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Milankovitch Cycles, Paleoclimatic Change, and Hominin Evolution


Abstract and Figures
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By: Christopher J. Campisano (
Institute of Human Origins, School of Human Evolution & Social
Change, Arizona State University
) © 2012 Nature Education
Milankovitch Cycles, Paleoclimatic Change, and Hominin
Changes in Earth's orbit have helped pace climatic change for millennia. Scientists
are now trying to understand whether - and how - these changes remodeled the
landscapes our ancient ancestors inhabited.
The idea that critical junctures in human evolution and behavioral development may have been
shaped by environmental factors has been around since Darwin. Although various hypotheses and
models have been proposed, refined, and/or abandoned for at least a century, the concept of
environmental determinism and hominin evolution is still a hot topic today. While it is ultimately
local-level environmental processes acting upon individual populations that is one of the driving
forces of evolutionary change, such shifts are often framed within the context of much larger
regional or global climatic trends.
Long-Term Records of Paleoclimate
Direct measurements of climate components such as temperature and precipitation only exist for
the last century or two. To reconstruct climate over longer time-scales, scientists indirectly measure
these components by analyzing various proxies, or indicators, that are sensitive to climatic or
environmental parameters and preserved in the geological record. Proxy records from marine
sediment and ice cores provide the basis for much of our understanding of past climate. These
long-term and relatively continuous natural archives are often used as references for comparison
with local terrestrial-based paleoenvironmental reconstructions. For example, the record of oxygen
and hydrogen isotope ratios preserved in glacial ice, and oxygen isotope ratios in the shells of
marine organisms such as foraminifera and radiolaria, provide a record of past sea levels, ice
volume, seawater temperature and global atmospheric temperature (Figures 1 & 2). Air bubbles
trapped in ice cores also provide a direct record of the past chemical composition of the
Citation: Campisano, C. J. (2012) Milankovitch Cycles, Paleoclimatic Change,
and Hominin Evolution.
Nature Education Knowledge
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atmosphere, particularly CO2. Carbon isotope ratios of shells in marine cores are equally valuable for
estimates of water circulation and atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Eolian dust preserved in both
marine sediment and ice cores has been correlated with climate and environmental conditions in the
dust's source region, specifically as a proxy for aridity. Continuous ice cores from Greenland record
back to over 100,000 years ago (Bender
et al
. 2002), while those from Antarctica extend back to
~800,000 years ago (Lambert
et al
. 2008). Thus, these records are relevant to the later members of
the genus
, such as
H. erectus
H. heidelbergensis
H. neanderthalensis
, and
H. sapiens
. Documenting a much
longer timescale, marine sediment cores have been collected across the globe, and composite
records have been compiled that extend beyond the Cenozoic, thus covering the entire duration of
the Primate fossil record (Zachos
et al
. 2001).
Figure 1: EPICA Dome C (EDC, Antarctica) data in comparison with other climatic indicators.
a, Stable isotope (δD) record from EDC. b, Vostok dust flux record. c, EDC dust flux records (numbers indicate
Marine Isotope Stages). d, EDC dust size data expressed as fine particle percentage. e, Marine sediment δ18O stack
(proxy for global ice volume). f, Magnetic susceptibility stack record for Chinese loess. Peaks in most records
depicted and odd MIS numbers indicate interglacial phases while troughs and even MIS numbers indicate glacial
© 2012 Nature Education Reproduced from Lambert
et al
. (2008). All rights reserved.
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Figure 2: Global deep-sea oxygen and carbon isotope
Records for the Cenozoic based on data compiled from more
than 40 DSDP and ODP sites with key climatic events
© 2013 Nature Education Modified from Zachos
. (2001). All rights reserved.
