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The Fok1 Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphism and 25(OH) D Serum Levels and Prostate Cancer among Jordanian Men

  • Al-Balqa Applied University

Abstract and Figures

cause of cancer death in men in the Western world. Vitamin D (1,25dihydroxy vitamin D) is linked to many biological processes that influence oncogenesis but data on relations between its genetic variants and cancer risk have been inconsistent. The aim of this study was to determine associations between a vitamin D genetic polymorphism and 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels and prostate cancer. Materials and Methods: Genomic DNA was extracted from 124 Jordanian prostate cancer patients and 100 healthy volunteers. Ethical approval was granted from the ethical committee at Hashemite University and written consent was given by all patients. PCR was used to amplify the vitamin D receptor Fok1 polymorphism fragment. 25(OH)D serum levels were measured by competitive immunoassay. Results: All genotypes were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Genotype frequency for Fok1 genotypes FF, Ff and ff was 30.7%, 61.3% and 8.06%, for prostate cancer patients, while frequencies for the control group was 28.0%, 66.0% and 6.0%, respectively, with no significant differences. Vitamin D serum level was significantly lower in prostate cancer patients (mean 7.7 ng/ml) compared to the control group (21.8 ng/ml). No significant association was noted between 25(OH)D and VDR Fok1 gene polymorphism among Jordanians overall, but significant associations were evident among prostate cancer patients (FF, Ff and ff : 25(OH)D levels of 6.2, 8.2 and 9.9) and controls (19.0, 22.5 and 26.3, respectively). An inverse association was noted between 25(OH)D serum level less than 10ng/ml and prostate cancer risk (OR 35.5 and 95% CI 14.3- 88.0). Conclusions: There is strong inverse association between 25(OH)D serum level less than 10ng/ml level and prostate cancer risk
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Asian Pacic Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 16, 2015 2227
The Fok1 Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphism and 25(OH)D Levels and Prostate Cancer among Jordanian Men
Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 16 (6), 2227-2230
PCa is one of the most commonly diagnosed forms
of cancer among men in industrialized countries (Nwosu
et al., 2001), whose incidence rates are rising rapidly in
most countries including low-risk populations (Habuchi
et al., 2000). It is a health problem in developed countries
because of their greater proportion of elderly men. About
15% of male cancers are PCa in developed countries
compared to 4% of male cancers in developing countries
(Parkin et al., 2001). Prostate cancer incidence increases
with age and it is estimated that 80% of men would be
affected by the age of 80 years (Holund, 1980). In Jordan,
PCa is the sixth among Jordanian male cancer which
accounted for 7.9% of male cancers (
Vitamin D (the sun-shine vitamin) plays a prominent
role in bone and calcium metabolism also has functions
in the immune system, central nervous system, epithelial
cells, and various endocrine processes (Haussler et al.,
1998). It has anticancer effects that are mediated through
the vitamin D receptor (Brown et al., 1999), It promote
1Medical Laboratory Department, Allied Health Sciences, 2Faculty of Medicine, Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan *For
Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most commonly diagnosed neoplasms and the second leading
cause of cancer death in men in the Western world. Vitamin D (1,25dihydroxy vitamin D) is linked to many
biological processes that inuence oncogenesis but data on relations between its genetic variants and cancer
risk have been inconsistent. The aim of this study was to determine associations between a vitamin D genetic
polymorphism and 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels and prostate cancer. Materials and Methods: Genomic
DNA was extracted from 124 Jordanian prostate cancer patients and 100 healthy volunteers. Ethical approval
was granted from the ethical committee at Hashemite University and written consent was given by all patients.
PCR was used to amplify the vitamin D receptor Fok1 polymorphism fragment. 25(OH)D serum levels were
measured by competitive immunoassay. Results: All genotypes were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Genotype
frequency for Fok1 genotypes FF, Ff and ff was 30.7%, 61.3% and 8.06%, for prostate cancer patients, while
frequencies for the control group was 28.0%, 66.0% and 6.0%, respectively, with no signicant differences.
Vitamin D serum level was signicantly lower in prostate cancer patients (mean 7.7 ng/ml) compared to the control
group (21.8 ng/ml). No signicant association was noted between 25(OH)D and VDR Fok1 gene polymorphism
among Jordanians overall, but signicant associations were evident among prostate cancer patients (FF, Ff and
ff : 25(OH)D levels of 6.2, 8.2 and 9.9) and controls (19.0, 22.5 and 26.3, respectively). An inverse association
was noted between 25(OH)D serum level less than 10ng/ml and prostate cancer risk (OR 35.5 and 95% CI 14.3-
88.0). Conclusions: There is strong inverse association between 25(OH)D serum level less than 10ng/ml level
and prostate cancer risk.
Keywords: Prostate cancer - vitamin D - Fok1 polymorphism - Jordan
The Fok1 Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphism and 25(OH)
D Serum Levels and Prostate Cancer among Jordanian Men
Manar Fayiz Atoum1*, Dena AlKateeb1, Sameer Ahmed AlHaj Mahmoud2
cell differentiation, apoptosis, inhibition of cellular
proliferation, angiogenesis and tumor cell invasion (Holt
et al., 2009; Luong et al., 2010). VDR activation may
regulate directly or indirectly the expression of 100-1250
genes (Yu and Cantorna, 2011; Zhang and Ho, 2011).
