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Abstract and Figures

S. Hofmann, C. Kuntzsch, M. J. Schulze, D. Eggert, and M. Sester Institut für Kartographie und Geoinformatik, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Appelstr. 9A, 30167 Hannover, Germany Keywords: LIDAR, robotics, accuracy analysis, close range, mapping, feature Abstract. This paper presents an accuracy analysis of a platform based on low-cost components for landmark-based navigation intended for research and teaching purposes. The proposed platform includes a LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 kit, an Android-based Smartphone as well as a compact laser scanner Hokuyo URG-04LX. The robot is used in a small indoor environment, where GNSS is not available. Therefore, a landmark map was produced in advance, with the landmark positions provided to the robot. All steps of procedure to set up the platform are shown. The main focus of this paper is the reachable positioning accuracy, which was analyzed in this type of scenario depending on the accuracy of the reference landmarks and the directional and distance measuring accuracy of the laser scanner. Several experiments were carried out, demonstrating the practically achievable positioning accuracy. To evaluate the accuracy, ground truth was acquired using a total station. These results are compared to the theoretically achievable accuracies and the laser scanner’s characteristics. Conference paper (PDF, 10620 KB) Citation: Hofmann, S., Kuntzsch, C., Schulze, M. J., Eggert, D., and Sester, M.: ACCURACY ANALYSIS OF A LOW-COST PLATFORM FOR POSITIONING AND NAVIGATION, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., I-2, 1-6, doi:10.5194/isprsannals-I-2-1-2012, 2012. BibTeX EndNote Reference Manager XML
Content may be subject to copyright.
S. Hofmann, C. Kuntzsch, M. J. Schulze, D. Eggert, M. Sester
Institut f¨
ur Kartographie und Geoinformatik
Leibniz Universit¨
at Hannover
Appelstr. 9A, 30167 Hannover, Germany
{hofmann, kuntzsch, schulze, eggert, sester}
KEY WORDS: LIDAR, robotics, accuracy analysis, close range, mapping, feature
This paper presents an accuracy analysis of a platform based on low-cost components for landmark-based navigation intended for
research and teaching purposes. The proposed platform includes a LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 kit, an Android-based Smartphone
as well as a compact laser scanner Hokuyo URG-04LX. The robot is used in a small indoor environment, where GNSS is not available.
Therefore, a landmark map was produced in advance, with the landmark positions provided to the robot. All steps of procedure to
set up the platform are shown. The main focus of this paper is the reachable positioning accuracy, which was analyzed in this type of
scenario depending on the accuracy of the reference landmarks and the directional and distance measuring accuracy of the laser scanner.
Several experiments were carried out, demonstrating the practically achievable positioning accuracy. To evaluate the accuracy, ground
truth was acquired using a total station. These results are compared to the theoretically achievable accuracies and the laser scanner’s
Driving autonomously requires highly accurate and reliable po-
sitioning methods. In most outdoor applications, GNSS-based
systems are used. For small robots, working mainly in indoor
areas, GNSS is not available. Furthermore, where high position-
ing accuracies are needed its accuracy would be insufficient. A
possible alternative is the use of landmarks (artificial or natural).
Their precise positions need to be initially known. For indoor
scenes the use of planes (walls), lines (intersection of two planes,
such as floor and wall) or pole-like objects, such as pillars might
be suitable. Our test setup, which is used for research and teach-
ing purposes, was designed to simulate a real-world scenario on
an easy-to-manage scale. Such a scenario could be autonomous
driving in an urban scene using available poles along the route,
such as street lights, sign posts or tree trunks. Therefore, the
spatial extent and the number of landmarks are limited. As a test
platform, we use a robot based on a LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT
2.0 kit, which acts as a chassis and provides the interface to the
servo motors. To detect the environment, a compact laser scan-
ner is used as a range sensor. The robot acts in a defined area,
where pole-like objects are used as landmarks. Its task is to au-
tonomously calculate its position, plan its route to a target and
navigate to this target. As the robot does not use an obstacle de-
tection system, all obstacles need to be mapped and localization
has to be very precise, in order to avoid collisions. Two major
processes have to be taken into account when analyzing the po-
sitioning accuracy of the robot. First of all, the accuracy of the
used map has to be analyzed. Secondly, the process of feature de-
tection and extraction, which finally leads to the robot’s position,
has to be examined.
