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Quantification of Ultra-Trace Levels of Pt, Ir and Rh in Polar Snow and Ice Using ICP-SFMS Coupled with a Pre-Concentration and Desolvation Nebulization System

Notes Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2011, Vol. 32, No. 6 2105
DOI 10.5012/bkcs.2011.32.6.2105
Quantification of Ultra-Trace Levels of Pt, Ir and Rh in Polar Snow and Ice Using
ICP-SFMS Coupled with a Pre-Concentration and Desolvation Nebulization System
Tseren-Ochir Soyol-Erdene,†,# Youngsook Huh,†,‡ Sungmin Hong,§ Hee Jin Hwang,# and Soon Do Hur#,*
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-747, Korea
Research Institute of Oceanography, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-747, Korea
§Department of Oceanography, Inha University, Incheon 402-751, Korea
#Korea Polar Research Institute, Songdo Techno Park, Incheon 406-840, Korea. *E-mail:
Received December 22, 2010, Accepted April 26, 2011
Key Words : Platinum group elements, Antarctic snow, Ice core
A revised analytical method is presented for the quanti-
fication of ultra trace level (fg mL1) PGEs (Pt, Ir and Rh) in
polar snow and ice samples by focusing on the following
issues: (i) evaluation of the efficiency of a non-boiling pre-
concentration procedure for analyses at the fg mL1 level of
PGEs in our laboratory; (ii) establishment of the appro-
priate instrumental conditions to obtain low detection limits,
high accuracy and precision; and (iii) verification of the
contributions of possible contamination during the ice core
decontamination process using an artificial ice core as a
Laboratory Clean Conditions. To avoid possible arti-
ficial contamination of extremely low concentration (fg mL1)
PGEs in polar samples, all analytical procedures including
sample handling and analyses were carried out in a class-10
clean booth or on a class-10 clean bench inside specially
designed clean laboratories (class 1000) located at the Korea
Polar Research Institute (KOPRI). The cleaning procedures
for the experimental tools, including low- and high-density
polyethylene bottles (LDPE and HDPE), Teflon beakers and
stainless steel tools used for mechanical chiseling during the
decontamination procedure of the ice core sample, were also
performed in the class-10 clean booth according to the
previously established cleaning protocol1 (see supplementary
Ultrapure (UP) water was used for the final cleaning step
and the preparation of reference standard solutions, was
accomplished using a three-stage distillation process:
Millipore RO water purification (Model Elix-3), Milli-Q
purification (Millipore Corp., Model Milli-Q Academic) and
the use of a sub-boiling double distillation still (Berghof
BSB-939-IR, Germany).1 The purest “Optima”-grade nitric
acid (HNO3), which was used in the final cleaning step,
sample acidification and in the preparation of the reference
solutions, was obtained from Fisher Scientific.
Sample Treatment. Pre-concentration of the samples was
performed via a non-boiling evaporation method to increase
the sample concentration by a factor of ~60.1,2 An aluminum
hot plate and pre-cleaned Teflon beakers were used for the
sample evaporation procedure. Before using the beakers,
they were pre-conditioned for 1 h on a hot plate with UP
water. Melted 60 mL samples were pre-concentrated by
sub-boiling to 0.5 mL at ~80 °C. A blank experiment was
performed by using ultrapure water as a sample for each
pre-concentration experiment. One pre-concentration experi-
ment consisted of five samples and one blank. The evapo-
ration of the samples for each pre-concentration set required
approximately 6 h. To adjust the HNO3 concentration to
1% in the final sample volume, 0.5 mL of 2% (m/m) UP
HNO3, which was prepared from UP water and “Optima”-
grade HNO3, was added to pre-concentrated samples (~0.5
mL). The pre-concentrated samples were then transferred to
4 mL HDPE bottles and kept frozen until analyses were
Instrumental Analyses. Analysis was performed using a
sector-field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer
(ICP-SFMS) (Element2, Thermo Finnigan MAT, Germany)
at KOPRI. An Apex high-sensitivity desolvation nebulizer
system (Apex HF, ESA, USA) was incorporated to transport
sample to the ICP-SFMS. The desolvation nebulizer reduced
the oxide production rate (BaO/Ba < 0.02%) and increased
the instrumental sensitivity by approximately 10 times
relative to the standard instrument (~0.9 × 106 cps for 100 pg
mL1 indium solution). To obtain the lowest blank level,
ultrapure grade (99.999%) argon and nitrogen gases were
used, and the entire analytical system, including the ICP-
SFMS and the sample introduction system, was installed in a
class-10 clean booth located in a class-1000 clean laboratory.