There are a variety of other important high-resolution paleoclimate records relevant to hominin
evolutionary history, but these are temporally or spatially restricted compared to marine cores. For
example, the variation in thickness and grain size in Chinese loess deposits are related to extensive
periods of cold, dry, winter Asian monsoon winds stretching back over the last 7 million years (An
2000). Speleothems found in caves are also a rich archive of local paleoclimate information and,
combined with uranium-thorium dating, can provide high-resolution records back to 500,000
years ago. Carbon and oxygen isotopic analysis as well as relative growth band thickness of
speleothems have provided proxy data for local temperature, rainfall, aridity, and overlying
vegetation (C3 vs. C4 plants) at hominin sites in South Africa, Europe, the Levant, and Asia (e.g.,
et al
. 1998, Bar-Matthews
et al
. 2003, 2010, Couchoud
et al
. 2009). Similar to the study of
marine cores, an extensive arsenal of analytical methods have been applied to the study of lake
cores, which serve as long, continuous archives of terrestrial climate change at annual to decadal
scale for individual basins or watersheds. Existing lake cores in close proximity to
paleoanthropological sites are typically restricted to the Holocene (e.g., Johnson & Odada 1996) but
other cores in the Levant and Africa range from over 100 ka to 1 Ma (Koeberl
et al
. 2007, Scholz
et al
2007, Stein
et al
. 2011). Additional scientific drilling initiatives are exploring thick lacustrine deposits
directly associated with Plio-Pleistocene paleoanthropological sites (Cohen
et al
. 2009)
Astronomical Controls on Long-Term Climate Change
The pattern of incident solar radiation (insolation) received on the planet at a given place and time is
an important factor in understanding both directional trends and variability observed in many
paleoclimatic records, particularly those related to Quaternary ice ages (Hays
et al
. 1976, Laskar
et al
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2004). Changes in insolation are, in turn, driven by Earth's natural orbital oscillations, termed
Milankovitch cycles. The three elements of Milankovitch cycles are eccentricity, obliquity, and
precession (Figure 3). Eccentricity describes the degree of variation of the Earth's orbit around the
Sun from circular to more elliptical. Eccentricity has two main periodicities, one cycle with an average
of ~100,000 years and a longer cycle with a periodicity of ~413,000 years. Obliquity describes the
tilt of the Earth's axis in relation to its orbital plane, which ranges from 22.1–24.5 degrees with a
periodicity of ~41,000 years. Precession describes the motion of the Earth's axis of rotation, which
does not point towards a fixed direction in the sky through time. Instead, the axis of rotation
describes a clockwise circle in space, like the spinning of a wobbling top, with a periodicity of
19,000–23,000 years (Animation 1).
Animation 1: Earth’s orbital precession.
Courtesy of NASA.
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Figure 3: Variations and schematic diagrams of Milankovitch cycles.
a, Precession and precessional index with a periodicity of ~23,000 years, with the amplitude of the cycles
modulated at eccentricity periods of 100,000 years and 413,000 years (“variability packets”). b, The tilt of the
Earth’s axis with a periodicity of 41,000 years. c, The eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit with periodicities of 100,000
and 413,000 years. d, Present position of the Earth in its orbit at di"erent times of the year. e, Position of the Earth
in its orbit at di"erent times of year ~11,000 years in the future.
© 2012 Nature Education Graph reproduced from Kingston 2005, diagrams a–c reproduced from
Lutgens & Tarbuck 2001, d–e reproduced from All rights reserved.
Solar radiation received at low-latitude is principally a"ected by variations in the cumulative e"ect of
eccentricity and precession (eccentricity modulated precession), whereas higher latitudes are mainly
a"ected by changes in obliquity. Since the Earth is tilted in its orbit, not all the Earth receives the
same amount of energy, more energy being received at the equator than at the poles. Solar energy
entering at a shallower angle at higher latitudes must travel further through the Earth's atmosphere
compared to equatorial regions, reflecting some energy back to space. The same amount of solar
energy also is spread over a larger area at higher latitudes. Increased tilt acts to amplify seasonal
di"erence, while decreased tilt diminishes it. In its annual orbit, the Earth is currently closest to the
sun (Perihelion) in early January, when the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, and
tilted towards the sun when the Earth is furthest from the sun (Aphelion) in early July (Figure 3d).
Thus, seasonality is currently reduced in the northern hemisphere (but increased in the southern
hemisphere) with the e"ect that northern hemisphere winters are not as cold as they could be, and
summers are not as warm as they could be, a pattern that will be reversed in about 11,000 years
(Figure 3e). Although the interactions between orbital parameters are major external drivers of
paleoclimatic changes, the internal dynamics of the climate system also exert important controls on
temporal and spatial patterns of environmental change. Furthermore, both external and internal
forcing mechanisms can involve a complex series of feedbacks, and responses that may be linear or
nonlinear, synchronous or delayed, or have a critical threshold ("tipping") point.
