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Habitat preferences of Papilio alexanor Esper, [1800]: Implications for habitat management in the Italian Maritime Alps


Abstract and Figures

Papilio alexanor Esper, [1800] is a threatened European butterfly species listed in Annex IV of the Habitats Directive and in Appendix II of the Bern Convention, being considered extremely vulnerable to climate change. According to some projections (e.g., Bambu, a scenario of moderate climate change), it would be expected to lose 63% of its European climatic niche by the year 2050 and 77% by 2080. The few remaining populations are expected to become concentrated in the Maritime Alps. In 2009 and 2010, we studied what is probably the densest P. alexanor population in the Italian part of this area. It occurs in a series of dry, xerothermic grasslands, also partially occupied by an abandoned limestone quarry, where the larval food plant is Ptychotis saxifraga (L.) Loret & Barrandon. Females lay eggs in July, choosing patches where the food plants are higher and more abundant. The habitat preference, conservation status and survival of the early instars larvae of P. alexanor have been investigated in order to draw up conservation strategies for this species in the Italian Maritime Alps.
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Published on 27March 2015
ZOOSYSTEMA • 2015 • 37 (1)
© Publications scientiques du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris.
restoration ecology,
larval development.
Bonelli S., Barbero F., Casacci L. P.& Balletto E.2015. — Habitat preferences of Papilio alexanor Esper, [1800]: im-
plications forhabitat management in the Italian maritime Alps, in Daugeron C., Deharveng L., Isaia M., Villemant C. &
Judson M. (eds), Mercantour/Alpi Marittime All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory. Zoosystema 37 (1): 169-177. http://dx.doi.
Papilio alexanor Esper, [1800] is a threatened European buttery species listed in Annex IV of the Habi-
tats Directive and in Appendix II of the Bern Convention, being considered extremely vulnerable to
climate change. According to some projections (e.g., Bambu, a scenario of moderate climate change),
it would be expected to lose63% of its European climatic niche by the year2050 and77% by2080.
e few remaining populations are expected to become concentrated in the Maritime Alps. In2009
and2010, we studied what is probably the densest P.alexanor population in the Italian part of this area.
It occurs in a series of dry, xerothermic grasslands, also partially occupied by an abandoned limestone
quarry, where the larval food plant is Ptychotis saxifraga (L.) Loret & Barrandon. Females lay eggs in
July, choosing patches where the food plants are higher and more abundant. e habitat preference,
conservation status and survival of the early instars larvae of P.alexanor have been investigated in order
to draw up conservation strategies for this species in the Italian Maritime Alps.
Préférences d’habitat de Papilio alexanor Esper, [1800]: implications pour la gestion de l’habitat dans les
Alpes-Maritimes Italiennes.
Papilio alexanor Esper, [1800] est un papillon diurne menacé en Europe et inscrit à l’Annexe IV de la
Directive Habitats dans l’Appendice II de la Convention de Berne. Cette espèce est considérée comme
particulièrement sensible aux changements climatiques. Selon quelques projections (ex.Bambu, un
scénario de changement climatique modéré), elle serait susceptible de perdre63 % de sa niche cli-
matique européenne d’ici à l’année2050 et jusqu’à77 % d’ici à2080. On peut s’attendre à ce que
les quelques populations survivantes soient concentrées dans les Alpes maritimes. En2009 et2010,
nous avons étudié la population de P.alexanor probablement la plus dense parmi celles qui habitent
la portion italienne de ce territoire. Elle occupe une série de friches semi-naturelles aussi bien qu’une
(Corresponding author)
Francesca BARBERO
Luca Pietro CASACCI
Department of Life Science and Systems Biology, Turin University
Via Accademia Albertina13 10123, Turin (Italy)
Habitat preferences of Papilio alexanorEsper,[1800]:
implications forhabitat management
170 ZOOSYSTEMA • 2015 • 37 (1)
Bonelli S. et al.
carrière de roches calcaires aujourd’hui désaectée. Dans notre aire de travail la plante nourricière
des chenilles est Ptychotis saxifraga (L.)Loret & Barrandon. Les femelles pondent leurs œufs au mois
de juillet, choisissant les sites où les plantes nourricières sont particulièrement hautes et abondantes.
Les préférences écologiques, l’état de conservation et la survie des premiers stades du développement
larvaire ont été étudiés, en vue de proposer une stratégie pour la conservation durable de cette espèce
dans les Alpes maritimes italiennes.
écologie de la
développement larvaire.
Papilio alexanor Esper, [1800] is a swallowtail buttery with
a highly fragmented Euro-Central Asiatic range. It occurs
in the pre-Alps and sub-Mediterranean areas of SE France,
from Provence to the French Maritime Alps, while in Italy it
is restricted to a few sites of the Ligurian and Italian Maritime
Alps. Outside of this range, its distribution shows a very wide
gap and it occurs again in the southern Balkans, thereafter
extending eastwards as far as Central Asia (see Kudrna etal.
2011). e rst records of P.alexanor in the Italian Alps date
back to the 1970s, when it was found in the Ligurian Alps
(Balletto& Toso1976). In the Maritime Alps, apart from
an old, unconrmed report by Turati& Verity (1911-12;
“Col de Fenestre”) and a vaguely localized record by Barajon
(1957: “upper Val Tanaro”), its occurrence was conrmed
only much later (Baldizzone1971; Balletto etal. 1982). More
recent reports include those by Ortali& Bertaccini (1987),
Prola& Prola (1990), Sala& Bollino (1991), Audisio& De
Biase (1993), David& Sanetra (1994) and Arnscheid (2000).
e presence of this species in the general area had, however,
already been known to amateur collectors for a number of
years. Populations from the Italian Maritime Alps were later
described as “ssp. radighierii” Sala& Bollino, 1991. Elsewhere
in Italy, although P.alexanor was sometimes observed in some
parts of Calabria and NE Sicily (see Fig.2), it does not have
any stable populations there and the records probably refer
to stray adults having reached the Italian Peninsula by ying
from the Balkans.
In NW Italy, the species is found in mountainous or
hilly regions, from around500 to1200m a.s.l., but at least
occasionally reaching up to2100m, at Col de Tende (E.
