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The Anatomy of the Posterior Commissure


Abstract and Figures

AIM: The connections of posterior commissure are defined. Its fibers mediate the consensual light reflex by interconnecting the pretectal nuclei. The fiber connections from the thalamic, pretectal, superior colliculus and the habenular nuclei are known, but they have not been shown anatomically. The present study is a fiber dissection study to define the anatomy of the posterior commissure. MATERIAL and METHODS: Twenty formalin-fixed sheep heads were used in the study. The specimens were fixed in 10% formalin solution for 3 weeks. The arachnoidal and vascular structures were removed by using a surgical microscope magnification (x6-x40) and brains were again fixed for 4 weeks at -20 degrees C. The fiber dissections were performed at Marmara University, Rhoton Laboratory. Also, a radiological tractographic study was carried on five healthy volunteers to see the posterior commissure cortical connections. RESULTS: In fifteen sheep brains, the dimensions of the posterior commissure were measured as 1.36 mm (range 0.5-2.5 mm) width, and as 4.6 mm (range 3-6 mm) length. In the dissection study, a frontotemporooccipital fascicle was observed to connect with the fibers of the posterior comnnissure. Diffusion tensor imaging scans showed the frontotemporooccipital tract to extend to posterior commissural region. CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first anatomical and tractographic study regarding the posterior commissure. However, further human cadaveric studies are necessary.
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Orgnal Investgaton
Turk Neurosurg 2015, Vol: 25, No: 6, 837-843 837
Received: 21.07.2014 / Accepted: 16.12.2014
DOI: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.12122-14.2
e Anatomy of the Posterior Commissure
Posterior Komissür’ün Anatomisi
Nuriye Guzin OZDEMIR
İstanbul Training and Research Hospital, Neurosurgery Clinic, Istanbul, Turkey
Corresponding Author: Nuriye Guzin OZDEMIR / E-mail:
AIM: The connectons of posteror commssure are defned. Its fbers medate the consensual lght reex by nterconnectng the pretectal
nucle. The fber connectons from the thalamc, pretectal, superor collculus and the habenular nucle are known, but they have not been
shown anatomcally. The present study s a fber dssecton study to defne the anatomy of the posteror commssure.
MATERIAL and METHODS: Twenty formaln-fxed sheep heads were used n the study. The specmens were fxed n 10% formaln soluton for
3 weeks. The arachnodal and vascular structures were removed by usng a surgcal mcroscope magnfcaton (x6-x40) and brans were agan
fxed for 4 weeks at -20°C. The fber dssectons were performed at Marmara Unversty, Rhoton Laboratory. Also, a radologcal tractographc
study was carred on fve healthy volunteers to see the posteror commssure cortcal connectons.
RESULTS: In ffteen sheep brans, the dmensons of the posteror commssure were measured as 1.36 mm (range 0.5-2.5 mm) wdth, and as 4.6
mm (range 3-6 mm) length. In the dssecton study, a frontotemporooccptal fasccle was observed to connect wth the fbers of the posteror
commssure. Duson tensor magng scans showed the frontotemporooccptal tract to extend to posteror commssural regon.
CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, ths s the frst anatomcal and tractographc study regardng the posteror commssure. However, further
human cadaverc studes are necessary.
KEYWORDS: Duson tensor magng, Fber dssecton, Posteror commssure
AMAÇ: Posteror komssür’ün ler, pretektal nükleusları bağlayarak konsensual ışık reeksne aracı olur. Talamk, pretektal, tektal, superor
kolkulus ler ve habenular çekrdeklern lernn posteror komssür’de çaprazlaştığı blnmektedr. Ancak anatomk olarak gösterlmemştr.
Posteror komssür anatomsn tanımlamak çn yapılan lf dseksyon çalışması sunulmuştur.
YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Yrm koyun beynnde Marmara Ünverstes Rhoton Laboratuvarı’nda dseksyon yapıldı. Spesmenler %10 formaln
solüsyonunda 3 hafta bekletld. Cerrah mkroskop (x6-x40) altında araknod-vasküler yapılar çıkartılarak beynler -20°C’de bekletld. Beş
beyn, posteror fksasyon-dseksyon yetersz olduğu çn çalışmadan çıkartıldı. Beş beynde anteror, lateral, posteror ve medal dseksyon
yapılarak her aşamada fotoğraandı. On beynde posteror komssür ortaya konacak şeklde hpokampal komssür düzeynden dseksyon
yapıldı. Radyolojk çalışmada 5 gönüllü hastaya, dfüzyon tensor görüntüleme yapılarak posteror komssür’ün lf bağlantısı ncelend.
BULGULAR: On beş koyun beynnde posteror komssür’ün ortalama kalınlığı 1,36 mm (0,5-2,5 mm), uzunluğu 4,6 mm (3-6 mm) olarak bulundu.
Posteror komssür’ün her k tarafta superor ve nferor kolkulusları bağladığı; habenula, pretektal, tektal ve perakuaduktal bölgeden kısa
lerle bağlantı kurduğu görüldü. Bazı spesmenlerde hpokampal komssür lernn splenal bölgede bu lere eşlk ettğ zlend. Talamk
dseksyondan sonra gözlenen frontotemporooksptal faskülün posteror komssür’e uzandığı saptandı.
