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Endoscopic ultrasound in the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis


Abstract and Figures

Diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis (CP) remains a challenge. Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) can be considered nowadays as the technique of choice for the morphological diagnosis of this disease. More than three or four EUS defined criteria of CP need to be present for the diagnosis of the disease. The development of the more restrictive Rosemont classification aims to standardize the criteria, assigning different values to different features but its impact on the EUS-based diagnosis of CP is debatable. A combined use of endoscopic function test and EUS has even increased the diagnostic yield. Elastography and FNA may be also of help for diagnosing CP. EUS also provides with very valuable information on the severity of the disease, giving key information that may influence in the treatment. Differential diagnosis of solid pancreatic masses in the context of a CP is also challenging, EUS plays a key role in this context. It provides with the possibility of obtaining specimens for histopathological diagnosis. Nowadays, new developed techniques associated to EUS, like elastography and contrast enhancement, are also showing promising results for the differentiating between these pancreatic lesions.
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Rev esp enfeRm Dig (Madrid
Vol. 107, N.º 4, pp. 221-228, 2015
Endoscopic ultrasound in the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis
Julio Iglesias-García1, José Lariño-Noia1, Björn Lindkvist1,2 and J. Enrique Domínguez-Muñoz1
1Department of Gastroenterology and Foundation for Research in Digestive Diseases (FIENAD). Hospital Universitario de Santiago. Santiago de Compostela.
A Coruña, Spain. 2Institute of Medicine. Sahlgrenska Academy. University of Gothenburg. Gothenburg, Sweden
Revista española De enfeRmeDaDes Digestivas
CopyRight © 2015 aRán eDiCiones, s. l.
Diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis (CP) remains a challenge.
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) can be considered nowadays as the
technique of choice for the morphological diagnosis of this disease.
More than three or four EUS defined criteria of CP need to be
present for the diagnosis of the disease. The development of the
more restrictive Rosemont classification aims to standardize the
criteria, assigning different values to different features but its impact
on the EUS-based diagnosis of CP is debatable. A combined use of
endoscopic function test and EUS has even increased the diagnostic
yield. Elastography and FNA may be also of help for diagnosing CP.
EUS also provides with very valuable information on the severity
of the disease, giving key information that may influence in the
treatment. Differential diagnosis of solid pancreatic masses in the
context of a CP is also challenging, EUS plays a key role in this
context. It provides with the possibility of obtaining specimens for
histopathological diagnosis. Nowadays, new developed techniques
associated to EUS, like elastography and contrast enhancement,
are also showing promising results for the differentiating between
these pancreatic lesions.
Key words: Endoscopic ultrasound. Diagnosis. Chronic
Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a progressive and irrevers-
ible inflammation of the pancreatic gland that ultimately
leads to fibrosis and destruction of normal tissue resulting
in morphological alterations and exocrine as well as endo-
crine dysfunction (1). The diagnosis is easy to establish in
advanced stages of the disease, when the presence of pan-
creatic calcifications, atrophy of the gland and pancreatic
duct dilation can be visualized by conventional imaging
techniques such as abdominal ultrasound and computed
tomography. Early CP, on the other hand, remains a major
diagnostic challenge today. Pathological specimens from
the pancreas are very difficult to obtain and there is no
clear international consensus of a histological or clinical
definition of CP.
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
(ERCP) has previously been considered as the gold stan-
dard for the diagnosis of CP. However, due to the possible
and serious complications related to the procedure and the
fact that the parenchyma is not visualized, ERCP is no lon-
ger considered the method of choice (2). Among pancreatic
function tests, the secretin test has been demonstrated to
have a high sensitivity and specificity for CP (3). The use
of this test has been limited since it is difficult to perform
and not widely available (4). Endoscopic ultrasonography
(EUS) has emerged as a promising diagnostic technique
for pancreatic disease since it is able to detect pancreatic
parenchymal and ductal changes with high sensitivity. Fur-
thermore, fine needle biopsies can be obtained by EUS for
cytological or histological evaluation, and CP related com-
plications could be treated with EUS guided interventions.
The use of EUS for the diagnosis of CP will be reviewed
in this article.
EUS has the ability to produce high-resolution ultraso-
nography images of the pancreas due to the proximity of
the transducer to the gland, avoiding interference by air in
the intestine. EUS diagnosis of CP is based on specific cri-
teria that have been described by the International Working
Group for Minimum Standard Terminology in Gastroin-
testinal Endoscopy (5). These comprise five parenchymal
criteria (hyperechoic foci, hyperechoic strands, parenchy-
Iglesias-García J, Lariño-Noia J, Lindkvist B, Domínguez-Muñoz JE. Endo-
scopic ultrasound in the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis. Rev Esp Enferm
Dig 2015;107:221-228.
Received: 23-12-2014
Accepted: 21-01-2015
Correspondence: Julio Iglesias-García. Gastroenterology Department. Foun-
dation for Research in Digestive Diseases (FIENAD). Hospital Universitario
de Santiago. c/ Choupana, s/n. 15706 Santiago de Compostela. A Coruña,
Disclosures: Dr. Julio Iglesias-García is international advisor of Cook-Med-
ical. Dr. J. Enrique Domínguez-Muñoz has acted as international advisor of
Pentax Medical Company.
222 J. IGLESIAS-GARCÍA ET AL. Rev esp enfeRm Dig (maDRiD)
Rev esp enfeRm Dig 2015; 107 (4): 221-228
mal lobularity, cysts, calcifications) and five ductal crite-
ria (pancreatic duct dilation, pancreatic duct irregularity,
hyperechoic pancreatic duct walls, visible pancreatic side
branches, intraductal calcifications) (Fig. 1). The number
of criteria that is needed to establish the diagnosis of CP
and the relative weight of each criterion has been a matter
of debate for several years. The first attempts to create an
integrated evaluation of EUS based CP findings simply
used the sum of positive criteria and defined EUS findings
consistent with CP as a certain minimum number of pos-
itive criteria (6,7). In an attempt to allow for differentiat-
ed weighting of CP criteria and to harmonize EUS based
diagnosis of CP, the Rosemont classification was published
in 2009 (8). The Rosemont classification is a definition of
EUS based CP criteria produced by a group of endosonog-
raphy experts at an international consensus conference.
