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Abstract and Figures

Rapid weight gain during infancy increases the risk of obesity. Given that infant feeding may contribute to rapid weight gain, it would be useful to develop objective tools which can monitor infant feeding behavior. This paper presents an objective method for examining infant sucking count during meals. A piezoelectric jaw motion sensor and a video camera were used to monitor jaw motions of 10 infants during a meal. Videotapes and sensor signals were annotated by two independent human raters, counting the number of sucks in each 10 second epoch. Annotated data were used as a gold standard for the development of the computer algorithms. The sensor signal was de-noised and normalized prior to computing the per-epoch sucking counts. A leave-one-out cross-validation scheme resulted in a mean error rate of -9.7% and an average intra-class correlation coefficient value of 0.86 between the human raters and the algorithm.
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Ob je ct iv e M on it or ing o f In fant Fe ed in g Beh av io r us ing a J aw Mo ti on S ens or , M uh am m ad F ar ooq , Pa ula C C ha nd le r -L an ey ,
Ma ri a He rna nd ez -Re if a nd E dwa rd S az ono v, J o ur na l Of H e al th ca re E ngi ne er in g, Vo l. 6, N o. 1 , p p. 23-40, Marc h 2015.
ht tp :/ /dx.d oi .o rg /1 0.1 26 0/ 20 40 - 229 5. 6. 1. 23. Cor re sp on di ng au th or : E. Sa zo no v, es az ono v@ en g. ua.ed u, + 1 (2 05) 348 -1981
Objective Monitoring of Infant Feeding Behavior
using a Jaw Motion Sensor
Muhammad Farooq1, Paula C Chandler-Laney2, Maria Hernandez-Reif3 and
Edward Sazonov1
1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alabama,
Tuscaloosa, AL USA
2Department of Nutrition Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham,
Birmingham AL USA
3Departmnet of Human Development & Family Studies, University of Alabama,
Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
Rapid weight gain during infancy increases the risk of obesity. Given that infant feeding may contribute
to rapid weight gain, it would be useful to develop objective tools with which to monitor infant feeding
behavior. This paper presents an objective method for examining infant sucking count and sucking rate
during meals. A piezoelectric jaw motion sensor and a video camera were used to monitor jaw motions of
10 infants during a meal. Videotapes and sensor signals were annotated by two independent human raters,
marking individual sucking bouts and number of sucks in 10s epochs. Annotated data were used as a gold
standard for development of the computer algorithms. The sensor signal was de-noised and normalized
prior to computing per epoch suck counts/rate. A leave-one-out cross-validation scheme resulted in a
mean absolute error rate of 18.52% and an average intra-class correlation coefficient value of 0.86
between the human raters and algorithm.
Keywords: sensors, obesity, sucking rate, feeding behavior, jaw sensor, breast-fed, bottle-fed, infants.
Obesity is caused by the excessive accumulation of body fat. Previous research suggests that infancy
may be a critical period during which life-time risk for obesity develops. Indeed, bottle feeding [1,2] and
rapid weight gain during the first six months of life are associated with subsequent life-time risk for
obesity [3,4,5,6,7,8]. In addition, bottle-fed infants, versus those fed from the breast, have different
energy intake, meal patterns, and within-meal behavior [9,10]. Furthermore, irrespective of the feeding
mode, vigorous sucking at 3 months of age is positively associated with adiposity at 12 months of age.
Despite the fact that excess energy intake during infancy is a primary determinant of rapid weight gain
and subsequent body size [14]; methods to monitor feeding behavior and to assess infant energy intake
are limited. Consequently, the study of infant feeding behavior may yield valuable insight into some of
the earliest feeding patterns that contribute to later obesity.
Monitoring of sucking can provide a better understanding of the feeding behavior in both breast-fed
and bottle-fed infants. Previous research has suggested the use of sensor modalities such as ultrasound
[11,12] and intraoral pressure measurement [12] for monitoring of sucking, swallowing and breathing
movements. These methods provide a close estimate of sucking but their practicality in free living
situations for extended periods of time is limited. Within-meal feeding behaviors, such as sucking bursts
and pauses in sucking, have previously been assessed by videotape and/or with an apparatus containing a
pressure transducer attached to the breast or bottle nipple [10,13,14], but neither procedure is practical for
the assessment of multiple meals over the course of one or more days. Consequently, the need exists for
the development of simple and objective techniques to estimate number and rate of sucking and monitor
feeding behavior for both breast-fed and bottle-fed infants.
This paper presents a novel approach for monitoring infant sucking count and sucking rate during
meals. A similar procedure using a jaw motion sensor has previously been found to provide accurate and
objective monitoring of ingestive behavior in adults [15,16,17,18,19]. Since infants use their jaws during
sucking (both bottle-fed and breast-fed), there is potential to use the jaw motion sensor to capture sucking
count and rate during feeding episodes. According to the authors’ knowledge, no one has previously
reported the use of a jaw sensor to monitor feeding behavior in infants.
The goal of this study was to evaluate the technical feasibility of using a non-invasive jaw motion
sensor for monitoring sucking count and thereby sucking rate of infants. A comparison of human raters
and results obtained using jaw motion sensor is presented to show that the jaw motion sensor with related
signal processing algorithm is able to provide an accurate estimation of sucking rate and sucking count for
both breast-fed and bottle-fed infants.
2.1 Participants
Ten infants were recruited into this study. Infants were eligible for inclusion if they were at least 2.0
months of age and less than 5.0 months of age and were healthy, with a current weight-for-length not less
than the 5th percentile based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) growth curves [20].
Infants were excluded if they were younger than 37 weeks gestation at birth and/or weighed less than
2500g at birth. The Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) at The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa (UA)
and The University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB) approved these studies. Mothers of infants provided
informed consent before the start of the experiment. Table 1 shows the details of all subjects.
