
Teaching the New Social Studies in Secondary Schools: An Inductive Approach

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... From this viewpoint, each individual social discipline (e.g., political science, history, economics, geography) can be considered in terms of its own distinct structure of concepts, theories, and modes of empirical inquiry. In educational scholarship this idea was most widely and successfully advanced by psychologist Jerome Bruner (1969Bruner ( , 1977 and curriculum theorist J. J. Schwab (1969); it formed, in part, the basis for what became known as the "new social studies" (Fenton, 1966;Massialas, 1992). ...
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The Social Studies Curriculum (5th Ed.) will be published in 2024 by State University of New York Press. The Social Studies Curriculum (5th Edition) updates the definitive overview of the issues teachers face when creating learning experiences for students in social studies. The book connects diverse elements of the social studies curriculum – social issues, history, cultural studies – offering a unique and critical perspective that separates it from other texts. The social studies curriculum is contested terrain both epistemologically and politically and this completely updated book includes new chapters on politics of social studies curriculum, historical perspective, critical historical inquiry, Black education and critical race theory, whiteness and anti-racism, decolonial literacy and decolonizing the curriculum, gender and sexuality, Islamophobia, critical media literacy, evil in social studies, economics education, anarchism, children’s rights and Earth democracy, and citizenship education. Readers are encouraged to reconsider their assumptions and understandings of purposes, nature, and possibilities of the social studies curriculum.
... From this viewpoint, each individual social discipline (e.g., political science, history, economics, geography) can be considered in terms of its own distinct structure of concepts, theories, and modes of empirical inquiry. In educational scholarship, this idea was most widely and successfully advanced by psychologist Jerome Bruner and curriculum theorist J. J. Schwab; it formed, in part, the basis for what became known as the "new social studies" (Fenton, 1966). In this tradition, citizenship education includes mastering social science concepts, generalizations, and processes to build a knowledge base for later learning. ...
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Social studies education has had a turbulent history as one of the core subjects in the school curriculum. The fundamental content of the social studies curriculum – the study of human enterprise across space and time –however, has always been at the core of educational endeavors. It is generally accepted that the formal introduction of social studies to the school curriculum was instigated by the 1916 report of the National Education Association's Committee on Social Studies, which emphasized development of citizenship values as a core aim of history and social science education. Earlier commissions of the N.E.A. and American Historical Association heavily influenced the Committee on Social Studies recommendations. The roots of the contemporary social studies curriculum, therefore, can be traced to two distinct curriculum reform efforts: the introduction of academic history into the curriculum and citizenship education. There is widespread agreement that the aim of social studies is citizenship education, that is the preparation of young people so that they possess the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for active participation in society. This apparent consensus, however, has been described as almost meaningless because social studies educators continue to be at odds over curricular content as well as the conception of what it means to be a good citizen. Since its formal introduction into the school, social studies curriculum been the subject of numerous commission and blue-ribbon panel studies, ranging from the sixteen-volume report of the American Historical Association's Commission on Social Studies in the 1930s to the more recent movement for national curriculum standards. Separate and competing curriculum standards have been published for no less than seven areas of that are part of the social studies curriculum: United States and global history, economics, geography, civics, psychology, and social studies. Social studies curriculum is defined a lack of consensus and has been an ideological battleground with ongoing debates over its nature, purpose, and content. Historically there have been a diverse range of curricular programs that have been a prominent within social studies education at various times, including the life adjustment movement, progressive education, social reconstructionism, and nationalistic history. The debate over the nature, purpose, and content of the social studies curriculum continues today, with competing groups variously arguing for a social issues approach, the disciplinary study of history and geography, or action for social justice as the most appropriate framework for the social studies curriculum.
... Yaşamın her alanında bir felsefi temel olduğu gibi sosyal bilgiler eğitiminin de bir felsefesi ve bir doğası bulunmaktadır (Doğanay, 2005). Bunun için sosyal bilgiler eğitimiyle ilgilenen bilim insanları çeşitli çalışmalar yürüterek sosyal bilgilerin doğasını oluşturan öğretim yaklaşımlarını tespit etme arayışı içerisine girmişlerdir (Barr, Barth & Shermis 1977;Fenton, 1966;Janzen, 1995;Morrissett & Haas, 1982;Stanley & Nelson 1994). Bu çalışmalardan birini yürüten Barth ve Shermis 1970 yılında yazdıkları bir makalede sosyal bilgiler öğretimi yaklaşımlarına ilişkin bir sınıflama yapmış, bu sınıflama daha sonra Barr, Barth ve Shermis (1977) tarafından yayınlanan "Defining The Social Studies (Sosyal Bilgileri Tanımlamak)" adlı kitapta ifadesini bulmuştur. ...
