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Assessing Stimulus Control in a Discrimination Task with Compound Stimuli: Evaluating Testing Procedures and Tracking Eye Fixations


Abstract and Figures

Experiments with pigeons have suggested that the way stimuli are arranged in tests affects the demonstration of the stimulus control established during training. The present study aimed to replicate these findings with humans exposed to a simultaneous-discrimination task with compound stimuli. Adults were exposed to a discrimination task, and their eye fixations were recorded. Two compound stimuli were used: a triangle and a red circle, and a square and a green circle. During Phase 1, responses to the first compound were rein- forced, and during Phase 2, these contingencies were reversed. Following training in each phase, the components of the stimulus compound were separated and presented across different tests to assess stimulus control by each stimulus component. Participants tended to choose the component on which their eyes had most frequently fixated during training. How- ever, the S+ component that was associated with fewer fixations also controlled participants’ choices. Results on tests replicate previous findings with pigeons. Possible effects of peripheral vision are discussed.
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1 23
The Psychological Record
ISSN 0033-2933
Volume 65
Number 1
Psychol Rec (2015) 65:83-88
DOI 10.1007/s40732-014-0092-1
Assessing Stimulus Control in a
Discrimination Task with Compound
Stimuli: Evaluating Testing Procedures and
Tracking Eye Fixations
William F.Perez, Peter Endemann,
Candido V.B.B.Pessôa & Gerson
1 23
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Assessing Stimulus Control in a Discrimination Task
with Compound Stimuli: Evaluating Testing Procedures
and Tracking Eye Fixations
William F. Perez &Peter Endemann &
Candido V. B. B. Pessôa &Gerson Y. Tomanari
Published online: 27 August 2014
#Association for Behavior Analysis International 2014
Abstract Experiments with pigeons have suggested that the
way stimuli are arranged in tests affects the demonstration of
the stimulus control established during training. The present
study aimed to replicate these findings with humans exposed
to a simultaneous-discrimination task with compound stimuli.
Adults were exposed to a discrimination task, and their eye
fixations were recorded. Two compound stimuli were used: a
triangle and a red circle, and a square and a green circle.
During Phase 1, responses to the first compound were rein-
forced, and during Phase 2, these contingencies were reversed.
Following training in each phase, the components of the
stimulus compound were separated and presented across dif-
ferent tests to assess stimulus control by each stimulus com-
ponent. Participants tended to choose the component on which
their eyes had most frequently fixated during training. How-
ever, the S+ component that was associated with fewer fixa-
tions also controlled participantschoices. Results on tests
replicate previous findings with pigeons. Possible effects of
peripheral vision are discussed.
Keywords Attention .Compound stimulus .Eye
movements .Humans .Simultaneous discrimination
Over 50 years ago, Reynolds (1961) conducted a heuristic
experiment that investigated attentionin pigeons. In that
paper, he stated that every part of the environment that is
present when a reinforced response occurs may not subse-
quently be an occasion for the emission of that response(p.
208). Attention can be described as the controlling relation
between a specific part of the environment and the evoked
response (Skinner 1953). In Reynoldsoriginal experiment,
two pigeons were trained on a discrimination task with com-
pound stimuli that had components that could be presented
separately. During subsequent tests, the stimuli were separated
and their components displayed individually to evaluate
which one had acquired control over pecking (Reynolds
1961). The research verified that both pigeons responded to
only one component of the stimulus related to reinforcement
Subsequent experiments have replicated Reynolds (1961;
e.g., Birkimer 1969;BornandPeterson1969;Farthingand
Hearst 1970; Johnson and Cumming 1968; Kendall and Mills
1979; Reynolds and Limpo 1969; Wilkie and Masson 1976).
A major finding throughout these studies has been that differ-
ent results may be observed depending on the kind of test
used. For example, by varying the stimulus arrangements (see
below), either of the two S+ components to some degree could
control test responses. In Kendall and Mills (1979), response
rates evoked by the S+ decreased as the apparently noncon-
trolling S+ component was withdrawn. Wilkie and Masson
(1976) showed that the noncontrolling S+ component, as
determined by Reynoldstest, acquired control over
responding faster than any S- component in a resistance-to-
reinforcement test. Furthermore, Farthing and Hearst (1970)
found that recombining S+ and S- components during tests
may reveal control by both S+ components, whereas testing
with individually presented components (cf. Reynolds 1961)
may not. According to this set of results, whether stimulus
control is evident after discrimination training is partly
The notation S+ and S- hereafter will be used in reference to the
programmed contingency. Thus, even if a programmed S+ component
does not control responses during tests, it will be referred to as an S+
W. F. Pe rez :P. Endemann :C. V. B. B. Pessôa :G. Y. Tomanari
University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Present Address:
W. F. Pe rez (*):C. V. B. B. Pessôa
Núcleo Paradigma de Análise do Comportamento, Rua Vanderley,
611, Perdizes, São Paulo, SP CEP: 05011-001, Brazil
Psychol Rec (2015) 65:8388
DOI 10.1007/s40732-014-0092-1
Author's personal copy
influenced by how that control is assessed; in other words, the
absence of control in one setting does not necessarily indicate
that control will be absent in another setting. Therefore, of
major importance to the study of attentionis how to mea-
sure stimulus control over behavior, particularly control by the
S+ components of compound stimuli.