The analysis for Pt and Ir and the analysis for Rh were
performed separately using ICP-SFMS for each pre-concen-
trated sample. Details of the instrumental operating condi-
tions and data acquisition parameters are illustrated in Table
Calibration and Detection Limits. An external calib-
ration method was applied for the quantification of Pt, Ir and
Rh in the pre-concentrated samples. Reference standard
solutions were prepared by sequential dilution from a 10
ppm PGE multi-element standard solution by weight base
(CMS-2, Inorganic Ventures, Lakewood, New Jersey, USA)
using UP 1% (m/m) HNO3. The concentrations of the
standard solutions used for the calibration curves were 0, 2,
5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 fg mL1 for Ir quantification and 0, 50,
2106 Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2011, Vol. 32, No. 6 Notes
100, 200, 500, 1000 and 2000 fg mL1 for Rh and Pt quanti-
fication. For these concentration ranges, the correlation
coefficients (r2) of the calibration curves were higher than
0.999 (Figure S1).
195Pt, 193Ir and 103Rh isotopes were measured because 195Pt
and 193Ir have the highest natural abundance and lowest
interference, whereas 103Rh is the only naturally-occurring
isotope of Rh (Table S2). Detection limits were calculated as
three times the standard deviations (1σ) of 10 measurements
of the blank (1% UP HNO3 solutions). The instrumental
detection limits obtained for Pt, Ir and Rh are 26 fg mL1, 3
fg mL1 and 9 fg mL1, respectively. The procedural detec-
tion limits are as low as 0.43 fg mL1, 0.05 fg mL1, and 0.15
fg mL1 for Pt, Ir and Rh, respectively, after correction with
a pre-concentration factor of 60.
Quality Control of Analyses.
Interferences: To avoid contributions by interferents, the
instrumental parameters were optimized daily for the lowest
oxide production rate and the highest sensitivity, and the
effects of potential interferences (Table S2) were checked
daily before the analysis was performed. The interference
check was performed by measuring the analytes (195Pt, 193Ir
and 103Rh) in 0-100 pg mL1 (pg = 1012 g) single-element
standard solutions of interferents (Rb, Sr and Cu for 103Rh;
Hf for 195Pt and 193Ir). The desolvation nebulization system
and a good quality design of the instrumental conditions
rendered the interference by interferent concentrations of up
to 100 pg mL1 negligible. Thus, mathematical corrections
were not required in this concentration range. The Hf
concentrations, which is the potential interferent for Pt and
Ir, were estimated to be lower than 100 pg mL1 in pre-
concentrated snow samples, whereas the concentrations for
the Rh interferents (Rb, Sr and Cu) were found to exceed
100 pg mL1 in some pre-concentrated snow samples based
on the results of direct (without pre-concentration) measure-
ments of 80 Antarctic snow samples and a pre-concentration
factor of 60. Therefore, an analytical error range for Rh
determination was estimated in a river water matrix, which
is a matrix with much higher concentrations of potential
interferents, such as Rb and Sr, than the polar samples. This
protocol is described in the next section.
Sensitivity Drift: Internal standards are not preferred for
high-purity polar ice and snow samples because their use
can cause contamination at extremely low concentrations of
analytes. We corrected the sensitivity drift over time by
performing repeated analyses of the standard solutions
between samples. After every five sample analyses (or every
~20 minutes), the instrumental sensitivity drift and blank
levels were checked by measuring the standard (500 fg mL1)
and blank (1% UP HNO3) solutions. Correction was per-
formed on the sample signals.
Reliability: Because no certified reference materials for
polar ice and snow are available, riverine water certified
reference materials (CRM) (SLRS4 and SLRS5, National
Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada) were used for
accuracy control. First, the concentrations of Pt, Ir and Rh in
the riverine water materials were determined because there
are only one or two comparable studies for Pt and Ir in
SLRS4 and no comparable studies for Rh. The analytical
results for Pt, Ir and Rh from direct measurements (by an
external calibration method) and from a standard addition
method (spiked by PGE standard solutions of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20
and 25 fg mL1 for Ir analyses and 0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000
and 2500 fg mL1 for Rh analyses, Figure S2) for SLRS4
and SLRS5 are presented in Table 1. The Pt concentration in
SLRS4 obtained by direct measurements was in good agree-
ment with those available in the literature.3,4 Thus, it was not
necessary to check the results via the standard addition
method because the concentration was relatively high, and
the results were accurately obtained by direct measurement.
