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Abstract and Figures

The anxiety disorders prevalence has significantly increased in society. These disorders can be treated with anxiolytics which, despite great efficacy, may result in several adverse side effects. Several studies have reported that anxiolytic effects result from the indirect action on the GABAergic system and mechanisms related to the cholinergic system. Melissa officinalis has been widely utilized for its sedative action and its ability to reduce agitation. Several studies using this plant in different experimental models have demonstrated its low toxicity and lack of side effects. Therefore, this study presents a literature review of the active principles responsible for the anxiolytic effect of M. officinalis and the mechanisms involved in this effect.
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Vol. 9(3), pp. 53-59, 22 January, 2015
DOI: 10.5897/AJPP2014.4180
Article Number: DD55FEF50336
ISSN 1996-0816
Copyright © 2015
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article
African Journal of Pharmacy and
Full Length Research Paper
Anxiolytic properties of Melissa officinalis and
associated mechanisms of action: A review of the
Bárbara Luisa Fermino1, Najeh Maissar Kahlil1, Juliana Sartori Bonini1*, Romaiana Picada
Pereira2, João Batista Teixeira da Rocha3 and Weber Claudio Francisco Nunes da Silva1
1Docente do Curso de Farmácia, Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, UNICENTRO, Guarapuava, PR, Brasil
2Departamento de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química Aplicada, Universidade Estadual de Ponta
Grossa, PR, Brasil.
3Departamento de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioquímica Toxicológica, Universidade Federal de Santa
Maria, RS, Brasil.
Received 16 September, 2014; Accepted 22 January, 2015
The anxiety disorders prevalence has significantly increased in society. These disorders can be treated
with anxiolytics which, despite great efficacy, may result in several adverse side effects. Several
studies have reported that anxiolytic effects result from the indirect action on the GABAergic system
and mechanisms related to the cholinergic system. Melissa officinalis has been widely utilized for its
sedative action and its ability to reduce agitation. Several studies using this plant in different
experimental models have demonstrated its low toxicity and lack of side effects. Therefore, this study
presents a literature review of the active principles responsible for the anxiolytic effect of M. officinalis
and the mechanisms involved in this effect.
Key words: Melissa officinalis, lemon balm, anxiolytic action.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
approximately 80% of the world population uses
traditional medicine based on empirical knowledge for
primary health care (Taiwo, 2007). The use of plants in
traditional medicine in Brazil is popular because of the
natural diversity observed in the country and low costs
the deepening and expansion of studies on herbal
medicines have contributed to advances in this usage
(Carvalho, 2011) and discovery of new drugs. Melissa
officinalis was first described by Carolus Linnaeus in
1753 and initially cited in the French Pharmacopeain. It
belongs to the Lamiaceae family and is a perennial
lemon-scented herb in the mint family native to the
Mediterranean and Southern Europe popularly known as
lemon balm (Guginski, 2007). It was introduced to North
America and can be found currently in gardens and
*Corresponding author. E-mail: Tel:+55 42 99985198.
Author(s) agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 International License
54 Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol.
roadside fields (Awad et al., 2009). This plant has been
widely used because of its several therapeutic actions
such as antioxidant (Dastmalchi, 2008; Pereira, 2009;
Ribeiro and Bernardo-gil, 2001; Kamdem et al., 2014),
anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective (Birdane, 2007;
Bolkent et al., 2005; Encalada et al., 2011), antibacterial,
antifungal, antiviral, cholesterol-lowering (Bolkent et al.,
2005), antitumor (Saraydin et al., 2012), anti-spas and
antidepressant (L´opez et al., 2009).
The plant’s sedative properties (Cases, 2011),
including a reduction of stress, agitation, and anxiety
(Kennedy, 2006) have been widely explored. It is
believed that these properties could be related to the
citral, which is one of its most abundant secondary
metabolites (Lorenzi and Matos, 2002). Thus, as M.
officinalis becomes a promising alternative to the
treatment of anxiety, the understanding of factors that
alter the bio-synthesis of citral is critical for a safer use of
this herbal medicine.
The prevalence of anxiety disorders has significantly
increased in the current society, with 10 million people
currently suffering with this pathology (WHO, 2002) in
Brazil. Anxiety disorders are usually treated through the
use of drugs known as benzodiazepines.
Benzodiazepines and barbiturates are the most
commonly used despite their significant drawbacks such
as physical dependence, tolerance, depression, and
interference with memory mechanisms (Taiwo, 2007).
Therefore, the search for alternative therapies that are as
effective as those in use but with reduced adverse effects
is of utmost importance (Baldwin and Ajel, 2007;
Kennedy and Scholey, 2004; Millan, 2003; Sinclair and
Nutt, 2007; Taiwo, 2007).
