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Evaluation of Fingerstick Cryptococcal Antigen Lateral Flow Assay in HIV-Infected Persons: A Diagnostic Accuracy Study


Abstract and Figures

Background: Cryptococcus neoformans is the most common cause of adult meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa. The cryptococcal antigen (CRAG) lateral flow assay (LFA) has simplified diagnosis as a point-of-care test approved for serum or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). We evaluated the accuracy of the CRAG LFA using fingerstick whole blood compared with serum/plasma and CSF for diagnosing meningitis. Methods: From August 2013 to August 2014, CRAG LFA (IMMY, Norman, Oklahoma) tests were performed on fingerstick whole blood, plasma/serum, and CSF in 207 HIV-infected adults with suspected meningitis in Kampala, Uganda. Venous blood was also collected and centrifuged to obtain serum and/or plasma. CSF was tested after lumbar puncture. Results: Of 207 participants, 149 (72%) had fingerstick CRAG-positive results. There was 100% agreement between fingerstick whole blood and serum/plasma. Of the 149 fingerstick CRAG-positive participants, 138 (93%) had evidence of cryptococcal meningitis with a positive CSF CRAG. Eleven participants (5%) had isolated cryptococcal antigenemia with a negative CSF CRAG and culture, of whom 8 had CSF abnormalities (n = 3 lymphocytic pleocytosis, n = 5 elevated protein, n = 4 increased opening pressure). No persons with cryptococcal meningitis had negative fingersticks. Conclusions: The 100% agreement between whole blood, serum, and plasma CRAG LFA results demonstrates that fingerstick CRAG is a reliable bedside diagnostic test. Using point-of-care CRAG testing simplifies screening large numbers of patients and enables physicians to prioritize on whom to measure CSF opening pressure using manometers.
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Evaluation of Fingerstick Cryptococcal Antigen
Lateral Flow Assay in HIV-Infected Persons: A
Diagnostic Accuracy Study
Darlisha A. Williams,1,2 Tadeo Kiiza,2Richard Kwizera,2Reuben Kiggundu,2Sruti Velamakanni,1David B. Meya,1,2,3
5Joshua Rhein,1,2 and David R. Boulware1
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis;
Infectious Diseases Institute, and
College of Health Sciences, Department of Medicine, Makerere University,
Kampala, Uganda
Background.Cryptococcus neoformans is the most common cause of adult meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa.
The cryptococcal antigen (CRAG) lateral ow assay (LFA) has simplied diagnosis as a point-of-care test approved
10 for serum or cerebrospinal uid (CSF). We evaluated the accuracy of the CRAG LFA using ngerstick whole blood
compared with serum/plasma and CSF for diagnosing meningitis.
Methods.From August 2013 to August 2014, CRAG LFA (IMMY, Norman, Oklahoma) tests were performed
on ngerstick whole blood, plasma/serum, and CSF in 207 HIV-infected adults with suspected meningitis in Kam-
pala, Uganda. Venous blood was also collected and centrifuged to obtain serum and/or plasma. CSF was tested after
15 lumbar puncture.
Results.Of 207 participants, 149 (72%) had ngerstick CRAG-positive results. There was 100% agreement be-
tween ngerstick whole blood and serum/plasma. Of the 149 ngerstick CRAG-positive participants, 138 (93%) had
evidence of cryptococcal meningitis with a positive CSF CRAG. Eleven participants (5%) had isolated cryptococcal
antigenemia with a negative CSF CRAG and culture, of whom 8 had CSF abnormalities (n = 3 lymphocytic pleocy-
20 tosis, n = 5 elevated protein, n = 4 increased opening pressure). No persons with cryptococcal meningitis had neg-
ative ngersticks.
Conclusions.The 100% agreement between whole blood, serum, and plasma CRAG LFA results demonstrates
that ngerstick CRAG is a reliable bedside diagnostic test. Using point-of-care CRAG testing simplies screening
large numbers of patients and enables physicians to prioritize on whom to measure CSF opening pressure using
25 manometers.
Keywords.cryptococcal meningitis; cryptococcus; lateral ow assay; HIV; point-of-care systems.
Cryptococcal meningitis is the most common cause of
adult meningitis in Africa and causes 20%25% of
AIDS-related deaths [14], accounting for 30%60%
30of adult meningitis cases overall in the general popula-
tion in eastern and southern Africa [37]. Typically,
cryptococcal meningitis is diagnosed by performing a
lumbar puncture (LP) with testing of cerebrospinal
uid (CSF) by either India ink microscopy, culture, or
35cryptococcal antigen (CRAG) [8,9].
In 2011, a CRAG lateral ow immunochromato-
graphic assay (LFA) (IMMY, Norman, Oklahoma),
was approved by the US Food and Drug Administra-
tion. This point-of-care test has been validated in
40serum and CSF, with 99.3% sensitivity and >99.1% spe-
cicity in CSF [8]. Although the introduction of the
CRAG LFA has made testing more feasible in re-
source-limited settings, a fundamental paradox remains
Received 5 January 2015; accepted 25 March 2015.
Correspondence: Darlisha A. Williams, MPH, Infectious Diseases Institute, Mak-
erere University, P.O. Box 22418, Kampala, Uganda (
Clinical Infectious Diseases
© The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Infectious
Diseases Societyof America. Thisis an Open Access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs licence (http://, which permits non-commercial
reproduction and distribution of the work, in any medium, provided the original work
is not altered or tra nsformed in any way, a nd that the work is prop erly cited. For
commercial re-use, please contact
DOI: 10.1093/cid/civ263
that the diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis cannot be con-
45 rmed until after the diagnostic LP. Intracranial pressure mea-
surement and control are key components of cryptococcal
management [1012]. When the Cryptococcus diagnosis is
made after the LP is completed, the opportunity to remove suf-
cient CSF volume to normalize the intracranial pressure is
50 missed, unless manometers are always used. The known pres-
ence of CRAG in blood prior to obtaining a diagnostic LP shifts
the pretest probability for cryptococcal meningitis signicantly,
alerting caregivers to the necessity of measuring LP opening
pressure and allowing for more focused, cost-effective down-
55 stream CSF testing [3].
