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Supply chain performance measurement in the manufacturing industry : a single case study research to develop a supply chain performance measurement framework



Supply chain performance measurement – the process of qualifying the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain. The aim of this study is to create a supply chain measurement framework for manufacturing industry, define what data should be measured and verify the measurement framework in the case company's supply chain. The research approach is hermeneutic and the research was a qualitative, constructive single case study research. The case company operates in the steel industry and provides prefabricated products for customers. The case supply chain was defined to be one supply chain in a plant where prefabricated products are produced. There is a review of the current understanding of supply chain management and literature related to supply chain performance measurement and the study creates a framework for supply chain measurement. This study presents the main theory framework of supply chain performance measurement. The key elements for the measurement framework were defined as time, profitability, order book analysis and managerial analysis. The measurement framework is tested by measuring case supply chain performance. The measurement framework is a valid framework for supply chain performance measurement in manufacturing industry. It is stated that supply chain performance measurement is extremely important in developing supply chain. The measurement framework in this study offers guidelines for measuring the supply chain in manufacturing industry but the measurement framework could be used in different areas of industry as well.
Professor Mikko Siponen
University Lecturer Elise Kärkkäinen
Professor Hannu Heusala
Professor Olli Vuolteenaho
Senior Researcher Eila Estola
Information officer Tiina Pistokoski
University Lecturer Seppo Eriksson
Professor Olli Vuolteenaho
Publications Editor Kirsti Nurkkala
ISBN 978-951-42-9325-2 (Paperback)
ISBN 978-951-42-9326-9 (PDF)
ISSN 0355-3213 (Print)
ISSN 1796-2226 (Online)
OULU 2010
C 374
Ilkka Sillanpää
C 374 ACTA Ilkka Sillanpää Page 1 Wednesday, November 24, 2010 2:02 PM
C Technica 374
A single case study research to develop a supply chain
performance measurement framework
Academic dissertation to be presented with the assent of
the Faculty of Technology of the University of Oulu for
public defence in OP-sali (Auditorium L10), Linnanmaa, on
15 January 2011, at 12 noon
Copyright © 2010
Acta Univ. Oul. C 374, 2010
Supervised by
Professor Pekka Kess
Reviewed by
Doctor Kris Law
Professor Timo Pirttilä
ISBN 978-951-42-9325-2 (Paperback)
ISBN 978-951-42-9326-9 (PDF)
ISSN 0355-3213 (Printed)
ISSN 1796-2226 (Online)
Cover Design
Raimo Ahonen
Sillanpää, Ilkka, Supply chain performance measurement in the manufacturing
industry. A single case study research to develop a supply chain performance
measurement framework
University of Oulu, Faculty of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and
Management, P.O.Box 4610, FI-90014 University of Oulu, Finland
Acta Univ. Oul. C 374, 2010
Oulu, Finland
Supply chain performance measurement – the process of qualifying the efficiency and
effectiveness of the supply chain. The aim of this study is to create a supply chain measurement
framework for manufacturing industry, define what data should be measured and verify the
measurement framework in the case company's supply chain. The research approach is
hermeneutic and the research was a qualitative, constructive single case study research. The case
company operates in the steel industry and provides prefabricated products for customers. The
case supply chain was defined to be one supply chain in a plant where prefabricated products are
There is a review of the current understanding of supply chain management and literature
related to supply chain performance measurement and the study creates a framework for supply
chain measurement. This study presents the main theory framework of supply chain performance
measurement. The key elements for the measurement framework were defined as time,
profitability, order book analysis and managerial analysis. The measurement framework is tested
by measuring case supply chain performance. The measurement framework is a valid framework
for supply chain performance measurement in manufacturing industry.
It is stated that supply chain performance measurement is extremely important in developing
supply chain. The measurement framework in this study offers guidelines for measuring the
supply chain in manufacturing industry but the measurement framework could be used in different
areas of industry as well.
Keywords: manufacturing industry, supply chain management, supply chain
performance measurement
I started my mechanical engineering studies in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering in University of Oulu in September 2001. I had taken my
matriculation exam the previous spring and applied to University of Oulu. It was
the start of a new and extremely interesting period in my life. I was engrossed by
student life and its activities with various events during my first year at the
university. After my first year I did my military service and returned home in June
2003 as a reservist second lieutenant. That year was especially motivating for my
studies. In 2006, I graduated as M.Sc. in Technology. After graduating, I still felt
myself thirsty for knowledge and my feelings were conflicting. I had studied
mechanical engineering as well as industrial engineering and management but
nevertheless it felt as if I did not know anything. At that time I decided to
continue with my studies so that someday I could feel that I had mastered one
field well.
Professor Pekka Kess inspired me to continue with my studies at the
department of Industrial Engineering and Management. The topic for my doctoral
studies was already clear at the time. I had completed a diploma thesis on supply
chain management. It had increased my interest in the topic and I therefore
wanted to continue to further study in this area. After graduating I directly entered
working life. Then, as a 23-year-old recently-graduated engineer I knew that
combining doctoral studies and working life was going to be extremely
challenging. So I set myself a goal to complete my doctoral thesis before I turned
50. When I decided to begin my doctoral studies I had no idea what I was getting
myself into. Since then, I marvel at being so open-minded about this extremely
large job. If I had any idea about the number of hours I was going to spend doing
this, I would certainly have thought twice about doctoral studies.
My studies started very slowly. I did the first courses only after a couple of
years of starting the studies. Before that I was doing research whenever my
schedule allowed it. My first complete shock took place when my tutor, Professor
Kess, only incidentally alluded to the fact that the study was to be written in
English. Afterwards, with the pain already behind me, I am reminded of the
saying: ”what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. As a side effect, I gained
some supplementary education in English language when writing the thesis.
First of all, I would like to give my special thanks to my tutor, Professor
Pekka Kess, who has been the best mentor of all. Furthermore, he has been open-
minded and, above all, down-to-earth when sparring with me in my studies. I
would also like to thank the Pre-examiners Professor Timo Pirttilä from the
Lappeenranta University of Technology and Dr Kris Law from The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University. As one significant interest group, I want to thank all of
my colleagues and my employer who have been contributing my study.
Furthermore, I want to thank Tiina Talvitie and Alan Pembshaw for language
consulting and for guiding me in how to write research text in English. Last, but
not least, I also want to thank all of my close friends and family for the support
that you have given me during this project.
Oulu 25.11.2010 Ilkka Sillanpää
ABM Activity Based Management
AHP Analytic Hierarchy Process
ATO Assemble To Order
BPR Business Process Reengineering
BSC Balanced ScoreCard
DTO Design To Order
IEM Industrial Engineering and Management
JIT Just In Time
LT Lean Thinking
MTO Manufacture To Order
MTS Manufacture To Stock
OPP Order Penetration Point
SC Supply Chain
SCM Supply Chain Management
SCOR Supply Chain Operations Reference model
TOC Theory Of constraints
TQC Total Quality Control
TQM Total Quality Management
VMI Vendor Managed Inventory
VOP Value Offering Point
Acknowledgements 5
Abbreviations 7
Contents 9
Introduction 13
Background ............................................................................................. 13
Case description ...................................................................................... 14
Research problem .................................................................................... 16
Scientific paradigms ................................................................................ 20
Case study research ................................................................................. 21
Research approach for this study ............................................................ 24
Research design of the study ................................................................... 27
Structure of the thesis .............................................................................. 31
Supply chain performance measurement 33
Supply chain management ...................................................................... 33
Definitions of supply chain management ..................................... 35
Supply chain integration ............................................................... 38
Theory of constraints .................................................................... 39
Order penetration point and Decoupling point ............................. 42
Agility ..................................................................................................... 45
Lean Supply Chain Management ............................................................ 47
Performance measurement in supply chain context ................................ 50
Historical approach for supply chain performance measurement ........... 54
Purposes of supply chain performance measurement ............................. 57
Designing performance measurement system ......................................... 59
Supply chain management performance measurement
approaches ............................................................................................... 63
Map model -framework ................................................................ 63
Inventory, time, order fulfilment, quality, customer focus
and customer satisfaction ............................................................. 64
Six constructs approach ................................................................ 64
Process and management based metrics ....................................... 65
Measures for supply chain actions................................................ 71
Internal and external time performance ........................................ 76
System dynamics, operational research, logistics,
marketing, organization and strategy ............................................ 78
Quantitative and qualitative measures .......................................... 79
Innovative performance measurement method ............................. 81
Process based approach ................................................................ 81
Supply chain operations reference model ..................................... 82
Balanced scorecard approach ....................................................... 83
Supply chain operations reference – Balanced scorecard
approach ....................................................................................... 85
Approaches by other researchers .................................................. 86
Challenges for supply chain performance measurement ......................... 88
Conclusion of supply chain performance measurement .......................... 90
Main approaches for manufacturing industry ............................... 92
Developing SCM measurement system for the case company 95
Finnish engineering industry ................................................................... 95
Concentrating on essential business ............................................. 96
Manufacturing prefinished products ............................................. 97
Case company ......................................................................................... 99
Steel Service Centers .................................................................... 99
Production control system .......................................................... 100
Order processing and order planning process ............................. 102
Production process ...................................................................... 104
Quality system ............................................................................ 111
SCM performance measurement in case company ............................... 112
Order book analysis .................................................................... 113
Profitability ................................................................................. 115
Time ............................................................................................ 117
Managerial analysis .................................................................... 118
Supply chain process profitability in the case study 121
Order book analysis ............................................................................... 121
Delivery reliability of the orders ........................................................... 125
Lead-time and profitable analysis in the first measurement .................. 128
Product A supply chain process .................................................. 128
Supply chain process of the workshop A .................................... 130
Supply chain process of workshop B .......................................... 131
Product A profitability ................................................................ 132
Lead-time for product A ............................................................. 133
Process time ................................................................................ 135
Product B supply chain process .................................................. 136
Product B profitability ................................................................ 137
Product B lead-times .................................................................. 138
Lead-time and profitability analysis in the second measurement ......... 142
Product A profitability ................................................................ 142
Lead-time of product A .............................................................. 143
Process time, Product A .............................................................. 145
Managerial analysis of supply chain measurements ............................. 146
Analysis of the measurement system .................................................... 151
Conclusions 155
Conclusions ........................................................................................... 155
Contributions and implications ............................................................. 162
Theoretical contribution ............................................................. 162
Managerial implications ............................................................. 163
Reliability and validity of the study ...................................................... 164
Future research ...................................................................................... 167
References 169
1 Introduction
This chapter is an introduction to reviewing problems in the field of production.
The basis of the research, the research problem as well as the researcher’s rapport
with the study are being reviewed. In the chapter, the case aggregate studied is
described and defined. Furthermore, research goals are stated. Scientific
paradigms and research methods chosen are reviewed. Finally, the structure of the
dissertation is described.
1.1 Background
Niiniluoto defines science as the systematic pursuit of new knowledge, covering
general truths and regularities of nature, humans and society. Science can be
divided into basic sciences and applied sciences. Basic sciences include such
fields as physics, chemistry and biology. Such sciences as engineering sciences,
agricultural and forestry sciences are applied sciences. (Niiniluoto 1997)
Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) is positioned as an applied science.
IEM is a science that combines economics and technical sciences. The goal is to
produce additional value for business as well as to develop production processes.
One major research subject of IEM is industrial economics. Research in industrial
economics focuses on planning, developing and managing production systems.
Supply chain management (SCM) and the subject of this study, measuring supply
chain management, are placed in the field of research in industrial economics.
This study has been conducted for the Department of Industrial Engineering
and Management within the Faculty of Technology at the University of Oulu.
Measuring the supply chain (SC) of a certain production plant in the steel industry
seen to be a research problem. The problem often occurs in the manufacturing
industry. In this environment the problem has hardly been studied at all. The field
of research is new and the findings from the study will be filling the void in
measuring the SC in manufacturing industry.
The problem became concrete in 2006, when the researcher completed a
diploma thesis regarding SCM in a case company. Research for the diploma thesis
provided a chance to study SCM and to measure SC performance. After
qualifying as Master of Science in Technology, the researcher’s responsibilities
have included middle management functions in SCM in a consolidated
corporation in the steel industry. Along with these tasks the researcher’s
understanding of managing the SC of an international consolidated corporation
has increased. However, at the same time, several research problems have arisen.
In particular, measuring the SC has been recognized as a problem. The problem
occurs when developing a SC in practice. The pressures in rationalizing set by
management create a significantly large challenge for SCM. The SC has to be
made more streamlined, lead-times have to be decreased, excess processes need
to be eliminated and developed as a whole in such a manner that new, more
efficient processes can be established. The basis for development work is a survey
of the present state and measuring efficacy of the current SC. Tools for this have
been scarce. This study provides a resolution to problems in measuring the SC.
1.2 Case description
With regards to the size and population of Finland, the steel and metal industry is
a significant field in Finnish society. The steel industry directly employs tens of
thousands of employees. Furthermore, the steel industry employs through its
networks a significant number of employees indirectly. In proportion to the size
of the country, revenue from the steel and metal industry is significant. The steel
industry has established itself in Finland very firmly with support from the state.
After the Second World War, during the era of reconstruction, the state established
the steel industry very systematically. Afterwards, stockholdings of the state in the
established companies has decreased and companies have been quoted on the
stock market.
The metal industry has built up around the steel industry. Most typically,
Finnish metal industry consists of small and medium sized engineering works as
well as of some larger, global companies. The production of large companies in
the metal industry in Finland consists of highly refined solutions that aim to
produce special additional value to the customer. Products manufactured have to
be of especially high quality and efficiency of production has to be at its best.
Compared to countries with lower cost levels, the costs of Finnish steel and metal
industry are enormous. This fact has forced the companies in the steel and metal
industries to invest in efficiency, quality and producing additional value to end
customers. Due to competing markets and moderate costs, Finnish steel and metal
industry has, during the decades, developed a network. In the network
assignments have been distributed among companies according to how
specialized the manufacturers are in manufacturing certain products. Specializing
in core business as well as eliminating non-core functions have been the measures
taken to maintain competitiveness. Non-core functions have been outsourced and
bought from such companies that are specialized in producing given products or
services as their core business. When focusing on core business, the production
process in metal industry was altered and outsourcing of functions was started
from the beginning of the production process. At the beginning of the production
process there are usually plate processing functions which include cutting,
bending and finishing of standard products manufactured at a steel factory.
Instead of supplying a standard product, steelworks can supply steel parts that are
manufactured according to diagrams. Customers can implement these parts
directly to production process as raw materials.
Due to the pressure on costs in the steel and metal industries, the significance
of SCM has been emphasized more and more. Furthermore, networking has
increased the need for SCM. A company in the steel or metal industry that
manufactures end products has to be able to control the entire SC in the most
efficient way to maintain competitiveness. There were important changes in the
culture of networking especially from the beginning of the 1990’s, when even
core business functions were outsourced in the IT sector. Culture changed and it
was more and more adopted also in the steel and metal industries.
The most typical manufacturing processes in the metal industry are related to
handling and machining steel that is used as raw material. Steelworks
manufacture the products according to standard measurements. Engineering
works in the metal industry use plenty of steel plate as raw material due to the fact
that the parts needed for the product to be manufactured are cut from it.
The case company in the study is Rautaruukki Oyj. Rautaruukki
manufactures steel products and refines steel into solutions. One of the solutions
is steel parts tailored to a customer’s needs. Steel parts (in other words pre-
fabricated products) are manufactured at various units and steel service centers of
the case company. Steel service centers are specialized in manufacturing blocks
from various steel products for end customers. The case production plant is one of
the production units of the case company. It manufactures pre-fabricated products
from steel plates. The products are cut plate parts that may have been edged,
bevelled, sandblasted and finished. The products are manufactured according to
diagrams provided by the client. The production process of pre-fabricated plate
parts is extremely hectic and delivery times are usually just a few days.
The case production plant can be described as the steel factory’s refinement
unit which serves customers by refining steel in a customer-tailored manner. The
supply chain of the case production plant being studied is restricted to the
production plant’s material flows in such a way that the case SC begins from the
material stock of the case production plant. The supply chain ends when the
blocks have been delivered to the end customer or to various production plants of
the case company, to internal customers. Internal customers supply the products
to end customers after the manufacturing process.
1.3 Research problem
SCM has been studied a great deal in the industrial economics field of research.
Researchers of SCM as well as the public have been interested in the published
studies related to improving cost efficiency, optimizing the whole SC, production
control, stock management, agility, lean SCM and SC integration. There are only
a few studies of performance measurement in supply chain management in this
field of research.
In SC performance measurement the main purpose is to get information for
top management’s needs, but also several kinds of SC measures are needed at
every management and operational level. SC should be measured because of
management interest in measuring how efficient SC is. Usually there are several
kinds of interest and several management levels are interested in knowing about
SC performance. Measuring is also needed when SCM is going to be developed.
Van Hoek identifies the problem of measuring SCM in the research paper titled
as ”Measuring the Unmeasureable - Measuring and Improving Performance in the
Supply Chain Management”(Hoek 1998).
Gunasekaran presents framework with the metrics of SC performance. The
framework consists of a table where in the left column there are four SC activities
/ processes: plan, source, make/assembly and deliver. On the top of the table there
are strategic, tactical and operational management perspectives. (Gunasekaran
et al.
(2001) state that there should be several kinds of measures
used in performance metrics: balanced approach, strategic, tactical and
operational levels and financial as well as non-financial measures. SCM could be
measured at various management or operation levels. Strategic level measures
influence top management decisions and also very often reflects investigation of
broad based policies and level of adherence to organisational goals. The tactical
level deals with resource allocation and measuring performance against targets to
be met in order to achieve results specified at the strategic level. At the
Operational level, metrics are relevant for day to day business. The main metrics
are time related and non-financial metrics. (Gunasekaran
et al.
et al.
et al.
(2004) introduce six metrics for measuring SCM
capability and performance. Metrics are based on the following SCM processes:
plan, source, make/assemble and delivery/customer. (Gunasekaran
et al.
Shepherd and Günter (2006) categorize SC performance measures into five SC
processes: plan, source, make, deliver and return or customer satisfaction,
whether they measure cost, time, quality, flexibility and innovativeness and
whether they are quantitative or qualitative measures. Measures can be
categorized according to business processes or into strategic, operational and
tactical management levels. (Shepherd & Gunter 2006)
De Toni and Tonchia (2001) present several indicators of internal and external
time measurement. These time measures presented are called time performance.
Time-based indicators were used in the research and the results in order of
superiority are: Time-to-market, distribution lead-times, delivery reliability,
supplying lead-times, supplier delivery reliability, manufacturing lead-times,
standard run times, actual run times, wait times, set-up times, move times,
inventory turnover, order carrying-out times and flexibility. Time performances
are divided into external and internal times. Internal times can be split into run
and set-up times on the one hand and wait and move times on the other.
Externally-perceived time performances can be divided in three parts: system
times (including supplying, manufacturing and distribution lead-times), delivery
speed and delivery reliability (both from suppliers and to customers) and time-to-
market (or time required to develop a new product). (Toni & Tonchia 2001)
Chan (2003) presents SCM performance measurement approach which
consists of qualitative and quantitative measures. Quantitative measures are cost
and resource utilization and qualitative measures are quality, flexibility, visibility,
trust and innovativeness. Chan (2003) and Bhagwat (2009) introduce Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP) for measuring SCM qualitative and quantitative
approaches. AHP is a common tool for solving multi-criteria decision-making
problems. (Bhagwat & Sharma 2007b, Chan 2003a). Chan and Qi (2003) present
an innovative performance measurement method. The aim is to build up a
measurement team whose members should be from different organizations. SCM
should be measured beyond the organizational boundaries rather than focusing on
one organization only. SCM can be categorized into six general processes which
are linked together: supplier, inbound logistics, manufacturing, outbound logistics,
marketing and sales and end customers. Each main process can be decomposed
into sub-processes and performance is measured in a process based manner.
(Chan & Qi 2003b)
Process based approaches are cost, time, capacity, capability, productivity,
utilization, and outcome. Cost is the financial expense for carrying out one event
or activity. It is always one of the indispensable aspects in assessing the
performance of the business activities and processes. Time is an important
resource in modern business environments. Capacity is the ability of one specific
activity to fulfil a task or perform a required function. Capability is a talent or
ability of one activity to be used. In capability measures there are effectiveness,
reliability, availability, and flexibility measures. Productivity is the rate at which a
specific event or activity adds value at the cost of resources. Utilization stands for
the utilizing rate of the resources to carry out one specific activity. Outcome is the
results of or value added to one specific activity and event. (Chan & Qi 2003a)
Theeranuphattana (2008) states that the SCOR model is based on five core
processes: plan, source, make, deliver, and return. The SCOR model advocates
hundreds of performance metrics used in conjunction with five performance
attributes: reliability, responsiveness, flexibility, cost, and asset metrics.
(Theeranuphattana & Tang 2008)
Kaplan and Norton (1992) present a balanced scorecard (BSC) model for
evaluating corporate performance in four types of approaches: the financial, the
internal business process, the customer as well as learning and growth. The name
of this concept comes from keeping score of a set of items that maintain a balance
between short term and long term objectives, between financial and non-financial
measures, and between internal and external performance perspectives. BSC’s
have two main approaches: customer perspective, which is value-adding view and
financial perspective, which is the shareholders’ view. The approach mission of
the customer perspectives is to achieve vision by delivering value to customers. It
is also an internal perspective (process-based view) and its aim is to promote
efficiency and effectiveness in the business process. The mission of financial
perspective is to succeed financially, by delivering value to the shareholders and
to achieve the vision, by sustaining innovation and change capabilities, through
continuous improvement and preparation for future challenges. This approach has
also a learning as well as a growth perspective in the future view. (Bhagwat &
Sharma 2007b, Kaplan & Norton 1993, Kaplan & Norton 1996, Kaplan & Norton
1992, Kaplan 1996, Neely
et al.
Few dissertations or equivalent studies related to SCM have been conducted
in the case area. It is also remarkable that no dissertation dealing with this case
problem has been published. Salo (2006) studied business relationship
digitalisation in steel industry (Salo 2006). Iskanius (2006) has been modelling
information flows in project-based deliveries from the perspective of agility in the
SC (Iskanius 2006). Helaakoski (2007) has studied technology in information
sharing and networking (Helaakoski 2007). Uusipaavalniemi (2009) presents a
framework for analysing and developing information integration within the steel
industry service SC (Uusipaavalniemi 2009). In addition, few dissertations have
been written in the field of SCM regarding other branches of industry. Collin
(2002) studies how to select the right SC for a customer in project-oriented
business in the mobile communication infrastructure industry (Collin 2002).
Lehtinen (2001) focuses on the factors affecting the evolution of subcontracting
in SC decisions in the metal and electronics industries between 1980 and 2000
(Lehtinen 2001). Heikkilä (2000) and Kaski (2002) have developed Demand
Chain Management in the cellular networks industry (Heikkilä 2000, Kaski 2002).
Lehtonen (1999) focuses on SCM in process industry (Lehtonen 1999).
Kämäräinen (2004), Punakivi (2003) and Yrjölä (2003) study SCM in the e-
grocery industry (Kämäräinen 2004, Punakivi 2003, Yrjölä 2003). Holma (2006)
studies SCM in the saw-mill industry (Holma 2006). Huiskonen (2006) presents
several SC integration studies (Huiskonen 2004.). SmåRos (2005) studies
research information sharing and forecasting (Småros 2005). Research areas of
Appleqvist (2005) are operations strategy and demand chain management
(Appelqvist 2005). Dissertation topic of Breite (2003) is Managing Supply and
Value Chains in a Dynamic Business Environment (Breite 2003). Helo (2001) has
focused on how to manage agility in electronics industry (Helo 2001.).
Typically SC performance measurement research has been carried out via
questionnaires and they have not had an action oriented point. Measuring the SC
is the basis for developing it. It is possible to evaluate the SC when it can be
measured. Likewise, it is possible to evaluate efficiency by following indicators
of SC. The research goal can be captured as following:
The goal is to deepen knowledge in supply chain performance measurement
in manufacturing industry.
The research problem is presented as a question:
(R1) How to measure supply chain performance in manufacturing industry?
Research tasks to answer the question are:
(RT1) How can the performance of the supply chain be measured?
(RT2) With which indicators can the performance of the supply chain in the
manufacturing industry be measured?
(RT3) How do the indicators selected represent the supply chain?
The purpose of the first research task (RT1) is to become acquainted with the
literature as well as the latest studies regarding SCM and supply chain
management performance measurement. With the help of the second research task
(RT2), indicators for the SC of the manufacturing industry are developed. The
aim of the third research task (RT3) is to find out how the indicators developed
represent the SC of the case company and how suitable they are to measuring it.
1.4 Scientific paradigms
Modern world view or all-round education does not include only knowing the
most significant output of science, but also an understanding of the processes and
methods of research with which this output has been achieved. This requirement
does not only apply to scientists but also to all of those who are to utilize the
results of the studies. It can be therefore defined that philosophy of science stands
for applying philosophical method to science, research and to its results.
(Niiniluoto 1997)
In philosophy, the aim is to raise problems in order to challenge or
problematize various models, established ways of thinking and premises that are
taken for granted. Another aim in philosophy is considered to be explication (a.k.a.
making clear) of incoherent, ambiguous or implicitly assimilated views. Thirdly,
argumentation is highlighted. In other words, views assimilated as a result of
explication are evaluated for validity by searching for justifications or
counterexamples for them. (Niiniluoto 1997)
et al.
(1998) as well as Järvinen
et al.
(2004) highlight philosophical
paradigms of science and through them draw attention to ontology, epistemology,
methodology and the idea of man (Burrell & Morgan 1998, Järvinen & Järvinen
2004). Ontology studies hypotheses concerning the phenomenon under review
(Järvinen & Järvinen 2004). Ontology pursues ”What exists?” Reality can be
reviewed in a nominalistic manner or in a realistic manner. In a nominalistic
system, the existence of only one kind of individual is required whereas in a
realistic system firmer commitments can be made, say, in addition to individual
animals, species of animals consisting of these individual animals can be assumed.
Epistemology is a theory of information, a doctrine of concept of information.
According to the classic definition of information, information is well-justified
true belief. When realistic information theories are concerned, the existence of
focus of information is expected to be independent of aware subject, a.k.a. the
focus of information is”reality” (Niiniluoto 1997). Epistemology concerns the
nature of scientific knowledge that is produced from a phenomenon by means of
research. Methodology studies research methods (Burrell & Morgan 1979,
Järvinen & Järvinen 2004, Niiniluoto 1997).
Science signifies, on the one hand, the systematic entirety of information
regarding nature, human and society. On the other hand it signifies purposeful and
systematic pursuit of this kind of information. According to Niiniluoto (1997), the
theory consists of a number of laws that structure the empirical regularities
regarding an area of phenomena. A theory should have both explanatory and
predictive power: it explains previously observed regularities and predicts validity
of the new ones. (Niiniluoto 1997)
According to Niiniluoto (1997), philosophy of science refers to applying
philosophical method to science, research and to its results. Philosophy of science
builds itself around three basic functions: problematizing routines of thinking and
premises that are taken for granted, explication a.k.a. clarifying of incoherent,
ambiguous or implicitly adopted views and, third, evaluating views resulting from
argumentation a.k.a. explication by justifying or searching for counter examples.
(Niiniluoto 1997)
1.5 Case study research
Case study research is one of the most widely used methods in industrial
economics. Although the method is commonly used in industrial economics, case
study research can be regarded as a highly challenging method of research. With
the help of the method it is possible to explain complex social events, like
organizational processes and problems of an industry. Case study research is used
widely in various sciences because the functionality of its methodology is not
restricted to only certain sciences. (Yin 2009) Orientation to practice, democracy,
striving towards change as well as subjects participation in the research process
are characteristics of functional research (Kuula 2001).
Eisenhardt (1989) defines case study research as a research strategy that aims
at understanding the internal dynamic of an individual case. (Eisenhardt 1989)
Case study research is aiming at understanding comprehensive and relevant
phenomena of real life. In that case the endeavour is to study the phenomena in
their genuine context. Interface between the phenomenon and context is not often
clear, which complicates the work of a researcher. (Yin 2009)
Case study research is regarded as a good research method when the research
problem can be described with the help of questions
. The method is
very useful when a researcher cannot control the target. Furthermore, it is useful
when the focus is on concurrent events in a real time manner especially when the
border between the event and context is not clear. There are three types of case
study research: explorative (seeking to find out more about a phenomenon)
research, descriptive research and explanatory research. The purpose of
explorative research is to obtain information regarding a phenomenon, find new
ideas and possible research problems. In explorative research, already existing
information is collected and sorted. The aim of descriptive research is to provide
as accurate image of an individual, group, situation or phenomenon as possible. In
the research the focus is not in clarifying connections between phenomena or
factors interpreting behaviour, but only in describing a situation. The aim of
explanatory research is to explain causal relations between phenomena and testing
related hypotheses. (Yin 2009)
Action research can even be regarded as an undisciplined approach since in
action research it is possible, without limits, to use all possible methods that
participants find suitable at a time (Kuula 2001). Since action research,
nevertheless, has to be defined as a separate type of research, it can be regarded as
belonging to qualitative methods. Case study research is used in various fields.
The cases studied may be, among others, organizations, incidents, individuals and
lines of business. Case study research can be, by its nature, descriptive, deductive
(a.k.a. testing a theory) or inductive (creating a theory). (Järvinen & Järvinen
Case study research is begun by preparing a research plan. A research plan
consists of five different divisions: research problem, argument, subject of the
analysis, logic and criteria. Research problem, with regards to case study research,
is well formed when it answers to questions
. With help of the
argument, the study can be directed exactly to the fact which the research
questions must provide an answer to. The focus of the analysis discusses the
subject being studied: the case. Logic pools the data of case study research. With
regards to logic, it is possible to review the current, existing models or to create a
connection between empirical data and the argument. Criteria represent the
criteria used for analyzing the data. In addition to authoring a research plan, a
frame of reference that discusses the topic has to be created. (Yin 2009)
Case research method may include one case or several cases to be studied.
Studying an individual case is an appropriate method when the theory is tested
using a given case, when a unique or typical case is studied, when such case that
has previously been impossible to study is studied or when a long-term case is
studied. An individual case may contain several focuses to be studied. What is
regarded as an advantage of individual case is the fact that the method is suitable
for studying unique and long-term focuses. Furthermore, an individual case study
can be carried out in short time with small amount of resources. What is
challenging is the fact that since the study concerns only one case, there is only a
small amount of adequate research material. Due to this, the focus of the study
requires a very thorough justification for selecting a specific case. (Yin 2009)
According to Järvinen (2004), case study research has been criticized for the fact
that it is not possible to make generalizations on the basis of a single case study.
However, results of a case study can be generalized if similar cases with similar
type of characteristics are compared in the same contexts. (Järvinen & Järvinen
2004) Problems in generalization occur mostly when studying an individual case
(Yin 2009).
In case study research, the data can be collected using various means. Six
most used and most important means to obtain data for a case study are the
following: documents, archives, interviews, direct observations, participatory
observations and items / devices (Yin 2009). In case study research, the researcher
has an opportunity to change or even add data collection methods during the
study (Eisenhardt 1989). Using various sources of information prepares the way
for a more convincing and accurate final result of a study. One of the strengths of
case study research is indeed the fact that various sources of information can be
used in the same study. To increase the reliability of a study the researcher has to
be able to formulate a chain of evidence. (Yin 2009)
Questionnaires, interviews, observation and usage of material from archives
are methods used for collecting data. The data to be collected can therefore be
quantitative, qualitative or both. The purpose of a study protocol is to improve
reliability of the study and direct the research process. The plan to be prepared for
a case study includes the following sections: overview of the project, instructions
for fieldwork, central questions and instruction for writing the research report.
