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E-learning: Issues and Challenges



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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 97 No.5, July 2014
E-learning: Issues and Challenges
Hemant Rana
New Delhi-68
New Delhi-68
Manohar Lal
New Delhi-68
Providing education and training to the masses on gigantic
scale, for economic survival and to meet the ever-changing
requirements of the society and also to meet the individual’s
special requirements and tastes, is not possible through the
conventional system of education based on brick-and-mortar
schools, colleges and universities. The World Wide Web
(WWW) is being used to improve communication,
collaboration, sharing of resources, promoting active learning,
and delivery of education in distance learning mode. Distance
Education, E-learning and Virtual Universities may provide
the desired solution. E-Learning may be taken as the latest
form of distance learning mediated by state-of-art
technologies like Internet and World-Wide-Web. In recent
years, many of the universities and educational institutions
worldwide offer online services such as for admissions,
virtual (online) learning environments in order to facilitate the
lifelong learning and to make this compatible with other
educational management activities. Current e-learning
research brings together pedagogical, technical and
organisational concerns within a wider set of socio-cultural
factors. Understanding issues &challenges in respect of e-
learning is of significant importance to the research
communities involved in e-learning and will have a significant
role in forming future practices. In consulting the INDIA
research community, a number of research issues &
challenges are required to be addressed to promote more
efficient learning techniques.
General Terms
e-learning, education.
distance education, e-learning, education, WWW.
In the previous (i.e., 20th) century, we witnessed an
unprecedented technological advancement ─ specially, in the
fields of electronic computing and communications
changing our lives and our perspective of the world in an
unimaginable way. The computing and communications
revolution, while improving quality of our life, has also
brought in its wake a number of challenges. The world has
become a (global) village [7]. The global village view of the
world presents us with a number of formidable challenges
including the ones due to the following facts:
The patterns of trade, competitions and
technological innovation are changing at an ever-
increasing rate.
There is exponential growth of knowledge, again, at
an ever-increasing rate.
There are world-wide social concerns for freedom
and general quality of life.
Demand for universal access in respect of
opportunities for relevant and quality education
especially for economic survival and advantage.
In view of the above-mentioned challenges, for a community
or nation to survive and lead, it is essential that at least, its
working-age group is provided means for mass
learning/education so that it is well-equipped with latest
required skills for various economic and intellectual activities.
Providing education and training to the masses on gigantic
scale, for economic survival and to meet the ever-changing
requirements of the society and also to meet the individual’s
special requirements and tastes, is not possible through the
conventional system of education based on brick-and-mortar
schools, colleges and universities. Distance Education, E-
learning and Virtual Universities may provide the desired
Continuous efforts in the field of communication technologies
have resulted in more efficient & cost effective mode of
learning as compared to traditional strategies of learning. Now
students & educators have better control on the process of
teaching & learning. However, from academic point of view,
two questions may arise immediately:
What does e-Learning mean exactly?
Is e-Learning really the best way to acquire knowledge or
The answer to the first question cannot be given exactly,
because it is still a topic of research and discussions are still
going on. The concept like e-Learning is relatively a new term
and has been evolving over number of previous years.
Through this paper, author is trying to focus on various issues
and challenges in implementing E-learning system. E-
learning is a very broad area of research in terms of education
system. In this paper, it starts with an introduction on e-
learning system and followed by the some definitions on e-
learning and distance education. Section 3 is all about the
discussion on issues and challenges in different areas of e-
learning domain. In section 4, introduces analysis and
recommendations to overcome these challenges. And finally
section 5 tells you about future scope of e-learning.
In order to set the subject matter in proper perspective it begin
with some brief descriptions [8].
Distance Education: As, later on, they are going to mention
that e-learning is the state-of-art computing and
communication mediated Distance Education; it is desirable
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 97 No.5, July 2014
to enumerate the characteristic features of Distance Education,
which are identified by Keegan (1980) [1] , one of the
pioneers in the discipline, as follows:
The separation of learner and teacher
Influence of an educational organization
The use of media as a medium between a teacher
and a learner(like, TV, RADIO etc )
Facilitate two-way exchange of information
Learners as an individual rather than in group; and
Educators as an industrialized form
E-Learning: Rosenberg (2001) [2] Defines the term e-
learning as, the use of Internet technologies to deliver a broad
array of solutions that enhance knowledge and performance”.
e-learning is based on three fundamental criteria suggested by
Rosenberg [2]:
Networked for instant updating, distribution,
storage/retrieval and sharing of information.