Vitamin D exerts its biological effects through binding and
activating the intracellular VDR, which acts as a ligand-
dependent transcriptional factor in many types of tissues,
including the prostate (Miller et al., 1992).
VDR is expressed in over 30 different cell types and
located on chromosome 12q12-14 (Wu-Wong, 2007).
Consisting of 14 exons and spanning approximately 75
kb long (Crofts et al., 1998). VDR gene encompasses two
promoter regions, eight protein-coding exons (namely 2-9]
and six untranslated exons (1a-1f) (Baker et al., 1998).
Exons 2 and 3 of the VDR gene are involved in DNA
binding, and exons 7, 8, and 9 are involved in binding to
vitamin D (Hughes et al., 1988).
Polymorphisms of the VDR gene potentially affect
the receptor binding Of 1, 25dihydroxyvitamin D3, that
may modify vitamin D biological activity and confer
Manar Fayiz Atoum et al
Asian Pacic Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 16, 2015
susceptibility to prostate cancer (Yin et al., 2009). Oral
administration of active vitamin D metabolites delays the
recurrence of prostate cancer following primary therapy
(Gross et al., 1998). This indicates that active vitamin D
metabolites can be effective in slowing the progression
of prostate cancer risk.
VDR gene is highly polymorphic and its allele
frequencies are highly variable among different races
and ethnic groups. More than sixty VDR polymorphisms
have been discovered that are located in the promoter,
in and around exons 2-9 and in the 3’UTRregion (Peehl
et al., 1994). VDR gene variants that are studied include
a 5’ Fok1 site in exon 2 that alters the start codon (Li et
al., 1999). Correlation between low circulating levels
of 25(OH)D were associated with an increased risk of
subsequent earlier onset and more aggressive progression
of prostate cancer, especially before the age of 52 (Polek
and Weigel, 2002).
The aim of this study is to determine rs10735810 or
Fok1 polymorphism on exon 2 within VDR gene among
prostate cancer Jordanian males. This polymorphism
contain two potential translation initiation (ATG or
start) sites (Saijo et al., 1991). A polymorphism has
been described in the rst start codon which changes the
nucleotide sequence to ACG. The f allele contains both
ATGs, whereas the F allele has only the second ATG, and
thus predicts a shorter VDR protein (Ingles et al., 1998).
This study also determined vitamin D level among prostate
cancer patients and determine any association between
v25(OH) D level and VDRFok1gene polymorphism
among prostate cancer patients.
Materials and Methods
A total of 124 prostate cancer patients were recruited
from the urogenital cancer clinic at Al- Basheer Hospital/
Amman (2013-2014)that were histopathologically
diagnosed with prostate cancer by specialized pathologists.
One hundred age matched control volunteers with no
familial history of any cancer were recruited from the
Jordanian society. Ethical approval for this study was
received from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at the
Hashemite University. Consent forms were signed by all
participants before interviewing and sample collection.
Plain tubes samples were centrifuged within two hours
of sample collection, Serum was separated and stored
at-60ºC for vitamin D determination. EDTA tubes were
used for DNA extraction with in 2-4 hours from collection.
Almost 500μl of serum aliquots were used to measure
serum 25(OH) D level using Elecsys vitamin D total assay
kit (Roche Diagnostics, Switzerland) by MODULAR
ANALYTICSE170 analyzer.
DNA samples were extracted using the Wizard
Genomic DNA Purication kit (Promega, USA). DNA
samples were amplied using the BIO RAD iCycler
with the specic primers that are complementary to Fok1
VDR gene
conducted using Go Taq® Green Master Mix DNA, then
samples were amplied: Initial denaturation step at 94˚C
for 3 min, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation step at
94ºC for 90 sec then annealing step at 58ºC for 60s and
extension at 72ºC for 90s. Finally the refrigeration cycle
at 4ºC. Following amplication, SNPs FokI(rs2228570) in
VDR gene was detected by restriction enzyme digest using
the restriction endonuclease digestion (Jenna Bioscience,
Germany) at 37°C for two hours. All fragments then
visualized on 2% agarose gel electrophoresis. The
expected size of FokI (FF) genotype is159 bp, FokI (Ff)
genotype are159 bp+53 bp+106 bp and for FokI (ff)
genotype are 53 bp+106 bp.
Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.Chi-
square test was used to evaluate case-control differences
for FokI genotype distribution among case and control
groups. T- test was used to evaluate the signicance of
difference of mean 25(OH)D levels between case and
control groups. The association between FokI different
genotypes and prostate cancer risk, vitamin D level and
FokI different genotypes were evaluated by calculating
the odd ratios (OR) using “Mantel Haenszel”method and
95% condence intervals (CI).
The genotypes and allele frequencies of FokI VDR
gene polymorphism among prostate cancer and control
participants are shown in table (1). The genotypes are
in Hardy-Weinberg equation. There is no significant
association of the VDR gene FokI gene polymorphism
with prostate risk among prostate patients or healthy
controls participants. The frequency of FF genotype was
(30.7%) for prostate cancer patients compared with (28%)
for healthy control. Ff genotype frequency in prostate
cancer patients group was (61.3%) compared with (66%)
for healthy control. ff genotype frequency was (8.1%)
in prostate patients group compared to (6%) within the
healthy control group (Table 1).