We hypothesized that performing a ngerstick CRAG LFA is
a simple, low-cost point-of-care method that can be used to rap-
idly identify persons with cryptococcosis. This information can
then determine which patients with suspected meningitis re-
60 quire measurement of the CSF opening pressure during an LP
with a manometer or an improvised manometer using intrave-
nous tubing and a meter stick [13]. Capillary ngerstick whole-
blood collection has the additional advantage of being less
invasive than obtaining venous blood and does not require a
65 centrifuge for serum or plasma separation, and bedside testing
can be performed rapidly during informed consent for the LP.
We evaluated the accuracy of the CRAG LFA using ngerstick
whole blood to screen for meningitis compared with serum/
plasma or CSF.
From August 2013 to August 2014, we enrolled a prospective
cohort of 207 human immunodeciency virus (HIV)infected
adults with symptoms of suspected meningitis who were admit-
ted to Mulago National Referral Hospital in Kampala, Uganda.
75 Screening was performed as part of the Adjunctive Sertraline for
the Treatment of HIV-Associated Meningitis (ASTRO-CM)
study ( identier NCT01802385). Institution-
al review board approvals occurred at all relevant institutions
in Uganda and Minnesota. Inclusion criteria included physi-
80 cian-suspected meningitis, age 18 years, and written informed
Fingerstick Assay
After obtaining verbal consent, a ngerstick CRAG LFA was
performed. The pad of the index nger was sterilized with an
85 alcohol swab, and a lancet was used to prick the nger and pro-
duce 1 drop of whole blood. The patientsnger was quickly
placed directly on the tip of the LFA test strip so that the
blood sample (approximately 40 µL) could be absorbed directly
onto the LFA strip. The test strip was then placed in a 1.5-mL
90 Eppendorf tube containing 12 drops of sample diluent, and al-
lowed to incubate in an upright position at room temperature
for 10 minutes. CRAG LFAs were read by trained study person-
nel. This included the phlebotomist and the study medical of-
cers. As the ngerstick CRAG LFA incubated, written informed
95consent was obtained for permission to conduct an LP and par-
ticipate in the study. The CRAG LFA result was used to prior-
itize on whom to use manometers to measure CSF opening
pressure. LPs were then performed in the lateral decubitus
100Parallel Testing of Serum and Plasma
Serum (n = 206) and plasma (n = 27) were collected via veni-
puncture by a phlebotomist. Serum and/or plasma were tested
separately for CRAG LFA by adding 40 µL of specimen to Ep-
pendorf tubes containing 1 drop of sample diluent. CRAG LFA
105dipsticks were placed into each tube and read after 10 minutes.
Serum and plasma were interchangeably tested, per prior pub-
lished equivalence [8].
CSF Analysis
All CSF samples had a CRAG LFA performed at bedside, col-
110lecting 1 drop of CSF into an Eppendorf tube with 1 drop of
sample diluent. All CSF CRAG LFA tests were performed
twice, once by the clinical staff on the hospital ward and a sec-
ond time by a microbiologist upon processing the CSF sample.
Quantitative fungal cultures were performed using 5 serial 10-
115fold dilutions of CSF [8,14]. Further analysis was performed on
CSF samples to determine the white blood cell (WBC) count,
WBC differential, and protein measurements. Persons with
negative ngerstick and CSF CRAG also had Gram stain and
enhanced tuberculosis meningitis diagnostics performed
120through a streamlined diagnostic approach [3]. These diagnos-
tics included GeneXpert, acid-fast bacilli smear microscopy,
and tuberculosis cultures.
Statistical Analysis
The diagnostic performance (ie, sensitivity and specicity) of
125ngerstick CRAG was compared against a composite reference
standard of either serum/plasma or CSF CRAG positivity. The
relationship between positive ngerstick CRAG, CSF CRAG,
and CSF culture was also examined to determine the concor-
dance and positive predictive value of ngerstick testing.
Overall, 207 participants with suspected meningitis were en-
rolled, of whom 72% (n = 149) had evidence of cryptococcosis.
Sixty percent (125/207) of participants were male, with a medi-
an age of 36 years (interquartile range [IQR], 3042 years). Par-
135ticipants were HIV infected with a median CD4 T-cell count of
25 cells/µL (IQR, 973 cells/µL; maximum, 660 cells/µL) and with
51% (105/207) receiving antiretroviral therapy at diagnosis.
Among patients reporting antecedent headache at diagnosis
(n = 193), the median headache duration was 14 days (IQR, 7
140 21 days). The Glasgow Coma Scale score was <15 in 47% (98/
207) of patients at presentation. The median CSF white cell
count was <5 cells/µL (IQR, <560 cells/µL), with 67% having
<5 white cells/µL. Median CSF protein at diagnosis was 50 mg/
dL (IQR, 2099mg/dL). Approximately 141 participants had their
145 CSF opening pressures measured at screening; the median open-
ing pressure was 280 mm H
O (IQR, 180430 mm H
O). Of per-
sons without cryptococcosis, 1 participant had Streptococcus
pneumoniae meningitis by Gram stain with polymerase chain
reaction conrmation (0.5% prevalence). Tuberculosis meningitis
150 was conrmed by GeneXpert and/or culture in 15 participants.
The remaining CRAG-negative participants had aseptic/viral
meningitis of predominantly unknown etiology.
