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The role of renewables in the energy crisis


Abstract and Figures

The recent progress of human kind has so far been strongly related to the use of fossil fuels. Nowadays, the uncontrolled growth of their use is producing a series of threats such as local pollution, global warming, and the unbalance between their growing demand and their progressive depletion is creating serious geopolitical frictions which may put at risk our civilization. While the nuclear option is seriously questioned in the Western world, the growth of renewable energy sources (RES) is creating the illusion that they may just replace fossil fuels and become a sort of panacea overcoming all aforementioned threats. Some of the shortcomings of this way of thinking are underlined in this paper. Actually, the correct answer is a combination of two factors: on one side the use of renewable energy sources, but on the other side the adoption of energy efficiency measures in order to rationalize the energy demand.
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The role of renewables in the energy crisis
GianVincenzo Fracastoro
Energy Department, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10131 Torino (Italy)
Abstract. The recent progress of human kind has so far been strongly related to the use of fossil fuels.
Nowadays, the uncontrolled growth of their use is producing a series of threats such as local pollution, global
warming, and the unbalance between their growing demand and their progressive depletion is creating serious
geopolitical frictions which may put at risk our civilization. While the nuclear option is seriously questioned
in the Western world, the growth of renewable energy sources (RES) is creating the illusion that they may
just replace fossil fuels and become a sort of panacea overcoming all aforementioned threats. Some of the
shortcomings of this way of thinking are underlined in this paper. Actually, the correct answer is a
combination of two factors: on one side the use of renewable energy sources, but on the other side the
adoption of energy efficiency measures in order to rationalize the energy demand.
1. The “perfect storm”
1.1 Greenhouse Gases and energy
Thousands of papers have been probably written about the consequences of the increasing amount of CO2 and other
Green House Gases (GHG) on the Earth temperature. The last report from the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate
Change (IPCC), the most authoritative group of climate experts recently issued in 2013, does not leave many doubts
about this: if the increasing CO2 concentration trend will remain the same of today in the few next decades, temperature
increase at the end of the century may reach 3-5°C, with dramatic consequences.
While the entity of these effects is sometimes debated, it is well known where GHG emissions come from. Almost 2/3
of them are due to energy conversion of fossil fuels (coal, oil or natural gas), namely industry (14%), power plants
(24%), transport (14%), buildings (8%) and other energy related issues, as can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1 World GHG emissions and its sources [1].
DOI: 10.1051/
Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014
0200 3 (2014)
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1.2 Local pollution
Beyond global effects on world climate, fossil energy conversion processes in buildings, factories, transportation are
responsible for local pollution, especially in urban and densely populated areas, leading to the release of million tons
per year of particulate matter, sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide and nitrous oxides (as shown in figure 2) in the air we
breath. Health consequences are nowadays fully acknowledged by medical science.
Figure 2 NO2 concentrations around the world [2].
1.3 Unbalanced energy consumption
World per capita primary energy consumption (toe/person) differs by an order of magnitude between rich OECD
countries like USA, Canada or Norway and most of African, Asian, or South American countries (see figure 3). This
unbalance is in the long run going to be reduced.
Figure 3 - World per capita energy consumption [3].
Emerging economies (China, India, Indonesia, Brazil,…) are rapidly catching up, in a search for better quality of life for
their populations. As a result, if we observe energy consumption trends in the different World regions, we will notice
strong differences: from the constant and even declining slope of our old Europe to the slightly increasing trend of
North America to the high-rocketing tendency of Asia Pacific (see figure 4). If China alone should reach the same per
capita energy consumption of Italy it would more than double the Asia Pacific share, pushing world consumption to a
thrilling 17,000 Mtoe. As a consequence, CO2 emissions would increase even more so, due to the high share of poor
quality coal in China’s power mix.
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Figure 4 World Energy consumption per Region [3].
1.4 Price of fossil fuels
Finally, looking at oil prices from 1861 onwards, we may see that prices above 100 $/barrel (in 2012 $) have already
been reached in the past (Figure 5), but are now steadily exceeded, and the price is not likely to decrease in the future,
with growing demand and progressively reducing “low hanging fruits”, or low-cost exploitable gas and oil reserves.
