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• As the number of authors on scientific publications increases, ordered lists of author names are proving inadequate for the purposes of attribution and credit. • A multi-stakeholder group has produced a contributor role taxonomy for use in scientific publications. • Identifying specific contributions to published research will lead to appropriate credit, fewer author disputes, and fewer disincentives to collaboration and the sharing of data and code.
Beyond authorship: attribution, contribution, collaboration, and credit 151
Beyond authorship: attribution, contribution, collaboration, and credit
Amy Brand et al.
Learned Publishing, 28: 151–155
Beyond authorship:
collaboration, and
Amy Brand Digital Science
Liz Allen Wellcome Trust
Micah Altman MIT Libraries
Marjorie Hlava Access Innovations
Jo Scott Wellcome Trust
Key points
As the number of authors on scientic publications increases,
ordered lists of author names are proving inadequate for the
purposes of attribution and credit.
A multi-stakeholder group has produced a contributor role tax-
onomy for use in scientic publications.
Identifying specic contributions to published research will lead
to appropriate credit, fewer author disputes, and fewer disincen-
tives to collaboration and the sharing of data and code.
Most researchers who have co-authored articles
for publication, whether with one collaborator
or twenty, have a story about wrangling over
the order in which author names appear in the byline.
And every journal publisher, large or small, deals regu-
larly with cases of author dispute.1
In the 1930s, the average number of collaborators
on scientic papers was roughly two, and this number
remained steady for four decades.2 Authorship and col-
laboration have changed dramatically since the 1970s,
and growth in multi-authorship has accelerated, driven
both by academic reward systems and the ease of collab-
oration in the Internet age. By 2000, the average number
of authors in articles published in high-ranking medical
journals was seven. Before 1975, the maximum number
of authors associated with any article in MEDLINE was
38,3 whereas it is not unusual today for scientic publi-
cations to list hundreds or thousands of authors.4 At the
same time, interdisciplinary collaboration has increased,
and other forms of scholarly output, including data and
software, are now published in citable form.5 Some of
these new scholarly collaborations, in particular citizen-
science projects such as the Sloan Galaxy Zoo, can
attract hundreds of thousands of named contributors.6
As the average number of authors on scientic arti-
cles grows, authorship-related problems, ranging from
disputes to outright misconduct, mount. Why, then, do
we persist with a practice of attributing scientic con-
tribution that fails to capture the true nature of the
underlying collaboration – or, more precisely, to cap-
ture who did what? It’s not as though the stakes here
Amy Brand Liz Allen Micah Altman Marjorie Hlava Jo Scott
© Amy Brand, Liz Allen, Micah Altman, Marjorie Hlava, and Jo Scott 2015
152 Beyond authorship: attribution, contribution, collaboration, and credit
are inconsequential. Who gets credit for discovery or
creation has a tremendous impact on people’s lives. It
affects career advancement and tenure in the academic
sphere, and the transparency and integrity of the perma-
nent research record.
When there are multiple authors, we tend to rely
on the order in which names are listed to infer lead
contribution, but in fact there are no consistent name
ordering practices from one eld to the next.7,8 Even
weak conventions around ordering break down in mul-
tidisciplinary collaborations when eld-specic practices
conict. In elds such as economics, in which the order
of names defaults to alphabetical, and it is typically
assumed that all authors contribute equally, it has even
been shown that you are somewhat more likely to get
tenure or win a prestigious prize if your last name begins
with a letter earlier in the alphabet.9
In elds without the alphabetical order convention,
decisions about lead authorship can be especially con-
tentious. How we apportion credit for collaborative
works today is highly subjective, open to abuse, and
often determined more by laboratory politics or senior-
ity than by actual effort or contribution.10 In these
situations, junior researchers, for whom the reputational
stakes are especially high, and those making non-tradi-
tional research contributions, such as in the form of data
or software code, tend to lose out most on the recogni-
tion they deserve.
