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Virtual reality (VR) adalah salah satu aplikasi dari teknologi multimedia memiliki kelebihan dalam mendeskripsikan sebuah keadaan atau sebuah obyek dimana visualisasi yang ditampilkan tidak hanya dapat dilihat dari satu sudut pandang saja namun dapat dilihat dari segala sudut, karena memiliki 3 dimensi visual sehingga pengguna dapat berinteraksi dengan suatu lingkungan yang disimulasikan oleh komputer (Virtual Environment) Visualisasi dengan media VR bisa menjadi solusi untuk mendukung sebuah komunikasi arsitektur. Media VR bukan saja berfungsi sebagai alat untuk pemaparan teknis perencanaan di kalangan para ahli saja, namun juga bisa memberi gambaran kepada masyarakat luas sehingga mereka dapat berpartisipasi dalam pengambilan keputusan. Makalah ini merupakan penunjang tesis penulis tentang presentasi dalam arsitektur, yaitu kajian Virtual Reality sebagai media komunikasi arsitektur. Penulis akan menjabarkan media Virtual Reality mulai dari apa itu Virtual Reality, sejarah perkembangan VR, aplikasi VR dan pembahasan penelitian yang menggunakan media VR.
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... Hendro mengungkapkan Virtual Reality (VR) adalah salah satu aplikasi dari teknologi multimedia yang memiliki kelebihan dalam mendeskripsikan sebuah keadaan atau sebuah obyek dimana visualisasi yang ditampilkan tidak hanya dapat dilihat dari satu sudut pandang saja namun dapat dilihat dari segala sudut karena memiliki 3 (tiga) dimensi visual sehingga pengguna dapat berinteraksi dengan suatu lingkungan yang disimulasikan oleh computer (Putro, 2015). Menurut Hendro, model fisik adalah sebuah bentuk pendekatan dalam komunikasi arsitektur, akan tetapi masih mengalami kesulitan yaitu pada fase membuat atau membangun dengan skala 1:1. ...
... Lantai dan tangga dapat ditambahkan dan dikurangi sesuai dengan reaksi dan keinginan. Jika desain berbasis pada volume, kegiatan Boolean seperti menambah atau mengurangi volume benda pun dapat dilakukan (Putro, 2015). ...
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Presentasi dalam arsitektur memiliki perkembangan dari masa ke masa. Dari awalnya menggunakan gambar tangan beralih menggunakan visual yang diciptakan oleh komputer. Semakin berkembangnya teknologi, semakin menarik presentasi yang dihasilkan. Hasil presentasi juga semakin nyata, sehingga mendekati objek rancangan aslinya. Perkembangan teknologi semakin maju, penggunaan teknologi Virtual Reality banyak digunakan hampir di semua bidang, tidak luput di bidang Arsitektur. Dalam Arsitektur, penggunaan Virtual Reality sebagai alat presentasi sudah cukup banyak dilakukan. Namun, metode yang diterapkan membutuhkan biaya yang cukup besar dan masih terlalu rumit untuk di aplikasikan. Penelitian ini menemukan penerapan Virtual Reality secara sederhana dan dapat diterapkan secara umum maupun praktisi arsitektur. Metode yang digunakan yaitu simulasi dengan beberapa perangkat yang pendukung. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, Virtual Reality dapat diterapkan dengan penerapan sederhana. Kata kunci: Penerapan Sederhana, Virtual Reality, Presentasi Arsitektur
... Dengan Virtual Reality yang berpegang pada konsep dimana setiap objek dapat dijelajahi seperti yang terdapat pada aslinya, dapat berjalan menelusuri segala arah, melihat ke segala arah, memutar, dan menjelajahi sekelilingnya. Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam merancang sebuah simulasi virtual tour, adapun salah satunya adalah terdapat pada proses presentasi grafisnya, hal ini sangat berpengaruh terhadap menariknya sebuah tampilan dalam penyampaian virtual tournya, dengan menggunakan media-media seperti media foto, media video, media teks hingga media game [3]. ...
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University of Darussalam Gontor already have media brochures, video profil and social media as publicity and advertising tools. But now in the area of technology 4.0, the media are rated not enough, where people need a media where they can interact directly in it. The research is aimed to build a media interaction of the campus interactive based model of three dimensions by using the technology of virtual reality. Virtual Reality is considered able to deliver information in a more effective due to its ability to reach the sense of human beings, good eyesight, hearing, and touch trough interaction in real time. Data retrieved trough the stages of observation of the building as directly as well as through taking sample of photos and videos. An android based mobile application by implementing the first-person shooter (FPS) method to its user and designed to follow the ADDIE development model. In the future, it is hoped that the VR campus tour application can be used in multiplayer to get a fun group campus tour experience.