Figure 5 Oil cost in $ of the year and present day $ (2012) [3].
All these factors (global environmental aspects, pollution problems in high population density and urban areas, expected
rapid increase of energy demand by emerging economies, progressive depletion and increasing cost of fossil energy
sources) add up creating a threatening scenario that has been dubbed “the perfect storm” by Bob Armstrong, vice
President of MIT-Energy I nitiative.
Furthermore, ominousmonsters” [4] are behind the door:
Total Asia Pacific
Total Africa
Total Middle East
Total North America
Total Europe &
$ money of the day
$ 2012
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a 1-3-meter rise in sea level by the end of this century
major alterations of the global hydrological cycle
major changes in forest cover
major emissions of greenhouse gases from the tundra.
All these phenomena may have strong feedbacks in a world “out of control”, and today’s science cannot predict how
much atmospheric change would let these monsters in, nor how quickly they could enter” [5].
2. Will Renewable Energy Sources be the solution?
Apart from the climate change sceptical people (more numerous than expected within the political class and among
technicians and economists), those who take seriously these threats may be divided in two categories: those who think
that the problem cannot be easily solved and those who think that the solution is already at hand. These last (a
decreasing cohort of nuclear fission fans or fusion-devotees, and an increasing army of Renewable Energy Sources
followers) think that just replacing fossil fuels with carbon-free ones will solve any problem, and make monsters and
storms suddenly vanish. Actually, this is not the correct solution, and maybe not even a feasible one.
2.1 Advantages of RES
Advantages of RES are well known: they are perennial and free (except biomass), non-polluting during conversion
process (except biomass), and fairly distributed in practically every country: there are areas rich with running rivers or
mountain water basins, sunny areas, regions which are swept by strong and regular winds, or covered by thick forests or
with coastal areas washed by waves, or tides, or ocean streams… Renewable energy is really everywhere!
Devices for RES exploitation are becoming cheaper and cheaper. Moreover, the different structure of the cost of RES
with respect to fossil fuels should be stressed: while energy produced from fossil fuels is mainly paid for the extraction
and depletion of matter which would take million years to be recreated, cost of energy produced by RES actually
derives from labour costs required to fabricate the energy conversion devices (solar collectors, photovoltaic panels,
wind turbines, etc.). Since most of the materials required to build these devices can be recycled (most PV installers
guarantee for free final decommissioning and recycling of installations), what we are actually paying for is good jobs in
high-tech sectors.
2.2 Disadvantages of RES
However, RES also have a number of shortcomings.
They are diluted, with energy densities ranging between a few W/m2 to less than 1 kW/m2, compared to the
MW/m2 scale of fossil fuel power plants. This inherently leads to large and costly installations and to extensive
land use.
They are discontinuous and not exploitable at will or readily storable (except biomass, hydro and geothermal
power). Discontinuous often goes along with unpredictable or at least partially predictable, except with short
notice, and always with arbitrary. These two drawbacks reduce “de facto” the value of the energy produced by
RES, and inherently create the need for costly back-up, or storage systems which are rather inefficient,
expensive and often make use of environmentally unfriendly materials (just think of lead and cadmium of
electric batteries).
Another issue concerns the Life-Cycle balance of energy production from RES. While it’s certainly true that
energy is produced without any primary energy use by RES, on a Life-Cycle approach this is no longer true, as
all RES conversion devices require energy for their construction. Usually, the energy required by construction
of RES conversion devices is orders of magnitude smaller than the energy produced during their lifetime. To
make an example, energy produced by a wind turbine during its lifetime is 50-60 times larger than the energy
required for its construction. On the contrary, the high energy intensity of PV production makes this analysis
more uncertain.
The same should apply when a CO2 life cycle analysis is carried on. Avoided CO2 emissions should outpace
CO2 emissions during RES conversion devices fabrication. This analysis partially goes along with that on
primary energy use LCA, with some differences which should not be neglected.
