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Article Two Eocene species of Culiseta (Diptera: Culicidae) from the Kishenehn Formation in Montana


Abstract and Figures

Culiseta kishenehn, sp. n. and Cs. lemniscata, sp. n. (Diptera: Culicidae: Culisetini) are described from compression fos-sils from the 46 million year old Kishenehn shale deposits in Montana, USA. The new species appear to share features with extant species of subgenera Climacura and Culicella, respectively. The antiquity of Culiseta is examined and previ-ously described Eocene fossil species are discussed. Eoaedes gen. n. and Aetheapnomyia gen. n. are established for Aedes damzeni Podėnas and Ae. hoffeinsorum Szadziewski, two Eocene fossil species in Baltic amber.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Accepted by G.W. Courtney: 5 Oct. 2012; published: 30 Oct. 2012
ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)
Copyright © 2012 · Magnolia Press
Zootaxa 3530: 2534 (2012)
Two Eocene species of Culiseta (Diptera: Culicidae) from the Kishenehn
Formation in Montana
1Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, U.K. E-mail:
2Paleobiology Department, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, 20013, USA. E-mail:
Culiseta kishenehn, sp. n. and Cs. lemniscata, sp. n. (Diptera: Culicidae: Culisetini) are described from compression fos-
sils from the 46 million year old Kishenehn shale deposits in Montana, USA. The new species appear to share features
with extant species of subgenera Climacura and Culicella, respectively. The antiquity of Culiseta is examined and previ-
ously described Eocene fossil species are discussed. Eoaedes gen. n. and Aetheapnomyia gen. n. are established for Aedes
damzeni Pod nas and Ae. hoffeinsorum Szadziewski, two Eocene fossil species in Baltic amber.
Key words: Aetheapnomyia gen. n., compression fossils, Culiseta kishenehn sp. n., Cs. lemniscata sp. n., Eoaedes gen.
n., mosquitoes
Family Culicidae (Diptera) includes 3,523 extant species classified in 111 genera (including the 80 genera of tribe
Aedini recognized in the phylogenetic classification of Reinert et al., 2009) (Harbach, 2012). Fossil Culicidae have
been described from amber inclusions (11 species) and compression/impressions (12 species) from localities in
Canada, Dominican Republic, England, Germany, France, Mexico, Myanmar, Poland and the United States.
Twenty-one of the fossil species are from the Tertiary, including species of Anopheles Meigen, Culex Linnaeus,
Mansonia Blanchard, Toxorhynchites Theobald and two extinct genera, and two are from the Cretaceous. The
discovery of the two Cretaceous species confirms Edwards’ (1923) view that Culicidae must have originated in the
Mesozoic. The oldest fossil, Burmaculex antiquus Borkent & Grimaldi, is in Burmese amber from the mid-
Cretaceous (89.3–99.6 million years ago, Mya) and the second oldest fossil, Paleoculicis minutus Poinar,
Zavortink, Pike & Johnston, is in Canadian amber from the Late (Upper) Cretaceous (66.0–100.5 Mya). Ten of the
Tertiary species are from the Oligocene (23.0–33.9 Mya; 5 Late Oligocene 23.0–28.1 Mya), nine from the Eocene
(33.9–58.0 Mya; 2 Late Eocene 33.9–41.3 Mya, 2 Early Eocene 41.3–56.0 Mya), one from the Early Miocene to
Late Eocene (13.8–41.3 Mya) and one from the Early Miocene to Late Oligocene (13.8–33.9 Mya). The Eocene
fossil species are placed in two or three extant genera, Anopheles (1 species), Culex (4 species) and perhaps
Toxorhynchites (1 species), and four species that are doubtfully assigned to the extant genus Aedes Meigen
(Harbach, 2012).
Two Eocene species of genus Culiseta Felt are described here from compression fossils discovered in shale
deposits of the Kishenehn Basin (46.2 ±0.4 Mya) in North America. The depositional environment of the
Kishenehn Basin 46 Mya was a large shallow body of water, both lacustrine and paludal. Data from several studies
suggest that the climate of the Kishenehn Basin 46 Mya was wet subtropical to tropical: (1) Approximately 10
million years after the higher temperatures of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, the mean annual
temperature for what is now northern Montana was approximately 15°C higher than it is now (Wolfe, 1995). (2)
The early arboreal primate Tarkadectes montanensis, originally described from the Coal Creek member (McKenna,
1990), was recently assigned to the extinct family Omomyidae (Ni et al., 2010). Most closely related to the
Omomyidae are the insectivorous Tarsiidae, extant species of which are restricted to islands of Southeast Asia
26 · Zootaxa 3530 © 2012 Magnolia Press
(Groves & Shekelle, 2010). (3) The molluscan fauna of the Kishenehn Formation is divided into four different
successional groups, the first exemplified by Gastrocopta miniscula. Gastrocopta pellucida, selected as the extant
analog of G. miniscula, lives in an environment characterized by a mean annual temperature of 25–27°C (Pierce &
Constenius, 2001). Thus, mosquitoes that existed in the Nearctic Region during the Eocene flourished in a climate
that was considerably warmer than it is today, and that fauna is likely to be more closely related to species now
distributed mostly in the tropics and subtropics.
As Huber & Greenwalt (2011) pointed out, specimens preserved as compression fossils are generally less
informative morphologically than specimens preserved in amber. Nevertheless, as is evident from the Kishenehn
fossils described here, “they can be diagnosed moderately well and differentiated with reasonable certainty from
each other and from other extinct and extant genera”. The two Eocene species described below are the first fossil
species of Culiseta discovered thus far.
Materials and methods
Ten specimens of fossil Culicidae (5 females; 5 males) were collected in August, 2009 (USNM numbers 546534
and 546535 [Kishenehn numbers 20093.1 and 30294.5 respectively]) and August, 2011 (USNM numbers
546528–546533, 547065 and 547066 [Kishenehn numbers 505.1, 610.4, 624.1, 635.3, 686.1, 693.1, 30542.1 and
30624.1 respectively]) at three sites: Dakin (W 113° 42.173¢, N 48° 23.476¢) (USNM numbers 546535, 547065
and 547066 [Kishenehn numbers 30294.5, 30542.1 and 30624.1]), Disbrow Creek (W 113° 40.999¢, N 48°
22.572¢) (USNM number 546534 [Kishenehn number 20093.1]) and Constenius Park (W 113° 42.085¢, N 48°
23.517¢) (USNM numbers 546528–546533 [Kishenehn numbers 505.1, 610.4, 624.1, 635.3, 686.1 and 693.1
respectively]). All three collection sites contain exposures of the middle sequence of the Coal Creek member of the
Kishenehn Formation exposed along the Middle Fork of the Flathead River in northwestern Montana between
Paola and Coal Creeks. The middle sequence of the Coal Creek member has been estimated to be 46.2 ±0.4 million
years old (Lutetian) by 40Ar/39Ar analysis and 43.5 ±4.9 million years old by fission-track analysis (Constenius,
1996). These dates are supported by biostratigraphic correlations with mammalian and molluscan fossils as well as
palynology (Constenius et al., 1989; Pierce & Constenius, 2001).
