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When Small Words Foretell Academic Success: The Case of College Admissions Essays


Abstract and Figures

The smallest and most commonly used words in English are pronouns, articles, and other function words. Almost invisible to the reader or writer, function words can reveal ways people think and approach topics. A computerized text analysis of over 50,000 college admissions essays from more than 25,000 entering students found a coherent dimension of language use based on eight standard function word categories. The dimension, which reflected the degree students used categorical versus dynamic language, was analyzed to track college grades over students' four years of college. Higher grades were associated with greater article and preposition use, indicating categorical language (i.e., references to complexly organized objects and concepts). Lower grades were associated with greater use of auxiliary verbs, pronouns, adverbs, conjunctions, and negations, indicating more dynamic language (i.e., personal narratives). The links between the categorical-dynamic index (CDI) and academic performance hint at the cognitive styles rewarded by higher education institutions.
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When Small Words Foretell Academic
Success: The Case of College Admissions
James W. Pennebaker*, Cindy K. Chung, Joey Frazee, Gary M. Lavergne,
David I. Beaver
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, United States of America
The smallest and most commonly used words in English are pronouns, articles, and
other function words. Almost invisible to the reader or writer, function words can
reveal ways people think and approach topics. A computerized text analysis of over
50,000 college admissions essays from more than 25,000 entering students found
a coherent dimension of language use based on eight standard function word
categories. The dimension, which reflected the degree students used categorical
versus dynamic language, was analyzed to track college grades over students’ four
years of college. Higher grades were associated with greater article and preposition
use, indicating categorical language (i.e., references to complexly organized
objects and concepts). Lower grades were associated with greater use of auxiliary
verbs, pronouns, adverbs, conjunctions, and negations, indicating more dynamic
language (i.e., personal narratives). The links between the categorical-dynamic
index (CDI) and academic performance hint at the cognitive styles rewarded by
higher education institutions.
The ways we use words reflect how we think. In trying to assess people’s
intellectual potential, common sense might dictate that we should pay attention to
their use of long words or obscure references. The current study suggests that
scholarly aptitude is better reflected in the ways people use short words. Following
from previous literature showing how small word use reflects psychological states
and cognitive processing, we applied computerized text analysis on a large corpus
of college admissions essays with associated data on scholarship. The findings
Citation: Pennebaker JW, Chung CK, Frazee J,
Lavergne GM, Beaver DI (2014) When Small
Words Foretell Academic Success: The Case of
College Admissions Essays. PLoS ONE 9(12):
e115844. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0115844
Editor: Qiyong Gong, West China Hospital of
Sichuan University, China
Received: July 31, 2014
Accepted: November 28, 2014
Published: December 31, 2014
Copyright: ß2014 Pennebaker et al. This is an
open-access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and repro-
duction in any medium, provided the original author
and source are credited.
Data Availability: The authors confirm that, for
approved reasons, some access restrictions apply
to the data underlying the findings. The data on
which the study is based is available from the
following link:
lmq5s1xemw3q1x. The data file includes the basic
demographic information and college grades for all
students with identifying information removed. The
LIWC variables for the admissions essays are also
included. In keeping with PLOS ONE and the
University of Texas at Austin policies, the actual
essays cannot be released because of privacy
concerns. Note that traditional de-identification
methods that remove names, numbers, emails,
and locations is not sufficient. Students inadver-
tently give away their identity in their essays in
ways that cannot be picked up by computers. For
example, a student who writes ‘‘my father is the
sheriff of the smallest county in Texas’’ could be
identified within minutes. Should other researchers
want to reanalyze the actual admissions essays,
they can work with the Office of Admissions and
Dr. Gary Lavergne (a coauthor of the paper) to
develop a method by which to analyze the essays
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revealed how a single measure of word use correlated with future academic
success. College admissions essays contain more clues to students’ thinking styles
than many scholars or administrators might guess.
Most universities require college admission essays in order to get a better sense
of their applicants [12]. The underlying idea is that having prospective students
write about their own experiences, interests, and goals can reveal something about
the students themselves – the ways they think, their emotional states, and their
general writing abilities. Ironically, there is little standardization in coding these
dimensions. This is made even more difficult because applicants write on very
different topics in different ways, making a standardized grading system
With the revolution of computerized text analysis, we can now start to
determine which language dimensions in college admissions essays could be
related to academic performance with an eye to understanding their underlying
psychological or cognitive processes. There are several computerized essay-
grading systems that assess content [34], and many more sophisticated natural
language processing (NLP) tools and algorithms for classifying texts [56].
Virtually all of these tools focus on what people are writing rather than on the
ways they write. An alternative way to explore people’s writing styles is to focus on
their use of function words using relatively simple word counting software
programs such as Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC [7]).
Programs such as LIWC calculate the percentages of words in any given text file
belonging to previously categorized word categories. The word categories, or
dictionaries, can be based on standard linguistic definitions, such as articles (a, an,
the), or by agreement of independent judges [8]. Some of these categories include
function or closed class words, which are the smallest yet most common words in
the English language. Function words generally include pronouns, articles,
prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliary verbs, negations, and many common
It might be said that function, or closed class, words provide the bones for what
we want to say, where content, or open class, words provide the meat. The closed
class words connect, shape, and organize content, and have remained relatively
fixed in the history of the English language; open class words express substantive
properties of things and events in the world and so their relative appearance in
daily language use changes with what is going on in an individual’s world. There
are further contrasts. While published dictionaries provide broadly agreed upon
meanings for open class expressions, the exact meaning of even the most common
function words (e.g. the,a,orI) remains controversial for scholars of linguistic
semantics, pragmatics, and philosophers of language.
