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On Feature Selection for Credit Scoring


Abstract and Figures

Credits' granting is a fundamental question for which every credit institution is confronted and one of the most complex tasks that it has to deal with. This task is based on analyzing and judging a large amount of receipts credits' requests. Typically, credit scoring databases are often large and characterized by redundant and irrelevant features. With so many features, classification methods become more computational demanding. This difficulty can be solved by using feature selection methods. Many such methods are proposed in literature such as filter and wrapper methods. Filter methods select the best features by evaluating the fundamental properties of data, making them fast and simple to implement. However, they are sensitive to redundancy and there are so many filtering methods proposed in previous work leading to the selection trouble. Wrapper methods select the best features according to the classifier's accuracy, making results well-matched to the predetermined classification algorithm. However, they typically lack generality since the resulting subset of features is tied to the bias of the used classifier. The purpose of this thesis is to build simple and robust credit scoring models based on selecting the most relevant features. Three feature selection methods are proposed. First we propose a new filter rank aggregation based on an optimization method using genetic algorithms and similarity. Second, we introduce an ensemble wrapper feature selection method based on an improved exhaustive search. Combining both methods seems a natural choice to benefit from their advantages and avoid their shortcomings. Thus, a three stage feature selection using quadratic programming is considered. Based on different performance criteria and on four real credit datasets our three methods are evaluated. Results show that feature subsets selected by the proposed methods are either superior or at least as adequate as those selected by their competitor methods.
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Universit´e de Tunis
Institut Sup´erieur de Gestion
Ecole Doctorale Sciences de Gestion
On Feature Selection Methods
for Credit Scoring
En vue de l’obtention du Doctorat en
Informatique de Gestion
Pr´esent´ee et soutenue publiquement par
Mlle Bouaguel Waad
Le ** ** 2015
Membres du Jury
Mr. name name Professeur Universit´e de **** Pr´esident
Mr. LIMAM Mohamed Professeur Universit´e de Tunis Directeur de Th`ese
Mr. AYADI Mohamed Professeur Universit´e de Tunis Rapporteur
Mme. CHAOUACHI Jouhaina Maˆıtre de Conf´erence Universit´e de Carthage Rapporteur
Mr. name name Professeur Universit´e de **** Membre
I would like to express my special appreciation and thanks to my advisor Professor
Mohamed Limam, you have been a tremendous mentor for me. I would like to thank
you for encouraging my research and for allowing me to grow as a research scientist.
Your advice on both research as well as on my career have been priceless. This thesis
would not have been possible without your help, support and patience.
Furthermore I would also like to thank with much appreciation Dr. Ghazi Bel
Mufti for the useful comments, remarks and engagement through the learning process
of this thesis.
I take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to the jury members. It
is my honor that they accepted the invitation and spent their precious time helping
me to improve this thesis.
I would especially like to acknowledge the financial, academic and technical sup-
port of the high institute of management and I also thank all LARODEC members
for their support and assistance since the start of my masters’ work.
A special thanks to my family. Words cannot express how grateful I am to my
mother, father, brother and sister for all the sacrifices that you’ve made on my behalf.
Your prayer for me was what sustained me thus far.
I would like to dedicate my thesis and to express my deepest appreciation to my
beloved fianc´e who always was my support in all times.
Credits’ granting is a fundamental question for which every credit institution is con-
fronted and one of the most complex tasks that it has to deal with. This task is based
on analyzing and judging a large amount of receipts credits’ requests. Typically, credit
scoring databases are often large and characterized by redundant and irrelevant fea-
tures. With so many features, classification methods become more computational
demanding. This difficulty can be solved by using feature selection methods. Many
feature selection methods are proposed in literature such as filter and wrapper meth-
ods. Filter methods select the best features by evaluating the fundamental properties
of data, making them fast and simple to implement. Wrapper methods select the
best features according to the classifier accuracy, making results well-matched to the
predetermined classification algorithm. However, they typically lack generality since
the resulting subset of features is tied to the bias of the used classifier. The purpose
of this thesis is to build simple and robust credit scoring models based on selecting
the most relevant features. Three feature selection methods are proposed. First we
propose a new filter rank aggregation method based on optimization using genetic al-
gorithms and similarity. Second, we introduce an ensemble wrapper feature selection
method based on an improved exhaustive search. Combining both methods seems a
natural choice to benefit from their advantages and avoid their shortcomings. Thus,
a three stage feature selection using quadratic programming is considered. Based on
different performance criteria and on four real credit datasets our three methods are
evaluated. Results show that feature subsets selected by the proposed methods are
either superior or at least as adequate as those selected by their competitor methods.
Keywords: Feature selection, filter, wrapper, hybrid, rank aggregation.
L’octroi des Cr´edits est une question fondamentale `a laquelle chaque ´etablissement de
cr´edit est confront´e, Il s’agit de l’une des aches les plus complexes qu’il doit traiter.
Cette ache est bas´ee sur l’analyse et le jugement d’une grande quantit´e de deman-
des de cr´edits re¸cus. Typiquement, les bases de donn´ees utilis´es en credit scoring
sont tr`es grandes et se caract´erisent par la pr´esence de variables redondantes et non
significatives. Avec tant de variables les ethodes de classification deviennent plus
complexes. Cette difficult´e peut ˆetre esolue en utilisant des ethodes de election
de variables. Des nombreuses ethodes de election de variables ont ´et´e propos´ees
en litt´erature. D’une part les ethodes filtre choisissent les meilleures variables en
´evaluant les propri´et´es fondamental des donn´ees, ce qui les rend rapide et facile `a met-
tre en œuvre. Cependant, ils ignorent la redondance entre les variables. Il y a aussi
beaucoup de ethodes filtre propos´ees dans les travaux pr´ec´edent menant `a un trouble
de election. D’autre part les ethodes wrapper choisissent les meilleures variables
selon le taux de classification en´er´e par un classificateur, de ce fait le esultat est bien
assorti `a l’algorithme de classification utilis´e. Cependant, ces ethodes manquent de
en´eralit´e puisque le sous-ensemble esultant de variables est biais´e du classificateur
utilis´e. Le but de cette th`ese est de construire des mod`eles de credit scoring simple
et robuste tout en electionnant les variables les plus pertinentes. D’abord nous pro-
posons une nouvelle ethode filtre d’agr´egation de rangs bas´ee sur l’optimisation, des
algorithmes en´etiques et la similarit´e. Dans un second temps, nous pr´esentons une
ethode d’ensemble wrapper de election de variables bas´ee sur une recherche ex-
haustive am´elior´ee. L’union des deux ethodes semble un choix naturel pour profiter
de leurs avantages et ´eviter leurs efauts. Ainsi, nous avons propos´e une troisi`eme
ethode de election `a trois niveaux utilisant la programmation quadratique. En se
basant sur diff´erents crit`eres de performance et sur quatre bases de donn´ees eelles
de cr´edit, nous avons ´evalu´e nos trois ethodes. Les esultats montrent que les sous-
ensembles de variables choisis par les ethodes propos´ees sont sup´erieurs ou au moins
aussi ad´equats que ceux choisis par leurs ethodes concurrentes.
Mots cl´es: election de variable, filter, wrapper, hybrid, agr´egation des rangs.
List of Abbreviations and Symbols Used
CS Credit Scoring.
DA Discriminant Analysis.
DT Decision Tree.
LR Logistic Regression.
SVM Support Vector Machines.
ANN Artificial Neural Networks.
KNN K-Nearest-Neighbor.
LinR Linear Regression.
The population of credit applicants.
χThe space of observations.
nNumber of instances.
xMatrix of observations.
dNumber of features.
YVector of class labels.
XOriginal features set.
wWeight vector associated with the features.
WWeight vector associated with the ranked lists.
γStopping criterion.
FFeatures subset.
mNumber of filters to be aggregated.
LList of ranked features.
rFeature rank.
σOptimal rank list.
DDistance function.
kCardinality of a ranked list.
GA Genetic Algorithms.
MaxRel Maximal Relevance.
List of Abbreviations
mRMR minimal-Redundancy-Maximum-Relevance.
QMatrix describing the coefficients of the quadratic terms.
Zd-dimensional row vector describing the coefficients of the linear terms.
αTradeoff between relevance and redundancy.
PCC Pearson correlation coefficient.
MI Mutual information.
χ2Chi-squared test.
OiObserved frequency.
EiExpected theoretical frequency.
ANOVA Analysis of variance.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ............................... i
Abstract ...................................... ii
esum´e ...................................... iii
List of Abbreviations and Symbols Used .................. iv
List of figures ................................... x
List of tables ................................... xii
List of algorithms ................................ xv
Introduction ................................... 1
Chapter 1 Overview of Feature Selection in Credit Scoring .... 4
1.1 Introduction................................ 5
1.2 Credit scoring: state of the art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.1 Background of credit scoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.2 Basic notations in credit scoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.3 Proprieties of financial data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3 Basics of feature selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.1 Search direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.3.2 Searchstrategy .......................... 12
1.3.3 Evaluation function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3.4 Stopping criterion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.4 Feature selection algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.4.1 Filtermethods .......................... 19
Table of contents
1.4.2 Wrapper methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.4.3 Embedded methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.4.4 Hybridmethods.......................... 22
1.4.5 Comparison of feature selection algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.5 Datasets description and pre-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.5.1 Datasets description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.5.2 Data pre-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.6 Performance metrics for feature selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.7 Conclusion................................. 29
Chapter 2 A Filter Rank Aggregation Approach Based on Opti-
mization, Genetic Algorithm and Similarity for Credit
Scoring ............................. 31
2.1 Introduction................................ 32
2.2 Filterframework ............................. 32
2.2.1 Feature weighting methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.2.2 Subset search methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.2.3 Issue I: Selection trouble and rank aggregation . . . . . . . . 34
2.2.4 Issue II: Incomplete ranking and disjoint ranking for similar
features .............................. 37
2.3 New approach for filter feature selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.3.1 Optimization problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.3.2 Solution to optimization problem using genetic algorithm . . . 41
2.3.3 A rank aggregation based on similarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.4 Experimental investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.4.1 Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.5 Conclusion................................. 60
Chapter 3 Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection ........... 61
3.1 Introduction................................ 61
Table of contents
3.2 WrapperFramework ........................... 62
3.2.1 Issue I: Evaluation using a single classifier . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.2.2 Issue II: Subset generation and search strategies . . . . . . . 63
3.3 New approach for wrapper feature selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.3.1 Primary dimensionality reduction step: similarity study . . . . 65
3.3.2 Subset generation step: speeding up exhaustive search by heuris-
tics................................. 66
3.3.3 Evaluation step: effects of using multiple classifiers . . . . . . 68
3.4 Experimental Investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.4.1 Results and discussion for the same-type approach . . . . . . 73
3.4.2 Results and discussion for the mixed-type approach . . . . . . 82
3.5 Conclusion................................. 84
Chapter 4 A Three-Stage Feature Selection Using Quadratic Pro-
gramming for Credit Scoring ................ 86
4.1 Introduction................................ 86
4.2 HybridFramework ............................ 87
4.3 New Approach for hybrid feature selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.3.1 Stage I: feature-based filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.3.2 Stage II: fusion using quadratic programming . . . . . . . . . 89
4.3.3 Stage III: Feature-based wrapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.4 Experimental investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
4.4.1 Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.5 Conclusion................................. 105
Conclusions and future works ......................... 106
Bibliography ................................... 109
Publications .................................... 115
Table of contents
Appendix A Feature categories and datasets description ....... 117
A.1 Featurecategories............................. 117
A.1.1 Qualitative features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
A.1.2 Quantitative features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
A.2 datasetsdescription............................ 119
A.2.1 Australian dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
A.2.2 Germandataset.......................... 120
A.2.3 HEMQdataset .......................... 123
A.2.4 Tunisian dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Appendix B Classification methods .................... 126
B.1 Artificial Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
B.2 Support Vector Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
B.3 DecisionTrees .............................. 127
B.4 K-nearest-Neighbor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
List of Figures
Figure 1.1 The process of credit scoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Figure 1.2 Key steps of feature selection process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Figure 1.3 The process of filter feature selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Figure 1.4 The process of wrapper feature selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Figure 1.5 Data pre-processing flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Figure 2.1 General scheme of filter rank aggregation. . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Figure 2.2 A summary flowchart of the proposed genetic algorithm rank
aggregation ............................ 44
Figure 2.3 Flowchart summarizing the rank aggregation approach based
onsimilarity............................ 45
Figure 2.4 Illustrative example of the first scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Figure 3.1 A flowchart combining heuristic and exhaustive search . . . . 67
Figure 3.2 A wrapper approach combing multiple classifiers for feature se-
lection. .............................. 69
Figure 4.1 A view of feature relevance categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Figure 4.2 The proposed process of merging features selected by three fil-
ters in the fusion method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Figure 4.3 Redundancy analysis for highly ranked features . . . . . . . . 92
List of figures
Figure 4.4 Flowchart of the proposed three-stage feature selection fusion . 93
Figure A.1 Features categories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
List of Tables
Table 1.1 Taxonomy of filter feature selection methods. . . . . . . . . . 20
Table 1.2 Summary and comparison of feature selection methods. . . . . 24
Table 1.3 Summary of datasets used for evaluating the feature selection
methods. .............................. 25
Table 1.4 Confusion matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Table 2.1 Parameters of experimental environment for genetic algorithm. 50
Table 2.2 Summary of the best performance results archived by the set of
feature selection methods for the four datastes within the filter
framework. ............................. 51
Table 2.3 Performance comparison of the new filter method and the other
feature selection methods for the Australian dataset. . . . . . . 52
Table 2.4 Performance comparison of the new filter method and the other
feature selection methods for the German dataset. . . . . . . . 53
Table 2.5 Performance comparison of the new filter method and the other
feature selection methods for the HMEQ dataset. . . . . . . . . 54
Table 2.6 Performance comparison of the new filter method and the other
feature selection methods for the Tunisian dataset. . . . . . . . 55
Table 2.7 Summary of F-measures for all feature selection methods with
the four classification methods in filter framework. . . . . . . . 57
Table 2.8 Tests of between-subjects effects in filter framework. . . . . . . 58
List of tables
Table 2.9 Multiple comparisons table for feature selection methods in filter
framework. ............................. 59
Table 3.1 General properties of some classification algorithms. . . . . . . 70
Table 3.2 Summary of used classifiers within each family. . . . . . . . . . 70
Table 3.3 Summary of the possible combination of all classifiers, where the
number of classifiers to be combined is two. . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Table 3.4 Summary of the possible combination of all classifiers, where the
number of classifiers to be combined is three. . . . . . . . . . . 72
Table 3.5 Performance comparison of the new wrapper method and the
other feature selection methods for the Australian dataset. . . . 74
Table 3.6 Performance comparison of the new wrapper method and the
other feature selection methods for the German dataset. . . . . 75
Table 3.7 Performance comparison of the new wrapper method and the
other feature selection methods for the HMEQ dataset. . . . . 77
Table 3.8 Performance comparison of the new wrapper method and the
other feature selection methods for the Tunisian dataset. . . . . 78
Table 3.9 Summary of F-measures for all aggregation methods with the
four classification methods in wrapper framework. . . . . . . . 81
Table 3.10 Tests of between-subjects effects in wrapper framework. . . . . 81
Table 3.11 Multiple comparisons table for classifier levels in wrapper frame-
work. ................................ 82
Table 3.12 Total number of evaluated subsets and selected features by 2
classifiers mixed-type combinations and associated F-measure
rates for the Australian Dataset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
List of tables
Table 3.13 Total number of evaluated subsets and selected features by 3
classifiers mixed-type combinations and associated F-measure
rates for the Australian Dataset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Table 4.1 Number of remaining features after Stage I . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Table 4.2 Summary of the best performance results archived by the set of
feature selection methods for the four datasets within the hybrid
framework. ............................. 96
Table 4.3 Classification results for the three stage feature selection for the
Australiandataset.......................... 97
Table 4.4 Classification results for the three stage feature selection for the
Germandataset........................... 98
Table 4.5 Classification results for the three stage feature selection for the
HMEQdataset. .......................... 99
Table 4.6 Classification results for the three stage feature selection for the
Tunisiandataset........................... 100
Table 4.7 Tests of between-subjects effects in hybrid framework. . . . . . 102
Table 4.8 Summary of F-measures for all feature selection methods with
the four classification methods in hybrid framework. . . . . . . 103
Table 4.9 Multiple comparisons table for feature selection methods in hy-
bridframework. .......................... 104
Table 4.10 Multiple comparisons table for different classifiers in hybrid frame-
work. ................................ 105
List of Algorithms
1.1 Reliefalgorithm.............................. 15
1.2 Generalized filter feature selection algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.3 Generalized wrapper feature selection algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.4 Rank aggregation based on similarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Motivations for feature selection in credit scoring
Failures of financial institutions are generally related to their inability of controlling
an ensemble of financial risks. Different kinds of risks exist but the most important
one is credit risk. Credit granting decision is an important and widely studied topic
in the lending industry. The set of decision models and their underlying methods
that serve lenders in granting consumer credit are called credit scoring (CS) (Zhang
et al. 2010).
The general scheme in CS is to use the credit history of previous customers to compute
the new applicant’s defaulting risk (Tsai and Wu 2008; Thomas 2009). The collected
portfolio, i.e. collection of booked loans, is used to build a CS model that would
be used to identify the association between the applicant’s characteristics and how
good or bad is the credit worthiness of the applicant. Generally, portfolios used
for the scoring task are voluminous and they are in the range of several thousands.
These portfolios are characterized by noise, missing values, by redundant or irrelevant
features and complexity of distributions (Piramuthu 2006). The number of considered
features is called data dimension and high dimensionality in the feature space has
advantages but also some serious shortcomings. In fact, as the number of features
increases more computation is required and model accuracy and scoring interpretation
are reduced (Liu and Schumann 2005; Howley et al. 2006). One solution is to perform
a feature selection on the original data.
Feature selection is a term commonly used in machine learning to describe existing
set of methods to reduce a dataset to a convenient size for processing and investigation.
This process involves not only a pre-defined cutoff on the number of features that can
be considered when building a credit model but also the choice of appropriate features
based on their relevance to the study (Fernandez 2010). Further, it is often the case
that finding the correct subset of predictive features is an important problem in its
own right.
Research questions in feature selection
Three main classes of feature selection are identified in the literature (Rodriguez
et al. 2010): filter, wrapper and hybrid feature selection methods.
Usually, filter methods choose the best features by using some informative mea-
sure. Various filtering methods and their modifications are proposed in previous
literature leading to the selection trouble of how to choose the best criterion for a
specific feature selection task (Wu et al. 2009). This question is still an open re-
search filed. In order to handle this issue, ensemble methods, i.e rank aggregation,
could be an interesting solution (Dietterich 2000; Dittman et al. 2013). Aggregation
methods provide robust results where the issue of selecting the appropriate filter is
alleviated to some level (Saeys et al. 2008). However, in many cases, where rank-
ings are incomplete or highly similar features are given divergent rankings, effective
rank aggregation becomes a difficult task (Sculley 2007). These difficulties may be
addressed by considering similarity between features in various ranked lists in addi-
tion to their rankings. The intuition is that similar features should receive similar
rankings given an appropriate measure of similarity.
Filter feature selection does not take into account the properties of the classifier, as
it performs statistical tests on variables. Therefore, results obtained from a wrapper
are different from that of a filter because the former actually takes into consideration
the classifier proprieties. In fact, using a single classifier in the wrapper evaluation
process may influence the final selection result because each particular classifier has
its own specificity and nature (Chrysostomou 2008). When the classifier has been
changed, because of its bias the result may differ in terms of the amount of time,
the accuracy and the number of selected features. As such, a possible improvement
direction for this drawback is to use an ensemble of classifiers and combine their out-
comes. Nevertheless, we have reduced knowledge about the effects of using multiple
classifiers on feature selection applied to CS tasks, specially the effects of using dif-
ferent number of classifiers with the same and different nature (Chrysostomou et al.
2008). Then, we focus on how the number and the nature of the used classifiers affect
the number of selected features and the accuracy of the credit model.
In order to find the best subset of features to be evaluated, the ideal approach is
to perform a complete search in the whole search space (Chan et al. 2010). However,
searching all possibilities is sometime unrealistic (Liu and Yu 2005). Hence, in order
to minimize the number of evaluations done by the classifier and at the same time
maintain the accuracy, we look for a combined search algorithm that reduces the
number of possible candidates using a mixture between complete and heuristic search
Usually, hybrid feature selection methods, combining the two discussed approaches,
are needed to serve more complicated purposes, (Wu et al. 2009). In fact, construct-
ing a hybrid feature selection process provided with the advantages of filters and
wrappers is a very interesting research question. So the challenge here is how to
make these two methods work together in order to hid the shortcomings of each one.
Thesis structure
This thesis is organized as follows: in Chapter 2 we review the necessary back-
ground for this work and the relevant literature. In Chapter 3 we present a new
rank aggregation approach based on optimization, genetic algorithm (GA) and simi-
larity for CS. In Chapter 4 we introduce an ensemble wrapper feature selection based
on an improved exhaustive search for CS. Chapter 5 presents a hybrid three-stage
feature selection approach using quadratic programming for CS. Finally, Chapter 6
summarizes the key findings and their limitations and describes some possible future
Chapter 1
Overview of Feature Selection in Credit Scoring
1.1 Introduction .......................... 5
1.2 Credit scoring: state of the art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.1 Background of credit scoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.2 Basic notations in credit scoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.3 Proprieties of financial data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3 Basics of feature selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.1 Search direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.3.2 Searchstrategy......................... 12
1.3.3 Evaluation function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3.4 Stopping criterion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.4 Feature selection algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.4.1 Filtermethods ......................... 19
1.4.2 Wrapper methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.4.3 Embedded methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.4.4 Hybridmethods ........................ 22
1.4.5 Comparison of feature selection algorithms . . . . . . . . . 23
1.5 Datasets description and pre-processing . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.5.1 Datasets description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
1.5.2 Data pre-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.6 Performance metrics for feature selection . . . . . . . . . 28
1.7 Conclusion ........................... 29
1.1 Introduction
Feature selection is a fundamental topic in CS. As such, this chapter will provide an
overview of CS in Section (1.2). Then, in order to provide a foundation to the most
commonly used feature selection methods in CS, a brief introduction of the basics
of feature selection is given in Section (1.3) namely search direction, search strategy,
evaluation function and stopping criterion. Subsequently, Section (1.4) explains how
feature selection is performed using filter, wrapper and hybrid feature selection with
some examples and a brief comparison between theses three approaches. Then, Sec-
tion (1.5) introduces the used datasets throughout this theses. In Section (1.6) the
performance measures are given.
1.2 Credit scoring: state of the art
Credit risk is one of the major issues in financial research (Matjaz 2012; Jiang 2009).
Over the past few years, many companies fall apart and were forced into bankruptcy
or to a significantly constrained business activity because of the deteriorated financial
and economic situation (Haizhou and Jianwu 2011). When banks are unprepared to a
variation in the economic activity they will probably suffer from huge credit losses. In
fact it is very obvious that credit risk increases in economic depression. However, this
effect could increase when bank experts under or over estimate the creditworthiness
of credit applicants. Expressing why some companies or individuals do default while
others don’t and what are the main factors that drive credit risk and how to build
robust credit model is very important for financial stability.
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
1.2.1 Background of credit scoring
CS is basically a way of recognizing the different groups in a population when one
cannot see the characteristics that separates the groups but only related ones (Thomas
2000). This idea of differentiating between groups in the same population was first
introduced in statistics by Fisher (1936). He wanted to distinguish between three
varieties of iris by measurements of the physical size of the plants. Then Durand
(1941) was the first to recognize that one could use the same techniques to discriminate
between good and bad loans. His research was done in the context of a research project
for the US National Bureau of Economic Research. Since, CS was a true success and
banks started using it for their predictive activities (Thomas et al. 2002).
CS consists of the evaluation of the risk related to lending money to an organi-
zation or a person. In the past few years, the business of credit products increased
enormously. Approximately every day, individual’s and company’s records of past
lending and repaying transactions are collected and evaluated (Hand and Henley
1997). This information is used by lenders such as banks to evaluate an individual’s
or company’s means and willingness to repay a loan. According to Yang (2001) the
set of collected information makes the deciders task simple because it helps deter-
mine: whether to extend credit duration or to modify a previously approved credit
limit and to quantify the probability of default, bankruptcy or fraud associated to a
company or a person. When assessing the risk related to credit products, different
problems arise depending on the context and the different types of credit applicants.
Sadatrasoul et al. (2013) summarize different kinds of scoring as follows: application
scoring, behavioral scoring, collection scoring and fraud detection.
Application scoring
Application scoring refers to the assessment of the credit worthiness for new appli-
cants. It quantifies the risks associated with credit requests by evaluating the social,
demo-graphic, financial and other data collected at the time of the application.
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
Behavioral scoring
Behavioral scoring involves principles that are similar to application scoring with the
difference that it refers to existing customers. As a consequence, the analyst already
has evidence of the borrower’s behavior with the lender. Behavioral scoring models
analyze the consumer’s behavioral patterns to support dynamic portfolio management
Collection scoring
Collection scoring is used to divide customers with different levels of insolvency into
groups, separating those who require more decisive actions from those who don’t
need to be attended to immediately. These models are distinguished according to the
degree of delinquency (early, middle, late recovery) and allow a better management of
delinquent customers, from the first signs of delinquency (30-60 days) to subsequent
phases and debt write-off.