All of the experiments described above used pigeons as
subjects. They developed a range of procedures to assess the
stimulus control established by typical discrimination tasks
with compound stimuli. This study aimed to replicate these
findings by exposing human participants to discrimination
training with compound stimuli and to evaluate the results
obtained from different stimulus-control assessment proce-
dures. First, human participants were exposed to a simulta-
neous discrimination task. Once discrimination training end-
ed, several tests were used to assess stimulus control. During
these tests, the components of the compound stimuli were
separated and/or recombined to form novel stimuli, and the
participantschoices were measured.
In addition to measures of responding during tests, a sec-
ond (but not less important) approach to inferring stimulus
control was used for this study. Previous research has sug-
gested that the frequency and duration of participantseye
fixations to discriminative stimuli during training can be used
as a measure of stimulus-control relations (Dube et al. 1999,
2009; Schroeder 1969,1970,1997). In studies like Dube et al.
(2010), subjects that presented with overselectivity (i.e., re-
stricted stimulus control) also failed to observe all of the
relevant stimuli in the discrimination task. Schroeder (1969,
1970; see also Pessôa et al. 2009) found that participants in a
discrimination task with two programmed S+ stimuli eventu-
ally moved their eyes toward and responded to only one S+.
Magnusson (2002)andPerez(2008) showed that, in a
matching-to-sample task, correct matching responses at times
occur after fixating on only the sample and S- comparison.
Considering these findings, this study also tracked partici-
pantseye fixations during discrimination training in order
to evaluate the coherence between eye-fixation measures and
participantschoices during tests.
Three undergraduate students were personally recruited for
this study. Each student read and signed an informed consent
document that described general information about the exper-
iment. The participants were naïve with respect to the task and
the apparatus and declared having normal vision. Once the
experimental session was over, the participants were debriefed
and the researchers clarified all their questions about the
Setting, Equipment, and Stimuli
Sessions were held in a 2 m×3 m room. The room was divided
in two by a partition wall. On one side of the partition, there
was a chair anda table with a computer monitor and keyboard.
A Macintosh Performa 5215CD using MTS v.11.6.7 software
(Dube and Hiris 1999) conducted the stimulus presentations,
delivered the consequences, and recorded the participants
choices. On the other side of the partition was the equipment
used by the experimenter. The apparatus used for recording
eye movements was a RK-826PCI Pupil/Corneal Reflection
Tracking Hardware System with a precision of .3 deg in a
visual field of 20 deg×20 deg. This equipment permitted free
movements of the head. The study also used a RK-630 Auto-
Calibration System, installed on a PC platform with ISCAN
Raw Movement Data Acquisition software. Images were cap-
tured in another PC platform with Pinnacle Studio Plus 9®
software and analyzed frame by frame (30 Hz) with Video
Frame Coder software (Abilities Software, Sudbury, MA,
A minimum viewing distance of 60 cm was maintained
between the participants eye and the monitor. As displayed in
Fig. 1, the stimulus components used were a triangle, a red
circle, a square, and a green circle. The maximum stimulus-
component size was .5 deg×5 deg (1 deg×1 deg for Test 6).
During training, the distance between components displayed
in the same presentation area was 7.6 deg. During training and
tests, the distance center-to-center for the presentation areas
was 20.8 deg. The maximum size of each presentation area
was 9.5 deg×9.5 deg.
The experiment took place in two phases (Phase 1 and Phase
2) immediately following one another. Each phase involved a
discrimination-training task and six different tests. During
Phase 1 discrimination training, the S+ was a white triangle
and a red circle, and the S- was a white square and a green
circle. During Phase 2 discrimination training, these contin-
gencies were reversed. The compound stimuli used during
training in both phases are presented in Fig. 1.
Before starting discrimination training, the partici-
pants were told that correct choices would be followed
by a beep, and incorrect choices would be followed by
a dissonant sound. Thus, their aim was to produce as
many beeps as they could. Each trial began with a
simultaneous presentation of the S+ and S-, one in each
upper corner of the presentation area. A mouse click on
the S+ produced a short beepsound, and a mouse
click on the S- produced a dissonant sound. After either
84 Psychol Rec (2015) 65:8388
Author's personal copy
sound, the stimuli were withdrawn and a .5 s intertrial
interval (ITI) was initiated. Training ended when partic-
ipants emitted 12 responses in the programmed S+ in a
block of 12 trials. If this criterion was not achieved,
another 12-trial block was run. Tests started immediately
after training and consisted of 12 trials each.
Before the tests, the participants were told that no
feedback would follow their responses, but the computer
would keep recording their choices as correct or incor-
rect. Each test was comprised of 12 trials. Across trials,
mouse clicks were followed only by the withdrawal of
the stimuli and the ITI. During tests, stimuli were pre-
sented separately (Tests 1 to 5) or recombined (Test 6;
see the x-axis of Figs. 2,3and 4). In Test 1, all com-
ponents were separated and presented simultaneously.