Ductal and parenchymal EUS findings are divided into
major A, major B and minor criteria (Table I). As opposed
to the previous simple counting of criteria, the Rosemont
classification gives different weight to different findings.
Based on the number and character of positive EUS crite-
ria, EUS evaluation is classified as “consistent with CP”,
“suggestive of CP”, “indeterminate for CP”, or “normal”
(8) (Table II). This system agrees with the standard clas-
sification in 74% of cases, increasing to 84% when “sug-
gestive of CP” was included as CP (8).
One of the most important weaknesses of EUS in the
diagnosis of CP is concern about poor interobserver agree-
ment (9). Interobserver agreement differs between EUS
criteria. Duct dilation and lobularity (10) was demon-
strated to have the highest agreement in one study while
hyperechoic strands and parenchymal cysts were found
to have the highest agreement in another study (11). Inter
observer agreement for standard EUS classification versus
Rosemont classification for CP has been evaluated in a
multicenter study. Fourteen experts evaluated 50-recorded
videos using the standard EUS criteria (CP diagnosis if
3) and the Rosemont classification (considering “sugges-
tive of CP” and “consistent with CP” as positive findings).
Kappa score for inter observer agreement on the Rosemont
classification was 0.65, and the kappa score for standard
classification was 0.54 (n.s.). Best agreement was noted
for calcifications (standard scoring), pancreatic duct cal-
cifications (Rosemont classification) and pancreatic duct
dilation (both systems). The poorest agreement was seen
for lobularity without honeycombing (Rosemont classifi-
cation). Patients were correctly classified as definite CP in
91.2% of cases according to standard scoring and 83.5%
according to Rosemont classification; as mild CP in 50%
according to standard scoring and 42.9% according to
Rosemont classification; and not CP in 83.3% and 95.2%
of cases respectively (12). The inability of the Rosemont
classification to improve inter-observer agreement com-
pared to standard EUS criteria has thereafter been con-
firmed in a recent study (13). The use of radial or linear
echoendoscopes does not have a significant impact on inter
observer agreement (k = 0.50 and 0.61 respectively) (14).
EUS vs. pancreatic function test and EUS plus
endoscopic function test
Pancreatic function test have been used for diagnosis of
early CP. The pancreatic function test with the highest sen-
sitivity for CP is the secretin/cholecystokinin (CCK) stimu-
lation test with aspiration of duodenal content by a dreilling
tube or an endoscope during at least 45-60 minutes. The
sensitivity and specificity of this test for diagnosing CP
both exceed 90% (4). A high agreement between EUS and
the secretin test has been demonstrated in several studies.
Fig. 1. Different EUS criteria in a patient diagnosed of chronic pancreatitis (parenchymal: Lobularity, strands and foci [A]; ductal: Irregular MPD with
hyperchoic wall [B]).
Rev esp enfeRm Dig 2015; 107 (4): 221-228
By using 1-2 EUS criteria for mild pancreatitis, 3-5 for
moderate pancreatitis, and > 5 for severe forms, agree-
ment between classic secretin test and EUS was 100% for
normal parenchyma and severe disease, 50% for moderate
CP, and 13% for mild disease (3). Stevens et al used 4 EUS
criteria as cut-off and observed a sensitivity of around 70%
and a specificity of around 90% of EUS for prediction of
a pathological endoscopic function test, depending on if
CCK or secretin was used to simulate pancreatic secretion
(15). Comparison of EUS (3-5 criteria for diagnosis) and
ERCP showed quite similar sensitivity (72% vs. 68%) and
specificity (76% vs. 79%) for either mild or severe CP
with the endoscopic secretin test as the reference. EUS
worked significantly better for establishing the presence
of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI) (16). Six cri-
teria were needed to obtain the best specificity and best
negative predictive value, however sensitivity decreased
to only 26% (17,18).
A combined use of endoscopic function test and EUS
has recently been brought forward as a sensitive and accu-
rate method for early diagnosis of CP (19,20). The concept
is theoretically appealing since both morphology and exo-
crine function is evaluated. A standard EUS is performed,
secretin is administered intravenously and duodenal fluid
is subsequently collected at 15, 30, and 45 min. In a study
including 252 patients for suspected minimal change CP
(no calcifications), 160 (63.5%) had both normal EUS and
endoscopic function test results, excluding CP. Thirty-two
patients (12.7%) had abnormal EUS and abnormal endo-
scopic test results, confirming the diagnosis. The remain-
ing 60 patients had discordant results (21). Patients with
abnormal EUS and normal endoscopic function test may
have CP with preserved exocrine function, or a false posi-
tive result of EUS for CP. The significance of normal EUS
with abnormal function test is uncertain, but may suggest
a very early form of CP prior to the development of struc-
tural changes, or a false positive result of function test for
Table I. Consensus-based parenchymal and ductal features of CP according to the new Rosemont classification (adapted from
reference 8)
Feature Definition Major criteria Minor criteria
Hyperechoic foci with
shadowing Echogenic structures 2 mm in length and width that shadow Major A
Lobularity Well-circumscribed, 5 mm structures with enhancing rim
and relatively echo-poor center
A. With honeycombing Contiguous 3 lobules Major B
B. Without honeycombing Noncontiguous lobules Yes
Hyperechoic foci without
Echogenic structures 2 mm in both length and width with
no shadowing Yes
Cysts Anechoic, rounded/elliptical
structures with or without septations Yes
Stranding Hyperechoic lines of 3 mm in length in at least 2 different
directions with respect to the imaged plane Yes
MPD calculi Echogenic structure(s) within MPD with acoustic shadowing Major A
Irregular MPD contour Uneven or irregular outline and ectatic course Yes
Dilated side branches 3 or more tubular anechoic structures each measuring 1 mm
in width, budding from the MPD Yes
MPD dilation 3.5-mm body or 1.5-mm tail Yes
Hyperechoic MPD margin Echogenic, distinct structure greater than 50% of entire MPD
in the body and tail Yes
Table II. EUS diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis (CP) based
on Rosemont consensus (adapted from reference 8)
I. Consistent
with CP
A. 1 major A feature (+) 3 minor features
B. 1 major A feature (+) major B feature
C. 2 major A features
II. Suggestive
of CP
A. 1 major A feature (+) < 3 minor features
B. 1 major B feature (+) 3 minor features
C. 5 minor features (any)
III. Indeterminate
for CP
A. 3 to 4 minor features, no major features
B. major B feature alone or with < 3 minor
IV. Normal 2 minor features, no major features
224 J. IGLESIAS-GARCÍA ET AL. Rev esp enfeRm Dig (maDRiD)
Rev esp enfeRm Dig 2015; 107 (4): 221-228
CP (21). Pancreatic morphology can also be dynamically
evaluated with EUS after secretin stimulation. The pan-
creatic duct dilates after secretin stimulation in the normal
pancreas. Dynamic EUS has demonstrated reduced pan-
creatic duct compliance as a consequence of duct fibrosis
in CP, most pronounced in the tail of the pancreas, and
duct compliance is negatively associated with bicarbonate
secretion (22).