Across multiple studies using LIWC and other computerized text analysis
methods, function words tend to be more reliable markers of psychological states
than are content words such as nouns and regular verbs [9]. For example, high
rates of pronoun use have been associated with greater focus on one’s self or on
one’s social world [10], auxiliary verb use has been associated with a narrative
language style [11,15], article use has been associated with concrete and formal
Funding: Preparation of this manuscript was aided
in part by grants from the Army Research Institute
(W5J9CQ12C0043) and the National Science
Foundation (IIS-1344257). The views, opinions,
and/or findings contained in this report are those of
the authors and should not be construed as official
positions, policies, or decisions of the National
Science Foundation or the Department of the
Army, unless so designated by other documents.
The funders had no role in study design, data
collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have read the
journal’s policy and have the following competing
interest: JWP is the co-owner of the commercially-
available text analysis software, LIWC, which was
used to analyze the language data. This does not
alter the authors’ adherence to PLOS ONE policies
on sharing data and materials.
Word Use and Academic Success
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writing [12], and preposition and conjunction use has been associated with
cognitive complexity [13]. Function words, then, can point to psychologically
meaningful correlates of potential success in ways that are ‘‘invisible’’ to a human
judge reading and coding admissions essays for higher-level constructs (such as
achievement orientation, goal strivings, etc.). That is, function words allow us to
assess how people are thinking more than what they are thinking about.
Against the background of this body of prior work demonstrating the efficacy
of function words for establishing general traits of a speaker or writer, we now
seek to establish more narrowly whether function word use can be predictive of
scholarly aptitude, and potentially reveal general thinking styles reflective of
academic success. To this end, we have linked function word use in a large corpus
of college admissions essays with students’ academic performance during their
first four years of college. Three overlapping questions were addressed:
Question 1. Do function words and their presumed underlying cognitive styles
predict later grade point average (GPA)?
Question 2. To what extent does function word use vary across writing samples
in a coherent manner, with use of words in different categories jointly
contributing information that may meaningfully be combined in a single,
underlying dimension?
Question 3. Do function words improve the predictive accuracy of GPA models
based on high school performance and college aptitude tests?
Measurement and psychometrics of function words
Although function words can be categorized in slightly different ways, the current
project focused on eight broad dimensions as measured by the computerized text
analysis program, LIWC: personal pronouns (e.g., I, her, they), impersonal
pronouns (it, thing), auxiliary verbs (is, have), articles (a, an, the), prepositions
(to, above), conjunctions (and, but), negations (no, never), and common adverbs
(so, really, very). The LIWC word lists were compiled from multiple sources
including grammar texts [8] and lists of commonly misspelled words (hes for he’s)
or writing shortcuts (alot for a lot). A complete list of the approximately 370
function words making up each LIWC category is available at
com/s/9ncte8lmq5s1xemw3q1x. Generally, function words in LIWC are assigned
to a single category. Exceptions include contractions (e.g., I’m is assigned to both
personal pronoun and auxiliary verb categories).
LIWC analyzes each text separately and calculates the percentages of total words
accounted for by each of the eight function word categories. As seen in Table 1,
the mean percentage of articles in the admissions essays was 6.8% of the total
words used. Note that the LIWC analyses resulted in one set of function word
percentages per essay (recall that each student wrote two essays). Comparison data
on function word frequency from a range of corpora is available at http://tinyurl.
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The admissions essay corpus
The corpus of admissions essays was made up of more than 50,000 essays from
25,975 applicants who enrolled into a large state university as first year students
from the years 2004 and 2007. A single text file was prepared for each of the over
50,000 essays.
In addition to the essays themselves, the university provided demographic data
from the students’ applications (e.g., sex, age, parental education, etc.). On
average, applicants were 17.9 years old (SD50.42), 53.5% were female, and 92.1%
were classified as in-state students. Although over 7,000 new undergraduate
students enrolled each year, admissions were selective with the average student’s
high school GPA being in the top 9.5% of their graduating class (or the equivalent
of being in the 90.5
percentile). All college entrance exams were converted to
their Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) equivalence, ranging from 400 to 1600, with
a mean of 1245 (SD5156). The concordance was based on a very large population
at the state university [14], not a ‘‘national’’ concordance developed by ACT and
College Entrance Examination Board most often used by smaller institutions. The
ethnic breakdown of the students across the four years was 54.1% white of
European descent, 19.2% Asian American, 18.6% Latino/a, 4.8% African
American, 0.4% American Indian, and 2.9% international.
When applying to the university, applicants were required to complete two
admissions essays on two separate topics from a list of 6–8 topics that varied
slightly by year. All topics were quite general, asking students to describe people or
events that shaped their development and influenced their goals for the future.
The average length of each essay was 558 words (SD5195).
The GPAs ranged from 0.00 to 4.00, and were cumulative (i.e. based on all
courses completed by students in their college courses at each year), and were
highly correlated across years. Note that that the sample sizes for available years of
GPA vary for a number of reasons (i.e. not every college student completes four
consecutive years of college from the time of their acceptance). Only the first three
years of GPA data were available for the 2007 entering class.
