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Households Energy Choice in Ghana


Abstract and Figures

s Energy has become important component in the world today. However, the choice of a particular energy by households has implications on among other things, environmental sustainability. This study examined households' fuel choice in Ghana since efforts made by government to reduce households' reliance on firewood and charcoal has not achieved a lot. It was found that respondents used fuels for cooking, warming the house, heating water, lighting, ironing, entertainment, cooling the house and washing amidst some associated challenges. The top three energy type were electricity, charcoal and firewood. A logit regression model revealed that the factors accounting for energy choice included income, education, family size and employment. Based on this, conclusion and policy recommendations are provided.
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© 2013 Research Academy of Social Sciences 96
Journal of Empirical Economics
Vol. 1, No. 3, 2013, 96-103
Households Energy Choice in Ghana
Paul Adjei Kwakwa1, Edward Debrah Wiafe2, Hamdiyah Alhassan3
Energy has become important component in the world today. However, the choice of a particular energy by households
has implications on among other things, environmental sustainability. This study examined households’ fuel choice in
Ghana since efforts made by government to reduce households’ reliance on firewood and charcoal has not achieved a
lot. It was found that respondents used fuels for cooking, warming the house, heating water, lighting, ironing,
entertainment, cooling the house and washing amidst some associated challenges. The top three energy type were
electricity, charcoal and firewood. A logit regression model revealed that the factors accounting for energy choice
included income, education, family size and employment. Based on this, conclusion and policy recommendations are
Key words: Energy, Electricity, Fuel, Fuel wood, LPG, Ghana, Households
JEL: Q4, Q5
1. Introduction
The choice, use and reliance of energy source for subsistence consumption has been observed not to be uniform
across one area or within members of a community. This is because the choice of other energy types aside from fuel
wood has been found to be influenced by a number of factors. With the present accelerated rate of modernity, some
studies have predicted a shift towards more modern fuels such as paraffin, gas and electricity (Alarm et al., 1998;
Vermuelen et al., 2000; Kituyi et al., 2001). In the context of increasing oil prices and growing awareness of the need to
combat deforestation, the pattern of choice and utilization of energy leaves much to be desired.
It has been reported that fuel choices and substitution are determined by the desires for greater convenience and
cleanliness (Leach, 1987) and there is a further argument by Sarmah et al. (2002) that changes in fuel choices also
occur as there is improvement in availability of modernized fuels and increment in household incomes. This suggests
that as modern fuels become readily available, consumers acquire modern appliances such as cooking electric and gas
stoves, cooling fans, radios, television and fridges (Leach, 1987) and hence moving up the energy ladder. This implies
that the ownership of appliances and ability to use new fuel type strongly relates to income (Davis, 1998). For example
Campbell et al., (2003) concluded that wealthier households are not likely to be affected negatively by the increasingly
high cost of non-biomass fuels and they are highly susceptible to make the transition to more sophisticated alternatives.
On the other hand, the high cost of the modern fuels may likely inhibit the users among low-income households because
of their low purchasing power (Kabede et al., 2002).
Based on the energy ladder model and leap frogging hypothesis, studies have been conducted in a number of
countries to inform policy makers on issues of energy and household fuel choice. However, such studies are not readily
available in Ghana where energy issues have been integral part of daily discussions and political campaigns. The few
energy related studies in Ghana which are mainly macro based have been in the area of modeling and forecasting
electricity demand (see: Adom et al., 2012a), causality between energy and growth (see: Adom, 2011; Kwakwa, 2012;
Dramani et al. 2012, Wolde-Rufael, 2008; Akinlo, 2008) and the relationship between economic growth and carbon
dioxide emissions (see: Adom et al., 2012b).
The Ghana living Standard Survey, fifth round by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS), (2008) has shown that over
50% of households in Ghana depend on both traditional and nontraditional energy. According to the GSS (2008)
1 Department of Business Economics, Presbyterian University College Ghana
2 Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Management, Presbyterian University College
3 Department of Agricultural and Resource, University for Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana
Journal of Empirical Economics
electricity and kerosene are the main sources of energy for lighting in Ghana. About 49.3% of all households in the
country still use kerosene for lighting, while 49.2% of household use grid-connected electricity for lighting. Only 1.5%
of households use candles, generators and/or other sources for light. Regarding cooking fuel, 53.5%, 30.6% and 9.5% of
households use wood, charcoal and gas respectively for cooking. The break down shows that 52.6% of urban
households use charcoal against 30.6% of rural households. Meanwhile government in Ghana over the years, have made
strives to increase the national electricity gridlines in the country as well subsidizing Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
for home use to reduce poverty and the dependence and usage of fuel wood and charcoal which will help conserve the
natural vegetation. But the evidence from the GSS (2008) tells that the effort from government help in the conservation
of the natural vegetation to has not yielded much result. Thus, even though the government of Ghana may be committed
to dealing with the energy situation in the country a solid and up-to-date information on the determinants of fuel choice
and usage is crucial. It is against this background that this present study analyses among others, the determinants of fuel
choice in Ghana.