SONUÇ: Çalışmada dseksyonla posteror komssür’ün frontotemporooksptopontn bağlantısı gösterlmştr. Araştırma posteror komssür’ün
lf bağlantılarını ortaya koyacak nsan kadavra çalışmalarıyla desteklenmeldr.
ANAHTAR SÖZCÜKLER: Dfüzyon tensor görüntüleme, Lf dseksyonu, Posteror komssür
Cerebral white matter is composed of myelinated bers
classied into three types of fasciculi; association, commissural
and projection bers. Association bers interconnect dierent
cortical regions of the same hemisphere, commissural bers
interconnect the two hemispheres across the median plane,
and projection bers connect the cortex with caudal parts of
the brain and the spinal cord (2, 7).
Commissural bers are corpus callosum, anterior commissure,
hippocampal commissure and the posterior commissure. The
posterior commissure is located in the inferior pineal lamina
and it is one of the commissural bers of the brain known to
be important in the pupillary light reex. Its bers acquire
their medullary sheath early. Various nuclei are associated
with the posterior commissure. The best known of them is
the interstitial nucleus of the posterior commissure, nucleus
of Darkschewitsch; another one is the interstitial nucleus of
Cajal. The rst one is located in the central grey substance
of the upper end of the cerebral aqueduct, in front of the
nucleus of the oculomotor nerve. The second one is near
the upper end of the oculomotor fasciculus (5, 6, 14, 22). The
posterior commissure is detected and dened early in the
human embryo but the connections of this structure except
for the nucleus of Darkschewitsch are unknown. Its bers
interconnect the pretectal nuclei and mediate the consensual
Turk Neurosurg 2015, Vol: 25, No: 6, 837-843838
Ozdemir NG e Anatomy of Posterior Commissure
pupillary light reex. Some bers are believed to be derived
from the posterior part of the thalamus and from the superior
colliculus and to continue directly to the medial longitudinal
fasciculus. Fibers from the thalamic, pretectal, tectal region,
bers from the superior colliculus and the habenular nuclei
are known to connect with the posterior commissure, but
they have not been shown anatomically (3-5,12).
Although recent reports about other commissural bers
of the brain, such as corpus callosum, anterior commissure
and hippocampal commissure are present in the literature,
the anatomy and connections of the posterior commissure
have not been studied except for an early report (2, 5,10, 21).
The aim of this study was to evaluate the connections of the
posterior commissure and especially to show the cortical ber
relationship anatomically and tractographically.
Twenty formalin-xed sheep heads were used in the
study. The dissection was performed using the operating
microscope at the Rhoton Anatomy Laboratory of Marmara
University, Faculty of Medicine. Craniectomy to evacuate
the brains for the rst 5 heads and craniotomy for the latter
15 heads was performed with the help of a craniotome. The
specimens were xed in 10% formalin solution for 3 weeks.
The arachnoidal and vascular structures were removed by
using the magnication of the surgical microscope (x6-x40)
and brains were again xed for 4 weeks at -20°C, after which
the dissection began. Five specimens were excluded from
the study since the xations was not sucient to dissect the
posterior structures. Gross anatomical dissection was done to
dene the posterior structures of the brain. In 5 brains, the
dissections were done as dorsal, ventral, lateral, and medially
using Klingler’s method. Digital photographs were taken at
each step (Figures 1AD). Dissection was made on all sides
to understand the anatomic relationship of the posterior
commissure and then, only posteriorly to see the posterior
commissure anatomy (Figures 2A-D). In ten specimens,
the posterior commissure together with the tectum and
tegmentum were dissected, removing the upper part of the
As a radiological study, ve healthy subjects with no history of
neurologic pathology were recruited for the study. All patients
provided written consent for the study, which was approved
by the institutional review board at the Marmara Neurologi-
cal Sciences Institute. Five volunteer patients underwent trac-
tographic investigation to understand the upper and lower
ber tract pathway of the posterior commissure. A radiologi-
cal tractographic study was carried on ve healthy volunteers
to see the posterior commissure cortical connections. Brain
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed using a
whole-body scanner (1.5- T, Siemens Magnetom, Espree, Ger-
many) with an eight-channel head coil. Diusion tensor im-
aging (DTI) tractography was performed using a single-shot
multislice spin echo-echo planar sequence. Slice thickness
was 3 to 5 mm.
In 15 sheep brains, the dimensions of the posterior
commissure were measured as 1.36 mm (range 0.5-2.5 mm)
width and 4.6 mm (range 3-6 mm) length.
The posterior commissure was observed to join both superior
and inferior colliculi on both sides (Figures 3A, B; 4). Short
bers coming from the habenula, pretectal, and tectal regions
Figure 1: A-D) Gross anatomical dissection: Dorsal, ventral, lateral and medial dissection views respectively.
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Ozdemir NG e Anatomy of Posterior Commissure
and from periaqueductal grey matter nuclei were identied.
Some hippocampal commissural bers were seen to join
these bers at the splenial region but this was not shown
in all the specimens (Figures 2A-D). After removal of the
upper part of the telencephalon and posterior dissection, a
frontotemporoparietooccipital fascicle was observed. This
tract was followed to the tectal region and seen to end in the
superior collicular region. This tract was observed in all the
specimens. However, a tract towards the cerebellar region
could not be dissected (Figures 5A, B).