Of the 207 CRAG LFA tests performed on ngerstick whole
blood, 149 (72%) were positive, of which 138 (93%) were also
155 CSF CRAG positive. Among the 207 participants with CRAG
LFA tests performed in serum or plasma, 149 (72%) were pos-
itive (Figure 1). There was 100% concordance between plasma
and serum CRAG results (n = 26; where both serum and plasma
were available). Among those ngerstick CRAG-positive, 93%
160(139/150) were also CSF CRAG positive. Of those CSF CRAG
positive, 91% (127/139) also had positive cryptococcal culture
growth (range, 10 colony-forming units [CFU]/mL to >15 mil-
lion CFU/mL). No persons who tested ngerstick (or CSF)
CRAG negative grew Cryptococcus in culture (100% negative
165predictive value). Furthermore, there was 100% concordance
between ngerstick whole blood and serum/plasma (κ=1.0;
95% condence interval lower bound, 0.979). The positive pre-
dictive value of ngerstick LFA for the detection of cryptococcal
infection in blood was 100% (149/149) and for cryptococcal
170meningitis was 93% (138/149). Eleven (5%) participants had
isolated cryptococcal antigenemia without proven CSF Crypto-
coccus infection that was represented by CRAG-positive nger-
stick and CRAG-positive serum/plasma, but negative CSF
CRAG and negative culture. Of these 11 ngerstick CRAG-pos-
175itive and CSF CRAG-negative participants, 8 had CSF abnor-
malities (n = 3 with CSF lymphocytic pleocytosis, n = 5 with
increased CSF protein [>45 mg/dL], and n = 4 with elevated
opening pressure >200 mm H
The time of point-of-care testing at the hospital bedside (10
180minutes) was less than our prior experience of a median of 4
hours 50 minutes for laboratory-based CRAG testing at the
same site [8].
CRAG testing of whole blood by capillary ngerstick had 100%
185concordance with serum or plasma CRAG results collected by
venipuncture. Fingerstick CRAG had 100% negative predictive
value for excluding cryptococcal meningitis. The ability to con-
duct reliable ngerstick CRAG testing overcomes a clinical
management paradox. Previous studies have found a signicant
190improvement in acute mortality when patients are able to re-
ceive at least 1 therapeutic LP to normalize intracranial pressure
[11]. However, a major challenge to managing cryptococcal
meningitis is that the diagnosis is typically conrmed only
after an LP is performed, thus making it difcult to measure
195and manage intracranial pressure, unless CSF opening pressures
are universally measured. Manometers are rarely available in
low-income countries, and not always used in high-income
countries where available. Improvised measurement of CSF
opening pressure can be conducted using intravenous tubing
200and a meter stick [13]; however, this requires additional physi-
cian time. By CRAG screening prior to the LP, one can priori-
tize on whom to measure opening pressure or empirically
remove 2025 mL CSF, which was the median amount removed
in this cohort [11,13]. Additionally, healthcare workers in both
205rural and urban areas can also easily screen persons with HIV or
suspected meningitis using ngerstick, and quickly exclude
cryptococcosis or refer symptomatic CRAG-positive persons
to the hospital for LPs.
Figure 1. Distribution of cryptococcal diagnostics in blood and cerebro-
spinal uid (CSF). The concordance of ngerstick cryptococcal antigen
(CRAG) testing was κ= 1.0 for blood (P= .99) and κ= 0.947 for CSF repre-
senting 5% of participants (n = 11) having isolated cryptococcal antigene-
mia in peripheral blood with early disseminated cryptococcal infection but
without microbiologically provenmeningeal involvement. Of these 11 blood
CRAG-positive and CSF CRAG-negative participants, 8 participants had
abnormal CSF proles with CSF inammation or increased opening pres-
sure. Fifty-eight participants were negative for all cryptococcal testing in
blood and CSF. No person had CSF cryptococcal involvement by CRAG or
culture who was CRAG-negative by ngerstick or in peripheral blood.
Another challenge with traditional diagnostic methods (eg,
210 CRAG latex agglutination, culture) is the necessary infrastruc-
ture and laboratory skilled labor required for testing. The CRAG
LFA represents an important diagnostic advance, providing an
affordable point-of-care test that can be performed at the bed-
side on blood to inuence pretest probability and repeated at
215 time of LP to conrm the diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis.
The CRAG LFA is easy to use, reliable, and versatile. It can be
performed on serum, plasma, whole blood, urine, or CSF [8,9].
Notably, CRAG testing of saliva performs less optimally (88%
sensitivity and 98% specicity) [15]. LFA tests performed at
220 the bedside also expedite antifungal treatment.
Although the CRAG LFA has been previously validated in
serum and CSF [8], we wanted to investigate the accuracy of
using ngerstick whole blood, which is easier to collect and pro-
vides a quicker method for diagnosis compared with collecting
225 CSF or serum/plasma. The ngerstick CRAG LFA showed a
100% agreement with serum and/or plasma. Of participants
who were ngerstick CRAG positive, 93% were also CSF
CRAG positive, with the others having isolated cryptococcal
antigenemia, which also requires treatment [16]. No test is
230 100% perfect, and a larger sample size may have eventually un-
covered false positives or false negatives; however, in real-world
use, ngerstick testing performed very well.
Given the poor outcomes of patients with cryptococcal menin-
gitis [17], typical delays in diagnosis [18], and the documented
235 approximately 70% relative survival benet at 10 days of repeated
therapeutic LPs to reduce ICP [11], using the ngerstick CRAG
LFA as a rapid initial step toward establishing a diagnosis can en-
able better treatment. Fingerstick CRAG testing represents an im-
portant and simple tool for meningitis diagnosis worldwide.
240 Notes
Acknowledgments. We thank Dr Thomas Kozel for his work in devel-
oping monoclonal antibodies and Dr Sean Baumann and colleagues for de-
veloping the cryptococcal antigen lateral ow assay.
Disclaimer. IMMY did not provide any nancial support for this study.
245 Financial support. Financial support for this research was provided by
the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ( grant numbers
U01AI089244, R01NS086312, K24AI096925, T32AI055433, and
R25TW009345). We thank Bozena Morawski, MPH, for data management,
and Drs Thomas Harrison and Tihana Bicanic for sharing their quantitative
250 cerebrospinal uid culture protocol and training of laboratory staff in Ugan-
da. We appreciate institutional support from Drs Paul Bohjanen and An-
drew Kambugu.