Content delivery via computer using WWW.
It focuses on the broadest view of learning and
learning solutions.
Thus, e-Learning may be taken as the latest form of distance
learning mediated by state-of-art technologies like Internet
and World-Wide-Web. They must remember that e-Learning
is much more than online training or Computer-Based
Training (CBT), encompassing knowledge management and
electronic performance support, Computer conferencing
enabling group communication, enabled by Internet and
WWW is one the key characteristics of e-learning which
makes it qualitatively much superior to the conventional
distance learning paradigm [2], [4] , [5].
Longmire (2001) states “e-Learning covers a wide set of
applications and processes such as computer-based learning
systems, Web-based learning systems, virtual classrooms, and
digital collaborative learning GroupWare packages. E-
Learning content is mainly delivered via Internet,
intranet/extranet, audiotape and videotape; satellite broadcast,
interactive TV, DVD and CD-ROM, and the still to emerge
wireless application protocols (WAP) “[3 ].
Computer - based conferencing that enables group
communication, and is itself enabled by Internet and WWW -
is one of the key characteristic of e-Learning which makes it
qualitatively much superior to the conventional distance
learning paradigm.
Key attributes of e-Learning, as subsumed by the above
definition, may be explicitly stated as:
Many-to-many (i.e. group) communication
Any place (place independence)
Any time (asynchronicity, time independence)
Text, enhanced by multi-media and
Computer-conferencing (i.e., computer mediated
In order to facilitate learning & education, web is being used
as the backbone and we cannot underestimate its value in
delivery and promoting effective learning to the people.
For about last two decades, the World Wide Web(WWW) is
being used to improve communication, collaboration, sharing
of resources, promoting active learning, and delivery of
education in distance learning mode[6][16]. The WWW helps
teachers in planning suitable online delivery structure, sharing
goals of learning, and activities for their courses.
In recent years, many of the universities and educational
institutions worldwide offer online services such as for
admissions, virtual (online) learning environments in order to
facilitate the lifelong learning and to make this compatible
with other educational management activities[9]. For
example, a teacher may create a purely Web-based delivery
system including online handouts in respect of student’s
activities, projects and lists of resources for reference. The
students and other learners may access web-based material
anytime from anywhere in the world, being connected through
3.1 Technological Challenges
The e-learning raises significant challenges in the
technological research area. For development of e-learning
resources that meet the users requirement need to be
addressed. The technological challenges of e-learning can be
considered as a two key technological research areas.
3.2 Development of New Forms of
Learning community and Interactive
In e-learning environments interaction, cooperation and
community play an important role to support learning. The
developments in the area of e-learning environments provide
new forms of interaction for learning experience. It generates
new relationships between learner and computer and also
form a new learning community. Key issues include:
New forms of multimodal interface to support
New techniques to understand and support learning
The development of systems to support mobile
communities of learners.
Personalisation techniques that meet user personal
needs and current activity.
Techniques to promote and support interaction.
Discovery of new learning communities.
Support for time to time assessment services.
3.3 Developing New Knowledge Facilities
for e-learning
e-learning environment needs to support the rapid increase in
the size and variety of data by appropriate semantic services.
The semantic services generate a surrounding semantic
context for learning support. Research that needs to work on:
Development of learning and reasoning theories for
uncertain and incomplete knowledge.
Support for the development of large-scale learning
Support for a dynamic learning process.
Support for information sharing across different
learning facilities.
Developments of lightweight knowledge capture
technique for promotion of lifelong learning.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 97 No.5, July 2014
Development of learning support services as per the
requirement of different domains and users.
3.4 Research Issues for e-learning
Current e-learning research brings together pedagogical,
technical and organisational concerns within a wider set of
socio-cultural factors. These factors influence the research
agenda in e-learning system. Understanding these broader
social and cultural issues is of significant importance to the
research communities involved in e-learning and will have a
significant role in informing future practices. In consulting the
INDIA research community, a number of research issues
Interdisciplinary, and the notion of multiple voices, is a
defining characteristic of the area. How do different research
perspectives influence the overall area? How do problems in
the practice of different disciplines differ in the adoption and
use of learning technologies?
