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Upper-limb muscular electrical stimulation driven by EEG-based detections of the intentions to move: A proposed intervention for patients with stroke


Abstract and Figures

This study proposes an intervention for stroke patients in which electrical stimulation of muscles in the affected arm is supplied when movement intention is detected from the electroencephalographic signal. The detection relies on the combined analysis of two movement related cortical patterns: the event-related desynchronization and the bereitschaftspotential. Results with two healthy subjects and three chronic stroke patients show that reliable EEG-based estimations of the movement onsets can be generated (on average, 66.9 ± 26.4 % of the movements are detected with 0.42 ± 0.17 false activations per minute) which in turn give rise to electrical stimuli providing sensory feedback tightly associated to the movement planning (average detection latency of the onsets of the movements was 54.4 ± 287.9 ms).
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Upper-limb muscular electrical stimulation driven by EEG-based detections
of the intentions to move: A proposed intervention for patients with stroke
J Ib´
nez1, JI Serrano1, MD del Castillo1, E Monge2, F Molina2,
FM Rivas2, I Alguacil2, JC Miangolarra2and JL Pons1
Abstract This study proposes an intervention for stroke
patients in which electrical stimulation of muscles in the affected
arm is supplied when movement intention is detected from
the electroencephalographic signal. The detection relies on the
combined analysis of two movement related cortical patterns:
the event-related desynchronization and the bereitschaftspo-
tential. Results with two healthy subjects and three chronic
stroke patients show that reliable EEG-based estimations of
the movement onsets can be generated (on average, 66.9 ±
26.4 % of the movements are detected with 0.42 ±0.17 false
activations per minute) which in turn give rise to electrical
stimuli providing sensory feedback tightly associated to the
movement planning (average detection latency of the onsets
of the movements was 54.4 ±287.9 ms).
The damage of neural networks in the brain caused by
stroke may affect the functionality of limbs on one side
of the body. Successfully recovering the ability to perform
functional tasks with the affected limb depends mainly on
the characteristics of the brain injury (size and location),
and on the effectiveness of the rehabilitation therapy [1].
Around 30% of chronic stroke patients do not recover the
arm and hand functionality despite intensive treatment and
rehabilitation [2].
Novel therapies focusing on the neural rehabilitation of the
patients may lead to an improvement of their condition in the
long term. The use of Brain-computer interface (BCI) tech-
nology based on the electroencephalographic (EEG) activity
has gained interest in this regard during the last years [3]. The
EEG activity allows characterizing movement-related mental
states at the exact moment they occur in the brain [4], which
in turn may be used to supply patients with sensory feedback
coupled with their expectations of movement. Supplying
such tightly associated in time sensory feedback is postulated
to induce plasticity in cortical regions targeting the damaged
limb, which in turn leads to restoration of normal motor
control [3]. In this regard, recent studies have proven the
relevance of the proprioceptive feedback timing to achieve
associative neural facilitation [5].
The Bereitschaftspotential (BP) is defined as a slow neg-
ative shift of the EEG amplitude over the central cortical
areas that precedes voluntary movements (for a review
see [6]). The BP has been used in previous studies to
1J. Ib´
nez, M. D. del Castillo, J. I. Serrano and J. L. Pons are with the
Bioengineering Group of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC), 28500 La
Poveda, Arganda del Rey, Spain jaime.ibanez at
2E. Monge, F. Molina, F. M. Rivas, I. Alguacil and J. C. Miangolarra are
with the LAMBECOM group of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Alcorc´
detect online the onsets of self-paced ankle dorsiflexions
[4], and to trigger peripheral nerve stimulation during self-
paced imagined movements [5]. In that case, it was showed
that increased cortical excitability could be induced with a
correct function of the EEG-based system. Although positive
results have been achieved in the use of the BP to detect
onsets of voluntary movements in healthy subjects, some
limitations may also be considered. Firstly, the amplitude
of the BP (5-10 µV) and the frequency band where it is
contained (0.05-1 Hz) make this cortical pattern vulnerable
to noisy environments and artifacts. Secondly, in patients
with cortical damage such as stroke patients, altered BP
patterns may be observed [7], which may affect the single-
trial detection of the BP as compared to healthy subjects [8].
