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An Efficient Modification to Playfair Cipher


Abstract and Figures

Playfair is one of the best-known traditional ciphers but it is limited from different aspects. This paper deals with some of its limitations and extensibilities. Proposed modification uses a 7 × 7 matrix with a matrix randomization algorithm to extend the data holding capability and security at the same time. Some limitations like I/J inconsistency and padding character ambiguity is eliminated. According to the performed cryptanalysis, this modification is stronger than playfair.
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An Efficient Modification to Playfair Cipher
1Md. Ahnaf Tahmid Shakil and 2Md. Rabiul Islam
1 Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Information Technology and Sciences,
2 Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology,
Rajshahi-6204, Bangladesh,
Abstract— Playfair is one of the best-known traditional ciphers but it is limited from different aspects. This paper deals with
some of its limitations and extensibilities. Proposed modification uses a 7 7 matrix with a matrix randomization algorithm to
extend the data holding capability and security at the same time. Some limitations like I/J inconsistency and padding character
ambiguity is eliminated. According to the performed cryptanalysis, this modification is stronger than playfair.
Keywords— Algorithm Enhancement and Optimization, Classical Cryptography, Computational Algorithm, Cryptography,
Polyalphabetic Cipher, Private-key Encryption
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh
All rights reserved.
Manuscript received on 19 July 2014 and accepted for publication on 24 August 2014.
RYPTOGRAPHY is the study of mathematical tech-
niques related to aspects of information security
such as condentiality, data integrity, entity authen-
tication, and data origin authentication [1]. It discusses
about a set of techniques, Encryption is one of them. One
of the primitive purposes of data and information is to
interact with it via various communication channels. The-
se channels are not always authentic. Information or data
must be masked before the communication is initiated to
assure confidentiality. The process of masking data before
transmission through communication channel is encryp-
tion, though purposes of encryption may differ. Most of
the cryptosystem follows a generic structure to encipher
and decipher data. It involves plaintext, ciphertext, en-
cryption algorithm, decryption algorithm and key [2].
Figure 1: General structure of cryptography.
According to the structure, encryption and decryption
uses two different algorithms which may use either iden-
tical or different keys. Based on the usage of key, encryp-
tion may be categorized into two distinct sections – sym-
metric or private key encryption and asymmetric or pub-
lic key encryption [3]. Symmetric encryptions can be
block ciphers or stream ciphers.
Playfair is a symmetric polyalphabetic encryption system
that uses block substitution. It was invented by Charles
Wheatstone in 1954 but implementation was popularized
by Lord Playfair [4], [5]. This cipher was also used as a
British field cipher [6]. Playfair cipher uses a 5 5 matrix
which is shown in table 1.
The matrix is constructed by choosing a keyword from
which duplicate characters are removed and placed in the
matrix. Then the rest of the empty spaces are filled with
remaining characters by following an alphabetic order.
Consistency with English alphabet is kept by putting any
two characters in a single entry (Traditionally, these char-
acters are I and J). Then plaintext is considered as a con-
struction of two character blocks. A plaintext with odd
length is normalized by appending a padding character at
the end. Each block is substituted by following the rules
If both characters are same, a filler character e.g., x
is added after the first character.
If both characters are on the same row of the ma-
trix, they are replaced by their immediate next
with the first element of the row circularly follow-
ing the last.
Two characters that are on the same column are
replaced by the character beneath them with the
top element of the row circularly following the
Two characters when neither on the same column
or on the same row, replaced by the character on
its row that intersects another character by col-
For every possible key there is different number of ma-
trix arrangements. So, for 25 letters, a permutation of 25
(which is approximately 1025) number of possible matrix
can be generated [7]. Also, with 26 letters there is a possi-
bility of 676 digrams, which was considerably secure for
the time when playfair invented. But, with the change of
time, different cracking method arisen, some of which
doesn’t even require technical device and can be solved
by pencil and paper [8].