Table 1 Information regarding the participant infants
Race (Caucasian/African American/Other)
Number of female infants
Number of male infants
Number of Breast fed infants
Number of Bottle-fed infants
Gestational age at delivery (weeks)
39.9 ± 1.5
Birth weight (kg)
3.6 ± 0.3
Average age (weeks)
17.91 ± 2.54 weeks
Range of age (weeks)
13.9-21.1 weeks
2.2 Protocol
Participants and their mothers came to the UAB Child Health Research Center (CHRU) located within
Children’s of Alabama, to complete the study protocol. Each infant came to the laboratory for one visit,
and visits were timed to coincide with when the infant was expected to be hungry, and not less than 2
hours following a previous meal. After informed consent was obtained, infant weight (without clothing)
and length (supine) was measured using standard clinical procedure. Infants then underwent a weighed,
timed, and videotaped meal test while wearing the jaw motion sensor, following which infant body
composition was assessed by air displacement plethysmography (PeaPod®; Cosmed Inc., Concord, CA).
2.3 Meal test
All infants were weighed to the nearest 0.1 gram while wearing a clean diaper only, on the weighing
scale of the PeaPod ®. For bottle-fed infants, the prepared bottle was also weighed to the nearest 0.1 gram
prior to the meal test. The mother sat in an arm chair to breast or bottle feed her infant. The mother held
her infant in a side-lying position, with the infant’s head supported in the crook of her bent arm. The jaw
sensor (described below) was adhered directly under the ear of the infant, behind the jaw, on the side of
the face that would face away from the mother during the meal. The longitudinal axis of the sensor was
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the ear. Two video cameras (Samsung HMX-F80) were
positioned to record mouth and jaw movements immediately prior to and during the feed; one focused
from the side and the other from above the infant’s head. Mothers were instructed to begin the meal once
the video and jaw sensor were recording, and to make the meal as “natural as possible”. Mothers could
interrupt the meal to burp the infant or to change positions, as needed, and recording continued during this
time. Meals ended when the infant fell asleep, finished the bottle (if applicable), refused to consume
more, and/or mothers’ indicated that the infant was finished feeding. After burping, infants were
reweighed on the PeaPod® scale wearing the same diaper as they were weighed in prior to the meal and
bottles were also reweighed as appropriate. Any milk lost through spillage or regurgitation was captured
in pre-weighed burp cloths so that milk consumption could be corrected for spillage.
2.4 Body composition assessment
Body composition was measured by air displacement plethysmography (PeaPod®; Life Measurement
Instruments, Concord, CA). In brief, after infant length was measured, infants were weighed on the
PeaPod® scale while wearing only a tightly-fitted stocking cap to compress hair, and then placed inside
the test chamber where infant volume was assessed. Infant fat mass and fat free mass was then calculated
using a two compartment model [21].
2.5 Training for coding discrete infants feeding behaviors: Sucking count
A researcher with expertise in coding infant behaviors trained two human raters to code the videotapes
of the infant feeding sessions. Each human rater met individually with the researcher for the training. The
human raters were informed that they were assisting with testing the reliability of a jaw motion sensor
designed to record feeding behaviors. At the training session, video segments of infants being breast-fed
and bottle-fed were displayed while the researcher pointed out discrete examples of the two behaviors the
human raters would be asked to code: infant sucks and sucking bursts. Each behavior was discussed and
reviewed separately. Only the data for infant sucks (discrete suck) are discussed in this paper.
A discrete suck was operationally defined as one down and one up jaw movement with the infant’s lips
wrapped around the mother’s or bottle’s nipple. In other words, one discrete suck consisted of two
movements: one down followed by one up jaw movement. The researcher counted, out loud, numerous
discrete sucks while watching segments of the videotapes with the rater. Afterwards, the researcher asked
the rater to count discrete sucks out loud for segments of breast and bottle fed infant videos. After several
trials counting discrete sucks out loud, the researcher and the rater viewed several new video segments of
an infant being breastfed, and then separately of an infant being bottle-fed. During the viewing of each
new segment, the researcher and rater independently and quietly counted the frequency of sucks and
recorded the tallies on paper. At the end of the coding, the tallies were examined. A criterion of 90%
agreement with the researcher was established for the rater to be deemed reliable in counting discrete
2.6 Coding of videotapes
After the training, video recordings and time-synchronous jaw sensor signals were annotated by the
two trained raters using a modified version of the software introduced in [19]. To provide synchronization
between the sensor signal (described below) and the video, data collection was started on the Android
phone when it was in the view of one of the cameras. To maintain homogeneity of the scoring process, a
protocol similar to other studies [22, 23], was developed to mark meal initiation and termination, and
sucking count to code the videos. Human raters marked the start and end of the meal in the video. The
period in the video between the start and end of the meal was divided into segments of 10s called epochs
(a total of  epochs), in the scoring software and sucking count was computed for each epoch. The time
sampling unit of 10s intervals was agreed upon because in the pilot coding it was deemed to be a
manageable period to count discrete sucks. The time sampling units also provided cluster data for
conducting intra-class correlation (ICC) analyses between the human raters, and also the human raters and
the jaw sensor algorithm. Epochs which contained partial intake (video segments where jaw was not
visible in the video) or no intake were discarded. For epoch, the average values of both human
raters gave the annotated per epoch sucking count denoted by 󰇛󰇜 and annotated per epoch sucking
rate was computed as󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜. There values were used as gold standard for algorithm
2.7 Jaw motion sensor
The sensor data collection system consisted of a jaw motion sensor, a data acquisition device and an
Android smart phone. The sensor system was originally designed to be used in adults [16] and used in this
experiment without modifications. The jaw motion sensor was a piezoelectric film element (DT2-028K)
(Measurement Specialties Inc. VA). Jaw movements during the sucking process bend the sensor and
create an electrical signal proportional to the amount of bending. Signal from the sensor was buffered and
amplified using an operational amplifier circuit and then digitized by a microcontroller of an Automatic
Ingestion Monitor (AIM, [16]) at a sampling frequency of 1 kHz. Digitized signals were transmitted via
Bluetooth wireless connection in real time to an Android phone which stored the signal on an SD-card for
further processing. Figure 1 shows the jaw motion sensor (Figure 1(a)) and the Automatic Ingestion
Monitor module (Figure 1(b)); Android phone is not shown in the picture.
Figure 1. Wearable sensor system for monitoring jaw movements: (a) jaw motion sensor, (b)
wireless module.
2.8 Sensor data and signal processing
Collected jaw motion sensor signals, further denoted 󰇛󰇜 were processed in the following manner.