Access and inclusion, includes issues around the widening
participation agenda. What are the barriers to inclusion and
what are the issues surrounding the extent of the digital
Change, and its relationship to learning technologies. How
does change impact upon motivational issues? What are the
drivers and rationales for change? What are appropriate
strategies for managing changes and mechanisms for their
Convergence and interoperability, in terms of exploration
of different forms of convergence (organisational,
technological, pedagogical, sectoral, institutional, etc). How
well do they understand issues of globalisation and scalability
standards to support interoperability? These are complex
relationships. A current focus is also on standardisation across
the pedagogical, technical, organisational and human aspects
versus critique of convergence.
Interactivity and social interaction: How does the
interactivity of different tools relate to, or impact upon, the
nature of the medium? How is interactivity expressed at
different levels of organisations, and how have organisational
boundaries and functional groupings blurred as a consequence
of new technologies? What potential do the new technologies
have to enhance communication and collaboration and also
creating new communities and networks?
According to the study, learning contents and learning
communities got the highest priority in e-learning research. In
these areas, lots of development has to be made. As
technology is growing day by day, learner interest in e-
learning increases very rapidly. Now researcher has begun to
work on the designing new e-learning methodologies that can
work according to learners' interest and preference. For
predicting learner interest, they have to study learner
behavior, learning style by their online activities and search
Experts in the field believe that some of the most promising
features of modern e-learning platforms will be Web with
intelligence, i.e., an intelligent web. Applications will work
intelligently with the efficient use of Human-Computer
interaction (HCI) and intelligence. Different Artificial
Intelligence (AI) based tools & techniques (such as, rough
sets, fuzzy sets, neural networks, machine learning etc) can be
integrated with the e-learning applications to support
intelligence [10].
In support of e-learning on the web, a new version of World
Wide Web called Web 3.0 has been proposed as a possible
future consisting of the integration of high-powered graphics
(Scalable Vector Graphics or SVG) and semantic data. There
have also been discussions around 3-D social networking
systems and immersive 3-D internet environments that will
take the best of virtual worlds (such as Second Life) and
gaming environments and merge them with the Web. Web 3.0
based e-learning services will be having constructive impact
on education. Web 3.0 technologies offer benefits of 3D-
wikis, 3D Labs; Intelligent Agent based search engines,
Virtual environments like Avatar, Semantic Digital Libraries
that may result in added advantage in delivery of effective e-
learning to the mass [9][13].
Fig 1: Web 3.0 Tools & Services
Semantic web is another promising technology for realisation
of e-learning requirement. In the simplest terms, we can
define Semantic Web as a relationship between things,
described in a manner which makes people and machines able
to understand [9]. One of the objectives of Semantic Web is to
identify, recognise and extract the exact required data that
matches the keywords provided by the user. semantic web
facilitates flexible and personalised access to the learning
material. semantic web is suitable platform for
implementation of e-learning environment because it provides
ontology-based annotation of learning materials, ontology
development and proactive delivery of the learning materials
through e-learning systems [11].
e-learning is a complex system with multiple forms and
different level of interest of learner. To make e-learning
system to more interactive for learner, researchers need to
take decision at every level of learning cycle. A Decision
Support System (DSS) is an interactive information system
that provides models, data manipulation tools and
information. DSS helps to make decisions in semi-structured
and unstructured situation [12]. By offering such approach,
education system could play much better for student centric
operation towards positive improvement of his performance
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 97 No.5, July 2014
Over the past few years, adoption of technology in the
education has increased significantly. Most of the universities
like to invest in modern forms of learning, therefore it may be
seen that the growth of e-learning is expanding tremendously.
The new form of education through technology is attracting
entrepreneurs around the world to invest and develop new
forms of e-learning products.
According to recent studies done by Docebo[14] in 2014, the
global market growth for Self-Paced E-Learning reached
$35.6 billion in 2011. The five- year compound annual growth
rate for e-learning is estimated approximately 7.9%. Hence,
the global revenues should reach approximately $51.5 billion
dollars by 2016 as shown in figure 2.
Fig 2: Global E-Learning Market [14]
Studies shows aggregate e-learning growth 7.9% annually
worldwide but regional growth is somehow much more in
some specific continents. According to figure 3, the highest
growth rate is in Asia at 17.3%, followed by Eastern Europe,
Africa, and Latin America at 16.9%, 15.2%, and 14.6%,
respectively. Entrepreneurs from the world are attracting to
this market as the revenues generated in this market are
extremely high.
