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Green Economy – Innovation-based Development of Kazakhstan



Problem Statement: The stable growth and the shift to a green economy are two of the greatest challenges of our time. Purpose of Study: Formation of suggestions and recommendations for their implementation into the model of the National Strategy of Kazakhstan Sustainable Development Methods: Analysis of the Green economy concepts; analysis of international and State programs possibilities; country technical potential of renewable resources and energy sources assessment. Conclusions and Recommendations: The State initiatives such as transition to the Green Economy, formulation of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development, the Green Bridge Program and holding the International Specialized Exhibition EXPO - 2017 obviously will become the most significant steps towards the new ways of development for Kazakhstan.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 140 ( 2014 ) 695 – 699
Available online at
1877-0428 © 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of PSYSOC 2013.
doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.04.497
Green Economy - Innovation-Based Development of Kazakhstan
Sabit Diyar
*, Aigul Akparova
, Azamat Toktabayev
, Marina Tyutunnikova
University of International Business, Faculty of Economics and Accounting, Department of Accounting and Audit, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Problem Statement: The stable growth and the shift to a green economy are two of the greatest challenges of our time. Purpose of
Study: Formation of suggestions and recommendations for their implementation into the model of the National Strategy of
Kazakhstan Sustainable Development Methods: Analysis of the Green economy concepts; analysis of international and State
programs possibilities; country technical potential of renewable resources and energy sources assessment. Conclusions and
Recommendations: The State initiatives such as transition to the Green Economy, formulation of the National Strategy for
Sustainable Development, the Green Bridge Program and holding the International Specialized Exhibition EXPO – 2017
obviously will become the most significant steps towards the new ways of development for Kazakhstan.
© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of PSYSOC 2013.
Keywords: Green economy, stable growth, clean technologies, exhibition;
1. Introduction
Green economy being a new branch of the economic science developing during the last years has multiple
interpretations. Thus, it could be defined as the branch in the economic science established during the last decades
according to which the economy is a dependent component of natural environment where it exists as a part thereof.
Conception of the Green economy includes ideas of many other branches of economic science and philosophy such
as postmodernism, ecological economy and the environmental economy, antoglobalism, theory of international
relations and many others. However, the most capacious, brief and precise definition is probably the following:
UNEP (United Nations Environment Program): “The green economy is the economy which improves the welfare of
people and strengthen the social equity in parallel with significant reduction of ecological and ecological resources
*Corresponding Author: Sabit Diyar. Tel.: +8-727-267-2994
E-mail address:
© 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of PSYSOC 2013.
696 Sabit Diyar et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 140 ( 2014 ) 695 – 699
The abovementioned definitions do not contain such understanding as sustainable development the concept of
which was adopted during the World Summit of the States’ Heads and Governments in 1992 in Rio-de-Janeiro. It is
assumed that establishment of the green economy without building a sustainable development in the region, state
and within interstate area is ineffective and even impossible. As per the UN experts’ report “The Transition to a
Green Economy: Benefits, Challenges and Risks from a Sustainable Development Perspective” the green economy
concept should be considered together with wider conception of the sustainable development [1].
Practically speaking the green economy is the economy where the growth of the people’s welfare and
employment increase are provided owing to the state and social investments ensuring reduction of emissions and
environmental pollution and stimulating effective use of energy and resources as well as preventing from any harm
to biodiversity and ecosystem.
Thus, the Summit Rio+20 was intended to not only reduce hydrocarbon and other emissions it also helped to
define a new way for growth, the way ensuring sustainable use of natural resources and effective economy.
In business environment the green economy attitude is of high attention. Financial funds, venture capital,
governments of leading countries, businessmen and consumers are building the green economy already. Investments
in energy effective technologies and natural infrastructures already pay back.
Base of the green economy or green technology (cleantech or greentech) such as new technologies or business-
models offers to the investors and buyers a competitive profit together with global issues solutions. Clean
technologies help to solve ecological issues through use of new innovative approaches also by changing the
products, technologies and consumers’ behavior significantly. Clean technologies are stimulated by purchasers’
preferences and therefore, are quite successful on the markets with positive financial results.