Potential conicts of interest. All authors: No potential conicts of
255 All authors have submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential
Conicts of Interest. Conicts that the editors consider relevant to the con-
tent of the manuscript have been disclosed.
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... Puntos de buena práctica: 1. Los adultos que viven con el VIH con sospecha de meningitis por criptococo deben someterse a una punción lumbar inicial y a una punción lumbar temprana repetida con medición de la presión de apertura del LCR para evaluar la presión intracraneal elevada (mayor a 25 cm H20), independientemente de la presencia de síntomas o signos de presión intracraneal elevada a 2. La medición de la presión de apertura se debe realizar en todos los pacientes mediante la utilización de sistemas de venoclisis o con manómetro. 3. La meta de disminución de la presión de apertura es a menos de 25 cm H 2 0 o la mitad del valor en pacientes con presión intracraneal muy elevada. ...
... Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, es necesario implementar medidas alternativas para prevenir el desarrollo de la criptococosis en esta población. En este sentido, el cribado de AgCr en personas adultas que viven con el VIH y tienen un recuento bajo de células CD4, se ha posicionado como una estrategia costo-efectiva, con evidencia creciente y robusta a favor [23][24][25] . Actualmente, la mayoría de guías internacionales de práctica clínica recomiendan realizar cribado de AgCr en adultos que viven con el VIH y tienen un conteo de células CD4 menor de 100 o 200 células/mm 3 26-28 . ...
Full-text available
La criptococosis es la infección fúngica ocasionada por el complejo de especies Cryptococcus neoformans y Cryptococcus gattii, desarrollada con mayor frecuencia en personas con compromiso del sistema inmune. En las personas que viven con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH), la criptococosis es una infección oportunista de gran importancia, con consecuencias devastadoras para los pacientes, la sociedad y el sistema de salud, debido al incremento en morbilidad, mortalidad y costos que genera. La presente guía contiene recomendaciones para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la criptococosis en personas adultas que viven con el VIH, basadas en la evidencia, realizadas mediante el proceso de adaptación de guías de práctica clínica internacionales para el contexto colombiano.
... Puntos de buena práctica: 1. Los adultos que viven con el VIH con sospecha de meningitis por criptococo deben someterse a una punción lumbar inicial y a una punción lumbar temprana repetida con medición de la presión de apertura del LCR para evaluar la presión intracraneal elevada (mayor a 25 cm H20), independientemente de la presencia de síntomas o signos de presión intracraneal elevada a 2. La medición de la presión de apertura se debe realizar en todos los pacientes mediante la utilización de sistemas de venoclisis o con manómetro. 3. La meta de disminución de la presión de apertura es a menos de 25 cm H 2 0 o la mitad del valor en pacientes con presión intracraneal muy elevada. ...
... Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, es necesario implementar medidas alternativas para prevenir el desarrollo de la criptococosis en esta población. En este sentido, el cribado de AgCr en personas adultas que viven con el VIH y tienen un recuento bajo de células CD4, se ha posicionado como una estrategia costo-efectiva, con evidencia creciente y robusta a favor [23][24][25] . Actualmente, la mayoría de guías internacionales de práctica clínica recomiendan realizar cribado de AgCr en adultos que viven con el VIH y tienen un conteo de células CD4 menor de 100 o 200 células/mm 3 26-28 . ...
Full-text available
Guía de práctica clínica para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la criptococosis en personas adultas que viven con el VIH
... In contrast to serum, whole blood constitutes a real point-of-care sample due to its bedside availability. The finger-prick whole blood CrAg LFA has demonstrated good performance for the diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis in PLWHA [16,17], but in the case of screening asymptomatic patients, the use of a transfer pipette seems to optimize its yield [18]. ...
... Inter-national IMMY document indicates that CrAg LFA can use whole blood (venous and finger-prick) [15], but this sample type is not yet Food and Drug Administration-approved inside the United States. A study reported 100% agreement between whole blood, serum, and plasma IMMY CrAg LFA in PLWHA with cryptococcal meningitis, suggesting that finger-prick whole blood CrAg is a reliable bedside diagnostic test [16]. A study in HIVrelated CrAg screening identified that finger-prick whole blood IMMY CrAg LFA resulted in reduced sensitivity (~80%) when compared to the reference standard of laboratory-based CrAg LFA on plasma among a population with low CrAg titers. ...
Full-text available
Cryptococcosis in HIV-negative patients can be an opportunistic or endemic disease. There are no published studies on the use of the finger-prick whole blood (point-of-care) cryptococcal antigen lateral flow assay (CrAg LFA) for diagnosing cryptococcosis in HIV-negative patients. We conducted a case series study of HIV-negative patients with cryptococcosis in two centers in São Paulo, Brazil. The objectives were to identify the sensitivity of a finger-prick whole blood CrAg LFA and to describe the main characteristics of this population. We identified 30 HIV-negative patients with cryptococcosis [19 (63%), male; median age, 47 years]. Ten (33%) patients were immunosuppressed, ten (33%) had other comorbidities, and ten (33%) were apparently immunocompetent and without comorbidities. The distribution of the sites of cryptococcosis was as follows: the central nervous system, 90% (n = 27); pulmonary, 43% (n = 13); and other extrapulmonary sites, 40% (n = 12). The sensitivity of the finger-prick whole blood CrAg LFA for the diagnosis of cryptococcosis was 97% (29/30). Among 26 participants with cryptococcal meningitis, the sensitivity of testing cerebrospinal fluid was as follows: CrAg latex agglutination, 77% (20/26); CrAg LFA, 96% (25/26); and culture, 81% (21/26). Culture speciation identified Cryptococcus gattii in 16 (62%) cases, and all had a positive finger-prick whole blood CrAg LFA. This test presented high sensitivity to the diagnosis of cryptococcosis in HIV-negative patients, including those caused by C. gattii.