Fig 3: Regional E-Learning Market [14]
In Asia, specifically, Indian universities are focusing into
effective higher distance education to provide cheaper
effective education to the learners. India has become a mature
player for higher distance education in the Asian E-Learning
This paper discusses about the formulation of the problem and
their need and prospects in today’s education field. We
discussed why e-Learning is required at all, followed by
relevant definitions quoting some pioneers in the field.
Through this paper, we trying to focus on various issues and
challenges in implementing E-learning system. E-learning is a
very broad area of research in terms of education system. Web
3.0 technologies offer benefits of 3D-wikis, 3D Labs;
Intelligent Agent based search engines, Virtual environments
like Avatar, Semantic Digital Libraries that may result in
added advantage in delivery of effective e-learning to the
mass. Semantic web is another promising technology for
realisation of e-learning requirement. In view of the facts that
AI technologies plays significant role in almost every domain
of human experience, specially, when the domain is complex.
Modern e-learning platforms are required to be equipped
intelligence, i.e., an intelligent web. Applications can work
intelligently with the efficient use of Human-Computer
interaction (HCI) and intelligence. Different Artificial
Intelligence (AI) based tools & techniques (such as, rough
sets, fuzzy sets, neural networks, machine learning etc) can be
integrated with the e-learning applications to support
intelligence. . To make e-learning system to more interactive
for learner, researchers need to take decisions at every level of
learning cycle. A Decision Support System (DSS) is an
interactive information system that provides models, data
manipulation tools and information. DSS helps to make
decisions in semi-structured and unstructured situation. By
offering such approach, education system could play much
better for student centric operation towards positive
improvement of his performance.
[1] Keegan, D. (1980). On Defining Distance Education:
Distance Education 1(1) 13-36.
[2] Rosenberg, M. J. (2001). E-learning: Strategies for
delivering knowledge in the digital age. New York:
[3] Longmire, W. (2001). A Primer on Learning Objects.
Managing Web-Based Training : ASTD.
[4] Tomei, A., (2003). Challenges of teaching with
technology across the curriculum: issues and solutions.
Information Science Publishing.
[5] Mortimore, P., (1999). Understanding pedology and its
impact on learning. Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd.
[6] Rana, Hemant, Rajiv, and Prof. Manohar Lal. "Rough
set based system for effective E-learning." Computing
for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom),
2014 International Conference on. IEEE, 2014; ISSN
09737529 and ISBN 978-93-80544-10-6.
[7] Harasini L., et al. (2001). The Virtual University: A
State of the Art. Advances in Computers, Vol. 55, PP 1-
[8] Witten I.H., et al. (2000). Greenstone: A comprehensive
Open-Source Digital Library Software System. ACM
2000 Digital Library, PP 113-121.
[9] Rajiv & Manohar Lal, (2011). Web 3.0 in Education &
Research, BVICAM’s International Journal of
Information Technology (BIJIT), Vol. 3 No. 2; ISSN
0973 5658.
[10] Robin D. Morris, (2011). Web 3.0: Implications for
Online Learning, TechTrends Vol. 55, No. 1 Springer.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 97 No.5, July 2014
[11] L. Stojanovic, S. Staab, and R. Studer, (2001). E-
learning based on semantic web, WEBNET 2001.
[12] M.S. Velmurugan and K. Narayansamy, (2008).
Application of decision support system in e-commerce,
Communications of the IBIMA, Vol. 5.
[13] Han Xiaoting, Niu Li, (2010). Subject Information
Integration of Higher Education Institutions in the
Context of Web3.0, 2nd International Conference
onIndustrial Mechatronics and Automation, 978-1-4244-
7656-5/10, 2010, IEEE.
[14] E-Learning Market Trends & Forecast 2014 - 2016
Report , A report by Docebo, March 2014, URL:
report.pdf (accessed 30/06/14).
[15] Hemant Rana, Rajiv, Prof. Manohar Lal, (2014). Role of
Artificial Intelligence based Technologies in e-learning,
International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering,
Science and Technology (IJLTEST) , Volume 1, Issue 5,
May 2014, ISSN: 2055-530X(online), ISSN: 2055-
5296(print), London, United Kingdom.