ERCP has previously been considered as the reference
method for early diagnosis of CP. Early studies on EUS
have used ERCP as gold standard for diagnosis of CP.
These studies have demonstrated a good overall agreement
between the tests and a sensitivity of 70-100% and a speci-
ficity of 80-100% of EUS (using > 2 criteria cut-off) (6,18).
Ductal stones and parenchymal calcifications are the EUS
findings that are associated with the highest probability of
an abnormal ERCP. Later studies have demonstrated that
ERCP may not be the appropriate reference method for
early diagnosis of CP and that EUS actually may be more
sensitive than ERCP (23). Kahl et al. identified 38 patients
with normal ERCP but EUS findings suggesting CP in a
cohort of 130 patients evaluated for known or suspected
CP. During follow-up, 69% of these patients with initially
normal findings on ERCP developed an abnormal pan-
creatogram (24).
EUS vs. magnetic resonance imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) enhanced by gad-
olinium contrast after secretin stimulation together with
magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is
a highly accurate method for evaluation of CP (25). EUS
has been compared with MRI/MRCP for the diagnosis of
CP and similar sensitivity but a slightly superior speci-
ficity of EUS has been indicated (26). In the presence of
both abnormal EUS and MRI/MRCP the specificity for CP
diagnosis was 100% in that study (26). In our experience,
there is a very good correlation between EUS and secretin
MRCP in the evaluation of patients with a suspected CP
both in the global evaluation for diagnosing the disease
(both for parenchymal and ductal analysis). In fact, in 81%
of the cases, information provided by both techniques was
EUS vs. histology
Compared to pancreatic specimens, > 3 EUS standard
criteria predict histological findings of CP (27). However,
these EUS features have also been demonstrated in elderly
persons without signs of CP (28) and in 59% of asymptom-
atic alcohol abusers (20). Using histologic findings from
surgical specimens as reference, > 5 versus > 3 standard
EUS criteria diagnosed CP with a sensitivity of 60% versus
87% and specificity of 83% versus 64% (29). Varadarajulu
et al. demonstrated in a similar study where EUS findings
were compared to histology from surgical specimens that
hyperechogenic foci, stranding, lobularity or any ductal
aberrations were the EUS features that were significantly
associated with histological findings of CP. Four or more
standard criteria was the cut-off for CP diagnosis that pro-
vided the best accuracy in that study (30). In yet another
study on EUS findings versus surgical specimens, Chong
et al. found that 3 or more criteria was the cut-off that best
differentiated abnormal from normal pancreas (27). Stan-
dard EUS criteria appear as a poor predictor of histological
severity in these studies. Varadarajulu et al. did not find
any correlation between the number of EUS criteria and
histological severity and Chong et al. found only a weak,
although statistically significant, correlation between the
number of EUS criteria and the histological fibrosis score
(27,30). However, in a recent study, Leblanc et al. showed
that certain EUS criteria were associated with a severe
CP, as correlated with histological findings. These crite-
ria were lobularity with honeycombing, hyperechoic foci
with shadowing, dilated MPD, irregular MPD, and dilated
side branches. Authors also state that the importance of
pancreatic ductal changes should not be minimized in the
evaluation of CP (31).
EUS-guided fine needle aspiration and/or fine needle
EUS-guided fine needle aspiration (FNA) and/or fine
needle biopsy (FNB) has a clear and well investigated role
in the differential diagnosis between mass forming chronic
pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer but studies on the use
of EUS guided tissue sampling in differentiating early CP
from normal tissue are scares. The possible and severe
complications related to the procedure and the lack of a
generally agreed histologic definition of CP further limits
today the use of EUS-guided FNA/FNB in the diagnosis of
early CP. Hollerbach et al investigated the value of adding
a 22-gauge needle FNA to standard EUS evaluation in a
series of 37 patients with a suspicion of CP with ERCP
as reference method. The addition of EUS-guided FNA
improved the negative predictive value of EUS (32). In a
small series of fourteen patients with alcohol related CP
undergoing EUS-guided FNA, we have observed presence
of inflammatory cells in all cases (33). Preserved pancre-
atic acini were observed in patients with mild to moderate
EUS changes of CP. In contrast, biopsies from more severe
cases (8-10 EUS criteria) showed only ductal epithelium
and fibrosis (33). Thus, it is possible that EUS-guided FNA
can be useful for both diagnosis and staging of CP. How-
ever, to date it is not clear if the benefits of FNA/FNB out-
Rev esp enfeRm Dig 2015; 107 (4): 221-228
weighs the risks for complications related to the procedure
and the clinical use of FNA/FNB for diagnosis and staging
of CP remains to be established.
EUS-guided elastography and contrast enhancement
Elastography evaluates tissue strain resulting from com-
pression and that strain is smaller in harder tissue than in
softer tissue. Different tissue elasticity patterns are marked
supplementary on the grey-color scale with different colors
(blue for hard tissue and red for soft tissue). Today elas-
tography can also be evaluated in a quantitative manner
by calculating the ratio between the strain in the region
of interest and a reference area in surrounding soft tissue
(strain ratio) (34). The typical finding on qualitative elas-
tography in CP is a heterogeneous coloration with green
areas and blue strands, as opposed to normal pancreas that
presents a homogeneous, predominantly green and yellow
pattern (35). The accuracy of quantitative EUS-elastogra-
phy for the diagnosis of CP has been recently investigated.
