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Rediscovery of the New Guinea Big-eared Bat Pharotis imogene from Central Province, Papua New Guinea


Abstract and Figures

The New Guinea Big-eared Bat Pharotis imogene has not been reported since the first and only specimens were collected in 1890 and the species was presumed extinct. We document the capture of one individual of the species from the coastal district of Abau, in Central Province, Papua New Guinea, 120 km east of the only previous known locality at Kamali. We recommend that field surveys be urgently undertaken to assess the conservation status of the species.
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6 College Street, Sydney NSW 2010, Australia
nature culture discover
Hughes, Catherine, Julie Broken-Brow, Harry Parnaby, Steve Hamilton,
and Luke K.-P. Leung. 2014. Rediscovery of the New Guinea Big-eared Bat
Pharotis imogene from Central Province, Papua New Guinea. Records of the
Australian Museum 66(4): 225–232. [Published 28 May 2014].
ISSN 0067-1975 (print), ISSN 2201-4349 (online)
Published by the Australian Museum, Sydney
* author for correspondence
© The Authors, 2014. Journal compilation © Australian Museum, Sydney, 2014
Records of the Australian Museum (2014) Vol. 66, issue number 4, pp. 225–232.
ISSN 0067-1975 (print), ISSN 2201-4349 (online)
Rediscovery of the New Guinea Big-eared Bat
Pharotis imogene from Central Province,
Papua New Guinea
1*, 1, 2,
3, 1
1 School of Agriculture & Food Sciences, University of Queensland, Gatton Queensland 4343, Australia
2 Australian Museum, 6 College Street, Sydney New South Wales 2010, Australia
Pharotis imogene 
only specimens were collected in 1890 and the species was presumed extinct. We document the capture
undertaken to assess the conservation status of the species.
: Pharotis; Chiroptera; Vespertilionidae; bat conservation; endemic species; New Guinea
         . 2014.
Pharotis imogeneRecords
of the Australian Museum 66(4): 225–232,
     
and an assemblage of 25 genera and 57 echolocating species
  
monotypic genus Pharotis is one of the most poorly known.
Pharotis imogene Thomas,
1914 and the long-eared bats (also called big-eared bats)
of the genus Nyctophilus, are distinguished from all other
    
by a combination of large ears and a simple nose-leaf
    
The phylogenetic relationships of Pharotis and Nyctophilus
to each other and to remaining genera of Vespertilionidae
       
1987) or in the subfamily Vespertilioninae, sometimes as a
distinct tribe nyctophilini or in the tribe vespertilionini (see
Roehrs et al., 2010).
The largest of the four species of Nyctophilus known from
       
N. timoriensis  
distinct endemic New Guinea species N. shirleyi
2009. The Small-eared Nyctophilus N. microtis Thomas,
226 Records of the Australian Museum (2014) Vol. 66
 
1888 is the most widely distributed and smallest species,
differentiated by its relatively small ears which, unlike
         
     N. bifax Thomas,
1915 resembles a smaller version of N. shirleyi in external
N. microdon
 
Nyctophilus by its relatively large ears
and tragus and in both of these features it resembles Pharotis
Thomas (1914) proposed the new genus and species
Pharotis imogene based on a small number of specimens
        
in November, 1890. These were part of a larger original
series in the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genova,
        
the only authenticated location of Pharotis imogene because
being Pharotis imogene by Thomas (1914) and the specimen
has not been located in world collections (Flannery, 1995).
There have been no further reports of the New Guinea
       
and the species was thought to be extinct (Flannery,
  et al., 2008). A specimen from Rogut
     
be Pharotis imogene     
Nyctophilus microdonet al. (2008).
The species is known from very few specimens in world
collections and all have originated from Museo Civico di
originally housed. Flannery (1995) located six specimens
 
Flannery (1995) reported that all known specimens were
adult females, and could all have been obtained from a single
roost, which he suspected was a maternity colony.
to be either the Small-toothed Nyctophilus Nyctophilus
microdon or Pharotis sp. in the Abau district, 200 km
         
2014, the specimen was loaned to the Australian Museum,
   
of the specimen as Pharotis imogene  
the species since 1890. We discuss the implications of the
rediscovery of this species with recommendations for further
investigations into its conservation status.
et al 
Figure 2. Capture site of Pharotis imogene
Materials and methods
        
Management Area, a sustainable rainforest logging concess ion
  °05'56.1"S 148°44'53.7"E) c. 14 km
  °06'11.4"S 148°
(10°06'47.5"S 148°
harp trap and two mist nets were used to capture bats. The
      
