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CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 105, NO. 2, 25 JULY 2013 171
Kedarnath disaster: facts and plausible causes
Recent climate changes have had signifi-
cant impact on high-mountain glacial
environment. Rapid melting of snow/ice
and heavy rainfall has resulted in the
formation and expansion of moraine-
dammed lakes, creating a potential dan-
ger from dammed lake outburst floods1.
On 16 and 17 June 2013, heavy rains
together with moraine dammed lake
(Chorabari Lake) burst caused flooding
of Saraswati and Mandakini Rivers in
Rudraprayag district of Uttarakhand
(Figure 1 a). Prolonged heavy down pour
on 16 and 17 June 2013 resembled
‘cloud burst’ (except for amount of pre-
cipitation of 100 mm/h) type event in the
Kedarnath valley and surrounding areas
that damaged the banks of River Manda-
kini for 18 km between Kedarnath and
Sonprayag, and completely washed away
Gaurikund (1990 m asl), Rambara
(2740 m asl) and Kedarnath (3546 m
asl) towns. The roads and footpath bet-
ween Gaurikund and Kedarnath were
also damaged. There are reports of loss
of large number of human lives and
damage to the property and livestock.
The Chorabari Lake (3960 m asl) also
known as Gandhi Sarovar Lake is a snow
melt and rain fed lake, located about
2 km upstream of Kedarnath town which
is approximately 400 m long, 200 m
wide having a depth of 15–20 m. The
bursting of this lake led to its complete
draining within 5–10 min as reported by
the watch and ward staff of the Wadia
Institute of Himalayan Geology (WIHG)
who were present in WIHG camp at
Chorabari Glacier on 16 June and early
morning of 17 June 2013. The heavy
rainfall together with melting of snow in
the surrounding Chorabari Lake washed
off both the banks of the Mandakini
River causing massive devastation to the
Kedarnath town. The WIHG meteoro-
logical observatory at Chorabari Glacier
camp (3820 m asl) recorded 210 mm
rainfall in 12 hours between 15 June
(5:00 p.m.) and 16 June (5:00 a.m.)
2013. On 16 June 2013 alone (from
5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.), 115 mm rainfall
was recorded, causing 325 mm rain in
24 hours. WIHG has another rain gauge
installed at its geophysical facility
(MPGO) at Kopardhar near Ghuttu
(30.53°N, 78.74°E; 1836 m asl), which is
approximately 38 km (aerial distance)
from Kedarnath. The Ghuttu rain gauge
recorded 58 mm on 15 June, 121 mm on
16 June and 93 mm on 17 June with no
rainfall on 18 June (Figure 2). The sur-
face atmospheric pressure began to
decrease on 15 June reaching a low
(832.4 mB) on 17 June (Figure 2). Dur-
ing 15–17 June 2013, the heavy rains
also caused devastation in other regions
of Uttarakhand, Himachal and Nepal.
The India Meteorological Department
(IMD) linked heavy to very heavy rain-
fall on the higher Uttarakhand, Himachal
and Nepal Himalaya to the convergence
of the Southwest Monsoon trough and
Figure 1. a, Satellite view of Kedarnath area, showing drainage system, glaciers, lake and township4; b, The India Meterological
Department image (17 June 2013) suggested that the heavy rainfall on the higher Uttarakhand, Himachal and Nepal Himalaya caused
the collision of the monsoon and westerly disturbance. Arrows (red colour) on the map indicate the moisture sources of the area.
(Source: Figure 1 b:
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 105, NO. 2, 25 JULY 2013
Figure 2. Rainfall and atmospheric pressure recorded at Kopardhar observatory near Ghuttu (WIHG), which is
approximately 38 km (aerial distance) from Kedarnath.
westerly disturbances, which led to the
formation of dense cloud over the Utta-
rakhand Himalaya (Figure 1 b).