A high correlation was found between the number of EUS
criteria and the pancreatic strain ratio. In addition, a signif-
icant difference in strain ratio between different Rosemont
classification categories was observed, with increasing
strain ratio when passing from normal pancreas to inde-
terminate for CP to suggestive for CP to consistent for CP
(36,37) (Fig. 2). More recently, a new study has shown a
very good correlation between the strain ratio, as evaluated
by quantitative EUS-elastography, and the probability of
suffering from exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (38). The
role of contrast enhanced EUS for the diagnosis of CP has
not been yet well established. Only one study has evaluated
the role of contrast enhanced EUS in this setting. Contrast
enhanced EUS enhances the lobular pattern seen by con-
ventional EUS in CP patients. Furthermore, the washout
of contrast is markedly faster in CP patients compared to
EUS for evaluating the severity degree of chronic
Visible side branches, duct dilation, duct irregularity,
and calcifications have been demonstrated to be asso-
ciated with severe CP on ERCP (39) according to the
Cambridge classification (40). One study has shown that
odds ratio for pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI)
(severe CP) by EUS was, in the presence of minimal
and severe structural changes 4.9 and 24, respectively
(16). In a recent study, the probability of PEI in relation
to EUS criteria of CP was analyzed. The percentage of
patients with PEI increased linearly with the number of
EUS criteria. The presence of intraductal calcifications,
hyperechogenic foci with shadowing, and dilation of the
main pancreatic duct were significantly and independent-
ly associated to PEI (Fig. 3). The probability of PEI in
the presence of calculi in the main pancreatic duct is 80%
and increases to 82.8% if, in addition, the main duct is
dilated. Thus EUS allows predicting the probability of
PEI and thus need for enzyme replacement therapy in
patients with CP (41).
Differential diagnosis of solid pancreatic masses
includes primary or secondary pancreatic tumor, focal
Fig. 2. Quantitative endoscopic ultrasound elastography in a patient with
findings suggestive of chronic pancreatitis.
Fig. 3. Advanced chronic pancreatitis evaluated by EUS, showing diffuse
calcifications, in patient diagnosis of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency.
226 J. IGLESIAS-GARCÍA ET AL. Rev esp enfeRm Dig (maDRiD)
Rev esp enfeRm Dig 2015; 107 (4): 221-228
CP and autoimmune pancreatitis. Despite high-resolu-
tion images produced by conventional EUS, differentia-
tion between benign inflammatory masses and malignant
tumors based on B-mode images remains a challenge.
EUS-FNA/FNB, contrast enhanced harmonic EUS and
EUS elastography are new tools to improve of the diag-
nostic accuracy of EUS for the evaluation of solid pancre-
atic masses.
EUS-guided FNA and FNB
The role of EUS-guided FNA in the diagnosis of solid
pancreatic tumors has been evaluated in several studies.
Reported sensitivity and accuracy for malignancy ranges
from 75 to 92% and from 79 to 92%, respectively (42).
This accuracy may be even higher using on-site evalu-
ation of the sample by an experienced pathologist (43).
However, it should be kept in mind that the sensitivity of
EUS-guided FNA for malignancy is lower (between 54%
and 74%) if the lesion is detected in the context of CP
compared to when the surrounding parenchyma is normal
(44-47). Furthermore, in some cases EUS-guided FNA
maybe not feasible due to technical difficulties or the EUS-
FNA samples are of low quality for diagnosis. In total,
EUS-guided FNA does not allow reaching the pathological
diagnosis of pancreatic masses in 8% to 25% of cases (48).
In order to optimize tissue retrieval of EUS-guided biopsy,
various new needles, like Tru-Cut and the new ProcoreTM
have been tested (49).
EUS-guided elastography
Pathological processes like cancer and fibrosis alter tis-
sue elasticity and will therefore induce changes in elasto-
graphic appearance. Qualitative elastography can differen-
tiate malignant from benign solid pancreatic lesions with a
sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive val-
ues, and overall accuracy of 100%, 85.5%, 90.7%, 100%
and 94.0%, respectively (50). Quantitative EUS-elastog-
raphy is a more objective and accurate method than qual-
itative EUS-elastography. In a previous study including
86 consecutive patients with solid pancreatic masses, the
sensitivity and specificity of quantitative EUS-elastogra-
phy for the differentiation of malignant from benign lesions
were 100% and 92.9% respectively (51) (Fig. 4). Mean hue
histogram value is an alternative measure for quantitative
elastography. A first study showed a sensitivity, specificity,
and accuracy in differentiation of malignant from benign
masses of 91.4%, 87.9%, and 89.7%, respectively (52). A
multicenter study, using the same methodology, showed
a sensitivity of 93.4%, a specificity of 66.0%, a positive
predictive value of 92.5%, a negative predictive value of
68.9%, and an overall accuracy of 85.4% for the diagnosis
of pancreatic malignancy (53).
Contrast enhanced EUS
Administration of contrast agents is another way to
improve EUS-based diagnosis of solid pancreatic tumors.
Today, the most widely used is contrast enhanced harmon-
ic EUS (CEHEUS), technique that detects signals from
micro bubbles delivered by new contrast agents in vessels
with very slow flow without the burden of Doppler-re-
lated artifacts (54). With this technique pancreatic cancer
appears as a low enhanced lesion with a rapid washout,
while mass forming CP uses to appear as an isoenhanced
lesion. A hypoenhanced pattern has a high sensitivity for
adenocarcinoma (89-96%) but the specificity is lower since
advanced mass-forming CP also may be hyperenhanced
(55,56). Tissue perfusion after contrast administration can
be quantified using time intensity curve analysis. A recent
study has indicated that this quantitative method may
have a high sensitivity and specificity for differentiation
between pseudotumoral CP and pancreatic cancer (57).