Through these sections it is possible to discover problems that are specified in
separate paragraphs. (Järvinen & Järvinen 2004)
There are three commonly used strategies for analyzing data: theoretical
presentations, competing presentations and creating a description of the case. The
most popular strategy in analyzing data is to trace the theoretical statements that
altogether led to studying the case. The underlying goals as well as planning and
implementation of the whole study are often largely based on statements and
questions from existing theories. The goal of the second analytic strategy is to
define and test competitive explanations. The third popular analytic strategy is to
create a descriptive outline, a frame for the study. The case and its analysis are
built around this outline. Regardless of the strategy, the data is analyzed with help
of an analytic technique. Analytic techniques include pattern matching,
explanation building, time series analysis, logical model and cross-case synthesis.
(Yin 2009)
Problems in case study research are related to theory formulation,
generalization of the results, deficiencies in scientific discipline, data collection
methods and reliability of the results. Theory can remain too insufficient if the
researcher does not know his or her field of research well enough or if he or she is
prejudiced against items. On the other hand, a theory can also easily become too
complicated. Findings of an individual case cannot always be generalized as
scientific laws. Furthermore, researcher has an opportunity to screen his or her
data during the study which questions scientific discipline. There is a great deal of
social interaction related to data collection methods. It may affect the opinions of
the study subjects as well as researcher’s biases towards the study subjects. (Yin
1.6 Research approach for this study
This study is conducted in a challenging environment by studying the measuring
of the SC in manufacturing industry. SC is an extremely challenging research
subject and the study creates new information by measuring performance of the
case SC. The hermeneutic view perceives knowledge as soft, often subjective and
experience-based as well as insights of a personal nature, whereas the positivist
perceives knowledge as hard and real, and considers it possible to transmit
knowledge in a tangible form (Burrell & Morgan 1979). The hermeneutic view is
approached in the study in the form of qualitative and quantitative research.
Quantitative research refers to a study in which accurate and calculatory (in
humanities often statistical) methods are used. Qualitative research is a method of
inquiry practised in humanities in addition to quantitative research. The aim of
qualitative research is to understand the phenomenon being studied. The point of
view of this study is a more qualitative one. In qualitative research, discretionary
sampling is normally used. Only a small number of units is selected for the study
and they are studied in depth which makes quality of the data important. In this
study, qualitative methods are used to collect information regarding the case
under study. These methods include observations, interviews, questionnaires and
reports. (Burrell & Morgan 1998)
Inductive reasoning, a.k.a. induction is a method of reasoning that starts from
an individual group of observations and forms a generalization or a theory
regarding it. Deductive reasoning a.k.a. valid reasoning is a method of reasoning
in which the true premises are necessarily followed by a true conclusion. (Ghauri
& Grønhaug 2005)
Arbnor (1997) presents three main methodological approaches: analytical
approach, system approach, and action approach. The analytical approach
represents clearly explanatory knowledge with the assumption that reality is
objective. The action approach represents understanding knowledge with the
assumption that reality is socially constructed. The system approach is positioned
between positivism and hermeneutics in the assumption that reality is objectively
accessible. (Arbnor & Bjerke 1997)
The constructive approach means problem solving in a real-life
organizational setting through the construction of a management system.
et al.
1993, Labro & Tuomela 2003, Lukka 2000) According to
Kasanen (1993), a constructive method is a solution-oriented normative method
where target-oriented and innovative step-by-step developments of a solution are
combined, and in which empirical testing of the solution is done and utility areas
are analysed. (Kasanen
et al.
The constructive approach refers to a problem-solving approach for
producing innovative constructs intended to solve problems through constructing
a model and making a contribution to the theory of science in which it is applied.
Constructs tend to create a new reality by producing solutions to explicit
managerial problems. The constructive approach produces innovative constructs.
According to Kasanen (1993) constructs can vary from simple models, plans, and
diagrams, to complex management systems, to manifestos of new ways of
approaching and carrying out activities in organizations. Constructive research
project has to produce a new solution to the problem in question; otherwise there
is no point in going on with the research. (Kasanen
et al.
Accrding to Kasanen (1993) it is a characteristic of constructive research that
the researcher’s empirical approach is explicit and strong. A constructive study is
thus experimental. Development and implementation of the new construct should
be regarded as a test instrument. The constructive research approach is based on
the belief that by a profound analysis of what works in practice it is possible to
make a significant contribution. According to Kasanen (1993), in constructive
research, the empirical work is typically quite strongly geared towards achieving
this part of the potential contribution. In addition to the attempt to design new
constructs and test their functioning, a constructive research project is an arena
for both applying and developing the existing theoretical knowledge about the
structural features and process emerging from the case. (Kasanen
et al.
According to Kasanen
et al.
(1993), Lukka (2000), Labro and Tuomela
(2003), there are seven crucial steps in the constructive research approach
et al.
1993, Labro & Tuomela 2003, Lukka 2000):
to find a practically relevant problem, which also has research potential
to examine the potential for long-term research co-operation with the target
to obtain a general and comprehensive understanding of the topic
to innovate and construct a theoretically grounded solution idea
to implement the solution and test whether it works in practice
to examine the scope of the solution’s applicability
to show the theoretical connections and the research contribution of the
A hermeneutic view is approached in the study in the form of qualitative and
quantitative research. In this study, qualitative methods are used to collect
information regarding the case under study. A system approach is a good research
method for this study. Furthermore, a constructive approach can be regarded as an
important method with regards to the study, since in the study, on the basis of this
theory a model with which the SC is measured, is created. These methods include
observations, interviews, questionnaires and reports.
This study complies more with the deductive than inductive logic of
reasoning. In the study, leading theoretical methods of measurement that represent
SC are defined. On basis of these, a theoretic frame of reference is created for
measuring the case SC. The indicators and the theory developed are studied, after
which the results are interpreted. The study includes both inductive and deductive
The study is carried out as a case study research. The study includes one case
which is delimited to measuring a given SC. The research question has been
defined according to case study research to answer especially the question
(Yin 2009) The research problem is presented as a question: (R1) How to measure
SC performance in manufacturing industry? Research tasks to answer the
question are: (RT1) How can the performance of the supply chain be measured?
(RT2) With which indicators the performance of the supply chain in the
manufacturing industry can be measured? (RT3) How do the indicators selected
represent the supply chain? The study is a very practical one and the case study
research method suits excellently for carrying it out.
Table 1. The main methodological choices in this study.
Research discipline Industrial engineering and management (IEM)
Theoretical base Supply chain management, Performance
measurement in Supply chain
Research paradigm Hermeneutics
Research strategy and research approaches Qualitative constructive case study approach
Research methods Qualitative methods: interviews, data form ERP
systems, measurements, observations,
questionnaires, documents
1.7 Research design of the study
Research design is the logic that links the data to be collected and conclusions.
After a relevant research problem was found, the first research process was the
literature research of the SCM and SC performance measurement. Literature
research was made in order to increase the knowledge regarding SC and
performance measurement. The research problem was formed from the real-life
challenges and based on this the research question as well as the tasks related to
the study were developed. Furthermore, the plan for answering the research
questions was made. The research questions and the plan for answering those are
presented as following:
(R1) How to measure supply chain performance in manufacturing industry?
(RT1) How can the performance of the supply chain be measured?
Definition of SCM and SC performance measurement
Literature research
Main theories in SCM and SC performance measurement to be presented
(RT2) With which indicators the performance of the supply chain in the
manufacturing industry can be measured?
Case SC presentation and process chart models
Developing measurement indicators / framework according to literature
review and case SC
(RT3) How do the indicators selected represent the supply chain?
Measuring case SC according to developed measurement framework and
measurement indicator
Analysing measurement framework
Verifying that measurement framework is usable for the case SC
Fig. 1. Research design of the study.
The case SC research was carried out together with theory matching. In this
research empirical data was collected during the years 2006–2009. Data
collection method consisted mainly of interviews, workshops, collecting data
from ERP systems, observations and measurements in case SC. It was a great
advantage that the researcher was working at the case company and therefore data
collection from different sources was possible. Research started with literature
review and first data collection in 2006. Data was collected from ERP systems,
several interviews and workshops. Furthermore, the first measurements in case
SC were carried out. After the first literature review, the measurements theory and
empirical studies were compared and analyzed. Analysis of the first
measurements was carried out at the end of 2006 and the beginning of 2007. Also
the second measurement phase was started. Data was collected with same
methods: ERP systems, several interviews, workshops and measurements in the
Research goal and research question (R1)
Case SCM
- Literature research
- Interwievs
- Workshops
- Data collection
(measurements and
data from ERP)
- Observations
- Definition of supply
chain management
and supply chain
- Literature rewiev
- SCM main theories
and approaches
- Modelling case
supply chain
- Process
- Development of
framework and
indicators for case
- Case SC
according to
- Measurement
framework analyses
Theory and
of main
according to
case SC. After the second measurements and data collecting it was time for theory
matching and analysis of the results. In 2008, the pre-results of the research were
obtained. Those were analysed and verified in 2008–2009. The third measurement
phase was ongoing during 2006–2009. The third measurement was mainly
focused on interviews and observations. In that measurement period the target
was to verify previous measurements.
Fig. 2. Data collecting during 2006–2010.
Finally, the results of the research provided answers to the research questions:
(R1) How to measure supply chain performance in manufacturing industry?
(RT1) How can the performance of the supply chain be measured?
Theory and literary research
Presentation of main theories: SCM and SC performance measurement
(RT2) With which indicators can the performance of the supply chain in the
manufacturing industry be measured?
Case SC performance measurement framework
(RT3) How do the indicators selected represent the supply chain?
Measurements according the measurement framework
Analysis of the measurement developed framework
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
- Relevant research
- Literature review
- Measurements I
- Data collection
- Data from ERP
- Workshops
- Interviews
- Measurements II
- Interviews
- Data collection
- Data from ERP
- Workshops
- Literature
- Analyses and conducting study
- Pre results
- Analyses of the results
- Verifying results
- Literature research
- Conducting study
- Implications
- Measurement III
- Interviews
- Observations
1.8 Structure of the thesis
The study consists of five chapters. In chapter one, background for the study, SC
frame of reference as well as necessity of measuring the SC, the challenges in
measuring it and research problems are discussed. The case is described and
delimited. Furthermore, how the case company and the case production plant are
linked to the steel and metal industries is discussed. The research problem and
research question as well as the tasks are presented. Research methods as well as
research paradigms are presented, selected and justified. Finally, structure of the
study is presented.
In chapter two, the primary approach for SC performance measurement is
presented. SCM is defined on the basis of published conclusions of various
researchers. The chapter also presents new movements of SCM: agility and lean
SCM. SC performance measurement approaches are presented by referring to
most central publications by leading researchers. Furthermore, challenges for SC
performance measurement are analyzed and, finally, conclusion of SC
performance measurement is made. In the chapter, the research task RT1 is
In chapter three, indicators for the SC of the case company are established. To
establish the indicators, Finnish engineering industry is discussed. The supply
chain of the case company is modelled and various stages of the SC are described
thoroughly. In the chapter, the research task RT2 is answered. Finally, on basis of
the case description and the theoretic frame of reference SCM performance
measurement in the case company is established.
Chapter four discusses how SC performance measurement in the case
company is conducted on the basis of measurement system established in the
previous chapter. The measurements are conducted with help of indicators
selected. Usability of the indicators is analyzed and conclusions regarding
functionality of the measurement system are made. In the chapter, the research
task RT3 is answered.
Chapter five presents the conclusions of this thesis as well as the theoretical
and practical contributions of this research. The chapter evaluates the validity and
reliability of the study. Finally, the chapter provides recommendations for future
2 Supply chain performance measurement
This chapter presents primary approaches for SC performance measurement. First,
the emergence of SCM concept is reviewed. After this, SCM is defined according
to views of various academics. It is possible to measure SC performance in
several ways and performance measurement in the SC context has been studied in
many perspectives. Research shows that there are many approaches which have
been developed in the past decades. This research introduces main approaches for
SC performance measurement. The research focus is to present SC performance
measurement in the 1990’s and 2000’s. SC performance measurement is one of
the core elements of developing SCM and therefore supply chain performance
measurement should follow the corporate strategy.
2.1 Supply chain management
In the field of research of industrial economics, new business environment
development and management approaches, concepts and methods have been
introduced during the decades. SCM pulls together these business concepts and
approaches from various decades. Approaches such as these are, among others,
Just in Time (JIT), Total Quality Control (TQC), Total Quality Management
(TQM), Lean Thinking (LT), Time-Based Management (TBM), Lean, Activity
Based Management (ABM) and Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
(Laamanen & Tinnilä 2002).
Concepts can be divided into quality-based approaches, time-based
approaches and combinations of these. First time-based trends of SCM can be
perceived in JIT production philosophy in the 1970’s. Products of the right quality
manufactured JIT is the general understanding regarding JIT philosophy.
Furthermore, JIT has been understood as minimizing stocks, but also as a more
extensive executive philosophy. Qualitative management philosophies TQC and
TQM date back to 1970’s and 1980’s. TQM is a business philosophy that seeks to
encourage both individual and collective responsibility in seeking quality at every
stage of the production process from initial design and conception to after sales
service. TQC is an operational strategy to continually and incrementally change
and improve every aspect of operational components: equipment, procedures,
skills, throughput time, quality, supplier relationships, products, service design,
(Krajewski & Ritzman 2002, Krajewski
et al.
LT and TBM were management concepts of the 1980’s. The focus of LT has
essentially been on elimination of waste. The upsurge of interest in lean
manufacturing can be traced to Toyota Production Systems with its focus on
reduction and elimination of waste. (Christopher & Towill 2001) TBM seeks to
reduce the time needed in taking a product from development to delivery to the
customer along a SC. The purpose is to decrease time spent in all of the processes
such as lead-times, developments times, waiting times, set-up times and
(Stalk & Hout 1990)
ABM and BPR were released in the 1990’s. ABM focuses on the
management of activities as a way to increase customer value and profit. ABM
includes cost driver analysis, activity analysis and performance measurement.
(Plowman 2001)
BPR was introduced as a management concept of the critical
analysis and radical redesign of existing business processes to achieve
breakthrough improvements. BPR is fundamental reconsideration and radical
redesign of organizational processes in order to achieve cost reduction and
improved efficiency and effectiveness like cost, service and speed.
(Iskanius 2006)
Supply chain management (SCM) is a management concept of the 2000’s. It
includes divisions from the management concepts of the previous decades. Many
definitions for SCM have been presented. SCM has been and is still regarded as a
synonym for logistics, supply and SC control. Today the broader definition
determined by the Global Supply Chain Forum is generally accepted as a norm
et al.
1997, Lambert
et al.
“Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the integration of key business
processes from end user through original suppliers that provides products,
services, and information that add value for customers and other
Christopher uses the terms “supply network” or “supply web” to describe the
net-structure of most of the SC’s. He emphasizes the network-nature of his SC
(Christopher 1998)
“Supply chain is a network of organizations that are involved, through
upstream and downstream linkages, in the different processes and activities
that produce value in the form of products and services in the hands of the
ultimate customer”.
2.1.1 Definitions of supply chain management
SCM business concept has been a famous topic for many IEM researchers. Each
researcher has several ways to define SCM. SC is described as a chain linking
each element from customer and supplier through manufacturing and services so
that the flow of material, money and information can be effectively managed to
meet the business requirement.(Stevens 1989)
Aitiken (2005) defines SCM as following (Aitken
et al.
The supply chain is defined as the network of connected and interdependent
organizations that work together to enable the flow of products into markets,
whereas a "pipeline" is defined as the specific operational mechanisms and
procedures that are employed to service specific product/market contexts.
SCM emphasises both the overall and long-term benefit for all parties in the SC
through co-operation and information sharing. Simchi-Levi
et al.
(2004) define
SCM as
et al.
A set of approaches used to efficiently integrate suppliers, manufacturers,
warehouses and stores so that merchandise is produced and distributed at the
right quantities, to the right locations, and at the right time in order to
minimize system-wide costs while satisfying service-level requirements.
SCM is generally considered to involve integration, coordination and
collaboration across organisations and throughout the supply chain
et al.
Nayron (1999) defines supply chain as following (Ben Naylor
et al.
A supply chain is a system whose constituent parts include material suppliers,
production facilities, distribution services and customers linked together via a
feed forward flow of materials and feedback flow of information.
SCM has been defined as “the integration of key business processes from end
user through original suppliers that provides products, services, and information
that adds value for customers and other stakeholders”. SCM theory clearly
addresses the limitations in improving demand chain performance through the
transfer of demand information when lead-times are long. (de Treville
et al.
SCM is the design of the firm’s customer relationship, order fulfilment and
supplier relationship processes and the synchronization of these processes of its
suppliers and customers in order to match the flow of services, materials and
information with customer demand. The purpose of SCM is to design the SC and
to synchronize the key processes of the firm’s suppliers and customers, so as to
match the flow of services, materials and information with customer demand.
et al.
The term SC is used to describe the flow of goods from the very first process
encountered in the production of a product right through to the final sale to the
end consumer. SCM can be used to describe a number of concepts in the
processes inside a manufacturing organisation; purchasing and supply
management occurring within dyadic relationships; the total chain; and finally, a
total firm network. (Bruce
et al.
A good working definition of a SC is that described by Stevens (Stevens
A system whose constituent parts include material suppliers, production
facilities, distribution services and customers linked together via the
feedforward flow of materials and the feedback flow of information.
Supply Chain Operations Reference model (SCOR) which was defined in the
Supply Chain Council (2005), defined a SC as follows
(Supply Chain Council
“The supply chain encompasses every effort involved in producing and
delivering a final product, from the supplier’s supplier to the customer s
customer. Five basic processes– plan, source, make, deliver and return –
broadly define these efforts, which include managing supply and demand,
sourcing raw materials and parts, manufacturing and assembly, warehousing
and inventory tracking, order entry and order management, distribution
across all channels, and delivery to the customer.”
Supply Chain Council (2005) defined that there are four basic processes in the SC:
plan, source, delivery and return. Plan refers to processes that balance aggregate
demand and delivery requirements. Sources are processes that transform product
to a finished state to meet planned or actual demand. Delivery is a process in
which the finished goods are delivered to a customer. Return is defined as
processes associated with returning or receiving returned products. (Iskanius 2006,
Supply Chain Council 2005)
The combination of processes of several companies and customer’s processes
is called the SC. Management of SC’s is called Supply Chain Management a.k.a.
SCM. SCM is a substantially more extensive concept than logistics. SCM is
defined as management of upstream and downstream business relationships
together with suppliers and customers. SCM aims at producing large customer
value with smaller total costs for the whole SC. (Christopher 1998)
SCM encompasses co-operation of various functions between suppliers and
customers. Most essential divisions of SCM are those of managing business
relations and managing customers. Actual competition takes place along the
whole SC when companies involved in the SC have the prerequisites for
competitive operations. From the point of view of the SC, moving the orders
upstream or downstream does not make the aggregate more competitive. Costs
are divided – with respect to the whole SC – by the price requested from the client.
Logistics cannot be replaced with help of SCM, but both of the philosophies –
logistics and SCM – need to be discussed in tandem with each other. (Christopher
A network of companies to which interdependent organizations have linked
up can be regarded as a SC. Organizations co-operate in order to control, manage
and improve material and information flows from suppliers to end users. A supply
chain is described as a chain that creates products or services and forwards them
from suppliers to customers. In reality, a SC is not a separate chain. Therefore, a
supply network would be more appropriate term to describe a SC. The network
consists of company’s partners as well as various suppliers and clients. Also
customers of the customers are part of the network that a company builds around
it. (Christopher 1998)
Fig. 3. Delivery network.
Data systems are used as a link to incorporate the function of a SC. Data systems
enable functioning of SC and delivery process. The function of data systems is to
share information to all various participants in the SC. One of the company
success factors is the skill to use data systems in an efficient manner in activities
including various organizations. One of the main goals of SCM is to decrease or
remove the stocks in the chain. This is often carried out by sharing information
regarding demand and stock levels with help of data systems. (Christopher 1998)
2.1.2 Supply chain integration
Integration of the SC is generally described as co-operation between various
functions. SC integration implies process integration like supplier collaboration,
common information systems and shared information. (Christopher 1998, Paulraj
et al.
2006) There are key processes that can be integrated across the SC:
customer relationship management, customer service management, demand
management, order fulfilment, manufacturing flow management, procurement
and product development. In some cases it is even sufficient to integrate only one
process. (Lambert
et al.
According to Pagell (2004), SC integration can be defined as
(Pagell 2004)
a process of interaction and collaboration in which companies in a supply
chain work together in a cooperative manner to achieve mutually acceptable
SC integration can also be defined as (e.g.
et al.
1999, Frohlich &
Westbrook 2001, Zhao
et al.
the degree to which an organisation strategically collaborates with its
partners and manages intra- and inter-organisational processes in order to
achieve efficient and effective flows of products, services, information, money
and decisions
According to Treville (2004), supply integration includes JIT delivery, reduction
of the supplier base, evaluating suppliers based on quality and delivery
performance, establishing long-term contracts with suppliers, and eliminating
paperwork. Demand integration includes increased access to demand information
throughout the SC to permit rapid and efficient delivery, coordinated planning,
and improved logistics communication. Supply integration is integration that
supports the efficient manufacture and delivery of goods. Demand integration
stands for integration that supports market mediation with the primary role of
demand integration being transfer of demand information to facilitate greater
responsiveness to changing customer needs. (de Treville
et al.
Stevens (1989) identifies four stages of SC integration
(Stevens 1989)
Fragmented operations within an individual company. Planning
very short term, almost reactive.
Functional integration.
Limited integration between adjacent functions.
Focusing on the inward flow of goods. Poor visibility of real customer
Internal integration.
Involves integrating the aspects of the SC that are
directly under the control of the company.
External integration.
The scope of integration is extended outside the
company to embrace suppliers and customers.
The definition of SC integration best acknowledged by its researchers is the
following (Christopher 1998, Lambert
et al.
Supply chain integration is process integration upstream and downstream in
the supply chain
Lee (2000) divides SC integration into three dimensions: information integration,
coordination as well as resource sharing and organisational relationship linkage.
Thus, three main aspects in integration seem to be information integration,
organisational or relationship integration and process integration.
(Lee 2000)
2.1.3 Theory of constraints
Theory of constraints (TOC) is a system based assumption which assumes that
every organization or production line has at least one constraint. The aim of TOC
is to maximize profit by making use of the factor which is limiting the process
more and more efficiently. TOC is maximizing throughput while minimizing
operating expenses for labour, sales and administration. The first step to start
utilizing TOC is to find out the constraining factor. Usually constraint is in a one
operation unit in the production line. Constraint could be also the limited time of
one or a few key employees. When the constraining factor has been identified,
management should examine how the capacity of constraint could be increased.
(Bushong & Talbott 1999)
et al.
state that one way to redesign a process is to analyse capacity
of the process. Capacity is the maximum rate of output for a process. Capacity
plans are usually made on two levels, one being the long term capacity plan and
other the short term capacity plan. Capacity can be measured by output measures
and input measures. One interesting way to measure capacity is utilization.
Utilization is the extent to which equipment, space or labour is currently being
used. Bottleneck is an operation that has the lowest capacity of a given operation
in the process and thus limits the systems output. TOC is an approach for
management that focuses on whatever impedes progress toward the goal of
maximizing the flow of total value-added funds or sales less discounts and
variable costs. Bottleneck is in the process, but a constraint can be anywhere in
the SC. (Krajewski
et al.
The basis of constraint philosophy is a company’s goal to make profit so that
it can meet the expectations of all interest groups in a satisfactory manner. Factors
related to business and production are reviewed from the point of view of
business economics. Constraint philosophy includes company’s business and
product management. The fundamental goal of a company is to show a profit.
Success is measured by a company’s net profit, profit of invested capital and with
help of cash flow. These key figures improve at the same time as business
develops. Constraint philosophy has extended to a doctrine of management for
production and a whole company. (Goldratt & Cox 1992)
The term “constraint” stands for factors that limit gaining of money. These
factors may be situated in production or in support functions of productions. A
constraint can develop to production if the materials do not reach the warehouse
in time or if a company has deficiencies in materials. A constraint that is located
in production is called a bottleneck. In a bottleneck, the capacity of a stage of
work does not meet the capacity required in the next stage of work. Interferences
and delays accumulate in a completely balanced production line. One can try to
improve capacity management by storing products as buffer stocks between each
stage of a production line. However, storing will often cost more than obtaining
extra capacity to the bottleneck. (Gustafsson
et al.
The determining indicators of constraint philosophy are, according to
Goldratt (Goldratt & Cox 1992):
Flow-through is the pace with which the system produces money from
products sold.
Warehouse is all the money that the system has invested in buying all
material that is to be sold.
Manufacturing costs is all the money that production system uses in order to
convert the material into products.
Goldratt (1992), the author of the constraint philosophy, determines the goal of
constraint philosophy as following (Goldratt & Cox 1992):
The goal of a company is to increase net profit by increasing simultaneously
both profit of invested capital and cash flow, which, altogether, means making
A constraint sets the pace for the whole production line. It also defines the pace
with which products can be manufactured from the production line. The time lost
due to a constraint can never be reclaimed. Therefore constraints should be
monitored and used in a more effective manner. Possible interruption of
production in the constraint has a direct effect on the profit of the company.
Undisturbed functioning in the constraint is sought to be secured with help of
buffer stocks. Buffer stocks in between other stages of work can be regarded as
unnecessary because they only increase internal effectiveness. These stocks do
not have an effect on the material flow that passes through the whole company
and neither does it affect productivity of a company. The time saved in other
stages of work does not affect the productivity of a company; it is the constraint
that defines it. (Goldratt & Cox 1992)
Goldratt (1992) and Krajewski (2007) list five measures to be carried out
when developing constraint philosophy (Goldratt & Cox 1992, Krajewski
et al.
Identify the constraint or constraints in the system.
Decide how to rationalize their utilization in order to the best possible benefit
to be obtained.
Subordinate all other activities to the decision mentioned above.
Widen the constraints in the system.
If the constraint has been widened, return to the item 1 but do not let
slowness in changes cause a new constraint.
According to constraint philosophy, a company’s flow-through is measured in
money on basis of actual sales. Variable and fixed costs are regarded as equal and
they are included in operating costs. Indicators of constraint philosophy are used
to rationalize usage of existing resources. The aim of production is to at the same
time manufacture more complete products for sale, to function with low costs and
with help of small stocks. Production of a company may not necessarily be
effective as a whole even if efficiency rates for individual machines might be high.
Profitability of a company improves when all the indicators improve in parallel.
et al.
2.1.4 Order penetration point and Decoupling point
In order oriented production, production receives starting impulse from the
customer’s order. The product is manufactured according to the customer’s
requirements. Order Penetration Point (OPP) is the point in a company’s logistics
chain where the product is marked to be delivered to a specific customer. OPP
divides production into upstream and downstream. In OPP upstream the stocks
are managed on the basis of prognoses in stock-oriented manner. After OPP – that
is to say in downstream – the flow is directed by the order from the client. The
delay the customer experiences in lead-time is the time spent from after the order
to delivery. Pull-oriented production is based on prognoses regarding orders from
customers on the basis of which production is started. Variation in size of the
stock is due to erroneous prognoses regarding the orders from customers. Suction-
oriented production is based on actual demand. With help of suction oriented
production it is possible to regulate the size of stocks. Combination of suction and
pull-oriented production can effectively minimize the variation in incomplete
production. Determining the place of directing point depends on characteristics of
production and the product. (Christopher 1998) OPP is the stage in the production
line from where production is on order. Production in front of the OPP is for
general purpose and based on forecast while every part produced or assembled
behind the OPP is dedicated to a customer. (Andries & Gelders 1995)
OPP can be located to various places in the order stage of work. When
designing to an order (Design to Order, DTO), production is started in a project-
based manner. When manufacturing to an order (Manufacture to Order, MTO),
raw materials, materials and capacity are timed and allocated with help of
product-specific information, and one is able to deliver the product within the
delivery time specified in the order. This way, tailored products can be
manufactured, although the time spent in order increases and effectiveness of
process worsens when amount of variation increases. When assembling to an
order (Assemble to Order, ATO) material is obtained in order-oriented manner.
This way, end product stock can be eliminated. When manufacturing to stock
(Manufacture to Stock, MTS), the delivery can be quickly taken care of when the
manufacturer has warehouses for the products. (Christopher 1998, Mason-Jones
& Towill 1999)
et al.
(2007) present three production and inventory strategies:
Make-to-stock, assemble-to-order and make-to-order. These inventory strategies
should be coordinated with process choice. Make-to-stock strategy involves
holding items in stock for immediate delivery, thereby minimizing customer
delivery times. Assemble-to-order strategy is for producing a wide variety of
products from relatively few assemblies and components after the customer
orders are received. Make-to-order strategy is used by manufacturers that make
products to customer specifications in low volumes. (Krajewski
et al.
Fig. 4. Production and inventory strategies.
Value Offering Point (VOP) is a certain point in the customer’s demand chain. At
this point the supplier meets the demand of the customer. VOP can be located in
three different places in the demand chain. Usually, VOP is located in the
purchasing department when the supplier can see the demand from orders. In
Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) the supplier takes care of the customer’s stock
functions. By following the usage of stock the supplier can meet the demand with
notably lower costs than in ordinary order procedure. The supplier sees to it that
no stock deficiency for products of large consumption is created. VOP can be
located also in production. Then the supplier can avoid manufacturing products
which do not meet customer’s needs. In its most customer-oriented option, VOP
has been transferred all the way to the customer. (Hoover
et al.
The decoupling point is the position in the material pipeline where the
product flow changes from push to pull mode. It should therefore also correspond
to the Demand Penetration Point, the point in the product axis to which the
customer's order penetrates. It is a point where order driven and forecast driven
activities meet. The material decoupling point acts as a buffer between upstream
and downstream players in the SC. This enables upstream players to be protected
from fluctuating consumer buying behaviour and therefore establishing smoother
upstream dynamics while downstream consumer demand is still met via a product
pull from the buffer stock. According to Mason-Jones, the decoupling point
separates the part of the SC that responds directly to the customer from the part of
the SC that uses forward planning and a strategic stock to buffer against the
variability in the demand of the SC. Positioning of the decoupling point therefore
depends on the longest lead-time an end-user is prepared to accept and the point
at which variability in product demand dominates. (Mason-Jones & Towill 1999)
Fig. 5. Material decoupling point.
The decoupling point is the point in the chain at which inventory is held to permit
an upstream focus on efficient supply and a downstream focus on market
mediation. (Ben Naylor
et al.
1999) The decoupling point separates the part of the
SC geared towards directly satisfying customer orders from the part of the SC
based on planning. The decoupling point is also the point at which strategic stock
is held as a buffer between fluctuating customer orders and/or product variety and
smooth production output. Positioning of the decoupling point is also associated
with the issue of postponement which increases the efficiency as well as the
effectiveness of the SC. This is achieved by moving product differentiation (at the
decoupling point) closer to the end user. (Mason-Jones
et al.
The lean approach can be applied to the SC upstream of the decoupling point
as the demand is smooth and standard products flow through a number of value
streams. The agile paradigm must be applied downstream from the decoupling
point as demand is variable and the product variety per value stream has increased.
(Mason-Jones & Towill 1999)
2.2 Agility
A division of SCM, agility, is regarded as a trend of the 2000’s, even though it has
its roots at the beginning of the 1990’s. The roots of agility are based on time
based competition and LT philosophies. On the whole, in literature Agility is
regarded as flexibility.