2. Methods and Materials
Study area and Data source
The data for the study was gathered from households within the tropical forest vegetation zone and the savannah
vegetation zone of Ghana. Research assistants were sent to gather information from the households in the following
towns Koforidua, Kumasi, Tarkwa and Ho and their surrounding rural communities in the tropical forest zone, while
Tamale and Wa and their rural communities were selected from the savannah zone. Although the research used the two
zones for the study, much information was from the tropical forest zone. In the light of this condition which was beyond
the researchers’ control, it was convenient not to do any comparison analysis. A semi structured questionnaire was
developed and administered to the households’ heads to gather information necessary for the study between December
2011 and February 2012. In all a total of 507 questionnaires well and completely answered, were used in the final
analysis. The data collected concerned the characteristics of the households size, marital status of household head,
sector of employment, uses of the various energy and the associated challenges. The data was processed and analyzed
using SPSS and Stata.
Model estimation
In this study, the logit model is used to identify the determinants of fuel choice type by respondents by running
regression for each energy type namely electricity, firewood, charcoal, LPG and Kerosene. The model predicts the
probability of occurrence of a discrete variable and is utilized under the condition that the variable has two outcomes
only (Nketiah-Amponsah et al, 2012). Thus Logit regression model is used because each our dependent variable
(electricity, firewood, charcoal, LPG and Kerosene) is binary. That is each variable takes on the value of one if
household uses that energy and zero if otherwise. Below is the model:
)|1( xxyEpi
........................................ (1)
is the probability of occurrence (for using a particular fuel), x is a vector of explanatory variables, y is
the dependent variable taking the value 0 or 1 and β is a coefficient vector of the explanatory variables. The explanatory
variables included in the questionnaire are the gender, age, family size (measured by the number of children in the
household), marital status, education, place of residence, employment in the formal sector, income, electricity usage and
LPG usage. Gender of household head is a binary variable taking the value of one (1) if the respondent is a male and
zero (0) if the respondent is female. Israel (1997) argues that comparatively women may have stronger preferences for
using a cleaner energy source than fuel wood, given their greater involvement in cooking (Abebaw, 2007). On the other
hand Njong and Johannes (2011) argues that households, headed by women are more likely to use firewood for
cooking which means the effect of gender of household head on fuel wood and other fuels cannot be determined a
Older people tend to develop habit for traditional heating and cooking more than younger households (Démurger
and Fournier, 2010) and thus we expect to have a positive relationship between age and firewood and charcoal usage
but negative for the other energies. Family size is expected to have a positive effect on all the energy choice since the
larger size is likely to increase the household energy demand. The marital status of the respondent is expected to have a
negative effect on fuel wood usage but positive for the rest since the two may pull resources together and acquire
alternative energy for home activities. It takes on a value of 1 if the respondent is married or cohabitating and 0 if
otherwise. Education is expected to positively affect demand for cleaner energy choice and negative for firewood and
P. A. Kwakwa et al
charcoal as seen from studies like Njong and Johannes, (2011) and Israel, (2002).This also takes on the value of one (1)
if the respondent has any formal education and 0 for otherwise. From previous studies like Onoja and Idoko, (2012)
and Abebaw, (2007) and the energy ladder model, a high level of household income is expected to reduce the demand
for traditional wood. Place of residence takes on the value of 1 if the respondent resides in a rural area and 0 for urban
area. It is expected that rural dwellers would use more of traditional fuels than modern ones due to their relatively low
standard of living.
Household heads who are employed (in the formal sector) are less likely to use traditional fuels because they are
more likely to make more money and thus would afford modern fuels. Electricity usage takes on the value of one (1)
and zero (0), if the household uses electricity and if household does not use electricity respectively. This is expected to
reduce the usage of traditional fuels because of the convenience involved. Similarly, Liquefy Petroleum Gas (LPG)
usage takes on the value of one (1) if the household uses it and zero (0) if the household does not use LPG and this is
likely to also reduce traditional fuels usage.
3. Findings and Discussion of Results
Of the 507 household heads interviewed, 42.2 percent and 57.8 percent were males and females respectively. The
mean age was 39.38 years, maximum age (98 years) and minimum age (15 years). In terms of marital status, a
significant number of the household heads were married. Generally, 63.0% were married, 30.4% were single and 3.4 %
were cohabitating. The divorced and widowed were 1.2% and 1.8% respectively. Over half of the household heads had
between 0-4 number of children (66.7%), whilst 29.9 percent had between 5-9 children, 1.9 percent had between 10-14
children and the rest of them were above 14 children. The level of educational attainment in the study area seems to be
high with 78.5% of the respondents having had some form of formal education whiles 21.5 percent had no formal
education. Again, majority (61.5%) of the households were employed in the informal sector whiles 38.5% were in the
formal sector. This is not surprising, because it seems to confirm the fact that most Ghanaian workers are in the
informal sector. While 59.4% of the household heads lived in the urban area and 40.6 percent were in the rural areas.
