 ±0.94 3.17 ±0.93 3.3±0.71
BOD5 (mg/l)
350 - 450 200 - 350 250 - 500 300 - 450 300 - 450
35.35±376.60 47.14 ±301.53 78.88±371.27 52.96±366.37 48.3±366.47
Total Alkalinity
800-2200 800-2250 800-2200 900-2150 900-2200
415.96±1380.8 390.9±1546.9
Total hardness
200.4-541.08 160.3-440.88 240.48-480.96 240.48-460.92 240.48-601.2
325.63±103.98 287.77±96.6 326.12±87.14 338.31±80.98
Calcium (mgCaCO3/l)
48.51-339.99 12.03-291.47 48.56-254.99 72.83-266.79 48.51-276.39
164.48±103.98 141.31±96.6 179.97±87.14 162.61±80.98
0.02 – 0.36 0.03 – 0.35 0.01 – 0.42 0.02 – 0.39 0.01 – 0.36
0.1±0.1 0.14 ±0.12 0.16 ±0.14 0.14 ±0.11 0.14 ±0.12
Nitrite (µg/l)
10.71-20.28 11.85-20.85 13.14-31.01 12.28-22.71 14.4-25.14
15.25 ±3.12 16.26±3.41 22.83±5.97 16.9 ±3.78 18.97±3.64
Nitrate (µg/l)
0.53 – 1.5 N.D – 1.53 N.D – 1.63 N.D – 1.6 N.D – 1.52
1.05 ±0.73 0.89±0.53 0.73 ±0.53 0.84 ±0.49 0.8±0.49
ReativePosphate (µg/l)
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Figure 2 : Monthly variation of Air temperature
during study period
Figure 3 : Monthly variation of water temperature
during study period
Figure 4: Monthly variation of Electrical conductivity
during study period
Figure 5: Monthly variation of Salinity during
study period
Figure 6: Monthly variation of Total Dissolved
Solide during study period
Figure 7: Monthly variation of Total Solid
Suspended during study period
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Mesop.environ.j.2015, Vol.1, No.2:pp. 66-84. 73
Figure 8: Monthly variation of Dissolved Oxygen
during study period
Figure 9: Monthly variation of pH during study period
Figure 10: Monthly variation of BOD5 during study
periodFigure 11: Monthly variation of Alkalinity during
study period
Figure 12: Monthly variation of Total Hardness during
study period
Figure 13: Monthly variation of Calcium during study
Mesopotamia Environmental Journal ISSN24102598
Mesop.environ.j.2015, Vol.1, No.2:pp. 66-84. 74
Figure 14: Monthly variation Nitrite during study period
Figure 15: Monthly variation of Nitarte during study
Figure 16: Monthly variation of Magnesium Hardness
during study period
Figure 17: Monthly variation of Reactive Phosphate
during study period
Figure 18: Monthly variation of Chlorophyll-a during
study period
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Table 2: Concentration of some Heavy Metals in Water [Dissolved phase (µg/L) and Particulate phase
(µg/g)] and in Sediment [Exchangeable Phase and Residual Phase (µg/g)] in the period from October 2013
to August 2014 first line (range ) and second line ( mean ± S.D. )
Average 5 4 3 2 1
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Mesop.environ.j.2015, Vol.1, No.2:pp. 66-84. 76
Figure 19: Monthly variation of Dissolved phase Fe
during study period
Figure 20: Monthly variation of Particulate phase Fe
during study period
Figure 21: Monthly variation of Exchangable phase Fe
during study period
Figure 22: Monthly variation of Residual phase Fe
during study period
Figure 24: Monthly variation of Particulate phase Cd
during study period
Figure 23: Monthly variation of Dissolved phase Cd
during study period
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Mesop.environ.j.2015, Vol.1, No.2:pp. 66-84. 77
Figure 26: Monthly variation of of Residual phase Cd
during study period
Figure 25: Monthly variation of of Exchangable phase
Cd during study period
Figure 28: Monthly variation of Particulate phase Pb
during study period
Figure 27: Monthly variation of Dissolved phase Pb
during study period
Figure 29: Monthly variation of of Exchangable phase Pb
during study period
Figure 30: Monthly variation of of Residual phase Pb
during study period
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Mesop.environ.j.2015, Vol.1, No.2:pp. 66-84. 78
Figure 32: Monthly variation of Particulate phase Cu
during study period
Figure 31: Monthly variation of Dissolved phase Cu
during study period
Figure 33: Monthly variation of of Exchangable phase Cu