Fraud detection
Fraud scoring models rank the applicants according to the relative likelihood that an
application may be fraudulent. We will address the application scoring problem also
known as consumer CS. In this context the term credit will be used to refer to an
amount of money that is borrowed to a credit applicant by a financial institution and
which must be repaid with interest in a regular interval of time. The probability that
an applicant will default must be estimated from information about the applicant
provided at the time of the credit application and the estimate will serve as the basis
for an accept or a reject decision. According to Sadatrasoul et al. (2013), accurate
classification is of benefit both to the creditor in terms of increased profit or reduced
loss and to the applicant in term of avoiding over commitment. Deciding whether or
not to grant a credit is generally carried out by banks and various other organizations.
It is an economic activity which has seen rapid growth over the last 30 years.
Traditional methods of deciding whether to grant credit to a particular individual
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
use human judgment of the risk of default based on experience of previous decisions
(Thomas et al. 2002). Nevertheless, economic demands resulting from the arising
number of credit requests, joined with the emergence of new machine learning tech-
nology, have led to the development of sophisticated models to help the credit granting
The statistical CS models, called scorecards or classifiers, use predictors from ap-
plication forms and other sources to estimate the probabilities of defaulting. A credit
granting decision is taken by comparing the estimated probability of defaulting with
a suitable threshold (Bardos 2001). Standard statistical methods used in the industry
for developing scorecards are discriminant analysis (DA), linear regression (LinR) and
logistic regression (LR). Despite their simplicity, Tuff´ery (2007) and Thomas (2009)
show that both DA and LR prediction need strong assumptions on data. Hence, other
models based on data mining methods are proposed. These models do not lead to
scorecards but they indicate directly the class of the credit applicant (Jiang 2009).
Artificial intelligence methods such as decision trees (DT), artificial neural networks
(ANN), K-nearest-neighbor (KNN) and support vector machines (SVM) can be used
as alternative methods for CS (Bellotti and Crook 2009). These methods extract
knowledge from training datasets without any assumption on the data distributions.
The classification methods are described in Appendix (A). A brief summary about
the used classification methods in this theses is included in Chapter (3).
1.2.2 Basic notations in credit scoring
In what follows, we present the main notations which will be used in this CS context.
Let the population of credit applicant. We denote by χthe space of observations
in Rddefined by the random variable Xdefined as
X: χRd
i xi= (x1
i, x2
i, ..., xd
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
We have nindividuals described by dvariables as shown by the matrix xgiven below:
1... xd
... ... ...
n... xd
Let Xdenote the set of features such that X= (X1, X2, ..., X d). The nobservations
are divided into two groups, where the group label of an applicant iis represented
through the modalities {0,1}of a binary target variable Y, where the label 0 represent
a bad applicant and 1 represent a good one. We denote by Y= (y1, . . . , yn) the vector
of class labels for the ninstances. Figure (1.1) summarizes the process of CS and its
basic notions.
Figure 1.1: The process of credit scoring.
1.2.3 Proprieties of financial data
According to Hand and Henley (1997) CS portfolios are frequently voluminous and
they are in the range of several thousands, well over 100000 applicants measured on
more than 100 variables are quite common. These portfolios are characterized by
missing values, complexity of distributions and by redundant or irrelevant features
(Piramuthu 2006). Clearly, applicants characteristics will vary from one situation to
another. An applicant looking for a small loan will be asked for information which
is different from another who is asking for a big loan. Furthermore, the data which
may be used in a credit model is always subject to changing legislation (Hand and
Henley 1997).
Based on initial application forms filled by the credit applicants some are ac-
cepted or rejected based on some obvious characteristics. Further information is then
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
collected on the remaining credit applicants using further forms. This process of col-
lection of the borrower’s information allows banks to avoid losing time on obvious
non worthy applicants as well as allowing quick decisions.
As any classification problem, choosing the number of appropriate features to be
included in the credit model is an important task. One might try to use as many
features as possible. However, the more the number of features grows the more
computation is required and model accuracy and scoring interpretation are reduced
(Liu and Schumann 2005; Howley et al. 2006). There are also other practical issues,
in fact with too many questions or a lengthy vetting procedure, applicants will deter
and will go elsewhere. Based on Hand and Henley (1997), standard statistical and
pattern recognition strategy is to explore a large number of features and to identify
an effective subset, i.e. {10,11,12}, of those features to be considered for building
the credit model.
1.3 Basics of feature selection
There are two famous special methods of dimensionality reduction. The first one is
feature extraction where the input data is transformed into a reduced representation
set of features, so new attributes are generated from the initial ones. The second
category is feature selection. In this category a subset of existing features is selected
without a transformation. Generally, feature selection is preferred over feature ex-
traction since it keeps all information about the importance of each single feature
while in feature extraction obtained variables are usually not interpretable (Giudici
Conserving the information of each feature provides much simplicity and interpretabil-
ity to financial data processing. Hence, feature selection is more appropriate to our
study. Feature selection is an important framework in knowledge discovery and spe-
cially in financial applications, not only for the insight gained from determining pre-
dictive modeling features but also for the improved performance, understandability
and accuracy of the credit models.
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
The idea behind feature selection is to reduce the effect of tricky features in the
dataset, where tricky and unneeded features include:
irrelevant features are those that can never contribute to improve the predictive
accuracy of credit model, where the accuracy is how close a measured value
is to the actual or true value. However, the algorithm may mistakenly include
them in the model. Removing such features reduces the dimension of the search
space and speeds up the learning algorithm.
redundant features are those that can replace others in a feature subset. They
basically bring similar information as other features. For example, a dataset
may include two features that provide similar information as date of birth and
age. Typically feature redundancy is defined in terms of feature correlation,
where two features are redundant to each other if they are correlated.
According to Rodriguez et al. (2010) a successful feature selection: a) reduces the
dimensionality of the feature space, b) speeds up and reduces the cost of a learning
algorithm and c) obtains the feature subset which is the most relevant to classification.
Feature selection algorithms are typically composed of the following four components:
search direction, search strategy, evaluation function and the stopping point. Figure
(1.2) gives a flowchart presenting the general process of feature selection based on
these four components.
1.3.1 Search direction
Choosing the starting point in the process of searching for the most important features
is the first issue to be considered when performing a feature selection on the original
features set. Once the starting point is defined, the search direction is determined
(Liu and Motoda 1998; Yun et al. 2007). The search for the most relevant feature
subset may start with an empty set and successively add the most relevant features.
In this case, the search direction is called forward direction. On the other hand, the
search may begin with the full set and successively removes less relevant features.
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
Figure 1.2: Key steps of feature selection process.
In this case, the direction is named backward. Other ways of starting point can be
used, we may start with both ends and add and remove features at the same time i.e.
bidirectional. The search may also begin with a random subset of features in order
to avoid being trapped into local optima (Liu and Yu 2005).
1.3.2 Search strategy
Once the starting point and the search direction are decided, the search strategy
must be chosen. The search strategy is a fundamental part in the process of subset
generation. Typically, for a dataset of dfeatures, 2dpossible subsets are candidates
for further examinations (Yun et al. 2007). Even for a moderate d, the search space
may be too large for a complete search (Kwang 2002). Consequently, two strategies
have been explored in the literature as discussed by Liu and Yu (2005) and also by
Legrand and Nicoloyannis (2005): exhaustive and heuristic.
Exhaustive search
An exhaustive search methodically performs a complete search to find all possible
features’ subsets and picks the optimal subset of features by examining all possible
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
candidate subsets. Since exhaustive search examines all possible subsets, it always
guarantees to find the optimal result. However, as the number of features grows,
exhaustive search becomes rapidly impractical because the search space is in the
order of O(2d).
Heuristic search
Naturally a search does not have to be exhaustive in order to guarantee good or
acceptable results (Legrand and Nicoloyannis 2005). Heuristic methods are a set of
realistic and practical approaches that are easier to put into practice. Still, such search
strategy does not always guarantee to produce an optimal solution, but nonetheless
a greedy heuristic may yield locally optimal solutions that approximate a global
optimal solution. Many research works discussed heuristic search in CS. Wang et al.
(2012) proposed a novel approach to feature selection called RSFS, based on rough
set and scatter search. In RSFS, conditional entropy is regarded as the heuristic to
search for optimal solutions. Falangis and Glen (2010) proposed a variety of heuristic
feature selection methods for CS problems with large numbers of observations. These
heuristic procedures, which are based on the mixed integer programming model for
maximizing classification accuracy, were applied to three CS datasets and proved to
be efficient. The two most popularly used categories of heuristic search strategies are
sequential search and random search.
Sequential search
Sequential search includes: forward selection, backward elimination and bidi-
rectional search (Chan et al. 2010). These approaches consider local changes to
the feature subsets during the search for the appropriate feature subset, where
a local change is basically adding or removing a single feature from the subset.
This kind of approaches is known for its efficiency in generating fast results as
the order of the search space is typically in the order of O(d2).
Random search
Generally, it starts with selecting a random features’ subset and may proceed
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
in two different ways. Either a random search follows classical sequential search
and adds randomness into it, or it generates the next subset in a completely
random manner (Liu and Yu 2005).
1.3.3 Evaluation function
Feature selection methods search for the best subset that optimally describes the
target variable. Once all candidate subsets are generated, each one is evaluated and
compared with the other subsets according to an evaluation criterion. As established
by Dash and Liu (2003), a subset is optimal always relative to the chosen evaluation
criteria, which means that the chosen best subset using one evaluation criterion may
not be the same using another one. Many criteria have been proposed in previous
work as discussed by Kumar and Kumar (2011). Dash and Liu (2003) grouped the
evaluation functions into five categories: distance, information , dependence, consis-
tency, and classifier error rate. Liu and Yu (2005) on the other hand, has divided
evaluation criteria into two classes based on their dependency on the classification
algorithms that will finally be applied on the selected feature subset. Considering
these repartitions, we divide the evaluation functions as given below.
Independent criteria
Independent criteria, by definition, are independent of the used classification algo-
rithm and are generally used in filter methods. They evaluate the relevance of a
feature or feature subset by exploiting the intrinsic characteristics in the data with-
out involving any classification algorithm. In the following we discuss the most well
known independent criteria.
Distance measures
As discussed by Dash and Liu (2003) and by Liu and Yu (2005) in a binary
context, distance measures, also known as separability, divergence, or discrim-
ination measure, study the difference between the two-class conditional prob-
abilities. In other words, a feature Xjis chosen over another feature Xj0if it
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
induces a greater difference between the two-class conditional probabilities than
Xj0. In the case where the difference is zero then the two features are identical.
Relief is one of the most famous features selection methods based on distance
measures. This method uses the Euclidean distance to select a sample composed
of a random instance xiand their two nearest instances in xof the same class,
i.e nearmiss(x), and opposite class i.e nearhit(x). Then, a routine is used to
update the feature weight vector for every sample triplet and determines the
average feature weight vector relevance. Then, features with average weights
over a given threshold are selected. Algorithm (1.1) give a more detailed pic-
ture on the process of Relief method, where w= (w1, . . . , wd) is a weight vector
associated to Xand Tis the number of iterations.
Algorithm 1.1 Relief algorithm
Require: x matrix of observations.
Tnumber of iterations.
Ensure: selected features subset.
1: initiate the weight vector to zero: w= 0.
2: for cpt=1 . . . T do
3: pick randomly an instance xifrom x
4: for j =1 . . . d do
5: wj= (xj
6: end for
7: end for
8: the chosen feature set is {Xjpwj> threhold}
Information measures
The information theory approach has proved to be effective in solving many
problems as discussed by Kumar and Kumar (2011). One of these problems is
feature selection where information theory basics can be exploited as metrics or
as optimization criteria. These measures are typically used with filter feature
selection methods include mutual Information (MI). They provide a solid theo-
retical framework for measuring the relation between the classes and a feature
or more than one feature (Bonev 2010).
Formally, the MI of two continuous random variables Xjand Xj0is defined as
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
MI (Xj, X j0) = Z Z p(xj, xj0)log p(xj, xj0)
where p(xj, xj0) is the joint probability density function and p(xj) and p(xj0) are
the marginal probability density functions. In the case of discrete random vari-
ables, the double integral becomes a summation, where p(xj, xj0) is the joint
probability mass function, and p(xj) and p(xj0) are the marginal probability
mass functions. MI is an information metric used to measure the relevance of
features taking into account the amount of information shared by two features
(Kumar and Kumar 2011). Large values of MI indicates high correlation be-
tween two features and zero indicates that two features are uncorrelated. Many
authors proposed feature selection methods based on MI in different evaluation
functions such as Kumar and Kumar (2011) and Al-Ani and Deriche (2001).
Dependency measures
As discussed by Dash and Liu (2003) and Yu and Liu (2003), dependency mea-
sures or correlation measures quantify the ability to predict the value of one
variable based on the value of another variable. If correlation between two fea-
tures is adopted as an evaluation function, the above definition becomes that a
feature is relevant if it is strongly associated with the class. In other words, if
the correlation of a feature Xjwith the class variable is superior to the correla-
tion of feature Xj0with the class variable, then feature Xjis considered more
The Pearson’s correlation coefficient (PCC) for continuous features is a simple
measure but effective in a wide variety of feature selection methods (Rodriguez
et al. 2010). Formally PCC is defined by
P CC =cov(Xj, Xj0)
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
where cov is the covariance of variables and var is the variance of each variable.
Another popular feature selection method is Pearson’s chi-squared test (χ2).
This test is usually used with nominal or categorical variables. The (χ2) test
can also be used with numerical variables by converting them into nominal or
categorical types. The first step in performing the (χ2) test for independence
is to convert the raw data into a contingency table. Then, the independence
between each variable and the target variable is measured using the contingency
table. χ2is defined by :
where Oiis an observed frequency; Eiis the expected theoretical frequency,
asserted by the hypothesis of independency and cthe number of cells in the
contingency table.
Consistency measures
A consistency measure evaluates the distance of a feature subset from the con-
sistent class label. Consistency is established when a data set with the selected
features alone is consistent. That is, no two instances may have the same feature
values if they have a different class label (Arauzo-Azofra et al. 2008).
According to Arauzo-Azofra et al. (2008) having consistency in a dataset is
usually accompanied while looking for a small feature set. Because, as the
number of features increases the more the consistent hypothesis can be rejected.
In any case, the search for small feature sets is the common goal of feature
selection methods, so this is not a particularity of consistency methods. The
most basic of these measures is the one that simply guesses if the training data
set is consistent or not with the selected features. Its output is just a boolean
Dependent criteria
Dependent critera are generally used with wrapper feature selection methods when
the performance of a specific scoring algorithm is used to determine which features are
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
selected. When using dependant criteria we generally obtain superior results as the
found features are well-matched to the predetermined mining algorithm. However, it
also tends to be more computationally expensive and may not be suitable for other
scoring algorithms (Chrysostomou 2008).
In general, classification accuracy is widely used as the primary measure of de-
pendent criteria. Features are selected by the classification algorithm and later used
in predicting the class labels of unseen instances. Usually, accuracy is high but it
is computationally costly to estimate accuracy for every feature subset (Yu and Liu
1.3.4 Stopping criterion
The final step in the process of feature selection is to choose a stopping criterion for
the search of feature subsets. The stopping criteria depends on the level of depen-
dency of the used evaluation function. As discussed by Chrysostomou (2008), in case
independent criteria are used, a commonly used stopping criterion is the ordering of
the features according to some relevance score. When dealing with dependent eval-
uation function one might stop adding or removing features when there is no more
improvement in the accuracy of the current feature subset. Some frequently used
stopping criteria are:
The search is completed when all feature subsets are evaluated.
A suitable high-quality subset is selected when the smallest feature subset with
the highest discriminant power is found and as a result the search algorithm
stops the searching process.
A specific bound is achieved where a bound can be a particular number of
features or number of iterations is reached.
A subsequent addition, or deletion, of any feature does not produce a better
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
1.4 Feature selection algorithms
1.4.1 Filter methods
A feature selection algorithm is considered a filter if it filters out all unwanted features
(Molina et al. 2002; Blum and Langley 1997). According to Forman (2008) a filter
technique is a pre-selection process which is independent of the applied classification
algorithm. The process of filter methods is illustrated in Algorithm (1.2) (Yu and Liu
Algorithm 1.2 Generalized filter feature selection algorithm
Require: X : all features.
F0: a subset of features from which to start the search F0X.
γ: a stopping criterion.
Ensure: Fbest: selected features subset.
1: initialize: Fbest =F0.
2: γbest =eval(F0,X, M ); evaluate F0by an independent criteria M.
3: while γ== γbest do
4: F=generate(X); generate a subset for evaluation.
5: γ=eval(F, X, M ); evaluate the current subset Fby M.
6: if γis better than γbest then
7: γbest =γ.
8: Fbest =F.
9: end if
10: end while
11: return Fbest.
Filter methods typically evaluate the importance of features by looking at the intrinsic
properties of the data (Saeys et al. 2007). Basically, in filter approach, a relevance
score is assigned to each feature in the dataset. Then, they are ordered according to
their relevance score. In general, features with high scores are then selected and low
scoring features are eliminated (Chrysostomou 2008). Once all features are ranked,
the selected features are introduced as inputs to the classifier. Figure (1.3) illustrates
the filter feature selection process.
Filters can be exceptionally effective since they easily scale down high dimen-
sional data. They are computationally fast and simple since the selection criterion
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
Figure 1.3: The process of filter feature selection.
is completely independent of the classifier (Guyon and Elisseeff 2003). Several rank-
ing criteria for filter methods have been proposed in the literature. Examples of the
commonly used filter ranking criteria are summarized in Table (1.1).
Table 1.1: Taxonomy of filter feature selection methods.
Model search Advantages Disadvantages Examples
univariate fast, scalable, indepen-
dent of the classifier
ignores feature depen-
dencies, ignores interac-
tion with the classifier
PCC, χ2, en-
multivariate models feature depen-
dencies, independent of
the classifier, better com-
putational complexity
than wrapper methods
slower than univariate
techniques, Less scal-
able than univariate
techniques, Ignores
interaction with the
based feature
1.4.2 Wrapper methods
Wrapper methods use specific classifiers and use resulting classification performance
to select features. While filter methods treat the problem of finding the best feature
subset independently of the learning step, wrapper methods use the model accuracy
within the feature subset search. They use search methods to pick subsets of vari-
ables and evaluate their importance based on the estimated classification accuracy
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
(Rodriguez et al. 2010). Details of the wrapper process are described in Algorithm
(1.3) (Yu and Liu 2004).
Algorithm 1.3 Generalized wrapper feature selection algorithm
Require: X : all features.
F0: a subset of features from which to start the search F0X.
γ: a stopping criterion.
Ensure: Fbest: selected features subset.
1: initialize: Fbest =F0.
2: γbest =eval(F0,X, M ); evaluate F0by a classification algorithm A.
3: while γ=γbest do
4: F=generate(X); generate a subset for evaluation.
5: γ=eval(F, X, A); evaluate the current subset Fby A.
6: if γis better than γbest then
7: γbest =γ.
8: Fbest =F.
9: end if
10: end while
11: return Fbest.
According to Kohavi and John (1997), a wrapper model incorporates the classification
algorithm into the feature selection process and considers it as a perfect ”black box”.
In other words it is not necessary to know the classification algorithm or how it works,
only its ability to test the solution on the validation set.
Wrappers use a search procedure in the space of possible features, and then gen-
erate and evaluate various subsets in order to find the best one. The evaluation of a
specific subset of features is obtained by training and testing a specific classification
model repetitively, rendering this approach tailored to a specific classification algo-
rithm. To search the space of all feature subsets, a search algorithm is then ’wrapped’
around the classification model. Figure (1.4) illustrates the process of wrapper feature
1.4.3 Embedded methods
In embedded feature selection methods the search for an optimal subset of features is
built into the classifier construction; i.e. feature selection occurs naturally as a part
of the learner. Typically, these methods use all features as input to generate a model.
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
Figure 1.4: The process of wrapper feature selection.
Then, they evaluate the model to infer the relevance of the features. As a result, they
directly link features relevance to the learner used to model the relationship (Tuv
et al. 2009).
Just like wrappers, embedded methods are specific to a given learning algorithm. In
fact, the classifier has its own feature selection algorithm and both interact together.
So, implicitly, features dependencies are taken into account. Also embedded methods
are far less computationally intensive than wrapper methods.
As discussed earlier, the similarly to wrapper methods is linked to the classification
stage. This same link is much stronger when the feature selection in embedded
methods is included into the classifier construction. Embedded methods offer the
same advantages as wrapper methods concerning the interaction between the feature
selection and the classification. However, since the embedded-based approaches are
algorithm-specific they are not adequate for our requirement.
1.4.4 Hybrid methods
The hybrid model attempts to take advantage of other feature selection approaches by
using their different evaluation criteria in different search stages. In case the chosen
feature selection technique proves to be too slow to allow complex search schemes
in a large numbers of candidate features, it may be more practicable to introduce
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
another fast but less accurate feature selection method to pre-filter some of unwanted
features. So, only more promising features are eventually presented to the primary
slow feature selection technique.
Many hybrid feature selection methods were proposed in the past few years to con-
struct accurate CS model. An interesting hybrid filter-wrapper approach is introduced
by Huang et al. (2007) where a genetic algorithm based approach is used to optimize
the parameters of SVM classifier and feature subset simultaneously, without reducing
the SVM classification accuracy. Cho et al. (2010) proposes a hybrid method for
effective bankruptcy prediction, based on the combination of variable selection using
decision trees and case-based reasoning using the Mahalanobis distance with variable
In general, hybrid algorithms focus on combining filter and wrapper algorithms
to achieve the best possible performance with similar accuracy of wrapper and time
complexity of filter algorithms.
1.4.5 Comparison of feature selection algorithms
Numerous feature selection techniques are available. In order to better understand
the inner instrument of each technique and the commonalities and differences among
them, we present a categorizing framework in Table (1.2) based on the previous
Comparing feature selection methods is not an easy task, since it depends on nu-
merous factors. Feature selection methods could be compared according to different
purposes, for general purpose of irrelevancy removal, filters are good choices as they
are unbiased and fast. On the other hand, to improve the classification performance,
wrappers should be preferred over filters since they are more appropriate to the classi-
fication tasks. Sometimes, hybrid feature selection methods are needed to serve more
complicated purposes.
In terms of the amount of time, a feature selection method that is considered to
be theoretically complex may take longer to select relevant features than a feature
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
selection method which is regarded as theoretically simple. The time concern is also
about whether the feature selection process is time critical or not.
When time is not an important issue, based-complete search methods are recom-
mended to achieve optimality, otherwise heuristic-based search methods should be
selected for fast results. Time constraints can also affect the choice of feature selec-
tion models as different models have different computational complexities. The filter
model is preferred in applications where applying a particular classifier is too costly.
Table 1.2: Summary and comparison of feature selection methods.
Filter Wrapper Hybrid
distance, information,
dependency and consis-
predictive accuracy independent criteria,
dependent criteria
Search feature weighting, subset
exhaustive, heuristic mixture
Characteristics unbiased and fast, ro-
bust against overfitting,
reasonable computation
cost, reasonable statisti-
cal scalability
achieve higher opti-
mality, interact with
the classifier, consider
take advantage of
other feature selection
1.5 Datasets description and pre-processing
1.5.1 Datasets description
The adopted herein datasets used for evaluation are four real-world datasets: two
datasets from the UCI repository of machine learning databases: Australian and
German credit datasets (, a dataset from
a Tunisian bank and the HMEQ dataset. Table (1.3) displays the characteristics of
these datasets.
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
Table 1.3: Summary of datasets used for evaluating the feature selection methods.
Names Australian German HMEQ Tunisian
Total instances 690 1000 5960 2970
Nominal features 6 13 2 11
Numeric features 8 7 10 11
Total features 14 20 12 22
Number of classes 2 2 2 2
Australian credit dataset:
Australian dataset present an interesting mixture of attributes: continuous, nominal
with small numbers of values, and nominal with larger numbers of values, with few
missing values. Appendix (A) contains the complete list of variables used in this data
set. The dataset is composed of 690 instances where 306 ones are creditworthy while
383 are not. All attribute names and values have been changed to meaningless sym-
bols for confidentiality. This dataset was used in the European StatLog project, which
involves comparing the performances of machine learning, statistical, and neural net-
work algorithms on data sets from real-world industrial areas including medicine,
finance, image analysis, and engineering design.
German credit dataset:
The German credit dataset is often used by credit specialists for classification pur-
poses. This dataset covers a sample of 1000 credit consumers where 700 instances
are creditworthy and 300 are not. For each applicant 21 numeric input variables
are available, .i.e. 7 metric, 13 categorical and a target attribute, with informa-
tion pertaining to past and current customers who borrowed from a German bank
Among the 20 input variables assumed to affect the target variable we mention:
duration of credits in months, behavior repayment of other loans, value of savings or
stocks, stability in the employment, further running credits. Appendix (A) contains
the complete list of variables used in this data set.
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
HMEQ credit dataset:
The HMEQ dataset is composed of 5960 instances describing recent home equity
loans where 4771 instances are creditworthy and 1189 are not. The target is a binary
variable that indicates if an applicant eventually defaulted. For each applicant, 12
input variables were recorded where 10 are continuous features, 1 is binary and 1 is
nominal, more details are provided in Appendix (A). .