Our results (table 2) showed that the mean serum level
of 25(OH)D for prostate patients (7.7±0.44 ng/ml) was
signicantly lower than the level in the control group (21.8
Table 1. Association of VDR Genotypic Frequencies
among Prostate Cancer and Control Participants in
Regard with Hardy-weinberg Equilibrium
Genotype Case n(%) Control n(%) P value
FF 38 (30.7) 28 (28) 0.719
Ff 76 (61.3) 66 (66)
Ff 10 (8.1) 6 (6)
F 152 (61.3) 122 (61) 0.95
F 96 (38.7 ) 78 (39)
Table 2. Serum 25(OH)D Mean Levels among Prostate
Cancer Patients and Control
N Mean±SE*(ng/ml) p value
Prostate cancer patients 124 7.7±0.44 0.001**
Control 100 21.8±0.56
*SE: Standard error of the mean. **p-value<0.05 is considered signicant
Asian Pacic Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 16, 2015 2229
The Fok1 Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphism and 25(OH)D Levels and Prostate Cancer among Jordanian Men
ng/ml±0.56) (p-value=0.001).
The results of this study shows that there statistical
signicant difference in the mean 25(OH)D levels among
FF, Ff and ff genotypes within both prostate cancer patients
(p=0.036) and control (p=0.002)
Vitamin D insufciency affects almost 50% of the
population worldwide. An estimated 1 billion people
worldwide, across all ethnicities and age groups, have a
vitamin D deciency (Nair and Maseeh, 2012). Prostate
cancer is one of the most common cancers among men,
it is the second leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide
(Siegel et al., 2013). Although it is less common in
developing countries, its incidence and mortality rate is
raised (Jemal et al., 2006). In Jordan and according to
ministry of health at the Hashemite Kingdom ((www.moh. were179 prostate cancer cases accounting
3.7% of all Jordanian cancer cases. Prostate cancer ranked
the sixth among Jordanian male cancers which accounted
(7.9%) of male cancers. Its etiology is unclear; however
it may be related to ethnicity, environmental, genetics,
hormonal and dietary factors (Tzonou et al., 1999;
Lichtenstein et al., 2000)
The reason why VDR gene polymorphism has attracted
attention because of the overall of anticancer effect of
vitamin D itself. A number of studies have examined the
role of VDR variants in prostate cancer with equivocal
results ranging from statistically signicant association
(Oakley-Girvanet al., 2004; Jemal et al., 2006), weak
association (Hayes et al., 2005) to no association (Guo et
al., 2013) between common VDR variants and prostate
cancer. Our nding showed no signicant association of
VDR Fok1 gene polymorphism with prostate cancer risk.
This is consistent with many previous studies (Yin et al.,
2009; Zhang and Shan, 2013; Yousaf et al., 2014) among
different ethnic groups.
Eighty three percent of the control participants in
this study are decient/insufcient for vitamin 25(OH)
D level. This high percentage is similar to the percentage
observed by Atoum and Tchoporyan (2014) among
Jordanians. Although Jordanian climate may offers
sufcient sunlight, the observed considerable deciency
and insufciency might be attributed to other factors
such as high pigmentation of Middle Eastern population,
working indoors most of the daytime and dietary style
(Nair and Maseeh, 2012).This study also shows that 17%
of control have optimal serum 25(OH)D level (more than
20 ng/ml), while only 3% of prostate cancer patients are
optimal. This study also shows that patients decient in
vitamin D (less than 10.0 ng/ml) had 35 fold increased
prostate cancer risk compared to control. While increasing
circulatory 25(OH)D level by adequate exposure to
sunlight or oral supplementation promote the prostate
cells to convert 25(OH)D to 1alpha 25(OH)D2 which
has an antiproliferative effect in prostate cells (Donkena
and Young, 2011). This nding shows that deciency in
25(OH)D might participate in prostate cancer development
and progression, and vitamin D level could be added as
an additional factor to consider before ordering a biopsy
for prostate cancer patients.
Our results showed signicant difference in the mean
of 25(OH)D level among various VDR Fok1 genotype (FF,
Ff, ff) within the prostate and control groups. Consitant
with our results, a prospective study observed that the
Fok1 gene polymorphism interacted with 25(OH)D and
modied prostate cancer risk in the presence of low
25(OH)D status (Li et al., 2007). On the other hand, Xu
et al (2003) showed that presence of an F allele increased
the risk of being diagnosed with more aggressive cancer
because higher percentage of Gleason grade 4/5 is
associated with worse prognosis. Huang et al (2006)
suggested that the VDR FokI FF genotype increased the
Figure 1. 2% Agarose Gel Electrophoresis for the
Genotypes After FokI Enzyme Digestion of the PCR
Product. Lane 1: 50bp DNA ladder. Lanes 2, 7, 8, 9, and 10:
Ff genotypes. Lane 6, 11, 12: FF genotype. Lanes 3, 4 and 5:
ff genotypes
Table 3. Association between 25(OH)D Level and Prostate Cancer Risk
(OH)D Status Prostate Cancer Patients N=124 Controls n=100 OR 95% CI
25(OH)D less than 10.0 ng/ml 86 (69.35%) 6 (6.00%) 35.45 (14.28-88.03)
10.0 ≤ 25(OH)D ≥20 ng/ml 34 (27.42%) 77 (77.00%) 0.11 (0.06-0.21)
25(OH)D more than 20 ng/ml 4 (3.23%) 17 (17.00%) 0.2 (0.05-0.50)
*Decient: less than 20ng/ml; Insufcient: between 10 and 20ng/ml; Optimal: more than 20ng/ml
Table 4. Serum 25(OH)D Mean Levels (ng/ml) for Each FokI Genotypes
Prostate Patients (n=124) Control (n=100)
VDR FokI N Mean ± Std (ng/ml) p-value VDR FokI N Mean ± Std (ng/ml) p-value
Genotype Genotype
FF 38 6.2±4.3 0.036 FF 28 19.0±5.5 0.002
Ff 76 8.2±4.2 Ff 66 22.5±5.1
ff 10 9.9±9.2 ff 6 26.3±6.5
Manar Fayiz Atoum et al
Asian Pacic Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 16, 2015
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aggressive forms (Huang et al., 2006). Our data showed
that FF genotype associate with the lowest 25(OH)D
among both prostate cancer patients and control (6.2 and
19), respectively. The frequencies of the different Fok1
genotypes vary widely across different population and
ethnic groups most likely due to different population`s
diverse genetic behavior and exposure to mutagens leading
to mutations that can amplify infrequency in a population.