during study periodFigure 34: Monthly variation of of Residual phase Cu
during study period
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Mesop.environ.j.2015, Vol.1, No.2:pp. 66-84. 79
Table 3: Concentration of Heavy Metals in C.demersum and H.verticillata (µg/g) in the period from
October 2013 to August 2014 [first line (range ) and second line ( mean ± S.D. )]
1 2 3 4 5 Average
C.demersum 918.3±274.44895.16±261.02937.37±238.88931.7±229.59935.61±219.35
H.verticillata 620.55±224.86647.59±257.92573.6±255.15753.08±224.841048.05±131.27
C.demersum 452.79±156.48480.13±191.66485.91±210.98441.73±182.87461.16±217.32
H.verticillata 171.18±100.52137.11±49.77148.36±45.78158.83±77.51195.39±69.03
C.demersum 746.55±23.89610.0±50.34721.01±64.69741.19±34.73759.93±31.93
H.verticillata 255.23±147.89266.74±160.51261.51±142.66224.75±126.94212.43±121.12
C.demersum 94.10±19.1381.94±9.4390.24±10.4893.05±15.3793.61±15.34
H.verticillata 90.17±44.1996.01±44.10108.67±46.3899.35±30.65160.14±25.06
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Figure 35: Monthly variation of Heavy Metals in in C.demersum and H.verticillata during study period
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Mesop.environ.j.2015, Vol.1, No.2:pp. 66-84. 81
Drainage water was light alkalinity ; hardness ; oligohaline ; high concentrations of suspended
solids and high concentrations of nutrients.
There are differences in the distribution of heavy metals between dissolved and particulate phase
of water , concentration in particulate phase recorded higher than concentration in dissolved phase
in all months of the study.
High concentrations of heavy metals in Ceratophyllum demersum and Hydrilla verticillata in the
study area. The highest concentrations of heavy metals in water and sediments as a result to
impact of agriculture and urban discharge
From the results of the present study, the aquatic plants under study can be used as a good
bioindicator to water pollution by heavy metals.
We are grateful to Department of Biology, College of sciences for women and College of Science,
University of Babylon for their support to this project.
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... The results show that the stream water was a high alkalinity with a narrow range of pH value (7.40-8.48). The Iraqi aquatic systems have been characterized by its alkaline and buffer [42,43,44,45,46,47]. This narrow range of pH is due to the buffering capacity [48]. ...
... These environmental factors were temperature, light transmittance, and concentration of nutrients [25,42]. The lowest value of the index was (1.70) in Site five during the autumn season and might be due to the effect of the pollution caused by human activities or environmental stress [47]. ...
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This study focused on benthic algae (epipelic and attached algae on concrete lining stream) in Bani-Hassan stream in Holly Karbala, Iraq. The qualitative and quantitative studies of benthic algae were done by collecting 240 samples from five sites in the study area for the period from December 2012 to November 2013. Also, the environmental variables of the stream were examined in term of temporary and spatial. The results showed that the stream was alkaline, hard, oligohaline and a well aerated. The total nitrogen to the total phosphorus (TN: TP) ratio indicates nitrogen limitation. 129 species of benthic algae belonging to 57 genera were identified. Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) was the predominant taxon (95 species) followed by Chlorophyceae (16 species), Cyanophyceae (14 species), Euglenophyceae (3 species) and Pyrophyceae (one species). Some genera were found throughout the study period: Nitzschia, and Scenedesmus. Site 3 recorded the highest total number of algae in spring 2013, and the lowest total number was at site 5 in Autumn 2013. The chlorophyll-a concentration did not match the total number of algae.