Despite the very low concentration of Ir in SLRS4, the Ir
results obtained by the direct and standard addition measure-
ments were in good agreement with each other within the
range of analytical error. These findings were also consistent
with those reported in a previous study by the authors4 but
were two orders of magnitude lower than the findings
obtained in another study.3 In SLRS5, the Ir concentration
was only determined by the standard addition method, and
the Ir concentration was determined to be 4.8 ± 1.4 fg mL1.
There is no published data pertaining to Rh concentrations in
either SLRS4 or SLRS5 because of the hindrance of strong
interferences and the ultra-low levels of Rh in riverine water.
The analytical results for Rh in SLRS5 as obtained by direct
measurement and the standard addition method were in
agreement with each other within approximately 20%. The
result for Rh using the standard addition method (1380 ± 90
fg mL1) is preferred; interference and matrix effects were
eliminated because the samples and standards were both in
the same matrix. In summary, the Pt and Ir results are con-
sistent with the results from the literature and/or the results
of the standard addition method, whereas an analytical error
of approximately 20% for the measurement of Rh must be
An accuracy check using riverine water CRM, however,
cannot fully verify the reliability of snow and ice analyses
because of considerable differences in the matrix and the
concentration levels of the analytes between river water and
polar snow and ice. For this reason, two reference solutions
were prepared using the riverine water CRMs, which were
more suitable for reliability checks of the PGE analyses of
polar snow and ice samples. These references were (a) the
SLRS4 riverine water CRM diluted 10 times and spiked
Table 1 . Analytical results for river water CRMs (fg mL
) with
standard deviations (1σ)
PGE CRM This study Literature
Pt SLRS 4 1210 ± 96
1250 ± 146
1300 ± 100
6.9 ± 1.1
8.7 ± 0.8
300 ± 200
300 ± 200
SLRS 5 4.8 ± 1.4
Rh SLRS 5 1690 ± 80
SLRS 5 1390 ± 90
Direct measurement.
Standard addition method.
Notes Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2011, Vol. 32, No. 6 2107
with 50 fg mL1 Ir (as Ir was expected to be too low (~0.8 fg
mL1) in diluted SLRS4) for Pt and Ir analyses; and (b) the
SLRS5 riverine water CRM diluted 5 times for Rh analysis.
The final PGE concentrations in the reference materials
were calculated to be 115 ± 9 fg mL1 Pt and 55 ± 5 fg mL1
Ir (A-solution) and 276 ± 18 fg mL1 Rh (B-solution).
Despite the quite low concentrations of Pt, Ir and Rh in the
prepared reference materials, all of the analytical results
obtained by repeated measurements between samples agreed
well with the expected concentrations within 10% for Pt
and Ir and within 25% for Rh after blank and signal-drift
Recovery and Precision of the Sample Pre-concentra-
tion Procedure. To ensure accuracy, a recovery and pre-
cision test was performed using unacidified PGE multi-
element standard solutions of 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10 and 20 fg mL1
concentrations (prepared by weight base sequential dilution
from a 10 ppm PGE standard solution) as samples with
similar concentrations to those in polar snow and ice. For
each concentration level, one (for Rh) or three (for Pt and Ir)
standard solutions were pre-concentrated and analyzed. In
order to avoid possible changes in extremely low concen-
trations in unacidified solutions, the solutions were prepared
just before the experiment was conducted, and they were
immediately transferred to acid-soaked PFA beakers (within
10 minutes after final dilution) for pre-concentration. Experi-
mental blanks were evaluated with UP water as a sample and
used as a correction for each pre-concentration set. The
determined PGE concentrations are illustrated in Figure 1 as
a function of the prepared (calculated) concentration. The
slopes of the fitted lines indicate the recovery ratios of the
pre-concentration procedures, which are 93% ± 1%, 101% ±
1% and 111% ± 2% for Pt, Ir and Rh, respectively. The inter-
cepts of the fitted lines represent the average experimental
blank levels from ultrapure water, nitric acid (used for
sample acidification) and from the laboratory materials used
throughout the experimental procedures. The intercepts were
0.11 ± 0.11 fg mL1, 0.10 ± 0.06 fg mL1 and 0.26 ± 0.11 fg
mL1 for Pt, Ir and Rh, respectively. The average relative
standard deviations of single measurements in pre-concen-
trated samples were 14% (0.4-52% for a concentration range
of 1-20 fg mL1), 14% (0.2-67% for 0.1-20 fg mL1) and
10% (1.3-34% for 0.1-10 fg mL1) for Pt, Ir and Rh, respec-
tively. The pre-concentration reproducibility was estimated
based on the relative standard deviations of simultaneous
determinations for the same concentration. On average,
these deviations were as follows: 7% (3.5-10%) for a 1-20 fg
mL1 concentration range (n = 6 for each concentration (3
samples × 2 measurements)) for Pt, 4% (0.9-15%) for a 0.1-
20 fg mL1 concentration range (n = 6 (3 × 2)) for Ir and
15% (3.3-27%) for a 0.1-10 fg mL1 concentration range (n
= 2 (1×2)) for Rh.