Traditional medicines are important options to meet the
growing needs of health care; however, there is little
scientific evidence ensuring their effectiveness and
safety. This study reviewed the information published in
the literature about the properties of M. officinalis, with
the main focus on its anxiolytic roles and the major
mechanisms of action involved.
This study conducted an integrative literature review using articles
that addressed the effects related to the anxiolytic properties of M.
officinalis between 1994 and 2014 and indexed in the Scopus,
Pubmed, Medline, and SciELO databases and SienceDirect. Eight
articles that were published in the last eighteen years and
addressed the anxiolytic activity of the plant in experimental models
and one in a clinical evaluation were compared in this study.
M. officinalis L., Lamiaceae, popularly known as melissa
or lemon balm is a perennial herbaceous species
originated in Asia, North Africa, and Southern Europe
where it is produced in large scale (Gurčik et al., 2005;
Sorensen, 2000). Melissa is reproduced through branch
cuttings or imported seeds and plants (Wanderer, 2004).
Melissa leaves have been used since ancient times
because of its action on the digestive system, mainly due
to its carminative and vermifuge properties in the
stomach, and as a tonic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory
(Bertolucci et al., 2008; Sorensen, 2000). Another
important use of its leaves and branches is as a
condiment (Bertolucci et al., 2008; Carvalho et al., 2005;
Couto, 2006).
Citral, citronellal, and geraniol are the main medicinal
and condiment constituents in M. officinalis. These
constituents are found in the essential oil obtained mainly
from leaves that can yield between 0.02 and 0.37% of the
majority of metabolites (MoradkhanI et al., 2010); the
leaves are also used in infusion to produce teas.
Hydroxycinnamic acids such as rosmarinic acid, and
polyphenols such as tannins and flavonoids, are other
constituents of M. officinalis reported to play important
pharmacological roles (MoradkhanI et al., 2010;
Sorensen, 2000).
In vitro studies showed that the essential oil from
ethanol extracts of M. officinalis leaves contain several
metabolites: tannin and rosmarinic derivatives, caffeic
acid, flavonoids, and triterpenoid acids. Lorenzi et al.
(2002) reported the following compounds as the major
components: citronellal (1), citral (2), followed by β-
caryophyllene (3), germancrene- D (4), ocimene (5), and
citronellol (6) (Lorenzi and Matos 2002) (Figure 1).
Conversely, Allahverdiyev et al. (2004) showed that the
most prevalent compounds are β–Cubebene, β
Caryophyllene (the only common compound between the
studies), Sesquiterpene alcohol (C15H26O), α -Cadinol,
Geranial (citral a), and Neral (citral b) (Table 1).
The different results in these two previous studies could
come from the use of different extraction and
identification methods; Allahverdiyev et al. (2004) used
mass spectrophotometry ensuring greater reliability on
the results because of the high sensitivity of this method
compared to those using older identification methods.
However, compounds other than those cited in the
present article, such as rosmarinic acid (Boyadzhiev and
Dimitrova, 2007), have been found indicating that a wide
range of compounds in this plant could hinder the
identification of all compounds in its composition. This
could be the limiting factor for pharmacological
descriptions in other articles found in the literature.
According to Lorenzi and Matos (2002), the anxiolytic
action of M. officinalis results from the interaction of
limonene and citral with GABAA, one of the two ionic
channels activated by the ligand responsible for the
mediation of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), assuming a
similar benzodiazepine activity in the plant through
nicotinic and muscarinic receptors that are in direct
Fermino et al. 55
Figure 1. Chemical structure of the major components of Melissa officinalis leaves: citronellal (1), citral
(2), β-caryophyllene (3), Germancreno-D (4), ocimene (5), and citronellol (6).
connection to the central nervous system (CNS). The
study of Wake et al. (2000) working with M. officinalis and
Valeriana officinallis to treat cholinergic receptors showed
that the extract from the plant’s leaves promoted
connections at different levels in the two subtypes of
these receptors; the level of connections was higher in
the nicotinic subtype because the concentration of this
receptor in the human occipital cortex is most expressive.
GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter of the central
nervous system that reduces nerve impulse transmission
between neurons through the hyperpolarization of
postsynaptic membranes and the reduction of neuro-
transmitter release into the synapse through presynaptic
G-protein coupled receptor inhibition of voltage-gated
Ca++ mechanisms (Weeks, 2009). The GABAergic
system is well known as a modulator of cognitive
function (Lewis et al., 2008; Menzies et al., 2007) and
emotional behavior (Ibarra et al., 2010; Radley et al.,
2009; Thoeringer et al., 2009). In this regard, Awad et al.
