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Synthesis of highly crystalline polyaniline with the use of (Cyclohexylamino)-1-propanesulfonic acid for supercapacitor

  • CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology

Abstract and Figures

Polyaniline (PANI) salt was prepared with 3-(Cyclohexylamino)-1-propanesulfonic acid (CAPS) as a novel dopant by aqueous polymerization pathway. Effects of sodium lauryl sulfate surfactant, mineral acid (H2SO4), and a combination of surfactant with mineral acid during the polymerization reaction were also determined. PANI-CAPS showed semicrystalline with flake-like morphology. The use of the sodium lauryl sulfate along with CAPS resulted in the formation of highly crystalline nanospheres with flake-like morphology. In order to find out the effect of surfactant, sodium lauryl sulfate was used in the reaction. The combination of sodium lauryl sulfate, CAPS, and H2SO4 brings about an extended nanosphere morphology. These polyaniline salts were used as electrode materials in the supercapacitor application, in a symmetric two-electrode cell configuration. The values of specific capacitance, energy, and power densities of PANI-CAPS-DHS-H2SO4 material at 2 mA cm−2 were 495 F g−1, 90 kJ kg−1, and 120 J Kg−1 s−1, respectively. Moreover, 85 % of the original capacitance was retained after 3,000 galvanostatic charge–discharge cycles with a coulombic efficiency of 96–99 %. The value of phase angle is close to 90 at low frequencies, indicating a good capacitive behavior.
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Synthesis of highly crystalline polyaniline with the use
of (Cyclohexylamino)-1-propanesulfonic acid for supercapacitor
Ravi Bolagam Rajender Boddula
Palaniappan Srinivasan
Received: 3 July 2014 / Accepted: 22 September 2014 / Published online: 2 October 2014
ÓSpringer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014
Abstract Polyaniline (PANI) salt was prepared with
3-(Cyclohexylamino)-1-propanesulfonic acid (CAPS) as a
novel dopant by aqueous polymerization pathway. Effects
of sodium lauryl sulfate surfactant, mineral acid (H
and a combination of surfactant with mineral acid during
the polymerization reaction were also determined. PANI-
CAPS showed semicrystalline with flake-like morphology.
The use of the sodium lauryl sulfate along with CAPS
resulted in the formation of highly crystalline nanospheres
with flake-like morphology. In order to find out the effect
of surfactant, sodium lauryl sulfate was used in the reac-
tion. The combination of sodium lauryl sulfate, CAPS, and
brings about an extended nanosphere morphology.
These polyaniline salts were used as electrode materials in
the supercapacitor application, in a symmetric two-elec-
trode cell configuration. The values of specific capacitance,
energy, and power densities of PANI-CAPS-DHS-H
material at 2 mA cm
were 495 F g
, and
120 J Kg
, respectively. Moreover, 85 % of the ori-
ginal capacitance was retained after 3,000 galvanostatic
charge–discharge cycles with a coulombic efficiency of
96–99 %. The value of phase angle is close to 90 at low
frequencies, indicating a good capacitive behavior.
Keywords Conducting polymers Novel dopant
Polyaniline Supercapacitor Crystallinity
1 Introduction
Supercapacitors, which are also termed as electrochemi-
cal capacitors or ultracapacitors, have been studied for
application in digital communication devices, digital
cameras, mobile phone, power supplies, and hybrid
electric vehicles. Supercapacitors have higher power
density and longer cycle life compared to secondary
batteries and higher energy density compared to con-
ventional electrochemical double-layer capacitors [13].
The performances of supercapacitors are primarily
determined by the electrode materials [4]. Capacitance
performance of supercapacitors depends on active elec-
trode materials based on carbon materials, metal oxides,
and conducting polymers, which are having their own
advantages and disadvantages. Carbon-based materials
can provide high power density and long cycle life, but
its low specific capacitance limits its application for high
energy density devices [5,6]. Metal oxides/hydroxides
possess pseudocapacitance in addition to double layer
capacitance and have wide charge/discharge potential
range, higher energy density, and better cycling stability,
but they have a key weakness of poor conductivity and
high cost [7,8]. On the other hand, conducting polymers
have been intensively studied as electrodes in superca-
pacitors due to their high electrical conductivity, elec-
trochemical reversibility, larger pseudo-capacitance, and
faster doping/dedoping rate during charge/discharge pro-
cess, but they have low mechanical stability and cycle
life [9]. Among the conducting polymers, polyaniline
(PANI) has been regarded as one of the most promising
conductive polymers due to its low cost, easy synthesis,
controllable electrical conductivity, and good environ-
mental stability [10]. We have written a chapter on
‘Recent advances in the approach of polyaniline as
R. Bolagam P. Srinivasan
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, New Delhi,
R. Bolagam R. Boddula P. Srinivasan (&)
Polymers & Functional Materials Division, CSIR-Indian
Institute of Chemical Technology, Tarnaka, Hyderabad 500007,
J Appl Electrochem (2015) 45:51–56
DOI 10.1007/s10800-014-0753-4
electrode for supercapacitor,’’ wherein we have covered
the polyaniline materials for supercapacitor application
[11]. Very recently, inkjet-printed polyaniline was used as
electrode in supercapacitor application [12,13].