The Kedarnath temple town is located
in the western extremity of the Central
Himalaya (30°446.7N; 79°041E) in
the Mandakini River valley which has a
total catchment area of ~67 km2 (up to
Rambara), out of which 23% area is cov-
ered by glaciers2. The catchment area is
situated in the glacier modified U-shaped
valley; the altitude ranges from 2740 to
6578 m asl. Such a variation in the alti-
tude provides diverse landscape. Bhart
Khunta (6578 m), Kedarnath (6940 m),
Mahalaya peak (5970 m) and Hanuman
top (5320 m) are few well known peaks
in the area. Mandakini River originates
from the Chorabari Glacier (3895 m)
near Chorabari Lake (Figures 1 and 3)
and joins Saraswati River which origi-
nates from Companion glacier at Kedar-
nath (Figure 3), passing through
Rambara and Gaurikund. The Madhu
Ganga and Dudh Ganga are the main
tributaries that merge into the Mandakini
River at Kedarnath town. Another
equally important tributary of Mandakini
River is Son Ganga which originates from
Vasuki Lake (4040 m asl) and has a
confluence with Mandakini River at
Sonprayag (1709 m asl) which finally
merges with Alaknanda River at Rudra-
Geologically, the area north of the Pin-
dari Thrust comprises calc silicate, bio-
tite gneisses, schist and granite pegmatite
apatite veins belonging to the Pindari
Formation3. Above 3800 m asl altitudes,
glacial processes dominate and between
Figure 3. Geomorphological setup of the Kedarnath area and view of settlement of the Kedar-
nath town along the river bank of Mandakini (May 2012 photo).
Figure 4. Histogram of summer rainfall pattern of the Kedarnath area during the period 2007
to 2012 AD. Maximum precipitation occurred during the rainy season from July and August5.
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 105, NO. 2, 25 JULY 2013 173
Figure 5. a, The Landsat (8) satellite image (23 June 2013; after disaster), sowing the, lake burst (1), Gulleys erosion/cloud burst events (2)
and circle (3) indicate the site of maximum devastation ( b, The panoramic view of Chorabari Lake and Gla-
cier, the red circle indicate the weak zone of the lake, where the lake was burst. c, The photograph showing the maximum devastation in Kedar-
nath town (Photo: Internet). d, Cartosat image (Bhuwan) of post disaster of the Kedarnath and surrounding areas and clearly indicating
Chorabari Lake outburst. The red circle indicates the breaching point of the Lake (
3800 and 2800 m asl glaciofluvial pro-
cesses are dominant; below 2800 m asl
mainly the fluvial processes are active.
Geomorphologically, Mandakini valley
was formed by the erosional and depo-
sional processes of glacio-fluvial origin.
The Kedarnath town is situated on the
outwash plane of Chorabari and Com-
panion glaciers (Figure 3). The channels
of Mandakini and Saraswati Rivers en-
circles this outwash plane and meet near
the Kedarnath town where the outwash
plane ends. These streams cut their banks
every year. Overcrowding of the people
near the temple led to a change in the
course of Sarswati River which now
flows just behind the Kedarnath town
(Figure 3). Downstream near Rambara
and Gaurikund the houses have been
built on the old colluvial or fluvial
deposits which are loose and prone to
landslides and river cuttings.
Rainfall data from an automatic
weather station (installed near the
Chorabari snout) indicates that the Indian
Summer Monsoon is the major source of
precipitation (rainfall) in the study area
with partial contribution from western
disturbances during winter. Winter pre-
cipitation generally occurs between
December and March when the western
disturbances are dominant in the area as
they move eastward over northern India.
Total summer (JJAS) rainfall for each
observation periods between 2007 and
2012 were 1685 mm, 1513 mm, 734 mm,
1662 mm, 1348 mm and 1115 mm for
respective years. Based on the available
rainfall data from our observatory at
Chorabari glacier, the area received
maximum precipitation during the rainy
season, i.e. July and August (Figure 4).
The preliminary results suggest that
the following two events caused devasta-
tion in the Kedarnath area of the Manda-
kini River basin.