A possible way of boosting EEG-based systems aimed to
detect the intention to move is to combine the BP with other
EEG movement-related patterns providing complementary
information. The event-related desynchronization (ERD) is
a well-documented movement-related cortical pattern. For
voluntary movements performed with the upper-limb, the
ERD consists in a decrease of EEG signal power in the
contralateral alpha (8-12 Hz) and beta (13-30 Hz) rhythms
starting around 2 s before the onset of voluntary movements
[9]. As in the case of the BP, the spatio-temporo-frequential
distribution of the ERD observed when averaging a number
of EEG segments preceding voluntary movements shows a
distinguishable pattern [10], which may be useful to locate
the onsets of these movements. In fact, previous studies
have used the ERD pattern to anticipate voluntary movement
events [11]. As in the analysis of the BP, the ERD pattern
of stroke patients presents variations with respect to healthy
subjects [12]. Therefore, it is of interest to study how stroke-
related cortical changes may affect a BCI driven by these two
different cortical patterns.
Here it is proposed an intervention for stroke patients in
which electrical stimulation of upper-limb muscles is deliv-
ered according to EEG-based estimations of the onsets of
voluntary movements. To this end, the sensorimotor rhythms
and the slow cortical potentials are analysed. The combined
function of the BCI system and the electrical stimuli is tested
in single experimental sessions with healthy subjects and
chronic stroke patients. To the authors’ knowledge, this is
the first time that precise temporal estimations regarding
movement intentions are used to close the BCI loop with
electrical stimulation in upper-limb functional movements
performed by stroke patients. Results given are expected to
serve as a partial validation of such intervention.
A. Participants
Two healthy subjects (right handed, 28 and 33 years
old) and three chronic stroke patients were recruited to
validate the proposed system. The patients’ description can
be found in Table I. None of the subjects measured had prior
experience with BCI paradigms. The experimental protocol
was approved by the Ethical Committee of the ‘‘Universidad
Rey Juan Carlos’’ (Madrid), and warranted its accordance
with the Declaration of Helsinki. All patients signed a written
informed consent.
Code Age Gender Stroke Side F-M
P01 69 M Hemorrg R 64
P02 52 F Isquemic L 126
P03 54 M Isquemic L 68
B. Apparatus and experimental protocol
Movements of the affected arm (dominant arm for healthy
subjects) were measured with three solid-state gyroscopes
(Technaid S.L., Madrid, Spain), placed on the hand dorsum,
the distal third of the forearm, and the middle of the arm.
The data were sampled at 100 Hz.
EEG signals were recorded from AFz, F3, F1, Fz, F2,
F4, FC3, FC1, FCz, FC2, FC4, C5, C3, C1, Cz, C2, C4,
C6, CP3, CP1, CPz, CP2, CP4, P3, P1, Pz, P2, P4, PO3,
PO4 and Oz, (according to the international 10-20 system)
using active Ag/AgCl electrodes (Acticap, Brain Products
GmbH, Germany). The reference was set to the voltage of
the earlobe contralateral to the arm moved. AFz was used
as ground. The signal was amplified (gUSBamp, g.Tecgmbh,
Austria) and sampled at 256 Hz.
The electrical stimuli were delivered at the anterior del-
toids and triceps with a multichannel monopolar neurostim-
ulator with charge compensated pulses (UNA Systems,
Belgrade, Serbia). The common electrode was located at
the oleocranon. Sub motor-threshold stimulation was used.
Pulse width and frequency were set to 250 µs and 30 pps,
respectively. The stimulator was controlled by a stand alone
computer (OS QNX Software Systems, Ottawa, Canada) that
received activation commands from the computer recording
the EEG activity via a digital signal.
Each participant was measured during one session. Partic-
ipants sat in a comfortable chair with their arms supported
on a table. They were instructed to remain relaxed with their
eyes open and their gaze fixated on a point on the wall.
In the first part of the session (“TRAIN”), the participants
were asked to perform self-paced reaching movements with
the affected arm (the dominant arm for control subjects).
During the resting periods between movements, participants
were asked to remain relaxed for around 5-8 s. Participants
performed 30 movements in this part. The data recorded was
used to train an EEG-based detector of the onsets reaching
movements. In the second part of the session (“INTERV”)
participants were asked to stare at a screen that presented
three states in each trial. First the word “Rest” was printed
on the screen for a variable period of time until the EEG-
based detector showed negative (non-movement) estimations
during at least 2 s. When that condition was reached, a blank
screen was showed indicating the participants that they could
initiate a movement whenever they wanted (trying to wait
more than 3 s). When the participants initiated a movement,
gyroscopic sensors detected it and the screen printed the
word “Movement” until the movement ended. At this point,
the trial was finished. During this process, electrical stimuli
were delivered each time the EEG-based detector estimated
that movement intention was detected, unless the “Rest”
state was present (during this state, detections of movement
intention were not listened). Participants were told that the
electrical stimuli appeared whenever motor-related mental
processes were observed. Electrical stimuli lasted 2 s if no
movement was performed (wrong detections) and they lasted
until the end of the movement if the movement was given
concurrently with the detection. A total of 60 movements
were performed during this phase.