(2009) have reported that rosmarinic acid in plants works
by inhibiting the enzyme GABA transaminase (GABA-T),
thereby increasing the levels of the neurotransmitter
GABA and consequently, reducing anxiety. However, this
would only be possible in a moderate stress state,
because M. officinalis is not efficient when the stress
level is severe (Ibarra et al., 2010). The GABAA
receptors are ionic channels that mediate the effects of
GABA, producing an inhibitory action through the opening
of chloride channels preventing a neuronal action
potential. This is seen as the mechanism of action of
diazepam and is regarded as one of the possible
mechanisms of action of M. officinalis (Abuhamdah et al.,
2008; Akhondzadeh et al., 2003; Kennedy et al., 2002;
Wecker and Catalano, 2006).
Wake et al. (2000) reported anxiolytic effects of M.
officinalis on the CNS besides the proposed mechanism
of specific metabolites connections in the herb, such as
limonene and citral on the GABAA neurotransmitter.
These effects occur through cholinergic receptors, where
muscarinic receptors produce antagonistic effects
especially on the M1 receptor. This receptor is located in
the nerve ganglia and front-parietal cortex and acts by
mediating excitatory postsynaptic potential due to
stimulation of intracellular calcium entry (Gerber et al.,
2001; López et al., 2009). Wake et al. (2000) analyzed
Wistar rats in traditional behavioral models such as the Y-
maze, social interaction test, forced swimming, and
elevated cross maze and used tea from the leaves of M.
officinalis as the testing sample. These authors
demonstrated anxiolytic effects on the CNS through
56 Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol.
Table 1. Percentage composition of identied compounds in M.
ofcinalis total oil (Allahverdiyev et al. 2004).
Compound %
β-Cubebene 15.41
β-Caryophyllene 14.24
Sesquiterpene alcohol (C15H26O) 7.39
α-Cadinol 7.18
Geranial (citral a) 6.62
Neral (citral b) 5.82
Cadinol isomer 3.96
trans-b-ocimene 3.96
β-Cadinene 3.62
Citronellal 2.92
β-Cedrene 2.53
α-Bisabolene 2.51
Nerolidol 2.36
Nonanal 2.34
α-Copaene 2.26
Calarene 2.12
γ-Elemene 1.7
Pinocamphone 1.34
Linalool 1.32
α-Cubebene 1.27
β-Elemene 0.89
1-Hepten-3-ol 0.5
6-Metyl- 5- heptene-2-one 0.42
Geraniol 0.38
cis-β-ocimene 0.37
Identied 93.43
Unidentied 6.57
the ingestion of high doses of plant extracts and teas,
which did not induce respiratory depression or depressive
attenuation at the level of the CNS frame. However,
Coimbra (1994) pointed out that the treatment with M.
officinalis essential oil in high doses can lead to
mutagenic and neurotoxic effects.
Kennedy et al. (2002) used several concentrations of
Melissa’s essential oils (0.6, 1.2, and 1.8 g/kg/day) in
humans to evaluate the anxiolytic action of M. officinalis,
which occurs in the CNS by modulation of mood and
cognitive processes. These authors reported that the
most effective anxiolytic action was observed with the
dose of 1.8 g/kg/day because it acted on the cholinergic
system by decreasing stress and agitation in patients,
thereby, confirming the proposed anxiolytic effect after
ingestion of the plant’s extract.
Wake et al. (2000) indicate that the main mechanism of
action of M. officinalis extracts is based on its interaction
with cholinergic receptors, the acetylcholine receptor
(ACh). It is pointed out that Melissa will act displacing the
molecule [3H] - (N)-nicotinic nicotinic, [3H] - (N)-
escopolaminica, and muscarinic receptors by increasing
ACh released after nerve stimulation in a mechanism that
may be involved in improving cognitive function and
reducing agitation. This hypothesis is not confirmed, and
details of such a mechanism are still unknown.
Nevertheless, in contrast to Kennedy et al. (2002),
Abascal and Yarnell (2004) reported in a randomized,
double-blind trial control study using placebo with 20
healthy volunteers, that M. officinalis promoted an
improvement in attention and stress reduction with a
reduced dose (300 mg/kg/day) and decreased alertness
and memory loss with an increased dose (900
mg/kg/day). However, the study failed to confirm
significant cholinergic action.
Akhondzadeh et al. (2003) administered M. officinalis
leaf extracts (600 mg/kg/day) to a group of Alzheimer's
disease patients at mild to moderate stages of the
disease. The study demonstrated that this treatment
during 16 weeks resulted in a significant cognitive
improvement and reduction in the agitation experienced
by some patients with this disease. This study
demonstrates a possible effective treatment of
Alzheimer's disease with M. officinalis resulting from
modulatory actions on mood and cognitive performance,
and on acetylcholine receptors in the CNS, following
acute administration.