A separate but related question concerns what
qualies an individual contributor for authorship sta-
tus, and this, too, is often contested. Within the
biomedical community, the authorship guidelines pro-
duced by broadly recognized organizations such as the
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
(ICMJE) and the Committee on Publication Ethics
(COPE) focus primarily on who should be listed as
author, and what processes should be used for authorship
disputes and corrections. Within the eld of medi-
cine, conventions vary across publication venues and
institutions.11 For example, Harvard Medical School’s
authorship rules specify that, ‘Everyone who has made
substantial intellectual contributions to the work should
be an author’ (see
integrity-science/authorship-guidelines). Similarly, the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
require that ‘authorship must be limited to those who
have contributed substantially to the work’ (see http://
The ICMJE policy, on the other hand, limits author-
ship to those who make
substantial contributions to the conception or design
of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpre-
tation of data for the work; and drafting the work or
revising it critically for important intellectual content;
and nal approval of the version to be published; and
agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work
in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or
integrity of any part of the work are appropriately
investigated and resolved. (See
emphasis added)
Awareness of problems with the conventional author-
ship model is by no means new. The topic received a
great deal of attention in the late 1990s, for example, in
the context of accountability in medical journal publish-
ing. The work of Drummond Rennie on this subject was
particularly inuential.12 In a 1997 article in the Journal
of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Rennie and
co-authors wrote:
The system of authorship, while appropriate for
articles with only one author, has become inappro-
priate as the average number of authors of an article
has increased; as the work of coauthors has become
more specialized and relationships between them
have become more complex; and as both credit and,
even more, responsibility have become obscured and
diluted. Credit and accountability cannot be assessed
unless the contributions of those named as authors
are disclosed to readers, so the system is awed. We
argue for a radical conceptual and systematic change,
to reect the realities of multiple authorship and to
buttress accountability. We propose dropping the out-
moded notion of author in favor of the more useful
and realistic one of contributor. This requires dis-
closure to readers of the contributions made to the
research and to the manuscript by the contributors,
so that they can accept both credit and responsibility.
Whether from the perspective of credit or accountability,
clearly we need a better system for representing collab-
orative contribution to published works – something
more akin to lm credits.13 In the intervening years since
Rennie’s radical call to action, several medical and life
science publishers have started to collect contribution
statements for multi-authored works. Some publishers,
such as the American Association for Cancer Research
(AACR) and the Public Library of Science (PLOS), ask
authors to select roles from a predened list. Others,
such as Nature, invite or require free-text contribution
statements, yet many publishers who collect role infor-
mation from authors do not even publish it.
What the scholarly publishing community still lacks
is coordination among contributorship efforts. In the
absence of standardization and coordination, the infor-
Beyond authorship: attribution, contribution, collaboration, and credit 153
Table 1. CRediT – contributor role taxonomy
Header: This taxonomy provides a high-level classication of the diverse roles performed in the work leading to a published research
output in the sciences. Its purpose is to provide transparency in contributions to scholarly published work, to enable improved
systems of attribution, credit, and accountability.
The classication includes, but is not limited to, traditional authorship roles. That is, these roles are not intended to dene what
constitutes authorship. Rather, the roles are intended to apply to all those who contribute to research that results in scholarly
published works, and it is recommended that all tagged contributors be listed, whether they are formally listed as authors or named in
An individual contributor may be assigned multiple roles, and a given role may be assigned to multiple contributors. When there are
multiple people serving in the same role, a degree of contribution may optionally be specied as ‘lead’, ‘equal’, or ‘supporting’. It is
recommended that corresponding authors assume responsibility for role assignment, and that all contributors be given the opportunity
to review and conrm assigned roles.
Term Denition
Conceptualization Ideas; formulation or evolution of overarching research goals and aims
Methodology Development or design of methodology; creation of models
Software Programming, software development; designing computer programs; implementation of the
computer code and supporting algorithms; testing of existing code components
Validation Verication, whether as a part of the activity or separate, of the overall replication/
reproducibility of results/experiments and other research outputs
Formal Analysis Application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to
analyze or synthesize study data
Investigation Conducting a research and investigation process, specically performing the experiments,
or data/evidence collection
Resources Provision of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory samples, animals,
instrumentation, computing resources, or other analysis tools
Data curation Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), scrub data and maintain research
data (including software code, where it is necessary for interpreting the data itself) for
initial use and later reuse
Writing – Original Draft Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specically writing the
initial draft (including substantive translation)
Writing – Review & Editing Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work by those from the original
research group, specically critical review, commentary or revision – including pre- or post-
publication stages
Visualization Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specically visualization/
data presentation
Supervision Oversight and leadership responsibility for the research activity planning and execution,
including mentorship external to the core team
Project Administration Management and coordination responsibility for the research activity planning and
Funding acquisition Acquisition of the nancial support for the project leading to this publication.