The collected results (i.e., recoveries, precisions and blank
levels) for Pt, Ir and Rh in this study are superior to those
obtained from previous studies performed using similar
methods for the determination of PGEs5 and other trace
Checking PGE Contributions from Decontamination.
When snow and ice cores are used for reconstructing past
changes in atmospheric composition, decontamination of the
outside of the sample is mandatory because the outer layers
of the core samples are subject to contamination during the
Figure 1. Calibration of the non-boiling evaporation procedure for
(a) Pt, (b) Ir and (c) Rh using 60 mL of 0.1-20 fg mL
solutions. Slopes of regression lines indicate recovery ratio, and
intercepts indicate experimental blanks.
2108 Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2011, Vol. 32, No. 6 Notes
drilling operation. Thus, evaluation of the efficiency and of
the blank contributions of the decontamination procedure is
absolutely necessary. For this purpose, we carried out a
complete analytical procedure, i.e., decontamination, pre-
concentration and instrumental analysis, on artificial ice core
prepared using Milli-Q water. Approximately 2 L of Milli-Q
water was frozen in a previously cleaned 2000 mL Teflon
vessel (Savillex, Minnetonka, USA) for ~48 h. Careful
elimination of the outside layer was then performed by
mechanically chiseling consecutive layers of ice in pro-
gression from the outside toward the center of the artificial
core under ultra-clean conditions. Detailed decontamination
procedures by mechanical chiseling have been reported
previously.6 Through this procedure, the clean inner core of
the artificial core section was obtained after three successive
layers were removed from the outside toward the center. To
confirm that the inner core was free from outside con-
tamination, all of the layers were analyzed for PGEs. A non-
boiling pre-concentration procedure was performed with a
concentration factor of 60 (for the first outer layer) and a
concentration factor of 120 (for the second and third layers
and the inner core). The Pt, Ir and Rh concentrations as a
function of the sample layer from the outside to the inside of
the core are shown in Figure 2. The PGE concentrations in
the outside layer (the first layer) were 2.7, 0.2 and 26 fg mL1
for Pt, Ir and Rh, respectively. Interestingly, the outside of
the artificial core was found to be slightly contaminated with
the most pronounced contamination for Rh. This result
indicates that contamination of the samples could occur
during handling of the core sections. We then observed well-
established plateau values in the inner layers of the core for
the three PGEs, indicating that no outside PGE contamination
was present in the inner core as a result of the decontami-
nation procedure. The inner core concentrations were close
to or lower than the procedural detection limits of 0.43, 0.05
and 0.15 fg mL1 for Pt, Ir and Rh, respectively.
Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) and by
grants funded by the Korea government (MEST) (No. 2009-
0083899), a KOPRI research grant (PE11090) and an Inha
University research grant (INHA-40890-01). A Brain Korea
21 Graduate Student Fellowship supported T.-O. Soyol-Erdene.
1. Hong, S.; Lluberas, A.; Rodriguez, F. Korean J. Polar Res. 2000,
11, 35.
2. Görlach, U.; Boutron, C. F. Anal. Chim. Acta 1990, 236, 391.
3. Rodushkin, I.; Nordlund, P.; Engstro, E.; Baxter, D. C. J. Anal. At.
Spectrom. 2005, 20, 1250.
4. Soyol-Erdene, T.-O.; Han, Y.; Lee, B.; Huh, Y. Atmos. Environ.
2011, 45, 1970.
5. Gabrielli, P.; Varga, A.; Barbante, C.; Boutron, C.; Cozzi, G.;
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Figure 2. Changes in the concentrations of (a) Pt, (b) Ir and (c) Rh
in the sample layers (from outside) and inner core (i.c.) of the
artificial ice core.