Event 1
On 16 June 2013, at 5:15 p.m., the tor-
rential rains flooded the Saraswati River
and Dudh Ganga catchment area, result-
ing in excessive flow across all the chan-
nels. Following this very active erosion
began in all the other gulleys causing ex-
cessive water and sediment accumulation
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 105, NO. 2, 25 JULY 2013
in the major rivers (Figure 5 a). As a
result, large volumes of water struck the
town which simultaneously picked huge
amount of loose sediment en route. The
voluminous water studded with debris
from the surrounding regions and glacial
moraines moved towards Kedarnath
town, washing off upper part of the city
(Sankaracharya samadhi, Jalnigam guest
house, Bharat Seva Sangh Ashram, etc.)
and leading to the biggest ever devasta-
tion we have seen in the region. Our
meteorological stations near Chorabari
glacier recorded 325 mm rainfall at
the base of the glaciers in two days on
15 and 16 June 2013. Due to heavy
downpour, the town of Rambara was
completely washed away on 16 June eve-
Event 2
The second event occurred on 17 June
2013 at 6:45 a.m., after overflow and
collapse of the moraine dammed Chora-
bari Lake (Figure 5 a and b) which
released large volume of water that
caused another flash flood in the Kedar-
nath town leading to heavy devastation
downstream (Gaurikund, Sonprayag,
Phata, etc.). Our study shows that the
main cause of the Chorabari Lake col-
lapse was torrential rains that the area
received between 15 and 17 June 2013.
Due to heavy rainfall the right lateral
basin of the glacier, which is thickly cov-
ered by snow (>7 feet thick near the up-
per part of lake during field work on 4
June 2013) rapidly melted due to rain-
water allowing large amount of water
accumulation in the Gandhi Sarovar lake
(Figure 5 b). There were no outlets in the
lake, the water was simply released
through narrow passages at the bottom of
the lake. Suddenly millions of gallons of
water accumulated in the moraine dammed
lake within 3 days, which increased their
potential energy and reduced the shear
strength of the dam. Ultimately the
loose-moraine dam breached causing an
enormous devastation in the Kedarnath
valley (Figure 5 a, c and d).
Recently, the risk of natural disasters
has increased in the area as a result of
increasing anthropogenic activities
(Figure 3). This trend is likely to
increase in future as the activities like
pilgrimage, tourism, etc. will increase.
The natural flow paths of the channels
get obstructed due to the construction of
man-made structures that results in de-
viation of the flow from its natural
course. Apprehending the tendency of
increasing urbanization due to increase
in the number of pilgrims, tourists and
other developmental activities in the
area, selection of safe land-use locations
would be a formidable task to accom-
plish. However, the Government has to
take care of these issues in future re-
building of the devastated area, though
the task of rehabilitation of the displaced
population is enormous.
1. Bajracharya, S. R. and Mool, P., Ann. Gla-
ciol., 2009, 50, 81–86.
2. Mehta, M., Majeed, Z., Dobhal, D. P. and
Srivastava, P., J. Earth Syst. Sci., 2012,
121, 149–163.
3. Valdiya, K. S., Paul, S. K., Chandra, T.,
Bhakuni, S. S. and Upadhyaya, R. C.,
Himalayan Geol., 1999, 20, 1–17.
4. Bhambri, R., Bolch, T., Chaujar, R. K. and
Kulshreshta, S. C., J. Glaciol., 2011, 57,
5. Dobhal, D. P., Mehta, M. and Srivastava,
D., J. Glaciol., 2013 (in press).
to the Director, Wadia Institute of Himalayan
Geology, Dehradun, for providing necessary
facilities to carry out the study. We thank Mr
Faram Bhandari, Dhanveer Panwar and Pratap
Singh, Watch and Ward at Chorabari Glacier
Camp (WIHG) for information on Lake burst
and rainfall data collection. We also thank
DST and Ministry of Earth Sciences, New
Delhi for financial support.
Received 5 July 2013; accepted 16 July 2013
Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology,
Dehradun 248 001, India
*For correspondence.
... The other triggering events include snow/debris avalanches or landslide events from the surrounding terrains (Shugar et al., 2021), unconsolidated ice-moraines due to the melting of ice at the moraine, sudden seismic events such as earthquakes, and the overflowing water from the glacial lakes due to the failure of piping (Rounce et al., 2016;Westoby et al., 2014). One such example of the GLOF event was the Chorabari lake outburst, where the GLOF resulted from a cloudburst near the Chorabari lake in Uttarakhand in (Dobhal et al., 2013Allen et al., 2016a;Bhambri et al., 2016). ...
