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Abstract and Figures

Characteristics of the Western diet that fueled the obesity epidemic may also impact kidney disease incidence and progression. Enlarging portion sizes over the past half century has been accompanied by increased intake of protein, sodium, and processed foods while consumption of fruits and vegetables has declined. Overall dietary patterns play a strong role for chronic disease risk including chronic kidney disease. While dietary patterns high in fresh fruits and vegetables and low in red meats, such as the Mediterranean diet, decrease the risk of chronic diseases, the Western diet, characterized by high intake of red meat, animal fat, sweets, and desserts and low intake of fresh fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy products, increases risk of chronic diseases. In this article, we review the potential mechanisms whereby several key characteristics of the typical Western diet may impact kidney disease incidence and progression. We also discuss a public health policy initiative to improve dietary choices. Reducing protein intake to the recommended daily allowance of 0.8 g/kg/day and increasing intake of fruit and vegetables and fiber may mitigate kidney disease progression and reduce risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality.
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The Western Diet and Chronic Kidney Disease
Divya Hariharan &Kavitha Vellanki &Holly Kramer
#Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
Abstract Characteristics of the Western diet that fueled the
obesity epidemic may also impact kidney disease incidence
and progression. Enlarging portion sizes over the past half
century has been accompanied by increased intake of protein,
sodium, and processed foods while consumption of fruits
and vegetables has declined. Overall dietary patterns play
a strong role for chronic disease risk including chronic
kidney disease. While dietary patterns high in fresh fruits
and vegetables and low in red meats, such as the Medi-
terranean diet, decrease the risk of chronic diseases, the
Western diet, characterized by high intake of red meat,
animal fat, sweets, and desserts and low intake of fresh
fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy products, increases
risk of chronic diseases. In this article, we review the
potential mechanisms whereby several key characteristics
of the typical Western diet may impact kidney disease
incidence and progression. We also discuss a public health
policy initiative to improve dietary choices. Reducing protein
intake to the recommended daily allowance of 0.8 g/kg/day
and increasing intake of fruit and vegetables and fiber may
mitigate kidney disease progression and reduce risk of cardio-
vascular disease and mortality.
Keywords Nutrition .Chronic kidney disease .
Cardiovascular disease .Microbiome
Westernization refers to the process of adopting certain prac-
tices associated with Western (European) culture [1]. The term
BWest e r n ^applies to cultures and practices in countries that
have been colonized by Europeans in the past such as Austra-
lia, New Zealand, or the USA and Canada. The term culture
refers to multiple aspects of population traditions including
diet, language, and religion along with other aspects of daily
life. Industrialization and Westernization are terms that are
frequently used interchangeably, but the terms are actually
distinct. Industrialization refers to the process of social evolve-
ment from a largely agrarian society into a largely urban so-
ciety [2]. Many non-Western countries have become industri-
alized or are becoming industrialized. However, given the
global business of fast food companies such as McDonalds
and processed foods and drinks such as Coca-Cola, the West-
ernization of diet is not limited to Western countries. In this
manuscript, we use the term Westernization to specifically
refer to the Western traditions of diet which have evolved over
time due to the cumulative result of industrialization within
the USA.
During the early part of the twentieth century, 1/3 of the US
population lived on a farm and approximately 40 % of the
workforce was found in agriculture [3]. The majority of the
US diet was vegetable based, and the meat consumed came
from animals raised on small farms. The industrialization of
farming led to sharp trends away from manual labor and over-
all decreases in the total costs required to produce food [3].
While the relative price of food compared with the costs of
purchasing other goods and services has decreased since the
mid-twentieth century, the decline has not been uniform
across different food groups. High-calorie foods have become
much relatively cheaper than healthier foods. For example,
since 1983, the price of fresh fruit has increased by almost
200 % while the cost of sugar increased by only 30 % [3].
Today, annual sugar consumption is tenfold higher compared
to the first part of the twentieth century, and the majority of
sugar consumed is high-fructose corn syrup [4]. Portion sizes
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Hypertension and
Metabolic Syndrome
D. Hariharan :H. Kramer (*)
Department of Public Health Sciences, Loyola University Chicago,
2160 First Avenue, Maywood, IL 60153, USA
K. Vellanki :H. Kramer
Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension,
Loyola University Chicago, Maywood, IL, USA
Curr Hypertens Rep (2015) 17:16
DOI 10.1007/s11906-014-0529-6
have also changed dramatically over the last half century with
average caloric intake for a given meal increasing by over
20 % [3].
The aging of the population due to gains in life expectancy
combined with reduced physical activity and the Westerniza-
tion of diets has fueled the development of chronic diseases
including obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and chronic kidney
disease (CKD). During the early part of the twentieth century,
the lifetime risk of type 2 diabetes was 1 in 30. Today, the
lifetime risk of diabetes for individuals born during the early
part of the twenty-first century is 1 in 3 [5]. The rapid increase
in obesity prevalence has outpaced the development of health
policy strategies created to curb obesity trends. Within the
USA, approximately 1/3 of adults are overweight and 1/3
are now obese [6]. The number of adults with morbid obesity,
defined as a body mass index 40 kg/m
, continues to increase
with approximately 6 % of adults now extremely obese [6,7].