       
Study Association: Mistnet service, Victoria). Mist nets were
arranged one above the other on wooden poles, up to 4 meters
above the ground. Mist nets were monitored continuously for
3 to 4 hours after sunset. Captured bats were weighed using
calipers and released during the night to record echolocation
calls. The sex and age of individuals was determined and
       
      
228 Records of the Australian Museum (2014) Vol. 66
were determined using a 60CSx Garmin 
As part of a broader study of the impacts of selective
      
work was undertaken between 14 July and 5 August, and
        
     
to capture bats and to assemble a reference call library of
the recorded calls of local microbat species. Recordings of
echolocation calls were taken when bats were released to
ultrasonic census of the bat community to assess impacts
of selective logging, and the preferred foraging habitats
of the microbat species. Consequently, net and trap sites
were located opportunistically and no attempt was made to
systematically sample all habitats in the region.
Mist nets and the harp trap were set along creek lines or
logging skid (snig) tracks, which were little wider than the harp
trap (Fig. 2). The bat trap was moved after two nights at each
site, and the mist nets were moved after one night at each site.
The Pharotis voucher specimen was preserved in 90%
        
2012 and assigned registration number 27464 in March 2014.
The Pharotis specimen reported here was compared
with Nyctophilus material from New Guinea and a Pharotis
imogene specimen (M2561) in the Australian Museum
mammal collection. Specimens of Nyctophilus microdon
in the Australian National Wildlife Collection, Canberra
(CM8525) and two specimens of N. microdon on loan to
the Australian Museum from the American Museum of
  
examined because the latter species is poorly represented in
the Australian Museum collection.
A total of 42 individuals of 10 species of bats were captured
in 11 harp trap nights in July 2012. Few individuals were
        
Macroglossus minimus (Geoffroy, 1810), a pteropid, which
accounted for two thirds of all individuals trapped (see Table
1). Mist nets were set for a combined total of 13 nights in
July, and nets were also set in November 2012, but, again,
few bats were captured. A male Macroglossus minimus
Syconycteris australis
bats Hipposideros diadema (Geoffroy, 1813) (number of
individuals not recorded).
An adult female Pharotis sp. was captured in a harp trap
     
148°          
       
was in recently logged lowland rainforest. The animal was
      
Figure 3. The live Pharotis imogene 
et al 
mm; head body length 50.12 mm, tibia length 18.93 mm,
ear length (measured from anterior base of the tragus) 24.00
mm, calcar 15.04 mm, body weight 7.70 g. The teats were
rudimentary, and it was not clear if the animal was nulliparous.
The Pharotis      
resembles M2561 in the Australian Museum collection, (from
a forearm length of 39.6 mm, comparable to 37.5–39.4 mm
nose-leaf, the well-developed posterior nasal prominence, and
        
specimens clearly exhibit key diagnostic features proposed
by Thomas (1914) to distinguish Pharotis from Nyctophilus.
These include the convex dorsal margin of the nose-leaf
above the nostril (Fig. 6), which contrasts with the median
concave margin typical of Nyctophilus; a deep pit immediately
posterior to the posterior nasal prominence which is absent in
Nyctophilus, and the lobe on the inner margin of the tragus is
located midway between each side of the tragus, rather than
located on the outer tragal margin in Nyctophilus.
is the area of skin between and above the nostrils, which
   
hairs in Nyctophilus.
Table 1. Total number of bats captured per species in one harp trap during 11 harp trap-nights during July
species females males
Hipposideros diadema (Geoffroy, 1813) 1 0
Macroglossus minimus (Geoffroy, 1810) 10 17
 Miniopterus australis Tomes, 1858 2 1
 Miniopterus magnater Sanborn, 1913 1 0
 Myotis moluccarum (Thomas, 1915) 2 2
Small-eared Nyctophilus Nyctophilus microtis Thomas, 1888 1 0
Pharotis imogene Thomas, 1914 1 0
Pipistrellus angulatus angulatus  
Pipistrellus papuanus  1 1
Pipistrellus wattsi  1 0
Total captures 21 21
Figure 4. Pharotis imogene
230 Records of the Australian Museum (2014) Vol. 66
district extends the known distribution of the species in the
Endangered (possibly extinct), under criteria B1a,b (i, ii,
iii) and D
  
in extent of occurrence, area of occupancy, and the extent
et al., 2008). The threat
status will now need to be reassessed, but the present record
might not necessarily alter the status of Critically Endangered
 Pharotis was captured as part of an ultrasonic
census of the local bat community but there were no call
Pharotis, however, the
species might have cryptic calls that were not distinguished
from Nyctophilus. The similarities in external morphology
(relatively long-ears) and cranial morphology (large
auditory bulla) between Pharotis and Nyctophilus have led
to speculation that Pharotis might also be a low intensity,
    