Test 1 assessed which component the participants would
choose more frequently. In Tests 25, one of the two S+
components was simultaneously presented against one of
the two S- components. Tests 25 evaluated if choices
would occur to both S+ components. In Test 6, each S+
component was combined with an S- component to form
two novel compound stimuli: a green triangle (see the
lower right panel of Fig. 2) and a red square. This test
assessed which S+ component the participants would
chose more frequently when combined with an S-
During Tests 26, components were presented on the
upper corners of the screen. The exception was Test 1, in
which one of the four components appeared in each
corner. When a component was presented alone, it was
displayed on the center of the presentation area, as shown
in the right panel of Fig. 1. During training and testing,
stimuli were all presented an equal number of times in
each presentation area, but they were not presented in the
same presentation area for more than three times
Analysis of Eye-Tracking Data
Two independent observers analyzed eye-tracking data. A
fixation was coded when the compound stimuli were
displayed and the point-of-gaze cursor generated by the
eye-tracking device remained still on any part of any
component of the compound stimuli for more than 1/30
of a second (i.e., a fixation was never recorded when the
eye was just moving from one component to another).
Observers evaluated the total frequency and duration of
fixation on each component of the compound stimuli. The
lowest value was divided by the highest. The intercoder
agreement ranged from 0.93 to 1.00.
Fig. 1 On the upper left panel, the components of the compound stimuli
used during training are displayed. The lower left panel shows an exam-
ple of a training trial with compound stimuli displayed on the computer
screen. On the right panel, two examples of test trials are depicted, one
with four components presented separately (Test 1) and another with two
components (Tests 25 and Test 6, with components recombined as a red
square and a green triangle). The size of each component and presentation
area was actually smaller then depicted on this figure (see text for actual
measures and angular distance)
Fig. 2 Results of participant A. On the upper panel, the duration and
frequency of eye fixations for each compound component (triangle, red,
square, and green) presented during training for Phases 1 and 2; on the
lower panel, choices (using mouse click) during tests after Phases 1 and 2
in which components presented during training were separated or
Psychol Rec (2015) 65:8388 85
Author's personal copy
Participants made few mistakes on both experimental phases
during discrimination training. After a correct response to the
S+, they continued to respond correctly on the following trials.
In the discrimination training of Phase 1, Participants C and J
first responded to the S+ on the second trial, and Participant A
on the third trial. In the discrimination training of Phase 2, all
the participants responded to the S+ on the second trial.
The analysis of eye fixations during training included only
fixations that occurred after the discrimination had been
established (i.e., after the second consecutive trial with an S+
selection). Figures 2,3and 4show eye-fixations during training
and participantschoices during tests. The upper panels show the
total duration of fixation and frequency to each component of the
compound stimuli during training in Phases 1 and 2. The lower
panel shows the results of Tests 16 during Phases 1 and 2.
In both phases, all the participants displayed a higher
duration and frequency of fixation to one component of the
S+ when compared to the other S+ component and to the two
S- components. Two participants (A and J) fixated more on
shapes than colors (the triangle in Phase 1 and the square in
Phase 2). The other participant (C) fixated more on colors than
shapes (red in Phase 1 and green in Phase 2). For all partici-
pants, in both phases, the second highest number of fixations
and duration of fixations to the S- component corresponded to
the same dimension as the S+ component with the highest
number and duration of fixations (i.e., shape for A and J and
color for C). Repetitive fixations on shapes or colors during
training are translated into horizontal saccades followed by
eye fixations distributed on the upper or lower portion of the
compounds, respectively (see Fig. 1).
Across trials in each test, participants responded by
clicking on only one component. During Test 1, in which all
four components were presented simultaneously and separate-
ly (see the horizontal axis on the lower panel of Figs. 2,3and
4), the participants clicked on the component with the highest
number and duration of fixations during training. The only
exception to this trend was participant J in Phase 1, who
Fig. 3 Results of participant C. On the upper panel, the duration and
frequency of eye fixations for each compound component (triangle, red,
square, and green) presented during training for Phases 1 and 2; on the lower
panel, choices (using a mouse click) during tests after Phases 1 and 2 in which
components presented during training were separated or recombined
Fig. 4 Results of participant J. On the upper panel, the duration and
frequency of eye fixations for each compound component (triangle, red,
square and green) presented during training for Phases 1 and 2; on the
lower panel, choices (using a mouse click) during tests after Phases 1 and
2, in which components presented during training were separated or
86 Psychol Rec (2015) 65:8388
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fixated on the triangle most often during training, but chose
red on the test. Across Tests 25, in which one S+ component
was presented with an S- component, participants always
chose the S+, even when the S+ component displayed was
not the one with the most fixations during training. In Test 6,
in which components were recombined, participants chose the
component with the most fixations during training, except for
participant J, who chose red instead of the triangle in Phase 1.
Previous studies with pigeons have suggested that measuring
stimulus control in discrimination tasks with compound stimuli
might require further testing to evaluate whether one or more
individual components of the compound stimulus acquired con-
trol over responses. According to this literature, some stimulus-
control relations might only be revealed when different types of
tests are carried out (Farthing and Hearst 1970; Kendall and Mills
1979; Reynolds 1961; Wilkie and Masson 1976). The present
study replicated these findings by exposing humans to a simul-
taneous discrimination task with compound stimuli while record-
ing their eye fixations. Participants rapidly learned to respond
accurately during discrimination training and were then exposed
to a series of different tests to assess which stimulus compo-
nent(s) (color or shape) had acquired control over their
responding. The results suggest that (a) the controlling compo-
nent was idiosyncratic across participants, with some participants
responding during tests on the basis of color and some
responding on the basis of shape; (b) the participants tended to
choose the component to which they had more fixations during
training; and (c) the S+ component that was associated with
fewer fixations during training also controlled participants
choices on some of the tests.