2.3 CO2 emissions by PV panels
This paragraph will analyse the issue of PV life cycle CO2 emissions. The CO2 avoided will depend on the energy
produced and the CO2 emitted on the energy required by construction. Energy and CO2 consumption/emission and
production/avoided emission will respectively depend on where and how is the PV panel produced, and where and how
is the PV panel installed. A PV panel produced in China ( most ly with low quality coal-made electricity) and installed in
Switzerland (with 1200 kWh/m2 solar irradiation) will hardly have a positive CO2 balance in its lifet ime (see fig. 6),
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while a PV panel fabricated in Europe and installed in Sicily (almost 2000 kWh/m2 solar irradiation) will start having a
positive CO2 emissions balance after less than 7 years.
Figure 6 CO2 emissions during PV fabrication and avoided emissions during their lifetime [6].
2.4 Limitations imposed to RES by the grid
Another even more limiting important factor is related to the grid, and to the mix of power production installations
available in the country where renewable energy is produced. If it’s not possible to count on the possibility to export or
store excess power, solar power should not exceed a certain fraction of total installed capacity, otherwise it will results
in a waste of energy. As an example, in Spain, a power mix with: 55% Base load (with 30% elasticity), 20% Wind, 15%
Solar and 10-15% Gas Turbines will result in the month of August in a non-negligible waste of energy, emphasized in
Figure 7 by yellow peaks going beyond the red curve representing the energy demand [7].
Figure 7 Power production and demand profiles in August on the Spanish Grid with 20% wind and 15% PV [7].
A generalization of these results is shown in Figure 8 with a 50% base load and 20% wind share. For example, with
20% base load elasticity a 10% PV share will generate an energy excess (waste) below 0.5%, while with 20% PV the
waste energy will grow by a factor of 10 above 5%.
1 169 337 505 673
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Figure 8 Energy excess for different combinations of base load elasticity and PV share for Spain [7].
3. Demand side management
The drawbacks previously shown clarify the fact that simple replacement of fossil fuels with RES will not solve the
problem, and lead us to understand why we need to accompany RES growth with other important and complex
measures, the most important of which is certainly demand side management.
Let’s start from the beginning… We don’t need coal, oil, gas, or uranium, nor PV panels or wind turbines. What we
really need is heat to keep our houses warm or for industrial production, electricity to run electrical equipment, and
mechanical energy to move around and transport goods! If we look at the EU energy breakdown (Figure 9), these end
uses amount to 37 Exajoules1 (EJ), or 883 Mtoe: transportation covers 6% of total end uses, electricity has a 27% share,
while heat is the dominant end use with the remaining 67% share. However, the final energy (electricity, heat and fossil
fuels for our cars and boilers) needed to produce this amount is about 58 EJ, with 21 EJ lost mainly in the transportation
sector, where only about 10% of the fuel heat content is converted by internal combustion engines into mechanical
energy transferred to the wheels. Going further upstream, the primary energy supply exceeds 80 EJ, with another 22 EJ
lost in power generation.
More than 50% of primary energy is therefore lost in the process which transforms it into final energy and from this to
end uses. All of this waste is released as heat to the environment. If the heat demand could be at least partially covered
by heat lost in energy conversion processes (and maybe internal combustion engines replaced by more efficient
mechanical energy generators), a tremendous amount of primary energy could be saved (and CO2 emissions avoided).
1 One exajoule (EJ) is equal to 1018 J, or 23.86 million tons of oil equivalent (Mtoe).
0 2 4 6 8 101214161820
PV share [%]
Energy exc ess [%]
Ba se lo a d sh a re : 5 0 %
Wi nd share: 20%
E: Elasticity of the ba se l oa d
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Figure 9Total primary Energy supply, final consumption and end use in Europe [8].
In other words, less energy can be used for the same service (i.e., without changing the lifestyle of people) increasing
energy efficiency: the energy demand of most users may be reduced, the efficiency of traditional energy conversion
systems can be easily improved, and strong actions should be aimed at users to let them understand the value and not
only the price of energy. In a systemic approach, incentives should also be considered by governments as effective
policies to foster the start-up of new technologies until they become competitive.
In a word, one kWh saved is often better than one kWh produced by whatsoever source…
4. The EU solution
The EU answer to storms and monsters has been the so-called “20-20-20”, duly taking into account the previous issues.