Herein, we report (i) a facile synthesis of highly crystal-
line nanostructured polyaniline via an aqueous polymeriza-
tion pathway using 3-(Cyclohexylamino)-1-propanesulfonic
acid (CAPS) as a novel dopant; (ii) effects of surfactant and
mineral acid in the preparation of polyaniline salt; and (iii)
the use of these polyaniline salts as electrodes in superca-
pacitor cell and their performances.
2 Experimental
2.1 Instruments and characterization
Powder of polyaniline was pressed into a disk of 13-mm
diameter and about 1.5-mm thickness under a pressure of
120 kg cm
. The resistance of the pellet was measured by
four-probe method using Keithley constant source (Model-
6220) and nanovoltmeter (Model-2182A) (Keithley,
Cleveland, Ohio, USA). Pellet density was measured from
mass per unit volume of the pressed pellet. FT-IR spectra
of polymer samples were registered on a FT-IR spec-
trometer (Thermo Nicolet Nexus 670, USA) using KBr-
pressed pellet technique. X-ray diffraction profiles for
polymer powders were obtained on a Siemens/D-500 X-ray
diffractometer, USA, using Cu Karadiation and the scan
speed of 0.045°min
. Morphology studies (microstruc-
tural and elemental analysis) of the polymer samples were
carried out using a Hitachi S-4300 FE-SEM (Tokyo,
Japan). The sample was mounted on a carbon disk with the
help of double-sided adhesive tape and sputter-coated with
a thin layer of gold to prevent sample-charging problems.
The electrode was made by pressing 5 mg of polyaniline
sample on stainless steel mesh by the application of
100 kg cm
pressure. Supercapacitor cell (Swagelok-type
cell) was constructed using two polyaniline electrodes in
1 M aqueous H
electrolyte solution without a refer-
ence electrode, and a cotton cloth was utilized as a sepa-
rator. Cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charge–
discharge experiments were carried on supercapacitor cell
using a WonATech multichannel potentiostat/galvanostat
(WMPG1000, GyeongGi-do, Korea) equipment. Cyclic
voltammograms were recorded from -0.2 to 0.6 V at
various sweep rates. Galvanostatic charge–discharge
experiments were carried out from 0 to 0.6 V at various
current densities. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
measurements were carried out using IM6ex zahner-Elek-
trik (Germany) equipment in the frequency range of
40 kHz–10 mHz at various voltages using three-electrode
configuration, i.e., polyaniline salt as working electrode,
platinum as counter electrode, saturated calomel electrode
(SCE) as reference electrode, and 1 M aqueous H
electrolyte solution. All the electrochemical measurements
were performed at the ambient temperature.
2.2 Preparation of PANI-CAPS salt
Aniline (0.93 g, 0.1 M) and 3-(Cyclohexylamino)-1-pro-
panesulfonic acid (2.21 g, 0.1 M) were dissolved in 50 ml
of distilled water. To this solution, 50 mL distilled water
containing ammonium persulfate (2.28 g, 0.1 M) was
added as a whole. The mixture was stirred constantly for
4 h at the ambient temperature. The green precipitate was
filtered and washed several times with distilled water fol-
lowed by acetone. The powder sample was dried at 50 °C
in oven.
2.3 Preparation of PANI-CAPS-DHS salt
In the above reaction, sodium lauryl sulfate (1 g, 0.035 M)
was taken along with aniline and 3-(Cyclohexylamino)-1-
propanesulfonic acid in 50 ml water, and further process
was carried out by the above procedure.
2.4 Preparation of PANI-CAPS-H
In the above reaction (PANI-CAPS), aqueous sulfuric acid
(1 M) was taken along with aniline and 3-(Cyclohexyl-
amino)-1-propanesulfonic acid in 50 ml water, and further
process was carried out by the above procedure.
2.5 Preparation of PANI-CAPS-DHS-H
In the above reaction (PANI-CAPS), sodium lauryl sulfate
(1 g, 0.035 M) and aqueous sulfuric acid (1 M) were taken
along with aniline and 3-(Cyclohexylamino)-1-propane-
sulfonic acid in 50 ml water, and further process was car-
ried out by the above procedure.
3 Results and discussion
In this work, an organic acid, 3-(Cyclohexylamino)-1-
propanesulfonic acid (CAPS), was used as a novel dopant
for the preparation of polyaniline salt (PANI-CAPS) via an
aqueous polymerization process by oxidizing aniline using
ammonium persulfate (Scheme 1). In order to find out the
effect of surfactant, sodium lauryl sulfate was used in the
reaction. In the course of polymerization, sodium lauryl
sulfate got converted into dodecyl hydrogen sulfate (DHS)
under the acidic condition and incorporated into polyani-
line system along with CAPS (PANI-CAPS-DHS). Mineral
acid (H
) was also tried out along with an organic acid,
52 J Appl Electrochem (2015) 45:51–56
wherein, polyaniline got doped with both CAPS and H
). The use of mixture of surfactant
and mineral acid along with CAPS led to the formation of
. The values of yield and con-
ductivity for the polyaniline salts are included in
Scheme 1.
The values of yield and conductivity of sample PANI-
CAPS were 0.5 g and 0.03 S cm
, respectively. The
values of yield and conductivity increased with the use of
surfactant and then increased further with the use of min-
eral acid and still further increased with the use of sur-
factant mineral acid mixture. This result indicates that the
oxidizing and doping power is higher with the use of sur-
factant and mineral acid. However, pellet density
(1.33 g cm
) calculated from mass per unit volume of the
pellet was found to be independent of the use of surfactant
and mineral acid.