First the signals were demeaned by subtracting the average computed over the duration of the experiment
from every data point. Next, the entire signals were de-noised using wavelet transform. De-noising
attenuates small variations in the signal due to noise on the power lines (variation in voltage due to
wireless transmission that leaks into the sensor signal). A bi-orthogonal wavelet transform (a 1-D
symmetric wavelet with symmetric boundary treatment, using a lifting implementation) with 4 vanishing
moments was used for de-noising. The sensor signal was decomposed using Discrete Wavelet Transform
(DWT) technique, the wavelet coefficients below a threshold were discarded and the de-noised sensor
signal was recovered using Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform. This threshold was found as described
further in the manuscript. Figure 2 shows a segment of the jaw motion sensor signal before and after de-
Figure 2. Jaw motion sensor signal before (a) and after de-noising (b) using the bi-orthogonal
wavelet transform. Amplitude is in the Analog to Digital convertor (ADC) units.
2.9 Sucking count, sucking rate and error computation for sensor signal
After de-noising, the 󰇛󰇜sensor signals were divided into epochs of 10s each, denoted as 󰇛󰇜,
with samples within each epoch, where , =1000Hz is the sampling frequency and =10s
is the epoch size. These epochs were time-synchronous with the 10s epochs used during the signal
annotation process. For each epoch, sucking count and sucking rate were computed from the sensor signal
by the algorithm shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Algorithm for computation of per epoch computer-predicted sucking count 󰇛󰇜 and
sucking rate 󰇛󰇜 for n-th epoch. 󰇛󰇜is in sucks per seconds.
For any epoch n, computer-predicted counts 󰇛󰇜 were compared to human-annotated counts
󰇛󰇜 to evaluate the performance of the method. For each infant, per epoch mean error 
 󰇛󰇜
was computed as follow:
 󰇛󰇜
󰇛󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜󰇜 󰇛󰇛󰇜󰇜
where is the total number of epochs and represents the infant. The mean per epoch sucking rate error
 󰇛󰇜has exactly the same value as 
 󰇛󰇜, as per epoch sucking rate is the average of sucking
count over a period of 10s. Since these errors are computed on a per-epoch basis, they illustrate accuracy
of the method in evaluating changes in the suck count and sucking rate over time.
The cumulative error over a meal for infant k was computed as the difference of the sum of all epochs:
󰇛󰇜󰇛 󰇛󰇜
 󰇛󰇜
 󰇜󰇛󰇜
 (2)
Similarly, the cumulative sucking rate error 󰇛󰇜 has the same numeric value as 󰇛󰇜. Cumulative
errors show performance of the method averaged over the meal duration, where under and over
predictions on individual epochs may compensate each other. Thus, cumulative error is expected to be
lower than per-epoch error. Per epoch mean error for sucking rate and sucking count will have the same
value whereas the cumulative error (for both sucking rate and sucking count) over an entire meal will
have a different value than per epoch error.
2.10 Parameter determination and validation
In order to find a generalized threshold for the de-noising process and to evaluate accuracy of the
method, a leave one out cross validation scheme was used. For de-noising, this procedure found a scaling
factor α that was used to compute the de-noising threshold as a function of the jaw sensor signal’s
Set the variable 󰇛󰇜 (number of mean crossings) to 0.
For th sample in th epoch, increment󰇛󰇜 by 1,
if 󰇟󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
and 󰇛 󰇜 󰇛󰇜
󰇠 or 󰇟󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
󰇛 󰇜 󰇛󰇜
where =1,…, 2, and 󰇛󰇜
is the mean amplitude of the epoch 󰇛󰇜.
Compute per epoch sucking count 󰇛󰇜as 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜.
Compute per epoch sucking rate 󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜/10.
amplitude: 󰇛󰇛󰇜󰇜, where  is the standard deviation of the signal. The scaling factor α
for infant k was found by with-holding infant k from the dataset and performing a grid search for a value
of 󰇟󰇠 on the dataset from the remaining 9 infants (training set). The value of α which resulted in
the minimal absolute average 
 on the training set, was used to validate performance of the method
on the withheld (validation) data from infant k by computing corresponding 
 󰇛󰇜 and 󰇛󰇜.
Absolute value was used to account for signed error. This process was repeated such that each infant was
used for the validation set only once.
Measures of population-wide performance were then computed as averages of absolute values of
 󰇛󰇜 and 󰇛󰇜 over validation results from all 10 infants:
2.11 Intra-class correlation (ICC) and statistical analysis
Two Intra-class correlation (ICC) analyses were conducted on clusters (entered by each observer)
across ten videos (6 breastfed and 4 bottle-fed) based on a 2-way mixed model with observers fixed and
subjects random to examine absolute agreement. First ICC analysis was performed between two human
raters to determine their reliability. Second ICC analysis for the raters (averaged together) and the jaw
sensor algorithm was conducted to compare the reliability of sensor signal against human raters.
Infant weight-for-age, length-for-age, and body mass index-for-age z-scores were calculated using the
World Health Organization (WHO) Anthro software (version 3.2.2, January 2011), which is based on
international growth charts of healthy infants growing under optimal conditions [24]. Since factors such
as age and the feeding mode (breast-fed vs. bottle-fed) can impact the feeding behavior, a comparison was
made between the annotated and computer-predicted sucking rate (sucking counts) for different feeding
modes, gender, BMI-for-age, Weight-for-age and Length-for-age z-scores and age, % fat, total fat mass,
and total fat free mass to examine whether there was any effect of these variables on the accuracy of the
computer-predicted counts. Two tailed, two sample t-test was used to determine the effect of feeding
mode on the suck count and sucking rate errors. A Passing-Bablok regression [25] was used to determine
the effects of BMI (BMI-for-age z-scores), body weight (Weight-for-age z-scores), body length (Length-
for-age z-scores), age, % body fat, total fat mass and total fat free mass, on the performance of the
proposed technique. Passing-Bablok regression is not sensitive towards outliers and assumes that
measurement errors from both variables have same distribution. All analyses were conducted using
MATLAB ® (Mathworks Inc.).