By 2020 the EU should in fact achieve:
a reduction in EU greenhouse gas emissions of at least 20% below 1990 levels
20% of EU energy consumption to come from renewable resources
a 20% reduction in primary energy use compared with projected levels, to be achieved by improving energy
Goals reached so far since the baseline year 2005 are quite promising. In 2011 RES have covered 13% of final energy
consumption (20.6% of electricity is renewable) in Europe, up by 4.5% in 6 years, and GHG emissions are 16% below
1990 levels.
What about Italy? Engagements assumed by Directive 2009/28/EC required RES to grow from 5.2% in 2005 to 17% in
2020. More specifically, for the three sectors (electricity, heat and transportation) the situation in 2005 and the goals for
2020 are described in Figure 10.
Figure 10 Italy: “20-20-20” engagements: situation in 2005 and expectations for 2020.
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Figure 11 Electricity consumption (% and TWh) in Italy (2000-2012).
In 2005 (see fig. 11), with a total gross electricity consumption of 352 TWh (1 Mtoe = 11.63 TWh), 50 TWh (or 14% of
total consumption) came from renewable energy sources (96% from hydro and geothermal), 253 TWh (72%) were
produced by thermal power plants burning fossil fuels, and the remaining 49 TWh (13.9%) were imported.
In 2012, with more or less the same total gross consumption as in 2005 (349 TWh) renewable energy reached 82 TWh
(23.5%), almost doubled respect to 2005, thanks to wind and PV which increased by a factor 16 in only 7 years. 43
TWh (12.3%) were imported, and 218 TWh (down by 10 points to 62.5%) were produced by power plants burning
fossil fuels. Further progress is forecasted for 2013, meaning that the goals for 2020 are, on the electrical side, almost
already reached. On the other hand, heat and transportation are still far from the target.
5. Final considerations
The extraordinary effort produced by the EU has to be acknowledged, and its results in terms of CO2 emissions is
clearly visible (see figure 12). However, it’s quite evident from the same figure that the situation with the rest of the
world is completely different. While the EU CO2 emissions in the period 2005-12 decreased from 7.5 to 7 billion tons,
those of the rest of the World increased them from 21.5 to 27.5 billion tons (+28%), making the whole balance grow
from 29 to 34.5 billion tons (+19%).
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Figure 12 - CO2 emissions in Europe and in the World.
What else can we do if we want to stabilize CO2 emissions to 450 ppm, and limit the effects of global warming?
In front of us we have a difficult choice between two alternative ways of thinking.
The first alternative would aim at fueling the increasing economic development of most world countries with “large
size” and high impact carbon-free measures, such as:
increase RES installations, if necessary covering square kilometres of fertile land for intensely exploiting RES
increase the number of nuclear installations
adopt Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) techniques requiring, for a 1000 MW coal plant, the injection
of 6 Mt (9 million cubic meters) of CO2 every year
imitate volcanoes by geoengineering techniques requiring the injection of million tons of sulfur into the
stratosphere in order to counteract the warming effect of CO2 concentration increase.
Some scientists strongly support these ideas, claiming that a negative opinion would reveal a “watermelon” (green skin
but with a red heart) way of thinking.
The other alternative would be to understand that people’s welfare may be separated by energy – whatever energy –
In order to decarbonise our economy we should not only think of replacing fossil fuels with RES, but rather to adopt a
new paradigm accommodating them in a completely different energy system where energy demand has been
minimised, and heat, gas and power networks should become able to:
host any clean energy source available
handle two-directional energy flows (from centre to periphery and vice versa) so that the traditional difference
between consumers and producers fades away and users become “prosumers
shave the demand power peaks using centralized and local storage facilities (water basins, clean and efficient
automatically switch among different energy networks (power to gas to heat…..) in order to satisfy the demand
so that energy networks become intermodal like transportation networks.
In a few words, smart grid systems should be created, where demand is reduced, residual demand is always met with the
cleanest available fuel and waste of energy is reduced to a minimum: not impossible, but a hard job in front of us!
6. References
1 World Resources Institute,, 2005.
2 IUP, Institute für Umweltphysik,
3 BP Statistical review of World Energy,
world-energy-2013.html, 2013.