C. Detection of the onset of the movements
To detect the actual onsets of the reaching movements, the
data from the gyroscopic sensor in the arm were analyzed.
Data were low-pass filtered (Butterworth, order 2, <6 Hz).
The threshold amplitude for the detection of the onsets of
the movements was set to 5 % of the peak amplitude in the
training data.
D. Description of the classifier architecture and validation
Two classifiers (based on the movement-related ERD and
BP patterns) were combined to estimate the instant at which
the onsets of the movements were located (see Fig. 1).
A na¨
ıve Bayes classifier was used to detect the ERD
pattern preceding the movements in each participant. Band-
pass filtering (Butterworth, 3th order, 0.5 Hz <f1, 35 >f2)
and small laplacian filter were used. The power values were
estimated in segments of 1.5 s and for frequencies between
7-30 Hz in steps of 1 Hz. Welch’s method was used to this
end (Hamming windows of 1 s, 50 % overlapping). Power es-
timations were generated every 100 ms. The values obtained
in the training run from -3 s to -0.5 s (with respect to the
movement onsets) were labelled as resting state examples,
whereas the estimations generated at t = 0 s were labelled as
movement onset examples. The Bhattacharyya distance was
used to select the 10 best features (channel/frequency pairs)
to build the Bayesian classifier. The Bayesian classifier was
trained with the training examples of the selected features
and it was applied to the test data generating estimations of
movement intention every 100 ms.
A similar procedure to the one proposed in [13] was used
to detect the BP. In this case, a finite impulse response
bandpass filter (0.05 Hz <f1, 1 Hz >f2, 15th order) was
used. Three virtual channels were obtained by subtracting
the average potential of channels F3, Fz, F4, C3, C4, P3,
Pz and P4 to channels C1, Cz and C2. The average BP was
computed for the three resulting channels using the training
data. The channel showing the highest absolute BP peak
was selected for the online BP-based detection of movement
onsets. Finally, a matched filter was designed using the pre-
viously selected channel. To this end, the average BP pattern
was extracted from -1.5 s to 0 s from the trials in the training
dataset. During the online function, the matched filter was
applied to the virtual channel of the validation dataset. The
BP-based online estimations of movement intention were
also made every 100 ms.
Outputs from ERD- and BP-based detectors were com-
bined using a logistic regression classifier. Training examples
of the resting condition were taken from estimations of the
two detectors between -3 s and -0.5 s with respect to the
movement onset. The output estimations of the ERD and the
BP classifiers at the movement onset were used to model the
movement state. The classifier generated estimations of the
intention to move every 100 ms.
Finally, a threshold was applied to the output of the detec-
tor to decide at each moment whether movement intention
was detected. The threshold was optimally obtained using
the training dataset, following the criterion of maximizing
the percentage of trials with a true positive (TP) and with no
false positives (FP). The TP was defined as the percentage
of trials with a movement detection contained in the time
interval from -0.75 s to +0.75 s with respect to the actual
onset estimated by the gyroscopes. Detections of the clas-
sifier during the resting intervals between movements were
considered FP (activations during the intervals in which the
screen showed the word “Rest” were also accounted as FP).
The features selected by the ERD and BP classifiers from
the training dataset are presented in Table II. In the case
of the ERD-classifier, features from contralateral central
positions were selected to detect the movement onsets in the
control subjects, whereas for the patients, different patterns
of selected features were observed. The average BP curve
obtained from the training dataset showed that, in participants
C01 and C02, the BP peak was located at t =-1.0 ms and
t=123.1 ms, respectively, and in the patients, the BP peak
was located at t =396.6 ms (P01), t =119.6 ms (P02), and
t=56.4 ms (P03).