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... The relationship between vitamin D and PCa is of growing interest to the scientific community [25], [19], [26][27][28]. Several epidemiological and experimental studies have been carried out in this direction in an attempt to understand whether vitamin D affects the risk of PCa and its therapeutic potential [29], [25]. ...
... The risk of developing PCa is also high in the event of vitamin D insufficiency (OR= 6.52, 95% Cl 1.3; 32.7) but remains lower than that recorded in the event of a deficiency. Other work has shown that vitamin D levels are inversely associated with PCa risk [25], [30], [27], suggesting that high levels of vitamin D may be associated with a reduced risk of disease [19]. However, despite the encouraging results of some studies, the overall evidence of the protective effects of vitamin D against PCa remains mitigate, some epidemiological research findings have not provided evidence associating the biomarker of vitamin D status, circulating plasma 25(OH)D, to the overall risk of PCa, by examining the relationship between reduced 25(OH)D levels and a decreased risk of PCa, which is the most clinically significant consequence [20]. ...
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It has been shown that vitamin D by activating the VDR can regulate the expression of genes involved in the regulation of growth, cell differentiation and apoptosis. In addition, many studies suggest that vitamin D may have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects that may play a role in the prevention of prostate cancer (PCa), although some previous studies have suggested an inverse relationship between vitamin D and the risk of PCa. This case-control study aimed to investigate the association between deficient and insufficient levels of 25-(OH) vitamin D3 and the risk of PCa. A total of 43 cases diagnosed with PCa and 60 controls were included in the study. Blood samples were taken to measure 25-(OH) vitamin D3 and PSA levels. Vitamin D deficient and insufficient levels were defined based on established thresholds. The chi-square test was used for qualitative variables to assess the differences in vitamin D levels between the two groups, the cases and controls, and for quantitative variables, the student t-test was used. The results of the study revealed a strong inverse association (p= 0.008) between deficient levels of 25-(OH) vitamin D3 and an increased risk of PCa. The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was 16% in the overall population studied and 20.9% in cases diagnosed with PCa. Based on our results, cases with vitamin D deficiency had a significantly higher risk of developing PCa compared to those with sufficient levels. However, further research studies are needed to elucidate the underlying mechanisms and explore the potential of vitamin D supplementation as a preventive strategy for PCa.
... We demonstrated that there is a significant relationship between a low serum level of 25(OH)-vitamin D and the risk of PCa. Our findings were consistent with Ahonen et al., Atoum et al., and Deschasaux et al., who reported an inverse association between serum levels of 25(OH)-vitamin D and PCa risk among the population from Jordan, Finland, and France respectively [34][35][36]. Vitamin D suppresses tumor-induced angiogenesis and invasion [37]. Inconsistent with these results, Nomura et al., Ahn et al., and Travis et al. failed to indicate such an association between 25(OH)-vitamin D and PCa risk [38][39][40]. ...
... Our research revealed that neither rs2228570 nor rs1544410 SNPs of the VDR gene were relevant to PCa risk among the population from the west of Iran. Our results are consistent with some previous studies [35,45]. Moreover, we found that the distribution of different genetic models of rs2228570 and rs1544410 SNPs (dominant, codominant, and recessive) were similar to both PCa and control groups. ...
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Prostate cancer (PCa) pathology has been linked to vitamin D, vitamin D receptors (VDRs), and vitamin D binding proteins (VDBPs). We sought to investigate the association between VDR rs2228570 and rs1544410 as well as VDBP rs7041 polymorphisms and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)-vitamin D) levels in PCa patients. Blood samples were collected from 111 PCa patients and 150 age-matched healthy volunteers. The VDR rs2228570 T/ C, rs1544410 G/A, and VDBP rs7041 T/G genotypes were determined using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). 25(OH)-vitamin D and PSA (Total and Free) serum levels were measured.
... Results suggesting that high vitamin D level increases prostate cancer risk were found in studies investigating the relationship between vitamin D and prostate cancer risk (21)(22)(23)(24). In other studies, low vitamin D level was found to increase prostate cancer risk (7,25), although no significant association has also been reported (26)(27)(28). The number of studies investigating the relationship between vitamin D and lung cancer is limited. ...