3.1 Infrared spectra of polyaniline salts
shown in Fig. 1, and their corresponding peak positions are
reported in Table 1along with the reported ‘‘conventional’
polyaniline SALT and BASE [14]. IR spectra of PANI-
are very nearly the same, which result is in turn
similar to that of the reported PANI SALT. Moreover, IR
spectrum of PANI-CAPS-DHS-H
shows two addi-
tional peaks 1,635 and 1,010 cm
which could be attrib-
uted to SO
H groups of H
and/or CAPS. However, IR
spectrum of PANI-CAPS shows three peaks at 1,585,
1,500, and 820 cm
which are assigned to PANI BASE,
and the remaining peaks are assigned to PANI SALT. A
peak at 1,040 cm
originates from SO
H group of CAPS.
The IR spectrum of PANI-CAPS signposts that the doping
efficiency is less with the use of only CAPS as dopant.
3.2 XRD patterns of polyaniline salts
The X-ray diffraction profile registered for PANI-CAPS-
(Fig. 2c) shows four clear peaks around 2h=15,
20, 25, and 27°which corresponds to semicrystalline
Polyaniline [15]. However, the X-ray diffraction pattern of
PANI-CAPS (Fig. 2a) shows only two peaks at 25 and 20°,
which indicates less crystallinity than that of PANI-CAPS-
. The X-ray diffraction pattern of PANI-CAPS-
(Fig. 2d) shows five peaks at 6.4, 15, 20, 25,
Scheme 1 Synthesis of PANI-
CAPS salts, their corresponding
yields, and conductivities
Fig. 1 Infrared spectra of (a) PANI-CAPS, (b) PANI-CAPS-DHS,
, and (d) PANI-CAPS-DHS-H
J Appl Electrochem (2015) 45:51–56 53
and 27°; the last four peaks indicate the semicrystalline
nature of polyaniline, and the first peak at 6.4°can be
assigned to the long-range ordering of polyaniline chains
via the doping of the surfactant molecules [16]. The X-ray
diffraction pattern of PANI-CAPS-DHS (Fig. 2b) displays
many peaks around 2h=14–44°; the main peaks at 17, 20,
22–24, and 29°are due to polyaniline, and the remaining
higher angle peaks are owing to the aromatic chain–chain
interaction in the polyaniline chain.
3.3 FE-SEM images of polyaniline salts
FE-SEM images of PANI-CAPS samples were recorded at
20 kV 980 k 9500-nm resolution and are shown in
Fig. 3. In the oxidative polymerization of aniline to poly-
aniline salt, the use of a weak acid (CAPS) results in the
formation of flake-like morphology (Fig. 3a); the use of
sodium lauryl sulfate surfactant along with CAPS results in
nanospheres with flakes (Fig. 3b); strong mineral acid and
CAPS upshot the formation of flakes (Fig. 3c); and the
combined use of sodium lauryl sulfate, mineral acid and
CAPS lead to the formation of nanospheres (Fig. 3d).
These results indicate that surfactant induces the formation
of nanospheres in the aniline polymerization.
3.4 Charge–discharge study of polyaniline salts
CD experiments were performed for the PANI-CAPS
samples in cell configuration at 1 mA cm
, and the values
of specific capacitance (CD-C
), energy (E
), and power
densities (P
) by considering the weight of one electrode
were calculated. The values are reported in Table 2. The
Fig. 2 X-ray diffraction patterns of (a) PANI-CAPS, (b) PANI-
, and (d) PANI-CAPS-DHS-
Fig. 3 FE-SEM images of aPANI-CAPS, bPANI-CAPS-DHS,
Table 1 IR peaks of PANI-CAPS samples in comparison with reported peak positions of PANI BASE and PANI SALT
N–H str. 3,425–3,445 3,425
- indicative of doping i.e. salt formation NIL 3,228–3,222 3,225 3,225
C–H str. NIL 2,917–2,923 2,925 2,925 2,925 2,925 w
C=C str., quinonoid ring 1,585–1,590 1,558–1,570 1,560 1,565 1,585 1,585
C=C str., benzenoid ring 1,490–1,500 1,470–1,485 1,475 1,485 1,470 1,500
1,375–1,380 NIL NIL NIL NIL
C–N str., quinonoid ring) 1,312 1,298–1,302 1,300 1,290 1,265 1,300
C–N str., benzenoid ring 1,217–1,213 1,230–1,245 1,245 1,245 1,220
N=Q=N vibration, where Q represents
the quionoid ring)
1,158–1,162 1,110–1,130 1,105 1,105 1,140 1,120
1,4-disubstituted benzene 825–832 790–800 800 795 820
H group 1,010 1,040
54 J Appl Electrochem (2015) 45:51–56
result shows that the values of specific capacitance and
energy densities increase with the increasing value of
conductivity of PANI-CAPS salts. In order to find out the
stability of the electrode, galvanostatic CD measurements
were carried out for PANI-CAPS-DHS-H
from lower
to higher scan rates (Fig. 4). Ragone plot of energy density
versus power density is shown as an inset in Fig. 4.