Paleoclimate and Hominin Evolution
One of the earliest examples that proposed a connection between climate-driven environmental
change and hominin evolution was the "Savanna Hypothesis", which posited that the human lineage
followed a simple trajectory from apelike to humanlike promoted by the challenges of an open
savanna (Darwin 1871, Smith 1924, Bartholomew & Birdsell 1953). While we now know that there is
no single "magic bullet" that is responsible for the multitude of anatomical and behavioral changes
documented in the hominin record, the concept that certain changes in the human lineage may have
evolved in open habitat settings has persisted. With the establishment of the marine paleoclimatic
framework, researchers began to evaluate hominin evolutionary processes and events in the context
of global climatic oscillations, particularly the onset of Northern Hemispheric Glaciation (NHG) ~2.7
Ma. The "Turnover Pulse Hypothesis" championed by paleontologist Elisabeth Vrba (Vrba 1988,
1995) proposed that a synchronous change in hominins, such as the origins of the genus
, and
other African mammalian lineages, particularly speciation and extinction events in bovids, was
caused by a shift from warm, moist conditions to cooler, drier, and more open habitats associated
with a sharp transition in the marine oxygen isotope record associated with the onset of NHG (Figure
4). Other studies have since indicated that the record at specific East African hominin sites show
either no faunal turnover at this time (e.g., Kingston
et al
. 1994) or that there were multiple pulses or
prolonged periods of turnover set with a more gradual shift from forested to more open habitats
et al
. 1997).
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Figure 4: Range chart of first and last appearance datums (FAD/LAD) of African fossil bovids spanning the
last 7 Myr.
The dashed line represents a theoretical "null hypothesis" assuming a uniform rate of faunal turnover (speciation)
set at 32% per million years. Notable faunal “turnover pulses”, clusters of origination and extinction events, which
occurred near 2.8 Ma and 1.8 Ma were also associated with appearances of arid-adapted fauna.
© 2012 Nature Education Reproduced from Vrba (1995). All rights reserved.
A seminal study of terrigenous dust in marine cores o" the coast of Africa by paleoceanographer
Peter deMenocal suggested that subtropical African climate oscillated between markedly wetter and
drier conditions, paced by Earth's orbital variations, with step-like increases in climate variability and
aridity near 2.8, 1.7 and 1.0 Ma (deMenocal 1995, 2004). These steps were coincident with changes
in the dominant orbital cycles from precession to obliquity to eccentricity, and with the onset and
intensification of high-latitude glacial cycles, respectively. Compared to the African fossil and
geological record, these time periods also coincided with proposed diversification points in the
hominin lineage (2.9–2.4 Ma), paleoenvironmental evidence for drier habitats and the expansion of
out of Africa (1.8–1.6 Ma), and the extinction of the
lineage, the broadened range of
Homo erectus
, and the establishment of more modern savanna ecosystems (1.2–0.8 Ma) (Figure 5). In
addition to unidirectional shifts, deMenocal also highlighted the importance of "variability packets"
of high- and low-amplitude paleoclimatic variability lasting 10,000 to 100,000 years in duration,
paced by the orbital eccentricity modulation of precession (Figure 3a). These alternating periods of
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relative paleoclimatic stability (low eccentricity) and instability (high eccentricity) as a mechanism for
introducing genetic variance to natural selection are a key component of the "Variability Selection
Hypothesis" (Potts 1998), which proposes that the wide variability in adaptive settings over time
ultimately favored complex adaptations that were responsive to novel conditions (i.e., the evolution
of adaptability).
Figure 5: Summary diagram of important paleoclimatic and hominin evolution events during the
Gray bands indicate periods when African climate became progressively more arid after step-like shifts near 2.8
(±0.2) Ma and subsequently after 1.7 (±0.1) Ma 1.0 (±0.2) Ma coincident with the onset and intensification of
high-latitude glacial cycles. From left to right: Percent of terrigenous dust in ODP site 721/722 with corresponding
shifts in the dominant periodicity of the dust flux linked to precessional variability (23–19 kyr) and characteristic
glacial cycles (41 kyr and 100 kyr). Approximate first and last appearance datums and possible relationships among
hominin taxa. Soil carbonate carbon isotopic data from East African hominin localities documenting a progressive
shift from woodland to grassland vegetation. Composite benthic foraminfera oxygen isotope record illustrating the
evolution of high-latitude glacial cycles and dominant periodicity of glacial variability.
© 2013 Nature Education Modified from deMenocal (2004). All rights reserved.