The clean technologies market by reducing significantly or eliminating any negative impact on the environment
is represented by a wide range of goods, services, processes that ensure high productivity with reduced expenses as
well as more efficient and responsible natural resources use.
There are 11 segments as follows:
1. Power generation: wind, solar, hydro/marine, biofuel, geothermal power etc.
2. Power storage: fuel cells, improved batteries, hybrid systems.
3. Power infrastructure: management, transfer
4. Power efficiency: illumination in the buildings, glasses etc.
5. Transportation: transport means, logistics, structure, fuel.
6. Water and sewage: water treatment, water protection, waste water treatment.
7. Air and environment: purification/safety, emissions control, monitoring/compliance, trade and compensation.
8. Materials: nano, bio, chemical etc.
9. Production/Industry: improved packaging, monitoring and control etc.
10. Agriculture: natural pesticides, land management, aquaculture etc.
11. Recycling and wastes: wastes management and recycling
2. Problems and opportunities
Currently global market of green products and services makes $546 billion.
The Cleantech forecasts a market share of clean technologies to be $2 trillion by the end of 2020.
Kazakhstan has a distinct understanding of the state management assuming that promotion of the green economy
is the main way and the only one in maintaining a sustainable development. Moreover, historically Kazakhstan’s
major ecological problems are those that other states never faced before.
In particular, Semipalatinsk nuclear polygon that was closed by the efforts of the people’s movement Nevada –
Semipalatinsk and the President’s decree but the consequences and effect of nuclear tests still exist even now. In
addition there are plenty of industrial wastes – over 23 billion ton, where 9 billion ton of anthropogenic mineral
formations are the heritage from old Soviet industrial enterprises’ activities that are to be disposed somehow, too.
It also includes water problems because Kazakhstan is highly dependent on border water sources. Therefore,
there is a whole complex of ecological issues that are still to be resolved.
Experts and ecologists alarm us about the global climate change consequences such as lack of water, drought,
desertification that might happen within 20-30 years in Kazakhstan. Development of the green economy would
allow reducing these risks and threats. However, the state and economy should develop anyway. Therefore the green
economy is to be developed and not only to prevent the expected ecological changes. It is not just an idea, it is a
Sabit Diyar et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 140 ( 2014 ) 695 – 699
clear action plan and moreover, there is no other way to solve these kinds of problems. The main purpose of the
green economy is to increase welfare and quality of life of the population.
During the last years the ideology of sustainable development was transformed into the regional management
strategies, programs and methodologies tested in many states. Concepts are based on globally recognized
conceptions and principles of sustainable development reflecting the world experience in implementation of the XXI
century Agenda (adopted on the UN Sustainable Development Conference in Rio-de-Janeiro on June 3-14 of 1992):
Ecological expanse; Biotic regulation and economic value of ecosystems; Human and social capital; Intersectoral,
regional and global partnership; Strategic evaluation and planning; Corporate and integrated management; Well-
balanced personal and public interests and other.
Indicators of sustainable development are the following: level of unemployment, migration of the population,
demography, GDP per capita, indicators of development of industry and agriculture, ecology and health of the
Establishment of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development will allow the movement towards the model
designed to reduce poverty, improve life quality of the population, ensure ecological safety and to create the
conditions for further long-term transformation of the state economy, i.e. model integrates the green economy and
the sustainable development by defining a new way for development of Kazakhstan. However, connecting
economic, social, institutional and ecological aspects of the sustainable development is the main condition to enaure
national security as well as the main aspect in protecting vital interests of the state and the public.
It should be noticed that the model of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development serves as a foundation
for long-term Strategy Kazakhstan 2050 proposed by the President of the state in his address in December of 2012.
It’s no coincidence that this strategy is distinguished by its approach to solving economic tasks which includes
totality of enforced material potency build-up and improved quality of life in Kazakhstan [2].