Further larger multicenter studies are warranted in order
to investigate the role of quantitative and qualitative con-
trast enhanced EUS in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
Diagnosis of CP remains a challenge. EUS can be con-
sidered nowadays as the technique of choice for the mor-
phological diagnosis of this disease. More than three or
four EUS defined criteria of CP need to be present for the
diagnosis of the disease. The development of the more
restrictive Rosemont classification aims to standardize the
criteria, assigning different values to different features but
its impact on the EUS-based diagnosis of CP is debatable.
A combined use of endoscopic function test and EUS has
even increased the diagnostic yield for the diagnosis of CP.
Fig. 4. Mass forming chronic pancreatitis at the pancreatic head,
evaluated by EUS-elastography.
Rev esp enfeRm Dig 2015; 107 (4): 221-228
Elastography and FNA may be of help for diagnosing CP.
EUS also provides with very valuable information on the
severity of the disease, giving key information that may
influence in the treatment.
Differential diagnosis of solid pancreatic masses in the
context of a CP is also challenging, EUS plays a key role
in this context. It provides with the possibility of obtaining
specimens for histopathological diagnosis, improving its
diagnostic yield. Nowadays, new developed techniques
associated to EUS, like elastography and contrast enhance-
ment, are also showing promising results for the differen-
tiating between these pancreatic lesions.
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... [1,2] However, the diagnosis of solid pancreatic lesions continues to be a challenge, especially in the presence of background chronic pancreatitis. [1,3] Clinical decision-making can be difficult when tissue sampling is negative and/or inconclusive. In such circumstances, the physician cannot conclude the lesion to be benign if there is a high degree of clinical suspicion of malignancy, due to the extremely poor prognosis associated with pancreatic malignancy. ...
... [4] The reported sensitivity of EUS is 50%-60% in the diagnosis of solid lesions of the pancreas. [1,3] Circumstances arise when EUS by itself is not an adequate tool. To help improve the diagnostic performance, EUS-image enhancement with the aid of contrast-enhanced EUS and techniques such as EUS-elastography have been introduced. ...
... The reported accuracy of diagnosing pancreatic tumors with the addition of these modalities is about 80%-90%. [1][2][3]5,6] The exceptional performance of AI in medical diagnosis using deep learning algorithm in computer vision is creating a new hype, as well as hope. ...
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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is an important diagnostic tool in pancreatic lesions. Performance of single center and/ or single study artificial intelligence (AI) in the analysis of EUS-images of pancreatic lesions has been reported. The aim of this study was to quantitatively study the pooled rates of diagnostic performance of AI in EUS image analysis of pancreas using rigorous systematic review and meta-analysis methodology. METHODS: Multiple databases were searched (from inception to Dec-2020) and studies that reported on the performance of AI in EUS analysis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma were selected. Random effects model was used to calculate the pooled rates. In cases where multiple 2X2 contingency tables were provided for different thresholds, we assumed the data tables as independent from each other. Heterogeneity was assessed by I2% and 95% prediction intervals. RESULTS: Eleven studies were analyzed. The pooled overall accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were 86% (95% CI [82.8-88.6]), 90.4% [ 88.1-92.3], 84% [79.3-87.8], 90.2% [87.4-92.3] and 89.8% [ 86-92.7], respectively. On subgroup analysis, the corresponding pooled parameters in studies that used neural networks were 85.5% [80-89.8], 91.8% [87.8-94.6], 84.6% [73-91.7], 87.4% [82-91.3], and 91.4% [83.7-95.6], respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Based on our meta-analysis, AI seems to perform well in the EUS-image analysis of pancreatic lesions.
... Похожие взгляды на данную проблему отражены и в метаанализе, проведенным зарубежными исследователями, и составляют основу рекомендаций Европейской Гастроэнтерологической ассоциации. Согласно вышеуказанным рекомендациям, с высокой степенью убедительности и высоким качеством доказательной базы, эндоУЗИ является наиболее чувствительным методом визуализации для диагностики ХП, главным образом, на ранних стадиях заболевания [12,13,16], а его специфичность возрастает с ростом количества диагностических критериев по классификации Rosemont и сопоставимо с данными гистологического исследования ткани ПЖ (чувствительность метода превышает 80%, специфичность 100%) [17][18][19][20][21][22]. ...
The aim of the study was to compare endosonographic signs of pancreatic lesion in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and in patients with diagnosed chronic pancreatitis (CP). Materials and methods. 62 patients with IBD (39 with ulcerative colitis (UC), 23 with Crohn’s disease (CD)), 33 patients with previously established CP without IBD and 42 patients without CP and IBD were examined. All patients underwent endosonographic examination of the pancreas with an assessment of parenchymal and ductal criteria according to the Rosemont classification. Results. There was no statistically significant difference when comparing changes in the pancreas in UC and BC. Ductal disorders in patients with UC and CD were more common than in the control group. Parenchymal changes of the pancreas were statistically significantly more common in patients with IBD than in CP, and ductal, on the contrary, less common. At the same time, a significant difference was determined between the frequency of ductal changes in IBD and CP when compared with the control group. According to the Rosemont classification, certain CP was more common in patients with previously verified gland damage, probable - in patients with IBD. Conclusion. Based on the results of our study, with different etiologies of CP, endosonographic changes in the pancreas will manifest in different ways. A detailed approach to the etiology of CP will optimize the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic insufficiency, and as a consequence of the underlying pathology of the intestine. Timely administration of therapy for changes in the pancreas can help to avoid progressive changes in the pancreas and improve the prognosis of the disease.
... When these lobules are non-contiguous, the EUS pattern is described as 'lobularity without honeycombing'. When at least three of such lobules are contiguously located in the body or tail region, the pattern is defined as 'lobularity with honeycombing' in EUS [30,31]. (Figure 2) The exact histopathological correlation of lobularity is not precisely known. ...
