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Professor Marta Mizianty – a plant taxonomist and cytologist



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© Adam Mickiewicz University in PoznaÒ (Poland), Department of Plant Taxonomy. All rights reserved.
Professor Marta Mizianty ñ a plant taxonomist and cytologist
Bogdan Jackowiak* & Waldemar Øukowski
Department of Plant Taxonomy, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Umultowska 89, 61-614 PoznaÒ, Poland, *e-mail:
The group of prominent botanists, we dedicate pages
in Biodiversity: Research and conservation, joins Maria
Mizianty, a titular professor of the W≥adys≥aw Szafer
Institute of Botany of the Polish Academy of Sciences
in KrakÛw. An excellent occasion for this commemo-
ration is the 10th scientific conference devoted to grasses.
This extremely fruitful meeting series of specialists in
the various aspects of grass diversity, takes place on
the initiative of two persons: Professor Marta Mizianty
and Professor Ludwik Frey. About the achievements
of the latter, Professor Karol Latowski also writes in
this issue of BRC (pp. 7-12).
Marta Mizianty was born in Wa≥brzych. She spent
her childhood and school period in Nowy Sπcz, where
she completed the Primary School No. 2 and Maria
Konopnicka High School II. In 1969, straight after five-
year studies in biology at the Faculty of Biology and
Earth Sciences of Adam Mickiewicz University in
PoznaÒ, she took a position in the Institute of Botany of
the Polish Academy of Sciences in KrakÛw. Her whole
professional carrier, i.e. over 40 years, has been con-
nected with this meritorious for Polish and world botany
institution. Prof. Marta Mizianty conducted her first sci-
entific investigations under the supervision of Prof.
Jerzy Szweykowski, who, at that time, initiated biosys-
tematic studies on bryophytes. In her masterís thesis,
she focused on the variability of Polish population of
Plagiochila asplenioides. She often and willingly thinks
back to the years in PoznaÒ, emphasizing the signifi-
cant influence of Prof. Szweykowski on her further sci-
entific choices and attitude to scientific work.
In the first period of stay in KrakÛw, i.e. in the years
1969-1976, Prof. Mizianty connected her scientific studies
with the work as a technical assistant. Her research con-
centrated on the biosystematics of vascular plants and
her key scientific works revolve around these issues:
ï doctoral thesis ÑZmiennoúÊ Rhinanthus serotinus
(Schˆnheit) Oborny na terenie Polskiî [Variability
of Rhinanthus serotinus (Schˆnheit) Oborny in the Fig. 1. Professor Marta Mizianty (photograph by W. Paul)
area of Poland], written in 1987 under the super-
vision of Prof. Adam Jasiewicz
ï habilitation thesis ÑBiosystematic studies on Dacty-
lisî published in 1992 in Fragmenta Floristica et
Geobotanica as a series of 7 publications.
The scientific output of Prof. Marta Mizianty com-
prises over 120 publications, including 61 scientific
works, 54 review articles, chapters in monographs, re-
views of important publications, popular-science articles,
and also numerous scientific announcements and con-
ference reports. The results of her original studies she
mostly published in Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica
DOI 10.2478/v10119-012-0018-1
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 25: 3-6, 2012
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and Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, while the re-
view articles and announcements in Wiadomoúci
Botaniczne and Kosmos. She also published in interna-
tional journals, such as Plant Systematics and Evolu-
tion, Plant Biology and Webbia. The single articles
appeared in Polish Botanical Studies, Ecological Qua-
ternary and Biodiversity: Research and Conservation.
The first years of her scientific work, Prof. Mizianty
devoted particularly to the karyology of Polish flora
representatives. The numbers of chromosomes she re-
ported, where often first notifications for Poland and,
for some species, even for the world. She used tradi-
tional karyological methods and also the technique of
differential chromosome staining (so called, banding
patterns) that she learnt in the Laboratory of Professor
F. Ehrendorfer, at the University of Vienna.
Among botanists, Prof. Mizianty is well known as
an expert in grass issues. It is justified, considering that
she devoted to this interesting group of plants over 80
original and review works and announcements. How-
ever, it is worth of noting that she studied also other
taxa, such as aforementioned Rhinanthus and the spe-
cies of Euphrasia, Myosotis and Onobrychis. Among
others, she discovered a new species for the Polish flora
ñ Rhinanthus borbasi (Dˆfler) SoÛ.