DTI scans showed the frontotemporooccipital tract to
extend to the posterior commissural region (Figures 7A, B).
As in anatomical dissection, an inferior tract towards the
cerebellum could not be observed (Figures 6A, B).
The commissures of the telencephalon are the anterior com-
missure, the hippocampal commissure, corpus callosum and
posterior commissure. Anterior and hippocampal commis-
sures are present in all vertebrates, whereas corpus callosum
is phylogenetically new and found in placental mammals
only. Corpus callosum is the most prominent commissure,
connecting most of the frontoparietal bers of both hemi-
spheres, limited anteriorly by the anterior commissure and
posteriorly by the hippocampal commissure (12).
In humans, the anterior commissure carries olfactory and
neocortical bers from the temporooccipital region, and the
hippocampal commissure carries bers from the hippocampal
formations together with neocortical bers (the splenium)
from the posteromedial aspect of the hemispheres (12).
The posterior commissure is not well dened in the literature.
The subcommissural organ, a specialized neuroepithelium
located at the dorsal midline underneath the posterior
Figure 2: A-D) Dissection showing the hippocampal commissural bers and removal of it to see the frontotemporoparietal connections
of the posterior commissure.
Figure 3: A, B) Sagittal sections of the sheep brain showing the posterior commissure under the pineal gland (red arrows).
Turk Neurosurg 2015, Vol: 25, No: 6, 837-843840
Ozdemir NG e Anatomy of Posterior Commissure
commissure, releases the subcommissural organ spondin,
a large glycoprotein belonging to the thrombospondin
superfamily that shares molecular domains with axonal
path-nding molecules. The subcommissural organ is
thought to be involved in the development of the posterior
commissure (3,12). In our anatomical study, we observed the
posterior commissure but we could not distinctly identify the
subcommissural organ.
The posterior commissure is located in the posterior third
ventricle, composed of the roof, oor, posterior wall and
both lateral walls. The posterior wall within the third ventricle
extends from the suprapineal recess above to the cerebral
aqueduct below and consists of the suprapineal recess, the
habenular commissure, the pineal body and its recess, the
posterior commissure and the cerebral aqueduct. The only
structure in the posterior wall in the quadrigeminal cistern
is a pineal body and is concealed by the splenium above,
thalamus laterally and the quadrigeminal plate and the
vermis below (20). In this study, the posterior commissure was
Figure 4: Sagittal section showing the posterior commissure (red
Figure 5: A) Pineal gland is seen in close-up view with the ber tract extending to the frontotemporal region on the left side (red and
blue arrows respectively). B) Pineal gland and after removal of the pineal gland, the posterior commissure (red arrow) and the ber
tract is seen after a horizontal dissection.
Figure 6: A, B) Pineal gland and after removal of the pineal gland; the frontotemporooccipitopontine tract connecting with the
posterior commissure and superior colliculus in close-up views (white and red arrow respectively).
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Ozdemir NG e Anatomy of Posterior Commissure
reference to the pupilloconstrictory pathway via the posterior
commissure was also reported (14). All these studies
were related to the light reex function of the posterior
commissure which was already known. We also observed the
posterior commissure to connect the right and left pretectal
regions in accordance with the literature reports and classical
anatomical knowledge.
Besides being a connective area between the tectal areas, the
posterior commissure may have a relationship with the optic
pathways. We know that visual pathways originate from the
temporal half of the ipsilateral retina as nerve bers of the
optic tract. The optic tract begins at the posterolateral corner
of the optic chiasma and passes posterolaterally between
the anterior perforated substance and tuber cinereum. Their
bers lie superior to medial aspect of the crus cerebri. The
optic tract enters the lateral geniculate body and divides into
two roots, the medial of which passes to the medial geniculate
body. The optic radiation starts at the lateral geniculate
body. The minority of optic tract bers bypass the lateral
geniculate nucleus entirely, traveling to the midbrain. These
bers mediate the pupillary light reex in the pretectal area
as described. The posterior commissure connects the left and
right pretectal area and contains bers from cell bodies in the
pretectal and neighboring regions, including the dendrite of
Müller cell M1. However, the studies showed that interaction
between neurons in the left and right pretectal regions is not
crucial for the responses (11, 19).
Two patterns of visual pathways were found. The optic ra-
diation ran more commonly deep in the whole superior and
middle temporal gyri and superior temporal sulcus. The op-
found to be located in the posterior wall of the third ventricle
by dissecting 15 brains of sheep and there was no variation.
The posterior commissure connects the bers of the pretectal
area. There are myelinated and non-myelinated bers
connecting the pineal gland and the pretectal area. Recently,
a new paired tract has been found distinct from the posterior
commissure. These tracts form a structural component of the
wall of the pineal recess. These bers are myelinated, invade
the pineal gland, and can be traced a short distance into the
lateral pre-tectal area (15). Also, a quantitative analysis of
the myelinated axons of commissural bers in the rat brain
demonstrated a heterogeneous distribution of myelinated
axons in the posterior and habenular commissures (13).