[16] Rana, Hemant, Rajiv, and Prof. Manohar Lal. "Rough
set based system for effective E-learning." IEEE, 2014;
ISBN: 978-93-80544-10-6.
... Reference to Rajiv & Manohar Lal [3] in order to promote lifelong learning and make it work with other educational management activities, many universities and educational institutions throughout the world now provide online services, including virtual (online) learning environments and admissions. ...
... It is also defined as the use of the internet to access learning material, to interact with the content, instructor, learners and also to obtain support during the learning process, and to acquire knowledge (4). It is emerging as an important strategy to provide widespread and easy access to quality in higher education (5,6). ...
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E-learning is the use of the internet and ICT to access learning material, interact with the content, instructor, and learners, and acquire knowledge. Education has grown rapidly and transformed the present isolated, teacher-centered face-to-face education into online. Despite the impact of e-learning, there are many challenges in adopting and implementing it in higher education. Therefore, the main purpose of the study was to investigate the perspective of lectures, challenges, and opportunities of adopting online learning. The study conducted institutional-based mixed quantitative and qualitative study designs at the University of Gondarfrom from June to October 2022. Simple random sampling techniques were employed to select study participants for the quantitative study and purposive sampling was used to select higher officials for an in-depth interview. A structured self-administered and in-depth interview questionnaire was used for the quantitative and qualitative data respectfully. Linear regression analysis was conducted for the quantitative data while inductive thematic analysis was undertaken for the qualitative data. Thirteen (13) higher officials were involved in an in-depth interview and 366 instructors participated in the quantitative study. The majority of participants believed that e-Learning is applicable. However, almost all participants agreed that the infrastructure is inadequate at the University of Gondar. Five main themes emerged from an inductive thematic analysis which includes: perceptions of adopting online learning, challenges of adopting online learning, opportunities of adopting online learning, strategies to overcome challenges, and higher officials’ willingness and support. Most instructors and all higher officials are willing and happy to adopt. Internet connectivity, electric power, computer access, and poor perception of instructors, students, and employees will be a challenge to adopting e-learning. Capacity-building training for the instructors and supporting teams and fulfilling infrastructures for the successful implementation of e-learning at the University of Gondar are recommended.
... These challenges include cognitive style and cultural barriers, pedagogical issues related to e-learning, technical obstacles, limitations in technical education, and the complexities associated with managing time. According to a subsequent investigation conducted by Rana et al. (2014), the primary issues associated with online learning are Technological Impediments, Modernization of New Varieties of Teaching programs and Participatory Education, and Creating the Latest Cognitive Infrastructure for e-learning. According to a study by Xu and Jaggars (2013), the goal was to determine how well students could adapt to the online learning environment in terms of their capacity to persevere and earn high grades in online courses instead of conventional face-to-face courses. ...
Conference Paper
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Since the beginning of life on earth, understanding of skills to survive and live began. Survival of fittest itself tells us the importance of life skills. With the onset of the 21st century, the entire world has witnessed an era of intense transformation in all areas, like education, international trade and economy, technology. 21 st century is a competitive world every sectors need to update for long time sustainability. Every sector has their own problems, who overcome it they will get success. Covid-19 pandemic was big challenge for every sector in all over the world, especially in education sector. E-Learning has created big revolution in education sector. Government had taken new step to provide consistent learing to the students. Digital platform take place in it. Recent technologies in education system like blogs, the internet, interactive boards, mobile phone, Skype, twitter, you tube, and many more have added not only stimulus but also learners' engagement and true interactivity within the classroom.
The systematic process of all academic, educational and research institutes have collapsed by the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic in recent years. The traditional practices of teaching learning process have been challenged and it has become a necessity for all educators to equip themselves to suitable viable technologies. Therefore, it is significant that every educator takes necessary actions to impart education in the suitable ways to meet our students’ needs and requirements. The current work aims to detail the various causes and its impact of COVID-19 among the students pursuing their higher education. The focus is to plan and create a digital educational module by receiving feedbacks from the focus group using a structured questionnaire. The outcomes will be compiled as graphs and discussions, arriving at a model which would suit the needs and requirements of the higher education students. Viable and possible solutions to make teaching-learning process in a digital way would be addressed in spite of any pandemic situation.