Preiss (2005) defines agility as following
(Preiss 2005)
Agility is a comprehensive response to the business challenges of profiting
from rapidly changing, continually fragmenting, global markets for high-
quality, high-performance, customer-configured goods and services. It is
dynamic, context-specific, aggressively change-embracing, and growth-
oriented. Agility is a comprehensive response to new competitive forces that
have undermined the dominance of a mass production system.
Due to the diverseness of Preiss’ definition it is hard to accept agility as so wide a
concept. According to Goldman (1995), the definition is notably simpler
et al.
Agility is the ability of an enterprise to quickly respond to changes in an
uncertain and changing environment.
Aitiken (2005) defines agility as following (Aitken
et al.
Agility is a business-wide capability that embraces organizational structures,
information systems, logistics processes and, in particular, mindsets. A key
characteristic of an agile organization is flexibility.
Christopher (2000) presents the most relevant definition of agility (Christopher
Agility is a business-wide capability that embraces organizational structures,
information systems, logistics processes, and, in particular, mindsets. A key
characteristic of an agile organization is flexibility. Agility might, therefore,
be defined as the ability of an organization to respond rapidly to changes in
demand, both in terms of volume and variety.
Also Harrison and van Hoek (2008) emphasize the extended enterprise nature of
the concept by defining agility
(Harrison & Van Hoek 2008)
as following:
Agility is a supply-chain-wide capability that aligns organizational structures,
information systems, logistics processes and, in particular, mindsets.
Kidd (2000) defined agility as following (Kidd 2000):
Agility is the ability of an enterprise to change and reconfigure the internal
and external parts of the enterprise – strategies, organization, technologies,
people, partners, suppliers, distributors, and even customers in response to
change unpredictable events and uncertainty in the business environment.
Agility is often used as a synonym of Lean. According to Christopher, Agility is
not like Lean, because Lean is defined as doing more with less. In real life, many
of those companies who use lean as a production philosophy are anything but
agility. Agility is a valid philosophy when variety is high and volume is low. Lean
is usable in the opposite kind of situation, that is, when variety is low and volume
is high. (Christopher 2000)
According to Christopher, the idea of agility in the context of SCM focuses
around responsiveness. Conventional SC’s have been lengthy with long lead-
times and they have been forecast-driven. Agile SC’s are shorter and seek to be
demand-driven. A further distinction is that because conventional SC’s are
forecast-driven, it implies that they are inventory-based. Agile SC’s are more
likely to be information-based. (Christopher
et al.
Specifically the agile SC is (Christopher
et al.
Market sensitive – it is closely connected to end-user trends.
Virtual – it relies on shared information across all SC partners.
Network-based – it gains flexibility by using the strengths of specialist
Process aligned – it has a high degree of process inter-connectivity between
the network members.
According to Christopher, market sensitive agile SC means that the SC is capable
of reading real demand and responding to it. The use of information technology to
share data between buyers and suppliers is a
SC. Virtual SC’s are
information-based rather than inventory-based. Process integration agile SC
means collaborative working between buyers and suppliers, joint product
development, common systems and shared information. Network agile SC means
that partners are linked together as a network. (Christopher 2000)
2.3 Lean Supply Chain Management
The focus of the lean approach has essentially been on the elimination of waste.
As stated before, the upsurge of interest in lean manufacturing can be traced to
the Toyota Production Systems with its focus on the reduction and elimination of
waste. Lean concepts work well in such companies where demand is relatively
stable and hence predictable and where variety is low. (Christopher & Towill
Agarwal (2006) presents new approach to lean as following (Agarwal
et al.
Lean is about doing more with less. Lean concepts work well where demand
is relatively stable and hence predictable and where variety is low.
Conversely, in those contexts where demand is volatile and the customer
requirement for variety is high, a much higher level of agility is required.
Leanness may be an element of agility in certain circumstances, but it will not
enable the organization to meet the precise needs of the customers more
According to Naylor, leanness means developing a value stream to eliminate all
waste – including time – and to ensure a level schedule. The focus of lean supply
management is elimination of all waste, including time, to enable a level schedule
to be established. (Ben Naylor
et al.
Despite the presence of lean manufacturing facilities in the SC where
throughput times were being dramatically reduced, customers would still
experience significant delays in delivery of their orders. (Bruce
et al.
2004) In a
lean manufacturing environment demand should be smooth, leading to a level
schedule. The level schedule is a pre-requisite for the elimination of all waste. By
eliminating waste, businesses will maximise their profit through minimising their
physical costs. Combining agility and leanness in one SC via the strategic use of a
decoupling point has been termed leagility (the combination of the lean and agile
paradigm). (Mason-Jones
et al.
According to Christopher, lean and agile are not mutually exclusive
paradigms and may be paired to advantage in a number of different ways.
Difference between leanness and agility in terms of the customer is that service
level is the critical factor calling for agility whilst cost, and hence the sales price,
are clearly linked to leanness. Whereas quality, service level, and lead-time are
market qualifiers for lean supply, with the market winner then being cost, the
latter benchmark is merely an important qualifier in agile supply. (Christopher &
Towill 2001)
According to Christopher one of the more interesting debates in recent years
concerning SC strategy has concentrated on the relative merits of lean and agile
philosophies. Lean concepts work well there, where demand is relatively stable
and hence predictable and where variety is low. Agility is concerned primarily
with responsiveness. It is about the ability to match supply and demand in
turbulent and unpredictable markets. In essence, it is about being demand-driven
rather than forecast-driven. Agility is a business-wide capability that embraces
organisational structures, logistics processes and, in particular, mind-sets. A key
characteristic of an agile organisation is flexibility. The origins of agility as a
business concept lie in flexible manufacturing systems. (Christopher
et al.
Leagility is a combination of the lean and agile paradigm within a total SC
strategy by positioning the decoupling point so as to best suit the need for
responding to a volatile demand downstream yet providing level scheduling
upstream from the decoupling point. Through exploitation of the volatility of the
marketplace agile businesses will strive to maximize their profitability. (Mason-
et al.
The need for agility and leanness depends upon the total SC strategy,
particularly considering market knowledge and positioning of the de-coupling
point. Combining agility and leanness in one SC has been termed le-agility. (Ben
et al.
1999) Leagility is the combination of the lean and agile paradigms
within a total SC strategy by positioning the decoupling point as the need for
responding to a volatile demand downstream yet providing level scheduling
upstream from the market place (Hoek 2001).
SC’s would combine both lean and agile principles to ensure the highest level
of market responsiveness combined with low cost and efficient processes. The
particular value stream configuration in which upstream processes are lean and
are then followed by downstream agile processes has been termed league. (Ben
et al.
1999) In upstream, lean processes enable a low cost and a low risk
SC while the downstream process is managed by agility and high levels of
customer responsiveness. There are a small number of performance criteria which
constitute of market qualifiers and order winners. These criteria are: price, quality,
delivery lead-time, and reliability. Different SC strategies may be required. When
the key requirement is short lead-times, the focus is clearly on agility. In Agility,
quality and reliability could be the market qualifiers. When price is the criterion
for winning orders, then quality and reliability could be the market qualifiers.
et al.
Agility will be used downstream and leanness upstream from the decoupling
point in the SC. League is cost effectiveness of the upstream chain and high
service levels in the downstream chain. Quality, service level and lead-time are
market qualifiers for lean supply. When the market winner is cost, the latter
benchmark is a qualifier in agile supply. Agility and leanness require high levels
of product quality. They also require minimum total lead-time. The total lead-time
has to be minimised to enable agility, as the demand is highly volatile and thus
fast moving. If a SC has a long lead-time it will not be able to respond quickly to
demand. Lead-time needs to be minimised in lean manufacturing, because in lean
definition time is waste and leanness tries to eliminate all waste. The difference
between leanness and agility in providing total value to the customer is that
service is the critical factor for agility whilst cost and sales price, are crucial for
leanness. (Mason-Jones
et al.
According to Mason-Jones (2000) Lean/Agile supply distinguishing
attributes are (Mason-Jones
et al.
typical products: commodities/fashion goods
marketplace demand: predictable/volatile
product variety: low/high
product life cycle: long/short
customer drivers: cost/availability
profit margins: low/high
dominant costs: physical costs/marketability costs
stock out penalties: long-term contractual/immediate and volatile
purchasing policy: buy goods/assign capacity
information enrichment: high desirable/obligatory
forecasting mechanism: algorithmic/consultative.
The aim of leanness is cost reduction with total waste removal. Agility requires
design for total flexibility. Agility and lean approaches will maximise the profits
of the two parts of the SC. Leanness will maximise profits through cost reduction
and by providing suitable service. Agility maximizes profit through providing
what the customer requires and reducing costs. The leagile SC enables the
upstream part of the chain to be cost-effective and the downstream part to achieve
high service levels in a volatile marketplace. (Mason-Jones
et al.
2.4 Performance measurement in supply chain context
“When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in
numbers, you know something about it…” Lord Kelvin, 1824–1907
”You cannot manage what you cannot measure”,
(Sink & Tuttle 1989)
Performance measurement can be defined as the process of qualifying the
efficiency and effectiveness of action. A performance measure can be defined as a
metric used to quantify the efficiency and/or effectiveness of an action. (Neely
1995) SC performance measures should be linked with strategies.
2000, Lambert & Pohlen 2001, Morgan 2004, Neely
et al.
According to
Chan (2003), performance measurement is supposed to contribute much more to
business management and performance improvement in industry. Performance
measurement provides the necessary information for management feedback for
decision makers. Performance measurement provides an approach to identifying
the success and potential of management strategies, and facilitating the
understanding of the situation. It assists in directing management attention,
revising company goals, and re-engineering business processes. Performance
measurement is helpful in the improvement of SCM. (Chan 2003a)
SC Performance Measurement is a system that provides a formal definition of
SC performance model based on mutually agreed upon goals, measures,
measurement methods that specify procedures, responsibilities and accountability
of SC participants and the regulation of the measurement system by SC
participants. (Eccles & Pyburn 1992, Holmberg 2000)
Many firms are adopting strategic performance measurement systems that
provide information that allows the firm to identify the strategies offering the
highest potential for achieving the firm’s objectives, and align management
processes, such as target setting, decision-making, and performance evaluation,
with the achievement of the chosen strategic objectives. Ittner (2003) argues that
strategic performance measures must be aligned with the firm’s strategy and/or
value drivers. Under this approach, performance is theoretically enhanced when
‘measurement gaps’’ between the firm’s strategic priorities and measurement
practices are minimized. Performance is expected to be lower when the strategic
performance measurement system places either less or more emphasis on a
measurement practice than the level required by the firm’s strategy and value
drivers. (Ittner
et al.
According to Hervani (2005), corporate performance measurement continues
to grow and encompass both quantitative and qualitative measurements and
approaches. The variety of performance measures depends greatly on the goal of
the organization or the individual strategic business unit’s characteristics.
Companies must consider existing financial measures such as return on
investment, profitability, market share and revenue growth at a more competitive
and strategic level when measuring performance. Other measures like customer
service and inventory performance are more operationally focused, but may
necessarily be linked to strategic level measures and issues. (Hervani
et al.
Performance measurement system may be unique to each individual
organization, reflecting its fundamental purpose and its environment.
Performance measurement systems may have either tangible or intangible
measures with a balance of both types used to measure performance (Hervani
Measures should be dynamic and present at multiple levels.
Products and processes need to be included.
Systems and measures are best developed with a team approach with
derivation from and links to corporate strategy.
Systems must have effective internal and external communications.
Accountability for results must be clearly assigned and it must be understood.
Systems must provide intelligence for decision makers and not merely
compile data.
System should be capable of linking compensation, rewards, and recognition
to performance measurement.
Hervani (2005) states that performance measurement must evolve to performance
management where the organization develops the appropriate organizational
structure and the ability to use performance measurement results in order to
actually bring about change in the organization. Elements of these efforts are
central to total quality and continuous improvement programs, where
performance measurement is critical to any organization in managing their
operations. Performance measurement has many uses including the determination
of the efficiency and effectiveness of an existing system or to comparing
competing alternative systems. Performance measurement is typically used to
plan, design, implement and monitor proposed systems. (Hervani
et al.
According to Ghalayini (1996), performance measures have been primarily
based on management accounting systems. This has resulted in most measures
focusing on financial data. Ghalayini (1996) presents the eight most commonly
cited limitations of traditional performance measures as well as traditional
accounting system, which is the basis for traditional performance measures
(Ghalayini & Noble 1996, Ghalayini
et al.
1997) :
Lagging metrics. Financial reports are usually closed monthly and this is why
they are lagging metrics that are a result of past decisions. Managers consider
financial reports too old to be useful for operational performance assessment.
Corporate strategy. Traditional performance measures have not incorporated
strategy. The objectives have rather been minimizing costs, increasing labour
efficiency and machine utilization.
Relevance to practice. Traditional performance measures aim at quantifying
performance and other improvement efforts in financial terms.
Inflexible. Traditional financial reports are inflexible in that they have a
predetermined format which is used across all departments.
Expensive. The preparation of traditional financial reports requires an
extensive amount of data which is usually expensive to obtain.
Continuous improvement. Setting standards for performance measures in
general conflicts with continuous improvement.
Customer requirements and management techniques. Traditional performance
measures are no longer useful since in order to meet customer requirements
of higher-quality products, shorter lead-time and lower cost management
have given shop floor operators more responsibility and authority in their
Neely (1995) presents a performance measurement system that can be examined
at three different levels (Neely
et al.
the individual performance measures
the set of performance measures
the performance measurement system as an entity
the relationship between the performance measurement system and the
environment within which it operates.
According Neely (1995), the system can be analysed by exploring issues such as
et al.
Have all the appropriate elements (internal, external, financial, nonfinancial)
been covered?
Have measures which relate to the rate of improvement been introduced?
Have measures which relate to both the long- and short-term objectives of the
business been introduced?
Have the measures been integrated, both vertically and horizontally?
Do any of the measures conflict with one another?
Finally, at the highest level, the system can be analysed by assessing (Neely
et al.
whether the measures reinforce the firm’s strategies
whether the measures match the organization’s culture
whether the measures are consistent with the existing recognition as well as
reward structure
whether some measures focus on customer satisfaction
focus on the effects of competition.
et al.
(2004) present three basic functions provided by metrics: control,
communication and improvement. Control means that metrics enable managers
and workers to evaluate and control the performance of the resources. Metrics
communicate performance for internal needs and external stakeholders’ purposes.
Well-designed and communicated metrics provide the user a sense of knowing
what needs to be done. Improvement means that with metrics it is possible to
identify gaps between performance and expectation and that is the way how to
start development. (Melnyk
et al.
2004) Successful performance measurement
system could be a proactive guide for operations and strategic management.
(Bititci 1994) Factors for management’s needs for managing the SC include
(Lambert & Pohlen 2001):
performance measurement across the entire SC
the need to determine the interrelationship between corporate and SC
the complexity of SCM
the requirement to align activities and share joint performance measurement
information to implement strategy that achieves SC objectives
the requirement to allocate benefits and burdens resulting from functional
shifts within the SC
the need to differentiate the SC to obtain a competitive advantage
the goal of cooperation between functions in the SC.
There are no metrics for measuring total SC performance and usually metrics
have to be developed separately for each case. Research of SCM performance
metrics is extremely important, because of SCM diversity, and in order to have
many performance measurement approaches like financial, non-financial,
qualitative and quantitative, plan, source, make, deliver, time, cost, quality,
flexibility and operational approaches.
2.5 Historical approach for supply chain performance
Over the last decade there have been numbers of articles where theory and
practice of SCM have been studied. SCM performance or capability does not
have so much consideration in the SCM research field. (Beamon 1999, Chan &
Qi 2003b, Gunasekaran
et al.
2001) Companies have realized that there is a huge
potential in developing SCM. This is one reason for SCM capability measure
metrics being needed. Measuring SCM capability is the most important way to
start development work of the whole SCM.
According to Ghalayinin (1996), the literature concerning performance
measurement has had two main phases. The first phase began in the late 1880’s
and went through the 1980’s. In this phase the emphasis was on financial
measures such as profit, return on investment and productivity. The second phase
started in the late 1980’s as a result of changes in the world market. Companies
began to lose market share to overseas competitors who were able to provide
higher-quality products with lower costs and more variety. To regain a
competitive edge companies not only shifted their strategic priorities from low-
cost production to quality, flexibility, short lead-time and dependable delivery, but
also implemented new technologies and philosophies of production management.
Traditional performance measures have many limitations and the development of
new performance measurement systems is required for success. (Ghalayini &
Noble 1996)
Morgan (2004) presents a history of performance measurement. The roots of
performance measurement are in 15
century Venice, when accounting was
founded with the invention of double entry book keeping. Double-entry book
accounting measurement system was successful until the early 1900s. Concepts of
performance measurement have been challenged by accounting professionals.
Morgan divides traditional performance measures into four categories: financial,
operations, marketing and quality. Financial measures are common measures like
stock turnover, ROE, ROCE, current ratio, gross profit, gearing, etc. Those
metrics are available after some time period, when the production action is
already carried out. The problem of using financial metrics is that those are not
relevant in day-to-day operations. Actually financial metrics are more useful at
top management level, where the strategic decisions are made. Operations
measures are operations lead-time, labour utility, set-up time, machine utility,
process, etc. Metrics are useful for low level management who are dealing with
day to day business. Marketing measures are market share, orders on hand, order
lead-times, delivery performance, time to market etc. Quality measures are
percentage of rework, rejects, conformance, scrap, liability costs and the kinds of
measures that measure poor product quality. (Morgan 2004)
According to Ramaa (2009), the performance indicators first appeared in the
form of the combination of financial and non- financial criterion. In the 19th
century, the performance indicators were in the following forms: the cost per yard
and the cost per metric ton. At the beginning of the 20th century, diversification
and authorization have induced the reformation of performance measurement.
DuPont company (1903) had executed the “rate of return on investment” to
appraise the performance of different units and developed the “DuPont system
scale”. After Second World War, the environment faced by enterprises was full of
uncertainty and variation and it had to balance the relations of marketing, research
and development, human resource and finance. Thus, different indicators
including financial indicators and non-financial indicators emerged. (Ramaa
et al.
In the 1990’s, several researchers introduced SC performance measurements
which are based on time and inventories. Levy introduces performance measures
such as average finished goods inventory and demand fulfilment. (Levy 1995)
Christopher presents SC performance measures such as order cycle time, order
completeness and delivery reliability. (Christopher 1992) Delivery performance,
lead-time, level of defects and responsiveness was Lambert’s and Sharman’s
approach to SC performance measures. (Lambert & Sharma 1990) Cohen and Lee
introduce material inventory, work in process inventory, finished goods inventory,
fill rates, stock out frequencies and lead-time measures. (Cohen & Lee 1990)
Davis presents inventory levels, inventory investment, order fill rate, line item fill
rate and average number of day’s late measures. (Davis 1993) Measures
introduced by Lee and Billington are inventory turns, line item fill rate, order item
fill rate, total order cycle time, total response time to an order, average backorder
levels and average variability in delivery. (Lee & Billington 1992) Neely
et al.
introduce several ways for measuring SCM performance. Furthermore, other
researchers introduce further approaches to performance measurement: the BSC
(Kaplan & Norton 1992), the performance measurement matrix (Keegan
et al.
1989), performance measurement questionnaires (Dixon 1990) and criteria for
measurement system design (Globerson 1985). Neely
et al.
(1995), has been cited
by many researchers of SCM measurement (Beamon 1999, Beamon & Chen 2001,
et al.
2001, Gunasekaran
et al.
2004). Neely states that performance
measurement can be analyzed in three levels: the individual metrics, the set of
measures or performance measurement system as an entity and, the relationship
between the measurement system and the internal and external environment in
which it operates. Capability can be measured by measuring the five SC processes:
plan, source, make, deliver and return or customer satisfaction; whether they
measure cost, time, quality, flexibility and innovativeness; and, whether they are
quantitative or qualitative. (Neely
et al.
1995, Shepherd & Gunter 2006)
In the 2000’s, SCM performance measurement is presented using different
approaches. Shepherd and Günther (2006) categorize SC performance
measurement research into operational, design and strategic research. (Shepherd
& Gunter 2006) Operational research develops mathematical models for
improving SC performance. (Lin
et al.
2005, Smith
et al.
2005) Design research
focuses on optimizing performance through redesigning the SC. (Shepherd &
Gunter 2006) Design research can be categorized according to the type of
research model: deterministic analytical models (Chen
et al.
2005), stochastic
analytical models (Chiang & Monahan 2005), economic models (Wu 2005) and
simulation models (Hwarng
et al.
2005, Reiner 2005). Strategic research
evaluates how to align the SC with a firm’s strategic objectives (Balasubramanian
& Tewary 2005). Gunasekaran
et al.
state that there is a greater need to study the
measures and metrics for the following reasons (Gunasekaran
et al.
Lack of a balanced approach. Companies have realized the need for two types
of measurement approach: financial and non-financial metrics. Financial
measures and metrics are important for strategic decisions and external
reporting whereas non-financial measures are extremely important for day-to-
day ground level operations.
Lack of a clear distinction between metrics at strategic, tactical and
operational levels. Metrics can be used in every level where it would be most
appropriate. Different metrics are suitable for different levels and therefore it
is difficult to find metrics which are valid for every management level.
2.6 Purposes of supply chain performance measurement
SCM has clearly gained a status in IEM sciences. SCM is difficult to measure,
because it is such huge a concept. Van Hoek identifies the problem of measuring
SCM in the research paper titled ”Measuring the unmeasureable - measuring and
improving performance in the supply chain management”.(Hoek 1998)
Researchers have clearly stated that SCM measurement is extremely complicated
due to the fact that approach perspective to SCM has so many variations and
different meanings. Measurement has been studied since the concept of SCM was
founded. There are several extremely good researchers who have made a great
deal of groundwork for base research of SCM capability and measuring SCM.
Why should the SC be measured? The main purpose is to get information for
top management’s needs, but also several kinds of SCM measures are needed at
every management and operational level. SCM should be measured because of
the management interest in measuring how efficient SCM is. Usually there are
several kinds of interests and several management levels which are interested in
knowing about SCM capability and performance. Measuring is also needed when
SCM is going to be developed. Developing SCM needs a qualified measurement
system for measuring SCM performance. Performance measurement systems play
important role in manufacturing firms in operations and in business strategy
implementation. Performance measurement system provides information for the
monitoring, control, evaluation and feedback functions for operations
management. It can be a driver for motivation, management action, continuous
improvement and the achievement of strategic objectives. (De Waal 2003, Kaplan
1996, Lohman
et al.
2004, Neely
et al.
1994, Tapinos
et al.
Gunasekaran (2004) as well as Gunasekaran and Kobu (2007) argue that the
new era performance measurement metrics should (Gunasekaran
et al.
Gunasekaran & Kobu 2007):
Truly capture the essence of organisational performance.
Be based on company strategy and objectives.
Reflect a balance between financial and non-financial measures.
Relate to strategic, tactical and operational levels of decision making and
Be comparable to other performance measures used by similar organisations.
Clearly define the purpose, data collection and calculation methods, update
and monitoring mechanisms and related procedures.
Vary between organisational locations and be under control of the evaluated
organisational unit.
Allow setting targets, aggregation and disaggregation.
Allow prioritisation/weighting.
Facilitate integration.
Avoid overlaps.
Be able to handle complex overhead structures.
Be simple and easy to use, preferably in the form of ratios rather than
absolute numbers.
Be specific and non-financial, rather than aggregate and financial, to be more
Be determined through discussion with all the parties involved and serve the
needs of people from all levels (not only upper management).
Adopt a proactive approach, enabling fast feedback and continuous
Be valid and reliable.
Be coherent and transparent.
Be experience based.
Allow testing, reviewing, revising and refining, which involve organisational
Result in minimum number of indicators that provide reasonable accuracy
with minimum cost.
Be able to measure partnership, collaboration, and agility.
2.7 Designing performance measurement system
Ghalayini (1996) states that traditional performance measures have many
limitations that make them less applicable in today’s competitive market.
Performance measures are based on outdated traditional cost management
systems, lagging metrics, they are not related to corporate strategy, and they are
inflexible and expensive and contradict continuous improvement. Various
integrated performance measurement systems need to be developed. According to
Ghalayini (1996), there is still a need for an integrated dynamic performance
measurement system that has the following characteristics (Ghalayini & Noble
a clearly defined set of improvement areas and associated performance
measures that are related to company strategy and objectives
stresses the role of time as a strategic performance measure
allows dynamic updating of the improvement areas
performance measures and performance measures standards
links the areas of improvement and performance measurement to the factory
shop floor
is used as an improvement tool rather than just a monitoring and controlling
considers process improvements efforts as a basic integrated part of the
utilizes any improvements in performance (i.e. going beyond just achieving
improvement and actively planning for the utilization of benefits from an
overall company perspective)
uses historical data of the company to set improvement objectives and to help
achieve such objectives
guards against sub-optimization
provides practical tools that could be used to achieve all of the above.
Purposes of a performance measurement system according to (Gunasekaran &
Kobu 2007) are the following:
identifying success
identifying whether customer needs are met
better understanding of processes
identifying bottlenecks, waste, problems and improvement opportunities
providing factual decisions
enabling progress
tracking progress
facilitating a more open and transparent communication and co-operation.
Maskell (1992) presents seven principles of performance measurement system
design (Maskell 1992):
The measures should be directly related to the firm’s manufacturing strategy.
Non-financial measures should be adopted.
It should be recognized that measures vary between locations – one measure
is not suitable for all departments or sites.
It should be acknowledged that measures change as circumstances do.
The measures should be simple and easy to use.
The measures should provide fast feedback.
The measures should be designed so that they stimulate continuous
improvement rather than simply monitor.
Wisner (1991) proposes nine-step “process” for developing a performance
measurement system (Wisner & Fawcett 1991):
Clearly define the firm’s mission statement.
Identify the firm’s strategic objectives using the mission statement as a guide
(profitability, market share, quality, cost, flexibility, dependability, and
Develop an understanding of each functional area’s role in achieving the
various strategic objectives.
For each functional area, develop global performance measures capable of
defining the firm’s overall competitive position to top management.
Communicate strategic objectives and performance goals to lower levels in
the organization. Establish more specific performance criteria at each level.
Assure consistency with strategic objectives among the performance criteria
used at each level.
Assure the compatibility of performance measures used in all functional areas.
Use the performance measurement system to identify competitive position,
locate problem areas, assist the firm in updating strategic objectives and
making tactical decisions to achieve these objectives, and supply feedback
after the decisions are implemented.
Periodically re-evaluate the appropriateness of the established performance
measurement system in view of the current competitive environment.
Thakkar (2009) recommends some features for the metrics used in SC
performance measurement (Thakkar
et al.
measurement system should have the capability to capture the essence of
organizational performance
measurement system should ensure an appropriate assignment of metrics to
the areas where they would be most appropriate
minimum deviations should exist between the organizational goals and
measurement goals
metrics should reflect an adequate balance between financial and nonfinancial
measures should reflect their clear linkages with various levels of decision
making such as strategic, tactical, and operational level.
According to Thakkar (2009), SC performance measurement is a difficult
proposition because it is affected by many aspects of the firm’s operations and
environment. The measurement should be understandable to all people involved
in the SC and should offer minimum opportunity for manipulation. Thakkar (2009)
presents metrics for SC performance measurement (Thakkar
et al.
Total SC cost. The cost of fulfilment as a percentage of revenues or cost of
fulfilment per case ordered.
Service level. This includes fill rate (availability- ratio of number of items
ordered by customers and number of items delivered to customers),
operational performance (in terms of average order cycle time, consistency of
order cycle time and/or on-time deliveries. and service reliability (deals with
accuracy of work in order entry, warehouse picking, document preparation,
Asset management. Utilization of capital investments in facilities and
equipment as well as working capital invested in inventory.
Customer accommodation. This aims to capture measurement of perfect
orders, absolute performance and customer satisfaction.
Cash-to-cash cycle time. This is the time required to convert a dollar spent on
inventory into a dollar collected from sales revenue.
Benchmarking. It makes management aware of the state-of-the-art business
practices. It may include internal benchmarking, competitor benchmarking
and unrestricted benchmarking.
According to Brewer and Speh (2001), SC performance measurement tools and
systems include the following (Brewer & Speh 2001) :
Overcoming mistrust. Traditional SCM practices have been adversarial. Trust
in data sharing, acquisition and monitoring needs to be built.
Lack of understanding. Multi-organizational measures are difficult to
understand for managers focused on internal systems.
Lack of control. Managers and organizations wish to be evaluated on
measures they can control. Inter-organizational measures are difficult to
manage and thus control.
Different goals and objectives. Different organizations have different goals
and thus would argue for different measures.
Information systems. Most corporate information systems are incapable of
gathering non-traditional information relating to SC performance.
Lack of standardized performance measures. Agreed upon measures in terms
of units to use, structure, format, etc. may not exist.
Difficulty in linking measures to customer value. Linkage to stakeholder
value (expanding to environmental issues) is becoming more complex. With
regards to internal customers, it may be difficult to define who is the
customer when these internal customers are also part of the SC.
Deciding where to begin. Developing SC-wide performance is difficult since
it is not always clear where the boundaries exist in SCM.
The performance measurement system requires developing and reviewing at a
number of different levels as the situation changes (Bourne
et al.
The performance measurement system should include an effective
mechanism for reviewing and revising targets and standards (Ghalayini
et al.
The performance measurement system should include a process for
developing individual measures such as performance and circumstances
change (Dixon 1990).
The performance measurement system should include a process for
periodically reviewing and revising the complete set of measures in use.
(Wisner & Fawcett 1991).
The performance measurement system should be used to challenge the
strategic assumptions (Bourne
et al.
However, the integrated measurement systems have their limitations, which,
according to Ghalayini (1996), are the following (Ghalayini & Noble 1996):
They are mainly constructed as monitoring and controlling tools rather than
improvement tools. Thus, they do not explicitly consider the integration of
continuous improvement.
They do not provide any mechanism for specifying which objective should be
met in a specific time horizon.
They are not dynamic systems. They do not allow any systematic revision of
critical areas, performance measures, historical data, decisions and outcomes.
They do not look ahead to predicting, achieving and improving future
performance. They are only concerned with present performance.
Although some of them stress the importance of global optimization versus
local optimization, they do not provide any mechanism to achieve this,
especially at the operational level.
Most of these systems do not stress the importance of time as a strategic
performance measure.
None of the models provides a specific tool that could be used to model,
control, monitor and improve the activities at the factory shop floor.
2.8 Supply chain management performance measurement
2.8.1 Map model -framework
Lambert and Pohlen (2001) present a “map model”-framework for developing
SCM performance metrics. The framework consists of seven steps to build up
SCM performance framework (Lambert & Pohlen 2001):
Map the SC and identify where the key linkages exist.
Use the customer relationship management and supplier relationship
management processes to analyze each link and determine where additional
value can be created.
Develop customer and supplier profit and loss statements to assess the effect
of the relationship on profitability and shareholder value of the two firms.
Realign SC processes and activities to achieve performance objectives.
Establish non-financial performance measures that align individual behaviour
with SC process objectives and financial goals.
Compare shareholder value and market capitalization across firms with SC
objectives and revise process and performance measures as necessary.
Replicate steps at each link in the SC.