An analysis of thematic structure of publications by
Prof. Mizianty reveals the high diversity of research
topics. In the course of her research on variability of
vascular plants, particularly, of grasses, she concentrates
on the issues from the area of systematics and taxonomy,
including numerical taxonomy, and cytology and ge-
netics. She presents many phenomena also in the phyto-
geographical and ecological aspect. Her scientific out-
put comprises important floristic reports, including the
first reports on the occurrence of not always recognized
taxa in several European countries. The achievements
of Professor Mizianty in grass area include the discov-
ery of a new subspecies for the flora of Italy ñ Dactylis
glomerata L. subsp. slovenica (Dom.) Dom., and for
the flora of the Caucasus ñ D.†glomerata L. subsp. slo-
venica (Dom.) Dom. Also, worth of notice are numer-
ous publications published in the recent years, among
others, on the genus Brachypodium, grasses of the tribe
Triticeae, including the genus Hordeum, and the Agro-
pyron-Elymus complex, which helped in solving many
difficult taxonomic and phylogenetic problems.
The culmination of her scientific career was the title
of professor of biological sciences, which she received
from the president of the Republic of Poland on the 17
November 2003. On several occasions, she was hono-
ured with the awards of the director of W. Szafer Insti-
tute of Botany, PAS.
Professor Marta Mizianty served over ten scientific
internships in the foreign institutions and cooperated
with some universityís botanical centers (Udine ñ Italy,
Ljubjana ñ Slovenia). She is a member of many interna-
tional and national scientific organizations, including:
International Organization of Plant Biosystematists
(IOPB), Research Association of the American Biogra-
phical Institute, International Triticeae Consortium,
Committee of Botany of the Polish Academy of Sciences
and Polish Genetic Society. She was a chief editor of
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica (1997-2000) and
currently she is a member of the journalís Editorial Board.
Besides scientific work, Professor Marta Mizianty
was involved for many years in the organizational ac-
tivities of the W. Szafer Institute of Botany, PAS.
Among others, in the years 1993-2011, she was a deputy
director for scientific affairs. For two, 3-years long ten-
ures, she was a deputy of Prof. Leon Stuchlik and for
three, 4-years long, of Prof. Zbigniew Mirek. She car-
ried out her tasks to perfection, which was expressed
on many occasions by the members of the Committee
and both directors. Her activity was characterized by a
concern for scientific development of her mother insti-
tution and well-being of employees. In addition, since
1991, she is a deputy head of the Department of Vascular
Plants Systematics and a secretary of the Supervisory
Board of the W. Szafer Foundation of Polish Botany.
From the perspective of PoznaÒ, the city in which
Professor Marta Mizianty obtained her initial scientific
experience, we express our high appreciation and re-
spect for her scientific outcome and other achievements
for the Polish science.
Chronological list of selected publications by Prof. Marta Mizianty
MIZIANTY M. & FREY L. 1973. Chromosome numbers of some
vascular plants on the Western Bieszczady Mts. (South-
eastern Poland). Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 19(3): 265-270.
JASIEWICZ A. & MIZIANTY M. 1975. Chromosome numbers of
some Bulgarian plants. Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 21(3):
MIZIANTY M. 1975. Wp≥yw Rhinanthus serotinus (Schˆnheit)
Oborny na produkcjÍ i sk≥ad florystyczny ≥πkowego
zespo≥u roúlinnego. Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 21(4): 491-
MIZIANTY M. 1976. Chromosome numbers of Myosotis palustris
(L.) Nathh. in Poland. Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 22(3): 323-330.
FREY L., MIREK Z. & MIZIANTY M. 1977. Contribution to the
chromosome numbers of Polish vascular plants.
Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 23(3-4): 317-325.
MIZIANTY M. 1978a. Karyological studies of Rhinanthus
serotinus (Schˆnheit) Oborny in Poland. Fragm. Flor.
Geobot. 24(4): 517-521.
MIZIANTY M. 1978b. Variability of Rhinanthus serotinus (Schˆnh.)
Oborny in Poland. Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 24(3): 387-425.