Table 1. Usage rates of LIWC’s Function Word Categories in the Admissions Corpus.
Function Word Category Examples Rate of Use (%) SD
Articles a, an, the 6.83 1.30
Prepositions all, below, much 14.71 1.41
Personal pronouns I, us, you, hers, they 10.88 2.05
Impersonal pronouns it, this, anything 5.03 1.38
Auxiliary verbs are, did, have 8.25 1.72
Adverbs even, just, usually 3.90 1.04
Conjunctions and, so, until 6.41 1.02
Negations No, never, not 1.04 .49
Note: Rate of Use refers to the percentage of total words that each function word category was used over the entire sample.
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Ethics Statement
The project was approved by the University of Texas at Austin Institutional
Review Board (reference number 2008-12-0080) on February 9, 2009, and judged
to be exempt from the informed consent requirement. The exempt status was
based on the project’s being archival educational research and on the fact that the
data, supplied by the Admissions Office, were analyzed with all identifying
information removed.
Using LIWC, rates of the eight function word categories were computed separately
for each of the two essays from each student. Consistent with previous research
[13], the rates of use of each of the function word categories were positively
correlated with each other across the two essays, ranging between.22 and.40,
averaging.28 (equivalent to a Spearman Brown reliability coefficient of.76). As
depicted in Table 1, the percentages of each of the function word categories were
averaged across the two essays yielding eight mean percentages for each
participant. These averaged values across the two essays per participant were used
for further analyses.
The relationships among function words: the CDI
The eight function word categories represented a total of approximately 370
words and accounted for 57.1% (SD53.58%) of all words used in the essays (see
Table 2). A principal components analysis on the eight dimensions yielded a
single factor that accounted for 35.1% of the variance. As described below, the
single factor was referred to as a categorical – dynamic index, or CDI. Although all
eight function word categories loaded on a single dimension, two had positive
loadings (articles, prepositions) and the remainder had negative loadings
(personal pronouns, impersonal pronouns, auxiliary verbs, conjunctions, adverbs,
and negations). For each person, a single standardized factor score was computed
using the factor loadings. In addition, a simpler unit-weighted CDI was created:
CDI530 +article +preposition - personal pronoun - impersonal pronoun –
auxiliary verb – conjunction – adverb – negation.
The reason for the unit-weighted CDI score was to construct a simple,
transparent algorithm that could be applied to other samples. Note that the value
30 was added to the word percentages so that the resultant score was typically
positive. The factor analytically derived component score from the single factor
was highly correlated with the simpler additive model, r(25,973)5.98, allowing us
to simply add the percentage of articles and prepositions and subtract the
remaining six function word categories. The unstandardized Cronbach’s alpha of
the 8-item index was.71.
The component loadings, the unit-weighted CDI score, and the simple
correlations among the function words paint identical pictures: there is an
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internally-consistent, bipolar index that bears a striking resemblance to related
language distinctions in previous research. Examples of previously examined
indices include informational (nouns) vs. involved (verbs, auxiliary verbs, and
pronouns) production [12,15]; non-immediate (articles and big words) vs.
immediate (auxiliary verbs, and pronouns) language [13]; formal (nouns,
adjectives, articles, and prepositions) vs. contextual (verbs, pronouns, adverbs,
interjections) style [16], and categorical (nouns, adjectives, prepositions, articles,
and conjunctions) vs. narrative (verbs, adverbs, and pronouns) thinking [17]. We
find similar patterns: At one end of the distribution are essays that use high rates
of articles and prepositions and, at the other end, essays that tend to have high
rates of pronouns, auxiliary verbs, conjunctions, adverbs, and negations.
Closer inspection of essays high in the use of articles and prepositions revealed
relatively formal and precise descriptions of categories (e.g., objects, events, goals,
and plans). Essays high in the use of pronouns, auxiliary verbs, and other function
words were more likely to reveal changes over time, typically involving personal
stories. By definition, the more that students used articles and prepositions, the
less likely they were to use pronouns and other function words and vice versa.
This Categorical-Dynamic Index, or CDI, is a bipolar continuum that can be
applied to any type of text. Categorical language is a style that combines
heightened abstract thinking (associated with greater article use) and cognitive
complexity (associated with greater use of prepositions). A lower CDI involves a
greater use of auxiliary verbs, adverbs, conjunctions, impersonal pronouns,
negations, and personal pronouns. These word categories, particularly pronouns
and auxiliary verbs, have been associated with more time-based stories and reflect
a dynamic or narrative language style [12].
Predicting academic performance with the CDI
Simple correlations between the summed CDI index and GPA were modest but
highly significant, such that higher categorical language was associated with better
academic performance across all four years of college: r
year 1
(25,561)5.20, r
Table 2. Function Word Pearson Correlation Matrix.
Articles Preps. P.Pron. I.Pron. Aux. verbs Adverbs Conjunc. Negat.
Articles 1.00 .250 2.564 2.324 2.375 2.365 2.281 2.228
Preps. .250 1.00 2.317 2.193 2.300 2.222 2.174 2.248
P.Pron. 2.564 2.317 1.00 .056 .221 .211 .109 .162
I.Pron. 2.324 2.193 .056 1.00 .521 .319 .054 .226
Aux. verbs 2.375 2.300 .221 .521 1.00 .309 .089 .294
Adverbs 2.365 2.222 .211 .319 .309 1.00 .277 .198
Conjunc. 2.281 2.174 .109 .054 .089 .277 1.00 .047
Negat. 2.228 2.248 .162 .226 .294 .198 .047 1.00
Note. Preps. 5prepositions. P.Pron. 5personal pronouns. I.Pron. 5impersonal pronouns. Aux. verbs 5auxiliary verbs. Conjunc. 5conjunctions.