Considerable percentage 48.0% of the household heads were within the average income group GH¢ 100-500 annually,
with 29.45% in the income group of less than GH¢100, followed by 16.2% of income group GH¢ 501-900, 3.5% of
income group GH¢ 901-1300, 1.6% of income group GH¢ 1301-1700 and 1.2 percent income were above GH¢ 1701.
Table 1: Households response to energy choice
Energy choice
Fire wood
*Multiple responses from the 507 participants were used
Table 1 shows, the precise frequencies for each energy choice of the household heads. The plurality of the
respondents (74.2%) used electricity as their source of energy, followed by charcoal (72.6%). Those that used firewood,
kerosene and LPG were 57.0%, 32.5% and 36.1% respectively.
Table 2: Households energy usage
Energy type
Electricity (%)
Charcoal (%)
Kerosene (%)
LPG (%)
Warming house
Cooling the house
Heating water
Journal of Empirical Economics
Table 2 shows, household response to energy usage. Five energy sources (electricity, fire wood, charcoal, kerosene
and LPG) were identified and the household heads were asked to state what they used the energy source for.(i.e.
cooking, warming house, cooling the house, lighting, ironing, entertainment, heating water and washing. Majority of the
household heads used electricity for lighting (73.6%), followed by ironing (62.3%). Over half of the household heads
used electricity for entertainment(58.6%), whilst 28.8% used it for heating water and 20.9%, 17.9%, 6.7% and 1.6%
used electricity for cooking, cooling the house, washing and warming the house respectively.
Firewood in the study areas was mostly used for cooking (54.5%), followed by heating water 38.7%. A small
percentage of the household heads used firewood for lighting (3.7%), warming house (2.6%) and entertainment (1.4%).
Similarly, 69.2% majority of the household used charcoal to cook, whilst 38.7 percent used it to heat water. About 27%
used charcoal for ironing, 3.2% and 2.2% use charcoal for warming house and lighting. This result was also confirmed
by FAO (2010) that in Ghana an estimated 2.2 million households rely on firewood as their primary source of cooking
fuel, with a further 1 million households using charcoal.
Kerosene is used for lighting by 26.4% and for cooking by14.6%. The rest of the respondents used it for heating
water (8.7%), warming house (0.8%), and washing was 0.4%. Kerosene’s usage for washing may stem from the fact
that some people use it as a detergent. Most of the household heads used LPG for cooking (36.5%) and 17.4 percent
used it to heat water. The rest used it for lighting (2.6%).
Generally, the main source of energy for cooking and heating of water was charcoal (69.2% and 46.2%
respectively).This is probably because of its relative availability and cheapness compared with other source of energy
(Okunade, 2010). Electricity was mainly used for lighting (73.6%) and this confirmed the work of Aggarwal (2011).
Table 3: Challenges associated with energy source
Fire wood
Scent in food
High bill
Frequent power outages
Dealing with Smoke
Low supply during wet season
Inability to use when wet
Shortage in supply
Slow in cooking
Fear of burning house
The results in Table 3 show the distribution of respondents and the challenges they faced in the for using the
various energy sources. Over half of the respondents 56.9% stated frequent power outages and 48.5 percent cited high
bill as the challenges associated with the use of electricity. The results also revealed that majority of the respondents
51.7% confirmed that, it is almost impossible to use firewood when wet. Other challenges faced by the respondents in
the process of using firewood had to deal with smoke 49.0%, the low supply during wet season 33% and smoke scent in
food 19.0%. The challenges associated with the usage of charcoal were inability to use when wet 56.5%, slow in
cooking 44.3% and shortage in supply 31.7%. This confirmed earlier finding by Okunade (2010). The usage of
Kerosene as an energy source also had it own challenges. About 18.0% complained of smoke and 10.7% said it usage
was associated with scent in food. With respect to the usage of LPG, a significant percentage of the respondents 59.56%
were faced with shortage in supply and about 36.6% anticipated fear of burning their house.
Table 4, offers the logit estimates for the energy sources (electricity, kerosene, charcoal, LPG and firewood) and
the factors that affect the decision of a household to use a particular energy source. The model fit the data well since the
p-values of the goodness of-fit statistics were less than 0.05 level of significance. With R2 value of 0.60, 0.33, 0.17 and
0.32 the model was able to explain 60%, 33%, 17% and 32% of the variations responsible for the households’ choice of
electricity, kerosene, charcoal, LPG and firewood respectively.