This paper is structured as follows: After a short overview on
literature in Chapter 2, Chapter 3 describes relevant parts of the
used platform, such as sensors, the landmark map and the posi-
tioning algorithm. This is followed by the experimental setup in
Chapter 4 and in Chapter 5 the obtained results.
As discussed in Chapter 1, alternatives to GNSS-based position-
ing systems have to be invented, in order to reach better posi-
tioning accuracies and higher reliability. Therefore, complemen-
tary positioning systems, which show a good performance where
GNSS fails, especially indoors, are needed. Possible solutions
are map based approaches.
A considerable amount of literature has been published on map-
based approaches. A good overview is given by (Burgard and
Hebert, 2008) who discuss iconic representations, such as occu-
pancy grid maps as well as symbolic representations such as line
maps or landmark-based maps. These maps can be used as a pri-
ori map information or generated by the robot itself while driving.
The latter is referred to as simultaneous localization and mapping
(SLAM). One important advantage is that no map has to be pro-
duced in advance. On the other hand, if the detected landmarks
are supposed to be used for positioning, appropriate landmarks
have to be proven, before being used as map object (Thrun et
al., 2005). Another solution is to provide map data to the robot,
which may contain usable landmark objects along with additional
information for routing and navigation. Such additional informa-
tion in existing maps can be used for more efficient path planning,
to provide scene interpretation and to supply knowledge of areas
which appear outside the robot’s field of view. (Blervaque, 2008)
analyzed the use of navigational maps for driver assistance sys-
tems. Several attempts have been made to use not only landmarks
as single objects but groups of landmarks as patterns. (Weiss et
al., 2005) demonstrated a combination of GNSS, odometry and
a laser scanner to estimate a vehicle’s position. (Brenner, 2009b)
analyzed a localization algorithm based on local pole patterns
which are used as descriptors within the map. Analyzing possi-
ble localization accuracies in an outdoor environment using pole
patterns and an automotive laser scanner, (Brenner, 2009a) found
promising results. The use of landmark-based navigation in an
industrial indoor environment has been investigated by (Hu and
Gu, 2000), where the landmark map is simultaneously updated
during localization. These algorithms are proposed for large scale
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume I-2, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August – 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
environments. Therefore, we submit an easy-to-handle area and
low-cost sensors for testing new algorithms in our approach.
In the following section we give details on our self-localization
approach, which allows accurate pose estimation from a single
2D laser scan profile, assuming prior knowledge about pole-shaped
landmarks in the environment (provided as a landmark map). We
give details on the required map properties and describe the trans-
formation of the scan profile into single landmark detections, ex-
traction of unique geometric patterns and map matching. This is
followed by an introduction of a self-localization robot prototype
built for research and teaching purposes, which is able to use the
self-localization results for e.g. routing and navigation. Finally,
hardware properties with relevance to the experiments are dis-
3.1 Landmark Map Generation
When designing a map for autonomous navigation different re-
quirements must be considered. If the map is designed only for
one specific purpose, e.g. robot indoor navigation, such condi-
tions would be the choice of objects depending on the used sen-
sor or the uniqueness of feature patterns (e.g. triangles). In our
test scenario, we used pole-like objects as landmarks, comparable
with e.g. sign posts, lamp posts or tree trunks in an outdoor sce-
nario. Poles can characterized as upright structures with homo-
geneous shape, diameter and position at all heights. Therefore,
they can be described with simple geometric models detectable
by many different types of sensors, especially laser scanners. At
high resolutions the curvature of the pole’s surface can be used for
detection. At lower resolutions the linear upright structure can be
found by using depth-jumps. These depth-jumps can be found at
all heights of the pole, independent from the scanner’s level. It
has to be considered, that using only 2D scanners with a single
scan plane, the plane has to be horizontally oriented (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Laser scanner scanning in one horizontal plane.
Furthermore, the 3D structure of poles can be easily encoded into
a 2D map slicing the scene horizontally. Therefore, we represent
the landmarks in a 2D map using only the center coordinates and
the pole’s radius. In order to support the map-matching process
which is needed to find the current position, groups of landmarks
are used instead of single landmarks. Grouping center points
forms simple patterns, e.g. triangles. These triangles are im-
plicitly stored within the landmark database. As similar-shaped
triangles may occur, even more in natural environments, which
may lead to ambiguities during map-matching, we consider all
visible triangles in order to find unique landmark constellations.
