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Abstract:-The purpose of the present study was to compare extrinsic, intrinsic and amotivation of male interuniversity players participating in different sports discipline(Basketball, Handball, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho and Volleyball). 250 male interuniversity players who participated in the selected games were considerdas sample 50 male players were selected from each game considerd in the study. Motivation questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data from the selected players of different games. One-way ANOVA was used as a statistical tool for analysis of data. The result indicate significant difference in intrinsic motivation and amotivation of male players of different sports i.e. Basketball, Handball, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho and Volleyball Players of selected sports did not differ significantly in their extrinsic motivation.Post hoc test for intrinsic and amotivation reveal that Basketball players differ significantly in their intrinsic motivation from Kabaddi , Kho-Kho, Handball and Volleyball players. Posthoc test for amotivation indicates Basketball players differ significantly on amotivation dimension from Handball players Kho-Kho players and Handball players differ significantly from Kho-Kho, and Kabaddi players. Keywords:Extrinsic, Intrinsic and Amotivation.
ISSN No :2231-5063
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Golden Research Thoughts
ISSN 2231-5063
Impact Factor : 2.2052(UIF)
Volume-4 | Issue-4 | Oct-2014
Available online at
Abstract:-The purpose of the present study was to compare extrinsic, intrinsic and
amotivation of male interuniversity players participating in different sports
discipline(Basketball, Handball, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho and Volleyball). 250 male
interuniversity players who participated in the selected games were considerdas
sample 50 male players were selected from each game considerd in the study.
Motivation questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data from the selected players
of different games. One-way ANOVA was used as a statistical tool for analysis of
data. The result indicate significant difference in intrinsic motivation and
amotivation of male players of different sports i.e. Basketball, Handball, Kabaddi,
Kho-Kho and Volleyball Players of selected sports did not differ significantly in
their extrinsic motivation.Post hoc test for intrinsic and amotivation reveal that
Basketball players differ significantly in their intrinsic motivation from Kabaddi ,
Kho-Kho, Handball and Volleyball players. Posthoc test for amotivation indicates
Basketball players differ significantly on amotivation dimension from Handball
players Kho-Kho players and Handball players differ significantly from Kho-Kho,
and Kabaddi players.
Keywords:Extrinsic, Intrinsic and Amotivation.
Motivation is area for research in sports, most interesting problems, both as a developmental
outcome of social environments such as competition and coaches' behaviors, and as a developmental
influence on behavioral variables such as persistence, learning, and performance (Duda, 1989).
In general, intrinsic motivation (IM) refers to engaging in an activity purely for the pleasure
and satisfaction derived from doing the activity (Deci, 1975). When a person is intrinsically
motivated he or she will perform the behavior voluntarily, in the absence of material rewards or
external constraints (Deci& Ryan, 1985). Athletes who go to practice because they find it interesting
and satisfying to learn more about their sport, or athletes who practice their sport for the pleasure of
constantly trying to surpass themselves are considered intrinsically motivated toward their sport.
External factors such as money, prizes, acclaim status and praise forms extrinsic motivation.
Extrinsic motivation characterizes activities that are performed in order to obtain some separable
outcome, whether that to be a tangible reward, avoidance or a punishment, or the attainment of
1 2 3 4
Rawate , B. , Anant, S.K , Srivastava, P. and Venugopal, R. , “A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF EXTRINSIC,
SPORTS DISCIPLINES ”, Golden Research Thoughts | Volume 4 | Issue 4 | Oct 2014 | Online & Print
1 2 3 4
Rawate , B. , Anant, S.K , Srivastava, P. and Venugopal, R.
1Assistant Professor, GGU University Bilaspur, (C.G.)
2Research Scholar,SoS in Physical Education, Pt. RavishankarShukla University Raipur (C.G.)
Professor SoS in Psychology, Pt. RavishankarShukla University Raipur (C.G.)
4Professor SoS in Physical Education, Pt. RavishankarShukla University Raipur (C.G.)
recognition, or appeal.
