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Mechanisms of the Pellagragenic Effect of Leucine: Stimulation of Hepatic Tryptophan Oxidation by Administration of Branched-Chain Amino Acids to Healthy Human Volunteers and the Role of Plasma Free Tryptophan and Total Kynurenines


Abstract and Figures

The pellagragenic effect of leucine (Leu) has been proposed to involve modulation of L-tryptophan (Trp) metabolism along the hepatic kynurenine pathway. Here, we discuss some of the mechanisms suggested and report the effects in healthy volunteers of single doses of Leu (4.05-6.75 g) administered in a 16-amino acid mixture on concentrations of plasma Trp and its kynurenine metabolites. Flux of Trp through Trp 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) is dose-dependently enhanced most probably by Leu and can be attributed to TDO activation. Trp oxidation is better expressed using plasma total kynure-nines, rather than kynurenine, and free, rather than total, Trp. Increased hepatic Trp oxidation may be an additional mechanism of action of branched-chain amino acids in the acute Trp depletion test. Inhibition of intestinal absorption or hepatic uptake of Trp by Leu can be excluded. Potential mechanisms of the aggravation of pellagra symptoms by Leu are discussed.
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International Journal of
Tryptophan Research
Pellagra is a disease of many causes, including nutritional
deciencies, conditions of gastrointestinal dysfunction,
alcoholism, and many drugs, all of which decrease the avail-
ability of nicotinic acid (niacin or vitamin B
Niacin is
present in many foods and also synthesized in the liver from
the essential amino acid L-tryptophan (Trp) in the kynure-
nine pathway of Trp degradation (Fig. 1). is pathway
accounts for .95% of total body Trp oxidation and is con-
trolled by the rst enzyme Trp 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO, for-
merly Trp pyrrolase).
Assessment of activity of TDO and
other enzymes of this pathway in humans has largely been
made by measuring urinary kynurenine metabolites, because
urinary levels far exceed those in plasma. However, with the
advent of more sensitive methods for measuring the generally
low plasma levels, more studies are now performed on plasma
samples. Previous human studies of the kynurenine pathway
in pellagra have recently been reviewed.
Existence on diets composed largely of maize or sorghum
led to the incidence of pellagra in India, South Africa, Southern
Europe during the 18th century, and the Southern USA during
the American civil war.
is is because of the low Trp content
of these staples and failure to isolate the niacin bound to poly-
saccha rides in the form of niac y tin, which cannot be hydrolyzed
by mammalian enzymes.
e symptoms of pellagra (the three
Ds: dermatitis, diarrhea, and delirium) are compounded by the
Mechanisms of the Pellagragenic Effect of Leucine: Stimulation of Hepatic
Tryptophan Oxidation by Administration of Branched-Chain Amino Acids to
Healthy Human Volunteers and the Role of Plasma Free Tryptophan and Total
Abdulla A-B Badawy
, Sarah L. Lake
and Donald M. Dougherty
School of Health Sciences, Cardi Metropolitan University, Western Avenue, Cardi, Wales, UK.
Department of Psychiatry, University of
Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA.
A BST R AC T: e pellagragenic eect of leucine (Leu) has been proposed to involve modulation of L-tryptophan (Trp) metabolism along the hepatic
kynurenine pathway. Here, we discuss some of the mechanisms suggested and report the eects in healthy volunteers of single doses of Leu (4.056.75 g)
administered in a 16-amino acid mixture on concentrations of plasma Trp and its kynurenine metabolites. Flux of Trp through Trp 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO)
is dose-dependently enhanced most probably by Leu and can be attributed to TDO activation. Trp oxidation is better expressed using plasma total kynure-
nines, rather than kynurenine, and free, rather than total, Trp. Increased hepatic Trp oxidation may be an additional mechanism of action of branched-chain
amino acids in the acute Trp depletion test. Inhibition of intestinal absorption or hepatic uptake of Trp by Leu can be excluded. Potential mechanisms of
the aggravation of pellagra symptoms by Leu are discussed.
KEY WORDS: branched-chain amino acids, kynurenine pathway, leucine, pellagra, plasma free tryptophan, tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase
CITATION: Badawy et al. Mechanisms of the Pellagragenic Effect of Leucine: Stimulation of Hepatic Tryptophan Oxidation by Administration of Branched-Chain Amino Acids to Healthy
Human Volunteers and the Role of Plasma Free Tryptophan and Total Kynurenines. International Journal of Tryptophan Research 2014:7 2332 doi: 10.4137/IJTR.S18231.
RECEIVED: June 29, 2014. RESUBMITTED: September 12, 2014. ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION: October 3, 2014.
ACADEMIC EDITOR: Gilles Guillemin, Editor in Chief
TYPE: Original Research
FUNDING: This study was funded by grants from the USA National Institutes of Health (NIH) (R01-AA012046, RO1-AA014988, and T32-AA07565) to DMD. SLL was supported by an
NIH training grant (T32-DA031115). The Wellcome Trust funded the equipment used in this study through Project grant 069301 to AA-BB. DMD receives funding through the William and
Marguerite Wurzbach Distinguished Professorship. The authors conrm that the funder had no inuence over the study design, content of the article, or selection of this journal.
COMPETING INTERESTS: Authors disclose no potential conicts of interest.
COPYRIGHT: © the authors, publisher and licensee Libertas Academica Limited. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC 3.0
Paper subject to independent expert blind peer review by minimum of two reviewers. All editorial decisions made by independent academic editor. Upon submission manuscript was
subject to anti-plagiarism scanning. Prior to publication all authors have given signed conrmation of agreement to article publication and compliance with all applicable ethical and
legal requirements, including the accuracy of author and contributor information, disclosure of competing interests and funding sources, compliance with ethical requirements relating to
human and animal study participants, and compliance with any copyright requirements of third parties. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Badawy et al
presence in these staples of large amounts of the branched-
chain amino acid (BCAA) leucine (Leu).
Various mechanisms
have been proposed to explain the pellagragenic eect of Leu
activation of liver TDO and picolinate carboxylase and inhi-
bition of kynureninase and quinolinate phosphoribosyltrans-
ese eects may explain the decreased formation
of quinolinic acid and nicotinamide nucleotides when dietary
niacin intake is marginal
and the increased urinary excre-
tion of kynurenine, 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-HK), kynurenic
acid, and xanthurenic acid (XA) in pellagra patients.
dietary Leu may also inhibit hepatic uptake
and intestinal
of Trp.
Studies of these mechanisms have been conducted in vitro,
in isolated hepatocytes, and intact animals, or in pellagrins in
association with other nutritional deciencies that exert major
eects on this pathway. Investigation of the eects of Leu on
plasma Trp and kynurenine metabolites in normal subjects has
not been performed and may therefore throw further light on
Trp dioxygenase
N´-Formylkynurenine formamidase
Kynurenine aminotransferase
Kynurenic acid
Kynurenine hydroxylase
Kynurenine aminotransferase
Xanthurenic acid
3-Hydroxyanthranilic acid
3-Hydroxyanthranilic acid oxidase
Acroleyl aminofumarate
Non-enzymic cyclisation
Picolinate carboxylase
Quinolinic acid
Aminomuconic semialdehyde
Non-enzymic cyclisation Quinolinate phosphoribosyl transferase
Aminomuconic semialdehyde
Picolinic acid
Aminomuconic acid
Nicotinic acid
Nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase
Nicotinic acid mononucleotide
Nicotinic acid-adenine
Acetyl Co-A
Nicotinamide deaminase
dinucleotide (NAAD)
NAD+ synthetase
NAD Glycohydrolase
Dinucleotide (NAD
Nicotinamide phosphoribosyl transferase
Nicotinamide methyltransferase Kynase
N-Methylnicotinamide oxidases
N-Methylpyridone carboxamides NADPH
Figure 1. The hepatic kynurenine pathway of Trp degradation. This gure is an adaptation of Figures 1 and 2 from the review
titled “Pellagra and
alcoholism: a biochemical perspective” by Badawy, AA-B. Alcohol and Alcoholism 2014;49:23850, published by Oxford University Press.