Functionally, the posterior commissure serves as a pathway
for impulses related to eye-movements, and there is a close
association between the posterior commissure and the
medial longitudinal bundle. However, a relationship was
observed between the development of the cerebellum
and the posterior commissure that suggests that the more
important functions of the commissure might be associated
with posture and the integration of body movement rather
than with movement of the eyes and visual inuences (5, 15,
Experimental studies are present showing the association of
the periaqueductal neurons with the posterior commissure
and functional and anatomical ber analysis of the posterior
commissure has been performed to study the pupillary reex
A study showing the posterior commissural connections
of area pretectalis and neighboring structures with special
Figure 7: A, B) DTI showing the frontotemporal ber connections of the posterior commissure.
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Ozdemir NG e Anatomy of Posterior Commissure
interstitio-spinalis tracts in a downward direction towards
the medial part of the medial longitudinal bundle, forming
the most cephalic portion of the medial longitudinal bundle.
This anatomy may explain how the posterior commissure
may have a cerebellar role, rather than a functional role in
the light reex in some animals. It has been suggested that
there are bers passing from the commissural nuclei to the
ipsilateral globus pallidus, and also to the rubral area (5, 14).
Knowing that there is a pathway between the cerebellum and
the rubral area via the cerebellar peduncles, the commissural
bers might have a connection to the cerebellar area. We
could not show the ber relationship between the posterior
commissural bers and the cerebellum, and the vestibular
tracts crossing at the posterior commissure. In sheep, the
cerebellum has a major role in balance and coordination and
it is reasonable not to be able to demonstrate the vestibular
bers crossing at the posterior commissure. This is also true
for the human brain.
The importance of anterior and posterior commissure and
individual variations and tractographic anatomical study of
the insular region have been reported in the literature (1, 18),
but there is no tractographic study related to the posterior
commissure. We used DTI for identication of the bers of
the posterior commissure in the human brain, but the patient
number was limited and a distinct tract could not be shown
in all the patients.
In this anatomical and radiological study, we showed the
tract connection of the posterior commissure with the
thalomocortex anatomically and tractographically with DTI as
a preliminary work, but we could not demonstrate the inferior
The posterior commissure connects the superior colliculi
which is involved in the bilateral pupillary light reex. We
observed a frontotemporooccipitopontine tract that may
play a role visual information. To our knowledge, this is
the rst anatomical study showing the bers with the ber
dissection technique using the Klingler’s method and
tractographic study regarding the posterior commissure.
However, there are limitations of this study, as the study was
done on sheep brains and there are anatomical dierences.
Further human cadaveric and anatomical studies, and also
further tractographic studies with a larger patient group,
are necessary to understand the ber connections of the
posterior commissure.
I wish to include special thanks to the radiology technician
Serdar Erbil at the Marmara University Radiology Department
for giving his time and eort for the tractography of the
volunteer patients.
tic radiation was closely surrounded in all cases by an inferior
longitudinal fascicle (ILF) and a parietooccipitotemporopon-
tine fascicle. The anatomy of the inferior longitudinal fascicu-
lus and its function are not totally understood. It connects the
occipital lobe with the anterior temporal lobe and is reported
to subserve the language semantics in parallel with the infe-
rior occipital fasciculus. It joins the posterior occipitotemporal
regions to the temporal pole and is relayed by the uncinate
fasciculus connecting the anterior temporal pole to the fron-
tobasal areas (11, 16, 19).
The inferior longitudinal bundle was originally thought
to consist of long tracts connecting the visual areas of the
occipital lobe with the anterior lobe, possibly playing a
role in visual memory. We also observed in our study that
the frontotemporooccipitopontine bers connect with the
posterior commissure. However, the anatomical dierences
between sheep and human brain stop us from declaring
that this is the parietooccipitotemporopontine fascicle
accompanying the inferior longitudinal fascicle together
which surround the optic tract, since animal studies have
shown that animals do not have an inferior longitudinal
fascicle. The fascicle we identied may be the tract playing
a role in visual formation, and this information from the
opposite hemisphere is thought to be carried by the posterior
commissure (8, 9, 11,16).
The occipitopontine projection originates in cortical areas
that respond to visual stimulation. The occipitopontine tract
is reported to be associated with eye pursuit movements
and may also be associated with visual perception (16).
Each occipital hemisphere receives information from the
opposite half of the visual world. The visual information is
transferred to a visual word form system located in the inferior
occipitotemporal white matter. Information from the left side
of the visual eld is received by the right visual cortex and is
transferred to the word form system in the left hemisphere.
This transfer occurs through the posterior commissure
and splenium of the corpus callosum and is disrupted in
alexia without agraphia (9). We could not show the inferior
longitudinal projection system, since it is absent in animals.
In this anatomical study, a distinct fascicle was shown
anatomically from the frontotemporooccipitopontine region
to the superior and inferior collicular area (tectal region) and
crossing at the posterior commissure in all the specimens
after removal of the upper part of the telencephalon and
posterior dissection.
Another function of the posterior commissure is related
to the vestibular pathway. Vestibular tracts as vestibular
mesencephalic, and the lateral vestibular tegmental cross in
the posterior commissure before connecting with the nucleus
of the posterior commissure, and the interstitial nucleus. The
eerent connection is the commissuro-medullaris, and the
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... From this perspective, there are plenty of data deriving from both cadaveric and intraoperative studies. 1,[5][6][7] Conversely, the anterior, intraventricular face of the posterior wall of the third ventricle has been described mostly in postmortem specimens. 5,8,9 Neurosurgeons who have approached this area in vivo using an endoscope have done so only to explore or biopsy or remove tumors involving the pineal region. ...