... Virtual reality (VR) adalah salah satu aplikasi dari teknologi multimedia. Virtual reality memiliki kelebihan dalam mendeskripsikan sebuah keadaan atau sebuah obyek dimana visualisasi yang ditampilkan tidak hanya dapat dilihat dari segala sudut, karena memiliki 3 dimensi visual sehingga pengguna dapat berinteraksi dengan suatu lingkungan yang disimulasikan oleh komputer [10]. ...
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Mahasiswa UAD setiap tahun semakin bertambah saat ini UAD memiliki 25.239 mahasiswa dari seluruh Indonesia bahkan mancanegara, serta Keadaan di luar prediksi berupa wabah penyakit covid-19 telah membawa perubahan yang mendesak pada sektor pendidikan. Informasi terkait UAD banyak dicari oleh mahasiswa baru dan masyarakat umum namun informasi yang dapat diakses masih sangat sedikit terutama informasi yang sudah dalam bentuk visual.Pengembangan Virtual Tour ini menggunakan metode gambar panorama 360. Gambar panorama 360 adalah beberapa gambar yang digabungkan untuk mendapatkan gambar yang lebih luas dan lebih detail. Pengembangan perangkat lunak pada Virtual Tour ini menggunakan metode Waterfall.Hasil penelitian ini berupa aplikasi Virtual Tour sebagai media pengenalan gedung perkuliahan kampus 4 UAD. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian menggunakan Black Box didapat persentase kelayakan 100 % dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi layak untuk digunakan dan hasil pengujian dengan SUS didapat skore SUS 88.775 dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi berjalan dengan baik serta mudah digunakan oleh pengguna.Kata kunci: Gambar panorama 360, Gedung Perkuliahan Kampus 4 UAD, Virtual Tour
... Virtual Reality is a three-dimensional images made by a computer so that it looks real with the help of a number of certain equipment, which makes the user seem to directly involved physically in the environment [8]. When using VR, trainees can feel as if they are at the Power Plant site. ...
... Kemajuan teknologi yang semakin berkembang membuat sebuah media informasi kini beralih ke dalam media Virtual Reality (VR) (Moura, 2017). Virtual Reality adalah pemunculan gambar-gambar tiga dimensi yang dibuat komputer sehingga terlihat nyata dengan bantuan sejumlah peralatan tertentu, yang menjadikan penggunanya seolah-olah terlibat langsung secara fisik dalam lingkungan tersebut (Puto, 2015). Virtual Reality menjadi konsep berinteraksi yang cukup mudah digunakan seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi mobile yang dapat difungsikan sebagai media tersebut (Pius, 2017). ...
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p class="Abstrak">Media informasi terus berkembang dengan hadirnya teknologi yang semakin membawa kemudahan bagi manusia agar sebuah pesan dapat tersampaikan dengan baik, tepat, cepat dan bermanfaat. Salah satu perkembangan teknologi pada mobile yang mendukung media informasi adalah Virtual Reality (VR). VR menjadi alternatif dikarenakan penyajian pesan yang interaktif dengan memberikan lingkungan yang imersif sebagai daya tarik pengguna. Media informasi pada lingkungan gedung kampus menjadi salah satu topik yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini. Permasalahan yang didapat adalah bagaimana memberikan sebuah lingkungan gedung kampus yang imersif kepada pengguna dengan penanganan media informasi yang dirancang agar dapat disampaikan secara interaktif dan komunikatif. Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus gedung yang terdapat pada salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta di Surabaya. Tiap gedung memiliki ruang di tiap lantai yang menjadi pusat administrasi, kegiatan perkuliahan, ruang serbaguna, ruang dosen, dan ruang kegiatan mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi VR dengan output mobile untuk gedung kampus beserta tata ruang secara imersif dan penanganan konten informasi dinamis didalamnya. Penanganan konten informasi dinamis dapat diwujudkan dengan penggunaan gyroscope untuk pergerakan VR dan konten penyedia informasi untuk teks dan gambar. Abstract Media information continues to grow with the presence of technology that increasingly brings convenience for humans to a message can be delivered properly, precisely, quickly and useful. One of the technological developments in mobile that support information media is Virtual Reality (VR). VR is an alternative because of the interactive messaging presentation by providing an immersive environment as the user's appeal. The information media in the campus building is one of the topics discussed in this research. Problems gained is how to provide an immersive campus building environment to the user with the handling of information media designed to be delivered interactively and communicative. This research takes a case study of the building contained in private universities in Surabaya. Each building has rooms on each floor that become the administrative center, study activities, multipurpose room, lecture room and student activity room. The purpose of this study is to produce an immersive VR application with mobile output for campus buildings, and handling dynamic information content. Handling dynamic information content is realized through the use of gyroscopes for VR movement and information provider content for text and images. </p