In the proposed model, a 7 7 matrix is considered for
extended character support and additional features. Pri-
marily, the matrix supports 49 characters. But, the model
uses 47 of them for general purpose and 2 for special
purpose. The character set includes 26 lower-case letters,
10 numerals, 10 most frequently used punctuation marks
and a whitespace character. The two remaining characters
serve exclusively as a filler character and a padding char-
acter. This two particular character are not eligible to par-
ticipate in plaintext or keyword. During decryption they
are omitted. They eliminate the existing ambiguity in
playfair that couldn’t resolve the following scenarios:
Scenario 1: A substitution pair includes identical
characters and each character in the pair is filler
character. For example, if ‘X’ is a filler character,
then according to conventional playfair algorithm,
pair ‘XX’ will be replaced by ‘XXX’, which, in turn,
will create ambiguity. And according to the crypt-
analysis by Michael J. Cowan, this is a potential
source of exposure of plaintext structure [8].
Scenario 2: Plaintext has odd number of characters.
A plaintext with odd length is processed by ap-
pending a padding character. But decryption algo-
rithm has no clue, whether that particular last pair
uses a padding character or not.
Similar algorithm exists that uses dedicated characters
to reduce these ambiguity [9].
Figure 2: Data flow diagram of matrix construction.
In the matrix construction phase, following steps are
A character set (C.S.) is considered which is com-
posed of all 49 supported characters.
Every character in C.S. possesses a temporary in-
dex number. And, the character groups follow an
indexing hierarchy. In the primary state, it appears
like as table 2.
Characters Index Ran
26 0
10 26
10 36
1 46
Filler and Paddin
2 47
An array is considered where characters are tem-
porarily stored before putting in the matrix. It is
primarily empty.
First, a keyword is chosen, which is a composition
of valid letters in C.S. (excluding padding and fill-
er character).
Index list of keyword characters (I.K.) is calculat-
ed. Then, Keyword is placed in the empty array.
Then, C.S. is rearranged by removing characters
that are already in the array. C.S. is also re-indexed
in a way that, index of the first character is 0; later
one is 1 and so on.
Now, a block of characters is extracted from C.S.
by using I.K. If any character of referred index is
not available, it is simply ignored.
The extracted characters are appended to the ar-
This extraction and appending process iterates un-
til there is no character left in C.S. (Fig. 2 provides
an explicit view on the process).
Finally, data from array is placed in the matrix by
following a matrix permutation pattern (3.2).
Once the matrix construction is complete, plaintext da-
ta blocks are substituted using the same principle as 5 5
playfair algorithm.
3.1 Example
Consider a keyword K = “ace”. K contains 3 characters.
Also, consider C.S. which consists of punctuations in the
list ['(', ')', '$', '&', '+', ',', '/', ':', ';', '='], C.S. is in primary
state and using ‘!’ as filler character and ‘~’ as padding
character. Table 3 shows the indexing of C.S. for primary
Char. a b c d e ... ! ~
Index 0 1 2 3 4 … 47 48
First, index of K is calculated. So, index(K) = [0, 2, 4].
Let, A is an empty array. After appending characters from
K, A = ['a', 'c', 'e'].
Now, C.S. is rearranged by removing characters in A
and re-indexed, which is shown in table 4.
Char. b d f g h ... ! ~
Index 0 1 2 3 4 … 44 45
Then, a block of characters ['b', 'f', 'h'] is extracted from
C.S. by using index(K). Characters are appended to array.
Now, the array, A = [a, c, e, b, f, h]. This way, all the char-
acters are extracted. Finally, A = ['a', 'c', 'e', 'b', 'f', 'h', 'd', 'i',
'k', 'g', 'l', 'n', 'j', 'o', 'q', 'm', 'r', 't', 'p', 'u', 'w', 's', 'x', 'z', 'v', '0',
'2', 'y', '3', '5', '1', '6', '8', '4', '9', ')', '7', '$', '+', '(', ',', ':', '&', ';', '
', '/', '!', '=', '~']
Now, applying a spiral pattern (direction: clockwise,
starting point: upper-left edge) on data in A, we get the
matrix which is shown in table 5.
Encryption: Plaintext “aa”
Step1: Plaintext processing –
Step 2: Block substitution -
a! ew
a~ bs
Decryption: Ciphertext “ewbs”
Step 1: Block substitution -
ew a!
bs a~
Step 2: Omitting padding and filler character –
Ignoring filler and padding characters, retrieved
plaintext is “aa”
The screenshot in figure 3 gives an example of another
plaintext encryption, which is a software implementation
of the explained algorithm of modified playfair cipher.