Prof. Marta Mizianty ñ a plant taxonomist and cytologistBogdan Jackowiak & Waldemar Øukowski
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MIZIANTY M. 1979. Rhinanthus borb·sii (Dˆrfler) SoÛ, nowy
gatunek dla flory Polski. Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 25(3):
FREY L., MIZIANTY M. & MIREK Z. 1981. Chromosome num-
bers of Polish vascular plants. Fragm. Flor. Geobot.
27(4): 581-590.
MIZIANTY M., FREY L. & MIREK Z. 1981. Contribution to the
knowledge on the chromosome numbers of Polish
vascular plants. Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 27(1-2): 19-29.
MIZIANTY M. & PAWLUS M. 1982(1984). Chromosome numbers
of some Polish species from the genus Festuca, group
Ovina (Part I). Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 28(3): 363-369.
MIZIANTY M., MIREK Z. & FREY L. 1983. Chromosome num-
bers of Polish vascular plants (Part 4). Acta Soc. Bot.
Pol. 52(3-4): 205-214.
MIZIANTY M. 1984. Banding patterns in plant chromosomes.
II. Bibliography (1970-1980) ñ Anthophyta. Acta Soc.
Bot. Pol. 53(1): 111-136.
MIZIANTY M. 1985a. Banding patterns in plant chromosomes.
II. Bibliography (1970-1980) ñ Anthophyta. Supple-
ment 1. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 53(4): 485-487.
MIZIANTY M. 1985b. Banding patterns in plant chromosomes.
II. Bibliography (1970-1980) ñ Anthophyta. Supple-
ment 2. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 54(3): 193-194.
MIZIANTY M. 1985c. Banding patterns in plant chromosomes.
III. Dactylis glomerata subsp. aschersoniana (Graebner)
Thell. from Poland. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 54(2): 169-178.
MIZIANTY M. 1986. Biosystematic studies on Dactylis L. 1.
Review of previous studies. 1. 1. Systematics, vari-
ability, ecology, biology and cultivation problems.
Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 55(3): 467-479.
MIZIANTY M. 1988a. Biosystematic studies on Dactylis L. 2.
Original research. 2.1. Morphological differentiation
and occurrence of representatives of the genus Dactylis
in Poland. 2.1.1. Field studies and experimental cul-
tures. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 57(4): 589-621.
MIZIANTY M. 1988b. Biosystematic studies on Dactylis L. 2.
Original research. 2.1. Morphological differentiation
and occurrence of representatives of the genus Dactylis
in Poland. 2.1.2. Distribution of Dactylis glomerata
subsp. slovenica (Dom.) Dom. in Poland and adjacent
regions. Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. 57(4): 623-636.
MIZIANTY M. 1989. Biosystematic studies on Dactylis L. 2.
Personal research. 2.1. Morphological differentiation
and occurrence of representatives of the genus Dactylis
in Poland. 2.1.3. Distribution of D. glomerata subsp.
aschersoniana (Graebn.) Thell. in Poland. Acta Soc.
Bot. Pol. 58(1): 103-116.
MIZIANTY M. 1990a. Biosystematic studies on Dactylis L. 1.
Review of the previous studies. 1.2. Cytology, genetics,
experimental studies, and evolution. Acta Soc. Bot.
Pol. 59(1-4): 105-118.
MIZIANTY M. 1990b. Biosystematics of the genus Dactylis
(Poaceae). Pol. Bot. Stud., Guidebook Ser. 1: 18-19.
MIZIANTY M. 1991a. Biosystematic studies on Dactylis
(Poaceae). 2. Original research. 2.2. Cytological diffe-
rentiation of the genus in Poland. Fragm. Flor. Geobot.
36(2): 301-320.
MIZIANTY M. 1991b. Biosystematic studies on Dactylis
(Poaceae). 3. Conclusions. Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 36(2):
MIZIANTY M. & TRELA A. 1993. Biosystematic studies on
Dactylis (Poaceae). 4. Chemotaxonomy of the genus
in Poland. Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 38(1): 61-68.
MIZIANTY M. 1994. Biosystematic studies on Dactylis (Poaceae).
5. Variability of Dactylis glomerata subsp. glomerata
in Poland. Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 39(1): 235-254.