... The SLRS4 is a river water certified reference material (CRM) which is also a real filtered river water collected from the Ottawa River, Ontario, Canada. The literature compilation of its dissolved Pt concentrations is rather high at 6.4 AE 1 pM (1.2 AE 0.2 pg mL À1 ; pico = 10 À12 ) [Rodushkin et al., 2005;Soyol-Erdene et al., 2011b, 2011c, and this may be related to the proximity of Ni-Cu-PGE ores [Coker et al., 1991]. Stream samples from near the Tulameen ultramafic complex, British Columbia, Canada had 3-5 pM Pt (n = 7, median concentration: 4.2 pM) [Cook and Fletcher, 1993]. ...
... The most significant potential interference for 195 Pt is 179 Hf 16 O. Interference was checked by measuring the analyte ( 195 Pt) in 0-100 pg mL À1 single-element standard solutions of interferent (Hf) [Soyol-Erdene et al., 2011b, 2011c, but the desolvation nebulization system rendered such interference negligible up to 100 pg mL À1 Hf. In this study Hf in river water samples was monitored simultaneously with Pt, and the Hf concentrations were always lower than 30 pg mL À1 . ...
... Iridium concentrations were lower than the instrumental detection limit (10 fg mL À1 ). If the concentration ratio of Ir and Pt in our samples is similar to SLRS4 (Ir: 8 AE 4 fg mL À1 , Pt: 1300 AE 100 fg mL À1 ) [Rodushkin et al., 2005;Soyol-Erdene et al., 2011c], Ir concentrations are expected to be 0.1-2 fg mL À1 . This would require non-boiling preconcentration of 10-100 mL samples. ...
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Dissolved platinum concentrations of eleven large pristine river systems in East Asia (˜200 samples) were determined to better constrain the oceanic platinum budget. Most samples had concentrations less than 1.4 pM; relatively high concentrations up to 5.8 pM were measured in only approximately 6% of the samples. The median Pt concentrations of the individual river systems had only a small range, from 0.18 pM (Duman) to 0.63 pM (Huang He), and the difference in Pt yield mainly resulted from the difference in runoff. The rivers draining the eastern Tibetan Plateau - the Salween, Mekong, Chang Jiang (Yangtze), Hong (Red), and Huang He (Yellow) - had higher Pt yield than the rivers of the Russian Far East - the Amur, Lena, Yana, Indigirka, and Kolyma. If the discharge-weighted mean Pt concentration of our samples (0.36 pM) is extrapolated globally, the estimated riverine flux of dissolved Pt to the ocean is 13 × 103 mol y-1. Based on this riverine flux, the estimated oceanic residence time of Pt is 24 ± 10 kyrs. A 50% release and 50% uptake of Pt in estuaries would modify this to 16 kyrs and 45 kyrs, respectively.
... Pre-concentration by evaporation is frequently used in analysis of clean waters, snow and ice (Barbante et al., 1999;Gabrielli et al., 2010Gabrielli et al., , 2004Soyol-Erdene et al., 2011c). Strict control over contamination (especially cleanness of evaporation vessels which need to be thoroughly tested before use) is of outmost importance and defines the difference between success and failure of the entire procedure. ...
The performance of double focusing, sector field mass spectrometry (ICP-SFMS) for determination of analytes, including technology critical elements (TCE), at ultra-trace levels in environmental and clinical matrices was critically evaluated. Different configurations of the ICP-SFMS introduction system as well as various sample preparations, pre-concentration and matrix separation methods were employed and compared. Factors affecting detection capabilities and accuracy of data produced (instrumental sensitivity, contamination risks, purity of reagents, spectral interferences, matrix effects, analyte recovery and losses) were discussed. Optimized matrix-specific methods were applied to a range of reference and control materials (riverine, brackish and seawaters; whole blood, serum and urine) as well as tap water and snow samples collected in the area of Luleå city, northern Sweden; brackish and seawater from the Laptev Sea; venous blood samples with a special emphasis on determination of Au, Ag, Ir, Os, Pd, Pt, Re, Rh, Ru, Sb and Te. Even though these low abundant elements are relatively under-documented, the results produced were compared with published data, where available.
... For this study, Ba was also measured in the newly added 42 samples. The analytical instrumentation and ultraclean working conditions are described in detail elsewhere [Hong et al., 2009;Soyol-Erdene et al., 2011]. Special attention was given to daily optimization of the instrumental parameters to obtain high intensities and minimize possible interference. ...