Studies of East African lake records by geologist Martin Trauth and colleagues have also focused on
critical intervals near 2.6, 1.8 and 1.0 Ma and documented the presence of large, but fluctuating
lakes, indicating consistency in wetter and more seasonal conditions every 800,000 years (Trauth
. 2005, 2007). African monsoon intensity correlates with precession-paced insolation, and
increased polar ice-volume acts to accentuate the pole-Equator thermal gradient, which leads to a
north-south compression of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), the major control of
monsoonal precipitation patterns in Africa. Associated with major glacial events near 2.6, 1.8 and
1.0 Ma, Trauth and colleagues propose that global climate changes led to increased seasonality and
regional climate sensitivity to insolation, which resulted in packages of precessionally forced
alterations between episodes of large lakes and extreme aridity, possibly as rapid as every ~10,000
years during eccentricity maxima (Trauth
et al.
, 2003; Kingston
et al.
, 2007). They propose that these
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occurred during periods of eccentricity maxima every 800,000 years since 2.7 Ma (similar to
deMenocal's variability packets). While some East African lake records provide strong evidence for
this pattern (e.g., Kingston
et al
. 2007), it may not be universal across space or time (Scholz
et al
2007). Ultimately, this hypothesis proposes that periods of dramatic climatic oscillations between
2.7–2.5 Ma, 1.9–1.7 Ma, and 1.1–0.9 Ma led to rapid expansion then subsequent
contraction/fragmentation of hominin habitats at precessional timescales with associated dispersal
events and vicariance in the hominin lineage (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Summary diagram of global climate transition, East African lake occurrences and soil carbonate
records, and hominin evolution.
East African lake occurrences are suggested to cluster during eccentricity maxima prior to 2.7 Ma (prior to NHG)
and during periods of global climate transitions associated with eccentricity maxima after 2.7 Ma (post NHG). Note
that lake phases do not occur during all eccentricity maxima and that some occur during eccentricity minima.
Hominin FAD/LADs should be considered approximate.
© 2013 Nature Education Modified from Maslin & Trauth (2009). All rights reserved.
Discussion and Challenges
It seems intuitive that large-scale shifts and short-term variability in paleoclimate altered local to
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regional hominin habitats and resource availability that ultimately led to selection pressures on our
fossil ancestors. However, climate systems are markedly complex and dynamic, and may change
drastically over relatively short distances. It is important to maintain a critical perspective on the
types, quality, and scale of empirical paleoenvironmental data, particularly when the volume and
temporal resolution of proxy data far exceeds that of the hominin fossil record itself (Kingston 2007,
et al
. 2007). For instance, error-bars on hominin FADs and LADs that indicate the
probability of true origination or extinction events are rarely reported (e.g., Figures 5 & 6). When
accounting for influences such as sample size and geochronological uncertainties, the potential
mismatch between a taxon's actual origination and its documented FAD in the fossil record (or
extinction and LAD) is likely on the order of tens to hundreds of thousands of years. All hypotheses
that propose causal links between paleoclimatic change and hominin evolution must ultimately
reconcile global patterns with local responses, and extend far beyond a general temporal correlation
between environmental change and an evolutionary event. Criteria for testing hypotheses of
environmental forcing include a highly resolved time scale for the various records to validate cause-
before-e"ect order, a robust correspondence between multiple lines of proxy evidence that shows
similar patterns or trajectories, the ability to rule out alternative (non-environmental) hypotheses,
and ultimately, a causal mechanism. Nevertheless, once the assumptions and limitations of utilizing
global paleoclimatic data are appreciated, the almost dizzying array of natural archives of the past
provide paleoanthropologists with a highly-resolved contextual framework within which they can
develop research questions and test hypotheses.
Bovids: Members of the family Bovidae that includes antelopes, oxen, goat and sheep. Unbranched
horns made up of a layer of keratin surrounding a bony core are one of the defining characteristics.
C3 & C4: Di"erent pathways for carbon dioxide assimilation during photosynthesis. C3 plants
include trees, shrubs and cool-climate grasses (~95% of plant species). C4 plants include
warm-climate grasses and grains, and are advantageous under conditions of high heat and light,
and low carbon dioxide levels.
Cenozoic: The geological era lasting from ~65 million years ago to the present.
Environmental determinism: The view that changes in physical, abiotic environmental factors are
the dominant influence on evolution, as opposed to stochastic (i.e., random), social, or cultural
Eolian: Processes related to the activity of the winds.