3.2 Positioning
In the following sections, the landmark detection algorithm, which
has to be adapted to the used sensor and the two-stage positioning
algorithm are described.
3.2.1 Landmark Detection In order to meet the requirements
of a low-cost system, we used a compact 2D laser scanner, scan-
ning in one horizontal plane (Figure 1). An intuitive solution to
extract poles is to search for depth-jumps within the laser scan
profile. When measuring distances in a horizontal plane depth-
jumps will be detected if the measured range difference at two
consecutive measurements exceeds a defined threshold. If depth-
jumps are found on either side of an object, it is considered a
pole. The radii of pole objects, which are known from the map,
is used to reduce outliers by rejecting objects which appear to
be smaller or wider in radius than known landmarks. In order to
calculate the pole’s center coordinates, the distance and the di-
rection to the center of the detected pole has to be determined.
This is done by using the pole’s diameter, which is provided by
the map and the measurements on the surface of the pole. The
distance to the pole’s center is computed by adding the radius of
the pole to the range measurement at the mean laser beam. As
mean laser beam, which is used as directional measurement, the
laser beam in-between the rightmost and the leftmost laser beams
of a detected pole’s surface is used.
Figure 2: Diagram of depth-jumps at a single pole object.
An alternative to this relatively simple approach using only three
measurements is to estimate a best fitting circle into the scan data
to calculate the center of the pole. Therefore, a least squares ad-
justment is implemented using a Gauss-Helmert model. It uses
the functional relationship from the measured coordinates of the
circle’s edge xi, yiand the radius rconst, which is regarded as a
constant value, to the circle’s center xm, ym:
rconst q(xixm)2+ (yiym)2= 0 (1)
Three values are regarded in the Gauss-Helmert model: The im-
provement of the observations v, the unknown parameters ˆx con-
taining the circle’s center, and the contradictions between the
functional model and the observed coordinates w. The functional
model of the least squares adjustment is built by linearization of
Equation (1), leading to a matrix Bdescribing the dependency
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume I-2, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August – 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
from the improvement vector to the contradiction vector and a
matrix Adescribing the dependency from the parameters to the
contradictions. The Gauss-Helmert model demands the sum of
all values to be zero. For the solution, the quadratic sum of the
improvement vector is minimized with additional constraints car-
rying the correlates k:
B·v+A·ˆx +w= 0
ll ·v+ 2 ·kT·(B·v+A·ˆx +w)min (2)
As there is no stochastic information available for the measured
points, the cofactor matrix Qll is set as the unit matrix. The de-
mands of Equation (2) lead to the following equation system:
ˆx =B·Qll ·BTA
The solution of Equation (3) leads to the unknown circle center
coordinates ˆx and via variance propagation to their stochastic in-
formation Σxx.
Before carrying out further experiments, the results of the circle
adjustment were analyzed. However, the results obtained were
not satisfying. As shown in Figure 3, scan points which belong to
a landmark, do not represent the surface’s curvature due to the de-
pendence of the laser scanner range measurement error on the in-
cidence angle (Section 3.4), which is different for all laser beams
on the (circular) pole surface. Therefore, in most cases the adjust-
ment did not lead to a reliable result. This could be resolved by
using the pole’s diameter known from the landmark map within
the equation (instead of determining the diameter in the adjust-
ment). As the circle fitting approach does not give better results,
all experiments were carried out using the straight-forward pole
center estimation method.
Figure 3: Scan lines plotted for a pole with 110 mm diameter at
different distances to sensor (left: approx. 500mm, right: approx.
1500 mm).
3.2.2 Landmark-based Positioning Positioning in our case
is a two-stage process. After finding corresponding poles among
all extracted landmarks and the reference in the map (map match-
ing), a least squares adjustment is used to estimate the laser scan-
ner’s location. The map matching approach is based on groups
of landmarks (or 2D points as their projections onto a horizon-
tal plane) which form unique patterns, such as triangles. In the
correlation step triangles are matched between the landmark map
and the extracted pole configuration at the current position to find
corresponding poles.