Given the strong link between obesity, especially morbid obe-
sity, and kidney failure [810], it is likely that the obesity
epidemic played a role in the epidemic of end-stage renal
disease that also occurred during this time period [11]. Al-
though obesity itself may impact kidney disease progression,
the characteristics of the Western diet that fueled the obesity
epidemic may also impact kidney disease incidence and pro-
gression. As portion sizes increased over the past century
(Fig. 1), so did the consumption of protein, sodium, and proc-
essed foods [12]. In contrast, overall consumption of fruits
and vegetables did not increase. Currently, less than 20 % of
US adults consume the recommended servings of fruits and
vegetables [13]. The association between dietary macronutri-
ents, especially protein intake, and kidney disease incidence
and progression has been previously examined in multiple
clinical trials and summarized [14]. However, it is likely that
overall dietary patterns play a greater role for chronic disease
risk given the strong consistency of dietary patterns within
individuals [15,16]. The Western diet, characterized by high
intake of red meat and animal fat, and low intakeof fresh fruits
and vegetables [17], contains a high amount of highly proc-
essed foods and is high in saturated and trans fats [12]. Strong
adherence to a Western dietary pattern correlates with in-
creased levels of inflammation [18] and heightened risk for
cardiovascular disease and mortality compared to non-
Western dietary patterns [1921]. The Western diet has also
been associated with kidney disease. For example, individuals
with dietary patterns that reflect a typical Western diet are
more likely to have moderate to severely increased levels of
urine albumin excretion and are more likely to have a rapid
decline in GFR (3 ml/min/1.73 m
/year) compared to indi-
viduals whose dietary habits do not reflect a typical Western
dietary pattern [17]. In this article, we review the potential
mechanisms whereby several key characteristics of the typical
Western diet may impact kidney disease incidence and pro-
gression. We also discuss a public health policy initiative to
improve dietary choices.
The typical US diet contains about twice the protein intake
recommended by the US dietary guidelines [22]. For patients
with CKD, managing proper protein intake remains one of the
most important modifiable factors for prevention of CKD pro-
gression. Several decades ago, multiple independent investi-
gators demonstrated that both renal blood flow and GFR in-
crease by at least 30 % when healthy persons transition from a
low animal protein diet to a high animal protein diet [23,24].
These hemodynamic changes are limited to animal protein
because increasing vegetable protein intake does not lead to
Fig. 1 Illustration of the changes
in portion sizes in US diet
16 Page 2 of 9 Curr Hypertens Rep (2015) 17:16
heightened renal hemodynamics with vegetarians typically
having a lower GFR compared to nonvegetarians [25]. The
impact of excessive animal protein intake on kidney function
decline is multifactorial but largely a function of amino acids
triggering multiple humoral and local mediators to alter renal
hemodynamics [2528].
One of the largest clinical trials to examine the association
between protein intake and kidney disease progression was
the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) Study
[29]. The MDRD study randomized 585 adults with
established CKD (predominantly nondiabetic) and GFR of
2555 ml/min/1.73 m
to either a usual-protein diet or a
low-protein diet (1.3 or 0.58 g/kg/body weight per day). Dur-
ing the follow-up period, the low-protein group showed a
more rapid decline during the first 4 months compared to the
standard protein intake group, but thereafter, the decline in
GFR was slower. Multiple clinical trials of protein restriction
were completed subsequent to the MDRD Study, and results
from 13 randomized clinical trials with a total of 1, 919 pa-
tients with established CKD were pooled and summarized.
Overall, moderate protein restriction was associated with a
0.53 ml/min/year (95 % CI 0.08, 0.98) slower GFR decline
compared to a standard protein intake [14]. Thus, although
moderate protein restriction reduces the rate of GFR decline,
the overall effects are modest. In addition, the impact of pro-
tein restriction may differ by diabetes status with stronger
effects noted in patients with diabetes [14]. More severe pro-
tein restriction (<0.3 g/kg/day) does reduce GFR decline but
requires supplementation with essential amino acids and very
close monitoring to ensure adequate caloric and macronutrient
intake [29].
Nonvolatile Acid Load
Nonvolatile acids, referred to as the endogenous acid load,
must be excreted by the kidneys in the form of ammonium
produced by the proximal tubule and via hydrogen ion excre-
tion by the distal tubule [30]. Nonvolatile acids are produced
when organic sulfur from methionine and cysteine is oxidized
to inorganic sulfates. These acids are then balanced by alkali
obtained from the metabolizing of organic anions such as
citrate and malate found in fruits and vegetables. The net en-
dogenous acid production is thus equivalent to the total
amount of endogenous acids minus the alkali from foods
absorbed in the intestine [30]. A diet that is high in animal
protein and cereal grains but low in fresh fruits and vegetables,
such as the Western diet, will lead to a high net endogenous
acid production and a high workload for each individual neph-
ron. This excess workload may lead to kidney disease progres-
sion among individuals who have a reduced working nephron
number such as persons with CKD or a solitary functioning
kidney. With decreasing nephron number, each individual
nephron must increase its production of ammonium produc-
tion and hydrogen ion excretion in order to maintain acid/base
balance given a particular endogenous acid load. The lower
the nephron number, the higher the tubular ammonium con-
centration in tubular cells heightening risk for tubular toxicity.
It is also postulated that higher net endogenous acid produc-
tion heightens the renin-angiotensin system, increases
endothelin-1, and activates the alternate complement cascade
culminating in kidney injury [3137]. In contrast to the West-
ern diet, diets that are high in fruits and vegetables and lower
in animal protein are associated with lower endogenous acid
load, higher alkali levels, and overall lower net endogenous
acid production [30]. The Dietary Approach to Stop Hyper-
tension (DASH) diet is high in fruits and vegetables and low-
fat dairy products and low in fats, oils, and animal protein.The
net endogenous acid production during consumption of a
DASH diet is approximately 50 % lower compared to the
typical Western diet [30]. Modifying the diet of patients with
CKD to increase fruit and vegetable intake may lower net
endogenous acid excretion by over one third [38]. Such re-
ductions in net endogenous acid production may minimize
kidney strain and ameliorate loss of GFR over time.
Dietary Fiber
Studies which focused on adults with CKD clinically attribut-
ed to hypertension have shown that the addition of either
sodium bicarbonate or fruits and vegetables is associated with
a slower decline in GFR [3941]. Thus, the impact of in-
creased net endogenous acid excretion may be addressed with
providing sodium bicarbonate tablets rather than addressing
low intake of fruits and vegetables. However, increasing fruit
and vegetable intake has the added benefit of increasing the
fiber content of the diet.
Dietary fiber refers to carbohydrates or carbohydrate-
containing compounds that are not absorbed by the intestine.