Serious support for establishment of the model of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development will be the
Green Bridge Program. It was developed subject to requirements to integrate the efforts of regional processes in the
field of environmental protection and development under coordination of the UN ESCATO and EEC to preserve
ecosystems common to Eurasian region and to strengthen internal potential under the framework of the Zhasyl
Damu (Green Development) National Program and also proposed as Astana initiative on the 6-th Conference of
Ministers on Environment and Development of Asian and Pacific Region.
The Green Bridge Program’s tools are the projects designed to create the conditions and infrastructure to expand
an access to green technologies and investments. The Green Bridge Program implementation may involve the
projects in the field of renewable power generation, production of clean products that are to be applied also during
construction of social facilities. In Kazakhstan unlike in Europe 90% of land resources are not contaminated by
chemicals and pesticides, therefore, there is still a possibility for cultivating clean products and foodstuff of high
value and demand on the International markets. With the help of such projects as the Green Bridge our framers will
get help in producing valuable products and in purchase of new technologies.
The Green Bridge Program is offered by our state as effective tool accomplishing the existing programs with the
elements like relation with real economy sector, investments and technologies, green economy methods by
developing new green business branches and creating long-term and stable basis through the state and international
political reforms, creation of legal, economic and institutional conditions.
Global Energy-Ecological Strategy ensuring scientific approach and assessment of energy welfare for all the
states and regions with no damage to globally significant ecosystems and no anthropogenic impact on the climate
change processes is significant supplement to the Green Bridge Program. The Program is designed to implement the
green investment projects of the states with any political structure and level of economic development.
Alike other programs this Partnership Program provides active participation of the state as well business sector
along with international, nongovernmental and scientific organizations. Relation with a real sector of economy and
business projects may lead to multiplicative and mutually beneficial effect and give the partners the possibilities to
apply their tools developed earlier in practice.
The Partnership Green Bridge Program
has no donor states and beneficiaries. The movement goes in two
directions: one is the ecologically clean products and the other is the green products produced according to green
technologies. Leading states should provide on gratis the turn-key advanced green technologies packages. In turn
the developing countries should provide favorable conditions for attracting the green technologies and investments.
All the states-partners provide free markets for the green goods produced according to the green technologies.
It should be noted that the Program activities are extensive: three-quarter of the world population, over 1 billion
698 Sabit Diyar et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 140 ( 2014 ) 695 – 699
of poverty, almost 90% of greenhouse gas emissions, significant ecosystems and energy and natural resources. That
means that the new technologies possibilities, best and successful experience, creation and producing the new green
products and service markets are quite significant.
However, the Program ensures the maintenance and restoration of interregional globally significant ecosystems
and imparts regional nature to green business projects.
4. EXPO – 2017
Significant importance for development of Kazakhstan has also the International Specialized Exhibition EXPO –
2017 venue selected on November 22, 2012 by secret vote on the 152-nd General Assembly of the International
Exhibitions Bureau in Paris. Potential of renewable power and natural gas in Kazakhstan is quite high. The state is
able to generate 20% and 40% of power from natural gas by 2030 and 2050 relevantly. Commercial proven reserves
of gas in Kazakhstan - 3,5 trillion m3 and this puts the state in a range of ten leaders in the world. Possible energy
saving during its generation and transportation phases reaches 40%, in the consumption sector it is up to 50–60%.
Increased energy efficiency and energy saving is the most effective and less capital-intensive direction in solving the
energy-related issues.
Technical potential of renewable resources and energy sources based on wind energy is equal approximately to 1
trillion kW/h per year, and it is 25 times higher than volume of consumption of all fuel and energy resources of the
state. Potential of solar energy is equal to 1 trillion kW/h. Preferable areas for installing solar energy facilities are
the following: Aral area and South Regions of Kazakhstan suffering from lack of electricity. Total potential of small
HPS’ (unit capacity bellow 10 MW) is 8 billion kW/h. Summary hydraulic potential of Kazakhstan including big
HPS’ is equal to 62 billion kW/h per year where the economically efficient generation is equal to 27 billion kW/h
The Government of the state assuming that the EXPO – 2017 is a big chance to support the state in development
of the green economy, submitted to the President for approval the Order 436 on establishment of the state
commission for preparation and conduction of the International Specialized Exhibition EXPO-2017 with the
following topic: Future Energy, on November 26, 2012.