Tunisian credit dataset:
Tunisian dataset covers a sample of 2970 instances of credit consumers where 2523
instances are creditworthy while 446 are not. Each credit applicant is described by a
binary target variable and a set of 22 input variables where 11 features are numerical
and 11 are categorical (see Appendix (A)).
1.5.2 Data pre-processing
In this section, we describe the adopted data pre-processing steps. Each dataset is
cleaned from missing values, then it is discretized and split into training and testing
samples as shown in Figure (1.5).
Missing value replacement
Most financial datasets contain missing values that should be properly handled. Many
methods dealing with missing values are available. The simplest one is to remove all
instances with missing values. This method is suitable when missing data are not
important. Another simple way is to substitute missing values with the correspond-
ing mean or median values over all instances. In this context, we estimate missing
values with the average or mode of features depending on their nature meaning either
numerical or categorical.
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
Figure 1.5: Data pre-processing flowchart
Features discretization
For simplicity, each variable is discretized, knowing that discretization of continuous
features depends of the context. In this study, we are in the supervised learning
context. The discretization step should be performed prior to the learning process.
Several tools can be used for that, and we selected Weka 3.7.0 machine learning
package (Bouckaert et al. 2009) for its simplicity .
Splitting datasets
Datasets for the scoring task are usually extremely large. In order to reduce classi-
fication tools complexity and to increase scoring models accuracy sampling becomes
necessary as stated by Fernandez (2010). In order to obtain a calibrated model,
the credit database should be split. Sampled subsets are expected to be balanced
and cover the complete database. Subsequently, we split the datasets into a training
sample and a test sample, where the first deals with the new feature selection ap-
proach and diverse classification models and the second one checks the reliability of
the constructed models in the learning step.
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
1.6 Performance metrics for feature selection
The performance of our proposed methods is evaluated using the standard informa-
tion retrieval performance measures: precision, recall and F-measure metrics. In a
classification context, the precision is calculated as the ratio of the number of credit
applicants correctly identified by the model as positives Y= 1, ie. true positive (T P ),
to the total number of credit applicants. The total number of credit applicants is the
number of applicants correctly identified as positives plus the number of incorrectly
classified applicants, ie. false positive (F P ).
The recall, also known as T P rate or sensitivity, measures how often a classification
model correctly finds the right class to a credit applicant. It is defined as the propor-
tion of T P against the total number of applicants that actually belong to the positive
class. The total number of potential correct applicants is the number of T P plus
the count of false negatives (F N) which are the applicants that were not labeled as
belonging to the positive class but should have been.
When the precision rate is 1 for a class C means that every applicant affected to
this class does indeed belong to it, but this rate does not inform about the number
of applicants from this class that were not correctly classified. A recall rate of 1
means that every applicant from class C is labeled as belonging to class C but does
not inform about the number of applicants that were incorrectly labeled as belonging
to class C. In general, there is an inverse relationship between precision and recall,
where it is possible to increase one at the cost of reducing the other. The F-measure
combines recall and precision into a global measure.
In general, the terms T P ,T N ,F P , and F N evaluate the results of the classifier. The
terms positive (P) and negative (N) refer to the classifier’s prediction, and the terms
true (T) and false (F) refer to whether that prediction corresponds to the external
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
The four outcomes can be formulated in confusion matrix, as follows:
Table 1.4: Confusion matrix
Creditworthy (Y= 1) Not creditworthy (Y= 0) Total
(Y= 1) T P F P T P +F P
(Y= 0) F N V N F N +T N
Total T P +F N F P +T N n
Precision, recall and F-measure are then given by :
P recision =|T P |
|T P |+|F P |.(1.5)
Recall =|T P |
|T P |+|F N |.(1.6)
F-measure = 2 ·P recision ·Recall
P recision +Recall ,(1.7)
The cited performance measures are obtained when the cut-off is 0.5. However,
changing this threshold might modify previous results and allows to catch a greater
number of good or bad applicants. Graphical tools can be also used as an evaluation
criterion instead of a scalar criterion. In this thesis we use the area under the receiver
operating characteristic (ROC) curve to evaluate the effect of selected features on
classification models. ROC curve shows how errors change when the threshold varies.
This curve situates positive instances against negative ones to allow finding the middle
ground between specificity and sensitivity. An area of 1 represents a perfect test; an
area equal or below 0.5 represents a worthless test. So the combination of features
that gives the highest area under the ROC curve will be considered as the most
suitable for the classification task.
1.7 Conclusion
This chapter gives an overview of CS and feature selection methods. A brief state of
the art of the commonly used feature selection methods, namely filter, wrapper and
Chapter 1: Overview of Feature Selection
hybrid feature selection methods, is given. Filter methods do not use classifiers but
instead they use independent criteria and the characteristics of the dataset to select
relevant features. Wrapper methods, on the other hand, are classifier dependant.
Moreover, hybrid methods present a mixture between filters and wrappers. In the
following chapters three feature selection methods will be proposed. Details about
the proposed methods and their related results are presented in Chapters 2, 3 and 4.
Chapter 2
A Filter Rank Aggregation Approach Based on Op-
timization, Genetic Algorithm and Similarity for
Credit Scoring
2.1 Introduction .......................... 32
2.2 Filterframework........................ 32
2.2.1 Feature weighting methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.2.2 Subset search methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.2.3 Issue I: Selection trouble and rank aggregation . . . . . . . 34
2.2.4 Issue II: Incomplete ranking and disjoint ranking for similar
features ............................. 37
2.3 New approach for filter feature selection . . . . . . . . . 38
2.3.1 Optimization problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.3.2 Solution to optimization problem using genetic algorithm . 41
2.3.3 A rank aggregation based on similarity . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.4 Experimental investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.4.1 Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.5 Conclusion ........................... 60
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
2.1 Introduction
Filters are very commonly used feature selection methods. Thus, this chapter dis-
cusses the major issues of this approach and presents a new approach based on rank
aggregation, GA and similarity. As such, in Section (2.2) we give a brief reminder
of the filter framework and two major issues when dealing with filtering methods:
the selection trouble and the issue of disjoint ranking for similar features. Then,
we present our new approach in Section (2.3) and the experimental investigations in
Section (2.4).
2.2 Filter framework
According to Yu and Liu (2003) filter methods can be grouped into two categories:
feature weighting methods and subset search methods. This categorization is based on
whether they evaluate the relevance of features separately or through feature subsets.
In what follows, we present the advantages and shortcomings of some well known
feature selection methods in each category.
2.2.1 Feature weighting methods
In feature weighting methods, weights are assigned to each feature independently and
features are ranked based on their relevance to the target variable. Relief is a famous
algorithm that studies features relevance (Kira and Rendell 1992). Algorithm (1.1) in
Chapter (1) presents the basic concepts of this method. Notice that the fundamental
idea of Relief is to estimate the relevance of features according to how well their values
separate the instances of the same and different classes that are near each other (Yu
and Liu 2003).
For a dataset with ninstances and dfeatures the complexity of relief is in order
of O(nd), which makes it very practical to data sets with large number of instances
and features, such as CS datasets. Although simple, Relief doesn’t remove redundant
features. If feature weights are superior to a particular threshold, these features will
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
be selected even though many of them are highly correlated to each other (Kira and
Rendell 1992).
In general, feature weighting methods have similar shortcomings as Relief. They
are good in capturing the relevance of features to the target variable but fail to capture
redundancy among features.
2.2.2 Subset search methods
Subset search methods use a particular evaluation measure which captures the rele-
vance of each subset. In this way not only relevance is considered but also redundant
features are identified within the selected subset. In this context Hall (2000) used
a correlation measure to evaluate the relevance of the feature subsets. He based his
work on the hypothesis that a good feature subset contains highly correlated features
to the target variables, yet uncorrelated to each other. His proposed approach, named
CFS, also uses heuristic search to find a candidate subsets to be evaluated.
According to Arauzo-Azofra et al. (2008) correlation measures efficiently decrease
irrelevance and redundancy. Yu and Liu (2003) recommended two main approaches
to measure correlation, one is based on classical linear correlation between random
variables and the other is based on information theory.
Many correlation coefficients can be used under to first approach but the most
common are PCC and χ2(see Section (1.3)). According to Yu and Liu (2003) PCC
is not able to capture correlations that are not linear. Another limitation is that
the calculation requires all features to have numerical values. On the other hand,χ2
is used to investigate whether two distributions of categorical variables differ. To
overcome these shortcomings, correlation measure based on the information theory
could be used.
The second approach based on information theory measures how much knowledge
two variables carry about each other. MI is a well known information theory measure
that captures nonlinear dependencies between variables ( for more details see Section
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
In general, Subset search methods need to evaluate all possible subsets. Conse-
quently, a search is performed to find the candidate subsets. Therefore, these methods
suffer from time complexity issues which make them not practical to deal with high
dimensional data.
Feature ranking makes use of a scoring function computed from the values (xj
i, yi)
using one of the criteria discussed above such as weighting, consistency and corre-
lation. It is assumed that a high score is indicative of a valuable variable and that
variables are sorted in decreasing order of the scoring function. Even when feature
ranking is not optimal, it could be preferable than other feature subset selection
methods because of its computational and statistical scalability. It is computation-
ally efficient since it requires only the computation of dscores and sorting the scores.
It is statistically robust against overfitting because it introduces bias, however it may
have considerably less variance (Hastie et al. 2001).
2.2.3 Issue I: Selection trouble and rank aggregation
Given the variety of filter based methods, it is difficult to identify which of the filter
criteria would provide the best output for the experiments. The question is then how
to choose the best criterion for a specific feature selection task? Wu et al. (2009) call
this problem a selection trouble. There exists no universal solution for this problem
unless to evaluate all existing methods and then establish a general conclusion, which
is an impossible task. The best approach is to independently apply a mixture of the
available methods and evaluate the results.
Combining preference lists from those individual rankers into a single better ranking is
known as rank aggregation. Rank aggregation methods have emerged as an important
tool for combining information in CS. Ensemble feature selection methods, i.e rank
aggregation, use an idea similar to ensemble learning for classification (Dietterich
2000). In a first step, a number of different feature selectors, i.e rankers, are used and
then the output of these separate selectors is aggregated and returned as the final
ensemble result.
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
Ensemble methods have been widely applied to bring together a set of classifiers
for building robust predictive models. It has been shown that these ensemble classi-
fiers are competitive with other individual classifiers and in some cases are superior.
Recently, there have been studies applying the ensemble concept to the process of
feature selection (Dittman et al. 2013). Rank aggregation could be used to improve
the robustness of the individual feature selection methods. Different rankers may
yield different ranking lists that can be considered as local optima in the space of fea-
ture subsets and ensemble feature selection might give a better approximation to the
optimal ranking of features. Also, the representational power of a particular feature
selector might constrain its search space such that optimal subsets cannot be reached.
Ensemble feature selection could help in alleviating this problem by aggregating the
outputs of several feature selectors (Saeys et al. 2008).
As discussed earlier, rank aggregation have many merits. However, with ensemble
feature selection the question is how to aggregate results of individual rankers. A
number of different rank aggregation methods have been proposed in the literature.
Some of them are easy to set up like the mean, median, highest rank or lowest rank
aggregation and some are more difficult (Dittman et al. 2013).
All rank aggregation methods assume that the ranked lists being combined assign
a value to each feature, from 1 to d, where the rank 1 is assigned to the most relevant
feature, the second best feature is 2, and so on until the least relevant feature is
assigned d. Simple rank aggregation method use straightforward way to find the
final aggregated list, in all cases, once each feature has been given a single value
based on the mean, median, highest, or lowest value, all features are ranked based
on these new values. For example, mean aggregation simply finds the mean value of
the feature’s rank across all the lists and uses this as that feature’s value. Likewise,
median finds the median rank value across all the lists being combined, using the
mean of the middle two values if there are an even number of lists. Highest rank and
lowest rank use related strategies: either the highest (best, smallest) or the lowest
(worst, largest) rank value across all the lists is assigned as the value for the feature
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
in question. Figure (2.1) shows the general rank aggregation process to obtain a
consensus rank list from mindividual filters.
Figure 2.1: General scheme of filter rank aggregation.
Simple ranking methods are easy to set up. However, in many cases it is possible for
two features to end up tied, even if this was not the case in any of the lists being com-
bined and even when these features do not have any tie of similarity (Dittman et al.
2013). Recent work in the area of rank aggregation methods has developed unique
and innovative approaches. These new methods can focus on different aspects of the
ranking process including comparing results to randomly generated results. Kolde
et al. (2012) proposed an approach that detects features that are ranked consis-
tently better than expected under null hypothesis of uncorrelated inputs and assigns
a significance score for each feature. The underlying probabilistic model makes the
algorithm parameter free and robust to outliers, noise and errors. Other research
focused on giving more weight to top ranking features or combining well known ag-
gregation methods. In this work we use rank aggregation from another perspective.
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
In fact we aim to find the best list which would be the closest as possible to all in-
dividual ordered lists all together and this can be seen as an optimization problem.
More details will be given in Section (2.3).
2.2.4 Issue II: Incomplete ranking and disjoint ranking for similar fea-
The rankings provided by different filters may be in many cases incomplete or even
disjoint. In fact incomplete rankings may come in two forms.
In the first form, different filters or some of them may each provide rankings for
only the kbest features and ignore the remaining features provided in the begin-
ning (Sculley 2007). Assume we have 7 features {X1, X2, X3, X4, X 5, X6, X 7},
where {X1, X3}are not the most relevant features. In this case one of the filter
may provide a ranking just over the set {X2, X4, X5, X6, X7}and ignore X1
and X3.
In the second form, used filters may provide complete rankings over a limited
subset of available features due to incomplete knowledge (Sculley 2007). Having
the same example where we have 7 features {X1, X2, X3, X 4, X5, X6, X 7}and
only information about features {X3, X5, X 6}is available. In this case one of
the filter may provide a ranking just over the set {X3, X5, X6}and ignore the
set {X1, X2, X4, X7}.
Incomplete rankings are common in many financial applications but still it is not
the only problem with rank aggregation. In fact the majority of rankings involve a
set of similar features, but despite the similarity between these features they are not
ranked similarly which additionally to the problem of incomplete rankings may lead
to noisy rankings.
Let us give an illustrative example. Assume we have 7 features {X1, X2, X 3, X4, X 5,
X6, X7}, where X2and X5are highly similar but not identical. We consider the two
following rank lists from two different filters:
list one is
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
{X3, X2, X7, X5}
and list two is
{X2, X7, X3, X4, X 1}.
If we have no preference to either one then standard methods of rank aggregation
may produce the rankings in the following way:
Aggregation 1: {X2, X3, X7, X5, X 4, X1}.
Aggregation 2: {X3, X2, X7, X5, X 4, X1}.
And if we want to take advantage of similarity in rank aggregation, we need a new
aggregation method. The later should use the additional information provided by a
defined similarity measure. Therefore, a more acceptable ranking that agrees with
our oint of view is:
{X3, X2, X5, X7, X 4, X1}.
To avoid disjoint ranking for similar features, we present in the Section (2.3.3)
a simple approach that extends any standard aggregation method in order to take
similarity into account.
2.3 New approach for filter feature selection
In this section we propose a novel approach for filter feature selection. We consider
building a two-stage filter feature selection model. In the first step, an optimization
function and GA are used to solve the selection trouble and the rank aggregation
problem and to sort the features according to their relevance. In the second step, a
standard algorithm is proposed in order to solve the problem of disjoint ranking for
similar features and to eliminate redundant ones.
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
2.3.1 Optimization problem
The aim of rank aggregation when dealing with feature selection is to find the best
list which would be the closest as possible to all individual ordered lists all together.
This can be seen as an optimization problem when we look at argmin(D, σ), where
argmin gives a list σat which the distance Dwith a randomly selected ordered list
is minimized. In this optimization framework the objective function is given by :
f(σ) =
Wi×D(σ, Li),(2.1)
where Widenotes the weight associated with the lists Li, D is a distance function
measuring the distance between a pair of ordered lists, mis the number of lists and
Liis the ith ordered list of cardinality k. The best solution is then to look for σ,
which would minimize the total distance between σand Li, given by
Wi×D(σ, Li).(2.2)
Measuring the distance between two ranking lists is classical and several well-studied
metrics are known (Carterette 2009; Kumar and Vassilvitskii 2010), including the
Kendall’s tau distance and the Spearman footrule distance. Before defining this
two distance measures and their corresponding weighted distances some necessary
notations are needed.
For each feature XjLi,r(Xj), j= 1, . . . , d shows the ranking of this feature, where
r(Xj) = 1 is associated with the feature on top of Li, that is most important one
and r(Xj) = dis associated with the feature which is at the bottom, or the least
important one with regard to the target concept. All other ranks correspond to the
features that would be in-between. Note that rankings are always positive, and higher
rank shows lower preference in the list.
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
Spearman footrule distance
Spearman footrule distance between two given rankings lists Land σis defined as the
sum overall the absolute differences between the ranks of all unique elements from
both ordered lists combined. Formally, the Spearman footrule distance between L
and σis given by
Spearman(L, σ) = X
Spearman footrule distance is a very simple way to compare two ordered lists. The
smaller the value of this distance the more similar the lists are. When the two lists
to be compared have no elements in common, the metric is k(k+ 1).
Kendall’s tau distance
Kendall’s tau distance between two ordered rank list Land σis given by the number
of pairwise adjacent transpositions needed to transform one list into another (Dinu
and Manea 2006). This distance can be seen as the number of pairwise disagreements
between the two rankings. Hence, the formal definition for the Kendall’s tau distance
Kendall(L, σ) = X
K, (2.4)
0if rL(Xj)< rL(Xj0), rσ(Xj)< rσ(Xj0)
or rL(Xj)> rL(Xj0), rσ(Xj)> rσ(Xj0)
1if rL(Xj)> rL(Xj0), rσ(Xj)< rσ(Xj0)
or rL(Xj)< rL(Xj0), rσ(Xj)> rσ(Xj0)
pif rL(Xj) = rL(Xj0) = k+ 1,
rσ(Xj) = rσ(Xj0) = k+ 1
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
That is, if we have no knowledge of the relative position of Xjand Xj0in one of
the lists we have several choices: impose no penalty (0), full penalty (1), or a partial
penalty p such that 0 <p<1.
Weighted distance
In case, the only information available about the individual list is the rank order, the
Spearman footrule distance and the Kendall’s tau distance are adequate measures.
However, the presence of any additional information about the individual list may
improve the final aggregation. Typically with filter methods, weights are assigned to
each feature independently and then the features are ranked based on their relevance
to the target variable. It would be beneficial to integrate these weights winto our
aggregation scheme. Hence, the weight associated with each feature consists of taking
the average score across all the ranked feature lists. We find the average for each
feature by adding all the normalized scores associated to each lists, and dividing the
sum by the number of lists. According to Pihur et al. (2009) the weighted Spearman’s
footrule distance between the two lists Land σis given by
w.Spearman(L, σ) = X
|w(rL(X)) w(rσ(X))|×|rL(X)rσ(X)|,(2.6)
were w(rL(X)) and w(rσ(X)) denote the weights associated with the feature X
with rank rin the lists Land σ. Analogously to the weighted Spearman’s footrule
distance, the weighted Kendall’s tau distance is given by (Pihur et al. 2009):
w.Kendall(L, σ) = X
|w(rL(Xj)) w(rσ(Xj0))|K. (2.7)
2.3.2 Solution to optimization problem using genetic algorithm
The introduced optimization problem in Section (2.3.1) is a typical integer program-
ming problem. As far as we know, there is no efficient solution to such kind of
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
problem. One possible approach would be to perform complete search. However, it
is too time demanding to make it applicable in real applications, and more practical
solutions are needed.
The introduced method uses GA for rank aggregation. GAs were developed by
Holland (1992) to imitate the mechanism of genetic models of natural evolution and
selection. GAs are powerful tools for solving complex combinatorial problems, where
a combinatorial problem involves choosing the best subset of components from a pool
of possible components in order that the mixture has some desired quality (Clegg
et al. 2009). GAs are computational models of evolution. They work on the basis of
a set of candidate solutions. Each candidate solution is called a ”chromosome”, and
the whole set of solutions is called a ”population”. The algorithm allows movement
from one population of chromosomes to a new population in an iterative fashion.
Each iteration is called a ”generation”. In our case, GA proceeds in the following
way: initialization, selection, cross-over and mutation.
Once a set of aggregation rank lists are generated by several filtering methods, it
is necessary to create an initial population of features to be used as starting point
for the genetic algorithm, where each feature in the population represents a possible
solution. This starting population is then obtained by randomly selecting a set of
ordered rank lists.
Despite the success of GA on a wide collection of problems, the choice of the
population size is still an issue. Gotshall and Rylander (2000) proved that the larger
the population size is the better chance of it containing the optimal solution. However,
increasing population size increases the number of generations. In order to have great
results, the population size should depend on the length of the ordered lists and on
the number of unique elements in these lists. From empirical studies, over a wide
range of problems, a population size between 30 and 100 is usually recommended
(Pihur et al. 2009).
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
Once the initial population is fixed, we need to select new members for the next
generation. In fact, each element in the current population is evaluated on the basis
of its overall fitness given by Equation (2.1). Depending on which distance is used,
new members, i.e rank lists, are produced by selecting high performing elements.
The selected members are then crossed-over with the cross-over probability. Crossover
randomly selects a point in two selected lists and exchanges the remaining segments
of these lists to create a new ones. Therefore, crossover combines the features of two
lists to create two similar ranked lists.
In case only the crossover operator is used to produce the new generation, one possible
problem that may arise is when all the ranked lists in the initial population have the
same value at a particular rank. Then, all future lists will have the same value at this
particular rank. To overcome this unwanted situation a mutation operator is used.
Mutation operates by randomly changing one or more elements of any list. It acts as
a population perturbation operator. Typically mutation does not occur frequently so
mutation is of the order of 0.001 (Pihur et al. 2009).
Figure (2.2) presents a flowchart summarizing the fundamental steps of the pro-
posed rank aggregation method using GAs.
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
Figure 2.2: A summary flowchart of the proposed genetic algorithm rank aggregation
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
2.3.3 A rank aggregation based on similarity
In this section we solve the problem of disjoint ranking for similar features and elim-
inate redundant ones. First, we perform a simple algorithm that incorporates sim-
ilarity knowledge in the final ranking in order to handle disjoint ranking of similar
features. Then, redundant features are eliminated by comparing the relevance of
each pair of redundant features to the target class. Figure (2.3) gives a summary on
performing rank aggregation based on similarity.
Figure 2.3: Flowchart summarizing the rank aggregation approach based on similarity
Solution to disjoint ranking for similar features
First we perform a feature selection using three different feature selection methods
namely: Relief, χ2and MI and three different rankings are obtained. Second an ag-
gregation is performed on the obtained three ranking lists using the proposed genetic
rank aggregation algorithm in Section (2.3.2) yielding a combined list InitialR.
In each iteration we study the similarity between the first feature in InitialR, i.e
the feature with r(Xj) = 1 that we denote V ar, and the remaining features in this list
using a function denoted SIM. Before using the SIM function, the possible similarities
between features in Xare summarized using the full MI matrix. Where each element
in this matrix represents the pairwise similarity between two features Xjand Xj0.
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
This matrix is in general a (d×d) symmetric positive semi definite matrix and takes
on values in [0,...,1] , with diagonal values equal to 0. A large value indicates a close
relationship between variables Xjand Xj0.
SIM function compares the similarity between the features using this matrix. If V ar
has 80% of similarity with any of the features in the list InitialR, the function SIM
return ’TRUE’ elsewhere it returns ’FALSE’.
In accordance with the function SIM result, two possible scenarios arise depending
on whether V ar has a strong link of similarity with the remaining features or not.
First scenario: if the function SIM returns ’FALSE’ then V ar doesn’t have any
strong connection with any other features in the list InitialR. In this case there is no
disagreement among rankings and V ar is removed from the list InitialRand added
to F inalRwhich is the final aggregation list that will serve to classification.
Lets take to the previous illustrative example of Section (2.2.4) where we aggregate
two ranking lists {X3, X2, X7, X 5}and {X2, X7, X3, X 4, X1}. If the obtained aggre-
gated list is {X3, X2, X7, X5, X 4, X1}then, the function SIM studies the similarity
between feature X3and {X2, X7, X 5, X4, X 1}and returns false. Then, X3will be
added to F inalRand {X2, X7, X5, X4, X 1}is investigated in the next iteration. Fig-
ure (2.4) illustrates the first scenario.
Figure 2.4: Illustrative example of the first scenario
Second scenario: If the SIM function returns the value TRUE then the feature
V ar has a strong link of similarity with one of the other features in InitialR. Then, we
check if these two features have divergent rankings in spite of their strong similarity.
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
First we use the function PLUS-SIM, which returns the most similar feature to V ar in
the list InitialR. Then, we examine if the result of PLUS-SIM is equal to the feature
with the next ranking of V ar in InitialR. In case the feature with the next ranking
to the feature V ar is the most similar, then V ar and its neighbor are removed from
InitialRand added to F inalR. Else we use the functions DIST-POS and PERMUT
in order to move closer the similar features. More details are given in Algorithm (2.4)
with a detailed description of the different functions used in this approach.