Fossils were immersed in 95% ethanol for examination and photography. Specimens were photographed with
an Olympus SZX12 microscope equipped with a Q-Color5 Olympus camera. Image-Pro Plus 7.0 software (Media
Cybernetics, Inc., Bethesda, Maryland) was used to capture and record the images and measurements. The
anatomical terminology and abbreviations of Harbach & Knight (1980, 1982), revised and updated by Harbach
(2012), are used for the descriptions. The descriptions are based on examination of all available specimens, all of
which have various missing or obscured body parts and structures. The fossils are deposited in the National
Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. The ages indicated for mosquito fossils follow the geological
timescale determined by the International Commission on Stratigraphy ( These ages
generally differ slightly from those reported in the literature on mosquito fossils.
Culiseta kishenehn, sp. n.
(Figs 1, 2, 4A)
Adults. Darkly ornamented mosquitoes, maxillary palpus, proboscis, legs (except ventral area of femora), wing and
abdominal terga dark-scaled; proboscis slender, longer than forefemur; cell R2 longer than vein R2+3, tibiae and tarsi
dark-scaled; base of hindcoxa below base of mesomeron; pulvilli absent or inconspicuous.
Female. Head: Ornamentation of head capsule not evident; antenna 1.6–1.7 mm, about 0.7 length of proboscis;
maxillary palpus 0.3–0.5 mm, 0.15−0.20 length of proboscis, with 4 palpomeres; proboscis 2.2−2.4 mm, 1.3−1.5
length of forefemur, slightly to moderately bent ventrad (appearing straight in ventral view, specimen no. USNM
547066). Thorax: Black, ornamentation obscured. Legs: Femora without knee spots; forefemur 1.6–1.9 mm,
0.7–0.8 length of proboscis; tibiae slightly swollen distally; ungues simple, fore- and midungues relatively large,
Zootaxa 3530 © 2012 Magnolia Press · 27
equal, hindungues smaller, equal. Wing (Fig. 4A): Length 3.1–3.7 mm (mean 3.3 mm); base of subcosta with
sparse(?) setae (radial setae of Maslov, 1989); distal half of wing with outstanding linear scales on most veins; vein
R2 longer than vein R2+3 (R2/R2+3 = 1.7–2.0); base of vein M3+4 intersects M1+2 proximal to intersection of
mediocubital crossvein with M1+2; anal vein (vein 1A) terminates well beyond intersection of mediocubital
crossvein and cubitus. Abdomen: Apically rounded; terga entirely dark-scaled, no evidence of basolateral pale
patches. Genitalia: Cerci short, rounded and scarcely visible; 3 spermathecal capsules.
Male. Essentially as female. Head: Antenna about 0.7 length of proboscis; flagellomeres 1–11 each with whorl
of very long dense setae, flagellomeres 12 and 13 very long, their combined length greater than total length of
preceding flagellomeres; maxillary palpus longer than proboscis (1.1 times as long), comprised of 5 palpomeres,
palpomeres 2 and 3 ankylosed, long, about 0.75 length of proboscis, palpomere 3 slightly swollen, bearing setae
apically, palpomeres 4 and 5 not noticeably swollen, generally projecting straight forwards or turned slightly
upwards, palpomere 4 and base of palpomere 5 with numerous long setae, remainder of palpomere 5 with some
relatively short setae; proboscis about 1.4 length of forefemur. Legs: Ungues of fore- and midlegs enlarged, larger
anterior unguis with proximal tooth; hindungues small, equal. Abdomen: Terga with well-developed setae along
posterior margin. Genitalia: Prominent; gonocoxite elongate, relatively stout basally, gradually narrower toward
apex, with crescentiform (ridge-like) basal mesal lobe (basal lobe of authors, gonofurca of Maslov, 1989)
apparently bearing row(s) of setae on crest, no distinct apicodorsal lobe (apical lobe of authors); gonostylus borne
at apex of gonocoxite, rather long and narrow, undivided; paraprocts of proctiger elongate, heavily sclerotized,
with strong apical denticle.
Egg, larva and pupa. Unknown.
Etymology. The Kishenehn Formation is named for Kishenehn Creek. Kishenehn (American spelling) is a
Kutenai Native American word meaning “no good”. Why the Kutenai adopted this name for the creek is unknown.
The specific name kishenehn is understood to be masculine, but the evidence for usage as either a noun or an
adjective is not decisive; consequently, it is regarded here to be a noun in apposition to the generic name of
Culiseta, which is feminine.
Systematics. In view of the importance of larval characters for recognizing the subgenera of Culiseta
(Edwards, 1932; Dobrotworsky, 1954, 1960, 1971), it is not possible to place Cs. kishenehn in an extant subgenus.
The weakly produced basal mesal lobe of the male genitalia is shared with species of subgenera Culiseta,
Climacura Howard, Dyar & Knab and Culicella Felt. The origin of vein M3+4 proximal to the radiomedial crossvein
(Fig. 4A,B), the entirely dark-scaled abdominal terga and the absence of an apicodorsal lobe on the gonocoxite of
the male preclude the species from being placed in subgenus Culiseta, species which have the base of M3+4 more or
less in line with the radiomedial crossvein, banded abdominal terga and an apicodorsal lobe on the gonocoxite. The
distal position of the radiomedial crossvein relative to the origin of vein M3+4 and the absence of an apicodorsal lobe
on the gonocoxite are characteristics of subgenera Climacura and Culicella. Subgenus Climacura includes five
species in different parts of the world: Cs. antipodea Dobrotworsky in southeastern Australia, the type species Cs.
melanura (Coquillett) in eastern North America, Cs. tonnoiri (Edwards) and Cs. novaezealandiae Pillai in New
Zealand, and Cs. marchettei Garcia, Jeffery & Rudnick in Southeast Asia. Culiseta kishenehn resembles these
species, except the last one, in having entirely dark-scaled tarsi and abdominal terga, and also resembles Cs.
melanura in having dark-scaled maxillary palpi, which are longer than the proboscis in males. It is not certain, but
Cs. kishenehn seems to further resemble species of subgenus Climacura in having few subcostal setae
(Dobrotworsky, 1971). Subgenus Culicella includes 14 species with distributions in Australia (seven species),
North America (one species) and the Palaearctic Region (six species). Most of the species have banded tarsi and
abdominal terga (three Australian species have unbanded terga and two of these have unbanded tarsi), but in most
respects Cs. kishenehn seems to be more similar to species of subgenus Climacura. Considering the North
American provenance of Cs. kishenehn and Cs. melanura, their close similarity in adult habitus is unlikely to be
due to convergence.