MIZIANTY M. & CENCI C. A. 1995. Dactylis glomerata L. subsp.
slovenica (Dom.) Dom. (Gramineae), a new taxon to
Italy. Webbia 50(1): 45-50.
MIZIANTY M. 1996a. Comparative studies on Polish and Bulga-
rian populations of Dactylis glomerata subsp. glomerata
(Poaceae). Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 41(1): 411-418.
MIZIANTY M. 1996b. Dactylis glomerata subsp. glomerata
(Poaceae) in Poland. Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 41(2): 580-
MIZIANTY M. 1996c. Poliploidalny kompleks Dactylis
(Poaceae) i jego reprezentanci we florze Polski.
Fragm. Flor. Geobot. Polonica 3: 31-39.
MIZIANTY M. 1996d. The genus Dactylis (Poaceae) in Poland
in relation to its Eurasian distribution. Fragm. Flor.
Geobot. 41(2): 541-549.
MIZIANTY M. & CENCI C. A. 1996. Dactylis glomerata subsp.
slovenica (Poaceae) in Italy. Fragm. Flor. Geobot.
41(1): 405-409.
CENCI C. A. & MIZIANTY M. 1997. Some morphometric and
chemotaxonomic features in the taxonomy of Ono-
brychis (Fabaceae) from Poland. Fragm. Flor. Geobot.
42(2): 401-404.
MIZIANTY M. 1997. Distribution of Dactylis glomerata subsp.
slovenica (Poaceae) in Europe. Fragm. Flor. Geobot.
42(2): 207-213.
1997. Comparative studies on Polish and Italian popu-
lations of Dactylis glomerata subsp. glomerata
(Poaceae). Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 42(2): 405-410.
MIZIANTY M. & SZCZEPANIAK M. 1997. Remarks on the Agro-
pyron-Elymus complex (Poaceae) with special referen-
ce to its representatives in Poland. Fragm. Flor. Geobot.
42(2): 215-225.
ron-Elymus complex (Poaceae) in Poland: nomencla-
tural problems. Fragm. Flor. Geobot. 44(1): 3-33.
MIZIANTY M. 2001. The Agropyron-Elymus complex (Poaceae)
in Poland: occurrence of Hordelymus europaeus. In:
L. FREY (ed.). Studies on grasses in Poland, pp. 161-
176. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy
of Sciences, KrakÛw.
ron-Elymus complex (Poaceae) in Poland: biosystema-
tics. In: L. FREY (ed.). Studies on grasses in Poland,
pp. 25-77. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Acade-
my of Sciences, KrakÛw.
MIZIANTY M. 2002a. Ecological variability of plants and their
systematics on example of Rhinanthus serotinus and
Dactylis glomerata. Ecol. Questions 2: 41-44.
MIZIANTY M. 2002b. Kariologia. In: L. FREY (ed.). Polska
KsiÍga Traw, pp. 97-113. Instytut Botaniki im. W.
Szafera, Polska Akademia Nauk, KrakÛw.
MIZIANTY M. 2002c. Wykaz gatunkÛw zbadanych
kariologicznie w latach 1950-2001 (liczby chromo-
somÛw, kariotypy i wzory heterochromatynowe). In:
Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 25: 3-6, 2012
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L. FREY (ed.). Polska KsiÍga Traw, pp. 114-124.
Instytut Botaniki im. W. Szafera, Polska Akademia
Nauk, KrakÛw.
MIZIANTY M., FREY L. & SZCZEPANIAK M. 2002. Synanthropic
species of the Agropyron-Elymus complex in Poland
ñ their taxonomy and distribution. In: A. ZAJ•C, M.
ZAJ•C & B. ZEMANEK (eds.). Phytogeographical prob-
lems of synanthropic plants, pp. 121-125. Institute of
Botany, Jagiellonian University, Cracow.
MIZIANTY M. 2003. Karyology of grasses in Poland. In: L.
FREY (ed.). Problems of grass biology, pp. 51-69. W.
Szafer Institute of Botany Polish Academy of Sciences,
MIZIANTY M., FREY L. & SZCZEPANIAK M. 2003. Synanthropic
species of the Agropyron-Elymus complex in Poland
ñ their taxonomy and distribution. In: A. ZAJ•C, M.