The ICC analysis conducted on a total of 692 clusters resulted in an average correlation coefficient
value of 0.98, 95% CI [0.98, 0.99], for sucking counts between the two raters. For sucking count, the
average correlation coefficient value for absolute agreement for the sucking algorithm and the average of
the two raters for 692 clusters was 0.86, 95% CI [0.83,0.88]. ICC results for sucking rate were same as
above, since per epoch sucking rate is the average of sucking count over a period of 10s.
 
 󰇛󰇜
 󰇛󰇜
For per epoch sucking count/rate estimation, the sensor-based method resulted in population-wide
mean absolute errors 
18.52% (SD +/-11.17%) and 
18.85% (SD +/-10.45%)(Cumulative
sucking count/rate error). Per-infant errors are summarized in Table 2. Figure 4 shows an example of the
annotated and the computer-predicted sucking rate for an infant over the period of an entire experiment.
A comparison was done between bottle-fed and breast-fed infants in-terms of per epoch mean error for
suck count/rate. The proposed technique achieved a per epoch suck count/rate mean absolute error of
26.62% (SD +/-14.16%) for bottle-fed infants and for breast-fed infants the algorithm was able to achieve
per epoch mean absolute error of 13.14% (SD +/-4.14%). A two tailed, two sample t-test was used to
show that the mean errors for both groups (bottle-fed and bottle fed) are significantly different (p=0.02),
for 95% CI. The method was able to achieve per epoch suck count/rate mean absolute error of 25.17%
(SD +/-12.61%) and 11.89% (SD +/-3.40%) for male and female infants respectively. Results of two
tailed, two sample t-test showed that the errors are not dependent on the gender of the infant (p = 0.22),
for 95% CI.
Figure 5(a) shows the results of Passing-Bablok regression analysis of 
 󰇛󰇜 vs. BMI-for-age z-
scores. Figure 5(b), Figure 5(c) and Figure 5(d) show Passing-Bablok regression analysis
 󰇛󰇜and corresponding Weight-for-age z-scores, Length-for-age Z-score and age (in
weeks), respectfully. Figure 6 show the regression results of 
 󰇛󰇜 vs. % body fat (Figure 6(a)), total
fat mass (Figure 6(b)) and total fat free mass (Figure 6(c)). All of these tests indicate independence of
 󰇛󰇜.
Table 2 Result: Comparison between annotated and computer-predicted sucking rate and sucking count with error.
estimated sucking
Per-epoch mean
count/rate error
 󰇛󰇜
Per-meal mean
Mean (abs value):
STD (abs value):
* Sucking rate is in the units of sucks per s, represents infant’s number in the dataset.
Figure 4. A comparison of annotated sucking rate vs. computer-predicted sucking rate computed
over 10s epochs for the entire experiment (infant 9). Epochs where the both values are
zeros are the epochs which involved no intake or where the raters were not able to score
the signals.
Figure 5. (a) Passing-Bablok regression analysis for 
 󰇛󰇜 and BMI-for-ageZ-score.
Regression line equation y = -0.01 - 0.15x; 95 % CI, for intercept -0.06 to 0.06 and for
slope -0.34 to 0.23. (b) Passing-Bablok regression analysis for 
 󰇛󰇜 and Weight-
for-age Z-score. Regression line equation y = 0.02 - 0.15x; 95 % CI, for intercept -0.02 to
0.03 and for slope -0.32 to 0.28. (c) Passing-Bablok regression analysis for 
 󰇛󰇜
and Length-for-age Z-score. Regression line equation y = -0.06- 0.18x; 95 % CI, for
intercept -0.05 to 0.46 and for slope -0.1733 to 1.25. (d) Passing-Bablok regression
010 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Sucking rate
Epoch number (10 seconds each)
Annotated sucking rate
Predicted sucking rate
analysis for 
 󰇛󰇜 and age (in weeks). Regression line equation y = 0.09 - 0.01x; 95
% CI, for intercept -0.81 to 2.23 and for slope -0.12 to 0.05.
Research shows that feeding behavior and weight gain during first 6 months of infancy is associated
with risk for obesity later in life. Therefore it is important to accurately and objectively monitor feeding
behavior in infants. This study introduced a new approach for objective monitoring of feeding behavior in
infants using a jaw motion sensor and the sucking count signal processing method. In the experiment, the
new sensor system was tested on a population consisting of both breast-fed and bottle-fed infants to show
its feasibility for both groups over a wide range of age and BMI status. Results presented show a
comparison of sucking counts and sucking rate between the human raters and what was predicted by the
proposed method. In general, these results suggest that although there was a good correlation between the
sucking count detected by human raters and that estimated by the jaw sensor data, further studies are
needed to examine reasons for, and methods to reduce, the absolute error rate of this method.
Reliability of the manual scores by the human raters was verified by conducting ICC statistics.
Results from the ICC analysis shows that there is a high inter-rater reliability (0.98) for sucking count
computation between the two raters. A second ICC statistic computed for the average sucking count of
two raters (combined) and the computer-predicted sucking count/rate computed by the algorithm from the
sensor signal also revealed a high value of ICC (0.86) shows that there is a strong agreement between the
values annotated by the human raters and the computer-predicted values. This agreement is critical for
increasing the confidence in the algorithm results.
Figure 6. (a) Passing-Bablok regression analysis for 
 󰇛󰇜 and % body fat. Regression line
equation y = -0.03- 0.01x; 95 % CI, for intercept -1.25 to 1.17 and for slope -0.05 to 0.05
(b) Passing-Bablok regression analysis for 
 󰇛󰇜 and Total fat mass (ing).
Regression line equation y = -0.65 +0.39x; 95 % CI, for intercept -2.57 to 0.38 and for
slope -0.23 to 1.60 (c) Passing-Bablok regression analysis for 
 󰇛󰇜 and Total fat
free mass (in g). Regression line equation y = 1.19-0.24x; 95 % CI, for intercept 2.67 to
2.99 and for slope 0.61 to 0.52.
For algorithm development there were two possibilities for finding an optimum threshold and
parameter selection. One possibility was to optimize per epoch error for sucking count/rate and the other
possibility was to optimize parameters for cumulative error for sucking count/rate. Per epoch sucking
count/rate provides a better estimate of the feeding behavior during a meal compared to the cumulative
suck count/rate and therefore it was chosen for parameter optimization. Different results will be obtained
if the parameters were optimized for cumulative suck count/rate. For de-noising threshold was chosen
as a factor of the sensor signal's standard deviation (STD) to account for signal variation during the
experiment. Other possibilities for threshold are signal's maximum or median amplitude.