Nowadays, M. officinalis is not individually used as a
pharmacological treatment for any disease. It is widely
used in conjunction with another plant such as in
Sonhare® whose pharmacogens from Valeriana
officinalis L. and M. officinalis L. have therapeutic
indications in relieving sleep difficulties, tension,
restlessness, and irritability. The Sonhare® has a medi-
cation package and insert information sheet that do not
inform which part of the plant is used or illustrate self-
medication usage. Nevertheless, this is a controlled
medication that is an excellent option in the prophilaxis of
advanced stress (Moura, 2006).
There are few in-depth studies available reporting on
the action in other systems on this subject because they
failed to address pharmacological aspects. However,
some can be cited such as the digestive system (Simmen
et al., 2006; Schemann et al., 2006) in which the action
can be linked to gastrointestinal motility reduction
(Bolkent et al., 2005). Moreover, Sadraei et al. (2003)
reported anti-spasmodic effects in the ileum due to one of
its major components, indicating that M. Officinalis
represents a good choice of herbal treatment for spastic
episodes in the gastrointestinal system.
This plant can present a protective action in the hepatic
system because of the presence of phenolic compounds
(Simmen et al., 2006; Schemann et al., 2006). However,
a study conducted by Müzell (2006) pointed that M.
officinalis displayed hepatotoxic effects after toxicity was
induced in mice by Acetaminophen, resulting in inhibition
or modulation of the activity of cytochromes P450
conferred by flavonoids present in the plant, and enabling
these to increase or reduce the concentrations of various
therapeutic drugs in plasma (Hodek et al., 2002). In the
same study, Müzell (2006) covered the renal system,
seeking the possibility of its protection from the plant’s
activity; however, the results were unsatisfactory because
the drug toxicity was intensified in this case.
Anti-inflammatory activity is also promoted by phenolic
compounds present in the plant, such as flavonoids, that
have the ability to inhibit the activity of monooxygenases,
lipooxigenases, cyclooxygenases (Svobodová et al.,
2003), oxidoredutases, and hydrolases such as the
hyaluronate lyase that catalyzes the degradation of
hyaluronic acid; inhibitions can be competitive in some
cases or allosteric in others (Havsteen, 2002). The
rosmarinic acid is among the variety of compounds cited
or not by different authors, which has shown anti-
inflammatory activity and inhibitory activity to 5-
lipoxigense, 3R-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, and lipid
Fermino et al. 57
peroxidation as reported by Nakazawa et al. (1998). This
compound features astringent, antioxidant, and anti-
inflammatory activity by inhibiting lipooxigenases and
cyclooxygenases, antibacterial and antiviral activity, and
antimutagenic effect (Pereira et al., 2005; Petersen and
Simmonds, 2003).
In addition to the anti-inflammatory activity, the antiviral
activity to Herpex simplex can be cited, which was
reported for the first time by May and Willuhn (1978). In
this context, Schnitzler et al. (2008) observed reduced
viral replication activity when using M. officinalis oil in
The use of traditional medicine presents a significant risk
to public health because of the lack of knowledge
regarding drug interactions and possible toxic effects.
Research studies assessing the clinical efficacy of plants
are necessary. Based on this literature review, it was
concluded that extracts of M. officinalis have effective
anxiolytic activity in reducing stress and physiological
disturbances due to its direct interaction with the CNS
and the cholinergic and GABAergic systems. Its
mechanism of action is still controversial. Some authors
suggest it is active on the GABAergic system and others
on the cholinergic system. Abascal and Yarnell (2004)
report no significant action on the cholinergic system
while Wake et al. (2000) indicate that the main
mechanism of action of M. officinalis is based on its
interaction with cholinergic receptors.
Conflict of interest
Authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest
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... The yield of Melissa essential oil varies from 0.02% to 0.37% of the dry weight. Citral, neral, citronellal, and geraniol are the major constituents of this essential oil (Fermino et al., 2015;Moradkhani et al., 2010;Carnat et al., 1998). ...
... These compounds have anti-inflammatory activity (Gbenou et al., 2013;Shen et al., 2015). Likewise, Melissa officinalis has the capacity to stop the activity of monooxygenases, lipooxygenases, and cyclooxygenases which is due to its phenolic compounds such as flavonoids (Fermino et al., 2015;Svobodová et al., 2003). Nevertheless, competition in some cases and allosteric inhibitions in others have been observed following oxidoreductases, and hydrolases such as the hyaluronate lyase that catalyzes the degradation of hyaluronic acid (Fermino et al., 2015;Havsteen, 2002). ...