... 39 This developmental link indicates that the posterior commissure might also be associated with posture and the integration of body movements. 6 Similar to the habenular commissure, the posterior commissure was significantly thicker in nonhydrocephalic patients than in hydrocephalic ones (96% vs 55%) (Fig. 3). This suggests that the disequilibrium and balance impairment experienced by patients affected by hydrocephalus might at least partially be correlated with the stretching and mechanical injury of the posterior commissure. ...
... Its identification is problematic in cadaver studies, and it was not identifiable in the postmortem adult samples analyzed in this study. 6 As already described elsewhere, normally the shape of the adytum of the cerebral aqueduct is triangular. 43,44 The base of the triangle is outlined by the posterior commissure, and the other 2 sides are delineated by the 2 red nuclei of the midbrain (rubral eminences). ...
Objective: Despite the technological advancements of neurosurgery, the posterior part of the third ventricle has always been the "dark side" of the ventricle. However, flexible endoscopy offers the opportunity for a direct, in vivo inspection and detailed description of the posterior third ventricle in physiological and pathological conditions. The purposes of this study were to describe the posterior wall of the third ventricle, detailing its normal anatomy and surgical landmarks, and to assess the effect of chronic hydrocephalus on the anatomy of this hidden region. Methods: The authors reviewed the video recordings of 59 in vivo endoscopic explorations of the posterior third ventricle to describe every identifiable anatomical landmark. Patients were divided into 2 groups based on the absence or presence of a chronic dilation of the third ventricle. The first group provided the basis for the description of normal anatomy. Results: The following anatomical structures were identified in all cases: adytum of the cerebral aqueduct, posterior commissure, pineal recess, habenular commissure, and suprapineal recess. Comparing the 2 groups of patients, the authors were able to detect significant variations in the shape of the adytum of the cerebral aqueduct and in the thickness of the habenular and posterior commissures. Exploration with sodium fluorescein excluded the presence of any fluorescent area in the posterior third ventricle, other than the subependymal vascular network. Conclusions: The use of a flexible scope allows the complete inspection of the posterior third ventricle. The anatomical variations caused by chronic hydrocephalus might be clinically relevant, in light of the commissure functions.
... Задняя комиссура представляет собой небольшой пучок нервных волокон, соединяющих структуры промежуточного и среднего мозга. Наряду с шишковидной железой, спайкой и треугольником поводков эта спайка образует заднюю стенку III желудочка [35]. ...
... Развитие. Немаловажная роль в развитии и дальнейшем функционировании задней спайки принадлежит субкомиссуральному органу [35]. Его эпендимные клетки секретируют гликопротеины, самый крупный из которых -SCO-spondin, относящийся к суперсемейству тромбоспондинов. ...
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White matter commissural fibers are a special type of fibers that connect similar areas of the cortex of opposite hemispheres. Telencephalic commissures have a direct impact on cognitive function. Diencephalic commissures connect the structures of the midbrain, diencephalon, and forebrain. The pathways they form are involved in the proliferation of white matter diseases. The review provides updated information on the morphology, functions, impairments of development and blood supply of brain commissures and their functional relationship with neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parino's syndrome, agenesis of the corpus callosum, and autism spectrum disorders.
... Vertical gaze palsy can occur with other lesions in the midbrain, especially the tectum. However, the posterior commissure needs to be involved in causing upper eyelid retraction [27]. Figure 3 shows the mechanism of collier sign in patients with Parinaud syndrome. ...
... In an experimental study of macaque monkeys, vertical gaze palsy and upper eyelid retraction occurred when the posterior commissure was damaged. The experiment demonstrated the importance of the posterior commissure on vertical gaze and eyelid control [27]. Vertical gaze palsy can occur with other lesions in the midbrain, especially the tectum. ...
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Parinaud’s syndrome involves dysfunction of the structures of the dorsal midbrain. We investigated the pathophysiology related to the signs and symptoms to better understand the symptoms of Parinaud’s syndrome: diplopia, blurred vision, visual field defects, ptosis, squint, and ataxia, and Parinaud’s main signs of upward gaze paralysis, upper eyelid retraction, convergence retraction nystagmus (CRN), and pseudo-Argyll Robertson pupils. In upward gaze palsy, three structures are disrupted: the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF), interstitial nucleus of Cajal (iNC), and the posterior commissure. In CRN, there is a continuous discharge of the medial rectus muscle because of the lack of inhibition of supranuclear fibers. In Collier’s sign, the posterior commissure and the iNC are mainly involved. In the vicinity of the iNC, there are two essential groups of cells, the M-group cells and central caudal nuclear (CCN) group cells, which are important for vertical gaze, and eyelid control. Overstimulation of the M group of cells and increased firing rate of the CCN group causing eyelid retraction. External compression of the posterior commissure, and pretectal area causes pseudo-Argyll Robertson pupils. Pseudo-Argyll Robertson pupils constrict to accommodation and have a slight response to light (miosis) as opposed to Argyll Robertson pupils were there is no response to a light stimulus. In Parinaud’s syndrome patients conserve a slight response to light because an additional pathway to a pupillary light response that involves attention to a conscious bright/dark stimulus. Diplopia is mainly due to involvement of the trochlear nerve (IVth cranial nerve. Blurry vision is related to accommodation problems, while the visual field defects are a consequence of chronic papilledema that causes optic neuropathy. Ptosis in Parinaud’s syndrome is caused by damage to the oculomotor nerve, mainly the levator palpebrae portion. We did not find a reasonable explanation for squint. Finally, ataxia is caused by compression of the superior cerebellar peduncle.