species with this foraging strategy are known to have a higher
extinction risk (Jones et al., 2003).
Nothing is known about the ecology of the New Guinea
       
species remain unknown but are suspected to be either
lowland sclerophyll woodland or woodland with rainforest
et al.
trapped in rainforest less than 100 m from the boundary
between extensive rainforest to the north and a large expanse
of grassland (once a coconut plantation) and was within 12 km
of the coast and extensive open country. Many bat species are
thought to require spatially dispersed roosting and foraging
 
capture of one animal at a rainforest boundary could be
fortuitous, detailed surveys are needed to critically determine
whether the species requires the proximity of both rainforest
       
woodland with or without rainforest patches, thought to be
Figure 5. Pharotis imogene
et al 
     et al., 2008), was
notably absent from the capture site of the species south of
 Pharotis 
         
images of a living animal. The only previously published
        
knowledge, are of the Australian Museum specimen M2561.
These include a black and white photograph of the preserved
body (Walker, 1964), and line drawings of the head along with
(2011) also has a line drawing of the nose-leaves shown front
on. The only other illustration appears to be the drawing of
the baculum (penis bone) of an overlooked immature male
   
       
(1995) illustrate the anterior nose-leaf which has inevitably
been distorted during prolonged storage. Consequently, the
anterior nose-leaf has sagged forward, giving the misleading
impression that the dorsal margin is concave in the midline,
as in Nyctophilus, but the margin is convex, which would be
apparent if the nose-leaf was fully erect.
In the most recent review of the biology and conservation
        et
al.         
 
targeting the species to be one of the highest survey priorities
accordingly we recommend the following steps to address
the conservation status of this species:
1 bat surveys using harp traps are urgently undertaken
in the Abau district and adjoining lowland regions, to
determine the local distribution and abundance in that
2 priority be given to determining whether the species
acoustic surveys of the species;
3 radio tracking studies be undertaken during different
roosting requirements and movements.
A further priority is to establish whether the New Guinea
endemic to the south-eastern peninsula region, or does it
occur more widely as suspected by Aplin et al. (2010).
        
New Guinea, drawing on insights obtained from steps 1 and
2 above. Such surveys could focus on coastal lowland areas
Figure 6. Close up of the snout region of the alcohol-preserved body of Pharotis imogene  
dorsal margin of anterior noseleaf (arrow) and naked skin between and above nostrils. Scale: least distance between nostril margins =
232 Records of the Australian Museum (2014) Vol. 66
      
        
        
species taxonomy remains unresolved for much of the bat
of species. Voucher specimens of bats should be routinely
      
       
Aplin (2011) and representative specimens should be lodged
. The senior author would like to thank the
        
       
     
         
    
    
Ingleby, Collection Manager, who also helped with the Pharotis
     
       
          
    
Sandy Ingleby (Australian Museum) for constructive suggestions
to the manuscript. The manuscript was also enhanced thanks to
 