... Likewise, Melissa officinalis has the capacity to stop the activity of monooxygenases, lipooxygenases, and cyclooxygenases which is due to its phenolic compounds such as flavonoids (Fermino et al., 2015;Svobodová et al., 2003). Nevertheless, competition in some cases and allosteric inhibitions in others have been observed following oxidoreductases, and hydrolases such as the hyaluronate lyase that catalyzes the degradation of hyaluronic acid (Fermino et al., 2015;Havsteen, 2002). Other authors report that the anti-inflammatory activity is probably due to flavonoids which have an effective role in facilitating the synthesis of prostaglandins (Miladi-Gorgi et al., 2005;Anjaneyulu and Chopra, 2003). ...
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a common disease of the older population around the world. It causes a progressive neurodegenerative disorder linked to age. The undesirable effects of treatments for this disease limit the use of conventional drugs. However, currently scientists are interested in researching more effective natural medicines. Various plants and herbal preparations have been traditionally used for their memory and cognition enhancing abilities; many of which were extensively studied for therapeutic potential in Alzheimer’s disease. Melissa officinalis (lemon balm) is a medicinal plant that has a long history of use in the treatment of diseases, especially nervous system disorders. This review is aimed to present this plant (taxonomy, cultivation, phytochemical profile, traditional usages and pharmacology, treatment, mechanism of action, and safety) and also to summarize its neuroprotective, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory characteristics in Alzheimer’s disease.
... (Eivan, et al;2020). Melissa also displaces the (3H) (N)-escopolaminica, (3-H-N) nicotinic and M receptors by increasing the acetylcholine (Ach) following nerve stimulation which might improve cognitive function (Barbara, et al;.There is a dependency risk too which is associated with lemon balm which is due to its tolerance build up in longer administration (Barbara, et al;.There has been several recordings of the usage of Melissa officinalis in sedation. Several recent studies have confirmed the anxiolytic profile of Melissa officinalis. ...
... (Eivan, et al;2020). Melissa also displaces the (3H) (N)-escopolaminica, (3-H-N) nicotinic and M receptors by increasing the acetylcholine (Ach) following nerve stimulation which might improve cognitive function (Barbara, et al;.There is a dependency risk too which is associated with lemon balm which is due to its tolerance build up in longer administration (Barbara, et al;.There has been several recordings of the usage of Melissa officinalis in sedation. Several recent studies have confirmed the anxiolytic profile of Melissa officinalis. ...
Melissa officinalis commonly known as Lemon balm belonging to mint family has been found to have an effective remedy as an anxiolytic. Anxiety is a prevalent psychological ailment spread worldwide and it impairs the normal functioning of an individual. Instead of numerous medications available, still it’s not resolved completely and anxiolytic medications have its side effects as well. Therefore turning towards the herbal medications might provide a safe and effective way to treat this condition.
... The hydroxycinnamic acids and their derivatives chlorogenic acids (except for 3,4 dimetoxycinnamic acid for which there was no standard), rosmarinic acid and additional phenolic acids were also quantified by HPLC-DAD. These phenolic compounds are reported as non-volatile active components of M. officinalis leaves, together with volatile components such as limonene, geraniol, citral, citronellal, neral and geranial (Fermino et al., 2015). ...
... It probably occurred because M. officinalis can modulate a number of behavioral measures, with indications including administration as a mild sedative in disturbed sleep, and in the attenuation of the symptoms of nervous disorders, including the reduction of excitability, anxiety, and stress (Kennedy et al., 2003). M. officinalis have effective anxiolytic activity in reducing stress and physiological disturbances due to its direct interaction with CNS, and cholinergic and GABAergic systems (Sarris et al., 2011;Jayadeepa, and Niveditha, 2012;Fermino et al., 2015). ...
Purpose: The present randomized controlled clinical trial evaluated the efficacy of homeopathic medicines of Melissa officinalis (MO), Phytolacca decandra (PD), and the combination of both in the treatment of possible sleep bruxism (SB) in children. Study design: Patients (n = 52) (6.62 ± 1.79 years old) were selected based on the parents report of SB. The study comprised a crossover design that included 4 phases of 30-day treatment (Placebo; MO 12c; PD 12c; and MO 12c + PD 12c), with a wash-out period of 15 days between treatments. Methods: At baseline and after each phase, the Visual Analogic Scale (VAS) was used as the primary outcome measure to evaluate the influence of treatments on the reduction of SB. The following additional outcome measures were used: a children's sleep diary with parent's/guardian's perceptions of their children's sleep quality, the trait of anxiety scale (TAS) to identify changes in children's anxiety profile, and side effects reports. Data were analyzed by ANOVA with repeated measures followed by Post Hoc LSD test. Results: Significant reduction of SB was observed in VAS after the use of Placebo (−1.72 ± 0.29), MO (−2.36 ± 0.36), PD (−1.44 ± 0.28) and MO + PD (−2.21 ± 0.30) compared to baseline (4.91 ± 1.87). MO showed better results compared to PD (p = 0.018) and Placebo (p = 0.050), and similar result compared to MO+PD (p = 0.724). The sleep diary results and TAS results were not influenced by any of the treatments. No side effects were observed after treatments. Conclusion: MO showed promising results in the treatment of possible sleep bruxism in children, while the association of PD did not improve MO results.