The CD-Cs values calculated from the CD tests with
respect to the mass of one electrode are 530, 495, 515, 400,
and 365 F g
at current densities of 1, 2, 3, 5, and
10 mA cm
, respectively. Capacitance retention over
prolonged charge–discharge cycles is essential for practical
supercapacitor materials. Hence, CD experiments were
performed up to 3,000 cycles at 2 mA cm
for PANI-
sample. CD-Cs, coulombic efficiency
(CE), and equivalent series resistance (ESR) with cycles
are shown in Fig. 5. The retention in the value of specific
capacitance at 3,000 cycles is 85 % with its initial capac-
itance value of 495 F g
. CE values are almost constant
with cycle numbers (96–99 %). ESR value increases from
4to40Xat the end of 3,000 cycles.
3.5 Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study
of polyaniline salts
EIS is an important analytical technique used to gain
information about the characteristic frequency responses of
supercapacitors and the capacitive phenomena occurring at
the electrodes. EIS experiments were carried out for the
PANI-CAPS systems in the frequency range from 40 kHz
to 10 mHz at an applied voltage of 0.7 V (Fig. 6), and the
EIS parameters are reported in Table 3. Solution resistance
of the four samples is nearly the same (0.5–0.7 X), indi-
cating the good conductivity of the electrolyte and very low
internal resistance of the electrode. The time constant value
is in the range of 0.1–0.4 ms.
The value of charge-transfer resistance is the main part of
the resistance of the supercapacitor. If the materials have
low charge-transfer resistance, then it has high electrical
conductivity and fast response ability of the electrode. The
value of charge-transfer resistance is in the range of
Fig. 4 Galvanostatic Charging–discharging curves of the PANI-
electrode recorded at different current densities
(a)1,(b)2,(c)3,(d) 5, and (e)10mAcm
Fig. 5 Capacitance, coulombic efficiencies, and ESR of PANI-
with charge–discharge cycles at 2 mA cm
current density
Fig. 6 Impedance spectra of aPANI-CAPS bPANI-CAPS-DHS,
electrode in
the range of 40 kHz–10 mHz at 0.7 V
Table 2 Specific capacitance,
energy, and power densities of
PANI-CAPS salts at
current density
Sample Conductivity
(S cm
(g cm
(F g
Energy density
(kJ kg
Power density
(J Kg
PANI-CAPS 0.03 1.32 320 57.6 120
PANI-CAPS-DHS 0.15 1.32 390 70.2 120
0.44 1.33 420 75.6 120
0.70 1.35 530 95.4 120
J Appl Electrochem (2015) 45:51–56 55
0.4–1.1 X, which indicates high electrical conductivity and
the fast response ability of the electrode. The value of
capacitance obtained at 10-mHz frequency for an applied
voltage of 0.7 V follows the order: PANI-CAPS-DHS-H
CAPS (Table 3). Bode plots of frequency versus phase angle
for PANI-CAPS samples carried out at 0.7 V applied volt-
age are shown in Fig. 7. The values of phase angles at
10 mHz obtained for PANI-CAPS, PANI-CAPS-DHS,
are 82,
85, 72, and 78, respectively. Ideal supercapacitor gives a
phase angle value of 90, and its value less than 90 shows
deviation from the ideal capacitor behavior. The value of
phase angle is close to 90 at low frequencies, indicating a
good capacitive behavior. Low values of phase angle
obtained in the case of PANI-CAPS-H
and PANI-
salts indicate that the use of mineral
acid decreases the capacitive behavior.
4 Conclusions
Polyaniline salts containing organic acid (PANI-CAPS),
organic acid-surfactant (PANI-CAPS-DHS), organic and
mineral acids (PANI-CAPS-H
), or organic and min-
eral acids and surfactant (PANI-CAPS-DHS-H
) were
prepared. These polyaniline salts were explored as elec-
trode material for electrochemical supercapacitor. Among
material showed
higher capacitance (530 F g
at 1 mA cm
density). Highly crystalline form with nanosphere mor-
phology was obtained for PANI-CAPS-DHS salt.
Acknowledgments The authors thank the Department of Science
and Technology, New Delhi, India for funding under the project DST/
TSG/PT/2011/179-G. The authors thank Dr. Lakshmi Kantam,
Director, CSIR-IICT for her support and encouragement. The authors
also thank Dr. Vijayamohanan K. Pillai, Director, CSIR—CECRI,
Karaikudi for his valuable suggestion. Authors BR and BR are
thankful to UGC, India for providing research fellowship.
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56 J Appl Electrochem (2015) 45:51–56
... Transition metal oxide hydroxides have a high E, but their rate capacity is limited. Despite their high specific capacitance, conducting polymers have low cycle stability [86][87][88][89]. Transition-metal sulfides are one of the most useful materials [90][91][92][93]. ...
... The core-shell structure of the CuCo 2 O 4 @MnO 2 composite inherited a synergistic impact from both the mesoporous structured CuCo 2 O 4 nanorods and nanosheets MnO 2 , resulting in a reduction in ion diffusion routes during the charging/ discharging cycles [201]. The maximum Qs of 1327.5 F g − 1 was achieved by a 3D core/shell heterostructure of Cu-Co 2 O 4 @Mn-MoO 4 (graphene foam) [88]. The hydrothermal approach (Fig. 7 (a)) was utilized for this manufacture, followed by a low-temperature thermal treatment using NF as the substrate [202,203]. ...