Negat. 5negations. All correlations are statistically significant, p,.01, 25, 973 df.
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(25,905)5.19, r
year 3
(25,906)5.19, and r
year 4
(18,681)5.18. Although modest in
magnitude, the correlations are noteworthy. Unlike college entrance exams, the
essays were undoubtedly written in different settings from person to person, likely
reviewed by friends, family and teachers, and with most students not having any
explicit training in function word use.
Consistent with the directions of factor loadings in the CDI index, the
individual function word categories correlated significantly with GPA in the
predicted direction across the four years of college. Only articles (mean r5.12)
and prepositions (.04) were positively correlated with GPA. The remaining
function words were negatively correlated with GPA: auxiliary verbs (2.21),
impersonal pronouns (2.15), personal pronouns (2.10), adverbs (2.09),
conjunctions (2.06), and negations (2.02).
Students apply for admission and are eventually accepted into one of the eleven
undergraduate colleges (Architecture; Business; Communications; Education;
Engineering; Fine Arts; Geology; Liberal Arts; Natural Science; Nursing; Social
Work). Within each college, simple correlations between CDI and GPA were
computed. The CDI-GPA correlations were all positive (r’s range.09 to.30). The
CDI-GPA correlations were highly significant (p’s,.001) for all schools except for
those with fewer than 200 students (i.e. Architecture CDI-GPA r(169)5.16,
p5.03; the college in Geology that opened midway into our study CDI-GPA
r(116)5.10, p5.31).
Together, the results suggest that categorical language is consistently linked
with better academic performance, whereas dynamic language is not (see also
[15]). Interestingly, these effects held across all colleges (e.g., Engineering, Fine
Arts, Liberal Arts, Nursing, etc.) at the university.
Comparing the CDI with traditional predictors of academic
As seen in Table 3, higher CDI was correlated with having higher college board
scores, coming from parents with more years of education, being male, and
graduating somewhat lower in their high school class. Note that this pattern of
findings is similar to earlier findings that a more formal style (marked by high use
of nouns, adjectives, articles, and prepositions, and a low use of pronouns, verbs,
adverbs, and interjections) was used more by males relative to females, and by
more educated individuals [16]. It is ironic that although males generally use
greater categorical language, their mean college GPA is somewhat lower than that
of females in our sample.
Table 3 also includes correlations between the traditional predictors of
academic performance and GPA. Although universities rely on somewhat
different statistical models in predicting college GPA, most include college boards
such as the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and high school class rank. A simple
forced-entry linear regression on yearly GPA found that SAT equivalence score
and high school rank yielded an adjusted R
of 219 for year 1, .206 for year 2, .193
for year 3, and .184 for year 4. (Note that the R
statistic refers to the total variance
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accounted for, where .219 is equivalent to 21.9 percent of all the variance). Adding
the single CDI index from function word analyses of the admissions essays
increased the adjusted R
to .230 for year 1, and to .216, .203, and .193 for the
remaining years. The single CDI index added about 1% of the variance each year.
If the eight individual function word categories were forced into the equation
instead of the overall index, the predictive model increased by about 2% of the
variance each year.
A model that included sex and parental education increased the overall adjusted
to .244 for the first year and down to .237 for year 4. In all cases, the percentage
added by the CDI or individual function word categories was identical to the
increase obtained when they were added to the more limited model that included
only SAT equivalence score and high school rank only: in each case there was an
increase of 1–2 percent in explained variance.
On the surface, a 1–2 percent increase in the variance accounted for in
academic performance may sound relatively trivial. An alternative way of thinking
is that the simple counting of function words increase the percentage of variance
accounted for from approximately 20 percent to almost 22 percent, which is a 5–
10 percent improvement in the predictive model. Such an increment with a large
sample hints at the power of the word analyses.
Previous studies have found that function word use reflects personality and a
variety of social and psychological processes. As noted earlier, function word use
has also been associated with cognitive thinking styles and psychological states.
The current project extends this work by demonstrating that the ways prospective
college students use function words in their admissions essays can foretell their
academic performance for up to four years.
Table 3. Intercorrelations among Predictors of Academic Performance.
CDI High school percentile SAT equivalence Sex Parental education
Mean college
CDI 1.00 2.047 .245 2.108 .220 .196
High school percentile 2.047 1.00 2.042 .115 2.145 .182
SAT equivalence .245 2.042 1.00 2.118 .448 .411
Sex 2.108 .115 2.188 1.00 2.038 .100
Parent education .220 2.145 .448 2.038 1.00 .277
Mean college GPA .196 .182 .411 .100 .277 1.00
Note: All correlations are significant, p,.01. Mean college GPA is the mean grade point for students across all their years of college. When applying for
admission, students must take either the SAT (originally called the Scholastic Aptitude Test) or the ACT (originally named the American College Test).
Because the vast majority took the SAT, all ACT scores were converted to the SATequivalence. Higher Categorical-Dynamic Index (CDI) scores indicate a
more categorical thinking style. For sex, 15male, 25female. Parental education is based on the mean number of years of parents’ education. High school
percentage is scored such that 100% would be at the top of the class.