assistance during preparation of the manuscript. This study was
      
with the issue of a three-year Research Visa (reference 1035 0000
    Bats: from Evolution to Conservation.
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   
distribution of rainforest cover, deforestation and degradation
Austral Ecology 36: 9–24.
   Annali del Museo Civico di Storia
Naturale di Genova (series 2) 18: 606–622.
Nyctophilus. Annals
and Magazine of Natural History (series 8) 14: 381–383.
    Mammals of the World  
Manuscript submitted 14 April 2014, revised and accepted 8 May 2014.
... Aproteles bulmerae and Pharotis imogene are listed among the top 100 mammals on the EDGE (Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered) programme (Isaac et al. 2007). Pharotis imogene was believed extinct for 120 years, until its rediscovery in 2012 (Hughes et al. 2014), which raised concerns about the actual conservation status of long unseen species. It may currently be threatened by habitat loss, an extinction driver that is exerting high impacts on at least another three top-ranked threatened species, namely Dyacopterus brooksi, Pteralopex taki, and Neopteryx frosti (Anonymous 2016). ...
Evidence‐based knowledge is critical for the delineation and success of conservation interventions. However, despite limited research resources, research efforts frequently fail to target conservation priorities. Island endemic bats ( IEB s) are a poorly studied group inhabiting some of the world's most vulnerable habitats, and for which no review of research allocation has ever been conducted. We conducted a bibliometric review to evaluate the global research patterns for IEB s with respect to individual species, geographical distribution and the International Union for Conservation of Nature ( IUCN ) Red List categories. Additionally, we studied the relationship between the number of publications and changes in Red List category, and identified species‐based and area‐based priorities for future research. IEB s are significantly more threatened than bat species that are not island endemics. However, research focusing on IEB s is scarce, centred on species of lesser conservation concern, and spatially asymmetric, overlooking areas of high IEB biodiversity. Conservation‐oriented research seems to target species facing high extinction risk, but is extremely thinly and unevenly distributed. Although we found a positive association between research effort and improvement in Red List category, an increase in extinction risk did not trigger more scientific attention. A prioritisation analysis highlighted, as the top five islands for species richness in the least‐studied and highest conservation concern IEB s: Sulawesi, Timor, New Guinea, Java, and Borneo. The ten species of highest research priority include threatened and Data Deficient species from Southeast Asian and Pacific islands. Conservation‐oriented research seems to be too scarce to satisfy conservation needs. The observed mismatch between research allocation and conservation priorities may reflect the fact that highly endangered species are unattractive targets for fund‐raising, due to species crypticity, high research budget requirements, and high risk of project failure. However, our findings support the importance of research for the conservation of IEB s, and we therefore advocate that more attention is directed towards the least‐known species.
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A comparative morphological and morphometry assessment was undertaken of material from mainland Australia, Tasmania and Papua New Guinea that has previously been referred to as the Greater Long-eared Bat Nyctophilus timoriensis (Geoffroy, 1806). Five taxa are recognised: N. major Gray, 1844 from south-western Western Australia; N. major tor subsp. nov. from southern Western Australia east to the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia; N. corbeni sp. nov. from eastern mainland Australia from eastern South Australia, through Victoria to Queensland; N. sherrini Thomas, 1915 from Tasmania, and N. shirleyae sp. nov. from Mt Missim, Papua New Guinea. Vespertilio timoriensis Geoffroy is regarded as nomen dubium due to uncertainty surrounding provenance of the original specimen(s), the lack of a definite type specimen, and lack of sufficient detail in the original description and illustration to relate the name to a singular, currently recognised species. This review required a consideration of two taxa not usually associated with timoriensis: bifaxThomas, 1915 from eastern Australia and New Guinea, and daedalus Thomas, 1915, previously treated as the western subspecies of bifax, occurring from western Queensland, the northern part of the Northern Territory, and northern Western Australia. Nyctophilus daedalus is shown to belong to a separate species group. The implications of removing daedalus from bifax are discussed in relation to N. arnhemensis Johnson, 1959, which is considered to be a sibling species of N. bifax. The inter-specific relationships of these taxa are evaluated. A major species group is recognised, consisting of major Gray, 1844 and N. corbeni sp. nov., while sherrini Thomas, 1915 is placed in a gouldi group.The relationships of N. shirleyae from Papua New Guinea remain unclear but it is provisionally placed in a bifax group. The relationships of N. daedalus, which is likely to be a composite species, remain unclear and it is provisionally placed in the major group. Nyctophilus howensis from Lord Howe Island differs from all other members of the genus and its generic status needs re-examination.
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The giant bandicoot, Peroryctes broadbenti (Ramsay, 1879), is represented in museum collections by 23 specimens collected at 12 localities in the lowlands of the southeastern peninsula (the "Papuan Peninsula") of Papua New Guinea. Available data on P. broadbenti are reviewed, including its comparative anatomy and morphological variability, taxonomic relationships, geographic and elevational distribution, dietary and reproductive traits, and conservation status. Despite previous confusion between this species and P. raffrayana (Milne-Edwards, 1878), the two species are readily distinguished by a suite of external, cranial, and dental characters. Diagnostic characters are enumerated and illustrated, and comparisons drawn with other New Guinean bandicoots. Generic distinction of Peroryctes Thomas, 1906, in cranial morphology from other New Guinean bandicoots is also reviewed. A striking degree of sexual dimorphism is documented in both body size and dentition for P. broadbenti; these comparisons are set in context by a review of sexual dimorphism among bandicoots in general.