Figure 3: A software implementation of modified
playfair cipher algorithm [10].
3.2 Matrix Permutation Patterns
Matrix permutation patterns define how data is to be ar-
ranged in matrix. For example, the traditional playfair
used a left to right and top to bottom order which is re
a c e b f h d
z v 0 2 y 3 i
x ( , : & 5 k
s + = ~ ; 1 g
w $ ! / 6 1
u 7 ) 9 4 8 n
p t r m q o j
ferred in this paper as conventional pattern. Unlike a sin-
gle pattern, this model uses multiple permutation pat-
terns to choose from. Some of the permutation patterns:
Spiral Pattern
This pattern takes any of the four edges as starting point
and consumes the matrix at a spiral concentric fashion.
Or, starts from the center and expands through the matrix
at a spiral expanding fashion. A total possible variation is
16. A clockwise spiral pattern using upper-left edge as
starting point is given in table 6.
Diagonal Pattern
As the name suggests, diagonal pattern follows a diag-
onal route to consume the matrix. A total possible varia-
tion is 8. A diagonal pattern using upper-left edge as
starting point is shown in table 7.
J pattern uses a matrix consumption path that is com-
posed of multiple J shaped route. A total possible varia-
tion is 8. A J-pattern using horizontal configuration with
upper-left edge is shown in table 8.
It is also possible to generate user defined patterns.
The sole purpose of multiple patterns is to scram-
ble/permutate the matrix. Patterns can be changed with
every data exchange session, which generates a random
behavior that makes it difficult for attacker to decide what
pattern is used. At the same time, number of possible
structure rises dramatically. For example, if there are m
patterns and n possible structures for each pattern, then,
the total structures will be m n. This makes cryptanaly-
sis more difficult.
Playfair was considered safe at the beginning of 20th cen-
tury, because of the effort it takes to break the cipher
manually. But, after invention of computers, this became
a trivial problem [7]. The first known solution to this
digram cipher is given by J. Mauborgne in 1913 [11]. After
this, different methods are discovered to effectively crack
this substitution cipher [7], [8], [12]. There are several
common attacks on ciphers, which are – ciphertext only
attack, known plaintext attack and chosen plaintext attack
[13]. The proposed algorithm tends to increase the securi-
ty by character set extension, generation of random key
and a further permutation in the arrangement pattern of
matrix. This creates confusion for attacker that makes the
algorithm stronger. One way to exploit the security of
algorithm like this, attacker needs to know the nature of
the language. This is because the frequency of a letter in a
language is always the same. And, this may lead an at-
tacker to expose the plaintext structure. So, this possibility
must be eliminated / minimized. Hence, a pre-encryption
and post-encryption frequency analysis is required to
show the effectiveness of an algorithm. To generate fre-
quency distribution graph, number of occurrences of each
letter in character set are counted and divided by occur-
rence of e (the letter in English with highest frequency).
As a result, a relative frequency in range 0 and 1 is
gained. The points on the horizontal axis correspond to
the letters in order of decreasing frequency. More flat the
relative frequencies are, more concealed the information
is [14].
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
24 25 26 27 28 29 8
23 40 41 42 43 30 9
22 39 48 49 44 31 10
21 38 47 46 45 32 11
20 37 36 35 34 33 12
19 18 17 16 15 14 13
1 3 6 10 15 21 28
2 5 9 14 20 27 34
4 8 13 19 26 33 39
7 12 18 25 32 38 43
11 17 24 31 37 42 46
16 23 30 36 41 45 48
22 29 35 40 44 47 49
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
14 13 12 11 10 9 8
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
28 27 26 25 24 23 22
29 30 31 32 33 34 35
42 41 40 39 38 37 36
43 44 45 46 47 48 49
Figure 4: Frequency distribution in plaintext vs. convention-
al playfair ciphertext.
A frequency distribution analysis is performed on 55,900
popular words in English consists of 419,968 letters. Figure 4
shows the change in frequency distribution between a
plaintext and conventional playfair ciphertext. The
ciphertext curve is slightly flatter than plaintext, which de-
notes that some frequency information has been concealed.
On the other hand, figure 5 shows a relative comparison
between plaintext, conventional playfair and modified
playfair ciphertext. Modified playfair cipher curve shows
some significant improvement over conventional playfair.