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The most striking aspect of this project is that the most common and
forgettable words in English can reveal the ways people think. Language is
associated with observable behaviors that have implications for students’ success
and for researchers’ understanding of that relationship. In the growing age of big
data, we can now begin to identify the potential thinking patterns of individuals,
groups, and perhaps even cultures for whom there exist language records. Rather
than adopt a machine learning approach or capitalize on new data mining
methods to maximize predictive models, our goal has been to explore a single
language dimension that reveals one way that people think. Indeed, the discovery
of the CDI raises several questions.
Can categorical thinking be trained? Those who naturally write in more formal
and structured ways apparently come from family backgrounds and high schools
that instilled this form of writing and thinking. To the degree that it is trainable,
one could easily build a feedback system in writing classes that provided CDI
scores. At the very minimum, the information about CDI could help individuals
to think in a more formal, logical, and hierarchical way.
Should future admissions offices rely on word counts to decide who should
come to college? Probably not. As soon as word got out, enterprising students
would soon be taking function word training courses to game the system. Rather,
it is important to explore what categorical thinking says both about the applicant
and the university.
The findings raise questions about the degree to which categorical language
styles are valued in American education [17,18,19]. Most exams and papers in
college courses require students to analyze and categorize concepts in a formal
way. The writing of stories or other narratives is far less common. Are our
secondary and higher educational systems discouraging students from writing in
more dynamic or narrative ways? To the degree that dynamic language can
enhance or balance performance - academic or otherwise, future research should
consider how its value can be recognized in how we define success.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: JWB DIB. Performed the experiments:
JWP GML. Analyzed the data: JWP CKC JF. Contributed reagents/materials/
analysis tools: JF CKC. Wrote the paper: JWP CKC DIB.
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Word Use and Academic Success
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0115844 December 31, 2014 10 / 10
... A student's motivation is well known to affect the study success and study behavior [9,10]. A commonly used admission instrument to test this criterion is the students' application essay, also known as personal statement or motivation letter [11]. Universities often require students to write an application essay during the admission process. ...
... Furthermore, these paper rely on more qualitative methods, namely discourse and genre analysis. Using a quantitative approach, Pennebaker et al. [11] study the language students use in application essays using linguistic analysis. They find that students that use categorical language, about complex concepts and objects, acquire higher grades. ...
... To keep the master programs comparable, we look at the eleven two-year master programs of the faculty that are offered in English. These were at the time: [1] Earth Structure and Dynamics, [2] Earth Surface and Water, [3] Earth, Life and Climate; [4] Energy Science, [5] Geographical Information Systems, [6] Innovation Sciences, [7] Marine Sciences, [8] Sustainable Business and Innovation, [9] Sustainable Development, [10] Urban and Economic Geography, and [11] Water Science and Management. Even though every master's program in the sample is unique in its content, their overall structure is similar. ...
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Application essays are a commonly used admission instrument for students entering higher education. The quality of the essay is usually scored, but this score is often subjective and has poor interrater reliability due to the unstructured format of the essays. This results in mixed findings on the validity of application essays as an admission instrument. We propose a more objective method of using application essays, using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a text mining method, to distinguish seven moves occurring in application essays written by students who apply to a master degree program. We use the probability that these moves occur in the essay to predict study success in the master. Thereby we answer the following research question: What is the effect of discussing different moves in students’ application essays on the student grades in a master program? From the seven different moves (functional unit of text) we distinguished, five of which have a significant effect on student grades. The moves we labeled as ‘master specific’ and ‘interest to learn’ have a positive effect on student grades, and the moves we labeled as ‘research skills’, ‘societal impact’ and ‘city and university’ have a negative effect. Our interpretation of this finding is that topics related to intrinsic motivation and specific knowledge, as opposed to generic knowledge, are positively related with study success. We thereby demonstrate that application essays can be a valid predictor of study success. This contributes to justifying their use as admission instruments.
... Language use provides important clues about how students select information from a particular environment and how to process that information (Boyd et al., 2022;Pickering & Garrod, 2021;Tausczik & Pennebaker, 2010). Function words have been found associated with cognitive and psychological processes (Pennebaker et al., 2014;Tausczik & Pennebaker, 2010). Function words are also known as style words, which include "pronouns, prepositions, articles, conjunctions, auxiliary verbs, and a few other esoteric categories" (Tausczik & Pennebaker, 2010, p. 29). ...
... Function words are also known as style words, which include "pronouns, prepositions, articles, conjunctions, auxiliary verbs, and a few other esoteric categories" (Tausczik & Pennebaker, 2010, p. 29). When developing a computerized text analysis tool of Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC), Pennebaker et al. (2014) classified function words into eight broad categories: personal pronouns, impersonal pronouns, prepositions, articles, conjunctions, auxiliary verbs, negations, and common adverbs. We were particularly interested in pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and negations as they were somewhat related to complex thinking and reasoning. ...
... Examples of insight words include know, realize, think, and understand. The use of insight words indicates self-reflection, analysis, and understanding (Pennebaker et al., 2014;Tausczik & Pennebaker, 2010). Causation words are those indicative of cause-and-effect relationships, such as because, why, and caused by. ...