In terms of per-epoch (18.52 %) and per-meal (18.85 %) average absolute sucking count errors (and
corresponding sucking rate error), the proposed method demonstrated a close match with the human
annotations. High errors and standard deviation indicate the variation of performance of the method
among infants, and further studies are required to identify the source of these variations. Negative values
of the errors for an infant indicate that on average, the proposed algorithm over-estimated the suck counts.
It is possible that this over-estimation is attributable to the presence of non-nutritive sucking periods
where the infant is not actually sucking but just moving his/her lips. Non-nutritive sucking can increase
the computer-predicted sucking count which will induce error. Body movement (motion artifacts) can
also induce false positives in the sensor signal. It is also possible that small sucks were detected by the
sensor but not by the human raters because the chin movement generated by the suck was almost
imperceptible. Addition of other sensor modalities such as monitoring of swallowing may help in
eradicating false positives.
An advantage of the proposed method is its potential to predict the feeding behavior for both feeding
modes (bottle-fed vs. bottle-fed). Results suggest that this technique resulted in a higher per epoch mean
error (as well as standard deviation) for bottle-fed infants compared to breast-fed infants. For performance
comparison, the p-value of 0.02 for the two tailed t-test showed that the performance of this method is
dependent on the feeding mode i.e. the technique performed better for breast-fed infants compared to
bottle-fed infants. Although not examined here, it is possible that differences in infant movement during
the meal may have contributed to greater error among bottle-fed infants, or that bottle-fed infants engage
in more non-nutritive sucking during the meal in comparison to breast-fed infants. The source of this
feeding-mode variation in accuracy of the method needs further investigation. Another possibility is to
analyze the strength/amplitude of the sensor signal for breast-fed and bottle-fed infants separately, and
then implement different thresholds for each group. Results of t-test for gender indicated that the
performance is independent of the infants' gender and the technique works equally well for both genders.
Given that excess body fat or that differences in fat free mass (i.e. muscle) may have contributed to
error in the sensor signal, we examined whether the sensor-estimated sucking count was independent of
various measures of infant body size and composition, such as BMI-for-age, weight-for-age, and length-
for-age z-scores, along with infant total fat mass, total fat free mass, and total % body fat. Results of
Passing-Bablok regression analyses indicates that in this cohort, the performance of this method to
estimate sucking count per epoch was independent of these measures of infant body size and composition.
However, given the small sample size, it would be of interest to replicate these analyses in a larger cohort.
The small sample size is the main limitation of this study. It will be important to replicate this study
in a larger cohort in order to confirm or extend the findings. Another possible limitation is that the sensor
used in these experiments was originally designed to be used by adults and the size may need to be further
reduced for use with infants. However, there was no indication that the sensor size caused any discomfort
for the infants or mothers, and the sensor did not impede bottle or breastfeeding. Nonetheless, a smaller
sensor may help to reduce the overestimation of sucking count found here, and such an adaptation is
technologically possible by incorporating the electronics of the sensor system into the infant’s clothing. It
is also important to acknowledge that the experiments of this study were performed in laboratory
conditions, and free living tests will be required to evaluate performance of the proposed technique over
extended periods of time under realistic conditions of daily living.
Future studies might examine whether meal and sucking burst boundaries can be automatically
recognized. In the current study, meals were marked by human raters. Relative strength of the sucking
signal and swallowing rate may provide indicators suitable for differentiation of food-related sucking with
sucking on thumbs, pacifiers and vocalizing and should be explored. The strength of the sucking signal
may also be another measure or index to examine in relation to obesity.
Overall, the results of this study suggest that monitoring of jaw motion may potentially be a
promising foundation for monitoring of infant feeding behavior.
This paper evaluated the technical feasibility of using a jaw motion sensor for accurate and objective
monitoring of feeding behavior in bottle-fed and breast-fed infants. The signals captured by the sensor
were processed to estimate sucking counts and sucking rate. The computed counts were compared with
results of human annotation of the same experiments. The mean errors and ICC statistics showed a close,
and acceptable, agreement between the human raters and the proposed methodology. Statistical analysis
of the results suggests that the performance of the proposed method is independent of the factors such as
gender, BMI, length, weight and age of the infants but it did differ by feeding mode. Further study with a
larger population (sample size) is needed to more rigorously examine the statistical significance of these
results. This ensures the applicability of the proposed method to a wider infant population.
This work was supported by a pilot grant from Nutritional Obesity Research Center at the University of
Alabama, Birmingham (UAB). Authors would like to acknowledge the efforts of infants and mothers who
participated in the study as well as students who took part in conducting the experiment and annotating
the data.
The authors have no potential conflicts of interest.
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... To enhance wearability of the piezoelectric strain sensors, a significantly enhanced piezoelectric wearable sensor based on ultrathin ZnO p−n homojunction films was also reported (Fig. 12d) [236]. Additionally, maintaining appropriate levels of food intake and developing regularity in eating habits is crucial to weight loss and the preservation of a healthy lifestyle [237][238][239][240][241]. Rapid weight gain during infancy increases the risk of obesity [242]. ...
... Additionally, rapid weight gain during infancy increases the risk of obesity. Fig. 21b shows piezoelectric jaw motion sensor and a video camera for examining infant sucking count during meals [237]. Signals were transmitted via Bluetooth wireless connection in real time. ...
... (b) Monitoring of infant feeding behavior. Printed with permission from Ref.[237]. Copyright 2015 Hindawi Publishing Corporation. ...