... among seasons, these differences due to different levels of contamination among seasons, while other elements showed no significant differences among seasons.Generally, the concentrations of studied heavy elements in the dissolved phase were below the drinking water limits according to the WHO (2011) The resultfound that particulate phase concentration was higher than concentration of dissolved phase. It may be because the particulate substance were accumulated higher amount of heavy elements than dissolved water (Al-Hejuje, 2014), that lead to tendency of most elements to adsorption or bonding on the surfaces of suspended particulate matter which consist (living components) like microorganisms and other planktons which have the ability to concentrate elements in their tissues to higher levels than in water, or (non-living components) include organic matter, silts and clay in the water column (Habeeb et al.,2015). ...
... The uptake comparison of total elements by two studied aquatic plants showed that the highest uptake of elements for different concentrations was in the C. demersum species except Fe which has higher concentration in N. marina. The heavy elements concentration and accumulation in plant tissues varies depending on the different species of plant, growth form of plant (Habeeb et al., 2015) and between the various plant parts. Also the uptake elements by aquatic plants does not depend on the concentration of elements in the surrounding environment, but rather is regulated by physiological mechanisms of plant, which including: plant sequester and linked these elements in their cell walls and can store them in air vacuoles, to prevent them from transmission to the cytoplasm of sensitive cell where metabolic processes occur (Wani et al., 2017). ...
The content of heavy elements Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn) and Iron (Fe) were studied in towsubmerged plants species (Najas marina L and Ceratophyllum demarsum) collected seasonally for periods summer 2019 to spring 2020at two site selected along Al-Chibayish Marsh southern of Iraq to determine the ability of these species to accumulate elements from surrounding water and sediment. The result showed that the average concentration of elements in water for the Particulate phase higher than in the dissolved phase. Also, mean concentrations of particulate phase higher than their mean concentration in total sediments samples except for Fe concentration which was in sediments samples was higher than in particulate part of water. The uptake of totalelements by two studied aquatic plants showed that the highest uptake of elements by the C.demersum spices excepted Fe which higher concentration in N.marina. Also, Bioconcentration factor (BCF) for different elements were calculated and according to these factor data, the orderof heavy elements accumulation in two species were Fe > Zn> Cu.
... The pH is a measure of the acidity in a solution that acids produce hydrogen ions (H+) and bases produce hydroxide ions (OH‾) in a solution. In present study pH ranged from 7.94 to 8.07 , All aquatic systems in Iraq have been characterized by its buffer and alkaline [12,47,48,50,51,52,53,54] . ...
... Approximate to record for studies on Gujarat River , Kali River [43,44] [50]. The highest number of taxa (genera and species ) which might be due to the exposure of this site to different pollutant and availability of nutrients [48] . ...
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... Sediments are essential to the planet's cycle and are a major source of PCBs. Due to their low volatility and low water solubility, most of these heavy metals accumulate in sediments where they serve as environmental reservoirs and are continuously released over extended periods of time (Habeeb et al., 2015). Between 1965 and 1980, more than 10,000 tons of PCBs were produced; subsequently, these compounds were declared illegal. ...
