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A Mercury-like component of early Earth yields uranium in the core and high mantle 142 Nd


Abstract and Figures

Recent (142)Nd isotope data indicate that the silicate Earth (its crust plus the mantle) has a samarium to neodymium elemental ratio (Sm/Nd) that is greater than that of the supposed chondritic building blocks of the planet. This elevated Sm/Nd has been ascribed either to a 'hidden' reservoir in the Earth or to loss of an early-formed terrestrial crust by impact ablation. Since removal of crust by ablation would also remove the heat-producing elements--potassium, uranium and thorium--such removal would make it extremely difficult to balance terrestrial heat production with the observed heat flow. In the 'hidden' reservoir alternative, a complementary low-Sm/Nd layer is usually considered to reside unobserved in the silicate lower mantle. We have previously shown, however, that the core is a likely reservoir for some lithophile elements such as niobium. We therefore address the question of whether core formation could have fractionated Nd from Sm and also acted as a sink for heat-producing elements. We show here that addition of a reduced Mercury-like body (or, alternatively, an enstatite-chondrite-like body) rich in sulfur to the early Earth would generate a superchondritic Sm/Nd in the mantle and an (142)Nd/(144)Nd anomaly of approximately +14 parts per million relative to chondrite. In addition, the sulfur-rich core would partition uranium strongly and thorium slightly, supplying a substantial part of the 'missing' heat source for the geodynamo.
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A Mercury-like component of early Earth yields
uranium in the core and high mantle
Anke Wohlers1& Bernard J. Wood1
Nd isotope data indicate that the silicate Earth (its
crust plus the mantle) has a samarium to neodymium elemental
ratio (Sm/Nd) that is greater than that of the supposed chon-
dritic building blocks of the planet. This elevated Sm/Nd has
been ascribed either to a hiddenreservoir in the Earth
or to
loss of an early-formed terrestrial crust by impact ablation
Since removal of crust by ablation would also remove the heat-
producing elementspotassium, uranium and thoriumsuch
removal would make it extremely difficult to balance terrestrial
heat production with the observed heat flow
reservoir alternative, a complementary low-Sm/Nd layer is
usually considered to reside unobserved in the silicate lower
likely reservoir for some lithophile elements such as niobium
We therefore address the question of whether core formation
could have fractionated Nd from Sm and also acted as a sink for
heat-producing elements. We show here that addition of a
reduced Mercury-like body (or, alternatively, an enstatite-
chondrite-like body) rich in sulfur to the early Earth would
generate a superchondritic Sm/Nd in the mantle and an
Nd anomaly of approximately +14 parts per million
relative to chondrite. In addition, the sulfur-rich core would
partition uranium strongly and thorium slightly, supplying a
substantial part of the missingheat source for the geodynamo.
Terrestrial rocks were recently found to have higher ratios of
Nd to nonradiogenic
Nd than do the chondritic
meteorites generally supposed to be representative of the material
from which Earth accreted
Nd was produced during the early
history of the Solar System from decay of the extinct radionuclide
Sm (half-life, t
= 68 million years
and the presence of a positive
Nd anomaly of ,20 parts per million (p.p.m.) calculated as
Earth 142Nd
Earthor of ,9 p.p.m.
in the
silicate Earth would require an Sm/Nd ratio higher than chondritic
This high Sm/Nd ratio was established early in Earths history while
Sm was still alive(that is, undergoing radioactive decay).
A plausible mechanism for generating high Sm/Nd in Earths
mantle is partial melting and melt extraction to form a crust. Because
Nd is less compatible in mantle silicates than Sm
, partial melts have
relatively low Sm/Nd and the solid residue has high Sm/Nd. A low-
Sm/Nd crust could be completely removed from the mantle system by
subduction to an inaccessible region of the deep mantle
or removed
from Earth by impact ablation
. The problem with the former
hypothesis is the lack of evidence for a hidden silicate reservoir, while
the latter hypothesis suffers from the requirement that much of
Earths heat production, in the form of radioactive uranium (U),
thorium (Th) and potassium (K) would be removed together with the
low-Sm/Nd crust. Assuming chondritic abundances of U and Th and
a K/U ratio of ,12,000 for the silicate Earth
, the heat production in
the Earth is only about 0.6 times the current heat loss
. Reducing the
heat sources further by ablation loss would make it even more difficult
to reconcile heat production with heat loss.
An additional question in the context of heat production is that of
the energy source for the Earths magnetic field
. Arising from
convection in the core, Earth has had a magnetic field for at least
3.5 billion years. The crystallization of the inner core is an important
source of energy for the geodynamo
but most attempts to construct
histories of core cooling indicate that the inner core cannot be much
older than 11.5 billion years
unless a source of radioactive
heating is present. Numerous studies have focused on
potential core heat source, because K, in common with all moderately
volatile elements
, is depleted in the silicate Earth relative to the
chondritic abundance.