Tests 1 and 6 aimed to reveal the component that acquired
the most control over participantschoices: S+ color or shape.
In Test 1, all components were separated and simultaneously
presented (cf. Reynolds 1961). In Test 6, the individual com-
ponents of the compound stimulus were recombined (cf. Born
and Peterson 1969). In both tests, the two S+ components
were presented on the same trial and only one of them could
be chosen. Participants consistently chose the same one,
which suggests that only color or shape acquired control over
responding (cf. Pessôa et al. 2009; Saunders et al. 1988;
Schroeder 1969,1970). On the other hand, Tests 25present-
ed each of the S+ components separately and pitted them
against an S- component. The results from Tests 25suggest
that both S+ components (color and shape) acquired control
over participantschoices. Similar to previous experiments
using pigeons as subjects, the current study shows that pre-
senting the S+ components of a compound stimulus separated
on the same test trial might reveal control by the stronger
component but not by the weaker one (cf. Wilkie and Masson
1976). To evaluate the degree of control acquired by the
weaker component, this component should be separately pre-
sented along with an S- component (Farthing and Hearst
1970;KendallandMills1979; Wilkie and Masson 1976).
Another aim of this study was to evaluate the coherence
between participantsresponses during tests and eye fixations
during training. Eye fixations during training occurred more
frequently and with higher duration to the S+ component that
controlled responding in Tests 1 and 6. However, the analysis
of eye fixations did not readily reveal control by the second S+
component that was shown separately during Tests 25.
In Tests 1 and 6, in five out of six cases, participants chose
the S+ component that had the highest number and duration of
fixations during training. These results confirm previous find-
ings suggesting that tracking eye fixations is a possible way to
assess stimulus control relations (cf. Dube et al. 1999,2003,
2006,2010;Magnusson2002;Perez2008; Pessôa et al. 2009;
Schroeder 1969,1970). However, eye-fixation measures did
not reveal any control by the weaker S+ component. In other
words, the second highest number and duration of fixations
did not occur to the other S+ component. It instead occurred to
the S- component from the same dimension as the stronger S+
component that was displayed on the same portion of the
presentation area. Shapes were presented on the upper portion
of the compound and colors on the bottom (see Fig. 1). Since a
greater number and duration of fixations were made to one S+
component, eye movements occurred in either the upper or
lower portion of the compound stimulus, depending on the
portion of the presentation area where the stronger S+ com-
ponent was displayed. After a correct choice was made, fixa-
tions on the same portion of the compound might have been
intermittently reinforced by the presentation of the S+ in the
same presentation area. If this were correct, the presentation of
an S- would set the occasion for participants to move their
eyes toward the same portion of the other presentation area,
where inevitably the stronger S+ component would be locat-
ed. Since this is speculation, future studies should investigate
this issue by varying the portion of the presentation area in
which stimulus components are displayed.
Tes ts 25 aimed to investigate if the weaker S+ component
would also control participantschoices during tests even
though there were no responses to that component during Test
1. The results of these tests suggest that both S+ components
acquired control over mouse-clinking responses. However,
the eye-fixation results highlight an alternative possibility:
reject control (e.g., Johnson and Sidman 1993) might have
occurred on tests that presented the weaker S+ component and
the S- that had the second highest number of fixations (e.g., in
Phase 1 for Participant A: the red circle vs. the square). In
other words, the choice of the weaker S+ component might
have been controlled by the S- component (e.g., Magnusson
2002; Perez 2008; Stromer and Osborne 1982). Additional
tests are needed to rule out the possibility of reject control.
Psychol Rec (2015) 65:8388 87
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One alternative testing method is to change one of these
components to a novel stimulus. Presenting the S- component
with the second highest number of fixations along with a
novel stimulus would reveal reject control if the novel stimu-
lus were chosen. On the other hand, presenting the weaker S+
component along with a novel stimulus would reveal control
by the first stimulus if it were consistently chosen (e.g.,
Stromer and Osborne 1982; see Goulart et al. 2005). Future
studies should consider using such probe trials.
Another methodological issue concerns the formal proper-
ties of the stimulus components. In the present study, the
stimulus components were dissimilar in shape, color, and
luminance. Thus, a peripheral vision effect was to be expected
from the very beginning of training (cf. Schroeder 1969,
1970). The results of Tests 25 in Phase 2 suggest that the
participants were paying attentionto both S+ components
despite the fact that they only fixed their eyes on one compo-
nent. To decrease peripheral-vision effects and to increase
prediction of stimulus control relations by eye fixations, future
studies should present components that are similar in lumi-
nance (cf. Pessôa et al. 2009) by changing the size of the
stimuli or the angular distance in relation to the participants
eyes (Perez 2008).
Authors note During the preparation of the manuscript, the
authors were supported by the following grants: William Ferreira
Perez by FAPESP (doctoral fellowship, Grant # 2011/19125-2),
Peter Endemann by CNPq (doctoral fellowship, Grant # 140636/
2009-9), Candido V. B. B. Pessôa by FAPESP (post-doc fellow-
ship, Grant # 2011/19125-2), and Gerson Y. Tomanari by CNPq.