According to official data the area and general features of the exhibition project are being defined. During 5
years it is planned to build on approximately 113 ha where a Pavilion Complex will take 25 ha and the rest 88 ha
will be used for the auxiliary infrastructure such as parking, restaurants, hotels etc. Exhibition area is included in
perspective plan of the capital and the options for using the area after the exhibition are already defined. This place
is called “EXPO-2017 City”. The area will be equipped with cameras helping 2 billion internet-users throughout the
world to see and watch the event (Digital EXPO project). Also the area will be under free access Wi-Fi cover. After
the International Exhibition it is planned to build a Museum of Science and Scientific Research Center to be given to
the Nazarbayev University in future.
It is assumed that over 100 states of the world and approximately 10 International Organizations will participate
in the EXPO-2017. According to optimistic forecasts the exhibition will be able to host 5 mln guests during the
whole period of the event. However, it will be required to solve the issues related to improvement of the transport
infrastructure quality.
Astana set a challenge by defining the EXPO-2017 as a prestigious event which may influence positively on
political image of the state. However, no major economic effect is expected so far. Currently a rational approach to
attraction and implementation of innovative projects for qualitative changes in energy sector including the
development of alternative energy sources and new methods of transportation is being developed.
5. Conclusions and Recommendations
Thus, these state initiatives such as transition to the Green Economy, formulation of the National Strategy for
Sustainable Development, Green Bridge Program and holding the International Specialized Exhibition EXPO –
2017 obviously will become the most significant steps towards the new ways of development for Kazakhstan.
Also, the experts consider that inclusion in the model of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development of
the following will be useful:
- ensure personnel, skills and knowledge sufficiency including proper training of engineering and technical and
management personnel;
Sabit Diyar et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 140 ( 2014 ) 695 – 699
To achieve this it is necessary to take the steps in the following directions:
- training of the sufficient number of engineers in the field of environmental protection and resources efficiency;
- industrial training and retraining of the existing engineers, representatives of government agencies and farmers.
One more important condition is to train the public in the field of ecoculture and environmental protection. To do
so the following is required:
- build a responsible and thrifty attitude to energy water and other natural resources use, adopt a habit of separate
collection of domestic wastes for further recycling purposes;
- include the comprehensive topics related to the environmental protection in curriculums of educational
organizations. That would help to educate the young generation to treat the natural resources with due care and it
will ensure additional benefit;
- undertake an extended communicational campaign and educational programs to increase the awareness of the
population in the field of resources use and in ecological issues. Such measures should ensure change of the
behavioral model of the population relating to use of heating and cooling, waste disposal and water use systems.
- launch the targeted support of the R&D ensuring establishment of ecologically clean technologies and
investments for their implementation;
- modify the ecological taxation system assuming changing the focus from taxes to the workforce, taxes on
everything what is harmful for the environment;
- change the state purchase policies that are to support production of ecologically clean products and production
methods matching the principles of sustainable development;
- provide the state investments in the infrastructure in accordance with the sustainable development principles –
construction of energy effective structures, building public transport means, renewable energy and natural capital;
- introduce the pricing in accordance with the sustainable development principles including waive of ineffective
subsidies, evaluation of natural resources in monetary terms.
The Transition to a Green Economy: Benefits, Challenges and Risks from a Sustainable Development Perspective. Report by a Panel of Experts*
to Second Preparatory Committee Meeting for United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.