ZAJ•C & B. ZEMANEK (eds.). Phytogeographical prob-
lems of synanthropic plants, pp. 309-313. Institute of
Botany, Jagiellonian University, Cracow.
MIZIANTY M. & WILK £. 2003. Dactylis glomerata L. subsp.
slovenica (Dom.) Dom., a new taxon to Caucasus. Acta
Soc. Bot. Pol. 72(3): 231-234.
MIZIANTY M. 2005. Variability and structure of natural popula-
tions of Elymus caninus (L.) L. based on morphology.
Pl. Syst. Evol. 251: 199-216.
SZKLARCZYK M. 2005. Variability and structure of natu-
ral populations of Elymus caninus (L.) L. and their
possible relationship with Hordelymus europaeus (L.)
Jess. ex Harz as revealed by AFLP analysis. Pl. Syst.
Evol. 256(1-4): 193-200.
MIZIANTY M. & SZKLARCZYK M. 2005. Systematic significance
of Elymus caninus morphological characters revealed
by AFLP analysis. In: L. FREY (ed.). Biology of grasses,
pp. 9-21. W. Szafer Institute of Botany Polish Acade-
my of Sciences, KrakÛw.
MIZIANTY M. 2006a. Variability and structure of natural
populations of Hordeum murinum L. based on mor-
phology. Plant Syst. Evol. 261(1-4): 139-150.
MIZIANTY M. 2006b. Stanowiska Hordeum murinum (Poaceae)
w Polsce pÛ≥nocno-wschodniej. Fragm. Flor. Geobot.
Polonica 13(2): 261-266.
MIZIANTY M. & FREY L. 2006. Morphology and karyology of
wild growing Polish representatives of Triticeae
(Poaceae). Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 1-2: 31-33.
BIENIEK W. & MIZIANTY M. 2007. Taxonomical issues in the
Hordeum murinum complex (Triticeae; Poaceae) ñ
a review of studies. In: L. FREY (ed.). Biological issues
in grasses, pp. 9-19. W. Szafer Institute of Botany,
Polish Academy of Sciences, KrakÛw.
KRAWCZYK J., MIZIANTY M. & FREY L. 2007. Anatomy. In: M.
MIZIANTY & L. FREY (eds.). Biodiversity of wild
Triticeae (Poaceae) in Poland as an expression of tribe
microevolution, pp. 71-73. W. Szafer Institute of
Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, KrakÛw.
MIZIANTY M. 2007. Kariologia traw. In: L. FREY (ed.). KsiÍga
polskich traw, pp. 77-107. Instytut Botaniki im. W.
Szafera, Polska Akademia Nauk, KrakÛw.
MIZIANTY M. & FREY L. (eds.). 2007a. Biodiversity of wild
Triticeae (Poaceae) in Poland as an expression of tribe
microevolution. 115 pp. W. Szafer Institute of Botany,
Polish Academy of Sciences, KrakÛw.
MIZIANTY M. & FREY L. 2007b. Introduction. In: M. MIZIANTY
& L. FREY (eds.). Biodiversity of wild Triticeae (Poaceae)
in Poland as an expression of tribe microevolution,
pp. 9-10. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Acade-
my of Sciences, KrakÛw.
MIZIANTY M. & FREY L. 2007c. Cytology. In: M. MIZIANTY &
L. FREY (eds.). Biodiversity of wild Triticeae (Poaceae)
in Poland as an expression of tribe microevolution,
pp. 47-51. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Acade-
my of Sciences, KrakÛw.
MIZIANTY M. & FREY L. 2007d. Recapitulation. In: M.
MIZIANTY & L. FREY (eds.). Biodiversity of wild
Triticeae (Poaceae) in Poland as an expression of tribe
microevolution, pp. 101-104. W. Szafer Institute of
Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, KrakÛw.
MIZIANTY M. & FREY L. 2007e. General conclusions. In: M.
MIZIANTY & L. FREY (eds.). Biodiversity of wild
Triticeae (Poaceae) in Poland as an expression of tribe
microevolution, pp. 105-106. W. Szafer Institute of
Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, KrakÛw.
2007. Variability and structure of natural populations of
Hordelymus europaeus (L.) Jess. ex Harz and Leymus
arenarius (L.) Hochst. as revealed by morphology and
DNA markers. Plant Syst. Evol. 269(1-2): 15-28.