Balletto, personal observation). Papilioalexanor is a ther-
mophilous species that prefers calcareous areas, on south-
facing, sometimes steep and rocky slopes. is is probably
a consequence of the ecological needs of its food plants,
some of which are pioneering species selecting eroded and
poor soils. e larvae feed on various Umbelliferae mainly
Ptychotis saxifraga (L.) Loret& Barrandon in the Maritime
Alps, but eggs can also be laid on Trinia glauca ssp. glauca
(L.) Dumort (C. Forte, pers. comm.; Nel& Chauliac1983;
Bollino& Sala2004). At lower elevations (500-800m) of
the southern slopes of the Ligurian Alps, caterpillars are
found on Opoponax chironium (L.) Koch (see Reche1978),
while populations from the Balkans and Central Asia may
use several species of Ferula (see de Freina1996). As observed
by Nel (1991), each population (or group of populations)
of P.alexanor generally shows a selected trophic preference
for a single Umbelliferous species, although the use of up to
three species, each having dierent blooming time, has been
reported locally for some populations from central Greece
(Pimpinellasp., O.chironium, Ferulagosp., see Bollino&
Sala2004). Similar local plant-shifts are also reported for
French populations, where larvae of P.alexanor, occurring
on opposite slopes of the same hill, select O.chironium on
the northern side and P.saxifraga on the southern. e same
authors (Bollino& Sala2004) argue that the capability of
exploiting various food plants having spaced-out blooming
times may represent an important adaptation in the case of
species having a prolonged emergence period. Papilioalexanor
is invariably monovoltine: adults may y from late March to
late July, depending on local climatic conditions (Bollino&
Sala2004). Papilioalexanor overwinters as a pupa, and is
known to stay in diapause for up to threeyears (Nakamura&
Ae1977; Bollino& Sala2004).
Although P.alexanor is listed in Annex IV (species of
community interest) of the Habitats Directive (H.D.) and
in Appendix II (strictly protected species) of the Bern Con-
vention, no immediate or major threats to its survival have
been identied at the European level and it is considered a
species of “least concern” (van Swaay etal. 2010). In2007
its conservation status under Article17 (H.D.) was assessed
as “favourable” for the Alpine region and “unknown” for the
Mediterranean area.
Papilioalexanor, however, is known to be particularly vulner-
able to climate change and Settele etal. (2008) have listed it
as an “Extremely high climate change risk (HHR)” species, in
their Climate Risk Atlas of the European butteries. Indeed,
climate change will soon represent a real threat for P.alex-
anor, which, according to currently available climatological
scenarios, is expected to lose63% of its European climatic
niche by2050, and77% by2080 (Bambu scenario). Given
its good dispersion ability, it is likely that P.alexanor will
respond to climate change by colonizing new, climatically
suitable areas, as suggested by recent observations of isolated
individuals far north from its actual range along the Rhone
Valley, especially during the warmest years. However, sites
in the SW Alps will be among the very few to oer suitable
conditions for its long-term survival, so that it is extremely
important to protect all populations in the Maritime and
Ligurian Alps, in order to mitigate the severe eects that
climate change will have on this species.
ZOOSYSTEMA • 2015 • 37 (1)
Papilio Alexanor in the Italian Alps
Even though no population extinction is known to have
aected P.alexanor on Italian territory (Bonelli etal. 2011a)
and all known Italian populations occur within protected areas
(Bonelli etal. 2011b), we recently estimated as “inadequate”
the overall conservation status of this species, on the basis of
its “future prospects”. Apart from climate, the other threats
that Italian populations are facing, and which may eventu-
ally undermine the long-term persistence of this species,
are mainly connected with the abandonment of traditional
pastoral systems and the return of natural forestation (H.D.
Article17 assessment; Balletto etal. in press).
Perhaps the most severely threatened Italian population of
P.alexanor occurs in Valdieri, in the Italian Maritime Alps
(Maritime Alps natural Park – SCI and SPZ IT1160056).
Adults occur there in a semi-natural habitat (calcareous rocky
slopes, Annex I Habitats Directive, 8210) and in an aban-
doned quarry. Among the most important factors threatening
this population we can cite: 1) over-collecting of both adults
and larval stages; 2) habitat loss, as a consequence of natural
forestation; and 3) possible opening of new quarrying activi-
ties in the area.
We investigated this population in the years2009 and2010
within the framework of the programme “Inventorying biodi-
versity in the Mercantour/Marittime”, funded by the European
Distributed Institute of Taxonomy (EDIT).
e main aims of our study are listed below:
–eld study of the local larval food-plant. ere is growing
evidence of polyphagous buttery species that are monopha-
gous at the local level. is would have strong inuence for
in situ conservation plans and general habitat management
(see Dolek etal. 2013);
–assess habitat preferences and food-plants use. We wanted
to evaluate whether females select oviposition sites on the
basis of microhabitat characteristics or of some specic plant
features, as observed in other buttery species (e.g., Patricelli
etal. 2011);
–assess the conservation status of P.alexanor at Valdieri sites.
Since swallowtails are large butteries and require substantial
amounts of food to reach their nal instars, it will be useful
to estimate the food plant density and the area of favourable
habitat needed to guarantee the long term survival of this
Fig.1.—Papilio alexanor Esper, [1800]. Photograph: Davide Piccoli.
172 ZOOSYSTEMA • 2015 • 37 (1)
Bonelli S. et al.
During the spring-summer period of2008, preliminary in-
spections were made to verify the persistence of the Papilio
alexanor population and conrm that Ptychotis saxifraga is the
larval food-plant in the study area.
Study area
Papilio alexanor adults and eggs occur in both natural and
semi-natural/replacement habitats.
e buttery was detected in the abandoned quarry of Valdieri
and in the nearby Natural Reserve for Juniperus phoenicea.
e limestone banks that extend to the East of Valdieri were
quarried for about35years (1962-1997) for the preparation
of cement (Ansaldi etal. 2006).
e Phoenician juniper (Juniperus phoenicea L.) is a very rare
plant in this part of Italy, where it reaches its northernmost
limit. A Natural Reserve for the protection of an important
stand of this shrub was therefore created in1984. It extends
over the limestone and dolomitic banks occurring close to
the summit of Mt Saben (1670m), where the southern
exposition and the presence of carbonate rocks favour the
establishment of a microclimate that is also suitable for the
survival of P.alexanor.
Sampling the food plantS and the larval inStarS
Papilioalexanor is a fast and high-ying swallowtail buttery
that always occurs at low densities, which makes studying its
adult’s population dynamics by the Mark-Release-Recapture
method unfeasible. During the summers of2009 and2010,
we surveyed the spatial distribution of P.saxifraga and focused
our eorts on nding the pre-imaginal stages of P.alexanor.
We randomly chose47quadrats (25m2) in which at least
one food plant existed. In each geo-referenced plot, we col-
lected data on the number and height of P.saxifraga plants. We
measured the density of the vegetation cover and the propor-
tion of bare soil, according to the Braun-Blanquet’s method
(Braun-Blanquet1932). For each plot, we noted the number
of eggs, larvae and/or pupae of P.alexanor. In2010, the same
data were collected once a week for the whole ight period
of P.alexanor adults, to assess the in-eld larval development
and the microhabitat requirements of the early stages. Finally,
we measured the minimum distance of each plot centre from
the nearest thistle plant (e.g., Carduus, Cirsium), since these
plants represent the only nectar sources potentially available
for P.alexanor adults at that time of the year.
In addition to eld sampling, we performed a study of the
survival of larval instars in the laboratory. Ten plants bear-
ing visible P.alexanor eggs were collected, carried and set in
laboratory conditions. We measured the length of each larval
stage during development and the number of days between
each moulting until pupation.