Type series. Holotype male (USNM no. 546528; Kishenehn no. 505.1), allotype female (USNM no. 546529,
Kishenehn no. 610.4), paratypes males (USNM nos. 546530 546533, Kishenehn nos. 624.1, 635.3, 686.1 and
693.1 respectively), Constenius Park (W 113° 42.085¢, N 48° 23.517¢), paratype female (USNM no. 546534,
Kishenehn nos. 20093.1), Disbrow Creek (W 113° 40.999¢, N 48° 22.572¢) and paratype female (USNM no.
547066, Kishenehn no. 30624.1), Dakin (W 113° 42.173¢, N 48° 23.476¢), Kishenehn Formation, Montana,
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FIGURE 1. Culiseta kishenehn, sp. n. A,B. Holotype male (USNM 546528), (A) head and its appendages, (B) genitalia (tergal
aspect). C. Paratype male (USNM 546530), body, maxillary palpi, proboscis and abdominal terga entirely dark-scaled. D. Paratype
female (USNM 546534), head with short maxillary palpus. E. Allotype female (USNM 546529), distal part of left wing (dorsal)
showing the projecting linear scales and long cell R2. BML = basal dorsomesal lobe; Ppr = paraproct; R2 = cell R2; R2+3 = vein R2+3.
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FIGURE 2. Culiseta kishenehn, sp. n. A. Allotype female (USNM 546529), habitus, appendages of head and thorax entirely
dark-scaled (abdomen poorly preserved). B. Paratype female (USNM 547066), abdomen (left side) and right wing (ventral),
terga and wing entirely dark-scaled, long cell R2, apex of abdomen blunt. C. Paratype female (USNM 546534), apex of
abdomen showing the short cercus (partially obstructed by tergum VIII) and three spermathecal capsules. Ce = cercus; R2 = cell
R2; SCa = spermathecal capsule; VIII-S = sternum VIII.
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FIGURE 3. Culiseta lemniscata, sp. n. A,B. Holotype female (USNM 547065) and paratype female (USNM 546535)
respectively, habitus, proximal portion of proboscis pale, legs and wings dark-scaled, abdominal terga with basal pale bands
(arrows). C. Same as A, apex of abdomen showing the short cerci and three (indistinct) spermathecal capsules. Ce = cercus;
SCa = spermathecal capsule; VIII-S = sternum VIII.
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FIGURE 4. A. Culiseta kishenehn, sp. n. Left wing of allotype female (USNM 546529). B–D. Culiseta lemniscata, sp. n. B.
Right wing (dorsal) of holotype female ((USNM 547065). C,D. Same as B, (C) base of wing showing subcostal setae (actually
on ventral surface), (D) distal portion of wing showing narrow semi-erect fusiform scales on post-costal veins. M2+3 = vein M2+3;
rm = radiomedial crossvein; R2 = cell R2; R2+3 = vein R2+3; Sc = subcosta; SuS = subcostal setae.
Culiseta lemniscata, sp. n.
(Figs 3, 4B,C)
Female. Similar to Cs. kishenehn but generally paler in overall habitus; maxillary palpus, wing, tibiae and tarsi
entirely dark-scaled; differing as follows. Head: Ornamentation of head capsule not evident; antenna 2.0–2.2 mm,
about 0.8 length of proboscis, flagellomeres 1–3 slightly thicker and gradually tapering to width of distal
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flagellomeres; maxillary palpus with 4 palpomeres and possibly a fifth minute palpomere, length 0.5 mm, 0.20
length of proboscis; proboscis slender, longer than forefemur, length 2.5–2.7 mm, 1.3−1.5 length of forefemur, bent
ventrad, dark-scaled with lighter scaling on proximal 0.6, slightly swollen before labella. Thorax: Dark,
ornamentation obscured; mesonotum rather strongly arched. Legs: Base of hindcoxa below base of mesomeron;
femora without knee spots; forefemur 1.8−2.0 mm, 0.7−0.8 length of proboscis; hindfemur pale ventrally to near
apex; tibiae slightly swollen distally; foretibia and foretarsomere 1 with complete anteroventral and posteroventral
rows of prominent setae (evident from large alveoli); foretarsomere 1 nearly as long as foretarsomeres 2–5
combined; ungues of all legs equal, simple; pulvilli absent or inconspicuous. Wing (Fig. 4B–D): Length 3.9 mm;
base of subcosta with numerous conspicuous setae, distal half of wing with semi-erect narrow fusiform scales on
all veins except costa; cell R2 longer than vein R2+3 (R2/R2+3 = 1.6–1.7); base of vein M3+4 proximal to mediocubital
crossvein; vein CuP distinct from vein CuA; anal vein (vein 1A) terminates well beyond intersection of
mediocubital crossvein and cubitus. Abdomen: Apex rounded; terga with basal pale bands. Genitalia: Cerci short
and rounded; 3 spermathecal capsules.
Male, egg, larva and pupa. Unknown.
Etymology. The specific name lemniscata is a Latin adjective (feminine form of the masculine lemniscatus)
meaning “ribboned” or “adorned with ribbons”. The name refers to the pale banding of the abdominal terga.
Systematics. Culiseta lemniscata, like Cs. kishenehn, cannot be placed in an extant subgenus of Culiseta based
solely on adult characters. The distal position of the radiomedial crossvein relative to the origin of vein M3+4 (Fig.
4B), as noted above, is characteristic of subgenera Climacura and Culicella. The numerous subcostal setae (Fig.
4C) and banded abdominal terga (Fig. 3) indicate a closer relationship with species of subgenus Culicella than to
species of Climacura. In fact, the female of Cs. lemniscata keys to Culicella in Dobrotworsky’s (1971) key to the
world subgenera of Culiseta.
Type series. Holotype female (USNM no. 547065, Kishenehn no. 30542.1) and paratype female (USNM no.
546535, Kishenehn no. 30294.5), Dakin (W 113° 42.173¢, N 48° 23.476¢), Kishenehn Formation, Montana, USA.