Leucine and tryptophan oxidation
these mechanisms in the absence of dietary deciencies. An
opportunity has arisen for such investigation from our previous
study of the specicity of the acute Trp depletion (ATD) test,
a powerful diagnostic tool for assessing the role of the cerebral
indolylamine serotonin in behavioral and other disorders.
e ATD test involves administration of an amino acid mix-
ture lacking in Trp, but rich in the three BCAAs Leu, Ile, and
Val. BCAAs and also Phe and Tyr compete with one another
and with Trp for entry into the brain and so inhibit serotonin
synthesis during the ATD test. Stimulation of protein synthe-
sis by the essential amino acids used (especially Leu; see the
Discussion) contributes to the Trp depletion. As a control, a
similar formulation supplemented with Trp is used. e ATD
formulation, however, lacks specicity because of the large
content of BCAAs
(see below). Specicity of the control for-
mulation has been improved by decreasing the content of the
three BCAAs by 40%, from the traditional 30% to 18%.
In the present study, we have compared aspects of Trp
metabolism and disposition and plasma kynurenine metabo-
lites in four groups of normal healthy volunteers receiving the
ATD control formulation with varying amounts of BCAAs,
and we were able to demonstrate enhanced Trp oxidation
along the kynurenine pathway, despite the added eects of the
moderate Trp load.
Subjects and Methods
Subjects. Subjects of this study were the 48 USA healthy
volunteers who took part in our previous investigation of the
specicity of the control formulation for the ATD test.
jects were recruited by DMD during his professorial tenure at
Wake Forest University Health Sciences Center, NC, USA.
Subjects were divided into four groups (n = 12 each) matched
for age, gender, and ethnicity (Caucasians and African Amer-
icans). e phase of the menstrual cycle was not considered
in this study, but the gender distribution was uniform across
groups, and analysis of Trp and other parameters in our pre-
vious study
revealed no gender eects. Recruitment, health
screening, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and ethical approval
by the institutional review board of Wake Forest University
have all been described.
is research complied with the
principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, and participants gave
their written, informed consent to participate in the study.
Design. is was a double-blind study. After an overnight
fast, subjects were allocated to one of four groups to receive
a suitably avored drink containing 51.25 g of a mixture of
16 amino acids with varying BCAA content. is mixture
is based on the original control formulation of Young et al.
for the ATD test. Briey, in addition to the three BCAAs,
the mixture included the other three brain uptake competi-
tors Trp, Tyr, and Phe, and 10 other (non-competing) amino
acids. Table 1 gives the content of each of the six competitors
and the sum of the 10 non-competitors.e latter are summed
here for brevity, but are listed elsewhere.
As can be seen from
Table 1, the four groups received one of four formulations
(a between- rather than a within-group design to reduce
participant burden and attrition): the original control for-
mulation of Young et al.
(F0) or three other formulations
containing 20% (F1), 30% (F2), and 40% (F3) less BCAAs,
and the resulting dierences were compensated for by pro-
portionate increases in the content of each of the other 10
amino acids. Blood samples from all subjects were obtained
before and at hourly intervals for 7 hours after oral consump-
tion of the amino acid mixtures. Participants remained fast-
ing throughout the 7-hour study duration, following which
they received a Trp-balanced meal. Other details have been
Laboratory procedures. Fasting plasma samples were
isolated in ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) tubes
and frozen at 80 °C until transported in the frozen state to
Cardi, UK, for analysis. Plasma ultraltrates for free (non-
albumin-bound) Trp determination were prepared
from fresh
plasma before freezing, as frozen storage of plasma decreases
free [Trp]. Concentrations of plasma free and total Trp, kynure-
nine, and ve of its metabolites (3-HK, 3-hydroxyanthranilic
acid, kynurenic acid, XA, and anthranilic acid) were deter-
mined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
with ultraviolet and uorimetric detection.
Expressions of results. Four parameters are expressed in
absolute concentrations (µM), namely, plasma free and total
Trp, kynurenine, and total kynurenines. Total kynurenines
include kynurenine, kynurenic acid, XA, anthranilic acid,
and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid. A number of expressions are
then derived from these four parameters. ese are: (1) the
percentage free Trp (100 × [free Trp]/[total Trp]), which is an
established expression of Trp binding to albumin; (2) TDO
activity (100 × [kynurenine]/[total Trp]); (3) TDO activity
relative to free Trp (TDOF) (100 × [kynurenine]/[free Trp]);
(4) total Trp oxidation (TTOX) (100 × [total kynurenines]/
[total Trp]); (5) total Trp oxidation relative to free Trp
(TTOXF) (100 × [total kynurenines]/[free Trp]).
Table 1. Composition of the amino acid formulations.
20% 30% 40%
Trp 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
Phe 2.85 2.85 2.85 2.85
Tyr 3.45 3.45 3.45 3.45
Leu 6.75 5.40 4.73 4.05
Val 4.55 3.64 3.19 2.72
Ile 4.00 3.20 2.80 2.40
Other amino acids (n = 10)
28.50 31.55 33.09 34.62
Total amino acids (g) 51.25 51.25 51.25 51.25
Leu content (%) 13.17 10.54 9.23 7. 9 0
Average Leu dose (mg/kg) 96 77 68 58
Note: Details of the 10 other amino acids are in Table 2 in ref. 13.
Badawy et al
Statistical analysis. Results were analyzed by one-way
randomized block analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SPSS
(Version 21, IBM Corporation) or Sigma Plot version 11
(Systat, UK), with which graphics were prepared. For multi-
ple group comparisons, the Holm–Sidak test is recommended
as the rst line procedure, as it is more powerful than the
Tukey or Bonferroni tests and can be used for pairwise com-
parisons and those versus a control group. When data failed
Mauchlys test of sphericity, GreenhouseGeisser corrections
were used to produce a conservative correction. In addition
to within-group comparisons with zero-time values, most of
the between-group comparisons presented were between data
from the F0 group (with the largest BCAA dose) and those
from the F3 group (the lowest BCAA dose) as control.
In the results presented below, the sum of the total kynure-
nines does not include 3-HK, because values obtained by our
are generally higher than those reported in the
literature. However, the absence of 3-HK from the sum rep-
resents a conservative underestimate of the relevant eects
observed. Also in the presentation of the results, where there
are no clear BCAA dose-dependent dierences, only data
from the F0 (Leu and BCAA contents: 6.75 g and 15.35 g,
respectively) and F3 (4.05 g and 9.17 g, respectively) groups
are presented for graphic clarity and illustration of the poten-
tial level of changes caused by the highest, versus the lowest,
doses of Leu and BCAA.
Baseline parameter means. Table 2 gives the baseline
fasting mean values of the various parameters studied for all
48 subjects.
Eects of BCAAs on plasma free and total Trp con-
centrations and Trp binding. As subjects in all four groups
received a similar dose of Trp (1.15 g), both plasma free
[F(2.706, 119.084) = 99.769, P , 0.0001] and total [Trp]
[F(2.176, 95.738) = 140.087, P , 0.0001] were increased sig-
nicantly over time (P = 0.0300.001), reaching a maximum
at 2–3 hours and returning to normal values by 6 hours. Mul-
tiple group comparisons for free Trp showed an overall sig-
nicance only at 3 hours (H = 8.458, 3; P = 0.037). e time
course of changes in free Trp in groups F0 and F3 is shown
in Figure 2A. After the initial 2 hours, the decrease in free
Trp was somewhat faster in the F0, than the F3, group, with a
signicant dierence at 3 hours (F = 8.090, 1; P = 0.009). By
contrast, total Trp did not dier signicantly between groups,
with values for the F0 and F3 groups shown in Figure 2B.
e percentage free Trp, an expression of Trp binding
to albumin, was altered as a result of the above changes in
[free Trp]. As shown in Figure 2C, the %free Trp was gener-
ally lower in the F0, compared with the F3, group, suggest-
ing that albumin-binding sites were saturated with Trp in
F3, leading to an overspill of free Trp, presumably because
Trp degradation was faster in F0. e fact that enhanced Trp
oxidation by TDO normally leads to proportionate decreases
in free and total [Trp] without inuencing Trp binding to
albumin (see the Discussion below) supports this interpreta-
tion. As was the case for free Trp, the dierence in the %free
Trp between F0 and F3 was signicant at 3 hours (H = 6.549,
1; P = 0.018). Overall, group comparisons showed a trend
toward signicance (P = 0.058) also only at 3 hours.