Nowadays, the human body is gradually digitized by various wearable and implantable electronics. The establishment of a sustainable wireless internet of thing (IoT) sensory system is urged by developing the energy harvesters and self-powered sensors based on specific scenarios. As one of the dominant energy sources from the human body, mechanical energy offers a great opportunity for piezoelectric nanogenerator (PENG) and triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) to accomplish the tasks. Both two techniques are featured with simple conversion mechanisms and easy integration for wearable and implantable devices. In this review, starting from the fundamental principle, both wearable and implantable PENG and TENG are thoroughly discussed, with different mechanical stimuli, including force, strain, vibration, etc., and various materials, such as ceramic, polymer, textile/nanowires, etc. Furthermore, based on the outputs from PENG and TENG, the self-powered physical sensors are investigated to exploit the potential of motion recognition or physiological signals monitoring. Besides, the introduction of hybrid systems also provides an overview of the joint function of PENG and TENG for enhancing both power generation and sensing performances. For achieving the IoT sensory network, the representative researches on wireless transmission of both energy and sensing signals are investigated according to the different transmission ranges. In general, this review offers comprehensive knowledge about the recent advances and the future outlook regarding the sustainable wireless sensory system specifically for the human body.
... Farooq et al. [30], Bedri et al. [12,13], Kalantarian et al. [44,45] Wrist, Throat, Jaw Dong et al. [27,28], Amft and Tröster [8] and Ear Canal Motion Ambient Sensing Camera Gao et al. [33], Cadavid et al. [17], Wu amd Yang [83] Photos of Food, Eating Action ...
... These sounds are processed to recognize different eating events (e.g., drinking or eating) and the texture of consumed foods (e.g., soft vs. hard food). Motion sensors, such as accelerometers and gyroscopes, have also been attached to different body locations -including the jaw [30], neck [8,44,45], and ear canal [12,13] -to recognize different eating events (e.g., chewing and swallowing). Motion sensors on the wrist have also been extensively studied to detect eating motions [27,28,65]. ...
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How we cook and prepare our food has an enormous impact on our health and well-being. Specific cooking methods, like deep-frying, are linked to obesity and the degradation of food nutrients, which contribute to various diseases and health issues. We present NOSE, a Novel Odor Sensing Engine, that passively and continuously monitors gas emissions in the kitchen area using an array of six metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) gas sensors and detects the occurrence of deep-frying. To evaluate NOSE, we collected sensor data from five foods (chicken, fish, beef, potato, and onion) cooked with three methods (deep-frying, grilling, and boiling) and three common frying oils (canola, corn, and soybean) in three different kitchens in a controlled manner. We demonstrate that NOSE can classify cooking by deep-frying with an average F1-score of 0.89. Based on the in-laboratory findings, we deployed NOSE in two different real-world households throughout a three-week period and successfully detected the occurrence of frying cooking with an average F1-score of 0.72, which is a promising result considering the relatively small number of data samples collected. Our results show the potential of using NOSE as an assistive dietary monitoring tool that periodically reports to users about their cooking habits.
... Another approach for establishing the ground truth data is through video observation of individuals and does not rely on the users. This approach can potentially be used in conjunction with any wearable sensor for monitoring food intake such as chewing and swallowing monitoring systems (piezoelectric strain sensor, swallowing microphones, and electroglottography) [8,[21][22][23][24][25][26], and wrist monitoring systems for tracking bites (for example MEMS gyroscope based system for tracking wrist movements [27], accelerometer present in smart-watches [8]). Video-based annotation methodology has also been utilized in the studies [25,26] for monitoring the feeding behavior of infants in laboratory conditions. ...
... This approach can potentially be used in conjunction with any wearable sensor for monitoring food intake such as chewing and swallowing monitoring systems (piezoelectric strain sensor, swallowing microphones, and electroglottography) [8,[21][22][23][24][25][26], and wrist monitoring systems for tracking bites (for example MEMS gyroscope based system for tracking wrist movements [27], accelerometer present in smart-watches [8]). Video-based annotation methodology has also been utilized in the studies [25,26] for monitoring the feeding behavior of infants in laboratory conditions. A common theme among all the studies which relied on the video observation is the use of a single camera fixated on the participant. ...
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Video observations have been widely used for providing ground truth for wearable systems for monitoring food intake in controlled laboratory conditions; however, video observation requires participants be confined to a defined space. The purpose of this analysis was to test an alternative approach for establishing activity types and food intake bouts in a relatively unconstrained environment. The accuracy of a wearable system for assessing food intake was compared with that from video observation, and inter-rater reliability of annotation was also evaluated. Forty participants were enrolled. Multiple participants were simultaneously monitored in a 4-bedroom apartment using six cameras for three days each. Participants could leave the apartment overnight and for short periods of time during the day, during which time monitoring did not take place. A wearable system (Automatic Ingestion Monitor, AIM) was used to detect and monitor participants’ food intake at a resolution of 30 s using a neural network classifier. Two different food intake detection models were tested, one trained on the data from an earlier study and the other on current study data using leave-one-out cross validation. Three trained human raters annotated the videos for major activities of daily living including eating, drinking, resting, walking, and talking. They further annotated individual bites and chewing bouts for each food intake bout. Results for inter-rater reliability showed that, for activity annotation, the raters achieved an average (±standard deviation (STD)) kappa value of 0.74 (±0.02) and for food intake annotation the average kappa (Light’s kappa) of 0.82 (±0.04). Validity results showed that AIM food intake detection matched human video-annotated food intake with a kappa of 0.77 (±0.10) and 0.78 (±0.12) for activity annotation and for food intake bout annotation, respectively. Results of one-way ANOVA suggest that there are no statistically significant differences among the average eating duration estimated from raters’ annotations and AIM predictions (p-value = 0.19). These results suggest that the AIM provides accuracy comparable to video observation and may be used to reliably detect food intake in multi-day observational studies.
... Wearable systems to monitor infants are beginning to appear in the research literature and on the market [15]- [17], but very few of these systems measure infant feeding. In a prior funded study, we reported that an Infant Feeding Sensor (IFS) that adheres to the jaw provides a valid measure of sucking frequency as compared to observer coding of videotapes [18], [19], but the IFS is not optimal to measure suck strength or volume. ...
... The annotation of the in-vivo experiment was complicated by the fact that the discharges from the nipple are not visible while the infant may perform either nutritive or non-nutritive sucking. Consequently, trained observers counted infant sucks following a protocol used in our prior research [18], [19]. In brief, individual sucks were operationally defined as one complete down and up motion of the chin while the infant's lips were around the bottle nipple. ...