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In this era of modernization, technology is a very important aspect, almost every line of life requires the help of technology to make work easier. Through technology, almost every information in the world can be accessed easily and quickly. The information obtained is not only in the form of text, but it can also be in other forms such as images or photos or videos. One type of photo technology, namely 360-degree Virtual Reality (VR) photos, with Virtual Reality can make someone feel as if they are in the real world through this technology. Making a virtual reality tour with the panoramic image method for the ‘Aisyiyah University of Surakarta Campus 2 serves as a form of campus information media that is displayed in the form of a 360-degree panoramic image. The research method used in this study is the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) methodology which is the most appropriate method by emphasizing the 6 stages of development, namely concept, design, data collection, installation, testing, and distribution. The need for making this virtual reality tour uses hardware in the form of cellphones, lenses, panoramic gimbals and laptops as well as software such as photoshop, panoweaver, 3sixty, xampp and sublime text.
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Media information continues to grow with the presence of technology that increasingly brings convenience for humans. Communication can be conveyed quickly and effectively. One of the technological developments that support information media is Virtual Reality (VR). But the effect of this technology sometimes has a negative impact on health and society. With technology, people are increasing distance and tend to enjoy technology rather than having interaction with other people. Therefore, Kebon Jeruk Digital Recreation Park project gives the idea of openness with open architecture theme . The concept given is in accordance with the trend of this VR technology. The technology program is designed so that it can provide positive social, educational and recreational aspects. This project provides recreational education to the community about technological development.VMost of all the programs are developed with VR technology and open architecture. Visitors can enjoy educational and recreative facilities provided by technology. There are also different types of VR such as AR. The method used is the transprogramming method by combining all programs around the area combined with digital concepts. The existing program around the area suck as food and drinks that are available but not quality processed well will be designed integrated with other educational recreation programs. Keywords: open architecture; technology; transprogramming; virtual reality Abstrak Media informasi terus berkembang dengan hadirnya teknologi yang semakin membawa kemudahan bagi manusia. Komunikasi dapat tersampaikan secara cepat dan efektif. Salah satu perkembangan teknologi yang mendukung media informasi adalah Virtual Reality (VR). Namun perkembangan teknologi ini terkadang memberi dampak negatif untuk kesehatan dan sosial di masyarakat. Dengan adanya teknologi, orang-orang semakin menjauh dan cenderung menikmati teknologi dibanding harus berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Maka dari itu, proyek Taman Rekreasi Digital Kebon Jeruk memberi ide dalam hal keterbukaan yang bertemakan Arsitektur Terbuka. Konsep yang diberikan sesuai dengan trend kemajuan teknologi VR ini. Teknologi di dalamnya dirancang sehingga dapat memberikan aspek sosial, edukasi dan rekreatif yang positif. Proyek ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi yang bersifat rekreatif kepada masyarakat tentang kemajuan teknologi. Program yang dibawakan dikembangkan dengan teknologi VR yang ada sekarang dan bersifat Arsitektur Terbuka. Pengunjung dapat menikmati sarana edukasi dan rekreasi yang diberikan dari program teknologi yang ada. VR yang digunakan juga berbeda jenis dan juga ada yang menggunakan AR. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode transprogramming dengan menggabungkan seluruh program yang disekitar kawasan dan juga dibutuhkan masyarakat digabungkan dengan konsep digital yang dirancang. Program disekitar kawasan yang ada berupa makanan dan minuman yang ada namun tidak terolah akan dirancang terintegrasi dengan program bangunan rekreasi edukatif lainnya.