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Wetland sediments can become contaminated with contaminants that pose a risk to plants and animals and are present in groundwater and fresh surface water entering the wetland. The current study aims to detect PCB contaminants in the sediments of the Al-Hamar Marsh in southern Iraq from the winter season of 2021 until the fall season of 2022 during the day from five stations in the Al-Hamar Marsh, which are (1 - Al-Harir, 2 - Al-Mashab 3 - Al-Nakara, 4 - Baraka 1, 5 - Baraka 2). PCBs were analyzed by GC-MASS. The results showed that the highest rate of PCBs concentrations was (2.84) in the winter season and the lowest rate was (0.14 ng/g d. w). The concentrations of PCBs at the study stations ranged (2.34 ng/g d.w - 3.9 ng/g d.w) during the winter season. (0.01 ng/g d.w-3.7 ng/g d.w) during the spring, (0.01 ng/g d.w- 1.46 ng/g d.w) in the summer, and (0.02 ng/g d.w -5.78 ng/g d.w) during the summer. In the fall, the soil texture was measured and the results showed that the sediments of the Al-hammar marsh were silty clay deposits. This study is a first of its kind in the region and could be give available information and used as a baseline study in the futures.
... The findings revealed that heavy metal concentrations in water were higher in the particulate phase than in the dissolved phase. Habeeb et al. 14 studied water quality and heavy metals in water, sediment, and aquatic macrophytes in the lotic ecosystem, with the goal of detecting potential environmental effects on the eastern Euphrates drainage in Babylon province .Al-Zughaiby et al 15 determined the correlation between some trace element concentrations in the Euphrates River of Iraq.Based on this research, the rates of concentration of trace element were found in water and soluble form and study sites .Hassan et al. 16 studied the distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) residues in Euphrates River water and sediment, despite long-standing restrictions on their use and production, the findings indicated that the Euphrates River was contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons and their residues.Salman and Al-Shammary 17 determined the quality of water in Hilla river by examining many physical and chemical properties . ...
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This study estimated seven heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cd, Cr) in water (dissolved and particulate phase), sediments and some aquatic organisms including two species from aquatic plants (Ceratophyllum demersum&Phragmites australis); one species of clam (Psedontopeses euphratics) and two species from fish (Oreochromis aureus& Leuciscus vorax)in four sites within Mashroo AL-Musayyib channel project/ branch of Euphrates river, Babylon , medial of Iraq. This aims to show the concentration of these elements, their fate and the mechanisms of their transmission through the food chain in this lotic aquatic system ; also in addition to examining some physicochemical properties of river water such as water temperature (WT),air temperature (AT),pH , electrical conductivity (EC) , salinity ,total dissolved solid (TDS), total solid suspended (TSS) , dissolved oxygen (DO) and biological oxygen demand (BOD5) .The occurrence in heavy metals in water was found in the order in the Dissolved phase :-Zn> Fe > Cu> Ni>Pb> Cr > Cd, the zinc element recorded the highest rate in site two for spring season while the cadmium element recorded the lowest rate in site one for spring season. In the particulate phase:-Zn> Cu >Fe > Ni>Pb> Cr > Cd, the zinc element recorded the highest rate in site two for spring season while the cadmium element recorded the lowest rate in site four for spring season. The sediment order was Zn> Cu >Fe >Pb> Ni > Cd > Cr where the zinc element recorded the highest rate in site two for spring season where as the chromium element recorded the lowest rate in site two for spring. In aquatic plant the order was in C. demersum :Zn> Fe > Cu>Pb> Cr > Ni > Cd, the zinc element recorded the highest rate in site four for winter season while the cadmium element recorded the lowest rate in site one for autumn season. In P. australis: Zn> Fe > Cu>Pb> Cd > Ni > Cr , the zinc element recorded the highest rate in site two for spring season while the chromium element recorded the lowest rate in site two for spring season. In clam the order was: Zn> Fe > Cu> Ni >Pb> Cd > Cr where the zinc element recorded the highest rate in site two for spring season while the chromium recorded the lowest value in site 3 through winter 2021.In fish species (O. aureas) the order was Fe > Zn > Cu>Pb> Cr > Cd > Ni. The iron element recorded as the highest rate in site 2 in spring 2021 whilethe element that recorded the lowest rate was Ni in site 2for spring in L. vorax. The iron element recorded the highest rate in site one for summer season where as the Nickel was recorded a lower value in site four in spring2021.