Eects of BCAAs on plasma kynurenine and expres-
sions of liver TDO activity. Plasma [kynurenine] rose signi-
cantly with time in all four groups [F(5.030, 221.334) =
22.790, P , 0.0001], as a result of acute Trp load leading to
increased ux of Trp through TDO. e kynurenine elevation
was signicant at all times in the F0 group, but up to 5 hours
in the F1 and up to 4 hours in the F2 and F3 groups. How-
ever, plasma [kynurenine] did not dier signicantly between
groups at any time point during the 7-hour experimental
duration. is lack of dierence is exemplied in Figure 3A
comparing the F0 and F3 groups.
Liver TDO activ it y is expressed by the plasma [kynurenine]/
[total Trp] ratio percentage. A decrease in this expression
was observed at 1 hour, but is of no signicance, as it is
because of the increase in [Trp] following Trp loading. e
increase in TDO activity in the F0 group was signicant
from 4 hours onward, whereas that in the other three groups
was transient, occurring only at 3 or 6 hours. As was the case
for [kynurenine], no signicant group dierences in TDO
were observed, as illustrated in Figure 3B for the F0 and
F3 groups.
A new expression of TDO activity was made relative to
[free Trp] (TDOF). Here, there were also no signicant dif-
ferences within or between groups, except that, at 3 hours,
the F0 and F3 TDOF means were signicantly dierent
(H = 4.675, 1; P = 0.039). ere were signicant changes in
TDOF over time [F(3.912, 172.132) = 14.449, P , 0.0001].
e time-course of changes in TDOF in these two groups is
shown in Figure 3C.
Table 2. Baseline mean values of various parameters in the
48 subjects.
Free Trp
4.78 0.22
Total Trp
43.5 2.65
% Free Trp
100 × [Free Trp]/[Total Trp]
10.99 0.75
1.28 0.29
100 × [Kynurenine]/[total Trp]
2.94 0.26
100 × [Kynurenine]/[Free Trp]
26.78 1.91
Total kynurenines
4.22 0.69
100 × [Total kynurenines]/
[Total Trp]
9.70 1.78
100 × [Total kynurenines]/
[Free Trp]
88.28 11.8 9
Abbreviations: TDO, Trp 2,3-dioxygenase relative to total Trp; TDOF, Trp
2,3-dioxygenase relative to free Trp; TTOX, total Trp oxidation relative to total
Trp; TTOXF, total Trp oxidation relative to free Trp.
Leucine and tryptophan oxidation
Time (h)
[Free Trp] (µM)
Time (h)
[Total Trp] (µM)
Time (h)
Free Trp (%)
Figure 2. Time-course of the effects of BCAAs on plasma free and total
Trp concentrations and Trp binding in normal subjects. Fasting volunteers
received a 16-amino acid mixture at two BCAA dose levels: 15.35 g
(group F0) and 9.17 g (group F3). These correspond to Leu doses of
6.75 g and 4.05 g, respectively. Plasma samples were analyzed before
and at hourly intervals for 7 hours after oral consumption of each mixture
for free Trp (A), total Trp (B), and the %free Trp (C). Analytical and other
details are described in the Subjects and methods section. Values are
means ± SEM (bars) for 12 subjects in each group, and the signicance
of differences is described at the relevant points in the text. The asterisk
denotes signicant differences in the F0 group relative to the F3 group
(P = 0.0430.009).
Time (h)
TDO (%)
Time (h)
TDOF (%)
Figure 3. Time-course of the effects of BCAAs on plasma kynurenine
concentration and expressions of TDO activity in normal subjects.
Details are as described in Figure 2. TDO activity is expressed in two
ways, as described in Table 2. Values for kynurenine (A), TDO (B), and
TDOF (C) are means ± SEM for 12 subjects in each group. The asterisk
denotes signicant differences in the F0 group relative to the F3 group
(P = 0.007–0.009).
Badawy et al
Time (h)
[Total kynurenines (µM)
Time (h)
TTOX (%)
Time (h)
Figure 4. Time-course of the effects of BCAAs on plasma concentrations
of total kynurenines and expressions of total Trp oxidation (TTOX) in
normal subjects. Details are as described in Figure 2, except that total
kynurenines (A) were determined in groups F0 and F3 and additionally in
groups F1 and F2 receiving intermediate BCAA doses as in Table 1. TTOX
(B and C) is expressed in two ways as described in Table 2. Values are
means ± SEM for 12 subjects per group. The asterisk denotes signicant
differences in the F0 group relative to the F3 group (P = 0.007–0.009) for
TTOX and TTOXF, whereas for total kynurenines, the asterisk denotes
signicant differences relative to the F0 group (P = 0.050.002).
Eects of BCAAs on plasma concentrations of kynure-
nines and expressions of total Trp oxidation (TTOX). As
was the case with [kynurenine], [total kynurenines] were also
elevated signicantly [F(4.301, 189.232) = 8.698, P , 0.0001]
and maximally at 2–3 hours in all groups. However, unlike the
former, the elevation of [total kynurenines] was dose depen-
dent for all four doses of the BCAAs, with the elevation order
of groups being F0 . F1 . F2 . F3 (Fig. 4A). Multiple
group comparisons showed overall signicant dierences at
2, 3, and 4 hours (P = 0.0230.0048). Groups F0 and F3 dif-
fered signicantly at 1, 2, 3, and 4 hours (P = 0.0240.008). In
data not shown, individual kynurenine metabolites were also
similarly elevated in line with their sums.
Two new expressions of total Trp oxidation (TTOX) were
attempted: TTOX relative to [total Trp] and TTOXF relative
to [free Trp]. TTOX did not show overall signicant group
dierences, except at 5 hours (H = 8.383, 3: P = 0.039). How-
ever, there were signicant dierences over time [F(2.210,
97.235) = 10.722, P , 0.0001], and comparison of the F0 and
F3 groups (Fig. 4B) showed signicant dierences at 1, 3, and
4 hours (P = 0.0500.038). More remarkable dierences were
observed with TTOXF. Here, multiple group comparisons
showed signicant group dierences at 1–5 hours (P = 0.05
0.011), with dierences between groups F0 and F3 (Fig. 4C)
being signicant also at 1–5 hours (P = 0.0330.005).
Comparison of areas under the curves for parameters
with signicant group dierences. To further assess the
signicance of dierences in parameters between the F0 and
F3 groups, analyses of areas under the curves (AUC) were per-
formed on all subjects in these two groups. e results averaged
in Table 3 show that for [free Trp], the 17% lower AUC for F0
was not signicant, whereas the 22% lower %free Trp in F0
was. e 20% higher TDOF (TDO activity expressed relative
to free Trp) in F0 was not signicant. Total kynurenines were
signicantly higher in F0, by 65%. e AUC for total Trp
oxidation expressed relative to total Trp (TTOX) or to free
Trp (TTOXF) showed two subjects in each group with either
very low or very high values, and these were omitted from the
analysis. AUC for the remaining 10 subjects in each group
showed signicantly and similarly higher values in F0 (139%
for TTOX and 145% for TTOXF), compared to F3. For other
parameters showing no signicant group dierences, AUC
measurements also showed no signicant dierences.
Mechanisms of the pellagragenic eect of Leu. Based
on studies in rat liver preparations in vitro, isolated rat hepa-
tocytes, and intact rats in vivo, with very few in pellagrins and
normal humans, excessive dietary Leu has been suggested
to induce or aggravate pellagra by six mechanisms: activation
of liver (1) TDO and (2) picolinate carboxylase, inhibition of
(3) kynureninase and (4) quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase,
and of (5) hepatic Trp uptake, and (6) intestinal Trp absorption.
Although we have addressed mainly hepatic Trp oxidation by
Leucine and tryptophan oxidation
TDO in normal humans, it is important to discuss rst the
other mechanisms.