... The vitamin D-prostate cancer relationship is still a controversial topic. There have been studies suggesting a higher vitamin D level for prostate cancer cases compared with controls (21)(22)(23)(24)26,28) as well as studies suggesting the exact opposite, (7,25). It is noted in the current literature that experts need to be more careful in relation to vitamin D supplementation, since a high vitamin D level might increase prostate cancer risk (43,44). ...
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Background: Published studies show that vitamin D deficiency is widespread and it has been suggested that it increases the risk of lung, breast, colorectal and prostate cancers. Aims: To investigate prospectively the effect of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) level on lung, breast, colorectal and prostate cancers in people aged 30+ years. Methods: In this nested case-control study, the data and collected serum samples from a cohort study, the Balçova Heart Study, during 2007-09, were used. Additional data were collected using a questionnaire in the follow-up. We determined incident lung, breast, colorectal and prostate cancer cases during 2008 and 2013. Serum 25(OH)D levels of 606 persons (179 cases and 427 controls) from the Balçova Heart Study were measured. Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated using logistic regression analysis. Results: Serum 25(OH)D levels did not show a significant association with breast, colorectal and prostate cancers. There was an inverse association between 25(OH)D level and lung cancer risk, where the OR values for the first, second and third quartiles, compared with the fourth quartile (1.00), were 2.92 (CI: 0.82-10.35), 3.76 (CI: 1.14-12.37) and 3.55 (CI: 1.04- 12.08) respectively. Conclusion: It was seen that low 25(OH)D levels were associated with a greater than threefold increased risk of lung cancer; no association was detected for breast, colorectal and prostate cancers. Cohort studies with larger populations are needed to better understand the effect of vitamin D level on cancer risk.
... Just like colon and breast cancers, cells of prostate cancer possess VDR (Miller et al., 1995), and researchers assumed that there is an association between VDR polymorphism and the risk of PCa or the severity of the disease. The literature presented conflicting results: an association was reported in some studies (Hamasaki et al., 2001;Kambale, 2017) as opposed to some other studies (Atoum et al., 2015). Habuchi et al. (2000) found that only the Bsm I poly U N C O R R E C T E D P R O O F 22 Cancer leading proteases morphism had a role in the protection from PCa (Habuchi et al., 2000). ...
... Our results are in agreement with findings in several other populations assessing the effect of VDR FokI polymorphism on vitamin D serum concentration (Abouzeid et al., 2018;Abrams et al., 2005;Atoum et al., 2015;Emerah and El-Shal, 2013;Li et al., 2012;Monticielo et al., 2012;Orton et al., 2008;Rashedi et al., 2014;Smolders et al., 2009;Velayoudom-Cephise et al., 2011). However, there are a few studies in Asian and African populations showing the opposite association-that it is the TT genotype of VDR gene that is associated with lower vitamin D concentration (Hossein-Nezhad et al., 2014;Rasheed et al., 2016;Tayel et al., 2018;Waziri et al., 2018;Zhang et al., 2018). ...
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a multifactorial and common disorder affecting 10-17% of men and 3-9% of women. A low vitamin D serum concentration has been reportedly linked to OSAS susceptibility, but the underlying molecular genetic mechanisms are poorly understood thus far. We report here original findings on the ways in which vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene polymorphic variation (FokI, BsmI, ApaI, and TaqI polymorphisms) impacts serum vitamin D concentration and, additionally, susceptibility to OSAS. In a sample of 176 consecutive subjects (144 patients with OSAS and 32 healthy controls) phenotyped by full polysomnography (PSG), we characterized human genetic variation in VDR using the Sequenom MassARRAY iPLEX platform. A logistic regression analysis was employed to account and correct for covariates such as sex, age, body mass index, and comorbidities. Importantly, we observed that the FokI CC genotype frequency was markedly higher in patients with OSAS compared with controls (50.7% vs. 28.1%; p = 0.027). VDR FokI polymorphism explained 14.5% of vitamin D serum concentration variability. Moreover, the VDR FokI polymorphism was also associated with excessive daytime sleepiness (p = 0.016). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first clinical genetics study examining the role of VDR polymorphic variation on OSAS as phenotyped using full PSG. We call for further studies of vitamin D-related mechanisms that might contribute to OSAS risk in independent populations.
... VDR gene polymorphism plays a major role in the pathogenesis of both systemic and organ-specific diseases. Studying vitamin D level and VDR genetic polymorphisms among RA and QA Jordanians is an important issue because of the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among Jordanians which accounts for 76% of Jordanian males and 90% of Jordanian females (15) and because of the lack in the genetics and biochemical studies among Jordanian patients except few studies (16)(17)(18) . Up to our knowledge, this is the first study that measure 25(OH) D among RA and OA patients and determine rs731236(Taq1) gene polymorphism among RA and OA Jordanian patients. ...