According to self-determination theory, extrinsic and intrinsic motivations are not discrete
categories, but a unique continuum. On one side of the continuum is intrinsic motivation while on the
other side is amotivation. Various forms of extrinsic motivation are set between intrinsic motivation
and amotivation (Deci& Ryan, 2000).
It has been observed that external stimulations causes a negative effect and additionally
“undermines” intrinsic interest and enjoyment in the sport instead of contributing to intrinsic
motivation (Lazareviã, 2001). However, using extrinsic forms of stimulation is unavoidable in
sports. The more fully an extrinsic stimulation is internalized and more successfully integrated in
one’s self, the better basis for self-determination of behaviour and self-motivation will be
(Mladenovic, 2010).Because the various forms of motivation are posited to lie on a continuum from
high to low self-determination, and because self-determination is associated with enhanced
psychological functioning (Deci, 1980), one would expect a corresponding pattern of consequences.
Research supports this premise in that the different types of motivation are associated with
increasingly positive consequences as one progress from amotivation to intrinsic motivation.
Many researchers have explored different aspects of motivation in sports. Sinha (1987),
Bujurke et al (1989), Mallet, C.J. (2004), Thiberg, J. (2005), Medic, Mack and Wilson (2010),
Jiteshwor et al. (2013) and many other have studied the effect of various dimensions of motivation on
sports performance. Surprisingly motivation of male interuniversity players from various sportshas
not been investigated so far. Therefore an attempt was made to examine motivation of male
interuniversity players of various games. It was hypothesized that male interuniversity players
would differ significantly in their extrinsic, intrinsic and amotivation.
250 male interuniversity players who participated in the selected games were considerdas
sample 50 male players were selected from each game selected for the study. Motivation
questionnairewas used as a tool to collect data from the selected players of different games.
(Basketball, Handball, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho and Volleyball). The sample was selected from
Universities operational in Chhattisgarh.Tiwari, (2005), Motivational Questionnaires was used to
collect data. One way ANOVA statistics was computed to test difference in extrinsic, intrinsic and
amotivation among male inter-university players of selected games
The results are dipected in the following tables:
Table 1
Mean, Standard Deviation on Extrinsic Scale between Selected Players of Various Sports
A Comparative Study Of Extrinsic, Intrinsic And Amotivation Between Male ............
Golden Research Thoughts | Volume 4 | Issue 4 | Oct 2014
Groups Extrinsic Motivation Intrinsic Motivati on Amotivation
Mean±S.D. Mean±S.D. Mean±S.D.
Male Basketball Player (N=50) 43.03±9.53 4 0.42±9.59 43.86±10.31
Male Handball Players (N=50) 43 .48± 6.91 39.46±7.28 47.68±7.36
Male Kabaddi Players (N=50) 42 .18±9.12 35.34±8.68 51.84±10.98
Male Kho-Kho Players (N=50 43.84±6.32 4 4.58±8.96 43.20±7.87
Male Volleyball Players (N=50) 46.34±7.63 4 5.44±7.80 46.66±7.35
F(4,245)=1.92, p>.05 F(4,245)=11.61, p<.01 F(4,245)=7.49, p<.01
Statistical analysis of data reveals the following
Insignificant differences in extrinsic motivation were observed among maleBasketball, Handball,
Kabaddi, Kho-Kho and Volleyball players. (F=1.92, p>.05)
Statistically significant differences was observed in case of intrinsic motivation among male
players of selected games (F=11.61, p<.01).
Statistically significant differences was also observed among in amotivation among male players of
selected games (F=7.49, p<.01).