... In another study, the sedative properties of Melissa officinalis include stress, agitation, and anxiety reduction which are attributed to the presence of phytochemicals, including citronellal (2.92%). The anxiolytic activity of M. officinalis has been attributed to a possible interaction with GABA A receptors, assuming activity similar to that of BZDs [63]. ...
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Hydroxycitronellal (HC) is a monoterpene present in essential oils of aromatic plants of different species, obtained from semisynthesis of citronellal, and is widely used as a fragrance in cosmetics. The objective of this work was to evaluate the possible anxiolytic-like activity of HC and its possible mechanism of action using in vivo and in silico methodologies. Swiss male mice (Mus musculus) were treated with HC (12.5, 25, and 50 mg/kg, i.p.) and subjected to the rota rod, elevated plus maze, and open field tests. No significant impairments were observed in the rota rod tests for the motor activity of the animals treated with HC at 12.5, 25, and 50 mg/kg, i.p., indicating no myo-relaxing or sedative effects. In the elevated plus maze, HC (in the three doses) induced significant increases in the percentage of entries (respectively, 34.8%, 33.8%, and 38.6%) and in the length of stay (respectively, 49.9%, 56.1%, and 57.0%) in the open arms of the EPM, as well as the number of crossings in the open field tests. The mechanism of action of the compound’s anxiolytic-like activity can be attributed to the involvement of GABAA receptors, and this interaction was observed in in vivo and in silico studies. For HC, the results suggest anxiolytic-like effects, possibly via modulation of the GABAergic system. The use of natural products to treat anxiety can become an alternative to existing synthetic products.
... Melissa, lemon balm Leaves Carminative, antihelmintic, antiinflamatory (Fermino et al., 2015) Epidermal cells with ondulated walls and striated cuticle Diacitic stomata Eglandular verrucous 1-5 cellular trichomes Glandular 8-cellular trichomes Glandular trichomes with 1 short cell stalk and a 2-cell head Rafids in mesophyll Mentha × rotundifolia Peppermint, yerba buena Leaves Stomachic, antiemetic, carminative, choleretic and antispasmodic (Fatiha et al., 2015), antacid (Teves et al., 2015) Eglandular conical pluricellular trichomes Eglandular dendritic trichomes Glandular trichomes with 1 cell head or 8-cellular head (Walch et al., 2011) Isodiametric epidermal cells with straight cell walls, diacitic stomata Eglandular 1-3 cellular trichomes Glandular trichomes with bicellular head and unicellular stalk Glandular trichome with unicellular head and bicellular stalk Glandular trichome with 4-12 cellular head and unicellular stalk Satureja odora a "Muña" Leaves and stems ...
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Digestive herbal teas in the form of monoherbal infusions or in mixtures are the most commonly used form of phytotherapy in Bahía Blanca (Argentina). This practice is based on family tradition reinforced by current trends reverting to the ingestion of natural products. The objective of this work was to analyze the botanical quality of the digestive mixtures sold in Bahía Blanca as fine cut mixtures (in tea bags) and thick cut mixtures (fragmented herbs). Samples of seven mixtures sold in the form of tea bags and four as bags of fragmented herbs were studied under stereoscopic and optical microscopes and micrographic studies were carried out following conventional protocols. Observed characteristics were compared with those in the reference bibliography for verified genuine monoherbs. In the studied products a total of 21 different species were found. There was total concordance between the species declared on the label and those identified in the samples in six of the mixtures in the form of tea bags and in only one of the bags of fragmented herbs. Adulterations were found in four of the samples analyzed (one in a tea bag and three in the fragmented mixtures). The labels on only two of the tea bag samples presented complete and correct information; in the remaining samples irregularities were found related to: the taxonomic identification of the species, the absence of a lot number, date of expiry, the plant parts used and proportions of the herbs etc. The findings underline the great importance of quality controls as a tool to protect the rights of phytotherapy consumers.