Morphology. In: M. MIZIANTY & L. FREY (eds.).
Biodiversity of wild Triticeae (Poaceae) in Poland as
an expression of tribe microevolution, pp. 19-45. W.
Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Scien-
ces, KrakÛw.
Distribution. In: M. MIZIANTY & L. FREY (eds.).
Biodiversity of wild Triticeae (Poaceae) in Poland as
an expression of tribe microevolution, pp. 75-84. W.
Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Scien-
ces, KrakÛw.
Dynamic tendencies. In: M. MIZIANTY & L. F REY (eds.).
Biodiversity of wild Triticeae (Poaceae) in Poland as
an expression of tribe microevolution, pp. 85-87. W.
Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Scien-
ces, KrakÛw.
MIZIANTY M. 2007. Molecular studies. In: M. MIZIANTY
& L. FREY (eds.). Biodiversity of wild Triticeae
(Poaceae) in Poland as an expression of tribe micro-
evolution, pp. 89-99. W. Szafer Institute of Botany,
Polish Academy of Sciences, KrakÛw.
MIZIANTY M. 2008. Dactylis glomerata subsp. lobata
(Poaceae) w Polsce (uwagi nomenklatoryczne). Fragm.
Flor. Geobot. Polonica 15(2): 163-170.
MIZIANTY M. 2009. A contribution to characterisation
of genetic variation in some natural Polish populations
of Elymus repens (L.) Gould and Elymus hispidus
(Opiz) Melderis (Poaceae) as revealed by RAPD
markers. Plant Biol. 10(5): 766-773.
Prof. Marta Mizianty ñ a plant taxonomist and cytologistBogdan Jackowiak & Waldemar Øukowski
Download Date | 3/20/16 6:59 PM
Full-text available
For 12 years, Biodiversity: Research and Conservation has been publishing scientific articles in the area of taxonomy, chorology, ecology and nature protection. In accordance with the journal’s profile adopted from the very beginning, the subject of publications are plants in the wide, traditional perspective of this group of organisms, as well as fungi and lichens. Over 12 years, 345 scientific articles were published in the journal’s pages. The frequency in individual sections is as follows: Variability, taxonomy and phylogeny – 95, Chorology – 92, Ecology – 79, Nature protection – 51, other topics – 28. The authors of these articles are 468 scientists from 28 countries. To ensure a high level of publications, the submitted works are send for review. To date, 171 scientists specializing in biological diversity research participated in the review process. Biodiversity: Research and Conservation , published at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), is open for the authors from the whole world and attracts a growing interest among researchers and readers. The data presented in this article show that this journal is read in a growing number of countries. It reaches readers mostly through its online version, but it is still published also in the traditional paper form, with the possibility of including colour photographs and figures.
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A natural division of the Agropyron-Elymus complex into genera is impossible due to the lack of clear-cut morphological differences which are genetically determined. At present three major systems of classification are applied to this complex: Tsvelev's (1976), based on morphological features; Dewey's (1984) based on genome structure; and Melderis's (1978), which in a way combines the systems of classification based on both the above mentioned sets of features. In Poland the complex is represented by Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertner, Elymus caninus (L.) L., E. repens (L.) Gould, E. hispidus (Opiz) Melderis subsp. hispidus, subsp. barbulatus (Schur) Melderis, E. farctus (Viv.) Runemark ex Melderis subsp. boreali-atlanticus (Simonet & Guinochet) Melderis, E. pycnanthus (Godron) Melderis, Leymus arenarius (L.) Hochst, and Hordelymus europaeus (L.) C. O. Harz. The present study highlights the history of studies and selected biosystematic problems on variability, taxonomic position, and distribution of the species of the Agropyron-Elymus complex. These problems will be further analyzed in planned studies on this group of grasses.
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The Agropyron-Elymus complex is critical both in its taxonomy and nomenclature. The present study is aimed at putting in order the nomenclature of the representatives of this complex occurring in Poland and focuses on Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. subsp. pectinatum (M. Bieb.) Tzvelev, Hordelymus europaeus (L.) Jess, ex Harz, Leymus arenarius (L.) Hochst., Elymus caninus (L.) L., E. farctus (Viv.) Runemark ex Melderis subsp. boreoatlanticus (Simonet & Guin.) Melderis, E. hispidus (Opiz) Melderis subsp. hispidus, E. hispidus (Opiz) Melderis subsp. barbulatus (Schur) Melderis, E. pycnanthus (Godr.) Melderis, E. repens (L.) Gould subsp. repens, and E. repens (L.) Gould subsp. arenosus (Spenn.) Melderis.