Because, it provides a more flat curve then that of conven-
tional playfair, which is better security. But yet, like the con-
ventional playfair, it can be broken by following the identical
principles, except, the modified one requires harder effort
Figure 5: Relative frequency distribution between plaintext,
conventional playfair ciphertext and modified playfair
This paper attempts to modify and extend the existing 5
5 playfair cipher in different ways, by extended character
set, I and J ambiguity reduction, matrix modification and
one to one ciphertext generation. The original playfair
uses a single pattern to generate matrix in a left to right
and top to bottom order. But instead, in proposed model,
multiple matrix generation patterns are introduced. Selec-
tion of these patterns is driven by user which acts as ini-
tialization vector. This randomized behavior generates
confusion for attacker that increases the security. At the
same time, matrix extension to 7 7 produces more pos-
sible structures than original playfair. This paper can be
used as a learning resource that will help to understand
playfair, its vulnerabilities and will show an effective way
to improve it, thus, helping students in understanding
cryptography, algorithm enhancement and cryptanalysis
in an easier way, which would be otherwise difficult with
more advanced ciphers like DES or AES. It is possible to
encrypt any binary data by using modified playfair cipher
along with base 32 encoding. Wholly, the algorithm is
unique, unambiguous and simple that leaves a lot of pos-
sibilities to be a useful learning resource and possibilities
to implement it as a low-security protocol in a wide range
of devices, including low powered embedded ones.
[1] A. Menezes, , A. J. Menezes, P. van Oorschot, S. Vanstone, Handbook of
Applied Cryptography, CRC Press, 1996, pp. 4.
[2] William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, Fifth Edi-
tion, Pearson Education, 2011, pp. 33
[3] William Stallings and Lawrie Brown, Computer Security - Princi-
ples And Practice, Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2011, pp.
[4] Simon Singh, The Code Book – The Science of Secrecy from Ancient
Egypt to Quantum Cryptography, Anchor Books, 1999.
[5] William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security - Principles
And Practice, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, 2005, pp. 40.
[6] A. Menezes, , A. J. Menezes, P. van Oorschot, S. Vanstone,
Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press, 1996, pp. 274.
[7] Keith M. Martin, Everyday Cryptography – Fundamental Principles
& Applications, Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 62.
[8] Michael J. Cowan (2008): Breaking Short Playfair Ciphers with the
Simulated Annealing Algorithm, “Cryptologia”, 32:1, pp. 71-83.
[9] Aftab Alam, Sehat Ullah, Ishtiaq Wahid & Shah Khalid, Univer-
sal Playfair Cipher Using MXN Matrix, “International Journal of
Advanced Computer Science”, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 113-117, Sep.
[10] A. T. Shakil, A demonstration project on conventional and modified
Playfair cipher algorithms. Available online:
[11] Joseph O. Mauborgne, An advanced problem in cryptography and its
solution, Army Service Schools Press, 1918.
[12] Dorothy L. Sayers, Have His Carcase, Victor Gollancz, 1932.
[13] Mark Stamp, Richard M. Low, Applied Cryptanalysis - Breaking
Ciphers in the Real World, Wiley Publication, pp. 2.
[14] William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security - Principles And
Practice, Fifth Edition, Pearson Education, pp. 45.
... Since then, the technique has been fairly developed. This encryption technique is further studied by Shakil and Islam [48]. As per the authors, Playfair is built on a symmetric polyalphabetic encryption system that uses block substitution. ...
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In this modern era, it has become much simpler to replicate, sell, and copy the copyright owners' works without their permission as a result of the expansion of digitalization, and it is difficult to identify such violations, posing a threat to the creators' and copyright owners' rights. For many years, the internet has been regarded as one of the most serious threats to copyright, and the content available has varying levels of copyright protection. On the internet, there are numerous copyrighted works, including e-books, movies, news, and so on. Therefore, by using watermarking and steganography techniques, these issues can be solved, which are based on the author's signature information or logo. This paper concluded that the techniques of discrete cosine transform (DCT), discrete wavelet transform (DWT), one-time pad (OTP), and playfair are highly effective when used together to watermark an image or embed a secret message, our lab results validate that our algorithm scheme is robust against several sets of attacks, where the algorithm was assessed by computation of many evaluation metrics such as mean square error (MSE), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR).