Studies in vitro. e concentrations of Leu (1–10 mM)
required for inhibition of intestinal Trp absorption in rats
and that (7.6 mM) for inhibition of kynureninase activity in
rat liver preparations
are unlikely to be of signicance in vivo
in humans, because basal fasting plasma [Leu] (in normal
USA subjects of both genders: 109 ± 3 µM, mean ± SEM for
n = 114)
is increased maximally by oral Leu doses of 5.0
13.5 g to values of 204843 µM.
In subjects of the pres-
ent study, we reported
maximal elevations in plasma [Leu]
to 486 ± 76 µM in the F0 group (Leu dose: 6.75 g: 96 mg/kg
body wt) and 355 ± 42 µM in F3 (Leu dose: 4.05 g: 58 mg/kg
body wt). us, under our experimental conditions, elevation
of plasma [Leu] does not reach 500 µM with Leu doses of up
to 13.5 g, or 193 mg/kg body wt. Plasma [Leu] in normal
humans after Leu loading therefore rises to values generally
below 500 µM and certainly ,1 mM. As discussed below,
kynureninase inhibition occurs in vivo in pellagrins and Leu-
treated rats by a mechanism other than the competitive one
Studies in isolated rat hepatocytes. Trp uptake by isolated rat
is inhibited by Leu at 0.5 mM and above, with
5 mM causing only a 37% inhibition. is moderate inhibition
reects quantitatively a decreased ux of Trp through TDO.
ese high [Leu] are also unlikely to be reached in vivo,
and in fact, these authors
demonstrated increased ux of
Trp through TDO and subsequent steps of the kynurenine
pathway in hepatocytes from rats maintained on a high-Leu
(15 g/kg) diet.
Studies in intact rats in vivo and in pellagrins. Average
intake of the above diet (15 g of Leu/kg) corresponds to a Leu
dose (1.5 g/kg) that raises rat blood [Leu] to 1 mM.
this dosage,
the ux of Trp through kynureninase (estimated
from a tracer dose of methylene-labeled
C-Trp) is inhibited,
whereas that through picolinate carboxylase (estimated using
uniformly labeled benzene ring U-
C-Trp) is enhanced, thus
suggesting inhibition of the former, but activation of the lat-
ter, enzyme. Both eects can adequately explain the previously
reported decreased synthesis of nicotinamide dinucleotides.
Flux of U-
C-Trp through picolinate carboxylase has also
been demonstrated by others in intact rats in vivo
and hepa-
tocytes isolated from high Leu-fed rat,
but, as pointed out,
the major source of ux of Trp through picolinate carboxylase
may be the kidney, which is a richer source of this enzyme
than the liver. Inhibition of this ux by 2 mM Leu added to
hepatocytes from normal rats (not high Leu-fed)
may not be
physiologically signicant.
e kynureninase inhibition demonstrated in rats using
C-Tr p
may also occur in pellagrins, evidenced
indirectly from increased urinary excretion of 3-HK and
Levels of this transamination product (XA) and of
kynurenic acid (Fig. 1) rise when there is an increased ux
of Trp down the kynurenine pathway after acute Trp load-
ing or enhanced TDO activity and also after kynurenine
loading or kynureninase inhibition.
Kynureninase inhibi-
tion in pellagrins has been suggested
to involve decreased
activity of the pyridoxal 5-phosphate transamination cofactor
secondarily to pyridoxine deciency. Indeed plasma pyridoxal
5-phosphate levels are signicantly lower in pellagrins than
in controls.
Leu may also inhibit kynureninase by a similar
(functional vitamin B
deciency) mechanism. Leu is metabo-
lized initially by BCAA aminotransferase (BCAT). Excessive
dietary Leu intake could thus result in depletion of pyridoxal
phosphate. BCAT activity in rat liver is undetectable or at
best ,1% of total body enzyme activity,
but is expressed
in human liver,
wherein its activity is 7.7–11% of total body
e absence of BCAT from rat liver explains
the absence of inhibition of Trp ux through kynureninase
in hepatocytes from Leu-fed rats.
However, in the whole
animal, inhibition of kynureninase ux by high-Leu diets
most likely the result of pyridoxal phosphate depletion by the
widely distributed BCAT. Depletion of this cofactor can also
explain the low Leu tolerance in pellagrins following an acute
Leu load and its normalization by single or repeated pyridox-
ine intake.
Measurement of plasma and/or tissue pyridoxal
phosphate after Leu treatment should be made in future stud-
ies. Whereas kynureninase inhibition in pellagrins causes the
increased urinary excretion of 3-HK and XA, the associated
rise in urinary kynurenic acid may be caused by elevation of
kynurenine by TDO activation, the mechanism of which
was proposed
to involve decreased feedback inhibition by
NADPH following niacin depletion.
Relevance of the present results. It is important rst to
emphasize that BCAAs are metabolized dierently in rodents
and humans, hence the need for cautious extrapolation from
rats to humans. For example, rats metabolize BCAAs faster
than humans, with BCAT activity in human tissues being only
10% of that in the corresponding rat tissues.
e similarly
higher BCKA dehydrogenase in rat tissues will additionally
promote further transamination of BCAAs. However, this
does not suggest that the similar changes in Trp metabolism
Table 3. Comparison of AUC between the F0 and F3 groups for
parameters with signicant differences.
Free Trp (µM)
63.9 7.0 77.3 4.0
% Free Trp 104.7 6.8 133.3 12.7
TDOF (%) 194 22 161 20
+ 20%
Kynurenines (µM)
53.1 8.9 32.1 5.3
+ 65%
TTOX (%) 102 15 43 3
TTOXF (%) 685 34 280 34
+ 145%
Notes: AUC were determined for each subject using the Sigma Plot statistical
program, and group differences were assessed by repeated measures
ANOVA. Values are means ± SEM for 12 subjects per group for the rst four
parameters, but only 10 subjects per group for TTOX and TTOXF.
Badawy et al
in Leu-treated rats and pellagrins are caused by dierent
In the present study, the highest dose of Leu in F0
(6.75 g or on average 96 mg/kg body wt) is considerably
smaller than that administered to rats (1.5 g/kg; see above),
and it is therefore unclear if it is capable of depleting pyridoxal
5´-phosphate. Plasma 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (the product
of the kynureninase reaction) was higher, rather than lower,
in F0, compared to F3, and other kynurenines were simi-
larly elevated with increasing doses of Leu (data not shown).
Although this suggests that the Leu doses used here do not
inhibit kynureninase activity, inhibition cannot be ruled out
if the ux of exogenously administered Trp could have had a
mitigating eect.
Eects of Leu on hepatic tryptophan oxidation. Role of
Leu. e present results (Figs. 24) are the rst to demon-
strate that BCAAs enhance Trp oxidation along the hepatic
kynurenine pathway in normal subjects. is enhancement is
most likely mediated by Leu, as it is the dominant BCAA in
the formulations. Neither Val nor Ile inuences rat liver TDO
in doses (316–353 mg/kg) far greater than those
given here to F0 subjects (65 and 57 mg/kg respectively).
Also, a large (30 g) Val dose does not modulate plasma [Trp]
in healthy volunteers,
thus excluding an eect on Trp clear-
ance (degradation). Of 15 amino acids other than Trp given
acutely to rats in the above study,
only methionine (Met)
activated TDO at a dose (400 mg/kg) considerably higher
than those used in the present study (21 mg/kg in F0 and
26 mg/kg in F3). Met can also be excluded. Furthermore, Leu
administration decreases plasma Val and Ile, whereas neither
of these latter two amino acids lowers plasma [Leu].
also undergoes strong hepatic extraction.
Taken together, it
can be reasonably concluded that the increased production of
kynurenines is caused by Leu.
Enhanced tryptophan oxidation. e Leu enhancement of
Trp oxidation along the kynurenine pathway (Figs. 3 and 4)
could involve a simple increase in the ux of Trp down the
pathway or activation of the rst enzyme TDO. A 50 mg/kg
dose of Trp does not activate liver TDO.
e Trp dose used
in the present work (1.15 g or 16 mg/kg) is much smaller,
but undergoes ux down the pathway in all four groups, as
demonstrated in the time-course experiments (Figs. 3 and 4).
e dose-dependent increase in plasma kynurenines (Fig. 4A)
therefore suggests that the increased ux is because of Leu.