... The PC is one of the diencephalic commissures, whose functions are probably related to involuntary eye movements (Fenlon et al., 2021); PC connects the superior colliculi, which are involved in the bilateral pupillary light reflex (Ozdemir, 2015). In typical development, the PC is an exclusively subcortical, mesodiencephalic bundle that makes direct connections with the nucleus of Darkschewitsch and the red nucleus, as well as with the habenular nuclei (Keene, 1938;Tovar-Moll et al., 2014). ...
Introduction Functional connectivity (FC) is defined in terms of temporal correlations between physiological signals, which mainly depend upon structural (axonal) connectivity; it is commonly studied using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Interhemispheric FC appears mostly supported by the corpus callosum (CC), although several studies investigating this aspect have not provided conclusive evidence. In this context, patients in whom the CC was resected for therapeutic reasons (split-brain patients) provide a unique opportunity for research into this issue. The present study was aimed at investigating with resting-state fMRI the interhemispheric FC in six epileptic patients who have undergone surgical resection of the CC. Methods The analysis was performed using fMRI of the Brain Software Library; the evaluation of interhemispheric FC and the recognition of the resting-state networks (RSNs) were performed using probabilistic independent component analysis. Results Generally, bilateral brain activation was often observed in primary sensory RSNs, while in the associative areas, such as those composing the default mode and fronto-parietal networks, the activation was often unilateral. Discussion These results suggest that even in the absence of the CC, some interhemispheric communication is still present. This residual FC might be supported through extra-callosal pathways that are likely subcortical, making it possible for some interhemispheric integration. Further studies are needed to confirm these conclusions.
... Interhemispheric connections are mostly formed by axonal fiber bundles that cross the brain midline at discrete, specific crossing points called commissures, allowing communication between both hemispheres. The main commissures of the mammalian brain are the anterior commissure (AC), the corpus callosum (CC), the hippocampal commissure (HC), and the posterior commissure (PC; Ozdemir 2015). ...
The corpus callosum (CC), the anterior (AC), and the posterior (PC) commissures are the principal axonal fiber bundle pathways that allow bidirectional communication between the brain hemispheres. Here, we used the Allen mouse brain connectivity atlas and high-resolution diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) to investigate interhemispheric fiber bundles in C57bl6/J mice, the most commonly used wild-type mouse model in biomedical research. We identified 1) commissural projections from the primary motor area through the AC to the contralateral hemisphere; and 2) intrathalamic interhemispheric fiber bundles from multiple regions in the frontal cortex to the contralateral thalamus. This is the first description of direct interhemispheric corticothalamic connectivity from the orbital cortex. We named these newly identified crossing points thalamic commissures. We also analyzed interhemispheric connectivity in the Balb/c mouse model of dysgenesis of the corpus callosum (CCD). Relative to C57bl6/J, Balb/c presented an atypical and smaller AC and weaker interhemispheric corticothalamic communication. These results redefine our understanding of interhemispheric brain communication. Specifically, they establish the thalamus as a regular hub for interhemispheric connectivity and encourage us to reinterpret brain plasticity in CCD as an altered balance between axonal reinforcement and pruning.
... In comparison to the corpus callosum, AC is much smaller in size, which is only about 1% of the size of the corpus callosum [14]. AC can generally be found at the tip of the sagittal image of the fornix in the mid-sagittal plane (MSP) [10], while posterior commissure (PC) is located in the inferior pineal lamina and it is one of the commissural fibres of the brain that has an important role in pupillary light reflex [15]. ...
... The posterior commissure was rounded, short band of white fibers crossing the middle line on the dorsal aspect of the upper end of the cerebral aqueduct and present behind the third ventricle and thalamus. (Fig.5) The above findings were in accordance with the Gray et al. (2008) in human, Koing et al. (2009) in domestic mammal, Hines (2009) in human andGetty (2012) in horse, Ozdemir (2015) in sheep. ...
Diffusion-tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) allows imaging of most brain pathways, quantifying their integrity and even suggesting a leading mechanism of damage (demyelination or ischemia). However, it is difficult to use this technique without a good knowledge of the anatomy. This article provides an overview of the literature on the structure and function of the main brain pathways.