... In paper, [1], [2], [3], [4] Graph labeling techniques have been studied. We refer [5], [6], [7], [8] and [9] for Better Security Enhancement using Play fair Cipher.From [10] and [11] Permutation cipher techniques have been studied. [12], [13] and [14] showcases Encryption and Decryption techniques using various graphs, Inspired by [3], [4], [5], [7], [10], [11] & [12] we present an improved technique of coding a message based on Play fair Cipher and permutation for the graph using prime graceful labeling techniques. ...
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Cryptography is the branch of Discrete Mathematics which deals with the transmission of secret communications between intended parties without the knowledge of third party. Graph theory is the enchanting field if Mathematics that designate integers to edges and vertices through some established functions. In current scenario security of communication plays a crucial role in any telecommunication or network applications. In this paper we have proposed an efficient cryptosystem using play fair cipher together with graph labeling to safeguard our secret text from unauthorised persons. Here we employ the substitution cipher namely Play fair cipher for plaintext encryption and ourencrypted text in the form of Cipher Graph is forwarded to the receiver which on application of graph labeling yields our plaintext. Thus a fusion of the techniques Cryptography with Graph labeling provides ultimate security for secure transmission of data or information at various levels.
... Md. Ahnaf Tahmid Shakil et al. [11] In his paper improved the Playfair Cipher by changing the way to create the matrix, traditional it was left to right and top to bottom but for an improved model we have multiple matrix generation patterns. In this method, the pattern is selected by the user, which increases the security. ...
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In this era where everything is becoming digital the most challenging topic in front of us is Data Security in every aspect even in the secured communication channel. These issues can be tackled by using strong Data Encryption and the trusted third party who maintains the database. The fast development in Digital Technology also comes with the rapid crimes and the insecurity of data theft. From time to time engineers came up with many encryption techniques like Caser Ciphers, Vernam Ciphers, Vigenère Cipher which helped us in securing the data but with lots of flaws that later were exploited by the cybercriminals. So, they cannot provide sufficient security. In this research paper, we have proposed a new, more efficient encryption algorithm. This algorithm will use multiple keys during encryption or decryption so it will be very less vulnerable against the attacks like Brute force.
... If one needs to send patient"s information in a secure manner, then the processes are to send "Patient to Doctor" or "Doctor to Doctor" use steganography techniques for keep secret patient's confidential data. The process is composed of the main three operations and they are encryption using Playfair technique, image composing for the steganography process, and the transmission to the destination [19]. The reverse process is performed in the destination to retrieve the actual patient"s information in the system. ...
Conference Paper
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A steganographic apps-based patient's information communication system has been designed, developed and implemented in Java programming language that can hide patient confidential data in an image. The Playfair cipher encryption-decryption technique with a set of keywords has been used in this transaction system. For this, the patient's information is first encrypted with the Playfair encryption technique and produces the ciphertext that are embedded with an image in a hidden format and then the image is sent to the destination. In the receiving end, the encrypted hidden information is extracted and retrieve the information by using the reverse process. The process has been applied to several patient's information and steganographic images and found the results successfully. This proposed steganographic process is a higher layer of security methods in the communications and can be applied where high security is needed.
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Playfair is the earliest known classical block cipher which is capable of taking two characters as a unit in the process of encryption and decryption. However, the cipher is suffering from vulnerability to many cryptanalysis attacks due to a lack of confusion and diffusion properties, an inability to handle numbers and special characters in the process of encryption and decryption, and a host of other deficiencies. Although several modifications and improvements had been done by different researchers, the emphasis has been on the modification of the key matrix to accommodate more characters to increase the keyspace. No attention has been given to increment in the size of the block that the Playfair cipher can handle at a time. In this paper, a modified Playfair (MPF) cryptosystem that is capable of handling different block sizes with high diffusion and confusion properties is developed. cryptanalysis of the developed cryptosystem was carried out and the results show that the MPF cryptosystem is resistant to Known plaintext attack, chosen-plaintext attack, chosen ciphertext attack, frequency analysis attack, autocorrelation attack, differential cryptanalysis attacks, entropy attacks, brute force attack, and can handle variable block sizes.