Furthermore, high-pressure experiments
indicate that K enters
sulfide under oxidizing conditions and sulfur (S) is believed to be a
major component of the cores complement of approximately 10% of
elements of low atomic number
. It appears, however that the
maximum possible K content of the core is insufficient to generate
more than a small fraction of the 25 TW required to generate
reasonable core thermal histories
. The alternative explanation
that U and/or Th provide the energy for core convectionhas some
support from early experiments on sulphidesilicate partitioning
but more recent results indicate very little partitioning of U into
S-bearing metals even under extreme conditions
We approached the problem of U, Th, Nd and Sm in Earths
mantle and core from the standpoint of recent work on partitioning
between sulfide melts and silicate melts
. Kiseeva and Wood
that the sulfidesilicate partition coefficient for any element i,
defined as D
, is dependent on the FeO content of the
silicate melt, such that for FeS-rich sulfides:
where Ais a constant and nis a constant dependent on the valency
of element i. Therefore, under strongly reducing conditions, where
the FeO content of the silicate melt is very low (,1% for example)
one would expect D
values to be much higher than under the
conditions of MORB crystallization where the FeO content of the
melt is about 8%10%. This hypothesis is consistent with the data of
Murrell and Burnett
, who observed strong partitioning of U into
sulfide liquid at low oxygen fugacity f
. Given terrestrial accretion
models calling for prolonged periods of growth under reduced
, the demonstration that Mercury is a highly reduced
S-rich planet with a liquid core
and the association of the rare
earth elements (REEs), U and Th with sulfides in enstatite chondrite
, we investigated partitioning of U, Th, Sm, Nd and
several other lithophile elements into liquid iron sulfide under
reducing conditions.
Experiments were performed at 1.5 GPa and temperatures
between 1,400 8C and 1,650 8C using starting materials that were
approximately 50:50 mixtures of silicate and FeS doped with a range
of lithophile trace elements including U, Th, La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Yb, Ce,
and Zr (see Methods). The silicate was a basalt-like composition in
the system CaOMgOAl
with variable FeO. Analysis
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3AN, UK.
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LETTER doi:10.1038/nature14350
was by electron microprobe and laser ablation inductively coupled
plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) (Methods). Table 1 pre-
sents a summary of sulfidesilicate partitioning results (see
Extended Data Figs 13 and Extended Data Tables 14 for complete
Figure 1a shows data from a series of experiments performed at
1,400 8C. As can be seen, the partition coefficients of U, Nd and Sm are
strong functions of the FeO content of the silicate melt, increasing
dramatically, as predicted, as the FeO content decreases below 1 wt%.
The negative slope of logD
as f(log[FeO
]) reverses at high FeO
however, because the sulfide dissolves progressively more oxygen as
the FeO content of silicate increases and these three lithophile
elements (Fig. 1a) follow oxygen into the sulfide. We found similar
behaviour in two more series of experiments at higher temperature
(Table 1 and Extended Data Fig. 1). Other lithophile elements, notably
Ti, Nb and Ta (B.J.W., unpublished data) behave similarly. Impor-
tantly, we find D
for partitioning into sulfide in all
experiments. At very low FeO contents all D
become .1 (Fig. 1a).
Furthermore (Fig. 1b) D
is always appreciably greater than D
with D
approaching 1.5 in some cases.
The implications of Fig. 1 are that segregation of sulfide (or S-rich
metal) from reduced FeO-poor silicate will lead to enrichment of the
metallic phase in U and in Nd relative to Sm when compared to the
silicate. Addition of such material to the core and mantle respectively
of a growing planet would provide a core heat source and a mantle
with superchondritic Sm/Nd, Yb/Sm and Yb/La. Although poten-
tially detectable in terms of a mantle
Nd anomaly, the fractiona-
tion of heavy from light REEs (Table 1) in the primitive mantle of the
body (the bulk silicate Earth in this case) would have little effect on its
overall REE pattern (Extended Data Fig. 3). Similarly, there would be
no observable Eu anomaly despite the fact that Eu is probably in
the 2
oxidation state (unlike the other 3
lanthanides) under these
conditions (Extended Data Fig. 3). If such a body represented Earth
early in its history then the mantle would have a positive
anomaly relative to chondrite (as observed) and much of the energy
deficit identified for core convection
would be supplied by U (and
Th). We find that D
is about 0.1, indicating that U would be
accompanied by Th in the S-rich core. Addition of more-oxidized
material later in accretion would lead to the higher current FeO
content of the mantle (8.1%)
, but could not erase the super-
chondritic Sm/Nd ratio of the mantle and U content of the core
unless there were complete coremantle re-equilibration.
Figure 2 illustrates the impact of adding a highly reduced body rich
in sulfide to the growing Earth. The Th/U ratio of the silicate Earth
would be higher than chondritic (3.83.9
), which provides an
important constraint on how much U can be present in Earths core.