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Extended Abstract As a course, social studies is taught in many countries and it effects the world's educational system for decades. Considering Turkey, social studies has been taught officially under the name of social studies since 1968. It is taught three hours per week in the 4 th , 5 th , 6 th and 7 th grades of the primary school.
... Comparing historical interpretations became an important part of the Dutch curriculum when Dalhuisen, an influential editor of a Dutch textbook on historical didactics in the 1970s, started to promote the 'methodology of inquiry', an adaptation of what Fenton (1966;1967) in the US had been propagating as the 'new social studies' (Dalhuisen & Korevaar, 1971;Wilschut, 2009b). However, the 1990s saw a change in public opinion and politicians started to criticise the focus on thinking skills in favour of learning historical 'facts'. ...
Teaching interpretational history is known to be challenging for history teachers. This study aimed at understanding how student teachers develop in terms of representing history epistemologically. 13 student teachers were interviewed drawing retrospective storylines. Student teachers reported more factual and less interpretational history teaching than they would have preferred, yet can be influenced in different epistemological directions by their work and learning environment. A prominent finding is that student teachers need to develop confidence in expertise before allowing the ‘uncertainty’ of interpretational history teaching, showing a ‘Certainty Paradox’. A case for careful apprenticeship selection and epistemological reflection is made.
... From this viewpoint, each individual social discipline (e.g., political science, history, economics, and geography) can be considered in terms of its own distinct structure of concepts, theories, and modes of empirical inquiry. In educational scholarship this idea was most widely and successfully advanced by psychologist Jerome Bruner (1969Bruner ( , 1977, and curriculum theorist J. J. Schwab (1969); it formed, in part, the basis for what became known as the "new social studies" (Fenton, 1966;Massialas, 1992). ...
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Social studies have a contentious history as a school subject and this article begins with an overview of the historically competing viewpoints on the nature and purposes of social studies education in the North American context. Next, we provide a critical examination of recent educational reforms in the USA (No Child Left Behind and Common Core State Standards), which use high-stakes testing as a tool for standardizing the social studies curriculum and teaching methods. The final section of the article examines both the significant levels of resistance to high-stakes testing and curriculum standardization by students, teachers, and the public and the question of whether social studies education will promote citizenship that is adaptive to the status quo or the reconstruction society in more equitable and socially just ways. Los estudios sociales tienen una historia contenciosa como asignatura escolar y este artículo comienza con una visión general de los puntos de vista que históricamente compiten sobre la naturaleza y fines de la educación de estudios sociales en el contexto de América del Norte. A continuación, se ofrece un examen crítico de las reformas educativas recientes en los EE.UU. (Ningún Niño se Queda Atrás y los Estándares Estatales Comunes), que utilizan las pruebas de alta exigencia como una herramienta para estandarizar el currículo de estudios sociales y los métodos de enseñanza. La sección final del artículo examimna tanto los niveles significativos de resistencia de los estudiantes, profesores y el público a las pruebas de alta exigencia y a la estandarización del currículo y la pregunta de si la educación en estudios sociales promoverá ciudadanía adaptable al status quo o a la reconstrucción de la sociedad en formas mas equitativas y socialmente más justas.
... Self-study emerged in large part out of a focus in teacher education on Dewey's notions of reflective thinking (Loughran, 2007) and for many years social studies educators have connected with reflective thinking (McAninch, 2004;Ross, 1994). As a sampling only, Massialas and Cox (1966) grounded inquiry teaching in Dewey's conceptions of reflective thinking, Fenton (1966) covered reflective thinking as a part of his work to help teachers learn to teach the New Social Studies, and NCSS published a bulletin in 1994 dedicated to reflective practice and Dewey's influence is notable throughout the work (Ross, 1994). Powell (Chapter 2) goes into greater detail about reflective practice in social studies and how self-study can be a systematic method to engage in reflective practice in social studies. ...