Address by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Leader of the Nation, N.Nazarbayev “Strategy Kazakhstan-2050”: new political course
of the established state”. Official site of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. URL:
Kazakhstan in 2011. Official site of the Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan. URL:
... This includes a significant portion of nine billion tons attributed to mineral formations resulting from nuclear testing and other related activities. In addition, the country is confronted with complex water challenges, which are further intensified due to its dependence on water resources that cross national boundaries (Diyar et al., 2014). ...
... The river in question flows through five nations before its discharge into the Aral Sea in Kazakhstan, spanning a cumulative length of 3019 kilometers. The Syrdarya River, which has its source in Uzbekistan, traverses a comparable trajectory (Diyar et al., 2014). ...
... Climate change-induced water shortages, droughts, and desertification threaten Kazakhstan's water resources and agricultural sector (Diyar et al., 2014). The steady shrinkage of the Aral Sea, once one of the world's largest lakes, exacerbates the above difficulties. ...
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As a fossil fuel-dependent nation, Kazakhstan is caught between issues and possibilities in its search for a sustainable energy transition. Despite its tremendous resources, Kazakhstan’s renewable energy capacity is 1%, much behind its non-renewable peers. According to this research, green fiscal policies in renewable energy firms are needed to reduce the country’s political and economic dependence on the global oil sector. This report emphasizes regional collaboration and Kazakh-stan’s potential leadership in Central Asian Green Economy projects. Kazakhstan can promote renewable energy adoption and economic sustainability by forming regional alliances. Challenges lie ahead on the green future path, so this paper addresses legislative, infrastructure, financial, and data barriers to green fiscal initiatives in Kazakhstan. It stresses the significance of holistically tackling these concerns, including banking and stock market reforms and sustainable planning. Policymakers and stakeholders in Kazakh-stan can use the research findings to boost the economy, fight corruption, and increase political engagement. Upskilling the workforce to support green technology and local renewable energy production is recommended. The report recommends proactive global crisis prediction and management to help Kazakhstan handle economic and environmental challenges. Hence, the above actions are crucial to Kazakhstan’s goal of industrialization by 2050. Kazakhstan can lead a world rapidly moving to green energy by committing to green fiscal methods, regional collaboration, and addressing the many obstacles to development. By doing so, it can safeguard its future and advance the global green energy revolution.
... Classification by years is a very important one, as it shows the progress of research in the areas related to the green economy related areas as exhibited in Table 2 . 5 (Gouvea et al., 2013), (Oliveira et al. ,2013), (Chen et al., 2013), (Davies, 2013), (Misso et al.,2013) 2014 5 (Musango et al., 2014), (Diyar et al., 2014), (Lazzat et al., 2014), (Sutton et al., 2014), (Bauhardt, 2014) 2015 6 (Maria et al., 2015), (Lebedev et al., 2015), (Dulal et al., 2015), (Yi & Liu, 2015), (Rueff et al., 2015), (Gibbs & O'Neill, 2015) 2016 15 , , (Ge & Zhi, 2016), (Pitk€anen et al. (Buseth, 2017), (Holger et al., 2017), (Weber & Cabras ,2017), (Antonioli & Mazzanti, 2017), (Mazzanti & Rizzo, 2017), (Georgeson et al., 2017), (Gainsborough, 2017) 2018 9 ) Swainson & Mahanty, 2018(, (Saum et al., 2018, (Knuth, 2018), (Sinnandavar et al., 2018), (Conti et al. ,2018), (Rosenberg et al., 2018), (Dornan et al., 2018), (Higgs & Hill, 2018 ...