Online results of the proposed EEG-based detector are
shown in Table III. On average, 66.9 ±26.4 % of the
movements were correctly detected, giving rise to electrical
stimuli associated to the movement intention. The number
of false activations generated per minute (FP/min) was on
average 0.42 ±0.17, and the movement onsets were detected
with average latencies of 54.4 ±287.9 ms with respect to the
actual onsets of the movements located with the gyroscopic
sensors. Fig. 2 shows the latencies of all true positives with
respect to the actual onsets of the movements in each subject,
reflecting an organisation of the detections around the actual
movement onset in the two healthy subjects and in P01,
Small Laplacian
Naïve Bayes
Large Laplacian
Bandpass lter
Bandpass lter
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the system architecture
C01 C02 P01 P02 P3
C3/12Hz C3/12Hz CPz/22Hz C6/20Hz CPz/14Hz
CP2/16Hz C3/11Hz CPz/23Hz C6/32Hz CPz/15Hz
CP2/15Hz C3/21Hz C1/22Hz C6/19Hz CPz/13Hz
C3/23Hz C3/20Hz P3/12Hz C6/18Hz CPz/20Hz
CP2/17Hz C3/17Hz PO3/12Hz C4/18Hz CPz/16Hz
C2/14Hz C3/18Hz C1/23Hz C6/22Hz CP2/20Hz
FC1/14Hz C3/19Hz C1/21Hz C2/21Hz CP2/18Hz
C1/17Hz CP3/10Hz CPz/16Hz C4/19Hz Cz/23Hz
C1/16Hz CP3/12Hz CPz/15Hz P4/10Hz CP2/19Hz
FC1/20Hz C3/10Hz CPz/24Hz FC1/11Hz Cz/20Hz
C1 Cz Cz C2 Cz
whereas delayed detections were obtained in most trials in
patients P02 and P03.
This article presents an intervention for the upper-limb of
stroke patients aimed at promoting associative facilitation at
the motor cortex. The study shows results of a paradigm in
which participants performed self-paced reaching movements
with the arm and proprioceptive feedback was delivered
by means of an electrical stimulator activated each time
movement intention states were found in the EEG signal.
At the same time, a visual feedback was presented to the
participants to guide them through the intervention. The
visual paradigm assured that the basal (resting) state was
Code TP (%) FP/min Latency (ms)
C01 60.0 0.29 60.6±267.0
C02 90.0 0.32 30.6±303.1
P01 93.2 0.49 -56.4±156.1
P02 28.1 0.30 25.0±233.3
P03 63.3 0.69 139.5±350.0
Average 66.9±26.4 0.42±0.17 54.4±287.9
C01 C02 P01 P02 P03
EEG-based detection
latency (s)
Fig. 2. Latencies of the true positives with respect to the actual onsets of
the movements
reached after each movement, although this did not affect to
the self-pace nature of the exercise. This way, a demanding
protocol was achieved, which required a constant concen-
tration of the participants in the task. This is the first time
that the EEG-based online detection of the onsets of upper-
limb movements in chronic stroke patients is used to trigger
electrical stimulation.
It is concluded that a successful detection of the initiation
of volitional actions with the arm can be obtained and that
the electrical stimulation help to improve the specificity of
the EEG-based detector (the number of false activations
generated was lower than that observed in similar studies,
e.g. [4]). Other authors have also provided evidence of
improved decoding of motor-related cortical activity when
the BCI sensorimotor feedback loop is closed [14]. Results
here sustain this hypothesis and extend it by providing
evidence of a maintained EEG-based reliable detection of
movement onsets with temporal accuracy when subjects re-
ceived electrical stimulation. Having a source of information
regarding patients’ intentions to move and with temporal
accuracy is expected to improve BCI-based therapies, since
it ensures the active participation of the patients in the
rehabilitation task and implies a close interaction between
movement-related cortical processes and external electrical
stimuli. Furthermore, all subjects, except for P02, reported
that they were able to control the electrical stimulation when
they imagined instead of performed the reaching movements,
which provides a rationale for using this kind of technology
in patients without movement capacity. Since the onset of
imagined movements cannot be precisely located, results
with imagined movements were not extracted and are there-
fore not provided.
Finally, differences were observed between the healthy
subjects and the patients. According to the features selected
in each case and to the location of the BP peak, these differ-
ences were associated with altered BP and ERD patterns in
the patients, which is in line with previous studies [7], [12].
In future studies, longitudinal experiments may be carried out
with the patients performing multiple intervention sessions
to study whether such approach results in improvements of
functional scales.
This work has been funded by grant from the Spanish
Ministry of Science and Innovation CONSOLIDER INGE-
NIO, project HYPER (CSD2009-00067), from Proyectos
Cero of FGCSIC, Obra Social la Caixa (CSIC), from Project
CP Walker (DPI2012-39133-C03-01) and from the project
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... [12,[17][18][19][20][21][22][23]) which roughly lead to classification accuracies in the range of 60-90%. Many studies have reported successful detection/classification of movement intentions in healthy subjects, but it has also been shown feasible to classify movement intentions 4 from patients with motor impairments after stroke [1,21,[24][25][26][27][28], spinal cord injury [29][30][31][32], cerebral palsy [33,34], amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [35] and tremor [36]. Besides movement intention detection, different movement-related parameters have been extracted such as kinetic and kinematic parameters [21,25,[37][38][39], movement direction [40], and various movement types [41,42]. ...