... The results shown that the concentrations of Cd and Pb in the exchangeable phase of sediments were higher than those in the residual phase of sediments(Table2),this finding could be a good evidence that there is an anthropogenic origin of pollutants which incorporated into the sediment from water column by processes such as adsorption , organic complication and precipitation to sediments, this finding was in agreement with (Habeeb , 2015). Significant correlations between heavy elements in the sediments (Table 3) suggested that they had the same geochemical origin or behaviors (Song et al. , 2010 ;Manojet al. , 2012). ...
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Sediments Samples from Al- Chibayish marsh were collected seasonally from four stations during August , 2017 to April ,2018 , to determine the concentration of some heavy elements (Cadmium(Cd), Chromium(Cr), Nickel (Ni) and Lead(Pb) ) in the exchangeable and residual phases of sediments .geo-accumulation Index (I-geo) was calculated as an indicator for sediments pollution with heavy elements , in addition to that the grain size and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) % were measured in the sediments samples. Results show that the concentrations of these elements in the exchangeable phase of sediments were (0.41 , 19.70 , 46.37, 25.20) µg/g-dry weight , respectively ,while in the residual phase were (0.27,82.95 ,75.32, 14.41) µg/g-dry weight, respectively . According to Igeo values , the sediments of Al- Chibayish marsh can be classified as unpolluted with Cd and Pb , while unpolluted to moderately polluted with Cr , and moderate to strongly polluted with Ni .In sediments grain size analysis show that the range of sand (1-24)% ,silt (59-86)% ,clay (7-25)% , while the range values of (TOC) were 9.93% to 13.49%.
... The results shown that the concentrations of Cd and Pb in the exchangeable phase of sediments were higher than those in the residual phase of sediments(Table2),this finding could be a good evidence that there is an anthropogenic origin of pollutants which incorporated into the sediment from water column by processes such as adsorption , organic complication and precipitation to sediments, this finding was in agreement with (Habeeb , 2015). Significant correlations between heavy elements in the sediments (Table 3) suggested that they had the same geochemical origin or behaviors (Song et al. , 2010 ;Manojet al. , 2012). ...
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Sediments Samples from Al-Chibayish marsh were collected seasonally from four stations during August, 2017 to April,2018 , to determine the concentration of some heavy elements (Cadmium(Cd), Chromium(Cr), Nickel (Ni) and Lead(Pb)) in the exchangeable and residual phases of sediments .geo-accumulation Index (I-geo) was calculated as an indicator for sediments pollution with heavy elements , in addition to that the grain size and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) % were measured in the sediments samples. Results show that the concentrations of these elements in the exchangeable phase of sediments were (0.41 , 19.70 , 46.37, 25.20) µg/g-dry weight, respectively ,while in the residual phase were (0.27, 82.95 ,75.32, 14.41) µg/g-dry weight, respectively. According to Igeo values ,the sediments of Al-Chibayish marsh can be classified as unpolluted with Cd and Pb , while unpolluted to moderately polluted with Cr , and moderate to strongly polluted with Ni .In sediments grain size analysis show that the range of sand (1-24)% ,silt (59-86)% ,clay (7-25)% , while the range values of (TOC) were 9.93% to 13.49%.
... Many studies have considered lower and higher plants as bioindicators and biomonitors [34] [35], and also the usage of aquatic plants in wastewater treatment, detoxification and phytoremediation [36]- [38]. ...