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Coding think-aloud transcripts is time-consuming and labor-intensive. In this study, we examined the feasibility of predicting students’ reasoning activities based on their think-aloud transcripts by leveraging the affordances of text mining and machine learning techniques. We collected the think-aloud data of 34 medical students as they diagnosed virtual patients in an intelligent tutoring system. The think-aloud data were transcribed and segmented into 2,792 meaningful units. We used a text mining tool to analyze the linguistic features of think-aloud segments. Meanwhile, we manually coded the think-aloud segments using a medical reasoning coding scheme. We then trained eight types of supervised machine learning algorithms to predict reasoning activities based on the linguistic features of students’ think-aloud transcripts. We further investigated if the performance of prediction models differed between high and low performers. The results suggested that students’ reasoning activities could be predicted relatively accurately by the linguistic features of their think-aloud transcripts. Moreover, training the predictive models using the data instances of either high or low performers did not lower the models’ performance. This study has significant methodological and practical implications regarding the automatic analysis of think-aloud protocols and real-time assessment of students’ reasoning activities.
... LIWC's cognitive processing score has been found to have high levels of predictive validity and has been used for automatic classification of cognitive presence empirically (Kovanović et al., 2016;Ferreira et al., 2020). Analytical thinking signifies formal and logical language which results from cognitive processes (Pennebaker et al., 2014). Table 1 shows the subcategory and example words of non-summary variables according to the LIWC2015 dictionary (Pennebaker et al., 2015). ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted teaching and learning activities in higher education around the world. As universities shifted to remote instruction in response to the pandemic, it is important to learn how students engaged in learning during this challenging period. In this paper, we examined the changes in learners’ social and cognitive presence in online discussion forums prior and after remote instruction. We also extracted emergent topics during the pandemic as an attempt to explore what students talked about and how they interacted with their peers. We extracted discussion forum posts between 2019 and 2020 from courses that have been offered repeatedly each term at a four-year university in the U.S. Our findings suggest that students exhibited higher social presence through increased social and affective language during remote instructions. We also identified emergent COVID-19 related discourse, which involved sharing personal experience with positive sentiments and expressing opinions on contemporary events. Our qualitative analysis further revealed that students showed rapport and empathy towrads others, and engaged in active sense making of the pandemic through engaging in critical discourse. Our study sheds lights on leveraging discussion forum to facilitate learner experiences and building classroom community in online courses. We further discussed the potential for conducting large-scale computational linguistic modeling on learner discourse and the role of artificial intelligence in deriving insights on learning behavior at scale to support remote teaching and learning.
... Evidence from linguistic studies suggests that the language used in communication is associated with changes in reader's cognition of, or connections between, concepts and objects (20,21). For example, subtle changes in the language used in college admission essays has been linked with college admission acceptance rates (22). Words in the abstracts of funded grants correlate with the size of the award (23). ...
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How are the merits of innovative ideas communicated in science? Here we conduct semantic analyses of grant application success with a focus on scientific promotional language, which has been growing in frequency in many contexts and purportedly may convey an innovative idea's originality and significance. Our analysis attempts to surmount limitations of prior studies by examining the full text of tens of thousands of both funded and unfunded grants from three leading public and private funding agencies: the NIH, the NSF, and the Novo Nordisk Foundation, one of the world's largest private science foundations. We find a robust association between promotional language and the support and adoption of innovative ideas by funders and other scientists. First, the percentage of promotional language in a grant proposal is associated with up to a doubling of the grant's probability of being funded. Second, a grant's promotional language reflects its intrinsic level of innovativeness. Third, the percentage of promotional language predicts the expected citation and productivity impact of publications that are supported by funded grants. Lastly, a computer-assisted experiment that manipulates the promotional language in our data demonstrates how promotional language can communicate the merit of ideas through cognitive activation. With the incidence of promotional language in science steeply rising, and the pivotal role of grants in converting promising and aspirational ideas into solutions, our analysis provides empirical evidence that promotional language is associated with effectively communicating the merits of innovative scientific ideas.
... The rate of common words was measured with LIWC via the dictionary category, which considers the degree to which people use simple, everyday terms (14,29,33,34). Analytic writing is a measure of linguistic style composed of seven verbal categories (35). Texts that score high on analytic writing tend to be more formal and complex than texts that score low on analytic writing. ...
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Over 30,000 field experiments with The Washington Post and Upworthy showed that readers prefer simpler headlines (e.g., more common words and more readable writing) over more complex ones. A follow-up mechanism experiment showed that readers from the general public paid more attention to, and processed more deeply, the simpler headlines compared to the complex headlines. That is, a signal detection study suggested readers were guided by a simpler-writing heuristic, such that they skipped over relatively complex headlines to focus their attention on the simpler headlines. Notably, a sample of professional writers, including journalists, did not show this pattern, suggesting that those writing the news may read it differently from those consuming it. Simplifying writing can help news outlets compete in the competitive online attention economy, and simple language can make news more approachable to online readers.
... The second dimension, analytical thinking, considers how the words used relate to thinking patterns [42]. A low score in analytical thinking represents that the text comes across as more intuitive and personal, whereas a high score is indicative of academic work that utilise reasoning skills [43,44]. An example of language scoring high in analytic thinking would be academic writing and it has been correlated with achieving higher grades in assessments. ...