Objectives: Brain-computer interfaces that activate exoskeletons based on decoded movement-related activity have been shown to be useful for stroke rehabilitation. With the advances in the development of exoskeletons it is possible to replicate a number of different functional movements that are relevant to rehabilitate after stroke. In this study, the aim is to detect and classify six different movement tasks of the lower extremities that are used in the activities of daily living. Approach: Thirteen healthy subjects performed six movement tasks 1) Stand-to-sit, 2) Sit-to-stand, 3) Walking, 4) Step up, 5) Side step, and 6) Back step. Each movement task was performed 50 times while continuous EEG was recorded. The continuous EEG was divided into epochs containing the movement intention associated with the movements, and idle activity was obtained from recordings during rest. Temporal, spectral and template matching features were extracted from the EEG channels covering the motor cortex and classified using Random Forest in two ways: 1) movement intention vs. idle activity (estimate of movement intention detection), and 2) classification of movement types. Results: The classification accuracies associated with movement intention detection were in the range of 80-90%, while 54±3% of all movement types were classified correctly. The stand-to-sit and sit-to-stand tasks were easiest to classify, while step up often was classified as walking. Significance: The results indicate that it is possible to detect and classify functional movements of the lower extremities from single-trial EEG. This may be implemented in a brain-computer interface that can control an exoskeleton and be used for neurorehabilitation.
... The late MRCP component has larger amplitude and is observed 400ms before movement onset over the contralateral central region [21]. Combination of ERD and MRCP features provides complementary neurophysiological information about movement and improve the detection rate of movement intention [14,31]. ...
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Brain computer interfaces (BCIs) provide a direct communication channel by using brain signals, enabling patients with motor impairments to interact with external devices. Motion intention detection is useful for intuitive movement-based BCI as movement is the fundamental mode of interaction with the environment. The aim of this paper is to investigate the temporal dynamics of brain processes using electroencephalography (EEG) to explore novel neural correlates of motion intention. We investigate the changes in temporal dependencies of the EEG by characterising the decay of autocorrelation during asynchronous voluntary finger tapping movement. The evolution of the autocorrelation function is characterised by its relaxation time, which is used as a robust marker for motion intention. We observed that there was reorganisation of temporal dependencies in EEG during motion intention. The autocorrelation decayed slower during movement intention and faster during the resting state. There was an increase in temporal dependence during movement intention. The relaxation time of the autocorrelation function showed significant (p < 0.05) discrimination between movement and resting state with the mean sensitivity of 78.37 ± 8.83%. The relaxation time provides movement related information that is complementary to the well-known event-related desynchronisation (ERD) by characterising the broad band EEG dynamics which is frequency independent in contrast to ERD. It can also detect motion intention on average 0.51s before the actual movement onset. We have thoroughly compared autocorrelation relaxation time features with ERD in four frequency bands. The relaxation time may therefore, complement the well-known features used in motion-based BCI leading to more robust and intuitive BCI solutions. The results obtained suggest that changes in autocorrelation decay may involve reorganisation of temporal dependencies of brain activity over longer duration during motion intention. This opens the possibilities of investigating further the temporal dynamics of fundamental neural processes underpinning motion intention.
... In this way, we intend to verify that this phenomenon occurs. 35,38 Subsequently, this behavior will be checked in patients who do not have the ability to walk on their own. For this, we rely on this event takes place unconsciously during intention of making a movement, 39 even if this movement is not performed. ...
Walking is for humans an essential task in our daily life. However, there is a huge (and growing) number of people who have this ability diminished or are not able to walk due to motor disabilities. In this paper, a system to detect the start and the stop of the gait through electroencephalographic signals has been developed. The system has been designed in order to be applied in the future to control a lower limb exoskeleton to help stroke or spinal cord injured patients during the gait. The brain-machine interface (BMI) training has been optimized through a preliminary analysis using the brain information recorded during the experiments performed by three healthy subjects. Afterward, the system has been verified by other four healthy subjects and three patients in a real-time test. In both preliminary optimization analysis and real-time tests, the results obtained are very similar. The true positive rates are [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] respectively. Regarding the false positive per minute, the values are also very similar, decreasing from 2.66 in preliminary tests to 1.90 in real-time. Finally, the average latencies in the detection of the movement intentions are 794 and 798[Formula: see text]ms, preliminary and real-time tests respectively.