154 Beyond authorship: attribution, contribution, collaboration, and credit
mation about contribution that publishers may already
be collecting is not making its way into the metadata
network that underpins our citation and credit systems.
What we need is a controlled vocabulary of contribu-
tor roles and mechanisms for capturing contribution tags
within the scholarly metadata ecosystem.
Imagine publishers collecting structured information
about contribution in a standard format. Imagine, fur-
ther, that this information is associated with the article
DOI, via CrossRef, and with ORCID author identiers.
We would then have the infrastructure in place to track
not only who authored which publications, but also
who contributed what to each publication that names
the individual as a contributor. With this infrastructure
in place, it would eventually be possible to devise more
precise, author-centric credit and impact tracking tools,
on which the byline order of author names would have
no bearing.
In May 2012, we hosted a workshop at Harvard
University to explore this topic with representatives of
the publishing, funding, and academic worlds.14 A key
outcome of this workshop was the commitment by a
sub-group of attendees to devise a high-level contributor
role taxonomy for the sciences. We drafted a preliminary
taxonomy by analyzing acknowledgments and free-text
contribution statements, and conducted a survey study
in partnership with several publishers to gauge the feasi-
bility of asking corresponding authors to assign the roles.
The results of the study were overwhelmingly positive.
These efforts are described in a Nature commentary arti-
cle published last year.15
Based on the success of the 2013 study, we are
partnering with two information industry standards
organizations, the Consortia Advancing Standards
in Research Administration Information (CASRAI)
and the US-based National Information Standards
Organization (NISO), to achieve broader community
consultation in rening the taxonomy and testing its t
with a range of scientic elds. During the latter half of
2014, a 17-person working group composed of represen-
tatives from several publishers, funders, and universities
met monthly under the auspices of CASRAI to review
and rene each of the roles and role descriptions. This
effort adopted the name Project CRediT, and the proj-
ect overview and the taxonomy itself are available at Once we reached consensus on
the 14-term taxonomy – see Table 1 – we opened the
project up for public comment and received over 100
responses using an online feedback form. Researchers
constituted 75% of the respondents, and the group was
fairly diverse in terms of geographic make-up, with the
biological sciences being more strongly represented than
other researcher areas.
As with the earlier study, the results of the feedback
process for this version of the taxonomy were highly
encouraging. A clear majority of respondents agreed
with all of the proposed terms. Most of the questions
that arose concerned confusion over whether the tax-
onomy was explicitly intended to specify which types of
contribution qualify for authorship status, when in fact
that was never the intention. As stated in the taxonomy
The classication includes, but is not limited to,
traditional authorship roles. That is, these roles are
not intended to dene what constitutes authorship.
Rather, the roles are intended to apply to all those who
contribute to research that results in scholarly pub-
lished works, and it is recommended that all tagged
contributors be listed, whether they are formally
listed as authors or named in acknowledgements.
Among the other recommendations to emerge from the
public consultation process were: (1) to adopt a coarse-
grained degree of contribution, as an optional tag to be
used in conjunction with a contributor role when more
than one contributor serves in the same role; and (2)
to have corresponding authors be responsible for role
assignment, but only with review and conrmation by
all contributors. The taxonomy header captures both of
these recommendations as follows:
An individual contributor may be assigned multiple
roles, and a given role may be assigned to multiple
contributors. When there are multiple people serv-
ing in the same role, a degree of contribution may
optionally be specied as ‘lead’, ‘equal’, or ‘support-
ing’. It is recommended that corresponding authors
assume responsibility for role assignment, and that all
contributors be given the opportunity to review and
conrm assigned roles.
We are currently working with several publishing
partners and providers of manuscript-tracking and
author-submission systems to undertake early implemen-
tations of the taxonomy. We expect a number of these
implementations to be up and running later in 2015. An
early pilot of the taxonomy by Mozilla Science Labs is
already underway. It uses the taxonomy in a set of digital
contributorship badges maintained at the browser level,
as described in a recent Science Magazine news piece.16
As word about the Project CRediT taxonomy has
spread through ongoing conference presentations and
coverage in leading community blogs,17 new efforts
are focused on implementation pathways, including
integrating the taxonomy into the National Library
of Medicine’s Journal Article Tag Suite (JATS) DTD
( The Force11 com-
Beyond authorship: attribution, contribution, collaboration, and credit 155
munity ( has created a
new working group to look at attribution implementa-
tion for all research products.