... The central concept behind different lake formation studies is the prediction of ice-free surfaces, which is accomplished by modelling the ice thickness of the glaciers. We have adopted the methodology of estimating ice thickness using the laminar flow model (Cuffey and Paterson, 2010) and, further developed by Gantayat et al. (2014), which is based on the shallow ice approximation (Cuffey and Paterson, 2010) and Glen's flow law (1955). The model estimates the ice thickness of the glacier based on the surface velocity and slope (Equation (1)). ...
... The central concept behind different lake formation studies is the prediction of ice-free surfaces, which is accomplished by modelling the ice thickness of the glaciers. We have adopted the methodology of estimating ice thickness using the laminar flow model (Cuffey and Paterson, 2010) and, further developed by Gantayat et al. (2014), which is based on the shallow ice approximation (Cuffey and Paterson, 2010) and Glen's flow law (1955). The model estimates the ice thickness of the glacier based on the surface velocity and slope (Equation (1)). ...
... Uttarakhand is one of the Himalayan states of India, with a long history of natural hazards posing a high risk to the population and infrastructure in downstream areas that are visited by large numbers of pilgrims every year Rautela and Pande 2005;Sundriyal et al. 2015;Wasson et al. 2013;Dobhal et al. 2013;Ziegler et al. 2014). Numerous researchers have shown excessive monsoon rainfall events in the Uttarakhand Himalaya have caused flash floods, landslides, and landslide-dammed lake outburst floods (Table 9.1). ...
... On the 16 and 17 of June 2013, the Uttarakhand Himalaya experienced heavy rainfall because of the convergence of mid-latitude westerlies and the Indian summer monsoon, resulting in flash floods in many streams and rivers (Allen et al. 2016;Bhambri et al. 2016;Dobhal et al. 2013). Flash floods caused several new and reactivated landslides in various parts of the state. ...
Uttarakhand has a long history of natural disasters that seriously threaten the people and infrastructure in the downstream regions. Several studies have demonstrated extreme monsoon rain events in the Uttarakhand Himalaya triggered flash floods, landslides, and landslide-dammed lake outburst floods. The rapid melting of Himalayan glaciers and extreme rainfall above 3000 m asl. regions have enhanced the risk of glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) and debris flow events because of unstable moraines and surrounding slopes. Such events alter the morphology of the local landscape, which commonly impacts biodiversity. These disasters also caused significant damage to infrastructure and the livelihoods of several downstream settlements. Therefore, this paper documented high mountain hazards in Uttarakhand and presented some important case studies.
... The disaster caused more than 5000 casualties and severe economic impacts. Surrounding the Kedarnath, India Meteorological Department (IMD) observed unprecedented extreme rainfall amounts of over 350 mm between 14 and 18 June 2013 (Dobhal et al., 2013;Singh et al., 2015). Numerical weather prediction model studies have also found the cumulative daily rainfall during 16 and 17 June was close to 200 mm (Shekhar et al., 2015;Kumar et al., 2016;Chevuturi and Dimri, 2016;Dube et al., 2014). ...
... The major devastation in Kedarnath occurred on 16 June 2013, as per sources (Champati Ray et al., 2016;Dobhal et al., 2013). The triggering of the largest debris flow that caused the outburst from the Chorabari glacial lake occurred on 16 June 2013 (Martha et al., 2015). ...
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Debris flows triggered by rainfall are catastrophic geohazards that occur compounded during extreme events. Few early warning systems for shallow landslides and debris flows at the territorial scale use thresholds of rainfall intensity–duration (ID). ID thresholds are mostly defined using hourly rainfall. Due to instrumental and operational challenges, current early warning systems have difficulty forecasting sub-daily time series of weather for landslides in the Himalayas. Here, we present a framework that employs a spatio-temporal numerical model preceded by the Weather Research And Forecast (WRF) Model for analysing debris flows induced by rainfall. The WRF model runs at 1.8 km × 1.8 km resolution to produce hourly rainfall. The hourly rainfall is then used as an input boundary condition in the spatio-temporal numerical model for debris flows. The debris flow model is an updated version of Van Asch et al. (2014) in which sensitivity to volumetric water content, moisture-content-dependent hydraulic conductivity, and seepage routines are introduced within the governing equations. The spatio-temporal numerical model of debris flows is first calibrated for the mass movements in the Kedarnath catchment that occurred during the 2013 North India floods. Various precipitation intensities based on the glossary of the India Meteorological Department (IMD) are set, and parametric numerical simulations are run identifying ID thresholds of debris flows. Our findings suggest that the WRF model combined with the debris flow numerical model shall be used to establish ID thresholds in territorial landslide early warning systems (Te-LEWSs).