StatiStical analySiS
Data on plot parameters collected over the two-year samplings
were not normally distributed. erefore, we used non-
parametric tests to compare the ecological factors between
occupied and unoccupied plots, in separate tests.
We used the Wilcoxon test to compare the numbers and
heights of P.saxifraga plants, the percentage of bare soil and
vegetation cover, between plots occupied by P.alexanor in2009
and/or in2010. e Mann-Whitney-U test was used to assess
dierences in plot distances from the rst colonised square
and the rst nectar source (thistle) between plots, either oc-
cupied or unoccupied by P.alexanor.
In-eld larval survival was calculated for each plot, using
data collected in2010, as the number of larvae divided by
the initial number of eggs. Dierences in larval survival be-
tween plots occupied by increasing numbers of food-plants
were analysed with the Friedman two-way analysis of vari-
ance by ranks test.
During the summer of2008, we conrmed the persistence
of a P.alexanor population in the surroundings of an aban-
doned quarry in the Valdieri area. Larvae were feeding only
on P.saxifraga.
Survey of P. saxifraga
In2009, we surveyed the food-plants and counted P.alexanor
eggs, larvae and pupae. We identied47quadrats, spanning
in altitude from700to950m, where P.saxifraga was pre-
sent. At the base of the quarry, the food-plant was located
Fig.2.— Stable range of P.alexanor Esper,[1800] in Italy (Balletto etal. 2007),
observations from S Italy are interpreted as being based on vagrant specimens
from the Balkans, the arrow indicates the Valdieri study area.
Butteries of the Italian maritime Alps
ZOOSYSTEMA • 2015 • 37 (1)
mostly in the low-lying areas colonised by pioneer vegetation,
while at higher altitudes it occurred at the edge of the rocky
terraces and on the south facing rocky slopes. e data col-
lected in2009 allowed us to estimate P.saxifraga coverage:
about1.8hectares out of a total of29.5hectares surveyed,
while in2010 the proportion of habitat occupied by the food-
plant had slightly decreased, to1.5ha. In2009, 594plants
were scanned: 538of them (90.5%) did not present any trace
of P.alexanor eggs, while56 (9.5%) were exploited by the
buttery and occurred in28out of47quadrats.
Within each quadrat we counted from a minimum of
oneplant up to a maximum of50. e average height per
plot of the P.saxifraga plants varied between20 and 60cm.
In2009 we counted a total of65eggs, as well as70rst,
43second, 12third andfournal (IV and V) instar larvae,
and5pupae of P.alexanor.
In2010, we monitored the same47patches surveyed
in2009. e distribution of P.alexanor was similar to that
observed in2009, butnineplots were no longer occupied
in2010, whilevepatches unexploited in2009 were colo-
nized by P.alexanor in2010.
e comparison between the quadrats monitored in our
two-year study showed that occupancy depends on the number
of P.saxifraga plants (Wilcoxon test: Z = –2.745, p = 0.006)
as well as on the percentage of plant cover (Wilcoxon test: Z
= –2.251, p = 0.024) (Fig.3).
Quadrats colonized by P.alexanor also showed a statistically
signicant larger average height of the food-plants (Wilcoxon
test: Z = –2.506, p = 0.012) (Fig.3). e percentage of bare
soil showed no statistically signicant correlation, while the
percentage of other vegetation was lower in the quadrats oc-
cupied by the buttery (Wilcoxon test: Z = –2.254, p = 0.024).
In2010, 21patches were exploited by P.alexanor while26were
unoccupied. A total of423P.saxifraga plants were examined,
356of which (84%) did not bear any pre-imaginal P.alexanor
pre-imaginal instars, while67 (16%) were occupied by the
buttery. Inside quadrats we surveyed a minimum of oneplant
up to a maximum of32 plants. In quadrats with P.alexanor
we examined an average (± SD) of11.2 ± 8.6 plants.
Comparing distances between quadrats, we found that
plots where P.alexanor was absent were much more isolate
than those where the buttery was present (Mann-Whitney
U = 84.000, p = 0.18), the distance between the occupied
quadrats and the nearest quadrat was lower (15.81 ± 4.23m,
mean ± SE) than the distance between unoccupied quadrats
(27.22m±4.50; mean±SE) (Fig.3). Distances from the
nearest potential nectar source (thistles) were similar for plots
where P.alexanor was present and those where it was absent
(Mann-Whitney U = 155.5, p = 0.950).
larval Survival in the laBoratory
On average, larval development lasted22days and the transi-
tion from one stage to the next took4.1 ± 0.7days (Fig.4).
Larval body length changed from0.4 ± 0.15cm (rst instar
larvae) to a maximum of4.3 ± 3.5cm (nal instar larvae).
e development of the last instars was faster than that
of rst instar larvae: P.alexanor took about a week to pass
fromthird instar larva to pupa (Fig.4). Two butteries hatched
in the laboratory and were transported, along with the reared
pupae, to their site of origin.
present presen
absent absen
Occurrence of P. alexanor Occurrence of P. alexanor Occurrence of P. alexanor
Height of P. saxifraga
plants (cm)
Number of P.saxifraga
of vegetation
0510 15 20 25
Lenght (cm)
.3.— Comparison of mean number (A) and height (± SD) (B) of P.saxifraga (L.) Loret& Barrandon and average percentage (± SD) of vegetation cover
(C) between occupied and unoccupied plots by Papilio alexanorEsper,[1800].
.4.— Pre-imaginal development of Papilio alexanor Esper,[1800] under
laboratory conditions; box plots illustrate increases in larval length; vertical
lines: median larval length; box: 25th-75th percentiles; whiskers: minimum
and maximum observed values; outliers; dark grey band width represents
the standard deviations of mean development intervals (days). Abbreviations:
e,egg; I-IV, larval instars; p, pupa.
174 ZOOSYSTEMA • 2015 • 37 (1)
Bonelli S. et al.
development of P. alexanor in field conditionS
During2010, we observed a total of369eggs and268larvae.
P.alexanor females laid on average2.4 ± 0.99eggs (mean ±
SD) on each plant, but in quadrats where the availability of
plants was more limited (oneor few P.saxifraga plants), we
found a higher number of eggs per plant (up to20 eggs per
plant). Within quadrats, depositions occurred on an average
of2.6 ± 1.6 plants (min1; max5), even when plant avail-
ability was high.
As can be seen in Fig.5, the highest number of eggs was
found in the rst week of sampling (6.81 ± 1.02 eggs per quad-
rate), whereas this value decreased during July, as the number
of caterpillars increased. e highest number of larvae was
observed during the third sampling (on average5.04±0.73
larvae per quadrat). In total, 24 larvae atfourth orfth instar
were found during the last two sampling events, as well as a
single pupa (Fig.5).