Fossil records can provide insights into anatomical diversification, historical biogeography and the antiquity of
taxa. Edwards (1923) surmized that “The origin and phylogenetic history of the Culicidae must go back to well into
the Mesozoic Era” (~66.0 Mya). From divergence times based on sequence data for nuclear protein-coding genes
and fossil calibration points, it appears that major culicid lineages date to the Early (Lower) Cretaceous
(100.5–145.0 Mya), and genus Culiseta may have appeared as early as 191.0 Mya (CL = 154.7–218.8 Mya) during
the Middle Jurassic (Reidenbach et al., 2009). Extant species of Culiseta exhibit generalized features that indicate
the genus is a primitive lineage of subfamily Culicinae (Edwards, 1932; Belkin, 1962; Marks, 1968). Culiseta may
be what paleontologists refer to as a “stem group” (Smith, 1994), a paraphyletic or polyphyletic assemblage of
species that share features of extinct taxa. The spotted distribution of the “living fossil” species of Culiseta
suggests that their extinct relatives (primitive lineage) may have existed before the separation of Pangaea during
the Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Eras from about 300–200 Mya.
A number of fossil species have been assigned to Culicidae since the beginning of binomial nomenclature, but
only 23 can be placed in the family with confidence. The oldest fossil, Burmaculex antiquus from the mid-
Cretaceous (89.3–99.6 Mya), bears several plesiomorphic features, including a relatively short proboscis, which
suggest it is a stem-group mosquito that is intermediate between extant mosquitoes and other midges. In fact, the
phylogenetic analysis of morphological data conducted by Borkent & Grimaldi (2004) indicates that Burmaculex is
the sister group of all other fossil and modern mosquitoes. Morphological features of the second oldest fossil,
Paleoculicis minutus from the Late Cretaceous (66.0–100.5 Mya) indicate that Paleoculicis shares a closer affinity
with culicine than anopheline mosquitoes, which suggests that this ancestral lineage is younger than the lineage
that gave rise to subfamily Anophelinae. Anopheles dominicanus Zavortink & Poinar and Anopheles? rottensis
Statz are the only fossil anopheline mosquitoes. The former is in Dominican amber from the Late Eocene
(33.9–41.3 Mya) and the latter is a compression fossil from the Late Oligocene of Germany (13.8–33.9 Mya).
The new fossil species described above are from the Middle Eocene (41.3–47.8 Mya); hence, they are older
than the two previously described species from the Late Eocene (33.9–41.3 Mya): Anopheles dominicanus and
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Culex erikae Szadziewski & Szadziewska (Baltic amber). They are also older than Culex malariager Poinar
(Dominican amber) from the Early Miocene to Late Eocene (13.8–41.3 Mya) and Toxorhynchites mexicanus
Zavortink & Poinar (Mexican amber) from the Early Miocene to Late Oligocene (13.8–33.9 Mya). Seven other
Eocene species have been described. These include Culex damnatorum Scudder (Green River, Wyoming, Early
Eocene, compression/impression), Culex pipiens Linnaeus (an extant species in Baltic amber), Culex winchesteri
Cockerell (Cathedral Bluffs, Colorado, Early Eocene, compression/impression) and four species placed in the
extant genus Aedes (broad traditional sense).
According to Edwards (1923), Culex damnatorum is “Evidently a Culicine [sic] mosquito; perhaps a true
Culex, but it cannot be definitely assigned to that genus on the information available”. Cockerell (1919) named
Culex winchesteri from “a female with short maxillary palpi (about 0.4 mm), distinctly curved proboscis (3 mm)
and an abdomen “like that of true Culex, obtuse at the end, not tapering as in Aedes”. No further information is
given, but it is possible, perhaps likely, that this fossil species belongs to genus Culiseta, even though it is older
(49.0–54.8 million years old) than the two new species described here.
The four Eocene mosquitoes described as species of Aedes are in Baltic amber. Three of these species, Ae.
damzeni Szadziewski, Ae. hoffeinsorum Szadziewski and Ae. serafini Szadziewski, were described as species of
the extant subgenus Finlaya Theobald (broad traditional sense) (Szadziewski, 1998) and the fourth, Ae. perkunas
Pod nas, was regarded as “most probably” belonging to that subgenus (Pod nas, 1999). These species are certainly
culicine mosquitoes, but they cannot be assigned to an extant genus of Aedini based on the available information.
The absence of spotted wings in these species precludes them from being included in genus Finlaya (restricted
sense of Reinert et al., 2009).
The claspettes of the holotype male of Ae. damzeni are elongate with an apical sickle-like appendage as in
extant Ochlerotatus Lynch Arribálzaga, but the proctiger is said to be “barely visible” and what appears to be the
aedeagus (Szadziewski, 1998: fig. 3b,c) bears a closer resemblance to the aedeagus of members of the Aedes group
of genera, e.g. Aedimorphus Theobald, than to members of the Ochlerotatus group. Szadziewski (1998) did not
describe the ornamentation of this species, but his photograph of the holotype (fig. 5b) shows that it is a darkly
ornamented species. However, in addition to features of the male genitalia, the species differs markedly from extant
Aedini in having a short fifth palpomere (about 0.4 the length of palpomere 4) and a prominent setose lobe borne
ventrally at the base of foretarsomere 5. Based on these distinctions and other information contained in the
descriptions and illustrations of Szadziewski (1998) and Pod nas (1999), Ae. damzeni cannot be assigned to a
currently recognized genus (extinct or extant) of Aedini; hence, Eoaedes gen. n. is hereby proposed for this fossil
species. The name is derived from the Greek eos (dawn, morning, early, east) and Aedes, an extant genus. The
gender is masculine.
The type specimen of Ae. hoffeinsorum is a male with short maxillary palpi, shorter than the proboscis, a
greatly reduced palpomere 5 (about 0.3 length of palpomere 4), proboscis noticeably swollen distally, vein R2 of the
wing much shorter than vein R2+3 and the fore- and midungues borne well before the apex of the fifth tarsomere,
unique features which suggest that this species does not belong to a currently recognized genus of Aedini. The
genitalia of the specimen (illustrated but not described) bear some resemblance to those of certain members of the
Ochlerotatus group of genera, e.g. Acartomyia mariae (Sergent & Sergent), but this only supports the tribal
placement of the species. Based on the combination of unusual characters noted here and the likelihood that re-
examination of the specimen will reveal additional distinctive characters not mentioned in Szadziewski’s (1998)
brief description, Aetheapnomyia gen. n. is proposed here for the fossil species originally named Aedes
hoffeinsorum. The name is derived from the Greek aethes (unusual, strange), apnoos (dead) and myia (fly). The
gender is feminine.