... As polyherbal formulation contains, the different chemical constituents have so far been reported and out of the Evolvulus alsinoides C-E have shown in normalizing stress activity. 1 Evolvulus alsinoides and compared with placebo, the statistically it was proved that the former relieved anxiety symptoms without producing any side effects. 2 The use of extracts of Melissa officinalis have been cited to be effective for anxiolytic action in dropping stress and physiological instabilities due to its straight interface with the CNS and the cholinergic and GABAergic systems. 3 Lavender, Lavadula stoechas was subjected for the management of anxiety illnesses and associated situations and clinical trials of anxiolytic consequence of lavender was superior to placebo in 221 subjects suffering from anxiety illness. 4 This suggests that Lavandula stoechas exhibit superior anxiolytic activity in human subjects. ...
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O uso de plantas medicinais nas mais diversas formas farmacêuticas vem se destacando há muito tempo e são utilizadas no tratamento de diversas doenças. Neste artigo, destacamos a importância do estudo de plantas medicinais como terapias alternativas no tratamento do transtorno de depressão. Espécies como Melissa officinalis, Passiflora incarnata, Hypericum perforatum e Crocus sativus se destacam na literatura por apresentar resultados clínicos robustos. Dessa forma, foi realizada uma revisão de literatura nos bancos de dados do PubMed e Web of Science. A literatura defende que o tratamento alternativo ou associado com as plantas medicinais pode ser utilizado para tratar o transtorno de ansiedade e depressão em diferentes níveis, visto que estudos clínicos mostram que podem ser tão quanto ou mais eficazes quando comparados aos tratamentos tradicionais, porém, com menos eventos adversos. Além disso, fitoterápicos são bem aceitos pela população em geral, o que pode favorecer a adesão ao tratamento.
Anxiety is a mental disorder characterized by excessive concern about possible future threats that, if prolonged, becomes a pathology that must be controlled through psychotherapy and medication. Currently, the pharmacological treatment for anxiety involves the use of antidepressants and benzodiazepines; however, these treatments often come with adverse effects. Thus, there is a need to seek natural compounds that can help alleviate anxiety and reduce these side effects. On the other hand, pomegranate (PG) fruit is known to have important health benefits, which have been compiled in several reviews. However, its anxiolytic effect has not been thoroughly studied, and clinical research on this topic is lacking. The aim of this work was to conduct a systematic review of studies exploring the anxiolytic-like effect of PG and its phytochemicals. Databases such as Pubmed, ScienceDirect, Springer link, Google scholar, Worldwide science, and Web of science were searched for articles using predetermined terms. Inclusion criteria were established, and original articles that met these criteria were selected. The data collected included information on PG part and variety, species, sample size, anxiety model, dose, route and time of administration, reference drug, main results, and the mechanisms of action. Fifty-nine studies were found that reported the anxiolytic-like effect of PG and its phytochemicals such as anthocyanins, flavonoids, tannins, organic acids, and xanthonoids. The literature suggests that the mechanisms of action behind this effect involved the inhibition of the GABAergic receptor, NMDA, CaMKII/CREB pathway; the reduction of oxidative stress, inhibiting TLR4 and nNOS; modulation of cytokines and the expression of NFkB, GAD67, and iNOS, as well as the activation of Nrf2 and AMPK. PG and some of its phytochemicals could be considered as a novel alternative for the treatment of pathological anxiety. This review is the first to document the anxiolytic-like effect of PG.
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The economic results show that the Melissa officinalis cultivation is economically effective and in comparison with the economic indicators of conventional crops planted on arable land, this herb achieves several times higher profit per hectare. The marginal costs of production are higher than its marginal revenues. Our research confirms that production of Salvia officinalis – sort Krajova and Comune is not profitable. The dominant factors that negatively affect the efficiency of growing this herb are low and unstable hectare yields on the one hand and high production costs on the other hand. Based on our research, it is possible to assume that the profit from production of Salvia officinaliswas obtained only of the sort of Primorska and only through direct planting.
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Melissa officinalis L., a valuable medicinal plant in herbal medicine is native to the eastern Mediterranean Region and western Asia. The constituent of the essential oil of the plant in various climates is different, but citral (geranial and neral), citronellal, geraniol are main components. Many parameters influencing essential oil composition and yield, such as light intensity, nutrient, temperature, cultural practice genotype, plant part age, harvesting time. Lemon balm has been traditionally used for different medical purposes as tonic, antispasmodic, carminative, diaphoretic, surgical dressing for wounds, sedative-hypnotic strengthening the memory, and relief of stress induced headache, but in modern pharmacology is value in the management of mild to moderate Alzheimer's, against migraine and rheumatism, antitumel and antioxidant activities.