Algorithm 2.4 Rank aggregation based on similarity
Require: InitialR: Initial rank aggregation.
Ensure: F inalR: Final rank list.
1: while InitialR== do
2: V ar =InitialR[1].
3: V arlist =SU BLI ST (InitialR,2).
4: if SIM(Var, V arlist)==FALSE then
5: F inalR= CONCAT (F inalR, Var).
6: InitialR=V arlist.
7: else
8: V arnext=V arlist [1].
9: if V arnext ==PLUS-SIM (Var, V arlist)then
10: F inalR= CONCAT (F inalR, Var).
11: F inalR= CONCAT (F inalR,V arnext).
12: REMOVE(V arnext,V arlist).
13: InitialR=V arlist.
14: else
15: while V arnext==PLUS-SIM (Var, V arlist)do
16: if DIST-POS(Var-next ,PLUS-SIM (Var, V arlist), V arlist)>1then
17: PERMUTE(Var-next, Var,InitialR).
18: else
19: PERMUTE(PLUS-SIM (Var, InitialR),Var-next,InitialR).
20: end if
21: end while
22: end if
23: end if
24: end while
25: Return F inalR.
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
SIM(E, L) return : false, true
Takes a parameter list L and a feature E and check if feature E has a similarity
with one of the elements of list L. If the similarity with one of the elements of
the list is superior to 80 %, the function returns true elsewhere false.
CONCAT (L, E) return : list
Takes a parameter list L to be concatenated and appends the second argument
E into the end of list L.
POS(E,L) return: number
Searches for feature E in List L, and returns its position in list L, or zero if
feature E was not found in L.
PLUS-SIM(E, L) return : feature
Searches for a feature in list L with the biggest similarity to feature E.
SUBLIST(L, P) return : list
Returns a list of the elements in list L, starting at the specified position P in
this list.
Removes element E given as argument from list L.
DIST-POS(E1,E2,L) return : number
Counts the number of positions between two given elements E1 and E2 in list
Swaps the position of two features E1 and E2 in list L.
Removing unwanted features
Once the selection trouble is solved and a consensus list of mutual features is obtained,
we come across the issue of choosing the appropriate number of features to retain. In
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
fact a list of sorted features doesn’t provide us with the optimal features subset. In
general a predefined small number of features is retained from the consensus list in
order to build the final model. If the number of used features is relatively small or
big, then the final classification results may be degraded.
Despite the fact that most of the features that had a disjoint ranking in Section
(2.3.3) are relevant, the underlying concepts can be concisely captured using only a
few features, while keeping all of them has substantially detrimental effect on the
credit model accuracy. So while we solve the problem of disjoint ranking, we use a
marker to mark each pair of treated feature as similar items. A matrix MATSis
then created in order to stock each pair of similar features, where each row of M ATS
contains a feature and their similar items. Then, we study each row of MATSby
looking into the computed MI in order to identify the feature that supplies the most
information about the target class. As a result the feature with the highest MI is
kept and other similar features are removed from the aggregated list. Let’s take the
illustrative example that we used in Section (2.2.4). We suppose that after dealing
with the problem of disjoint ranking we obtain this list {X3, X2, X5, X 7, X4, X1},
introduced before, features X2and X5are highly similar an while looking into the
results of MI we notice that X5has the highest MI, consequently X2is removed from
the list.
2.4 Experimental investigations
Our feature selection ensemble is composed by three different filter selection algo-
rithms namely: Relief , χ2and MI ( see Section (2.2)). These algorithms are available
in Weka 3.7.0 machine learning package (Bouckaert et al. 2009).
The aggregation of these filters is first performed by our GA approach with Kendall
(GA-K ) and Spearman distances ( GA-S) and then compared to the mean, median,
highest rank or lowest rank aggregation (see Section (2.2.3) ). These aggregation
methods were tested using a Matlab implementation of the R package ”RobustRank-
Aggreg” written by Kolde et al. (2012), and compared to the results given by the
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
individual feature selection methods. We use in this chapter four different classifiers,
namely DT, SVM, ANN and KNN. These four classifiers are available in Weka 3.7.0
machine learning package (Bouckaert et al. 2009).
The parameters setting for GA are given Table (2.1). These parameters were
chosen based on the result of several preliminary runs of the proposed approach. A
10-fold cross validation is used to compare the classifier’s performance against others.
Table 2.1: Parameters of experimental environment for genetic algorithm.
Parameter Value
Size of population 100
Mutation rate 0.001
Crossover rate 0.7
Number of generation 10
2.4.1 Results and discussion
First, the three feature selection methods: Relief, χ2and MI are applied to the
datasets and three rankings of features are obtained. Next, the obtained rankings
are aggregated using the available aggregation methods. Then, we pick a number of
top-ranked features to get a few feature subsets. Then, DT, SVM, ANN and KNN
classify the datasets using these feature subsets. Results are presented in Tables (2.3)-
(2.6), where the best results are shown in bold.
From Table (2.2) we notice that for the Australian dataset, GA-K provides the
highest precision in comparison with other feature selection methods except the case
where DT is used as classifier, GA-S achieves the best precision. With the German
dataset GA-K achieves the highest precision with all classifiers. For the HMEQ
dataset GA-K achieves the highest precision with SVM and ANN classifiers while the
highest precision of the other two classifiers are achieved by GA-S. Finally for the
Tunisian dataset the highest precision rate is also achieved by GA-K aggregation for
the DT, SVM and ANN classifiers while the highest precision rate for KNN classifier
is achieved by highest rank aggregation.
We further investigate the recall results for the set of feature selection methods.
For the Australian dataset the best recalls are achieved by GA-S for the DT and
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
Table 2.2: Summary of the best performance results archived by the set of feature
selection methods for the four datastes within the filter framework.
Highest rank
Lowest rank
GA-K ⊕ ⊕ ⊕  ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕  ⊕⊗⊕
GA-S ⊕⊗⊕⊕ ⊗⊕ ⊗⊕
Precision, Recall, F-measure, ROC Area.
Color: -Australian, -German , -HEMQ, -Tunisian.
KNN while for the SVM and ANN classifiers the best rates are achieved by the
lowest rank aggregation. Looking for German dataset results’ in Table (2.4) we see
that the highest recall is achieved in three times by GA-K expect for ANN where the
best recall is given by GA-S, Table (2.5) shows that the highest recall for the HMEQ
dataset is obtained with GA-K for KNN and with the mean aggregation for the DT
and SVM and χ2for ANN classifier. For the Tunisian dataset Table (2.6) shows that
mean aggregation achieves twice the highest recall with ANN and DT followed by
GA-S for the KNN classifier and median aggregation for SVM.
Table (2.3) shows that GA-S achieves the best F-measure three times except for
KNN where the highest F-measure for the Australian dataset is achieved with GA-K.
From Tables (2.4) and (2.5) we see that the highest recall is achieved by GA-K except
for ANN where the highest rank aggregation gives the best performance with ANN
and HMEQ dataset. Finally, Table (2.6) shows that GA-K achieves twice the highest
recall with SVM and DT and GA-S did the same with ANN and KNN.
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
Table 2.3: Performance comparison of the new filter method and the other feature
selection methods for the Australian dataset.
Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area
Decision Tree
Relief 0.786 0.917 0.846 0.655
MI 0.930 0.870 0.900 0.642
χ20.932 0.860 0.905 0.680
Mean 0.931 0.890 0.910 0.700
Median 0.931 0.888 0.909 0.713
Highest rank 0.920 0.943 0.931 0.689
Lowest rank 0.900 0.902 0.901 0.681
GA-K 0.946 0.923 0.934 0.727
GA-S 0.952 0.950 0.951 0.762
Support Vector Machine
Relief 0.795 0.898 0.843 0.702
MI 0.931 0.870 0.900 0.711
χ20.918 0.935 0.927 0.690
Mean 0.923 0.943 0.928 0.720
Median 0.921 0.945 0.932 0.721
Highest rank 0.933 0.940 0.936 0.707
Lowest rank 0.894 0.980 0.935 0.705
GA-K 0.945 0.921 0.933 0.898
GA-S 0.943 0.942 0.943 0.890
Artificial Neural Network
Relief 0.885 0.926 0.905 0.653
MI 0.929 0.873 0.902 0.700
χ20.926 0.924 0.926 0.683
Mean 0.927 0.934 0.931 0.752
Median 0.925 0.937 0.931 0.755
Highest rank 0.929 0.940 0.934 0.732
Lowest rank 0.896 0.975 0.933 0.726
GA-K 0.931 0.953 0.941 0.728
GA-S 0.929 0.883 0.905 0.742
K-Nearest Neighbor
Relief 0.784 0.881 0.829 0.801
MI 0.890 0.892 0.891 0.789
χ20.912 0.799 0.851 0.788
Mean 0.920 0.886 0.902 0.825
Median 0.926 0.906 0.915 0.859
Highest rank 0.940 0.932 0.936 0.832
Lowest rank 0.944 0.930 0.937 0.834
GA-K 0.950 0.920 0.934 0.860
GA-S 0.942 0.942 0.942 0.866
If we look in ROC area results’ we notice from Tables (2.4) and (2.5) that GA-K
achieves the highest values except with German dataset and SVM where GA-S gives
the best ROC area and respectively with the HMEQ dataset and ANN the GA-S gives
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
Table 2.4: Performance comparison of the new filter method and the other feature
selection methods for the German dataset.
Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area
Decision Tree
Relief 0.682 0.555 0.669 0.631
MI 0.516 0.534 0.525 0.621
χ20.737 0.477 0.579 0.600
Mean 0.750 0.542 0.612 0.682
Median 0.750 0.545 0.613 0.727
Highest rank 0.788 0.605 0.684 0.689
Lowest rank 0.700 0.642 0.669 0.760
GA-K 0.792 0.701 0.743 0.795
GA-S 0.756 0.697 0.725 0.789
Support Vector Machine
Relief 0.517 0.511 0.514 0.692
MI 0.603 0.534 0.566 0.701
χ20.705 0.489 0.577 0.622
Mean 0.766 0.552 0.627 0.780
Median 0.756 0.560 0.643 0.781
Highest rank 0.762 0.623 0.685 0.766
Lowest rank 0.708 0.602 0.650 0.802
GA-K 0.823 0.812 0.817 0.812
GA-S 0.812 0.799 0.805 0.809
Artificial Neural Network
Relief 0.556 0.511 0.533 0.605
MI 0.612 0.534 0.572 0.589
χ20.721 0.500 0.591 0.602
Mean 0.781 0.586 0.656 0.689
Median 0.778 0.591 0.671 0.677
Highest rank 0.770 0.600 0.674 0.678
Lowest rank 0.765 0.602 0.673 0.700
GA-K 0.821 0.706 0.759 0781
GA-S 0.819 0.708 0.759 0.786
K-Nearest Neighbor
Relief 0.703 0.688 0.695 0.702
MI 0.740 0.700 0.719 0.751
χ20.697 0.700 0.698 0.743
Mean 0.751 0.723 0.736 0.750
Median 0.749 0.730 0.739 0.800
Highest rank 0.720 0.763 0.740 0.791
Lowest rank 0.719 0.758 0.738 0.802
GA-K 0.820 0.811 0.815 0.813
GA-S 0.817 0.800 0.808 0.810
the best performance. For the Australian dataset the highest result are achieved twice
with GA-S and once with the mean aggregation for ANN and with GA-K for SVM
classifier. Finally, for the Tunisian dataset Table (2.6) shows that GA-K achieves the
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
Table 2.5: Performance comparison of the new filter method and the other feature
selection methods for the HMEQ dataset.
Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area
Decision Tree
Relief 0.747 0.800 0.736 0.782
MI 0.814 0.831 0.801 0.791
χ20.818 0.832 0.798 0.760
Mean 0.821 0.981 0.887 0.786
Median 0.808 0.926 0.863 0.788
Highest rank 0.906 0.921 0.913 0.806
Lowest rank 0.842 0.922 0.880 0.805
GA-K 0.920 0.921 0.921 0.822
GA-S 0.923 0.912 0.917 0.815
Support Vector Machine
Relief 0.845 0.807 0.728 0.722
MI 0.822 0.828 0.784 0.755
χ20.822 0.828 0.784 0.690
Mean 0.830 0.987 0.902 0.702
Median 0.823 0.906 0.862 0.689
Highest rank 0.905 0.945 0.924 0.744
Lowest rank 0.900 0.891 0.895 0.742
GA-K 0.966 0.933 0.949 0.810
GA-S 0.942 0.940 0.941 0.812
Artificial Neural Network
Relief 0.663 0.715 0.688 0.689
MI 0.681 0.788 0.730 0.781
χ20.838 0.974 0.901 0.763
Mean 0.850 0.966 0.904 0.745
Median 0.848 0.971 0.905 0.723
Highest rank 0.897 0.842 0.980 0.788
Lowest rank 0.870 0.880 0.875 0.801
GA-K 0.902 0.972 0.935 0.825
GA-S 0.896 0.955 0.924 0.822
K-Nearest Neighbor
Relief 0.734 0.817 0.773 0.691
MI 0.805 0.820 0.812 0.799
χ20.688 0.801 0.740 0.760
Mean 0.822 0.822 0.822 0.801
Median 0.842 0.820 0.830 0.810
Highest rank 0.830 0.826 0.828 0.808
Lowest rank 0.828 0.821 0.824 0.806
GA-K 0.843 0.900 0.870 0.850
GA-S 0.850 0.867 0.858 0.823
best results with DT and SVM while GA-S achieves the highest results with ANN
and KNN.
The computed values or scores of recall, precision, and the F-measures are used to
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
Table 2.6: Performance comparison of the new filter method and the other feature
selection methods for the Tunisian dataset.
Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area
Decision Tree
Relief 0.876 0.888 0.882 0.681
MI 0.885 0.883 0.884 0.680
χ20.876 0.880 0.879 0.623
Mean 0.860 0.962 0.913 0.796
Median 0.871 0.899 0.884 0.791
Highest rank 0.901 0.907 0.904 0.793
Lowest rank 0.889 0.902 0.895 0.799
GA-K 0.922 0.912 0.917 0.813
GA-S 0.917 0.908 0.912 0.811
Support Vector Machine
Relief 0.845 0.807 0.728 0.682
MI 0.822 0.828 0.784 0.651
χ20.822 0.828 0.784 0.645
Mean 0.830 0.987 0.902 0.762
Median 0.889 0.975 0.930 0.755
Highest rank 0.922 0.907 0.914 0.800
Lowest rank 0.881 0.880 0.880 0.815
GA-K 0.967 0.952 0.959 0.831
GA-S 0.966 0.923 0.944 0.823
Artificial Neural Network
Relief 0.827 0.847 0.830 0.703
MI 0.822 0.852 0.826 0.700
χ20.833 0.850 0.832 0.623
Mean 0.875 0.964 0.917 0.802
Median 0.881 0.951 0.914 0.801
Highest rank 0.905 0.901 0.894 0.729
Lowest rank 0.878 0.888 0.887 0.725
GA-K 0.924 0.902 0.912 0.822
GA-S 0.916 0.943 0.929 0.826
K-Nearest Neighbor
Relief 0.788 0.800 0.794 0.810
MI 0.821 0.688 0.748 0.799
χ20.753 0.677 0.713 0.780
Mean 0.809 0.801 0.805 0.812
Median 0.811 0.799 0.805 0.821
Highest rank 0.950 0.688 0.700 0.798
Lowest rank 0.940 0.691 0.796 0.792
GA-K 0.889 0.888 0.888 0.900
GA-S 0.887 0.901 0.893 0.905
measure the performance of the feature selection methods. The differences between
any two features selection methods may be due to chance or there is a significant
difference between them. To rule out the possibility that the difference is due to
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
chance and to confirm our conclusions, statistical hypothesis testing is used.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a particular form of statistical hypothesis testing
mainly used in the analysis of experimental data to test the equality of three or
more population means. Here, we are interested in determining whether the mean
values of a given performance measure significantly differ accordingly with the used
feature selection method and classification method. A two-way ANOVA is performed
to conclude on the difference between the different features selection methods and
classification methods. Then the first factor is represented through the different
feature selection methods and the second is represented by the different classification
methods. Then ANOVA tests the null hypothesis H0that the means of all groups
of factor 1 are equal and also tests H0that the means of all groups of factor 2 are
equal and summarize when the relationship between one factor and the dependent
variable , i.e level of F-measure, changes for different levels of the other factor. Several
hypotheses are jointly tested in two-way ANOVA, then H0and alternative hypothesis
H1for factor 1 would be
Relief =µ1
MI =µ1
Median =µ1
Mean =µ1
Highest =µ1
GAKPerformances of selection methods are equal,
H1:t, µ1
i, i, t {Relief, M I, χ2, M edian, Mean, Highest, Lowest,
GA k, GA S}, i 6=tAt least one of the feature
selection methods mean of performance is different from the others
H0and H1for factor 2 would be
DT =µ2
SV M =µ2
ANN =µ2
KN N Performances of classifiers are equal,
H1:t, µ2
i, i, t {DT , SV M, K NN, AN N}, i 6=tAt least one of the classifer
mean of performance is different from the others
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
Interaction between the two factors is given by the following hypotheses:
H0: There is no interaction between the two factors,
H1: There is an interaction between the two factors
ANOVA analyzes variance by separating it into two parts within-groups variabil-
ity and between-groups variability. Then F statistic indicates whether the between-
groups variability is significantly greater than the within-groups variability. If the F
statistic is significant (p-value 0.05), at least one group mean is significantly differ-
ent from one or more of the others. A significant F statistic suggests that we reject
H0. To set up a two-way ANOVA we use the data in Table (2.7), the results obtained
from this table are summarized in Table (2.8)
Table 2.7: Summary of F-measures for all feature selection methods with the four
classification methods in filter framework.
Relief MI χ2Mean Median Highest Lowest GA-K GA-S
DT 0,856 0,900 0,905 0,910 0,909 0,931 0,901 0,934 0,951
0,669 0,525 0,579 0,612 0,613 0,684 0,669 0,743 0,725
0,736 0,801 0,798 0,887 0,863 0,913 0,88 0,921 0,917
0,882 0,884 0,879 0,913 0,884 0,904 0,895 0,917 0,912
SVM 0,843 0,900 0,927 0,928 0,932 0,936 0,935 0,933 0,943
0,514 0,566 0,577 0,627 0,643 0,685 0,650 0,817 0,805
0,728 0,784 0,784 0,902 0,862 0,924 0,895 0,949 0,941
0,728 0,784 0,784 0,902 0,930 0,914 0,880 0,959 0,944
ANN 0,905 0,902 0,926 0,931 0,931 0,934 0,933 0,941 0,905
0,533 0,572 0,591 0,656 0,671 0,674 0,673 0,759 0,759
0,688 0,730 0,901 0,904 0,905 0,98 0,875 0,935 0,924
0,830 0,826 0,832 0,917 0,914 0,894 0,887 0,912 0,929
KNN 0,829 0,891 0,851 0,902 0,915 0,936 0,937 0,934 0,942
0,695 0,719 0,698 0,736 0,739 0,74 0,738 0,815 0,808
0,773 0,812 0,740 0,822 0,830 0,828 0,824 0,870 0,858
0,794 0,748 0,713 0,805 0,805 0,700 0,796 0,888 0,893
The actual result of the two-way ANOVA namely, whether either of the two fac-
tors, or their interaction are statistically significant is shown in the Table (2.8). The
particular rows we are interested in are the Selection Method”, Classifier and
Selection Method * Classifier rows, and these are highlighted above in red. These
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
Table 2.8: Tests of between-subjects effects in filter framework.
Source Type III Sum of
DF Mean Square F Sig. (p-value)
Corrected Model 0,359a35 0,010 0,766 0,815
Intercept 98,109 1 98,109 7337,855 0,000
Selection Method 0,304 80,038 2,840 0,007
Classifier 0,006 30,002 0,160 0,923
Selection Method * Classifier 0,048 24 0,002 0,151 1,000
Error 1,444 108 0,013
Total 99,912 144
Corrected Total 1,802 143
Dependant Variable : F-measure
rows inform us whether our independent variables (the Selection Method and
”Classifier” rows) and their interaction (the Selection Method * Classifier” row)
have a statistically significant effect on the dependent variable, ”F-measure”. It is
important to first look at the Selection Method * Classifier interaction as this will
determine how we can interpret our results. We notice from the ”Sig.” column that
we don’t have a significant interaction between the two factors which means that the
effect on the outcome of any specific level of F-measure change for one factor is the
same for every fixed setting of the other factor.
We also report the results of ”Selection Method” and ”Classifier”, but again,
these needs to be interpreted in the context of the interaction result. We can see
from the above table that there was no statistically significant difference in mean
interest in F-measure between the different classifiers (p-value= 0,923), but there were
statistically significant differences between the different feature selection methods (p-
value =0,007).
ANOVA only tells us if there is any difference between the groups. If we want to
know where the differences are, then we need to do some additional analysis. Then
we use Tukey post hoc test in order to perform multiple comparisons for the different
feature selection methods and we obtain a multiple comparisons table, as shown in
Table (2.9).
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
Table 2.9: Multiple comparisons table for feature selection methods in filter frame-
Mean dif-
Sig. Selection
Mean dif-
χ2GA-K -,108875* 0,009 Mean χ20,054313 0,187
GA-S -,104438* 0,012 GA-K -0,054562 0,185
Highest -0,06825 0,098 GA-S -0,050125 0,223
Lowest -0,055188 0,18 Highest -0,013937 0,734
Mean -0,054313 0,187 Lowest -0,000875 0,983
Median -0,053813 0,191 Median 0,0005 0,99
MI 0,008813 0,83 MI 0,063125 0,125
Relief 0,030125 0,463 Relief ,084438* 0,041
GA-K χ20,108875* 0,009 Median χ20,053813 0,191
GA-S 0,004437 0,914 GA-K -0,055062 0,181
Highest 0,040625 0,323 GA-S -0,050625 0,218
Lowest 0,053688 0,192 Highest -0,014437 0,725
Mean 0,054562 0,185 Lowest -0,001375 0,973
Median 0,055062 0,181 Mean -0,0005 0,99
MI 0,117688* 0,005 MI 0,062625 0,128
Relief 0,139000* 0,001 Relief 0,083938* 0,042
GA-S χ20,104438* 0,012 MI χ2-0,008813 0,83
GA-K -0,004437 0,914 GA-K -0,117688* 0,005‘
Highest 0,036188 0,378 GA-S -0,113250* 0,007
Lowest 0,04925 0,231 Highest -0,077063 0,062
Mean 0,050125 0,223 Lowest -0,064 0,12
Median 0,050625 0,218 Mean -0,063125 0,125
MI 0,113250* 0,007 Median -0,062625 0,128
Relief 0,134563* 0,001 Relief 0,021313 0,603
Highest χ20,06825 0,098 Relief χ2-0,030125 0,463
GA-K -0,040625 0,323 GA-K -0,139000* 0,001
GA-S -0,036188 0,378 GA-S -0,134563* 0,001
Lowest 0,013062 0,75 Highest -0,098375* 0,018
Mean 0,013937 0,734 Lowest -0,085313* 0,039
Median 0,014437 0,725 Mean -0,084438* 0,041
MI 0,077063 0,062 Median -0,083938* 0,042
Relief 0,098375* 0,018 MI -0,021313 0,603
Lowest χ20,055188 0,18
GA-K -0,053688 0,192
GA-S -0,04925 0,231
Highest -0,013062 0,75
Mean 0,000875 0,983
Median 0,001375 0,973
MI 0,064 0,12
Relief 0,085313* 0,039
From Table (2.9) we notice that there is some repetition of the results, but regard-
less of which row we choose to read from, we are interested in the differences between
(1) GA-K and the individual feature selection methods, ie. relief, MI and χ2, (2)
Chapter 2: Filter rank aggregation
GA-S and the individual feature selection methods. From the results, we can see that
there is a statistically significant difference between the obtained results from GA-K
and GA-S and individual results (p-value <0.05).
2.5 Conclusion
In this chapter, we investigated the effect of the fusion of a set of ranking methods.
First, we conducted a preliminary study in which the issue of rank aggregation is
presented as an optimization problem solved using GA and distance measures. Second
we focused on solving the problem of disjoint ranking for similar features and choosing
the right number of features from the final ranked list, for that we relate the similarity
of the feature to their rankings. We evaluated the proposed approach on four credit
datasets. Results show that there is generally beneficial effect of aggregating feature
rankings as compared to those produced by single methods. We also compared the
proposed approach with four well known aggregation methods and results are either
superior or at least as adequate as those selected by the other aggregation methods.
The second method for selecting the most important features is to use wrapper feature
selection. Details about this method are presented in the next chapter.
Chapter 3
An Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection Based on
an Improved Exhaustive Search for Credit Scoring
3.1 Introduction .......................... 61
3.2 Wrapper Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.2.1 Issue I: Evaluation using a single classifier . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.2.2 Issue II: Subset generation and search strategies . . . . . . 63
3.3 New approach for wrapper feature selection . . . . . . . 64
3.3.1 Primary dimensionality reduction step: similarity study . . 65
3.3.2 Subset generation step: speeding up exhaustive search by
heuristics ............................ 66
3.3.3 Evaluation step: effects of using multiple classifiers . . . . . 68
3.4 Experimental Investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.4.1 Results and discussion for the same-type approach . . . . . 73
3.4.2 Results and discussion for the mixed-type approach . . . . 82
3.5 Conclusion ........................... 84
3.1 Introduction
Wrappers feature selection usually selects a feature subset of the most relevant fea-
tures with respect to the classification performance given by a particular classifier.