The reference map defines the global coordinate system and con-
tains all reference poles and thus implicitly the reference trian-
gles. Coordinates of all extracted poles are computed in a local
robot coordinate system. The side lengths of the triangles, formed
by the extracted poles are then computed using the coordinates of
all detected poles. In the following, the side lengths of local and
reference triangles are compared pair-wise. All triangle pairs are
rated based on a similarity score, which is defined as:
score(tmap , tscan) = a(tmap)¯a(tscan))2+
starting at the shortest edge denoted with ¯a, naming the remaining
edges clockwise with ¯
band ¯crespectively.
Depending on the number of detected poles, three cases have to
be considered. Firstly, the standard case, where exactly three
poles are detected. Similarity scores between all reference tri-
angles and the single local triangle are computed. The reference
poles with the lowest squared position deviation are used as cor-
responding poles. Secondly, when more than three poles are vis-
ible, the algorithm starts with a single local triangle. The simi-
larity score for all reference triangles is computed and as in the
standard case, the best matching reference triangles is chosen to
estimate the scanner’s position. Based on this result, all addi-
tional detected poles are matched to the reference map and the
residuals are computed. These steps are repeated for all possible
triangles using all combinations of the detected poles. Finally,
the solution with the maximum number of successfully matched
poles is accepted. Thirdly, when less than three poles are de-
tected, no map-matching is possible. Therefore, no position can
be estimated at this stage. There are several conceivable solutions
to this problem. In our test case, more pole landmarks could be
used or other landmark types, such as planes should be consid-
ered. On the sensor’s side the field of view could be extended
using two scanner’s facing opposite directions. Another sensor
based solution is to turn the robot by 180to face the opposite di-
rection into the reverse navigation mode, driving backwards. The
map-matching is followed by the position estimation of the scan-
ner. For the position estimation the measurements of the scanner
(distance and direction) and the reference features from the map
are used. The results of the free stationing are the scanner’s posi-
tion and orientation as well as associated accuracies.
The following error equations are used to describe the functional
correlation for the least squares adjustment:
di+vdi =q(XiXR)2+ (YiYR)2
ϕi+vϕi =tan1YiYR
where diand ϕiare the distance and directional measurement
to pole iwith coordinates Xi,Yiand the required properties
XR, YR, γ0, which are the scanner’s position and orientation.
Additional equations are added to consider the positional error of
the reference map features:
Xi+vXi =Xi
Yi+vY i =Yi
All measurements are assumed to be uncorrelated.
3.3 Used Hardware Setup
Our prototype consists of a mobile robot built from the LEGO
MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 kit, including a NXT Brick microcon-
troller and two servo motors, a Hokuyo URG-04LX compact
laser scanner mounted on top of the robot chassis and a pro-
cessing unit (either on-board Smartphone or an external PC). The
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume I-2, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August – 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
laser scanner is attached on top of the robot, scans in a horizon-
tal plane (parallel to the floor) and provides range information
which is transmitted to the processing unit. The processing unit
hosts software realizing the self-localization process using both
the current laser scan profile as well as the prefabricated land-
mark map. The software also acts as interface to the robot actu-
ators via NXT Brick, allowing autonomous navigation through a
familiar environment based on high-frequent self-localization re-
sults. The landmark map is complete with regards to the objects
within the environment in order to remove the requirement for an
active collision detection. In order to avoid disturbing detections
outside our experimental setup, we constructed a physical bound-
ary of 2m by 2m. Cardboard tubes used as pole objects are placed
within this box. An experiment setup requires to accurately mea-
sure ground truth positions of all objects within the environment
(e.g. by total station measurement), creating a landmark map and
providing it to the self-localization software.
Naturally, the application of the position estimation on route plan-
ning and navigation leads to further sources for error. As the fo-
cus of this paper is the theoretical investigation and experimental
validation of the self-positioning approach, we decided to remove
as many external effects on the positioning accuracy as possible
from the experiments, i.e. we performed all measurements only
using the laser scanner and the self-positioning software. Move-
ment of the laser scanner has been performed manually by sim-
ulating a supposed trajectory and performing measurements at
discrete waypoints along the route. Further details on the im-
plementation of the system, routing and navigation specifics are
discussed in a previous work of the authors.