Full-text available
[1] A record of antimony (Sb) and thallium (Tl) from the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) Dome C Antarctic ice core provides the characteristics of climate-related natural changes in concentrations and fluxes of these toxic elements over the time period back to Marine Isotope Stage 20.2, ~800 kyr B.P. A strong variability in concentrations and fluxes are observed for both elements, with considerably higher values during glacial maxima and lower values during intermediate and warm periods. Rock and soil dust accounts for, on average, 58% of Sb and 76% of Tl in ice during glacial maxima. This contribution remains significant during warm periods, accounting for 21% for Sb and 27% for Tl. The contribution from volcanoes appears to be very important particularly for Tl when climatic conditions become warmer, with an estimated volcanic contribution of 72% for Tl during interglacials. The sea-salt contribution is significant for Sb, particularly during intermediate climatic periods, with an average contribution of 17%. This sea-salt contribution is most likely caused by greater production of sea salt from highly saline frost flowers and relatively more efficient transport of Sb-enriched sea-ice salt from source areas on the East Antarctic Plateau. Our ice core data, along with snow data recently reported from the Antarctic snow layers at Dome Fuji, shows that the present-day Sb flux (6.6 ng/m2/yr) is approximately double the highest natural level (2.8 ng/m2/yr) during glacial maxima throughout the last successive eight glacial/interglacial cycles. This result indicates that human activity has induced the greatest perturbation of the atmospheric cycle of Sb ever experienced over a period of ~800 kyr in the most remote area on Earth.
... ( Katarina et al. 2009), seawater ( Lawrence et al. 2006, Bayon et al. 2010), snow ( Soyol-Erdene et al. 2011) or ice samples ( Krachler et al. 2005). Because of its large distribution in the past, the SLRS-4 composition was widely measured for certified elements and also often for uncertified elements. ...
The fifth version of natural river water certified reference material, SLRS-5 (National Research Council - Conseil National de Recherches Canada), is commonly used to control the quality of major and trace element measurements. Concentrations of silicon and thirty-one uncertified trace elements have been reported for the certified reference material SLRS-4, but they are not yet available for SLRS-5. Here, SLRS-5/SLRS-4 ratios were deduced from SLRS-5 and SLRS-4 measurements by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry and high-resolution inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry for certified elements and thirty-five uncertified elements (rare earth elements, B, Bi, Br, Cs, Ga, Ge, Hf, Li, Nb, P, Pd, Rb, Rh, S, Sc, Si, Sn, Th, Ti, Tl, Y). Both reference materials were measured directly one after the other, so that calculated elemental ratios would not be notably influenced either by calibration uncertainties or by eventual long-term instrumental drift. The computed ratios are in good agreement with those deduced from the certified values. We also report concentrations for thirty-three uncertified elements in SLRS-5 by combining the measured SLRS-5/SLRS-4 ratios and the published SLRS-4 values. The resulting new data set provides target SLRS-5 values, which will be useful in quality control procedures. © 2012 The Authors. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research
... The analytical instrumentation and ultraclean working conditions were conducted as previously described. 9,18 Special attention was given to daily optimization of the instrumental parameters to obtain high intensities and minimize possible interference. Detection limits, defined as three times the standard deviation of 10 measurements of the blank (1% "Optima" grade HNO 3 solution), are (in pg g −1 ) as follows: 0.1 for As; 0.05 for Mo; 0.01 for Sb and Tl; and 0.2 for Ba. ...
We report the first comprehensive and reliable time series for As, Mo, Sb, and Tl in the snowpack from Dome Fuji in the central East Antarctic Plateau. Our results show significant enrichment of these elements due to either anthropogenic activities or large volcanic eruptions during the past 50 years. With respect to the values reported from 1960 to 1964, we observed the maximum increases in crustal enrichment factors (EFs) for As (a factor of ∼15), Mo (∼4), Sb (∼4), and Tl (∼2) during the period between the 1970s and 1990s, reflecting the global dispersion of anthropogenic pollutants of these elements, even to the most remote areas on Earth. Such enrichments are likely related to emissions of trace elements from nonferrous metal smelting and fossil fuel combustion processes in South America, especially in Chile. A drastic decrease in the As concentration and its EF values was observed after the year 2000 in response to the introduction of environmental regulations in the 1990s to reduce As emissions from the copper industry, primarily in Chile. The observed decrease suggests that governmental regulations for pollution control are effective in reducing air pollution at both the regional and global level.
