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Banding patterns in plant chromosomes. III. Dactylis glomerata subsp. aschersoniana (Graebner) Thell. from Poland



The present paper presents part of the author's studies on the variability of the genus Dactylis from Poland. The karyotypes and Giemsa heterochromatin banding patterns of three population samples of Dactylis glomerata subsp. aschersoniana (Graebner) Thell. (2n = 14) from Poland were studied in detail.
... Heterochromatin (HC) is one of the chromosomal components that has attracted considerable attention from cytogeneticists. Indeed, HC differentiations in metaphase chromosomes have been investigated among organisms to determine their presence, variability, molecular composition, direct and indirect effects on the karyotype, putative function etc. (Mizianty, 1984a(Mizianty, , 1984b(Mizianty, , 1985John, 1988;Hennig, 1999). One of the most basic aspects of HC research is investigation of HC distribution in blocks or bands throughout the karyotype. ...
Giemsa C-banding was applied to the chromosome complements of six diploid species belonging to six genera in Chrysanthemum sensu lato (Anthemideae) distributed in Egypt. Four types of C-banding distribution were observed in the taxa as follows: (i) negative C-banding in Anacyclus monanthos (L.) Thell.; (ii) all bands in terminal regions in Achillea fragrantissima (Forssk.) Sch. Bip, which showed 32 bands on 18 chromosomes; (iii) all eight bands at centromeric regions on eight chromosomes in Matricaria recutita L.; and (iv) bands at terminal and centromeric regions in Brocchia cinerea Vis. (12 terminal and six centromeric bands on 12 chromosomes), Cotula barbata DC. (four terminal, six centromeric, and eight short arm bands on 16 chromosomes), and Glebionis coronaria (L.) Cass. ex Spach. (eight terminal on the short arms and four large bands in centromeric regions on 12 chromosomes).
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Species can have broad altitudinal distributions and their characteristics may vary throughout distribution ranges. Ploidy level can vary along environmental gradients, such as altitudinal ones. However, the relationships between ploidy level and altitude may be diverse. The karyotype allows us to know the structural and quantitative characteristics of the chromosomal pairs and to relate these characteristics to the environment where the species occur. Species of the Cactaceae family can be found from sea level to 4500 m above sea level (asl). The greatest species richness is found in mountain areas, where species occupy wide altitudinal ranges. Gymnocalycium belongs to the subfamily Cactoideae; it is a genus endemic to southern South America and its main center of diversity is found in the mountain ranges of central and northern Argentina. The basic chromosome number for Cactaceae is x = 11, with polyploidy being the main existing variation. The aim of this work was to analyze cytogenetic variables in populations of four species of the genus Gymnocalycium (G. andreae, G. erinaceum, G. monvillei, and G. mostii) along their altitudinal distribution. Idiograms were constructed using HCl/Giemsa, CMA/DAPI fluorescent chromosomal banding and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The karyotypes of the analyzed populations of each species were symmetric and showed little variation in size and symmetry. All the populations of G. andreae, G. erinaceum and G. mostii were found to be diploid and had the greatest distribution; G. monvillei was found to be tetraploid in all the populations analyzed. CMA+/DAPIbands associated with secondary constrictions (NORs) were detected in all the populations of all the species. The cytogenetic characteristics of the studied species were constant along the altitudinal gradients, showing that they can occur at different altitudes without major cytogenetic modifications.
Chromosome numbers are presented in the following 16 Phanerogams of the Czechoslovak flora:Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson,Anthoxanthum alpinum Á. Löve etD. Löve Acter amellus L.,Bistorta major S. F. Gray,Cardamine hirsuta L.,Cardamine parviflora L.,Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L.,Dactylis glomerata L.subsp. aschersoniana (Graebner) Thell.,Elatine hydropiper L. s. l.,Geranium phaeum L.,Hieracium lachenalii C. C. Gmel.,Jovibarba sobolifera (Sims) Opiz,Kickxia spuria (L.)Dum.,Persicaria hydropiper (L.)Spach,Sedum alpestre Vill. andTephroseris crispa (Jacq.) Schur. Six of them are reported for the first time from Czechoslovakia, the others are mostly first reports of chromosome numbers from the Bohemian and Moravian regions. A new diploid number of 2n=36 is given inElatine hydropiper L. s. l. All results are compared with as yet published data.
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