2.8.2 Inventory, time, order fulfilment, quality, customer focus and
customer satisfaction
Ramdas and Spekman (2000) present six approaches to measuring SC
performance: inventory, time, order fulfilment, quality, customer focus and
customer satisfaction. These approaches are defined as following: inventory
means inventory levels, inventory turns and inventory costs. Time is defined as
product-development time, time to market and time to break even. Order
fulfilment captures the extent to which a SC partner affects order-processing time
and shipment accuracy. Quality is seen as continuous improvement made by SC
partners. Customer focus captures the extent to which a SC partner influences
contribution margin, value added and customer value. Customer satisfaction
means that a SC partner influences end customer satisfaction and account
penetration. (Ramdas & Spekman 2000)
2.8.3 Six constructs approach
et al.
(2005) identify six constructs of SCM practises: strategic supplier
partnership, customer relationship, information sharing, information quality,
internal lean practices and postponement. Strategic supplier partnership is a long-
term relationship between an organization and its suppliers. It is designed to
leverage the strategic and operational capabilities of individual participating
organization to help it achieve significant ongoing benefits. Customer relationship
includes managing customer complaints, building long-term relationships with
customers and improving customer satisfaction. Close customer relationship is
one device to differentiate from competitors and bring value to customers.
Information sharing refers to the extent to which critical and proprietary
information is communicated to one’s SC partner. Information sharing is seen to
be quite an important point in SCM research. Information quality refers to
accuracy, timeliness, adequacy and credibility of information exchanged. This
approach is connected very closely to information sharing. Sharing qualified
information can lead to flexibility. Internal lean practices are the practices of
eliminating waste in a manufacturing system. Waste is cost, tie, set-up times,
small lot sizes and pull-production. LT and lean practices have become extremely
important for effective SCM. Postponement means practice of moving forward
one or more operations or activities to a much later point in the SC. In this context
SCM activities include making, sourcing, delivering, time and postponement. (Li
et al.
et al.
(2005) identify performance outcomes as delivery dependability and
time to market. Delivery reliability means capability of providing products to
customer. Time to market means the time to introduce new products to market
more quickly than competitors are able to do. (Li
et al.
2.8.4 Process and management based metrics
et al.
(2001) present that SCM performance measures can be
divided into financial and non-financial measures. In practical level there is a
need for concentrating to operational measures instead of financial measures. Top
management needs financial measures for management level decisions, but lower
management and workers need operational measures for daily business.
et al.
2004) Gunasekaran presents a framework with the metrics of
SC performance. Framework consists of a table where in the left column there are
four SC activities / processes: plan, source, make/assembly and deliver. On the
top of the table there are strategic, tactical and operational management
perspectives. (Gunasekaran
et al.
Metrics for planning: order entry method, order lead-time, the customer order
Evaluation of supply link, evaluation of suppliers, strategic level measures,
tactical level measures, operational level measures.
Measures and metrics at production level: range of product and services,
capacity utilization, effectiveness of scheduling techniques.
Evaluation of delivery link, measures for delivery performance evaluation,
total distribution cost.
Measuring customer service and satisfaction: flexibility, customer query time,
post transaction measures of customer service.
SC and logistics cost: cost associated with assets and return on investment,
information processing cost.
et al.
(2001) state that there should be several kinds of measures to
be used in performance metrics: balanced approach, strategic, tactical and
operational levels and financial as well as non-financial measures. SCM could be
measured in various management or operation levels. Strategic level measures
influence the top management decisions and also very often reflect the
investigation of broad based policies and level of adherence to organisational
goals. The tactical level deals with resource allocation and measuring
performance against targets to be met in order to achieve results specified at the
strategic level. Operation level measurements and metrics require accurate data
and decision is made by low level managers. In operational level, metrics are
relevant for day to day business and hence the main metrics are time related and
non-financial metrics. There are also some financial measures such as cost per
operational hour. Tactical level metrics are mainly non-financial metrics such as
accuracy of forecasting techniques, purchasing order cycle time, etc. There are
also financial measures such as supplier cost savings initiatives and delivery
reliability. Tactical level measures are for middle management and there are
several measures which can be used when SCM is going to be developed in a
long time perspective. In strategic level there are financial metrics like total cash
flow time and customer query time. Non-financial metrics include such metrics as
order lead-time and delivery lead-time. Many of these metrics are time-related but
also cost-related. These metrics are for top management for making strategic
decisions as well as long-term plans and strategies. (Gunasekaran
et al.
et al.
According to Gunasekaran (2004), SCM performance metrics are the
following (Gunasekaran
et al.
2001, Gunasekaran
et al.
Strategic level performance metrics
total SC cycle time, non-financial metrics
total cash flow time, financial and non-financial metrics
customer query time, financial and non-financial metrics
level of customer perceived value of product, non-financial metrics
net profit vs. productivity ratio, financial metrics
rate of return on investment, financial metrics
range of product and services, non-financial metrics
variations against budget, financial metrics
order lead-time, non- financial metrics
flexibility of service systems to meet particular customer needs, financial
buyer-supplier partnership level, financial and non-financial metrics
supplier lead-time against industry norm, non-financial metrics
level of supplier’s defect free deliveries, non-financial metrics
delivery lead-time, non-financial metrics
delivery performance, financial and non-financial metrics.
Tactical level performance metrics
accuracy of forecasting techniques, financial and non-financial metrics
product development cycle time, non-financial metrics
order entry methods, non-financial metrics
effectiveness of delivery invoice methods, non-financial metrics
purchase order cycle time, non-financial metrics
planned process cycle time, non-financial metrics
effectiveness of master production schedule, non-financial metrics
supplier assistance in solving technical problems, non-financial metrics
supplier ability to respond to quality problems, non-financial metrics
supplier cost saving initiatives, financial and non-financial metrics
supplier booking in procedures, non-financial metrics
delivery reliability, financial and non-financial metrics
responsiveness to urgent deliveries, non-financial metrics
effectiveness of distribution planning schedule, non-financial metrics.
Operational level performance metrics
cost per operation hour, financial metrics
information carrying cost, financial and non-financial metrics
capacity utilisation, non-financial metrics
total inventory as: financial metrics
incoming stock level
work in progress
scrap level
finnish goods in transit
supplier rejection rate, financial and non-financial metrics
quality of delivery documentation, non-financial metrics
efficiency of purchase order cycle time, non-financial metrics
frequency of delivery, non-financial metrics
driver reliability for performance, non-financial metrics
quality of delivered goods, non-financial metrics
achievement of defect free deliveries, non-financial metrics.
The main metrics categories are performance evaluation of planned order
procedures, SC partnership and related metrics, production level measures and
metrics, performance evaluation of delivery link, measuring customer service and
satisfaction SC finance as well as logistics cost. Most important measures for SC
capability in this thesis are metrics for performance evaluation of planned order
procedures. It is a first step for any firm to put order in the database and that way
further to production. Total order lead-time is defined as time between the receipt
of customer order and the delivery of goods. The measure of total order cycle
time consists of order entry time, order planning time, order sourcing, assembly
and follow-up time as well as finished goods delivery time. (Gunasekaran
et al.
et al.
(2004) introduce six metrics for measuring SCM
capability and performance. Metrics are based on the following SCM processes:
plan, source, make/assembly and delivery/customer. Metrics for order planning
consist of the order entry method, order lead-time and the customer order path.
Evaluation of supply link is measured with qualitative and quantitative
approaches: evaluation of suppliers, strategic level measures, tactical level
measures and operational level measures. Measures and metrics at production
level include range of products and services, capacity utilization and effectiveness
of scheduling techniques. Metrics at production level have the major impact on
production cost, quality, speed of delivery and the kinds of areas which are
extremely critical and that cause most of the costs for SCM. (Gunasekaran
et al.
Evaluation of delivery link is always linked to customer satisfaction.
Evaluation of delivery link measures are measures for delivery performance
evaluation and total distribution cost. These measures are important for customers,
because it is possible to attain delivery performance by reducing lead-times.
Christopher (1992) presents also the concept of on time order fill, which has the
same approach as Gunasekaran
et al.
(2004). Evaluation of delivery performance
is also able to measure by number of faultless notes invoiced, flexibility of
delivery systems to meet particular customer needs and total distribution cost.
Customer service and satisfaction is able to measure by flexibility, customer
query time and post transaction measures of customer service. SC logistics cost is
a financial measure. It can be divided into cost-associated with assets and return
on investment as well as information processing cost. (Gunasekaran
et al.
et al.
(2004) present SC performance metrics framework. The
framework is based on a research in which a great number of companies’ SCM
metrics needs were analyzed. Gunasekaran
et al.
(2004) divide performance
categories in SC activities/processes (plan, source, make/assemble, and deliver)
and management approaches: strategic, tactical and operational management
perspective. Choosing the measurement metrics was based on a research where
companies were asked which of the metrics is the most important for their
business. The level of customer perceived value of a product was a highly
important performance metric in strategic planning. In supplier metrics, a very
important metric was supplier delivery performance. Percentage of defects, cost
per operation hour and capacity utilization were the most important metrics in the
production category. Delivery performance metrics is a highly important category,
whose measurements are quality of delivered goods, on time delivery of goods
and flexibility of services systems to meet customer needs. Some measures appear
in more than one cell. This means that the measures may be appropriate at more
than one management level. (Gunasekaran
et al.
According to Gunasekaran
et al.
(2004), SC performance metrics framework
consists of the following elements (Gunasekaran
et al.
Plan supply chain activity / process
strategic management level
level of customer perceived value of product
variances against budget
order lead-time
information processing cost
net profit vs. productivity ratio
total cycle time
total cash flow time
product development cycle time
tactical management level
customer query time
product development cycle time
accuracy of forecasting techniques
planning process cycle time
order entry methods
human resource productivity
operational management level
order entry methods
human resource productivity.
Source supply chain activity / process
tactical management level
supplier delivery performance
lead-time against industry norm
supplier pricing against market
efficiency of purchase order cycle time
efficiency of cash flow method
supplier booking in procedures
operational management level
efficiency of purchase order cycle time
supplier pricing against market.
Make / assemble supply chain activity / process
strategic management level
range of products and services
tactical management level
percentage of defects
cost per operation hour
capacity utilization
utilization of economic order quantity
operational management level
percentage of defects
cost per operation hour
human resource productivity index.
Deliver supply chain activity / process
strategic management level
flexibility of service system to meet customer needs
effectiveness of enterprise distribution planning schedule
tactical management level
flexibility of service system to meet customer needs
effectiveness of enterprise distribution planning schedule
effectiveness of delivery invoice methods
percentage of finished goods in transit
delivery reliability performance
operational management level
quality of delivered goods
on time delivery of goods
effectiveness of delivery invoice methods
number of faultless delivery notes invoiced
percentage of urgent deliveries
information richness in carrying out delivery
delivery reliability performance.
2.8.5 Measures for supply chain actions
Shepherd and Günter (2006) categorize SC performance measures into five SC
processes: plan, source, make, deliver and return or customer satisfaction,
whether they measure cost, time, quality, flexibility and innovativeness and
whether they are quantitative or qualitative measures. As stated before, the
measures can be categorized into business process at strategic, operational and
tactical management levels. (Shepherd & Gunter 2006)
Shepherd and Günther (2006) present a taxonomy of measures of SC
performance. Measures are categorized into SC actions: plan, source, make,
deliver and return. Measures also recognized are cost, time, quality, flexibility or
innovativeness approach. Measures are divided into two classes: quantitative and
qualitative measures.
The plan category measures are mainly cost and time based measures.
Metrics are mainly quantitative measures. Cost-based measures are sales, profit,
rate of return on investment, cost of goods sold and value added productivity.
Time-based measures are, for example, total SC response time, order lead-time,
order fulfilment lead-time, product development cycle time and percentage
decrease in time to produce a product. In plan category there are also quality-
based measures such as accuracy of forecasting techniques, fill rate, perceived
effectiveness of departmental relations, order flexibility and also some flexibility
and innovativeness measures. (Shepherd & Gunter 2006)
The source category consists mainly of quality-based measures like buyer-
supplier partnership level, level of supplier’s defect-free deliveries, supplier
rejection rate and extent of mutual planning cooperation leading to improved
quality. These measures are mainly qualitative ones. There are also some cost-
and time based measures. (Shepherd & Gunter 2006)
The make category presents mainly cost-based measures like total cost of
resources, manufacturing cost, inventory investment inventory obsolescence and
work in process. In the make category the measures are mainly quantitative.
There are also time-based measures like planned process cycle time,
manufacturing lead-time, time required to produce a particular item tor set of
items and also flexibility measures like production flexibility, capacity flexibility
and volume flexibility. (Shepherd & Gunter 2006)
The delivery category approaches are mainly cost-, time- and quality-based
measures. These are mainly quantitative measures. Cost-based measures are total
logistics cost, distribution cost, delivery costs and transport cost per unit of
volume. Time based-delivery measures are, for example, delivery lead-time,
average lateness of orders and percent of on-time deliveries. (Shepherd & Gunter
Quality measures are delivery performance, delivery reliability, quality of
delivered goods and flexibility measures are like delivery flexibility and transport
flexibility. Return on investment category includes mainly quality measures such
as customer satisfaction, level of customer perceived value of product, customer
complaints and product quality. (Shepherd & Gunter 2006)
Table 1. Stages in supply chain, measures and analysis of the measures. (Artz 1999,
Chan 2003a, Chan 2003a, Chan & Qi 2003b, Ellinger 2000, Graham et al. 1994,
Gunasekaran et al. 2004, Hieber 2002, Maloni & Benton 1997, Parker & Axtell 2001,
Sperka 1997, Van Der Vorst & Beulens 2002, Windischer & Grote 2003).
Cost, Time,
Quality, Flexibility,
Stages in supply
Total logistics costs
Distribution costs
Delivery costs
Transport costs
Transport costs per unit of volume
Personnel costs per unit of volume
Personnel costs per unit of volume moved
Transport productivity
Shipping errors
Delivery efficiency
Percentage accuracy of delivery
Total cost of resources
Manufacturing cost
Inventory investment
Inventory obsolescence
Work in process
Cost per operation hour
Capacity utilization as incoming stock level, work-in-progress,
scrap level, finished goods in transit
Inventory cost
Inventory turnover ratio
Inventory flow rate
Inventory days of supply
Economic order quality
Effectiveness of master production schedule
Cost Number of items produced Make
Cost Warehouse costs Make
Cost Stock capacity Make
Cost Inventory utilization Make
Cost Stock out probability Make
Cost Number of backorders Make
Cost Number of stock outs Make
verage backorder level Make
Cost Percentage of excess/lack of resource within a period Make
Cost Storage costs per unit of volume Make
Cost, Time,
Quality, Flexibility,
Stages in supply
Disposal costs
Return on investment (ratio of net profits to total assets)
Rate of return on investment
Net profit vs. productivity ratio
Information carrying cost
Variations against budget
Total supply chain management costs
Cost of goods sold
sset turns
Value added productivity
Overhead cost
Intangible cost
Incentive cost and subsides
Sensitivity to longer-term costs
Percentage sales of new product compared with whole sales for a
Expansion capability
Capital tie-up costs
Warranty/returns processing costs
Return (Customer
Supplier cost-saving initiatives
Percentage of late or wrong supplier delivery
Delivery flexibility
Responsiveness to urgent deliveries
Transport flexibility
Inventory range
Production flexibility
Capacity flexibility
Volume flexibility
Number of tasks worker can perform
Mix flexibility
Number of new products launched
Flexibility of service systems to meet particular customer needs
Return (Customer
Supplier ability to respond to quality problems
Use of new technology
Delivery performance
Delivery reliability
Cost, Time,
Quality, Flexibility,
Stages in supply
Number of on-time deliveries
Effectiveness of distribution planning schedule
Effectiveness of delivery invoice methods
Delivery reliability for performance
Quality of delivered goods
chievement of defect-free deliveries
Quality of delivery documentation
Inventory accuracy
Percentage of wrong products manufactured
Fill rate (target fill rate achievement & average item fill rate)
Order entry methods
ccuracy of forecasting techniques
utonomy of planning
Perceived effectiveness of departmental relations
Order flexibility
Perfect order fulfilment
Customer satisfaction (or dissatisfaction)
Return (Customer
Level of customer perceived value of product
Return (Customer
Customer complaints
Return (Customer
Rate of complaints
Return (Customer
Product quality
Return (Customer
Buyer-supplier partnership level
Level of supplier's defect-free deliveries
Supplier rejection rate
Mutual trust
Satisfaction with knowledge transfer
Satisfaction with supplier relationship
Supplier assistance in solving technical problems
Extent of mutual planning cooperation leading to improved quality
Extent of mutual assistance leading in problem-solving efforts
Distribution of decision competences between supplier and
Quality and frequency of exchange of logistics information
between supplier and customer
Quality of perspective taking in supply networks
Cost, Time,
Quality, Flexibility,
Stages in supply
Information accuracy
Information timeliness
Information availability
Delivery lead-time
Frequency of delivery
Product lateness
verage lateness of orders
verage earliness of orders
Percent of on-time deliveries
Planned process cycle time
Manufacturing lead-time
Time required to produce a particular item or set of items
Time required to produce new product mix
Total supply chain response time
Total supply chain cycle time
Order lead-time
Order fulfilment lead-time
Customer response time
Product development cycle time
Total cash flow time
Cash-to-cash cycle time
Horizon of business relationship
Percentage decrease in time to produce a product
Customer query time
Return (Customer
Supplier lead-time against industry norm
Suppliers booking-in procedures
Purchase order cycle time
Efficiency of purchase order cycle time
2.8.6 Internal and external time performance
According to Ghalayini (1996), the time performance measurement approach is a
new strategic performance measure that should be used to promote improvement.
Time-based performance measurement has the limitation of over-emphasizing the
role of time and not considering the impact of other operational performance
measures with respect to time. In order to improve time performance, all
operational performance measures should be measured, controlled and improved.
Ghalayini (1996) presents the main time-based metrics that companies could use
in different areas (Ghalayini & Noble 1996):
New product development includes time from idea to market; rate of new-
product introduction.
Decision making includes: decision cycle time as well as the time lost when
waiting for decisions to be made.
Processing and production includes: value added as percentage of total
elapsed time; uptime yield; inventory turnover and cycle time.
Customer service includes: response time; quoted lead-time; percentage
deliveries of time; and time from customer’s recognition of need to delivery.
De Toni and Tonchia (2001) present several indicators of internal and external
time performance. According to their research, time performance indicators in
order of superiority are the following: time-to-market, distribution lead-times,
delivery reliability, supplying lead-times, supplier delivery reliability,
manufacturing lead-times, standard run times, actual run times, wait times, set-up
times, move times, inventory turnover, order carrying-out times and flexibility.
Time performances are divided into external and internal times. Internal times can
be split into run and set-up times on one hand and wait and move times on the
other. Externally-perceived time performances can be divided in three parts:
system times (including supplying, manufacturing and distribution leas times),
delivery speed and delivery reliability (both from suppliers and to customers) and
time-to-market (or time required to develop a new product). These time measures
presented are called time performance. (Toni & Tonchia 2001)
Furthermore, De Toni and Tonchia (2001) state that performance can be
present in four indicators: 1. cost/productivity, 2. time, 3. flexibility, 4. quality.
First measure is cost-based and other three are non-cost performance measures.
Cost-based performance include the following measures: affordability of the
production cost, the productivity and the control of the working capital. Time is a
performance measure which covers internal times and external times. Internal
time stands for the time controlled by a firm but that is not perceived by a
customer. External time is understood as the time that the customer perceives,
such as delivery time and frequency of introducing new products. Performance
measures in the quality approach are produced quality, perceived quality
(customer satisfaction), in-bound quality (supplier’s quality) and quality in terms
of costs (cost of maintaining a high standard of quality). The most measured
performance metrics are direct costs, labour productivity, the inventory and the
net process times. Time-to-market, non-value-added times, delivery, quality
produced and customer satisfaction are not measured as often. (Toni & Tonchia
De Toni (2001) presents performance dimensions and measures and divides
these into two categories (Toni & Tonchia 2001):
Cost performance, including production costs and productivity.
Non-cost performance, regarding time, flexibility and quality.
The cost performances have a direct link to company’s result like net income and
profitability. Non-cost performances are not able to calculate like cost
performances. One example mentioned is that an average delivery time three days
shorter or a product of better quality surely has a positive impact on the economic
and financial performances, but such an impact cannot be calculated like income
or profitability. Time performance approach can be internal (performances
perceived exclusively within the firm) and external (performances perceived also
outside the firm, by the customers). Internal time performances are: 1. run and
set-up times on one hand, 2. wait and move times. External time performances are:
1. system times (including supplying, manufacturing and distribution lead-times),
2. delivery speed and delivery reliability (both from suppliers and to customers)
and 3. time to market (time required to develop a new product). (Toni & Tonchia
2.8.7 System dynamics, operational research, logistics, marketing,
organization and strategy
Otto and Kotzab (2003), present six ways of measuring SCM capability. Main
groups are system dynamics, operational research, logistics, marketing,
organization and strategy. The idea of system dynamics is to manage trade-offs
along the complete SC. Performance metrics are capacity utilization, cumulative
inventory level, stock-outs, time lags, time to adapt and phantom ordering. The
aim of operational research and information technology is to calculate optimal
solutions within given degrees of freedom. Metrics are logistics costs per unit,
service level and time to deliver. Logistic perspective target is to integrate generic
processes sequentially, vertically and horizontally. In this category capability is
measured by integration, lead-times, order cycle time, inventory level and
flexibility. Marketing approach is to segment customers and connect them with
the right channel. Measures are customer satisfaction, distribution cost per unit
and market share/channel costs. Organization approach is to manage SC relations
with measures of transaction costs, time to network, flexibility and density of
relationships. The aim of the strategy perspective is to connect competencies and
the ability to make profit. Performance metrics are time to network, time to
market and ROI of focal organization. (Otto & Kotzab 2003)
2.8.8 Quantitative and qualitative measures
Chan (2003) presents SCM performance measurement approach which consists of
qualitative and quantitative measures. Quantitative measures are cost and resource
utilization and qualitative measures are quality, flexibility, visibility, trust and
innovativeness. Cost is one of the quantitative measures and it can be measured
by distribution cost, manufacturing cost, inventory cost, warehouse cost, incentive
cost and subsidy, intangible cost, overhead cost and sensitivity to long-term cost.
Resource utilisation means labour, machine, capacity, energy resource utilisation
and performance measurement investigates the percentage of excess or lack of
that particular resource within a period. Optimization can save both time and
money and it can minimize the size of the company as well as improve its
performance. (Chan 2003a)
Qualitative measures are quality, flexibility, visibility, trust and
innovativeness. Time-based qualitative measures are the following: customer
responses time, lead-time, on-time delivery, fill rate, stock out probability and
accuracy. An especially important measure is lead-time which stands for the time
required once the product began its manufacture until the time it is completely
processed. Flexibility measurement metrics are divided into input, process, output
and improvement categories. Input category is measured by labour and machine
flexibility. Process flexibility is presented as material handling flexibility,
routeing flexibility and operation flexibility. Output flexibility is presented as
volume flexibility and mix flexibility. Delivery flexibility and improvement are
divided into modification flexibility, new product flexibility and expansion
flexibility. Visibility is measured by time and accuracy. Trust is measured by
consistency, which means the percentage of late or wrong delivery to the next tier
which leads to an inconsistent supply. Innovativeness is presented as a new
launch of product and new use of technology. (Chan 2003a)
Beamon (1998) presents SCM performance measures in two groups:
qualitative and quantitative, where customer satisfaction and responsiveness,
flexibility, supplier performance, and cost are presented. Beamon (1998)
identifies three types of measures: resources, output and flexibility. (Beamon
1998) Beamon (1999) also identifies two performance measures: cost and
combination of cost and customer responsiveness. Cost consists of inventory
costs and operating costs. Customer responsiveness measures include lead-time,
stock out probability and fill rate. (Beamon 1999)
Beamon (1999) identifies new SCM performance framework, in which there
are three separate types of performance measures: resource measures, output
measures and flexibility measures. The goal of the resource measures is a high
level of efficiency and the purpose of the resource measures is efficient resource
management that is critical to profitability. The general goal of the resources is
resource minimization. Resource performance measures include total cost of
resources used, total distribution cost, total cost of manufacturing, costs
associated with held inventory and return on investment (ROI). The goal of
output measure type is a high level of customer service and the purpose of output
measurement is that without acceptable output, customers will turn to other SCs,
without acceptable output. Output measures include customer responsiveness,
quality and quantity of final product produced such as number of items produced,
time required to produce a particular item or set of items, number of on-time
deliveries, proportion of orders filled immediately, profit, sales, backorder/stock
out, customer response time, manufacturing lead-time, shipping errors and
customer complaints. Flexibility goal is the ability to respond to a changing
environment and purpose is that in an uncertain environment, supply chains must
be able to respond to challenges that emerge due to changes. Flexibility is
presented in four categories: volume flexibility, delivery flexibility, mix flexibility
and new product flexibility. A measure that is chosen in the performance measure
type categories must coincide with the organization’s strategic goals. (Beamon
Chan (2003) introduces AHP for measuring SCM qualitative and quantitative
measurements. AHP is a common tool for solving multi-criteria decision-making
problems. AHP provides a framework for involving tangible and intangible as
well as qualitative and quantitative approach. AHP provides versatility and power
in structuring and analysing a complex multi-attribute decision-making problem,
by giving means of quantifying judgemental consistency. (Chan 2003a, Korpela
2001, Vargas 1990)
2.8.9 Innovative performance measurement method
As stated before, Chan and Qi (2003) present an innovative performance
measurement method. The aim of the method is to build up a measurement team
and members should be from different organizations. SCM should be measured
beyond the organizational boundaries rather than focusing locally. SCM can be
categorized into six general processes which are linked together: supplier,
inbound logistics, manufacturing, outbound logistics, marketing and sales and end
customers. (Chan & Qi 2003b)
Chan and Qi (2003) present input measures, output measures and composite
measures. Input measures are time and cost. Time is a measurement for
management performance and it is important for both internal and external
customers. One important measure is operation time, which is closely related to
customer satisfaction. Cost dimension is a measure for example labours capital,
knowledge, facility and cost of scrap. Output measures include semi-finished
products and finished products. Popular output measures are delivery reliability,
and error-free and flexible production and new product introduction. Productivity,
efficiency and utilization are performance measures. These measures are mainly
operational performance measures which provide information regarding
effectiveness of the management. The performance measurement team is
composed of the representatives from various management areas of supply chain
members. Members can be from shop floor, supervisors, manager and similar
areas. The advantage of the members being from various management areas is
that they have extensive skills to analyze performance in SCM. (Chan & Qi 2002,
Chan & Qi 2003b)
2.8.10 Process based approach
With timely information, process-based measurement provides a great deal of
support in enhancing integration and improvement of the cross-organizational
processes. According to Chan (2003), the main advantages of adopting process-
based performance measurement in SCM are (Chan & Qi 2003a):
Providing the opportunity of recognizing the problems in operations and
taking a corrective action before these problems escalate.
Facilitating linking with the operational strategies, identifying success, and
testing the effect of strategies.
Support in monitoring the progress.
Assisting in directing attention of the management attention and resources
Enhancing communication of process objectives involved in the supply chain,
thus increasing trust and common understanding.
According to Chan 2003, the steps and processes of analyzing and decomposing
the process to be measured are the following (Chan & Qi 2003a):
Identifying and linking all the involved processes of internal- and intra-
Defining and confining the core processes.
Deriving the missions, responsibilities and functions of the core processes.
Decomposing and identifying the sub-processes.
Deriving the responsibilities and functions of sub-processes.
Decomposing and identifying the elementary activities of sub-processes.
Linking goals to each hierarchy from processes to elementary activity.
Process-based approaches are cost, time, capacity, capability, productivity,
utilization, and outcome. Cost is the financial expense for carrying out one event
or activity. It is always one of the indispensable aspects in assessing the
performance of the business activities and processes. Time is an important
resource in modern business environments. Capacity is the ability of one specific
activity to complete a task or perform a required function. Capability measures
include effectiveness, reliability, availability and flexibility measures. Utilization
means the utilizing rate of the resources to carry out one specific activity.
Outcome is the results or value added of one specific activity or event. (Chan &
Qi 2003a)
2.8.11 Supply chain operations reference model
The supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model was introduced in 1996 by
the Supply-Chain Council, which is a global organization of firms interested in
SCM. The SCOR model is a business process reference model and it provides a
framework that includes SC business processes, metrics, best practices, and
technology features. The SCOR model attempts to integrate the concepts of BPR,
benchmarking, process measurement as well as best practice analysis and apply
them to SC’s. According to Theeranuphattana (2008), the SCOR model offers
users the following benefits
(Theeranuphattana & Tang 2008)
standard descriptions of management processes that make up the SC
a framework of relationships among the standard processes
standard metrics to measure process performance
management practices that produce best-in-class performance
standard alignment to software features and functionality that enable best
Theeranuphattana (2008) presents that the SCOR model is based on five core
processes: plan, source, make, deliver, and return. (Ren 2008, Theeranuphattana
& Tang 2008) The SCOR model advocates hundreds of performance metrics used
in conjunction with five performance attributes: reliability, responsiveness,
flexibility, cost, and asset metrics. (Theeranuphattana & Tang 2008) Hausman
(2004) states that in modern SCM, quality is taken as a given and that factors in
quality management and improvement are somewhat separate from those in SCM
development. (Hausman 2004) Supply Chain Council (2006) presents five
attributes of SC performance (Theeranuphattana & Tang 2008):
SC reliability.
The performance of the SC in delivering the correct product to
the correct place, at the correct time, in the correct condition and packaging,
in the correct quantity, with the correct documentation, to the correct
SC responsiveness.
The speed at which a SC provides products to the
SC flexibility.
The agility of a SC in responding to marketplace changes to
gain or maintain competitive advantage.
SC costs.
The costs associated with operating the SC.
SC asset management.
The effectiveness of an organization in managing
assets to support demand satisfaction. This includes the management of the
both assets: fixed and working capital.
2.8.12 Balanced scorecard approach
Several researchers have proposed using Balanced ScoreCard (BSC) to measure
SCM capability. (Brewer & Speh 2000, Brewer & Speh 2000, Forker
et al.
et al.
2001, Hoek 1998, Lapide 2000, Lin
et al.
2002, Mehrjerdi
2009, Yamin
et al.
Kaplan and Norton (1992) present BSC model to evaluate corporate
performance in four types of approaches: the financial, the internal business
process, the customer as well as learning and growth. The name of this concept
comes from of a set of items that maintain a balance between short term and long
term objectives, between financial and non-financial measures, between lagging
and leading indicators and between internal and external performance
perspectives. BSCs have two main approaches: customer perspective and
financial perspective. Customer perspective, which is a value-adding view and
financial perspective, is the shareholders’ view. The approach mission of
customer perspectives is to achieve vision by delivering value to customers. It is
also an internal perspective (process-based view) and its aim is to promote
efficiency and effectiveness in the business processes. Mission of financial
perspective is to succeed financially, by delivering value to the shareholders and
to achieve the vision, by sustaining innovation and change capabilities, through
continuous improvement and preparation for future challenges. This approach has
also learning and growth perspective in future view. (Bhagwat & Sharma 2007b,
Kaplan & Norton 1993, Kaplan & Norton 1996, Kaplan & Norton 1992, Kaplan
1996, Neely
et al.
Bhagwat and Sharma (2007) introduce BSC approach: financial metrics,
customer perspective, internal business perspective as well as innovation and
learning perspective. Financial performance measures the company’s financial
result. Profitability, growth in sales turnover and maximizing wealth of
shareholders are also the metrics of BSC financial metrics. Evaluating customer
perspective approach is to find out how customers see the business. Measures also
include lead-time, quality of products and services, company’s performance
service and cost effectiveness. Internal business perspective measures business
processes that have the greatest impact on customer’s satisfaction factors.