With these aligned efforts, and the groundswell of
interest among researchers, funding agencies, academic
institutions, and editors in increasing the transparency
of research contributions, standardized contribution
tagging, while still early-stage, is gaining rm footing in
scholarly journal publishing. If this initiative is ultimately
successful, there will be far fewer author disputes, and
fewer disincentives to collaboration and the sharing of
data and code, for example, because those contributions
will be more reliably recognized. Among the less obvious
benets is enhanced mineable information on research
expertise, for the purposes of research networking and
peer-reviewer identication.18 Hence these efforts could
positively inuence both the cooperative culture of
research, and academic incentive structures more gen-
erally. We invite authors and publishers alike to follow
the example below in describing contribution using the
CRediT taxonomy.
Author statement and acknowledgements
The rst author named is lead and corresponding author. All other authors
are listed in alphabetical order. We describe contributions to the paper
using the taxonomy provided above. Writing – Original Draft: A.B. and
M.A.; Writing – Review & Editing: M.A., A.B., and M.H.; Conceptualization:
L.A. and A.B.; Investigation: L.A., A.B., M.A., and M.H.; Methodology:
M.A. and J.S.; Formal Analysis: M.A. and J.S.; Project Administration: L.A.
and A.B.; Funding Acquisition: L.A. and A.B.
The work described in this article was supported by the Wellcome Trust
and Digital Science.
The authors would like to acknowledge the other members of the
CASRAI working group who provided critical review of the taxonomy,
but are not responsible for the content of this article: Helen Atkins, David
Baker, Monica Bradford, Todd Carpenter, Jon Corsant-Rikert, Jeffrey
Doyle, Melissa Haendel, Daniel S. Katz, Veronique Kiemer, Nettie Lagace,
Emile Marcus, Walter Schaeffer, Gene Sprouse, and Victoria Stodden.
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2. Clarke, B.L. 1964. Multiple authorship trends in scientic papers.
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4. King, C. 2012. Multiauthor papers: onward and upward. ScienceWatch
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6. Raddick, M.J., Georgia, B., Pamela, L.G., Lintott, C.J., Murray, P.,
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8. Wager, E. 2007. Do medical journals provide clear and consistent
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9. Einav, L. and Yariv, L. 2006. What’s in a surname? the effects of sur-
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11. Bosnjak, L. and Marusic, A. 2012. Prescribed practices of authorship:
review of codes of ethics from professional bodies and journal guide-
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12. Rennie, D., Yank, V., and Emanuel, L. 1997. When authorship fails. A
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13. Patterson, M. 2007. Roll credits: sometimes the authorship byline
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14. IWCSA Report 2012. Report on the International Workshop on
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15. Allen, L., Scott, J., Brand, A., Hlava, M., and Altman, M. 2014.
Credit where credit is due. Nature, 508: 312–313. http://dx.doi.
16. Dalmeet, S.C. 2014. Could digital badges clarify the roles
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17. Meadows, A. 2014. An interview with Amy Brand on a proposed
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online 20 August 2014.
18. Academy of Medical Sciences. 2015. Team Science Working Group
– project update February 2015.
Amy Brand (corresponding author)
Vice President
Digital Science
25 First Street Suite 104
Cambridge MA 02141, USA
Liz Allen
Wellcome Trust
Micah Altman
MIT Libraries
Marjorie Hlava
Access Innovations
Jo Scott
Wellcome Trust
... Encouraging collaboration is a strategy promoted by Brand et al. (2015) and finds resonance in AJIMS's ethos. By encouraging collaborative research efforts, the journal seeks to create a research environment that values diverse perspectives and fosters collective knowledge production. ...
... By encouraging collaborative research efforts, the journal seeks to create a research environment that values diverse perspectives and fosters collective knowledge production. Furthermore, the development of policies and training programmes around equity and inclusion, in line with recommendations by Brand et al. (2015), reflects AJIMS's commitment to embedding inclusivity at every level of its operation. Such policies provide a framework for fostering an inclusive culture and ensure that these principles are ingrained in the journal's operational procedures. ...