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Over the past two decades, self-study has secured its place on the map of approaches to better understanding teacher education. Self-study has attracted interest from researchers and teacher educators representing diverse content areas. Curiously, however, social studies has remained largely on the sidelines as an under-represented participant in the growth of this new genre of educational research. Self-study can be a valuable way for social studies educators—both teachers and teacher educators—to learn about teaching, learn from their practice, and become better at what they do. Uniquely grounded in practice and its surrounding contexts, self-study represents a means of investigation that provides insights into some of the more elusive, and persistent questions in our field.
... Al menos uno de estos proyectos de reforma curricular, El hombre: un curso de estudio, trajo consigo tantas críticas significativas de los padres, los miembros de la comunidad y los políticos, que motivo la no adopción de este curso por muchos sistemas escolares y, si ya lo habían adoptado, entonces se eliminaban del curso de estudios. La oposición, que estuvo representada 2 En 1967, uno de los autores de este ensayo, Barry Franklin, enseñaba Estudios Sociales en la Escuela de Secundaria Bloom Township en los suburbios del sur de Chicago y presentó a los estudiantes del curso de Historia de los Estados Unidos de onceavo grado a uno de los nuevos currículos de estudios sociales que EdwinFenton (1966) había desarrollado en el Instituto Tecnológico Carnegie. La unidad que utilizó con su clase involucró a los estudiantes en una serie de actividades investigativas modeladas según las estrategias de investigación de los historiadores reales. ...
La Educación Secundaria continúa extendiéndose rápidamente a nivel mundial. Tan importante como su expansión es su diversificación. Este trabajo mantiene que, aunque se reconoce la diversificación de la Educación Secundaria, esta no ha sido bien estudiada. A pesar de la gran expansión de la Educación Secundaria en diferentes regiones del mundo, la información disponible para los investigadores ¿y los que diseñan las políticas¿ sobre una comparación informada de los sistemas de Educación Secundaria, ha sido, y continúa siendo, superficial y limitada. Este trabajo compara los elementos principales y contenidos de los sistemas de Educación Secundaria. Intenta ir más allá de la caracterización ya existente de la Educación Secundaria, informando sobre los resultados iniciales patrocinados por la Oficina Internacional de Educación (IBE) sobre estudios transnacionales de programas de nivel secundario, especialidades y currículo. Este estudio, además de estar limitado principalmente a las especialidades de perfil académico, provee una base empírica para comparar la diversificación de los sistemas de Educación Secundaria.
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Adanya pandemi Covid 19 berdampak pada berbagai sektor bidang kehidupan manusia salah satunya adalah bidang pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, keberlangsungan pendidikan harus diperhatiakan secara serius agar siswa tetap belajar meskipun dalam masa pandemi Covid 19. Salah satu terobosan agar siswa tetap belajar yaitu dengan menggunakan gawai yang terkoneksi dengan iternet atau sering disebut dengan pembelajaran online. Dalam pembelajaran online melalui virtual field trips atau karyawisata virtual guru dan siswa dapat mengakses berbagai informasi salah satunya mengenai materi pembelajaran berbasis nilai-nilai tradisi kebo-keboan dalam pembelajaran IPS yang termasuk tema 1. indahnya kebersamaan, subtema keberagaman budaya bangsaku di kelas IV sekolah dasar. Desain implementasi pembelajaran IPS berbasis nilai-nilai tradisi kebo-keboan melalui karyawisata virtual diharapkan dapat mempermudah guru menyampaikan materi pembelajaran berbasis budaya lokal kepada siswa, karena tahap-tahap pembelajaran sudah diuraikan secara jelas dan sistematis.