... Bai, Shen, Sun, & Shen, 2017;Teo et al., 2019) and used to identify people in need of specific interventions relevant to nursing science as emphasized by the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), including symptom management, self-management of chronic conditions, and health promotion across the lifespan (National Institute of Nursing Research, 2016) and to evaluate the mediators and outcomes of these interventions. Although a comprehensive listing of these applications is beyond the scope of this paper, advances in technology produced sensors that are wearable, ingestible, or placed in the environment to measure or infer sleep characteristics, physical activity and exercise, acceleration and body position associated with falls, infant feeding behavior (Farooq, Chandler-Laney, Hernandez-Reif, & Sazonov, 2015), muscle strength (Taani, Kovach, & Buehring, 2017), body composition, and many other phenomena. Wearable and ingestible sensors are becoming more widely available to non-invasively measure glucose levels, ethanol levels, body temperature, oxygenation, heart rate, blood pressure and electrophysiological abnormalities and many other health-related phenomena. ...
Background Electronic sensors measuring biological and behavioral aspects of health and the environment are becoming ubiquitous and, with advances in data science and ehealth technology, provide opportunities for new inquiry and innovative approaches to nursing research. Purpose To conceptualize the use of sensor technology from the perspective of nursing science. Methods This review reports the keynote presentation from the Expanding Science of Sensor Technology in Nursing Research Conference presented by the Council for Advancement of Nursing Science in 2019 Results Electronic sensors enable collection, recording, and transmission of data in real time in real life settings, remote monitoring, self-monitoring, and communication between health care professionals and patients. A deliberative approach to selecting and applying electronic sensors and analyzing and interpreting the data is needed for successful research. Conclusions Electronic sensors have high potential to advance nursing science.
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In recent years, marked progress has been made in wearable technology for human motion and posture recognition in the areas of assisted training, medical health, VR\AR, etc. This paper systematically reviews the status quo of wearable sensing systems for human motion capture and posture recognition from three aspects, which are monitoring indicators, sensors, and system design. In particular, it summarizes the monitoring indicators closely related to human posture changes, such as trunk, joints, and limbs, and analyzes in detail the types, numbers, locations, installation methods, and advantages and disadvantages of sensors in different monitoring systems. Finally, it is concluded that future research in this area will emphasize monitoring accuracy, data security, wearing comfort, and durability. This review provides a reference for the future development of wearable sensing systems for human motion capture.
Piezoelectric effect has been widely developed for lots of common commercial physical sensors for the measurement of acceleration, acoustics, force, load, pressure, shock, strain, torque, and vibration. With the rapid development of wearable electronics and requirement of some special applications, demand for flexible piezoelectric sensors is gradually built to obtain more accurate information from human body or other irregular surfaces. Flexible piezoelectric sensing was investigated as a potential approach in healthcare monitoring, measurement of complex surfaces, or intelligent recognition. Researches on the flexible piezoelectric sensors mainly focused on cutaneous pressure, force, strain, tension, ultrasonic sensors, sensorimotor enhancer, and accelerometer.
Wearable sensors for non-invasive monitoring of physiological parameters is a growing technology in the clinical field. Espe-cially in neonates, the development of portable and non-harmful monitoring devices is urgently needed because they cannot provide any feedback about discomfort or health complaints. However, in infants monitoring, only wearable sensors meas-uring physical parameters for vital signs have been developed. Here, we describe the first chemical wearable sensor for new-borns monitoring. This fully-integrated pacifier operates as a portable wireless device towards non-invasive chemical moni-toring in the infant’s saliva. The infant’s mouth movements on the pacifier result in efficient saliva pumping and promote unidirectional flow from the mouth to the electrochemical chamber. The integrated electrochemical detection chamber, con-taining the enzymatic biosensor, is located outside of the oral cavity. The capabilities of the platform were studied for glucose detection in diabetic adults and compared to their blood levels with good correlation, demonstrating the good sensor performance. This baby-friendly device integrates saliva sampling with electrochemical sensing, along with miniaturized wireless electronics on a single pacifier platform. Such integration simplifies the infant´s health monitoring in a real-time and selective fashion, representing the first wearable sensor focusing on chemical saliva sensing in newborns. This initial demonstration of glucose monitoring introduces new possibilities for metabolites monitoring in infants and neonates using saliva as a non-invasive sample.
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Selection of the most representative features is important for any pattern recognition system. This paper investigates the importance of time domain (TD) and frequency domain (FD) features used for automatic food intake detection in a wearable sensor system by using Random Forests classification. Features were extracted from signals collected using 3 different sensor modalities integrated into the Automatic Ingestion Monitor (AIM): a jaw motion sensor, a hand gesture sensor and an accelerometer. Data was collected from 12 subjects wearing AIM in free-living for a 24-hr period where they experienced unrestricted intake. Features from the sensor signals were used to train the Random Forests classifier that estimated the importance of each feature as part of the training process. Results indicated that FD features from the jaw motion signal and TD features from the accelerometer signal were the most relevant features for food intake detection.
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Continuous health status monitoring and advances in medical treatments have resulted in a significant increase of survival rate in critically ill infants admitted into Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). The quality of life and long-term health prospects of the neonates depend increasingly on the reliability and comfort of the monitoring systems. In this paper, we present the design work of a smart jacket for vital sign monitoring of neonates at a NICU. The design represents a unique integration of sensor technology, user focus and design aspects. Textile sensors, a reflectance pulse oximeter and a wearable temperature sensor were proposed to be embedded into the smart jacket. Location of the sensor, materials and appearance were designed to optimize the functionality, patient comfort and the possibilities for aesthetic features. Prototypes were built for demonstrating the design concept and experimental results were obtained from tests on premature babies at the NICU of Maxima Medical Centre (MMC) in Veldhoven, the Netherlands.
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Automatic methods for food intake detection are needed to objectively monitor ingestive behavior of individuals in a free living environment. In this study, a pattern recognition system was developed for detection of food intake through the classification of jaw motion. A total of 7 subjects participated in laboratory experiments that involved several activities of daily living: talking, walking, reading, resting and food intake while being instrumented with a wearable jaw motion sensor. Inclusion of such activities provided a high variability to the sensor signal and thus challenged the classification task. A forward feature selection process decided on the most appropriate set of features to represent the chewing signal. Linear and RBF Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers were evaluated to find the most suitable classifier that can generalize the high variability of the input signal. Results showed that an average accuracy of 90.52% can be obtained using Linear SVM with a time resolution of 15 sec.