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Representation and inclusion have become pressing issues in recent years, as systemic biases resulting in the underrepresentation of certain groups continue to be revealed in scholarly publishing. This paper presents strategies that have been implemented by the African Journal of Inter/Multidisciplinary Studies (AJIMS) to promote equity and diversify its authorship, reviewers, editors, and the research published in the journal. Specifically, the paper discusses how targeted recruitment of reviewers and intentional diversification of the AJIMS editorial board have brought traditionally excluded voices into the journal's editorial decision-making processes. Additionally, the paper highlights how special issues, targeted calls for papers, and an articulated values/practices statement have shaped the focus and values of the research published in AJIMS. While these strategies have the potential to make scholarly publishing more representative of diversity while upholding quality standards, the paper argues that systemic change necessitates commitment at all levels. In conclusion, the paper emphasizes that lasting inclusive practices require the dedication of all stakeholders such as authors, editors, reviewers, publishers, professional societies, and the wider research community engaged with scholarly publishing.
... In such projects, a poorly defined or ambiguous allocation of roles for each contributor can be problematic for project management, beyond the issue of symbolic credit allocation. Additionally, Brand et al. (2015) identified several benefits of having a clear definition of author roles. For example, it provides important information to policymakers and research funders regarding team composition. ...
... It can also be valuable for researchers themselves when seeking colleagues to complement ongoing projects, particularly technical aspects of them. Furthermore, it can aid journals in identifying potential article reviewers based on their expertise as defined by their roles in scientific publications (Brand et al., 2015). ...
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Purpose This study aims to evaluate the accuracy of authorship attributions in scientific publications, focusing on the fairness and precision of individual contributions within academic works. Design/methodology/approach The study analyzes 81,823 publications from the journal PLOS ONE , covering the period from January 2018 to June 2023. It examines the authorship attributions within these publications to try and determine the prevalence of inappropriate authorship. It also investigates the demographic and professional profiles of affected authors, exploring trends and potential factors contributing to inaccuracies in authorship. Findings Surprisingly, 9.14% of articles feature at least one author with inappropriate authorship, affecting over 14,000 individuals (2.56% of the sample). Inappropriate authorship is more concentrated in Asia, Africa, and specific European countries like Italy. Established researchers with significant publication records and those affiliated with companies or nonprofits show higher instances of potential monetary authorship. Research limitations Our findings are based on contributions as declared by the authors, which implies a degree of trust in their transparency. However, this reliance on self-reporting may introduce biases or inaccuracies into the dataset. Further research could employ additional verification methods to enhance the reliability of the findings. Practical implications These findings have significant implications for journal publishers, highlighting the necessity for robust control mechanisms to ensure the integrity of authorship attributions. Moreover, researchers must exercise discernment in determining when to acknowledge a contributor and when to include them in the author list. Addressing these issues is crucial for maintaining the credibility and fairness of academic publications. Originality/value This study contributes to an understanding of critical issues within academic authorship, shedding light on the prevalence and impact of inappropriate authorship attributions. By calling for a nuanced approach to ensure accurate credit is given where it is due, the study underscores the importance of upholding ethical standards in scholarly publishing.
... Individual author contributions to this work are described following the Contributor Roles Taxonomy author statement 41 ...
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Audio classification related to military activities is a challenging task due to the high levels of background noise and the lack of suitable and publicly available datasets. To bridge this gap, this paper constructs and introduces a new military audio dataset, named MAD, which is suitable for training and evaluating audio classification systems. The proposed MAD dataset is extracted from various military videos and contains 8,075 sound samples from 7 classes corresponding to approximately 12 hours, exhibiting distinctive characteristics not presented in academic datasets typically used for machine learning research. We present a comprehensive description of the dataset, including its acoustic statistics and examples. We further conduct a comprehensive sound classification study of various deep learning algorithms on the MAD dataset. We are also releasing the source code to make it easy to build these systems. The presented dataset will be a valuable resource for evaluating the performance of existing algorithms and for advancing research in the field of acoustic-based hazardous situation surveillance systems.
... As a consequence of this trend, taxonomies have been developed to model the idea of authors being multiple and disparate 'contributors' to an article. Th e best known is 'CRediT' (Allen et al 2014(Allen et al , 2019Brand et al 2015), a contributor-role taxonomy adopted by numerous publishers, including Elsevier (see Table 1), and formalised as an ANSI/NISO standard (Z39.104-2022) in February 2022. Under this framework, anyone who added something to the project is now treated as a contributor; some variants not only distinguish authors from contributors but also add a third category of 'guarantor', who assumes overall responsibility for the publication. ...