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
Although efficient, wrapper feature selection, as pointed out in the introduction, has
some limitations, since their result depend on the search strategy and on using a
single classifier in the evaluation process. Thus, we introduce a new approach based
on ensemble methods that deals with the major issues of wrapper approach. As such,
we give in Section (3.2) some details on wrapper framework and we discuss subset
generation, search strategies and the use of multiple classifiers as an evaluation func-
tion. Then, we give the principal points of our new approach in Section (3.3). In
Section (3.4) we present the results of recall, precision and F-measure obtained on
four credit datasets.
3.2 Wrapper Framework
Notice that the main idea of wrapper feature selection is to remove unwanted features
from the data by using the predictive accuracy of a particular classifier. It has been
showen that wrappers generally outperform filters (Liu and Schumann 2005) in terms
of accuracy since they are tuned to the specific interactions between the classifier and
the dataset. However, wrapper methods have practical and theoretical limitations
(Chrysostomou 2008). Wrappers typically lack generality since the resulting subset
of features is tied to the bias of the classifier used in the evaluation function. The
optimal feature subset will be specific to the classifier under consideration. Also,
finding the optimal feature subset will come with a high computational cost. This
cost depends on the number of times the classifier is trained on the evaluation process
on the number of subsets to be investigated and on the size of these feature subsets.
In fact the number of subsets and their size depend on the used search strategy.
If a complete search is used the number of subsets will increase along with the time
complicity and if an heuristic is used not all subsets will be investigated and we may
not have some interesting combination of features. In the following, we focus on
two of the discussed wrapper’s shortcomings: the bias of the classifier and subsets
generation process.
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
3.2.1 Issue I: Evaluation using a single classifier
Using a single classifier in the wrapper process, may favor one candidate subset over
the others. In fact the difference in biases and assumptions of each classifier may
influence the final result in term of accuracy and execution time (Chrysostomou et al.
2008). According to Chrysostomou (2008), when a classifier used for evaluation is
changed the set of kept features will change and as a result different levels of accuracy
are obtained, inducing a lack of generality in the produced model. The level of
complexity of the classifier is also a fundamental factor to be investigated. In theory
when a complex classifier is used, it may take much longer to choose the best subset
of features than a classifier which is considered to be simple. For example, when SVM
is used as an evaluation function in the process of finding the best features subset, it
may take more time to identify the most relevant features than using LR or KNN.
The number of classifiers used in the combination framework may also affect the
evaluation process. If a small number of classifiers is used, it is likely that we obtain
a good set of relevant features given the high level of harmony among classifiers.
However, if a high number of classifiers is used we may end up getting fewer relevant
features. This is true to find that the level of agreement between the classifiers will
probably be low since more classifiers are required to agree on the relevance of a
Based on the important limitation of using a single classifier, we consider using
more than one classifier within wrapper feature selection framework. Consequently,
we may notably improve the general accuracy. In fact we look for mutually approved
sets of significant features. Such sets will possibly give higher classification accuracies
and reduce the biases of individual classifiers.
3.2.2 Issue II: Subset generation and search strategies
The ideal feature selection approach is the exhaustive search on the full set of features
to find an optimal subset of features. However, as the number of features increases
the exhaustive search becomes rapidly impractical even for a moderate d(Chan et al.
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
2010). If we look at different ways in which features subsets are generated among
many variations, three basic schemes are available in the literature namely forward
selection, backward elimination and random scheme (Liu and Yu 2005).
Forward selection and backward elimination are considered as heuristics. Gener-
ally, sequential generation can help in getting a valid subset in a reasonable time but
still cannot find an optimal set. This is due to the fact that the generation scheme
uses an heuristic to obtain an optimal subset by selecting sequentially the best as in
the forward case or removing the worst as in the backward case. Using such kind of
generator will without doubt speed up the selection process. However, if the search
falls in local optima it cannot turn back. In fact the generator has no way to get out
of the local optima because what has been removed cannot be added and what has
been added cannot be removed. This is a big shortcoming for sequential schemes.
To avoid this problem we may use the random generation scheme, which adds
randomness to the fixed rule of sequential generation and helps avoiding getting stuck
at some local optima. Although random generation scheme could improve sequential
results it still does not guarantee finding an optimal subset. This can be further
elaborated in terms of search strategies (Yun et al. 2007) .
Hence, in order to minimize the search space, we propose first to reduce the
number of features by forward selection and backward elimination so that exhaustive
search method can handle the generation process in a realistic time. In this way,
the selected feature set is much better in terms of accuracy than those from forward
selection and backward elimination and computed much faster than the exhaustive
3.3 New approach for wrapper feature selection
In this section we propose a novel approach for wrapper feature selection. We consider
building a three-stage wrapper feature selection model.
At first, primary dimensionality reduction step is conducted on the original
feature space based on similarity study with the prior knowledge. This step is
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
used in order to reduce the search space.
Second , the subset generation step is performed using a mixture of heuristic
and exhaustive search methods.
The final step is to study the evaluation process of wrapper feature selection
and the effect of using multiple classifiers with different and same nature.
3.3.1 Primary dimensionality reduction step: similarity study
The first step of our proposed approach is designed specifically to select less redundant
features without sacrificing the quality. Redundancy is measured by a similarity mea-
sure between a preselected set of features and the remaining features in the dataset.
In this step we enhance an existing set of preselected features by adding additional
features that complement the existing set but still with strong predictive power.
In CS we may already have a set of features preselected with prior information.
In fact, experts in banks have years of experience on some particular category of
credit and knowledge about which features are more important. This knowledge is
generally obtained by years of use of classical feature selection methods. Thus, a
possible improvement of the exhaustive search is to use the prior knowledge and to
eliminate redundant features before generating the candidate subsets. Since our goal
is to take advantage of any additional information about the feature, we may want
to select a set of features complementary to those preselected by bank experts. We
study the effect of using prior information on relevant feature complexity.
1. First, we split the features set in two sets. The first one regroups a set of features
that were assumed to be more relevant according to some prior knowledge. The
second set contains the remaining ones.
2. Once the two sets are obtained we conduct a similarity study, and a similarity
matrix is constructed. In this step the MI is chosen as a similarity measure
given its efficiency ( see Chapter 1, Section 1.3 for more information about MI).
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
3. Then, we take each feature from the remaining set and we investigate its level
of similarity with the features of the first set. If the similarity is over 80%, the
evaluated feature is eliminated else it is retained for further examination.
The first part of Figure (3.2) shows a simplified flow chart of the dimensionality
reduction before the exhaustive search.
3.3.2 Subset generation step: speeding up exhaustive search by heuristics
Once the redundant feature elimination step is performed the search space is reduced
and we have a less expensive exhaustive search. Although the search space is reduced
by the previous step this search method still poses the problem of being computa-
tionally prohibitive. In fact an exhaustive search method is an enumerative search
method that works by considering all possible features’ combinations. According to
Chan et al. (2010) this method is practical if the number of features is less than 10.
The use of more than 10 features would be costly in terms of computational time.
In this case, specific heuristics can be used to reduce the set of candidate solutions
to a manageable size. We think that using the first step combined with an heuristic
will reduce the search space to less than 10 features, which will make the exhaustive
search a realistic task. This, considering the fact that all datasets in this research
have less than 40 features.
In theory each search strategy has its particular effects on the selected feature
subset and on the performance of the induction algorithm. When the heuristic is
changed the result may differ in terms of the number of selected features, As such, we
extend the idea of ensemble method to search strategies. In the following we propose
to perform several heuristics in order to get diver results. We use both sequential
forward feature selection and backward feature elimination as a part of a combined
feature selection. Figure (3.1) illustrates the proposed combination process for an
example of 10 features.
In the first step, the forward selection and backward elimination methods are si-
multaneously applied to the reduced feature set resulting in two different intermediate
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
feature lists. Each list includes a set of complementary variables.
Figure 3.1: A flowchart combining heuristic and exhaustive search
In the second step, the two lists are merged into one single list with the most relevant
features and the non selected features are eliminated. Since some selected features
may appear in one of the intermediate feature lists and not in the other, these features
must be re-weighted in order to take into consideration their relevance degree. In case
a feature is selected by both forward and backward and another feature is selected only
once, the one which is more selected is considered as much relevant. Consequently,
the resulting features are then re-weighted according to their number of appearances
in the intermediate lists. Then, the weight is equal to 1 if it appears in the two
intermediate feature subsets, otherwise it is 0.5. In the third step, a complete search
is used on the weighted features.
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
3.3.3 Evaluation step: effects of using multiple classifiers
Many classification methods were proposed to deal with the credit worthiness problem
on the basis of information from past applicants. The most common statistical meth-
ods to evaluate applicants’ solvability are LR and DA (Paleologo et al. 2010). Unfor-
tunately, these two methods need some fundamental assumptions on data (ˇ
et al. 2009). In addition to traditional methods different machine learning and artifi-
cial intelligence methods have been used such as: DT, ANN, SVM and many others.
Although the majority of these methods are simple and do not need assumptions
on data, they need a good mechanism to search for optimal model parameters and
feature subsets.
Each one of these individual methods produce a single discrimination rule and
each of them has some qualities and restrictions which may influence the feature
evaluation process. No one can confirm for sure the superiority of one classifier on
another. Rather than to try to optimize the accuracy of one classifier, it is better
to integrate multiple classifiers. This approach has been recognized to be successful
and achieves better performance and higher precision of predictability in the learning
process (Hsieh and Hung 2010; Chen and Li 2010). Here, the same ensemble concept
is adopted in the feature evaluation process as part of the pre-processing course.
Figure (3.2) shows how the results of a set of classifiers are merged to form a new
evaluation function.
Many statistical classifiers are based on many assumptions as normality distribution
and absence of multicollinearity. But if the data are not normal? For that the
statistical family is not appropriate because of the number of restrictions.
The chosen algorithms in this study are representative of the most popular family
of classifier models that were selected to form committees of experts, in order to test
various classifier combination schemes. Therefore, this section focuses only on the
general aspect of each family. As detail, of algorithms are not the main concern of
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
Figure 3.2: A wrapper approach combing multiple classifiers for feature selection.
this thesis, only conceptual description of the algorithms is given in Table (3.1) more
details are given in Appendix (B).
Among the most popular classifier models four were selected namely DT, SVM,
KNN, and ANN.
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
Table 3.1: General properties of some classification algorithms.
Classification Algorithms
numeric variables yes yes
normally distributed variables yes
equal covariance matrices yes
problem of interaction yes yes
problem of multicollinearity yes yes
normalization of variables yes yes
sensitive to class proportions yes yes yes
Output Score yes yes yes yes yes
Class yes yes yes yes
Classifier arrangement approaches
In this section two different classifier arrangement approaches are used within the
wrapper evaluation process, namely the same-type approach and the mixed-type ap-
proach. The same-type approach combines classifiers from the same family and uses
them within the wrapper framework to select the relevant features. For example,
classifiers belonging to SVM family are combined together. The mixed-type approach
combines classifiers from different families.
Table 3.2: Summary of used classifiers within each family.
VotedPerceptron (VP)
K=1 (1NN)
K=5 (5NN)
Radial (SVMR)
The same-type combinations uses classifiers from the four different families dis-
cussed before. More precisely, Two classifiers from DT family, two from ANN family,
one from KNN family is used with two different number of neighbors K= 1 and K=5
and one classifier is used from SVM family. The chosen SVM classifier is used with
two different kernels, namely the polynomial and radial basis function kernel. In this
way, features that are related to both linear aspects and non-linear aspects can be
identified. All considered classifiers are summarized in Table (3.2).
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
By using the second arrangement approach we investigate how classifiers from
different families work together and how their interaction affects features’ selection.
Classifiers are combined using an exhaustive approach so that each classifier is used
with every other classifier from a different nature. This leads to the construction of a
total of 76 mixed-type classifier combinations, described in Tables (3.3)-(3.4) including
24 for 2-classifier mixed-type combinations and 52 for 3-mixed-type combinations. In
this way, both approaches help us obtain a complete picture of the effects of the
nature and number of classifiers on feature selection.
Table 3.3: Summary of the possible combination of all classifiers, where the number
of classifiers to be combined is two.
Possible combinations
(J48+ SVMP), (J48+ SVMR), (J48+ MP), (J48+ VP), (J48 +1NN),
(J48+5NN), (RF+ SVMP), (RF+ SVMR), (RF+ MP), (RF+ VP),
(RF +1NN), (RF+5NN),( SVMP + MP), (SVMP + VP), (SVMP +1NN),
(SVMP +5NN), (SVMR + MP), (SVMR + VP), (SVMR +1NN),
(SVMR +5NN), (MP +1NN), (MP +5NN), (VP +1NN), (VP +5NN).
Aggregation rules
Traditionally, the approach used to build a multi-classifiers system is to experimen-
tally compare the performance of several classifiers and select the best one. However,
many alternative approaches based on combining multiple classifiers have emerged
over recent years (Kuncheva et al. 2001). There are basically two classifier combi-
nation scenarios. In the first, all classifiers use the same representation of the input
example. In this case, each classifier, for a given input example, produce an estimate
of the same posteriori class probability. In the second scenario, each classifier uses
its only representation of the input example. For multiple classifiers using distinct
representations, many existing schemes can be considered, where all the representa-
tions are used jointly to make a decision. We can derive the commonly used classifier
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
combination schemes such as the product rule, average rule, minimum rule, maximum
rule and majority voting schemes.
Table 3.4: Summary of the possible combination of all classifiers, where the number
of classifiers to be combined is three.
Possible combinations
(J48 +RF + SVMP), (J48 +RF+ SVMR), (J48 +RF + MP), (J48 +RF +VP),
(J48 +RF +1NN), (J48 +RF +5NN), (J48+ SVMP+ SVMR), (J48+ MP +
(J48 +1NN+5NN), (J48+ SVMP + MP),( J48+ SVMP + VP), (j48+SVMP
(J48+ SVMP +5NN), (J48+ SVMR + MP), (J48+ SVMR + VP), (J48+
(J48+ SVMR +5NN), (J48+ MP +1NN), (J48+ MP +5NN), (J48+ VP
(J48+ VP +5NN), (RF + SVMP+ SVMR), (RF + MP + VP), (RF
(RF + SVMP + MP), (RF + SVMP + VP), (RF+SVMP +1NN), (RF +
(RF + SVMR + MP), (RF + SVMR + VP), (RF+SVMR +1NN), (RF +
(RF + MP +1NN), (RF + MP +5NN), (RF + VP +1NN), (RF + VP +5NN),
(SVMP + MP + VP), (SVMP +1NN+5NN), (SVMP + MP +1NN), (SVMP
+ MP +5NN),
(SVMP + VP +1NN), (SVMP + VP +5NN), (SVMR + MP + VP), (SVMR
(SVMR + MP +1NN), (SVMR + MP +5NN), (SVMR + VP +1NN), (SVMR
+ VP +5NN).
The simplest and most common way for aggregation is to use a simple arithmetic
mean also known as the average. This operator is interesting because it gives an
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
aggregated value that is smaller than the greatest argument and bigger than the
smallest one. Then, the resulting aggregation is ”a middle value”. This property
is known as the compensation property. The minimum and the maximum are also
basic aggregation operators. The minimum gives the smallest value of a set, while
the maximum gives the greatest one (Kittler 1998). Majority vote is also a common
classifier combination method, particularly used in classifier ensembles when the class
labels of the classifiers are crisp (Kuncheva et al. 2001). In general, majority voting is
a simple method that does not require any parameters to be trained or any additional
information for later results.
3.4 Experimental Investigations
We considered information retrieval measures for the four datasets when the linear
SVM was applied as a classifier on the selected set of features using the ensemble
wrapper approach by 10-fold cross validation.The precision, recall, F-measure and
ROC area of feature subsets selected from different combinations are given in Tables
(3.5)-(3.8), where the best results are shown in bold.
Two approaches for wrapper evaluation are presented, namely the same-type ap-
proach and the mixed-type approach. Results for the first approach are investigated
in Section (3.4.1) and those for the second approach in Section (3.4.2).
3.4.1 Results and discussion for the same-type approach
Analysis of features selected by DT family combination
Looking to the results produced by DT family, we notice that the J48 classifier
achieves in most cases the best individual results for the German, HMEQ and the
Tunisian datasets, expect for the Australian dataset where the individual results pro-
duced by SVM were slightly better. The good performance of the wrapper using DT
classifiers is guided by the nature of this family which is well known for its highly
accurate performance on financial data (Piramuthu 2004).
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
Table 3.5: Performance comparison of the new wrapper method and the other feature
selection methods for the Australian dataset.
Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area
Decision Tree
J48 0.867 0.855 0.855 0.862
RF 0.863 0.851 0.851 0.858
Average 0.782 0.925 0.848 0.863
Product 0.864 0.852 0.853 0.859
Maximum 0.930 0.794 0.856 0.859
Minimum 0.866 0.855 0.855 0.862
Majority Vote 0.782 0.922 0.846 0.865
Support Vector Machine
SVMP 0.921 0.794 0.853 0.855
SVMR 0.930 0.799 0.860 0.862
Average 0.787 0.925 0.850 0.864
Product 0.866 0.855 0.855 0.861
Maximum 0.859 0.848 0.848 0.856
Minimum 0.927 0.794 0.855 0.858
Majority Vote 0.781 0.915 0.848 0.857
Artificial Neural Network
MP 0.860 0.849 0.850 0.856
VP 0.859 0.848 0.848 0.855
Average 0.862 0.851 0.851 0.857
Product 0.783 0.919 0.861 0.860
Maximum 0.862 0.851 0.851 0.857
Minimum 0.862 0.851 0.851 0.857
Majority Vote 0.864 0.853 0.854 0.858
K-Nearest Neighbor
1NN 0.865 0.852 0.852 0.860
5NN 0.859 0.848 0.848 0.855
Average 0.812 0.890 0.849 0.877
Product 0.811 0.866 0.838 0.883
Maximum 0.820 0.880 0.849 0.875
Minimum 0.824 0.823 0.822 0.876
Majority Vote 0.853 0.851 0.851 0.882
A closer look at Tables (3.5)-(3.8) shows that results are much better within the
combination process.
When some DT algorithms adopt local search strategy, others are global optimized
algorithms. Then, combing a set of DT algorithms may avoid some of their drawbacks
and the experimental results demonstrate that combination results are more effective
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
than individual ones.
Table 3.6: Performance comparison of the new wrapper method and the other feature
selection methods for the German dataset.
Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area
Decision Tree
J48 0.735 0.750 0.723 0.635
RF 0.686 0.716 0.665 0.570
Average 0.740 0.930 0.824 0.583
Product 0.732 0.933 0.820 0.568
Maximum 0.741 0.930 0.825 0.585
Minimum 0.744 0.929 0.826 0.591
Majority Vote 0.740 0.934 0.826 0.635
Support Vector Machine
SVMP 0.490 0.700 0.576 0.500
SVMR 0.708 0.728 0.709 0.627
Average 0.695 0.722 0.678 0.583
Product 0.682 0.714 0.664 0.568
Maximum 0.697 0.723 0.680 0.585
Minimum 0.702 0.726 0.685 0.591
Majority Vote 0.699 0.724 0.679 0.584
Artificial Neural Network
MP 0.719 0.738 0.717 0.634
VP 0.703 0.726 0.701 0.614
Average 0.769 0.896 0.827 0.634
Product 0.769 0.894 0.825 0.645
Maximum 0.758 0.894 0.820 0.643
Minimum 0.717 0.737 0.712 0.625
Majority Vote 0.764 0.904 0.828 0.625
K-Nearest Neighbor
1NN 0.699 0.724 0.677 0.582
5NN 0.691 0.718 0.688 0.598
Average 0.745 0.917 0.822 0.592
Product 0.739 0.937 0.826 0.601
Maximum 0.749 0.899 0.817 0.597
Minimum 0.745 0.917 0.822 0.592
Majority Vote 0.742 0.914 0.819 0.587
As expected, combination schemes have approximately the same performance.
Although the product, minimum and the maximum rules, seem to have the best
precision rates while the average rule and the majority vote rule give the best recall
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
and ROC area for DT family.
Analysis of features selected by SVM family combination
Going over the results presented in Tables (3.5)-(3.8) we notice some differences among
the individual results of polynomial and radial SVM. For the four datasets, we notice
that the performance with the radial SVM is slightly better. This result is due
to the nature of the two kernels. In general the polynomial kernel looks for linear
characteristics within datasets while the radial kernel identifies linear and non-linear
aspects of the datasets.
Overall we notice that the same-type combinations with SVM improves the per-
formance, meaning that the selected features within the combination process are more
suitable for the CS task. Tables (3.5)-(3.8) show how the model performance changes
with the different combination rules. We notice that the four performance measures
increase with the combination. In fact, majority vote, minimum and average rule
combination give significantly higher ROC area and F-measure.
The good performance of the obtained combinations using the KNN family is
the result of its natural simplicity. In fact KNN is a non-parametric classification
method, that does not assume any parametric distribution of the random variables.
Non-parametric models are very flexible making them usually good classifiers for
many situations (Li et al. 2011).
Analysis of features selected by KNN family combination
Tables (3.5)-(3.8) show that KNN classifiers give always better results when the size
of the dataset does not exceed 1000 instances as is the case for the German (1000
instances) and Australian (690 instances) datasets. For these datasets, KNN combi-
nations give higher classification performance than using the combination from other
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
Table 3.7: Performance comparison of the new wrapper method and the other feature
selection methods for the HMEQ dataset.
Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area
Decision Tree
J48 0.859 0.864 0.844 0.795
RF 0.857 0.860 0.838 0.785
Average 0.867 0.982 0.921 0.793
Product 0.863 0.983 0.918 0.787
Maximum 0.914 0.899 0.906 0.809
Minimum 0.855 0.852 0.853 0.806
Majority Vote 0.868 0.979 0.920 0.797
Support Vector Machine
SVMP 0.633 0.796 0.705 0.555
SVMR 0.843 0.804 0.724 0.619
Average 0.827 0.977 0.896 0.701
Product 0.809 0.815 0.759 0.662
Maximum 0.816 0.822 0.774 0.683
Minimum 0.800 0.819 0.778 0.691
Majority Vote 0.824 0.987 0.898 0.682
Artificial Neural Network
MP 0.693 0.638 0.664 0.677
VP 0.81 0.827 0.789 0.607
Average 0.868 0.871 0.869 0.877
Product 0.835 0.977 0.902 0.602
Maximum 0.811 0.829 0.793 0.734
Minimum 0.838 0.974 0.901 0.732
Majority Vote 0.911 0.930 0.920 0.879
K-Nearest Neighbor
1NN 0.852 0.837 0.791 0.803
5NN 0.837 0.824 0.766 0.812
Average 0.821 0.998 0.901 0.891
Product 0.850 0.825 0.766 0.881
Maximum 0.889 0.997 0.940 0.889
Minimum 0.821 0.996 0.900 0.842
Majority Vote 0.832 0.996 0.907 0.844
Analysis of features selected by ANN family combination
From Tables (3.5)-(3.8) we notice that as with the combination from other classifier
families, the final result has improved using ANN combinations. ANN classifiers are
made out of neurons and are excellent to extract information from a dataset. During
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
the training process ANN can be used to map an input to desired output, classify
data or learn patterns. Hence, ANN can also be used to perform indirectly feature
selection (Ledesma et al. 2008).
Table 3.8: Performance comparison of the new wrapper method and the other feature
selection methods for the Tunisian dataset.
Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area
Decision Tree
J48 0.722 0.850 0.781 0.597
RF 0.797 0.846 0.801 0.695
Average 0.858 0.985 0.917 0.652
Product 0.859 0.985 0.918 0.655
Maximum 0.866 0.985 0.921 0.653
Minimum 0.861 0.986 0.919 0.644
Majority Vote 0.858 0.987 0.917 0.649
Support Vector Machine
SVMP 0.722 0.850 0.781 0.500
SVMR 0.797 0.837 0.805 0.566
Average 0.861 0.962 0.909 0.666
Product 0.710 0.842 0.770 0.500
Maximum 0.860 0.968 0.911 0.563
Minimum 0.798 0.839 0.803 0.661
Majority Vote 0.859 0.968 0.910 0.656
Artificial Neural Network
MP 0.802 0.843 0.800 0.577
VP 0.826 0.857 0.816 0.562
Average 0.856 0.979 0.913 0.677
Product 0.865 0.984 0.921 0.659
Maximum 0.867 0.975 0.918 0.668
Minimum 0.888 0.855 0.871 0.731
Majority Vote 0.866 0.981 0.920 0.657
K-Nearest Neighbor
1NN 0.785 0.843 0.794 0.680
5NN 0.792 0.844 0.800 0.685
Average 0.855 0.977 0.912 0.775
Product 0.852 0.993 0.917 0.756
Maximum 0.864 0.925 0.893 0.746
Minimum 0.863 0.932 0.896 0.704
Majority Vote 0.866 0.985 0.921 0.753
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
Same-type approach summary
In summary, results for the four datasets show two clear conclusions. First, perfor-
mance measures have improved using DT family classifiers and results are specially
better for HMEQ and Tunisian datasets. Second, when datasets size does not exceed
1000 instances, combinations with KNN family give the best results.