The presence of postspiracular setae and claspettes with blade-like apical filaments (Szadziewski, 1998) clearly
place the holotype male of Ae. serafini within Aedini. Other than these features, the description of the specimen only
includes some measurements of head and thoracic appendages and characteristics of the ungues. In the absence of
more detailed information, it is not possible to ascertain the affinities and generic placement of this species.
Pod nas (1999) described Ae. perkunas from a male that is missing its genitalia. The specimen is darkly
ornamented, the maxillary palpi are developed as they are in many Aedini, the larger unguis of the fore- and
midlegs bears a median tooth and midtarsomere 4 is expanded ventrally toward the apex. The thoracic pleura are
partially obscured and distal parts of the wings are twisted. The specimen could be allied with extant species of
Ochlerotatus, but we are loath to relegate it to that genus in the absence of genital and wing characters.
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We gratefully thank two anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript.
The second author thanks Conrad Labandeira, Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History
(NMNH), Washington, DC, for sponsorship and administrative support. This is contribution number 280 of the
Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems Consortium of the NMNH.
Belkin, J.N. 1962. The mosquitoes of the South Pacific (Diptera, Culicidae). Volumes 1 and 2. University of California Press, Berkeley
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... Here we deal with representatives of the Culicomorpha (midges and mosquitoes), which make up over 50% of the fossil insects in the formation. Several species of the culicomorphan ingroups Culicidae and Dixidae have already been described (Harbach and Greenwalt, 2012;Greenwalt et al., 2014;Greenwalt and Moulton, 2016). In total, five major culicomorphan families have been recorded in the Kishenehn Formation: Ceratopogonidae, Chaoboridae, Chironomidae, Culicidae, and Dixidae (Greenwalt et al., 2014(Greenwalt et al., , 2019. ...
... In total, five major culicomorphan families have been recorded in the Kishenehn Formation: Ceratopogonidae, Chaoboridae, Chironomidae, Culicidae, and Dixidae (Greenwalt et al., 2014(Greenwalt et al., , 2019. The Kishenehn Formation is in fact one of the richest sources of fossil mosquitoes (Culicidae) in the world (Harbach and Greenwalt, 2012). Two of the 27 known fossil species of Culicidae were described from the Kishenehn, with nearly 100 specimens collected from the formation. ...
... The most important character supporting this interpretation is the very short seta 3-P in the cluster of setae 1-3-P on the prothorax. Adults of the related group Culiseta are known from the Kishenehn Formation (Harbach and Greenwalt, 2012), but setae 1-3-P are equally long in extant species of that group. Short setae 3-P also occur in most extant species of the groups Aedinus Lutz, 1904 [in FIGURE 23. ...
... In rock deposits they are barely preserved and details of their morphology usually are not visible. They are reported from the late Eocene Insects Limestone of the Isle of Wight (Ochlerotatus Lynch Arribálzaga, 1891; Coquillettidia Dyar, 1905;Culex Linnaeus, 1758;Edwards, 1923b;Szadziewski, 2019), from Miocene deposits of Rott (Coquillettidia, Anopheles Meigen, 1818;Statz, 1944;Szadziewski, 2019;Szadziewski & Giłka, 2011), Eocene deposits of Green River (Culex; Scudder, 1890), Eocene deposits in Colorado (Culex; Cockerell, 1919) and from Eocene shale deposits in Montana (Culiseta Felt, 1904;Harbach & Greenwalt 2012). Inclusions of mosquitoes from Cenozoic ambers are well preserved and allow more detailed studies. ...
... Inclusions of mosquitoes from Cenozoic ambers are well preserved and allow more detailed studies. They are very rare in Eocene Baltic amber (Culex Linnaeus, Coquillettidia Dyar, Culiseta, Ochlerotatus, Eoaedes Harbach & Greenwalt, 2012;Aetheapnomyia Harbach & Greenwalt, 2012;Szadziewski, 1998;Podenas, 1999;Szadziewski & Giłka, 2011;Harbach & Greenwalt, 2012), while they are more common in younger Miocene Dominican and Mexican ambers (Anopheles, Culex, Toxorhynchites Theobald, 1901;Szadziewski & Grogan, 1994;Poinar, 2005;, 2008. ...
Males of Coquillettidia gedanica sp. nov. and C. adamowiczi sp. nov. from Eocene Baltic amber are described and illustrated. Extant mosquitoes of this genus are natural vectors of avian malaria in tropical Africa. A key for determination of Culicidae from Baltic amber is provided.
... Wilson (1977Wilson ( , 1978Wilson ( , 1982 argued for a deep-water environment in the Okanagan while that at the Coal Creek Member of the Kishenehn Formation has been described as shallow water (Greenwalt et al., 2015). The fact that immature stages of the nematoceran flies, including the culicids, chaoborids, chironomids and ceratopogonids that are common to the Kishenehn Formation, are usually found in shallow aquatic environments, supports this conclusion (Harbach and Greenwalt, 2012;Baranov et al., 2022). Diatomaceous mats have been implicated in the preservational processes at the Florissant, while there is evidence that cyanobacterial mats were essential to the preservation of insects at the Kishenehn Formation (Harding and Chant, 2000;O'Brien et al., 2002O'Brien et al., , 2008. ...
Eleven new species of Diptera are reported from the middle Eocene Kishenehn Formation in northwestern Montana, USA. Belonging to 10 families, four of which (Apsilocephalidae, Keroplatidae, Opetiidae and Scenopinidae) are new to the formation, they expand the record of Kishenehn Formation Diptera to 25 families and 38 fossil species. Taxa are as follows with significance noted: Palaeoapsilocephala kishenehnensis Hauser and Greenwalt, gen. et sp. n. (Apsilocephalidae); Dilophus idanos Fitzgerald and Greenwalt, sp. n.(Bibionidae), the first fossil of the genus in the Nearctic and the oldest known fossil imago of the genus; Tmemophlebia carolinae Evenhuis and Greenwalt, sp. n. (Bombyliidae), the first fossil of the genus and the oldest fossil of the subfamily Poecilognathini; Microphorella fragilis Cumming and Greenwalt, sp. n. (Dolichopodidae), the first fossil of the genus and the first fossil parathalassiine from the Nearctic; Hoplocyrtoma eocenica Sinclair and Greenwalt, sp. n. (Hybotidae), the first fossil of the genus; Macrocera apithanos Kerr and Greenwalt, sp. n. (Keroplatidae), the first fossil species of the genus from the Nearctic; Azana akarenos Kerr and Greenwalt, sp. n. (Mycetophilidae), the first fossil of the genus in the Nearctic and the oldest known fossil of the genus; Opetia americana Amorim and Greenwalt, sp. n. (Opetiidae), the first definitive fossil of the genus and the first of its family from the Nearctic; (Psectrosciara makrochaites Amorim and Greenwalt, sp. n. and P. crassieton Amorim and Greenwalt, sp. n. (Scatopsidae); Brevitrichia messogenes Greenwalt and Winterton, sp. n. (Scenopinidae), the first fossil of the genus and, if Proratites simplex Grimaldi and Cumming, 1999 proves not to be a scenopinid, the oldest representative of the family. The bibionid species Dilophus magnus Dürrenfeldt, 1968 was re-examined and designated as Bibionidae incertae sedis. In addition, two species previously assigned to Apsilocephala, Psilocephala pusilla Hennig, 1967, and Rueppellia vagabunda Cockerell, 1927, are reassigned to the new genus as Palaeoapsilocephala.