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Phragmites australis, Potamogeton pectinatus, Potamogeton perfoliatus and Ceratophyllum demer-sum were selected to study concentrations of PAHs in lotic ecosystems. Six sampling sites were selected along Al-Hilla River and sampling was conducted in 2010 and 2011. Sixteen PAHs listed as priority pollutants were detected in the samples collected, including Naphthalene (Nap), Acenaph-thylene (Acpy), Acenaphthene (Acp), Fluorene (Flu), Phenanthrene (Phen), Anthracene (Ant), Flu-oranthene (Flur), Pyrene (Py), Benzo (a) Anthracene (B(a)A), Chrysene (Chry), Benzo (b) Fluo-ranthene (B(b)F), Benzo (k) Fluoranthene (B(k)F), Benzo (a) Pyrene (B(a)P), Dibenzo (a, h) Anth-racene (D(b)A), Benzo (ghi) Perylene (B(ghi)P) and Indeno (1,2,3-cd) Pyrene (Ind). The results of the study illustrate that the PAH concentration in macrophytes varies among their species. These variances were as follows: P. australis 0.425 to 299.424 µg/g dry weight (Dw) for B(ghi)P and B(b)F, respectively; P. perfoliatus 0.354 to 235.84 µg/g Dw for B(b)F and B(ghi)P, respectively; C. demersum 0.996 to 162.942 µg/g Dw for Ant and B(ghi)P, respectively; and P. pectinatus 0.383 to 99.87 µg/g Dw for Ant and Nap, respectively. The accumulation potential of PAHs was also investigated by calculating the Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) and Bio-sediment Accumulation Factor (BSAF). The ranges of BCF ratios were 0.05 to 5334.5, 0.08 to 1602.5, 0.01 to 536.6, 0.16 to 1882 in P. australis, P. perfoliatus, P. pectinatus and C. demersum, respectively. The range of BSAF ratios were 3.14 to 1041.6 and 1.5 to 2920.8 in P. australis and P. perfoliatus, respectively.
... Many studies have considered lower and higher plants as bioindicators and biomonitors [34] [35], and also the usage of aquatic plants in wastewater treatment, detoxification and phytoremediation [36][38]. The results of quality and quantity of PAH compounds in selected aquatic plants are shown inTables 3Figure 2 ). ...
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Phragmites australis, Potamogeton pectinatus, Potamogeton perfoliatus and Ceratophyllum de-mersum were selected to study concentrations of PAHs in lotic ecosystems. Six sampling sites were selected along Al-Hilla River and sampling was conducted in 2010 and 2011. Sixteen PAHs listed as priority pollutants were detected in the samples collected, including Naphthalene (Nap), Acenaph-thylene (Acpy), Acenaphthene (Acp), Fluorene (Flu), Phenanthrene (Phen), Anthracene (Ant), Flu-oranthene (Flur), Pyrene (Py), Benzo (a) Anthracene (B(a)A), Chrysene (Chry), Benzo (b) Fluo-ranthene (B(b)F), Benzo (k) Fluoranthene (B(k)F), Benzo (a) Pyrene (B(a)P), Dibenzo (a, h) Anth-racene (D(b)A), Benzo (ghi) Perylene (B(ghi)P) and Indeno (1,2,3-cd) Pyrene (Ind). The results of the study illustrate that the PAH concentration in macrophytes varies among their species. These variances were as follows: P. australis 0.425 to 299.424 µg/g dry weight (Dw) for B(ghi)P and B(b)F, respectively; P. perfoliatus 0.354 to 235.84 µg/g Dw for B(b)F and B(ghi)P, respectively; C. demersum 0.996 to 162.942 µg/g Dw for Ant and B(ghi)P, respectively; and P. pectinatus 0.383 to 99.87 µg/g Dw for Ant and Nap, respectively. The accumulation potential of PAHs was also investigated by calculating the Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) and Bio-sediment Accumulation Factor (BSAF). The range of BCF ratios were 0.05 to 5334.5, 0.08 to 1602.5, 0.01 to 536.6, 0.16 to 1882 in P. australis, P. perfoliatus, P. pectinatus and C. demersum, respectively. The range of BSAF ratios were 3.14 to 1041.6 and 1.5 to 2920.8 in P. australis and P. perfoliatus, respectively.