We calculated the survival rates of three larval stages, from
the second to the nal instar larva. Survival was similar for
second and the third instar larvae, while it was signicantly
lower for nal instar larvae. Comparing the average larval
survival within each quadrat with the available number of
food-plants, we observed that larval survival increased when
the number of plants was higher than15 (Friedman’s test:
Z= 6.000; p = 0.05) (Fig.6).
Our results show that P.alexanor is locally monophagous: in
the study area it strictly exploits Ptychotis saxifraga, whereas
at a locality situated 70km away (above Latte, in the prov-
ince of Imperia) it exclusively feeds on Opoponax chironium.
Local exploitation of a single food-plant species commonly
occurs in otherwise polyphagous butteries (e.g., Finke&
Scriber1988), including Papilionidae Latreille, 1802. For
example, Papilio glaucus (Linnaeus, 1758) is considered one of
the most polyphagous species among Papilionidae (563species
in the world), using more than14dierent families as food-
plants in North America, yet this species is monophagous in
Florida (Scriber1986). Studies carried out under laboratory
conditions have shown that the larvae of Papilio troilus (Lin-
naeus, 1758) are associated with various species of Lauraceae,
depending on the geographical area. More specically, they can
survive on three dierent plants, but growth rates are inu-
enced by the essence selected (Nitao etal. 1991). Euphydryas
maturna (Linnaeus, 1758) is another example of a buttery
locally using dierent plants. Females lay their eggs on the
leaves of Fraxinus excelsior L. and the whole pre-hibernation
development takes place on this plant. After winter diapause,
larvae are known to feed on various common herbaceous
species, such as Pulmonaria ocinalis L., Lonicera coerulea
L., Veronica longifolia L., Violasp. and Plantago lanceolata
L. (see Freese etal. 2006). Nonetheless, at the local level the
buttery selects only one plant species to feed on, even where
many more are available (Dolek etal. 2013).
eoretical studies predict that butteries, like many other
phytophagous insects, will tend to specialise, moving from
polyphagy to monophagy, since any new mutation that in-
creases tness on the primary host plant, and thereby lowers
the relative tness on secondary host plants, will be favoured
by selection (Bernays& Graham1988, Futuyma& More-
no1988, Futuyma2008). Furthermore, at least in some cases,
additional advantages may be achieved by entering relatively
competitor-free new spaces (Wiklund& Friberg2008).
Local adaptations to single host plants may have favoured
dierentiation between populations, which might eventually
culminate in speciation. In fact, the two populations from
Latte (IM) and from Valdieri have been described as separate
subspecies (respectively P.alexanor alexanor Esper, 1799and
P.alexanor radighierii Sala& Bollino, 1991) and should at
least be considered separate ESUs (Casacci etal. 2013). Dier-
ences between them may have become xed and maintained
by the temporal shift (about15days) in the blooming of the
Number of P. alexanor larvae
and eggs (mean ± SE)
Sampling dates
9 July 2010 15 July 21 July 28 July
I instar
II instar
III instar
IV+V instars
tot. larvae
Fig.5.— Pre-imaginal development of P.alexanor Esper, [1800] in the eld. Mean (± SE) number of eggs and larvae of P.alexanor collected during thefour sam-
pling events (2010).
Butteries of the Italian maritime Alps
ZOOSYSTEMA • 2015 • 37 (1)
two locally selected host plants. Nevertheless, in standard
eld guides the descriptions of many buttery species are
accompanied by long lists of food-plants. Exact information
on regional food-plant variation is, in contrast, relatively
scanty, or provided independently from information on the
ecological context.
In our study area, oviposition took place at the end of June,
in agreement with the phenology of P.saxifraga, and larval
development occurred in July. e females laid few eggs per
plant (2.4 ± 0.99 on average), as previously reported (Bol-
lino& Sala2004), and used on average2.6plants close to each
other for oviposition (no more than veplants per plot), even
when many plants occurred in5× 5m plots. Females scattered
their eggs and this may increase their ospring’s tness. As
observed in eld and laboratory conditions, P.alexanor larvae
need to feed abundantly to exponentially increase their body
mass in about20days. Moreover, it is likely that females lay
few eggs per plot to prevent cannibalistic behaviour, which
is very frequent among buttery caterpillars.
If we assume that: 1) the sex ratio in the P.alexanor population
is balanced; 2) a single P.alexanor female lays about70/80eggs
during a season (C. Forte, pers. comm.); and 3) the area
covered by P.saxifraga was of1.5ha, having sampled the egg
density, the adult population size in the study area can be
estimated at about 170individuals. Nevertheless, it seems
that the Valdieri population, and therefore also its ovipos-
iting preferences, may be considered representative of the
whole “subspecies radighierii”, which often occurs in small,
but constant and isolated areas, supported by a few hectares
of suitable habitat (Bollino& Sala2004).
Our results indicate that the number of food-plants and their
height are among the factors that aect the number of eggs
laid by P.alexanor females on Ptychotis saxifraga plants. Female
preference for plots with high numbers of plants is conrmed
by the fact that larval survival is higher in those plots where
the number of P.saxifraga was more than15plants (Fig.6),
probably because larvae need to consume a great amount
of food. Selection for oviposition of higher plants, usually
having a larger number of owers, is common in butteries
(e.g., Myers etal. 1981; Courtney1984; Bonelli etal. 2005;
García-Barros& Fartmann2009). e most likely explana-
tion is that gravid females choose visually prominent plants
as their main targets. e fact that the distances of occupied
plots from the rst patch with P.saxifraga plants were lower
than between unoccupied plots suggested that, as for other
Lepidoptera (ompson& Pellmyr1991), P.alexanor females
accept or reject certain plants as oviposition sites on the basis
of their relative position in the food-plant community. On
the contrary, we did not observe any dierence in distances
from the nearest nectar source between occupied and unoc-
cupied patches. is is consistent with the high vagility of
P.alexanor adults, which can easily move from nectar sources
to oviposition sites, as well as with the relative abundance of
thistle plants, which were probably sucient to support the
whole P.alexanor population.
In agreement with observations by Bollino& Sala (2004),
eggs took about sevendays to hatch in the eld, but developed
slightly faster under laboratory condition (aboutve days).
As noted in the literature, and observed in the eld, larvae
were easy to observe, not only because of their aposematic
colours, but also for their strong heliotropism, which causes
them to remain on a ower stem and rarely abandon it. Just
before pupation, the caterpillar usually abandons the plant
and pupates near the ground, indicating a negative photo-
taxis (Nakamura& Ae1977). e low number of individu-
als observed belonging to the last two stages may be related
to the diculty, already noted by other authors (Bollino&
Sala2004), of nding the last instar larvae and the mimetic
pupae of P.alexanor in eld conditions.
conServation remarkS
In order to ensure the persistence of the population in the
study area, we suggest that it is important to take into account
both the ecological features of the resident P.alexanor popula-
tion (e.g., the correlation between food plant’s phenology and
larval development) and the most signicant local threats. In
particular it will be crucial to discourage collectors of both
adults and larvae. Sampling could be authorized only for
justied scientic reasons and surveillance of the area should
be ensured, at least during June-July.