... Wilson (1977Wilson ( , 1978Wilson ( , 1982 argued for a deep-water environment in the Okanagan while that at the Coal Creek Member of the Kishenehn Formation has been described as shallow water (Greenwalt et al., 2015). The fact that immature stages of the nematoceran flies, including the culicids, chaoborids, chironomids and ceratopogonids that are common to the Kishenehn Formation, are usually found in shallow aquatic environments, supports this conclusion (Harbach and Greenwalt, 2012;Baranov et al., 2022). Diatomaceous mats have been implicated in the preservational processes at the Florissant, while there is evidence that cyanobacterial mats were essential to the preservation of insects at the Kishenehn Formation (Harding and Chant, 2000;O'Brien et al., 2002O'Brien et al., , 2008. ...
Eleven new species of Diptera are reported from the middle Eocene Kishenehn Formation in northwestern Montana, USA. Belonging to 10 families, four of which (Apsilocephalidae, Keroplatidae, Opetiidae and Scenopinidae) are new to the formation, they expand the record of Kishenehn Formation Diptera to 25 families and 38 fossil species. Taxa are as follows with significance noted: Palaeoapsilocephala kishenehnensis Hauser and Greenwalt, gen. et sp. n. Apsilocephalidae); Dilophus idanos Fitzgerald and Greenwalt, sp. n. (Bibionidae), the first fossil of the genus in the Nearctic and the oldest known fossil imago of the genus; Tmemophlebia carolinae Evenhuis and Greenwalt, sp. n. Bombyliidae), the first fossil of the genus and the oldest fossil of the subfamily Poecilognathini; Microphorella fragilis Cumming and Greenwalt, sp. n. (Dolichopodidae), the first fossil of the genus and the first fossil parathalassiine from the Nearctic; Hoplocyrtoma eocenica Sinclair and Greenwalt, sp. n. (Hybotidae), the first fossil of the genus; Macrocera apithanos Kerr and Greenwalt, sp. n. (Keroplatidae), the first fossil species of the genus from the Nearctic; Azana akarenos Kerr and Greenwalt, sp. n. (Mycetophilidae), the first fossil of the genus in the Nearctic and the oldest known fossil of the genus; Opetia americana Amorim and Greenwalt, sp. n. (Opetiidae), the first definitive fossil of the genus and the first of its family from the Nearctic; (Psectrosciara makrochaites Amorim and Greenwalt, sp. n. and P. crassieton Amorim and Greenwalt, sp. n. (Scatopsidae); Brevitrichia messogenes Greenwalt and Winterton, sp. n. (Scenopinidae), the first fossil of the genus and, if Proratites simplex Grimaldi and Cumming, 1999 proves not to be a scenopinid, the oldest representative of the family. The bibionid species Dilophus magnus Dürrenfeldt, 1968 was re-examined and designated as Bibionidae incertae sedis. In addition, two species previously assigned to Apsilocephala, Psilocephala pusilla Hennig, 1967, and Rueppellia vagabunda Cockerell, 1927, are reassigned to the new genus as Palaeoapsilocephala.
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Mosquitoes have profoundly affected human history and continue to threaten human health through the transmission of a diverse array of pathogens. The phylogeny of mosquitoes has remained poorly characterized due to difficulty in taxonomic sampling and limited availability of genomic data beyond the most important vector species. Here, we used phylogenomic analysis of 709 single copy ortholog groups from 256 mosquito species to produce a strongly supported phylogeny that resolves the position of the major disease vector species and the major mosquito lineages. Our analyses support an origin of mosquitoes in the early Triassic (217 MYA [highest posterior density region: 188–250 MYA]), considerably older than previous estimates. Moreover, we utilize an extensive database of host associations for mosquitoes to show that mosquitoes have shifted to feeding upon the blood of mammals numerous times, and that mosquito diversification and host-use patterns within major lineages appear to coincide in earth history both with major continental drift events and with the diversification of vertebrate classes.
The neuropterid (Neuroptera and Raphidioptera) fauna of the middle Eocene Coal Creek Member (Kishenehn Formation), U.S.A. is documented. Three families of Neuroptera (Ascalaphidae, Chrysopidae, Hemerobiidae) and two families of Raphidioptera (Raphidiidae, Inocelliidae) are recorded. Five new species and three new genera are described: Pseudoameropterus ambiguus gen. et sp. nov. (Ascalaphidae), Minimochrysa latialata gen. et sp. nov., Palaeochrysa greenwalti sp. nov., P. minor sp. nov. (Chrysopidae: Nothochrysinae), Macrostigmoraphia diluta gen. et sp. nov. (Raphidiidae). Two indeterminate species are also recorded: Megalomus-group gen. et sp. indet. (Hemerobiidae) and Neuroptera fam. gen. et sp. indet. The only previously described neuropterid from the deposit is the raphidiopteran Paraksenocellia australis Makarkin et al. 2019 (Inocelliidae). The neuropterid assemblage suggests a subtropical semi-arid climate of the Coal Creek Member.
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Mosquitoes have profoundly affected human history and continue to threaten human health through the transmission of a diverse array of viruses and pathogens. Because mosquitoes are also highly diverse and globally widespread, their phylogeny has remained either little known or difficult to discern. Here, we used phylogenomic analysis of 709 orthologous nuclear gene sequences from 256 mosquito species to produce a strongly supported phylogeny that resolves the position of the major disease vector species and the major mosquito lineages. Our tree supports an origin of mosquitoes in the early Triassic (~217 mya) with species diversification and host-use patterns within major lineages coinciding in earth history both with major geologic events and with the diversification of vertebrate classes.