Recently, energy storage devices, specifically supercapattery devices, have attained much attention due to their high energy density (E), extraordinary power density (P) and high stability devices. Manganese (sulfide/oxide) based nanomaterials are more stimulating than conventional materials for supercapattery energy storage devices. They are due to their high conductivity, porous area and surface sensitivity, cost-effectiveness, simple fabrication, and less hazardous to the environment. This review describes a detailed study on manganese (sulfide/oxide) based electrode materials in energy storage devices. The synthesis methods of nanomaterials, such as hydrothermal, precipitation, chemical vapour deposition (CVD), electrodeposition, and energy storage mechanisms, are explained. Further, the composites of manganese (sulfides/oxide) based electrode materials with other materials are discussed to enhance the impact and performance of the host material. This review paper summarizes recent developments in sulfides/oxide-based electrode materials for supercapattery devices as viable next-generation high-performance batteries or supercapacitors replacement. In conclusion, future prospective and suggestions delivers a comprehensive thought and road map for the growth of future materials in energy storage devices.
... A great deal of work has been devoted to this subject so far. [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30] For instance, a few years ago Du et al. [19] prepared a polyaniline with a high crystallinity degree of 67%; the polyaniline was synthesized by electro-polymerization (galvanostatic method). More recently, Qiu et al. [20] showed that a polyaniline mixed with camphor sulfonic acid (PANI-CSA) exhibited the highest electrical conductivity, compared to the PANI doped with hydrochloric acid and the PANI doped with phosphoric acid, due they said, to the large oxidation extent, crystallinity, and crystallite size. ...
... Very recently, Nazari and Arefinia [21] reported that the electrical conductivity and particle size of a polyaniline were strongly dependent on the crystallinity, oxidation level, and doping level using the Taguchi method. Moreover, the use of a surfactant as micellar templates can also increase the crystallinity of polyaniline, including (i) sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in the absence of any added acid, [22] with 3-(Cyclohexylamino)-1-propanesulfonic acid, [23] and with hydrochloric acid. [24] (ii) Octyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (OTAB) with hydrochloric acid [25] and (iii) Cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) dissolved in n-hexanol, then added to a concentrated HCl aqueous solution. ...
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Aniline was doped by a novel binary dopant agent, sulfonic acid-surfactant. Naphthalene disulfonic acid (NDSA) and an anionic surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS) were used to form the binary dopant agent; synthesis of the doped PANI was accomplished by using ammonium peroxydisulfate (APS) as the oxidant via a hybrid microemulsion polymerization at various temperatures (–10, 0, 20, and 40 °C). The synthesized polyaniline (PANI-NDSA-SDS) salts were characterized by Fourier transform infrared, UV-visible and Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the electrical properties were determined using a four-point probe method, and the mechanical properties of the fabric samples were also studied. The PANI-NDSA-SDS salts showed a semi-crystalline structure with nanostructure morphology. Among the four polyaniline salts, the PANI-NDSA-SDS prepared at 20 °C showed higher values of conductivity and polymerization yield. In this study, this polyaniline salt was used as coating materials for preparation of conductive Nylon fabrics. As a result, the tensile strength increased by 15%, from 27.21 to 31.42 MPa. Higher electrical performance was obtained for the Nylon/polyaniline composites, 128–724 ohm/square; thus, for electromagnetic shielding applications, the conducting polyaniline coated Nylon fabrics can be used as a shield material for the control of electromagnetic interference at 9.45 GHz, the frequency of the instrument used for the measurements. The conducting fabrics showed an electromagnetic interference value between 20.09 and 34.44 dB.
... When the semicircle transforms into a vertical line at a frequency known as knee frequency, the electrode's capacitive property will be leading. At frequencies higher than the knee frequency, the stored energy is partially inaccessible for any capacitive substance [45]. Simply, the frequency where the capacitive behavior starts in the Nyquist plot is the knee frequency. ...
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Herein, we report the utilization of nitrogen and sulfur dual heteroatoms co-doped activated carbon (NSAC) by hydrothermal method for electrochemical supercapacitors. Various NSACs were made by using a fixed amount of activated carbon and changing the amounts of thioacetamide. From NSAC electrodes, the coin cell configuration was fabricated and the overall electrochemical conduct was evaluated by using cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge-discharge, cycle life, and electrochemical impedance methodologies. The outcomes manifest that co-doping sulfur and nitrogen into the AC improves the electrochemical performance. In comparison to pure activated carbon, the optimized NSAC produced a higher specific capacitance value of 417 F g ⁻¹ at 0.7 A g ⁻¹ and also demonstrated outstanding charge-discharge cycling stability at 7 mA (5 A g ⁻¹ ), maintaining 76% of its opening capacitance after 60,000 cycles in the CR2032 device configuration. The impedance studies phase angle value of 85° has added evidence of the NSAC’s good capacitor performance. Thus, we believe this work is suitable for practical applications for energy storage devices. Graphical abstract
... The pseudocapacitive mechanism lies in the middle region and represents the internal resistance through a high-tomedium frequency (i.e., 10 kHz to 1 Hz) [103,109,121,[125][126][127]. The intersection of the curve in the Nyquist plot represents the ESR, which is the sum of the intrinsic resistance of the electrode material, the electrolyte resistance, and the contact resistance at the interface between the current collector and the electrode material [115,128,129]. Through the EIS measurements, the relationship between the imaginary part of the impedance and the frequency is easily determined. ...
Lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors are commonly used for energy storage, but their ability to provide high power and high energy density simultaneously is limited. Pseudocapacitors offer a potential solution to this problem and have received significant attention in recent years. In this review, we delve into the development of pseudocapacitors, including an examination of degradation mechanisms at the microstructure, electrode, and cell levels. Our analysis of different examples shows that the materials used for the electrode and the manufacturing process are critical factors that contribute to degradation. Additionally, the electrolyte used plays an important role in slowing down the rate of degradation. These findings suggest that pseudocapacitors could be one of the most stable energy storage devices during cycling and could help optimize material selection and design not only for pseudocapacitors but also for batteries and supercapacitors
... The other typical method to improve the energy density of a device is to enlarge its specific capacitance. Pseudocapacitive materials normally involve metal oxides (such as MnO 2 [15], Fe 2 O 3 [16] and TiO 2 [17]) and conducting polymers for supercapacitors (such as polyaniline [18][19][20][21] and polypyrrole [22]), which usually provide much higher specific capacitance than those of carbon-based materials used in electrical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) [21]. Adopting active materials with pseudocapacitive properties on both positive and negative electrodes is an effective way to increase the capacitance of asymmetric supercapacitors [23]. ...
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In this work, a novel wire-shaped supercapacitor based on nylon yarn with a high specific capacitance and energy density was developed by designing an asymmetric configuration and integrating pseudocapacitive materials for both electrodes. The nylon/Ag/MnO2 yarn was prepared as a positive electrode by electrochemically depositing MnO2 on a silver-paste-coated nylon yarn. Additionally, PPy was prepared on nylon/Ag yarn by chemical polymerization firstly to enlarge the surface roughness of nylon/Ag, and then the PPy could be easily coated on the chemically polymerized nylon/Ag/PPy by electrochemical polymerization to obtain a nylon/Ag/PPy yarn-shaped negative electrode. The wire-shaped asymmetric supercapacitor (WASC) was fabricated by assembling the nylon/Ag/MnO2 electrode, nylon/Ag/PPy electrode and PAANa/Na2SO4 gel electrolyte. This WASC showed a wide potential window of 1.6 V and a high energy density varying from 13.9 to 4.2 μWh cm−2 with the corresponding power density changing from 290 to 2902 μW cm−2. Meanwhile, because of the high flexibility of the nylon substrate and superior adhesion of active materials, the WASC showed a good electrochemical performance stability under different bending conditions, suggesting its good flexibility. The promising performance of this novel WASC is of great potential for wearable/portable devices in the future.
... Supercapacitors are designed to bridge the gap between batteries and capacitors to form fast-charging energy storage devices of intermediate specific energy [7,8]. Supercapacitors have shown their application in hybrid electric vehicles, load cranes, military field, integrated grid, portable electronic devices such as digital cameras, mobile phones, etc. [9][10][11]. They are known to work in conjunction with other energy storage (and producing) devices such as batteries and fuel cells [12]. ...
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Supercapacitors have gained significant attention as energy storage devices due to their high specific power, fast charge–discharge rate and extended cycling stability. Recent research focuses on the search for new electrode materials to enhance the specific capacitance of supercapacitors. Conducting polymers (CPs) and metal oxides (MOs) are being extensively tested as electrode materials in supercapacitors. CPs have poor cycling stability and low mechanical strength but are easy to process, while MOs exhibit easy availability, variable oxidation states and possess high specific capacitance, but they are somewhat difficult to process. Therefore, combining both (CP) and (MO) in a composite offers better results for the electrochemical performance of supercapacitors. This review mainly focuses on the discussion of CP/MO based nanocomposites recently reported for supercapacitor applications. The collective information presented in this report will provide researchers a view into the latest developments in this field. The continued research on this topic will reveal further potential applications of CP/MO composites.
... Hybrid supercapacitors have huge specific capacitance, large stable cell voltage, high energy density, and magnificent cyclic stability [14]. Supercapacitors are having wide applications in various electrical devices, the formation of hybrid vehicles, power suppliers on large scale [15,16]. The long cycle stability as well as the reversible mode of energy storage in supercapacitors, have surpassed other energy storage devices like batteries and fuel cells in terms of durability [17]. ...
A novel type ternary GO/PANI/CuCo2O4 composite for electrode material was successfully synthesized and ensured by different characterizations such as XRD (X-ray diffraction), FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy), FE-SEM (Field emission scanning electron microscopy), and EDS (Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy). The interconnected morphology of ternary GO/PANI/CuCo2O4 indicates superior electrochemical performance. Ternary GO/PANI/CuCo2O4 displayed the maximum specific capacitance of 741.39 F/g at 1 mV/s scan rate and 312.72 F/g at 1 A/g current density using three-electrode and symmetric two-electrode system, respectively. The ternary GO/PANI/CuCo2O4 electrode based symmetric device had specific energy of 62.54 Wh/kg at 1 A/g current density and specific power of 5997.61 W/kg at 20 A/g. The systems have a wide potential window of 1.2 V, which is beneficial for the energy density. The ternary material electrode also has the lowest value of charge transfer resistance (Rct) as 12.23 Ω and relatively good specific capacitance of 84.25% after 5000 cycles. The excellent electrochemical nature of ternary GO/PANI/CuCo2O4 is mainly because of the synergistic effect which has brought this material to the spotlight for the supercapacitor application.