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Introduction: Epidemiological evidence indicates a significant association between vitamin D deficiency and an increased incidence of autoimmune diseases. The role of vitamin D and the vitamin D receptor (VDR) on rheumatic arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) health has recently been placed in the spotlight. The aim of this study is to investigate any association between circulating vitamin D level and rs731236 (Taq1) vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism among Jordanian Rheumatic arthritis and osteoarthritis patients. Methods: this study enrolled one hundred and eighty four RA patients, one hundred and fifty four OA patients and two hundred healthy Jordanians from Prince Hamzah Hospital/Amman (2013-2015). 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25 (OH) D) level was determined by competitive immunoassay. DNA was extracted from whole blood for all samples and control, PCR was amplified using specific primers, rs731236 (Taq1) VDR restriction digestion was carried out for Taq1 genotyping Results: 25 (OH) D level was statistically lower among RA and OA patients (12.03± 3.21, 11.88 ± 4.63 ng/mL,) compared to the healthy controls (21.32± 3.12 and 21.51±3.46 ng/mL; respectively). 25 (OH) D within rs731236(Taq1)VDR TT genotype among RA patients (11.67± 3.24) was statistically lower than its control (21.23± 3.43). Statistical difference was found in 25 (OH) D level within TT genotype among the OA patients (12.63±4.31 ng/mL) compared to its control (21.41±3.32 ng/mL). Conclusion: This study showed that there is statistically significant decrease in the mean vitamin D level among both RA and OA patients compared to control, and rs731236(Taq1)VDR TT genotype may be a possible risk factors for both RA and OA.
Hypovitaminosis D during infancy is associated with the development of chronic diseases and poor health later in life. While the effect of environmental factors on vitamin D concentration has been extensively explored, this study aimed to explore the effect of genetic factors on vitamin D concentration among Chinese infants. We conducted a multi‐centre cross‐sectional study in Hong Kong from July 2019 to May 2021. A candidate genetic approach was adopted to study four selected genetic variants of the vitamin D‐binding protein (DBP) and vitamin D receptor (VDR) (rs4588, rs7041, rs2282679 and rs2228570) to examine their associations with measured serum 25(OH)D concentration. A total of 378 Chinese infants aged 2–12 months were recruited in this study. Peripheral blood samples were collected from the infants to measure serum 25(OH)D concentration and extract DNA. Results showed that rs7041T and rs2282679C were significantly associated with lower serum 25(OH)D concentration. Further analysis of the DBP variants revealed that the GC1F allele was significantly associated with lower 25(OH)D concentration and identified as the risk DBP isoform in infants. While our results revealed that there is no direct association between VDR‐FokI genotype and serum 25(OH)D concentration, a VDR‐FokI genotype‐specific pattern was observed in the association between DBP isoforms and serum 25(OH)D concentration. Specifically, significant associations were observed in the DBP genotypes GC1F/F , GC1F/2 and GC1S/2 among VDR‐FokI TT/TC carriers, but not in VDR‐FokI CC carriers. Our findings lay down the basis for the potential of genetic screening to identify high risk of hypovitaminosis D in Chinese infants.
Increasing scientific evidence supports the link between vitamin D and cancer risk. The active metabolite 1,25(OH)2D exerts its activity by binding to the vitamin D receptor (VDR), an intracellular receptor that mediates transcriptional activation and repression of target genes. The binding of 1,25(OH)2D to VDR is able to regulate hundreds of different genes. VDR is active in virtually all tissues including the colon, breast, lung, ovary, bone, kidney, parathyroid gland, pancreatic b-cells, monocytes, T lymphocytes, melanocytes, keratinocytes, and also cancer cells.
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Background: Previous studies investigating the association of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D level with prognosis of prostate cancer yielded controversial results. We conducted a dose-response meta-analysis to elucidate the relationship. Methods: PubMed and Embase were searched for eligible studies up to July 15, 2018. We performed a dose-response meta-analysis using random-effect model to calculate the summary hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) of mortality in patients with prostate cancer. Results: Seven eligible cohort studies with 7,808 participants were included. The results indicated that higher vitamin D level could reduce the risk of death among prostate cancer patients. The summary HR of prostate cancer-specific mortality correlated with an increment of every 20 nmol/L in circulating vitamin D level was 0.91, with 95% CI 0.87-0.97, P=0.002. The HR for all-cause mortality with the increase of 20 nmol/L vitamin D was 0.91 (95% CI: 0.84-0.98, P=0.01). Sensitivity analysis suggested the pooled HRs were stable and not obviously changed by any single study. No evidence of publications bias was observed. Conclusion: This meta-analysis suggested that higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was associated with a reduction of mortality in prostate cancer patients and vitamin D is an important protective factor in the progression and prognosis of prostate cancer.
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Background Though many studies have been performed to elucidate the association between circulating vitamin D and prostate cancer, no conclusive result is available. We carried out a dose–response meta-analysis to quantitatively examine the association of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) concentration with prostate cancer. Methods Only prospective studies examining the associations of circulating 25[OH]D concentration with prostate cancer were eligible for the meta-analysis. A random-effect meta-analysis was done first, to calculate the summary relative risk (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) comparing the higher concentration with the lower concentration of 25[OH]D. A dose–response meta-analysis using random-effects model was then carried out to evaluate the nonlinearity and calculate the summary RR caused per 10 ng/mL increment. Results Nineteen prospective cohort or nested case–control studies were included. Higher 25[OH]D concentration was significantly correlated with elevated risk of prostate cancer (RR =1.15, 95% CI 1.06–1.24). No nonlinear relationship was found between 25[OH]D concentration and risk of prostate cancer (P=0.654). Dose–response meta-analysis showed that the summary RR caused per 10 ng/mL increment in circulating 25[OH]D concentration was 1.04 (95% CI 1.02–1.06). Subgroup analysis also found a modest dose–response relationship. Funnel plot and Egger’s test did not detect publication bias. Conclusion The findings suggest that highest 25[OH]D concentration is correlated with elevated risk of prostate cancer and a modest dose–response effect exists in this association; however, more studies are needed.