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Culex ekaterinae sp. nov. is described based on an adult male embedded in amber from the Rovno region, northwestern Ukraine. The new species is compared with its presumed closest known relative, i.e. Culex erikae Szadziewski et Szadziewska, 1985 described from adults in Baltic amber. The two species exhibit distinct differences in the size of the main body parts, including the antenna, maxillary palpus and proboscis, as well as in the venation of the wing, the structure of the ungues and male genitalia - characters crucial in the diagnosis of adult mosquitoes. A redescription of Culiseta gedanica Szadziewski et Giłka, 2011, to date known from a single adult male, is presented based on a male in amber from Voronki, Rovno region. A tabulation of fossil Culicidae with their geological ages is provided.
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The paper overviews the fossil record of insects with long mouthparts and rostra adapted to feeding on floral nectar and pollination drops of extinct gymnosperms. The presence of suctorial mouthparts is demonstrated for the first time for the Permian mecopterans Permochoristidae and Permotanyderidae. The long-proboscid scorpionflies Mesopsychidae are recorded for the first time from the Upper Jurassic of Kazakhstan. A new finding of a detached head of a long-proboscid nectar-feeding brachyceran fly is reported from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia. Three major radiations of long-proboscid nectar feeders are identified: the Paleozoic, the Mesozoic, and the Cenozoic one; they were related to the Paleozoic seed ferns, the Bennettitales and other Mesozoic entomophilous gymnosperms, and the flowering plants, respectively. The earliest long-proboscid nectar feeders, found in the Lower Permian deposits of the Cis-Urals, belong to Protomeropidae (stem-Amphiesmenoptera). The few other Paleozoic insects specialized to nectarivory probably also included some long-proboscid Permochoristidae. The diversity of long-proboscid nectar feeders shows a dramatic increase since the Middle Jurassic. About 70 Mesozoic species with preserved long mouthparts and rostra are known to date; they belong to 12 families and 3 orders (Mecoptera, Neuroptera, and Diptera) and can be clustered into three morphogroups. With the beginning of the Cenozoic the long-proboscid Mecoptera and Neuroptera were supplanted by Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera in the nectar-feeding niche, while Diptera on the whole retained this specialization. Considerable abundance of long-proboscid nectar feeders before the appearance of flowers with hidden nectar indicates that complex pollination systems first evolved in gymnosperms. Therefore, insect pollination cannot be considered the key novelty in flowering plants crucial for their evolutionary success.
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The Kishenehn Basin is a narrow, asymmetric graben, developed during an episode of crustal extension occurring from middle Eocene to early Miocene time (ca. 49-20 Ma). The Flathead listric normal fault system defines the northeast margin of the basin. The southwest margin is either bounded by antithetic normal faults or is onlapped by Kishenehn Basin strata. High rates of basin subsidence and synextensional sedimentation resulted in an immense thickness of middle Eocene-early Miocene strata (stratigraphic thickness, ∼ 5000 m) and a relatively uninterupted depositional record. Provenance and paleocurrent studies indicate that the ancestral Livingston, Lewis, and Clark ranges to the east contributed not only vast amounts of detritus to the Basin, but also ample runoff that included seasonal snow-melt. Sediment ages of outcrops within the basin are linearly banded, with the course of the Flathead River exposing late Eocene-early Oligocene sediments (Chadronian-Orellan NALMA's), and with the oldest sediments on the southwest and youngest on the east margins of the basin, respectively. An unnamed tephra at the north end of the basin provides a date of 33.0±1.0 Ma (early Oligocene, Orellan NALMA). The molluscan fauna is extremely diverse, 55 taxa (35 terrestrial, 20 aquatic), of which 32 taxa are new, and seven are revised taxonomically. This fauna is clearly divisible into three Groups. Group I is a relict tropical wet fauna, existing along waterways in the sheltered environment of the basin. It may typify the pre-middle Eocene (early Duchesnean NALMA) tropical climate of the Western Interior of North America. Modern analogs of these taxa are found in the Caribbean, Central and South America. Group II is a semitropical, semiarid fauna that developed after the climatic changes of the middle Eocene. Modern analogs are found in a band from the north coast of the Gulf of Mexico across the southern United States and northern Mexico to Southern and Baja California. Essentially 100% of the Group I and II analog taxa are now extra-limital, displaced to the south. Group III taxa developed in uplands along the east margin of the basin. Modern analogs of these taxa are common in the east-central United States. The coexistence of these climatically disparate groups of mollusks is a reflection of the large paleotopographic relief that existed between the basin floor and the eastern mountain peaks, which rose at least 2,000 meters above the basin floor and permitted microclimates that varied from arid subtropical in the basin to humid temperate in the uplands. At the older localities. Group III taxa were, probably, transported into the basin by run-off from the mountains, but during the climatic cooling of the latest Eocene-early Oligocene, Groups 1 and II taxa were replaced by Group III taxa in the low-lands. Group III analog taxa are 87% endemic, although their modern centers of distribution are displaced eastward into an area of greater precipitation. The following taxa are described herein as new: Bivalvia: Veneroidea: Sphaeridae- Sphaerium discus. Gastropoda: Archaeogastropoda: Ceresidae- Tozerpina buttsi parva, T. lentis; Helicinidae- Lucidella salishora, L. columbiana; Mesogastropoda: Hydrobiidae- Tryonia russelli, Cincinatia? bowmanana, Fluminicola calderense; Valvatidae- Valvata procera spatiosa; Basommatophora: Planorbidae- Helisoma triangulata, Planorbella fordensis, Biomphalaria spira, Menetus textus, Menetus hilli; Lymnaeidae- Lymnaea bowmanana, L. lacerta: Stylommatophora: Succineidae- Oxyloma? kintlana, Omalonyx cocleare: Pupillidae- Pupoides costatus, Gastrocopta kintlana, G. akokala, Vertigo consteniusi, V. doliara, V. micra; Valloniidae- Vallonia kootenayorum; Urocoptidae- Holospira tabrumi, H. beardi, Coelostemma dawsonae; Polygyridae- Praticolella lucifera, Ashmunella(?) sp.; Oreoheticidac- Oreohelix dawsonae, Radiocentrum kintlana; Humboldtianidae- Skinnerelix rothi; Helminthoglyptidae- Xeranionta constenii. The following constitute new taxonomic combinations: Tozerpina "Triodopsis" buttsi (Russell, 1956), Omalonyx "Binneya" antiqua (Russell, 1956), Haplotrema "Anguispira" simplex (Russell, 1956), Lymnaea "Stagnicola" newmarchi (Russell, 1952), Biomphalaria "Planorbis" kishenensis (Russell, 1952), Valvata "Gyraulus" procera (Russell, 1952).