Security in digital world has become a paramount issue, even more so in the post pandemic world when the digital footprint of the world has increased. Multiple encryption techniques are used to ensure the same. Certain famous classical ciphers which were in prevalent use during ancient times are now not robust enough to keep up with security requirements of modern world. This paper analyses the different modifications proposed to one such cipher i.e., Playfair Cipher and how these modifications enhance it’s performance thus making it usable in modern world.
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Playfair is the earliest known classical block cipher which is capable of taking two characters as a unit in the process of encryption and decryption. However, the cipher is suffering from vulnerability to many cryptanalysis attacks due to a lack of confusion and diffusion properties, an inability to handle numbers and special characters in the process of encryption and decryption, and a host of other deficiencies. Although several modifications and improvements had been done by different researchers, the emphasis has been on the modification of the key matrix to accommodate more characters to increase the keyspace. No attention has been given to increment in the size of the block that the Playfair cipher can handle at a time. In this paper, a modified Playfair (MPF) cryptosystem that is capable of handling different block sizes with high diffusion and confusion properties is developed. cryptanalysis of the developed cryptosystem was carried out and the results show that the MPF cryptosystem is resistant to Known plaintext attack, chosen-plaintext attack, chosen ciphertext attack, frequency analysis attack, autocorrelation attack, differential cryptanalysis attacks, entropy attacks, brute force attack, and can handle variable block sizes.
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A Steganography-based Secured Patients’ Information Transaction System has been designed developed and implemented in Java programming language that can be used for patient information communication is strong security for this patient's prescription-based information are to be stained using a secret key Cryptography technique play fair cipher. The image data of the patients is to be sent by using steganography process. Our process system combined the two technique to perform the transaction system. For this, the patient’s information is first encrypted with the Playfair encryption technique and found cipher text. Enter then attach the cipher text with an image in a hidden format and then this text and image is sent to the destination by internet. When receiving end then this information is Decrypt with Playfair cipher decryption technique and found plain text. This proposed system has been designed, developed and finally implemented in Java code. Several outputs are analyzed. This can be applied where higher level security services are required.
The book is designed to be accessible to motivated IT professionals who want to learn more about the specific attacks covered. In particular, every effort has been made to keep the chapters independent, so if someone is interested in has function cryptanalysis or RSA timing attacks, they do not necessarily need to study all of the previous material in the text. This would be particularly valuable to working professionals who might want to use the book as a way to quickly gain some depth on one specific topic.
From the Publisher: A valuable reference for the novice as well as for the expert who needs a wider scope of coverage within the area of cryptography, this book provides easy and rapid access of information and includes more than 200 algorithms and protocols; more than 200 tables and figures; more than 1,000 numbered definitions, facts, examples, notes, and remarks; and over 1,250 significant references, including brief comments on each paper.
Your expert guide to information security. As businesses and consumers become more dependent on complex multinational information systems, the need to understand and devise sound information security systems has never been greater. This title takes a practical approach to information security by focusing on real-world examples. While not sidestepping the theory, the emphasis is on developing the skills and knowledge that security and information technology students and professionals need to face their challenges. The book is organized around four major themes: Cryptography: classic cryptosystems, symmetric key cryptography, public key cryptography, hash functions, random numbers, information hiding, and cryptanalysis. Access control: authentication and authorization, password-based security, ACLs and capabilities, multilevel and multilateral security, covert channels and inference control, BLP and Biba's models, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems. Protocols: simple authentication protocols, session keys, perfect forward secrecy, timestamps, SSL, IPSec, Kerberos, and GSM. Software: flaws and malware, buffer overflows, viruses and worms, software reverse engineering, digital rights management, secure software development, and operating systems security. Additional features include numerous figures and tables to illustrate and clarify complex topics, as well as problems-ranging from basic to challenging-to help readers apply their newly developed skills. A solutions manual and a set of classroom-tested PowerPoint(r) slides will assist instructors in their course development. Students and professors in information technology, computer science, and engineering, and professionals working in the field will find this reference most useful to solve their information security issues. An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley editorial department. An Instructor Support FTP site is also available.
Describes adaptation of simulated annealing to solve short playfair ciphers (80-120 letters) without using a probable word.