... 26% of publications fall in conceptual research category, 42% of publications fall in analytical research category and 32% of publications fall in empirical research category. (Govindaraju et al., 2022;Knuth, 2018;Milne & Mahanty, 2019;Ansah & Sorooshian, 2019;Bhopal et al., 2021;Swainson & Mahanty, 2018;Rosenberg et al., 2018;Diyar et al., 2014;Lazzat et al., 2014;Georgeson et al., 2017;Santeramo , 2022;Licastro & Bruno, 2021;Neimark et al., 2020;Dornan et al., 2018;Gainsborough, 2017;Droste et al., 2016;Ge & Zhi, 2016;Caprotti, 2016;Maria et al., 2015;Sutton et al., 2014;Bauhardt, 2014;Gouvea et al., 2013) Analytical 38 42% (Weber & Cabras, 2017;Antonioli & Mazzanti, 2017;Mazzanti & Rizzo, 2017;Dmuchowski et al., 2021;Davies, 2013;Ying et al., 2021;Sinnandavar et al. ,2018;Lebedev et al., 2015;Yi & Liu, 2015;Cabernard & Stephan, 2021;Sarwar, 2022;Rathore et al., 2022;Ali et al., 2021;Abid et al., 2021;Nhamo & Chipo, 2020;Solaymani, 2020;Matraeva et al., 2019;Momodu et al., 2019;Luukkanen et al., 2018;Shah & Niles, 2016;Dressler et al., 2016;Amankwah-Amoah & Sarpong, 2016;Rueff et al., 2015;Musango et al., 2014;Attahiru et al., 2019;Jin et al., 2022;Zhang, 2022;Nandy, 2022;Papoutsoglou et al., 2022;D'Amato & Korhonen, 2021;Khan et al., 2021;Khoshnava et al., 2019;Loiseau et al., 2016;Ürge-Vorsatz et al., 2016;Pfeiffer et al., 2016;Dulal et al., 2015;Oliveira et al., 2013;Chen et al., 2013) Empirical 29 32% (Macro-Fondevila et al., 2017;Holger et al., 2017;Pitk€anen et al., 2016;Ringel et al., 2016;Gibbs & O'Neill, 2015;Misso et al., 2013;Xu & Gao, 2022;Hou et al., 2022;Zheng et al., 2022;Liu & Dong, 2021;Li et al., 2021;Tian & Feng, 2021;Shuai & Fan, 2020;Zhu et al., 2020;Wu et al., 2020;He et al., 2019;Soomro et al., 2019;Wu et al., 2021;Higgs & Hill, 2018;Buseth, 2017;Law et al., 2016;Gunay et al., 2022;Lee et al., 2022;Nanayakkara & Colombage, 2021;Taskın et al., 2020;Saum et al., 2018;Conti et al., 2018;Pahle et al., 2016;Lindman & Söderholm, 2016) Source: prepared by authors ...
... Several previous studies have indicated that a transition to a green economy can be achieved through the following sectors (Table 6). 23 (Govindaraju et al., 2022;Weber & Cabras, 2017;Ringel et al., 2016;Knuth, 2018;He et al., 2019;Yi & Liu, 2015;Sarwar, 2022;Rathore et al., 2022;Wu et al., 2021;Solaymani, 2020;Matraeva et al., 2019;Shah & Niles, 2016;Amankwah-Amoah & Sarpong, 2016;Musango et al., 2014;Diyar et al., 2014;Papoutsoglou et al., 2022;Taskın et al., 2020;Conti et al., 2018;Ge & Zhi, 2016;Pahle et al., 2016;Lindman & Söderholm, 2016;Ürge-Vorsatz et al. ,2016;Gouvea et al., 2013) Green growth 4 (Dmuchowski et al., 2021;Luukkanen et al., 2018;Dornan et al., 2018;Gainsborough ,2017) Green finance 2 (Xu & Gao, 2022;Dulal et al., 2015) Climate 3 (Nhamo & Chipo, 2020;Lee et al., 2022;Bauhardt, 2014) Training and education 2 (Lebedev et al., 2015;Rosenberg et al., 2018) Green entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized enterprises, particularly in the waste sector 2 (Soomro et al., 2019;Higgs & Hill, 2018) Resource abundance, resource consumption, carbon neutral materials, natural resources, global capital and natural resources 5 (Tian & Feng, 2021;Wu et al., 2020;Attahiru et al., 2019;Saum et al., 2018;Maria et al., 2015) Agricultural growth, forest governance, food security, agri-food systems 4 (Buseth , 2017;Dressler et al., 2016;Lazzat et al, 2014;Santeramo, 2022) 185 From COP27 to COP28: Global Climate Concerns Fair Transition to a Green Economy Sustainable tourism 1 (Law et al., 2016) Sustainable mountain development 1 (Rueff et al., 2015) Factor productivity 1 (Zhu et al., 2020) Innovation and technology Cleantech, green innovation, technological innovation, digital economy database for analyzing environmental footprints 11 (Holger et al., 2017;Antonioli & Mazzanti, 2017;Davies, 2013;Ying et al., 2021;Liu & Dong, 2021;Li et al., 2021;Cabernard & Stephan, 2021;Ali et al., 2021;Zhang , 2022;Khan et al., 2021;Caprotti, 2016) Environmental policy Analyses of labour as a central part of the green economy discourse 1 (Neimark et al., 2020) Source: prepared by authors 186 From COP27 to COP28: Global Climate Concerns Fair Transition to a Green Economy ...