Based on the Pb-isotopic compositions of Archean galenas
and of
3.5-billion-year-old komatiites
the Th/U ratio of the Archean
mantle has been estimated to be $4.3. Tatsumoto
argued, on the
basis of the Pb isotopic compositions of basalts, for an early
differentiation of the mantle, which resulted in a Th/U of 4.24.5
in the mantle source regions. Since that time the Th/U ratio of the
mantle has decreased, probably owing to preferential recycling of the
more soluble U
Figure 2 shows four models of U content of the core and the
anomaly of the mantle (relative to the bulk Earth), based on our
partitioning data. We choose a reduced body of 0.15 mass fraction
sulphide, corresponding to the S content of primitive CI chondrites
and use values of D
) that are close to the observed
maximum of 0.82.2, noting that D
values increase with
decreasing temperature and that segregation of sulfide from a
crystal-melt mush instead of melt alone would increase them further
because of the incompatibility of Sm, Nd and U in crystals. As can be
seen (Fig. 2a), adding 20% of such a body to Earth would lead to 45
parts per billion (p.p.b.) of U in the core, a Th/U of the silicate Earth
of 4.17 and a
Nd anomaly in the mantle relative to the bulk Earth
of ,7 p.p.m. Increasing the reduced body mass to 45% (Fig. 2b) leads
to about 8 p.p.b. U in the core, a Th/U of the silicate Earth of 4.5 and a
Nd anomaly of 13.9 p.p.m. relative to the bulk Earth.
We performed a sensitivity analysis (Extended Data Fig. 2) and
find that, if the Th/U of the silicate Earth is #4.5, the maximum U
content of the core is 8 p.p.b. with a Th content of ,8 p.p.b. These
figures increase to ,10 p.p.b. if the Th/U of the silicate Earth is #4.7.
Nd anomaly is 13.9 p.p.m. in the former case and ,17 p.p.m.
in the latter. The estimated U and Th contents of the core would lead
to 22.4 TW, sufficient to power the geodynamo
even without the
potential 0.40.8 TW from
K decay
. We can reduce the size of the
reduced body by increasing its S content (Fig. 2c, d) and increase
but the overall effects on the core and mantle
Nd remain
–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
log[DsulDsil (wt%)]
log[FeO in silicate (wt%)]
–0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
log[FeO in silicate (wt%)]
1,400 °C
1.5 GPa
1.5 GPa
1,400 ºC
Figure 1 | Sulphidesilicate partitioning data. a, Partition coefcients D
for U, Nd and Sm at 1.5 GPa and 1,400 8C plotted versus the log of
the FeO content of the silicate melt in weight per cent. b,TheratioofD
plotted versus log[FeO]. Error bars in both cases are 62s.e.and,ifabsent,are
smaller than symbol size.
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hts reserved
338 |NATURE |VOL 520 |16 APRIL 2015
Table 1 | Summary of sulfidesilicate partition coefficients
Run Pressure, P(GPa) Temperature, T(8C) log[FeO
(wt%)] D
421 1.5 1,400 0.50 0.005 1.42 2.47 0.036 5.85 1.38 0.16
σ0.001 0.29 0.37 0.008 0.93 0.23 0.07
428 1.5 1,400 0.08 0.013 1.35 1.56 0.038 5.50 1.35 0.16
σ0.001 0.19 0.17 0.005 1.06 0.20 0.02
427 1.5 1,400 20.25 0.062 1.30 1.81 0.028 2.36 1.23 0.13
σ0.006 0.19 0.24 0.004 0.40 0.22 0.02
426 1.5 1,400 20.30 2.247 1.25 6.81 0.048 0.14 1.03 0.16
σ0.333 0.30 1.43 0.010 0.05 0.15 0.09
429 1.5 1,400 1.21 0.005 1.04 3.68 0.200 2.04 1.10 0.67
σ0.0001 0.12 0.89 0.041 0.42 0.47 0.19
461 1.5 1,650 0.30 0.023 1.22 1.92 0.058 4.09 1.18 0.21
σ0.003 0.20 0.32 0.009 0.58 0.18 0.03
462 1.5 1,650 20.21 0.154 1.12 3.58 0.046 1.13 0.92 0.27
σ0.011 0.13 0.43 0.007 0.14 0.10 0.03
477 1.5 1,650 20.29 0.629 1.10 9.26 0.044 0.37 0.83 0.39
σ0.038 0.11 0.73 0.043 0.38 0.80 0.39
464 1.5 1,650 20.32 0.751 1.13 9.41 0.035 0.21 0.55 0.28
σ0.073 0.16 1.18 0.020 0.16 0.44 0.16
1,414 1.5 1,500 20.21 0.048 1.31 1.84 0.031 5.95 1.41 0.13
σ0.004 0.14 0.34 0.009 0.80 0.16 0.02
1,415 1.5 1,500 20.39 0.454 1.18 6.99 0.040 0.88 1.04 0.21
σ0.028 0.13 0.66 0.005 0.11 0.14 0.05
1,416 1.5 1,500 0.88 0.006 1.39 2.70 0.067 4.92 1.52 0.23
σ0.0005 0.18 0.25 0.007 0.56 0.19 0.02
1,417 1.5 1,500 1.06 0.007 1.20 3.11 0.150 2.71 1.19 0.50
σ0.001 0.24 0.52 0.042 0.48 0.21 0.30
Partition coefficients in weight ratio. σis calculated from error propagation.