A possible explanation for the first observation is that DT classifiers are some-
times considered as embedded methods. These kind of methods essentially perform
feature selection within the learning process, which means that they are able to select
relevant features on their own: using their own search strategy and their own split-
ting mechanism. In other words DT classifiers select relevant features at two different
stages. In the first stage features are selected by the individual classifiers and in the
second features are selected by the combination of DT classifiers. In this way, only
features that are selected at both of these stages will form the final feature subset
which is very likely to include features of high relevance.
The second observation concerns the combinations with KNN family. In fact the
main advantage of KNN is that it can learn from a small set of examples explaining
the good performance with the Australian and the German datasets. On the other
hand, its major disadvantage is being computationally intensive for large datasets
since it uses all training data as the examples (Thomas et al. 2002).
In this section we investigated the effect of classifiers nature on the final feature
selection results. For a global picture we want to know if the observed results are
only due to classifiers nature or to their interactions with the aggregation meth-
ods. Hence we use a two-way ANOVA to analyze if the mean values of F-measure
significantly change along with the levels of the two independent variables classi-
fier and aggregation method. The first independent variable classifier presents the
first factor in ANOVA analyze where DT, SVM, ANN and KNN present the levels
of this variable. Aggregation method present the second factor in ANOVA where
{Average, P roduct, M aximum, Minimum, M ajorityV ote}present the levels of this
second factor. To test the interaction we use the hypotheses presented below:
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
For the first factor, ie. Classifier, H0and H1are given by:
DT =µ1
SV M =µ1
ANN =µ1
KN N Performances of classifiers are equal,
H1:t, µ1
i, i, t {DT , SV M, K NN, AN N}, i 6=tAt least one of the classifer
mean of performance is different from the others
H0and H1for factor 2, ie. aggregation method, would be
Aver =µ2
P rod =µ2
Max =µ2
Min =µ2
MajV Performances of aggregation methods are equal,
H1:t, µ2
i, i, t {Aver, P rod, M ax, Min, M ajV }, i 6=tAt least one of the agregation
methods mean of performance is different from the others
Interaction between the two 2 Factors:
H0: There is no interaction between the two factors,
H1: There is an interaction between the two factors
mean of performance is different from the others
To set up a two-way ANOVA we use the data in Table (3.9), the results obtained
from this table are summarized in Table (3.10)
The obtained result of the two-way ANOVA in the Table (3.10) show that we don’t
have a significant interaction between the two factors which means that the effect on
the outcome of any specific level of F-measure change for one factor is the same for
every fixed setting of the other factor. We notice from Table (3.10) that there was
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
Table 3.9: Summary of F-measures for all aggregation methods with the four classi-
fication methods in wrapper framework.
Average Product Maximum Minimum Majority Vote
DT 0,848 0,853 0,856 0,855 0,846
0,824 0,82 0,825 0,826 0,826
0,921 0,918 0,906 0,853 0,920
0,917 0,918 0,921 0,919 0,917
SVM 0,85 0,855 0,848 0,855 0,848
0,678 0,664 0,68 0,685 0,679
0,896 0,759 0,774 0,778 0,898
0,909 0,77 0,911 0,803 0,910
ANN 0,851 0,861 0,851 0,851 0,854
0,827 0,825 0,82 0,712 0,828
0,869 0,902 0,793 0,901 0,920
0,913 0,921 0,918 0,871 0,920
KNN 0,849 0,838 0,849 0,822 0,851
0,822 0,826 0,817 0,822 0,819
0,901 0,766 0,940 0,9 0,907
0,912 0,917 0,893 0,896 0,921
Table 3.10: Tests of between-subjects effects in wrapper framework.
Source Type III Sum of
DF Mean Square F Sig. (p-value)
Corrected Model 0,090a19 0,005 1,154 0,326
Intercept 57,826 1 57,826 14028,038 0,000
Aggregation Method 0,013 40,003 0,768 0,550
Classifier 0,063 30,021 5,081 0,003
Aggregation Method * Classifier 0,015 12 0,001 0,301 0,987
Error 0,247 60 0,004
Total 58,163 80
Corrected Total 0,338 79
Dependant Variable : F-measure
no statistically significant difference in mean interest in F-measure between the dif-
ferent aggregation methods (p-value= 0,550), but there were statistically significant
differences between the different classifiers (p-value =0,003).
When ANOVA gives a significant result for one classification methods, this indi-
cates that at least one classifier results’ differs from the other classifiers. Yet, ANOVA
test does not indicate which classifier results’ influenced the reject of H0. In order
to analyze the pattern of difference between means, we follow the ANOVA results by
a pairwise comparisons. Results of pairwise comparisons for classifiers are given in
Table (3.11)
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
Table 3.11: Multiple comparisons table for classifier levels in wrapper framework.
Classifier (I) Classifier (J) Mean difference (I-J) Sig.
ANN DT -0,01405 0,9
KNN -0,003 0,999
SVM 0,05790* 0,03
DT ANN 0,01405 0,9
KNN 0,01105 0,948
SVM 0,07195* 0,004
KNN ANN 0,003 0,999
DT -0,01105 0,948
SVM 0,06090* 0,02
SVM ANN -,05790* 0,03
DT -0,07195* 0,004
KNN -0,06090* 0,02
From Table (3.11) we notice that there is a statistically significant difference be-
tween the obtained results from SVM and the others classifications.
3.4.2 Results and discussion for the mixed-type approach
Because of the large number of combinations, the mixed-type approach is examined
using the Australian dataset and results are summarized in Tables (3.12) and (3.13).
Table (3.12) presents a 2-classifiers mixed combination while Table (3.13) presents
a 3-classifiers mixed combination. In this way, we investigate the effect of classifiers
nature on feature selection, and we can see if the number of classifiers within the
combination framework also affects the feature selection. Tables (3.12) and (3.13)
The measured F-measure for the features generated by different combinations
The mean number of evaluated subsets, i.e. the first number between the paren-
theses in each table, and the associated mean number of selected features, i.e.
the second number between the parentheses in each table.
From Tables (3.12) and (3.13) we notice that the combination with few classifiers
selected the features that achieved the best F-measure with a smaller number of
evaluated subsets. More specifically, the 2-classifiers’ combination produce an F-
measure in the rang [0.860,0.874] with a number of evaluated subsets that do not
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
Table 3.12: Total number of evaluated subsets and selected features by 2 classifiers
mixed-type combinations and associated F-measure rates for the Australian Dataset.
Lowest F-measure lies
between 0.847 and 0.855
Intermediate F-measure lies
between 0.856 and 0.859
Highest F-measure lies
between 0.860 and 0.874
j48+1NN (79,3) J48+ SVMP(106,4) J48+ MP(116,7)
RF+SVMR(82,2) J48+ SVMR(106,4) RF+SVMP(79,3)
RF+MP(111,6) J48 + VP(120,7) RF+1NN(96,4)
RF+VP(104,5) j48+5NN(105,4) SVMP+VP(88,4)
RF+5NN(96,4) SVMP+MP(112,5) SVMP+1NN(79,3)
SVMP+5NN(116,6) SVMR+MP(112,7) MP+5NN(121,7)
SVMR+1NN(79,3) SVMR+VP(116,7) VP+5NN(117,7)
exceed 121 evaluations. On the other hand the 3-classifiers’ combination gives the
same rate but with a much bigger number of evaluated subsets.
Table (3.12) shows that combining DT classifiers with ANN or KNN classifiers
generally yields the lowest F-measure ( RF+MP, RF+VP, RF+5NN, J48+1NN) and
this is due to the difference in nature between these three types of classifiers. Actually,
ANN classifiers identify relationships between features based on the available prior
knowledge about the actual features in the dataset. However, KNN classifiers select
the most relevant features with the closest distance to a set of specified features
called neighbors. For this family the resulting features depend of the number of
chosen neighbors. DT classifiers nature is very dissimilar to the nature of ANN and
KNN. In fact, they use a statistical measure to evaluate the relevance of features.
Results of Section (3.4.1) show that when the same-type arrangement approach
is used DT classifiers give nearly the best results. Table (3.13) shows that it is not
the case when classifiers from this family are combined with classifiers from other
Table (3.13) shows that the majority of combinations with SVM classifiers selected
a set of features that achieved the best rates of F-measure. That was essentially the
case when SVM classifiers were combined with KNN classifiers. The fact that these
combinations lead to high F-measure, despite the fact that they consider classifiers
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
Table 3.13: Total number of evaluated subsets and selected features by 3 classifiers
mixed-type combinations and associated F-measure rates for the Australian Dataset.
Lowest F-measure lies
between 0.847 and 0.855
Intermediate F-
measure lies between
0.856 and 0.859
Highest F-measure lies
between 0.860 and 0.874
J48+RF+MV(136,7) J48+RF+SVMP(82,2) J48+RF+1NN(79,3)
J48+RF+5NN(131,9) J48+RF+SVMR(75,2) J48+VP+1NN(139,7)
J48+1NN+5NN(114,7) J48+RF+MP(144,10) RF+MP+VP(111,6)
J48+SVMR+MP (146,7) J48+MP+VM(126,7) RF+SVMP+MP(132,6)
J48+SVMR+1NN(75,2) J48+SVMP+SVMR(75,2) RF+SVMP+VP(120,8)
J48+SVMR+5NN(141,10) J48+SVMP+MP(126,7) RF+SVMP+1NN (116,7)
J48+MP+5NN(122,7) J48+SVMP+VP(139,6) RF+SVMR+MP (126,9)
J48+VP+5NN(112,7) J48+SVMP+1NN(118,6) RF+SVMR+VP(135,7)
RF+1NN+5NN (79,3) J48+SVMP+5NN(139,10) SVMP+1NN+5NN(108,7)
RF+SVMP+5NN (94,5) J48+SVMR+VP(189,7) SVMP+MP+1NN(132,8)
RF+SVMR+1NN (88,3) J48+MP+1NN(165,10) SVMR+MP+5NN(132,10)
RF+SVMR+5NN (117,8) RF+SVMP+SVMR(82,2) SVMP+VP+1NN(118,10)
SVMR+VP+5NN (149,9)
SVMP+MP+VP (109,5)
SVMR+MP+VP (109,5)
from different families, could be due to the existence of particular similarities between
these two families. KNN classifiers use a distance metric to decide which are the most
relevant features to the target variable, SVM classifiers use distance to select the most
relevant features by measuring the distance between each feature in accordance with
the hyper-plane that separates the best class from the target concept.
3.5 Conclusion
In this chapter we developed an ensemble wrapper feature selection approach for a
CS application. The proposed approach is composed of three stages. In the First one
Chapter 3: Ensemble Wrapper Feature Selection
we performed a dimensionality reduction using bank experts’ knowledge on features
where we eliminate redundant features before generating the candidate subsets. In
the second stage a heuristic is used to reduce the search space to less than 10 features,
which makes the exhaustive search a realistic task. In the final stage the generated
subsets were evaluated using a multi-classifiers process involving two arrangement
approaches, namely the same-type and mixed-type approach. From the three stages,
we show that the use of prior information on relevant features effectively induces a
significant gain in complexity with improved generalization. Also, we have shown
that the number of classifiers and their nature have an important effect on wrapper
feature selection results. This chapter and the previous one discussed two different
concepts of feature selection namely filter and wrapper methods, their combination
will be investigated in the next chapter.
Chapter 4
A Three-Stage Feature Selection Using Quadratic
Programming for Credit Scoring
4.1 Introduction .......................... 86
4.2 Hybrid Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4.3 New Approach for hybrid feature selection . . . . . . . . 87
4.3.1 Stage I: feature-based filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.3.2 Stage II: fusion using quadratic programming . . . . . . . . 89
4.3.3 Stage III: Feature-based wrapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.4 Experimental investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
4.4.1 Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.5 Conclusion ........................... 105
4.1 Introduction
Chapters (2) and (3) reviewed the two most important methods for feature selection,
respectively the filter and the wrapper feature selection methods with proposed modi-
fications for improvement. In general, we cannot show the superiority of one approach
over the other, because of the fact that there are strong mixed arguments in favor of
both methods. This chapter explores a variety of filter and wrapper feature selection
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
methods to reduce non relevant features. These two types of selection methods are
complementary to each other. A fusion strategy is then proposed to sequentially com-
bine the ranking criteria of multiple filters and a wrapper method. Evaluations are
conducted on four credit datasets. This chapter is organized as follows. Section (4.2)
describes hybrid feature selection. Section (4.3) proposes a three-stage fusion com-
bining both strategies. Then, our proposed method is compared with some existing
selection methods in Section (4.4), and conclusions are drawn in Section (4.5).
4.2 Hybrid Framework
As discussed in Chapter 1 there are two main classes of feature selection methods:
the filter and the wrapper . Both approaches have their merits and shortcomings and
the superiority of one approach over the other is not settled. Rather than trying to
optimize just one approach, it is better to integrate both in one compacted feature
selection model. Several merging approaches can be used for feature selection (Wu
et al. 2009; Mak and Kung 2008): a fusion of several filters or wrappers, wrappers and
filters merged in a parallel way, or a sequenced combination of filters and wrappers.
Filter and wrapper methods require various resources and lead to differed results.
Combining both methods seems a natural choice to benefit from their advantages and
avoid their shortcomings. Since both methods consider two different selection criteria
and we have no knowledge about the number of relevant features, a combination of
both methods as a hybrid approach is proposed.
4.3 New Approach for hybrid feature selection
In order to improve the significance of selected features, we propose in this section
a three-stage approach as a combination of filter and wrapper methods. In the first
stage we use a set of filter-based methods to classify candidate attributes based on
their relevance level into three main categories. We obtain the following feature
relevance categories: high, average and poor. Highly relevant features are kept as
input to the second stage, average ones are kept as input to the third stage and the
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
last category is eliminated.
In the second stage an efficient method dealing with both redundancy and relevance is
considered. At this stage we minimize the redundancy among most relevant features
while maximizing their relevance to the target class. To find the best combination
between relevance and redundancy we formulate this problem as an optimization of
a quadratic multi-objective function. Once the most relevant features are separated
from redundant ones we move to stage three. The latter takes as input the selected
features of Stage II and combines them with the average relevant features of Stage I.
Then, a wrapper approach is trained on the resulting features. Figure (4.4) presents
a flowchart of the different stages of the proposed approach.
4.3.1 Stage I: feature-based filtering
As discussed in Chapters 1 and 2, there are many ranking criteria for filters: Bayesian
accuracy, T-statistics, PCC, Relief, entropy and many others. Unfortunately, choos-
ing the best one is a difficult task and depends on many factors such as the amount of
available data, the data distribution and types of descriptive features among others.
Rather than to optimize one single filter, we combine results of multiple filters in the
pre-selection process. Many methods can be adopted to find the best combination.
In this work, we fuse individual filters’ output, i.e. final ranking of each filter, while
assuming that the effect of each filter on the final decision is the same.
For the pre-filtering stage and for simplicity the number of used filters is fixed to
three. Each filter ranks features according to their particular criterion, resulting into
three different rankings. Then, the result of each filter is divided into three subsets
of identical size according to their level of relevance to the target variable. Figure
(4.1) shows the different relevance categories. Three groups of features are obtained
for each filter: the highly significant, the average ones and those with poor relevance.
Once the relevance levels are identified for each filter, and as a first step the most
relevant features are merged. They are produced by the three filters in one single
group yielding a subset with the most relevant features. At a second step, the three
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
Figure 4.1: A view of feature relevance categories
groups of features with average relevance are grouped and redundant features, or
the ones which appear in the first resulting subset, are also eliminated. Since the
remaining features lack relevance and they are not adequate for our study they are
eliminated. Figure (4.2) illustrates Stage I for an example of 22 features from the
Tunisian dataset.
4.3.2 Stage II: fusion using quadratic programming
Filter algorithms frequently do not consider interaction between features. Moreover,
resulting ranking lists from Stage I may contain redundant information. Therefore,
one common improvement direction for filter algorithms is to consider dependencies
among variables, and an approach based on MI is proposed. This approach studies
the redundancy among features starting from the highly ranked features selected
in Stage I. The problem of feature redundancy is considered by statistical machine
learning methods as well as mathematical ones. Mathematical programming based
approaches have been proven to be successful in terms of classification accuracy for
a wide range of applications. The proposed mathematical method is a quadratic
programming formulation. Quadratic optimization process uses an objective function
with quadratic and linear terms. Here, the quadratic term denotes the similarity
among each pair of variables whereas the linear term captures the correlation between
each feature and the target variable.
Let’s assume that the classifier learning problem involves Ntraining samples and
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
Figure 4.2: The proposed process of merging features selected by three filters in the
fusion method
dvariables. A quadratic programming problem minimizes a multivariate quadratic
function subject to linear constraints as follows (Rodriguez et al. 2010):
Min f (w) = 1
Subject to wi0 for all i= 1, . . . , d
wi= 1,
where Zis a d-dimensional row vector with non-negative entries describing the co-
efficients of the linear terms in the objective function measuring how each feature
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
is correlated with the target class (relevance), Qa (d×d) symmetric positive semi-
definite matrix describing the coefficients of the quadratic terms representing the
similarity among variables (redundancy) and the weights of variables are denoted by
an d-dimensional column vector w.
Bazaraa et al. (1993) and Rodriguez et al. (2010) showed that a feasible solution
exists for this kind of problem and that the constraint region is bounded. When the
objective function f(w) is strictly convex for all feasible points the problem has a
unique local minimum which is also the global minimum. The conditions for solving
quadratic programming, including the Lagrangian function and the Karush-Kuhn-
Tucker conditions are explained in details in (Bazaraa et al. 1993).
Depending on the learning problem, the two conditions can have different relative
purposes in the objective function. Therefore, a scalar parameter αis introduced as
Min f (w) = 1
2(1 α)wTQwαZTw,(4.2)
were w,Qand Zare defined as before and α[0,1] if α= 1 only relevance is
considered. On the opposite, if α= 0 then only independence between features is
considered. That is features with higher weights are those which have lower similarity
coefficients with the remaining features. Every data set has its best choice of the scalar
α. However, a reasonable choice of αshould balance the relation between relevance
and redundancy. Thus, a good estimation of αis needed. We know that the relevance
and redundancy terms in Equation (4.2) are balanced when (1 α)Q=αZ, where Q
is the estimate of the mean value of the matrix Qand Zis the estimate of the mean
value of vector Zelements. Hence we propose a practical estimate of αas follows:
After solving the quadratic programming optimization the features with higher
weights are considered to be better variables for subsequent classifier training. Figure
(4.3) illustrates Stage II.
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
Figure 4.3: Redundancy analysis for highly ranked features
At this stage, given its efficiency MI is chosen as a similarity measure. Hence, the
quadratic term is qjj0=MI (XJ, X j0) and the linear one is zj=MI(XJ, Y ). Using
the quadratic approach based on MI provides a new ranking of the highly ranked
feature selected in Stage I. This new ranking takes into account simultaneously the
MI between all pairs of features and the relevance of each feature to the target one.
4.3.3 Stage III: Feature-based wrapping
In Stages I and II we selected top-ranked features and removed redundant ones based
on MI and quadratic programming. Many studies such as those conducted by Peng
et al. (2005) showed that simply combining highly discriminant features often does
not give a better feature set that yields the best classification performance. The
reason behind this is that the feature set is not an inclusive representation of the
characteristics of the target feature. Because features are selected according to their
discriminative powers, they are not maximally representative of the original space
covered by the entire dataset. The feature set may represent one or several dominant
characteristics of the target class, but these could still be small regions of the relevant
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
space covering the target class. Thus, the generalization ability of the feature set
could be limited.
Based on these facts, we propose to combine features selected in Stage II and
those having average relevance in Stage I. This combination aims to expand the
space covered by the feature set. The resulting feature set is the input to a wrapper
algorithm. In wrapper based methods, feature selection is powered by the learning
method, and features’ relevance is evaluated by the given accuracy of the classification
method. Generally, we obtain a set with a very small number of non-redundant
features giving a high accuracy, since the characteristics of the features match very
well with the characteristics of the learning method.
Figure 4.4: Flowchart of the proposed three-stage feature selection fusion
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
4.4 Experimental investigations
In Stage I, we used three filters to rank features according to their level of significance.
Matlab used in this step provides a whole set of tools for selecting diversity and
discriminating features. We used the rankfeatures function as a simple way to rank
features using an independent evaluation criterion for binary classification. To assess
the significance of every feature to separate two labeled groups many criterions could
be used such as: χ2, Relief, MI, relative entropy, and others. For simplicity, the three
first criterions are selected for our task. The number of selected features in Stage I
are given in Table (4.1).
In Stage II, the redundancy is reduced using the quadratic optimization and MI as
a similarity measure. This stage is implemented in R software using the quadprog
package (Goldfarb and Idnani 1983), where results are obtained with α= 0.501 for
the Australian dataset, α= 0.511 for the German dataset, α= 0.509 for the HMEQ
and α= 0.514 for the Tunisian dataset. This means that the best value of αis
obtained when there is an equal tradeoff between relevance and redundancy. The MI
for all features is measured using the function mutualinfo in Matlab. Stage III takes
as output the features selected in Stage II and those classified as average significance
features. Then, a Bi-Directional wrapper is used.
Table 4.1: Number of remaining features after Stage I
High Average Poor Retained
7 3 4 10
7 9 4 16
5 5 2 10
10 9 2 19
The following filter and wrapper methods have been considered in the described
experiments for the comparisons:
Maximal Relevance (MaxRel) feature selection selects those features that have
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
highest relevance to the target class (Peng et al. 2005).
minimal-Redundancy-Maximum-Relevance (mRMR) algorithm chooses a sub-
set of features with both minimum redundancy and maximum relevance . The
mRMR algorithm selects features greedily, minimizing their redundancy with
features chosen in previous steps and maximizing their relevance to the class
(Ding and Peng 2005).
Relief, χ2and MI details about these filters are given in Chapter 1.
Kulback-leibler is used as ranking criteria. Features with the maximum Kullback-
Leibler distance are selected as the most significant features.
Forward, backward, bi-Directional wrapper details about this algorithm are
given in Chapter 1.
4.4.1 Results and discussion
Results for the three credit datasets using the previously quoted feature selection
methods are summarized in Tables (4.3)-(4.5). Classification results represent the
performance of each feature selection method for four different classification methods:
DT,SVM, ANN and KNN, where the best results are shown in bold.
Performance of filters and wrappers
Tables (4.3)-(4.5) show the performances achieved by ANN, KNN, SVM and DT using
six filters and three wrappers. Both filters and wrappers perform well as feature
selectors for the scoring task. They may not always give the best set of features
for the classification algorithm but in most cases they do. There is obviously a
strong similarity in the feature sets selected by different approaches. A more detailed
picture of the achieved results shows that the precision of wrappers is better than
some of the studied filters. These results are confirmed by the AUC rate for the three
datasets, proving the superiority of wrappers in terms of precision. In some cases
using wrappers is advantageous since they are able to achieve the same performance
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
as filters with a more reduced subset. In other cases, filters do a better job with a
significant lower complexity than wrapper even by using limited information.
Performance of the New Approach
We notice from Tables (4.3)-(4.6) that in most cases the new approach achieves the
best rate of AUC. The higher is the value of AUC the better is the distinguishing
capacity of the classifier. This means that the chosen features set by the new approach
provides the best combination of features given that it improves the capability of a
credit model to correctly identify the behavior of an applicant to pay back a loan.
Table 4.2: Summary of the best performance results archived by the set of feature
selection methods for the four datasets within the hybrid framework.
MaxRel Features
mRMR Features
Wrapper Bi-Directional
Wrapper Forward
Wrapper Backwards
Three-Stage Approach ⊗
⊕ ⊕
⊕ ⊕
⊕ ⊕
Precision, Recall, F-measure, ROC Area.
Color: -Australian, -German , -HEMQ, -Tunisian.
From Table (4.2) we see that for the ANN and KNN classifier the three stage
approach always achieves the highest rate of area under the ROC curve. This was
not the case for SVM where the proposed approach achieves three times the highest
area under the ROC curve and for DT where the proposed approach achieves twice
the highest area under the ROC curve. We also notice from Table (4.2) that overall
our proposed approach achieves 15 times the best recall, 13 times the best ROC area
and 14 times the best F-measure and 11 times the highest precision.
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
Consistent with the theoretical analysis for feature selection, the fusion approach
usually outperforms single wrappers or filters.