These fibers are primarily the storage and cell wall polysac-
charides of plants that cannot be digested by enzymes in the
gastrointestinal tract [42]. Fiber that is degraded by bacteria is
classified as fermentable, while fiber that is not degraded by
bacteria is considered non-fermentable [43]. Low fiber intake
is associated with elevated levels of biomarkers of inflamma-
tion such as serum C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and tu-
mor necrosis factor-alpha receptor-2 [4447]. Elevated levels
of inflammatory markers are associated with increased risk of
cardiovascular disease and mortality in adults with and with-
out CKD [4853]. High levels of inflammation are also asso-
ciated with CKD incidence and progression [5457].
High fiber intake is associated with reduced cardiovascular
risk and mortality [5861], and this association appears stron-
gerinadultswithCKD[62]. The American Dietetic Associ-
ation recommends that adults consume 14 g of dietary fiber
Curr Hypertens Rep (2015) 17:16 Page 3 of 9 16
per 1000 kcal per day [42]. These reference intakes were
based on fiber intake thresholds associated with reduced car-
diovascular risk. High-fiber diets are more satiating and may
help reduce total caloric intake and avoid obesity and weight
gain [43]. High-fiber foods include whole grains, legumes,
fruits, and vegetables. However, many people obtain their
fiber intake via fiber supplements. Given the lack of evi-
dence that fiber supplements reduce cardiovascular risk,
individuals should be encouraged to obtain their fiber from
whole foods and not supplements [42]. Currently, there
are no specific recommendations for levels of dietary fiber
intake for adults with CKD but recommendations for the
general population are likely safe and may even be bene-
ficial as long as serum potassium and phosphate levels are
Multiple mechanisms have been proposed whereby high
dietary fiber intake reduces cardiovascular risk. One of the
proposed mechanisms centers on the interaction between fiber
and the gut microbiome. The gut microbiome is defined as the
community of microbes that live in the intestinal tract and
interact with the host [43]. The gut microbiome plays a role
in metabolizing certain fermentable carbohydrates [43], syn-
thesizing vitamins K and B, and modulating the immune sys-
tem and the bodys response to environmental antigens [63].
The gut microbiome is also important for maintaining a
healthy intestinal epithelial barrier [43]. The intestinal ep-
ithelium consists of epithelial cells that are linked by tight
junctions preventing translocation of intestinal contents. A
weakening of this barrier may permit excessive amounts of
endotoxins to leak into the circulation and incite an inflam-
matory response. It has been hypothesized that high fiber
intake reduces inflammation by prompting the growth of
commensal bacteria thereby increasing resistance to growth
of pathogenic bacteria [43]. In patients with CKD, urease
bacterial end product formation is above normal and results
in urea accumulation [63,64]. Urea directly disrupts the
gut barrier function by reducing the presence of occludin
and zonula occludens proteins in the tight junctions and
thus increasing intestinal permeability [23]. It is possible
that the reduced levels of inflammation associated with
high fiber intake are mediated by direct effects of fiber
on the gut microbiome.
Bifidobacterium is one of several endosymbiotic colonizers
of the gut. Increasing the growth of Bifidobacterium dis-
courages colonization with gram-negative pathogens and
may improve colonic health [43,65] and other symbiotic
bacteria species depending on the fiber source [6669].
The ability to degrade fermentable fibers is bacteria spe-
cies and strain dependent [43]. For example, the genus
Bifidobacterium possesses a unique fructose-6-phosphate
phosphoketolase enabling it to ferment carbohydrates.
Thus, the type and amount of fiber consumed does appear
to shape the intestinal microbiome composition [43].
Alternative Diets
Dietary patterns that reflect high intake of fruits and vegeta-
bles and low intake of red meat and saturated fats such as the
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet [70],
the Prudent diet [17,19,20], the Japanese diet [71], and the
Mediterranean diet, contain higher amounts of fruits and veg-
etables and overall fiber and are lower in animal protein com-
pared to the Western diet. The Mediterranean diet is unique in
its incorporation of olive oil and nuts making the diet high in
monounsaturated fats [7275]. The DASH and Mediterranean
diets have been shown to positively impact chronic disease
measures and outcomes including blood pressure [70,76,77]
and mortality [78,79,80]. When combined with low sodium
consumption, the DASH diet reduces systolic blood pressure
levels by almost 12 mmHg among adults with hypertension
[70]. Given the fact that blood pressure reduction may be one
of the most important modifiable risk factors for slowing kid-
ney disease progression [81], the DASH diet combined with
salt restriction may be an effective intervention but fear of
high potassium and phosphorous levels and poor access to
fresh fruits and vegetables for many individuals with CKD
have likely precluded widespread acceptance of the DASH
diet for clinical use. Studies have demonstrated that individ-
uals with dietary patterns that reflect the DASH-type dietary
pattern have lower odds of moderate or severely increased
urine albumin excretion and lower odds of rapid kidney func-
tion decline, defined as a GFR decline 30 % of baseline
GFR, compared to individuals who have a more Western di-
etary pattern [17]. A secondary analysis of the DASH study
also showed that a diet high in fruits and vegetables leads to
decreases in urine albumin excretion among individuals with
prehypertension or hypertension and a baseline urine albumin
excretion >7 mg/24. These findings were not explained by
reductions in blood pressure or total protein or sodium intake
Strong adherence to a Mediterranean diet, which is high in
fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, and unsaturated fats (mainly ol-
ive oil), is associated with lower prevalence of CKD and re-
duced mortality risk. Huang et al. examined the association
between levels of adherence to a Mediterranean diet and base-
line CKD prevalence and 10-year all-cause mortality among
men enrolled in the Uppsala Longitudinal Study of Adult
Men. These men were born between the years 1920 and
1924 and were living in Uppsala Sweden. Dietary patterns
were determined during years 19911995 using 7-day diet
records, and participants were followed for a 10-year period
for overall mortality. Men with high adherence to a Mediter-
ranean diet had 42 % lower odds of CKD at baseline, respec-
tively, after adjusting for presence of hypertension and diabe-
tes. Among men with kidney disease, medium or high adher-
ence to a Mediterranean diet was associated with an approxi-
mately 25 % lower risk of mortality compared to men with
16 Page 4 of 9 Curr Hypertens Rep (2015) 17:16
low adherence after adjusting for established cardiovascular
disease risk factors [78]. The results of this observational
study are supported by a large clinical trial (Prevención con
Dieta Mediterŕanea) that randomized 7447 adults aged
55 years to a standard low-fat diet, a Mediterranean diet
enhanced with extra virginal olive oil, or a Mediterranean diet
supplemented with walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds. After a
median follow-up of 4.8 years, the trial was stopped due to a
30 % relative risk reduction of a combined cardiovascular
endpoint (heart attack, stroke, or cardiovascular death) in the
participants assigned to a Mediterranean diet enhanced with
either olive oil or nuts.