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Faster weight gain early in infancy may contribute to a greater risk of later obesity in formula-fed compared to breast-fed infants. One potential explanation for the difference in weight gain is higher macronutrient intake in formula-fed infants during the first weeks of life. A systematic review was conducted using Medline to assess the macronutrient and energy content plus volume of intake in breast-fed and formula-fed infants in early infancy. All studies from healthy, term, singleton infants reporting values for the composition of breast milk during the first month of life were included. The energy content of colostrum (mean, SEM: 53.6 ± 2.5 kcal/100 mL), transitional milk (57.7 ± 4.2 kcal/100 mL), and mature milk (65.2 ± 1.1 kcal/100 mL) was lower than conventional infant formula (67 kcal/100 mL) on all days analyzed. The protein concentration of colostrum (2.5 ± 0.2 g/100 mL) and transitional milk (1.7 ± 0.1 g/100 mL) was higher than formula (1.4 g/100 mL), while the protein content of mature milk (1.3 ± 0.1 g/100 mL) was slightly lower. Formula-fed infants consume a higher volume and more energy dense milk in early life leading to faster growth which could potentially program a greater risk of long-term obesity.
Background: It has been proposed that the primary determinants of body weight at 1 y of age are genetic background, as represented by parental obesity, and low total energy expenditure. Objective: The objective was to determine the relative contributions of genetic background and energy intake and expenditure as determinants of body weight at 1 y of age. Design: Forty infants of obese and 38 infants of lean mothers, half boys and half girls, were assessed at 3 mo of age for 10 risk factors for obesity: sex, risk group (obese or nonobese mothers), maternal and paternal body mass index, body weight, feeding mode (breast, bottle, or both), 3-d energy intake, nutritive sucking behavior during a test meal, total energy expenditure, sleeping energy expenditure, and interactions among them. Results: The only difference between risk groups at baseline was that the high-risk group sucked more vigorously during the test meal. Four measures accounted for 62% of the variability in weight at 12 mo: 3-mo weight (41%, P = 0.0001), nutritive sucking behavior (9%, P = 0.0002), 3-d food intake (8%, P = 0.0002), and male sex (3%, P = 0.05). Food intake and sucking behavior at 3 mo accounted for similar amounts of variability in weight-for-length, body fat, fat-free mass, and skinfold thickness at 12 mo. Contrary to expectations, neither total nor sleeping energy expenditure at 3 mo nor maternal obesity contributed to measures of body size at 12 mo. Conclusions: Energy intake contributes significantly to measures of body weight and composition at 1 y of age; parental obesity and energy expenditure do not.
The organisation of sucking and swallowing in newborn infants was investigated using ultrasound. Twelve term neonates, 6 breast-fed and 6 bottle-fed, were examined at 2-5 days postnatal age. The ultrasound probe was held under the baby's chin to record sucking and swallowing movements. Breathing was recorded with an apnoea alarm device, and displayed on the scanner monitor via the ECG input. Videotape records were made of all feeds. To analyse the records breathing movements were traced from the screen onto paper, and sucking and swallowing events over the same period superimposed onto the trace.
Concerns about the increasing rates of obesity in developing countries have led many policy makers to question the impacts of maternal and early child nutrition on risk of later obesity. The purposes of the review are to summarise the studies on the associations between nutrition during pregnancy and infant feeding practices with later obesity from childhood through adulthood and to identify potential ways for preventing obesity in developing countries. As few studies were identified in developing countries, key studies in developed countries were included in the review. Poor prenatal dietary intakes of energy, protein and micronutrients were shown to be associated with increased risk of adult obesity in offspring. Female offspring seem to be more vulnerable than male offspring when their mothers receive insufficient energy during pregnancy. By influencing birthweight, optimal prenatal nutrition might reduce the risk of obesity in adults. While normal birthweights (2500–3999 g) were associated with higher body mass index ( BMI ) as adults, they generally were associated with higher fat‐free mass and lower fat mass compared with low birthweights (<2500 g). Low birthweight was associated with higher risk of metabolic syndrome and central obesity in adults. Breastfeeding and timely introduction of complementary foods were shown to protect against obesity later in life in observational studies. High‐protein intake during early childhood however was associated with higher body fat mass and obesity in adulthood. In developed countries, increased weight gain during the first 2 years of life was associated with a higher BMI in adulthood. However, recent studies in developing countries showed that higher BMI was more related to greater lean body mass than fat mass. It appears that increased length at 2 years of age was positively associated with height, weight and fat‐free mass, and was only weakly associated with fat mass. The protective associations between breastfeeding and obesity may differ in developing countries compared to developed countries because many studies in developed countries used formula feeding as a control. Future research on the relationship between breastfeeding, timely introduction of complementary feeding or rapid weight gain and obesity are warranted in developing countries. The focus of interventions to reduce risk of obesity in later life in developing countries could include: improving maternal nutritional status during pregnancy to reduce low birthweight; enhancing breastfeeding (including durations of exclusive and total breastfeeding); timely introduction of high‐quality complementary foods (containing micronutrients and essential fats) but not excessive in protein; further evidence is needed to understand the extent of weight gain and length gain during early childhood are related to body composition in later life.
24 newborns (mean age 12 days) of depressed and nondepressed mothers were assessed for oral exploration and perception of a nubby and smooth texture. The experimenter touched the S's lip with 1 of the 2 textured fingers until the S's mouth opened. Then, the experimenter inserted the fingertip into the mouth and another experimenter timed the trail as soon as the S began sucking on the fingertip. The dependent measures were calculated as: (1) total seconds of oral exploration across 6 trials to examine whether the 2 groups differed on overall exploration time, and (2) total seconds of orally exploring each object separately to examine stimulus preference and thereby discrimination of the 2 textures. Both groups of newborns discriminated between these textures and showed a sucking preference for the smooth texture. However, the newborns of depressed mothers spent 50% less time orally exploring the stimuli, one-third less time exploring the more novel nubby texture, and 59% less time mouthing the smooth texture. Newborns of depressed mothers may have biological differences that affect their emotional arousal and emotional regulation (e.g. capacity for self-soothing). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)