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Many species of vertebrates require multiple habitats to obtain different resources at different stages of their life-cycles. Use of habitat mosaics takes place on a variety of spatial and temporal scales, from a daily requirement for adjacent habitats to seasonal use of geographically separated environments. Mosaics of habitats are also required in some species to allow ontogenetic habitat shifts, while in others each sex may have specific requirements that are met by different habitats. The extent and nature of animal movements are key (but generally poorly known) factors affecting the vulnerability of species to landscape change. The requirement by many species for multiple habitats suggests that their conservation will be most effective in a mosaic environment and that protection of certain high profile habitats alone, such as rainforest, will be insufficient to achieve conservation goals. Management regimes that result in homogenization of habitats should be avoided. Priority should be given to research that identifies the extent to which species can locate habitat mosaics, at different spatial scales and arrangements, in modified environments.
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A paucity of useful characters, morphological convergence, and potential rapid radiation has hindered systematists in elucidating evolutionary relationships within Vespertilioninae. In this study >8,500 base pairs of digenomic DNA for 111 taxa were sequenced and analyzed using maximum-parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic methods to construct trees and reexamine hypotheses of supergeneric evolutionary relationships in Vespertilioninae. Results of these analyses validate monophyly of Vespertilioninae with the exclusion of Myotis and support recognition of 6 tribes: Antrozoini, Lasiurini, Scotophilini, Vespertilionini, and 2 new unnamed tribal clades, the perimyotine group and the hypsugine group. Tree topologies indicate a Nycticeiini-Eptesicini group, but this clade is not supported. The heuristically pleasing tribe Plecotini also is unresolved in these analyses. These results provided further support and greater resolution for previously proposed hypotheses of Vespertilioninae evolution based on mitochondrial DNA, and although deep branching patterns are not fully resolved, these data increase our understanding of the evolution of this ecologically important and diverse group of bats. DOI: 10.1644/09-MAMM-A-325.1.
The bat fauna of Papua New Guinea (PNG) is more diverse than that of Australia, yet knowledge of the distribution and ecology of PNG's 57 microchiropteran species is particularly poor, almost a third being known from five or less localities. The lack of knowledge is partly due to problems with use of both mist nets and harp traps in PNG. Bat detectors may help overcome some of these problems, however, they have not been widely used in PNG primarily due to the lack of a body of reference calls to aid species identification. Using the Anabat system, we recorded 744 reference echolocation call sequences from eight microchiropteran species captured in PNG. Calls were analysed using Analook software and described. The characteristic frequency of the predominant harmonics were: Aselliscus tricuspidatus 112-113 kHz; Hipposideros cervinus 136.5-138 kHz; H. diadema 54-59 kHz; H. maggietaylorae 121-123 kHz; Mormopterus cf. beccarii 44-50 kHz; Mosia nigrescens 45-60 kHz; Rhinolophus arcuatus 70-72 kHz; and Rhinolophus euryotis 52-56 kHz. Comparison with published calls of some of these species from Australia, south-east Asia and elsewhere in PNG suggest regional variations occur within PNG and abroad and/or that there are taxonomic issues such as cryptic species. This emphasises the need for far greater collection of reference echolocation calls, the development of regional PNG call libraries with vouchered specimens and cautions against using reference libraries developed in Australia or elsewhere.
Bats are highly charismatic and popular animals that are not only fascinating in their own right, but illustrate most of the topical and important concepts and issues in mammalian biology. This book covers the key aspects of bat biology, including evolution, flight, echolocation, hibernation, reproduction, feeding and roosting ecology, social behaviour, migration, population and community ecology, biogeography, and conservation. This new edition is fully updated and greatly expanded throughout, maintaining the depth and scientific rigour of the first edition. It is beautifully illustrated with drawings and colour photographs.
Papua New Guinea (PNG) is an extensively forested country. Recent research suggests that despite commencing a trajectory of deforestation and degradation later than many counties in the Asia–Pacific region, PNG is now undergoing comparable rates of forest change. Here we explore the bioregional distribution of changes in the forest estate over the period 1972–2002 and examine their implications for forest protection. This is undertaken through the development of a novel bioregional classification of the country based on biogeographic regions and climatic zones, and its application to existing forest cover and forest-cover change data. We found that degradation and deforestation varied considerably across the 11 defined biogeographic regions. We report that the majority of deforestation and degradation has occurred within all the lowland forests, and that it is these forests that have the greatest potential for further losses in the near term. The largest percentage of total change occurred in the east of PNG, in the islands and lowlands of the Bismarck, D'Entrecasteaux, East Papuan Islands and in the South-East Papua–Oro region. The only region with a significant highlands component to undergo deforestation at a comparable magnitude to the islands and lowland regions was the Huon Peninsula and Adelbert region. Significant changes have also occurred at higher elevations, especially at the interface of subalpine grasslands and upper montane forests. Lower montane forests have experienced proportionally less change, yet it is these forests that constitute the majority of forests enclosed within the protected area system. We find that protected areas are not convincingly protecting either representative areas of PNG's ecosystems, nor the forests within their borders. We conclude by suggesting a more expansive and integrated approach to managing the national forest estate.