Nutritional Guidelines for CKD Stages 14
The National Kidney Foundation-Kidney Disease Outcomes
Quality Initiative Guidelines on Hypertension and Antihyper-
tensive Agents in CKD recommended a modified version of
the DASH diet for persons with CKD stages 34[82]. The
DASH diet includes higher protein intake than the recom-
mended daily allowance, but the majority of this protein is
from dairy products, vegetable sources, and non-red meat.
For persons with CKD, the DASH diet may be modified to
achieve a protein intake of 0.60.8 g/kg of ideal body weight
per day, as well as a lower phosphorus (0.81.0 g/day) and
Tabl e 1 Dietary interventions for persons with chronic kidney disease
not receiving dialysis
Goal Dietary intervention
Control blood pressure Limit sodium intake to <2300 mg per day.
Caloric reduction if overweight or obese
Reduce urine albumin
excretion and slow
loss of GFR
Limit dietary protein intake to 0.8 g/kg/day in
persons without diabetes and 0.81.0 g/kg/day
in persons with diabetes. Lowering protein
intake <0.6 g/kg/day may mitigate GFR loss
but patients must be followed closely and
adherence may be poor
Increase fruit and vegetable intake and/or utilize
sodium bicarbonate supplementation
Avoid metabolic
Sodium bicarbonate supplementation or increase
fruit and vegetable intake while monitoring
serum potassium and phosphorous levels
Adapted from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and
Kidney Diseases. National Kidney Disease Education Program. Chronic
kidney disease and diet: assessment, management and treatment.
Treating CKD patients who are not on dialysis. Revised June 2014,
Fig. 2 Illustration of current
nutrition label (left) and proposed
new nutrition label (right)
Curr Hypertens Rep (2015) 17:16 Page 5 of 9 16
potassium (24 g/day) intake. These recommendations are
similar to the American Diabetes Association nutrition guide-
lines for persons with diabetes and CKD which state that
dietary protein intake should be consistent with the recom-
mended daily allowance of 0.8 g/kg of ideal body weight
per day for people with diabetes and CKD [83]. Protein intake
may be restricted to 0.6 g/kg of ideal body weight per day
when GFR decreases to <60 ml/min/1.73 m
. High-protein
diets should be avoided in persons with established CKD
who are not receiving dialysis [84]. Dietary fiber intake
is encouraged for persons with CKD, but no specific
levels of intake are suggested for person with CKD [84].
High dietary fiber intake may lead to higher phosphate
intake and require escalation of phosphate binder use. Table 1
summarizes some key nutritional recommendations for patients
with CKD stages 14.
Nutritional and Education Labeling Act
The day to day dietary choices of individuals strongly influ-
ences the future risk of chronic diseases including chronic
kidney disease [15,17,85]. Helping people make better food
choices may greatly impact population health. Over the past
several years, there has been strong impetus to improve pop-
ulation nutrition given the rapid pace of the obesity epidemic
in the USA. Other countries, such as Finland and England,
have utilized population-based strategies to improve nutrition-
al choices and decrease sodium intake [86]. Such policies
include reducing the sodium content in processed foods such
as cereals and bread products and canned foods. Such strate-
gies have demonstrated success in reducing the incidence of
cardiovascular disease and lipid levels [87]. Since 1990, US
foods must include a nutrition label that provides information
on the total calories, calories from fat, total fats from saturated
fats and trans fats, and total carbohydrates and dietary fibers,
proteins, and sugars. The nutrition facts label has remained the
same for the last 20 years except for mandating the labeling of
trans fat content in 2006. Recently, there are several proposed
changes to the nutrition labels in order to better inform con-
sumers and to include additional information about food con-
tents. A few of the proposed changes for the nutrition labels
are the declaration of added sugars, updating the daily intake
values for nutrients, declaring the amount of potassium and
vitamin D, and modifying the serving size requirements to
reflect current eating and drinking habits. Figure 2illustrates
how the new labels would appear compared to existing
food labels. Comparing the American diet 20 years ago
to current-day eating habits reveals rapid changes in what
is considered a typical serving size (Fig. 1). To adapt to
these changes, serving size proportions on nutrition labels
need to also be modified. Proposed changes also involve
change of font size to have important nutritional information
more readable [88]. Unfortunately, the nutrition label proposal
does not include the addition of phosphate to the existing
nutrition label. Such information would be extremely useful
for patients with CKD [89].
In summary, Westernization of diet has led to increased intake
of animal protein and decreased intake of fruits, vegetables,
and overall fiber. Multiple other facets of the Western diet may
also affect kidney disease incidence and progression such as
phosphate- and sodium-based preservatives, fat content, and
high-fructose corn syrup. Clinicians should consider the indi-
viduals dietary patterns and traditions and culture when guid-
ing a patient toward healthier diets, but a simple message may
be applicable to all individuals regardless of background. That
message could be to eat whole foods, mostly plants and fruits,
and not eat too much [4].
Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Tom Mattix for creating
Figs. 1and 2.
Compliance with Ethics Guidelines
Conflict of Interest Divya Hariharan, Kavitha Vellanki, and Holly
Kramer declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does
not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any
of the authors.