3.4 Laser Scanner Characterization
For range measurements we use the Hokuyo URG-04LX laser
scanner, which has been characterized regarding distance mea-
surement errors under varying external preconditions (incidence
angle, surface properties) by e.g. (Kneip et al., 2009, Okubo
et al., 2009). For the interpretation of our experimental results,
we rely on the following device characteristics described in the
aforementioned literature. The device specification mentions a
distance measurement error of ±10mm within a measurement
range between 20 mm and 1 m and ±1% of the true distance for
measurement distances above 1 m, though aforementioned char-
acterization experiments have found the expectable error to be
about ±2% for distances above 1 m. The maximum distance
measurable with the scanner is 4 m, which is considered within
the experiments by only measuring within the physical bound-
aries (dimensions 2 m by 2 m). The scanner’s field of view has
an opening angle of 240. Regarding the angular accuracy of
the measurement, (Kneip et al., 2009, Okubo et al., 2009) have
found a discrepancy of about 1% between the true center of mea-
surement and the center mentioned within the device specifica-
tion. This error could be reduced by calibration prior to measure-
ments. As this error only influences the heading component of
the pose estimation and not the position and because the order of
magnitude of this error is rather insignificant for the navigation
task (considering the stability/positional accuracy of the device
installation on top of the robot and the accuracy of mechanical
navigation), we chose not to perform this calibration step. This
error may, however, be reflected within the pose estimation re-
For one, both characterization papers describe a significant drop
in range measurement in the first 30 minutes after scanner startup
(a drift effect, stabilizing afterwards). We considered this prop-
erty by having a long enough scanner startup phase before all
measurements. Furthermore, the relation between surface prop-
erties and measurement errors have been studied in (Okubo et
al., 2009). They conclude, that sensor specifications are valid
for white paper tests with higher errors for different color, light-
ness and reflectivity properties. The pole objects used within our
experiments are made of cardboard, falling into the matted col-
ors/gray level category (average distance measurement error of
about 30 mm). Another property of the scanner is a relation be-
tween distance measurement error and laser incidence angle on
the object surface. As the used pole objects have circular foot-
prints, its laser-scan profile consists of (near) orthogonal mea-
surement an several, increasing incidence angles towards both
sides of the pole. This leads to increasing measurement errors
for surface range measurements which in turn leads to an erro-
neous measurement of the 2D shape of the pole surface, which
significant decreases the quality of curve fitting approaches for
pole center estimation (discussed in detail in section 3.2.1). Ad-
ditionally, we have to deal with the unknown optic center of the
device which is not specified by the manufacturer. Similar to the
approach taken by other authors, we assume the optic center to
coincide with the geometric center of the device case.
Although (Kneip et al., 2009, Okubo et al., 2009) developed first
coarse calibration models for distance measurement correction
(under several assumptions regarding external preconditions), we
chose not to reprocess measured distances. All measurements
will directly reflect measured distances including systematic de-
vice specific errors. However, we would expect the achievable
accuracy of the self-positioning approach to increase in perfor-
mance when coupled with a proper calibration for specific ex-
ternal preconditions, as it is closely dependent on the distance
measurement accuracy.
Our experiments are divided into two main parts. Firstly, mea-
surements to determine the accuracy of single landmarks have to
be carried out. Secondly, the subsequent positioning accuracy,
which mainly depends on the extracted landmarks, can be ana-
4.1 Landmarks
The positioning accuracy of our used platform is to a large extend
depending on highly accurate landmark positions, which are, in
our case, the center points of the used poles. Several tests were
carried out to evaluate the accuracy of the distance to the pole’s
center based on the two variable object parameters - pole diam-
eter and distance to the sensor. Therefore, measurements with
different pole diameters at different distances were carried out.
Based on this measurements, the poles center was calculated us-
ing the mean laser beam based on the used depth-jump algorithm
in comparison to the results of a best fitting circle. We expect
the latter to give better results, as the adjustment calculation takes
more measurements on the pole’s surface into consideration com-
pared to the calculation using only the two outmost laser beams
of the pole (Figure 2). In order to analyze the dependency on
the distance from sensor to object, two sample distances were
chosen with respect to the limited test area. In the experiments,
we evaluated two different pole diameters of 45 mm and 110 mm.