Increased ux through TDO has previously been dem-
in hepatocytes isolated from high Leu-fed rats.
ese authors
suggested that the increased ux is because
of TDO activation, as the ratio of TDO activity to ux was
also increased in parallel. TDO activation is therefore likely
in the present study, though its mechanism(s) is dicult
to ascertain. us, the absence of increase in TDO activ-
ity by addition of Leu in vitro to cell-free preparations from
normal rat hepatocytes
or after administration to rats of a
350 mg/kg dose
excludes a direct eect of Leu. Removal of
the NADPH-mediated feedback inhibitory control of TDO,
proposed in pellagrins,
is a likely explanation, but cannot
be demonstrated, because of a potential reversal of NADPH
depletion by the administered Trp. e possible role of the
Leu metabolite 4-methyl-2-oxovalerate in the increased ux
of Trp through TDO in hepatocytes from high Leu-fed rats
by virtue of displacing Trp from plasma albumin-binding
sites, thereby increasing its availability to the liver, has been
ruled out
and is also unlikely in the present work, as plasma
free [Trp] was lower in the F0 group receiving the largest dose
of Leu (Fig. 2A). However, the observed increase in plasma
kynurenines cannot be solely because of kynureninase inhi-
bition and together with the longer duration of the kynure-
nine elevation in the F0 group suggest that TDO activity
is enhanced by Leu by an as yet unidentied mechanism(s).
One potential remaining mechanism is that of Leu enhancing
TDO synthesis. Leu plays a major role in protein synthesis,
and in fact, the use of Leu (BCAA) in the ATD test is in part
to stimulate protein synthesis to promote further the desired
depletion of Trp.
We suggest that an additional mechanism
of this depletion during the ATD test involves Leu enhancing
hepatic Trp oxidation.
Expressions of tryptophan oxidation and the role of plasma
free tryptophan and total kynurenines. TDO activation (leading
to increased Trp oxidation) normally results in proportionate
decreases in both plasma free and total [Trp], without alter-
ing Trp binding (expressed as the %free Trp).
However, it
is not possible to demonstrate this simple relationship in the
presence of exogenously administered Trp. Nevertheless, it is
possible to conclude that TDO is more activated in F0 than
in F3. us, whereas total [Trp] was not signicantly dierent
between groups, free [Trp] was at 3 hours (Fig. 2). Trp load-
ing saturates the plasma albumin-binding sites and the higher
%free Trp in F3 compared to F0 (Fig. 2C), despite the same
Trp dose, suggests that the larger Leu dose in the latter group
accelerated free Trp clearance.
Changes in TDO activity can also be deduced from an
increase in plasma [kynurenine] resulting in elevation of the
[kynurenine]/[Trp] ratio. Kynurenine, however, undergoes a
large renal clearance,
and only after robust TDO induction
(or Trp or kynurenine loading) could its plasma levels exceed
its rate of renal clearance. e absence of signicant group dif-
ferences in plasma kynurenine (Fig. 3A) or the [kynurenine]/
[total Trp] ratio (Fig. 3B) may be because of the inuence of
the Trp load and renal clearance, but does not exclude TDO
activation, which is suggested by the signicant elevation of
the [kynurenine]/[total Trp] ratio in F0 at 5–7 hours (Fig. 3B)
and by the signicant increase at 3 hours in the [kynurenine]/
[free Trp] ratio in F0 compared to F3 (Fig. 3C).
Using free Trp and total kynurenines may provide more
sensitive expressions of TDO activity and Trp oxidation (ux)
than total Trp and kynurenine, at least in certain circumstances,
eg, when the Trp ux through TDO is enhanced in the
absence of an apparent or robust increase in TDO activity.
Leucine and tryptophan oxidation
us, a clear dose-dependent elevation of [total kynurenines]
was observed (Fig. 4A), with the increase in F0 being signicant
over the rst 5 hours. As a result, the [total kynurenines]/[total
Trp] and [total kynurenines]/[free Trp] ratios were signi-
cantly higher in F0 compared with F3 over the rst 5 hours
(Fig. 4B and C). ese two expressions also showed the great-
est signicance in their AUC, followed by [total kynurenines]
(Table 3). Changes in free Trp have been shown
to modulate
the Trp ux through TDO in rat hepatocytes. us, the use
of plasma free Trp and total kynurenines may provide more
sensitive indices of Trp oxidation.
Role of Leu in clinical features of pellagra. Pellagra is
dened as the disease of the three Ds, namely diarrhea, derma-
titis, and dementia (or more appropriately delirium).
vation of pellagra symptoms by Leu can be attributed to the
consequences of its metabolism and its eects on Trp metabo-
lism. Leu transamination by BCAT results in conversion of
2-oxoglutarate to glutamate. Leu is therefore a nitrogen donor
for synthesis of this excitatory amino acid and the inhibitory
neurotransmitter GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid). As discussed
activation of the N-methyl--aspartate (NMDA)
type of glutamate receptors and enhancement of GABAergic
neurotransmission may be involved in the neurological features
of pellagra, particularly anxiety and psychosis. e decrease
in pyridoxal 5-phosphate resulting from Leu transamination
can add further to the vitamin B
deciency of pellagra and
thereby aggravate the skin features. Enhanced Trp oxidation
down the kynurenine pathway by Leu can also contribute to
the aggravation of pellagra symptoms. us, increased hepatic
Trp oxidation, increased Trp utilization for protein synthesis,
and competition for cerebral Trp uptake by Leu can all induce
a decrease in Trp entry into the brain and a consequent inhibi-
tion of serotonin synthesis, which may explain the depressive
symptoms. Elevation of plasma kynurenine and the conse-
quent increase in kynurenic acid resulting from the enhanced
ux of Trp through TDO by Leu can contribute further to the
skin photosensitivity and the anxiety and psychotic features.
Limitations of the present study. Although this study
addresses specically hepatic Trp metabolism initiated by
TDO, we believe that any likely role of the extrahepatic Trp-
degrading enzyme indolylamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO),
though cannot be excluded, can only be marginal under
our experimental conditions in normal subjects, because
the combined extrahepatic tissue activity of IDO is 5–15%,
with the latter upper limit applicable to the richest source,
the placenta.
We also recognize that elevation of plasma
kynurenine metabolite levels in our study cannot be attrib-
uted solely to actions of enzymes of the hepatic kynurenine
pathway, but may involve additionally enzymes in kidney and
other tissues. Also, while renal handling of kynurenine is an
important determinant of plasma kynurenine, production
of this Trp metabolite is most likely achieved mainly in the
liver. Another limitation is lack of standardization of dosage
of the ATD test and control formulations to take account of
body weight. is has been the case since the test was used
in humans in 1985. However, more recently,
the use of the
test in adults according to body weight has been proposed, as
has previously been the case in children. Finally, we did not
include values for 3-HK in our calculation of total kynure-
nines, because our baseline fasting 3-HK values
(before Leu
administration) are far greater than those in the literature (for
a comprehensive review, see ref. 38). A discussion of this vari-
ance is outside the scope of this paper, but requires critical
appraisal of methodology and development of quantitative
techniques to measure 3-HK metabolites in addition to the
free form. However, the absence of 3-HK from our data could
only have minimized the observed group dierences in total
In conclusion, we have demonstrated enhanced ux of Trp
through TDO by moderate doses of Leu in normal humans
that is consistent with the reported
enhancement in isolated
hepatocytes from rats maintained on a high-Leu diet. is
increased ux and elevation of kynurenines can be attributed
provisionally to TDO activation by the relatively moderate
doses of Leu used. Mechanisms such as impaired intestinal
absorption or hepatic uptake of Trp can be excluded. Inhibi-
tion of kynureninase by excessive dietary Leu intake in the
presence of vitamin B
deciency is likely to be the major
mechanism of the pellagragenic eect of Leu and its metab-
olism, and its eects of Trp degradation may aggravate the
clinical features of pellagra.