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Vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene has been a subject of extensive pharmacogenetic research recently. Association studies between different types of cancers including prostate cancer (PCa) and VDR gene polymorphism have also been conducted. The objective of this study was to find possible associations between PCa and VDR gene polymorphisms in the Pakistani population. A total of 162 subjects, including prostate cancer patients and controls, were genotyped for Apa I, Taq I and Fok I polymorphisms in the VDR gene using allele specific PCR, PCR-RFLP and direct DNA sequencing. Allelic frequencies were tested for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and associations between the genetic markers and PCa were calculated using logistic regression. Apa I CC genotype was found to have strongest association with PCa risk, and "A" genotype was found to have protective effect. Fok I and Taq I did not have appreciable levels of association with PCa, although Taq I "TC" heterozygotes seemed to have some protective effect. Similarly the "C" allele of Fok I also seemed to have protective effect. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing association between VDR gene polymorphisms and PCa in Pakistan. Our findings may be somewhat skewed because of small sample size and tendency of consanguineous marriages in Pakistani society; nevertheless, it shows the trend of association and protective effects of certain VDR gene polymorphisms against PCa.
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Background: The physiological role of vitamin D extends beyond bone health and calcium-phosphate homeostasis to effects on cancer risk, mainly for colorectal cancer. Vitamin D may have an anticancer effect in colorectal cancer mediated by binding of the active form 1,25(OH)2D to the vitamin D receptor (VDR). The Taq1 VDR gene polymorphism, a C-to-T base substitution (rs731236) in exon 9 may influence its expression and function. The aim of this study was to determine the 25(OH)D vitamin D level and to investigate the association between circulating vitamin D level and Taq1VDR gene polymorphism among Jordanian colorectal cancer patients. Materials and methods: This case control study enrolled ninety-three patients and one hundred and two healthy Jordanian volunteers from AL-Basheer Hospital/Amman (2012-2013). Ethical approval and signed consent forms were obtained from all participants before sample collection. 25(OH)D levels were determined by competitive immunoassay Elecsys (Roche Diagnostic, France). DNA was extracted (Promega, USA) and amplified by PCR followed by VDR Taq1 restriction enzyme digestion. The genotype distribution was evaluated by paired t-test and chi-square. Comparison between vitamin D levels among CRC and control were assessed by odds ratio with 95% confidence interval. Results: The vitamin D serum level was significantly lower among colorectal cancer patients (8.34 ng/ml) compared to the healthy control group (21.02 ng/ml). Patients deficient in vitamin D (less than 10.0 ng/ml) had increased colorectal cancer risk 19.2 fold compared to control. Only 2.2% of CRC patients had optimal vitamin D compared to 23.5% among healthy control. TT, Tt and tt Taq1 genotype frequencies among CRC cases was 35.5%, 50.5% and 14% compared to 43.1%, 41.2% and 15.7% among healthy control; respectively. CRC patients had lower mean vitamin D level among TT (8.91 ± 4.31) and Tt (9.15 ± 5.25) genotypes compared to control ((21.3 ± 8.31) and (19.3 ± 7.68); respectively. Conclusions: There is significant association between low 25(OH)D serum level and colorectal cancer risk. The VDRTaq1 polymorphism was associated with increased colorectal cancer risk among patient with VDRTaq1 TT and Tt genotypes. Understanding the functional mechanism of VDRTaq1 TT and Tt may provide a strategy for colorectal cancer prevention and treatment.
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Vitamin D insufficiency affects almost 50% of the population worldwide. An estimated 1 billion people worldwide, across all ethnicities and age groups, have a vitamin D deficiency (VDD). This pandemic of hypovitaminosis D can mainly be attributed to lifestyle (for example, reduced outdoor activities) and environmental (for example, air pollution) factors that reduce exposure to sunlight, which is required for ultraviolet-B (UVB)-induced vitamin D production in the skin. High prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency is a particularly important public health issue because hypovitaminosis D is an independent risk factor for total mortality in the general population. Current studies suggest that we may need more vitamin D than presently recommended to prevent chronic disease. As the number of people with VDD continues to increase, the importance of this hormone in overall health and the prevention of chronic diseases are at the forefront of research. VDD is very common in all age groups. As few foods contain vitamin D, guidelines recommended supplementation at suggested daily intake and tolerable upper limit levels. It is also suggested to measure the serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level as the initial diagnostic test in patients at risk for deficiency. Treatment with either vitamin D2 or vitamin D3 is recommended for deficient patients. A meta-analysis published in 2007 showed that vitamin D supplementation was associated with significantly reduced mortality. In this review, we will summarize the mechanisms that are presumed to underlie the relationship between vitamin D and understand its biology and clinical implications.