... The academic exploration of green finance, predominantly qualitative, has focused on developing frameworks, tools, and approaches to embed sustainability within the financial sector [7][8][9][10]. This exploration is crucial for fostering green technologies and skills, recognised as key enablers in transitioning to a green economy [11]. ...
... These mechanisms are vital for mitigating risks associated with climate change and sustainability investments, as transparency plays a pivotal role in risk management strategies in financial markets [41]. Saudi initiatives, such as the detailed evaluations in the 'DNV Second Party Opinion' and the frameworks outlined in the 'PIF Green Finance Framework', serve as benchmarks and templates that other nations could emulate as they embark on similar sustainability journeys [8]. ...
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This study examines the integration of climate change risks and sustainability goals within Saudi Arabia’s financial regulatory framework to enhance green finance initiatives aligned with Vision 2030. A qualitative research design synthesises insights from a comprehensive literature review, semi-structured interviews with domain experts, and a detailed analysis of critical Saudi green finance frameworks and legislation. This research identifies mechanisms for embedding sustainability in the financial sector and addresses the challenges, opportunities, and strategic directions essential for Saudi Arabia within the global context of sustainable finance. The findings reveal a robust foundation laid by Vision 2030 initiatives yet underscore the need for enhanced regulatory frameworks, increased market readiness, and greater societal engagement. This study highlights a significant literature gap in understanding Saudi Arabia’s unique approach to green finance amid its economic diversification and sustainability goals. Contributing to original insights, this research underscores the critical role of Saudi Arabia in the global energy market and its substantial economic and environmental transformations. It offers detailed analyses and recommendations that enrich the discourse on sustainable finance, impacting policymakers, financial practitioners, and scholars.
... Promoting a positive, "modern" image for Kazakhstan internationally was an especially important aspect of the Nazarbayev regime's nation-building project (Bekus, 2022;Koch, 2010Koch, , 2012Koch, , 2018bLaszczkowski, 2016), so they began adopting and adapting the language of sustainability to index their commitment to working toward a post-oil modernity. To that end, the government adopted the "Concept on Transition towards Green Economy until 2050" in 2013, hosted the second-tier World's Fair EXPO 2017 in Astana around the theme of "Future Energy," and otherwise started promoting a range of small but attention-grabbing renewable energy projects (Diyar et al., 2014;Koch, 2015bKoch, , 2021Koch and Tynkkynen, 2021). ...
The environment poses a number of policy issues for any regime, including questions related to pollution and climate change, the scope and spatial extent of environmental protection, how natural resources can and should be extracted, investment in the “green economy” and other sustainability policies, how to manage or preempt environment-related protest movements, and more. This chapter examines the “environment” as a policy field of relevance to authoritarian regimes, which is best understood through the lens of political geography. It examines the relationship between environmental issues and authoritarian power structures, past and present, to argue that nature-society relations in authoritarian regimes are just as variable as the regimes themselves.