DMD gratefully acknowledges support from the William
and Marguerite Wurzbach Distinguished Professorship. We
thank Dawn M. Richard for recruitment of subjects and orga-
nization of the study part in the USA and A. Steptoe and
S. Khatun for technical assistance in the UK.
Author Contributions
DMD and AA-BB conceived and designed the experiments.
AA-BB collected and analyzed the data and wrote the rst
draft of the manuscript. DMD contributed to the writing of
the manuscript and agreed with manuscript results and conclu-
sions. SLL reviewed and revised the statistical tests. AA-BB
and DMD jointly developed the structure and arguments for
the paper and made critical revisions. All authors approved
the nal revised manuscript.
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... Flux has not so far been assessed in humans, but can be studied under conditions of acute tryptophan loading (ATL). Several ATL studies have been published [65][66][67][68][69] in which plasma [Kyn] and [Trp] were measured over several hours after loading, from which the [Kyn]/[Trp] ratio can be calculated. It should be emphasised that ATL in these studies induced elevations of plasma [Trp] greater than 100 µM, ranging between 106 µM with a 1.15 g dose of Trp (~16 mg/kg) and 410 µM (oral) or 1310 µM (intravenous) with a 5 g dose (~71 mg/kg). ...
... The question of whether the [Kyn]/[Trp] ratio is elevated by the simple flux of Trp or requires net activation of TDO can be explored from the data in Figure 3. In the 5 studies examined, [65][66][67][68][69] Trp was given intravenously in 1 67 and orally in the other 4. In 3 studies, [67][68][69] Trp was given alone, whereas in the other 2 studies, 65,66 it was given in an amino acid mixture. At the concentrations used, the only amino acid in this mixture that exerts effects on TDO is Leu. ...
... The question of whether the [Kyn]/[Trp] ratio is elevated by the simple flux of Trp or requires net activation of TDO can be explored from the data in Figure 3. In the 5 studies examined, [65][66][67][68][69] Trp was given intravenously in 1 67 and orally in the other 4. In 3 studies, [67][68][69] Trp was given alone, whereas in the other 2 studies, 65,66 it was given in an amino acid mixture. At the concentrations used, the only amino acid in this mixture that exerts effects on TDO is Leu. ...
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The plasma kynurenine to tryptophan ([Kyn]/[Trp]) ratio is frequently used to express or reflect the activity of the extrahepatic Trp-degrading enzyme indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO). This ratio is increasingly used instead of measurement of IDO activity, which is often low or undetectable in immune and other cells under basal conditions, but is greatly enhanced after immune activation. The use of this ratio is valid in in vitro studies, eg, in cell cultures or isolated organs, but its ‘blanket’ use in in vivo situations is not, because of modulating factors, such as supply of nutrients; the presence of multiple cell types; complex structural and functional tissue arrangements; the extracellular matrix; and hormonal, cytokine, and paracrine interactions. Determinants other than IDO may therefore be involved in vivo. These are hepatic tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) activity and the flux of plasma-free Trp down the Kyn pathway. In addition, conditions leading to accumulation of Kyn, eg, inhibition of activities of Kyn monooxygenase and kynureninase, could lead to elevation of the aforementioned ratio. In this review, the origin of use of this ratio will be discussed, variations in extent of its elevation will be described, evidence against its indiscriminate use will be presented, and examining determinants other than IDO activity and their correlates will be proposed for future studies.
... Data are presented as the mean ± SD. * P < 0.05; * * * P < 0.001, one-way ANOVA with Tukey's multiple comparisons. Relationships between kynurenic acid levels and valine (J) and isoleucine (K) were examined in young active/endurance trained (red circles), older active/endurance trained (green circles) and older sedentary adults (blue circles by metabolites, particularly branched-chain amino acids (Badawy et al., 2014;Cervenka et al., 2017;Han et al., 2009). Numerous amino acids were found in cluster 2 (elevated in older muscle) and cluster 6 (elevated in older sedentary muscle). ...
... In particular, branched-chain amino acids valine and isoleucine were most abundant in muscle from OS, with lowest levels found in YA, whereas OA had intermediate levels ( Fig. 2H and I). In line with previous findings (Badawy et al., 2014;Cervenka et al., 2017;Han et al., 2009), higher levels of branched-chain amino acids were associated with lower kynurenic acid levels ( Fig. 2J and K). ...
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Exercise‐induced perturbation of skeletal muscle metabolites is a probable mediator of long‐term health benefits in older adults. Although specific metabolites have been identified to be impacted by age, physical activity and exercise, the depth of coverage of the muscle metabolome is still limited. Here, we investigated resting and exercise‐induced metabolite distribution in muscle from well‐phenotyped older adults who were active or sedentary, and a group of active young adults. Percutaneous biopsies of the vastus lateralis were obtained before, immediately after and 3 h following a bout of endurance cycling. Metabolite profile in muscle biopsies was determined by tandem mass spectrometry. Mitochondrial energetics in permeabilized fibre bundles was assessed by high resolution respirometry and fibre type proportion was assessed by immunohistology. We found that metabolites of the kynurenine/tryptophan pathway were impacted by age and activity. Specifically, kynurenine was elevated in muscle from older adults, whereas downstream metabolites of kynurenine (kynurenic acid and NAD⁺) were elevated in muscle from active adults and associated with cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle oxidative capacity. Acylcarnitines, a potential marker of impaired metabolic health, were elevated in muscle from physically active participants. Surprisingly, despite baseline group difference, acute exercise‐induced alterations in whole‐body substrate utilization, as well as muscle acylcarnitines and ketone bodies, were remarkably similar between groups. Our data identified novel muscle metabolite signatures that associate with the healthy ageing phenotype provoked by physical activity and reveal that the metabolic responsiveness of muscle to acute endurance exercise is retained with age regardless of activity levels. image Key points Kynurenine/tryptophan pathway metabolites were impacted by age and physical activity in human muscle, with kynurenine elevated in older muscle, whereas downstream products kynurenic acid and NAD⁺ were elevated in exercise‐trained muscle regardless of age. Acylcarnitines, a marker of impaired metabolic health when heightened in circulation, were elevated in exercise‐trained muscle of young and older adults, suggesting that muscle act as a metabolic sink to reduce the circulating acylcarnitines observed with unhealthy ageing. Despite the phenotypic differences, the exercise‐induced response of various muscle metabolite pools, including acylcarnitine and ketone bodies, was similar amongst the groups, suggesting that older adults can achieve the metabolic benefits of exercise seen in young counterparts.
... Tea does not affect bioavailability of niacin [33]. It has been suggested that dietary excess of leucine, for example, in populations whose staple are ce-reals rich in leucin, such as sorghum or corn, may antagonize niacin synthesis from tryptophan [416,428,[455][456][457][458][459]. However, the pellagragenic effect of leucine remains controversial [93,416,[460][461][462][463]. ...
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This review summarizes the current knowledge on essential vitamins B1, B2, B3, and B5. These B-complex vitamins must be taken from diet, with the exception of vitamin B3, that can also be synthetized from amino acid tryptophan. All of these vitamins are water soluble, which determines their main properties, namely: they are partly lost when food is washed or boiled since they migrate to the water; the requirement of membrane transporters for their permeation into the cells; and their safety since any excess is rapidly eliminated via the kidney. The therapeutic use of B-complex vitamins is mostly limited to hypovitaminoses or similar conditions, but, as they are generally very safe, they have also been examined in other pathological conditions. Nicotinic acid, a form of vitamin B3, is the only exception because it is a known hypolipidemic agent in gram doses. The article also sums up: (i) the current methods for detection of the vitamins of the B-complex in biological fluids; (ii) the food and other sources of these vitamins including the effect of common processing and storage methods on their content; and (iii) their physiological function.
... There is a possibility of modulating metabolism in the liver. With high protein feeding conditions, tryptophan and threonine might be converted by enzymes that are enhanced in expression (28,29). On citrulline, the explanation is not clear. ...