External and internal forcings: External forcing mechanisms involve agents acting from outside the
climate system (e.g., Milankovitch cycles). Internal mechanisms operate within the climate system
itself (e.g., mountain building, plate tectonics, volcanic activity, ocean circulation, atmospheric
FAD/LAD: Abbreviation of first/last appearance datum, the first/last appearance of a species in the
geological record.
Foraminifera: A large and diverse group of, single-celled aquatic organisms (mainly marine) that
construct their shells from calcium carbonate.
Holocene: The geological epoch lasting from ~11,700 years ago to the present.
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Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ): The equatorial region where the trade winds of both
hemispheres come together and are associated with high precipitation. As the ITCZ is tethered to the
zone of maximum solar insolation, its location migrates north and south of the equator with the
Isotope: Variants of a particular element that have the same number of protons, but di"erent
number of neutrons.
Loess: A deposit composed primarily of homogeneous, nonstratified, wind-blown silt.
Milankovitch: Milutin Milankovitch (1879–1958), a Serbian mathematician who proposed that
climatic changes, particularly ice ages, were the result of variations in the Earth's orbital elements.
Monsoon: A wind system whose direction changes with the seasons. Often associated with seasonal
Plio-Pleistocene: A combination of the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs that lasted from ~5.3
million years ago to ~11,700 years ago (the beginning of the Holocene)
Quaternary: The geological period that includes the Pleistocene and Holocene epochs, lasting from
~2.6 million years ago to the present. Prior to 2009 the beginning of the Quaternary and Pleistocene
was set at ~1.8 million years.
Radiolaria: A large and diverse group of single-celled marine organisms that construct their shells
from silica.
Seasonality: Changes in timing, duration, or intensity of the within-year distribution of climatic
elements, but not in total annual amounts (e.g., solar insolation, precipitation).
Speleothem: A mineral deposit, typically calcium carbonate, that precipitates from solution in a cave
(e.g., stalagmites and stalactites).
Terrigenous: Material derived from land.
Uranium-thorium dating: An absolute dating technique based on the natural radioactive decay of
uranium to thorium.
Vicariance: The separation of a population through the development of a natural biogeographical
References and Recommended Reading
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... Climate change on ancient Earth was related to astronomical cycles. For example, insolation feeds energy to Earth, and varies due to the regular change in inclination of Earth's rotational axis from 22.1 • to 24.5 • (Buis, 2020), pacing the supply of thermal energy and thereby hydrological cycles on the surface spheres of Earth (Campisano, 2012). Oscillations of sea level, which could have been a result of variation in the volume of oceanic water and periodical tidal forcing, may have exerted a strong control on the preservation of OM (Jin et al., 2020;Zhang et al., 2020Zhang et al., , 2022a. ...
... The gravitational interactions between the orbits of other planets and Earth can potentially cause variations in both the Earth-Moon distance, and precession of Earth's perihelion (Campisano, 2012;Hinnov, 2013). Tidal force and thermal supply to Earth would thus be modulated, so astronomical forcing serves as trigger for sea-level fluctuations and paleoclimate change. ...
... Milanković analysed and studied how variations in these three types of Earth's orbital motions affect the amount of solar radiation that reaches Earth's upper atmosphere. It turned out that cyclical orbital movements cause fluctuations of up to 25% of the amount of insolation on the Earth between 30 ÷ 60 • south and north latitude [67]. ...
... Many of the arguments used by uncritical supporters of electric cars are the so-called greenwashing. Let us remind you that greenwashing is "the act or practise of making a product, policy, activity, etc. appear to be more environmentally friendly or less environmentally damaging than it really is" [67] or "behavior or activities that make people believe that a company is doing more to protect the environment than it really is" [68]. In the case of electric cars, we deal with it when: ...