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Bu araştırmanın amacı, sosyal bilgiler öğretmen adaylarının sosyal bilgiler okuryazarlığı kavramına yükledikleri anlamlardan hareketle günümüz dünyasında sosyal bilgileri öğrenmek mi sosyal bilgiler okuryazarı olmak mı sorusuna cevap aramaktır. Çalışmada nitel araştırma yaklaşımlarından olgu bilim deseni kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu ölçüt örnekleme yöntemiyle belirlenen toplam 60 sosyal bilgiler öğretmen adayı oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma verilerinin toplanmasında öğretmen adaylarının sosyal bilgiler okuryazarlığı kavramına ilişkin oluşturdukları zihin haritaları kullanılmıştır. Veriler içerik analizi ile MaxQda 2020 nitel veri analiz programında çözümlenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda öğretmen adaylarının sosyal bilgiler dersinin toplumsal yaşam içerisinde sosyal bilgiler okuryazarlığı üzerinden daha görünür olabileceğini ifade etmişlerdir. Öğretmen adayları, sosyal bilgiler okuryazarı bireylerin; kendini ve içinde yaşadığı toplumu tanıyan, geçmiş, bugün ve gelecek bağlantısı kuran, insan ve çevre ilişkisinin farkında olup doğal çevreyi koruyan, bilimsel ve teknolojik gelişmeleri takip eden, bilinçli tüketici davranışları sergileyen kişiler olması gerektiğini belirtmişlerdir.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kepraktisan dan keefektifan perangkat pembelajaran IPA SMP yang dikembangkan berorientasi pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbantuan strategi concept mapping untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep pada materi kalor di siswa SMP. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan rancangan uji coba one group pretest-posttest. Perangkat pembelajaran yang diimplementasikan dalam penelitian ini meliputi Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS), Buku Siswa, dan Lembar Penilaian (LP). Subyek penelitian adalah 10 siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 19 Surabaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran yang ditinjau dari keterlaksanaan pembelajaran berkategori baik, aktivitas siswa paling dominan adalah proses memecahkan masalah, serta respons siswa terhadap pembelajaran dinyatakan positif dan (2) keefektifan perangkat pembelajaran yang ditinjau dari ketuntasan hasil belajar produk, proses, dan psikomotor berkategori tuntas, perilaku berkarakter dan keterampilan sosial berkategori baik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran IPA SMP yang digunakan praktis, dan efektif) untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep siswa SMP pada materi kalor. The Effectiveness of Learning Tools with Guided Inquiry Model Assisted by Concept Map Strategies to Improve Concept Mastery Abstract This study aims to describe the practicality and effectiveness of the Junior High School natural learning learning tools that are developed oriented towards guided inquiry learning assisted with concept mapping strategies to improve the mastery of concepts in heat material in junior high school students. This research is a descriptive study with a one group pretest-posttest trial design. The learning tools implemented in this study include the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), Student Worksheets (LKS), Student Books, and Assessment Sheets (LP). The research subjects were 10 grade VII students of SMP Negeri 19 Surabaya. The results showed that (1) the practicality of learning devices in terms of good learning implementation, the most dominant student activity was the process of solving problems, and students' responses to learning were positive and (2) the effectiveness of learning devices in terms of completeness of learning outcomes of products, processes , and psychomotor categorized as complete, characterized by good behavior and social skills. Based on the results of these studies it can be concluded that the science learning tools of junior high school that are used practically, and effectively) to improve the mastery of the concept of junior high school students on heat material.
Résumé Un apprentissage de l’économie, approprié aux besoins de vivre en société doit prendre en considération les valeurs. Les cours doivent viser à éclairer les élèves sur les choix individuels et collectifs qui s’imposent à eux à titre de citoyens et à leur faire voir la relativité de ces choix. Cet enseignement doit tenir compte du contexte social plus général dans lequel les choix économiques s’effectuent. Après avoir identifié les choix sociaux et individuels les plus couramment proposés dans les cours d’économie, l’auteur propose des approches favorisant la prise de conscience des valeurs.
First, a confession. I have never been a particularly good long-term planner. I’m more apt to follow my nose, focusing on little more than the ground most directly in front of me, impulsively following some curiosity that has sparked my interest, like a hound in the woods sniffing out a fox.
Critics of education in the United States asserted that high school students' performance fell after 1960. The decline has been linked to high school curricula which lost academic rigor in comparison to high school curricula in earlier decades. This study investigates the curricula of selected high schools in Nebraska, using random samples of graduating seniors taken every 10 years from 1953 to 1983. Findings show that the proportions of students' programs devoted to more demanding English, social sciences, mathematics, business, and natural science courses diminished during the study period. Grade inflation was observed in smaller public schools, but not in larger public schools nor in Catholic schools.