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Polyaniline (PANI) has received significant attention in basic and applied studies because it has electrical and electrochemical properties comparable to conventional semiconductors and metals. PANI's electrical and electrochemical properties can be controlled through its preparation methods. Accordingly, in the present work, two different samples of PANI were prepared by the polymerization of aniline monomer via in situ polymerization method using two different oxidizers of dichromate (PANI (1)) and persulphate (PANI (2)). The products were blended with BaTiO3 (BTO) to form BTO@PANI composites. The composites were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). SEM illustrated the covering of PANI layers on the BTO nanoparticles. The electrical and electrochemical properties of the prepared composites were studied. The BTO@PANI(2) composite sample showed a conductivity of 1.2 × 10–3 S/cm higher than that found for each BTO@PANI(1) 9.1 × 10–4 S/cm and its constituents. The supercapacity showed higher capacity values of 70 F/g, and 76 F/g for BTO@PANI(1), and BTO@PANI(2), respectively, which are higher than its constituents.
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Hybrid materials are essential materials for the future age elite electrochemical supercapacitors. A hybrid material or organic polymer‐inorganic metal oxide composite comprises of polyaniline (PANI) with fly ash (FA) is made by in‐situ polymerization of aniline monomer with fly ash, an inexhaustible asset. The impact of fly ash on polyaniline is resolved from electrical and electrochemical measurements. PANI‐FA is utilized in a supercapacitor cell as the electrode. FT‐IR, XRD, FE‐SEM, TGA and BET evaluate properties of this hybrid, and their electrochemical properties are assessed by CV, CD, and EIS measurements. PANI with 10 wt.% of FA (PANI‐FA01) indicates higher conductivity and supercapacitor execution than its individual material via metal oxide, acting as an intermediate for transferring ions from PANI and electrolyte. PANI‐FA01 demonstrates a higher capacitance estimation of 208 F g⁻¹ contrasted with PANI (83 F g⁻¹) at 2.5 A g⁻¹. The hybrid electrode material shows better charge‐discharge cycles, holding over 66 % of its first cycle gravimetric capacitance after 5000 cycles with effective coulombic efficiency of 99–100 %, which is as yet 43 % higher than the specific capacity of PANI. The Bode plot shows a phase angle of 80°.
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A facile, clean, economical, efficient, and green process was developed for the preparation of Z-aldoximes at room temperature under solvent-free condition using emeraldine base form of polyaniline as novel catalyst. In this methodology, PANI base absorbed the by-product of HCl (polluting chemical) from hydroxylamine hydrochloride and converted to polyaniline-hydrochloride salt (PANI-HCl salt). This PANI-HCl salt could be easily recovered and used in new attempts without any purification in many areas such as catalyst, electrical and electronics applications meant for conducting polymers. As far as our knowledge is concerned, emeraldine base as catalyst in organic synthesis for the first time.
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Electrochemical capacitors, also called supercapacitors, store energy using either ion adsorption (electrochemical double layer capacitors) or fast surface redox reactions (pseudo-capacitors). They can complement or replace batteries in electrical energy storage and harvesting applications, when high power delivery or uptake is needed. A notable improvement in performance has been achieved through recent advances in understanding charge storage mechanisms and the development of advanced nanostructured materials. The discovery that ion desolvation occurs in pores smaller than the solvated ions has led to higher capacitance for electrochemical double layer capacitors using carbon electrodes with subnanometre pores, and opened the door to designing high-energy density devices using a variety of electrolytes. Combination of pseudo-capacitive nanomaterials, including oxides, nitrides and polymers, with the latest generation of nanostructured lithium electrodes has brought the energy density of electrochemical capacitors closer to that of batteries. The use of carbon nanotubes has further advanced micro-electrochemical capacitors, enabling flexible and adaptable devices to be made. Mathematical modelling and simulation will be the key to success in designing tomorrow's high-energy and high-power devices.
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Transition metal oxides receive considerable attention in the area of electrochemistry not only due to their beneficial reported structural, mechanical or electronic properties, but because of their capacitive properties ascribed to their multiple oxide states they exhibit pseudo capacitances which carbon counterparts generally cannot. Typically transition metal oxides may be classified as noble transition metal oxides which exhibit excellent capacitive properties but have the drawback of generally being relatively expensive. Alternatively base metal oxides may also be utilised which are considerably cheaper and more environment friendly than noble transition metals as well as exhibiting good capacitive properties. In considering that nanostructured materials can help ameliorate the electrochemical performances of transition metal oxides, this review summarizes the recent investigations of fundamental advances in understanding the electrochemical reactivity of transition metal oxides, thus leading to an improved capacitive performance, which is essential for their continual use in a plethora of supercapacitor applications.
The first model for the distribution of ions near the surface of a metal electrode was devised by Helmholtz in 1874. He envisaged two parallel sheets of charges of opposite sign located one on the metal surface and the other on the solution side, a few nanometers away, exactly as in the case of a parallel plate capacitor. The rigidity of such a model was allowed for by Gouy and Chapman inde­ pendently, by considering that ions in solution are subject to thermal motion so that their distribution from the metal surface turns out diffuse. Stern recognized that ions in solution do not behave as point charges as in the Gouy-Chapman treatment, and let the center of the ion charges reside at some distance from the metal surface while the distribution was still governed by the Gouy-Chapman view. Finally, in 1947, D. C. Grahame transferred the knowledge of the struc­ ture of electrolyte solutions into the model of a metal/solution interface, by en­ visaging different planes of closest approach to the electrode surface depending on whether an ion is solvated or interacts directly with the solid wall. Thus, the Gouy-Chapman-Stern-Grahame model of the so-called electrical double layer was born, a model that is still qualitatively accepted, although theoreti­ cians have introduced a number of new parameters of which people were not aware 50 years ago.