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The authors give results of karyological studies carried out on 20 species of vascular plants from Poland. Most of the results are reported for the first time for this country. The chromosome number of Gnaphalium hoppeanum 2n=28 was established for the first time.
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The author presents the results of a statistical and populational analysis of the morphological characters of the genus Dactylis. Biometric studies of natural populations were carried out simultaneously with observations of samples from experimental cultures. It has been recognized that in Poland the genus Dactylis is represented by one species, D. glomerata L., within which three subspecies have been distinguished: subsp. glomerata, subsp. aschersoniana (Graebn.) Thell. and subsp. slovenica (Dom.) Dom. The author gives a key to the determination of these subspecies.
The seed storage proteins (prolamins) of 15 populations (six from Poland, six from Italy, one from Armenia, one from Azerbaijan, and one from Germany) of Dactylis glomerata L. subsp. glomerata were analyzed. Electrophoretic patterns of the seed proteins revealed only slight differences in the intensity and presence of minor protein bands. There was no relationship between the differences and the origin of the populations. It may be concluded that D. g. subsp. glomerata has a very large area of distribution and that it is ecologically tolerant, which is demonstrated by the occurrence of ecotypes which do not as yet vary in their protein bands. This is evidence that evolutionary processes are still active in this subspecies.
Fruit size and morphology and the total seed proteins of natural populations from Poland of Onobrychis arenaria (Kit.) DC., O. montana DC. and O. viciifolia Scop. were investigated. The results showed that fruit characters were not sufficient for distinguishing the three species. The pairing affinity indices between O. viciifolia populations were higher than those between species but none was less than 70%, thus confirming the high affinities among the three species.
Studies on populations of Dactylis glomerata L. subsp. glomerata from Poland and Bulgaria indicated no geographic variability of their morphological features. On the other hand, they confirmed the ecological variability already recorded from Polish material, which has been used in distinguishing varieties in this subspecies. It was found that, as in Poland, D. g. subsp. glomerata is represented by 3 varieties in Bulgaria, occurring in different habitats: var. glomerata (moderately damp grassy communities), var. abbreviata Drejer (dry habitats) and var. pendula Dumort. (shady, moderately damp sites).
Based on an analysis of material from 59 main European herbaria, as well as the author's own field studies, 49 localities for Dactylis glomerata subsp. slovenica (Dom.) Dom. have been recorded. The distribution of localities presented in this study and the 144 given in an earlier study of the author, indicate that subsp. slovenica occurs in Europe in mountains of the alpine system from the foothills up to the montane herb-layer zone on calcareous or dolomitic substratum. Most frequently, it has been recorded between altitudes of 600 and 1300 m. The distribution of D. g. subsp. slovenica in Europe is given for the first time.
The subject of the present paper is the determination of the correct nomenclature used in Poland of this taxon on basis of the previous detailed biosystematic studies of the genus Daetylis L. made in Poland by the author. According to the current International Code of Botanical Nomenclature this taxon has two correct epithets (according to the rank in which it is used). When the taxon is determined as a species, the correct name it is Dactylis polygama Horv., whereas in the case of the subspecies it is D. glomerata L. subsp. lobata (Drejer) H. Lindb. Present author recognized that in Poland the genus Dactylis is represented by one species D. glomerata L., with three subspecies. One of them is D. g. subsp. lobata.
The genus Dactylis L. is a polyploid complex which consists of 16 diploids (2n = 14), 7 tetraploids (2n = 28) and 2 hexaploids (2n = 42), distributed mostly in Central Europe and also in Asia and North Africa. In Poland it is represented by one species Dactylis glomerata L., within which three subspecies as well as their hybrids have been distinguished: subsp. glomerata (2n = 28), subsp. aschersoniana (Graebn.) Thell. (2n = 14) and subsp. slovenica (Dom.) Dom. (In = 28).