... An estimated 152 000 cases of cryptococcal meningitis, resulting in 112 000 cryptococcal-related deaths, accounted for 19% of AIDS-related mortality in 2020 with over 70% of these cases and substantial associated mortality occurring in Africa [5]. The introduction of cryptococcal antigen tests has simplified the screening and 28 Rana et al., 1997 [20] Kenya 1995 Prospective 9 Complete P. jirovecii (n ¼ 2), Cryptococcus spp (n diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis in resource-limited settings [62]. Therefore, most cases of cryptococcal meningitis are now diagnosed antemortem. ...
... This study defined participants who were CrAg positive in CSF and/or serum as probable cases of cryptococcal meningitis. This decision was based on our internal data demonstrating a κ = 1 between serum and CSF CrAg in participants who received both assays and on prior work from Williams et al, which revealed that 93% of serum CrAg-positive patients also had a positive CSF CrAg assay [24]. ...
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Background Neurological opportunistic infections cause significant morbidity and mortality in people with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) but are difficult to diagnose. Methods One hundred forty people with HIV with acute neurological symptoms from Iquitos, Peru, were evaluated for cerebral toxoplasmosis with quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and for cryptococcal meningitis with cryptococcal antigen test (CrAg) in serum or CSF. Differences between groups were assessed with standard statistical methods. A subset of samples was evaluated by metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) of CSF to compare standard diagnostics and identify additional diagnoses. Results Twenty-seven participants were diagnosed with cerebral toxoplasmosis by qPCR and 13 with cryptococcal meningitis by CrAg. Compared to participants without cerebral toxoplasmosis, abnormal Glasgow Coma Scale score (P = .05), unilateral focal motor signs (P = .01), positive Babinski reflex (P = .01), and multiple lesions on head computed tomography (CT) (P = .002) were associated with cerebral toxoplasmosis. Photophobia (P = .03) and absence of lesions on head CT (P = .02) were associated with cryptococcal meningitis. mNGS of 42 samples identified 8 cases of cerebral toxoplasmosis, 7 cases of cryptococcal meningitis, 5 possible cases of tuberculous meningitis, and incidental detections of hepatitis B virus (n = 1) and pegivirus (n = 1). mNGS had a positive percentage agreement of 71% and a negative percentage agreement of 91% with qPCR for T gondii. mNGS had a sensitivity of 78% and specificity of 100% for Cryptococcus diagnosis. Conclusions An infection was diagnosed by any method in only 34% of participants, demonstrating the challenges of diagnosing neurological opportunistic infections in this population and highlighting the need for broader, more sensitive diagnostic tests for central nervous system infections.
... The detection of the Aspergillus antigen germ tube-specific glycoprotein of the Aspergillus species is also done by commercial water flow devices. The presence of active invasive infection can be detected early from the antigens found in human serum or bronchoalveolar lavage (124)(125)(126). This test is not helpful in the detection of fungal spores as the fungal spores require proper germination and tissue invasion involved with synthesising glycoprotein targets. ...
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The outbreak of a fatal black fungus infection after the resurgence of the cadaverous COVID-19 has exhorted scientists worldwide to develop a nutshell by repurposing or designing new formulations to address the crisis. Patients expressing COVID-19 are more susceptible to Mucormycosis (MCR) and thus fall easy prey to decease accounting for this global threat. Their mortality rates range around 32-70% depending on the organs affected and grow even higher despite the treatment. The many contemporary recommendations strongly advise using liposomal amphotericin B and surgery as first-line therapy whenever practicable. MCR is a dangerous infection that requires an antifungal drug administration on appropriate prescription, typically one of the following: Amphotericin B, Posaconazole, or Isavuconazole since the fungi that cause MCR are resistant to other medications like fluconazole, voriconazole, and echinocandins. Amphotericin B and Posaconazole are administered through veins (intravenously), and isavuconazole by mouth (orally). From last several years so many compounds are developed against invasive fungal disease but only few of them are able to induce effective treatment against the micorals. Adjuvant medicines, more particularly, are difficult to assess without prospective randomized controlled investigations, which are challenging to conduct given the lower incidence and higher mortality from Mucormycosis. The present analysis provides insight into pathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, underlying fungal virulence, and growth mechanisms. In addition, current therapy for MCR in Post Covid-19 individuals includes conventional and novel nano-based advanced management systems for procuring against deadly fungal infection. The study urges involving nanomedicine to prevent fungal growth at the commencement of infection, delay the progression, and mitigate fatality risk.
... 17 Studies in low-resource settings demonstrated the utility of the CrAg LFA using finger-prick blood testing. [131][132][133] CrAg LFA use in serum has shown effectiveness in screening AIDS patients for early asymptomatic cryptococcal infection. 134,135 This has led to the development of CrAg screening programs in many African countries. ...
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Introduction: Fungal disease has historically presented a diagnostic challenge due to its often non-specific clinical presentations, relative infrequency and reliance on insensitive and time-intensive fungal culture. Sources of data: We present the recent developments in fungal diagnostics in the fields of serological and molecular diagnosis for the most clinically relevant pathogens; developments that have the potential to revolutionize fungal diagnosis through improvements in speed, simplicity and sensitivity. We have drawn on a body of evidence including recent studies and reviews demonstrating the effectiveness of antigen and antibody detection and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in patients with and without concurrent human immunodeficiency virus infection. Areas of agreement: This includes recently developed fungal lateral flow assays, which have a low cost and operator skill requirement that give them great applicability to low-resource settings. Antigen detection for Cryptococcus, Histoplasma and Aspergillus spp. are much more sensitive than culture. PCR for Candida spp., Aspergillus spp., Mucorales and Pneumocystis jirovecii is more sensitive than culture and usually faster. Areas of controversy: Effort must be made to utilize recent developments in fungal diagnostics in clinical settings outside of specialist centres and integrate their use into standard medical practice. Given the clinical similarities of the conditions and frequent co-infection, further study is required into the use of serological and molecular fungal tests, particularly in patients being treated for tuberculosis. Growing points: Further study is needed to clarify the utility of these tests in low-resource settings confounded by a high prevalence of tuberculosis. Areas timely for developing research: The diagnostic utility of these tests may require revision of laboratory work flows, care pathways and clinical and lab coordination, especially for any facility caring for the immunosuppressed, critically ill or those with chronic chest conditions, in whom fungal disease is common and underappreciated.