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Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is an irreversible and progressive inflammation of the pancreas that can involve both pancreatic parenchyma and the pancreatic duct. CP results in morphological changes in the gland in the form of fibrosis and calcification along with functional impairment in the form of exocrine and endocrine insufficiency. Studies on the natural history of CP reveal the irreversibility of the condition and the resultant plethora of complications, of which pancreatic adenocarcinoma is the most dreaded one. In Japanese population-based studies by Otsuki and Fuzino et al., CP was clearly shown to reduce lifespan among males and females by 10.5 years and 16 years, respectively. This dismal prognosis is superadded to significant morbidity due to pain and poor quality of life, creating a significant burden on health and health-related infrastructure. These factors have led researchers to conceptualize early CP, which, theoretically, is a reversible stage in the disease spectrum characterised by ongoing pancreatic injury with the presence of clinical symptoms and the absence of classical imaging features of CP. Subsequently, the disease is thought to progress through a compensated stage, a transitional stage, and to culminate in a decompensated stage, with florid evidence of the functional impairment of the gland. In this focused review, we will discuss the definition and concept of early CP, the risk factors and natural history of the development of CP, and the role of various modalities of EUS in the timely diagnosis of early CP.
... Похожие взгляды на данную проблему отражены и в метаанализе, проведенным зарубежными исследователями, и составляют основу рекомендаций Европейской Гастроэнтерологической ассоциации. Согласно вышеуказанным рекомендациям, с высокой степенью убедительности и высоким качеством доказательной базы, эндоУЗИ является наиболее чувствительным методом визуализации для диагностики ХП, главным образом, на ранних стадиях заболевания [12,13,16], а его специфичность возрастает с ростом количества диагностических критериев по классификации Rosemont и сопоставимо с данными гистологического исследования ткани ПЖ (чувствительность метода превышает 80%, специфичность 100%) [17,18,19,20,21,22]. ...
The aim of the study was to compare endosonographic signs of pancreatic lesion in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and in patients with diagnosed chronic pancreatitis (CP). Materials and methods. 62 patients with IBD (39 with ulcerative colitis (UC), 23 with Crohn’s disease (CD)), 33 patients with previously established CP without IBD and 42 patients without CP and IBD were examined. All patients underwent endosonographic examination of the pancreas with an assessment of parenchymal and ductal criteria according to the Rosemont classification. Results. There was no statistically significant difference when comparing changes in the pancreas in UC and BC. Ductal disorders in patients with UC and CD were more common than in the control group. Parenchymal changes of the pancreas were statistically significantly more common in patients with IBD than in CP, and ductal, on the contrary, less common. At the same time, a significant difference was determined between the frequency of ductal changes in IBD and CP when compared with the control group. According to the Rosemont classification, certain CP was more common in patients with previously verified gland damage, probable - in patients with IBD. Conclusion. Based on the results of our study, with different etiologies of CP, endosonographic changes in the pancreas will manifest in different ways. A detailed approach to the etiology of CP will optimize the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic insufficiency, and as a consequence of the underlying pathology of the intestine. Timely administration of therapy for changes in the pancreas can help to avoid progressive changes in the pancreas and improve the prognosis of the disease.
... Historically, diagnostic methods included ultrasound imaging of the abdominal organs, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), ultrasound with contrast enhancement (CEUS), endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT). While ultrasound is considered the least accurate, and EUS is one of the most sensitive methods [12], ERCP is no longer a diagnostic test for chronic pancreatitis [13]. EUS is highly accurate in assessing the parenchyma and ductal system of the pancreas and is also very useful in identifying complication characteristic of chronic pancreatitis [14]. ...
... A total of ten EUS criteria have been proposed by the International Working Group for Minimum Standard Terminology in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy for diagnosing chronic pancreatitis including five parenchymal criteria (hyperechoic foci, hyperechoic strands, parenchymal lobularity, cysts, calcifications) and five ductal criteria (pancreatic duct dilation, pancreatic duct irregularity, hyperechoic pancreatic duct walls, visible pancreatic side branches, intraductal calcifications) [32]. Diagnostic probability depends on the number of criteria observed, presence of two or less rules out chronic pancreatitis, presence of five or more criteria provides and definitive diagnosis, and presence of two to five criteria is indeterminate requiring pancreatic function tests. ...
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Interventional endoscopic procedures like Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) have a major role in the minimally invasive management of acute and chronic pancreatitis and their complications. These complications may be due to pancreaticolithiasis, main pan-creatic duct strictures, trauma, infections, autoimmune pancreatitis and pancreatic neoplasms. ERCP and endoscopic ultrasound scan are important as both diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. The commonly managed complications by ERCP and EUS include; pancreatic duct stones, main pancreatic duct strictures, pancreatic pseudocysts and pancreatic walled off necrosis. These endoscopic interventions have the advantage of cosmesis, short hospital stay and can be safely used even in very sick, critical or elderly patients without necessarily increasing the morbidity and mortality associated with open surgical approaches.
... Chronic pancreatitis can be diagnosed on MDCT, though endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is more sensitive for the diagnosis of early chronic pancreatitis. 12 The features of chronic pancreatitis include dilated pancreatic duct with or without stones, pancreatic calcifications and gland atrophy. 13 Apart from these complications of pancreatitis such as pseudocyst and anatomical details of the surrounding organs can be visualized in great detail on MDCT. ...
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The pancreas is an important exocrine and endocrine gland in the human body located in the upper abdomen. A great deal of information about the pancreas can be obtained on multi-detector computerized tomography (MDCT), including the exact location of the lesion, characterization and relation to the surrounding structures. The present study was done to evaluate the spectrum of pathologies of pancreas visualized on MDCT. A cross-sectional single center study was conducted from November 2018 to January 2020. Patients who were diagnosed with pancreatic pathology of all etiologies and satisfying the inclusion and exclusion criteria were invited to participate in the study. CT examination of the abdomen was typically performed using neutral oral contrast and non-ionic low osmolar iodinated intravenous contrast agent. Abdominal CT images were evaluated as per the standard reporting pattern and the images of pancreas were analyzed. In our study out of 33 patients, 25 patients were male and eight were female patients. Most of the patients belonged to the age group of 40-50 years. Among the various lesions diagnosed on MDCT inflammatory lesions were most common accounting for 60.6% of the cases, followed by tumors (33.3%), and congenital lesions (6.1%). MDCT is a very useful investigation to diagnose various pancreatic pathologies. Predominant pathologies diagnosed were inflammatory lesions (pancreatitis) followed by neoplasms.
