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Abstract and Figures

Cervical carotid artery aneurysms are rare and sometimes induce not only hemorrhage but also ischemic stroke. Various surgical treatments are reported to prevent hemorrhage and stroke. We report the result of endovascular therapies for 4 patients who had large or giant cervical carotid artery aneurysms. Endovascular therapies were performed for 4 patients and 5 aneurysms, from January 2003 to October 2007. One patient had external carotid artery aneurysm and the other 3 patients had common or internal carotid artery aneurysms. One patient had 2 cervical carotid artery aneurysms. Case 1 had an external carotid artery aneurysm and underwent parent artery occlusion (PAO); the aneurysm was occluded without any event. Case 2 had an internal carotid artery (ICA) aneurysm and also underwent PAO, but the internal carotid artery showed recanalization 2 days later on magnetic resonance image. Therefore, we added endovascular coil embolization and occluded the aneurysm completely. Case 3 had 1 aneurysm and Case 4 had 2 aneurysms on the common carotid artery (CCA) to ICA. Bare metal stents were deployed, followed by endovascular embolization for 2 aneurysms. One aneurysm in Case 4 on which only stenting was performed completely occluded 1 year after procedure. On 2 aneurysms combined stenting and coil embolization were performed. One was completely occluded, and the other had a tiny flow into the aneurysm, only confirmd by cervical ultrasound examination. No procedural complication or neurological symptoms and signs were recognized during these endovascular procedure. Endovascular therapy was effective and safe for the cervical carotid artery areurysms. However, the aneurysm sometimes became recanalized, and it is important to treat the recurrent aneurysm.
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48 脳卒中の外科 39: 2011
脳卒中の外科 39: 48 ~ 53,2011
症  例
頚部動脈瘤に対して血管内治療を行った 4 例
蔵本 要二 1
,坂井 信幸 1
,今村 博敏 1
小柳 正臣 1
,坂井 千秋 2
,国枝 武治 1
上野  泰 1
,足立 秀光 1
,菊池 晴彦 1
Endovascular Therapy for Cervical Carotid Artery Aneurysms:
Report of 4 Cases
Yoji Kuramoto, M.D.,1 Nobuyuki SaKai, M.D., D.M.Sc.,1 Hirotoshi imamura, M.D., Ph.D.,1
Masaomi Koyanagi, M.D., Ph.D.,1 Chiaki SaKai, M.D., Ph.D.,2
Takeharu Kunieda, M.D., Ph.D.,1 Yasushi ueno, M.D., Ph.D.,1
Hidemitsu adachi, M.D., Ph.D.,1 and Haruhiko KiKuchi, M.D.1
1Department of Neurosurgery, Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital, Kobe, Hyogo, and
2Division of Intervention Neuroradiology, Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation
Hospital, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan
Summary: Cervical carotid artery aneurysms are rare and sometimes induce not only hemorrhage
but also ischemic stroke. Various surgical treatments are reported to prevent hemorrhage and
stroke. We report the result of endovascular therapies for 4 patients who had large or giant
cervical carotid artery aneurysms.
Endovascular therapies were performed for 4 patients and 5 aneurysms, from January 2003
to October 2007. One patient had external carotid artery aneurysm and the other 3 patients
had common or internal carotid artery aneurysms. One patient had 2 cervical carotid artery
Case 1 had an external carotid artery aneurysm and underwent parent artery occlusion (PAO);
the aneurysm was occluded without any event. Case 2 had an internal carotid artery (ICA)
aneurysm and also underwent PAO, but the internal carotid artery showed recanalization 2 days
later on magnetic resonance image. Therefore, we added endovascular coil embolization and
occluded the aneurysm completely. Case 3 had 1 aneurysm and Case 4 had 2 aneurysms on the
common carotid artery (CCA) to ICA. Bare metal stents were deployed, followed by endovascular
embolization for 2 aneurysms. One aneurysm in Case 4 on which only stenting was performed
completely occluded 1 year after procedure. On 2 aneurysms combined stenting and coil
embolization were performed. One was completely occluded, and the other had a tiny flow into
the aneurysm, only confirmd by cervical ultrasound examination. No procedural complication or
neurological symptoms and signs were recognized during these endovascular procedure.