This chapter provides a review of literature critical to remote teaching and online teaching in the context of English language learning. It investigates two areas specifically: (1) designing effective remote English teaching and learning; and (2) digital technologies for English teaching and learning. To explore these two areas, an explanatory sequential mixed-methods study in an Indonesian secondary state school is presented. The findings of this study provide important insights into technology acceptance during remote teaching, particularly in terms of enhancing teachers’ and students’ understanding of how to design remote and online teaching. Looking forward, teachers are now combining synchronous and asynchronous digital technologies into classroom-based design models and working to further increase students’ learning capacity through the use of these tools and environments. More research is needed to look at successful techniques for building these skills and incorporating them into online, at a distance and in-person teaching approaches.
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ان الهدف الاساسي لهذه الدراسة هو استكشاف طبيعة العلاقة بين متغير استراتيجيات إدارة أزمة التعلم بأبعاده المتمثلة بـ(الاستراتيجية الاستباقية؛ استراتيجية الاستجابة؛ الاستراتيجية التفاعلية) ومتغير فاعلية التعليم الإلكتروني بأبعاده (الاداء؛ الرضا؛ الدعم؛ التقنيات؛ مواجهة التحديات) من أجل استمرار العملية التعليمية ومواكبة التطورات التكنولوجية في جامعة الكوفة. فضلاً عن ذلك إن أهمية الدراسة الحالية تكمن في معالجة مشكلة واقعية تؤثر بصورة مباشرة على الجامعة وهي توقف العملية التعليمية نتيجة وباء Covid-19 الذي ظهر بصورة مفاجئة. اذ افترضت الدراسة فرضيات رئيسة وفرعية، وتم اختبارها باستخدام مجموعة من البرامج الإحصائية لمعالجة البيانات التي تم الحصول عليها من خلال اجابات القيادات العليا وحملة الالقاب العلمية بدرجة استاذ واستاذ مساعد في جامعة الكوفة وكلياتها. ولتحديد حجم العينة بصورة صحيحة تم الاستعانه بالجداول الاحصائية لمجتمع الدراسة والذي بلغ (859) تدريسياً وتبين أن حجم العينة الامثل هو (265) تدريسياً، وعلى أساسه تم توزيع الاستبانه، إذ إن هناك (14) استبانة لم يتم استلامها، و(4) استبانة غير مكتملة الأجابة، وعلية تم اعتماد (247) استبانة صالحة للتحليل الأحصائي وبمعدل إستجابه (93%)، ولتحقيق أهداف الدراسة تم تطبيق التحليل الاحصائي لبيانات محل الدراسة باستخدام الاختبارات الاحصائية في برنامج SPSS v.24 و AMOS v.24 المتمثل بـ(مقاييس النزعة المركزية؛ ومعامل الفا كرونباخ؛ وانموذج المعادلات الهيكلية). وقد تبين من نتائج الدراسة أن استراتيجيات إدارة أزمة التعلم لها علاقة تأثير ذي دلالة معنوية وطردية في فاعلية التعليم الالكتروني. وعلى هذا الاساس تم تقديم بعض من التوصيات، على الجامعات جعل التخطيط لإدارة أزمة التعلم جزءاً من التخطيط الاستراتيجي، والاهتمام بتعزيز فاعلية التعليم الإلكتروني في الجامعة، فضلاً عن نشر ثقافة التعليم الإلكتروني بين الطلبة من أجل تحقيق أكبر قدر ممكن من التفاعل مع مثل هذا النوع من التعليم، والقيام بإجراء العديد من الدراسات والبحوث وعقد المزيد من المؤتمرات والندوات لتعزيز فاعلية التعليم الإلكتروني والنهوض به في المستقبل.