Cryptococcal meningitis is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally, especially in people with advanced HIV disease. Cryptococcal meningitis is responsible for nearly 20% of all deaths related to advanced HIV disease, with the burden of disease predominantly experienced by people in resource-limited countries. Major advancements in diagnostics have introduced low-cost, easy-to-use antigen tests with remarkably high sensitivity and specificity. These tests have led to improved diagnostic accuracy and are essential for screening campaigns to reduce the burden of cryptococcosis. In the last 5 years, several high-quality, multisite clinical trials have led to innovations in therapeutics that have allowed for simplified regimens, which are better tolerated and result in less intensive monitoring and management of medication adverse effects. One trial found that a shorter, 7-day course of deoxycholate amphotericin B is as effective as the longer 14-day course and that flucytosine is an essential partner drug for reducing mortality in the acute phase of disease. Single-dose liposomal amphotericin B has also been found to be as effective as a 7-day course of deoxycholate amphotericin B. These findings have allowed for simpler and safer treatment regimens that also reduce the burden on the healthcare system. This review provides a detailed discussion of the latest evidence guiding the clinical management and special circumstances that make cryptococcal meningitis uniquely difficult to treat.
The frequency of invasive fungal infections has risen dramatically in recent decades, mostly because of a larger population of at-risk patients who are immunocompromised, neutropenic, or critically ill. For clinicians evaluating these patients, it has become increasingly important to make the diagnosis early so that timely antifungal therapy can be instituted. While histopathology and culture for the causative fungus are required for a definitive diagnosis, adequate tissue samples from protected anatomical sites are not always available and culture may lack sensitivity and require several weeks for results to become available. Thus, immunodiagnosis has become an important adjunctive strategy to diagnose most of the clinically relevant fungi. Many immunodiagnostic methods have been developed and generally target three important aspects of the infection: host antibody, fungal antigen, and fungal metabolites. This chapter outlines the available immunologic tests according to what component of the invading pathogen or host immune response they target and provides some discussion of their strengths and weaknesses. In addition to a review of pan-fungal testing using 1,3-β-D-glucan, the discussion is focused on the following diseases: invasive candidiasis, invasive aspergillosis, cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, and paracoccidioidomycosis. Recommendations for utilizing the currently available immunodiagnostic tests are discussed for individual fungal species and specific disease manifestations.
Timely diagnosis is key in managing central nervous system (CNS) cryptococcosis in people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). There are few data on implementing fingerprick whole-blood cryptococcal antigen (CrAg) lateral flow assay (LFA) as the first test for diagnosing CNS cryptococcosis. We evaluated the prevalence of CNS cryptococcosis and cryptococcal antigenemia using fingerprick whole-blood in a referral emergency department (ED) in São Paulo, Brazil. This was a prospective cohort study of consecutive adult PLWHA with advanced HIV disease and neurological symptoms. Fingerprick whole-blood CrAg LFA was performed at bedside. Seventy-four individuals were enrolled (median age = 40 years; males = 62%). Prevalence of CNS cryptococcosis was 17.6% (13/74); 95% CI, 9.4 to 30.0% and prevalence of positive fingerprick whole-blood CrAg LFA was 25.7% (19/74); 95% CI, 15.5 to 40.1%. Among the six (8.1%) patients with positive fingerprick whole-blood CrAg LFA and negative CSF CrAg LFA, four (5.4%) had isolated asymptomatic cryptococcal antigenemia, one (1.3%) had symptomatic cryptococcal antigenemia, and one (1.3%) had cryptococcemia. Prevalence of CNS cryptococcosis and cryptococcal antigenemia using fingerprick whole-blood CrAg LFA were high. Point-of-care testing was important for diagnosing CNS cryptococcosis in an ED from a middle-income country.
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Background Cryptococcal meningitis can best be diagnosed by cerebrospinal fluid India ink microscopy, cryptococcal antigen detection, or culture. These require invasive lumbar punctures. The utility of cryptococcal antigen detection in saliva is unknown. We evaluated the diagnostic performance of the point-of-care cryptococcal antigen lateral flow assay (CrAg LFA) in saliva. Methods We screened HIV-infected, antiretroviral therapy naïve persons with symptomatic meningitis (n = 130) and asymptomatic persons with CD4+<100 cells/µL entering into HIV care (n = 399) in Kampala, Uganda. The diagnostic performance of testing saliva was compared to serum/plasma cryptococcal antigen as the reference standard. Results The saliva lateral flow assay performance was overall more sensitive in symptomatic patients (88%) than in asymptomatic patients (27%). The specificity of saliva lateral flow assay was excellent at 97.8% in the symptomatic patients and 100% in asymptomatic patients. The degree of accuracy of saliva in diagnosing cryptococcosis and the level of agreement between the two sample types was better in symptomatic patients (C-statistic 92.9, κ-0.82) than in asymptomatic patients (C-statistic 63.5, κ-0.41). Persons with false negative salvia CrAg tests had lower levels of peripheral blood CrAg titers (P<0.001). Conclusion There was poor diagnostic performance in testing saliva for cryptococcal antigen, particularly among asymptomatic persons screened for preemptive treatment of cryptococcosis.