Papers of particular interest, published recently, have been
highlighted as:
of importance
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... In Westernized societies, the condition of obesity is often associated with overconsumption of energy-dense, ultra-processed, high fat, and/or high simple/refined carbohydrate dietary patterns, resulting in increased immune system dysregulation and metabolic dysfunction (19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25). For example, systemic and localized changes in inflammation, especially chronic inflammation (26)(27)(28)(29), compounded by metabolic reprogramming (17,30,31) in response to certain dietary patterns can promote pro-malignant environments (32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37) and greater risks for developing a myriad of cancer phenotypes (38,39) or increased cardiometabolic impairments with cardiovascular damage (40)(41)(42). Regulation of energy metabolism is highly influenced by diet (12,43), and individuals with obesity often present with co-morbid conditions across a spectrum of metabolic syndromes (15,44,45). ...
... Several studies have demonstrated the negative impacts of Westernized or HCHF dietary patterns on overall health, typically patterns high in simple carbohydrates (including refined sugars, grains, and syrups), saturated and n-6 polyunsaturated fats (17,31,70), trans-fats, and ultra-processed foods (14,37). The HCHF diets can particularly drive chronic inflammation and metabolic disruption associated with immunosuppression and disease progression (18,(71)(72)(73). ...
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Introduction Obesity is a multi-factorial disease frequently associated with poor nutritional habits and linked to many detrimental health outcomes. Individuals with obesity are more likely to have increased levels of persistent inflammatory and metabolic dysregulation. The goal of this study was to compare four dietary patterns differentiated by macronutrient content in a postmenopausal model. Dietary patterns were high carbohydrate (HC), high fat (HF), high carbohydrate plus high fat (HCHF), and high protein (HP) with higher fiber. Methods Changes in body weight and glucose levels were measured in female, ovariectomized C57BL/6 mice after 15 weeks of feeding. One group of five mice fed the HCHF diet was crossed over to the HP diet on day 84, modeling a 21-day intervention. In a follow-up study comparing the HCHF versus HP dietary patterns, systemic changes in inflammation, using an 80-cytokine array and metabolism, by untargeted liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LCMS)-based metabolomics were evaluated. Results Only the HF and HCHF diets resulted in obesity, shown by significant differences in body weights compared to the HP diet. Body weight gains during the two-diet follow-up study were consistent with the four-diet study. On Day 105 of the 4-diet study, glucose levels were significantly lower for mice fed the HP diet than for those fed the HC and HF diets. Mice switched from the HCHF to the HP diet lost an average of 3.7 grams by the end of the 21-day intervention, but this corresponded with decreased food consumption. The HCHF pattern resulted in dramatic inflammatory dysregulation, as all 80 cytokines were elevated significantly in the livers of these mice after 15 weeks of HCHF diet exposure. Comparatively, only 32 markers changed significantly on the HP diet (24 up, 8 down). Metabolic perturbations in several endogenous biological pathways were also observed based on macronutrient differences and revealed dysfunction in several nutritionally relevant biosynthetic pathways. Conclusion Overall, the HCHF diet promoted detrimental impacts and changes linked to several diseases, including arthritis or breast neoplasms. Identification of dietary pattern-specific impacts in this model provides a means to monitor the effects of disease risk and test interventions to prevent poor health outcomes through nutritional modification.
... Today's predominant global diet is the 'Western diet', which is low in vegetables and fruits, with high consumption of animal products, fat, calories, sodium, and sugar [1,2]. A problem associated with this type of diet is the excess of some kinds of food and the nutritional imbalance it causes in the body [3]. ...
... A problem associated with this type of diet is the excess of some kinds of food and the nutritional imbalance it causes in the body [3]. Adherence to a Western dietary pattern has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality [1]. To address this situation, previous studies have investigated modifications to this type of diet to induce weight loss in obese patients by reducing their caloric intake and increasing of the Quillaja tree in Chile [5,36]. ...
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The global focus on incorporating natural ingredients into the diet for health improvement encompasses ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) derived from plant sources, such as flaxseed oil. ω-3 PUFAs are susceptible to oxidation, but oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions can serve to protect PUFAs from this phenomenon. This study aimed to create O/W emulsions using flaxseed oil and either soy lecithin or Quillaja saponins, thickened with modified starch, while assessing their physical properties (oil droplet size, ζ-potential, and rheology) and physical stability. Emulsions with different oil concentrations (25% and 30% w/w) and oil-to-surfactant ratio (5:1 and 10:1) were fabricated using high-pressure homogenization (800 bar, five cycles). Moreover, emulsions were thickened with modified starch and their rheological properties were measured. The physical stability of all emulsions was assessed over a 7-day storage period using the TSI (Turbiscan Stability Index). Saponin-stabilized emulsions exhibited smaller droplet diameters (0.11–0.19 µm) compared to lecithin (0.40–1.30 µm), and an increase in surfactant concentration led to a reduction in droplet diameter. Both surfactants generated droplets with a high negative charge (−63 to −72 mV), but lecithin-stabilized emulsions showed greater negative charge, resulting in more intense electrostatic repulsion. Saponin-stabilized emulsions showed higher apparent viscosity (3.9–11.6 mPa·s) when compared to lecithin-stabilized ones (1.19–4.36 mPa·s). The addition of starch significantly increased the apparent viscosity of saponin-stabilized emulsions, rising from 11.6 mPa s to 2117 mPa s. Emulsions stabilized by saponin exhibited higher stability than those stabilized by lecithin. This study confirms that plant-based ingredients, particularly saponins and lecithin, effectively produce stable O/W emulsions with flaxseed oil, offering opportunities for creating natural ingredient-based food emulsions.
... Our analysis adds to the evidence that high consumption of UPFs is associated with 303 renal function decline (94)(95)(96). Previous studies have shown that high intake of 304 saturated fats, added sugar and salt are associated with poor kidney outcomes, as they 305 induce dyslipidemia, oxidative stress, and inflammation, which are known risk factors 306 for chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression (97)(98)(99)(100). In addition, inorganic 307 phosphate food additives can influence variations in serum phosphorus levels (94). ...