Innovation and learning perspectives can win efficiency to firm’s operative
business in the future. (Bhagwat & Sharma 2007b, Kaplan & Norton 1992, Neely
et al.
2.8.13 Supply chain operations reference – Balanced scorecard
Kaplan and Norton (1992) have developed the BSC model which relates to the
different classes of business performance: financial and nonfinancial, internal and
external. (Kaplan & Norton 1992) According to Thakkar (2009), SCOR and BSC
are to ensure the greater effectiveness of PMS system on the following grounds
et al.
BSC does not provide a mechanism for maintaining the relevance of defined
measures. SCOR adopts a building block approach and offers complete
BSC fails to integrate top level, strategic scorecard, and operational level
measures potentially making execution of strategy problematic. SCOR
clearly defines the type of process (planning, execution and enabling) and
configures them to suit the SC requirements.
BSC fails to specify a user-centred development process. A detailed exercise
on SCOR generates sufficient information to even develop tailor-made soft-
ware system.
Thakkar (2009) presents the SCOR-BSC framework that is related to various
decision areas of SCOR model in Level 1. According to Thakkar (2009), for each
SCOR decision area various SC planning processes are considered. Level 2
SCOR category and an appropriate plan-source-make-deliver configuration are
chosen by an individual organization. The processes determined at Level 2 are
now decomposed to sub-processes at Level 3 and process element definition,
inputs-outputs, process, and performance metrics are summarized. Analysis is
carried out to gain understanding regarding the difference between the present
scope of performance measurement and proposed scope of SCOR-BSC
framework to derive a suitable implementation plan (at Level 4). (Thakkar
et al.
Thakkar (2009) presents several features of the SCOR-BSC framework
et al.
The framework includes both tangible and intangible measures. The hard
measures cost, time, capacity, productivity, and utilization are tangible and
thus it is relatively easy to collect data from them. Soft measures such as
effectiveness, reliability, availability, and flexibility are intangible, and thus
cannot be directly measured.
Each of the metrics describes one critical dimension of performance of the
activity and process.
One important shortcoming of many firms is their inability or unwillingness
to widen the scope of their measurement activities. The framework has
conceptualized the various SCOR decision areas – plan, source, make, and
deliver in a way that they are built on a cyclic view of SC and hence ensuring
the linkage between organization specific performance measures and SCM-
based metrics.
The proposed framework clearly defines the inputs and outputs for each
The framework includes metrics for various categories of BSC and users are
advised to further classify them into strategic, tactical and operational level.
2.8.14 Approaches by other researchers
et al.
(1995) conducted a research project in the middle of 1990’s and
identified four approaches to performance system measurement: quality, time,
cost and flexibility. Quality-based measuring of performance has focused on the
number of defects produced and the cost of quality. Measureable dimensions in
quality approach are performance, features, reliability, conformance, technical
durability, serviceability, aesthetics, perceived quality, humanity and value. Time
approach measures are manufacturing lead-time, rate of production introduction,
delivery lead-time, due-date performance and frequency of delivery. Time is a
source of competitive advantage as well as a fundamental measure of
manufacturing performance. Cost approach dimensions are manufacturing cost,
value added, selling price, running cost and service cost. Flexibility performance
measures are material quality, output quality, new product, modified product,
deliverability, volume, mix and resource mix. Flexibility dimensions are
identified as range, cost and time. In the research of Neely
et al.
it was found that
small and medium size companies are using plenty of different kind of measures.
Performance measures should be derived from strategy. There are two basic types
of performance measure approach: result related measures like competitiveness
and financial performance and those that focus on the determinants of the results,
like quality, flexibility, resource utilization and innovation. (Neely
et al.
The approach of Maskell (1992) is that companies should have two kinds of
measurements: financial performance measurements for strategic decisions and
non-financial measures for day-to-day manufacturing operations. (Maskell 1992)
SC models, especially those that consider multiple echelon inventory
management, have typically focused on performance measures such as cost
(Cohen & Lee 1989, Cohen & Moon 1990, Lee & Feitzinger 1995, Tzafestas &
Kapsiotis 1994) and a combination of cost and customer responsiveness (Altiok
& Ranjan 1995, Arntzen
et al.
1995, Cook & Rogowski 1996, Davis 1993, Lee &
Billington 1993, Nicoll 1994, Towill
et al.
1992, Wikner
et al.
Reduction in the order cycle time is especially important because it leads to
reduction in the SC response time. Reduction in SC response time is increasing
customer satisfaction level. Order cycle time reductions lead to a reduction in the
SC response time, which is an important measure and major source of
competitive advantage. (Bhagwat & Sharma 2007b, Christopher 1992)
Bechtel and Jayaram (1997) present that measurement in the SC may use
integrated measures that are cross-operational and can be applied to the entire
process. These measures are, among others, time from cash to cash. The aim is to
avoid optimization at one point in the SC. La Londe and Pohlen (1996) state that
total costs of ownership and direct product profitability are focused at particular
segments of the chain and cannot be used for measuring whole SC. Scapens (1998)
presents that modern measurement systems should support innovative strategies
like teamwork and non-financial measures like lead-times. Van Hoek (1998)
presents a new SCM framework which is like a matrix model. In the horizontal
axis there are contributions of organization to SC competitiveness approaches
such as integration, customer service and cost-effectiveness. In the vertical axis
there are strategy sophistication approaches such as cost saver, market
penetration/market extension and market creation. (Bechtel & Jayaram 1997,
Hoek 1998, Lalonde & Pohlen 1996, Scapens 1998)
According Kess
et al.
(2010), critical factors for an effective business value
chain are the following (Kess
et al.
Internal operations: reliable production / service delivery system,
materials/components commonality, flexible planning system, skilful and able
planning staffs, good operations management.
Relationships with suppliers: flexible suppliers in delivery, reliable suppliers
with on-time delivery, the willingness of suppliers to share information,
effective information and communication infrastructures of suppliers.
Relationships with customers: availability of information from customers
well in advance, customers being collaborative and willingness to share,
customers with effective information and communication infrastructures.
De Toni and Tonchia (2001) present that in literature there are different kinds of
performance measures, which can be divided to four categories (Toni & Tonchia
Cost and non-cost performance measures (Berliner & Brimson 1988,
Lockamy & Cox 1994, Partovi 1994, Rangone 1996).
Balanced scorecard models, where performance is measured in financial,
internal business process, customers, and learning/growth - fields. (Kaplan &
Norton 1993, Kaplan & Norton 1996, Kaplan & Norton 1992, Kaplan 1996,
Maskell 1992).
Internal and external performances (Toni & Tonchia 2001).
Value chain models (Toni & Tonchia 2001).
2.9 Challenges for supply chain performance measurement
“There were no performance measures from the complete supply chain. Many
companies have this problem. Those that do have such metrics often do not
monitor then regularly. Or their metrics are not directly related to customer
(Lee & Billington 1992)
One of the main challenges in SCM performance measurement is that measures
are mainly internal logistics performance measures and do not capture the way the
SC has performed as a whole. Internal logistics measures such as fill rate, lead-
time, on-time performance, damage and responsiveness do not measure the whole
SCM performance. (Lambert & Pohlen 2001)
There are some in-depth problems of PMSs in the SC context (Chan 2003a,
et al.
The lack of a balanced approach in integrating financial and non-financial
The lack of system thinking, in which a SC must be viewed as a whole entity
and the measurement system should span the entire SC.
The loss of the SC context.
According to Lin (2010), there are four challenges in SC performance
measurement. First, the majority of articles are focused on the study of intra-
organizational performance – measures that do not measure SC performance as a
whole. Secondly, the previous research did not consider the variation of measured
values. The decision makers found it difficult to find real performance values,
identify weak areas, take corrective actions, and make continual improvements.
Thirdly, no common metrics existed for evaluating different processes on the
same scale. Different characteristics of associated processes cannot be compared
without using the correct metrics. Fourthly, the process teams should have
motivation, capacity, and authority to improve processes and their results. Human
attributes such as cooperation, skill, communication, etc. should have been
considered as important dimensions of SC performance, but previous researches
did not integrate these human attributes into the SC performance measurement
model. (Lin & Li 2010)
Almost every researcher states in their articles that SCM performance
measurement is not studied enough. Furthermore, almost every researcher
identifies that more research regarding SCM performance or capability
measurement should be carried out. Research-related issues are the factors
influencing the successful implementation of performance measurement systems
et al.
2000, Bourne
et al.
2002), the forces which shape the evolution of
performance measurement systems (Kennerley & Neely 2002, Waggoner
et al.
1999) and the way performance measurement systems are maintained over time
so they remain aligned with dynamic environments and changing strategies
et al.
2000, Kennerley & Neely 2003).
Gunasekaran (2004) and Gunasekaran and Kobu (2007) state that problems in
performance measurement frame of references include
et al.
Gunasekaran & Kobu 2007)
Incompleteness and inconsistencies in performance measurement and metrics.
Inability to represent a set of financial and non-financial measures in a
balanced framework, some measures concentrating on financials, others
concentrating on operational measures.
Large number of metrics, makes it difficult to identify the critical few among
trivial many.
Inability to connect the strategy and the measurement.
Biased focus on financial metrics.
Too much inward looking.
2.10 Conclusion of supply chain performance measurement
According to the research, SC capability can be measured by using different kind
of approaches:
a performance measurement matrix (Keegan
et al.
financial and/or non-financial metrics (Gosselin 2005, Ittner
et al.
Kaplan & Norton 1992, Lambert & Pohlen 2001, Lawrie & Cobbold 2004,
Neely 1999, Olsen
et al.
2007, Tangen 2004, Tapinos
et al.
2005, Thakkar
qualitative or quantitative approach (Beamon 1999, Chan 2003a)
balanced scorecard approaches (Bhagwat & Sharma 2007a, Bigliardi &
Bottani 2010, Brewer & Speh 2000, Brewer & Speh 2001, Chia
et al.
Dror 2008, Epstein & Manzoni 1998, Kaplan 1993, Kaplan & Norton 1992,
Kaplan & Norton 1996, Kaplan & Norton 2001, Kaplan 1996, Lawrie &
Cobbold 2004, Thakkar
et al.
2007, Xu & Li 2008)
performance prism (Neely
et al.
performance measurement questionnaire (Dixon 1990)
Van Hoek’s matrix model (Hoek 1998)
cost and non-cost (Gunasekaran
et al.
2001, Toni & Tonchia 2001)
quality, cost, delivery and flexibility (Shepherd & Gunter 2006)
cost, quality, resource utilization, flexibility, visibility, trust and
innovativeness (Chan 2003a)
resources, outputs and flexibility (Beamon 1999)
SC collaboration efficiency; coordination efficiency and configuration
(Shepherd & Gunter 2006)
input, output and composite measures (Chan 2003a)
strategic, operational or tactical management approach (Gunasekaran
et al.
SC process based measuring approach (e.g.(Chan 2003a, Shepherd & Gunter
six-sigma approaches (Dasgupta 2003, Lin & Li 2010, Ramaa
et al.
et al.
2004, Xu 2008)
measuring SC in multiple levels (Lin & Li 2010, Shepherd & Gunter 2006).
There is a set of contributions in the area of SC performance measurement. Chan
and Qi (2003) proposed a process-based PMS for mapping and analyzing
complex SC networks (Chan 2003a); van Hoek (2001) emphasizes the importance
of performance measurement from the point of view of the third-party logistics
alliances in SC (Van Hoek 2001); Gunasekaran
et al.
(2001) develop performance
measures and metrics in a SC environment from a managerial point of view
et al.
2001). Morgan (2004) offers nine preconditions necessary for
effective and dynamic performance measurement within SC’s. These
preconditions include cheap and reliable identification of units in transition,
standard protocols, communication systems that are capable of handling the
volume of data, hardware and software, multi-layered control systems, system
handshake protocols, routing and re-routing protocols that allow SC cost control,
speed and flexibility of delivery response, high velocity electronic cash transfers
instigated automatically; and robust systems with inbuilt automatic recovery
(Morgan 2004)
. Thakkar
et al.
(2007) proposed a balanced scorecard
(BSC) framework for a case organization using an integrated approach of
interpretive structural modelling and analytic network process
et al.
Table 2. Performance measurement approaches. (Beamon 1999, Chan 2003a, Chan
2003b, Chan & Qi 2003b, De Toni & Tonchia 2001, Fynes et al. 2005, Gunasekaran et al.
2001, Gunasekaran et al. 2005, Hieber 2002, Holmberg 2000, Li et al. 2005, Li et al. 2007,
Lockamy III & McCormack 2004, Ramaa et al. 2009, Ren 2008, Stephens 2001,
Suwignjo et al. 2000, Tangen 2004).
Framework / Performance measures / Performance Measurement
System (Quality (Q) Cost (C) Delivery(D) Flexibility (F) Agility (A)
Responsiveness(R) Non-financial (NF) Qualitative (QL) Quantitative
Category of
Beamon 1999 Resources, output and flexibility QN
Holmberg 2000 Performance model with system perspective, cost, speed and
customer service level, agility
C, A, Q
Suwignjo et al. 2000 Quantitative model QN
Gunasekaran et al.
Strategic, operational and tactical focus QN, QL
Stephens 2001 Measures based on process C,R, QN
De Toni & Tonchia
Cost and non cost C, NF
Hieber 2002 Supply chain collaboration efficiency; coordination efficiency and
Chan 2003 Cost, quality, resource utilization, flexibility, visibility, trust and
C, Q, QN,
F, A
Chan & Qi 2003 Input, output and composite measures, processes of supply chain QN, QL
Framework / Performance measures / Performance Measurement
System (Quality (Q) Cost (C) Delivery(D) Flexibility (F) Agility (A)
Responsiveness(R) Non-financial (NF) Qualitative (QL) Quantitative
Category of
Chunhua et al. 2003) Quality, cost, delivery and flexibility perspective performance
measures at department, enterprise and supply chain level
C, Q, QN,
F, A
Chan et al. 2003 Innovative Performance Measurement Method Q, QN, QL
Tangen 2003 Financial, time based measures, non cost C, T, NF
Ren et al. 2004
ctive performance management system QN, QL
Lockamy &
McCormack 2004
SCOR model QN
Parsons et al. 2004 Relationship between productions run lengths and overall supply
chain performance
Schonsleben 2004 Quality, cost, delivery and flexibility Q, C, D, F
Gunasekaran et al.
Framework for measuring costs and performance C, NF
Li et al. 2005 Strategic supplier partnership, CRM, information sharing, quality,
internal lean practices and postponement
Wu et al. 2005 Finance, business processes, customer, environment, core enterprise
Fynes et al. 2005 Quality, framework incorporating dimensions of SC relationships and
quality performance
Digalwar et al. 2005 Theoretical framework for the performance measures of World Class
QN, Q, C
Mao et al. 2006 Supporting evaluation level(HITS-Human, Institution, Technology,
Surroundings) and operational evaluation level(TQFS –Time, quality,
Finance and service)
QL, T, Q, C
Li et al. 2007 Supply chain performance measurement approach which evaluates a
supply chain from both structural and operational levels
QN, C, Q
Ren 2008 Supply Chain Performance Measurement Based on SCOR Model QN
2.10.1 Main approaches for manufacturing industry
According to the literature review it is possible to nominate the following
principal approaches for SC performance measurement:
management approach
time based approaches
quantitative and qualitative measures.
Management approach
et al.
(2004) divide performance categories in SC activity/processes
(plan, source, make/assemble, and deliver) and management approach to strategic,
tactical and operational management perspectives. As stated before, measurement
metrics were chosen based on a research in which companies were asked which
of the metrics is the most important for their business. Gunasekaran
et al.
present that SCM performance can be measured in three different management
levels. The levels are strategic, tactical and operational level. Strategic level
measures performance for needs of top management. These measures are usually
corporate level performance measures. The tactical levels measure performance
against targets and also collect feedback from mid-management level. Operational
level metrics require data that is relevant to low level management. (Gunasekaran
et al.
Time based approach
The time-based measuring approach seems to be one of the most wide-known
SCM capability measures among researchers. Time is also identified as the next
source of competitive advantage. (Balsmeier & Voisin 1996, Kessler &
Chakrabarti 1996, Mehrjerdi 2009, Stalk 1988, Vesey 1992) Therefore it seems
that even though time has been quite a common measure in SC performance it is
still an accurate and useful measure. Lead-time, order cycle time, time-to-market
and other time measures are actually relevant for every management level.
Operational, tactical and strategic management are of interest for time
measurement of SC performance. Time is the same for everyone and every
company, every production line and all people and therefore it is easy to measure.
When comparing cost or financial metrics and time, it is clear that time is a more
stable measure than other financial metrics and cost. It is not possible to change
the time currency like money.
Quantitative and qualitative measures
Chan (2003) presents SCM performance measurement approach which consists of
qualitative and quantitative measures. Quantitative measures are cost and resource
utilization, and qualitative measures are quality, flexibility, visibility, trust and
innovativeness. (Chan 2003a) Beamon (1998) presents SCM performance
measures in two groups – qualitative and quantitative – where customer
satisfaction and responsiveness, flexibility, supplier performance, costs and other
measurements for SC modelling are presented. As stated before, Beamon (1999)
identifies two performance measures: cost and combination of cost and customer
responsiveness. Cost consists of inventory cost and operating costs. Customer
responsiveness measures include lead-time, stock out probability and fill rate.
(Beamon 1999)
It is very clear that SC performance should be measured using different kinds of
approaches. In measuring SC performance it seems to be relevant to use the
following SC operations: plan, source, make, deliver and return. Furthermore,
there should be financial and non-financial metrics as well as quantitative and
qualitative measures. As Craig states, SCM should be measured at multiple levels.
(Shepherd & Gunter 2006) It is important to develop more non-financial metrics
due to the fact that these metrics can present more information than the basic
financial metrics. The total SC performance measurement is challenging.
However, even if it is challenging it is possible!
3 Developing SCM measurement system for
the case company
In Finland, growth of the engineering industry took place during the time after the
Second World War. After the end of the Second World War the era of
reconstruction of the country as well as war indemnity payments began. Due to
these reasons the state systematically established and supported the engineering
and steel industries. Decades later, engineering industry has gone through
substantial changes. Along with the changes, especially measuring SC has
become an important, indicative element when making various decisions in the
field of industry. This chapter concentrates especially on the Finnish engineering
industry, the engineering industry branch of the case company, the trajectory of
manufacturing pre-fabricated plate products and the case company. Furthermore,
SCM indicators are created to measure cost-effectiveness of the case company’s
3.1 Finnish engineering industry
Finnish engineering industry has developed over the decades with support from
the state. Typically the engineering works of the metal industry are small or
medium-sized firms in private ownership. In addition to the forest industry and
the shipbuilding industry, there are a few significant main suppliers of the metal
industry operating in Finland. Most typically, Finnish engineering works
manufacture parts or subassemblies for different fields of industry according to
the requirements of customers. Part of the engineering works production has also
been their own products which are manufactured in small or medium-sized
batches. Engineering works have networked with the largest main suppliers. This
networking can be regarded as exceptionally wide-ranging and of good quality.
Furthermore, it can be considered as an efficient alternative for the whole SC.
Considering its population, Finland can be even regarded as a concentration
of steel industry. The foundation of the Finnish engineering industry lies in some
– in Finland’s scale – large steel companies. Steelworks manufacture standard and
special steel products that are mainly sold for export, but part of the steel remains
for the home market as well. In Finland, the steel industry creates good conditions
for the availability of material for the main suppliers in the metal industry as well
as to the small and medium-sized companies.
The most essential competitive element in Finnish metal industry is
unquestionably advanced subcontracting networking. Subcontracting and
networking have gone through a substantial change during the 1990’s and 2000’s.
The depression of the 1990’s created necessity to make the SC’s more effective
and to pay especially close attention to which products are worth self-
manufacturing and which products should be subcontracted from the network.
The dot-com bubble of the end of the 1990’s and beginning of the 2000’s was a
tonic to metal engineering. IT companies operating in Finland used Finnish
subcontractors and the networks were functioning excellently. After the bursting
of the bubble the harsh reality was revealed and IT companies started to look for
manufacturing networks from countries with cheaper labour. Numerous
engineering works in the metal industry found themselves without work and the
special knowledge as subcontractors of the IT products was of no value anymore.
It was time for a new radical change that in many of the companies required
turning back to traditional production of metal industry.
The threat for metal industry in the 2000’s has been the purchases of
engineering works moving to countries with cheaper labour. Main suppliers
manufacture, in particular, large-lot production parts and subassemblies in
countries with cheaper labour. Finnish metal industry has tried to keep up with
this cost competition with high quality, prompt delivery times and agility. Due to
networking of steel industry, SCM has an outstandingly significant role.
Therefore one must be able to measure SCM in order to be able to develop it as
3.1.1 Concentrating on essential business
In Finnish metal industry, metal products have traditionally been self-
manufactured all the way. Typical products of metal industry engineering works
include plate works, welding, machining, assembly, surface treating and finishing.
Successful production plant has to concentrate on essential business. In practice,
in an engineering works concentrating on essential business means to evaluate
which is the most refining and value increasing stage of operation. It has to be
determined what the customers are actually ready to pay for.
Small and medium-sized engineering works have progressively concentrated
on essential business. Larger main suppliers have started concentrating on
essential business substantially earlier and this has contributed to the emergence
of subcontractor networks. The emergence of subcontractor networks dates back
especially to the time after the depression of the 1990’s. Due to rigorous
competition there was a need to come up with cost savings in order to gain the
sales. The dot-com bubble of the 2000’s can be regarded as another clear creation
period of subcontractor networks. The role of IT main suppliers became that of
being managers of the networks and not as performers of the value-adding work.
So the IT industry searched for such companies from the metal industry that
would have less heavy cost structure and that would be more cost-efficient.
Subcontractor network extended and culture changed.
After the bursting of the dot-com bubble, problems for the Finnish
subcontractors began. During the dot-com bubble, massive sales did not compete
so much with prices than with availability. After the bursting of this dot-com
bubble the situation changed completely: now competition was all about prices.
This turned out to be detrimental for many Finnish subcontractors in the field of
metal industry. New customers had to be found. Main suppliers started to move
their production as well as their subcontractor network abroad. Small Finnish
subcontractors were not ready to establish manufacturing operations abroad –
they settled for their lot.
After various stages of development, engineering works industry turned into
a subcontractor network where the one who can control the whole SC will be
most successful.
3.1.2 Manufacturing prefinished products
Concentrating on core knowledge and along with that using the subcontractor
networks has forced engineering works to use more and more ready-made parts
and subassemblies. In this study, prefinished products are defined as plate parts
that are flame-cut or plasma-cut from steel. Typically, the thickness of plate parts
is approximately 10–150 mm and they are cut from different steel qualities. Steel
parts include also holes, bevelling and surface finishing as painting.
Manufacturing of prefinished products has traditionally been one of the
stages of work for an engineering works. This stage of work has taken place at the
beginning of manufacturing process. However, this stage of work has been given
up due to the fact that efficiency in manufacturing prefinished products depends
substantially on utilization rate of the steel plate to be cut. The less waste that is
produced from the plate, the more profitable it is to manufacture prefinished
products. At engineering works different blocks are manufactured from several
plates of different thickness and of various steel qualities. Therefore, the amount
of waste has traditionally been considerable when manufacturing plate parts at
engineering works. Due to this, manufacturing of plate parts has concentrated in
engineering works and steel industry where plate parts are manufactured as mass
production. This way the amount of waste can be minimized and operations can
be made more efficient.
Subcontracting of prefinished products has developed during the decades.
Most typically prefinished products are manufactured for large steel integers
where the main supplier sells directly to the end user. This applies also to the
products of the case company.
Manufacturing of prefinished products has been networked as well. Typically
the raw material, steel, is purchased directly from a steel factory or it is obtained
through intermediaries. In the manufacturing process also subcontracting is
needed for manufacturing prefinished plate products. The most typical stages of
work to be subcontracted are machining, bevelling and surface finishing.
Manufacturing plate products by flame cutting or plasma cutting is core
knowledge for a production plant that manufactures prefinished products.
Machining and surface finishing require especially good expertise. Therefore the
endeavour is to subcontract these stages of work from such companies that are, as
their core business, concentrated in these stages.
In Finland there are approximately 5–10 leading companies that manufacture
prefinished products. Companies are either specialized in manufacturing plate
parts or they function as service centers for steel companies. Customers of these
manufacturers include solution suppliers of main suppliers or main suppliers as
well as medium-sized engineering works. Also small and medium-sized
companies manufacture prefinished plate products. There are a few dozen such
companies. The products of small and medium-sized companies usually include
various other products. The customers are usually consumers or small engineering
Manufacturing of prefinished plate products is regarded as a continuously
growing business. There are markets to be gained in Finland as well as abroad. In
Finland it is possible for the business to grow for a few more years still, but the
largest growth potential in Europe is in Central-Eastern Europe and in Eastern
Europe. Engineering industry in Eastern Europe and in Central-Eastern Europe is
developing in the same manner as it developed in Finland. The pressures caused
by efficiency force the industry towards the same, more networked operations
model as in Finnish engineering works. The same applies also to outsourcing the
supplying of prefinished plate products from a manufacturer that is concentrated
in manufacturing steel parts.
As a whole, concerning prefinished plate products, there are clear advantages
of centralization to be gained. Benefits of scale do themselves justice when
products for several different customers can be manufactured from the same steel
plates, in which case the use of steel plates becomes more effective and only little
waste is produced.
3.2 Case company
Rautaruukki supplies metal-based components, systems and solutions to the
construction and engineering industry. Ruukki is the brand name for the company.
Ruukki adopted a new business philosophy in 2003 when its business model was
changed. Ruukki moved from supplying steel products to producing metal
solutions. Ruukki has a very wide selection of metal-based products and services.
Rautaruukki has operations in 27 countries and it employs approximately 12 000
people. The company’s main office is located in Helsinki, Finland. Rautaruukki
Oyj was established in 1960 and it is quoted on the Helsinki Stock Exchange.
(Rautaruukki Oyj 2010)
Ruukki has three divisions to service its customers’ needs: Ruukki
Construction, Ruukki Engineering and Ruukki Metals. Ruukki Construction
supplies metal-based solutions for the construction industry. Rautaruukki’s vision
is to be the most desired metal-based solutions supplier in 2008–2010. The
company aims at extending the proportion of solutions businesses. It is aimed at
Construction and Engineering divisions to account for more than the amount of
net sales of Metals. The main market will be in Eastern Central Europe.
(Rautaruukki Oyj 2010)
3.2.1 Steel Service Centers
Under Ruukki Metals division of the case company there are steel service centers
which serve as steel refiners. Steel service centers manufacture blocks cut from
steel plates according to customers’ requests. Products are cut by using flame
cutting, plasma cutting and laser cutting methods. Their customers consist of
lifting and transportation equipment industry, wind power industry and
engineering industry both in Finland and abroad.
The case production plant began its activities in April 2005. The amount of
employees has grown steadily since starting the steel service centers and at the
same time, the amount of products manufactured has increased. The production
plant functions in two halls which share a total square area of approximately 8
000 square meters.
The number of machines has been increased substantially since the early
stages of operations. The production plant has five gas cutting machines and three
plasma cutting machines. Four of the gas cutting machines are manufactured by
Messer. Two of these use five burners and the other two use four burners which
have been equipped with bevelling units. The gas cutting machine uses five
burners. Cutting tables of the gas cutting machines are 3.5 meters wide. The
length of the cutting tables of Messer gas cutting machines is 16 meters. The
length of the cutting tables of gas cutting machines is 13 meters. With Messer
machines it is possible to cut blocks that are 150 millimetres thick. When using
flame cutting machines the plate to be cut can be 200 millimetres at its thickest.
Two plasma cutting machines cut blocks with two burners and the Messer plasma
cutting machine uses one burner. The cutting tables of the plasma cutting
machines are 10 and 16 meters long. Plasma cutting tables are 4.5 meters wide
and it is possible to cut plates that are maximum of 16 and 32 millimetres thick.
The width of the operating range of the Messer plasma cutting machine is 4.5
meters and the length 13 meters. The plate to be cut can be 32 millimetres at its
There are four edging presses at the production plant. Bevelling lengths are
4200 millimetres, 6000 millimetres and 8000 millimetres. Bevelling machines
have compression force of 3200 kilo Newton, 4000 kilo Newton, 5000 kilo
Newton and 8000 kilo Newton. The maximum width for blasting machine is 1500
millimetres and the minimum thickness of plate is four millimetres. Four
machines are used in bevelling. Moreover, several forklifts and cranes are used at
the production plant.
3.2.2 Production control system
The case production plant has in use a production control system which is
customized for steel service business as a production control and planning system.
The production control system has extensive software for pre-finishing functions
of material. It includes production scheduling, production control and various
other functions related to production. The production control system has been
tailored to meet the needs of the steel service centers. The system includes the
following items: Order input, Order status, Cutting, Work queue, Workshop,
Inventory, Customers, Packing and Delivery.
In the Order Input item it is possible to track and review information
regarding all orders. The order can be tracked according to different stages of
work. These stages of work are: Order, Production order not planned, Planned
production order, Unplaced production order, Placed production order, Material
order completed, In production, Ready and All orders. It is possible to search
orders from all stages of work within all fields entered, such as by order number.
All information regarding the order, such as order number, customer’s order
reference, date of the order, due date, customer, by whom the order is processed,
etc., can be found from the order. When managing the order, it is possible to
review information regarding a specific order, such as search number, drawing
number, principal measurements, routing information and other various data.
From the Additional instructions field one can see the picture of the product as
well as any further information regarding the order. By viewing order rows one
can follow-up in which stage of work the blocks ordered are at any moment.
In the Cutting section gas cutting or plasma cutting is planned. In the Work
queue section it is possible to review work queues. Through this section the
foremen regulate collecting of material and capacity utilization rate. In the Work
queue, there are views regarding loading of all loading groups, that is, machine
groups. Through this session it is possible to review loading per each machine.
Stages of work are signed off as started and finished with help of Interned-based
software through the Work shop section. Main users of the Work shop section are
the workers who report information to the system.
Through the production control system it is possible to produce reports
regarding the various functions of production. When using the report application,
one chooses the required report, enters the possible definitions, after which the
reports can be printed out in pdf or xls format. Report types include, among others,
search numbers not reported, failed reservations updates, internal reliability of
delivery for geometry, uncompleted jobs per customer and date, final report, cycle
of blocks, block warehouse, duty cycle, disposition load per machine, internal
reliability of delivery, kilos per customer, status of planning and order information.
Reports can be produced for different purposes as needed.
3.2.3 Order processing and order planning process
Order processing, as a whole, takes place in the centralized order processing
function. Order processing starts when the order is received in the order
processing function. Orders come in mainly by fax or e-mail. In order processing,
information regarding prices, materials and stages of work are reviewed together
with offer calculation department. Furthermore, revision information of the items
are reviewed and updated if needed. Offer calculation maintains the tariffs in
Excel files, where the person processing the order can check the prices for
products before confirming the order to a client. Excel tables also contain the
information regarding stages of work and materials for the products. If the
product has not been previously manufactured, the persons calculating the offer
and processing the order review the new product and process the price data,
stages of work as well as the materials information. A new Excel table is
compiled based on this information and the table is saved. The person processing
the order enters the information regarding the order into the production control
system. All information regarding the order (customer, date of delivery, ordered
items, prices and number of pieces) is to be entered to the system. The orders are
manually entered to the production control system.
Fig. 6. Order processing.
Order processing begins in the case production plant when the order appears in
the Order Input section. A note regarding order processing being finished appears
in the Work queue. The order is released for production planning. This provides
production planning an opportunity to start reviewing the order and check the
routing of stage of production. If the product has been manufactured before and
geometry of the product has been created, the product is released for disposition.