At the same time, to ensure the long-term persistence of the
species it would be essential to create new habitats, or restore
old ones, where suitable growth condition for P.saxifraga can
be assured. In this context, the restoration of the abandoned
quarry would generate very good opportunities for P.alexanor.
Butteries frequently benet from areas transformed by
human activity, such as pastures or areas under non-intensive
cultivation, and suer rapid decline when these habitats
are abandoned or altered (Balletto etal. 2007; Skorka etal.
2007). Less common, but relatively well known, are cases of
colonisation of quarry areas. A study performed in Bedford-
shire (UK) (Turner etal. 2009) has shown the settlement of
a riodinid buttery, Hamearis lucina (Linnaeus, 1758), at an
abandoned chalk quarry, fostered by the availability of its
larval food plants. e latter benet from disturbance caused
by occasional landslides on unstable ground and prefers steep
slopes, in the lee of the wind. us, as also demonstrated by
Larval survival
<10 10-15 >15
.6.— Comparison of mean values of larval survival rates calculated for
the21 (occupied) plots ranked by increasing total number of P.saxifraga (L.)
Loret& Barrandon plants.
176 ZOOSYSTEMA • 2015 • 37 (1)
Bonelli S. et al.
the present study, abandoned quarries may harbour a signi-
cant number of plants, many of which may be characterized
by peculiar ecological requirements. Results of a comparative
study of buttery communities, carried out in 21limestone
quarries at the Moravian Gate (Czech Republic), showed that
quarries can provide secondary habitats for xerophilous spe-
cies, replacing the calcareous grasslands once densely popu-
lated by butteries (Benes etal. 2003). Butteries beneting
from these areas are rare xerophilous species and/or sedentary
species. eir abundance, even during extraction activities,
conrms the idea that quarries can contribute signicantly
to the conservation of these butteries.
Unfortunately, the ecological requirements of these species
are rarely considered in the management commonly practiced
in the dry grasslands of Central Europe, which typically aims
at protecting sites where charismatic plants (e.g., orchids)
are growing (Balmer& Erhardt2000; Kahmen etal. 2002).
e All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory + Monotoring Mercantour/
Alpi Marittime was launched by the European Distributed
Institute of Taxonomy (EDIT) project (2006-2011).
We thank M.De Biaggi (Parco Alpi Marittime) and
M.-F.Leccia (Parc national du Mercantour).
We also thank the Municipality of Valdieri and L.Mavilla,
C.Forte and E.Rivella (Regional Agency for Environmental
Protection – ARPA Piemonte). We are also grateful to the
reviewers for their helpful comments.
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... In Europe, it is extremely localized, mainly in south-eastern France and Greece (Lafranchis et al., 2015). Until today, the confirmed presence in Italy was known in only few sites in the Ligurian and Italian Maritime Alps Genovesi et al., 2014;Bonelli et al., 2015). In the past, the species was also captured in the south of the peninsula, namely in Calabria and Sicily (Bollino & Sala, 2004;Balletto et al., 2014). ...
... In the past, the species was also captured in the south of the peninsula, namely in Calabria and Sicily (Bollino & Sala, 2004;Balletto et al., 2014). However, for these observations, a stable population is not confirmed and the few adults collected could refer to stray specimens coming from Balkans Bonelli et al., 2015). ...
... Papilio alexanor is monovoltine and adults can be found from late March to late July, depending on locality (Bollino & Sala 2004). Larval development lasts on average 22 days and includes five stages (Bollino & Sala, 2004;Bonelli et al., 2015;Baruzzi et al., 2016). Overwintering occurs with pupation and diapause can last up to three years (Nakamura & Ae, 1977;Bollino & Sala, 2004). ...
Full-text available
Data concerning a new population of Papilio alexanor Esper, 1800 (Lepidoptera Papilionidae) observed by the author in northwestern Italy is here reported. In summer 2020, seventyfive caterpillars of this rare and emblematic species have been found in the upper Susa Valley (Cottian Alps) on Ptychotis saxifraga, at relatively high altitude. The analysis of the observations carried out on a random sample of host plants suggest similar ecology but delayed phenology, compared to that reported for other Italian populations.
... The species is known at four locations and its EOO is <5000 km 2 . At least two subpopulations fall far from protected areas and the species suffers from the lack of management and over-collecting ( Bonelli et al., 2015). ...
... In other cases, such as in the Alps, the ever-expanding ski slopes runs effect (1.3) tend to impact only on a local scale, but may profoundly alter the composition of several herbaceous and (sub)fruticose vegetation formations ( Rolando et al., 2013). Extraction activities (3.2), in Italy nowadays limited to quarries, are also locally important, for instance in the case of Papilio alexanor (EN) ( Bonelli et al., 2015), as well as roads construction (4.1), which contributed to the extinction of some Melitaea britomartis (EN) populations ). ...
The Italian biodiversity is among the richest in Europe. In particular, the Italian butterfly fauna includes almost 300 native species, and within the Euro‐Mediterranean area is second in species richness only to Turkey. Italy, however, has suffered from the lack of suitable instruments to evaluate the extinction risk of individual butterfly species on the basis of internationally recognised standards. We have been working to create the first Italian Red List for butterflies. The achievement of this goal was divided into three actions: (i) the institution of a network of experts on butterfly conservation; (ii) the evaluation of the extinction risk for all Italian butterfly species; (iii) the integration of the baseline information provided by the Italian Red Lists of other taxa crucial for future evaluations of biodiversity trends in Italy. Assessments of extinction risks were based on the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria following their most updated guidelines and were discussed during workshops involving experts from different Italian regions. All native Italian butterflies were included in the evaluation. The whole national population of each species was evaluated, including those on large and small islands. Of 289 butterfly species assessed, one has become Regionally Extinct recently. Threatened species are 18 in total, corresponding to 6.3% of the species assessed. The majority of Italian butterfly populations are stable. The main threats to Italian butterflies are natural reforestation, as a consequence of rural land abandonment, agricultural intensification and climate change for species living at high altitude.
... Une connaissance fine de la biodiversité du territoire, en particulier pour les groupes moins étudiés, est un atout notamment lorsqu'elle permet d'évaluer le type et le niveau de menaces qui pèsent sur les espèces et leurs habitats. Dans certains cas, les taxonomistes accompagnent les résultats de leur recherche par des recommandations en termes de gestion(Bonelli et al., 2015). Dans d'autres cas, le gestionnaire fait appel à des expertises complémentaires en raison du nombre important de données et de sources et afin de répondre à des problématiques spécifiques. ...