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The study aims to evaluate the quality of Sirwan River water based on its heavy metal contents by using two of the most recent indexes regarding heavy metals which are the heavy metal pollution index (HPI) and the metal index (MI). In this term, twenty-four sampling stations were selected along with the Sirwan River from downstream of Darbandikhan Dam to the border of Jalawlaa Sub-district. Seven heavy metals including aluminum (Al), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), and chromium (Cr) were analyzed by using an inductively coupled plasma spectrometer (ICP). The average value of the HPI index was found to be 47.2 and 12.8 for drinking and irrigation uses, respectively, which indicates that water in Sirwan River is seriously polluted for drinking purposes, while it falls under the pure class for irrigation uses. Also, the results of MI for domestic and irrigation uses were seen to be 5.7, which falls under the seriously affected class, and 0.65 under the pure class, respectively. The study revealed the effect of man-made sources on the pollution load of Sirwan River water.
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The distribution of cadmium, lead and zinc in exchangeable, organic, and 2M HNO3-extractable fractions as well as the effect of heavy metal concentrations on soil microflora was investigated. Six sampling transects were chosen in the Litavka River alluvium in 1999-2001. Concentrations of all metals increased with decreasing distance from the source of contamination. The concentrations of Cd and Zn in exchangeable fraction were higher than in organically bound fraction, a reverse trend was found in Pb speciation. All measured parameters of soil microbial activity were affected by heavy metal concentrations. The decrease in CFU was most significant in the case of oligotrophic bacteria and spore-forming bacteria. Significant inhibition of C-biomass occurred in soils highly contaminated by heavy metals. The C biomass:Cox ratio decreased with increasing soil pollution. Generally, the values of enzymatic activities were highest in the soil above the source of contamination and they were decreased as approaching the source of contamination. Our results demonstrate that several parameters of microbial activity could be used as good indicators of increasing concentrations of Cd, Pb, and Zn in soil.
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The Industrial effluent (water sample) were collected from sugar factory and analyzed every month throughout the year. So, we have studied the total alkalinity in industrial effluents. Total alkalinity was extremely low was 49.5 mg/lit.
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The concentrations and the amount of cumulative release of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, and Pb) in contaminated sediments collected from combined sewer system were investigated in order to provide a complete overview of the key variables affecting the heavy metals release from storm sewer sediments. The heavy metals release rates were affected to a much greater extent in the low pH (4–7) condition than in high pH (8–10) condition. At higher temperature (30–35°C) the release rates of metals were increased more rapidly than at low temperature. The release of Zn, Cu, Cr, and Pb appeared to increase under the aerobic condition during the first 150 min and then the concentration kept stable. Moreover, the adsorption of these metals and the release of Cd occurred in the anaerobic condition. The flow rate significantly affected the release amount of Zn, Pb, and Cr, while it slightly affected the concentration of Cu and Cd. This study reflects that any change of pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and flow rate of overlying water all cause the different variations of the concentrations of heavy metals.
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The physico-chemical characteristics of ten permanently flowing rivers from Kahuzi Biega National Park (Democratic Republic of Congo) were examined in July 2007. Water samples were collected from ten sites between 1800 and 3200 m asl and analyzed for the following chemical parameters: biological oxygen demand, total and carbonate hardness, alkalinity, total phosphorus, nitrogen, nitrate, and ammonia. Discharge, current velocity, temperature, and oxygen satu- ration were analyzed on site. In general, the chemical parameters revealed relatively low concentrations compared to others rivers in the region. The rivers were cold (10°C - 15°C), well oxygenated, had low conductivity (generally <100 μS/cm), and had pH values ranging between 5.5 and 7.6. Nitrogen and phosphorus were also low (0.086 - 0.25 μmol/L for phosphorus and 2.21 - 4.25 μmol/L for nitrogen) in all rivers. The main natural sources of nitrogen and other nutria- ents are from rain and atmospheric deposition, organic matter decomposition, and fixation of molecular nitrogen from allochthonous inorganic material. In the forested rivers of Kahuzi-Biega National Park the terrestrial and riparian envi- ronments are the only sources of nitrogen and phosphorus to the river water.