P. A. Kwakwa et al
Table 4: Logit estimation for the determinants of energy choice
Explanatory variable
Fire wood
Gender(Male =1)
Family size
Marital status
(married =1)
education =1)
Formal sector
employment (yes=1)
Place of residence
(1=Rural community)
Kerosene usage
(0.759 )
Charcoal usage
( 0.709)
LPG usage (yes=1)
(1.326 )
Electricity usage
Fire wood usage
(1.16 )
Log likelihood
Prob. > chi2 =
Pseudo R2 =
***,** and * indicates significant at 1%, 5%, and 10% levels, respectively
As shown in the table, the estimated coefficients for gender, age, marital status were all statistically insignificant
factors that influenced the likelihood of household heads using any of the five alternative energy sources. The main
factors for electricity choice at the households were income, education, residence in rural community and kerosene
usage which had negative coefficients and employment in the formal sector had positive coefficient. Concerning the use
of kerosene, the main determinants were, income, education, and electricity usage (all having negative coefficients)
whiles employment in the formal sector and family size had a positive coefficients. With regard to charcoal choice,
family size, income and employment were the main factors that negatively affected the household choices. The key
factors for LPG choice were formal sector employment and firewood usage with negative coefficients. Family size had
negative coefficient for firewood usage but income and LPG usage were positive key determinants of choice for use of
firewood. The results revealed that different factors significantly affect energy choices; hence policies targeting these
factors should be fuel specific.
Determinants of Electricity
As against our expectation, the coefficients of income and education were negative and significant, for electricity
suggesting that with increase in income and education; household heads are less likely to use it. The reason for this
outcome could be as a result of the unreliable or unpredictable nature of power supply in the country which may
compel households to find other alternative energy as income increases and they get more informed through education.
The findings contradict Heltberg (2003) who identified lower levels of education and income as the main reasons why
households do not use other electricity. The positive relationship between employment and electricity confirms our
expectation. The inverse relationship between kerosene usage and electricity tends to show that access to kerosene was
associated with lower incidence of electricity usage at the household level. Implying that, kerosene and electricity were
Journal of Empirical Economics
substitutes. It was also expected that household heads who resides in rural community would prefer other source of
energy rather than electricity because the use of electricity in rural areas is lower compared to that of the urban areas.
This study met our a priori expectation, the estimated coefficient for rural community and electricity was negative and
highly significant at 1% while the other alternative source of energy was statistically insignificant. This means
household heads residing in rural community are less likely to use electricity as reported by Heltberg (2003) and this
could be attributed to lack of connectivity.
Determinants of kerosene usage
Our study revealed that, income and education were highly significant at 5% level for both and had negative
influence on the kerosene usage. This implies that, increase in income and education, leads to lesser likelihood of using
kerosene. These results contradict the findings by Mekonnen and Kohlin (2009) and Heltberg (2003) that households
associated with higher education and income were more likely to use electricity and kerosene than wood and charcoal as
cooking energy. The results also show that, households with large family size have a higher tendency of using kerosene
than households with smaller family size. This was contrary to Mekonnen and Kohlin (2009). Similarly, the positive
and high significance of formal sector employment implies that, the chance of using kerosene was relatively high
among formal sector employed households heads than those who are not. This is similar to the early research by Nnaji
et al (2012). The results also revealed that the likelihood using kerosene were negatively and highly influenced by
electricity usage. This suggests that, households were more likely to shift from kerosene usage to electricity.
Determinants of charcoal usage
The influence of income on charcoal usage was as per our expectations. The model revealed that, the sign of the
coefficient for income was negative and significant at 10%, suggesting that with the increase in income, the probability
that one uses charcoal decreases among households. Charcoal is regarded as unclean fuel and households are expected
to substitute it with more clean fuel as income increases. This was contrary to Ouedraogo (2005) and Mekonnen and
Kohlin (2009) who in their study found that charcoal utilization rate increased with increasing household income but
confirmed the findings of Nyembe, (2011) that the factors driving charcoal consumption were found to be low income,
low wealth and poor household access to electricity. The model also suggests that, the tendency of using charcoal
among formal sector employed household is negative and significant at 5%. The results clearly show that households
with larger family size have lower odds of using charcoal as energy source. This implies that small family size are more
likely to use charcoal and this result agreed with Ouedraogo(2005) , that the richest households had smallest family size
and were likely to use charcoal at the expense of firewood but contradicts the findings of Pundo and Fraser (2006).
Determinants of LPG usage
LPG is acknowledged as a superior cooking fuel because it is cleaner, faster, more convenient to use compared to
firewood (Heltberg, 2003) and hence it was expected that households associated with higher income would prefer LPG.
Contrary to our a priori expectations, the formal sector employed households heads were less likely to use LPG as their
source of energy. This may be attributed to supply shortages and large distance to retailers. This study supports the
findings of Pundo and Fraser (2006) that showed a negative relationship between employment and better fuel choices.
The coefficient for firewood usage was negative and highly significant at 1%, suggesting that households which use
firewood have lower odds of using LPG as an energy source as observed by Heltberg (2003).
Determinants of Firewood usage
It is expected that larger household will prefer to use firewood because it requires a large amount of fuel in
aggregate to meet the family needs. As Pundo and Fraser (2006) have pointed out, it is comparatively affordable to use
firewood for large family than kerosene and charcoal because it’s rate of consumption per unit of time is low. Again the
cheapness of firewood would require that households with large family size use huge amount of it for their activities.