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Despite repeated calls for change, social and cultural anthropology is still dominated by single-authored works. I consider two thought experiments that might disturb the status quo in interesting ways. Anthropologists could publish anonymously, treating ourselves in the same way as we treat our anonymised informants, for example, using pseudonyms. Alternatively, we could treat our colleagues in the field not only as equals but also as co-authors. Both these options have implications concerning the ‘dividual’ author (perhaps now thought of as an ‘auth’), and involve rethinking the ‘ hau ’ of publication. Résumé En dépit d'appels répétés pour une évolution de nos pratiques, l'anthropologie sociale et culturelle est toujours dominée par l'auctorialité au singulier. Je considère ici deux expériences de pensée qui peuvent perturber le status quo en la matière de façon intéressante. Nous pouvons ainsi publier anonymement, nous traitant ainsi de la même manière que nous traitons anonymement nos informateurs, par exemple avec l'usage de pseudonymes. Alternativement, nous pouvons traiter nos collègues sur le terrain non seulement comme des égaux, mais également comme des co-auteurs. Ces deux options ont des implications en ce qui concerne l'auteur « dividuel » (qu'il faut peut-être désormais penser comme un « auth »), ce qui implique de repenser le « hau » de la publication
... However, limited scholarly attention has been paid to the issue of affiliation naming proximity in the context of retractions. While it is crucial to acknowledge and credit research-performing organizations based on their publication outputs (Allen et al. 2014;Brand et al. 2015;Fogarty 2020;Holcombe et al. 2020;Larivière et al. 2016), it is equally important to accurately ascribe retractions to individual research-performing organizations and withdraw recognition, if not discredit them, for their sloppy oversight of research integrity, especially in cases of retractions due to research misconduct. ...
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The Retraction Watch Database (RWDB) is widely used to retrieve retraction data. However, its lack of affiliation normalization hinders the retrieval efficiency of retraction data for specific research-performing organizations. A query for a university name in the RWDB may yield retraction data entries for other universities with similar names, giving rise to the issue of affiliation naming proximity. This study assessed the impact of this issue on the retrieval efficiency of retraction records for 2,692 Chinese university names in English. The analysis revealed that the retrieval efficiency of retraction records for 206 Chinese university names can be influenced by 408 university names. As of 2022, the retrieval efficiency of retraction records for 96 Chinese university names was compromised by the involvement of 402 university names, resulting in an overall retraction inflation rate of 37.9% and an average rate of 45.0%. The findings highlight the importance of curating retraction data through affiliation-specific queries in the RWDB, adhering to the official English names of Chinese universities for scholarly publishing, and adopting the Research Organization Registry system for affiliation disambiguation. Given the significance of this issue concerning the English names of universities in non-English-speaking countries, the identified causes of the problem and proposed solutions can offer valuable insights for improving the retrieval of retraction records for non-Chinese universities in the RWDB.
... The CRediT taxonomy of contributor roles [5,13] is applied. The "Investigation" role also includes the "Methodology", "Software", and "Validation" roles. ...
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Novel methods to integrate the time-dependent Schrödinger equation within the framework of multiscale approximation is presented. The methods are based on symplectic splitting algorithms to separate the kinetic and potential parts of the corresponding propagator. The semigroup associated with the free-particle Schrödinger operator is represented in a multiwavelet basis. The propagator is effectively discretized with a contour deformation technique, which overcomes the challenges presented by previous discretization methods. The discretized operator is then employed in simple numerical simulations to test the validity of the implementation and to benchmark its precision.
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are the apical cells of the hematopoietic system, giving rise to cells of the blood and lymph lineages. HSCs reside primarily within bone marrow niches that contain matrix and cell‐derived signals that help inform stem cell fate. Aspects of the bone marrow microenvironment have been captured in vitro by encapsulating cells within hydrogel matrices that mimic native mechanical and biochemical properties. Hydrogel microparticles, or microgels, are increasingly being used to assemble granular biomaterials for cell culture and noninvasive delivery applications. Here, we report the optimization of a gelatin maleimide hydrogel system to create monodisperse gelatin microgels via a flow‐focusing microfluidic process. We report characteristic hydrogel stiffness, stability, and swelling characteristics as well as encapsulation of murine hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, and mesenchymal stem cells within microgels. Microgels support cell viability, confirming compatibility of the microfluidic encapsulation process with these sensitive bone marrow cell populations. Overall, this work presents a microgel‐based gelatin maleimide hydrogel as a foundation for future development of a multicellular artificial bone marrow culture system.