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Citation: Konieczny, J.; Labisz, K.; Surma, S.; Młyńczak, J.; Łukasik, J.; Boris, R.; Grzybowski, M. Hydrogen or Electric Drive-Inconvenient (Omitted) Aspects. Energies 2023, 16, 4400. en16114400 Academic Editor: Wei-Hsin Chen Abstract: Currently, hydrogen and electric drives used in various means of transport is a leading topic in many respects. This article discusses the most important aspects of the operation of vehicles with electric drives (passenger cars) and hydrogen drives. In both cases, the official reason for using both drives is the possibility of independence from fossil fuel supplies, especially oil. The desire for independence is mainly dictated by political considerations. This article discusses the acquisition of basic raw materials for the construction of lithium-ion batteries in electric cars, as well as methods for obtaining hydrogen as a fuel. The widespread use of electric passenger cars requires the construction of a network of charging stations. This article shows that, taking into account the entire production process of electric cars, including lithium-ion batteries, the argument that they are ecological cannot be used. Additionally, it was indicated that there is no concept for the use of used accumulator batteries. If hydrogen drives are used in trains, there is no need to build the traction network infrastructure and then continuously monitor its technical condition and perform the necessary repairs. Of course, the necessary hydrogen tanks must be built, but there must be similar tanks to store oil for diesel locomotives. This paper also deals with other possibilities of hydrogen application for transformational usage, e.g., the use of combustion engines driven with liquid hydrogen. Unfortunately, an optimistic approach to this issue does not allow for a critical view of the whole matter. In public discussion, there is no room for scientific arguments and emotions to dominate.
... Environmental metastability is associated with long periods of moderate fluctuations in climate, for instance, between the previous five major extinction events, and between Milankovitch climate cycles (Gilmore, 1981: 433) when summer temperatures were about 12̊ Fahrenheit cooler than those of today. Conversely, warmer temperature associated with Milandovitch cycles occurred about 103,00, 82,000, 60,000, 35,000, and 11,000 years ago (Campisano, 2012). ...
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An evolutionary lineage may be analyzed as a complex adaptive system. It cycles through time from monothetic genus to monothetic realized niche, and forward again genus to niche. A genus is a set consisting of an ancestor species and its descendants each with the same ancestron traits. A niche is a physically coherent nexus of convergent species sharing the same novon of a virtual ancestor species (stochastic plus natural selection). Like speciation, nicheation is a complex, fractal process governed by non-linear processes. Superimposition of Turing patterns of separately evolved species may be a process that minimizes negetropic open space. The genus is here taken as the fundamental unit of evolution, tested and modified through interaction with environments oscillating across geological time. Four major modeling methods are used: radiate monothetic genera, NK-parallels of random Boolean networks, oscillations of the logistic map, and fractal dimensions. It is then possible to provide precise measures of resilience in species, genera and higher taxa, including survival-associated traits, changes in traits between and through periodic extinction events, and potential continuation of lineage and ecosystem niche complexity in the future. Systematics, evolution, and niche theory are linked by the same analytic modeling reflecting similar complex processes in speciation and “nicheation.” The model organism is the bryophyte, particularly the moss family Pottiaceae.
... Climatically warmer periods have existed before in human historical times, e.g., the so-called Medieval Warm Period-documented archaeologically, geologically, and historically (Crowley and Lowery 2000;Zalasiewicz et al. 2020)-which is considered a localized phenomenon (Neukom et al. 2019). It is well documented that the last 400,000 years have witnessed alternating glacial and interglacial periods known as Milankovitch cycles (Campisano 2012), the causes of which are attributed to a combination of astronomical phenomena and not to human activities. ...
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The challenge of this century is without a doubt to counter global warming. Land management, agriculture, and forests are responsible for 23% of total greenhouse gases (GHGs). In developing countries, such as those in African territories, where economic capacities are sometimes small and socio-cultural and linguistic perceptions are different, this requires a transition that is just and respectful of local culture and language, while at the same time helping to create labor conditions that respect gender and minors. This article describes a socio-technical ecological transition in the cocoa chain production in Côte d’Ivoire, which is not only the world’s leading producer of cocoa beans (45%) but also one of the African countries most prone to deforestation. Linguistic and multicultural aspects come together in Côte d’Ivoire, where more than 70 local languages are spoken. Intelligent digital approaches, agroecological issues, new methods, and sociocultural questions are embedded in a context of collaboration and co-creation, a living lab approach, to ensures sharing and co-creation among NGOs, farmers, companies, and researchers. A framework of socio-technical transition is presented, and this research aims to not only achieve the goals of a just ecological transition and reduce carbon footprint and deforestations but also to create diverse labour conditions, gender respect and inclusion.