Thus, the positive estimated coefficient for family size was as expected confirming the expected profile observed by
Ouedraogo (2005). The income related explanatory variable, turned out to be significant at 10% with negative
coefficient value, suggesting that household with higher income has lower probability of using firewood. As anticipated,
this confirmed the findings of Nnaji et al (2012), that if household income increases they are more likely to use fuel
wood alternatives. This may also be attributed to high income and inconvenience considerations in using firewood as
compared to other energy source. Coefficient of the LPG usage was negative and significant at 1%. This shows that,
access to LPG reduced the likelihood of households using firewood as their main energy source. This confirmed
Manyo-Plange (2011) who revealed that household heads would rather use gas for cooking because the firewood stove
―gives off too much smoke‖ which has health implications unlike LPG.
P. A. Kwakwa et al
4. Conclusion and Recommendation
This study has shown that the fuels used by majority of the respondents were electricity and charcoal.
Respondents used fuels for cooking, warming the house, heating water, lighting, ironing, entertainment, cooling the
house and washing. Notwithstanding this each of the fuels had some challenges users faced. A logit regression model
show that the main factors for electricity choice at the households were income, education, residence in rural
community and kerosene usage which reduced the likelihood that a household will use electricity but employment in the
formal sector increased it. Also, the significant determinants of the use of kerosene, were income, education, and
electricity usage ,employment in the formal sector and family size. With regard to charcoal choice, family size, income
and employment were the main explanatory factors while key factors for LPG choice were formal sector employment,
and firewood. Family size and LPG explained the likelihood that a family would use firewood. All these show that
various factors account for the usage of the type of fuel choice by households and this needs to be factored into policy
making in the country. From the above we recommend that government needs to reduce households poverty so that they
can afford the cleaner types of energy. Also, education on afforestation needs to be intensified to help sustain the forest.
The authors are indebted to the Presbyterian University College, Ghana for sponsoring the study. Many thanks and
appreciation goes to Dr. Frank S. Arku of the Presbyterian University College Ghana, Akuapem Campus for his
encouragements; Daniel Agyei, Abena Denta, Michael Amoaning, Eunice Sackiley Masoperh and Eugene Agyei for
their involvement in the collection of data; and Eunice S. Masorpeh and Sara Obeng for data entry.
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... Despite these challenges, a cluster of studies (Faisal et al., 2013;Karakara et al., 2021;Kwakwa et al., 2013;Mensah et al., 2015) has delved into household energy consumption patterns in Ghana. These investigations specifically explored household preferences for cooking fuels, spanning from traditional and less environmentally friendly options like charcoal and wood to cleaner alternatives like liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). ...
... Additionally, the study noted that household income had a positive influence on consumer preference for clean cooking fuel. Corroborating this perspective, Faisal et al. (2013) and Kwakwa et al. (2013) concurred that household income served as a primary determinant of household energy consumption, aligning with the energy ladder hypothesis. Going further, Kwakwa et al. (2013) conducted interviews with 207 households in Ghana to dissect the various factors influencing their choice of cooking fuel. ...
... Corroborating this perspective, Faisal et al. (2013) and Kwakwa et al. (2013) concurred that household income served as a primary determinant of household energy consumption, aligning with the energy ladder hypothesis. Going further, Kwakwa et al. (2013) conducted interviews with 207 households in Ghana to dissect the various factors influencing their choice of cooking fuel. The majority of households were found to rely on firewood and charcoal for cooking purposes. ...
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As consumers play an increasingly active role in the energy market, understanding their preferences for renewable and non-renewable energy is essential for achieving Sustainable Development Goal 7. This study employs a labelled discrete choice experiment to investigate consumers' preferences and willingness to pay for solar PV panels, power generators, and biomass, considering service provider, service quality, and purchasing price. The survey was administered to 250 households in Kumasi, Ghana. This study finds that solar PV panels are the most preferred energy source, with the highest willingness to pay estimate. However, in cases where solar panels are not easily accessible, households turn to biomass as an alternative. Although there are similarities in choices, variations in preferences among consumers were identified. Furthermore, consumers value product or service quality but remain indifferent between foreign and domestic service providers. Based on these findings, policymakers are advised to engage in awareness campaigns and provide incentives such as subsidies and low-interest loans, to drive solar PV panel adoption among households. Energy developers should consider customized payment plans based on income levels to facilitate affordability. Additionally, recognizing the heterogeneity in preferences necessitates an inclusive policy approach that considers diverse consumer needs and addresses the energy access challenges faced by low-income households.
... A similar result was found by Adusah-Poku and Takeuchi [12]. On the contrary, household income increases the likelihood of modern cooking fuel usage while decreasing the adoption of traditional cooking fuels in Ghana [11,[13][14][15][16]. Another important factor that limits clean energy use or increases energy expenditure is energy price. ...
... More recently, researchers have been focusing on how financial inclusion can reduce the incidence of energy poverty, both at the micro and macro levels. This is because several studies have confirmed the positive association between incomes and the adoption and use of modern energy services, which help reduce energy poverty [11,[13][14][15][16]. ...