Endovascular therapy was effective and safe for the cervical carotid artery areurysms. However,
the aneurysm sometimes became recanalized, and it is important to treat the recurrent aneurysm.
Key words:
cervical carotid artery
endovascular treatment
carotid artery stenting
parent artery occlusion
Surg Cereb Stroke
(Jpn) 39: 4853, 2011
1神戸市民病院機構 神戸市立医療センター中央市民病院 脳神経外科,2先端医療センター病院 脳血管内治療科(受稿日 2010. 4. 5)
(脱稿日 2010. 8. 24)〔連絡先:〒6500046
兵庫県神戸市中央区港島中町 46 神戸市民病院機構 神戸市立医療センター中央市民病院 脳
神経外科 蔵本要二〕[Address correspondence: Yoji Kura mot o, M.D., Department of Neurosurgery, Kobe City Medical Center
General Hospital, 46 Minatojimanaka-machi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 6500046, Japan]
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Surgery for Cerebral Stroke 39: 2011 49
併症は低い報告でも生涯で 30%に達し,多い報告では
.今回当院で頚部動脈瘤 4 例・5 動脈瘤に行った血
2003 年 1 月から 2007 年 10 月までに,神戸市立医療セ
ンター中央市民病院脳神経外科で,頚部動脈瘤 4 例・5 動
脈瘤に対して血管内治療を行ったTable 1
1 例のみ頚動脈内膜剝離術後であり医原性と推測される
症例 1〉21 歳女性.既往歴はなく,当院受診 2 週間前
撮影上,最大径 25 mm の外頚動脈瘤を認めたため,母血
管閉塞(parent artery occlusion,以下 PAO)を行い完
歩退院した.治療 3 カ月後の血管撮影で完全閉塞を確認し,
以後 2 年間の経過観察を行っているが頚部超音波検査で再
発を認めてはいないFig. 1
症例 2〉63 歳女性.10 年前より右頚部動脈瘤を指摘さ
院受診 3 カ月前に左中大脳動脈閉塞をきたし,他院でアル
balloon test occlusion以下 BTO)を行い,神経症状がな
PAO を施行したFig. 2.マイクロカテーテルを動脈瘤
Table 1  This table show the characteristic of all cases
Case 1 2 3 4
Age 21 63 77 78
Gender female female male male
Etiology idiopathic idiopathic CEA idiopathic
Side left left left right
(2 aneurysms)
IVR PAO* PAO* stent+coil stent+coil (1st)
(re-embolization) stent only (2nd)
*PAO= parent artery occlusion
Fig. 1  Case 1.
Preoperative 3D-CTA shows a giant aneurysm on left ECA, A-P view (A) and lateral
view (B). Post treatment DSA show aneurysm and ECA were complete occlusion (C). A B C
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50 脳卒中の外科 39: 2011
たため完全に閉塞できたと判断した.しかし,治療 2 日後
の頭部 MRA 上,左内頚動脈の再開通を認めたため,初回
治療から 4 日後に 2 回目の血管内治療を行った.コイル塊
前まで内頚動脈と動脈瘤をコイルで再度 PAO を行い,完
症例 3〉77 歳男性.既往歴は高血圧,高尿酸血症,慢
性腎不全.12 年前に左頚動脈内膜剝離術の既往があり
行った.Easy Wallstent(Boston Scientific, Fremont, CA,
USA):10 mm 径,69 mm 長を留置したのち,ステント
導し,コイル塞栓を行ったFig. 3.治療1年後の血管撮
過観察中であるFig. 4
症例 4〉78 歳女性.既往歴は高血圧,糖尿病,高尿酸
血症.1 年前より頚部腫瘤を指摘され,嗄声と嚥下障害が
して た.3D-computed tomography angiography
(以下 CTAで右頚動脈に大小 2 つの動脈瘤を認めた
Easy Wallstent: 10 mm 径,20 mm 長を留置した.小さ
外来で 3D-CTA を用いて経過をみると 5 カ月後には血栓
化により動脈瘤への造影剤の流入はわずかとなり,12 カ
月後には完全閉塞を認めたFig. 5.念のため 18 カ月後
に再度 CTA を行ったが,再発はなく嚥下障害は完全に治
考   察
酔下で母血管閉塞が可能であり直達手術に優る.症例 2 で
は前もって BTO を行い内頚動脈閉塞に対する耐性を確認
したため endovascular PAO 選択した.後者を選択
Fig. 2  Case 2.