... The MRCP associated with the imaginary movement was detected with a BCI that triggered an external device to provide sensory feedback from e.g. electrical stimulation or robot assisted movements [17,28,29,33,46]. In this type of protocol, timing is crucial for the usability [29]. ...
Brain-computer interfaces can be used for motor substitution and recovery; therefore, detection and classification of movement intention is crucial for optimal control. In this study, palmar, lateral and pinch grasps were differentiated from the idle state and classified from single-trial EEG using only information prior the movement onset. Fourteen healthy subjects performed the three grasps 100 times while EEG was recorded from 25 electrodes. Temporal and spectral features were extracted from each electrode, and feature reduction was performed using sequential forward selection (SFS) and principal component analysis (PCA). The detection problem was investigated as the ability to discriminate between movement preparation and the idle state. Furthermore, all task pairs and the three movements together were classified. The best detection performance across movements (79±8%) was obtained by combining temporal and spectral features. The best movement-movement discrimination was obtained using spectral features; 76±9% (2-class) and 63±10% (3-class). For movement detection and discrimination, the performance was similar across grasp types and task pairs; SFS outperformed PCA. The results show it is feasible to detect different grasps and classify the distinct movements using only information prior to the movement onset; which may enable brain-computer interface-based neurorehabilitation of upper limb function through Hebbian learning mechanisms.
An EEG-based system for the classification of left and right arm up-and-down movements is presented in this work. The system is one of the parts of prosthetic arm for amputees. A novel algorithm is implemented to classify the EEG signal based on dominant alpha and beta frequencies. Sliding window technique is used by band reject and band pass filter to eliminate artifacts and enhance the features. The EEG signals within the frequency range 8–30 Hz found to be contributing toward class identification. The statistical features, namely mean, std. deviation, min and max amplitude are extracted to generate the feature vector. To find the activity, three supervised machine learning classifiers, namely Random Forest, Decision Tree, and SVM, are utilized. Among all three, highest accuracy of 78.8%is achieved using Random Forest.
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Uterine leiomyosarcomas (LMS) are rare tumors typically presenting rapid growth and unfavorable outcome. Nowadays the results of uterine LMS treatment do not meet expectations. Angiogenesis is one of processes investigated to be target for future treatment. The aim of the research was to assess microvessels density (MVD) in tumor samples collected from 50 patients with histological confirmed uterine leiomyosarcoma and to investigate statistical relations between MVD, patients survival, and FIGO stage of tumor. The assessment was carried out using immunohistochemistry methods with anti-CD34 antibody. No significant difference in MVD between FIGO stages was observed. Furthermore, contrary to many other malignancies, we found no significant relation between MVD and patients overall and 2-year survival. Results obtained in the study suggest that processes on vascular mimicry and mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET) may play important role in development of LMS. No statistical relation between MVD and survival leads to conclusion that not only angiogenesis but other mechanisms as well should be taken into consideration in planning future research.
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Detection of movement intention from the movement-related cortical potential (MRCP) derived from the electroencephalogram (EEG) signals has shown to be important in combination with assistive devices for effective neurofeedback in rehabilitation. In this study, we compare time and frequency domain features, extraction and classification, to detect movement intention from EEG signals prior to movement execution. Data were recoded from 24 able-bodied subjects, 12 performing real movements and 12 performing imaginary movements. Furthermore, six stroke patients with lower limb paresis were included. Temporal and spectral features were investigated in combination with linear discriminant analysis and compared with one of the state-of-the-art techniques for MRCP-based movement intention detection; template matching. The results showed that spectral features were best suited for differentiating between movement intention and noise across different tasks (real, imaginary and attempted). The ensemble average across tasks when using spectral features was (error = 3.4±0.8 %, sensitivity = 97.2±0.9 % and specificity = 97±1 %) significantly better (P < 0.01) than temporal features (error: 15±1.4 %, sensitivity: 85±1.3 % and specificity: 84±2 %). The proposed approach also (error = 3.4±0.8 %) outperformed template matching (error = 26.9±2.3%) significantly (P > 0.001). Results imply that frequency information is important for detecting movement intention, which is promising for the application of this approach to provide patient-driven real-time neurofeedback.