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Ribose-1-phosphate (Rib1P) is a key substrate for the synthesis of difficult-to-access nucleoside analogues by nucleoside phosphorylases. However, its use in preparative synthesis is hampered by low yields and low selectivity during its preparation by conventional methods. Although biocatalysis permits straightforward access to Rib1P directly from natural nucleosides, these transformations are tightly thermodynamically controlled and suffer from low yields and non-trivial work-up procedures. To address these challenges, we developed a biocatalytic cascade that allows near-total conversions of natural guanosine into α-anomerically pure Rib1P. The key to this route is a guanine deaminase, which removes the accumulated guanine byproduct. Under optimised conditions, this cascade proved readily scalable to the gram scale, delivering isolated yields of up to 79% and a purity of 94% without any chromatography. Our cascade approach reduced the need for toxic reagents and purification steps inherent to previous methods, reducing the environmental burden of the route, as confirmed by CHEM21 Zero Pass and E-factor calculations. Thus, our work will broadly strengthen the applicability of nucleoside phosphorylase-mediated chemistry.
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Antimicrobial resistance to drugs (AMR), a global threat to human and animal health, is often regarded as resulting from cooperative behaviour. Moreover, microbes generally evolve in volatile environments that, together with demographic fluctuations (birth and death events), drastically alter population size and strain survival. Motivated by the need to better understand the evolution of AMR, we study a population of time-varying size consisting of two competing strains, one drug-resistant and one drug-sensitive, subject to demographic and environmental variability. This is modelled by a binary carrying capacity randomly switching between mild and harsh environmental conditions, and driving the fluctuating volume (total amount of nutrients and antimicrobials at fixed concentration), and thus the size of the community (number of resistant and sensitive cells). We assume that AMR is a shared public good when the concentration of resistant cells exceeds a fixed concentration cooperation threshold, above which the sensitive strain has a growth advantage, whereas resistant cells dominate below it. Using computational means, and devising an analytical treatment (built on suitable quenched and annealed averaging procedures), we fully characterise the influence of fluctuations on the eco-evolutionary dynamics of AMR, and notably obtain specific strain fixation and long-lasting coexistence probabilities as a function of the environmental variation rate and cooperation threshold. We find that microbial strains tend to coexistence, but demographic fluctuations eventually lead to the extinction of resistant or sensitive cells for small or large values of the concentration cooperation threshold, respectively. This also holds for dynamic environments, whose specific properties determine the extinction timescale.
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Liz Allen, Amy Brand, Jo Scott, Micah Altman and Marjorie Hlava are trialling digital taxonomies to help researchers to identify their contributions to collaborative projects.
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The Galaxy Zoo citizen science website invites anyone with an Internet connection to participate in research by classifying galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. As of April 2009, more than 200,000 volunteers had made more than 100 million galaxy classifications. In this paper, we present results of a pilot study into the motivations and demographics of Galaxy Zoo volunteers, and define a technique to determine motivations from free responses that can be used in larger multiple-choice surveys with similar populations. Our categories form the basis for a future survey, with the goal of determining the prevalence of each motivation.
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A published article is the primary means whereby new work is communicated, priority is established, and academic promotion is determined. Publication depends on trust and requires that authors be held to standards of honesty, completeness, and fairness in their reporting, and to accountability for their statements. The system of authorship, while appropriate for articles with only 1 author, has become inappropriate as the average number of authors of an article has increased; as the work of coauthors has become more specialized and relationships between them have become more complex; and as both credit and, even more, responsibility have become obscured and diluted. Credit and accountability cannot be assessed unless the contributions of those named as authors are disclosed to readers, so the system is flawed. We argue for a radical conceptual and systematic change, to reflect the realities of multiple authorship and to buttress accountability. We propose dropping the outmoded notion of author in favor of the more useful and realistic one of contributor. This requires disclosure to readers of the contributions made to the research and to the manuscript by the contributors, so that they can accept both credit and responsibility. In addition, certain named contributors take on the role of guarantor for the integrity of the entire work. The requirement that all participants be named as contributors will eliminate the artificial distinction between authors and acknowledgees and will enhance the integrity of publication.