Data collection and preparation of the manuscript were supported
by CNPq (Grant # 573972/2008-7) and FAPESP (Grant # 08/
57705-8), both at the Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia
sobre Comportamento, Cognição e Ensino (INCT-ECCE), coordi-
nated by Dr. Deisy G. de Souza (UFSCar).
We are grateful to Saulo Velasco, Erik Arntzen, the editor and an
anonymous reviewer for helpful comments on early versions of the
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88 Psychol Rec (2015) 65:8388
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... About 20 research articles investigating stimulus control in some form in the behavior analytic literature have measured eye movements. The topics have included reinforcement schedules (Holland, 1957;Rosenberger, 1973;Schroeder & Holland, 1969), simple discrimination (Huziwara et al., 2015;Pessôa et al., 2009;Schroeder, 1969;Schroeder, 1970Schroeder, , 1997Schroeder & Holland, 1968), conditional discrimination (Huziwara et al., 2016;Kirshner & Sidman, 1972), selective attention (Dube et al., 2006;Dube et al., 1999;Perez et al., 2015) and stimulus equivalence (Hansen & Arntzen, 2018;Sadeghi & Arntzen, 2018;Steingrimsdottir & Arntzen, 2016). Eye movements are measured to reveal aspects of stimulus control arranged in the experiments and contribute to a detailed stimulus control analysis. ...
... 122). Perez et al. (2015) also reported on the possibility of peripheral observation, writing that "The results…suggest that the participants were 'paying attention' to both S+ components despite the fact that they only fixed their eyes on one component"(p. 88). ...
... They discuss that clear-cut fixations might not be necessary at the end of training when the conditional discriminations are learned. However, peripheral vision can potentially be actively used at the beginning of training, as seen in Perez et al. (2015). Also, Sadeghi and Arntzen (2018) examined eye movements when groups of participants were trained on MTS procedures with three different training structures. ...
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Eye‐tracking has been used to investigate observing responses in matching‐to‐sample procedures. However, in visual search, peripheral vision plays an important role. Therefore, three experiments were conducted to investigate the extent to which adult participants can discriminate stimuli that vary in size and position in the periphery. Experiment 1 used arbitrary matching with abstract stimuli, Experiment 2 used identity matching with abstract stimuli, and Experiment 3 used identity matching with simple (familiar) shapes. In all three experiments, participants were taught eight conditional discriminations establishing four 3‐member classes of stimuli. Four different stimulus sizes and three different stimulus positions were manipulated in the 12 peripheral test phases. In these test trials, participants had to fixate their gaze on the sample stimulus in the middle of the screen while selecting a comparison stimulus. Eye movements were measured with a head‐mounted eye‐tracker during both training and testing. Experiment 1 shows that participants can discriminate small abstract stimuli that are arbitrarily related in the periphery. Experiment 2 shows that matching identical stimuli does not affect discrimination in the periphery compared to arbitrarily related stimuli. However, Experiment 3 shows that discrimination increases when stimuli are well‐known simple shapes.
... 585). In experiments studying attending behavior, compound stimuli have been presented as two elements merged as one object (e.g., Reynolds, 1961), as two stimuli placed next to each other (e.g., Perez, Endemann, Pessôa, & Tomanari, 2015), or stimuli of different dimensions presented at the same time (e.g., Birkimer, 1969). In research testing for overselectivity, the two latter examples have usually been used (e.g., Dube et al., 2010;Lovaas, Schreibman, Koegel, & Rehm, 1971). ...
... Though these experiments modified the training and testing procedures in different ways, the general results show that when simple discriminations are established with compound stimuli, most nonhuman animals respond in the presence of one aspect of the compound stimuli, usually the color. Perez et al. (2015) investigated stimulus control using compound stimuli in human participants. They trained three adult participants in a simultaneous discrimination task using compound stimuli and presented the aspects of the compound stimuli individually and recombined in several ways in the tests. ...
... Experiments replicating Reynolds' procedures testing stimulus control using compound stimuli (e.g., Birkimer, 1969;Blackmore et al., 2016;Born & Peterson, 1969;Farthing & Hearst, 1970;Kendall & Mills, 1979;Perez et al., 2015;Wilkie & Masson, 1976) used simple discrimination procedures establishing stimulus control. The present study aimed to extend this line of research on stimulus control and attending behavior using compound stimuli establishing conditional discrimination with human participants. ...
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The purpose of the present experiments was to investigate stimulus control to the individual elements of multiple compound stimuli in a matching-to-sample (MTS) procedure. In Experiment 1, 20 participants were trained in a 0-s delayed identity MTS procedure with four compound stimuli before a test. In the testing condition, all aspects of the compound stimuli were presented simultaneously. The result shows that eight participants respond systematically to only one aspect of the initial compound stimuli. In Experiment 2, 20 participants in two groups were trained in the same manner as in Experiment 1. Group 1 was trained with 0-s delay and Group 2 with 3-s delay. In the test, only one compound stimulus was tested on each trial. Results show that eight and four participants in Group 1 and 2, respectively, respond systematically to one aspect of the compound stimuli.
... Lovaas et al. (1971) found that in children without developmental disabilities and autism, all aspects of the compound stimuli controlled responding when tested separately in a simple successive discrimination training procedure. Perez et al. (2015) found similar results in a simple simultaneous discrimination procedure with college students. Whereas, restricted stimulus control has been shown after conditional stimulus control has been established in matching-to-sample (MTS) training procedure in the same population (Braaten & Arntzen, 2019;Stromer & Stromer, 1990a). ...