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This paper examines the relative role of financial inclusion in enhancing households’ ability to spend on energy consumption across rural and urban locations. It uses comprehensive household data from Ghana and employs the ordinary least square (OLS) as well as an instrumental variable estimation technique. Endogeneity of financial inclusion is instrumented using distance to the nearest bank. Our findings suggest that a standard deviation increase in financial inclusion contributes to an improvement in residential energy expenditure by 1.2835 standard deviations. This finding is robust to different methods for resolving endogeneity and alternative weighting schemes in the financial inclusion construct. Among the different sources of energy for lighting and cooking, financial inclusion increases expenditure on LPG and electricity more than the others. Financial inclusion increases the ability to spend more on residential energy in urban, poorest, and female-headed dual-parent households. Household net income is a key pathway through which financial inclusion affects residential energy expenditure.
... The relationship between charcoal consumption and household demographics is not always consistent in the literature. Studies show that larger households use both more charcoal Karakara & Dasmani, 2019;Mulenga et al., 2019) and less charcoal (Kwakwa, Wiafe, & Alhassan, 2013;Nyamoga, 2019;Umar et al., 2018), though consideration of household composition (e.g. number of adults versus children) is largely absent. ...
... In the market, vendors sold charcoal in two differently sized piles, which we termed large and small (Fig. 2). To compare across consumers Kwakwa et al., 2013;Lokonon, 2020;Luo et al., 2021;Mulenga et al., 2019;Nyamoga, 2019;Nzabona et al., 2021;Seguin et al., 2018;Shove & Walker, 2014;Umar et al., 2018;Woldeamanuel, 2017;Zorrilla-Miras et al., 2018. 1 The theorized relationships presented in this table were used to build the regression model and analyze the results. There is certainly more than one possible theorized relationship that might exist. 2 HH = head of household 3 The variables male and education were dropped from Model 3 (see Table 4) to compensate for a reduced sample size. ...
... The marital status of the household head upsurges the likelihood of adopting clean fuel in rural areas. However, other studies found different results, for instance, in Afghanistan (Paudel et al., 2018), Ghana (Kwakwa et al., 2013), and rural China (Liao et al., 2019;Liu et al., 2020). The present study does not find any significant impact of the marital status of the household head on fuel choice in urban areas (Kuunibe et al., 2013). ...
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The use of solid fuel (dirty fuel) that includes firewood, coal, charcoal, crop residue, kerosene, and dung cake is hazardous to human health and the environment. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the factors influencing the household-level transition to clean fuel. Against this backdrop, the present study analyzes the clean fuel choice and consumption intensity using the latest HIES 2018–2019 data. Findings revealed that 76 and 14% of households in Pakistan use dirty cooking fuel in rural and urban areas, respectively. In addition, choices of fuel for cooking, heating, and lighting fuel vary across provinces. Probit and Tobit model shows that income, wealth, urban location, small family size, and fewer women and children influence households’ transition towards clean fuel. The study underscores the importance of tailored policies, including tariff structures, pricing mechanisms, and financial incentives, to accelerate the adoption of energy-efficient and clean technologies. These recommendations aim to drive sustainable energy access, economic growth, and environmental sustainability in Pakistan.
... The results show that resource dependence and anticorruption regulations are important intermediary factors affecting both renewable energy and the economy. Kwakwa et al. (2013) examined households' fuel choices in Ghana and found that fuels are used for cooking, warming the house, heating water, lighting, ironing, entertainment, cooling the house, and washing amidst some associated challenges. The top three energy types were electricity, charcoal, and firewood. ...
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This study aims to scrutinize the determinants of household energy consumption needs in Kebbi State, Nigeria. The data for the study were sourced from household heads within the study area. The paper analyzes the determinants of household energy consumption using six energy consumption indicators (household expenditure on energy, electricity, LPG, kerosene, charcoal, and biomass). To analyze the data, the study used descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression (which has rarely been used in this kind of study) which broaden our understanding of social, economic, and environmental perspectives on energy usage. Our empirical strategy indicates that all the instruments used are appropriate based on Cronbach’s alpha scale value of greater than 0.9. Education level was found to be a significant factor in energy expenditure by household, electricity, LPG, and kerosene usage, while negatively correlated with biomass usage. A binary logit regression model revealed that household head income, availability of different energy choices, reliability, and affordability are the major determinants of household energy consumption needs. Findings further show that low-income household heads which account for more than 60% of the respondents rely heavily on the traditional methods of biomass to meet their energy needs. The finding further revealed that 72.80% of the respondents confirmed that accessibility is one of the driving forces which determines their energy choice. Based on the findings, the study therefore, recommends the need to ensure the availability and affordability of safer forms of energy as well as invest more in making renewable energy available and affordable.
... Discovering a ladder within the ladder Rahut et al. (2017a, b), using data from four African countries, including Ethiopia, Malawi, Tanzania, and Uganda, revealed that households don't necessarily shift to electricity for all their energy requirements. The level of wealth, such as livestock and farm size, particularly in rural settings, is also a significant determinant of energy consumption and fuel choice (Kwakwa et al. 2013;Rao and Reddy 2007;Wassie et al. 2021). A recent study found that landholding is negatively associated with clean fuel choice (Wassie et al. 2021). ...