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Background/aim: The effects of dietary protein and carbohydrate content on the plasma amino acid profile of patients with diabetes are not fully understood. Therefore, we examined whether there are effects of diets with differing proportions of protein and carbohydrate on the plasma amino acid concentrations of control (CT) mice and mice with type 2 diabetes (db). Materials and methods: We used db mice as an animal model of type 2 diabetes which are genetically deficient in leptin receptor. Diets with differing proportions of protein and carbohydrates (L diet: low protein/carbohydrate ratio, H diet: high protein/carbohydrate ratio) were supplied. db Mice were fed with a restriction on the basis of the consumption by CT-L mice, such that equivalent amounts of energy and fat were consumed. In CT mice fed the L or H diets, there was no significant difference in ad libitum food intake. Results: There were significant interactions between diet and genotype with respect to water intake, urine volume, urinary glucose concentration, and plasma isoleucine, leucine, valine, branched-chain amino acids, and serine concentrations. db-H mice showed significantly higher water intake, urine volume, and urinary glucose than db-L mice. db Mice fed the L or H diets had similar plasma amino acid profiles, except for valine. In contrast, CT-H mice showed significantly higher valine and branched-chain amino acids and lower serine concentrations than CT-L mice. Thus, the CT-H mice were more similar to db mice fed either of the diets. Conclusion: There were different effects of the dietary protein or carbohydrate content on the plasma amino acid profiles between nondiabetic and diabetic mice. In particular, the profiles in nondiabetic conditions were different between the low- and high-protein diet conditions.
... Both are precursors to neurotransmitters and thought to produce mood disorders when deficient [152] although controversy exists [206] . As an altnerative to tryptophan, possibly niacin supplementation would reduce the loss of tryptophan ( discussed in terms of NAD etc in [101], observed in HIV paitents [190] ) as it can be a significant sink ( and also note the ability of another essential amino acid, leucine, to make this worse ) [21]. Pellagra response to treatment typically occurs within days or weeks and presumably similar less obvious issues would correct quickly with tryptophan. ...
... Kynurenine-dependent metabolism of tryptophan is affected by other amino acid pathways. Physical exercise leads to the oxidation of BCAAs and tryptophan for energy, and previous works have shown that BCAAs inhibit some kynurenine pathway enzymes, such as kynurenine aminotransferases, indicating that BCAA availability can affect tryptophan metabolism and kynurenine clearance (Badawy et al. 2014). Additional responses associated with increased levels of PGC-1α protein include mitochondrial biogenesis, increased expression of insulin receptors, uptake of fatty acids and glucose, and glycogen storage (Kupr and Handschin 2015). ...
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IntroductionThe design of training programs for football players is not straightforward due to intra- and inter-individual variability that leads to different physiological responses under similar training loads.Objective To study the association between the external load, defined by variables obtained using electronic performance tracking systems (EPTS), and the urinary metabolome as a surrogate of the metabolic adaptation to training.Methods Urine metabolic and EPTS data from 80 professional football players collected in an observational longitudinal study were analyzed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry and assessed by partial least squares (PLS) regression.ResultsPLS models identified steroid hormone metabolites, hypoxanthine metabolites, acetylated amino acids, intermediates in phenylalanine metabolism, tyrosine, tryptophan metabolites, and riboflavin among the most relevant variables associated with external load. Metabolic network analysis identified enriched pathways including steroid hormone biosynthesis and metabolism of tyrosine and tryptophan. The ratio of players showing a deviation from the PLS model of adaptation to exercise was higher among those who suffered a muscular lesion compared to those who did not.Conclusions There was a significant association between the external load and the urinary metabolic profile, with alteration of biochemical pathways associated with long-term adaptation to training. Future studies should focus on the validation of these findings and the development of metabolic models to identify professional football players at risk of developing muscular injuries.
In this comprehensive review, we reflect of the historical perspectives in the discovery of vitamins about a century ago and summarize the neuroprotective, cardioprotective, and other benefits of vitamins in health and disease. We also focus on the clinical trials, optimal daily requirements, and basic research being done in evaluating the safety and efficacy of water-soluble and lipid-soluble vitamins. Since the human body cannot synthesize majority of vitamins, therefore, exogenous supplementation of vitamins is critical for health promotion and disease prevention. The water-soluble vitamins (B-types and C) are excreted quickly from the body and may not produce any detrimental effects when taken in relatively large doses. However, excessive intake and abuse of lipid-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) may produce adverse effects due to their deposition in adipose tissue and long half-lives. Internet, television, popular media, and home magazines generally promote all sorts of health benefits of single and multiple vitamins these days. Therefore, the global vitamin supplementation and nutraceuticals market has escalated immensely to a multibillion-dollar business worldwide.
Background and objectives Zein proteins of maize endosperm are nutritionally poor, but important for vitreous kernel texture. The Opaque‐2 mutation enhances the protein quality but downregulates zein expression, distorting kernel texture. Quality protein maize (QPM) is nutritionally improved, hard endosperm maize developed by introgression of endosperm modifiers under opaque‐2 background. The present study aims to analyze variability in zein expression patterns in normal, opaque‐2 and QPM lines through SDS‐PAGE and 2D‐GE analysis. Findings Results revealed that a total number of zein isoforms are almost similar in opaque‐2 , normal and QPM lines. Overall, the study concludes that opaque‐2 mutation specifically affects the expression of high molecular weight zeins, which are being counterbalanced by the expression of low molecular weight zein isoforms and non‐zein proteins. Conclusion Genomic data retrieval studies revealed the possible presence of multiple 27kDa isoforms with varied isoelectric points (pI) which is a subject for further investigation. The differential expression of 15kDa zein in QPM came out as a novel player in endosperm modification. Significance and Novelty The present study provides insight into the diversified expression of zeins in different maize types. The variable isoform expression has the potential to generate stable QPM lines by targeting effective isoforms ensuring endosperm modification without hampering the nutritional quality. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Major species differences in tryptophan (Trp) metabolism and disposition exist with important physiological, functional and toxicity implications. Unlike mammalian and other species in which plasma Trp exists largely bound to albumin, teleosts and other aquatic species possess little or no albumin, such that Trp entry into their tissues is not hampered, neither is that of environmental chemicals and toxins, hence the need for strict measures to safeguard their aquatic environments. In species sensitive to toxicity of excess Trp, hepatic Trp 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) lacks the free apoenzyme and its glucocorticoid induction mechanism. These species, which are largely herbivorous, however, dispose of Trp more rapidly and their TDO is activated by smaller doses of Trp than Trp-tolerant species. In general, sensitive species may possess a higher indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) activity which equips them to resist immune insults up to a point. Of the enzymes of the kynurenine pathway beyond TDO and IDO, 2-amino-3-carboxymuconic acid-6-semialdehyde decarboxylase (ACMSD) determines the extent of progress of the pathway towards NAD ⁺ synthesis and its activity varies across species, with the domestic cat ( Felis catus) being the leading species possessing the highest activity, hence its inability to utilise Trp for NAD ⁺ synthesis. The paucity of current knowledge of Trp metabolism and disposition in wild carnivores, invertebrates and many other animal species described here underscores the need for further studies of the physiology of these species and its interaction with Trp metabolism.
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Current formulations for acute tryptophan (Trp) or tyrosine (Tyr) plus phenylalanine (Phe) depletion and loading cause undesirable decreases in ratios of Trp or Tyr + Phe to competing amino acids (CAA), thus undermining the specificities of these tests. Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) cause these unintended decreases, and lowering their content in a new balanced control formulation in the present study led to normalization of all ratios. Four groups (n = 12 each) of adults each received one of four 50 g control formulations, with 0% (traditional), 20%, 30%, or 40% less of the BCAA. The free and total [Trp]/[CAA] and [Phe + Tyr]/[BCAA + Trp] ratios all decreased significantly during the first 5 h following the traditional formulation, but were fully normalized by the formulation containing 40% less of the BCAA. We recommend the latter as a balanced control formulation and propose adjustments in the depletion and loading formulations to enhance their specificities for 5-HT and the catecholamines.
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The acute tryptophan or tyrosine plus phenylalanine depletion and loading tests are powerful tools for studying the roles of serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline in normal subjects and those with behavioural disorders. The current amino acid formulations for these tests, however, are associated with undesirable decreases in ratios of tryptophan or tyrosine plus phenylalanine to competing amino acids resulting in loss of specificity. This could confound biochemical and behavioural findings. Compositions of current formulations are reviewed, the biochemical principles underpinning the tests are revisited and examples of unintended changes in the above ratios and their impact on monoamine function and behaviour will be demonstrated from data in the literature. The presence of excessive amounts of the 3 branched-chain amino acids Leu, Ile and Val is responsible for these unintended decreases and the consequent loss of specificity. Strategies for enhancing the specificity of the different formulations are proposed.