A study on the factors influencing nitrogen removal in waste water stabilization ponds was undertaken in an eight-pond series in Werribee, Australia. Nitrogen species including Kjeldahl nitrogen, total ammonia nitrogen, nitrite and nitrate were monitored monthly from March 1993 to January 1994. At the same time, pH, temperature, chlorophyll a content and dissolved oxygen were also recorded. Highest nitrogen removal occurred during the period with highest levels of chlorophyll a content and dissolved oxygen, but the rate of nitrogen removal was not related to temperature and pH. Enhanced photosynthetic activities resulting from an increased phytoplankton abundance due to prolonged detention time caused an increase in dissolved oxygen, and created an optimum condition for nitrification to occur. In this process, ammonia was oxidized to nitrite and nitrate which were subsequently reduced to elemental nitrogen. Apart from nitrification-denitrification which was the major nitrogen removal pathway in the study system, algal uptake of ammonium, nitrate and nitrite as nutrient sources also contributed to the nitrogen removal. The role of phytoplankton and zooplankton in the treatment process in waste stabilization ponds was discussed.
Building on the success of its 1993 predecessor, this second edition of Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution has been thoroughly re-written, updated and extended to provide a complete and authoritative account of modern hydrogeochemistry. Offering a quantitative approach to the study of groundwater quality and the interaction of water, minerals, gases, pollutants and microbes, this book shows how physical and chemical theory can be applied to explain observed water qualities and variations over space and time. Integral to the presentation, geochemical modelling using PHREEQC code is demonstrated, with step-by-step instructions for calculating and simulating field and laboratory data. Numerous figures and tables illustrate the theory, while worked examples including calculations and theoretical explanations assist the reader in gaining a deeper understanding of the concepts involved. A crucial read for students of hydrogeology, geochemistry and civil engineering, professionals in the water sciences will also find inspiration in the practical examples and modeling templates. © 2005 C.A.J. Appelo & D. Postma, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Ben Akkerman collection Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. All rights reserved.
A single solution reagent is described for the determination of phosphorus in sea water. It consists of an acidified solution of ammonium molybdate containing ascorbic acid and a small amount of antimony. This reagent reacts rapidly with phosphate ion yielding a blue-purple compound which contains antimony and phosphorus in a 1:1 atomic ratio. The complex is very stable and obeys Beer's law up to a phosphate concentration of at least 2 μg/ml.The sensitivity of the procedure is comparable with that of the stannous chloride method. The salt error is less than 1 %.
Herbivory can potentially affect the speed and direction of plant succession by favoring the development of a community dominated by grazing-resistant species. This idea was tested experimentally by examining the effects of the planktonic herbivore, Daphnia, on phytoplankton succession in a naturally eutrophic lake. Phytoplankton succession was characterized by two major transitions in community structure. Algal dominance shifted from small diatoms and chlorophytes during the spring bloom to cryptophyte flagellates during the clear-water phase. After the clear-water phase, dominance shifted to filamentous blue-greens (cyanobacteria). Algal species positions in the successional sequence were repeatable from year to year, despite interannual shifts in the timing of species' peak abundances associated with a drastic change in the food web. In addition, evidence is presented to suggest that Daphnia-induced changes in water clarity may have fostered increases in epilimnetic mixing, which, in turn, may have stimulated brief blooms of large-celled algae after clear-water periods. Daphnia manipulation in large enclosures, and whole-lake observations before and after a fish kill, showed that intense grazing promoted the transition from edible, spring-bloom species to similarly edible, cryptophyte flagellates. In contrast, Daphnia grazing retarded further succession to grazing-resistant, filamentous blue-greens. Thus, the effects of herbivory on algal succession were not predictable from the relative susceptibilities of these algal species to grazing mortality. These results underscore the importance of indirect effects in the herbivore-plant interactions of planktonic communities. The observation that a single species of herbivore had opposite effects during two successional transitions implies that caution should be exercised when extrapolating grazer effects beyond the time scale of an experiment.