The final semester in teacher education, known as student teaching, is arguably the most difficult time in the professional training of teachers. Research suggests that student teaching is a clinical experience filled with conflicting visions, competing practices, and insufficient guidance that can undermine the essential aims of teacher education programs. This experience can hinder student teachers??? use of newly learned knowledge and skills in the field classroom. This dissertation addresses how student teachers use, modify, or disregard practices they learned in their teacher education coursework. Through case studies of seven secondary history/social studies student teachers in an innovative teacher education program seeking to bring coherence between the field and the university, this study sought to understand how pre-service teachers see and experience challenges and supports in using new practices as they enter a traditional student teaching semester. The practices include (a) building lessons around central concepts or big ideas, (b) using historical/historiographic or social scientific problems to launch and organize lessons and units, and (c) employing lessons to hook secondary students in historical or social science content. A central finding of this dissertation is that regardless of the coherence they experienced in previous semesters, these student teachers perceived a breach between their field experience and their teacher education program during their student teaching semester. They described challenges in using new practices, often with insufficient support from both the field classroom and from the university, to mediate these challenges. My study suggests that some of these challenges affect whether student teachers would use, modify, or disregard the practices they learned. This analysis revealed specific hindrances to teacher education, such as a lack of capacity to effectively support novice teachers in the field and tensions between giving student teachers codified instructions for practices and helping them use practices creatively and malleably. To improve teacher education, this dissertation calls for a more intentional design of the student teaching semester to ensure a more coherent experience for novice teachers. Further, this study calls for the formal training of cooperating teachers in the methods and theoretical foundations of the teacher education programs.
History is often viewed unfavorably by students. In this article the author asserts that students’ disfavor of history may originate from the narrow pedagogical flavor of the history class. The purpose of this article is to describe the three traditions of history education, with their accompanying strengths and weaknesses. Three sample lessons on immigration in United States History are provided to illustrate how these three traditions of history education may actually harmoniously coexist within a history curricula as a means to meet the learning needs of students.
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We employed a quasi‐experimental design using pre/post surveys and comparisons with control groups to examine the impact of the Constitutional Rights Foundation’s CityWorks (U.S.A.) curriculum. In particular, we assessed its ability to further democratic aims by supporting the development of three forms of social capital: norms of civic participation, social trust, and knowledge of social networks. Our evaluation indicates that this curriculum and several of its curricular features (use of simulations, role models, service learning, learning about problems in the community, learning how local government works, and personal relevance) have the potential to further the democratic purposes of education.
This paper is an examination of the intersections between the concepts of multicultural democracy, inquiry pedagogy, and classroom-based use of the Internet. Data from research on a professional development project is used to illustrate the ways in which the central tenets of multicultural democracy, as set forth by Marri, can be addressed through the use of inquiry pedagogy. In addition, the benefits of the Internet as a classroom tool are explored in relation to the goals that multicultural democracy and inquiry pedagogy share. The vital role of the teacher in formulating and presenting lessons consistent with these goals is emphasized throughout. "It falls into my whole philosophy of social studies education, how I think children can learn the social studies. You really have to be a part of it -- it's not a bunch of information. It's social. It's how people interact and a process like [inquiry] makes learning content and learning about old ideas and new ideas a social thing. That's why the classroom is here -- to do things like that. Inquiry allows for it and encourages it." (Tom W, teacher participant in a professional development project on technology-supported inquiry)
The paper analyses and compares developments in history teaching in Germany, England, and the Netherlands in the 19th and 20th centuries. The development of history teaching in the three countries shows striking similarities. National politics have always used history education for purposes which did not necessarily tally with distanced critical thinking, carefully balanced judgements, and a striving for unbiased interpretations. In the two centuries described here, only the decades of the 1960s and 1970s have been different. Then politics and society scorned a subject which was so clearly unfit for a ‘modern age’. Attempts were made to eliminate history from the school curriculum. As a consequence, history educators adopted a defensive position and a new type of history teaching emerged, which put critical and distanced thinking at the centre. Because politics had turned its back on history, it was possible to develop a vision of history teaching which did not serve any preconceived political aim but took historical thinking as such as its point of departure. During the 1980s and 1990s, the old recipe of forging nations was revived and traditional curricula were once more brought to life.
Visual images within social studies textbooks need to be actively "read" by students. Drawing on literature from cultural studies, this article suggests three instructional conditions for teaching students to read visual texts. Agency implies that readers have the (1) authority, (2) opportunity and capacity, and (3) community for engaging in the task of reading in multiple ways. Seven ways of reading images are outlined--instrumental, narrative, iconic, editorial, indicative, oppositional, and reflexive--and are illustrated with instructional questions. (Contains 3 notes.)