... Another definition of sustainability is an economy where the growth of well-being and employment are ensured by state and social investments, ensuring a reduction in environmental pollution and the effective use of energy and resources, aiming to preserve the ecosystem. (Diyar et al., 2014). ...
Conference Paper
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The growth of industrialization, urbanization, and changes in the pattern of life, factors associated with the economic growth process, have pushed higher pressure on developing countries to increase their awareness toward a green economy. Also, the Covid-19 pandemic proved that developing countries with little experience in green investments were more urgent to be green-oriented, generally on low carbon transport services, or to green home re/construction, by increasing their investments in renewable energy and waste management. In the Albanian path towards modernization and a free market economy, the environment has been the least important aspect of the nation's development, causing a considerable burden to today's generation to buy their future "health insurance". The main problems include air and water pollution, poor waste management infrastructure, and deforestation. During the last three decades, the sharp increase in air pollution and excessive use of natural resources is more evident in bigger cities, such as the DURANA economic zone, resulting from a substantial population increase and decreased urban greenery. Triple Helix Model (THM) is used in this paper to present the progress of the Albanian green economy, focusing also on DURANA economic zone. The purpose of this research is to review several recent progress reports on the Albanian green economy and further look for the perspective of increasing the impacts on green investment, which can be accompanied by an improvement of business innovation performance, influencing the acceleration of the 2030 Agenda and the 17-the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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There is need for international collaboration among developing and developed countries for fostering green economy and sustainability. Despite of high awareness on climate change, even the developed countries are underperforming with respect to
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The implementation of innovative renewable energy projects is designed to meet the growing electricity demand and reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. In order to avoid resource dependence of the economy and meet the demand for electricity in remote areas of Kazakhstan, the development of renewable energy sources is urgent. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of existing mechanisms for the implementation of innovative renewable energy projects through auctions. Moreover, it identifies their shortcomings and offers proposals for improvement. The analysis uses data from the Kazakhstan Bureau of National Statistics on renewable energy sources, namely alternative energy sources such as solar and wind power plants, excluding biogas. The methodology provides for the assessment of projects implemented through auctions for 2018–2021, taking into account such indicators as the dynamics of the number of wind and solar energy projects, their capacity, the percentage of auction price reduction for a specific year. The paper discusses the mechanism for conducting auctions of solar and wind electricity, which, through the auction organizer, connects authorized bodies and investors. The main indicators of auctions for individual years are noted, and the main shortcomings of this mechanism are identified. The analysis of barriers to innovative renewable energy project implementation revealed the presence of contradictions in the price regulation of renewable electricity, the lack of market pricing mechanisms, and the unpreparedness of the energy infrastructure for integration with renewable sources. AcknowledgmentThis research is funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No. AP13268750).
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Ülkelerin ekonomik anlamda büyümeleri, farklı ülkelerde işletme sayılarının artması ve kendi ülkelerine potansiyel yatırımcıları çekerek yatırım yapmalarını sağlaması ancak uluslararası ticaret uygulamalarına önem vermesi ve koşullarını iyileştirmesi ile mümkün olmaktadır. Uluslararası ticaretin gelişimine en büyük katkıyı lojistik sektörü yapmaktadır. Bu nedenle lojistik sektöründe yaşanan küresel değişim ve gelişmeleri uygulamalarına entegre edebilmesi uluslararası ticaret yapılacak katkıyı artıracaktır. Eserin temel amacı da uluslararası ticarete katkı sağlayacak çalışmaları bir araya getirmektir. Ortaya konulan bu eserde özellikle uluslararası ticaret ve lojistik kapsamında yönetim, finans ve muhasebe konularında çalışmalara yer verilmiştir. Dokuz bölümden oluşan bu eserde birbirinden değerli yazarların kaleme aldığı akademik literatüre katkı sağlayacağı düşünülen çalışmalar bulunmaktadır. Bu eser hem akademik anlamda çalışma yapanlara hem de uluslararası ticarette faaliyet gösteren işletmeler için bir kaynak niteliği taşımaktadır.
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