Supercapacitors, also called ultracapacitors or electrochemical capacitors, are an ideal electrochemical energy-storage system, suitable for rapid storage and release of energy. They are in between high-power-output conventional capacitors and high-energy-density batteries. In comparison with that of batteries, the energy density of supercapacitors is much lower. The aim of supercapacitor development is improving the energy density without sacrificing the high power density. Supercapacitors can be classified into two major types based on the active electrode material used: an electrochemical double-layer capacitor consists of carbon electrode and pseudocapacitor or redox capacitor with the use of metal oxide or conducting polymers. Among these electroactive materials, conducting polymers are promising materials for supercapacitors due to the advantages of high specific capacitance, reasonable conductivity, redox properties, environmental stability and eco-friendly quality. Among the conducting polymers, polyaniline is mostly being studied for supercapacitor application because of its easy processability, light weight, safe, low cost and eco-friendly nature. This article presents an overview of literature data on the historical background of capacitor, classification of supercapacitors and status of polyaniline based materials (polyaniline and its composites with carbon and/or metal oxide) for supercapacitor work. These issues are summarized and discussed.
Low frequency negative supercapacitors and high frequency negative capacitors are realized developing a polyaniline (PANI) based ink for piezoelectric inkjet printers, water based. PANI is synthesized by oxidation polymerization starting from the aniline dimer, thus avoiding the use of a toxic/mutagen substance such as aniline. In order to work in aqueous phase, the reverse addition of the dimer in the oxidative solution is made. The chlorinated emeraldine salt of PANI is produced and emeraldine base is prepared by dedoping. Two different doped PANI solutions are produced by solubilization of the emeraldine salt in dimethylsulphoxide and addition of respectively trifl uorosulfonic acid and camporsulfonic acid, and then used as inks for the fabrication of inkjet-printed tracks of different geometries. The properties of inkjet-printed devices are characterized both in DC and AC regimes, showing very good performances under specifi c measurement conditions in terms of conductivity, as well as extremely interesting phenomena whose origin is still under debate, such as low frequency negative supercapacitance, high frequency negative capacitance and negative resistance. The realization of the highest negative supercapacitance realized so far, of –2.3 mF @ 30 Hz, corresponding to a specifi c mass capacity of –799 F g −1 , is reported.
Polyaniline (PANI) was synthesised by oxidation polymerization starting from aniline dimer, thus avoiding the use of a toxic/mutagenic substance such as aniline. In order to work in an aqueous phase, polystyrene sulphonate (PSS) was used as an emulsioning/doping agent. Thefine tuning of oxidant quantity allowed the production of PANI in the mixed leucoemeraldine/emeraldine oxidation states. PANI/PSS was solubilised in dimethylsulphoxide and used as ink for the fabrication of inkjet printed tracks, which showed an interesting negative capacitance effect that can be attributed to the presence of different oxidation states and the partial doping obtained by the use of PSS. Negative capacitance devices are extremely attractive in high frequency applications where positive parasitic capacitances have to be compensated
The hydrous ruthenium oxide has been formed by a sol-gel process. The precursor was obtained by mixing aqueous solutions of RuClâ·xHâO and alkalis. The hydrous ruthenium oxide powder was obtained by annealing the precursor at low temperatures. The crystalline structure and the electrochemical properties of the powder have been studied as a function of the annealing temperature. At lower annealing temperatures the powder is in an amorphous phase with a high specific capacitance. Specific capacitance as high as 720 F/g was measured for the powder formed at 150 C. when the annealing temperature exceeded 175 C, the crystalline phase was formed, and the specific capacitance dropped rapidly. The surface area of the powder and the resistivity of the pellet made from these powders have also been studied. The specific surface area and the resistivity decreased as the annealing temperature increased. A capacitor was made with electrodes comprised of hydrous ruthenium oxide and HâSOâ electrolyte. The energy density of 96 J/g (or 26.7 Wh/kg), based on electrode material only, was measured for the cell using hydrous ruthenium oxide electrodes. It was also found that hydrous ruthenium oxide is stable in HâSOâ electrolyte.
Processible composites of emeraldine salt form of polyaniline (PANI) with polyacrylic acid (PAA) are synthesized and studied for their structural, electrical, mechanical, thermal, and electrochemical properties. The processible conducting composites of various weight percentage from 20 wt % to 90 wt % (of PANI) have been prepared by mixing the PANI and PAA under vigorous stirring and sonication conditions. Self-standing films of electroactive homogeneous composites are obtained by solution casting method. A significant improvement in processibility, crystallinity, and thermal stability is observed in the composites; however, the electrical conductivity decreased remarkably as the percentage of PANI is decreased in the composites. The 60 wt % PANI-PAA composite showed crystalline structural property with orthorhombic crystal system and cell parameters as a = 5.93Å, b = 7.57Å, and c = 10.11Å. The 60 wt % PANI-PAA composite also showed better thermal stability and highest capacitance amongst all the composites and used as an active material for development of electrochemical capacitors (parallel plate assembly). The processible composites based electrochemical capacitors using 0.5 M NaClO4-Acetonitril electrolyte showed super capacitance with ease in fabrication and cost effectiveness in comparison to other similar materials based capacitors. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2009
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