... Therefore, it is surprising and interesting that more than onethird of the total number of participants responded incorrectly when the compound was separated, and the elements were tested individually. The present experiment results differ from Lovaas et al. (1971) and Perez et al. (2015) that did not show restricted stimulus control in healthy children or adults, respectively. On the other side, the results support Braaten and Arntzen (2019) and Stromer and Stromer (1990a) that some adult participants show restricted stimulus control. ...
... Table 2 The proportion of the frequency of first fixation (>200 ms) on the side followed by a happy facial expression for quartiles of trials (1-32, 33-64, 65-96, and 97-128) it easier for behavior analysts to conduct experiments using automatic eye tracking. In recent years, some studies in behavior analysis have used automatic eye tracking, focusing on visual fixations during discrimination learning (Dube et al., 2010;Perez, Endemann, Pessôa, & Tomanari, 2015;Steingrimsdottir & Arntzen, 2016). Researchers have examined the relationships between gaze fixation and error rates in matching-to-sample tasks (Dube et al., 2010;Steingrimsdottir & Arntzen, 2016) and chosen components of compound stimuli (Perez et al., 2015). ...
... In recent years, some studies in behavior analysis have used automatic eye tracking, focusing on visual fixations during discrimination learning (Dube et al., 2010;Perez, Endemann, Pessôa, & Tomanari, 2015;Steingrimsdottir & Arntzen, 2016). Researchers have examined the relationships between gaze fixation and error rates in matching-to-sample tasks (Dube et al., 2010;Steingrimsdottir & Arntzen, 2016) and chosen components of compound stimuli (Perez et al., 2015). The current findings provide opportunities for using automatic eye tracking not only for discrimination learning but also preference assessment. ...
Reinforcement values of facial expressions for visual fixation remain underdeveloped in extant literature, though numerous studies have investigated the function of facial expressions as antecedents of gaze behavior. This study used a concurrent gaze-contingent reinforcement procedure to compare reinforcement values of positive and negative facial expressions for gaze fixation. In total, 7 of the 20 typical adults fixated more frequently on the side that was followed by positive facial expressions. The results suggest that a novel application of eye tracking technology could allow for the evaluation and comparison of reinforcement values of social visual stimuli.
... Both Schroeder (1970) and Pessôa et al. (2009) report on similar observations. In discussions in the literature about the effect of peripheral vision, it is mentioned that peripheral vision probably affects both fixation measures from the beginning of training (Perez et al., 2015) and throughout training as stimulus control increases (Hansen & Arntzen, 2018). Also, the stimuli's physical features might affect peripheral discrimination (Schroeder, 1970). ...
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Meaningful stimuli interspersed with abstract stimuli increase the probability of establishing conditional discriminations and responding according to stimulus equivalence in a matching-tosample procedure, compared to procedures with only abstract stimuli. Test accuracy and reaction time have been previous experiments’ primary dependent variables. However, contemporary research on stimulus equivalence has also included eye movement measures as a means of a fine-grained analysis of behavior. The present experiment investigates meaningful stimuli’s effect on eye movements. The present experiment was arranged as a group design, with 30 adult participants allocated in three groups. All learned 12 conditional discriminations in a one-to-many training structure before testing to establish three 5-member stimulus equivalence classes. One group was trained with meaningful sample stimuli, one with meaningful comparison stimuli, and one with all abstract stimuli. Results show significant differences in fixation durations and gaze transitions between the groups with meaningful stimuli and those with all abstract stimuli in the test for stimulus equivalence. Hence, measuring eye movements with eye-tracking technology can provide information about behavioral differences between conditions not obtained with accuracy scores.
... Both Schroeder (1970) and Pessôa et al. (2009) report on similar observations. In discussions in the literature about the effect of peripheral vision, it is mentioned that peripheral vision probably affects both fixation measures from the beginning of training (Perez et al., 2015) and throughout training as stimulus control increases (Hansen & Arntzen, 2018). Also, the stimuli's physical features might affect peripheral discrimination (Schroeder, 1970). ...
... Apesar da área de estudo ter se desenvolvido voltada a determinadas populações e procedimentos específicos, a ocorrência de controle por apenas parte dos elementos componentes dos estímulos também já foi documentada em pesquisas com adultos atípicos (e. g., Broomfield et al., 2010;Perez et al., 2015;Reed & Gibson, 2005). Conforme afirmam Broofield et al. (2008), investigar esse fenômeno em populações não-clínicas permite uma maior facilidade na investigação, assim como a análise e o desenvolvimento de diferentes procedimentos para remediar esse problema antes de aplicá-los a qualquer população com desenvolvimento atípico. ...
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Resumo Este estudo investigou o efeito de treino discriminativo de pseudopalavras com e sem a exigência de resposta de seleção sobre o controle por elementos e recombinações de elementos e sobre a observação dos estímulos. Oito universitários realizaram duas condições com treino discriminativo e teste de controle de estímulos. Na condição SEL, requeria-se uma resposta de seleção do S+; na condição OBS, apenas a observação. A resposta de seleção não foi determinante no controle pelos elementos e pela recombinação de elementos. Quatro participantes apresentaram controle restrito. Esse controle foi ampliado na condição adicional DOR, que requeria a observação diferencial dos elementos, e foi acompanhado por aumento da observação do S+. A ampliação do controle de estímulos, ocasionada pelo DOR, ainda requer avaliação independente de condições de ensino anteriores.