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The Kishenehn Formation, a sequence of over 11,000 ft (3,350 m) of synorogenic deposits, has yielded fossils that include microfloral and megafloral remains, mollusks, insects, fishes, and mammals that suggest an age range between late Eocene and early Miocene. Radiometric dates from the deposits in the Kishenehn and South Fork basins are within the Oligocene. The fossils provide evidence for a climatic transition from sub-tropical to warm temperate conditions and development of several new taxa.
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Blood sucking gnats (Culicidae) are very rare in the Baltic amber (the Eocene). Only three males belonging to genus Aedes have been described so far. All three are regarded as separate species. No fully preserved females of that genus are known. A. perkunas sp. n. from the collection of Vilnius university is described. The diagnosis of the genus and the key to males of Aedes species from the Baltic amber are given.
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The Cordilleran foreland fold and thrust belt collapsed and spread to the west during a middle Eocene to early Miocene (ca. 49-20 Ma) episode of crustal extension. The sedimentary and structural record of this event is preserved in a network of half graben s that extends from southern Canada to central Utah. Extensional structures superposed on this allochthonous terrain are rooted to the physical stratigraphy, structural relief, and sole faults of preexisting thrust-fold structures. The sole faults dip 3°-6° west above an undeformed Precambrian crystalline basement and accommodated tectonic transport of a thick (up to 20+ km) eastward-tapering hanging wall during regimes of crustal shortening and extension. The chronology of tectonism for the foreland fold and thrust belt is established here by dating latest thrusting and initial normal faulting and is best defined where thrusts and normal faults are linked by common detachment surfaces. Dated movement on two extensionally reactivated thrusts, the Lewis thrust of northwest Montana and southeast British Columbia and the Medicine Butte thrust of southwest Wyoming and northeast Utah, suggests that the hiatus between the end of crustal shortening in the early or early middle Eocene and the start of extension in the early middle Eocene was brief. Lateral spreading and extensional basin formation in the Cordilleran foreland fold and thrust belt were partly concurrent with formation of metamorphic core complexes and regional magmatism. Conceptually linking extensional processes that were simultaneously deforming both the hinterland and foreland of the late Paleogene Cordilleran orogenic wedge is accomplished by applying the extensional-wedge Coulomb critical-taper model. The rapid drop in North America-Pacific plate convergence rate and/or steepening of the subducted oceanic slab at ca. 50 Ma resulted in a large reduction in east-west horizontal compressive stress in the Cordillera. As a result, the Cordilleran orogenic wedge was left unsupported, and it gravitationally collapsed and horizontally spread west until a new equilibrium was established at ca. 20 Ma. Subsequently, crustal extension and magmatism during the Basin and Range event (ca. 17-0 Ma) overprinted much of this earlier phase of extension.
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In addition to the previously known Culex erikae from Eocene Baltic amber three new species of fossil mosquitoes are described. They are: Aedes hoffeinsonnn sp. Aedes damzeni sp.n. and Aedes serafini sp. n. They all belong to the subgenus Finlaya. In the extant fauna mosquitoes of that subgenus are most diversified in the Oriental lgion. Their larvae live in small water bodies in tree hollows, leaf axils.. etc. and usually are not common in their habitats. This may explain why mosquitoes are so rare among inclusions in Baltic amber,
Two new genera and species of plagiomenids (Mammalia, ?Dermoptera, Plagiomenidae) are described from the North American Uintan (middle Eocene) and Chadronian (early Oligocene). A third genus and species, Ekgmowechashala philotau, from the early and middle Arikareean (late Oligocene) of the northern United States, is removed from the primate family Omomyidae and placed in the Plagiomenidae. All three newly recognized plagiomenids are placed in the Ekgmowechashalinae, sister subfamily to the subfamily Plagiomeninae (new rank). Ekgmowechashaline plagiomenids are somewhat primate-like, as is the plagiomenine genus Worlandia, but the Plagiomenidae are usually considered to be allied to the living colugos of southeast Asia, order Dermoptera. Analysis of that relationship is placed outside the scope of this paper. Tarka stylifera, the earliest known ekgmowechashaline, occurs in the type section of the Tepee Trail Formation, early Uintan (Shoshonian: late medial Eocene) of northwestern Wyoming. This locality falls in paleomagnetic Chron C20R, interpreted to be close to 47.5 Ma in age. A second, more primitive but later-occurring ekgmowechashaline genus and species, Tarkadectes montanensis, is from a nominally early Oligocene level (Chadronian) in the Kishenehn Formation of northern Montana. Ekgmowechashala is known from lower dentitions from the early Arikareean Sharps Formation of South Dakota and probably from an upper dentition reported from middle Arikareean rocks in the John Day Formation of Oregon. Ekgmowechashala is placed with the other two genera because of lower cheek-tooth morphology, but it lacks the enlarged incisor of Tarka. Ekgmowechashalines are hypothesized here to be primarily frugivores, folivores, and nectar- and exudate-feeders. Until now, known undoubted plagiomenids were restricted to the Paleocene and early Eocene (Wasatchian). The newly recognized post-Wasatchian occurrences are all in the northern part of the United States and are in keeping with previously known plagiomenid geographic distribution, which ranged from northern Wyoming to the Canadian arctic and possibly beyond.
Biases affecting taxonomic rangesEstimating absolute taxonomic rangesTaxonomic ranges: do they provide a test of phylogenetic hypotheses?Summary
In 1916 Prof. T. D. A. Cockerell described some fossil mosquitoes in the United States National Museum, from the Oligocene of the Isle of Wight. The material that he described consisted only of duplicates from the Brodie Collection, the main portion of which remained in the Geological Department of the British Museum (Natural History). When Prof. Cockerell came to England in 1920, he undertook the study of the main Brodie Collection of fossil insects, and found in it a considerable number of mosquitoes; at his suggestion I readily undertook to work out this material, and I wish to express my indebtedness to him for assistance and advice. My thanks are also due to Dr. A. Smith Woodward, F.E.S. and to Dr. F. A. Bather, F.E.S., for the facilities which they have afforded me. The descriptions and figures of Cockerell not being entirely clear, Dr. Bather obtained from Dr. R. S. Bassler, of Washington, photographs of the types of CockerelFs three species. These are reproduced here (PI. VII), and have been of great assistance in deciding upon the synonymy. As explained by Prof. Cockerell in a recent paper, the material examined belongs in part to the British Museum and in part to the late Mr. R. W. Hooley, F.G-.S. In the descriptions which follow, specimens belonging to the Museum are referred to by the letter I and their register-number, those belonging to Mr. Hooley (but deposited at the Museum) by the letter H. All the material is from G-urnet Bay (Isle