Technical Report
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Un inventaire général de la biodiversité ou All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory(ATBI) est un processus d'inventaire coordonné de l'ensemble des espèces présentes dans un espace donné.Ce rapport, à l’initiative du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, a pour objectif de dresserun état des lieux des inventaires générauxde la biodiversité en France et dans le monde et de fournir un retour d’expérience sur les initiatives les plus abouties. Cette étude se base sur la consultation d’une soixantaine de documents (articles scientifiques, littérature grise, sites internet) et sur des échanges avec plusieurs dizaines d’expertsimpliqués dans des ATBI en France et dans le monde : taxonomistes, chargés de missions, techniciens, gestionnaires de données... Dans une première partie, 27 initiatives sont passées en revue. Parmi celles-ci se trouvent 10 inventaires généraux de la biodiversitésensu strictodont les deux expériences phares: les ATBIdes Great Smoky Mountainsaux Etats-Unis (19254espèces inventoriées) et du Mercantour -Alpi Marittime(12000 espèces). D’autres types d’inventaires comme La planète revisitée ou le Hawaii biological survey sont également présentés et mis en perspective.A l’échelle de la France, plusieurs initiatives d’inventaires généraux de la biodiversité sont en coursdont le Parc national du Mercantour, la Réserve intégrale du Lauvitel du Parc national des Ecrins, la Réserve naturelle nationale de la Forêt de la Massane, la forêt de Païolive et le plateau des Gras, et le site du bois de Bouis à Vidauban. Dans une seconde partie, les éléments structurants des principaux projetssont présentés et discutés. Il s’agit des problématiques liées au territoire, à l’organisationdu projet, aux stratégies d’inventaires et d’échantillonnage, à la gestion et la détermination des spécimens, à la gestion et la diffusion des données et à la valorisation des résultats.Ce rapport est une première contribution en direction d’un cadrage des inventaires générauxde la biodiversitéen France, en vue de fédérer et de valoriser les expériences existantes et d’accompagner le développement de ces initiatives sur un réseau de sites de référence en métropole et en Outre-mer. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Executive summary All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory (ATBI) is a comprehensive inventory of all species occurring in a given territory. Its objective is to improve knowledge in taxonomy and chorology and to better understand ecological communities and their interactions within ecosystems. Wherever feasible, it should contribute to abetter management of the territory through assessments and monitoring.This report, initiated by the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN) in Paris, presents an overview of the different initiatives worldwide and provides an assessment of the most successful ones. It is based on a consultation of more than sixty documents (i.e. scientific articles, gray literature, websites) and on interviews with dozens of experts involved in ATBI: taxonomists, task managers, technicians, data managers...This document is a first contribution towardsa framework for the existing and future ATBIs in France (both mainland and overseas). An exhaustive inventory of flora, fauna and fungi in a network of reference sites is one of the recommendations for a knowledge strategy published by the MNHN and the new French Agency for Biodiversity (Touroult et al., 2017a).The first part describes the origin of the concept developed in the 1990s by North American ecologist Daniel Janzen for a project initially planned in Costa Rica (Guanacaste Conservation Area). The first ATBI was launched in 1998 in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (USA). With more than 19 000 species described including 940 new species, the results of this ongoing inventory exceeded all expectations and inspired a series of projects worldwide. In North America,a dozen ATBIs were initiated.However, only a few projects actually inventoried a wide range of taxonomic groups. Among them were the ATBIs in Adirondack State Park (2500 species) and in the Boston Harbor Island Recreational Area (1700 species).In Europe, the first and most ambitious ATBI is the Mercantour-Alpi Marittime in the Southern Alps between France and Italy. The project started in the framework of the European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy (EDIT 2006-2011) and continued until 2012 thanks to the collaboration between the two Parks and the MNHN. Field activities and taxonomic research are still ongoing so the actual number of 12 000 species and 30 species new to science is expected to increase. Other European ATBIs were launched by the European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy, such as the ATBI Gemer in Slovakia (3300 species),butmost had limited results and none continued after 2012.In France, several ATBIs are currently been conducted: the Mercantour National Park (Southern Alps), the Lauvitel Integral Reserve of the Écrins National Park (Isère), the National Forest Nature Reserve Massane (French Catalonia), the Païolive forest (Ardèche-Gard) and the Bois de Bouis at Vidauban (Var). Other similar initiatives as also noted are the citizen based inventory of Notre-Dame-des-Landes (Pays-de-la-Lore),the marine invertebrate’s inventory in the Guadeloupe National Park and the inventory of the Austral Islands(French Polynesia).ATBIs can also be compared to the new generation of biological expeditions such as "Our Planet Reviewed" which aims to achieve a complete species inventory in the less well-known biodiversity hotspots. Both share similar aims in terms of taxonomic coverage and scientific scope, but ATBIs generally last longer, which allows for a better distribution of sampling effort and possible further valuations in terms of management. In addition, "Our Planet Reviewed" focuses on mega diverse areas whereas ATBIs can be conducted in a wide range of sites including close to urban areas. Other relevant initiatives, at national and regional level,are presented such as the Swedish Taxonomy Initiative and the Hawaii Biological Survey, both of which have the objective of building a comprehensive inventory of biodiversity. The second part of the report provides a review of the key elements of an ATBI. The topics discussed are the location of the inventory, the surface area, setting up the project (objectives, duration,financing), its organization (logistics, coordination, governance), the inventory and sampling strategies, specimens management and identification, data management and dissemination and the uses and promotion of the results (i.e. for research, management and education purposes).Taxonomic impediment is often cited as one the main constraints, since many groups suffer shortage of information andavailable taxonomists. But other issues are addressed like the need of substantial material and financial resources, the sampling design and the importance of the human factor.
... Populations of P. apollo and P. mnemosyne, in particular, benefit from extensive breeding sites in this area and accordingly have very high population densities, while P. alexanor has its most robustly established population within the Italian part of this region. Several other interesting species, from a conservation point of view, are also firmly established, such as Thymelicus acteon (Rottemburg, 1775) (mainly Mediterranean), Glaucopsyche alexis (Poda, 1761) and Boloria titania (Esper, [1789]) (mainly montane species) (Bonelli et al. 2015b). ...
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This paper summarizes the main results from taxonomic inventories drawn up as part of the ATBI of the Mercantour/Alpi Marittime parks in the French and Italian Alps. It compares the data on different groups of the invertebrate fauna published in the Zoosystema issues devoted to the ATBI with those recorded in the EDIT (European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy) and INPN (Inventaire national du Patrimoine naturel) ATBI databases. It also highlights the contribution of the ATBI inventory to a better knowledge of the biology and ecology of various animal taxa, as well as to the use of the data in conservation management. Overall, 927 animal taxa and 38 host plants are documented in the two special issues, of which 904 are recorded from both parks and 400 are new for one or both parks. Twelve species (ten terrestrial and two aquatic) and one genus (aquatic) are described as new for science, this increases to 30 the number of new invertebrate taxa described since 2006 from the Mercantour/Alpi Marittime parks. However, due to taxonomic uncertainty about material sorted to morphospecies and delays in species descriptions, these represent only a fraction of the taxa recognized as new during the ATBI. This faunal inventory, which includes 88% insect taxa, greatly enhances knowledge of Mercantour/Alpi Marittime biodiversity, notably for several poorly studied taxonomic groups. It also confirms the importance of the area as a European biodiversity hotspot, especially for arthropods and the groundwater fauna, by highlighting the remarkable percentage of endemic species, some of which are rare and poorly documented in the literature.