As reference, the scanner’s position and the pole’s center coor-
dinates and thus implicitly the distance to the pole’s center were
surveyed using a total station. The resulting positional accuracies
of the reference landmarks, with a standard deviation of 1.3 mm.
4.2 Position
Before performing the experiment on the positioning accuracy of
our platform an accuracy map for the test area was generated.
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume I-2, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August – 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Therefore, a scanner with a 360angle of view was simulated in
order to eliminate directional dependencies. The map area was
decomposed in a discrete raster and subsequently, the possible
positioning accuracy was calculated for every cell based on the
landmark geometry, visibility conditions and the a priori accu-
racies (Figure 4). The theoretically achievable positioning accu-
racy indicated by colors from red (7.1 mm) to green (2.67 mm).
Blue indicates regions where no positioning is possible, because
less than the necessary three landmarks are visible. Doted blue
regions indicate areas where ambiguities exist, which means no
unique landmark constellation was detected. This can be solved
by introducing a filter algorithm such as Kalman Filter to take
prior positions into account. In comparison with the simulated
accuracy color map, the positioning accuracies are expected to be
lower in some areas due to occluded poles caused by the limited
angle of view of 240. The theoretically achievable positioning
accuracy is determined in the least squares adjustment for all po-
sitions with more than three poles visible.
Figure 4: Accuracy color map for one landmark constellation
(gray circles) and example trajectory.
For our experiments a route was chosen exemplarily and decom-
posed into discrete points, which are assumed to be drivable in
both directions. At these discrete points all following measure-
ments were carried out, in order to determine the positioning ac-
curacy. In the following, the positioning accuracy is split into
two parts. First of all, the repeatability of the localization at a
certain position was evaluated. Therefore, the position was cal-
culated several times based on the respective scan profiles as each
scan profile leads to a single position. The resulting point distri-
bution could then be analyzed. Secondly, for localization and
the navigation based on it, the absolute positioning accuracy is
even more important. In our test set up, we placed the scanner
on 13 positions at roughly equal distance along the test route.
For every point, the position was calculated in two directions, the
scanner facing forward and backwards. Additionally, at the turn-
ing points, where the platform would have to change its driving
direction to follow the route, four poses were determined, using
all four possible orientations. Reference positions for the scanner
were surveyed as ground truth for every scanner’s position along
the trajectory using a total station. Therefore, the center point of
the scanner’s casing was used as reference point.
In this chapter the determined accuracy of a single detected land-
mark as well as the positioning accuracy of the scanner is dis-
5.1 Landmark Measurement Accuracy
The parameters describing a landmark from the scanner’s point
of view are distance and direction to the pole’s center. In our ex-
periments we analyzed the distance measurements to the pole and
subsequently to the pole’s center and the resulting center coordi-
nates. The resulting distances to the pole’s center are exemplarily
evaluated for two types of poles (diameter 45mm and 110 mm) at
two different distances. The reached accuracy of determining the
distance to the pole’s center using the in section 3.2.1 described
depth-jump algorithm is in the range of 3-20 mm depending on
the measuring distance. This results agree well with the theoreti-
cal expectations, due to the absence of calibration.
5.2 Positioning Accuracy
The positioning accuracy was determined at discrete positions
along a defined route. It includes parts were positioning is only
possible in one driving direction and other parts were position-
ing is possible in both directions. At two points, the position is
determined based on four different orientations, when the driving
direction changes.
Figure 5: Example trajectory with landmarks. Reference po-
sitions are marked as black cross, starting at position 1, green
marks forward positions and red backwards positions. Blue and
magenta indicate additional directions at turning points.
Single positions are estimated based on one scan. By scanning
the same position repeatedly for about 100 full scan cycles (each
resulting in one pose estimation), the standard deviation of the
measurements on a single position is in the range of 2.6 mm to
7.6 mm. Considering only positions where more than three poles
are visible, the standard deviation is in the range of 2.6 mm to
5.5 mm. Figure 6 shows the scattering of the calculated positions
for four different scanner orientations.