DSA at before first procedure shows a giant aneurysm on ICA. We could not
navigate microcatheter distal to the aneurysm (A), and embolized aneurysm and
priximal ICA. DSA at before second procedure show recanalization obviously (B),
add coils in distal ICA and aneurysm, finally we have complete occlusion after
second procedure (C).
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Surgery for Cerebral Stroke 39: 2011 51
修復では致死率ならび重症脳梗塞が 9%で,脳神経麻痺が
.症例 3 は頚動脈内膜剝離術後の
発生で再度の外科治療は困難であり,症例 4 では動脈瘤の
経症状,周術期30 日)合併症発生率は有意に血管内手術
Fig. 3  Case 3.
Pre intervention 3D-DSA shows a giant and wide neck aneurysm on left inter-
nal carotid artery (A). Carotid artery stenting was performed (B), microcatheter
pass through stent strut and performed coil embolization around stent (C), final-
ly aneurysm was embolized and ICA flow was intact (D).
Fig. 4  Case 3.
DSA of 1-year after treat-
ment shows complete
occlusion of aneurysm but
carotid artery was patent
without stenosis, A-P view (A)
and lateral view (B). Ultra-
sound examination shows
minor flow from artery to
aneurysm through stent
strut (C).
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52 脳卒中の外科 39: 2011
症例 2 では,初回治療時に瘤の遠位へマイクロカテーテ
認して治療を終わったが,2 日後の MRA で再開通を確認
pack したコイル塊を利用してマイクロカテーテルを容易
回避できたと考えられる.PAO では病変の遠位,近位の
ト留置のみで経過を観る方法があり,covered stent を用
症例 4 ように small neck で血栓化を伴っ
で徐々に動脈瘤が血栓化して退縮し mass effect を軽減す
ることができた.また症例 3 のような紡錐形の動脈瘤でも
残っているので,慎重に経過を観察中である.Fiorella ら
瘤 10 例 対 して,Neuroform stent(Boston Scientific,
Fremont, CA, USA)みの留置で経過を観察している.
経過観察の脳血管撮影上 5 例が完全閉塞,4 例が部分閉塞,
1 例が不変であり,いずれも再破裂に至らなかったと報告
Assali らは uncovered stent で治療した外傷性頚動脈瘤
3 例を報告し,2 例は瘤内にコイルを追加しているが,1
合併症もなく,6︲9 カ月後のエコーでも再開通を認めな
かったと報告している.また,Assadian らは,6例の内
頚動脈解離に対して covered stent による治療を行い,周
Fig. 5  Case 4.
DSA shows 2 aneurysms at right catotid artery bifcation (A).
Carotid artery stenting from CCA to ICA (B). Additional coil
embolization for small aneurysm (C). CTA before treatment
shows large aneurysm was enhanced (D). Five-month later,
enhanced lesion was less small than pre intervention (E). One-
year later, large aneurysm was completely occluded (F).