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O presente estudo avaliou o efeito dos controles por seleção e por rejeição sobre a observação de S+ e S-em treinos de emparelhamento com o modelo. Quatro adultos foram expostos a treinos de discriminação condicional e testes de equivalência. Na condição de Linha de Base (LB), nenhuma relação de controle modelo/comparação específica foi favorecida; nas condições de Controle por Rejeição e Controle por Seleção, as relações modelo/S-e modelo/S+ foram favorecidas, respectivamente. Na condição LB, foi verificada uma maior observação do S+ em comparação ao SO O estabelecimento do controle por rejeição tendeu a ser acompanhado por uma maior observação do S-e por escolhas baseadas na observação exclusiva do S-; no caso do controle por seleção, padrões similares foram verificados, porém para o S+. Foi concluído que o estabelecimento dos controles por seleção e por rejeição são acompanhados de mudanças na observação dos estímulos de comparação. ABSTRACT-The present study investigated the effects of select and reject controls upon S+ and S-observations during a matching-to-sample training. Four adults were exposed to discriminative trainings and equivalence tests. In Baseline (BL), no specific sample-comparison control was biased; in the Reject Control and Select Control conditions, sample/S+ and sample/S-relations were biased, respectively. In BL, participants observed more the S+ than the S-. The establishment of reject control tended to be followed by an increase in the observation of the Sand by choices based on the exclusive observation of the Sin in the case of select control, similar patterns were found, however, for the S+. Thus, the establishment of select and reject controls are followed by changes in the observation of comparison stimuli.
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A investigação empírica sobre o processo da discriminação realizada nas décadas de 1930 e 1940 foi acompanhada por um longo debate, conhecido com a Controvérsia Continuidade vs. Descontinuidade. Questões sobre a natureza seletiva da discriminação e o papel de respostas sensoriais compuseram o problema de pesquisa de Wyckoff que culminaria na elaboração do conceito e do delineamento experimental da resposta de observação. Com o objetivo de apresentar o contexto histórico de surgimento da resposta de observação, a presente pesquisa foi conduzida com base nas referências dos artigos originais de Wyckoff. O delineamento de observação permitiu a obtenção de medidas independentes de duas classes de respostas importantes para o estabelecimento da discriminação. O papel das respostas sensoriais e, especificamente, da resposta de observação foram abordados experimentalmente a partir de condições onde o contato do organismo com os estímulos discriminativos não é garantido ou favorecido pelo arranjo de estímulo.
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Ocular observing response topographies, as duration and number of eye fixations, vary among conditional discrimination procedures. Such measures have yet to be accounted for as a function of different training structures as the many-to-one (MTO), one-to-many (OTM), or linear series (LS). The present experiment explored differential outcomes in eye movement topographies, as duration and number of eye fixations, during the potential formation of six 3-member equivalence classes—prepared simultaneously and in a sequential training arrangement. Nine college students participated. Results showed that one of three participants, prepared with MTO, OTM, and LS, respectively, formed equivalence classes. Participants who responded in accordance with stimulus equivalence revealed longer fixation durations to sample stimuli and shorter fixation durations to comparison stimuli and, furthermore, fixated longer and more often on correct comparison stimuli, regardless of equivalence classformation. These findings have implications with respect to eye movements predictive value of delayed emergence of equivalence classes.
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Contingency analyses of eye movements may reveal variables that are relevant to the stimulus control of observing behavior. The present research tracked the eye movements of four adults exposed to a simultaneous discrimination among four stimuli, two two-dimensional (square and circle) and two three-dimensional (cube and cylinder) monochromatic figures with approximately equal luminance. On each discrimination trial, the stimuli were displayed in the four corners of a video monitor and participants chose among them by pressing corresponding keys. For two participants, choosing either cube or square (S+) was followed by the word "correct" and a 3-second inter-trial interval. Alternatively, choosing either cylinder or circle (S-) was followed by "incorrect" and a 30-second inter-trial interval. For the other two participants, contingencies were reversed. The position of the stimuli on the screen varied randomly across trials. The procedure continued for 80 trials. During these trials, discriminated choices were established. Despite the presence of both a two-and a three-dimensional S+ on each trial, responses to the three-dimensional S+ tended to prevail. Although general eye fixations tended to decrease as discrimination was established, subjects tended to observe S+ for longer durations than S-. Characteristics of the stimuli may interact with the contingencies of reinforcement in the stimulus control of observing behavior.
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Human Ss, when given a discrimination task whose stimuli varied in dimension and relevance, always chose and ftxated more frequently the stimulus they had been reinforced for choosing. Decreasing the brightness reduced the choice and ftxation preference for form stimuli over line stimuli and raised total ftxation frequency. Ss decreased fixation frequency to discriminanda with practice.