Background: Emotion dysregulation (ED) is prevalent in youths with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and causes more social impairment and poor adaptive function. Alterations in the integrity of white matter (WM) tracts might have important implications for affective processing related to ED. However, little is known about the WM correlates underpinning ED in ADHD. Methods: Using diffusion spectrum image tractography, we obtained generalized fractional anisotropy (GFA) values of 76 WM tracts in 77 children with ADHD and 105 typically developing controls (TDC). ED severity was defined by the dysregulation profile from the child behavior checklist. Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) was performed to identify modes that relate WM microstructural property to ED severity and cognitive measures. Results: The application of CCA identified one significant mode (r = 0.638, FWE-corrected p = 0.046) of interdependencies between WM property patterns and diagnosis, ADHD total symptom levels, dysregulation by diagnosis interaction, and full-scale intellectual quotient (FIQ). GFA values of 19 WM tracts that were linked to affective-processing, sensory-processing and integration, and cognitive control circuitry were positively correlated with ED severity in TDC but negatively correlated with ED severity in ADHD. ADHD symptom severity and diagnosis were negatively associated with the GFA patterns of this set of tract bundles. In contrast, FIQ was positively correlated with this set of tract bundles. Conclusions: This study used the CCA to show that children with ADHD and TDC had distinct multivariate associations between ED severity (diagnosis by ED interaction) and microstructural property in a set of WM tracts. These tracts interconnect the cortical regions that are principally involved in emotion processing, integration, and cognitive control in multiple brain systems. The WM microstructure integrity impairment might be an essential correlate of emotion dysregulation in ADHD.
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Purpose Other than a single case report, no diffusion tensor tractography (DTT) studies of the precommissural fornix in the human brain have been conducted. In the current study, we attempted to visualize the precommissural fornix in the human brain using DTT. Materials and Methods We recruited 36 healthy volunteers for this study. Diffusion tensor images were scanned using a 1.5-T scanner, and the precommissural fornix was analyzed using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain (FMRIB) software. Values of fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), and tract volume of the precommissural fornix were measured. Results The precommissural fornix originated from the hippocampal formation on each hemisphere as a crus; both crura were then joined to the body of the fornix. The body of the fornix continued anteriorly to the level just superior to the anterior commissure, where it divided into each column of the precommissural fornix. Each column descended anteriorly to the anterior commissure and terminated in the septal nuclei. Values of FA, MD, and tract volumes of the precommissural fornix did not differ between the right and left hemispheres (p>0.05). Conclusion We believe that the methodology and results of this study would be helpful to future research on the precommissural fornix and in the elucidation of the pathology of diseases involving the precommissural fornix.
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OBJECTIVE: We sought to investigate the three-dimensional structure of the white matter of the brain by means of the fiber-dissection technique and diffusion-tensor magnetic resonance imaging to assess the usefulness of the combination of both techniques, compare their results, and review the potential functional role of fiber tracts. METHODS: Fifteen formalin-fixed human hemispheres were dissected according to Klingler's fiber-dissection technique with the aid of 36 to 340 magnification. Three-dimensional anatomic images were created with the use of specific software. Two hundred patients with neurological symptoms and five healthy volunteers were studied with diffusion-tensor magnetic resonance imaging (3 T) and tractographic reconstruction. RESULTS: The most important association, projection, and commissural fasciculi were identified anatomically and radiologically. Analysis of their localization, configuration, and trajectory was enhanced by the combination of both techniques. Three-dimensional anatomic reconstructions provided a better perception of the spatial relationships among the white matter tracts. Tractographic reconstructions allowed for inspection of the relationships between the tracts as well as between the tracts and the intracerebral lesions. The combination of topographical anatomic studies of human fiber tracts and neuroanatomic research in experimental animals, with data from the clinicoradiological analysis of human white matter lesions and intraoperative subcortical stimulation, aided in establishing the potential functional role of the tracts. CONCLUSION: The fiber-dissection and diffusion-tensor magnetic resonance imaging techniques are reciprocally enriched not only in their application to the study of the complex intrinsic architecture of the brain, but also in their practical use for diagnosis and surgical planning.
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Growing axons navigate through the developing brain by means of axon guidance molecules. Intermediate targets producing such signal molecules are used as guideposts to find distal targets. Glial, and sometimes neuronal, midline structures represent intermediate targets when axons cross the midline to reach the contralateral hemisphere. The subcommissural organ (SCO), a specialized neuroepithelium located at the dorsal midline underneath the posterior commissure, releases SCO-spondin, a large glycoprotein belonging to the thrombospondin superfamily that shares molecular domains with axonal pathfinding molecules. Several evidences suggest that the SCO could be involved in the development of the PC. First, both structures display a close spatiotemporal relationship. Second, certain mutants lacking an SCO present an abnormal PC. Third, some axonal guidance molecules are expressed by SCO cells. Finally, SCO cells, the Reissner's fiber (the aggregated form of SCO-spondin), or synthetic peptides from SCO-spondin affect the neurite outgrowth or neuronal aggregation in vitro.
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This study is to define the operative anatomy of the insula with emphasis on the transsylvian transinsular approach. The anatomy was studied in 15 brain specimens, among five were dissected by use of fiber dissection technique; diffusion tensor imaging of 10 healthy volunteers was obtained with a 1.5-T MR system. The temporal stem consists mainly of the uncinate fasciculus, inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus, Meyer's loop of the optic radiation and anterior commissure. The transinsular approach requires an incision of the inferior limiting sulcus. In this procedure, the fibers of the temporal stem can be interrupted to various degrees. The fiber dissection technique is a very relevant and reliable method for neurosurgeons to study the details of brain anatomic features. The DTI fiber tracking technique can identify the fiber tracts of the temporal stem. Moreover, it will also help further functional study of human insula.