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The adoption of clean energy (electricity and gas) for domestic purposes has increased over the decades, yet the share of clean energy in total energy consumption remains low. Therefore, this study analyses seven rounds of HIES surveys in Pakistan collected between 2001 to 2019 to understand the energy use patterns and why clean fuel consumption is low among households that have already adopted clean energy. To this end, the present study applied the Probit and Tobit models to examine the determinants of using different fuel types and their consumption intensity. The results show that female-headed households are more likely to adopt and consume more clean fuels such as electricity and gas. Moreover, education, wealth, and urban location have a positive association with clean fuel adoption and consumption. The study also finds that age and household size have a non-linear impact on clean fuel consumption intensity. The study recommends policies to achieve SDG 7 by improving accessibility and affordability by increasing income and the supply of clean fuel. Further, it emphasizes enhancing the knowledge about the benefit of using clean energy through education programs.
... A number of studies related to market channel choice of farmers consider it as a choice between two sources, either formal or informal markets, and hence model it as the function of either outcome. These studies, such as that by Sikawa and Mugisha (2010) and Kwakwa et al. (2013), used binomial logit or probit models, combining several market outlets to make the dependent variable binary. For problems involving the choice among three or more categories, the multinomial logit technique is employed most often. ...
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Marketing channel choice makes important contributions to the incomes and other livelihood attributes among smallholder farmers in developing countries. Often considered from a number of perspectives, the dominant view articulated suggests an advantageous integration into formal market channels. This position is questioned as it has implications for smallholder farmers’ food security and rural incomes. Using a mixed methods approach, the study collected primary data from 174 smallholder farmers and applied both a descriptive and multinomial logit regression model to analyze factors contributing to cocoyam production and market channel choices among respondents in the study area. Findings indicate that financial returns and available markets were key factors in cocoyam production, while amount received was a driver of market channel choice among 89% of respondents who sold directly at farm-gate. Farmers’ age (p=0.044), household size (p=0.043), distance to market (p=0.021), additional income (p=0.017) and amount received (p=0.014) were significant variables (p<.05) in the determinants of market channel choice. The study recommended improving market information provision and strengthening farmer associations which will enable smallholder farmers in rural communities to make informed choices with respect to produce price, access other markets and consolidate their collective market bargaining position.
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The main objective of this study is to analyse household energy usage for cooking and assess the energy ladder hypothesis. This study used ordered logit version of the energy ladder to household energy consumption data from Kano State to explain households' transition to more sophisticated fuels as their economic situation improves. A field survey was conducted to gather data for this study and questionnaires were administered to households in Tarauni, Makoda, and Karaye local government areas of Kano State, each of which represents a different senatorial zone. For the study, a multi-stage cluster sampling approach was used. The result of the study shows negative relationship between location and household energy switching, age of the household head and household energy switching, household size and household energy switching. The findings of the study also show positive relationship between education and household energy switching, household income and energy switching which supports the assertion of energy ladder hypothesis. The study recommends among others; that the state government which is closest to the people should implement policies and programs that promote employment, women's empowerment, and skill development with the goal of raising personal income.
Information on actual domestic electricity use in Burkina Faso, where the urban zones and residential sector account for 74% and 33% respectively of the total electricity use, remains very challenging to find, as little research currently exists. This study aimed therefore, to provide the first ever insights into the actual urban residential electricity use. A survey with 387 households, the first large-scale, city-wide household electricity study undertaken in Burkina Faso to the authors’ knowledge, was conducted in the city of Ouagadougou. Information on the households' characteristics and behaviours were collected to yield a first comprehensive analysis on the actual city-scale domestic electricity use. Findings demonstrated an average electricity use of 2395 kWh/year by households. Cooling accounts for almost 40% of the total domestic electricity use, followed mainly by cooking and food preserving (23%) and information-communication-entertainment (19%) activities. Three groups of consumers were then formed based on their electricity use level, to investigate interactions between electricity use and households’ lifestyles. The study’s findings lay therefore, the foundations for a better understanding of actual urban domestic electricity use patterns and could help to develop more suitable policies and actions targeting energy conservation in the residential sector
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This study was designed to determine variables influencing fuelwood demand in rural areas of Kogi State. Eighty households were randomly sampled from all the Agricultural Zones of the state. A 2SLS method was then used for estimation of the coefficients of the simultaneous equation model. The most significant determinants of fuelwood demand in the study area are the price of fuelwood, kerosene's price, household size and personal incomes of the household heads. In light of this study's findings, recommendations included reduction of kerosene prices, investment in renewable energy, cooking gas and electricity and use of agricultural extension agents to educate farmers on sustainable farming.