U (p.p.b.)
3.2% sulfur
10 20 30 40 50
U (p.p.b.)
Reduced bod
mass (%)
4.6% sulfur
10 20 30 40 50
Reduced bod
mass (%)
8.1% sulfur
142Nd (p.p.m.)
DSm = 1
DSm = 2
DSm = 3
7.1% sulfur
142Nd = 5.7 Th/U = 4.10
142Nd = 6.6 Th/U = 4.17
142Nd = 3.8 Th/U = 4.04
142Nd = 13.9 Th/U = 4.54
142Nd = 16.7 Th/U = 4.74
142Nd = 9.0 Th/U = 4.25
142Nd = 6.9 Th/U = 4.17
142Nd = 5.1 Th/U = 4.06
142Nd = 7.1 Th/U = 4.23
142Nd = 12.6 Th/U = 4.51
142Nd = 9.3 Th/U = 4.27
142Nd = 13.7 Th/U = 4.64
Figure 2 | Core content of U (p.p.b.) and mantle
Nd anomaly
(p.p.m.). a, Calculated effect of adding to the growing Earth a reduced body
of 20% of Earths mass containing 0.15 mass fraction sulde. The sulde is
added to the core and the silicate to the mantle. Sulphidesilicate D
xed at 2, D
at 1.4 and D
at 0.1 (Table 1). b, Same as aexcept the
mass of reduced body is 45% of the Earths mass. cand d, As for aand b
except the reduced body contains 0.22 mass fraction sulde. The reduced
body and remainder of Earth each contain 14 p.p.b. U and 53.5 p.p.b. Th,
consistent with chondritic abundances. Sulde extraction was assumed to take
place at the origin of the Solar System.
16 APRIL 2015|VOL 52 0 |NATURE |339
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close to those summarized above if the Th/U of the bulk silicate Earth
is constrained to be #4.5 or #4.7.
We note that the scenarios shown in Fig. 2 refer to a terrestrial core
containing between 3.2 wt% S and 8.1 wt% S. The concentration of
cosmochemically abundant volatile S in the core is unknown, but
recent suggestions range from a cosmochemical estimate of 1.7 wt%
(ref. 14) to ,6 wt% (ref. 28) from liquid-metal density measurements
and 14.7 wt% (ref. 29) from high-temperature, high-pressure
equation-of-state measurements. The range shown in Fig. 2 is,
therefore appropriate for the current state of knowledge.
We conclude that a period of growth of the accreting Earth
under reduced, S-rich conditions would generate a measureable
(,þ14 p.p.m.)
Nd anomaly in the silicate Earth, in agreement
with observations. This would also add sufficient U and Th to the core
to generate 22.4 TW of the energy required to drive the geodynamo.
Online Content Methods, along with any additional Extended Data display items
and SourceData, are available in theonline version of the paper; references unique
to these sectionsappear only in the online paper.
Received 17 December 2014; accepted 20 February 2015.
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Acknowledgements We acknowledge support from the European Research
Council grant number 267764. We thank J. Wade for his advice and comments.
A. Hofmann and T. Elliott provided advice and suggestions about Th/U of silicate
Author Contributions Both authors performed experiments and microanalysis,
with about two-thirds done by A.W. Both authors contributed to writing the
manuscript, with about two-thirds done by B.J.W.
Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at www. The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of the paper.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.W. (anke. or B.J.W. (
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hts reserved
340 |NATURE |VOL 520 |16 APRIL 2015
Experimental methods. Starting materials for high-pressure experiments
consisted of mixtures of ,50 wt% (Fe,Ni)S and ,50% of a synthetic silicate
approximating the 1.5 GPa eutectic composition in the anorthitediopside
forsterite system
. The sulfide component was analytical-grade FeS doped with
1%3% NiS. Trace elements were added as a mix consisting of Zr, La, Ce,Nd, Sm,
Eu, Yb, Th and U as oxides. After adding the trace-element mix such that each
element was present at 1,0002,000 p.p.m., the silicate and sulfide starting
materials were mixed in 50:50 proportions and ground under acetone for 20 min,
then dried at 110 8C before the experiment. Starting compositions were loaded
into 3 mm outer diameter and 1 mm inner diameter graphite capsules.