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Catfishing is a form of online deception where an individual presents themselves as an identity that is not their own. The study reported in this article explored the motivations for catfish perpetrators and the impacts on those who had been catfished in terms of the emotions and feelings expressed by victims. Data was collected using the crowd-sourced question and answer website Quora [1] and analysis was conducted on a pre-existing corpus of data which contained participant’s answers to questions on catfishing. An automated linguistic analysis using Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC-2022 [2]) and a thematic analysis (Braun and Clarke in Qual Res Psychol 3:77–101, 2006 [38]) were conducted on participant’s descriptions of their perceptions of the motivations of catfishes and their catfishing experiences. The thematic analysis indicated that the motivations of catfish perpetrators can be linked to entertainment, emulating an ideal self, desiring meaningful interaction, and financial gain. Six emotions and feelings emerged from the accounts of catfishing victims: suspicion, love, depression, anger, embarrassment, and stupidity. These findings contribute to an understanding of what motivates individuals to catfish and suggests further research to explore specific emotions and feelings that catfish victims experience. The LIWC analysis and language style matching analysis showed that the data collected was mostly personal to each individual and that there were similarities in how victims write about their experiences. Therefore, we suggest that LIWC has promise as a method of providing added context to qualitative data analysis methods.
... these patterns serve as valuable resources for gaining insights into discourses associated with that subject. subsequently, we analyzed concordances based on collocated words categorized as content words, as they provide a more specific or specialized meaning in a particular context (Pennebaker et al., 2014). according to Baker (2010), a concordance is essentially a compilation of all instances of a word, phrase or search term, along with contextual information surrounding each occurrence. ...
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Diabetes poses a substantial public health concern in Indonesia, standing as the third leading cause of mortality following stroke and heart disease. The media holds potential as a crucial tool for public education, influencing perceptions of health issues and dispelling stigmatization or misinformation surrounding individuals with diabetes. This article investigates the representation of diabetes in Indonesian online news articles by drawing on a corpus-assisted discourse studies framework. The study focuses on analyzing nominal and verbal collocates of diabetes. The findings reveal prevalent collocations, such as penderita (sufferer), pasien (patient) and penyakit (disease), which carry stigmatizing and derogatory connotations. Additionally, the study finds a predominant emphasis on behavioral discourses in discussions about diabetes, potentially contributing to societal stigmatization, while neglecting structural or societal representations. The media’s inclination toward individualized narratives may be driven by considerations of newsworthiness and a perceived need to enhance public awareness regarding behavioral actions linked to diabetes. The study emphasizes the importance of achieving a more balanced coverage of diabetes in Indonesian news media. Integrating portrayals that highlight structural issues into news narratives is crucial for fostering a comprehensive understanding, garnering public support for societal-level policy changes and reducing the stigma associated with people with diabetes.
Deceptive and truthful statements draw on a common pool of communication data, and they are typically embedded within false and truthful narratives. How often does embeddedness occur, who communicates embedded deceptions and truths, and what linguistic characteristics reveal embeddedness? In this study, nearly 800 participants deceived or told the truth about their friends and indicated the embedded deceptions (e.g., false statements told within entirely false or truthful messages) and truths (e.g., truthful statements told within entirely false or truthful messages). Embedded deceiving and truth‐telling rates were only statistically different among those who were instructed to tell the truth. Therefore, the distribution of embedded deceptions and truths were similar for false statements, but dissimilar for truthful statements. Embedded truths were also more likely to be written by women (vs men), liberals (vs conservatives), and communicated in a formal versus narrative style. Theoretical implications are discussed.
How are the merits of innovative ideas communicated in science? Here, we conduct semantic analyses of grant application success with a focus on scientific promotional language, which may help to convey an innovative idea’s originality and significance. Our analysis attempts to surmount the limitations of prior grant studies by examining the full text of tens of thousands of both funded and unfunded grants from three leading public and private funding agencies: the NIH, the NSF, and the Novo Nordisk Foundation, one of the world’s largest private science funding foundations. We find a robust association between promotional language and the support and adoption of innovative ideas by funders and other scientists. First, a grant proposal’s percentage of promotional language is associated with up to a doubling of the grant’s probability of being funded. Second, a grant’s promotional language reflects its intrinsic innovativeness. Third, the percentage of promotional language is predictive of the expected citation and productivity impact of publications that are supported by funded grants. Finally, a computer-assisted experiment that manipulates the promotional language in our data demonstrates how promotional language can communicate the merit of ideas through cognitive activation. With the incidence of promotional language in science steeply rising, and the pivotal role of grants in converting promising and aspirational ideas into solutions, our analysis provides empirical evidence that promotional language is associated with effectively communicating the merits of innovative scientific ideas.
Whether speaking, writing, or thinking, almost everything humans do involves language. But can the semantic structure behind how people express their ideas shed light on their future success? Natural language processing of over 40,000 college application essays finds that students whose writing covers more semantic ground, while moving more slowly (i.e. moving between more semantically similar ideas), end up doing better academically (i.e. have a higher college grade point average). These relationships hold controlling for dozens of other factors (e.g. SAT score, parents' education, and essay content), suggesting that essay topography encodes information that goes beyond family background. Overall, this work sheds light on how language reflects thought, demonstrates that how people express themselves can provide insight into their future success, and provides a systematic, scalable, and objective method for quantifying the topography of thought.