... Berbagai teori berkembang mengenai berubahnya muka laut berperiode waktu panjang, misalnya teori Siklus Milankovitch. Teori ini mengemukakan tiga hal yang dialami oleh bumi sehingga menghasilkan perubahan iklim yang kemudian berpengaruh kepada perubahan muka laut sebagai akibat perbedaan intensitas radiasi matahari di permukaan bumi, yakni eksentrisitas, obliquitas, dan presisi (Campisano, 2012). Satu siklus Milankovitch memerlukan puluhan ribu sampai ratusan ribu tahun. ...
meyajikan fakta sumberdaya hayati perairan papua yang berasal dari berbagai organiseme
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Is Time Cyclic: A view presented from Quantum physics and how it missed the common sense
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The number of climate refugees - people displaced by the effects of climate change - is expected to increase as the global climate crisis worsens. In this thesis, I explore pre-historical and historical human responses to climatic changes, focussing on migrations and adaptations, in order to contribute to on-going debates about the future impacts of climate change. This thesis was written in 2013 in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the University of Warwick for the degree of Environmental Bioscience in a Changing Climate (MSc).
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No abstract available. doi:10.2204/
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We propose that Plio-Pleistocene East African climate is forced by both high latitude climate changes and local orbital forcing, but is independent of glacial-interglacial cycles. Paleo-records show that the late Cenozoic climate of East African is punctuated by episodes of short, alternating periods of extreme wetness and aridity, superimposed on a long-term drying trend. The periods of extreme climate variability are characterised by the precession-forced appearance and disappearance of large, deep lakes in the East African Rift Valley, paralleled by low and high wind-driven dust loads reaching the adjacent ocean basins. Over the last 3 million years such periods only occur at the times of major global climatic transitions, such as the Onset of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (2.7-2.5 Ma), intensification of the Walker circulation (1.9-1.7 Ma) and the Mid- Pleistocene Revolution (1-0.7 Ma). High latitude forcing in both Hemispheres is required to compress the Inter- Tropical Convergence Zone so that East Africa becomes locally sensitive to precessional forcing, resulting in rapid shifts from wet to dry conditions. Between 0.5 Ma and 5.0 Ma the periods of highly variable East African climate, oscillating from very dry to very wet, occupied less than a third of the total time. In contrast, 12 out of the 15 hominin species i.e., four fifths, first appeared in one of these extreme `wet-dry' periods. We suggest that ephemeral lakes, expanding and contracting on precessional timescales, would have evoked a wide- spread, regional-scale, rapid, and extreme environmental variability, required by the Variability Selection Hypothesis of human evolution.
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THE ice cores recovered from central Greenland by the GRIP1,2 and GISP23 projects record 22 interstadial (warm) events during the part of the last glaciation spanning 20-105 kyr before present. The ice core from Vostok, east Antarctica, records nine interstadials during this period4,5. Here we explore links between Greenland and Antarctic climate during the last glaciation using a high-resolution chronology derived by correlating oxygen isotope data for trapped O2 in the GISP2 and Vostok cores. We find that interstadials occurred in east Antarctica whenever those in Greenland lasted longer than 2,000 years. Our results suggest that partial deglaciation and changes in ocean circulation are partly responsible for the climate teleconnection between Greenland and Antarctica. Ice older than 115 kyr in the GISP2 core shows rapid variations in the delta18O of O2 that have no counterpart in the Vostok record. The age-depth relationship, and thus the climate record, in this part of the GISP2, core appears to be significantly disturbed.
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Within the framework of an international and multidisciplinary drilling project led by the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP), 16 drill cores were obtained from June to October 2004 at six locations within Lake Bosumtwi, which is 8.5 km in diameter. The 14 sediment cores are currently being investigated for paleoenvironmental indicators. The two impactite cores LB-07A and LB-08A were drilled into the deepest section of the annular moat (540 m) and the flank of the central uplift (450 m), respectively. They are the main subject of this special issue of Meteoritics & Planetary Science, which represents the first detailed presentations of results from the deep drilling into the Bosumtwi impactite sequence. Drilling progressed in both cases through the impact breccia layer into fractured bedrock. LB-07A comprises lithic (in the uppermost part) and suevitic impact breccias with appreciable amounts of impact melt fragments. The lithic clast content is dominated by graywacke, besides various metapelites, quartzite, and a carbonate target component. Shock deformation in the form of quartz grains with planar microdeformations is abundant. First chemical results indicate a number of suevite samples that are strongly enriched in siderophile elements and Mg, but the presence of a definite meteoritic component in these samples cannot be confirmed due to high indigenous values. Core LB-08A comprises suevitic breccia in the uppermost part, followed with depth by a thick sequence of graywacke-dominated metasediment with suevite and a few granitoid dike intercalations. It is assumed that the metasediment package represents bedrock intersected in the flank of the central uplift. Both 7A and 8A suevite intersections differ from suevites outside of the northern crater rim.