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A questionnaire survey of fuel and wood use was administered to approximately 1500 households in rural Zimbabwe in 1994 and repeated in 1999. The nine localities covered by the survey fell into four strata distinguished by woodland cover, distance from urban centres and whether communal or resettlement (ex-commercial farming) areas. Over time household assets increased, but incomes remained constant in all but one stratum. Simultaneosly wood became scarcer according to respondents. In all four strata firewood consumption fell markedly between 1994 and 1999. This was partially, but not entirely, due to switches to other fuels, either electricity near towns or non-wood biomass fuel in deforested areas further from towns. In other areas, non-wood biomass fuels declined considerably. Kerosene use showed mixed patterns, with decreases in the numbers of consumers but increased rates of consumption. Wealthier households were more likely to use modern fuels such as kerosene for cooking, candles and electricity. The general reduction in firewood consumption entailed changes in collection practices and increased purchase of wood, but it is not clear how fuel use efficiency was improved by such a great margin. Utilisation of wood for construction also declined over the five year period.
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Rural household energy consumption survey data collected between September 2009 and January 2010 was utilised to investigate the socio-economic factors determining fuelwood use for cooking by rural households in Nsukka area of Enugu State, Nigeria. The binary logistic regression model was used to analyse the factors affecting the likelihood of consuming fuelwood in the study area. The notable socioeconomic factors driving fuelwood consumption were found to be poverty factors such as low education, high household size and low wealth of farmers. Increase in the income of poor households as well as access to alternative, affordable renewable energy system and cleaner fuels would help in reducing fuelwood consumption leading to reduction in pollution, deforestation and on a more general level, mitigate adverse effects of fuelwood consumption on the environment .
The study attempts to cast light on the distribution of households by cooking energy types and by region or zone of residence and investigate the main determinants of cooking energy choices in Cameroon. Based on the 2001 Cameroon Household Survey data we employ a multinomial logit model to test the statistical significance of the social and demographic factors that determine household cooking fuel choices in the country. Empirical results indicate that the level of education, distance of the household from urban centers, whether or not the household owns the dwelling unit, and whether or not the dwelling unit is traditional or modern type are important factors that determine household cooking fuel choice. The study also reveals that firewood is the principal cooking fuel for the majority of households in Cameroon especially in the rural zones and Northern regions of the country. Implications for cooking energy policies are discussed.
A study has been carried out to identify the fuel consumption pattern in rural areas of the state on pilot basis. The study reveals that the present level of use of fuelwood by households (95.2%) is continuing despite the fact that other fuels like kerosene (38.4), LPG (70%) and crop residues (94.5%) are also being used. Based on per capita per day fuelwood consumption, the estimated annual fuelwood consumption works out in Junga (25,808 tonnes), Nohradhar (53,127 tonnes) and Salogra (37,079 tonnes) totaling 0.116 million tonnes in three zones. The time spent by the rural women in collection of fuelwood is also presented in this study. The suggestions for adopting certain specific renewable energy technologies suitable for the area have been presented.
The study uses multinomial logit model to investigate the factors that determine household cooking fuel choice between firewood, charcoal, and kerosene in Kisumu, Kenya. Empirical results indicate that level of education of wife, the level of education of husband, type of food mostly cooked, whether or not the household owns the dwelling unit, and whether or not the dwelling unit is traditional or modern type are important factors that determine household cooking fuel choice. Implications for regional and national fuel policies are discussed.
In spite of the varying supply boosting efforts made by various governments to deal with the existing demand–supply gap in the electricity sector, the incessant growth in aggregate domestic electricity demand has made these efforts futile. As an objective, this paper attempts to identify the factors responsible for the historical growth trends in aggregate domestic electricity demand quantifying their effects both in the short-run and long-run periods using the ARDL Bounds cointegration approach and the sample period 1975 to 2005. In the long-run, real per capita GDP, industry efficiency, structural changes in the economy, and degree of urbanisation are identified as the main driving force behind the historical growth trend in aggregate domestic electricity demand. However, in the short-run, real per capita GDP, industry efficiency, and degree of urbanisation are the main drivers of aggregate domestic electricity demand. Industry efficiency is the only factor that drives aggregate domestic electricity demand downwards. However, the negative efficiency effect is insufficient to have outweighed the positive income, output, and demographic effects, hence the continual growth in aggregate domestic electricity demand. As a policy option, we recommend that appropriate electricity efficiency standards be implemented at the industry level.
Fuelwood remains the primary energy to a majority of the population in Africa. However, little is known about the factors influencing its use particularly in urban centers where alternative energy sources are available. Using cross-sectional survey data from 200 households in the Jimma town of Ethiopia, this study investigates why some urban households use more fuelwood than others. Empirical results of the Tobit model reveal that the association between per capita income and per capita fuelwood consumption is non-linear and that per capita fuelwood consumption is inversely associated with family size and education of the household head. Additionally, refrigerator ownership has a significant positive effect on per capita charcoal consumption. Therefore, energy policy and development projects aimed at reducing fuelwood dependency in urban areas of Ethiopia should work not only to increase the supply of modern energy but also reduce poverty to the poor households.