Here we use two chemical separation procedures to determine exceptionally low Os concentrations (~10-15 g g-1) and Os isotopic composition in polar snow/ice. Melt water weighing approximately 50 g is spiked with 190Os tracer solution and frozen at -20 °C in quartz-glass ampoules. A mixture of H2O2 and HNO3 is then added and the sample is heated to 300 °C at 100 bar using a High Pressure Asher. This allows tracer Os to be equilibrated with the sample as all Os species are oxidized to OsO4. The resulting OsO4 is extracted using either distillation (Method-I) or solvent-extraction (Method-II), purified, and measured using negative thermal ionization mass spectrometry (N-TIMS). A new technique is presented that minimizes Re and Os blanks of the Pt filaments used in N-TIMS. A Pt-Pt double filament geometry is then used to minimize hydrocarbon and Re isobaric mass interferences. We analyzed snow collected from Summit, Greenland during 2009, 2014, and 2017. We find that the average Os concentration of the snow is 0.459 ± 0.018 (95% C.I.) fg g-1 corresponding to an Os flux of 0.0579 ± 0.0023 (95% C.I.) fmol cm-2 yr-1. The average R(187Os/188Os) ratio of the Summit snow is 0.26 ± 0.11 (95% C.I.). Assuming that the volcanic source is negligible, the average ratio indicates that about 0.052 ± 0.004 (95% C.I.) fmol cm-2 yr-1 of Os is of cosmic derivation corresponding to an accretion rate of extra-terrestrial Os to the Earth of 264 ± 21 mol yr-1.
Remote regions such as Antarctica and Greenland have been studied for many years because of the treasure of important chemical information preserved in their pristine ice caps. Considering their geographical position, the influence of anthropogenic pollution of many chemical compounds can be detected by sophisticated analytical approaches to detect their ultralow concentrations (down to femtograms per gram). To be reliable, these chemical data must be obtained after observing severe pre-analytical cleanliness protocols to preserve the original elemental concentration from contamination due to sampling and general handling operations. Furthermore, very sensitive analytical techniques such as inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) have to be used to detect ultralow levels of contaminants in snow and ice samples. Here, we present a description of all the steps necessary to carry out analytical measurements at ultratrace levels in snow and ice samples collected in remote regions such as the Polar ice caps. Keywords: trace elements; ICP-MS ; snow; ice cores; anthropogenic pollution; contamination control; speciation
We present a titanium (Ti) melting head divided into three zones as an improved melting system for decontaminating ice-core samples. This system was subjected to performance tests using short ice-core samples (4 × 4 cm2, ∼5 cm long). The procedural blanks (PBs) and detection limits of ionic species, with the exception of NO3-, were comparable with published values, but for elements the experimental procedures should be refined to obtain valid Zn concentrations due to the PB of ∼90.0 ± 16.2 ng/L. The improved melting system efficiently decontaminated the samples, as verified by the concentration profiles of elements and ions in the melted samples from the three melting-head zones. The recovery of trace elements in ice-core samples was ∼70-120% at ∼100 ng/L in artificial ice cores. Because of the memory effects between ice-core samples melted in series, the melting system should be rinsed at least 5-6 times (in a total volume of ∼2.5 mL deionized water) after each melting procedure. Finally, as an application of this technique, trace elements were measured in ice-core samples recovered from the East Rongbuk Glacier, Mount Everest, (28°03'N, 86°960'E, 6518 m a.s.l.), and the concentrations of trace elements following mechanical chiseling and the melting method were compared. © 2015 Korean Chemical Society, Seoul & Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Iridium (Ir) belongs to the platinum group elements and is one of the rarest elements in the Earth’s crust. Since Ir is a hard metal with good resistance to corrosion, it is widely used in the electronic, chemical, and automotive industries. In the latter sector, Ir is present as an impurity or is found in alloys together with platinum, palladium, and rhodium in automobile catalytic converters. These devices are continuously subjected to physical and chemical stress that leads to Ir release in airborne particulate matter and a consequent increase in metal levels in the general environment.