Experiments were conducted in a half-inch-diameter piston-cylinder appar-
atus using external cylinders eitherof BaCO
-silica glass (at 1,500 8C and 1,650 8C)
or CaF
(at 1,400 8C) and an 8 mm outer diameter graphite furnace with a
1-mm-thick wall. The unsealed capsule was separated from the graphite furnace
by an interior MgO sleeve, with a 0.5-mm-thick alumina disk on top to prevent
puncture by the thermocouple. Temperatures were controlled and monitored
using a tungstenrhenium thermocouple (W5%Re/W26%Re), and the temper-
ature was maintained within618C. Experimental conditions were 1,400 8C, 1,500
8C and 1,650 8C at 1.5 GPa and with experiment durations between 1 h and 4.5 h.
These times are sufficient to approach equilibrium in small graphite capsules
Experiments were quenchedby turning off the power supply. After quenching, the
capsule was extracted from the furnace, mounted in acrylic and polished for
further analyses with electron microprobe and LA-ICP-MS. All experimental
charges contained sulfide blebs embedded in a silicate glass matrix.
Microanalysis. Samples were analysed on the JEOL 8600 electron microprobe in
the Archaeology Department at the University of Oxford. Wavelength dispersive
analyses of the major-element compositions of silicate glasses and sulfides were
performed at 15 kV with a beam current of 20 nA and a 10 μm defocused beam
(Extended Data Tables 1 and 2). At least 20 analyses were taken of the silicate
and sulfide in each experiment. Count times for major elements (Si, Al, Ca, Mg,
Fe in silicate, Fe in sulfide) were 30 s on the peak and 15 s background. Minor
elements (S, Ni, O) were analysed for 60 s peak and 30 s background. We have
previously noted Ni loss from similar experiments
and the principal reason for
adding Ni was to provide an additional check on LA-ICP-MS analyses of the
trace elements of interest (see below). A range of natural and synthetic standards
was used for calibration. Standards for silicate were wollastonite (Si, Ca), jadeite
(Al), periclase (Mg) and haematite (Fe). Standards for sulfides were Ni metal
(Ni), galena (S) and haematite (Fe, O). Oxygen in the sulfides was determined
using the Kαpeak and LDE crystal.
We determined U and Sm contents of three product sulfides as a further check
on the LA-ICP-MS analyses. In this case we measured the Mαpeak for U and the
Lαpeak for Sm using standards of UO
and SmPO
respectively and a PET
crystal. Operating conditions were 15 kV, 40 nA and a 10 μm beam. The count
time for U was 120 s on peak and 60 s background. Sm was analysed for 150 s on
the peak and 75 s background.
Trace elements in silicates and sulfides were measured by LA-ICP-MS employ-
ing a NexION 300 quadropole mass spectrometer coupled to a New Wave
Research UP213 Nd:YAG laser at the University of Oxford. A laser repetition rate
of 10 Hz and spot size of 2550 μm were used for silicate glasses and sulfides
(ExtendedData Tables 3 and 4) with an energy density of ,12 J cm
time-resolved mode, we employed 20 s of background acquisition, followed by
ablation for 60 s. Between analyses we employed a 6090 s wash-outtime. The
following masses were counted:
U. Our external standard was NIST610 glass
and we typically collected three spectra of this at the beginning and end of each
sequence of 1015 unknowns. The BCR-2G standard was used as a secondary
standard to check the accuracy of the calibration. Ablation yields were corrected
by referencing to the known concentrations of Si and Ca (silicate glass) and
Fe (sulfides), which had been determined by microprobe. Data reduction was
performed off-line using the Glitter 4.4.3 software package (http://www.glitter- which enabled us to identify occasional sulfide inclusions in the
silicate analyses. Since the Fe content of the NIST610 standard is only 460 p.p.m.,
the background is high and the matrices are very different, so cross-checks on the
sulfide analyses were required. Therefore, we measured Ni with the electron
microprobe and LA-ICP-MS. In agreement with Kiseeva and Wood
, we observed
no systematic offset between electron microprobe and LA-ICP-MS analyses for Ni
(Extended Data Tables 2 and 4). Additionally, as discussed above, the U and Sm
contents of the sulfides were measured by electron microprobe in three
experimental charges (numbers 1415, 464, and 477). Between 20 and 43 electron
probe analyses were performed on each sample. The highest U and Sm
concentrations were measured in experiment 1415 with LA-ICP-MS (U = 2,958
p.p.m., Sm = 719 p.p.m.). Comparative measurements with electron probe yielded
values of U = 3,280 6490 p.p.m. and Sm = 707 6110 p.p.m., (uncertainty is 2 s.e.)
and therefore show excellent agreement. Two samples with lower U and Sm
concentrations were also analysed. LA-ICP-MS measurements for experiment 464
yielded U = 952 p.p.m. and Sm = 327 p.p.m., while experiment 477 gave U = 927
p.p.m. and Sm = 300 p.p.m. Electron microprobe concentrations of U =1,164 6224
p.p.m. and Sm = 319 687 p.p.m. (experiment 464) and U = 991 669 p.p.m. and
Sm = 277 638 p.p.m. (experiment 477) are also in excellent agreement with the
LA-ICP-MS measurements. We conclude that our LA-ICP-MS results have no
detectable systematic offset due to matrix effects or calibration errors.