If the product has not been manufactured before and geometry has not been
created, a picture of the block is drawn either with cad-software or the Cutting
function in the production control system. After this, the product is released for
disposition. In the Disposition section the products to be disposed are selected on
basis of date, scanting and quality of material and they are dispositioned on the
plates to be cut. The aim is to get as many products as possible on the plates and
to disposition the plate in such a way that as little waste as possible is produced.
During disposition, the the availability of material is checked from the production
control system. If needed, amount of material is checked by checking the status of
material warehouse. In the Work Queue a machine where the work is
dispositioned is selected. After this, calcination trajectory is prepared for
disposition and finally the order is transferred to the Work Queue.
Fig. 7. Production planning process.
3.2.4 Production process
The production process includes picking up the material from the warehouse, all
stages of work allocated to the product, collecting and dispatch. Stages of work
are flame or plasma cutting, bevelling, shot blasting, edging and finishing. In the
production process the material is moved using bridge cranes, pillar cranes and
forklifts. Production functions in a manner in which, after one stage of work is
completed, the material is transferred to the next stage of work.
Fig. 8. Overview of the production process.
Picking up the materials from warehouse
The production process starts when the foreman releases materials to be picked up
from the warehouse. Management is able to regulate application of load by
releasing plates for pick-up. Store men obtain the information of the plates from
production control system. Plates are picked up either from the block warehouse
or from the material warehouse. After this the plates are taken to cutting table
using forklift.
Fig. 9. Picking up the steel plates for cutting.
The cutting stage of work is divided into four main stages: checking the material,
preparative tasks, cutting tasks and finishing tasks. The cutter retrieves the
disposition of cutting from the production control system. The cutter checks the
material and enters the melting number to the system. In reviewing material,
thickness of the steel quality, quality of surface, sufficiency of material and
evenness of the surface is checked. In preparatory tasks the material is cleaned of
extra dirt. Heads are chosen according to the means of cutting. Furthermore, the
pressures are adjusted and the flames are checked. In flame cutting, verticality of
burners towards the plate is adjusted. If needed, the burner intervals are checked
and adjusted. After this, work specific cutting values, preheating time, cutting
speed and cadence time are adjusted for the flame cutting machines. For plasma
cutting machines, current, voltage and cutting speed are adjusted.
Cutting begins by dispositioning the block on the plate. After the first block
has been cut the measurements of the part cut are reviewed. If there are various
different blocks on the plate, measurements of the first block of each type are
reviewed. Possible tolerance measurements are checked and complied with.
Production planning adds the tolerance information for the blocks and the cutter is
able to perform the check. If there are any problems in the program, possible
fixing of compensation or program is performed. After this, the blocks
dispositioned on the plate are cut. During cutting, the cutter reviews the condition
of the heads as well as the quality of combustion trace. Furthermore, movements
of the machine, backlashes, flames, possible movement of the plate and
movements caused by heat expansion are followed up.
In finishing works the blocks are reported as ready and they are removed
from the table to a box or they are moved to beds. Each batch is marked by
printing out an adhesive label per product lot from the production control system.
The blocks can be identified with help of the adhesive label. Adhesive labels
contain, among other things, name of the customer, possible additional notes
requested by the customer, production order reference number and names and due
dates of the next stages of work. Waste material is removed from the cutting table
to waste beds. If any blocks are rejected they are reported to the production
control system. Finally, the complete products are checked and the blocks are
transferred to the next stages of work.
Fig. 10. Description of cutting process.
Bevelling is conducted manually with bevelling machines, flame cutting bevelling
cutting machine, manual bevelling machine or flame bevelling machine. The
works to be bevelled are selected from the production control system. After this,
working instructions are reviewed and settings according to the working
instructions are created for the machine used. After bevelling is completed, a
verifying measurement is made. Here the user checks the first block that was
bevelled after making the settings. Bevelling is finished off by removing burrs
and extra material. Markings are made to the block and if needed, a measurement
record is compiled. Finally, the block is reported to be ready and a warehouse
depot is specified for the block, or it will be transferred to the next stage of work.
Fig. 11. Description of bevelling process.
In edging, the works are selected from the production management system
according to dates or edging tools used. The disposition report as well as adhesive
labels come along with previous stages of work. Furthermore, attached to the
blocks there are adhesive labels on the basis of which the block can be
individualized. Edging instructions as well as further instructions are reviewed
from the production management system. The working program to be used in
edging is created by providing title of material, thickness and length. With help of
the working program the forces to be used are defined. Information from the
working program is recorded in the production management system. The edging
picture is processed and reviewed for edging, after which the tools needed are
installed on the edging press. Bloom is placed on the working surface with help of
back stops or the help marks cut in cutting. If the help marks or back stops cannot
be used, the line to be edged is dimensioned on the block. After this, the corner is
edged and checked. Tolerance check-up is conducted according to tolerances used
in the production line unless customer has suggested any other special
requirements. The special requirements can be seen from the work order. If no
need for corrections is perceived, edging of the block is completed and the block
is checked. If a defect that results in the block not being suitable for market
appears in the block and it is not possible to repair it, the block is rejected. If the
block can be repaired, repair is conducted and edging of the block is completed.
During edging the factors affecting the result, like movements of the machine,
accuracy of upper and lower tools and back stops are monitored. When the work
is completed the blocks are signed off as ready in the production management
system and they are either stored or moved to the next stage of work.
Fig. 12. Edging process.
Shot blasting
Shot blasting is carried out when it is included in the operation chain. With shot
blasting unit it is possible sand-blast a 1.5 meter wide block. If the blocks are
wider, a subcontractor needs to be used for sand-blasting. Normal sand-blasting
degree is Sa 2,5 (ISO 8501), according to which, when viewing with the naked
eye, on the surface there must not be visible traces of oil, fat, dirt, mill cinder, rust,
paint or foreign matters. It is also possible to use other, separately defined quality
standard of cleaning if this has been specified by the customer or in the order.
Shot blasting is begun by reporting the work as started in the production control
system. After this the blocks are lifted on the shot blasting line with forklift or
manually. The line rolls the block through shot blasting. Small blocks are blasted
through a net. After blasting the blocks are reported as ready and they are moved
with forklift to the next stage of work or they are stored to wait for collection and
Finishing and plate rounding
Finishing is done manually by using corner grinders, drums, pneumatic chippers
and other possible equipment. Works to be finished are retrieved from the
production control system and the works are reported to have started. Blocks are
picked up to worktable of the post. Blocks are abraded with a corner grinder in
the horizontal position from both sides. Alternatively it is possible to use an
abrasive belt grinder or chisel. Next, the whole block is finished and starting and
ending points of burning are abraded. Quality requirements for finishing are that
any burrs still attached in to block are removed well enough, measuring accuracy
for the blocks is maintained and that the amount of blocks does not change.
Blocks are lifted with the help of forklift or cranes. The block is signed off in
batches as ready into the production control system. Finally, the block is stored or
moved to the next stage of work.
Fig. 13. Finishing process.
The Plate rounding machine is designed to roll cylindrical, conical or round
shapes through deformation of material. The block is manufactured by pushing
the material through bowls, when the block moulds itself to its shape when the
casters are rolled. Starting of the plate rounding stage is reported to the production
control system. With help of lines made on the plate it is possible to make the
right kind of roundings. The plate is placed into the machine and rounding is
performed. Between the roundings the rounding angle is measured. Finally, the
clevis is opened and the rounded block is lifted off the machine. The work is
reported as ready and it is moved to the warehouse or to the next stage of work.
Warehouse functions
Collecting and dispatch are carried out in co-operation with the production
assistant, warehouse and transport services subcontractor. The production
assistant reviews the completed orders from the production control system.
Completed positions of order are signed off on the production control system and
a dispatch is automatically printed out for the warehouse foreman. The warehouse
foreman organizes collecting of the product after which the products are packaged.
In collecting, it is possible to follow the customer’s instructions regarding
arrangement of the products for transport. Products are packaged and covered
with cellophane. If no missing blocks or any other mistakes are discovered,
dispatch is completed. If there are any abnormalities in the blocks, the supervisor
in charge of repairing or re-manufacturing the blocks is informed. Dispatches are
returned to the warehouse foreman who arranges the order of transport from the
subcontractor. The subcontractor takes care of the transportation arrangements but
loading of the goods is done by the warehouse. The warehouse foreman forwards
the certificate of the material, bill of freight and consignment note to the
production assistant who archives the documents.
Fig. 14. Collecting and dispatch process.
3.2.5 Quality system
The case production plant has a certified SFS-EN ISO 9001:2000 quality control
system. Adopting a quality control system was a strategic decision for the
organization. This international standard encourages adopting a process-like
operations model when developing the quality control system as well as when
carrying out and enhancing its effectiveness in order to increase customer
satisfaction by fulfilling the customer’s requirements.
To be able to function effectively, an organization must identify and manage
many interrelated functions. A function, where resources are used and managed in
such a way that it enables input to be turned into output, can be regarded as a
process. Usually an output of one process directly forms the input for next process.
Applying a process system in an organization, identifying processes and their
interactions and managing processes can be referred to as a process-like
operations model.
The building of the quality system was started immediately after launching
the production at the case production plant. On the basis of standard, an operating
system has been established. The system includes codes of conduct, process
descriptions and descriptions of industrial safety functions, product-specific
instructions as well as memos and reports. The quality engineer is responsible for
the operating system being up to date. The operation system is updated in
connection with changes. Activities are monitored by conducting steel service
center’s internal audits.
3.3 SCM performance measurement in case company
As it emerged from the theoretical study, managing the SC has to be measured at
various different levels using various approaches. For measuring SC, the
barometers have to be tailored case-specifically for each SC.
Manufacturing of pre-fabricated products has developed a great deal during
the last few decades. Production processes have been automated, SC’s have been
made more streamlined and production methods have been developed. This,
however, is not yet enough – one must be able to improve cost efficiency from
before. Especially in the production plants of the case company one has to be able
to respond to the challenges caused by globalization. If the case company does
not remain lean, prefabricated products can be imported to Finnish markets from
central Eastern Europe or even from China. With Finnish cost levels, one has to
be the best in their field and specialize in doing exactly what one can do best.
Prefabricated products of the case company compete with cost-efficient SC, top-
rated technology and good quality. To be able to develop the SC, one has to be
able to measure its efficacy.
Foundation of indicators is acquaintance with the case company and the
engineering works field it represents and process descriptions. In process
descriptions, all production processes of the case company were described. Order
book analysis describes the present state of the company as well as to which
products and customers one has to focus in measurements.
The SC of the case company can be measured with following indicators,
taking into consideration the special characteristics of the SC:
order book analysis
managerial analysis.
Fig. 15. SC performance measurement indicators.
3.3.1 Order book analysis
Measuring the SC of a production plant has its foundation on order book analysis.
According to the survey to literature, order book analysis can be categorized to
non-financial metrics (Gosselin 2005, Kaplan & Norton 1992, Lambert & Pohlen
2001, Lawrie & Cobbold 2004, Neely 1999, Olsen
et al.
2007, Tangen 2004,
et al.
2005, Thakkar
et al.
2007), qualitative approach (Beamon 1999,
Chan 2003a), and non-cost (Gunasekaran
et al.
2001, Toni & Tonchia 2001). The
aim is to gain information regarding the present state of the order book of the
production plant. Percentage of delivery to customers of total sales as well as
percentage of various deliveries for internal sales from total sales can be regarded
the most central indicators. Especially typical to the operation of the case
company is that there are products that are manufactured for the other divisions of
the company. Due to this it is worth analyzing how the so called internal
customers of the company affect the load and reliability of the production plant.
The proportion of external customers of the production must also be established.
Weekly manufacturing amounts suggest the average load of production. With
the help of manufacturing figures it is possible to verify seasonal variation and
possibly the effect of manufacturing amounts to on-time delivery. Delivery
amounts should be reviewed as tons. One should analyze weekly and monthly
variation of delivery amounts to internal and external customers. Amounts
produced are, from the point of view of running the production plant, essential
measurable quantity. In the light of previous amounts produced – together with
the sales forecast obtained from sales – it is possible to plan the future capacity
and future production.
One of the cornerstones of customer satisfaction is on-time delivery. On-time
delivery means an order that is completed exactly at the right time; not an order
completed ahead of time nor an order that was completed behind the schedule
either. On-time delivery has been placed as an indicator also for the whole
consolidated corporation of the case company. Customer satisfaction is closely
related to fulfilling the promises to the customers. When a good on-time delivery
is achieved it is possible to lead the production in a more effective manner and
introduce the prognoses for loading of production. On-time delivery reflects the
operational culture of the production plant well. To achieve good on-time delivery
depends usually on leading the company operations, management and especially
SCM. The significance of on-time delivery has been emphasized due to
minimizing invested capital being one of the essential goals of all members of the
SC. Customers seem to have pressure on the same direction. One has to be able to
decrease stock and incomplete production in order to release capital. This goal is
reached only by operating in a prompt manner in the SC and by making sure that
manufacturing of products is completed just on time.
One sector of order book analysis is quality of the product and especially
deviations from the quality. One has to find the golden mean in quality of the
products and quality standard. It does not pay off to manufacture too good quality
because the costs will in that case increase. On the other hand, producing bad
quality does not pay off either because repairing the reclamations is expensive.
Furthermore, with bad quality one can easily ruin a good relationship with a
customer. One has to find a product quality standard which will satisfy the
customers’ needs but which is not too expensive to manufacture. It is worth
measuring product quality due to the fact that this helps analyze in which stage of
production product quality is not been reached and errors occur. It is also good to
divide the product qualities according to stages of work so that one can analyze
which stage of work causes deviations in the product quality.
Fig. 16. Order book analysis measures.
3.3.2 Profitability
It is important for a company manufacturing prefinished products in an
engineering works to measure efficacy of the SC from the point of view of cost-
efficiency. The profit directed at the order describes cost-efficiency best. On the
basis of theoretical review, this indicator is numbered among cost and economic
viewpoint indicators (Gosselin 2005, Gunasekaran
et al.
2001, Kaplan & Norton
1992, Lambert & Pohlen 2001, Lawrie & Cobbold 2004, Neely 1999, Olsen
et al.
2007, Tangen 2004, Tapinos
et al.
2005, Thakkar
et al.
2007, Toni & Tonchia
2001). The indicator can be generalized as a fundamental indicator for all
production companies. The indicator is especially important by the fact that the
price of steel varies according to markets and therefore updating the prices for
products and continuous follow-up on sale prices for these to meet the actual
expenses is extremely important. In the steel service business the sales usually
occur on the basis of spot transactions, but additionally the company operating in
the field of pre-fabricated plate product business has committed to deliver
products to its customers according to long-term contracts. Therefore, re-counting
of the products according to changes in production schedules is extremely
Order book analysis
- Percentage of delivery to
customers of total sales
- Load and reliability of the
production plant
- The proportion of external
- On time delivery
- Delivery amounts
- Quality of the product
A significant part of the overall cost of the order consists of material expenses.
After this the costs resulting from processing can be predicted on the basis of
realized hourly rates. The largest element of cost, raw material, has in the case of
the case company been manufactured at its own steel factory or been bought from
outside the company. Especially close attention has to be paid on following-up the
costs of steel. Transparency of costs and fast transferring of price changes to
product calculation has to be flexible. The amount of invested capital has to be
maintained as low as possible because in this way one can ensure the effect of a
possible nosedive or rise in prices of raw materials to capital. Due to this, raw
material stocks and uncompleted production should be kept at their minimum
during the whole SC.
The cornerstone of efficacy in the steel service business is minimizing the
waste produced in cutting steel plates. When cutting blocks from steel plates it is
especially important that all possible blocks of the same steel quality in the order
book are planned to cut from a single steel plate in such a way that the plate can
be used as efficiently as possible. One has to be able to disposition the blocks to
be cut from steel to steel plate in such a manner that the utilization rate of the
plate is as high as possible. Waste of steel plates is expensive to the company
because the waste has to be sold forward as steel waste. Naturally, compensation
from steel waste is considerably lower than the compensation from the blocks that
have been cut. The more successful the disposition on the plate is the more
profitable the blocks manufactured are. Disposition of the blocks to be cut on
steel plate depends on the volume of orders. If the volume of orders is extensive
enough it is possible to find suitable disposition entities. When the volume of
orders is inadequate, disposition functions will become very challenging.
The profitability indicator is divided into profitability analysis of the blocks
in the order. Each part belonging to an order should be profitable to manufacture.
A situation where part of the products is unprofitable and part of the products
profitable has to be avoided, even though the order as a whole would still be
profitable. When each of the parts is priced correctly and its profitability is
ensured, the customer does not have doubts about correct pricing of the products.
The worst scenario would be the customer ordering only the unprofitable products
from the production plant and buying the products with good margin from
somewhere else. In order to eliminate this situation, after a delivered order one
must conduct re-calculation which consists of evaluating all the costs for the order
and comparing these to sale prices.
3.3.3 Time
Lead-time is in many studies considered to be one of the central indicators in
manufacturing industry. De Toni
et al.
present time-based indicators as non-cost
indicators, where time can be measured as internal or external time. (Toni &
Tonchia 2001) Gunasekaran
et al.
(2004) present a great deal of time-based
et al.
Time is also identified as the next source of
competitive advantage (Balsmeier & Voisin 1996, Kessler & Chakrabarti 1996,
Mehrjerdi 2009, Stalk 1988, Vesey 1992). Also in measuring the SC several
scholars recognize lead-time to be a very descriptive indicator. In the case
company, lead-time is one of the most important elements that the customer is
interested in. Quick times of delivery in the steel service business make the
business hectic and therefore lead-time has to be measured in order to be able to
decrease it. At steel service centers measuring lead-time is extremely challenging
due to diverging and converging production control. Diverging production control
draws from the products cut from various steel plates. On the order there may be
several products which are manufactured from steel plates with different
thickness. Blocks from different orders are gathered for the steel plate to be cut.
Consequently, completion of the whole order takes place at different times,
depending on planning of production. The products completed at different times
are put together at the latest in the collecting stage of work where each of the
orders is collected.
Time between order and delivery is an indicator that the customer is
especially interested in. Sales makes the customer a promise regarding time of
delivery and the customer expects the company to comply with it. Time between
order and delivery for prefabricated products has to be extremely short because
complete products often go to the customer’s production lines and they are used
as raw material for various machines and devices. When making a sales contract
the time of delivery and often also possible sanctions – should the company not
be able to comply with time of delivery – are also agreed upon.
One goal of the time between order and delivery is to measure and decrease
production lead-time. Production lead-time begins when the order is placed into
production and ends when the products are ready to be delivered. Continuous
decreasing of production lead-time is feasible by renewing processes and
developing new methods. It is possible to decrease lead-time by investing in new
machines and devices.
The production time of order is an essential quantity. On the basis of
production time it is possible to analyse the development of stages of work as
well as development of working methods. Another essential indicator is
intermediate storing time of products, which can be calculated by subtracting
production time from total lead-time. If the SC is working effectively, it is
possible to eliminate the free time (the time during which the products are waiting
for the next stage of work in an intermediate depot or buffer stock) for all
products. Similarly, invested capital can be eliminated and better prerequisites for
prompt functions can be established.
On-time delivery is a time-based indicator and it suits well for measuring the
function of a hectic steel service center with a poorly predictable order book. The
goal of on-time delivery is minimum of 98 percent and on-time delivery is
calculated in days. From a customer point of view on-time delivery of prefinished
components is critical due to the fact that products for several customers go
directly to a manufacturing process. If the customer has planned production in
such a way that the manufactured products go straight to production, on-time
delivery is also a factor contributing to customer satisfaction.
The aim is to eliminate the amount of incomplete production with on-time
delivery. The intention is to manufacture only the products that should be
completed within a certain time frame. This ensures that there are not too large
amounts of incomplete production in the production process. This way the
amount of company capital invested in incomplete production is decreased.
The significance of on-time delivery has grown among customers. This is due
to the fact that also customers aim at minimizing the amount of incomplete
production and decreasing stock values.
3.3.4 Managerial analysis
In measuring the SC one has to review the SC as a whole. Partial optimization has
to be avoided because improving one sector is not enough to improve the whole
SC. Gunasekaran
et al.
state that several kinds of measures should be used in
performance metrics: balanced approach, strategic, tactical and operational levels
and financial and non-financial measures. SCM could be measured at a different
management or operation level. (Gunasekaran
et al.
2001, Gunasekaran
et al.
2004) It is useful to gather managerial analysis from analyses of people involved
in the SC as well as analyses of outsiders.
Managerial analysis can be performed on the basis of measured information
obtained from the systems, making visual perceptions in production and
interviewing professionals involved in the production process. The purpose of
managerial analysis is to follow-up the whole SC and obtains information
regarding immeasurable issues related to SC. The purpose of observation is also
to obtain information regarding efficacy of the SC so that evaluation will not be
based merely on measured quantities.
Managerial analysis can be performed by a person involved in the SC, by a
manager or by external experts. Analysis can be conducted by visual perception,
collecting information by interviewing people working in different stages of the
SC or with help of information obtained from data systems. The role of the
analyst is to come to conclusions of the whole as well as come up with a general
view of it.
The goal of analysis is developing the SC. To be able to develop the SC to be
more cost-effective and competitive, one has to analyze the results from the
4 Supply chain process profitability in the case
In this chapter the SC is measured with previously established indicators. The
indicators consist of four different parts: order book analysis, outcome, time and
managerial analysis. In order book analysis, the production plant’s completed
output and reliability of delivery in different years are reviewed. SCM can be also
measured from the point of view of outcome, in which case profitability of
completed products is measured. Also the costs of the SC are observed. Time-
based measuring of the SC is conducted by measuring the delivery cycle, delivery
accuracy, production time and its subdivision into operational times. The SC is
also measured by analyzing the whole SC and its various parts. Finally,
functionality of established and tested measuring systems is analyzed in
measuring the case SC.
4.1 Order book analysis
At the case plant products are manufactured in a customer-oriented manner. The
products are parts cut from steel plates that will be upgraded at various
mechanical engineering companies. The products are mainly different and
therefore it is extremely challenging to carry out mass-customization and
warehousing. An exception is made by certain products of a few large customers,
for which the demand can be predicted fairly well. Possible revisions to the parts
made by customers or even changes in assemblies are challenging.
Customers of the case company’s case production plant are divided into
contract customers and non-contract customers. The aim of the company is to
create long-term contracts and partnerships with strategically important customers.
The goal is to produce additional value for customers. Instead of selling only steel
plates or strip products, additional value for the customer can be created by
selling the products as ready cut steel parts. Contract customers have made a
contract with the case company regarding manufacturing of the parts to be cut.
The aim is to make long-term contracts which are tailored to meet customers’
needs. Most typically, the load of contract customers varies a great deal. Capacity
is sold to non-contract customers if it is estimated that the products can be
manufactured in tandem with the products for contract customers. Contract
customers are divided with various steel service centers in such a way that each
steel service center can specialize in serving specific customers. The aim above
all is to centralize the customers that are using the same plate thickness to the
same product plants, so that it is possible to use steel plates in a more effective
Customers of the case production plant in 2006–2009 are presented in the
image below. In 2006 the production plant had 79 customers, whereas in 2008 it
had 264 customers. There has been a considerable increase in the number of
customers. The production plant serves corporate group’s internal customers,
whose proportion of the total production was significant each year. In 2009
volumes of internal customers increased and volumes of external customers
decreased. Due to this, the number of customers in 2009 was 189. Compared to
the volume of the production plant, the number of customers is very considerable.
Fig. 17. Number of customers 2006-2009.
During the period under study, the proportion of external customers in the output
has varied tens of percents. At its largest, the proportion of production for external
customers was less than 50 percent of the total production in 2007. The
proportion for external customers reached its minimum in 2009 when just over 20
percent of production was manufactured for them.
Number of customers
2006 2007 2008 2009
Fig. 18. External customers’ share of the total production from 2006 to 2009.
Manufacturing volumes per customer are divided among the 20 largest customers
so that the first four customers form the largest portion of sales. These customers
are internal customers. Volume of external customers is roughly the same with
regards to all the 16 biggest customers. After this the volumes decrease to very
small amounts. Considering the number of customers there are numerous low
volume customers.
Fig. 19. Largest customers’ production volumes 2006–2009.
The case production plant began its activities in 2005, when production facilities
were installed in the steel service center, personnel were hired and production was
Largest customer’s production volumes
0.00 %
5.00 %
10.00 %
15.00 %
20.00 %
25.00 %
30.00 %
35.00 %
40.00 %
45.00 %
2 3
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Number of volume customers
External customers share of the total production
0.00 %
10.00 %
20.00 %
30.00 %
40.00 %
50.00 %
60.00 %
2006 2007 2008 2009
commenced. In 2005, 955 tons was manufactured. In 2006, increasing production
as well as rationalization of the production facilities begun. Furthermore, in 2006
a new operation control system was implemented in the production plant. In 2006,
8118 tons of steel parts were manufactured, which means a growth of almost nine
times over the previous year. The following year, in 2007, production capacity of
the production plant was mobilized more efficiently and benefits of the
production control system could be utilized. The amount produced in 2007 was
15508 tons, which is nearly double with regards to year 2006. In 2008 the amount
produced increased from before to 24 147 tons, which is 1,5 times that of year
2007. The period from 2005 to the end of 2008 was a time of rapid economic
growth which was also seen in the growth of sales volumes. In 2009 sales faded
as did the order books of customers. Regardless of this the production plant was
able to manufacture 27 070 tons of steel parts. As demand from external
customers faded, the compensating fact proved to be the moving of work loads of
the large consolidated company from another production plant to the case
production plant which could function very efficiently. Especially significant is
the fact that since 2005 the stock of machines has not changed much. The whole
SC has been developed and growth has been wilfully forged.
Fig. 20. Output in tons completed at the case production plant, 2005–2009.
The monthly variation in output has been substantial. The diagram shows that
during the first month after starting production in 2005, one ton of products was
manufactured, whereas in March as much as 227 tons was manufactured. Growth
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
of production appeared as a distinct trend as volume increased. Monthly output of
2006 grew distinctly compared to the previous year. Growth in the output
quadrupled from 277 tons to 1275 tons per month. Due to this considerable
variation, the degree of capacity utilization has been challenging. During some
months there has been plenty of work and during others not. On the other hand,
during this year the production plant has increased its production considerably
and this has without doubt caused irregularity in the load.
In 2007 – the year of rapid growth – output ranged from 840 tons to 2040
tons. Variation has steadied but it is still treble. However, output has clearly
steadied and it is an average of 1000 tons to 2000 tons. Implementing the
production control system has clearly affected the stability of production at the
beginning of the year. It has been possible to equalize the load and the peaks in
loading have been caused deliberately. In 2008 output varied from 1421 tons to
3252 tons. Variation has clearly steadied in 2009 when variation was from 253
tons to 2510 tons. In the event, variation has been more subtle, because in June
the whole production plant has been closed due to vacations. The volume of
orders has clearly steadied in 2008 and 2009.
Fig. 21. Output of the case production plant in 2005–2009.
4.2 Delivery reliability of the orders
Delivery reliability of the orders is measured with the help of the operation
control system. Sales enter the delivery date into the system. The shipment is also
recorded into the system. In delivery reliability, the dates of promised time of
delivery from sales and the dispatched order are compared. The delivery is in time
if the dates match. The production must not be completed too early since in this
case storing will cause problems and capital is unnecessarily bound to the
production process. Furthermore, customers would like to avoid receiving the
products too early because prefabricated products are often taken directly to the
customers’ production process. Hence delivering goods beforehand raises a need
for warehousing and increases the amount of customers’ capital bound to
In 2005 delivery reliability averaged out 37.5 percent. This was very poor,
and was largely due to the challenges related to the production process that were
caused by starting production. Also irregularity in load of production can be
regarded as a significant reason for delivery reliability being poor. Growth has not
been moderate and therefore it has been hard to maintain delivery reliability at an
high level. Furthermore, training the personnel and installing new machines
consequent upon starting production have in their part caused delivery reliability
to be low.
In 2006 delivery reliability averaged out 47.33 percent. Delivery reliability
was at its worst in October, when products were delivered on time from the
production plant to the customer with 8.5 percent certainty. At its best delivery
reliability was 93.6 percent. Variation has been considerable and the vigorous
growth appears as weak delivery reliability. Although the output has been
considerably large during some months, it has been possible to maintain delivery
reliability even above the average. When delivery reliability has been weak,
smaller amounts of completed products have been manufactured. It has to be
taken into account that production has been increased a great deal and due to this
the ratio of output to delivery reliability is not interdependent.
Fig. 22. Delivery reliability per month in 2006.
There was a very significant improvement in delivery reliability in 2007. It
averaged out 96.8 percent. Furthermore, production was increased with
determination. Production volumes are clearly connected to delivery reliability.
During the months when products have been manufactured in larger amounts than
usual, delivery reliability has been slightly weaker. Use and more efficient
utilization of the new operation control system introduced in 2006 can be also
regarded as a significant factor. It has been possible to control the capacity more
efficiently and with improved tools. Furthermore, along this study a SCM
development project was launched in production. This project appears to be
successful especially with regards to delivery reliability.
Fig. 23. Delivery reliability per month in 2007.
After growth in production settled in 2008 and 2009, it has been possible to
maintain delivery reliability on a good level. In 2008 delivery reliability was 96.5
1234 5678 9101112
percent, as well as in 2009 almost 100 percent. Management of capacity has been
made more efficient and co-operation of sales and production has been improved.
All the challenges related to launching of production plant have been overcome as
growth is steadying and the operations are stabilizing.
Fig. 24. Delivery reliability per year in 2005–2009.
4.3 Lead-time and profitable analysis in the first measurement
The first phase of lead-time and profitability analysis was conducted in 2006. The
two largest customers of the production plant were chosen as case customers
because they form the largest proportion of sales. Customer A is an internal
customer and Customer B is an external customer. Product A is manufactured for
the Customer A and Product B is manufactured for the Customer B. As for case
customers, cost-efficiency, lead-time, delivery reliability and efficiency of the SC
are reviewed.
4.3.1 Product A supply chain process
Customer A outsourced welding activities to the case company. The aim of
outsourcing was to supply products as subassemblies directly to Customer A’s
production line. The customer’s products are welded assemblies that are
manufactured from steel and are very heavy. The customer purchases a welded
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
integer from the case company. It includes cut steel parts manufactured by the
case production plant as well as welding and surface finishing performed by
another production plant of the case company. Customer A purchases also several
other products from the case company, but Product A has clearly the largest
volume. From Customer A the case company obtains good prognoses with help of
which it is possible to load the production several months ahead.
Two production plants of the case company are involved in the SC process of
Customer A: sales and order processing organizations. This study focuses
especially in using the indicators developed for measuring the SC at the case
production plant. Also the other production plant of the case company is
discussed. There the steel parts manufactured by the case production plant are
welded and surface finishing is performed before delivering the products to the
The supply process starts at the arrival of an order from Customer A. The
order is processed and entered into the case company’s production control system.
The order is processed in the order receiving function and the data is transferred
to the production control and operation control systems. In processing the order,
stages of work to be conducted for each position of the order are specified. If a
new product is concerned, the offer calculation department will calculate prices
for the products. This is the procedure with regards to part of Customer A’s orders,
if prices for the orders have not been previously calculated.
Fig. 25. Units and their functions involved in producing the products for Customer A.
Typically, lead-time from the case company to the customer is from three to eight
weeks after the case company’s receipt of the order. Customer A predicts its needs
months ahead but taking advantage of the prognoses is challenging, because
customer A may make changes to the prognoses before the order is received by
the case company.