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Restricted stimulus control refers to discrimination learning with atypical limitations in the range of controlling stimuli or stimulus features. In the study reported here, 4 normally capable individuals and 10 individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) performed two-sample delayed matching to sample. Sample-stimulus observing was recorded with an eye-tracking apparatus. High accuracy scores indicated stimulus control by both sample stimuli for the 4 nondisabled participants and 4 participants with ID, and eye tracking data showed reliable observing of all stimuli. Intermediate accuracy scores indicated restricted stimulus control for the remaining 6 participants. Their eye-tracking data showed that errors were related to failures to observe sample stimuli and relatively brief observing durations. Five of these participants were then given interventions designed to improve observing behavior. For 4 participants, the interventions resulted initially in elimination of observing failures, increased observing durations, and increased accuracy. For 2 of these participants, contingencies sufficient to maintain adequate observing were not always sufficient to maintain high accuracy; subsequent procedure modifications restored it, however. For the 5th participant, initial improvements in observing were not accompanied by improved accuracy, an apparent instance of observing without attending; accuracy improved only after an additional intervention that imposed contingencies on observing behavior. Thus, interventions that control observing behavior seem necessary but may not always be sufficient for the remediation of restricted stimulus control.
CENTER FOR MENTAL RETARDATION Stimulus overselectivity, or restricted stimulus control, refers to stimulus control that is atypically limited with respect to range, breadth, or number of stimuli or stimulus features (Lovaas, Koegel, & Schreibman, 1979; Schreibman, 1997). Overselectivity may be associated with learning difficulties in individuals with developmental disabilities like autism and mental retardation (e.g., Remington & Clarke, 1993). For example, overselectivity is evident in special-education classrooms when students learn to identify printed words by their initial letters only (Kledaras, Dube, Flusser, McIlvane, & Potter, 1999, May). For several years our laboratory has been examining overselectivity with matching-to-sample tasks that display more than one sample stimulus per trial (e.g., Dube, 1997; Dube & McIlvane, 1997, 1999; Stromer, McIlvane, Dube, & Mackay, 1993). Stimulus control by an atypically limited number of sample stimuli indicates overselectivity. One question concerns the relation between overselectivity and observing behavior. Effective observing behavior is a prerequisite for accurate visual discrimination for their help with data analysis; Steve Oross and Bill McIlvane for advice on the project; Bill McIlvane and Richard Serna for comments on the manuscript; Lynn Doucette and Joanne Kledaras for photography; and the staff and students of The Protestant Guild Learning Center for their sustained and generous cooperation. Special thanks to Rikki Razdan and Alan Kielar of the ISCAN Corp. for technical support and assistance. Address correspondence to William V. Dube, Psychological Sciences Division, E. K. Shriver Center, 200 Trapelo Road, Waltham, MA 02452, or (Dinsmoor, 1985; Schroeder, 1997). Does overselective responding result from failure to observe all of the relevant stimuli? To begin to answer this question, we have initiated studies with an eye tracking apparatus. The purpose of this brief report is to describe the training program we have developed to teach individuals with mental retardation to participate in eye tracking sessions. We will also report our method for data analysis and some typical results.
During training sessions, pigeons were successively exposed to compounds consisting of a white triangle on a red background and a white circle on a green background. Key pecking intermittently produced grain reinforcers in the presence of one form-color compound. Once key pecking was confined to the compound associated with reinforcement, the elements—red, green, triangle, and circle—were presented during a test in which no reinforcement was available. Each bird pecked nearly exclusively in the presence of the color previously associated with reinforcement, a result that might be interpreted as indicating that the subjects had attended to color, but not form during training. Pecking was next reinforced when either the triangle or the circle was present. Pecking in the presence of the form previously associated with reinforcement was acquired more rapidly. This result suggests that the birds had learned about the forms during training, and that conclusions about attention based on the lack of differential pecking in the nonreinforcement test may not be appropriate.
A conditional discrimination was established and analyzed, using four pigeons. The discrimination was among four compound stimuli projected on the response key—a white circle or triangle on a red or green background—during two conditions of illumination in the chamber, no illumination or flashing illumination. The two lighting conditions indicated whether the stimuli on the key containing triangles or those containing red would be the occasion for reinforcement. After the discrimination formed, generalization to intermediate and extreme values of the conditional stimulus and the attention of the birds to separate aspects of the stimulus on the key under each of the conditional stimuli were studied. All subjects generalized across values of the conditional stimulus, the lighting of the chamber. But subjects differed in the manner in which they treated the compound stimuli: two tended to attend to one or the other aspect of the stimulus on the key depending on the conditional stimulus, and two offered no evidence of such selective attention. Thus, the differential control of responding by the conditional stimuli cannot be attributed to a shift in attention between the figure and ground aspects of the compound stimuli.
Pigeons received free-operant go discrimination training in which the positive stimulus for all subjects was a visual compound, a vertical white line on a blue background. After discrimination training, two types of test trials (“elements”: blue, green, vertical, horizontal; “compounds”: blue-vertical, blue-horizontal, green-vertical, green-horizontal) were presented to each subject during extinction. Under most conditions both kinds of trials revealed that responding was more strongly controlled by wavelength than by line-till. However, only compound trials proved sensitive enough to consistently reveal differential control within the weaker (line-tilt) dimension; the near-zero response output to vertical or horizontal lines presented alone on the “elements” trials made it very difficult to detect any differential line-tilt control and could have led to the erroneous conclusion that some birds had not attended at all to the line-tilt dimension. Other comparisons from the present experiments provided information on “blocking” effects and on the influence of different negative stimuli in the development of stimulus control along the wavelength and line-tilt dimensions.