Conference Paper
Purpose: Family is the key factor of every social relationship. The importance of emotional development in the family and the role of parents and children are always matters of interest. Emotional intelligence is one of the key aspects of intelligence that touches all relationships in one’s life. The sibling relationship is said to be the most enduring relationship in our lives. During adulthood, the time spent with siblings decreases, but emotional support and closeness are significant factors. Emotional intelligence helps us interact effectively with others and helps relieve stress and other negative emotions. Studies show that Emotional intelligence helps us overcome the obstacles and challenges of modern life. It enables us to work effectively. Sibling relationships can foster emotional intelligence. Objective: The research is done to assess the role of sibling relationships on fostering emotional intelligence among college students. Design/Methodology/Approach: Quantitative analysis method with pre-established tools of Emotional Intelligence and Life span sibling relationship Findings/Results: The results indicate that sibling relationship play a significant role in developing emotional intelligence. Originality/Value: The study points out how sibling relationship affects emotional intelligence Paper type: Quantitative analysis Key words: sibling relationship, emotional intelligence, college students, adulthood
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Electronic commerce (EC) has the potential to improve efficiency and productivity in business activities. E-commerce today is no longer technological issue, but is also a business issue. A decision support system (DSS) is "an interactive information system that provides information, models and data manipulation tools to help make decisions in semi-structured and unstructured situations. E-commerce involves a number of forms, varying level of cost and complexity, depending on business need. This conceptual paper presents the e-commerce application by integrating with Decision support systems. It further highlights some critical issues in e-commerce, suggestion future strategies for e-commerce in years to come Key Words: e commerce, decision support system, supply chain management, electronic funds transfer.
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The continuous evolution of the Internet has opened unimaginable opportunities and challenges in web based education and learning. The traditional version of web i.e. Web 1.0 started as a Read only medium; the next version Web 2.0 established itself as Read/Write medium. Now the currently evolving version of web, viz., Web 3.0 is said to be a technologically advanced medium which allows the users to Read/Write/Execute and also allows the machines to carry out some of the thinking so far expected only from the human beings. In a short time, Web 2.0 and now Web 3.0 have created new tools and technologies for facilitating web based education & learning. To begin with, this paper discusses some definitions of the Web 3.0, its evolution and characteristics. Next, we have discussed about the possible future Web 3.0 technologies, trends, tools and services that will assist in the areas of online learning, personalization and knowledge construction powered by the Semantic Web.
Four generally accepted definitions of distance education are analysed and from them six components of a comprehensive definition are chosen. The forms of education that are considered to fall within the concept of distance education as outlined are considered from the point of view of choice of medium, institutional type and didactic model. Various forms of education that bear some similarities to distance education but are not to be identified with it are described. The term ‘distance education’ is proposed as the most satisfactory solution to the problem of terminology.
Conference Paper
To achieve intelligence over the web is underlying research topic and continuous efforts have been made in this direction. The results of these efforts in its practical form of applications have been achieved using modern tools & techniques. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has evolved as one of the promising technology for achieving intelligence over web. To facilitate quality education, the identification & selection of various factors that may influence a students' academic performance is very important. Knowing these factors is important for parents & teachers working positively on these factors may improve the performance of the student. . In this paper we propose an approach of decision rule induction to induce knowledge that can facilitate the proper decision making process. The approach for rule induction process is based on AI based rough set theory. The proposed system may be seen as a helping hand to creators of contents, educators and teachers of the course.
The development of network has brought subject information construction unprecedented challenges and opportunities in higher education institutions. Web3.0 is a recently proposed concept of Internet-based service. This paper introduces the ideas of Web3.0 to subject information integration. By analyzing the current subject information resources and subject information integration approaches in higher education institutions, a design of subject information integration system is brought forward in this paper. This design can give an efficient reference to subject information integration in the context of Web3.0.
Educational interest in the Internet is exploding among instructors, learners, and educational institutions internationally. The advent of the World Wide Web in 1992 was a watershed in the development of online education. Its ease of use made the Internet accessible to the general public, and its powerful graphic capabilities expanded the range of disciplines that could be offered totally or partially online (by enabling virtual labs, studios, animations, etc.). The invention of the Web thus coincides with the growth spurt in online education.
The impact of Web 3.0, also known as the Semantic Web, on online learning is yet to be determined as the Semantic Web and its technologies continue to develop. Online instructors must have a rudimentary understanding of Web 3.0 to prepare for the next phase of online learning. This paper provides an understandable definition of the Semantic Web and its terminology, and then explores possible implications of Web 3.0 on online learning. The foundation of the Semantic Web is data integration. By using metadata, “display only” data is converted to meaningful information which can be located, evaluated, and delivered by software agents. Web 3.0 technologies will assist online instructors in the areas of course development, learner support, assessment, and record keeping. Online students will benefit from learning personalization and knowledge construction powered by the Semantic Web.