CO2 emissions, billion tons
CO2 - Europe
CO2 - World
Science and the Future
4 Steve Pacala, Princeton University Centre for Energy and Environmental Studies (PU-CEES), as reported by
Robert Socolow at CLAIRE Convention, Politecnico di Torino, Pra Catinat, May 2013.
5 Robert Socolow, Princeton University Centre for Energy and Environmental Studies (PU-CEES), CLAIRE
Convention, Politecnico di Torino, Pra Catinat, May 2013.
6 Trovò E., Moduli fotovoltaici ed emissioni di gas serra, Tesi di laurea, Politecnico di Torino, 2013.
7 Zubi, G., Future of Distributed Grid-Connected PV in South Europe. PhD Thesis, University of Zaragoza and
Politecnico di Torino, 2010.
8 Ecoheatcool, WP1 - The European Heat Market, Final Report, , Bruxelles, 2006.
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... This represents a 5% increase in share compared to the RED II Directive adopted in 2018 [Parlament Europejski 2022]. However, the EU needs to cope with different energy crises or market and political causes [Fracastoro 2014]. Russia's invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 has forced the EU and its Member States to revise their energy transition plans and strengthen energy generation from renewable sources. ...
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Aim:The paper’s objective is to determine the behavior and attitudes of Polish investors and users towards photovoltaic installations in Poland. Methods: The survey was carried out by ARC Rynek i Opinia (the Institute of Opinion and Market Research), commissioned by the company Alians-OZE, which, as part of the cooperation between business practice and science, made the results of the research available to the authors of this paper. The study was carried out in April 2021 using the CAWI technique. Results: The most important advantage of using photovoltaic micro-installations included factors such as using a source of free energy and independence from electricity price increases. The most important disadvantages were the high price of installation and the period of return on investment. Conclusions: The individual users of photovoltaic micro-installations, due to their activities in the green energy market as prosumers, not only increased the amount of renewable energy available, but also increased the social awareness of the benefits of such solutions. Therefore, it is important to promote as part of the pro-ecological policy, as well as the measures aimed at promoting this renewable energy source among individual users.
... The need for electrical energy continues to increase, making the supply of fossil energy reserves dwindling, it is necessary to use alternative energy using new renewable energy sources so that it can overcome the current fossil energy crisis [1]- [3]. The use of electrical energy that is currently being used as final energy for electric power in the coming years will continue to increase, due to technological developments in the fields of transportation, industry, household and commercial use electrical energy [4], [5]. ...
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To overcome the fossil energy crisis due to the increasing need for electrical energy, new renewable energy sources are needed. Due to technological developments in the fields of transportation, industry, household, and commercial use. Indonesia's geography has the potential to apply new renewable energy, more specifically photovoltaic (PV). However, it is greatly influenced by environmental factors such as solar radiation, voltage, which have an impact on the output power efficiency and performance. So, it is necessary to test both measurements and calculations to see the optimization of output power and PV efficiency. From previous research, it has not been carried out, especially in the experimental method Universitas Pamulang: measurement and empirical and for a sufficiently high capacity with the aim of optimal output power. Methods of measuring sunlight intensity, voltage and current, the calculation of converting sunlight intensity to solar constellation, power, efficiency, and performance ratio (PR). The average value being 721 W/m 2 an efficiency value of 19.9% and a value PR is obtained of 0.967 or 96.7% is still realistic. So that the system is declared optimal.
... Solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower and biomass are classifying as a renewable energy sources that can extensively useful to combat energy crises [6][7][8][9]. Among these renewable energy, the power of solar has gained notable attention as the clean source of renewable energy [10]. It is necessary here to clarify exactly the meaning of the word solar energy, which is known as one of the energy sources that is renewable and very useful to the environment [11,12]. ...