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X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy is a severe and progressive neurodegenerative disease caused by the peroxisomal transporter ATP-binding cassette, subfamily D, member 1 gene mutations. The defect of this gene product results in accumulation of very-long-chain fatty acids in organs and serum, central demyelination, and peripheral axonopathy. Although there are different magnetic resonance (MR) findings which reflect various phenotypes in adrenoleukodystrophy, some cases present with specific symmetrical occipital white-matter lesions. We describe a patient with adult-onset X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy with topographic disorientation, whose brain MR images revealed T2-signal hyperintensity along the occipito-pontine tract and lateral lemnisci, but not in the cortico-spinal tract in the brainstem. The occipito-pontine tract and lateral lemnisci were clearly detected using diffusion-tensor fiber tracking, suggesting that the topographic disorientation of this patient might be related to the occipito-pontine tract. MR tractography can effectively identify the occipito-pontine tract and may help to localize the fibers associated with clinical symptoms.
Functions of the different cortical parts of the brain are mediated by the widespread white matter networks that connect the different parts of the brain. With the advent of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), it is now possible to visualize the larger of these white matter tracts.
Knowledge of the individual course of the optic radiations (ORs) is important to avoid postoperative visual deficits. Cadaveric studies of the visual pathways are limited because it has not been possible to separate the OR from neighboring tracts accurately and results may not apply to individual patients. Diffusion tensor imaging studies may be able to demonstrate the relationships between the OR and neighboring fibers in vivo in individual subjects. To use diffusion tensor imaging tractography to study the OR and the Meyer loop (ML) anatomy in vivo. Ten healthy subjects underwent magnetic resonance imaging with diffusion imaging at 3 T. With the use of a fiducial-based diffusion tensor imaging tractography tool (Slicer 3.3), seeds were placed near the lateral geniculate nucleus to reconstruct individual visual pathways and neighboring tracts. Projections of the ORs onto 3-dimensional brain models were shown individually to quantify relationships to key landmarks. Two patterns of visual pathways were found. The OR ran more commonly deep in the whole superior and middle temporal gyri and superior temporal sulcus. The OR was closely surrounded in all cases by an inferior longitudinal fascicle and a parieto/occipito/temporo-pontine fascicle. The mean left and right distances between the tip of the OR and temporal pole were 39.8 ± 3.8 and 40.6 ± 5.7 mm, respectively. Diffusion tensor imaging tractography provides a practical complementary method to study the OR and the Meyer loop anatomy in vivo with reference to individual 3-dimensional brain anatomy.
Alexia without agraphia (also called pure alexia or word blindness) was the first of the disconnection syndromes (syndromes caused by disconnection of the right from the left cerebral hemisphere through interruption of the communication pathways between them) to be described. Déjerine in 1892 reported a patient who developed this syndrome after an infarct of the left occipital lobe and splenium of the corpus callosum. We describe a patient who developed alexia without agraphia due to an embolic left occipital lobe infarct extending to the posterior commissure and splenium of the corpus callosum.
Detailed anatomy of the anterior commissure is unknown in the literature. To describe the anterior commissure with the use of a fiber dissection technique by focusing on the morphology (length and breadth of the 2 portions), the course, and the relations with neighboring fasciculi, particularly in the temporal stem. We dissected 8 previously frozen, formalin-fixed human brains under the operating microscope using the fiber dissection described by Klingler. Lateral, inferior, and medial approaches were made. The anterior olfactive limb of the anterior commissure was sometimes absent during dissection. The cross-sectional 3-dimensional magnetic resonance rendering images showed that fibers of the anterior commissure curved laterally within the basal forebrain. The tip of the temporal limb of the anterior commissure was intermingled with other fasciculi in various directions to form a dense 3-dimensional network. Functional anatomy and comparative anatomy are described. The anterior commissure can be involved in various pathologies such as diffuse axonal injury, schizophrenia, and cerebral tumoral dissemination.
There are three telencephalic commissures which are paleocortical (the anterior commissure), archicortical (the hippocampal commissure), and neocortical. In non-placental mammals, the neocortical commissural fibers cross the midline together with the anterior and possibly the hippocampal commissure, across the lamina reuniens (joining plate) in the upper part of the lamina terminalis. In placental mammals, a phylogenetically new feature emerged, which is the corpus callosum: it results from an interhemispheric fusion line with specialized groups of mildline glial cells channeling the commissural axons through the interhemispheric meninges toward the contralateral hemispheres. This concerns the frontal lobe mainly however: commissural fibers from the temporo-occipital neocortex still use the anterior commissure to cross, and the posterior occipito-parietal fibers use the hippocampal commissure, forming the splenium in the process. The anterior callosum and the splenium fuse secondarily to form the complete commissural plate. Given the complexity of the processes involved, commissural ageneses are many and usually associated with other diverse defects. They may be due to a failure of the white matter to develop or to the commissural neurons to form or to migrate, to a global failure of the midline crossing processes or to a selective failure of commissuration affecting specific commissural sites (anterior or hippocampal commissures, anterior callosum), or specific sets of commissural axons (paleocortical, hippocampal, neocortical commissural axons). Severe hemispheric dysplasia may prevent the axons from reaching the midline on one or both sides. Besides the intrinsically neural defects, midline meningeal factors may prevent the commissuration as well (interhemispheric cysts or lipoma). As a consequence, commissural agenesis is a malformative feature, not a malformation by itself. Good knowledge of the modern embryological data may allow for a good understanding of a specific pattern in a given individual patient, paving the way for better clinical correlation and genetic counseling.