... Due to its topographical and lithological features, northern India, along with the Himalayan ranges, experiences disasters like landslides and floods more frequently than other regions (Salerno et al. 2012, Basnett et al. 2013, Allen et al. 2016. One similar catastrophe happened in June 2013 in Kedarnath, Uttrakhand; torrential rains caused dam movement that spread to the nearby habitation area, destroying the hamlet and surrounding areas (Dobhal et al. 2013 Iwata 2000, Sakai & Fujita 2010, Zhang et al. 2011. Moreover, the frequency of GLOF occurrences suddenly increased in the second half of the 20th century (Bajracharya et al. 2002, Koirala et al. 2017. ...
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Global warming is one of the primary causes contributing to melting glaciers and shrinking of glaciers moth. Because of the glacier retreat, more lakes increase the risk of flooding in people’s homes and lives. Several studies on the surging glaciers have been conducted by researchers using various techniques, as well as with the aid of multiple models like the Normalized Differential Water Index (NDWI). The Number of glacial lakes is increasing in the Himalayan region due to climate change (rise of the temperature). Some glacial lakes are potentially dangerous so monitoring is very necessary. It is necessary to evaluate such vulnerable lakes. Therefore, current work is carried out to identify such glacial lakes present in the Teesta River Basin (Eastern Himalaya). Spatiotemporal Landsat data for the last four decades at intervals of ten years from 1990 to 2020 has been considered which was cloud-free and spatial resolution of 30 meters. The dataset mentioned above was used for lake identification and delineation. The findings indicate the presence of lakes with respective areas of 275 (18.90 km2), 337 (24.92 km2), 295 (22.96 km2), and 419 (31.44 km2). It has also been observed that the growth rate is increasing with approximate water spread from 1990 to 2000 (+129%), 2000 to 2010 (+106%), and 2010 to 2020 (+136%). The present study aimed to identify such glacial lakes based on their water spreading area, which is an essential step followed in the study of GLOF (Glacial Lake Outburst Flood) as it will be helpful in the identification of hazardous lakes. In that study, we found that eleven glacial lakes are in the potentially dangerous category situated in the upper Teesta Basin due to the presence of glaciers, which gives a clear reason for the time-to-time assessment of such lakes. By the conducted study it has been observed that the number of glacial lakes has increased, due to which water spread has also increased in the area. It can also be demonstrated that GIS (Geographical Information System), along with remote sensing, is one of the best tools for assessing and monitoring such change detection and differentiation of hazardous glacial lakes in the cryosphere, along with the supporting data.
... More recently, there have been several instances of flash floods in the hilly areas, resulting in significant devastation. Various studies 2,[8][9][10][11][12] have provided probable explanations and causes for these events, accompanied by scientific explanations. There have been several flash floods caused by cloud bursts in Sikkim and Darjeeling in India 13,14 . ...
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Rapid melting of snow/ice and heavy rainfall have resulted in the formation and expansion of moraine-dammed lakes, creating a potential danger from glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs). Around 9:30-10 p.m. on 3 September 2023, the South Lhonak Lake, a glacial lake in the upper reaches of Sikkim Himalaya, burst its banks following a cloudburst in the catchment area of Lachung River. The water, with all the debris it picked up along the way, rammed into the dam, causing parts of it to give way. This led to massive flooding downstream. This catastrophic event changed the landscape in many parts of the upper reaches of Sikkim, making the whole region more fragile and vulnerable.
... Between the 13 th and 17 th of June 2013, a series of torrential downpours wreaked havoc on several states in northern India, causing catastrophic flooding in Uttarakhand as shown in Figures 1.1 and 1.2, and giving rise to one of the most devastating floods in recorded history (Dobhal et al. 2013). The deluge triggered massive landslides, resulting in an alarming death toll exceeding 5,000 lives lost and inflicting significant damage to properties. ...