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There is a long standing interest in the identification of medicinal plants and derived natural products for developing cancer therapeutics. Here we investigated the antiproliferative properties of Melissa officinalis (MO) from Turkey on breast cancer. MO extracts were studied for cytotoxicity against breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7, MDA-MB-468 and MDA-MB-231). In vitro apoptosis studies were performed by annexin V staining and flow cytometry analyses. Immunohistochemistry for Ki-67 and caspase 7 in the tumoral tissue sections of DMBA-induced mammary tumors in rats was also performed, along with TUNEL assays to detect apoptotic cells. In vivo anticancer activity testing was carried out with reference to inhibition of growth of DMBA induced mammary tumors in rats. MO showed cytotoxicity against three cancer cell lines, inducing increase in Annexin-positive cells. Expression of caspase-7 protein and TUNEL positive cells were much higher in rats treated by MO, compared with the untreated control group, while expression of Ki-67 was decreased. Furthermore, in vivo studies showed that mean tumor volume inhibition ratio in MO treated group was 40% compared with the untreated rats. These results indicated that MO extrcts have antitumoral potential against breast cancer.
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Considering the important role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of several neurological diseases, and the growing evidence of the presence of compounds with antioxidant properties in the plant extracts, the aim of the present study was to investigate the antioxidant capacity of three plants used in Brazil to treat neurological disorders: Melissa officinalis, Matricaria recutita and Cymbopogon citratus. The antioxidant effect of phenolic compounds commonly found in plant extracts, namely, quercetin, gallic acid, quercitrin and rutin was also examined for comparative purposes. Cerebral lipid peroxidation (assessed by TBARS) was induced by iron sulfate (10μM), sodium nitroprusside (5μM) or 3-nitropropionic acid (2mM). Free radical scavenger properties and the chemical composition of plant extracts were assessed by 1′-1′ Diphenyl-2′ picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method and by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), respectively. M. officinalis aqueous extract caused the highest decrease in TBARS production induced by all tested pro-oxidants. In the DPPH assay, M. officinalis presented also the best antioxidant effect, but, in this case, the antioxidant potencies were similar for the aqueous, methanolic and ethanolic extracts. Among the purified compounds, quercetin had the highest antioxidant activity followed by gallic acid, quercitrin and rutin. In this work, we have demonstrated that the plant extracts could protect against oxidative damage induced by various pro-oxidant agents that induce lipid peroxidation by different process. Thus, plant extracts could inhibit the generation of early chemical reactive species that subsequently initiate lipid peroxidation or, alternatively, they could block a common final pathway in the process of polyunsaturated fatty acids peroxidation. Our study indicates that M. officinalis could be considered an effective agent in the prevention of various neurological diseases associated with oxidative stress.
Rosmarinic acid is an ester of caffeic acid and 3,4-dihydroxyphenyllactic acid. It is commonly found in species of the Boraginaceae and the subfamily Nepetoideae of the Lamiaceae. However, it is also found in species of other higher plant families and in some fern and hornwort species. Rosmarinic acid has a number of interesting biological activities, e.g. antiviral, antibacterial, antiinflammatory and antioxidant. The presence of rosmarinic acid in medicinal plants, herbs and spices has beneficial and health promoting effects. In plants, rosmarinic acid is supposed to act as a preformed constitutively accumulated defence compound. The biosynthesis of rosmarinic acid starts with the amino acids l-phenylalanine and l-tyrosine. All eight enzymes involved in the biosynthesis are known and characterised and cDNAs of several of the involved genes have been isolated. Plant cell cultures, e.g. from Coleus blumei or Salvia officinalis, accumulate rosmarinic acid in amounts much higher than in the plant itself (up to 36% of the cell dry weight). For this reason a biotechnological production of rosmarinic acid with plant cell cultures has been proposed.
Existing pharmacological treatments for mental disorders are not ideal, and there is much scope for the development of new compounds likely to be associated with improved effectiveness and acceptability in clinical practice. The appearance of a novel psychotropic drug treatment is the result of many years of diligent work from pre-clinical and clinical scientists and considerable scrutiny from regulatory bodies. Most compounds with the potential for clinical use do not enter the comparatively late stage of randomized controlled trials, and some medications are withdrawn from use once safety and tolerability problems are identified in routine clinical samples. This contribution describes the phases of psychotropic drug development, highlights some aspects of study design in the evaluation of potential treatments prior to licensing, and considers likely future challenges in this research environment.
The supercritical CO2 extraction of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis, L.) at pressures from 10 to 18 MPa and at temperatures of 308–313 K was studied. The antioxidant activity of lemon balm extracts, obtained from solid residues of supercritical extraction and from raw lemon balm leaves, was performed using the Rancimat method. The best protection factor curve was obtained when extracts from the solid residues of supercritical extraction at 10 MPa, 308 K and 4 h of extraction time were used. A spectrophotometric method was used for the determination of the polyphenol compounds in the extraction residues. The highest value of phenol compounds was obtained for the extracts of solid residues of supercritical extraction at 10 MPa, 323 K and 30 min.