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Surgery for Cerebral Stroke 39: 2011 53
われわれの予想以上に mesh 状の metal stent にも整流
効果がある可能性があり,stent を重ねればより整流効果
では uncovered stent の併用を初めに考えてもよいであろ
う.緊急性を要する症例では covered stent による治療が
より効果的であろう.ただし,covered stent の頚動脈へ
結   語
4 例の頚部動脈瘤に対して血管内治療を行った.再治療
を 1 例に行ったが,母血管閉塞 2 例,母血管温存 2 例とも,
有効であると考えられる.uncovered stent を用いたステ
文   献
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2) Assali AR, Sdringola S, Moustapha A, et al: Endovascu-
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3) Bergeron P, Khanoyan P, Meunier JP, et al: Long-term
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Interv Cardiol 17: 245︲252, 2004
4) Cil BE, Ucar I, Ozsoy F, et al: Successful endovascular
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5) El-Sabrout R, Cooley DA: Extracranial carotid artery
aneurysms: Texas Heart Institute experience. J Vasc
Surg 31: 702︲712, 2000
6) Fiorella D, Albuquerque FC, Deshmukh VR, et al: Endo-
vascular reconstruction with the Neuroform stent as
monotherapy for the treatment of uncoilable intradural
pseudoaneurysms. Neurosurgery 59(2): 291︲300, 2006
7) Radak D, Davidovic´ L, Vukobratov V, et al: Carotid
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8) van Sambeek MR, Sergeren CM, van Dijk LC, et al:
Endovascular repair of an extracranial internal carotid
artery aneurysm complicated by heparin-induced throm-
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9) Zhou W, Lin PH, Bush RL, et al: Carotid artery aneu-
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Vasc Surg 43(3): 493︲496, 2006
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... [13] Regarding the flow diverting effect of a carotid artery stent, Kuramoto et al. reported a case of complete occlusion 12 months after the placement of the WALLSTENT for an aneurysm in the narrow neck of the common carotid artery. [10] Furthermore, Assali et al. reported a case in which only the WALLSTENT was placed in a traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the internal carotid artery; there was complete occlusion after only 10 min. [2] e Japanese government has approved the use of carotid stents, such as the closed-cell type WALLSTENT, open-cell type Precise (Cardinal Health Inc., Dublin, Ireland), and Protégé (Medtronic, Dublin, Ireland). ...
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Background Carotid endarterectomy (CEA) has been the standard preventive procedure for cerebral infarction due to cervical internal carotid artery stenosis, and internal shunt insertion during CEA is widely accepted. However, troubleshooting knowledge is essential because potentially life-threatening complications can occur. Herein, we report a case of cervical internal carotid artery injury caused by the insertion of a shunt device during CEA. Case Description A 78-year-old man with a history of hypertension, diabetes, and hyperuricemia developed temporary left hemiplegia. A former physician had diagnosed the patient with a transient cerebral ischemic attack. The patient’s medical history was significant for the right internal carotid artery stenosis, which was severe due to a vulnerable plaque. We performed CEA to remove the plaque; however, there was active bleeding in the distal carotid artery of the cervical region after we removed the shunt tube. Hemostasis was achieved through compression using a cotton piece. Intraoperative digital subtraction angiography (DSA) revealed severe stenosis at the internal carotid artery distal to the injury site due to hematoma compression. The patient underwent urgent carotid artery stenting and had two carotid artery stents superimposed on the injury site. On DSA, extravascular pooling of contrast media decreased on postoperative day (POD) 1 and then disappeared on POD 14. The patient was discharged home without sequela on POD 21. Conclusion In the case of cervical internal carotid artery injury during CEA, hemostasis can be achieved by superimposing a carotid artery stent on the injury site, which is considered an acceptable troubleshooting technique.
Background and Purpose: Aneurysms of the extracranial carotid artery (ECA) are rare. Large single-institution series are seldom reported and usually are not aneurysm type-specific. Thus, information about immediate and long-term results of surgical therapy is sparse. This review was conducted to elucidate etiology, presentation, and treatment for ECA aneurysms. We retrospectively reviewed the case records of the Texas Heart Institute/St Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston, and found 67 cases of ECA aneurysms treated surgically (the largest series to date) between 1960 and 1995: 38 pseudoaneurysms after previous carotid surgery and 29 atherosclerotic or traumatic aneurysms. All aneurysms were surgically explored, and all were repaired except two: a traumatic distal internal carotid artery aneurysm and an infected pseudoaneurysm in which the carotid artery was ligated. Four deaths (three fatal strokes and one myocardial infarction) and two nonfatal strokes were directly attributed to a repaired ECA aneurysm (overall mortality/major stroke incidence, 9%); there was one minor stroke (incidence, 1.5%). The incidence of cranial nerve injury was 6% (four cases). During long-term follow-up (1.5 months-30 years; mean, 5.9 years), 19 patients died, mainly of cardiac causes (11 myocardial infarctions). The potential risks of cerebral ischemia and rupture as well as the satisfactory long-term results achieved with surgery strongly argue in favor of surgical treatment of ECA aneurysms.