Table 4.3: Classification results for the three stage feature selection for the Australian
Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area
Decision Tree
MaxRel Features 0.603 0.672 0.636 0.812
mRMR Features 0.557 0.589 0.573 0.797
χ20.603 0.673 0.640 0.916
Kullback-leibler 0.721 0.661 0.690 0.819
Relief 0.586 0.560 0.546 0.799
MI 0.601 0.600 0.600 0.837
Wrapper Bi-Directional 0.739 0.771 0.750 0.798
Wrapper Forward 0.737 0.775 0.755 0.788
Wrapper Backwards 0.749 0.769 0.749 0.796
Three-Stage Approach 0.857 0.889 0.873 0.797
Support Vector Machine
MaxRel Features 0.839 0.871 0.854 0.792
mRMR Features 0.902 0.852 0.876 0.813
χ20.629 0.670 0.655 0.818
Kullback-leibler 0.931 0.861 0.894 0.820
Relief 0.795 0.898 0.843 0.803
MI 0.930 0.870 0.900 0.817
Wrapper Bi-Directional 0.912 0.845 0.876 0.807
Wrapper Forward 0.919 0.840 0.879 0.810
Wrapper Backwards 0.915 0.843 0.878 0.808
Three-Stage Approach 0.900 0.901 0.880 0.823
Artificial Neural Network
MaxRel Features 0.892 0.917 0.904 0.855
mRMR Features 0.931 0.880 0.905 0.847
χ20.790 0.720 0.700 0.950
Kullback-leibler 0.931 0.870 0.900 0.826
Relief 0.685 0.626 0.605 0.845
MI 0.729 0.673 0.702 0.844
Wrapper Bi-Directional 0.896 0.898 0.898 0.843
Wrapper Forward 0.899 0.892 0.897 0.845
Wrapper Backwards 0.900 0.889 0.898 0.842
Three-Stage Approach 0.895 0.944 0.919 0.856
K-Nearest Neighbor
MaxRel Features 0.782 0.843 0.815 0.757
mRMR Features 0.795 0.844 0.819 0.756
χ20.687 0.739 0.715 0.755
Kullback-leibler 0.831 0.770 0.800 0.724
Relief 0.674 0.726 0.701 0.750
MI 0.789 0.972 0.871 0.742
Wrapper Bi-Directional 0.893 0.924 0.903 0.754
Wrapper Forward 0.790 0.826 0.809 0.752
Wrapper Backwards 0.797 0.820 0.800 0.750
Three-Stage Approach 0.897 0.944 0.919 0.758
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
Table 4.4: Classification results for the three stage feature selection for the German
Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area
Decision Tree
MaxRel Features 0.620 0.632 0.620 0.727
mRMR Features 0.496 0.509 0.502 0.562
χ20.594 0.532 0.561 0.681
Kullback-leibler 0.624 0.589 0.606 0.710
Relief 0.582 0.555 0.568 0.691
MI 0.616 0.634 0.625 0.725
Wrapper Bi-Directional 0.776 0.751 0.782 0.705
Wrapper Forward 0.773 0.789 0.780 0.700
Wrapper Backwards 0.770 0.787 0.786 0.703
Three-Stage Approach 0.878 0.890 0.882 0.723
Support Vector Machine
MaxRel Features 0.506 0.565 0.583 0.713
mRMR Features 0.527 0.498 0.512 0.693
χ20.649 0.543 0.591 0.718
Kullback-leibler 0.667 0.532 0.590 0.708
Relief 0.513 0.532 0.522 0.679
MI 0.606 0.566 0.585 0.710
Wrapper Bi-Directional 0.858 0.693 0.760 0.677
Wrapper Forward 0.853 0.695 0.759 0.673
Wrapper Backwards 0.856 0.690 0.758 0.679
Three-Stage Approach 0.956 0.805 0.859 0.677
Artificial Neural Network
MaxRel Features 0.720 0.634 0.670 0.767
mRMR Features 0.697 0.555 0.616 0.742
χ20.729 0.600 0.657 0.749
Kullback-leibler 0.736 0.577 0.645 0.757
Relief 0.656 0.611 0.633 0.749
MI 0.712 0.634 0.672 0.767
Wrapper Bi-Directional 0.681 0.589 0.631 0.727
Wrapper Forward 0.683 0.583 0.635 0.729
Wrapper Backwards 0.680 0.585 0.629 0.720
Three-Stage Approach 0.781 0.589 0.651 0.769
K-Nearest Neighbor
MaxRel Features 0.703 0.630 0.668 0.775
mRMR Features 0.684 0.611 0.645 0.754
χ20.718 0.634 0.673 0.750
Kullback-leibler 0.716 0.634 0.670 0.762
Relief 0.617 0.611 0.614 0.759
MI 0.703 0.634 0.666 0.775
Wrapper Bi-Directional 0.651 0.577 0.616 0.761
Wrapper Forward 0.653 0.552 0.612 0.760
Wrapper Backwards 0.650 0.570 0.618 0.756
Three-Stage Approach 0.663 0.677 0.619 0.776
To be more precise if we look into the results of Table (4.3) we notice that with the
Australian datasets the proposed approach achieves the highest recall with DT, SVM
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
and ANN classifiers and the best F-measure with DT, ANN and KNN classifiers.
Table 4.5: Classification results for the three stage feature selection for the HMEQ
Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area
Decision Tree
MaxRel Features 0.808 0.558 0.660 0.725
mRMR Features 0.730 0.558 0.632 0.713
χ20.782 0.598 0.677 0.757
Kullback-leibler 0.732 0.552 0.629 0.703
Relief 0.590 0.542 0.565 0.753
MI 0.790 0.598 0.680 0.757
Wrapper Bi-Directional 0.750 0.570 0.647 0.762
Wrapper Forward 0.748 0.564 0.627 0.767
Wrapper Backwards 0.742 0.568 0.643 0.760
Three-Stage Approach 0.788 0.794 0.791 0.888
Support Vector Machine
MaxRel Features 0.806 0.607 0.692 0.723
mRMR Features 0.843 0.530 0.650 0.707
χ20.813 0.579 0.616 0.752
Kullback-leibler 0.848 0.540 0.659 0.710
Relief 0.563 0.593 0.577 0.715
MI 0.823 0.577 0.678 0.737
Wrapper Bi-Directional 0.730 0.573 0.642 0.745
Wrapper Forward 0.739 0.570 0.643 0.755
Wrapper Backwards 0.735 0.579 0.647 0.759
Three-Stage Approach 0.721 0.846 0.778 0.839
Artificial Neural Network
MaxRel Features 0.691 0.561 0.619 0.720
mRMR Features 0.740 0.556 0.634 0.710
χ20.681 0.588 0.631 0.751
Kullback-leibler 0.737 0.558 0.635 0.707
Relief 0.563 0.515 0.537 0.653
MI 0.681 0.588 0.631 0.751
Wrapper Bi-Directional 0.670 0.589 0.626 0.750
Wrapper Forward 0.676 0.588 0.628 0.753
Wrapper Backwards 0.674 0.600 0.636 0.751
Three-Stage Approach 0.614 0.722 0.663 0.792
K-Nearest Neighbor
MaxRel Features 0.688 0.564 0.619 0.730
mRMR Features 0.694 0.564 0.622 0.707
χ20.671 0.701 0.685 0.747
Kullback-leibler 0.698 0.563 0.623 0.710
Relief 0.538 0.515 0.529 0.655
MI 0.675 0.599 0.634 0.750
Wrapper Bi-Directional 0.675 0.585 0.626 0.752
Wrapper Forward 0.672 0.588 0.627 0.755
Wrapper Backwards 0.671 0.583 0.623 0.753
Three-Stage Approach 0.674 0.704 0.688 0.774
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
Table 4.6: Classification results for the three stage feature selection for the Tunisian
Precision Recall F-Measure ROC Area
Decision Tree
MaxRel Features 0.611 0.614 0.612 0.700
mRMR Features 0.620 0.623 0.628 0.701
χ20.610 0.615 0.613 0.702
Kullback-leibler 0.796 0.800 0.798 0.688
Relief 0.501 0.502 0.501 0.690
MI 0.590 0.620 0.604 0.679
Wrapper Bi-Directional 0.730 0.790 0.759 0.703
Wrapper Forward 0.706 0.722 0.713 0.702
Wrapper Backwards 0.689 0.736 0.702 0.678
Three-Stage Approach 0.862 0.960 0.908 0.716
Support Vector Machine
MaxRel Features 0.707 0.700 0.733 0.725
mRMR Features 0.805 0.787 0.795 0.700
χ20.650 0.742 0.693 0.670
Kullback-leibler 0.744 0.853 0.794 0.673
Relief 0,522 0.650 0.581 0.670
MI 0,604 0,647 0,608 0.708
Wrapper Bi-Directional 0.711 0.750 0.710 0.706
Wrapper Forward 0.706 0.722 0.713 0.710
Wrapper Backwards 0.774 0.846 0.786 0.680
Three-Stage Approach 0.852 0.990 0.916 0.752
Artificial Neural Network
MaxRel Features 0.812 0.826 0.818 0.712
mRMR Features 0.820 0.830 0.825 0.715
χ20.775 0.790 0.782 0.650
Kullback-leibler 0.805 0.805 0.805 0.699
Relief 0.788 0.870 0.827 0.702
MI 0.816 0.820 0.818 0.687
Wrapper Bi-Directional 0.889 0.856 0.872 0.713
Wrapper Forward 0.809 0.850 0.806 0.690
Wrapper Backwards 0.815 0.852 0.811 0.703
Three-Stage Approach 0.864 0.973 0.915 0.730
K-Nearest Neighbor
MaxRel Features 0.818 0.850 0.827 0.706
mRMR Features 0.795 0.846 0.807 0.710
χ20.766 0.789 0.777 0.623
Kullback-leibler 0.754 0.800 0.776 0.641
Relief 0.700 0.802 0.747 0.690
MI 0.722 0.850 0.781 0.650
Wrapper Bi-Directional 0.818 0.854 0.813 0.700
Wrapper Forward 0.789 0.840 0.800 0.686
Wrapper Backwards 0.800 0.848 0.802 0.680
Three-Stage Approach 0.859 0.981 0.916 0.723
Table (4.4) shows that for German dataset the new approach achieves the highest
recall with DT, SVM and KNN classifiers, the best precision with DT, SVM and
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
ANN and the highest F-measure with DT and SVM and produces the best AUC for
ANN and KNN witch means that the selected features by this approach allow finding
the best middle ground between specificity and sensitivity.
We notice from Tables (4.5)-(4.6) that the new approach achieves the best pre-
cision, recall, F-measure and ROC area with DT and SVM classifiers with both the
HMEQ and Tunisian datasets. Table (4.5) shows that for the HMEQ dataset the new
approach achieves the best recall and F-measure and AUC with all datasets.
A two-way ANOVA is performed on the F-measure results in order to conclude on
the difference between the different features selection methods and classification meth-
ods. Then the first factor is represented through the different feature selection meth-
ods, where {Relief , MI , MaxRel, mRM R, χ2, Kullback, Bi D irectional, F orward
, B ackward, T hreeS tage}present the levels of the first factor. The second factor is
represented by the different classification methods including {DT, SV M , ANN, KN N}.
Several hypotheses are jointly tested in two-way ANOVA, then H0and alternative
hypothesis H1for the first factor presenting all feature selection methods would be
Relief =µ1
MI =µ1
MaxRel =µ1
mRMR =µ1
Kullback =µ1
Directional =µ1
F orward
Backward =µ1
T hreeStag e Performances of selection methods are equal,
H1:t, µ1
i, i, t {Relief, M I, χ2, M axRel, mRM R, Kullback, Directional,
Backward, M axRel, F orward, T hreeStage}, i 6=tAt least one of the feature
selection methods mean of performance is different from the others
For the second factor, ie. Classifier, H0and H1are given by:
DT =µ2
SV M =µ2
ANN =µ2
KN N Performances of classifiers are equal,
H1:t, µ2
i, i, t {DT , SV M, K NN, AN N}, i 6=tAt least one of the classifer
mean of performance is different from the others
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
Interaction between the two 2 factors:
H0: There is no interaction between the two factors,
H1: There is an interaction between the two factors
mean of performance is different from the others
To set up a two-way ANOVA we use the data in Table (4.8), the results obtained
from this table are summarized in Table (4.7)
Table 4.7: Tests of between-subjects effects in hybrid framework.
Source Type III Sum of
DF Mean Square F Sig. (p-value)
Corrected Model 0,646 39 0,017 1,518 0,045
Intercept 81,140 1 81,140 7432,361 0,000
Seclection Method ,418 9 0,046 4,253 8,37151E-05
Classifier 0,095 3 0,032 2,913 0,037
Selection Method * Classifier 0,133 27 0,005 0,451 0,991
Error 1,310 120 0,011
Total 83,096 160
Corrected Total 1,956 159
Dependant Variable : F-measure
The items of primary interest in this table are the effects listed under the ”Source”
column and the values under the ”Sig.” column. As in the previous hypothesis test,
if the value of ”Sig” is less than the value of 0.05 as set by the experimenter, then
that effect is significant. From Table (4.7) we notice that we don’t have a statistically
significant interaction between the factor selection method and the factor classifier,
but there were statistically significant differences between classifier levels and selection
method levels where p-value is less than 0.05 for both factors. A more detailed picture
is given in Table (4.9) and Table (4.10).
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
Table 4.8: Summary of F-measures for all feature selection methods with the four
classification methods in hybrid framework.
χ2Relief MI MaxRel mRMR
DT 0,640 0,546 0,600 0,636 0,573
0,561 0,568 0,626 0,620 0,502
0,677 0,565 0,680 0,660 0,632
0,613 0,501 0,604 0,612 0,628
Kullback Directional Forward Backward Three Stage
0,690 0,750 0,755 0,749 0,873
0,606 0,782 0,780 0,786 0,882
0,629 0,647 0,627 0,643 0,791
0,698 0,759 0,713 0,702 0,908
χ2Relief MI MaxRel mRMR
SVM 0,655 0,843 0,900 0,854 0,876
0,591 0,522 0,585 0,583 0,512
0,616 0,577 0,678 0,692 0,650
0,693 0,581 0,608 0,733 0,795
Kullback Directional Forward Backward Three Stage
0,894 0,876 0,879 0,878 0,880
0,590 0,760 0,759 0,758 0,859
0,659 0,642 0,643 0,647 0,778
0,794 0,710 0,713 0,786 0,916
χ2Relief MI MaxRel mRMR
ANN 0,700 0,605 0,702 0,904 0,905
0,657 0,633 0,672 0,670 0,616
0,631 0,537 0,631 0,619 0,634
0,782 0,827 0,818 0,818 0,825
Kullback Directional Forward Backward Three Stage
0,900 0,898 0,897 0,898 0,919
0,645 0,631 0,635 0,629 0,651
0,635 0,626 0,628 0,636 0,663
0,805 0,872 0,806 0,811 0,915
χ2Relief MI MaxRel mRMR
KNN 0,715 0,701 0,871 0,815 0,819
0,673 0,614 0,666 0,668 0,645
0,685 0,529 0,634 0,619 0,622
0,777 0,747 0,781 0,827 0,807
Kullback Directional Forward Backward Three Stage
0,800 0,903 0,809 0,800 0,919
0,670 0,616 0,612 0,618 0,619
0,623 0,626 0,627 0,623 0,688
0,776 0,813 0,800 0,802 0,916
we notice from Table (4.9) that there is a statistically significant difference between
the obtained results from (1) the three stage approach and MI where p-value = 0.017,
(2) the three stage approach and mRMR where p-value = 0.015, (3) the three stage
approach and χ2where p-value = 0.002 and (4) the three stage approach and relief
where p-value <0.05.
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
Table 4.9: Multiple comparisons table for feature selection methods in hybrid frame-
Mean dif-
ference (I-
Sig. Selection
Mean dif-
ference (I-
Backward Directional -0,00906 1 MaxRel Backward -0,02725 0,999
χ20,06875 0,695 Directional -0,03631 0,993
Forward 0,00519 1 χ20,0415 0,981
Kullback 0,022 1 Forward -0,02206 1
MaxRel 0,02725 0,999 Kullback -0,00525 1
MI 0,04438 0,971 MI 0,01713 1
mRMR 0,04531 0,967 mRMR 0,01806 1
Relief 0,11687 0,059 Relief 0,08962 0,32
Three stage -0,08819 0,343 Three stage -0,11544 0,066
Directional Backward 0,00906 1 MI Backward -0,04438 0,971
χ20,07781 0,527 Directional -0,05344 0,91
Forward 0,01425 1 χ20,02438 1
Kullback 0,03106 0,998 Forward -0,03919 0,987
MaxRel 0,03631 0,993 Kullback -0,02237 1
MI 0,05344 0,91 MaxRel -0,01713 1
mRMR 0,05437 0,9 mRMR 0,00094 1
Relief ,12594* 0,029 Relief 0,0725 0,627
Three stage -0,07913 0,502 Three stage -,13256* 0,017
χ2Backward -0,06875 0,695 mRMR Backward -0,04531 0,967
Directional -0,07781 0,527 Directional -0,05437 0,9
Forward -0,06356 0,782 χ20,02344 1
kullback -0,04675 0,959 Forward -0,04012 0,985
MaxRel -0,0415 0,981 Kullback -0,02331 1
MI -0,02438 1 MaxRel -0,01806 1
mRMR -0,02344 1 MI -0,00094 1
Relief 0,04812 0,951 Relief 0,07156 0,644
Three stage -,15694* 0,002 Three stage -0,13350* 0,015
Forward Backward -0,00519 1 Relief Backward -0,11687 0,059
Directional -0,01425 1 Directional -0,12594* 0,029
χ20,06356 0,782 χ2-0,04812 0,951
Kullback 0,01681 1 Forward -0,11169 0,086
MaxRel 0,02206 1 Kullback -0,09487 0,244
MI 0,03919 0,987 MaxRel -0,08962 0,32
mRMR 0,04012 0,985 MI -0,0725 0,627
Relief 0,11169 0,086 mRMR -0,07156 0,644
Three stage -0,09338 0,265 Three stage -,20506* 0
Kullback backward -0,022 1 Three stage Backward 0,08819 0,343
Directional -0,03106 0,998 Directional 0,07913 0,502
χ20,04675 0,959 χ20,15694* 0,002
Forward -0,01681 1 Forward 0,09338 0,265
MaxRel 0,00525 1 Kullback 0,11019 0,095
MI 0,02237 1 MaxRel 0,11544 0,066
mRMR 0,02331 1 MI 0,13256* 0,017
Relief 0,09487 0,244 mRMR 0,13350* 0,015
Three stage -0,11019 0,095 Relief 0,20506* 0
Chapter 4: Three-Stage Feature Selection
Table 4.10: Multiple comparisons table for different classifiers in hybrid framework.
Classifier (I) Classifier (J) Mean difference (I-J) Sig.
ANN DT 0,06180* 0,045
KNN 0,01028 0,971
SVM 0,00803 0,986
DT ANN -0,06180* 0,045
KNN -0,05153 0,128
SVM -0,05378 0,103
KNN ANN -0,01028 0,971
DT 0,05153 0,128
SVM -0,00225 1,000
SVM ANN -0,00803 0,986
DT 0,05378 0,103
KNN 0,00225 1,000
Table (4.10) shows that there is a significant difference between the results pro-
duced by DT and ANN classifier where the computed p-value is 0,045.
4.5 Conclusion
Feature selection is an important task in CS. We propose in this chapter fusing in a
first stage a set of filters methods as a pre-selection step. The first stage is followed
by a filter selection based on a quadratic optimization and a similarity study. Finally,
the fusion is refined by a wrapper selection. Results show that the fusion performance
is either superior to or at least as good as either filter and wrapper methods.
Credit-risk evaluation involves processing huge volumes of data. Consequently it
requires powerful data mining tools. Several methods developed in machine learning
have been used for financial credit-risk evaluation and especially for CS. However,
the majority of these tools are affected by the curse of dimensionality and irrelevant
features often degrade the performance of predictive models both in speed and in
predictive accuracy. Hence, the use of optimal feature subset becomes essential.
In this thesis, we reviewed the framework of feature selection and explained the
basic concept of different feature selection models: filter, wrapper and hybrid. Some
research questions related to each one of these three categories were examined.
In Chapter 2 we investigated filter feature selection. We presented a brief reminder
of the filter framework and two major issues when dealing with filtering methods,
respectively the selection trouble and the issue of disjoint ranking for similar features.
Then, a new approach is introduced with experimental investigations in Chapter 2
based on three steps: in the first we presented the feature selection problem as an
optimization problem with the aim of finding the best list, which would be the closest
as possible to all individual ordered lists. Then, in the next step we presented a
solution to the optimization problem. The solution consists on using GAs. In the
final step we used similarity in order to resolve the problem of disjoint ranking for
similar features. The results for this chapter were conducted on four credit datasets.
We compared the new approach with some well known aggregation methods and
some individual filtering methods and results show that ensemble methods improve
precision, recall and F-measure especially when similarity is considered.
The proposed approach in Chapter 3 is an ensemble method based on wrapper
feature selection which is a complete search and a multiple classifiers system. We first
focused on the search strategy and the choice of the starting point and we proposed
first to reduce the search space to a manageable size based on similarity study with
prior knowledge. Then, a hybrid search strategy mixing heuristic and complete search
was performed.
The final part of the proposed approach in Chapter 3 was dedicated to the evaluation
process. In this step two different classifier arrangement approaches were used within
the wrapper evaluation process, namely the same-type approach and the mixed-type
approach. By using the second arrangement approach we wanted to investigate how
classifiers from different families work together and how their interaction influences
the feature selection. Then, by using both approaches we obtained a complete picture
of the influences of the nature of classifiers on feature selection. The obtained results
in this chapter show that the use of prior information and heuristics in the complete
search induces a significant gain in complexity with improved generalization. Fur-
thermore, the obtained results show that the number of classifiers and their nature
have an important effect on wrapper feature selection.
The final contribution of this thesis is proposed in Chapter 4. In this chapter a
three-stage feature selection fusion using quadratic programming is proposed. In the
first stage we used a set of filter-based methods to classify candidate attributes based
on their relevance level into three main categories. We obtained the following feature
relevance categories: high, average and poor. Highly relevant features were kept as
input to the second stage, average ones were kept as input to the third stage and the
last category was eliminated.
In the second stage an efficient method dealing with both redundancy and relevance
is considered. In this stage we minimize the redundancy among the most relevant
features while maximizing their relevance to the target class. To find the best com-
bination between relevance and redundancy we formulate this problem as an opti-
mization of a quadratic multi-objective function. Once the most relevant features
were separated from the redundant ones we moved to stage three. The latter took
as input the selected features of stage two and combined them with the average rele-
vant features of the first stage, then a wrapper approach was trained on the resulting
features. Results show that the fusion performance is either superior to or at least as
good as either filter and wrapper methods.
The used datasets were relatively small in size, i.e., less than 100 features. In fact,
the datasets that we have considered in the course of evaluation have a maximum of
23 features (i.e. Tunisian dataset). It would be of interest to test our three proposed
methods on large datasets to provide more insight into their performance.
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The following are published articles out of this thesis.
Journal Papers
1. Bouaguel, W., Bel Mufti, G. and Limam, M. (2013), A three-stage feature
selection using quadratic programming for credit scoring. Applied Artificial
Intelligence: An International Journal, Vol.27, No.8, September, pp.721-742.
2. Bouaguel, W. and Bel Mufti, G. (2012), An improvement direction for filter
selection techniques using information theory measures and quadratic opti-
mization. International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence,
Vol.1, No:5, August, pp.7-11.
Conference Papers
1. Bouaguel, W., Bel Mufti, G. and Limam, M. (2013), Similarity aggregation a
new version of rank aggregation applied to credit scoring case. Mining In-
telligence and Knowledge Exploration, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol.8284, pp.618-628.
2. Bouaguel, W., Bel Mufti, G. and Limam, M. (2013), Rank aggregation for
filter feature selection in credit scoring. Mining Intelligence and Knowledge
Exploration, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.8284, pp.7-15.
3. Bouaguel, W., Ben Brahim, A. and Limam, M. (2013), Feature selection by
rank aggregation and genetic algorithms, Proceedings of the 5th International
Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR 2013),
Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 19 - 22 September, pp.33-40.
4. Ben Brahim, A., Bouaguel, W. and Limam, M. (2013), Feature selection ag-
gregation versus classifiers aggregation for several data dimensionalities, Pro-
ceedings of the International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information
Technology (CEIT 2013), Sousse, Tunisia, 4-7 June, pp.10-15.
5. Bouaguel, W., Bel Mufti, G. and Limam, M. (2013), On the effect of search
strategies on wrapper feature selection in credit scoring, Proceedings of the
International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies
(CODIT 2013), Hammamet, Tunisia, 6-8 May, pp.60-67.
6. Bouaguel, W., Bel Mufti, G. and Limam, M. (2013), A fusion approach based
on wrapper and filter feature selection methods using majority vote and feature
weighting, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Applica-
tions Technology (ICCAT 2013), Sousse, Tunisia, 20- 22 January, pp.47-53.
7. Bouaguel, W., Bel Mufti, G. and Limam, M. (2012), Quadratic Programming
for Feature Selection in Credit Scoring, Proceedings of the Third Meeting on
Statistics and Data Mining (MSDM 2012), Hammamet, Tunisia, 14-15 March,
Book Chapters
1. Ben Brahim, A., Bouaguel, W. and Limam, M. (2014), Combining feature se-
lection and data classification using ensemble approaches: application to cancer
diagnosis and credit scoring. Case Studies in Intelligent Computing Achieve-
ments and Trends, Taylor & Francis (Accepted).
2. Bouaguel, W., Bel Mufti, G. and Limam, M. (2014), A new feature selection
technique applied to credit scoring data using a rank aggregation approach
based on: optimization, genetic algorithm and similarity. Knowledge Discovery
& Data Mining (KDDM) for Economic Development: Applications, Strategies
and Techniques, Taylor & Francis (Conditional acceptation).
Appendix A
Feature categories and datasets description
A.1 Feature categories
In general, a feature can describe either a qualitative or quantitative characteristic of
a credit applicant. Examples of qualitative characteristics are gender, occupation and
marital status. Qualitative variables are also called categorical variables. Examples
of quantitative characteristics are age, amount of a loan. Qualitative and quantitative
features can each be divided into two main categories, as depicted in Figure (A.1).