4.3.2 Supply chain process of the workshop A
Manufacturing process of the case production plant is started when an open order
arrives as the production control system’s order item. Production planning plans
the order to be cut from different steels in such a manner that it is possible to load
production evenly and that usage of steel plates is as efficient as possible.
Manufacturing of products for Customer A includes the following stages of work:
cutting, finishing, bevelling, roll hardening and blasting. Manufacturing the
products requires flame cutting and plasma cutting machines, finishing machines,
bevelling machines, mangle, grain blasting machine, bridge cranes and forklifts.
Production requires a space estimated at 510 square meters. For manufacturing an
order at least one production planner and eight workers are needed. After the
production process the products are collected and dispatched to the case
company’s other production plant for welding and surface finishing.
Fig. 26. Manufacturing process of products for Customer A at the case production
4.3.3 Supply chain process of workshop B
Products are transported to workshop B by vehicles. Products are received and
checked. In assembly, the products are assembled for welding. After this the
product is welded manually. Especially in batch production, utilization of robotic
welding is being aimed at. The product is finished, sand-blasted, reviewed, heated,
surface-finished, and finally it is dispatched to the customer. At the moment, 35
employees and four clerical employees are involved in the production process.
Production uses approximately 3 600 square meters of hall space. Production
requires approximately 13 MIG welding devices, two welding robots, two
annealing furnaces, sand blasting and testing equipment, painting line, turntables,
jigs, robust working surfaces, lift tables and cranes.
Fig. 27. Manufacturing process of products for Customer A at the case company’s
production plant B.
4.3.4 Product A profitability
Profitability of manufacturing the products for Customer A was reviewed in 2006
and 2007 on the basis of indicators established in the study. Customer A is one the
most significant customers of the case production plant. Due to this, the
customer’s product with the largest volume (Product A) was selected for
analyzing. Of all products of the case production plant ordered by Customer A,
this product has been manufactured by far the most. Therefore, the analysis
compiled from the products ordered by Customer A gives a good overview about
profitability of the case production plant. An order of Customer A was selected for
review. The order arrived on 16.5.2006 and the date of delivery was 8.6.2006. The
order included eight products which consisted of 352 parts. Weight of the order
was approximately 16.4 tons. The order included several plates of various
thickness from which the products were cut.
A crucial factor for cost-efficiency was to define machine hour rates.
Machine hour rates were defined from the case company’s production control
system and with the help of cost accounting. When analyzing price information it
was perceived that the prices haven’t been updated for a long time. Prices of the
parts in proportion to their weight vary a great deal. A typical selling price which
matches the selling prices of a steel plate sold directly to the customer was
assumed as the price of material.
The realized hours spent in production were collected from the production
control system. Reporting of hours was questioned, major errors were removed
and the time spent on producing this stage of work was measured. Hours from all
stages of work are not reported to the production control system and therefore
some manual measurements had to be carried out. Time spent in picking up
material, collecting and dispatch was measured by clocking the time spent in
those stages of work.
All information was tabulated. With help of the table it was possible to carry
out all necessary calculations for estimating profitability. Summary of cost-
efficiency is presented in the table where profitability was reviewed by part and
by order. Profitability varied a great deal between different parts. Profit margin of
the order was 45.9 percent and hence the order was unprofitable. Process time of
the order was 134.1 hours. Total lead-time was 23 days and proportion of process
time was determined to be 24.3 percent.
Table 3. Cost efficiency of Product A of Customer A.
Results Product / order Profit margin of the
Total lead-time
Process time
(hrs) / order
Proportion of
process time %
Total 8 45.9 23 134.08 24.3
4.3.5 Lead-time for product A
Concerning products for Customer A, the problem has been long lead-times.
Lead-time study was carried out by collecting information regarding completed
orders of Product A in 2006. 19 similar kinds of orders were manufactured during
the period of time. Dispersion in period for the fulfilment for the orders was from
nine to 43 days. Average for product lead-times was 27.7 days.
Fig. 28. Periods for the fulfilment for the orders, Customer A, Product A.
Delivery accuracy for orders of Customer A’s Product A varied a great deal. At the
beginning of the year all orders were overdue as much as eight days. Delivery
accuracy for the latest orders was 100 percent. Five of the orders were delivered
1–6 days earlier than the given time of delivery.
Fig. 29. Delivery accuracy, Product A.
Fulfillment for the orders
20 22
42 43
Delivery accuracy [Days]:
-1 -1
4.3.6 Process time
The order under review included eight blocks of Product A. Usually the products
have been ordered as sets of six blocks. Production time a.k.a. process time of the
order was 134.8 hours, which makes almost six days. Process time of one stage
was 16.85 hours, and to produce the whole order, process time was spent from the
period for the fulfilment for order was 24.3 percent. Lead-time of the SC was 23
Fig. 30. Processing time of the order of Product A.
Proportion of stages of work in production time was studied by counting up actual
production times of all the stages of work in the orders and comparing them to the
production time of the whole order. Cutting took 54.91 hours and was 42 percent
of the production time. Cutting is the most time-consuming process of the
product-refining processes. The most surprising discovery was the fact that
deburring took 34.98 hours and made approximately 26 percent of the production
time. Bevelling took 25.98 hours that equals 19 percent of production time.
Picking up material, planning, collecting and blasting make up 13 percent of
production time. According to the study, waiting periods between stages of work
are rather long.
Processing time
2.22 1.68
Planning Materials Cutting Deburring Finishing Blasting Collecting Total
Fig. 31. Proportion of stages of work in production time, Product A.
4.3.7 Product B supply chain process
Customer B orders the steel parts for the products from the case company and
manufactured products are transported abroad to Customer B’s production plant
for welding. The customer provides sales forecasts to the case company. This way
the case production plant is able to plan its production months ahead. Forecasts
become materialized at the customer’s end rather well and loading of production
process can be carried out based on these prognoses.
The SC process for Customer B begins when the order arrives at order
processing. The order is processed in the order processing organization and the
data is entered into the operation control system. From there the order is
automatically transferred to the production control system. In order processing,
the stages of work to be performed for each position in the order are specified.
The supply process of the case production plant begins when the order is received
in the production control system and planning of production can be started.
26 %
19 %
8 %
2 %
42 %
Mat e r i als
1 %
2 %
Fig. 32. Supply process of products of Customer B.
4.3.8 Product B profitability
Profitability of manufacturing products for Customer B was studied as one part of
the study. Customer B is the largest customer of the case production plant and
therefore customer-specific profitability has a significant effect on profitability of
the production plant. Profitability was analyzed by Product B, which has the
largest volume of the products for Customer B.
An order that came in on 12.7.2006 and was dispatched on 9.8.2006 was
selected for review. The order included parts for eight products which consist of
592 blocks. Weight of the order was 29.08 tons. The order included several
different thicknesses of plate and several different steel materials. For measuring
cost efficiency, the same machine hour rates used in studying profitability of
Product A were used. Price level that corresponds to sales prices of different
materials to the customer was assumed as the price of material. When reviewing
prices of the products it was discovered that the prices had not been updated for a
long time.
Production time spent in manufacturing the order was determined on the
basis of reports as well as by clocking different stages of work. Some erroneous
reporting was noticed in reporting of hours. Actual values for these erroneous
values were defined. Picking up material, collecting and dispatch were measured
during the production of the order. All the information regarding actual hours was
put together in a table with the help of which profitability calculations were
carried out. Final results were gathered in a summary table where the results were
reviewed part- and order-specifically. The profit margin of Customer B’s order
reviewed was 7.76 percent. Process time of the order was 180.12 hours. Total
lead-time was 28 days and proportion of process time in the total lead-time was
26.80 percent.
Table 4. Customer B, cost efficiency of product B.
Products /
Profit of the order % Total lead-time (days) Process time (hrs) /
Proportion of process
time %
8 7.76 28.00 180.12 26.80
4.3.9 Product B lead-times
Lead-times of Customer B’s Product B were studied by collecting the information
regarding completed orders in 2006. During the period of time in question, the
number of orders manufactured was 13. There was great deal of dispersion (from
ten to 83 days) in period for fulfilment of an order. Average of periods for
fulfilment of an order for Product B was 44.7 days. Proportion of process time in
the whole period for fulfilment of an order was very small and there was a great
deal of waiting time.
Fig. 33. Periods for fulfilment of an order, Customer B, Product B.
There are clearly challenges with regards to on-time delivery of products for
Customer B. At the beginning of the year shipments were delivered as much as 25
days before the agreed date of delivery. None of the orders was 100 percent
delivered on time. Towards the end of the period under review shipments were
delivered as much as 35 days late.
Order fulfillment [Days]:
Fig. 34. On-time delivery, Customer B, Product B.
The order from Customer B included parts for eight products. The production
time a.k.a. process time of the order was 166.62 hours, which is approximately
26.80 percent of the period for fulfilment of an order. The period for fulfilment of
an order for the order was 28 days. There were large buffer stocks between the
stages of work. Production is controlled in a manner, in which after one stage of
work is completed, the material is transferred to next stage of work. Due to this
the proportion of process time in the period for fulfilment of an order is small.
On-time delivery [Days]:
Fig. 35. Process time, order of Product B.
Percentages of work stages of production time was studied by adding up all the
actual manufacturing times of each stage of work and comparing them to the
production time of the order. Cutting took 36.14 hours, which is 23 percent of the
production time for the whole order. Cutting takes most time from the production
time. The proportion of edging in the production time was 37.05 hours, which is
approximately 22 percent of the production time used in producing the order.
Deburring took 33.81 hours and 20 percent of the total production time. The
proportion of deburring in the production time is surprisingly large and due to the
stage of work being very manual it results in high costs. Sand blasting took 25.44
hours, approximately 15 percent of the production time. Collecting took 23.92
hours, approximately 14 percent of the production time. The proportion of time
spent in collection also for Customer B’s product is very significant. It is a time-
consuming stage of work. Customer B has provided very strict instructions on
how the products are to be packed and dispatched to customer. It takes two
employees and approximately three days in one shift to carry out this stage of
work. The proportion of planning and materials management functions in the
production time is approximately 6 percent.
36.14 33.81
Planning Materials Cutting Deburring Finishing Blasting Collecting Total
Fig. 36. Percentage of production time, stages of work, Products B.
4.4 Lead-time and profitability analysis in the second measurement
Second phase of measuring the SC was carried out in 2007. Only Customer A was
selected for review due to the fact that co-operation between the case company
and Customer B had ended. The measurements were conducted in the same
environment as in the previous year. This was to verify the functionality of the
indicators established in measuring the SC.
The SC of Customer A has remained similar to what it was in the previous
measurement. Between the measurements the whole SC has been developed.
Focuses of development have been decreasing lead-times as well as improving
delivery accuracy and cost-efficiency.
4.4.1 Product A profitability
A typical order that included parts for ten products was selected for review.
Production time was studied using the same procedures as earlier. Times were
obtained from the production control system and by measuring stages of work
20 %
15 %
22 %
5 %
23 %
Mat e r i als
1 %
14 %
manually. The profit margin of the order was 19 percent, which is – unlike
previous year – clearly profitable. Total lead-time was 34 days. Compared to the
previous measurement, it increased 11 days. Process time was 115.3 hours per
order, which shows clear improvement compared to the previous measurement.
This is due to the fact that in the previous measurement there were 8 completed
products for the order instead of the 10 products measured in this measurement.
The proportion of process time was 14.1 percent. It decreased almost 13
percentage units due to the total lead-time increasing compared to the previous
Table 5. Customer B, cost-efficiency of Product B.
Pieces / Set Profit marginal of
the order
Total lead-time
Process time (hours) /
Proportion of process
time %
10 19.0 34.0 115.3 14.1
4.4.2 Lead-time of product A
During the second measurement, lead-times were studied by collecting the
information for 2007 regarding the orders to be measured. During the measuring
period, a total of 18 products were manufactured. Compared to the previous
measurement, the number of measurement samples has increased by one order. In
periods for the fulfilment of an order, dispersion had increased clearly from 12
days to 78 days, whereas it previously was from 9 days to 43 days. The average of
periods for the fulfilment of an order for Product A was 46 days, which is nearly
19 days more than in the previous measurement.
Fig. 37. Period for the fulfilment of an order 2007, Product A.
Delivery accuracy was studied for the same orders. Dispersion of delivery
accuracy is especially large, from zero days to as much as 24 days late. None of
the orders was delivered before the requisite date of delivery. There has been a
great improvement in delivery accuracy compared to the previous measurement.
In the latter measurement, there were as many as five orders delivered on time
and few orders that were only one day late. During the previous measurement,
orders were delivered well beforehand or late. In the latter measurements it was
perceived that dispersion of delivery accuracy has increased.
Fig. 38. Product B, delivery accuracy in 2007.
Delivery accuracy 2007
-5 -4
-1 -2 -1
Order fullfilment 2007
64 70
38 38
46 52 54
12 18
29 33
46 46
4.4.3 Process time, Product A
The order under review included ten pieces of Product A. Process time of the
order was 115.29 hours. It took nearly 20 hours less time to manufacture the order
than during the previous measurement. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the
results of the first measurement covered products of ten pieces and the latter
products of eight pieces. In completing the whole order, the proportion of process
time in the whole period for the fulfilment of an order was 14.1 percent. Lead-
time of the SC was 34 days.
Fig. 39. Product A, process time in hours during the second measurement.
The proportion of work stages in the production time was studied also in the latter
measurements. Cutting took 45.10 hours, whereas a year earlier it took 54.91
hours. Cutting makes up 39 percent of the total production time and hence it
decreased by four percentage units. Deburring took 32.10 hours, in which an
improvement of two hours could be perceived. Bevelling took 16.20 hours, which
showed improvement compared to the 25.98 hours in the previous measurements.
Bevelling makes up 14 percent of the total production time. Picking up material,
planning, collecting and blasting took seven percent of production time.
Development of five percent has taken place.
1.86 1.48
16.20 14.21
Planning Materials Cutting Deburring Finishing Blasting Collecting Total
Fig. 40. Percentage of work stages from the production time in 2007.
4.5 Managerial analysis of supply chain measurements
SCM was measured at the case production plant during two different periods of
time. The aim of two different measurement stages was to obtain information
regarding usability of the selected indicators. It proved to be very challenging to
carry out the measurements due to the operational environment being highly
dynamic. Production volume, changes in the products manufactured as well as
updates of the data system created challenges in performing the measurements.
Corresponding measurements had not been carried out before, so the methods of
measurement as well as the information obtained from the measurements had to
be created from scratch. Use of the data systems could not be made in a most
efficient manner because no corresponding reports have been created in the
systems. The data obtained from the data systems had to be gathered from various
The results of the measurements reflect the efficiency of the SC of the case
production plant very well. The most astonishing result is obtained from
comparing the lead-time of the whole SC to production time a.k.a. process time.
The proportion of process time in the whole period for the fulfilment of an order
28 %
14 %
12 %
2 %
39 %
Mat er ia ls
1 %
4 %
is approximately between 10–25 percents. The proportion of work stages in
production time had also changed between the two different measurements. The
proportion of manual work stages in production time had decreased and the
proportion of automated work stages had remained more or less the same.
Fig. 41. Proportion of work stages in production time in 2006 and 2007.
Comparison information regarding Product A in 2006 and 2007 is presented in the
table. In 2006, one order included parts for the 8 products manufactured by the
customer and in 2007 the order contained parts for 10 manufactured products.
Profitability of the order has turned from deficit to profit. Total lead-time has
increased from 23 days to 34 days. Process time of order has decreased from 134
hours to 115 hours and hence the process time of plate parts for one product
manufactured by the customer has decreased by approximately 30 percent. The
proportion of process time has decreased from 24 percent to 14.1 percent, because
the total lead-time of the orders under review has increased from 23 days to 34
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00
Mat e r ia l s
Table 6. Comparisons of Product A in 2006 and 2007.
pieces /
Profit margin of
the order (%)
Total lead-
time (days)
Process time
(hrs) / order
Process time
(hrs) / 1 set
Proportion of
process time (%)
2006 8 45.9 23 134.08 16.76 24.3
2007 10 19.0 34 115.289 11.53 14.1
In the case production plant’s SC process, typical problems presented in literature
can be perceived. The case production plant was established in May 2005, when
production activities were launched. During the study, the production plant has
been started up and only during the last two years the amounts produced have
been stabilized. New production plant is also an advantage, because the unit does
not yet have traditions to be followed but processes are created and developed
Efficiency of production as well as cost-effectiveness would have to be
improved by increasing the production amounts manufactured by the company.
Bottlenecks should be eliminated from production and capacity should be
proportioned evenly between different stages of work. The best result could be
achieved if the end of the production line contained more capacity than at the
beginning of it. This way production could be made pull production, lead-times
could be decreased and cost-efficiency could be improved. The study showed that
the bottlenecks are located in production planning, bevelling and finishing.
Load of production has been varying a great deal at the case production plant.
Monthly variation is very large. This is due to a short order book and weak
practices in customers’ predicting. There is also a great deal of variation in the
loading of work stages. To enable stabilizing variations of capacity in production,
employees should be more multi-skilled. If there is no work at a given stage of
work, an employee could be moved to a post where resources are needed.
Loading could be steadied if the bottlenecks of bevelling and finishing would
have enough machines and devices. One should pay close attention to these stages
of work when loading production. Each hour lost in the backed up stages of work
is directly comparable to profit of the company, because the amount of products
completed depends on the amount of the products that have gone through the
bottlenecks. Bottlenecks could be reduced by increasing machinery to the backed
up stages of work and at times moving employees to deal with the backlogs in the
The case production plant should search for alternative solutions for clearing
the overcapacity. Finding possible subcontractors and making a co-operation
agreement would improve flexibility and especially delivery accuracy.
It is possible to automate the production of the production plant in order to
increase efficiency. With the help of automation, notable benefits could be
attained. They would be realized when various stages of work speed up. Bevelling
and finishing are stages of work that require the employees to work manually.
These stages of work are very expensive because they tie up human resources. In
these stages of work one should invest in automation, and new innovations to
automation should be developed. Also logistics of the production line should be
made more streamlined. In production, blocks are moved between various stages
of work. Moving is often done with the help of forklifts or bridge cranes. The
blocks could be moved by using an automated line or by changing the layout of
production line into a more production line-like direction.
Initial and final reporting should be made more efficient. Work stages are
reported to the production control system so that production can be directed and
followed up through the system. It is important that a profitability review can be
carried out from the actual production and in this way taking care that the
produced orders are profitable. The basis of a profitable business is cost-based
pricing. Pricing of the blocks should be based on the actual costs. It is very
challenging to review actual costs in retrospect. The case production plant needs a
tool to review the actual costs for a block with respect to selling price. Based on
this, a true price based on actual costs can be defined.
Steel plates are stored in open storage areas. There is a great risk for the
material to be ruined because in a coastal climate steel rusts easily. After a steel
plate has rusted, it may have to be sandblasted to get it clean. The open storage
area causes problems especially in the winter, because picking up materials
becomes more difficult. Expensive raw material should be stored in indoor
warehouses or in a storage hall. This would protect the material from non-
marketability risks caused by climate.
One substantial problem of the case production plant is shortages of material.
It has often been perceived in product planning that according to the data system
there has been material in the warehouse, but physically the storage depot has
been empty. Material shortages have tried to be reduced by moving steel plates
from other production plants.
Problems in the SC can be divided into inter-functional problems and
problems in production. Irregularity in capacity caused by load can be regarded as
a general, significant problem. One has not been able to define the capacity
accurately. Furthermore, monitoring of capacity is carried out with help of the
production control system. Capacity control of the production control system is
not extensive enough to define the actual value of capacity. Irregularity in
capacity dates back to sales. Interaction between sales and production has to be
increased in order to improve capacity control.
Inter-functional problems are often caused by deficiencies in the flow of
information. There is not enough communication between departments. The goals
of various departments are often inconsistent. The goal of sales is to sell as many
products as possible for the best possible price with short times of delivery. The
goal of production is to manufacture high-quality products in a cost-efficient
manner. Times of delivery promised by sales or demanded by a customer are not
necessarily met due to overload of the production plant or other production
related reasons.
The case production plant does not have enough information regarding
profitability of operations and profit. Financial administration of the case
production plant is taken care of in a centralized manner and following up the
costs for a specific order is challenging. Following up with profit of the orders is
challenging because the systems cannot automatically carry out actual cost
calculating for the orders manufactured.
Short times of delivery are a challenge for the entire SC. If production
planning has taken longer than expected or if order processing has delayed, the
basis for production to deliver the order on time to the customer may not be too
good. Production functions in a manner in which after one stage of work is
completed, the material is transferred to the next stage of work. Due to this, large
buffer and intermediate stocks are created in production. A significant amount of
capital is tied up in buffer stocks and lead-times increase. Capacity of production
process is not divided evenly in the various process stages. At the beginning of
the production line there is significantly more cutting capacity than in the
bevelling and finishing at the end of the line.
Irregularity of the load causes problems in production. Load varies a great
deal each week. During overload, the products do not meet their times of delivery.
During under-capacity machines are standing still and employees do not have
work to do. The bottleneck places of work get backed up and it often takes too
much time to clear the backlog. Employees have not been trained to be multi
skilled, but each employee is responsible for his / her own post.
4.6 Analysis of the measurement system
By utilizing indicators presented in literature and in articles, indicators for the
case SCM were established. Order book analysis, time, profitability and
managerial analysis were selected as indicators for measuring the SC of the case
company’s production plant. The purpose of the study was to establish indicators
and test their functionality. In the measurements, the wish was to review the SC
especially in a customer-oriented manner, because this way it is possible to affect
the development of the SC most effectively. When the basis of development is the
customer, developing has substantially better conditions to follow through with
reforms in various functions.
The SC was measured with the help of order book analysis. The volume of
orders was analyzed and two customer cases were selected. Through these
customer cases, cost-efficiency of the SC was measured. Order book analysis also
included analysis regarding the case production plant’s output from 2005–2009.
Furthermore, delivery accuracy of the SC was studied on a monthly basis for the
period in question. With the help of order book analysis it is possible to obtain an
overview of volume of orders, production volumes and delivery accuracy of the
case production plant. Changes in volumes due to launching of the case
production plant as well as developing the production were particularly studied.
Production volumes have increased significantly since establishing the production
plant. Regardless of this, delivery accuracy has been remarkably good after the
first years. The SC of the case production plant can be regarded as well-controlled
with regards to order book analysis because it has been possible to keep promises
to the customers very well with regards to times of delivery.
Order book analysis can be regarded as an especially good way to measure
the SC from the production and customer point of view. The study shows that
order book analysis can be regarded as a good indicator. It is easy to generalize as
an indicator in various SCs. The indicator can be utilized regardless of the branch
of industry or production plant in analyzing the SC of manufacturing production.
With help of the indicator, the information obtained from the case production
plant is extremely valid and it provides a very good overview regarding the SC
for a period of several years. Results obtained regarding the case SC with help of
the indicator are of good quality. Furthermore, with help of the results it is
possible to draw conclusions regarding fields to be developed for the future.
With help of literature survey, cost-efficiency was defined as an indicator of
the SC. In measuring the SC, cost-efficiency stands for defining the costs of the
products to be manufactured on the basis of measured production times as well as
machine hour rates. The foundation of business is to show a profit and one has to
be able to manufacture each order in a profitable manner.
Cost-efficiency indicator was used to measure the costs allocated to the order
of the whole SC of the largest customer of the case production plant during two
different periods of time. Furthermore, during the first period of measurement,
cost-efficiency for the products of another significant customer was measured.
Measurement could not be carried out for this another significant customer’s
products during the second measurement period because co-operation with this
client ended.
The results obtained when measuring cost-efficiency were reliable and they
could be utilized very well. In analyzing the results, significance of determining
cost-efficiency for each product or order to be manufactured is emphasized.
Actual cost calculation, where the costs resulting from manufacturing the product
are obtained and compared to the selling price assumed from the orders is needed.
According to the literature survey, time is regarded as a very significant
indicator of the SC. The SC was measured from this point of view during two
different periods of time by measuring lead-times and production times of orders
as well as the ratio of production times and lead-times. Also delivery accuracy
measurements are related to time. Furthermore, delivery accuracy was reviewed
from two different periods of time.
Time-based indicators proved to be very necessary in measuring the SC of the
case production plant. Time-based measurement of the case company’s SC was
established during the study and it was developed significantly. Time-based
measuring is very significant especially for the case production plant due to its
activities being very quick. It has to be possible to serve customers with very
short times of delivery. Furthermore, the volume of orders is extremely short and
hard to predict. The significance of time in continuous developing is very
remarkable. Time lays a foundation also to measuring cost-efficiency, because the
basis is measuring costs according to machine hour rates and time spent in
different stages of work.
According to the recognized academic Goldrat (1992), the most essential
indicator of the SC is lead-time. The basis of improving profitability of a
production plant is decreasing lead-times. The study proves Goldrat’s theory right,
because time can be regarded as a most essential indicator for the SC. (Goldratt &
Cox 1992)
The challenge of time-based measurements was inaccurate, time-based
measuring of product control systems. Because time has to be measured
accurately, measurement needs to be smooth and reporting needs to be efficient.
Measuring should be automatic and very straightforward in order to be able to
eliminate sensitivity for errors. In time-based measurements of the case
production plant there were clearly challenges particularly in measuring time.
Time is an indicator which can not be bought. It is running all the time and we
cannot change that. For the part of the case production plant time is a really good
indicator for the SC. With this indicator, very worthwhile information is obtained
from the whole SC.
Managerial analysis is an analysis by persons involved in the SC or people
monitoring the effectiveness of SCM from the outside. In managerial analysis
measurement the aim is to draw conclusions regarding the entire SC and avoid
partial optimization. Analysis is also conducted with help of time- and cost-
efficiency-based indicators of the SC.
In the analysis the focus was on analyzing time and cost-efficiency indicators.
Primarily, results from two different measurement periods were analyzed.
Furthermore, problems in the SC as well as reasons for them were analyzed.
Problems of new production plant are essentially related to management of
capacity as well as to learning production operations and automation. The
production plant was launched in 2005 and due to this product process was
developed significantly during the whole study. The results come out particularly
from utilization rate of production capacity as well as from the good results of
delivery accuracy.
The analysis concentrated also on rationalizing capacity management of the
production plant. Capacity management has to be rationalized, because its effect
on SCM of the case production plant is obvious. Capacity has to be maintained
with regards to systems, and sales prognoses have to be got into systems so that
production can be prepared for prospective production volumes. Sales have to be
able to react to usage of capacity. Furthermore, especially regarding promises
made by sales, like defining times of delivery, have to be made based on lead-
times and loading of the SC. Also emergence of material shortages is related to
SCM. Due to material shortages, production is not able to initiate the production
process before material has been received at the production plant.
As a whole, functionality of the indicators established for SCM can be rated
as very good. Along with testing the indicators as well as success of the test
measurements it can be stated that they can be utilized outstandingly and that it is
possible to make the SC more effective on the basis of the measurement results
5 Conclusions
In this chapter, the main findings of this study are presented and theoretical
contributions and practical implications of the thesis are assessed. Furthermore,
the reliability and validity of the study are evaluated. Finally, the implications of
the study are discussed and some recommendations for further research are
5.1 Conclusions
This study was conducted in the field of research of industrial engineering and
management. Measuring SC performance in manufacturing industry was selected
as the research topic. A typical SC of a steel and metal industry production plant
that manufactures pre-fabricated products was selected as a SC to be measured.
SCM has been studied a great deal during the past few decades. Studying
SCM can be regarded as a certain kind of trend of the 2000’s in the industrial
management field of research. Even though SCM has been studied a great deal,
the amount of studies regarding how to measure supply management chain is very
scarce. In this study, the theoretical frame of reference was built on articles and
literature published in the 2000’s. There is plenty to be discovered in SC
measurement theory. No metal and engineering industry related articles about
measuring SCM were found. The study drew together the theoretical framework
of reference of SCM and the theories related to SC management performance
The research goal was formed as following:
The goal is to deepen knowledge in supply chain performance measurement
in manufacturing industry
The research problem is presented as a question:
(R1) How to measure supply chain performance in manufacturing industry?
In this study, the research goal was answered by getting acquainted with the
theoretical framework of reference of SCM and by collecting available relevant
theoretical information regarding measurement of the SC. Based on the
theoretical framework of reference, a series of indicators was established, to
which indicators describing capacity of the SC were selected. The indicators were
tested by measuring the SC of the case production plant. After this, the results
were analyzed and it was noted how the indicators represent performance of the
The purpose of the first research task (RT1) was to get acquainted with the
latest publications discussing SCM and SCM performance measurement. The first
research task was stated as following:
(RT1) How can the performance of the supply chain be measured?
There are several definitions of SCM. The definitions, however, share a great deal
of similar elements. According to Christopher (1998), the terms “supply network”
or “supply web” describe the net-structure of most of the SCs. He emphasizes the
network-nature of his SC definition
(Christopher 1998)
“Supply chain is a network of organizations that are involved, through
upstream and downstream linkages, in the different processes and activities
that produce value in the form of products and services in the hands of the
ultimate customer”.
Areas related to SCM include SC integration, principles of production control,
TOC, and OPP. Integration of the SC is generally described as cooperation of
various functions. SC integration implies process integration like supplier
collaboration, common information systems and shared information. (Christopher
1998, Paulraj
et al.
2006) TOC is a system-based assumption stating that every
organization or production line has at least one constraint. The aim of TOC is to
maximize profit by using more and more efficiently the factor that is limiting the
process. (Bushong & Talbott 1999) In order-oriented production, production
receives the impulse to start production from the order of a customer. The product
is manufactured according to customer’s requirements. OPP is the point in the
company’s logistics chain where the product is marked to be delivered to a certain
customer. (Christopher 1998)
SCM includes agile - and lean operations philosophies. Christopher presents
the most relevant agile definition (Christopher 2000): Agility is a business-wide
capability that embraces organizational structures, information systems, logistics
processes, and, in particular, mindsets. A key characteristic of an agile
organization is flexibility. Agility might, therefore, be defined as the ability of an
organization to respond rapidly to changes in demand, both in terms of volume
and variety. The focus of the lean approach has essentially been on the
elimination of waste or much. (Christopher & Towill 2001)
SCM performance or capability has not received so much consideration in
SCM research field. (Beamon 1999, Chan & Qi 2003b, Gunasekaran
et al.
The goal of SCM performance measurement is to give an overview of the
selected SC. Based on this it is possible to develop the SC. As Sink states: ”You
cannot manage what you cannot measure”, (Sink & Tuttle 1989) According to
Melnyk, metrics should provide control, communication and improvement.
et al.
Christopher presents SC performance measures such as order cycle time,
order completeness and delivery reliability. (Christopher 1992) Shepherd and
Günther (2006) categorize SC performance measurement research into
operational, design and strategic research (Shepherd & Gunter 2006). Neely
et al.
(1995) conducted a research project in the middle of the 1990’s and identified
four approaches to performance system measurement: Quality, Time, Cost and
Flexibility. Neely
et al.
(1995) introduced several ways for measuring SCM
performance (Neely
et al.
1995). Furthermore, other researchers introduced
approaches to performance measurement: the BSC (Kaplan & Norton 1992), the
performance measurement matrix (Keegan
et al.
1989), performance
measurement questionnaires (Dixon 1990) and criteria for measurement system
design (Globerson 1985). Neely
et al.
(1995) have been cited by many researchers
of SCM measurement (Beamon 1999, Beamon & Chen 2001, Gunasekaran
et al.
2001, Gunasekaran
et al.