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Introduction: Cryptococcal meningitis is the most common cause of adult meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa. Raised intracranial pressure (ICP) is common in cryptococcosis. Prior studies suggest elevated ICP is associated with mortality, and guidelines recommend frequent lumbar punctures (LPs) to control ICP. However, the magnitude of the impact of LPs on cryptococcal-related mortality is unknown. Methods: In sum, 248 individuals with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated cryptococcal meningitis, screened for the Cryptococcal Optimal ART Timing (COAT) trial in Uganda and South Africa, were observed. Individuals received an LP to diagnose meningitis, and subsequent therapeutic LPs were recommended for elevated ICP (>250 mmH2O) or new symptoms. We compared survival, through 11 days, between individuals receiving at least 1 therapeutic LP with individuals not receiving therapeutic LPs. The COAT trial randomized subjects at 7-11 days; thus, follow-up stopped at time of death, randomization, or 11 days. Results: Seventy-five (30%) individuals had at least 1 therapeutic LP. Individuals receiving therapeutic LPs had higher cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) opening pressures, higher CSF fungal burdens, and were more likely to have altered mental status at baseline than those with no therapeutic LPs. Thirty-one deaths (18%) occurred among 173 individuals without a therapeutic LP and 5 deaths (7%) among 75 with at least 1 therapeutic LP. The adjusted relative risk of mortality was 0.31 (95% confidence interval: .12-.82). The association was observed regardless of opening pressure at baseline. Conclusions: Therapeutic LPs were associated with a 69% relative improvement in survival, regardless of initial intracranial pressure. The role of therapeutic LPs should be reevaluated.
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BACKGROUND: Cryptococcal meningitis accounts for 20 to 25% of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related deaths in Africa. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is essential for survival; however, the question of when ART should be initiated after diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis remains unanswered. METHODS: We assessed survival at 26 weeks among 177 human immunodeficiency virus-infected adults in Uganda and South Africa who had cryptococcal meningitis and had not previously received ART. We randomly assigned study participants to undergo either earlier ART initiation (1 to 2 weeks after diagnosis) or deferred ART initiation (5 weeks after diagnosis). Participants received amphotericin B (0.7 to 1.0 mg per kilogram of body weight per day) and fluconazole (800 mg per day) for 14 days, followed by consolidation therapy with fluconazole. RESULTS: The 26-week mortality with earlier ART initiation was significantly higher than with deferred ART initiation (45% [40 of 88 patients] vs. 30% [27 of 89 patients]; hazard ratio for death, 1.73; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.06 to 2.82; P=0.03). The excess deaths associated with earlier ART initiation occurred 2 to 5 weeks after diagnosis (P=0.007 for the comparison between groups); mortality was similar in the two groups thereafter. Among patients with few white cells in their cerebrospinal fluid (<5 per cubic millimeter) at randomization, mortality was particularly elevated with earlier ART as compared with deferred ART (hazard ratio, 3.87; 95% CI, 1.41 to 10.58; P=0.008). The incidence of recognized cryptococcal immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome did not differ significantly between the earlier-ART group and the deferred-ART group (20% and 13%, respectively; P=0.32). All other clinical, immunologic, virologic, and microbiologic outcomes, as well as adverse events, were similar between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: Deferring ART for 5 weeks after the diagnosis of cryptococcal meningitis was associated with significantly improved survival, as compared with initiating ART at 1 to 2 weeks, especially among patients with a paucity of white cells in cerebrospinal fluid. (Funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and others; COAT number, NCT01075152.).
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Background: Knowledge of central nervous system (CNS) opportunistic infections (OIs) among people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in sub-Saharan Africa is limited. Methods: We analyzed 1 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sample from each of 331 HIV-infected adults with symptoms suggestive of CNS OI at a tertiary care center in Zambia. We used pathogen-specific primers to detect DNA from JC virus (JCV), varicella zoster virus (VZV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and Toxoplasma gondii via real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results: The patients' median CD4(+) T-cell count was 89 cells/µL (interquartile range, 38-191 cells/µL). Of 331 CSF samples, 189 (57.1%) had at least 1 pathogen. PCR detected DNA from EBV in 91 (27.5%) patients, M. tuberculosis in 48 (14.5%), JCV in 20 (6.0%), CMV in 20 (6.0%), VZV in 13 (3.9%), HSV-1 in 5 (1.5%), and HSV-2 and T. gondii in none. Fungal and bacteriological studies showed Cryptococcus in 64 (19.5%) patients, pneumococcus in 8 (2.4%), and meningococcus in 2 (0.6%). Multiple pathogens were found in 68 of 189 (36.0%) samples. One hundred seventeen of 331 (35.3%) inpatients died during their hospitalization. Men were older than women (median, 37 vs 34 years; P = .01), more recently diagnosed with HIV (median, 30 vs 63 days; P = .03), and tended to have a higher mortality rate (40.2% vs 30.2%; P = .07). Conclusions: CNS OIs are frequent, potentially treatable complications of AIDS in Zambia. Multiple pathogens often coexist in CSF. EBV is the most prevalent CNS organism in isolation and in coinfection. Whether it is associated with CNS disease or a marker of inflammation requires further investigation. More comprehensive testing for CNS pathogens could improve treatment and patient outcomes in Zambia.
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Cryptococcal meningitis is common in sub-Saharan Africa. Given the need for data for a rapid, point-of-care cryptococcal antigen (CRAG) lateral flow immunochromatographic assay (LFA), we assessed diagnostic performance of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture, CRAG latex agglutination, India ink microscopy, and CRAG LFA for 832 HIV-infected persons with suspected meningitis during 2006-2009 (n = 299) in Uganda and during 2010-2012 (n = 533) in Uganda and South Africa. CRAG LFA had the best performance (sensitivity 99.3%, specificity 99.1%). Culture sensitivity was dependent on CSF volume (82.4% for 10 μL, 94.2% for 100 μL). CRAG latex agglutination test sensitivity (97.0%-97.8%) and specificity (85.9%-100%) varied between manufacturers. India ink microscopy was 86% sensitive. Laser thermal contrast had 92% accuracy (R = 0.91, p<0.001) in quantifying CRAG titers from 1 LFA strip to within <1.5 dilutions of actual CRAG titers. CRAG LFA is a major advance for meningitis diagnostics in resource-limited settings.