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Computational techniques for scoring essays have recently come into use. Their bases and development methods raise both old and new measurement issues. However, coming principally from computer and cognitive sciences, they have received little attention from the educational measurement community. We briefly survey the state of the technology, then describe one such system, the Intelligent Essay Assessor (IEA). IEA is based largely on Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), a machine-learning model that induces the semantic similarity of words and passages by analysis of large bodies of domain-relevant text. IEA's dominant variables are computed from comparisons with pre-scored essays of highly similar content as measured by LSA. Over many validation studies with a wide variety of topics and test-takers, IEA correlated with human graders as well as they correlated with each other. The technique also supports other educational applications. Critical measurement questions are posed and discussed.
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Using a sample of 363 participants, we tested whether differences in the use of linguistic categories in written self-introductions at the start of the semester predicted final course performance at the end of the semester. The results supported this possibility: Course performance could indeed be predicted by relative word usage in particular linguistic categories—predominantly by the use of punctuation (commas and quotes), word simplicity, first-person singular pronouns, present tense, details concerning home and social life, and words pertaining to eating, drinking, and sex. Our interpretation of the findings emphasizes the egocentric “narrowed focus” of low-performing students and therefore stands in contrast to a previous interpretation that characterized these students as being “dynamic thinkers.”
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Computers have had a tremendous impact on assessment practices over the past half century. Advances in computer technology have substantially influenced the ways in which tests are made, administered, scored, and reported to examinees. These changes are particularly evident in computer-based testing, where the use of computers has allowed test developers to re-envision what test items look like and how they are scored. By integrating technology into assessments, it is increasingly possible to create test items that can sample as broad or as narrow a range of behaviors as needed while preserving a great deal of fidelity to the construct of interest. In this article we review and illustrate some of the current technological developments in computer-based testing, focusing on novel item formats and automated scoring methodologies. Our review indicates that a number of technological innovations in performance assessment are increasingly being researched and implemented by testing programs. In some cases, complex psychometric and operational issues have successfully been dealt with, but a variety of substantial measurement concerns associated with novel item types and other technological aspects impede more widespread use. Given emerging research, however, there appears to be vast potential for expanding the use of more computerized constructed-response type items in a variety of testing contexts.
Conference Paper
Automatically extracting social meaning and intention from spoken dialogue is an important task for dialogue systems and social computing. We describe a system for detecting elements of interactional style: whether a speaker is awkward, friendly, or flirtatious. We create and use a new spoken corpus of 991 4-minute speed-dates. Participants rated their interlocutors for these elements of style. Using rich dialogue, lexical, and prosodic features, we are able to detect flirtatious, awkward, and friendly styles in noisy natural conversational data with up to 75% accuracy, compared to a 50% baseline. We describe simple ways to extract relatively rich dialogue features, and analyze which features performed similarly for men and women and which were gender-specific.
Text Classification, or the task of automatically assigning semantic categories to natural language text, has become one of the key methods for organizing online information. Since hand-coding classification rules is costly or even impractical, most modern approaches employ machine learning techniques to automatically learn text classifiers from examples. However, none of these conventional approaches combines good prediction performance, theoretical understanding, and efficient training algorithms. \ \ Based on ideas from Support Vector Machines (SVMs), Learning To Classify Text Using Support Vector Machines presents a new approach to generating text classifiers from examples. The approach combines high performance and efficiency with theoretical understanding and improved robustness. In particular, it is highly effective without greedy heuristic components. The SVM approach is computationally efficient in training and classification, and it comes with a learning theory that can guide real-world applications. \ \ Learning To Classify Text Using Support Vector Machines gives a complete and detailed description of the SVM approach to learning text classifiers, including training algorithms, transductive text classification, efficient performance estimation, and a statistical learning model of text classification. In addition, it includes an overview of the field of text classification, making it self-contained even for newcomers to the field. This book gives a concise introduction to SVMs for pattern recognition, and it includes a detailed description of how to formulate text-classification tasks for machine learning. \ \ Learning To Classify Text Using Support Vector Machines is designed as a reference for researchers and practitioners, and is suitable as a secondary text for graduate-level students in Computer Science within Machine Learning and Language Technology.
The smallest words in our vocabulary often reveal the most about us, says James W. Pennebaker, including our levels of honesty and thinking style
Originally published in Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books , 2001, Vol 46(3), 261-262. Roger Schank is the cognitive scientist who introduced the concept of a "script" to researchers in psychology, artificial intelligence, linguistics, and education. A script is a generic knowledge structure that organizes knowledge about frequently enacted activities. Critics of script theory, including Schank himself, complained that scripts were too rigid to handle the variability and complexity of human activities. That prompted him to revise his theory, which was then presented in his 1982 book Dynamic Memory, and resurrected in the current book Dynamic Memory Revisited (see record 1999-04213-000 ). His revised theory has a more differentiated specification of the content of generic world knowledge and episodic cases. The first half of Dynamic Memory Revisited describes and defends these theoretical constructs. The reviewers were most inspired by the second half of the book, when Schank confronts the educational practices in the United States. One of Schank's arguments is that students are given the wrong curriculum, forced to consciously memorize didactic information of dubious utility. He argues that school curricula should be organized according to his theory of dynamic memory, offering some concrete recommendations about the knowledge that needs to be acquired in the school systems. Perhaps Dynamic Memory Revised will resuscitate this theory that emphasizes content, world knowledge, goals, memory organization, complex learning, culture, and the intelligence of everyday life--the stuff that psychology should be made of. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)