30. Presnall, D. C. et al. Liquidus phase relations on the join diopside-forsterite-
anorthite from 1 atm to 20 kbar: their bearing on the generation and crystallization
of basaltic magma. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 66, 203220 (1978).
31. Salters, V. J. M. & Stracke, A. Composition of the depleted mantle. Geochem.
Geophys. Geosyst. 5, (2004).
G2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Extended Data Table 1 | Major-element composition of silicate
Values are in weight per cent. σcalculated from error propagation. nis the number of
measurements. Σtrace is the sum of trace elements measured using LA-ICP-MS.
G2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Extended Data Table 2 | Major-element composition of
Values are in weight per cent. σcalculated from error propagation. n.m., not measured. nis the
number of measurements. Σtrace is the sum of trace elements measured using LA-ICP-MS.
G2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Extended Data Table 3 | Trace-element concentration in silicates.
Values are in parts per million. nis the number of measurements. n.m., not measured.
G2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Extended Data Table 4 | Trace-element concentration in sulfides.
Values are in parts per million. nis the number of measurements.
G2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Extended Data Figure 1 | Partition coefcients for U, Nd and Sm with
changing log[FeO] content in silicate melt (wt%). a, Results for Dvalues of
experiments performed at 1.5 GPa and 1,500 8C. b,Dvalue results at 1.5 GPa
and 1,650 8C.
G2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Extended Data Figure 2 | Core content of U (p.p.b.) and mantle
anomaly (p.p.m.) at D
=3. The effect on the Nd and U content using
the same parameters (D
at 1.4 and D
at 0.1) as in Fig. 2 but with
a higher D
ratio. aand bshow the calculated effect of adding to Earth a
reduced body of 20% of the Earths mass or 45% of the Earths mass,
containing 0.15 mass fraction sulde. cand dillustrate the same scenario
except that the reduced body contains 0.22 mass fraction sulde.
G2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Extended Data Figure 3 | REE fractionation at 3.2% and 8.1% S in the
core. The calculated REE pattern in the bulk silicate Earth (BSE) for the two
extreme cases of Fig. 1a (3.2% S) and Extended Data Fig. 2d (8.1% S). Black
diamonds represent REE concentrations relative to chondritic abundances
and normalized to Yb = 1, at 3.2% S in the core (20% reduced mass impactor
containing 0.15 mass fraction sulde). White diamonds illustrate the REE
fractionation at elevated S content (8.1% S in the core, 35% reduced mass
impactor containing 0.22 mass fraction sulde). We assumed D
= [(Sm in
sulde)/(Sm in silicate)]=1 and D
ratios for other elements from
experiment 464. Both scenarios result in very small depletions of light REE
relative to heavy REE in the BSE. The trend is broadly consistent with that
seen in the depleted mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB)mantle composition
(blue diamonds) but much smaller. The effect on the REE pattern of the BSE
would, as can be seen, be undetectable. Blue diamonds illustrate the measured
ratio of depleted MORB mantle (from Salters and Stracke
) to the BSE
(Palme and ONeill
, assuming chondritic abundances of refractory lithophile
elements in the latter. Error bars are from propagated error calculation and
correspond to 1 s.d.
G2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

Supplementary resource (1)

... 3.1. 맨틀과 주요 암석의 우라늄 동위원소 조성 지구에서 우라늄은 주로 맨틀과 상부지각 사이에 주로 분포하고 핵에는 거의 존재하지 않을 것으로 여겨진다 (Wohlers and Wood, 2015). (Fig. 2), 상부맨틀의 우라늄 동위원소 조성은 균질하지 않은 것으로 여겨진다 (Andersen et al., 2015). ...
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Plain Language Summary Mineral assemblages that constitute the mantles of reduced exoplanets, such as those formed in the inner regions of stellar nebulae, have been scarcely investigated. We propose that these exoplanets share several physical and chemical properties with planet Mercury in our Solar System, as they formed in a similar geochemical environment. In order to outline the minerals constituting these mantles, we take in account all the chemical compositions previously proposed to match Mercury's observed characteristics. These compositions are extrapolated from several classes of meteorites, among the most pristine materials currently known and best candidates as “building blocks” of planetary objects. We, then use the well‐established thermodynamic code Perple_X to predict the stable minerals at pressure and temperature ranges assumed for these exoplanets' interiors. We find that silicate mantles of exoplanets located in inner regions of nebulae are dominated by pyroxene group minerals, rather than olivine, as in the Earth's mantle. This results in different rheological (e.g., viscosity) and physical properties (e.g., melting behavior) for these reduced exoplanets, with significant implications for their mantle dynamics and evolution over time.