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In the digital age, physical models are still used as major tools in architectural and urban design processes. The reason why designers still use physical models remains unclear. In addition, physical and 3D virtual models have yet to be differentiated. The answers to these questions are too complex to account for in all aspects. Thus, this study only focuses on the differences in spatial understanding between physical and virtual models. In particular, it emphasizes on the perception of scale. For our experiment, respondents were shown a physical model and a virtual model consecutively. A questionnaire was then used to ask the respondents to evaluate these models objectively and to establish which model was more accurate in conveying object size. Compared with the virtual model, the physical model tended to enable quicker and more accurate comparisons of building heights.
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This research applies micro-simulation function, with XML algorithms made by the researcher, inside a virtual reality environment, the VR Studio programme. The research utilises this function of the VR program in architectural design studios. The main objective is to investigate how and to what extend students would benefit from applying this new potential of the VR function. The hypothesis was that the function potential would assist students to have more understanding of the structural system selected, which would be simultaneously beneficial on the architectural design level. The students used the VR programme during the design process in the stage of proposing and exploring the structural system. The used application focuses on providing the students with an effective tool to select and visualise a structural system and its construction process. A questionnaire was designed and distributed to the students to record their remarks and opinions of using the VR function. The questionnaire replies indicate and open more areas than the hypothesis. The research methodology is to use mainly qualitative analysis and secondarily quantitative analysis, to have evaluation that indicates the effectiveness of Virtual Reality as an educational tool in the architectural design studio. The research employs the VR Studio programme in order to introduce new visualization potentials other than what are currently used. The research concludes to solid results of the use of VR in the architectural design studio, and proceeds further to open new research venues.
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In this study, we examined the perception and understanding of spatial volumes within immersive and non-immersive virtual environments by comparison with representation using conventional media. We examined the relative effectiveness of these conditions in enabling the translation to a tangible representation, through a series of design experiments. Students experienced, assessed, and analysed spatial relationships of volumes and spaces and subsequently constructed real models of these spaces. The goal of our study is to identify how designers perceive space in Virtual Environments (VEs). We explore issues of quality, accuracy and understanding of reconstructing architectural space and forms. By comparison of the same spatial performance task undertaken within a Head Mounted Display, screen-based and real 2D environment, we are able to draw some conclusions about spatial understanding in immersive VE activity.
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In the very young discipline of Virtual Reality Applications only a few reports are available about using this technology for periods longer than in experimental setups. This paper describes experiences made during four years of usage of Virtual Reality (VR) in educational training for architects. About 100 different people were working with our systems during this period. Two programs were developed at Bauhaus University with the aim of teaching students in architecture in three-dimensional sketching. An other program for free and own interfaces and environments is currently under construction and will be presented at the international computer fair "CeBit" in 1999. The first program called voxDesign is based on the metaphor of voxels. The second program, planeDesign, uses rectangualar planes to describe room-like situations. All programs force the users to design in a 1:1 scale, which means that the design and the feedback actions are coupled in an embodied way. A real walking metaphor is used for navigation. The experiences made by the students are explained too.
This study reexamined the concept of interactivity and proposed that interactivity be defined as the extent to which the communicator and the audience respond to each other's communication need. Interactivity was construed as consisting of five dimensions: 1) playfulness, 2) choice, 3) connectedness, 4) information collection, and 5) reciprocal communication. Web sites for products, services, and retail outlets appeared to differ significantly in terms of connectedness, information collection, and reciprocal communication.
This thesis anticipates the emergence of virtual reality (VR) technology as an economical alternative to architectural presentation. As professionals, designers are trained to interpret two dimensional media spatially. Experience has shown that client (or user) interpretation of traditional media (two dimensional drawings and physical models) has led to discrepancy. Controlled two dimensional media may also serve as a seduction, often portraying unrealistic views. In the case of highly technical spaces, participatory design is a necessity. Successful communication of need and intent are critical to the overall success of the project in concept and in detailed design. The smallest error in communication may result in costly penalties, often at the expense of an architectural amenity or in material quality. This investigation attempts to eliminate the need for client translation by providing a more intuitive design environment via VR. The goal is to examine several types of environments/scenarios and to design an experiential/interactive envirorunent, three-dimensionally linking the user to the designer's solution and thought processes. Shared models will be posted over a network using VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language). The client will be able to use the model as a reference "book" by hyperlinked information attached to model geometry. Projects (not yet built) would be viewed at full scale (some in total immersion), from the same perspectives of their future reality i.e., allowing the client and designer to interact within the space during the design process. The intent is not to entirely recreate reality or to automate what is now performed manually, but to immediately express thought in a three dimensional world, enhancing collaboration and critique. The pursuit of this thesis is based on a theory which alters the conventional design-communication process to dynamically and positively impact the final product. Final data analysis will examine the process of creating and employing simulated environments for architecture, the pros/cons of implementing such a system, and the feasibility. The conclusion will recommend improving processes, systems, and the techniques employed for future "world building" of architectural space. As operating systems become more economical and simultaneously more powerful, computer modeling will enhance visualization. The design process approach will then turn from the "bird's eye/plan view" to the eye level perspective view. The model itself will evolve with the design as experiential scenes to ultimately be used as a design tool, as a communication tool, and perhaps finally as a resource --as cad and database information are linked today. --to be accessed throughout the project life cycle.