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An All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory (ATBI) is a comprehensive inventory of all species in a given territory. In 2007, the French Parc national du Mercantour and the Italian Parco Naturale Alpi Marittime started the first and most ambitious ATBI in Europe with more than 350 specialists and dozens of technicians and data managers involved. The ATBI datasets from the Parc national du Mercantour in France are now publicly available. Between 2007 and 2020, 247,674 occurrences were recorded, checked and published in the INPN information system. All this information is available in open access in the GBIF web site. With 12,640 species registered, the ATBI is the most important inventory in France. This data paper provides an overview of main results and its contribution to the French National Inventory of Natural Heritage. It includes a list of 52 taxa new to science and 53 species new to France, discovered thanks to the ATBI.
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Trait-based analyses explaining the different responses of species and communities to environmental changes are increasing in frequency. European butterflies are an indicator group that responds rapidly to environmental changes with extensive citizen science contributions to documenting changes of abundance and distribution. Species traits have been used to explain long-and short-term responses to climate, land-use and vegetation changes. Studies are often characterised by limited trait sets being used, with risks that the relative roles of different traits are not fully explored. Butterfly trait information is dispersed amongst various sources and descriptions sometimes differ between sources. We have therefore drawn together multiple information sets to provide a comprehensive trait database covering 542 taxa and 25 traits described by 217 variables and sub-states of the butterflies of Europe and Maghreb (northwest Africa) which should serve for improved trait-based ecological, conservation-related, phylogeographic and evolutionary studies of this group of insects. We provide this data in two forms; the basic data and as processed continuous and multinomial data, to enhance its potential usage.
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The main objectives of this research are: 1) the creation of an expert network for the evaluation of the extinction risk of butterfly species in Italy; 2) the evaluation of the extinction risk for these species; 3) the expansion of the baseline - provided by the Italian Red Lists published in the past few years - for future evaluations of biodiversity trends in Italy. The assessments of extinction risk are based on the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria and the most updated guidelines. The assessments have been carried out in workshops with taxonomic focus and involving experts covering different regions of Italy, and have been evaluated according to the IUCN standards. All native or possibly native butterflies have been included in the evaluation. The entire national population of each species has been evaluated, including large and small islands where necessary. Therefore the extinction risk assessment refers to the entire national population, not to local subpopulations whose level of threat can sometimes be higher. Of the 289 butterflies assessed, one has become Regionally Extinct in recent times. Threatened species total 18, corresponding to 6.3% of the species assessed. The majority of Italian butterflies populations are stable. The main threats to Italian butterflies are natural reforestation, a consequence of rural land abandonment (most butterflies live in grassland or other open habitats), agricultural intensification, and climate change (which modifies the composition of vegetation) for species living at high altitude. Red Lists are a fundamental tool for the identification of conservation priorities, but are not a list of priorities on its own. Other elements instrumental to priority setting include the cost of action, the probability of success, and the proportion of the global population of each species living in Italy, which determines the national responsibility in the long term conservation of that species.
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Where a female deposits her eggs is critical for the success of her offspring. Selecting the most appropriate plants in locations where not only survival, but offspring characteristics, are optimised is a complex process involving behavioural cues and assessment of habitat, patch and plant quality and context. Some butterflies are extremely precise in selecting where to lay eggs, and others are more generalist. There may be variation of strategies within populations and also between populations. Egg-laying females may not be able to perform optimally because of environmental conditions, interacting organisms, or shortage of time.Thus egg-laying represent the end product of a series of trade-offs between conflicting demands on females, operating in the context of the habitat(s) they find themselves in. Conflicts also exist between what is optimal for egg and larval development and what is optimal for female oviposition site selection. Many studies of oviposition have taken a reductionist view, breaking down oviposition site selection into a series of single-step processes. Whilst optimal oviposition and foraging theories have contributed much to understanding oviposition, a more integrative approach is necessary as optimal foraging by adults, optimal realised fecundity and optimal larval performance are not independent of each other. Egg production patterns (capital versus investment breeding) also have profound effects on realised fecundity and affect the intensity with which female non-oviposition behaviours influence their egg-laying patterns. Differences emerge between species that lay eggs singly and those that lay eggs in batches, which can be related to risk spreading and the predictability and stability of the environments in which oviposition resources occur. Surprisingly, there are gaps in our knowledge of larval host plants and egglaying substrates, yet more comprehensive knowledge, alongside information about oviposition cues and behaviours, could contribute greatly to refining our understanding of habitat quality, and ultimately the conservation of species.
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Abstract Although most conservationists claim to protect “species”, the conservation unit actually and practically managed is the individual population. As resources are not unlimited, we need to focus on a restricted number of populations. But how can we select them? The Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU), first conceptualised by Ryder in 1986, may offer some answer. Several definitions have been proposed for the ESU, but all make reference to units “whose divergence can be measured or evaluated by putting differential emphasis on the role of evolutionary forces at varied temporal scales”. Thus, an ESU might be fully identical with a “species”, or a “species” could be composed of multiple ESUs. On the other hand, an ESU might comprise single/multiple populations exchanging a degree of gene flow, such as meta-populations. In an attempt to show strengths and weaknesses of ESU concepts, we present here, among several others, some case studies on the myrmecophilous butterflies of the genus Maculinea. In particular, we analyse the apparently everlasting debate about Maculinea alcon and M. rebeli, whose separation into separate species has been accepted by many authors, on mainly ecological criteria, but has not been fully supported by molecular analyses. We also discuss how the tight association with host ants may have driven selection for increasingly more strictly adapted Maculinea populations, arguably deserving specific taxonomic identity. Finally we discuss how current DNA analyses may fail to detect critical information on differences between taxa recently originated by the action of separate adaptive processes, which non-molecular studies can sometimes reveal. We conclude by discussing some current and often conflicting taxonomic trends, in their relationships with conservation policies.
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Globally, Euphydryas maturna is a polyphagous butterfly species. At our study sites in Italy and Germany however, the plant used for egg-laying was almost exclusively Fraxinus excelsior. Nevertheless, in Germany, two egg-batches were found on Ligustrum vulgare and one on Viburnum opulus. Females lay their egg-batches at low heights and mostly on small trees (but not <1 m). At the end of the flight season, small egg-batches are laid and we conclude that these are late batches laid by “old females”. Egg-batches and pre-diapause larval webs are often clustered on certain trees and even leaves. This was shown to be a result of female behaviour and not of habitat quality, since the trees chosen were different in subsequent years. Individual females may return for laying further egg-batches to the place of the first egg-deposition and other females follow, since the survival of pre-diapause larvae is higher when more larval webs are on one tree. A further possible advantage during hibernation is discussed. In Italy, post-hibernation larvae form two distinct cohorts: larvae feeding on herbaceous plants (Plantago major, P. minor, Veronica hederifolia), and larvae feeding on Fraxinus excelsior. Although the latter group starts feeding later and pupates later, it reaches the same pupation weight. At our German site, post-hibernation larvae were found almost exclusively on F. excelsior. In fact, we observed larvae searching for food on F. excelsior while the buds of this tree were still closed. We also found larvae searching for food in the herbal layer without finding suitable plants. In some areas, larvae have to wait for the buds of the ash tree to open. Our data suggest that conservation strategies for E. maturna must be site specific according to food plant use of pre- and post-hibernation larvae and habitat type.