Lake sediments in 10 Ethiopian, Kenyan, and Tanzanian rift basins suggest that there were three humid periods at 2.7 to 2.5 million years ago (Ma), 1.9 to 1.7 Ma, and 1.1 to 0.9 Ma, superimposed on the longer-term aridification of East Africa. These humid periods correlate with increased aridity in northwest and northeast Africa and with substantial global climate transitions. These episodes could have had important impacts on the speciation and dispersal of mammals and hominins, because a number of key events, such as the origin of the genus Homo and the evolution of the species Homo erectus, took place in this region during that time.
A precise solution for the motion of the Earth axis (precession and nutation) is required for the reduction of astronomical observations over a few centuries. On the other hand, over long time scales, the short term variations of the Earth axis can be neglected and only the long term variations of the obliquity and precession angle become dominant. These solution are used for the analysis of the paleoclimate signal present in the sedimentary records over several millions of years, according to Milankovitch theory of paleoclimates. The agreement between the computed insolation signal (that depends on the secular evolution of the Earth's orbit and spin axis) and the sedimentary records is now so well established that in the recently published geological timescale GTS2004 (Gradstein et al, 2004), the whole Neogen period (0-23 Ma) has been calibrated using the astronomical solution of Laskar et al (2004). In the continuation of this work, there is now an international effort for the astronomical calibration of the full Paleogene period (65 Ma). This goal is a difficult challenge for the computation of the Earth parameter evolution. Indeed, due to the chaotic evolution of its orbit (Laskar, 1989), the uncertainty on the solution diverges exponentially by a factor of 10 every 10 Myr. The present orbital solution of (Laskar, 2004) is estimated to be valid over about 40 Myr. To extend this solution over 65 Myr will require to improv the accuracy of the model by more than 2 order of magnitude. The situation of the solution for the evolution of the Earth's axis is even worse, due to the uncertainty of the past evolution of the tidal dissipation in the Earth-Moon system.
In the current resurgence of interest in the biological basis of animal behavior and social organization, the ideas and questions pursued by Charles Darwin remain fresh and insightful. This is especially true of The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, Darwin's second most important work. This edition is a facsimile reprint of the first printing of the first edition (1871), not previously available in paperback. The work is divided into two parts. Part One marshals behavioral and morphological evidence to argue that humans evolved from other animals. Darwin shoes that human mental and emotional capacities, far from making human beings unique, are evidence of an animal origin and evolutionary development. Part Two is an extended discussion of the differences between the sexes of many species and how they arose as a result of selection. Here Darwin lays the foundation for much contemporary research by arguing that many characteristics of animals have evolved not in response to the selective pressures exerted by their physical and biological environment, but rather to confer an advantage in sexual competition. These two themes are drawn together in two final chapters on the role of sexual selection in humans. In their Introduction, Professors Bonner and May discuss the place of The Descent in its own time and relation to current work in biology and other disciplines.
Variability selection (abbreviated as VS) is a process considered to link adaptive change to large degrees of environment variability. Its application to hominid evolution is based, in part, on the pronounced rise in environmental remodeling that took place over the past several million years. The VS hypothesis differs from prior views of hominid evolution, which stress the consistent selective effects associated with specific habitats or directional trends (e.g., woodland, savanna expansion, cooling). According to the VS hypothesis, wide fluctuations over time created a growing disparity in adaptive conditions. Inconsistency in selection eventually caused habitat-specific adaptations to be replaced by structures and behaviors responsive to complex environmental change. Key hominid adaptations, in fact, emerged during times of heightened variability. Early bipedality, encephalized brains, and complex human sociality appear to signify a sequence of VS adaptations—i.e., a ratcheting up of versatility and responsiveness to novel environments experienced over the past 6 million years. The adaptive results of VS cannot be extrapolated from selection within a single environmental shift or relatively stable habitat. If some complex traits indeed require disparities in adaptive setting (and relative fitness) in order to evolve, the VS idea counters the prevailing view that adaptive change necessitates long-term, directional consistency in selection. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.