A theory of designing is proposed, developed, and illustrated with examples from the domain of physical form. Designing is seen as the exploration of alternative sets of constraints and of the regions of alternative solutions they bound. Designers with different objectives reach different solutions within the same set of constraints, as do designers with the same objectives operating under different constraints. Constraints represent design rules, relations, conventions, and natural laws to be maintained. Some constraints and objectives are given at the outset of a design but many more are adopted along the way. Varying the constraints and the objectives is part of the design process. The theory accounts for various kinds of expertise in designing: knowledge of particular constraints in a design domain; inference--calculating the consequences of design decisions; preference--using objectives to guide decision-making; and partitioning--skill in dividing a large and complicated design into sets of simpler pieces, and understanding the dependencies between decisions. The ability to manage ambiguity and vagueness is an important aspect of design expertise. A computational model supporting the theory is proposed and its implementation discussed briefly. The constraint explorer, a computational environment for designing based on constraint descriptions is described. We see how the constraint explorer might be used in connection with a simple space-planning problem. The problem is taken from the procedures of the Stichting Architecten Research (S.A.R.), a specific architectural design methodology developed to help architects systematically explore layout variability in alternative floorplan designs. Finally, a selected review of related work in constraint-based programming environments, architectural design methods, and the intersection of the two fields is presented.
Visualization is an important aspect of architectural design. This field has evolved and influenced continuously the design medium and process. Architecture implies experience of space and experience relies on motion. Presently, the visualization process offers minimal experiential feed-back as it lacks immersive and proprioceptive output. Recent technological leaps necessitate a re-evaluation of the architectural visualization process. Advancements in flight simulation and virtual reality applications can be implemented in new tools for architects. This thesis defines the parameters of a 3D, immersive design tool. The proposed tool provides feed-back beyond photo-realism, tapping into the experiential qualities of the designed spaces. The parameters of the proposed tool extend the boundaries of architectural visualization into experientialization. These alternatives investigate the use in architecture of digital 3D environments and space/time continuum. Modeling, manipulation, and navigation are analyzed and concrete original implementations are shown. A new method, similar to a 3D parallel ruler, is demonstrated to overcome constraints in representation , imposed by two-dimensional displays. Immersion and engagement are necessary for the simulation of a compelling architectural experience. An analysis of stimuli and determination of necessary levels of input is performed. For this, it is important to understand perception and environmental properties. In this thesis, a phenomenological approach to architectural experience analysis is employed. The practical application of the proposed tool is critical. Specific hardware and software analysis is performed to assure the feasibility of implementing such a tool.
In this PhD research a method and software prototype is developed for COLlaborative Architectural Design In VIRtual reality. The method consists of developing versions of a concept for a building and the evaluation of them with criteria. Every team member makes his own versions; otherwise they would destroy each others work. They can evaluate the versions with a criteria matrix that helps quickly find the main differences in opinion. The discussion should lead to a next version where advantages of earlier versions are integrated and disadvantages eliminated. On the final version they are working simultaneously in real-time. The main conclusions of the research are: 1. It appeared to be possible to develop a working software application prototype in Virtools with which a multidisciplinary design team can collaborate in a virtual 3D environment in real-time on the Internet. 2. Only the architect in the test team appeared to be able to develop a conceptual building design with this prototype within the limited time of twice half a day. 3. The advisors in the test team need training in developing and 3D modelling of conceptual building designs. Only after that they could be able to effectively participate in collaborative design of architectural concepts based on this method and prototype.