An improved decontamination method and ultraclean analytical procedures have been developed to minimize Pb contamination of processed glacial ice cores and to achieve reliable determination of Pb isotopes in North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling (NEEM) deep ice core sections with concentrations at the sub-picogram per gram level. A PL-7 (Fuso Chemical) silica-gel activator has replaced the previously used colloidal silica activator produced by Merck and has been shown to provide sufficiently enhanced ion beam intensity for Pb isotope analysis for a few tens of picograms of Pb. Considering the quantities of Pb contained in the NEEM Greenland ice core and a sample weight of 10g used for the analysis, the blank contribution from the sample treatment was observed to be negligible. The decontamination and analysis of the artificial ice cores and selected NEEM Greenland ice core sections confirmed the cleanliness and effectiveness of the overall analytical process. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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Changes in the analytical performance of double focusing sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-SFMS) caused by addition of methane to the argon gas ICP were studied for approximately 100 isotopes of 70 elements. The parameters under consideration included instrumental background, analyte sensitivity, precision and formation of spectral interferences as functions of methane flow added to the sample gas. It was shown that for many analytes the capabilities of ICP-SFMS significantly improve by virtue of enhanced sensitivity and reduction of polyatomic interferences. In contrast to quadrupole-based ICP-MS, these gains in instrumental performance do not compromise multi-element capabilities given that the amount of methane is carefully optimized. The accuracy of the results for the determination of 50 elements in water samples was evaluated using the certified reference materials SLRS-4 and SLEW-2.
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A new analytical methodology, based on inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry (ICP-SFMS) coupled with a micro-flow nebulizer and desolvation system, has been set up for the quantification of Ir and Pt down to the sub-ppq level (1 ppq = 1 fg g−1 = 10−15 g g−1) in polar ice samples. Ultra-clean procedures were adopted during the pre-treatment phases in our laboratories in order to avoid possible contamination problems and a preconcentration step by evaporation at sub-boiling temperatures was necessary. A procedural detection limit of 0.02 ppq and 0.08 ppq for Ir and Pt, respectively, was obtained. The reproducibility of the analytical procedure at the ppq level was about 50% for Ir and 30% for Pt and the recoveries were 75% and 93% for Ir and Pt, respectively. Spectral interferences, which affect the determination of Ir and Pt, were reduced by using a desolvation system for sample introduction. The contribution of the interfering species was determined and subtracted. This new method allowed us to analyse Ir and Pt in remote uncontaminated ice samples from Antarctica and Greenland down to the sub-ppq level. The concentration ranges were from 0.1 up to 5 ppq for Ir and from 0.2 up to 7 ppq for Pt. These measurements represent the first data of Ir concentrations in unfiltered melted ice samples and the lowest concentrations ever recorded for Pt in environmental samples.
Platinum group elements (PGEs: Pt and Ir) and rare earth elements (REEs) were analyzed in rainwater samples collected in Seoul during the summer of 2008 to identify their sources and quantify their wet-deposition fluxes to the Earth’s surface environment. Major (Na, K, Mg, Ca, NH4+, SO42−, NO3−, Cl− and F−) and minor (Fe, Ba, Y and Hf) elements were also measured to facilitate interpretation. Evaluation of elemental correlations, crustal enrichment factors, Ir/Pt ratios and REE patterns indicated meteoric/volcanic sources for Pt and Ir and additional anthropogenic sources for Pt. REEs were predominantly of crustal origin. The relationship between concentrations and rainfall indicated that below-cloud scavenging (wash-out) was the main scavenging mechanism for most elements. The wet-deposition fluxes in Seoul were higher than those recorded in polar ice cores for Pt and Ir and were comparable to those from other rainwater studies of REEs in East Asia.
An evaluation of the non-boiling evaporation technique for the preconcentration of Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn at the pg g−1 level in water samples is presented. Various improvements were made to allow efficient control of contamination problems at these extremely low concentrations. They include the choice of FEP Teflon for the evaporation containers and the use of sophisticated cleaning, ageing and pre-conditionning procedures. Detailed calibration graphs were obtained down to the sub-pg g−1 level by processing ultra-low concentration standards. This technique was then applied to the determination of these four metals in snow samples collected in Greenland and Antarctica.
An improved method has been developed for the decontamination of Greenland and Antarctic snow or ice cores for heavy metal analysis. The investigated core sections are chiselled while being held horizontal in a polyethylene lathe inside a laminar flow clean bench in a cold room. Each veneer layer and the final inner core are then analysed for Pb, Cd, Zn and Cu by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry in clean room conditions. The procedural blank was found to range from 0.015 for Cd up to 0.25 for Cu. The quality of the decontamination was checked by studying changes in heavy metals concentrations from the outside to the center of each core section. In most cases, good plateaus of concentrations were observed in the central parts, then indicating that contamination present on the outside of the cores was not transferred to these central parts. Various Greenland and Antarctic cores were decontaminated, giving new insights into the past and recent occurrence of heavy metals in the atmosphere of both hemispheres.
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