Prostate cancer is a complex, multifactorial disease with genetic and environmental factors involved in its etiology. The search for genetic determinants involved in the disease has proven to be challenging, in part because such complex diseases are often not amenable to characterization by linkage analysis and positional cloning as is the case for diseases with simple Mendelian genetic inheritance. Prostate cancer susceptibility loci that have been reported so far include HPC1 (1q24-q25), PCAP (1q42-q43), HPCX (Xq27-q28), CAPB (1p36), HPC20 (20q13), HPC2/ELAC2 (17p11) and 16q23. Prostate cancer aggressiveness loci have also been reported (5q31-q33, 7q32 and 19q12). Further complicating the process is the existence of polymorphisms in several genes associated with prostate cancer including, AR, PSA, SRD5A2, VDR and CYP isoforms. These polymorphisms, however, are not thought to be highly penetrant alleles in families at high risk for prostate cancer. It is clear that prostate cancer etiology involves several genetic loci with no major gene accounting for a large proportion of susceptibility to the disease.
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased risk of prostate cancer for those with elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level or abnormal digital rectal examination. Vitamin D deficiency is also associated with aggressive prostate cancer. Vitamin D level could be added as an additional factor to consider before ordering a biopsy. Clin Cancer Res; 20(9); 2241-3. ©2014 AACR.
Purpose: Vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphisms are considered to be risk factors for prostate cancer. However, previous case-control studies on the association between the variants of VDR and prostate cancer have shown contradictory results. Therefore, the role of VDR in prostate cancer remains unresolved. To investigate a potential correlation between VDR polymorphisms and prostate cancer risk, a meta-analysis of case-control and cohort studies was conducted. Methods: Eligible studies were retrieved via both computerized searches and review of references. The association of VDR polymorphisms to prostate cancer was evaluated for 4 well-known VDR polymorphisms (FokI, BsmI, ApaI and TaqI) separately. Stratified analyses on ethnic characteristics (Caucasians or Asians), cancer stage (localized or advanced) and Gleason score (<7 or >7) were performed. Fixed- or random-effect models were used to summarize the estimates of odds ratio (OR) with 95%CI according to the heterogeneity. Sensitivity analyses were conducted. Results: A total of 40 studies met the inclusion criteria of the meta-analysis. The FF genotype illustrated a protective effect on prostate cancer in the Caucasian subgroup (OR=0.905, 95%CI 0.823, 0.995). Conversely, the bb and the TT genotypes were associated with increased risk of prostate cancer (OR=0.838, 95%CI 0.709,0.990; OR=1.127, 95%CI 1.023,1.242, respectively). Conclusion: Our analysis supported the hypothesis that several different VDR polymorphisms may increase the risk of prostate cancer. However, others illustrated a protective effect on carcinogenesis. Further efforts should be made to establish the mechanisms between VDR polymorphisms and prostate cancer.
The vitamin D receptor (VDR) is a crucial mediator for the cellular effects of vitamin D. The polymorphisms in the VDR gene have been hypothesized to alter the risk of prostate cancer. However, studies investigating the association between VDR polymorphisms (BsmI and FokI) and prostate cancer (PCa) risk report conflicting results , therefore, we conducted a meta-analysis to re-examine the controversy. Published literatures from PubMed, Embase, Google Scholar, and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) were searched (updated to March 9, 2013). According to our inclusion criteria, studies that observed the association between VDR BsmI and FokI polymorphisms and PCa risk were included. The principal outcome measure was the odds ratio (OR) with 95 % confidence interval (CI) for PCa risk associated with VDR BsmI and FokI polymorphisms. Thirty-four studies involving 10,267 cases and 11,489 controls were recruited. Overall, we did not find evidence to support an association between any of the VDR polymorphisms and PCa risk. For BsmI, the pooled OR was 0.894 (95 % CI 0.773 to 1.034) for the Bb vs. bb genotypes, 1.002 (95 % CI 0.869 to 1.157) for the BB vs. bb genotypes, 0.922 (95 % CI 0.798 to 1.065) for the dominant model (BB/Bb vs. bb), and 1.018 (95 % CI 0.936 to 1.107) for the recessive model (BB vs. Bb/bb). ORs for the FokI polymorphisms were similar. The results suggest that the VDR BsmI and FokI polymorphisms are not related to PCa risk. Further large and well-designed studies are required to confirm this conclusion.
Each year, the American Cancer Society estimates the numbers of new cancer cases and deaths expected in the United States in the current year and compiles the most recent data on cancer incidence, mortality, and survival based on incidence data from the National Cancer Institute, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries and mortality data from the National Center for Health Statistics. A total of 1,660,290 new cancer cases and 580,350 cancer deaths are projected to occur in the United States in 2013. During the most recent 5 years for which there are data (2005-2009), delay-adjusted cancer incidence rates declined slightly in men (by 0.6% per year) and were stable in women, while cancer death rates decreased by 1.8% per year in men and by 1.5% per year in women. Overall, cancer death rates have declined 20% from their peak in 1991 (215.1 per 100,000 population) to 2009 (173.1 per 100,000 population). Death rates continue to decline for all 4 major cancer sites (lung, colorectum, breast, and prostate). Over the past 10 years of data (2000-2009), the largest annual declines in death rates were for chronic myeloid leukemia (8.4%), cancers of the stomach (3.1%) and colorectum (3.0%), and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (3.0%). The reduction in overall cancer death rates since 1990 in men and 1991 in women translates to the avoidance of approximately 1.18 million deaths from cancer, with 152,900 of these deaths averted in 2009 alone. Further progress can be accelerated by applying existing cancer control knowledge across all segments of the population, with an emphasis on those groups in the lowest socioeconomic bracket and other underserved populations. CA Cancer J Clin 2013;. © 2013 American Cancer Society.