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Background & aims Ultra-processed food (UPF) intake has increased sharply over the last few decades and has been consistently asserted to be implicated in the development of non-communicable diseases. We aimed to evaluate and update the existing observational evidence for associations between ultra-processed food (UPF) consumption and human health. Methods We searched Medline and Embase from inception to March 2023 to identify and update meta-analyses of observational studies examining the associations between UPF consumption, as defined by the NOVA classification, and a wide spectrum of health outcomes. For each health outcome, we estimated the summary effect size, 95% confidence interval (CI), between-study heterogeneity, evidence of small-study effects, and evidence of excess-significance bias. These metrics were used to evaluate evidence credibility of the identified associations. Results This umbrella review identified 39 meta-analyses on the associations between UPF consumption and health outcomes. We updated all meta-analyses by including 122 individual articles on 49 unique health outcomes. The majority of the included studies divided UPF consumption into quartiles, with the lowest quartile being the reference group. We identified 25 health outcomes associated with UPF consumption. For observational studies, 2 health outcomes, including renal function decline (OR: 1.25; 95% CI: 1.18, 1.33) and wheezing in children and adolescents (OR: 1.42; 95% CI: 1.34, 1.49), showed convincing evidence (Class I); and five outcomes were reported with highly suggestive evidence (Class II), including diabetes mellitus, overweight, obesity, depression, and common mental disorders. Conclusions High UPF consumption is associated with an increased risk of a variety of chronic diseases and mental health disorders. At present, not a single study reported an association between UPF intake and a beneficial health outcome. These findings suggest that dietary patterns with low consumption of UPFs may render broad public health benefits.
... As the intake of both soluble and insoluble fibers increases, the gut/microbiota health improves, which reduces inflammation [10,11]. Based on observational studies that focus on the whole diet among adults with CKD, results show that adults with CKD consume a greater portion of red/processed meats and sodium and fewer portions of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains [12,13]. For the few studies that assessed the diet quality (DQ) of adults with CKD, the DQ was low related to the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and plant-proteins [14,15]. ...
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Chronic kidney disease is prevalent within the United States likely due to dietary habits. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the high-sensitivity c-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and diet quality (DQ) and their effect on the eGFR. A cross-sectional secondary data analysis study was conducted among adults (n = 6230) using NHANES 2015–2018 data. DQ was determined by the Healthy Eating Index-2015 (HEI-2015). Multivariable linear regressions were conducted based on eGFR (≥90 or <60 mL/min/1.73 m2) after adjustments for age, race/ethnicity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, and kidney disease awareness. All analyses were performed in SAS version 9.4 with a statistical significance of p < 0.05. Results showed that participants who had an eGFR of <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 were older and had a higher prevalence of hypertension and diabetes and had higher hs-CRP compared to participants with an eGFR ≥ 90 (p < 0.005). Of participants with an eGFR < 60, 27% reported that they were aware they had kidney disease. Regardless of the eGFR at baseline, there was a negative interaction effect on the DQ scores and hs-CRP on the eGFR (p < 0.05). Independently, for participants with an eGFR < 60, their DQ scores had a positive significant relationship on their eGFR (p = 0.03), whereas their hs-CRP had a negative significant relationship on thier eGFR (p < 0.001). For participants with an eGFR < 60, age, hypertension, and kidney disease awareness influenced this relationship (p < 0.001). Overall, low DQ and elevated hs-CRP contributed to a reduction in kidney function. Efforts to improve dietary intake and strategies to reduce inflammation and improve kidney function are necessary.
... The same study revealed that a fruit-and vegetable-rich alkaline diet can reduce the net acid burden in CKD patients, which may contribute to the preservation of renal function in CKD patients [53]. Although the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of chronic disease, the fact that the Western diet involves high consumption of red meat, animal fat, pastries and desserts, and low consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables associates it with an increased risk of chronic disease [54]. Compared to non-Western dietary patterns, Western dietary patterns are linked with higher risks of inflammation, cardiovascular disease, and mortality [55,56], as well as amplification of effects on the incidence and progression of kidney disease. ...
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Background The potential protective effects of dietary fiber against all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease have not been definitively established. To verify this relationship, a systematic review and a meta-analysis were undertaken. Methods PubMed, The Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Embase, ProQuest, and CINAHL were used to systematically search for prospective cohort studies that investigate the association between dietary fiber and all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and cardiovascular disease in individuals with chronic kidney disease (CKD). This search was conducted up to and including March 2023. Results The analysis included 10 cohort studies, with a total of 19,843 patients who were followed up for 1.5–10.1 y. The results indicated a significant negative correlation between dietary fiber and all-cause mortality among patients with CKD (HR 0.80, 95% CI 0.58–0.97, P < 0.001). Subgroup analysis further revealed that the study population and exposure factors were significantly associated with all-cause mortality ( P < 0.001). Increased dietary fiber intake was associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular mortality (HR 0.78; 95% CI 0.67–0.90) and a reduced incidence of cardiovascular disease (HR 0.87; 95% CI 0.80–0.95) among patients with CKD. Conclusions The pooled results of our meta-analysis indicated an inverse association between dietary fiber intake and all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and cardiovascular disease. Graphical abstract
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is characterized by repeated changes in the form of stool or defecation habits with abdominal pain or discomfort. The prevalence of IBS is 7–24% among women and 5–19% among men; women patients report a lower quality of life (QoL) and demonstrate more extraintestinal and psychological symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and somatization disorders. Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) such as Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are characterized by chronic, recurrent inflammation caused by dysregulation of the immune system. Significant sex differences are seen in symptoms, disease severity, and extraintestinal manifestations. Estrogen contributes to the development of IBDs through immune modulation, thrombosis formation, and intestinal microbiological alterations. Colorectal cancer (CRC) has sex-specific differences, about 1.5 times higher in males and 4–8 years later in females compared to males, suggesting the protective role of estrogen in the disease. In addition, female patients have a higher risk of developing right-sided colon cancer than male patients, which is more aggressive clinical character compared to left-sided colon cancer. Chromosomal instability (CIN) pathway is more common in left-sided colon cancer, while the microsatellite instability (MSI) and serrated pathways are more common in right-sided colon cancer. The factors that influence the composition of the gut microbiome are diet, ethnicity, antibiotics, stress, psychological factors, maternal health during pregnancy, the method of birth (i.e., vaginal birth versus cesarean section), environmental factors, and exercise. Estrogen and androgens influence the gut microbiome, which in turn influences the metabolism of estrogen and androgens, and the term “microgenderome” was created. Stress in pregnant women impairs vaginal immune activity and reduces the number of Lactobacillus, a component of the vaginal flora. The number of Enterococci spp. increases with age, that of Bacteroides spp. decreases, and the quantity of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria remain stable. Extensive research on sex/gender differences in IBS, IBD, CRC, and gut microbiome needs to be conducted.