The Evolution of Data Citation: From Principles to Implementation
Guidelines on authorship requirements are common in biomedical journals but it is not known how authorship is defined by journals and scholarly professional organizations across research disciplines. Prevalence of authorship statements, their specificity and tone, and contributions required for authorship were assessed in 185 journals from Science Citation Index (SCI) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), 260 journals from Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) and 651 codes of ethics from professional organizations from the online database of the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Profession, USA. In SCI, 53 % of the top-ranked journals had an authorship statement, compared with 32 % in SSCI. In a random sample of A&HCI-indexed journals, only 6 % of the journals addressed authorship. Only 71 (11 %) codes of ethics carried a statement on authorship. Almost all journals had defined authorship criteria compared with 33 % of the ethics codes ( $ \chi_{1}^{2} $ = 75.975; P < 0.001). The tone of the statements in the journals was aspirational, whereas ethics codes used a normative language for defining authorship ( $ \chi_{1}^{2} $ = 51.709, P < 0.001). Journals mostly required both research and writing contributions for authorship, while two-thirds of the ethics codes defined only research as a mandatory contribution. In conclusion, the lack of and variety of authorship definitions in journals and professional organizations across scientific disciplines may be confusing for the researchers and lead to poor authorship practices. All stakeholders in research need to collaborate on building the environment where ethical behaviour in authorship is a norm.
When scientists collaborate on an experiment and a paper, it can be hard to decide who gets the credit and how much.
Since 1946 biomedical writers have shown no marked trend toward multiple authorship; the average number of authors per paper remains steady at about 2.3. This is in strong contrast tothe conclusion of Price from a study of Chemical Abstracts that the chemists' trend toward four or more authors per paper has been during this period, and continues to be, steeply exponential.
The emphasis on publications for promotion in academic medicine would lead one to the theory that authorship numbers would increase proportionally with this emphasis. To investigate authorship trends across a number of periodicals, we performed a descriptive study comparing two full years of published articles spaced ten years apart from five medical journals. Physician reviewers each reviewed all articles of one medical journal for the 1995 and 2005 publication years. Reviewed journals included Academic Emergency Medicine (AEM), Annals of Emergency Medicine (AnnEM), Annals of Internal Medicine (AIM), Journal of Trauma (JT), and New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). Data collected for each article were number of authors, ordinal number of the corresponding author, type of study described, whether the described study was a multicenter trial, whether authorship listed included a "study group," and whether any author was also an editor of the journal. A total of 2927 articles were published in the five journals in 1995, and of these, 1401 (47.9%) were analyzed after the exclusion criteria had been applied; for 2005 a total of 3630 articles were published and of these, 1351 (37.2%) were included in the analysis. Across all five journals the mean number of authors per article increased from 4.66 to 5.73 between 1995 and 2005 (P < 0.0001), and four of the five journals individually had statistically significant increases in the number of authors per article. More articles had a journal editor as an author in 2005 (increased from 7.8% to 11.0%, P = 0.004), though no single journal had a statistically significant increase. We describe a trend of increasing mean authors, editorial authorship, study groups, and multicenter trials over time with fewer solo authors now publishing original research or case reports. The academic medical community must pursue an authorship requirement consensus to assure that a standard of contribution for all authors on a given paper is met.
Determining the authorship of scientific papers can be difficult and authorship disputes are common. Less experienced authors may benefit from clear advice about authorship from journals while both authors and readers would benefit from consistent policies between journals. However, previous surveys of authors have suggested that there are no universally known or accepted criteria for determining authorship. To review instructions to contributors from a broad sample of biomedical journals to discover how much guidance they provide about authorship and whether their advice is consistent with one another and with international guidelines. Review and analysis of published instructions to authors. Biomedical journals that publish instructions in English on the Internet. I examined the instructions to contributors from 234 biomedical journals (randomly selected from the membership list of the World Association of Medical Editors and from Medline). Of the 234 instructions examined, 100 (41%) gave no guidance about authorship, 68 (29%) were based on the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors' (ICMJE) criteria, 33 (14%) proposed other criteria, and 33 (14%) said nothing except that all authors should have approved the manuscript. Of those instructions that were based on the ICMJE criteria, 18/51 (35%) cited an outdated version. Only 21 of the journals (9%) required individuals' contributions to be described. Journals do not provide consistent guidance about authorship and many editors are therefore missing an important opportunity to educate potential contributors and to improve the accuracy, fairness, and transparency of author listing.