To report the endovascular treatment of a symptomatic extracranial internal carotid artery (ICA) aneurysm that was complicated by heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis. After undergoing a coronary artery bypass graft procedure, a patient was diagnosed with a symptomatic, 3.5-cm ICA aneurysm by computed tomography and angiography. Via a semiclosed access, an Enduring vascular graft was inserted under controlled back bleeding from the ICA. The patient was recovering uneventfully when routine duplex scanning on the fifth postoperative day suggested multiple thrombi within the graft, which was confirmed by arteriography. Thrombectomy and local fibrinolysis were performed; however, the graft occluded the next day without causing neurological symptoms. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia was diagnosed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Endovascular repair of high cervical extracranial ICA aneurysms is feasible, and protection against intracerebral embolization can be achieved using a semiclosed technique with controlled back bleeding from the ICA during endograft deployment. However, multiple thrombi or thrombotic occlusion during the postoperative period, particularly in a patient already sensitized to heparin, should direct attention toward possible heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.
Various surgical options for internal carotid or subclavian artery pseudoaneurysm repair have been reported; however, in general they have resulted in poor outcomes with high morbidity and mortality rates. Recently, these open surgical procedures have been partly replaced by percutaneous transluminal placement of endovascular devices. We evaluated the potential for using flexible self-expanding uncovered stents with or without coiling to treat extracranial internal carotid, subclavian and other peripheral artery posttraumatic pseudoaneurysm. Three patients with posttraumatic pseudoaneurysm were treated by stent deployment and coiling (two cases) of the aneurysm cavity. In one case, a 5.0 x 47 mm Wallstent (Boston Scientific) was positioned to span the neck of the 9 x 5 mm size pseudoaneurysm (left internal carotid artery) and deployed. Angiography demonstrated complete occlusion of the pseudoaneurysm without coiling. In the second patient, a 5.0 x 31 mm Wallstent (Boston Scientific) was positioned to span the neck of the 9 x 7 mm size pseudoaneurysm (right internal carotid artery) and deployed. A total of six coils (Guglielmi Detachable Coils, Boston Scientific) were deployed into the pseudoaneurysm cavity until it was completely obliterated. In the third case, an 8.0 x 80 mm SMART (Cordis) stent was advanced over the wire, positioned to span the neck of the 10 x 7 mm size pseudoaneurysm of the left subclavian artery, and deployed. Fourteen 40 x 0.5 mm Trufill (Cordis) pushable coils were deployed into the pseudoaneurysm cavity until it was completely obliterated. At long-term follow-up (6-9 months), all patients were asymptomatic without flow into the aneurysm cavity by Duplex ultrasound. We conclude that uncovered endovascular flexible self-expanding stent placement with transstent coil embolization of the pseudoaneurysm cavity is a promising new technique to treat posttraumatic pseudoaneurysm vascular disease by minimally invasive methods, while preserving the patency of the vessel and side branches.