This handbook is currently in development, with individual articles publishing online in advance of print publication. At this time, we cannot add information about unpublished articles in this handbook, however the table of contents will continue to grow as additional articles pass through the review process and are added to the site. Please note that the online publication date for this handbook is the date that the first article in the title was published online. For more information, please read the site FAQs.
Objective To evaluate the effects of magnifying the damage caused by obesity induced by monosodium glutamate, using a model of maternal periodontitis, on the structure of the anterior tibialis muscle of the offspring. Materials and Methods Twenty‐four female Wistar rats were divided into four experimental groups: control ( n = 6), obese ( n = 6), control with periodontitis ( n = 6) and obese with periodontitis ( n = 6). At 78 days of life, the rats were mated with males without any experimental intervention. The offspring of these rats ( n = 1/L), at 120 days of life, were weighed and measured, then euthanized. Plasma was collected for analysis of cytokines IL‐6, IL‐10, IL‐17 and TNF‐α. Adipose tissues were collected and weighed, and the anterior tibial muscle was designated for histomorphological analyses ( n = 6/group). Results Monosodium glutamate offspring showed significant muscle changes, such as a reduction in the size of fibres and neuromuscular junctions, and an increase in the nucleus and capillaries. However, all these changes were more expressed in monosodium glutamate‐obese with periodontitis offspring. Conclusion This leads us to suggest a magnifying effect promoted by periodontitis to the damage already well described by monosodium glutamate‐obesity, determined by low‐intensity inflammation, causing greater muscle damage.
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OBJECTIVE: Systemic inflammation may play an important role in the development of atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. Few studies have comprehensively assessed the direct relations between dietary fiber and inflammatory cytokines, especially in minority populations. Using baseline data from 1958 postmenopausal women enrolled in the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study, we examined cross-sectional associations between dietary fiber intake and markers of systemic inflammation (including serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein [hs-CRP], interleukin-6 [IL-6], and tumor necrosis factor-alpha receptor-2 [TNF-alpha-R2]) in addition to differences in these associations by ethnicity. METHODS: Multiple linear regression models were used to assess the relation between fiber intake and makers of systemic inflammation. RESULTS: After adjustment for covariates, intakes of dietary fiber were inversely associated with IL-6 (P values for trend were 0.01 for total fiber, 0.004 for soluble fiber, and 0.001 for insoluble fiber) and TNF-alpha-R2 (P values for trend were 0.002 for total, 0.02 for soluble, and CONCLUSION: These findings lend support to the hypothesis that a high-fiber diet is associated with lower plasma levels of IL-6 and TNF-alpha-R2. Contrary to previous reports, however, there was no association between fiber and hs-CRP among postmenopausal women. Future studies on the influence of diet on inflammation should include IL-6 and TNF-alpha-R2 and enroll participants from ethnic minorities.
The effects of an acute protein load on renal hemodynamic responses and plasma glucagon levels were investigated in 31 patients with biopsy proven chronic glomerulonephritis (24 cases) or chronic renal failure (6 cases). After baseline clearance measurements, the subjects ingested a high protein meal consisting of 1.2 to 1.5 g protein/kg body weight in the form of cooked beef followed by a second set of measurements. This acute protein load resulted in a rise of both creatinine and PAH clearances (from 86.5 ± 6.0 ml/min to 98.3 ± 7.1 ml/min and 531.1 ± 59.1 ml/min to 688.9 ± 72.9 ml/min, respectively). This was associated with an elevation of plasma glucagon levels from 104.6 ± 7.9 pg/ml to 134.5 ± 7.5 pg/ml. From these data we suggest that the augmentation of renal function following a high protein intake may be mediated by the simultaneous rise of plasma glucagon levels, and that the glucagon concentration in the portal vein rather than in the peripheral blood has a pivotal role in this setting.