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The decrease in maternal plasma total (free + albumin-bound) tryptophan (Trp) during the third pregnancy trimester is attributed to induction of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO). When measured, free [Trp] is increased because of albumin depletion and non-esterified fatty acid elevation. The Trp depletion concept in pregnancy is therefore not supported because of incorrect interpretation of changes in Trp disposition and also for not addressing mouse strain differences in Trp-related responses and potential inhibition of Trp transport by the IDO inhibitor 1-methyl tryptophan. Application of the Trp utilization concept in pregnancy offers several physiological advantages favoring fetal development and successful outcome, namely provision of Trp for fetal protein synthesis and growth, serotonin for signaling pathways, kynurenic acid for neuroprotection, quinolinic acid for NAD(+) synthesis, and other kynurenines for suppression of T cell responses. An excessive increase in Trp availability could compromise pregnancy by undermining T cell suppression, e.g., in pre-eclampsia.
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A simple, rapid isocratic liquid chromatographic procedure with ultraviolet and fluorimetric detection is described for the separation and quantification of L-tryptophan (Trp) and six of its kynurenine metabolites (kynurenine, 3-hydroxykynurenine, and 3-hydroxyanthranilic, kynurenic, xanthurenic and anthranilic acids). Using the Perkin Elmer LC 200 system, a reverse phase Synergi 4 μ fusion-RP80 A column (250 × 4.6 mm) (Phenomenex), and a mobile phase of 10 mM sodium dihydrogen phosphate: methanol (73:27, by vol) at pH 2.8 and a flow rate of 1.0-1.2 ml/min at 37 °C, a run took ∼13 min. The run took <7 min at 40 °C and a 1.4 ml/min flow rate. Limits of detection of all 7 analytes were 5-72 nM and their recoveries from human plasma and rat serum and liver varied between 62% and 111%. This simple method is suitable for high throughput work and can be further developed to include quinolinic acid and other Trp metabolites.
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Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that can be metabolised through different pathways, a major route being the kynurenine pathway. The first enzyme of the pathway, indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase, is strongly stimulated by inflammatory molecules, particularly interferon gamma. Thus, the kynurenine pathway is often systematically up-regulated when the immune response is activated. The biological significance is that 1) the depletion of tryptophan and generation of kynurenines play a key modulatory role in the immune response; and 2) some of the kynurenines, such as quinolinic acid, 3-hydroxykynurenine and kynurenic acid, are neuroactive. The kynurenine pathway has been demonstrated to be involved in many diseases and disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Huntington's disease, AIDS dementia complex, malaria, cancer, depression and schizophrenia, where imbalances in tryptophan and kynurenines have been found. This review compiles most of these studies and provides an overview of how the kynurenine pathway might be contributing to disease development, and the concentrations of tryptophan and kynurenines in the serum, cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissues in control and patient subjects.
Historical and clinical aspects of pellagra and its relationship to alcoholism are reviewed from a biochemical perspective. Pellagra is caused by deficiency of niacin (nicotinic acid) and/or its tryptophan (Trp) precursor and is compounded by B vitamin deficiencies. Existence on maize or sorghum diets and loss of or failure to isolate niacin from them led to pellagra incidence in India, South Africa, Southern Europe in the 18th century and the USA following the civil war. Pellagra is also induced by drugs inhibiting the conversion of Trp to niacin and by conditions of gastrointestinal dysfunction. Skin photosensitivity in pellagra may be due to decreased synthesis of the Trp metabolite picolinic acid → zinc deficiency → decreased skin levels of the histidine metabolite urocanic acid and possibly also increased levels of the haem precursor 5-aminolaevulinic acid (5-ALA) and photo-reactive porphyrins. Depression in pellagra may be due to a serotonin deficiency caused by decreased Trp availability to the brain. Anxiety and other neurological disturbances may be caused by 5-ALA and the Trp metabolite kynurenic acid. Pellagra symptoms are resolved by niacin, but aggravated mainly by vitamin B6. Alcohol dependence can induce or aggravate pellagra by inducing malnutrition, gastrointestinal disturbances and B vitamin deficiencies, inhibiting the conversion of Trp to niacin and promoting the accumulation of 5-ALA and porphyrins. Alcoholic pellagra encephalopathy should be managed with niacin, other B vitamins and adequate protein nutrition. Future studies should explore the potential role of 5-ALA and also KA in the skin and neurological disturbances in pellagra.
It has been proposed that focusing on brain serotonin synthesis can advance antidepressant drug development. Biochemical aspects of the serotonin deficiency in major depressive disorder (MDD) are discussed here in detail. The deficiency is caused by a decreased availability of the serotonin precursor tryptophan (Trp) to the brain. This decrease is caused by accelerated Trp degradation, most likely induced by enhancement of the hepatic enzyme tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) by glucocorticoids and/or catecholamines. Induction of the extrahepatic Trp-degrading enzyme indolylamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) by the modest immune activation in MDD has not been demonstrated and, if it occurs, is unlikely to make a significant contribution. Liver TDO appears to be a target of many antidepressants, the mood stabilisers Li(+) and carbamazepine and possibly other adjuncts to antidepressant therapy. The poor, variable and modest antidepressant efficacy of Trp is due to accelerated hepatic Trp degradation, and efficacy can be restored or enhanced by combination with antidepressants or other existing or new TDO inhibitors. Enhancing Trp availability to the brain is thus the key to normalisation of serotonin synthesis and could form the basis for future antidepressant drug development.
The leucine, isoleucine, and valine patterns of blood plasma, intestinal contents, intestinal wall, liver, and skeletal muscle of rats were determined at various time intervals over a period of 12 days, during which the animals consumed ad libitum a diet containing enough leucine to cause a leucine—isoleucine and valine antagonism. Two control groups were used for comparison: one was fed a basal diet with no added leucine; the other was fed the high leucine diet supplemented with sufficient isoleucine and valine to alleviate the antagonism.The concentrations of isoleucine and valine in blood plasma from rats fed excess leucine were consistently lower than the respective concentrations in plasma from either of the control groups. Leucine concentration in plasma was greatly elevated when the dietary intake of leucine was high. The pattern for these three amino acids in muscle was similar to that in plasma. The pattern in liver was different from that in muscle or plasma and resembled that in intestinal wall and contents. It therefore appears that feeding a high leucine diet to rats results in normal isoleucine and valine concentrations in the intestine and liver, but markedly reduces concentrations of these amino acids in the skeletal muscle and systemic blood plasma.
The effect of dietary amino acids on the level of hepatic amino acid- catabolizing enzymes, e.g., tryptophan pyrrolase, threonine dehydratase and arginase, was studied by their forcible administration to rats depleted of protein, (a) Among 12 amino acids tested, only tryptophan and methionine were found to cause a con sistent increase in enzyme activities. Feeding rats an equimolar complete amino acid mixture resulted in a maximal induction of the enzyme, whereas the omission of both tryptophan and methionine caused little or no induction. The administration of these two functional amino acids did not cause any significant increase in the level of plasma urea, compared with that caused by the feeding of the complete amino acid mixture, (b) In adrenalectomized rats hepatic tryptophan pyrrolase, which can be increased in amount in intact rats by feeding either tryptophan or methionine, was activated and increased in amount by feeding tryptophan but not methionine. The feeding of tryptophan resulted in a significant increase in the level of arginase and threonine dehydratase. Methionine produced a similar increase in both threonine de hydratase and arginase activities, (c) Administration of cortisone acetate produced a significant increase in the level of all three enzyme activities. Based on these findings we propose that the level of amino acid-catabolizing enzymes in the liver of rats fed either tryptophan or methionine can be elevated by two separate mechanisms, hor mone (adrenal) mediated and hormone independent ones. The nutritional role of tryptophan and methionine in the natural protein diet is discussed.