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume I-2, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August – 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
For positioning in a real world scene and autonomous navigation
the absolute position might be more important. Therefore, we
compared the calculated positions from the laser scanner’s mea-
surements with ground truth for all scanner’s positions. The re-
sults are in the range of 2.5 mm to 30 mm at positions, where only
three poles are visible. Table 1 presents the experimental results
at five chosen positions, where at least two scanning orientations
were used to determine its position. At all other positions only
one orientations led to a localization result due to too many oc-
cluded poles. At point 8 four scanning directions were used. The
number of visible poles was three or more, exactly three poles
could be detected at position 7 (forward) and 8 (all). In compari-
son, the theoretically achievable accuracy for the evaluated posi-
tions given by the adjustment, with more than three poles visible,
is between 2.9 mm and 5.1mm.
Figure 6: Deviation of calculated positions based on different
scans. Different colors show different scanner orientations (black
cross: reference position).
Position back-forward forward-ref back-ref
[mm] [mm] [mm]
1 - 17.3 -
2 - 42.7 -
3 - 18.3 -
4 (1) - 22.6 -
4 (2) - 22.4 -
5 - 13.3 -
6 16.2 15.3 8.5
7 16.1 19.3 11.9
8 (1) 20.7 30.2 15.2
8 (2) 5.6 9.7 4.9
9 9.7 14.1 9.4
10 6.4 8.6 8.9
11 - - 7.4
12 - - 2.5
13 - - 4.0
Table 1: Differences at pole centers. (back-forward): between the
opposite scanner directions at same position. (forward-ref) and
(backward-ref): between reference and estimated scanner posi-
tion. (1) and (2) indicate positions 4 and 8 as turning points with
four possible orientations.
Compared to the low distance measurement accuracy of the used
scanner (section 3.4) our experiments lead to a positioning accu-
racy within 1 cm to 3 cm, which means 2% error with regard to
the maximum measuring distance at our test area. A calibration
of the scanner with respect to the given setup could reduce the
scanner’s systematic errors, such as the dependence on surface
properties or incidence angles at detected poles.
In this paper, we introduced a self-localization approach based on
landmark-maps. After giving insight on the theoretical accuracy
of the approach for an exemplary landmark setup, we conducted
a series of experiments demonstrating the practically achievable
accuracy using a robot prototype based on a Hokuyo URG-04LX
laser scanner. This includes a detailed discussion of possible error
resulting from the chosen hardware and experimental setup.
Our experiment results (maximum errors of about ±2% of the
greatest measured distance within the experimental setup) verify
that the self-localization accuracy is well within the order of mag-
nitude of the various input errors (mainly distance measurement
error of the laser scanner). We consider the obtained accuracy
sufficient for more complex tasks relying on an accurate position
estimation (e.g. autonomous navigation within a well-known en-
Finally we made several propositions for possible improvement
of the self-localization result by applying a calibration model on
the range measurements of the laser scanner (reducing effects of
object surface properties, incident angles and device heading).
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ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume I-2, 2012
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August – 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia
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This paper presents a characterization study of the Hokuyo URG-04LX scanning laser rangefinder (LRF). The Hokuyo LRF is similar in function to the Sick LRF, which has been the de-facto standard range sensor for mobile robot obstacle avoidance and mapping applications for the last decade. Problems with the Sick LRF are its relatively large size, weight, and power consumption, allowing its use only on relatively large mobile robots. The Hokuyo LRF is substantially smaller, lighter, and consumes less power, and is therefore more suitable for small mobile robots. The question is whether it performs just as well as the Sick LRF in typical mobile robot applications. In 2002, two of the authors of the present paper published a characterization study of the Sick LRF. For the present paper we used the exact same test apparatus and test procedures as we did in the 2002 paper, but this time to characterize the Hokuyo LRF. As a result, we are in the unique position of being able to provide not only a detailed characterization study of the Hokuyo LRF, but also to compare the Hokuyo LRF with the Sick LRF under identical test conditions. Among the tested characteristics are sensitivity to a variety of target surface properties and incidence angles, which may potentially affect the sensing performance. We also discuss the performance of the Hokuyo LRF with regard to the mixed pixels problem associated with LRFs. Lastly, the present paper provides a calibration model for improving the accuracy of the Hokuyo LRF.