Surgery remains the standard option to treat symptomatic or complicated aneurysms of the extracranial internal carotid arteries (EICA). When located more distally to the EICA, surgery appears to be very invasive and disabling. Endovascular treatment of high aneurysmal EICA has been poorly reported. We report our experience in this particular field. We treated five EICA endovascularly, using covered stents and stentgrafts in four patients, two males and two females. One male was treated bilaterally. The average age was 59.2 years (39-80). Three patients were symptomatic (two transient ischemic attack and one stroke). Patients were followed by duplex scan, CT scan, or angio MR. Protecting devices were used in two cases. No in-hospital complication was observed. During follow-up (3.6 +/- 1.3 years), no adverse event was observed and all devices remained patent at duplex scan and angiography. One early endoleak was observed and treated with covered stent extension. No sign of in-stent stenosis was observed. All the aneurysmal sacs thrombosed. Conclusion: Covered stents and stentgrafts allow a less invasive approach to treat highly located internal carotid aneurysms. Larger series are needed to assess the role of covered stents in treating aneurysmal EICA as first choice.
Aneurysm of the common carotid artery is a rare and serious disease requiring prompt treatment in order to avoid neurologic complications. A 39-year-old man presented with voice impairment and a pulsatile mass at the right side of his neck and was found by color Doppler examination to have bilateral common carotid artery aneurysms of unknown origin. The right-sided large aneurysm was treated with placement of an 8 mm interposition Gore-Tex graft between the right common and internal carotid arteries. The surgical graft thrombosed 7 days after the surgery but the left-sided aneurysm was successfully treated by a Jostent peripheral stent-graft. Color Doppler examination showed a patent stent and no filling of the aneurysm on his first and sixth-month follow-up. Bilateral common carotid artery aneurysm is an exceptionally unusual condition and endovascular treatment of carotid artery aneurysms with covered stents may become an effective treatment alternative for these lesions.
Introduction: Extracranial carotid artery aneurysm (CCA), although uncommon, represents a challenge to treatment strategy. The purpose of this study was to analyze the treatment evolution and clinical outcome of all patients with CCA over a two decade period. Methods: Clinical data of all patients diagnosed with CCA who underwent interventions from 1984 to 2004 were reviewed. Patients were divided into two groups. Group I (1985-1994) and group II (1995-2004) were compared with regards to clinical presentation, treatment modality, and clinical outcome. Results: A total of 42 cases of CCA were found during the study period (group I, n=22; group II, n=20). Pulsatile neck mass was the most common presenting symptom (n=39, 93%), followed by neurological symptoms (n=6, 14%). Twenty two (52%) were atherosclerotic aneurysms, fifteen (36%) false aneurysms, and five (12%) posttraumatic aneurysms. Both groups shared similar comorbidities and demographic profiles. All patients in group I underwent operative interventions, which included 12 resection with interposition bypass grafting (55%), six resection with patch angioplasty (27%), and four carotid ligation (18%). In group II, five patients underwent resection with interposition placement (25%) and one carotid ligation (5%). The remaining 14 patients underwent endovascular interventions (70%) which included seven stent-graft exclusions, six carotid stenting with coil exclusions, and one endovascular occlusion. Hospital length of stay was significantly shorter in group II than group I (3.5 vs. 9.4 days, p<0.01). The incidence of cranial nerve injury in group I and II were 14% vs. 5% (p<0.04), respectively. The 30-day mortality/major stroke rates in group I and II were 14% vs. 5% (p< 0.04), respectively. During the follow-up period (0.8 months-20 years; mean, 4.6 years), 16 patients died, largely due to cardiac etiologies (n=11, 69%). Conclusions: Treatment modality of CCA has largely evolved from operative to endovascular intervention at our institution. Treatment benefits of endovascular modality include shorter convalescent and less procedural-related complications. This evolution reflects the improvement of endovascular devices and increased utility of endovascular applications.
