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Geoenvironmental Scenario on the Landward Migration of Thamiraparani Microlithic Culture to Sri Lanka Through Adam's Bridge



Geoenvironmental scenario on the Landward Migration of Thamiraparani Microlithic culture to Sri Lanka Through Adam's Bridge
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A study of the spectral analysis and two-dimensional modelling of magnetic data collected along the track of 200 km traversing the southern part of the Gulf of Mannar indicates the presence of an anomalous body within the basement. The total field magnetic anomaly along the track is well explained by variations in the topography of the anomalous body of normal polarity and uniform magnetisation. The model shows a topographic relief of about 6 km. The presence of volcanic vents in this area suggests that the anomalous body could be more basic in nature having high susceptibility values. -Authors
Coral Acropora sp. collected from the relict coral reef at -125 m depth off Karaikal, Bay of Bengal yielded a radiocarbon age of 18390 ± 220 yr BP. The depth of occurrence of relict coral reef and its age attest to the lowest sea-level position of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). It is inferred that in the eastern continental shelf of India, the sea-level rose at the rate of 4.61 m/kyr, since the LGM until about 11,000 yr BP.