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In depth studies of patterns of extinction are fundamental to understand species vulnerability, in particular when population extinctions are not driven by habitat loss, but related to subtle changes in habitat quality and are due to ‘unknown causes’. We used a dataset containing over 160,000 non-duplicate individual records of occurrence (referred to 280 butterflies and 43 zygenid moths), and their relative extinction data, to carry out a twofold analysis. We identified ecological preferences that influence extinction probability, and we analysed if all species were equally vulnerable to the same factors. Our analyses revealed that extinctions were non-randomly distributed in space and time, as well as across species. Most of the extinctions were recorded in 1901–1950 and, as expected, populations at their range edges were more prone to become extinct for non-habitat-related causes. Ecological traits were not only unequally distributed between extinction and non-extinction events, but also not all ecological features had the same importance in driving population vulnerability. Hygrophilous and nemoral species were the most likely to experience population losses and the most prone to disappear even when their habitat remained apparently unchanged. Species vulnerability depends on both ecological requirements and threat type: in fact, each species showed a distinct pattern of vulnerability, depending on threats. We concluded that the analysis may be an important step to prevent butterfly declines: species that are strongly suffering due to ‘unknown changes’ are in clear and urgent need of more detailed auto-ecological studies.
Host-specific herbivorous insects have inspired speculation about sympatric speciation at least since the 1860s, when the now-famous host races of the apple maggot were described for the first time. Even Ernst Mayr admitted that “host races [of phytophagous insects] are a challenging biological phenomenon, and constitute the only known case indicating the possible occurrence of incipient sympatric speciation.” Any hypothesis of speciation by natural selection must consider how divergently selected (for example, ecologically adaptive) traits are genetically coupled to (and therefore result in) reproductive isolation. Speciation in allopatry is almost inevitable, given enough time, because all the possible causes of speciation can drive divergence of separated populations, unimpeded by gene flow. Furthermore, allopatric speciation caused by divergent ecological or sexual selection can be as rapid as sympatric or parapatric speciation. This chapter explores Guy L. Bush's sympatric speciation model and how often host-specific insects meet its assumptions. It considers the evidence on the genetics of host utilization, trade-offs, and colonization of novel host plants, and shows that it is meager.
Discusses the behavioral, genetic, and ecological determinants of oviposition behavior as they influence preference for plants and plant parts in both butterflies and moths, focusing on how oviposition behavior contributes to the evolution of preference and specificity for plant species, individual plants within populations, and plant parts. The review pays almost exclusive attention to phytophagous lepidopterans; very little is known in a quantitative way about oviposition behavior in nonphytophagous species, and even less about larviposition in a few known cases of ovovivipary. -from Authors
Larvae of the eastern black swallowtail butterfly, Papilio polyxenes asterias (Stoll) were fed a variety of plants of the family Umbelliferae and were analyzed for larval growth, feeding efficiencies and nitrogen budgets as a function of food plant age and nutrient content. Several food plants (Hydrocotyle americana, Sanicula gregaria, Osmorhiza claytoni, Osmorhiza longistylis and Torilis japonica of the Umbelliferae; and Xanthoxylum americanum of the Rutaceae) proved to be unacceptable to the larvae in no-choice situations for a variety of reasons. Among these, we found escape in space, escape in time, and a newly discovered physical trichome defense of Torilis japonica to be involved. The food plants suceessfully fed upon (Daucus carota, Pastinaca sativa, Conium maculatum, Cicuta bulbifera, Angelica atropurpurea, Thaspium trifoliatum, Cryptotaenia canadensis, Chaerophyllum procumbens, and Heracleum maximum) showed significant seasonal differences in their nutritional value as food for Papilio polyxenes larvae. An analysis of both the nutrient composition of the plant and the insect utilization indices upon each food plant showed no consistent seasonal trends in plant "quality." Instead, the leaves of each plant species varied in their nutritional value (nitrogen and water contents) according to its own particular phenology. Larvae fed on plants which had low leaf-water contents (less than 75%) were unable to increase their assimilation or nitrogen utilization efficiencies enough to maximize growth rates. Larvae on certain low-water plants achieved higher consumption rates, but this could not adequately compensate for the low efficiency of assimilation and utilization efficiency of plant biomass and nitrogen, so growth rates remained low.
Geographic differences in host plant availability are thought to result in regional adaptation of herbivores to their sympatric host species. Larvae of Papilio troilus, the spicebush swallowtail butterfly, feed only on plants of the Lauraceae. Although this insect occurs throughout the eastern United States, each host species has a distribution smaller than the range of P. troilus. In peninsular Florida, the major host is Persea borbonia; Sassafras albidum and Lindera benzoin are the predominant hosts elsewhere. The hypothesis that P. troilus are better adapted to their sympatric host plants was tested using a split-brood design comparing the larval performance of Florida, Midwest, and hybrid Florida @? Midwest full-sib families on Persea, and Lindera. Florida larvae had higher first-instar growth rates and survival on Persea compared to Midwest larvae. In contrast, Midwest larvae had higher total larval growth rates on Sassafras and Lindera relative to Florida larvae. A significant host @? geographic strain interaction was also found for pupal mass. Performance of hybrid larvae was intermediate to the parental strains, or equalled the best performing parental strain, depending on the host and performance measure. Regional differentiation in genetically based traits for host use indicates the existence of geographic races in P. troilus.
The effects of natural succession and invasions of indigenous reed Phragmites australis and alien goldenrods Solidago sp. on butterfly communities of wet grassland were investigated in Krakow (southern Poland) after management cessation. The total number of species and individuals, mean number of species per survey and a species diversity (Shannon-Wiener index) were highest in fallow lands, old fallow lands and young forests, and the lowest in fallow lands invaded by reed and goldenrod and in mature forests. These results (1) reveal the importance of extensively mown meadows and fallow land for butterflies, (2) indicate that meadow restoration is still possible even several decades after abandonment and (3) show that invasion of reed and non-native goldenrods should be prevented. A few very rare species included in the Habitat Directive (Lycaena dispar, Lycaena helle, Maculinea teleius and Maculinea nausithous) were common on the wet grasslands in Krakow, thus the area should be protected. Moreover, it was shown that the presence and relative abundance of Maculinea butterflies were good indicators of general butterfly species richness and abundance in the investigated wet grasslands. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.