Intradural pseudoaneurysms have a malignant natural history and can be difficult to treat if parent vessel deconstruction is not feasible. These lesions often involve a long arterial segment and lack a defined saccular component that would safely accommodate the introduction of embolization coils. The current report describes the successful endovascular treatment of these lesions using a strategy of Neuroform stent reconstruction. A retrospective review of the prospectively maintained Neuroform databases from our two institutions identified all intracranial aneurysms treated with the Neuroform stent alone, without embolization coils. The clinical charts, procedural data, and angiographic results were reviewed. Over a 38-month study period (10/02-2/06), 266 aneurysms were treated with the Neuroform stent. Of these, 10 were small "uncoilable" intradural pseudoaneurysms associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage. These lesions were treated using a strategy of endovascular stent reconstruction of the diseased vascular segment with one or more Neuroform stents (without concomitant coil embolization). Seven pseudoaneurysms were treated in the context of acute or subacute subarachnoid hemorrhage, and three were associated with a remote history of subarachnoid hemorrhage. Periprocedural complications occurred in two patients (clinically silent, intraprocedural thromboembolic event successfully treated with intra-arterial abciximab, symptomatic postprocedural stent thrombosis with successful thrombolysis, and excellent neurological recovery). Both complications occurred in patients with ruptured aneurysms and could be attributed to inadequate platelet inhibition at the time of the initial procedure. Follow-up conventional angiographic examinations were available for all 10 patients with pseudoaneurysms (1-18.5 mo; average, 9.0 mo). In nine cases, the aneurysms improved at follow-up, with either complete (n = 5) or near complete (n = 4) resolution. In one case, short-term follow-up (1 mo) demonstrated no significant change. No patient has rehemorrhaged after treatment. Endovascular Neuroform stent reconstruction represents an optimal strategy for the management of intradural pseudoaneurysms that require a constructive treatment strategy and are too small to accommodate the introduction of embolization coils. Nine out of 10 patients in the current series treated with this strategy demonstrated some degree of endovascular remodeling with either complete (n = 5) or partial (n = 4) angiographic resolution at follow-up. No rehemorrhages were encountered. Adequate antiplatelet therapy, even in the setting of acute subarachnoid hemorrhage, is prerequisite for the avoidance of thromboembolic complications.
This multicentric Serbian study presents the treatment of 91 extracranial carotid artery aneurysms in 76 patients (13 had bilateral lesions). There were 61 (80.3%) male and 15 (19.7%) female patients, with an average age of 61.4 years. The aneurysms were caused by atherosclerosis in 73 cases (80.2%), trauma in six (6.6%), previous carotid surgery in six (6.6%), tuberculosis in one (1.1%), and fibromuscular dysplasia in five (5.5%). The majority (61 cases or 67%) of the aneurysms involved the internal carotid artery, 29 (31.9%) the common carotid artery bifurcation, and one (1.1%) the external carotid artery. Forty-five (49.4%) aneurysms were fusiform, while 46 (50.6%) were saccular. Twenty-nine (31.9%) cases were totally asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis. The remainder presented with compression in 14 (15.4%) cases, stroke in 11 (12.1%) cases, transient ischemic attack in 33 (36.3%) cases, and rupture in four (4.4%) cases. In cases where the aneurysm involved the internal carotid artery, four surgical procedures were performed: aneurysmectomy with end-to-end anastomosis in 30 (33.0%) cases, aneurysmectomy with vein graft interposition in 20 (22.0%) cases, aneurysmectomy with anastomosis between external and internal carotid artery in eight (8.8%) cases, and aneurysmectomy followed by arterial ligature in three cases. One case of external carotid artery aneurysm also was treated by aneurysmectomy and ligature. Aneurysm replacement with Dacron graft was performed in 29 (31.9%) cases where common carotid artery bifurcation was involved. Two (2.2%) patients died after the operation due to a stroke. They had ruptured internal carotid artery aneurysm treated by aneurysmectomy and ligature. Including these, a total of five (5.5%) postoperative strokes occurred. In two (2.2%) cases, transient cranial nerve injuries were found. Excluding the five patients who were lost to follow-up, 69 other surviving patients were followed from 2 months to 12 years (mean 5 years and 3 months). In this period, there were no new neurological events and all reconstructed arteries were patent. Three patients died more than 5 years after the operation, due to myocardial infarction. Aneurysms of the extracranial carotid arteries are rare vascular lesions that produce a high incidence of unfavorable neurological sequelae. Because of their varied etiology, location, and extension, different vascular procedures have to be used during repair of extracranial carotid artery aneurysms. In all of these procedures, an aneurysmectomy with arterial reconstruction is necessary.