To find out the difference in intrinsic motivation between players of various sports, Post-
hoc ANOVA was applied. The results are presented in table 2
Table 2
Post-hoc ANOVA Difference in Intrinsic Motivation of Players from Selected Sports
Mean difference significantlevel at .05
A perusal of table 2 reveal Basketball players was significantly differ in intrinsic
motivation from Kabbadi,Kho-Kho and Volleyball players. Handball players differ significantly
from Kabbadi, Kho-Kho and Volleyball player.To find out the difference in amotivation between
players of various sports, Post-hoc test was applied. The results are presented in table3
Table 3
Post-hoc ANOVA
Difference in Intrinsic Amotivation of Players from Selected Sports
Golden Research Thoughts | Volume 4 | Issue 4 | Oct 2014
Games Mean Difference Sig. 0.05
Basketball x Handball .96 Non- Sig
Basketball x Kabaddi 5.08* Sig
Basketball x Kho-Kho -4.16* Sig
Basketball x Kho-Kho -5.02* Sig
Handball x Kabaddi 4.12* Sig
Handball x Kho-Kho -5.12* Sig
Handball x Volleyball -5.98* Sig
Kabaddi x Kho-Kho -9.24* Sig
Kabaddi x Volleyball -10.10* Sig
Kho-Kho x Volleyball -.86 Non- Sig
Games Mean Difference Sig. 0.05
Basketball x Han dball -3.82* Sig
Basketball x Kabaddi -.7.98 Sig
Basketball x Kho-Kho 4.48* Sig
Basketball x Kho-Kho 1.02 Non -Sig
Handball x Kabaddi -4.16* Sig
Handball x Kho-Kho 4.48* Sig
Handball x Volleyball 1.02 Non -Sig
Kabaddi x Kho-Kho -8.64* Sig
Kabaddi x Volleyball 5.18* Sig
Kho-Kho x Volleyball -3.46 Non- Sig
A Comparative Study Of Extrinsic, Intrinsic And Amotivation Between Male ............
* Mean difference significant at .05 level
A perusal of table 3 revealed that amotivation in Basketball players differsignificantly more
than Kho-Kho players andHandball players. Kabaddi players significantly differ on amotivation
than Kho-Kho and Volleyball players.
Post hoc result indicates significant differences in the specific group mention above.
On the basis of analysis of data following results were obtained -
1.Interuniversity male sportspersons taking part in selected sports i.e. Basketball, Handball,
Kabaddi, Kho-Kho and Volleyball did not differ significantly with each their Extrinsic
2.Interuniversity male Players taking part in selected sports i.e. Basketball, Handball, Kabaddi, Kho-
Kho and Volleyball did differ significantly with each other in their intrinsic motivation.
3.Interuniversity male sportspersons taking part in selected sports i.e. Basketball, Handball,
Kabaddi, Kho-Kho and Volleyball did differ significantly with each other, in the amotivation.
4.Observation of mean table reveals that Kabaddi players are highest on amotivation followed by
Handball and Volleyball players respectively.
5.Male Volleyball players and Kho-Kho players, scored higher mean values are higher on intrinsic
motivation in comparison to the playersof other games.
The findingof the study indicate that the male Kabaddi players are highly amotivated in
comparison to the other game counterpart, the reason for such low motivation may be attributed to
the perception related to the prospect of the game. They do not find any connection between other
efforts and its outcomes. The Volleyballand Kho-Kho male players are more intrinsically motivated.
The reason for intrinsic motivation for Kho-Khoplayers may be different from the Volleyball
players. As the Kho-Kho games includes pleasure enjoyment and skills which help players to feel
more involved for the game. Volleyball players also seem to enjoy the game & motivated to
participate in the same further it.
On the basis of results, it was concluded that intrinsic and amotivation of Players taking part
in selected sports i.e. Basketball, Handball, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho and Volleyball is significantly
different with an exception of extrinsic motivation. The mean values of motivation (IMSEM) are
lower as compared to other study (Tiwari, 2005), whereas the mean score of amotivation is high.
Hence it is recommended that insight to this aspect has to be developed and further investigation
should bring out the causes of lower levels of motivation and high level of amotivation. An
intervention program shall be very truthful to increase the motivation level of the players for better
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Golden Research Thoughts | Volume 4 | Issue 4 | Oct 2014
Rawate , B.
Assistant Professor, GGU University Bilaspur, (C.G.)
A Comparative Study Of Extrinsic, Intrinsic And Amotivation Between Male ............
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