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Background: Checklists can standardize patient care, reduce errors, and improve health outcomes. For meningitis in resource-limited settings, with high patient loads and limited financial resources, central nervous system diagnostic algorithms may be useful to guide diagnosis and treatment. However, the cost effectiveness of such algorithms is unknown. Methods: We used decision analysis methodology to evaluate the costs, diagnostic yield, and cost effectiveness of diagnostic strategies for adults with suspected meningitis in resource-limited settings with moderate/high HIV prevalence. We considered 3 strategies: (1) comprehensive "shotgun" approach of utilizing all routine tests; (2) "stepwise" strategy with tests performed in a specific order with additional tuberculosis (TB) diagnostics; (3) "minimalist" strategy of sequential ordering of high-yield tests only. Each strategy resulted in 1 of 4 meningitis diagnoses: bacterial (4%), cryptococcal (59%), TB (8%), or other (aseptic) meningitis (29%). In model development, we utilized prevalence data from 2 Ugandan sites and published data on test performance. We validated the strategies with data from Malawi, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. Results: The current comprehensive testing strategy resulted in 93.3% correct meningitis diagnoses costing $32.00 per patient. A stepwise strategy had 93.8% correct diagnoses costing an average of $9.72 per patient, and a minimalist strategy had 91.1% correct diagnoses costing an average of $6.17 per patient. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was $133 per additional correct diagnosis for the stepwise over minimalist strategy. Conclusions: Through strategically choosing the order and type of testing coupled with disease prevalence rates, algorithms can deliver more care more efficiently. The algorithms presented herein are generalizable to East Africa and Southern Africa.
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Many deaths from cryptococcal meningitis (CM) may be preventable through early diagnosis and treatment. An inexpensive point-of-care (POC) assay for use with urine or a drop of blood would facilitate early diagnosis of cryptococcal infection in resource-limited settings. We compared cryptococcal antigen (CRAG) concentrations in plasma, serum, and urine from patients with CM, using an antigen-capture assay for glucuronoxylomannan (GXM) and a novel POC dipstick test. GXM concentrations were determined in paired serum, plasma, and urine from 62 patients with active or recent CM, using a quantitative sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). A dipstick lateral-flow assay developed using the same monoclonal antibodies for the sandwich ELISA was tested in parallel. Correlation coefficients were calculated using Spearman rank test. All patients had detectable GXM in serum, plasma, and urine using the quantitative ELISA. Comparison of paired serum and plasma showed identical results. There were strong correlations between GXM levels in serum/urine (r(s) = 0.86; P < .001) and plasma/urine (r(s) = 0.85; P < .001). Levels of GXM were 22-fold lower in urine than in serum/plasma. The dipstick test was positive in serum, plasma, and urine in 61 of 62 patients. Dipstick titers correlated strongly with ELISA. Correlations between the methods were 0.93 (P < .001) for serum, 0.94 (P < .001) for plasma, and 0.94 (P < .001) for urine. This novel dipstick test has the potential to markedly improve early diagnosis of CM in many settings, enabling testing of urine in patients presenting to health care facilities in which lumbar puncture, or even blood sampling, is not feasible.
Conference Paper
Background: Cryptococcal meningitis (CM) is one of the most important HIV-related opportunistic infections, especially in the developing world, where overall mortality is very high. In order to help develop global strategies for prevention and treatment, it is important to estimate the burden of CM. Methods: We searched the English literature for studies reporting an estimate of CM among HIV populations. The median CM incidence of each UNAIDS geographic region was multiplied by the HIV population to estimate the region-specific CM cases. The range of cases in each region was calculated as ± one standard deviation from the regional estimate, using a median coefficient of variation across the regions. To estimate deaths, we assumed the 3-month case-fatality rate in high-income regions to be 9%, 55% in low- and middle-income regions, and 70% in Sub-Saharan Africa, based on available literature and expert opinion. Results: Of over 9,000 abstracts reviewed, 19 studies met the search criteria; yearly incidence ranged from 0.04%-12% among persons with HIV. Sub-Saharan Africa had the highest estimate (median incidence 3.2%, 720,000 cases, range, 144,000 - 1.3 million), followed by South/ Southeast Asia (median incidence 3.0%, 120,000 cases, range, 24,000 - 216,000). Median incidence was lowest in Western and Central Europe and Oceania (<0.1% each). Globally, approximately 957,900 cases (range, 371,700 - 1,544,000) of CM occur each year, resulting in 624,700 deaths (range, 125,000 - 1,124,900) by 3 months after infection. Conclusions: This study, the first attempt to estimate the global burden of CM, confirms the high burden of CM, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa and South/ Southeast Asia. Further work is needed to better define and track the epidemiology of this infection, in order to prioritize prevention, diagnosis, and treatment strategies.
Cryptococcal Meningitis (CM) has a mortality rate of ∼70% among HIV-infected adults in low-income countries. Controlling intracranial pressure (ICP) is essential in CM, but is difficult in low-income countries because manometers and practical ICP management protocols are lacking. As part of a continuous quality improvement project, our Tanzanian hospital initiated a new protocol for ICP management for CM. All adult inpatients with CM are included in a prospective patient registry. At the time of analysis, this registry included data from 2 years before the initiation of this new ICP management protocol and for a nine-month period after. ICP was measured at baseline and days 3, 7 and 14 by both manometer and intravenous (IV) tubing set. All patients were given IV fluconazole according to Tanzanian treatment guidelines and were followed until 30 days after admission. Among adult inpatients with CM, 32/35 (91%) had elevated ICP on admission. CSF pressure measurements using the improvised IV tubing set demonstrated excellent agreement (r=0.96) with manometer measurements. Compared to historical controls, the new ICP management protocol was associated with a significant reduction in 30-day mortality (16/35 (46%) vs. 48/64 (75%) in historical controls; HR=2.1 [95%CI 1.1-3.8]; p-value=0.018). Increased ICP is almost universal among HIV-infected adults admitted with CM in Tanzania. Intensive ICP management with a strict schedule of serial lumbar punctures reduced in-hospital mortality compared to historical controls. ICP measurement with IV tubing sets may be a good alternative in resource-limited health facilities where manometers are not available.