INTRODUCTION: CHRONIC KIDNEY disease (CKD) is a worldwide public health issue. In the United States, there is a rising incidence and prevalence of kidney failure (Fig 1), with poor outcomes and high cost. The prevalence of earlier stages of CKD is approximately 100 times greater than the prevalence of kidney failure, affecting almost 11% of adults in the United States. There is growing evidence that some of the adverse outcomes of CKD can be prevented or delayed by preventive measures, early detection, and treatment. Hypertension is a cause and complication of CKD. Hypertension in CKD increases the risk of important adverse outcomes, including loss of kidney function and kidney failure, early development and accelerated progression of cardiovascular disease (CVD), and premature death. In the ongoing effort to improve outcomes of CKD, the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) appointed a Work Group and an Evidence Review Team in 2001 to develop clinical practice guidelines on hypertension and use of antihypertensive agents in CKD. During this same time, clinical practice guidelines on this topic relevant to CKD were also under development by other organizations, including the Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7) and the 2003 report of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) on the Treatment of Hypertension in Adults with Diabetes. The Work Group maintained contact with these organizations during development of these guidelines. The purpose of the Executive Summary is to provide a "stand-alone" summary of the background, scope, methods, and key recommendations, as well as the complete text of the guideline statements. Most tables and figures in the Executive Summary are taken from other sections of the document. BACKGROUND: Chronic Kidney Disease: Figure 2 is a conceptual model of CKD, which defines stages of CKD, as well as antecedent conditions, outcomes, risk factors for adverse outcomes, and actions to improve outcomes. CKD is defined as kidney damage, as confirmed by kidney biopsy or markers of damage, or glomerular filtration rate (GFR) <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 for ≥3 months (Table 1). Markers of kidney damage include proteinuria, abnormalities on the urine dipstick or sediment examination, or abnormalities on imaging studies of the kidneys. GFR can be estimated from prediction equations based on serum creatinine and other variables, including age, sex, race, and body size. Among individuals with CKD, the stage of disease is based on the level of GFR (Table 2), irrespective of the cause of kidney disease. The high prevalence of earlier stages of CKD emphasizes the importance for all health-care providers, not just kidney disease specialists, to detect, evaluate, and treat CKD. Hypertension in CKD: JNC 7 defines hypertension as systolic blood pressure (SBP) ≥140 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure (DBP) ≥90 mm Hg, respectively (Table 3). Although common in CKD, hypertension is not part of the definition of CKD. Table 4 illustrates the classification of individuals based on presence or absence of kidney damage and hypertension, and level of GFR. Approximately 50% to 75% of individuals with GFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 (CKD Stages 3-5) have hypertension (Fig 3). Among individuals with GFR ≥60 mL/min/1.73 m 2, distinguishing CKD Stages 1 and 2 (Table 4, shaded areas) from "hypertension" and "hypertension with decreased GFR" (Table 4, unshaded areas) requires assessment for markers of kidney damage. This is especially important in the elderly, in whom both hypertension and decreased GFR are common. Cardiovascular Disease in CKD: CKD is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Dialysis patients have a 50 to 500 times increased risk of CVD mortality compared to age-matched individuals from the general population (Fig 4). Earlier stages of CKD are also associated with an increased risk of CVD. CKD is associated with an increased prevalence and severity of both "traditional" and "nontraditional" risk factors for CVD. Traditional risk factors include those initially described in the Framingham Study. Among traditional risk factors, hypertension is closely linked to CKD and has often been implicated as the main cause of CVD in CKD. Other traditional risk factors for CVD that are common in CKD include older age, diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Nontraditional risk factors for CVD such as inflammation, malnutrition, mineral disorders (calcium and phosphorus), and anemia are also common in CKD. In addition, albuminuria (Fig 5) and decreased GFR (Fig 6) are associated with an increased risk of CVD, even after controlling for many of these risk factors. Early detection and treatment of CKD, including detection and treatment of hypertension and other CVD risk factors, may reduce the risk of CVD in CKD. Achieving these goals in CKD will require coordinating antihyper tensive therapy with therapy for other CVD risk factors. Recommendations for antihypertensive therapy in the general population are based on observational studies and controlled trials relating blood pressure level and antihypertensive therapy to CVD risk. Few patients with CKD were included in these studies. Thus, recommendations to reduce CVD risk in CKD are based largely on extrapolation from the general population. Progression of CKD: Most kidney diseases worsen progressively over time. Antihypertensive therapy affects several modifiable key factors related to the progression of kidney disease, including hypertension, proteinuria, and other mechanisms, such as increased activity of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) (Fig 7). Several large, controlled trials have examined the effect of antihypertensive therapy on the progression of kidney disease in patients with and without hypertension. While these trials have provided important answers about therapy, the relationships among these "progression factors" are complex, and many questions remain unanswered, especially regarding the mechanisms underlying the therapeutic benefit of the interventions. Based on these considerations, the Work Group defined the following goals for antihypertensive therapy in CKD (Table 5) and strategies and therapeutic targets to achieve them (Table 6). This formulation is consistent with the JNC 7 report, which recommends lifestyle modifications and pharmacological therapy to lower blood pressure and reduce CVD risk, with modifications for "compelling indications," including CKD. As indicated in Table 6, the Work Group recommended that clinicians consider reducing proteinuria as a goal for antihypertensive therapy in CKD. Proteinuria is important in CKD for a number of reasons (Table 7). There is strong evidence that proteinuria is a marker of kidney damage, and its presence identifies individuals with CKD. Large amounts of proteinuria are a clue to the type (diagnosis) of CKD. Higher levels of proteinuria are a risk factor for faster progression of CKD and development of CVD. Higher levels of proteinuria also identify individuals who benefit more from antihypertensive therapy. However, the Work Group decided that the evidence is not strong enough to conclude that proteinuria is a surrogate outcome for kidney disease progression. However, it was the opinion of the Work Group that proteinuria should be monitored during the course of CKD, and that under some circumstances, it would be appropriate to consider modifications to the antihypertensive regimen in patients with large amounts of proteinuria, such as a lower blood pressure goal or measures to reduce proteinuria. In general, these modifications should be undertaken in consultation with a nephrologist. The Work Group strongly recommended further research on this topic. SCOPE OF THE GUIDELINES: The Work Group was convened by the NKF Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) in response to recommendations of the NKF Task Force on CVD (Fig 8). The overall aim of the Work Group was to develop evidence-based recommendations for the evaluation and management of hypertension and use of antihypertensive agents in CKD. Topics considered are listed in Table 8. Based on the results of clinical and epidemiological studies, the Work Group defined the target population for these guidelines as patients with CKD Stages 1-4. Patients with CKD Stage 5 (kidney failure) were excluded since kidney disease progression may not be as important in patients who have already reached the stage of kidney failure, because the relationship between CVD risk and level of blood pressure is complex in kidney failure, and because of intermittent fluid shifts that affect blood pressure in hemodialysis patients. Thus, the Work Group concluded that the evidence base was not sufficient to develop strong recommendations for patients with kidney failure, and that extrapolation from the general population or from populations with earlier stages of CKD to those with kidney failure may not be appropriate. The Work Group acknowledges the importance of this topic, which will be addressed in a forthcoming K/DOQI Clinical Practice Guideline. The Work Group has included recommendations for both adults and children. Guideline 13 for children was written with careful consideration of past recommendations for the treatment of hypertension in children by JNC reports and by the National High Blood Pressure Education Program Work Group for Children and Adolescents. Two topics are highlighted in the Guidelines in which evidence is rapidly accumulating, but the evidence base is not yet sufficient for strong or moderately strong recommendations: use of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (Guideline 3 and Appendix 3) and additional interventions for patients with large amounts of proteinuria (Background, Guidelines 1, 8-11).