The 2013 North Indian floods were a devastating hydrometeorological event that affected several states in northern India, primarily Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh. The floods were triggered by heavy rainfall combined with cloud bursts, cloudburst-induced landslides, and the melting of glaciers in the region. The event resulted in extensive flooding, landslides, and loss of life and infrastructure. This book chapter aims to explore the causes, impacts, and aftermath of the 2013 North Indian floods, highlighting both the devastation brought upon by the disaster and the remarkable resilience displayed by the affected communities. It emphasizes the need for improved disaster management strategies, sustainable development practices, and community resilience to minimize the impact of future floods and protect vulnerable regions.
... The most devastative floods in recent times include the Alaknanda flood of June 2013, where cloud burst-type heavy rains together with a burst of the moraine-dammed (Chorabari) Lake caused heavy flooding in the Mandakini tributary of the Alaknanda River in Kedarnath, Uttarakhand, resulting in significant loss of life and property (Dobhal et al., 2013). The Kerala floods in 2018 were also one of the major catastrophic events. ...
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Floods are a recurrent natural phenomenon in India, including perennial occurrences in some parts of the country. Progressively, floods are transformed into flood hazards because of the anthropogenic activities in the flood plains and adjoining catchments, causing injuries, loss of lives, and property damage. Flood hazards, when considered in relation to vulnerability and exposure limits, result in associated risk. This article aims to discuss the progression in flood risk assessment through several government policies and actions in India at a decadal scale from 1951 to 2020. While doing this, some important extreme flood events witnessed in those decades that shaped the perspectives, measures, action plans, and policies in the subsequent years are discussed. The review confirms that with the changing patterns of floods, associated hazards, and risks over the years, improvements in risk assessment approaches are noticeable on dual fronts. Technical advancements in flood risk assessment have corroborated the policy reforms. Albeit these developments, the issues related to the scale of study, data sources and resolutions, climatic variability, urban development, complex population dynamics, and their interrelationships in the context of flood risk need to be resolved with serious efforts. Addressing these issues through multidimensional strategies is imperative to aver robust flood risk assessment.
... The high mountainous floods in the Himalayas are triggered by extreme precipitation events (Juyal 2010;Rana et al. 2012), landslide lake outburst floods (LLOF) (Wasson et al. 2013;Rana et al. 2013), glacier lake outburst floods (GLOF) (Korup et al. 2006), debris flows driven on by rock or snow avalanches (Huggel et al. 2012;Coe et al. 2018; Bessette-Kirton and Coe 2020), or due to hydro-meteorological disturbances (Srivastava et al. 2017;Dai et al. 2020). Due to its rugged topography, high local relief, periodic seismicity, seasonal precipitation intensities, tectonic interference, glacial discontinuity, and steep slopes, the Upper Ganga terrain is highly vulnerable to flash floods and bedrock landslides Dobhal et al. 2013). The upper Ganga catchment receives a considerable amount of meltwater from glacier discharge as the river passes through the periglacial zone, steep valleys reaches, and then debouch onto the Indo-Gangetic plain (Martha et al. 2015;Rana et al. 2012;. ...
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In bedrock terrain, slope instability and associated mass wasting are efficient surface processes that result in significant changes to the landscape. A massive rock-ice avalanche that happened on February 7, 2021, in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand (India), triggered a catastrophic flash flood which destroyed two hydropower plants and killed at least ~ 150 people. We carried out a landscape analysis using topographic matrices in the Rishi Ganga and Dhauli Ganga sub-catchments of the Alaknanda River in the Upper Ganga terrain to understand the spatial relationship between geomorphic and climatic combined controls on this extreme mass wasting event and their main drivers. The bedrock river profiles and their geomorphic derivatives are calculated to compare the high erosion zones with landslides and debris flow incidents and their connection with the impacted regions of GLOF/LLOF. Our observation suggests that there was a significant deviation in the usual pattern of hydro-meteorological variables commencing ~ 48–72 h before the catastrophe event and lasting until a few hours before its onset. The temperature gradient was found to be rough ~ (5–7°) C colder than during the 3 days preceding the event, even though this region of the western Himalayas had observed significant precipitation 2 days before the event. Thus, the sudden flash flood in the high-gradient Rishi Ganga valley was brought on by the interaction of topographic discontinuity with climatic extremes, followed by glacial debris flows, bedrock landslides, slope failures, and the melting of recently accumulated snow.