Beamon 1999 identifies two performance measures: cost and combination of
cost and customer responsiveness. Cost consists of inventory cost and operating
costs. Customer responsiveness measures include lead-time, stock out probability
and fill rate. (Beamon 1999) Ramdas and Spekman (2000) present six approaches
to measuring SC performance: inventory, time, order fulfilment, quality, customer
focus and customer satisfaction. (Ramdas & Spekman 2000) Li
et al.
identify six constructs of SCM practices: strategic supplier partnership, customer
relationship, information sharing, information quality, internal lean practices and
postponement. (Li
et al.
In SC performance measurement field of research, the publications most
referred to are those of Gunasekaran. Gunasekaran
et al.
(2004) states that SCM
performance measures can be divided into financial and non-financial measures.
At a practical level, one needs to concentrate on operational measures instead of
financial measures. Top management needs financial measures for management
level decisions, but lower management and workers need operational measures
for daily business. SCM performance metrics could be divided into three
management levels: strategic, tactical and operational management. (Gunasekaran
et al.
2004) Gunasekaran
et al.
(2001) presents a framework of SC performance.
A framework consists of a table where, in the left column, there are four SC
activities / processes: Plan, Source, make/assembly and delivery. (Gunasekaran
2001) Shepherd and Günter (2006) categorize SC performance measures into
five SC processes: plan, source, make, deliver and return or customer satisfaction
as well as to whether they measure cost, time, quality, flexibility and
innovativeness and whether they are quantitative or qualitative measures.
Measures could be categorized into the business process such as strategic,
operational and tactical management levels. (Shepherd & Gunter 2006)
De Toni and Tonchia (2001) present several indicators of internal and external
time performance. Time performance was involved in research and the result in
order of superiority is: Time-to-market, distribution lead-times, delivery reliability,
supplying lead-times, supplier delivery reliability, manufacturing lead-times,
standard run times, actual run times, wait times, set-up times, move times,
inventory turnover, order carrying-out times and flexibility (Toni & Tonchia
2001). Otto and Kotzab (2003), present six way of measuring SCM capability:
dynamics, operational research, logistics, marketing, organization and strategy
(Otto & Kotzab 2003). Chan (2003) presents SCM performance measurement
approach which consists of qualitative and quantitative measures. Quantitative
measures are cost and resource utilization and qualitative measures are quality,
flexibility, visibility, trust and innovativeness (Chan 2003a). Kaplan and Norton
(1992) present balanced scorecard (BSC) model to evaluate corporate
performance in four types of approaches: financial, internal business process, the
customer and learning as well as growth (Kaplan & Norton 1992).
The challenge in SC performance measurement has been developing a series
of indicators that presents the whole SC. One of the main challenges in SCM
performance measurement is that measures are mainly internal logistics
performance measures and do not capture the way the SC has performed as a
whole. Internal logistics measures such as fill rate, lead-time, on-time
performance, damage and responsiveness are not measuring the whole SCM
performance. (Lambert & Pohlen 2001) After getting acquainted with literature,
the conclusion presented by Shepherd was agreed with:
SCM should be measured at multiple levels.
(Shepherd & Gunter 2006)
With help of the second research task (RT2) a series of indicators for the case
company’s SC is established. (R2) was stated as following:
(RT2) With which indicators the performance of the supply chain in the
manufacturing industry can be measured?
Engineering works have concentrated on core business and therefore the steel
industry has met the need to manufacture prefabricated steel products. Measuring
the SC in metal and steel industry has hardly been studied at all. To solve the
research problem, a SC of a Finnish steel company manufacturing prefabricated
products was selected to be studied. In the study, machinery as well as the
production control system of the case production plant were presented.
Furthermore, descriptions of the processes of order processing, production
planning and production processes were established.
As it emerged from the theoretical study, SCM has to be measured at various
different levels using various approaches. For measuring the SC, the barometers
have to be tailored case-specifically for each SC. Order book analysis,
profitability, time and managerial implications were selected as indicators for the
case SC.
Measuring SC of a production plant places its foundation on order book
analysis. According to a survey of literature, order book analysis can be
categorized to non-financial metrics (Gosselin 2005, Kaplan & Norton 1992,
Lambert & Pohlen 2001, Lawrie & Cobbold 2004, Neely 1999, Olsen
et al.
Tangen 2004, Tapinos
et al.
2005, Thakkar
et al.
2007), qualitative approach
(Beamon 1999, Chan 2003a), and non-cost approach (Gunasekaran
et al.
Toni & Tonchia 2001). The aim is to obtain information regarding the present
state of the order book of the production plant. Percentage of delivery to
customers of total sales as well as percentage of various deliveries for internal
sales from total sales can be regarded as the most central indicators. Weekly
manufacturing amounts suggest the average load of production. One of the
cornerstones of customer satisfaction is on-time delivery. On-time delivery refers
to an order that is completed exactly at the right time; not an order completed
ahead of time but not an order that was completed behind the schedule either. One
sector of order book analysis is quality of the product and especially deviations
from the quality.
The profit directed at the order describes cost-efficiency best. On the basis of
theoretical review, this indicator is numbered among cost and economic
viewpoint indicators (Gosselin 2005, Gunasekaran
et al.
2001, Kaplan & Norton
1992, Lambert & Pohlen 2001, Lawrie & Cobbold 2004, Neely 1999, Olsen
et al.
2007, Tangen 2004, Tapinos
et al.
2005, Thakkar
et al.
2007, Toni & Tonchia
2001). The indicator is made especially important by the fact that the price of
steel varies according to markets and therefore updating the prices for products
and continuous follow-up on sale prices for these to meet the actual expenses is
extremely important. The profitability indicator is divided into profitability
analysis of the blocks in the order.
De Toni
et al.
present time-based indicators as non-cost indicators, where
time can be measured as internal or external time (Toni & Tonchia 2001).
et al.
(2004) present a great deal of time-based measures
et al.
. Time is also identified as the next source of competitive
advantage (Balsmeier & Voisin 1996, Kessler & Chakrabarti 1996, Mehrjerdi
2009, Stalk 1988, Vesey 1992). Also in measuring the SC, several scholars
recognize lead-time to be a very descriptive indicator. In the case company, lead-
time is one of the most important elements that the customer is interested in. One
goal of the time between order and delivery is to measure and decrease
production lead-time. On-time delivery is a time-based indicator and it suits well
for measuring the function of a hectic steel service center with a poorly
predictable order book.
et al.
(2001) state that several kinds of measures should be used
in performance metrics: balanced approach, strategic, tactical and operational
levels as well as financial and non-financial measures. SCM could be measured at
a different management or operation level (Gunasekaran
et al.
2001, Gunasekaran
et al.
2004). It is useful to gather managerial analysis from analyses of people
involved in the SC as well as analyses of outsiders. Managerial analysis can be
performed on the basis of measured information obtained from the systems,
making visual perceptions in production and interviewing professionals involved
in the production process. The purpose of managerial analysis is to follow-up the
whole SC and obtains information regarding issues related to the SC that cannot
be measured. The goal of analysis is to develop the SC. To be able to develop the
SC in a more cost-effective and competitive direction, one has to analyze the
results from the measurements.
The aim of the third research task (RT3) is to find out how the indicators
established describe the SC of the case company as well as how they suit to
measuring it. The research task was stated as following:
(RT3) How do the indicators selected represent the supply chain?
The indicators consist of four different parts: order book analysis, outcome, time
and managerial analysis. The SC was measured with the help of order book
analysis. The volume of orders was analyzed and two customer cases were
selected. Through these customer cases, cost-efficiency of the SC was measured.
With the help of order book analysis it is possible to obtain an overview of the
volume of orders, production volumes and delivery accuracy of the case
production plant. It is easy to generalize as an indicator in various SCs. The
indicator can be utilized regardless of the branch of industry or production plant
in analyzing the SC of manufacturing production.
In measuring the SC, cost-efficiency stands for defining the costs of the
products to be manufactured on the basis of measured production times as well as
machine hour rates. A cost-efficiency indicator was used to measure the costs
allocated to the order of the whole SC of the largest customer of the case
production plant during two different periods of time. The results obtained when
measuring cost-efficiency were reliable and they could be utilized very well.
The SC was measured from the point of view of time during two different
periods of time by measuring lead-times and production times of orders as well as
the ratio of production times and lead-times. Also delivery accuracy
measurements are related to time. Furthermore, delivery accuracy was reviewed
from two different periods of time. Time lays a foundation also for measuring
cost-efficiency, because the basis is measuring costs according to machine hour
rates and time spent in different stages of work. According to recognized
academic Goldratt (1992), the most essential indicator of the SC is lead-time
(Goldratt & Cox 1992).
Managerial analysis is an analysis by persons involved in the SC or people
monitoring the effectiveness of SCM from outside. In managerial analysis
measurement the aim is to draw conclusions regarding the entire SC and avoid
partial optimization. The analysis concentrated also on rationalizing capacity
management of the production plant.
Efficiency of production as well as cost-effectiveness would have to be
improved by increasing the production amounts manufactured by the company.
Bottlenecks should be eliminated from production and capacity should be
proportioned evenly between different stages of work. The load of production has
been varying a great deal at the case production plant. Monthly variation is very
large. This is due to the short order book and weak practices in customers’
Inter-functional problems are often caused by deficiencies in the flow of
information. There is not enough communication between the departments. Goals
of various departments are often inconsistent. Short times of delivery are a
challenge for the entire SC. If production planning has taken longer than expected
or if order processing has been delayed, the basis for production to deliver the
order on time to the customer may not be too good.
It proved to be very challenging to carry out the measurements due to the
operational environment being highly dynamic. Production volume, changes in
the products manufactured as well as updates of the data system created
challenges in performing the measurements. The results of the measurements
reflect the efficiency of the SC of the case production plant very well. The most
astonishing result is obtained from comparing the lead-time of the whole SC to
production time a.k.a. process time.
5.2 Contributions and implications
5.2.1 Theoretical contribution
This study consists of two main contributions. First, SC performance
measurement is presented. Second, a SC performance measurement framework
for manufacturing industry is defined and verified in the case study.
Supply chain performance measurement
SCM and SC performance measurement approaches are presented in chapter two.
SCM has been studied a great deal in the industrial management field of research.
There were a few studies regarding SCM in steel industry. SC performance
measurement has been studied very little and hardly at all in the field of
manufacturing industry. In the literature survey, various approaches as well as the
theoretical frame of reference for SCM performance measurement are presented.
In this study, the SC was defined, according to Christopher (1998), as including
members of a network involved in upstream and downstream (Christopher 1998).
Elements of SCM performance measurement were discovered from publications
of the leading researchers of the field, inter alia (Gunasekaran
et al.
et al.
2004, Neely
et al.
1995, Shepherd & Gunter 2006).
Supply chain performance measurement framework for manufacturing
The second contribution is based on a SCM performance measurement
framework for manufacturing industry. There are several special features in
measuring the SC of a manufacturing industry, especially in the case production
plant that manufactures prefabricated products in the steel industry. These features
have to be taken into account when selecting a framework of reference for
performance measurement. Considering the special features of the SC, order book
analysis, profitability, time and managerial implications were selected as a
framework of reference of the manufacturing industry SC performance
measurement framework. The elements selected as indicators of a SC in steel
industry were verified in case study. The measurements were carried out during
2005–2009. The results of the measurements were good and they provided a good
overview of the case SC performance measurement. The case measurements were
conducted in a practical manner; by interviewing persons involved in the
activities of the chain, observing the SC, measuring various product groups and
by other research methods. The indicators suited very well for measuring
performance of the case SC and it can be deduced that measurement framework at
a general level serves measuring SC in manufacturing industry. It is not a primary
goal of a case research to generalize the results. However, the possibility to
generalize and duplicate the framework of reference is, in this study, possible.
5.2.2 Managerial implications
Studying SC performance measurement in a practical environment is rare. This
study can be regarded as pioneer work in the manufacturing industry SCM
performance measurement field of research. The starting point for the study was
to obtain as well as to create new information of a relevant research problem that
is related to practice.
SCM is often regarded as a very narrow function in manufacturing industry.
In practice, however, almost each person working in manufacturing industry is
involved in a SC. Developing the SC has been the goal of participants in
manufacturing industry for several years, even for several decades. Development
has often been limited to only one area and therefore the effects on the entire SC
have been rather minimal. This study establishes practical tools for managers at
various levels with which they are able to discern challenges related to managing
as well as measuring the SC.
In the research, studies regarding SCM were read extensively. In addition to
this, measuring SCM was studied in particular. This information is very beneficial
to strategic level management. Continuous productivity goals as well as
development projects in the steel industry are often part of SCM. Due to this, it is
recommended to identify the basis of the phenomenon under discussion when
defining projects.
Framework as a tool for practical supply chain measurements
In the study, a performance measurement framework was created for the needs of
manufacturing industry. This series of indicators is a tool for managers whose
work is related to SC development. There has been a demand for indicators for
the SC. The foundation of development is recognizing the present state.
According to it, goals to required development must be set. The usability of the
tool was tested in the measurements in practice. The indicators proved to be very
usable for measuring the case SC and the framework could be used for measuring
various SCs in manufacturing industry. The tool can be applied to various SCs but
it has to be tailored by considering any special features of a chain.
Indicators for SC performance measurement were tested in practise at a
typical company that manufactures prefabricated products. This concretizes very
well the chasm between theory and practise. The measurements in practice were
conducted by the researcher and managers involved in the SC. The set of
indicators established on the basis of theoretical frame of reference was
transformed to a practical tool. According to interviews as well as the feedback
received, the indicators serve managers on the practical level extremely well
when they are managing and developing the SC.
5.3 Reliability and validity of the study
The concept of pre-understanding refers to the researcher’s insight into a specific
problem and social environment before he or she starts research work – it is an
input. Research quality is about reliability, validity, objectivity and relevance
(Gummesson 2000)
. According to Easterby-Smith (2002), in hermeneutic research
validity means that the study clearly gains access to the experiences of those in
the research setting. Reliability means that there is transparency in how sense was
made of the raw data. Generalizability means that the concepts and constructs
derived from this study have relevance to other settings.
et al.
The researcher has graduated as a Master of Science in Technology from the
Faculty of Technology of University of Oulu in 2006. The topic of the diploma
thesis was cost-efficiency of parts manufacture. The study was conducted by
analyzing a SC in steel industry. After graduating, the researcher has worked in
the company under study in its SCM function as a manager. The researcher is
acquainted with the field of study in practice and he has been involved in SCM. In
practice, the researcher has not been involved in the SC studied, but he has
participated in leading a larger entity. On the other hand, the researcher has had
the possibility to affect the research subject but since the study subject has been in
one limited SC, the researcher has been able to review the selected study subject
in an objective manner. The study period was started in 2006 and lasted until
2010. During this time, the researcher has also worked in the SCM function. The
researcher has conducted the study as a hobby, even though the topic of the study
has been a part of the working environment. It can be stated that the researcher
has increased understanding of the topic during the research work – it is an output.
(Gummesson 2000)
In a case study, there are three main kinds of validity
(Yin 2009)
construct validity, establishing correct operational measures for the concepts
being studied,
internal validity, establishing causal relationships whereby certain conditions
are shown to lead to other conditions. This rarely has a major role in the case
external validity, establishing the domain to which a study’s findings can be
Construct validity could be measured as the use of multiple sources of evidence
and was measured in this study by interviewing the specialists at various
organizational levels who are involved in the SC. In this study, various data
collection methods were used. The methods include interviews, documents,
questionnaire, observations and measuring time. Use of multiple investigators
was carried out by making specialists participate in conducting measurements and
analyzing the data. Furthermore, the specialists had their own point of view on the
research problem, which provided new information about the subject being
studied. One of the research quality measures is to establish a chain of evidence
between research questions, evidence and conclusion, and respondent review of
draft case description. In the study, a theoretical framework of reference for SCM
and performance measurement was determined. Furthermore, a series of
indicators was established in the case SC. Also practical knowledge of the topic
affected establishing indicators. Research follows a research protocol and
scientific reasoning.
Internal validity was measured in pattern matching, grounded analysis and
explanation building. Research was also a comparison with conflicting literature.
SC performance measurement framework was conducted after extremely good
analysis of SC performance measurement literature. Also alternative solutions
were analyzed, but this chosen approach was most suitable for case SC
performance measurement. External validity could be measured by using
replication logic in multiple case studies. This study was a single case study, but
even though only a single case was measured, the measurement framework could
be used for measuring SC’s in different contexts. Measurement framework could
be utilized into various industries, but the practical measures should be made
according to the needs of the industry in question. External validity can be
measured by comparing the results with literature about the same area. This was
done and different researches were reviewed. Several doctoral theses and journals
were reviewed. Strong descriptions of the readers’ own judgments are one
measures to analyze research quality. The literature was reviewed and analysis of
the study was made. Also all decisions were made based on the researcher’s
judgment. This study follows a case research approach and constructive
qualitative research protocol.
Reliability is about demonstrating that the operations of a study – such as the
data collection procedures – can be repeated, with the same results, by another
researcher, and it thus aims at minimizing errors and bias during the research
(Yin 2009)
. Using case study method the same result can be found by
another researcher. In this case, the researcher was working in the same company
in the SC function and the knowledge about this case was good. The aim of a case
is not to generalize results in every case. It is more common to get a more holistic
approach for research case by using case study method. During research, a
database for raw data was built. All data is stored and database is well structured.
5.4 Future research
This research was a case study research with a single case. Research focus was in
developing a SC performance measurement system based on literature reviews
and published materials. After new construct of SC performance measurement
system, the system was tested in the case company steel service centre, where SC
performance was measured. The SC performance measurement system in the case
SC was analyzed and it was clearly shown that the constructed measurement
system was suitable for the case SC. It was accepted that the measurement system
could not only be used in the steel industry but also the measurement framework
could be used in manufacturing industry. However, the measurement system has
to be constructed based on industry sector needs.
Multiple case study in different manufacturing industry areas
SCM performance measurement is not widely known in literature. Thus, this
research was unique and needed especially by manufacturing industry. SC
performance stands for different issues in every company and also in every
industry area. It is not possible to use a SC performance measurement framework
in every business sector without modification of this framework for business
sector needs. Therefore, one aim for future research could be to carry out a
multiple case study research in which the cases are selected from various
industries. In this way, a more suitable measurement framework could be found
for each industry.
In this study, a framework was chosen for manufacturing industry SC
performance measurement. There were four different categories chosen for a valid
framework. Those categories were selected due to the purpose of measuring case
SC performance. In different SCs there could be different performance
measurement categories. For example, in IT industry, the framework could be
same but the approach for the framework would be different. The framework was
used in this study measurement as the steel industry approach. Generally a
framework is valid for every industry, but there should be a deep analysis on how
to build up practical measures according to the framework.
More research regarding the SC and SC performance measurement is needed,
especially in traditional industry sectors like the pulp and paper industry as well
as in the steel industry. In this study it is stated that SCM is a 20
-century-trend in
industry engineering and management science. There are several research fields in
SCM that should be researched more and more. SC performance measurement is
one of the key elements for development of cost efficiency in the whole SC.
Companies that are able to both manage the SC and measure it are the winners. In
order to manage a SC efficiently, its performance needs to be measured
continuously. Future success could be anywhere in the SCM field and therefore, it
is worth studying SCM more.
Positivistic based supply chain performance research
This study was conducted as a hermeneutic, qualitative, inductive, case approach.
In practice, managers and different management levels are using a more
positivistic approach for measuring company’s efficiency. Management is familiar
with financial figures and used to combining and analyzing those figures. One
possible future research area could be to find out a more positivistic based
measurement approach for SCM performance measurement. It could also be
analyzed in a different industry field. More challenging for SCM performance
measurement is to construct number and figure based performance measurement
metrics which are valid in every industry. Performance measurement also needs to
be researched more globally and in different business cultures.
This study was carried out in manufacturing industry case SC and it answers
its research question. Future research ideas were presented; hopefully future
research will find answer to those questions.
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Book orders:
Granum: Virtual book store
357. Puikko, Janne (2010) An exact management method for demand driven, industrial
358. Ylioinas, Jari (2010) Iterative detection, decoding, and channel estimation in
359. Tervonen, Pekka (2010) Integrated ESSQ management : as a part of excellent
operational and business management—a framework, integration and maturity
360. Putkonen, Ari (2010) Macroergonomic approach applied to work system
modelling in product development contexts
361. Ou, Zhonghong (2010) Structured peer-to-peer networks: Hierarchical
architecture and performance evaluation
362. Sahlman, Kari (2010) Elements of strategic technology management
363. Isokangas, Ari (2010) Analysis and management of wood room
364. Väänänen, Mirja (2010) Communication in high technology product development
projects : project personnel’s viewpoint for improvement
365. Korhonen, Esa (2010) On-chip testing of A/D and D/A converters : static linearity
testing without statistically known stimulus
366. Palukuru, Vamsi Krishna (2010) Electrically tunable microwave devices using BST-
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367. Saarenpää, Ensio (2010) Good construction quality : the realisation of good
construction quality in Finnish construction regulations
368. Vartiainen, Johanna (2010) Concentrated signal extraction using consecutive
mean excision algorithms
369. Nousiainen, Olli (2010) Characterization of second-level lead-free BGA
interconnections in thermomechanically loaded LTCC/PWB assemblies
370. Taskila, Sanna (2010) Improved enrichment cultivation of selected food-
contaminating bacteria
371. Haapala, Antti (2010) Paper machine white water treatment in channel flow :
integration of passive deaeration and selective flotation
372. Plekh, Maxim (2010) Ferroelectric performance for nanometer scaled devices
373. Lee, Young-Dong (2010) Wireless vital signs monitoring system for ubiquitous
healthcare with practical tests and reliability analysis Page 2 Wednesday, November 24, 2010 2:02 PM
Professor Mikko Siponen
University Lecturer Elise Kärkkäinen
Professor Hannu Heusala
Professor Olli Vuolteenaho
Senior Researcher Eila Estola
Information officer Tiina Pistokoski
University Lecturer Seppo Eriksson
Professor Olli Vuolteenaho
Publications Editor Kirsti Nurkkala
ISBN 978-951-42-9325-2 (Paperback)
ISBN 978-951-42-9326-9 (PDF)
ISSN 0355-3213 (Print)
ISSN 1796-2226 (Online)
OULU 2010
C 374
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... Performance measurement gives decision-makers the information they need for management feedback. Performance measurement equips decision-makers with the data they need to offer management feedback (Sillanpää, 2010). Supply chain management is challenging to measure because each individual's supply chain management carries a different meaning. ...
... Thus, the approach has so many variations (Ali et al., 2021). But it is still important to measure the supply chain's performance because of the need to provide information to the top management (Sillanpää, 2010). The measurement for supply chain performance in this study refers to supply chain flexibility, resources, and output. ...
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In Malaysia, manufacturing industry is a major contributor to the economic advancement. As a result, cutting-edge technology like the internet of things (IoT) is projected to have a significant impact on business operations and supply chain management (SCM). However, research into the influence of IoT deployment on supply chains and organizational performance is relatively sparse. Therefore, this study is to determine the relationship between benefits and challenges of IoT adoption and organizational performance. Furthermore, this study looks into the mediating role of supply chain performance in the relationship between IoT adoption benefits and challenges and organizational performance. The population of this study is comprised of 3019 manufacturing companies in Malaysia, while the minimum sample size needed is 43 manufacturing companies.1160 complete set of survey questionnaire were distributed through email and 63 responses received representing five per cent of response rate. Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) is used to assess all of the study's hypotheses. The results of this paper support six out of the seven hypotheses tested. In conclusion, the manufacturing industry in Malaysia needs to be exposed more to the benefits of IoT rather than keep discussing its challenges. This study can be a guideline to the manufacturing companies in decision making for IoT adoption. The limitations and recommendation for future study is highlighted. Growing Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 2 2 © 20
... As highlighted by Gupta et al. (2020), a smart supply chain allows organizations to be more customer-centric. Research by (Sillanpää, 2010) demonstrates that by leveraging data analytics and IoT, companies can personalize customer experiences, offer real-time order tracking, and respond swiftly to changing customer preferences. This customer-centric approach enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty (Federico Del Giorgio, 2022). ...
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This study aims to investigate the impact of information technology and supply chain practices on supply chain excellence in the retail sector, with a particular focus on understanding the mediating and moderating effects amidst the challenges posed by COVID-19. This study offers novel insights into the complex interplay between information technology, supply chain practices, and organizational culture in the context of the automotive retail sector. It underscores the pivotal role of this triad in navigating the unprecedented challenges and uncertainties of the modern business environment, providing a blueprint for attaining supply chain resilience and excellence. A survey was conducted involving 203 questionnaires distributed to 12 automotive retail companies in Dubai. The responses were analyzed using Smart PLS software and structural equation modelling to explore the intricate relationships between information technology, supply chain practices, organizational culture, and supply chain excellence. The results confirm that information technology and supply chain practices significantly influence supply chain excellence. Organizational culture was found to have a notable moderating effect, indicating that the alignment of culture with technological and procedural advancements is crucial in achieving superior supply chain performance. The study is confined to the automotive retail sector in Dubai, limiting the generalizability of the findings. Future research can expand to other sectors and geographical areas to provide a more comprehensive insight into the studied relationships. For businesses, especially amidst challenges like COVID-19, aligning information technology and supply chain practices with organizational culture is paramount. The findings suggest that a harmonious integration can lead to enhanced supply chain excellence, offering a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.
... Vaccines have a pivotal role in public health being described as 'the most costeffective public health intervention' with a return on investment of 16 USD accrued from a cost saving and reduced illness-induced loss of productivity for every 1 USD spent on vaccination (Ozawa et al., 2016;Riedmann, 2010;Sillanp, 2015) To obtain the full benefits of vaccination, it is imperative that the vaccines are maintained in appropriate and adequate cold chain conditions throughout the supply chain (Lloyd & Cheyne, 2017). Any break in the cold chain may result in an unrecoverable loss in potency lowing effective coverage leading to outbreaks of some vaccine-preventable diseases regardless of reported good coverage (The Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP), 2016; Orenstein et al., 1985). ...
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Background Vaccines offer arguably the most cost-effective public health intervention. Vaccine supply chain management which is a critical building block faces many Human resources challenges mainly due to the special attributes of vaccines. Objective This study attempted to measure the effect of training on vaccine cold chain handler knowledge and practices. Methods A cross-sectional research design, using predominantly quantitative data collection techniques, was used. Facilities that have offered vaccination services for more than a year and report through the HMIS system were eligible for selection. Observation checklists and structured questionnaires were used. SPSS was used to analyse data. Results Vaccine cold chain management among the study group had an average score of 65.33% range (31–85%). The average knowledge score among the study respondents was 62.42% with a range (45–95%). The knowledge of respondents generally increases with an additional increase in the number of training modalities. Conclusions The status of VCCM is at about 65.33% below the target of 80% set by the EVM. The trainings have an effect on both knowledge of handlers and their practice especially when deployed in a multi-pronged design and thus these trainings need to be aligned to achieve synergy. ABBREVIATIONS CCE, Cold Chain Equipment; DHIS2, District Health Information Systems 2; DHO, District Health Officer; DPT, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus; DVS, District Vaccine Stores; EPI, Expanded Program for Immunisation; EVM, Effective Vaccine Management; FEFO, First Expiry First Out; GAVI, Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation; HMIS, Health Information Management Systems; IRC, International Rescue Committee; KII, Key Informant Interview; LIAT, logistics indicator assessment tool; PATH, Program for Appropriate Technology in Health; PHC, Primary Health Care; QPPU, Quantification and Planning and Procurement Unit; SOPs, Standard Operating Procedures; SPSS, Statistical Package for Social Sciences; UNEPI, Uganda National Expanded Program for Immunisation; UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund; VPD, Vaccine Preventable Diseases; VVM, Vaccine Vial Monitors; WHO, World Health Organisation
... Agile business transformation is an all-encompassing new paradigm approach to the business problems of benefiting from fast evolving perpetually diverging markets for high-quality, high-performance, customisable goods and services globally Sillanpaa (2010) and Zhoo et al. (2008). Agile business transformation is a dynamic system that is situationally change embracing and growth-oriented instrument that spark off all supply chain management activities that include obtaining raw materials, receiving them, making products, and delivering the finished goods to intended recipients Gligor (2013) andboiko et al. (2018). ...
... SCOR possesses the necessary attributes for managing commercial activities to fulfill client requirements and is regularly updated to adapt to changes in supply chain business processes. By employing SCOR, organizations can gain a competitive advantage [19], making it more applicable to various sectors than other supply chain performance monitoring methodologies [20,21]. SCOR has also been utilized in developing countries to measure supply chain performance [22,23], assess potential impacts on supply chain management [24], and address implementation challenges [25]. ...
... Konstruktiivista tutkimusotetta on kuitenkin käytetty laajemminkin väitöstutkimuksissa viime vuosien aikana (mm. Juuti, 2005;Oiva, 2007;Sillanpää, 2011) ja se soveltuu käytettäväksi hyvin myös tässä väitöstutkimuksessa. ...
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Väitöstutkimuksen tavoitteena on luoda konstruktio suorituskyvyn johtamisen kypsyyden arvioimiseen organisaatioissa. Konstruktio rakentuu väitöstutkimuksessa tunnistettujen komponenttien sekä kypsyystasojen ympärille. Komponenttien kautta kuvataan suorituskyvyn johtamiselle keskeisiä osa-alueita, kun taas kypsyystasojen kautta esitetään kullekin kehitysvaiheelle ominaisia piirteitä ja prosessialueita tunnistettujen komponenttien suhteen. Keskeinen osa konstruktiota on myös kypsyysmalliin pohjautuva mittaristo, jonka avulla organisaatio voi konkreettisesti arvioida oman suorituskyvyn johtamisen kypsyystasonsa.
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Nemzetközi tudományos konferencia a Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe alkalmából. Sopron, 2022. november 3. Konferenciakötet
Nemzetközi tudományos konferencia a Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe alkalmából. Sopron, 2022. november 3. Konferenciakötet
This study, both descriptive and exploratory, aims to examine the scientific literature on the supply chain performance measurement (SCPM) in the automotive sector over the last 12 years. The analysis featured 30 articles corresponding to the research topic of the Scopus database. The most pertinent articles, authors, keywords, countries, research laboratories and journals are presented using the analysis of bibliographies on the subject from 2007 to 2018 in the Industrial Engineering domain. The conclusion is performed by the systematic analysis that the automotive sector is well controlled on the subject of performance. The selected studies show that lack of understanding of the performance measurement system (PMS) and lack of management dedication are the main obstacles. Finally, various guidelines are provided to optimize the supply chain in the automotive sector.
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Keywords Abstract Supply chain management Collaboration Service suppliers The supply chain management philosophy stresses that maximizing service to customers of choice at the lowest total cost requires a strong commitment to close relationships among trading partners. The philosophy requires a movement away from arms-length interactions toward longer term, partnership-type arrangements to create highly competitive supply chains. Collaboration begins with customers and extends back through the firm from finished goods distribution to manufacturing and raw material procurement, as well as to material and service suppliers. Although cost savings from reduced operational duplication and redundancy are important, the focus of this research is the relationship between collaboration and service improvement.
- This paper describes the process of inducting theory using case studies from specifying the research questions to reaching closure. Some features of the process, such as problem definition and construct validation, are similar to hypothesis-testing research. Others, such as within-case analysis and replication logic, are unique to the inductive, case-oriented process. Overall, the process described here is highly iterative and tightly linked to data. This research approach is especially appropriate in new topic areas. The resultant theory is often novel, testable, and empirically valid. Finally, framebreaking insights, the tests of good theory (e.g., parsimony, logical coherence), and convincing grounding in the evidence are the key criteria for evaluating this type of research.