The origin of the seismic low velocity zone (LVZ) observed at the base of the lunar mantle is important for understanding the nature of the lunar mantle. Liquid Fe–S is considered as a possible candidate of the cause of the LVZ. However, effect of liquid Fe–S on elastic wave velocity of mantle rock has been considered to be minor, according to theoretical estimation based on the high dihedral angle of liquid Fe–S in olivine aggregate observed in previous microstructural analysis of polished sample cross sections. Here we carry out direct measurements of elastic wave velocities of liquid Fe–S-bearing olivine aggregate and report strong reduction of the elastic wave velocities in the presence of liquid Fe–S. The effects of liquid Fe–S in olivine aggregates are much more pronounced than the theoretical estimation. Three-dimensional X-ray microtomography analysis reveals that the geometry of liquid Fe–S strongly depends on the size, with larger liquid Fe–S blobs having low aspect ratios, which may predominantly affect elastic wave velocity. Since smaller spherical Fe–S blobs are much more abundant than the larger elongated blobs, conventional dihedral angle analyses based on scanning electron microscope images tend to statistically over-sample smaller blobs and under-sample larger blobs. Our results suggest that the LVZ at the base of the lunar mantle can be explained by the presence of 4.3–5.0 vol.% liquid Fe–S. The LVZ may be a hidden reservoir of highly siderophile elements (HSEs), which may explain the low abundance of HSEs in the lunar mantle compared to the Earth.
New data are given in this report for (1) Pb isotopic compositions and U, Th, and Pb concentrations of basalts from the island of Hawaii; (2) redetermined Pb isotopic compositions of some abyssal tholeiites; and (3) U, Th, and Pb concentrations of altered and fresh abyssal basalts, and basalt genesis and mantle evolution are discussed. The Th/U ratios of abyssal and Japanese tholeiites are distinctly lower than those of tholeiites and alkali basalts from other areas. It is thought that these low values reflect a part of the mantle depleted in large ionic lithophile elements. Thus a mantle evolution model is presented, in which Th/U ratios of the depleted zone in the mantle have decreased to ~2, and U/Pb ratios have increased, showing an apparent ~1.5-b.y.isochron trend in the ²⁰⁷Pb/²⁰⁴Pbvs. ²⁰⁶Pb/²⁰⁴Pb plot. The Pb isotopic compositions of basalts from the island of Hawaii are distinct for each of the five volcanoes, and within each volcano, Pb's of tholeiites and alkali basalts are similar. An interaction between partially melted material (hot plume?) of the asthenosphere and the lithosphere is suggested to explain the trend in the Pb isotopic compositions of Hawaiian basalts.
Iron (Fe) and coexisting Fe3S were studied simultaneously using synchrotron X-ray diffraction and a laser-heated diamond anvil cell (DAC). The thermal equation of state (EOS) of Fe3S was investigated up to pressures of 80 GPa and temperatures of 2500 K. Fitting a third-order Birch-Murnaghan EOS to the room temperature data yielded bulk modulus K0 = 156(7) GPa (values in parentheses are standard deviation) and pressure derivative K'0 = 3.8(3) calibrated against NaCl in the B2 structure. The room temperature data were also calibrated against the EOS of hcp-Fe for comparison and aid in the determination of the thermal pressure contribution of Fe3S. This fit yielded bulk modulus K0 = 113(9) GPa and pressure derivative K'0 = 5.2(6). The thermal pressure contribution of Fe3S was assumed to be of the form ΔPthermal = αKTΔT, where αKT is constant. The best fit to the data yielded αKT = 0.011(2) GPa K-1. Iron and Fe3S coexisted in the high-pressure, high-temperature experiments, and a density relationship between Fe and Fe3S was found to be linear and independent of temperature. Extrapolation of the data to the core-mantle boundary (CMB), using an assumed temperature of 3500 K at the CMB, a 2% volume change associated with melting, and applying a small adjustment to account for the nickel content of the core indicates that 14.7(11) wt % sulfur is adequate to resolve the density deficit of the outer core.
The partitioning of K and Na between liquid Fe-S-O alloys and silicate melt has been determined over the pressure and temperature range 2.5-24 GPa and 1500-1900°C. In experiments with S-free Fe alloys, the alkali elements show completely lithophile behaviour. When S is added, however, K and Na begin to enter the Fe-liquid phase and their distribution coefficients DI (=[I] metal/[I] silicate) correlate strongly with O content (and FeO activity) of the Fe-S-O liquid and with the composition of the silicate melt. For potassium, DK is ˜1.0 for Fe-sulphide liquid containing 30% S and 8% O. Increasing temperature leads to increasing O solubility in the Fe-sulphide liquid and correspondingly higher values of DK. Increasing pressure on the other hand slightly reduces DK values. Given a planetary core containing 10 wt% S and 4-8 wt% O, then several hundred ppm K would be present in the Fe-sulphide liquid if it segregated at low pressures, e.g. in a small planetary body such as Mars. If, as has recently been suggested, the Earth's core separated at the base of a deep magma ocean, then its highest possible K content is about 250 ppm. The latter would generate approximately 20% of the total heat production of the core. K can only be present in the core, however, if, at some time during its formation, a discrete O-rich FeS liquid separated from the silicate mantle. Finally, the sulphide compositions produced in our experiments imply that a combination of S and O could contribute significantly to the light element content of the Earth's core.