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Chronic pancreatitis remains an unsolved problem for clinicians. One of the biggest dilemmas is to establish a clear diagnosis. Diagnosis can be particularly elusive in patients with early chronic pancreatitis. Many studies have been undertaken to improve diagnostics in chronic pancreatitis, but this has been significantly limited by the lack of a gold standard. The evaluation of patients with suspected chronic pancreatitis should follow a progressively non-invasive to more invasive approach. Computed tomography is the best primary imaging modality to obtain as it has good sensitivity for severe chronic pancreatitis and may exclude the need for other diagnostic tests. When ambiguous results are obtained, a magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography may require for a more detailed evaluation of both the pancreatic parenchyma and ducts. If the diagnosis remains in doubt, endoscopic ultrasound with or without pancreas function testing becomes the preferred method. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography remains a last line diagnostic test and generally should be used only for diagnostic purposes. Future researches in the field of diagnosis of early-stage chronic pancreatitis should purpose optimizing current diagnostic tools. A definitive diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis may not be made simply by clinical history, imaging or function testing alone, but rather by the data gathered by a combination of these diagnostic tools.
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Chronic pancreatitis is one of the diseases whose incidence is slightly increasing long-term. Apparently this is related to our current dietary habits and to the way of life in industrialized societies in general. In recent years, chronic pancreatitis has experienced greater diagnostic accuracy and reliability, although we are still unable to diagnose the early stages of the disease. In diagnostics, sophisticated imaging methods are in the forefront, and less frequent is the use of tests that assess the exocrine function of the gland. Non-invasive therapeutic approaches include dietary measures, including an absolute ban on alcohol. Drug therapy consists of the application of drugs containing pancreatic digestive enzymes and the treatment of pancreatic pain. The administration of capsules containing microparticles containing pancreatic enzymes, protected against inactivation of enzymes in an acidic gastric environment, is effective. In the treatment of pancreatic pain, we use a range of analgesic drugs, but abstinence from alcohol itself leads to a decrease in the frequency of pancreatic pain. Surgical therapy is very effective. Among other treatment methods include also endoscopic therapy. From the point of view of diagnosis and therapy, chronic pancreatitis is one of the conditions requiring a multidisciplinary approach. In this review article, we discuss the possibilities of diagnosis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis according to the current recommendations of UEG (United European Gastroenterology).
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Background Second-generation intravenous blood-pool ultrasound contrast agents are increasingly used in endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) for characterization of microvascularization, differential diagnosis of benign and malignant focal lesions, as well as improved staging and guidance of therapeutic procedures. Methods The aim of our study was to prospectively compare the vascularisation patterns in chronic pseudotumoral pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer using quantitative low mechanical index (MI) contrast-enhanced EUS. We included 51 patients with chronic pseudotumoral pancreatitis (n = 19) and pancreatic cancer (n = 32). Perfusion imaging started with a bolus injection of Sonovue (2.4 ml), followed by analysis in the early arterial (wash-in) and late venous (wash-out) phase. Perfusion analysis was performed by post-processing of the raw data (time intensity curve [TIC] analysis). TIC analysis was performed inside the tumor and the pancreatic parenchyma, with depiction of the dynamic vascular pattern generated by specific software. Statistical analysis was performed on raw data extracted from the TIC analysis. Final diagnosis was based on a combination of EUS-FNA, surgery and follow-up of minimum 6 months in negative cases. Results The sensitivity and specificity of low MI contrast enhanced EUS using TIC were sensitivity and specificity of low MI contrast enhanced EUS using TIC analysis were 93.75% (95% CI = 77.77 - 98.91%) and 89.47% (95% CI = 65.46 - 98.15%), respectively. Pseudotumoral chronic pancreatitis showed in the majority of cases a hypervascular appearance in the early arterial phase of contrast-enhancement, with a dynamic enhancement pattern similar with the rest of the parenchyma. Statistical analysis of the resulting series of individual intensities revealed no statistically relevant differences (p = .78). Pancreatic adenocarcinoma was usually a hypovascular lesion, showing low contrast-enhancement during the early arterial and also during the late venous phase of contrast-enhancement, also lower than the normal surrounding parenchyma. We found statistically significant differences in values during TIC analysis (p < .001). Conclusions Low MI contrast enhanced EUS technique is expected to improve the differential diagnosis of focal pancreatic lesions. However, further multicentric randomized studies will confirm the exact role of the technique and its place in imaging assessment of focal pancreatic lesions.
Background: Diagnosis of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI) is hindered by methodological difficulties of pancreatic function tests. The probability of PEI in chronic pancreatitis (CP) increases as pancreatic fibrosis develops. Pancreatic fibrosis in CP may be quantified by EUS elastography. Objective: To evaluate whether EUS-elastography can predict PEI in patients with CP. Design: Prospective, observational study. Setting: Department of Gastroenterology, University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Patients: Patients diagnosed with CP based on EUS and magnetic resonance imaging and MRCP findings. Interventions: Diagnosis of PEI was based on the (13)C-mixed triglyceride breath test. EUS-elastography was performed with PENTAX echoendoscopes and Hitachi-Preirus US platform. Two areas were selected for elastographic evaluation: area A corresponds to the pancreatic parenchyma and area B to a soft peripancreatic reference area. The quotient B/A (strain ratio [SR]) was considered the elastographic result. Main outcome measurements: Pancreatic SR in CP patients with and without PEI. Results: A total of 115 patients with CP (mean age, 50.2 years, range, 21-81; 92 male) of different etiologies were included; 35 patients (30.4%) had PEI. Pancreatic SR was higher in patients with PEI (4.89; 95% confidence interval, 4.36-5.41) than in those with a normal breath test result (2.99; 95% confidence interval, 2.82-3.16) (P < .001). A direct relationship was found between the SR and the probability of PEI, which increases from 4.2% in patients with an SR less than 2.5 to 92.8% in those with an SR greater than >5.5. Limitations: Single-center study. Conclusions: The degree of pancreatic fibrosis as measured by EUS-guided elastography allows quantification of the probability of PEI in patients with CP.