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Objective: In this study, the objective was to detect movement intentions and extract different levels of force and speed of the intended movement from scalp electroencephalography (EEG). We then estimated the performance of the closed loop system. Approach: Cued movements were detected from continuous EEG recordings using a template of the initial phase of the movement-related cortical potential in 12 healthy subjects. The temporal features, extracted from the movement intention, were classified with an optimized support vector machine. The system performance was evaluated when combining detection with classification. Main results: The system detected 81% of the movements and correctly classified 75 ± 9% and 80 ± 10% of these at the point of detection when varying the force and speed, respectively. When the detector was combined with the classifier, the system detected and correctly classified 64 ± 13% and 67 ± 13% of these movements. The system detected and incorrectly classified 21 ± 7% and 16 ± 9% of the movements. The movements were detected 317 ± 73 ms before the movement onset. Significance: The results indicate that it is possible to detect movement intentions with limited latencies, and extract and classify different levels of force and speed, which may be combined with assistive technologies for patient-driven neurorehabilitation.
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Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) in combination with robot-assisted physical therapy may become a valuable tool for neurorehabilitation of patients with severe hemiparetic syndromes due to cerebrovascular brain damage (stroke) and other neurological conditions. A key aspect of this approach is reestablishing the disrupted sensorimotor feedback loop, i.e., determining the intended movement using a BCI and helping a human with impaired motor function to move the arm using a robot. It has not been studied yet, however, how artificially closing the sensorimotor feedback loop affects the BCI decoding performance. In this article, we investigate this issue in six healthy subjects, and present evidence that haptic feedback facilitates the decoding of arm movement intention. The results provide evidence of the feasibility of future rehabilitative efforts combining robot-assisted physical therapy with BCIs. Moreover, the results suggest that shared-control strategies in Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMIs) may benefit from haptic feedback.
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The combination of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) with robot-assisted physical therapy constitutes a promising approach to neurorehabilitation of patients with severe hemiparetic syndromes caused by cerebrovascular brain damage (e.g. stroke) and other neurological conditions. In such a scenario, a key aspect is how to reestablish the disrupted sensorimotor feedback loop. However, to date it is an open question how artificially closing the sensorimotor feedback loop influences the decoding performance of a BCI. In this paper, we answer this issue by studying six healthy subjects and two stroke patients. We present empirical evidence that haptic feedback, provided by a seven degrees of freedom robotic arm, facilitates online decoding of arm movement intention. The results support the feasibility of future rehabilitative treatments based on the combination of robot-assisted physical therapy with BCIs.
Objective: To investigate the dynamics of EEG oscillations in patients with acute cortical or subcortical stroke during the performance of a sensorimotor task. Methods: A group of 17 patients with acute (2–13 days) hemiparesis caused by subcortical (n=10) or cortical strokes (n=7) as well as age-matched control subjects (n=10) were studied. Subjects pressed a mouse button either with their left or right index finger as required by a visual cue. Scalp EEG was recorded with 65 channels. Event-related desynchronization (ERD) was analyzed in four frequency bands covering the major spontaneous sensorimotor EEG rhythms: alpha1 (8–10Hz), alpha2 (10–12Hz), beta1 (15–20Hz) and beta2 (20–25Hz). The electrode with the strongest ERD, regularly found close to the motor cortex, was analysed with ANOVA; all results reported are significant at p<0.05. Results: • Compared to the control group, in patients with cortical strokes the amplitude of alpha ERD was decreased for both, lesioned and, marginally significant, also for the non-lesioned hemispheres. • Within the cortical stroke group, the lesioned hemisphere showed a smaller alpha ERD compared to the non-lesioned hemisphere when each was contralateral to the acting hand. • When cortical stroke patients moved their paretic hand, the ipsilateral (i.e., contralesional) alpha ERD was stronger than the contralateral (ipsilesional) ERD. • In hemispheres with a cortical stroke, the alpha1 ERD was stronger for ipsilateral (healthy) than for contralateral (paretic) hand movements. • Patients with subcortical strokes exhibited an alpha ERD in the lesioned hemisphere which did not differ from the control group but was significantly stronger than in patients with cortical strokes. Conclusions: Acute stroke causes early reorganization of the neuronal network leading to changes in the dynamics of neuronal oscillations both in lesioned and non-lesioned hemisphere. Such changes were found significant only in patients with cortical stroke and only for alpha oscillations, which are known to reflect cortical excitability. Most interestingly, the relatively well preserved amplitude of alpha ERD in a hemisphere with a cortical stroke for movements of the healthy hand (cf. result 4) might be indicative for a rehabilitative potential through training of the remaining cortical network with enforced use of the paretic hand.