Refractory lithophile elements are generally considered to occur in chondritic relative abundances in terrestrial planets. This assumption forms the basis for using isotope systems such as 176Lu-176Hf and 146, 147Sm-142, 143Nd as tracers of planetary evolution. However, on the basis of high-precision 142Nd measurements, higher-than-chondritic Sm/Nd and Lu/Hf values have been recently proposed for the Earth, Moon, and Mars. This hypothesis can be tested using the combined 147Sm-143Nd and 176Lu-176Hf isotope systematics of the Moon. Here we show that the Hf isotope compositions of lunar samples are strongly affected by capture of secondary neutrons produced during cosmic ray exposure on the Moon, and present a model to correct these effects. After correction for neutron capture effects, the Lu-Hf model age for the formation of KREEP from a Moon having chondritic Lu/Hf is ca. 4.35-4.43 Ga, in good agreement with other independent constraints on the timing of lunar differentiation. The combined Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf isotope systematics of low- and high-Ti mare basalts and KREEP-rich samples provide powerful evidence for chondritic Sm/Nd and Lu/Hf in the Moon and do not support higher-than-chondritic values for these two ratios. Given the strong genetic link between the Earth and Moon, this finding implies that the bulk Earth is also characterized by chondritic Lu/Hf and Sm/Nd.
The original standard model of a compositionally layered mantle dominated geochemists' thinking for many years, but it has been largely abandoned, because seismic tomographic images now favor whole-mantle circulation. Although models have been formulated to replace primary layering by dispersed, relatively unfractionated geochemical "reservoirs", a layered mantle still constitutes an attractive framework for explaining some key geochemical observations. Tolstikhin and Hofmann (2005) revived the layered model by replacing the original, massive, sub-660 km primitive reservoir by a comparatively small, enriched layer at the base of the mantle, known as D'', put in place by subduction of a primordial crust. This was based on xenon isotope systematics, which require all known mantle reservoirs to have undergone extreme outgassing, while nevertheless delivering nearly primordial 129Xe. Boyet & Carlson (2005) arrived at essentially the same model on completely independent evidence, the non-chondritic 142Nd abundance of all observed terrestrial rocks. Other evidence for the long-term survival of very ancient (4.4 to 4.5 Ga) crust-mantle differentiation had previously been given by lead isotope systematics of Abitibi-belt galenas (Vervoort et al., 1994) and Isua galenas (Kamber et al. (2003). Most recently, Jackson et al. (2010) have interpreted Pb isotope data of picrites from Baffin Island as inherited from a similarly ancient mantle differentiation event. Here I add the observation that all early Archean galenas have lead isotopes requiring sources with superchondritic time-integrated Th/U ratios, thus also pointing to very ancient crust-mantle or intra-mantle differentiation. All of these mutually independent observations can be, or have been, explained away, so as to reconcile them with the current standard (the single reservoir) model of mantle evolution, but collectively they call for a reexamination of that model. A layered mantle with an early formed, relatively small, persistent, enriched layer near its base provides a tentative explanation for all these new observations, as well as the older ones that led to the postulation of a layered mantle in the first place. This layer, although initiated by subduction of early differentiated crust, may subsequently have grown by downward solidification of a partially molten lower mantle, where Th-U-Pb ratios were controlled by Ca-perovskite fractionation, leaving the solid residue above with elevated U/Pb and Th/U ratios. Tolstikhin, I.N. & Hofmann, A.W. (2005) Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors 148, 109. Boyet, M. & Carlson, R.W. (2995) Science 309, 576-581. Vervoort, J.D. et al. (1994) Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 128, 215. Kamber, B.S. et al. (2003) Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 145, 25-46. Jackson, M.G. et al. (2010) Nature 466, 853-856.
Through the study of komatiites and ophiolites, remnants of the old mantle, we review the evolution of the lead system in the depleted mantle through time. Using the vs. diagram, ( lead ratio), we constrain the Th/U ratio of the bulk silicate Earth to 4.2. This value is also in full agreement with ratios inferred from the study of the various types of meteorites. Using this value, in the [, ] diagram, bulk-Earth plots on the oceanic basalt correlation line, as previously guessed. A comparison with Sr and Nd data shows that the Th/U fractionation correlates with that of Rb/Sr and Nd/Sm whereas the U/Pb fractionation is independent of other ratios.