This paper addresses the question of how the values of the kibbutz are presented and tested in six school‐based curricula. The research reported here indicated that kibbutz values in school‐based curricula are studied mainly by the examination of these values as ideals vis‐à‐vis the probability of their realisation and their practical application. Planners and teachers alike attempt to cope with this gap by promoting tolerance towards a partial and compromising realisation of values which fall short of absolute ideals, and by examining practical solutions to dilemmas of principle explicit in kibbutz life. Moreover, the findings indicate that the most frequently practised way to present and teach kibbutz values is a neutral, objective approach that does not oblige the teacher to take a stand. This apparently stems from the ambivalent attitude of the teachers as individual kibbutz members towards the kibbutz way of life.
A review ofReenvisioning the Progressive Tradition in Curriculum (David T. Hansen, Rodino F. Anderson, Jeffrey Frank,& Kiera Nieuwejaar. Chapter 22, pp. 440–459.)What Schools Teach: A Social History of the American Curriculum Since 1950 (Barry M. Franklin & Carla C. Johnson. Chapter 23, pp. 460–477.)Curriculum Development in Historical Perspective (J. Wesley Null. Chapter 24, pp. 478–490.)inPart III, Section F: Inquiring Into CurriculumThe SAGE Handbook of Curriculum and Instruction, edited by F. M. Connelly, M. F. He, & J. I. Phillion, Sage Publications, 2008
Cognitive Stimulation is a system of intrinsic motivation which draws upon neo-behavioral, cognitive, and information-processing theories and upon a body of related research. The essential features of this system are the following: (a) a discrepancy between stimulus input and the learner's expectations for that input, (b) instrumental responses by the learner to reduce the discrepancy, and (c) feedback which may have the effect of maintaining the discrepancy or of reducing it by signalling changes in the environment or by modifying the learner's expectations. Based on this formulation, some important instructional considerations include the collative content of the input and the type of expectation which the input violates. In order to maximize their motivational effects, discrepancies must be maintained at optimal levels by manipulating variables such as the total value of the discrepant elements and the degree to which the elements are incompatible. Finally, the motivational impact of discrepancies is subject to the facilitating or debilitating effects of cognitive and personality differences among individual learners. The implications of this system for instructional decision-making were considered in terms of the selection of instructional topics, instructional materials, and instructional strategies.
It is the thesis of this paper that privileged students can develop compassion for their peers who are given minority status in our society by having United States history teachers teach history in such a way that the affluent come to have a greater understanding for the “other.” The study begins with a discussion of concepts of privilege, compassion and empathy, and the poor. This is followed by an historical overview of traditions of teaching United States history and the textbooks used over the years, beginning in the late 19th century up until the 1980’s and 1990’s. This is not intended to be an exhaustive study but one which gives the main ideas of different eras and to show how they shifted from generation to generation and according to the political/social climate in the United States. In the third chapter I address issues of power, ideology, and education in the teaching of U.S. history. The consciousness of teachers and its importance in teaching for compassion is crucial to this process. In Chapter Five I do a textual analysis of three commonly used American history books in public high schools, and I also look at the texts used by American history teachers in the Champaign-Urbana community, in terms of their propensity to teach compassion to the privileged. The study ends by looking at compassion, how it can be understood, taught, and learned. This includes a conclusion and recommendations, as well as important questions to be asked at this point about compassion and teaching United States history. The critical pedagogy of Paulo Freire is very relevant here, as is critical theory and, in addition, critical race theory. We must find a way through public education to reach privileged children and help them understand their history and that of our country. To understand is to be empowered and that is true for everyone. The affuent must be brought to a place where they can understand, at a deep level of meaning, what has brought them to where they are, an accident of birthplace and status, if we are to have them as part of the struggle for equality. The twelve years they spend in school is an invaluable time to reach them. If we do not use this time to do so, it is a wasteful tragedy.
El propósito de este ensayo es enmarcar la historia social del currículum escolar estadounidense desde 1950, explorando la interconexión de las diferentes propuestas que se han planteado acerca de lo que se debía enseñar en las escuelas y sobre lo que realmente ocurría cuando estas escuelas intentaban poner en práctica dichas recomendaciones. Nuestro punto de partida es el movimiento de educación centrada o ajuntada a la vida y el conflicto que surgió entre sus defensores y otros grupos de reformadores curriculares que favorecían la reforma curricular centrada en las disciplinas. El ensayo resultante analiza el conflicto entre estos dos grupos de reformadores de los años cincuenta en adelante y considera su impacto en lo que se enseñaba en las escuelas. Por lo tanto consideraremos cómo se ha manifestado este conflicto a partir de los setenta y lo que nos puede decir acerca del currículum escolar contemporáneo.
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