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Recent climate changes have had a significant impact on the high-mountain glacial environment. Rapid melting of glaciers has resulted in the formation and expansion of moraine-dammed lakes, creating a potential danger from glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs). Most lakes have formed during the second half of the 20th century. Glaciers in the Mount Everest (Sagamartha) region, Nepal, are retreating at an average rate of 10–59 m a –1 . From 1976 to 2000, Lumding and Imja Glaciers retreated 42 and 34 m a –1 , respectively, a rate that increased to 74 m a –1 for both glaciers from 2000 to 2007. During the past decade, Himalayan glaciers have generally been shrinking and retreating faster while moraine-dammed lakes have been proliferating. Although the number of lakes above 3500 m a.s.l. has decreased, the overall area of moraine-dammed lakes is increasing. Understanding the behaviour of glaciers and glacial lakes is a vital aspect of GLOF disaster management.
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Field geomorphology and remote sensing data, supported by Optical Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating from the Mandakini river valley of the Garhwal Himalaya enabled identification of four major glacial events; Rambara Glacial Stage (RGS) (13 ± 2 ka), Ghindurpani Glacial Stage (GhGS) (9 ± 1 ka), Garuriya Glacial Stage (GGS) (7 ± 1 ka) and Kedarnath Glacial Stage (KGS) (5 ± 1 ka). RGS was the most extensive glaciation extending for ∼6 km down the valley from the present day snout and lowered to an altitude of 2800 m asl at Rambara covering around ∼31 km 2 area of the Mandakini river valley. Compared to this, the other three glaciations (viz., GhGS, GGS and KGS) were of lower magnitudes terminating around ∼3000, ∼3300 and ∼3500 m asl, respectively. It was also observed that the mean equilibrium line altitude (ELA) during RGS was lowered to 4747 m asl compared to the present level of 5120 m asl. This implies an ELA depression of ∼373 m during the RGS which would correspond to a lowering of ∼2 • C summer temperature during the RGS. The results are comparable to that of the adjacent western and central Himalaya implying a common forcing factor that we attribute to the insolation-driven monsoon precipitation in the western and central Himalaya.
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Glacier outlines are mapped for the upper Bhagirathi and Saraswati/Alaknanda basins of the Garhwal Himalaya using Corona and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite images acquired in 1968 and 2006, respectively. A subset of glaciers was also mapped using Landsat TM images acquired in 1990. Glacier area decreased from 599.9±15.6 km2 (1968) to 572.5±18.0 km2 (2006), a loss of 4.6±2.8%. Glaciers in the Saraswati/Alaknanda basin and upper Bhagirathi basin lost 18.4±9.0 km2 (5.7±2.7%) and 9.0±7.7 km2 (3.3±2.8%), respectively, from 1968 to 2006. Garhwal Himalayan glacier retreat rates are lower than previously reported. More recently (1990-2006), recession rates have increased. The number of glaciers in the study region increased from 82 in 1968 to 88 in 2006 due to fragmentation of glaciers. Smaller glaciers (<1 km2 ) lost 19.4±2.5% (0.51±0.07%a-1 ) of their ice, significantly more than for larger glaciers (>50 km2 ) which lost 2.8±2.7% (0.074±0.071%a-1). From 1968 to 2006, the debris-covered glacier area increased by 17.8±3.1%(0.46±0.08%a-1) in the Saraswati/Alaknanda basin and 11.8±3.0%(0.31±0.08%a -1)in the upper Bhagirathi basin. Climate records from Mukhim (∼1900ma.s.l.) and Bhojbasa (∼3780ma.s.l.) meteorological stations were used to analyze climate conditions and trends, but the data are too limited to make firm conclusions regarding glacier-climate interactions.
  • S R Bajracharya
  • P Mool
Bajracharya, S. R. and Mool, P., Ann. Glaciol., 2009, 50, 81-86.
  • D P Dobhal
  • M Mehta
  • D Srivastava
Dobhal, D. P., Mehta, M. and Srivastava, D., J. Glaciol., 2013 (in press).
  • M Mehta
  • Z Majeed
  • D P Dobhal
  • P Srivastava
Mehta, M., Majeed, Z., Dobhal, D. P. and Srivastava, P., J. Earth Syst. Sci., 2012, 121, 149-163.