Figure A.1: Features categories.
A.1.1 Qualitative features
Qualitative or categorical variables describe a quality or attribute of the individual.
Categorical features can be either nominal or ordinal. A nominal feature is a cat-
egorical feature that has two or more categories, but there is no intrinsic ordering
Appendix A
to the categories. For example, gender is a nominal variable having two categories
{male, f emale}and there is no intrinsic ordering to the categories. Typically, nomi-
nal features are characterized by:
No ordering of the different categories.
No measure of distance between values.
Categories can be listed in any order without affecting the relationship between
An ordinal feature is similar to a nominal feature. The difference between the two is
that there is a clear ordering of the features. For example, suppose you have a fea-
ture, educational experience with modalities such as elementary school graduate, high
school graduate and college graduate. These categories can be ordered as elementary
school, high school and college graduate.Typically, ordinal features are characterized
An implied ordering of the categories.
Quantitative distance between levels is unknown.
Distances between the levels may not be the same.
Meaning of different levels may not be the same for different individuals.
A.1.2 Quantitative features
Quantitative features describe some quantity about the individual and are often mea-
sured or counted. These features can be either continuous or discrete. A continuous
variable is one that could take any value in an interval. A discrete feature is one
that can only take specific numeric values but those numeric values have a clear
quantitative interpretation.
Because qualitative data always have a limited number of alternative values, such
variables are also described as discrete. All numeric qualitative features are discrete,
while some quantitative features are discrete and some are continuous. For statistical
analysis, qualitative features can be converted into discrete numeric data by simply
counting the different values that appear.
Appendix A
A.2 datasets description
This section reports some benchmark data sets that are used to evaluate the per-
formance of different feature selection methods. While the Australian and German
datasets are downloaded from the UCI Machine Learning Repository, The HMEQ
dataset is available at SAS software and the Tunisian dataset is the result of collected
information from a Tunisian bank.
A.2.1 Australian dataset
As discussed earlier in Chapter 1 The Austrian dataset is composed of 690 instances
where 306 ones are creditworthy while 383 are not.There are 6 numerical and 8 cate-
gorical features and all feature names and values have been changed to meaningless
symbols for confidentiality.The labels have been changed for the convenience of the
statistical algorithms. For example, attribute 4 originally had 3 labels p,g,gg and
these have been changed to labels 1,2,3.
Variable Description Type Description of modalities
A1 No description is available Categorical This feature has 2 modalities {0,1},
where no description is available about
the significance of each modality
A2 No description is available Continuous No modalites
A3 No description is available Continuous No modalites
A4 No description is available Categorical This feature has 2 modalities {1,2,3},
where no description is available about
the significance of each modality
A5 No description is available Categorical This feature has 14 modalities
where no description is available about
the significance of each modality.
A6 No description is available Categorical This feature has 9 modalities
{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, where no de-
scription is available about the
significance of each modality
Appendix A
A7 No description is available Continuous No modalites
A8 No description is available Categorical This feature has 2 modalities {0,1},
where no description is available about
the significance of each modality
A9 No description is available Categorical This feature has 2 modalities {0,1},
where no description is available about
the significance of each modality
A10 No description is available Continuous No modalites
A11 No description is available Categorical This feature has 2 modalities {0,1},
where no description is available about
the significance of each modality
A12 No description is available Categorical This feature has 3 modalities {1,2,3},
where no description is available about
the significance of each modality
A13 No description is available Continuous No modalites
A14 No description is available Continuous No modalites
A15 Creditability Categorical 1: good applicant
2: bad applicant
A.2.2 German dataset
The German dataset covers a sample of 1000 credit consumers where 700 instances are creditworthy
and 300 are not. For each applicant 21 numeric input variables are available. More details are given
in the table below.
Variable Description Type Description of modalities
Alter Age Continuous No modalites
Beruf Occupation Categorical 1: unemployed / unskilled with no per-
manent residence
2: unskilled with permanent residence
3: skilled worker / skilled employee /
minor civil servant
4: executive / self-employed / higher
civil servant
Beszeit Has been employed by cur-
rent employer for
Categorical 1: unemployed
2: 1 year
3 : 1 .. < 4 years
4 : 4 .. < 7 years
Appendix A
5 :7 years
Beurge Further debtors / Guaran-
Categorical 1: none
2: Co-Applicant
3: Guarantor
Bishkred Number of previous credits
at this bank (including the
running one)
Categorical 1: zero
2: one or two
3: three or four
4: five or more
Famges Marital Status / Sex Categorical 1: male: divorced / living apart
2: female: divorced / living apart /
3: male: single /married /widowed
4: female: single
Gastarb Foreign worker Categorical 1: yes
2: no
Hoehe Amount of credit in
”Deutsche Mark”
Continuous No modalites
Kredit Creditability Binary 0: not credit-worthy
1: credit-worthy
Laufkount Balance of current account Categorical 1: no running account
2: no balance or debit
3: 0 .. < 200 DM
4 : 200 DM / checking account for at
least 1 year
Laufzeit Duration in months Categorical No modalites
Moral Payment of previous cred-
Categorical 0: hesitant payment of previous credits
1: problematic running account / there
are further credits running but at other
2: no previous credits / paid back all
previous credits
3: no problems with current credits at
this bank
4: paid back previous credits at this
Pers Number of persons entitled
to maintenance
Categorical 1: 0 to 2
2: 3 or more
Appendix A
Rate Installment in % of avail-
able income
Categorical 1: 35
2: 25 ... < 35
3: 20 ... < 25
4 : <20
Telef Telephone Categorical 1: yes
2: no
Sparkont Value of savings or stocks Categorical 1:not available / no savings
2: <100 DM
3: 100 ... < 500 DM
4: 500 ... < 1000 DM
5 : 1000 DM
Verm Most valuable available as-
Categorical 1: not available / no assets
2: Car / Other
3: Savings contract with a building so-
ciety / Life insurance
4: Ownership of house or land
Verw Purpose of credit Categorical 1: new car
2: used car
3: items of furniture
4: radio / television
5: household appliances
6: repair
7: education
8: vacation
9: retraining
10: business
Weitkred Further running credits Categorical 1: at other banks
2: at department store or mail order
3: no further running credits
Wohn Type of apartment Categorical 1: free apartment
2: rented flat
3: free apartment
Wohnzeit Living in current house-
hold for
Categorical 1:<1 year
2: 1 ... < 4 years
3: 4 ... < 7 years
4 : 7 years
Appendix A
A.2.3 HEMQ dataset
The HMEQ dataset is composed of 5960 instances where 4771 instances are creditworthy and 1189
are not. For each applicant, 12 input variables are available, more descriptions are given below.
Variable Description Type Description of modalities
BAD Creditability Binary 1: applicant defaulted on loan or seri-
ously delinquent
0: applicant paid loan
CLAGE Age of oldest credit line in
Continuous No modalites
CLNO Number of credit lines Continuous No modalites
DEBTINC Debt-to-income ratio Continuous No modalites
DELINQ Number of delinquent
credit lines
Continuous No modalites
DEROG Number of major deroga-
tory reports
Continuous No modalites
JOB Occupational categories Categorical This feature has 6 modalities
{1,2,3,4,5,6}, where no descrip-
tion is available about the significance
of each modality
LOAN Amount of the loan request Continuous No modalites
MORTDUE Amount due on existing
Continuous No modalites
NINQ Number of recent credit in-
Continuous No modalites
REASON reason for credit Categorical DebtCon=debt consolidation
HomeImp=home improvement
VALUE Value of current property Continuous No modalites
YOJ Years at present job Continuous No modalites
A.2.4 Tunisian dataset
Tunisian dataset covers a sample of 2970 instances of credit consumers where 2523 instances are
creditworthy while 446 are not. Each credit applicant is described by 22 input variables as described
Appendix A
Variable Description Type Description of modalities
ZONE GEO Geographic zone Categorical 1: North
2: South
3: Center
GEN Gender of the credit appli-
Categorical 1:female
MKT Non description is avail-
Categorical 1:PAR
NOUV SM Profession of the applicant Categorical 1: Liberal
2 : Lawyer and likened
3: Private employee
4 : Students / others
5: Doctor and likened
6: Retreat
7: Government employee
AGE Age Continuous No modalites
EPARGNE saving account Categorical 1: Saving account
0: No saving
TOTENG Amount of other credits Continuous No modalites
DUR Duration in months Continuous No modalites
CMR No description is available Continuous No modalites
CMR2 No description is available Continuous No modalites
AUTOR No description is available Continuous No modalites
MNTDEBLOC No description is available Continuous No modalites
ENCOUR Amount of further running
Continuous No modalites
MULTIBANC Multiple running account
in other banks
Categorical 1: Yes
2: No
DOMICIL No description is available Categorical 1 :Transfer of delegation
2: Pension account
3: No domiciliation
4: Directly paid wages
Safir The applicant has a safir
Categorical 1: Normal account
2: Safir
Appendix A
STAT FAM Marital Status Categorical 1: Single
2: Divorced
3: Married
4: Widower or Widow
SAL MEN Net monthly salary Continuous No modalites
REV MEN Net monthly income Continuous No modalites
NBR Number of dependants un-
der the age of 18
Continuous No modalites
RVS No description is available Continuous No modalites
Appendix B
Classification methods
This appendix presents classification algorithms which are used to evaluate the candidate subsets in
the wrapper framework. Understanding the foundations of these algorithms can be helpful for the
comprehension of this work.
B.1 Artificial Neural Network
ANN were originally developed in machine learning field and become an important data mining
method. A neural network is composed of a set of elementary computational units, called neurons,
connected together through weighted connections. Every neuron, also called a node, represents
an autonomous computational unit and receives as inputs the description of an observation xi,
i, ..., xd
i) called signal. Each signal is attached with an importance weight after that the neuron
elaborates the input signals, their importance weights and the threshold value through something
called a combination function. The combination function produces a value called potential. An
activation function transforms the potential into an output signal. The activation function is defined
as follows:
f(xi) =
where βj,j= 1, ..., d is the weight associated for each signal. The final output yiof the neurone is
decided according to f(xi) sign.
yi=(0if βTxi0
1Otherwise (B.2)
Appendix B
ANNs are found to be a powerful solution. Their performance is dependent on initial condition,
network topologies and training algorithms. This may be one reason why the results of ANN vary
for credit scoring.
B.2 Support Vector Machines
Among the new methods for credit scoring, SVM is one of most promising methods. The use of SVM
in financial application has been previously examined by several works (Schebesch and Stecking 2005;
Huang et al. 2007; Bellotti and Crook 2009). SVM was first proposed by Vapnik (1995) and recently
becomes one of the most applied methods in data mining. There are many reasons for choosing SVM
(Burges 1998), it requires less prior assumptions about the input data and can perform a nonlinear
mapping from an original input space into a high dimensional feature space, in which it constructs
a linear discriminant function to replace the nonlinear function in the original low-dimension input
space. A simple description of the SVM algorithm is provided as follows. Given a training set
{xi, yi}n
i=1 with input vector xi= [x1
i, x2
i, . . . , xd
i]Tand target variable yi {+1,1}, the original
formulation of SVM algorithm satisfies the following conditions:
(βT(xi) + b+1 if yi= +1
βT(xi) + b 1if yi=1(B.3)
which is equivalent to
yi(βT(xi) + b)10, i= 1, ..., n,(B.4)
where βrepresents the weight vector and b the bias. φ(xi) is a nonlinear mapping function. From
equation (B.4) we come down to the construction of two parallel bounding hyperplanes at opposite
sides of a separating hyperplane βT(xi) + b= 0 in the feature space with the margin width
between both hyperplanes equal to 2
||w||2. the classifier then takes the decision function form
sgin(βT(xi) + b).
B.3 Decision Trees
According to Thomas et al. (2002) the idea of DT is to split the set of applications into different
sets and then identify each of these sets as good or bad depending on what the majority in that set
is. The idea was developed for general classification problems by Breiman et al. (1984) and was
used for the first time by Frydman et al. (1985).
Appendix B
This method is very simple and can be described according to this scheme (Giudici 2003): A
DT consists of nodes and edges, the root node defines the first split of the credit applicants sample.
Each internal node splits the instance sample into two subsets. Each node contains individuals of a
single class. The operation is repeated until the division in sub-populations is no more possible.
B.4 K-nearest-Neighbor
The main idea of KNN is to choose a distance measure on the space of application data in order to
measure how distant any two applicants are (Thomas et al. 2002). Then, using a learning sample
of past applicants presented by the couples (xi, yi), a new applicant xi0is classified as good or bad
depending on the proportions of goods and bads among the k nearest applicants from the learning
sample. The two parameters needed to run this approach are the distance metric and how many
applicants k constitute the set of nearest neighbors. A commonly used distance metric with KNN
is the Euclidean distance given by :
d(xi, xi0) = v
This method is usually used for heterogeneous data with missing data. Although simple, the
choice of the number of neighbors kis still a difficult task. This number is either fixed beforehand or
chosen by crossed validation (Merbouha and Mkhadri 2006).
... As the number of features increases, more calculation is required and the model interaction and interpretation are reduced. The solution is to implement a Feature Selection (FS) on the original data [2]. FS is a frequently used term in ML to describe a set of existing methods for reducing a dataset to a suitable dimension for processing and investigation. ...
... Typically, credit scoring databases are often large and characterised by redundant and irrelevant features [56]. Financial data and credit data in particular usually contain irrelevant and redundant features [57]. ...
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Financial credit scoring is one of the most crucial processes in the finance industry sector to be able to assess the credit-worthiness of individuals and enterprises. Various statistics-based machine learning techniques have been employed for this task. “Curse of Dimensionality” is still a significant challenge in machine learning techniques. Some research has been carried out on Feature Selection (FS) using genetic algorithm as wrapper to improve the performance of credit scoring models. However, the challenge lies in finding an overall best method in credit scoring problems and improving the time-consuming process of feature selection. In this study, the credit scoring problem is investigated through feature selection to improve classification performance. This work proposes a novel approach to feature selection in credit scoring applications, called as Information Gain Directed Feature Selection algorithm (IGDFS), which performs the ranking of features based on information gain, propagates the top m features through the GA wrapper (GAW) algorithm using three classical machine learning algorithms of KNN, Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine (SVM) for credit scoring. The first stage of information gain guided feature selection can help reduce the computing complexity of GA wrapper, and the information gain of features selected with the IGDFS can indicate their importance to decision making. Regarding the classification accuracy, SVM accuracy is always better than KNN and NB for Baseline techniques, GAW and IGDFS. Also, we can conclude that the IGDFS achieved better performance than generic GAW, and GAW obtained better performance than the corresponding single classifiers (baseline) for almost all cases, except for the German Credit dataset, IGDFS + KNN has worse performance than generic GAW and the single classifier KNN. Removing features with low information gain could produce conflict with the original data structure for KNN, and thus affect the performance of IGDFS + KNN. Regarding the ROC performance, for the German Credit Dataset, the three classic machine learning algorithms, SVM, KNN and Naïve Bayes in the wrapper of IGDFS GA obtained almost the same performance. For the Australian credit dataset and the Taiwan Credit dataset, the IGDFS + Naive Bayes achieved the largest area under ROC curves.
... CS is the evaluation of the risk relating to lending money to an organization or individual. CS is categorized in line with the purpose and context of the money being lent or credit sought, broadly, there are four kinds of scoring (Waad, 2015): 1) application Scoring; 2) behavioral scoring; 3) collection scoring; and 4) fraud detection. ...
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... CS is the evaluation of the risk relating to lending money to an organization or individual. CS is categorized in line with the purpose and context of the money being lent or credit sought, broadly, there are four kinds of scoring (Waad, 2015): 1) application Scoring; 2) behavioral scoring; 3) collection scoring; and 4) fraud detection. ...
... Feature ranking uses the above discussed filter based measures to compute a scoring function from the values (x j i ; y i ). It is considered that a high score indicates a valuable feature and the features are sorted in decreasing order of the scoring function [25]. It is computationally efficient since it requires only the computation of d scores and sorting them. ...
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In credit risk evaluation the accuracy of a classifier is very significant for classifying the high-risk loan applicants correctly. Feature selection is one way of improving the accuracy of a classifier. It provides the classifier with important and relevant features for model development. This study uses the ensemble of multiple feature ranking techniques for feature selection of credit data. It uses five individual rank based feature selection methods. It proposes a novel rank aggregation algorithm for combining the ranks of the individual feature selection methods of the ensemble. This algorithm uses the rank order along with the rank score of the features in the ranked list of each feature selection method for rank aggregation. The ensemble of multiple feature selection techniques uses the novel rank aggregation algorithm and selects the relevant features using the 80%, 60%, 40% and 20% thresholds from the top of the aggregated ranked list for building the C4.5, MLP, C4.5 based Bagging and MLP based Bagging models. It was observed that the performance of models using the ensemble of multiple feature selection techniques is better than the performance of 5 individual rank based feature selection methods. The average performance of all the models was observed as best for the ensemble of feature selection techniques at 60% threshold. Also, the bagging based models outperformed the individual models most significantly for the 60% threshold. This increase in performance is more significant from the fact that the number of features were reduced by 40% for building the highest performing models. This reduces the data dimensions and hence the overall data size phenomenally for model building. The use of the ensemble of feature selection techniques using the novel aggregation algorithm provided more accurate models which are simpler, faster and easy to interpret.
Image retrieval is gaining significant attention in areas such as surveillance, access control, etc. The content-based feature extraction plays a very crucial role in image retrieval. For the characterization of a specific image, mainly three features (i.e., color, texture, and shape) are used. Multimedia can store text, image, audio, and video which can be processed and retrieved. The various techniques are used for image retrieval such as textual annotations, content-based image retrieval in many application areas like medical imaging, satellite imaging, etc. However, most of these techniques were designed for specific domains and universally accepted method is yet to be designed; hence, CBIR is a field of active research. Similar output images indicate efficiency of search and retrieval process. In this chapter, the authors have discussed various image feature extraction techniques and clustering approaches for content-based feature extraction from image and specifically focused on color based CBIR techniques.
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Introduction:Increase in computing power and the deeper usage of the robust computing systems in the financial system is propelling the business growth, improving the operational efficiency of the financial institutions, and increasing the effectiveness of the transaction processing solutions used by the organizations. Problem:Despite that the financial institutions are relying on the credit scoring patterns for analyzing the credit worthiness of the clients, still there are many factors that are imminent for improvement in the credit score evaluation patterns. Objective:Machine learning is offering immense potential in Fintech space and determining a personal credit score. Organizations by applying deep learning and machine learning techniques can tap individuals who are not being serviced by traditional financial institutions. Methodology:One of the major insights into the system is that the traditional models of banking intelligence solutions are predominantly the programmed models that can align with the information and banking systems that are used by the banks. But in the case of the machine-learning models that rely on algorithmic systems require more integral computation which is intrinsic. Results:The test analysis of the proposed machine learning model indicates effective and enhanced analysis process compared to the non-machine learning solutions. The model in terms of using various classifiers indicate potential ways in which the solution can be significant. Conclusion: If the systems can be developed to align with more pragmatic terms for analysis, it can help in improving the process conditions of customer profile analysis, wherein the process models have to be developed for comprehensive analysis and the ones that can make a sustainable solution for the credit system management. Originality:The proposed solution is effective and the one conceptualized to improve the credit scoring system patterns. Limitations: The model is tested in isolation and not in comparison to any of the existing credit scoring patterns.
Conference Paper
Biological data bases are characterized by a very large number of features and a few instances which make classification more difficult and time consuming. This problem can be solved using feature selection approach. The Filter feature selection method ranks features according to their significance level. Then it selects the most significant features and discards the rest. The discarded features may provide some useful information and could be useful to further consideration. Hence, we propose a new feature selection method that uses these eliminated features in order to increase the classification performance and avoid the curse of dimensionality. The new approach is based on the idea of transforming the value of the similar features into new instances for the retained features. We aim to reduce the feature space by performing features selection and increasing the learning space in creating new instances using the redundant features.
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This paper presents a comprehensive review of the works done, during the 2000–2012, in the application of data mining techniques in Credit scoring. Yet there isn’t any literature in the field of data mining applications in credit scoring. Using a novel research approach, this paper investigates academic and systematic literature review and includes all of the journals in the Science direct online journal database. The articles are categorized and classified into enterprise, individual and small and midsized (SME) companies credit scoring. Data mining techniques is also categorized to single classifier, Hybrid methods and Ensembles. Variable selection methods are also investigated separately because it’s a major issue in credit scoring problem. The findings of the review reveals that data mining techniques are mostly applied to individual credit score and there are a few researches on enterprise and SME credit scoring. Also ensemble methods, support vector machines and neural network methods are the most favorite techniques used recently. Hybrid methods are investigated in four categories and two of them which are “classification and classification” and “clustering and classification” combinations are used more. Paper analysis provides a guide to future researches and concludes with several suggestions for further studies.
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Credit scoring has been developed as an essential tool especially in the credit departments of banks that have to deal with a huge sum of credit data. A credit scoring model makes loaning process faster. However, it's nearly unfeasible to analyze this large amount of data, the feature selection techniques has been used to address this issue. Feature selection, is the process of selecting a subset of relevant features for use in model construction. Unlike existing feature selection techniques that causes bias by using distinct statistical properties of data for feature evaluation, feature selection based on rank aggregation are more robust, thus reducing this bias. Over the past years, rank aggregation has emerged as an important tool. Despite its numerous advantages, rank aggregation may be a deep problem. In fact, rankings provided by the different filters may be in many cases incomplete and similar features may be given disjoint ranking. We first consider the rank aggregation problem as an optimization problem, in which we aim to find an optimal list that approximates all the aggregated lists. Then we concentrate on the problem of disjoint ranking, subsequently we perform a new algorithm that eliminate disjoint ranking for similar features and remove the features that bring less information to the target concept. The performance of our approach was tested using four credit datasets and compared 1 to three individual filters and four well known aggregation techniques. The result indicates that the proposed technique is more robust across a wide range of classifiers and has higher accuracy than other traditional feature selection techniques.
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In this paper, we propose to investigate ensemble approaches to combine feature selection and data classification for cancer diagnosis and credit scoring. At first, an ensemble of feature selection techniques is used for feature selection. Each ensemble member provides a different feature set. Then two alternatives are tested. The first one combines these feature sets to obtain a single solution on which a classifier is trained. The second alternative trains a classifier on each feature set and then combines the classifiers ensemble to obtain a single classification output. We hypothesize that the reliability of prediction resulting from each ensemble combination level differs depending on the data dimensionality. Thus, in such an ensemble system, it is necessary to find out the appropriate combination level to obtain the best classification results. The proposed ensemble approaches are evaluated for two high dimensional data sets concerned with cancer diagnosis, as well as for two small size data sets concerned with credit scoring. Evaluation results suggest that the ensemble approaches outperform the baseline models and that data set dimensionality can guide the choice of the aggregation level of the ensemble method.
This paper introduces concepts and algorithms of feature selection, surveys existing feature selection algorithms for classification and clustering, groups and compares different algorithms with a categorizing framework based on search strategies, evaluation criteria, and data mining tasks, reveals unattempted combinations, and provides guidelines in selecting feature selection algorithms. With the categorizing framework, we continue our efforts toward building an integrated system for intelligent feature selection. A unifying platform is proposed as an intermediate step. An illustrative example is presented to show how existing feature selection algorithms can be integrated into a meta algorithm that can take advantage of individual algorithms. An added advantage of doing so is to help a user employ a suitable algorithm without knowing details of each algorithm. Some real-world applications are included to demonstrate the use of feature selection in data mining. We conclude this work by identifying trends and challenges of feature selection research and development.
Conference Paper
Ensemble methods are learning algorithms that construct a set of classifiers and then classify new data points by taking a (weighted) vote of their predictions. The original ensemble method is Bayesian averaging, but more recent algorithms include error-correcting output coding, Bagging, and boosting. This paper reviews these methods and explains why ensembles can often perform better than any single classifier. Some previous studies comparing ensemble methods are reviewed, and some new experiments are presented to uncover the reasons that Adaboost does not overfit rapidly.
In the history of research of the learning problem one can extract four periods that can be characterized by four bright events: (i) Constructing the first learning machines, (ii) constructing the fundamentals of the theory, (iii) constructing neural networks, (iv) constructing the alternatives to neural networks.
From the Publisher: With advanced computer technologies and their omnipresent usage, data accumulates in a speed unmatchable by the human's capacity to process data. To meet this growing challenge, the research community of knowledge discovery from databases emerged. The key issue studied by this community is, in layman's terms, to make advantageous use of large stores of data. In order to make raw data useful, it is necessary to represent, process, and extract knowledge for various applications. Feature Selection for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining offers an overview of the methods developed since the 1970's and provides a general framework in order to examine these methods and categorize them. This book employs simple examples to show the essence of representative feature selection methods and compares them using data sets with combinations of intrinsic properties according to the objective of feature selection. In addition, the book suggests guidelines for how to use different methods under various circumstances and points out new challenges in this exciting area of research. Feature Selection for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining is intended to be used by researchers in machine learning, data mining, knowledge discovery, and databases as a toolbox of relevant tools that help in solving large real-world problems. This book is also intended to serve as a reference book or secondary text for courses on machine learning, data mining, and databases.