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Solar cells system has been gaining remarkable attention in the photovoltaic (PV) industry in recent years. Therefore, many people used solar cells in their life. Hence, from time to time, many industries keep improve it to get the best of efficiency of the solar cell. In this work, it presents ray tracing of light trapping (LT) schemes in thin c-Si to enhance broadband light absorption within 300-1,200 nm wavelength region. For the ray tracing simulation, mono c-Si wafer with 100 μm thickness is investigated and solar spectrum (AM1.5G) at normal incidence is used. Random planar and upright pyramid front surface with silicon nitride (SiNx) anti-reflective coatings (ARC) with the difference thicknesses are the LT schemes being studies in this work. The broadband anti-reflective coating can effectively reduce the optical loss and improve the energy efficiency in the solar cells. The optical properties of the thin c-Si are analyzed with incremental LT schemes. Not only that, the current density also calculated from the absorption curve. Optical properties and current density were evaluated to find out the best thickness and refractive index of the silicon nitride (SiNx). The initial simulation results show that the solar cell current density is about 24.81 mA/cm 2. A great Jmax enhancement in solar cell was achieved with utilizing the ARC thickness and type of front surface. Among the 6 proposed scheme, the scheme with upright pyramid front surface of 75 nm SiNx ARC thickness realized a good improvement in current density of 41.19 mA/cm 2. This leads to Jmax enhancement of 66.02 % when compared to the reference c-Si.
... Por un lado, el uso de la energía nuclear es seriamente cuestionado en varias partes de occidente; mientras que otros sectores idealistas apuestan por el uso de fuentes de energía renovable (FER), como la opción que sustituirá por completo los combustibles fósiles. Lo apropiado sería, por un lado, utilizar FER a la par con medidas de eficiencia energética para racionalizar su demanda (Fracastoro, 2014). ...
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La crisis energética es una realidad que se está confrontando en el mundo, derivando en impactos sociales, económicos y ambientales, los cuales en muchos casos resultan difíciles de cuantificar y valorar de manera objetiva. Aún la mayoría de los vehículos y maquinarias dependen del combustible fósil, sin ser el sector agropecuario la excepción. Por otra parte, la tecnología e innovación, en particular la desarrollada durante la última década, ha puesto al alcance de las personas alternativas energéticas viables, inclusive para su utilización en la producción agropecuaria. El presente trabajo es una revisión, que se centra en energías renovables, como la solar fotovoltaica, la eólica, el biogás y el hidrógeno; que pueden contribuir con el desarrollo eficiente del sector agropecuario en Panamá, con potenciales beneficios económicos, reduciendo el riesgo de contaminación ambiental y sirviendo como medios de integración y responsabilidad social. Se consultó literatura especializada sobre la materia, además de compartir alcances de los propios autores. Se espera que este trabajo sirva como elemento orientador, hacia la sostenibilidad y desarrollo agroindustrial.
Knoevenagel condensation is widely used in organic synthetic chemistry and several reaction conditions have been demonstrated. These reactions in neutral medium are challenging. In this report, we present a sustainable...
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Nowadays, the technologies of electricity generation in distributed systems are usually associated with Renewable Energy Sources (RES). The choice of the construction site depends mainly on the availability of the power system. However, energy planning, especially in case of RES, is a complex process involving multiple and often conflicting objectives. The complexity of the selection of the electricity system is typically addressed with the use of multi-criteria tools, involving all of the considered criteria and also different methods of their aggregation. The result is a final ranking of the available alternatives. This paper describes the application of a multi-criteria decision tool for the comparative analysis of the use of alternative options of the PV technology for electricity production. Four decision variants are considered, including the different construction of solar farms (static and movable structure) and different types of configuration of individual installation (off and on-grid). The construction of each new sources of electricity generation, including PV, is the multi-threaded and multi-dimensional decision problem. The criteria used in the analysis combine economic, environmental and social issues. The first of the considered criterion is the Net Present Value (NPV) which determines the economic viability of the project. The second criterion, thermo-ecological cost (TEC), connecting energy and environmental issues. Finally, the Land Use (LU) is considered as a social criterion. As aggregation function, the Weighted Sum Method (WSM) is used. The sensitivity analysis of the criteria weights was performed with the use of a novel method involving Monte Carlo simulation and a method of data reconciliation.
Future of Distributed Grid-Connected PV in South Europe
  • G Zubi
Zubi, G., Future of Distributed Grid-Connected PV in South Europe. PhD Thesis, University of Zaragoza and Politecnico di Torino, 2010.
Moduli fotovoltaici ed emissioni di gas serra, Tesi di laurea
  • E Trovò
Trovò E., Moduli fotovoltaici ed emissioni di gas serra, Tesi di laurea, Politecnico di Torino, 2013.