Conference Paper
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This paper presents a detailed characterization of the Hokuyo URG-04LX 2D laser range finder. While the sensor specifications only provide a rough estimation of the sensor accuracy, the present work analyzes issues such as time drift effects and dependencies on distance, target properties (color, brightness and material) as well as incidence angle. Since the sensor is intended to be used for measurements of a tubelike environment on an inspection robot, the characterization is extended by investigating the influence of the sensor orientation and dependency on lighting conditions. The sensor characteristics are compared to those of the Sick LMS 200 which is commonly used in robotic applications when size and weight are not critical constraints. The results show that the sensor accuracy is strongly depending on the target properties (color, brightness, material) and that it is consequently difficult to establish a calibration model. The paper also identifies cases for which the sensor returns faulty measurements, mainly when the surface has low reflectivity (dark surfaces, foam) or for high incidence angles on shiny surfaces. On the other hand, the repeatability of the sensor seems to be competitive with the LMS 200.
Conference Paper
Research and development of driver assistance systems is currently a very active field. One building block of future systems will be an accurate and reliable positioning, which can be realized by relative measurement, using on-board sensors and maps of the environment. However, a prerequisite will be that such maps can be produced fully automatically. This paper explores the use of dense laser scans from mobile laser scanning systems for the production of such maps. After presenting the problem and the matching approach, we introduce our test field which consists of a 22 km scan of roads, both inner city streets as well as highways. It is shown how suitable features can be extracted fully automatically. Finally, for a given trajectory, we evaluate how positioning will perform and draw conclusions regarding applicability and future work.
Conference Paper
Accurate and reliable localization is an important requirement for autonomous driving. This paper investigates an asymmetric model for global mapping and localization in large outdoor scenes. In the first stage, a mobile mapping van scans the street environment in full 3D, using high accuracy and high resolution sensors. From this raw data, local descriptors are extracted in an offline process and stored in a global map. In the second stage, vehicles, equipped with simple, inaccurate sensors are assumed to be able to recover part of these descriptors which allows them to determine their global position. The focus of this paper is on the investigation of local pole patterns. A descriptor is proposed which is tolerant with regard to missing data, and performance and scalability are considered. For the experiments, a large, dense outdoor LiDAR scan with a total length of 21.7 km is used.
Conference Paper
Robust ego-localization is an essential technology for future intelligent vehicles and cooperative applications. In this paper a new localization algorithm based on IBEO AS Laserscanners and high accuracy digital maps is proposed. Algorithms to create accurate grid maps with Laserscanners and the extraction of static objects used as landmarks for ego-localization is introduced. The key problem in landmark navigation in urban areas is the localization of landmarks in distance profiles of a Laserscanner. A fast algorithm is presented, that associates landmarks with data of a Laserscanner which is robust against large rotational, and translational position errors. A position correction algorithm determines the vehicles ego position in WGS-84 coordinates also often used by GPS and navigation maps.
Landmark-based navigation of autonomous mobile robots or vehicles has been widely adopted in industry. Such a navigation strategy relies on identification and subsequent recognition of distinctive environment features or objects that are either known a priori or extracted dynamically. This process has inherent difficulties in practice due to sensor noise and environment uncertainty. This paper is to propose a navigation algorithm that simultaneously locates the robots and updates landmarks in a manufacturing environment. A key issue being addressed is how to improve the localization accuracy for mobile robots in a continuous operation, in which the Kalman filter algorithm is adopted to integrate odometry data with scanner data to achieve the required robustness and accuracy. The Kohonen neural networks have been used to recognize landmarks using scanner data in order to initialize and recalibrate the robot position by means of triangulation when necessary.
Prevent maps and adas d12.1 final report
  • V Blervaque
  • Ertico
  • Europe
Blervaque, V., 2008. Prevent maps and adas d12.1 final report. Technical report, ERTICO ITS Europe, 080127-v10-ERT-D12.1%20MAPS&ADAS%20Final%20Report.pdf (last accessed on January 3, 2012).
Springer Handbook of Robotics
  • W Burgard
  • M Hebert
Burgard, W. and Hebert, M., 2008. Springer Handbook of Robotics. Springer, chapter World Modeling, pp. 853-869.
Prevent maps and adas d12.1 final report
  • V Blervaque
Blervaque, V., 2008. Prevent maps and adas d12.1 final report. Technical report, ERTICO ITS Europe, (last accessed on January 3, 2012).