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is a reference technique for diagnosing and staging several different diseases. EUS-guided biopsies and fine needle aspirations are used to improve diagnostic performance of cases where a definitive diagnosis cannot be obtained through conventional EUS. However, EUS-guided tissue sampling requires experience and is associated with a low but not negligible risk of complications. EUS elastography is a non-invasive method that can be used in combination with conventional EUS and has the potential for improving the diagnostic accuracy and reducing the need for EUS-guided tissue sampling in several situations. Elastography measures tissue stiffness by evaluating changes in the EUS image before and after the application of slight pressure to the target tissue by the ultrasonography probe. Pathologic processes such as cancerization and fibrosis alter tissue elasticity and therefore induce changes in elastographic appearance. Qualitative elastography depicts tissue stiffness using different colors, whereas quantitative elastography renders numerical results expressed as a strain ratio or hue histogram mean. EUS elastography has been proven to differentiate between benign and malignant solid pancreatic masses, as well as between benign and malignant lymph nodes with a high accuracy. Studies have also demonstrated that the early changes of chronic pancreatitis can be distinguished from normal pancreatic tissues under EUS elastography. In this article, we review the technical aspects and current clinical applications of qualitative and quantitative EUS elastography and emphasize the potential additional indications that need to be evaluated in future clinical studies.
This study aimed to correlate endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) criteria and pathology in patients with chronic pancreatitis (CP). Endoscopic ultrasound reports and pathology specimens were reviewed from patients with known or suspected CP who underwent surgery within 1 year of EUS. The following information was abstracted: EUS criteria for CP, corresponding pathology results, and histologic features. The EUS and pathology results were correlated. One hundred patients (55 men; mean age, 54 years) underwent a pancreatic resection, median of 50 days (range, 1-363 days). The mean (SD) fibrosis scores in the head and body/tail specimens were 7.9 (3.0) and 6.4 (3.8), respectively (P = 0.02). The main pancreatic duct (MPD) dilation and irregularity were associated with moderate and severe fibrosis. Lobularity with honeycombing was associated with intralobular and interlobular fibrosis. Severe CP was associated with the following: lobularity with honeycombing, hyperechoic foci with shadowing, hyperechoic foci without shadowing, MPD dilation, MPD irregularity, and dilated side branches. Endoscopic ultrasound of the pancreas head may be considered in the evaluation of CP. The EUS criteria that were associated with severe CP included the following: lobularity with honeycombing, hyperechoic foci with shadowing, dilated MPD, irregular MPD, and dilated side branches. The importance of pancreatic ductal changes should not be minimized in the evaluation of CP.
Background and study aims: Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) has become the method of choice for the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis in clinical practice. However, the criteria allowing the specific diagnosis of the disease, mainly at non-advanced stages, are still under debate. Analysis of tissue stiffness by quantitative EUS-elastography may provide additional relevant information in this setting. The aim of this study was to evaluate the information provided by quantitative EUS-elastography for the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis. Patients and methods: A prospective, consecutive, 1-year study was designed, and included patients who underwent EUS for epigastric pain syndrome or known chronic pancreatitis. EUS-elastography was performed using radial Pentax EUS and Hitachi EUB900. The strain ratio was measured in the head, body, and tail of the pancreas, and the elastographic result was the mean of these three values. EUS criteria of chronic pancreatitis and the Rosemont classification were also evaluated. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and linear regression; diagnostic accuracy was based on the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. Results: A total of 191 patients (mean age 52 years, range 21 - 85; 103 male) were included; 92 (48.2 %) of them were finally diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis. A highly significant direct linear correlation was found between the number of EUS criteria of chronic pancreatitis and the strain ratio (r = 0.813; P < 0.0001). The area under the ROC curve was 0.949 (95 % confidence interval 0.916 - 0.982) and the accuracy of EUS-elastography for diagnosing chronic pancreatitis was 91.1 % (cut-off strain ratio of 2.25). The strain ratio varied significantly in different Rosemont classification groups (P < 0.001). Conclusions: EUS-elastography was an accurate tool for the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis and provided relevant and objective information to support EUS findings.
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) has become an essential tool in the evaluation of pancreatic disease and can be considered the technique of choice for the diagnosis and staging of chronic pancreatitis (CP) and pancreatic cancer (PC). However, EUS has certain limitations, especially in the evaluation of patients with solid pancreatic masses (in the differential diagnosis of CP and PC). Furthermore there is variability in the EUS diagnostic criteria for CP. EUS-guided elastography is emerging as a highly useful tool in this setting. This modality has shown high diagnostic accuracy in the differential diagnosis of solid pancreatic masses, including differentiation between CP and PC. EUS-guided elastography has also been found to be useful in the diagnosis of CP, and can even classify patients according to the severity of their disease. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.
INTRODUCTION: There is little data comparing results of EUS to histopathological findings in chronic pancreatitis (CP). We present a retrospective case series correlating EUS findings with histopathology. METHOD: All patients who had undergone both pancreatic resection and EUS were identified. EUS examinations were reviewed to identify standard criteria associated with CP including duct irregularity, hyperechoic duct margins, main duct dilation, visible side branches, lobulation, parenchymal heterogeneity, hyperechoic foci and stranding, parenchymal calcification, and intraductal stones. All resection specimens were assessed for the presence or absence of histologic evidence for CP. Histopathological and EUS review were performed by independent blinded observers. The performance characteristics of EUS were then calculated using the histologic assessment as the "gold standard". RESULTS: 19 patients were identified (6 - resection for CP; 13 resection for Pancreatic cancer). The prevalence of histologic CP was 68%. ROC analysis shows that the optimal number of EUS criteria for the diagnosis of CP was ≥ 3 (sensitivity 85%, specificity 67%, Positive Predictive Value 85%, Negative Predictive Value 67%, Accuracy 85%). Positive predictive values for individual EUS features were intraductal stones (+PV 100%), visible side branches (+PV 100%), lobulation (+PV 100%), irregular ducts (+PV 80%), hyperechoic stranding (+PV 86%), heterogeneity (+PV 83%), hyperechoic foci (+PV 75%) and duct dilation (+PV 67%). CONCLUSION: A combination of ≥ 3 EUS criteria is optimal for the diagnosis of histologic CP, and is consistent with earlier comaprisons between EUS and ERP ductography.