Patients with tremor can benefit from wearable robots managing their tremor during daily living. To achieve this, the interfaces controlling such robotic systems must be able to estimate the user's intention to move and to distinguish it from the undesired tremor. In this context, analysis of electroencephalographic activity is of special interest, since it provides information on the planning and execution of voluntary movements. This paper proposes an adaptive and asynchronous EEG-based system for online detection of the intention to move in patients with tremor. An experimental protocol with separated self-paced wrist extensions was used to test the ability of the system to detect the intervals preceding voluntary movements. Six healthy subjects and four essential tremor patients took part in the experiments. The system predicted 60 ± 10% of the movements with the control subjects and 42 ± 27% of the movements with the patients. The ratio of false detections was low in both cases (1.5 ± 0.1 and 1.4 ± 0.5 false activations per minute with the controls and patients, respectively). The prediction period with which the movements were detected was higher than in previous similar studies (1.06 ± 1.02 s for the controls and 1.01 ± 0.99 s with the patients). Additionally, an adaptive and fixed design were compared, and it was the adaptive design that had a higher number of movement detections. The system is expected to lead to further development of more natural interfaces between the assistive devices and the patients wearing them.
This paper proposes the development and experimental tests of a self-paced asynchronous brain-computer interfacing (BCI) system that detects movement related cortical potentials (MRCPs) produced during motor imagination of ankle dorsiflexion and triggers peripheral electrical stimulations timed with the occurrence of MRCPs to induce corticospinal plasticity. MRCPs were detected online from EEG signals in eight healthy subjects with a true positive rate (TPR) of 67.15 ± 7.87% and false positive rate (FPR) of 22.05 ±9.07%. The excitability of the cortical projection to the target muscle (tibialis anterior) was assessed before and after the intervention through motor evoked potentials (MEP) using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). The peak of the evoked potential significantly (P=0.02) increased after the BCI intervention by 53 ± 43% (relative to preintervention measure), although the spinal excitability (tested by stretch reflexes) did not change. These results demonstrate for the first time that it is possible to alter the corticospinal projections to the tibialis anterior muscle by using an asynchronous BCI system based on online motor imagination that triggered peripheral stimulation. This type of repetitive proprioceptive feedback training based on self-generated brain signal decoding may be a requirement for purposeful skill acquisition in intact humans and in the rehabilitation of persons with brain damage.
Detection of movement intention from neural signals combined with assistive technologies may be used for effective neurofeedback in rehabilitation. In order to promote plasticity, a causal relation between intended actions (detected for example from the EEG) and the corresponding feedback should be established. This requires reliable detection of motor intentions. In this study, we propose a method to detect movements from EEG with limited latency. In a self-paced asynchronous BCI paradigm, the initial negative phase of the movement-related cortical potentials (MRCPs), extracted from multi-channel scalp EEG was used to detect motor execution/imagination in healthy subjects and stroke patients. For MRCP detection, it was demonstrated that a new optimized spatial filtering technique led to better accuracy than a large Laplacian spatial filter and common spatial pattern. With the optimized spatial filter, the true positive rate (TPR) for detection of movement execution in healthy subjects (n = 15) was 82.5 ± 7.8%, with latency of -66.6 ± 121 ms. Although TPR decreased with motor imagination in healthy subject (n = 10, 64.5 ± 5.33%) and with attempted movements in stroke patients (n = 5, 55.01 ± 12.01%), the results are promising for the application of this approach to provide patient-driven real-time neurofeedback.
Previous neuroimaging studies based on neurovascular coupling have shown that stroke affects both, strength and spatial extent of brain activation during upper limb movements. Here, we investigated the sub-second amplitude dynamics of a direct neuronal measure, i.e., event-related desynchronization (ERD) of EEG oscillations during finger movements, in patients with acute cortical and subcortical stroke. Acute cortical strokes were found to decrease the ERD of alpha oscillations for the affected pericentral sensorimotor areas compared to a control group. Within the cortical stroke group, the affected hemisphere showed a smaller alpha-ERD compared to the unaffected hemisphere when each was contralateral to the acting hand. Furthermore, when cortical stroke patients moved their paretic hand, the ipsilateral (i.e., contralesional) alpha-ERD was stronger than the contralateral (ipsilesional) ERD. Interestingly, the alpha-ERD amplitude in a hemisphere with a cortical stroke was relatively well preserved for non-paretic hand movements compared to alpha-ERD amplitude for paretic hand movements. This finding provides a new perspective for assessing the rehabilitative potential, which could be utilized through training of the still responsive cortical network, e.g., via enforced use of the paretic hand.